#I used to resent my older sister for having 20-20 vision
leogichidaa · 2 years
And man talk about another thing that would piss off Reg about Sirius. He’s studying for three hours straight for something and finds out from Sirius himself that he just glanced at the text for all of ten seconds, went through the practical studying in less than two minutes, swaggered into the classroom and got an O. I would not be shocked if Reg was told that he needs to match Sirius’s grades when he went into school bc good grades + perfect behavior = perfect son of the house of Black
Yeah, I can see that. I think part of that might be Regulus' perfectionism getting the better of him. Like could he probably absorb enough material to get an O in half or even a third of the time he spends studying? I imagine so. But he's going to study for three hours anyway, because he doesn't just want an O, he wants a perfect score. He needs to know absolutely everything.
Actually, I can imagine him not doing quite as well as Sirius academically because he's so uptight and like, gets test anxiety or something. So Sirius, who in Regulus' mind is lazy and careless, is outperforming him no matter how hard he tries because the secret is not to try so hard. And it drives him absolutely bonkers. Lmao.
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crimsonrevolt · 7 years
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Congratulations Cassidy you’ve been accepted to Crimson Revolt as Orion Black!
↳ please refer to our character checklist
Seeing old members return is always a blessing! And I know that Orion’s been deeply missed, so we’re extremely happy to see him back and to be able to watch you explore him further! Especially in regards to everything that’s happened with the Death Eaters since you left, it’ll be interesting to watch Orion find his place in amongst them, or if he’ll still be able to. Welcome home Cassidy!
application beneath the cut
Cassidy, 23, she/her, Pacific Timezone, United States
6/10. I’m not in school anymore which allows me more time to write, but I’m still working 40+ hours a week. I’ll be able to get on at least once a day for a couple of hours to write replies.
*removed for privacy
Originally, I found CRT through the ‘marauder era rp’ tag…I think…something of that variation.
Hermione was always someone I looked up to as a kid. I was 12ish years old around the time I first started reading the books and by then there were at least a couple movies out. I was awkward and nerdy and just didn’t quite fit in anywhere. I guess that made me feel like Hermione and I were kind of alike, but the best part was watching her grow up and thinking “if she can do it so can i”. It sounds so embarrassing when I type it out, but oh well.
Nope, besides I missed the hell out of you guys!!!!
Orion Arcturus Black
Jeffrey Dean Morgan
When I first joined, I had a hard time choosing between two or three characters, but every time I went back to Orion. I had never seen him in an RP before and if I had I don’t remember. In Harry Potter RPs, I always played a decently well known character, someone who already has an extensive backstory that is canon. We only know the basics when it comes to Orion; what kind of father he was (a shit one), he was Slytherin, very loyal to Voldemort, he’s got an older sister, and he married his second cousin. It’s not easy creating an entire life for a character while still remaining true to them, the rp, and to the HP series, but I love the challenge.
I also love the freedom it gives me as a writer and, to be honest, I’ve never been good at writing/roleplaying what is considered a good character. I’ve always played the bad guy, in different ways, but they’ve always been “bad”. What really made me fall in love with Orion is not the man he is today, but the boy he was before and the one he will be in the future.There is so much more to him than what meets the eye and I just want to tell his story while being apart of it. Even now, as I’m reapplying, and going through the other open characters just because, Orion is the only one I want. He’s my baby, haha.
Description/additional information:
Orion is a man who has always known his place in the world, where he stands and where he will stand. One of those roles is following in his father’s footsteps and making the House of Black proud by carrying on the heavy legacy across his shoulders and, at his insistence, his alone. The other role of his is being the Dark Lord’s loyal attack dog; he will do whatever it takes to make sure his Master wins this war. Orion received the dark mark in his twenties (24 to be exact, is that too early for Voldemort’s timeline? Idk, anyways) and has proved his allegiance time and time again.
He was born in the dark, but has always struggled with living in it. Growing up,  he was conflicted on who he wanted to be and who his family expected him to be. He so desperately wanted to run away from all of the expectations and responsibilities of being Orion Black, but was too afraid to ever do it. So he disobeyed his parents in his own little secretive ways; stealing that third years leather jacket, dating a half-blooded Ravenclaw, becoming friends with kids his parents would’ve never allowed if they knew. Hogwarts was his home away from home, where he could be himself if only a little. After graduating, Orion made the decision to forget whatever silly dreams he may of had (he can’t remember them now) and followed in his father’s footsteps. After all, we all have to grow up sometime. He got a job at the Ministry, married Walburga, and started a family.
By now, Orion is a seasoned killer and struggles with keeping his demons at bay. Sleep eludes him and his paranoia only gets worse as the days go by. All he has ever known is this fight and he can’t imagine what life would be like after the war, nor can he imagine what the world may look like once it ends. After his time as an Aversio prisoner, Orion is trying to picture what Voldemort’s vision will mean for their world after the war and he is having a harder and harder time accepting it, though he has yet to realize this is what he is feeling.
Orion is a gentleman, but that often confuses him as a romantic which he is indeed not. He’s well-mannered just like any other high society wizard; just like how he was taught from a very young age and that is all. To him, romance, if anything, is just foreplay, the path to get into a woman’s pants.
Now when it comes to sex, Orion loves it. Even at the age of 49, he is like a 16 year old boy who can’t get enough of it. He wants to bang his wife, that young piece of ass sitting at the bar, and the secretary with the short skirts at the Ministry. He expects total submission, but loves a challenge. He gets off on the power struggle and it’s a rush for his ever growing ego.
Orion is male, straight, and uses the pronouns he/him.
Many believe Orion’s hatred for Sirius is because he willingly left the family and while that is true, it is not the whole truth. Like Sirius at his age, Orion dreamed about running away from the House of Black and creating a life of his own. One where he could make his own mistakes, make his own friends, create his own destiny. It is very clear Orion did not do this. It is very simple: Orion is jealous of his son for being able to do what he could not, though he would never admit it not even to himself.
In his mid 20s, Orion became an alcoholic not long after killing for the first time under Voldemort’s orders; it was a family of wizards, blood traitors. When in public he was able to hide his addiction well, being careful on how much he drank so he wouldn’t over do it especially at work. It helps he can also handle his alcohol very well. In the privacy of his own home, Orion did his best to keep it hidden from Regulus and Sirius, as Walburga already knew of the problem. But under his Death Eater mask, when Orion wasn’t Orion, he did not hold back. Blackouts and violent outbursts were very common when Orion drank enough and because of this he has been hospitalized three times. The last time was after he murdered a muggle family which made headlines in the muggle world. Voldemort gave him an ultimatum and he has been sober ever since. It’s been six years. The only time Orion has ever relapsed is when Sirius ran away.
Orion worked at the Ministry for nearly 30 years in the International Magical Office of Law as well as the International Confederation of Wizards. This position was particularly useful to Voldemort and Orion often used it to spread Death Eater and anti-muggle propaganda, all secretly of course. Before being captured by Aversio, it was well known that Orion was a purist and despised anyone who wasn’t pureblood, but it wasn’t known that he was a Death Eater. He retired in the fall of 1978, at the urging of Voldemort so Orion could fully dedicate himself to the cause.
As a Death Eater, Orion has given his life to the Dark Lord and has worked hard to make his army strong. In his younger days, Orion was one of the Death Eaters who interrogated and tortured their enemies. He was exceptionally good at breaking a persons mind, body and spirit, yet it unknowingly made his drinking worse and helped shape him into the man he is today; angry for no good reason, power hungry, and emotionally detached. These days Orion focuses on battle strategies, training/helping the younger Death Eaters, and completing specific missions from Voldemort himself. Sometimes, he is called upon to interrogate particularly hard cases.
As a student at Hogwarts, Orion focused on his studies to the point of mental and physical exhaustion in order to please his parents. Some days, it took all of his strength to get out of bed. Other days, it took all of his strength to not break down completely. When he wasn’t working on homework or studying, Orion played Quidditch as one of Slytherins beaters and was even team captain in his sixth and seventh years.
Orion escaped Aversio with no help, practically with his bare hands, and is finding it increasingly hard to suppress the resentment and bitterness he feels towards his fellow Death Eaters for leaving him to rot in his cell. They say they searched for him night and day, never giving up, but Orion wasn’t born yesterday and he finds it hard to believe. He has to ask himself; is it his paranoia or the cold, hard truth?
He never wanted to be Minister, not even as a child, but when Voldemort asked him to run Orion had no choice but to say yes. It was merely a show of power and strength after one of his best managed to get captured. Orion was relieved when it was announced he didn’t win, though he can’t help but feel like a disappointment for failing Lord Voldemort.
♔ If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it? Feel free to name it:
Orion would create the strongest, most powerful and universal defensive spell there is. He would be able to hide in plain sight with no fear of discovery or cast the spell on those of his choice to protect them as well. It wouldn’t just hide people though; houses, artifacts, scents, any trail that can be tracked the spell would get rid of it. What is a security spell if another wizard can disarm it? Orion would, of course, include a failsafe. If someone was trying to tamper with the spell Orion would create it so it would backfire on his enemies, which could mean anything. If the spell was protecting important documents (or something like that such as artifacts, etc) it would completely destroy them and also injure the person in question as well, possibly even capture them for interrogation.
♔ You have to venture deep into the Forbidden Forest one night. Pick one other character and one object (muggle or magical), besides your wand, that you’d want with you:
His mind goes straight to Walden MacNair. Orion knows the man to get things done, to survive at all costs if it came to it, but he doesn’t exactly trust him. Joining Walden in the Forbidden Forest completely alone feels like Orion is slapping a big target on his back and saying “do your worst.” With that in mind, Orion would want Cassius Mulciber to be with him. He knows he wouldn’t have to worry about Cassius’ safety and that the young man would also have his back.
Orion would bring his broom with him for two reasons. One, he’s always wanted to fly around the Forbidden Forest and two, because if all else failed at least he’d be able to get the fuck out of there quickly.
♔ What kinds of decisions are the most difficult for you to make?
Although it doesn’t seem like it, it’s hard for Orion to make decisions for his children, especially when they are hellbent on disobeying him. In the back of his mind, Orion is reminded of how his father directed him down a path that he did not chose himself. The little boy in him wants to see his kids make their own choices, their own mistakes, but for the sake of the Black family he cannot allow that.
The most difficult decisions for Orion to make usually involve his family. This would be a surprise to some, but it wasn’t easy for Orion to disown his first born son, not when he saw so much of himself in Sirius at that age.  
♔ What is one thing you would never want said about you?
The one thing that Orion would never want said about himself is that he is disloyal to Voldemort and that he doesn’t believe in his Master’s beliefs. This is a fear of his, one that has been slowly growing larger over the past few months and taking over the deepest parts of his mind.
The wooden door opened with a slow swing, bringing the cold air with. A man stood on the other side; fists clenched, hood up. His robes were soaked all the way through. He couldn’t of walked here, could he- a wizard like him? Two seconds passed and a few patrons noticed the shadowy figure who had yet to enter the building. Another two seconds and he had no choice, but to walk. Any longer and he would have drawn even more unwanted attention.
Mick, the bartender and owner, as always, was incredibly cool as he cleared the bar of used glasses. He didn’t falter or react the same way his customers and one other employee did. It was like he knew the man who was sitting down at his bar already. However, if his suspicions were correct, the man he knew wouldn’t have sat at the bar with his back exposed, but at his normal booth where all exits were visible and every customer was in plain sight.
Then again, it’s been nearly three years; a lot can change a man in that time.
“Your usual, Mr. Black?” Mick asked already turning his back to grab a bottle of rum off the top shelf. Upon hearing the name, the old man three seats down grabbed his dinner and found a table to occupy.
Orion nodded once as he pushed his hood down, “Thanks, Mick…Place looks good.”
“It’s got a few new nails and boards, but it’s still the same Double Barrel.”
Mick placed a napkin down then the glass holding three fingers of rum. He took another good look at Orion -tired eyes, permanent frown, hair falling forward- and wondered what happened to make such a powerful man weak enough to relapse. He walked away, knowing better than to linger when Orion Black looked the way he did…
There was a look in his eyes Orion had never seen before. Not just wild, but dangerous. Very few dared to look at Orion in such a way, fewer made it out uninjured. He should’ve seen it coming. All these years; the posters, the friends, the house- red and gold. Orion should’ve stopped it when he still could, crushed it with his giant fist and rebuild it in his eyes. Just like everything else he didn’t agree with in this world.
But Sirius Black was too far gone; it was in the way he squared his shoulders as Orion towered over him, how he spat ‘fuck you’ like he was speaking freely for the first time, and when he twisted his hands around Orion’s wrists as his father grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.
Bloodshot, angry eyes reflected in the black, wet pools of the first born son. Orion could feel his nails digging into the palms of his hands through Sirius’ sweater, pulling his son even closer as he fought to get away.
“Get off of me!”
Orion’s voice was a hissed whisper, barely containing his rage.“You’re just going to leave? Throw all of this away and be like them- a blood traitor?”
Sirius stilled in Orion’s grip, a scowl lined his jaw, “Better them then your son.”
In one fluid movement, Orion released his son and pushed him backwards with purpose. Shove after shove, shout after shout, until Sirius was backed against the front door of Grimmauld Place, nearly tripping over his packed bag before he could pick it up.
Orion stood tall, stoic, and looked down at the young man who was no longer his son.
He felt nothing. The axe had already swung.
“If you leave, you may never come back. You will no longer be a Black, no longer our son, no longer a brother.”
Seconds felt like hours until Sirius finally opened his mouth and-
“Another, Mr. Black?”
Orion blinked -once, twice- and looked up at bartender he hadn’t seen in three years, “What?”
Mick was already pouring the top shelf rum, “Would you like a refill, Mr. Black?”
The only wizard sitting at the bar nodded with bloodshot, no longer angry eyes. He watched as the rum poured down into his glass, the light reflecting it in such a way it was almost beautiful. Watching the amber liquid swirl and pool. It was simple. It was comforting. Orion closed his eyes as he drank the entire contents again, only opening them after he heard Mick fill up his drink a third time.
He raised the glass again, but before he could touch it to his lips Orion caught his reflection in the lukewarm rum. The sight of himself made Orion want to puke. It made him want to scream. To cry. To fight…to run. Run after what he wasn’t sure. Maybe after his first born son.
Maybe Orion wanted to run just to run; just because he could, just because he wanted to.
Instead, he slapped some gold onto the worn oak of the bar, bought the whole damn bottle, and went home long after his world went dark.
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luriashrine · 7 years
1, 2, 3, 11, 13, 22, 23, 26, 38, 42, 44 and 45 BYEE
1. Does your character have siblings or family members in their age group? Which one are they closet with?
So last night I’ve mentioned that Celia has six elder siblings and now is an excellent time to bring them all up! But before we do that, I’d like to briefly talk about Celia’s foil, Princess Phoebe, and her relationship with her siblings. Actually, I might bring up Phoebe every now and then to highlight their differences. So Phoebe has an elder sister named Ardith, who more or less has the same magical abilities as Phoebe since she’s also a sibyl like Phoebe( talking with the gods, summoning spirits to do their bidding, future vision, and a myriad of different sorts of elemental spells ) however, her powers are not as great as Phoebe’s. This is because Ardith focused on becoming the general of the royal army and decided to hone her skills in the art of combat rather than becoming a full fledge sibyl like Phoebe is training to be. Their relationship is slightly strained due to Ardith’s naturally… uh… well… to put it bluntly, let’s say bitchy demeanor and the fact that Phoebe often spends her time locked away in the library studying and practicing her powers due to the recent pressures her family has placed on her. So the two sisters rarely see each other and when they do run into each other it’s often Ardith placing pressure on Phoebe to control her powers better ( there is an explanation as to why they’re pressuring poor Phoebe but I’ll talk about that when I get the chance) and often talking down to Phoebe which, ok binch thanks because it’s not like Phoebe suffers from low self-esteem issues or anything. Despite their recent strain in their relationship, the two do care and love each other very much and are often looking out for each other. I SHOULD ALSO MENTION, that Phoebe is 19 years old and Ardith is six years older than her… if my math is correct I think Ardith is around 26 or 27 years old. 
PHEW NOW THAT THAT’S OUT OF THE WAY, LET’S TALK ABOUT CELIA’S UNNECSSARILY LARGE FAMILY!  SO LIKE I MENTIONED, she has six elder siblings. An older sister named Agnès who is 23, the second elder sister named Aina who is Agnès’ twin sister so she is also 23, yet another sister named Remei who is around 21, a brother named Izotz and he’s only 20, one other brother named Marcel who was 13 annnd lastly his older twin sister who’s named Olga. Yes, yes I know what you’re thinking… their mother and father did get…. erm, busy a lot but try to understand that the reason why they have so many children is because the queen mostly gave birth to girls, they were desperately trying to get a male baby so that he can take over the throne while they wed off the sisters. Izotz was born with a strange birth defect and they were worried that their citizens wouldn’t take him seriously as king so they tried again and got Marcel as a result. Both Celia and technically Olga are both considered mistakes since they weren’t really planned like the rest of their siblings. Now with that out of the way, Celia’s relationship with her siblings was ok… it wasn’t really good or bad… just…. ok. She actually got along better with only two of her siblings but we’ll get to that when we get to that part. Agnès, the eldest sister, often pushed Celia to her limits despite her weak disposition and Izotz thought that Celia was weak and a disgrace to their family because of the fact that she was born with magic rather than drawing magic from the planet like the rest of the population ( in this world being born with magic is considered unlucky due to the effects it has on the body such as internal bleeding, stiff joints and the fact that if they were to get injured their injuries would take a much longer time to heal. This is because they’re drawing magic from their actual body rather than the earth and humans weren’t really made to carry magic in their bodies like sibyls and espers are, using the magic latent in their body causes a sort of necrosis like effect on their cells). Now, I should mention here that Celia’s family has this mindset where they believe in the strong and often cast out the weak this is because the De Villanueva family were exceptionally good with casting earth spells, considered to have the strongest earth spells in all of the other kingdoms… something that Celia can not do despite the fact that she trained so hard to perform this sort of magic, so the fact that she was always so weak and is born with magic… I’m sure you can see why she wasn’t very popular with her siblings. So aside from Izotz giving her shit for this due to his own inferiority complex, the rest of her siblings just sorta ignored Celia and acted as though she didn’t exist, they only talked with her when it was necessary. In spite of this, Celia does hold some admiration for their strength even if she’s mostly jealous of them. Except for Remei and Marcel consequently, these two perfect angels that can do no wrong are Celia’s favorite siblings. The two just naturally got along with Celia despite the fact that they still value strength and hold the same values as the rest of the family. Where Remei often supported Celia the best she could by giving her all the sisterly love in the world, Marcel he was her partner in crime and they often pulled pranks and did things kids their age would do like climbing trees or playing games etc and etc. Whenever Celia talks about her siblings, she’s mostly referring to Marcel and Remei and the two had a large impact on her life. But in spite of loving them dearly, she still suffers from thoughts of jealousy towards them and does carry some resentment in her heart towards her siblings, not only were they valued far more than Celia but to the two had powerful magics as well.   
2. What was your character’s relationship with their mother like?
Florette treated Celia as though she were glass. She was far too dotting and pitying towards Celia. Celia had found her own mother to be far too suffocating at times due to her overbearing nature so she often went acted obediently and meek around Florette so that she can at the very least get off of Celia’s back. Because of this, Celia didn’t really like her own mother too much. As she got older Celia had seen her mother a weak and cowardly fool due to her passive nature, furthering her distaste towards her own mother. 
I can’t really say much about Phoebe’s mother here since she died after giving birth to Phoebe. *shrug emoji*   
3. What was your character’s relationship with their father like? 
King Gustavo was often away from home because he has no chill and is often starting wars. Due to the fact that he firmly believes that royals should fight alongside with the army, he’s often away from home so Celia rarely saw her father. That said, he didn’t really interact with her too much like he does with her other siblings and often gives Celia either looks of pity or disappointment. He wasn’t very proud of the fact that Celia was so weak. Before getting arrested and abdicated, he has considered sending Celia far away to a convent since he believed that she was… erm, pretty much useless and that no one would want to wed her. Celia’s feelings on her father is very mixed, although she wants him to treat her like the rest of her siblings she didn’t really like him all that much and actually found him to be intimidating for the most part. 
Phoebe loves her father and sees him as a wise and just ruler. She could never paint her father in a bad light and is too blinded by her admiration towards him. That said, the two do get along very well in spite of his more quiet nature. 
11. In what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been? 
The night of her family’s execution. It’s something that will forever haunt Celia since she saw all of the gory bits that happened to both her family and their loyal servants, she had barely gotten out of the execution alive herself so Celia had a pretty close brush with death. Everyone’s favorite asshole, The Lich, is all too aware of the fact so they often bring up the memory of her family’s execution whenever Celia is acting a little too rebellious towards The Lich. 
Phoebe had a very sheltered lifestyle, so she had very little to be afraid of growing up. If I say any more than that I might spoil things so I’m going to stay hush hush on that for now huehuehue. 
13. Is your character bothered by the sight of blood? If so, in what way?
YES, VERY MUCH SO! As I’ve said before, Celia had front row seats to watching her family getting brutally murdered by the secret police. She saw everything, from them stabbing the ones that stayed alive to even watching the secret police disfiguring their faces so that no one would recognize the bodies. As you can imagine, she saw a lot of blood that night and the sight has haunted her ever since following her to her later years. She often gets pale at the sight of it and gets pretty lightheaded as well. When she was younger she actually used to faint at the sight of it. Because Celia’s natural reaction is to shut down her feelings whenever she feels that they’re getting out of control she often dissociates whenever she sees blood and often tries to stop her memories of the execution from surfacing.
Phoebe is used to seeing blood since she often helps out healing the soldiers with her magic. So she’s not as squeamish around it like Celia is, that said she doesn’t really like seeing blood all too much. 
22. What does your character like in other people? 
Celia likes to see loyalty, hard work, and most importantly complete competence in other people since... this helps greatly when leading revolutions against the most powerful and largest kingdom in the lands. She likes to see strength ( in terms of both magical and physical ) and people overcoming the odds. That’s literally it. 
23. What does your character dislike in other people?
UHM WHERE DO I EVEN START AKDNJANALJND?! She dislikes plenty of things, she dislikes it when people have better family dynamics than she did growing up. She dislikes the fact that everyone and their mother can use the magic of the planet where she can not. If I went on, the post will only go on longer than it needs too so I’ll stop picking at this for now.
Most of all, Celia dislikes kindness and pity. Keep those two things as far away from her as possible.
Side note: Phoebe dislikes mean people :((((((  
26. How does your character behave around children?
Celia... is ok with children for the most part. She tends to stay away from them and doesn’t really interact with kids unless she needs too. Though she does sometimes see them as being snot nosed brats.... pft. 
PHOEBE LOVES KIDS THOUGH!! She will often spoil the hell out of them and play games or read to them etc, etc. Phoebe firmly believes that children are the hope of the future and thus she often encourages them to do their absolute best. In turn, children tend to like Phoebe very much.
38. Is your character more likely to remove a problem/threat, or remove themselves from a problem/threat?
H A, depends on the situation it’s mostly Celia removing whatever threat or problem it is she may be facing by either herself or manipulating others to do it... again it depends on whatever she may perceive to be a problem. Unless that threat happens to be the lich then Celia will remove herself and try to get as far away from them as possible. Aside from that though, Celia is not at all afraid of confrontation.
PHOEBE on the other hand.... she’s very passive and a bit of a coward as well so Phoebe tends to remove herself from whatever problem they may be. 
42. Has your character ever had a parental figure who was not related to them?
Phoebe’s grandmother, she was very close with her growing up and acted as a sort surrogate mother when she grew up. Her grandma was wise and often helped Phoebe with her magical training.
Unfortunately, Celia had a childhood of solitude once she decided to stop running away from the lich and become their student instead so that she can learn how to control her powers better. She doesn’t really see anyone as a parental figure   
44. How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it? 
Celia can say “I love you” to a person without meaning it because she’s a manipulative little witch. That said she doesn’t really feel love all too often since she’s a paranoid little shit and doesn’t really like opening up her heart to anyone. That person would have to dig through layers upon layers of thorns that placed around her heart... and even then Celia will still find it difficult to actually say I love you to that person. Thankful her actions speak louder than her words, and considering the fact that the person was able to break through Celia’s rough exterior to actually get her to feel something towards them... I’m sure that person would be able to tell that Celia feels the same way towards them by reading her actions. 
Phoebe is a very loving girl so it takes very little for her to say I love you. 
45. What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them? 
Celia already knows what will happen to her once she succeeds with overthrowing Phoebe’s family from the throne. She won’t be able to join her family in the heavens and will instead have her soul bounded to the lich for all eternity. Suffering and never knowing peace after death unless someone were to defeat the lich. As a child, this frightened her so much which is why she often ran away from the lich and disguised herself as “Cecil” during her days living as a peasant (she was also running away from the secret police too so she couldn’t go around saying that she was the lost grand duchess all willy nilly). Eventually, she manages to get over the fear and strikes a contract with them to become strong enough to defeat Phoebe’s family. She... accepted that this would be her fate however she does have her moments of regret as she wishes she could see her siblings once more. 
Phoebe on the other hand, is afraid of what will happen to her after death. Since sibyls are like ambassadors to the gods and the people of the planet, if both her and her sister were to die a premature death, then the world will be plunged into eternal darkness unless another sibyl was to come.  She’s not really sure what will happen to her but she likes to think that she’ll join her mother in the heavens once she’s done with her duties on the planet.
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vidaandthecity · 8 years
From Breakups to Wake Ups.
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“I kinda always knew I’d end up your ex-girlfriend”…
That was my jam. It’s the year 2000 and I’m laying in my room, old school stereo that lit up in neon blue lights this No Doubt hit was the sound track of my life. It was on repeat as I sang along with Gwen Stefani, rolos in my hair, smudged nail polish, trying to figure out what went wrong with this last guy, or the one before him. Was I cursed? Maybe. Or was it payback for the brujeria that I attempted on them.
What did I do wrong? Was I too demanding? Too soft? Did I say something out of pocket? Was I not pretty enough? Was I too sexy? Not sexual enough? Too smart? Too outspoken?
It’s a foolish and very dangerous line of questioning that all women expose themselves to at the end of a failed love affair. As of lately, my two younger sisters recently going through their own breakups; have gotten me thinking about my own past relationships and all the breakups that I experienced in my life especially in my 20’s.
If I told you that the post breakup me was always on some bad ass, fuck the world, dust myself off, whose next vibe; well that would just make me a bold faced liar. Some of these breakups, the ones involving men that had managed to love me or somehow had me convinced that I loved them, had broken me. Parts of me had eroded and dissolved with each break up. Parts of me that I thought could not be shattered were now drifting away in the Coney Island waters. This was my place of solace. These breakups made it impossible to trust, to fall in love with anyone other than the concept of love.  Ask me today if I’ve ever been in love. The answer might surprise you.
Now much wiser and slightly older, I feel for my sisters. I sympathize for both the one who feels nothing and the ones who feels it all deeply. I especially worry for the one who feels nothing, for being numb stunts growth.  Today I put myself in their shoes because I know what can come from these emotional waterfalls when you are young and inexperienced.
We never see how beautiful breakups are while we are knee deep in that shit crying into our pillows, deleting all his photos off our social media, or washing his scent out of our bed sheets. We see the beauty years later when we bump into that same miserable ex, still chasing the same miserable nothingness, looking like shit, and dating a younger bootleg version of us, because that’s all he feels worthy of.
The beauty of the breakup lies in the mending of self. Its attaining that aha moment; the quintessential “wake up” of the breakup.  The wake up that becomes that internal realization when that little voice is finally heard screaming at the top of its lungs, “Fuck him! I deserve better than this!!” We as women evolve with each break up. We get closer and closer to Mr. or Mrs. Right as we peel these ex-lovers off our skin. We begin to finally put a face, a voice, a style, a placement of ethics, family values, artistic vision and a moral code onto the ideal lover that would best suit who we are and what kind of love we long for. We begin to lay down our expectations of how we should be treated and how we deserved to be loved.  We slowly prioritize our self-esteem and guard our hearts with a dignified glory. And we finally demand that these needs be met as we deliver ourselves once again.
In my early 20’s I dated an aspiring rapper. Ahhh … the always desirable and never attainable musician, a weakness in the long list of men that quickly show us the harsh realities of dating and even harsher realities of uncoupling. Lets call him Josh.  Josh was a very materialistic, egotistical, broken man, who struggled with his sense of self.  Of course when you think you’re in love you do not see these things till way after the damage is done. In my eyes, he was a talented aspiring musician, with a romantic side and a nice smile.
I fell for Josh at a time when my personal life was chaotic. My father had been arrested, all the family truths had finally been exposed, we were in financial ruins, and my family was about to move to Florida. So of course I clung to Josh in all his cold, dry, and disconnected splendor. And his dream of being a famous rapper became my dream. I left Florida and came to NY to be with him, and the rest was dating disaster history.
As I plunged into helping him with his dream, burning cds, selling cds, going to his late night shows that always took place in seedy bars with bad music I began resenting him more and more. But as you know ladies, we try to glue things back together. So I held on in hopes that it could be fixed, in hopes that this was not broken.
One day Josh was getting all dapper for what had now become his weekly hometown trips to Connecticut (trips that I was never invited to.) Straight out of the shower I saw him do something I had never peeped before. He had taken his bottle of cologne and doused himself with the good smells. But one move in particular caught my eye. As I’m watching him spray himself, standing naked in front of the mirror, I see him take a final spray to his privates. And as if I was in a movie with a slow motion special effect, it finally hit me, “Oh my god this asshole is cheating on me.”
I said nothing. I let him go to Connecticut. I knew without knowing that there was someone else. At his return, tired from his trip he passed out in the middle of the day, as I was cleaning. An hour into his nap his cell phone began to buzz and buzz and buzz. In my naiveté I looked at his phone, (which I never did) because I really thought maybe there was an emergency, his mom was sick, or something terrible had happened.
And there were the text messages sprawled out before me.  “I can’t wait to see you again.” “I had a great time with you last night.” “I’m starting to fall in love with you.”
Now what follows is exactly why I chose this break up to write about over any other one. And trust me there were many to choose from. But out of the men I dated, out of all the separations I had, this man Josh, was the meanest, the coldest, the most emotionally ruthless, careless, and callous man I had ever encountered. This might not sound surprising, but you just take into account that I dated all kinds of men. Criminals, drug dealers, ivy league scholars, business owners, wealthy, poor, artists, musicians, all nationalities, older men, younger men, even religious men. And out of all of these men, his approach to ending our shindig was the cruelest. And in that cruelty I reaped the greatest rewards.
When confronted, despite the hurt in my eyes and the tears that rolled down my face, Josh flew into me with a rage I had never seen. A rage because I had the audacity to go through his phone, rage for getting caught, rage for being confronted with who he really was, and a rage because whether or not he loved me, a part him knew that he would never find another woman as loyal as me. Word.
He quickly and boastfully owned it.  Exclaiming with his arms in the air, “Yeah I’m cheatingI Yeah I fucked her! What are you gonna do about it? Oh and by the way, I don’t love you anymore!” I smile now remembering it because he wanted so bad to break me, yet all he managed to do was release me.
Unfortunately, because we were living together he needed about a week to find a place and leave. I had packed all his shit in boxes that laid piled up in the hall way. During that time he did everything in his power to sprinkle salt in my wound, like openly talking to this new girl in front of me making sure I heard everything that was said. Reminding me how he had been wanting to leave me and break things off, how he was never in love with me and so on.
On our last day together, after he had moved the last of his belongings, he wanted to have a final conversation with me. He sat me on the bed as he held a present wrapped in green foil. He starts, “Look, no hard feelings.  Things just didn’t work out. Don’t hate me. I even got you a present.” I take the box with no intentions of opening it. He insists I open it in front of him.  I open the box to find a dildo. I was shocked that he would stoop that low to get a rise out of me. He smiles and says, “ I got it similar to my shape and size, so you wont miss me as much, “ and marched out the door smiling ear to ear.
For a long time I was afraid to tell anyone that story. I thought it was a reflection of me somehow. Like for a dude to diss and disrespect me to that major galore level maybe there was something wrong with me. I know better now.  I now tell that story proudly with my head held high. I wrote a poem about it and this article which I hope will remind all the ladies who are now going through a tough breakup just how lovely and amazing they are and how they deserve to be with someone who sees that beauty as well.
I know now that this was all about him and what an insecure and damaged man he was. I now know that I dodged a major bullet and from that moment on I instantly knew how to spot, identify and totally avoid people like him.
Years later he attempted multiple times to add me on social media, to befriend me and reconnect. A request I never entertained. Not because I haven’t forgiven him, I forgave him many years ago; but because toxic people do not deserve any space in my universe. A lesson he taught me well. Thanks, Josh. As you can imagine he never became a famous rapper. In his thirst for fame and money, he got as close to it as he could by managing video girls. How fitting.
Breakups are not easy. They can be downright ugly, vicious, and painful.  If you’re fortunate enough to break up with your best friend consider yourself one of the lucky ones.  If you break up with the devil, well it’s a much bumpier road. But both roads lead to self-discovery and the ultimate wake up! Both roads lead to a newfound freedom and womanhood.  And sure enough, both roads lead to being that awesome, bad ass, fuck the world, dust myself off, whose next type of chick… And everybody wants to date her!!!
*** image courtesy of google
3 notes · View notes
bronovafourteen · 6 years
Nikolina Bronova Mori, professionally known as Nina, is a brazilian and naturalized american, bulgarian and japanese singer-songwriter, composer, multi-instrumentalist, record producer, dancer, choreographer and actress under Columbia Records. She is amongst a small group of entertainers who have been honored with an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony Award. Nina holds the record for the artist with the most singles to top both the Billboard Hot 100. She is also the only artist to have all albums debut at the top of the Billboard 200.
Full name: Nikolina Bronova Mori (Николина бронова 森). Birth date: December 7th 1996 (21). Birth place: São Paulo, Brazil. Zodiac sign: Sagittarius. Chinese zodiac sign: Fire rat. Height: 1.68cm. Weight: 52kg. Blood type: O. Voica type: Soprano. Vocal analysis: Star.
Animals: Miku (pomeranian) and Misha (rottweiler). Body type: Theatrical romantic (medium height, hourglass and voluptuous figure, medium to big bustline, small waist, fleshy arms and legs, small and delicate bone structure with a soft sharpness). Cup size: B. Ethnicity: Brazilian, bulgarian, italian and japanese. Face type: Classic (balanced and symmetrical). Family: Shigeru Mori (father), Ekaterina Konstantinova Bronova (mother), Elena Bronova Mori (older sister) and Karolina Bronova Mori (younger sister). Hobbies: Reading, drawing, listening to music, singing, dancing, watching movies and television series, exercising, traveling, collecting pens and notebooks, taking pictures, riding her bycicle and writing music. Instruments: Acoustic guitar, banjo, banjo ukulele, baritone guitar, bass guitar, clarinet, classical guitar, drums, electric bass guitar, electric guitar, flamento guitar, flute, harmonica, harp, keyboard, piano, synthesizer and violin. Languages: Bulgarian, english, french, japanese, korean, mandarin, portuguese, russian and spanish. Religion: Catholic. Sexual orientation: Heterosexual. Shoe size: 7.5 (US).
Early life
Nikolina was born in Ribeirão Preto, the daughter of a bulgarian lawyer and a japanese farmer. She lived in Brazil until the age of seven, when she moved with her mother and sisters to Bulgaria, following her parent’s divorce. From the age of five, she wanted to become a singer, and took various musical classes throughout her early years. She moved to the United States as an exchange student in 2010 and, after posting music covers on YouTube, she was discovered by a representative of Columbia Records and signed to the label.
Positive traits: Adventurous, brave, broad-minded, charming, compassionate, creative, determined, diplomatic, faithful, freedom-loving, friendly, good-humored, honest, humanitarian, independent, intellectual, intuitive, jovial, loyal, magnetic, modest, optimistic, philosophical, realistic, self-confident, sensitive, sympathetic, warmhearted and well-liked. Negative traits: Competitive, compulsive, greedy, escapist, idealistic, irritable, obsessive, resentful, restless, selfish and a worrier.
She is known for being very nice to her fans. Many of them report being well treated by her whenever they meet.
Physical appearance
Black and straight hair. Green eyes. Fair skin. Curvy. Dimples. Two piercings on her left ear and three on her right ear. One tattoo on her left ribcage (“to the stars to the moon”) and one tattoo on her right shoulder (japanese writing of “Mori”) and one tattoo on her right wrist (written “honey”).
Critic Of Music
Vocal type: Spinto-soprano. Positives: Legendary interpretive wit, thanks to incredible knowledge of musical phrasing and vocal pedagogy. A defining, trademarked voice. Incredible breath support, showing no signs of fatigue and carrying extensive legato passages with ease. Incredible utilization of dynamics, using all volumes from fortissimo to pianissimo and everything in between to craft incredible phrases. Great control of her passagio and incredibly balanced instrument. Powerful, resonant belts that are mixed with head voice, that are well-supported and healthy, projecting massive resonance with ease. A master of breath support. Able to rapid fire mid and upper belts. Her low notes are also well supported, dark and full. The head voice is resonant and piercing, full and fluid. Her vibrato is well developed and rolling, and can be executed with ease. Her timbre is velvety and luscious and makes for a perfect midrange. She is also able to sing complex melisma in all registers, with every register well connected. Her falsetto is light and sweet. She also has unparalleled register transitions, switching from chest to head, head to whistle, and even chest to whistle without as much of a pause. Pitch perfect in 99% of performances. Technically, a brilliant singer. Negatives: Occasionally raises her larynx in upper-belts.
Albums and singles
Yours Truly (2014) Into You Love Me Harder One Last Time Problem (ft. Big Sean) The Way Too Little Too Late
Vivid (2015) All I Want For Christmas Emotions I Wanna Dance With Somebody Love On Top No One Physical
Revival (2016) Bills, Bills, Bills Bootylicious If I Were A Boy Independent Women Say My Name Single Ladies
Here, My Dear (2017) Attention Can’t Feel My Face Diamonds Let’s Groove September Sexual Healing
Fever (2018) Bad Liar Dangerous Woman Do I Wanna Know? Psycho Killer Take Me To Church Wild Thoughts
Portrait (2020) Back To Black Chandelier Drunk In Love Love On The Brain Stone Cold Un-Break My Heart
Spirit (2022) Hello Rolling In The Deep Send My Love Set Fire To The Rain Someone Like You
Who I Am (2025) Because Of You Bleeding Love Fallin’ Halo If I Ain’t Got You I’m Not The Only One
Time (2028) Can’t Make You Love Me I Have Nothing I Look To You I Will Always Love You When We Were Young
How Does That Grab You? (2030) Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) Dust In The Wind Every Breath You Take Killing Me Softly The Sound Of Silence
Katerina (2032) Bohemian Rhapsody Come Together I Want To Break Free Sign Of The Times Somebody To Love We Are The Champions
Waiting To Exhale (2035) Always On My Mind Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood Hurt The Blower’s Daughter Wonderwall
The Diary Of Nina (2038) Can’t Help Falling In Love From This Moment On Here Comes The Sun Loving You Yesterday You’re Still The One
Glassheart (2040) A Change Is Gonna Come All The Man I Need Cruisin’ Greatest Love Of All Let’s Stay Together Say A Little Prayer
Bird Of Happiness (2045) Dreamlover Hero Love Takes Time Someday Vision Of Love We Belong Together
These Are My Blues (2050) At Last Feeling Good I Put A Spell On You Respect Something’s Got A Hold On Me This Is A Man’s World
Albums and non-title tracks
Yours Truly (2014) Bad Decisions Be My Baby Closer Fools For Him Gone And Found Greedy Higher How I Want Ya (ft. Jordan Fisher) How To Be A Heartbreaker I Don’t Care Just A Little Bit Of Your Heart Let Me Love You Never Wanna Know Only One Paper Heart Right There Sometimes Tattooed Heart Tears (ft. Clean Bandit) Touch Me Wild You’ll Never Know
Vivid (2015) All That Baby, I Body Language Boy Problems Can’t Sleep Love Come Alive (ft. Toro Y Moi) Cry Dorothy Dandrige Eyes (ft. Esperanza Spalding) Dust Is Gone Finesse First Time Gimme Love Hard To Say No I Didn’t Just Come Here To Dance Maiden Making The Most Of The Night Primetime (ft. Miguel) Run Away With Me Say You’ll Be There Schoolin’ Life Store The One Too Good To Say Goodbye We Were Rock & Roll Your Type
Revival (2016) 10-20-40 Be Alright Countdown Cyber Stockholm Syndrome Ego Fantasy (ft. Amber Liu) Gave It Away Glow If I Ever Fall In Love (ft. Janelle Monáe) I Got The Juice (ft. Pharrell Williams) Knew Better Listen No Mythologies To Follow No Tears Left To Cry Oh No! Primadonna Girl Red In The Grey Ridin’ (ft. A$AP Rocky) Rose Gold Simple Things Slow Love Tears (ft. Clean Bandit) Ugly West Coast What An Experience
Here, My Dear (2017) 6 Inch (ft. The Weeknd) Adorn After The Love Has Gone A Lonely Night Bound Broken Clocks Coffee Done For Me Emotion Every Kind Of Way Falling For You Fetish (ft. Schoolboy Q) Fire Rides Heart Less In Your Bed Love On The Weekend Lovely (ft. Khalid) Ocean Eyes Passionfruit Perfect Sir Greendown Somebody Else Something About Us (ft. Daft Punk) Sure Thing Thinking About You Too Good (ft. Alan Love) Touch Me
Fever (2018) After The Storm (ft. Bootsy Collins and Tyler, The Creator) Are You Satisfied? Baby Boy Birth In Reverse Black Sheep Cupid’s Chokehold Empty Nesters Faster Forrest Gump I Wanna Be Yours Locked Inside Miracle Alligner Night By Night No Control One For The Road Puppet Love Redbone Run Baby Run Self Control Someone New Stockholm Syndrome Strange Mercy To Be Alone Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High? Yeah Right Your Teeth In My Neck Zombie
Portrait (2020) Belly Ache Betsy On The Roof Bored Cake Copycat Django Sambo Eyes On Fire Hostage I Don’t Wanna Be You Anymore If These Walls Could Talk Liability Love Is A Losing Game Nicest Thing Pilgrim Reality Russian Roulette Serial Killer Talk Me Down Tears Dry On Their Own Teen Idle Tunnel Vision (ft. Shamir) Victory Until We Bleed Use Me You Don’t Do It For Me Anymore You Know I’m No Good
Spirit (2022) 57821 (ft. Deep Cotton) All I Ask Dark Paradise Hometown Glory I Can’t Get Started I Don’t Trust Myself With Loving You It Takes A Lot To Know A Man Love In The Dark Lucky Million Years Ago Never Been In Love Before River Lea Rumour Has It Sad Girl Salvation Speechless Sweetest Devotion Tightrope (ft. Big Boi) Turning Tables Venus Video Games Vultures Water Under The Bridge You Young And Beautiful
Who I Am (2025) Almost Is Never Enough As Long As You Love Me Bad Religion Cannonball Crave You Draw Your Swords Every Little Thing He Does Is Magic Fireproof Freak Home Just A Boy Let’s Get Lost Listen Malibu Midnight Bottle Moonlight Oh, Maker! Older Chests Start Of Time Talking To The Moon Tell Me That You Love Me Training Wheels Valentine Volcano Whatever You Like
Time (2028) 9 Crimes All Of You Can’t Pretend Caught Don’t Look Back Emotion Illuminated I Miss You Jealous Lies Little Boy Blue Love Nick Of Time Nirvana Nitesky (ft. Robot Koch) Nostalgia One (ft. U2) Palace Pink (ft. Grimes) Religion Remedy The Chain Wolves Wondaland
How Does That Grab You? (2030) All I Have To Do Is Dream Build Me Up Buttercup But Not For Me Can’t Live Without Your Love Heal The World I Fall In Love Too Easily If I Had You I’ll Be There I’m A Ruin I’m Gonna Find Another You Immortal It’s My Party Look For The Silver Lining Look Into My Eyes Make You Feel My Love My Funny Valentine Only Hope Pink Matter Quickie Slow Dancing In A Burning Room Solo (ft. Andre 3000) The Touch Of Yours Lips Want You Back Wonder You Don’t Own Me
Katerina (2032) Bloodsport Boogieman Come To Mama Holding On Ivy Japanese Denim Killer Queen Land Locked Blues Leave Me Lonely (ft. Macy Gray) Like Real People Do My Favorite Faded Fantasy Neon Valley Street Pain Please Don’t Leave Me Regret Sally Ride Sinner’s Prayer Sober Slow It Down Somebody Told Me Stop The World Touch When You Were Young Who Knew Yellow Brick Road
Waiting To Exhale (2035) A Heartbreak All The Way Down Blood Dazed In Daydreams Delicate Elephant Everywhere I Go Freedom (ft. Kentorey Johnson) Guiding Light Heart Beats Slow I Don’t Want To Change You I’m Afraid In Chains Love Me Like I’m Not Made Of Stone Medicine No Such Thing One Flight Down Pink + White Put Your Number In My Phone Rootless Tree Run Say It To Me Now Ship To Wreck The Animals Were Gone You Don’t Have To Go
The Diary Of Nina (2038) Big Jet Plane Blackbird Burning Love Clementine Color Me In Creature Fear Dogs Don’t Know Why Falling Slowly Flightless Bird, American Mouth Gravity Happily He Was Too Good To Me Love Has No Pride Lua My Ideal Paper Aeroplane Slow Dancing In A Burning Room Stand Tall Strong The Long Day Is Over The Moon Song Time After Time Waiting On The World To Change
Glassheart (2040) All This And Heaven Too A Woman’s Worth Believe In You And Me Crazy, Classic, Life Follow Rivers Hardest Of Hearts Honeymoon Avenue I Am Every Woman It’s Always You Like You’ll Never See Me Again Never Let Me Go One Night Only Picture Me Gone Radioactive Run To You Screwed (ft. Zoë Kravitz) The Light Is On Tired Of Being Alone Tomorrow (ft. Tame Impala) Valley Of The Dolls Want You Back You’re Still My Man
Bird Of Happiness (2045) Alterlife Always Be My Baby Anytime You Need A Friend Can’t Let Go Cosmic Love Dirty Computer (ft. Brian Wilson) Drumming Song Falling I Don’t Wanna Cry I’m Not Calling You A Liar Lay All Your Love On Me Like Someone In Love Living Dead Make Me Feel My All One Summer Night Shoot The Moon Suspicious Mind Take Me To The River The State Of Dreaming Wildest Dreams Without You
These Are My Blues (2050) Ain’t No Way Buy The Stars Code Cold Cold Heart Don’t Judge Me Do You? Embraceable You How Deep Is The Ocean? Hypocrates I’d Rather Go Blind I Get Along Without You Very Well (Except Sometimes) I Want You I Was Here Lipstick Long Long Way Love T.K.O My Future Just Passed Take A Bite Too Much Heaven Valerie Voila What’s New? You Light Up My Life
No Tears Left To Cry (2018) No Tears Left To Cry
2015 Hymn For The Weekend (ft. Coldplay)
2016 You Know You Like It (ft. DJ Snake)
2017 24k Magic (ft. Bruno Mars) Loyalty (ft. Kentorey Johnson)
2018 Sensual Seduction (ft. Cardi B)
2021 Get Lucky (ft. Daft Punk) Lose Yourself To Dance (ft. Daft Punk)
2027 Lost On The Way Home (ft. Chromeo)
2029 Stay (ft. Mikky Ekko)
2034 Digital Love (ft. Daft Punk) I Feel It Coming (ft. Daft Punk)
2036 Beautiful (ft. Miguel)
2043 Empire State Of Mind (ft. Kentorey Johnson)
2058 How Deep Is Your Love (ft. The Bird And The Bee)
La La Land (2019) City Of Stars I Won’t Say I’m In Love The Audition
Lés Miserables (2024) On My Own
Breakfast At Tifanny’s (2026) La Vi En Rose Moon River Once Upon A Dream
The Hunchback Of Notre Dame (2033) The Bells Of Notre Dame
Pocahontas (2037) Colors Of The Wind If I Never Knew You Just Around The Riverbend Savages (Part One) Savages (Part Two)
Funny Girl (2041) A Piece Of Sky Don’t Rain On My Parade My Man The Man That Got Away Why Don’t You Do Right?
Anastasia (2046) Journey To The Past Learn To Do It Once Upon A December
The Nightmare Before Christmas (2049) Finale Kidnap The Sandy Claws Sally’s Song
The Prince Of Egypt (2057) Deliver Us When You Believe
Filmography (movies)
La La Land (2019) Breakfast At Tiffany’s (2026) The Hunchback Of Notre Dame (2033) Funny Girl (2041) Two Days, One Night (2044) Anastasia (2046) The Nightmare Before Christmas (2049) I Am Love (2053) The Prince Of Egypt (2057) Amour (2084)
Filmography (television series)
Pocahontas (2037)
Lés Miserables (2024)
Covers (on YouTube)
2011 Everytime by Britney Spears. Like I’m Gonna Lose You by John Legend.
2012 E.T by Katy Perry. Paparazzi by Lady Gaga.
Cover performances
NBA All-Star (2016) Star Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key.
BBC Radio 1 (2017) Bad Romance by Lady Gaga.
American Music Awards (2019) Got To Be Real by Cheryl Lynn (with Cheryl Lynn).
Grammy Awards (2023) Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen (with Pentatonix).
BBC Radio 1 (2028) Hands To Myself by Selena Gomez.
Super Bowl (2034) Star Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key.
BBC Radio 1 (2042) Hold It Against Me by Britney Spears.
MTV Music Video Awards (2049) My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion.
Owen Teague (2012) Tidiou M’Baye (2016-2017) Jeremy Lin (2018-) *married in 2019
Anton Lin (2027) Isabela Lin (2029) Luna Lin (2032)
0 notes
bronovaseven · 6 years
Nikolina Bronova Mori, professionally known as Nina, is an american and naturalized bulgarian and japanese singer-songwriter, composer, multi-instrumentalist, dancer, choreographer and actress under Columbia Records. She is amongst a small group of entertainers who have been honored with an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony Award. Nina holds the record for the artist with the most singles to top the Billboard Hot 100. She is also one of the only artist to have all albums debut at the top of the Billboard 200.
Full name: Nikolina Bronova Mori (Николина бронова 森). Birth date: December 7th 1998 (19). Birth place: Washington, United States. Zodiac sign: Sagittarius. Chinese zodiac sign: Earth tiger. Height: 1.68cm. Weight: 52kg. Nicknames: Goddess Of Music, Queen B, Songbird Supreme and The Voice. Blood type: O. Voice type: Soprano. Vocal ranking: Star.
Animals: Miku (pomeranian) and Misha (rottweiler). Body type: Theatrical romantic (medium height, hourglass and voluptuous figure, medium to big bustline, small waist, fleshy arms and legs, small and delicate bone structure with a soft sharpness). Cup size: C. Ethnicity: Brazilian, bulgarian, japanese and portuguese. Face type: Classic (symmetrical and balanced features). Family: Shigeru Sugahara Mori (father), Katarina Montes Bronova (mother) and Karolina Bronova Mori (younger sister). Fandom name: Beehive. Hobbies: Reading, drawing, listening to music, singing, dancing, watching movies and television series, exercising, traveling, collecting pens and notebooks, taking pictures, riding her bycicle and writing music. Instruments: Acoustic guitar, banjo, banjo ukulele, baritone guitar, bass guitar, clarinet, classical guitar, drums, electric bass guitar, electric guitar, flamento guitar, flute, harmonica, harp, keyboard, piano, synthesizer and violin. Languages: Bulgarian, english, french, japanese, korean, mandarin, portuguese, russian and spanish. Nicknames: Goddess Of Music, Queen B, Songbird Supreme and The Voice. Religion: Catholic. Sexual orientation: Heterosexual. Shoe size: 7.5 (US).
Early life
Nikolina was born in Seattle, Washington, the daughter of a bulgarian lawyer and a japanese farmer. From the early age of five, she wanted to become a singer, and took various musical classes throughout her early years. After staring in the Broadway production of Lés Miserables and winning a Tony Award for her performance, she was discovered by a representative of Columbia Records and signed to the label.
Positive traits: Adventurous, brave, broad-minded, charming, compassionate, creative, determined, diplomatic, faithful, freedom-loving, friendly, good-humored, honest, humanitarian, independent, intellectual, intuitive, jovial, loyal, magnetic, modest, optimistic, philosophical, realistic, self-confident, sensitive, sympathetic, warmhearted and well-liked. Negative traits: Competitive, compulsive, greedy, escapist, idealistic, irritable, obsessive, resentful, restless, selfish and a worrier.
She is known for being very nice to her fans. Many of them report being well treated by her whenever they meet.
Physical appearance
Black and straight hair. Green eyes. Fair skin. Curvy. Dimples. Two piercings on her left ear and three on her right ear.One tattoo on her left ribcage (“to the stars to the moon”) and one tattoo on her right shoulder (japanese writing of “Mori”).
Critic Of Music
Vocal type: Spinto-soprano. Positives: Legendary interpretive wit, thanks to incredible knowledge of musical phrasing and vocal pedagogy. A defining, trademarked voice. Incredible breath support, showing no signs of fatigue and carrying extensive legato passages with ease. Incredible utilization of dynamics, using all volumes from fortissimo to pianissimo and everything in between to craft incredible phrases. Great control of her passagio and incredibly balanced instrument. Powerful, resonant belts that are mixed with head voice, that are well-supported and healthy, projecting massive resonance with ease. A master of breath support. Able to rapid fire mid and upper belts. Her low notes are also well supported, dark and full. The head voice is resonant and piercing, full and fluid. Her vibrato is well developed and rolling, and can be executed with ease. Her timbre is velvety and luscious and makes for a perfect midrange. She is also able to sing complex melisma in all registers, with every register well connected. Her falsetto is light and sweet. She also has unparalleled register transitions, switching from chest to head, head to whistle, and even chest to whistle without as much of a pause. Pitch perfect in 99% of performances. Technically, a brilliant singer. Negatives: Occasionally raises her larynx in upper-belts.
Albums and singles
Vivid (2015) All I Want For Christmas Emotions I Wanna Dance With Somebody Love On Top No One Physical
Yours Truly (2016) Into You Love Me Better One Last Time Problem (ft. Big Sean) The Way Too Little Too Late
Revival (2017) Bills, Bills, Bills Bootylicious If I Were A Boy Independent Women Say My Name Single Ladies
Lemonade (2018) Can’t Feel My Face Diamonds How Can I Ease The Pain? Let’s Groove September Sexual Healing
Fever (2019) Bad Liar Dangerous Woman Do I Wanna Know? Psycho Killer Take Me To Church Wild Thoughts
Portrait (2020) Back To Black Chandelier Drunk In Love Love On The Brain Stone Cold Un-Break My Heart
Who I Am (2022) Because Of You Bleeding Love Fallin’ Halo If I Ain’t Got You Million Reasons
Spirit (2025) Hello Rolling In The Deep Send My Love Set Fire To The Rain Someone Like You
Time (2028) Can’t Make You Love Me I Have Nothing I Look To You I Will Always Love You When We Were Young
How Does That Grab You? (2030) Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) Dust In The Wind Every Breath You Take Killing Me Softly The Sound Of Silence
Katerina (2032) Bohemian Rhapsody Come Together I Want To Break Free Sign Of The Times Somebody To Love We Are The Champions
Waiting To Exhale (2035) Always On My Mind Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood Hurt The Blower’s Daughter Wonderwall
The Diary Of Nina (2038) Can’t Help Falling In Love From This Moment On Here Comes The Sun Loving You Yesterday You’re Still The One
Glassheart (2040) A Change Is Gonna Come All The Man I Need Cruisin’ Greatest Love Of All Let’s Stay Together Say A Little Prayer
Bird Of Happiness (2045) Dreamlover Hero Love Takes Time Someday Vision Of Love We Belong Together
These Are My Blues (2050) At Last Feeling Good I Put A Spell On You Respect Something’s Got A Hold On Me This Is A Man’s World
Albums and non-title tracks
Vivid (2015) All That Baby, I Body Language Boy Problems Can’t Sleep Love Come Alive (ft. Toro Y Moi) Cry Dust Is Gone Finesse First Time Gimme Love Hard To Say No I Didn’t Just Come Here To Dance Maiden Making The Most Of The Night Run Away With Me Say You’ll Be There Schoolin’ Life Store The One Too Good To Say Goodbye Your Type
Yours Truly (2016) Bad Decisions Be My Baby Closer Fools For Him Gone And Found Greedy Higher How I Want Ya (ft. Jordan Fisher) How To Be A Heartbreaker I Don’t Care Just A Little Bit Of Your Heart Let Me Love You Never Wanna Know No Tears Left To Cry Only One Paper Heart Right There Sometimes Tattooed Heart Touch (ft. Canvas) Wild You’ll Never Know
Revival (2017) 10-20-40 Be Alright Countdown Cyber Stockholm Syndrome Ego Fantasy (ft. Amber Liu) Gave It Away Glow If I Ever Fall In Love (ft. Janelle Monáe) Knew Better Listen No Mythologies To Follow Oh No! Primadonna Girl Red In The Grey Ridin’ (ft. A$AP Rocky) Rose Gold Simple Things Slow Love Tears (ft. Clean Bandit) Ugly West Coast You Don’t Know Me
Lemonade (2018) 6 Inch (ft. The Weeknd) Adorn After The Love Has Gone A Lonely Night Bound Broken Clocks Coffee Done For Me Emotion Every Kind Of Way (ft. Wale) Falling For You Fetish (ft. Schoolboy Q) Fire Rides Heart Less In Your Bed Love Drought Love On The Weekend Lovely (ft. Khalid) Ocean Eyes Passionfruit Perfect Serial Killer Somebody Else Something About Us (ft. Daft Punk) Thinking About You Too Good (ft. Alan Love) Touch Me
Fever (2019) After The Storm (ft. Bootsy Collins and Tyler, The Creator) Are You Satisfied? Baby Boy Birth In Reverse Black Sheep Cupid’s Chokehold Empty Nesters Forrest Gump I Don’t Trust Myself With Loving You I Wanna Be Yours Miracle Alligner Night By Night No Control One For The Road Puppet Love Redbone Run Baby Run Self Control Someone New Stockholm Syndrome Strange Mercy To Be Alone Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High? Yeah Right Your Teeth In My Neck Zombie
Portrait (2020) Belly Ache Betsy On The Roof Bored Broken Clocks Cake Copycat Drowning Eyes On Fire Hostage I Don’t Wanna Be You Anymore If These Walls Could Talk Liability Love Is A Losing Game My Boy Nicest Thing Pilgrim Reality Russian Roulette Talk Me Down Tears Dry On Their Own Teen Idle Tunnel Vision (ft. Shamir) Until We Bleed Use Me You Don’t Do It For Me Anymore You Know I’m No Good
Who I Am (2022) Almost Is Never Enough As Long As You Love Me Bad Religion Cannonball Crave You Draw Your Swords Every Little Thing He Does Is Magic Fireproof Freak Home I’m Not The Only One Just A Boy Let’s Get Lost Listen Malibu Midnight Bottle Moonlight Older Chests Start Of Time Talking To The Moon Tell Me That You Love Me Training Wheels Valentine Volcano Whatever You Like You
Spirit (2025) All I Ask Dark Paradise Hometown Glory I Can’t Get Started It Takes A Lot To Know A Man Love In The Dark Lucky Million Years Ago Never Been In Love Before River Lea Rumour Has It Sad Girl Salvation Speechless Sweetest Devotion Turning Tables Venus Video Games Vultures Water Under The Bridge Watch Young And Beautiful
Time (2028) 9 Crimes All Of You Can’t Pretend Caught Don’t Look Back Emotion Illuminated Jealous Lies Little Boy Blue Love Nick Of Time Nirvana Nitesky (ft. Robot Koch) Nostalgia One (ft. U2) Palace Religion Remedy Sandcastles The Chain Wolves
How Does That Grab You? (2030) All I Have To Do Is Dream Build Me Up Buttercup But Not For Me Heal The World How Long I Fall In Love Too Easily If I Had You I’ll Be There I’m A Ruin I’m Gonna Find Another You Immortal It’s My Party Look For The Silver Lining Make You Feel My Love My Funny Valentine Only Hope Pink Matter Quickie Slow Dancing In A Burning Room Solo (ft. Andre 3000) The Touch Of Yours Lips Want You Back Wonder You Don’t Own Me
Katerina (2032) Bloodsport Boogieman Come To Mama Daddy Lessons (ft. Dixie Chicks) Don’t Fall In Love With Someone New Holding On Ivy Japanese Denim Killer Queen Landfill Land Locked Blues Leave Me Lonely (ft. Macy Gray) Like Real People Do My Favorite Faded Fantasy Pain Please Don’t Leave Me Regret Sinner’s Prayer Sober Stop The World Touch When You Were Young Who Knew Yellow Brick Road
Waiting To Exhale (2035) A Heartbreak All The Way Down Blood Dazed In Daydreams Delicate Elephant Everywhere I Go Freedom (ft. Kentorey Johnson) Guiding Light Heart Beats Slow I Don’t Want To Change You In Chains Love Me Like I’m Not Made Of Stone Medicine No Such Thing One Flight Down Pink + White Put Your Number In My Phone Rootless Tree Run Say It To Me Now Ship To Wreck The Animals Were Gone You Don’t Have To Go
The Diary Of Nina (2038) Big Jet Plane Blackbird Burning Love Clementine Color Me In Creature Fear Dogs Don’t Know Why Falling Slowly Flightless Bird, American Mouth Gravity Happily He Was Too Good To Me Love Has No Pride Lua My Ideal Paper Aeroplane Slow Dancing In A Burning Room Stand Tall Strong The Long Day Is Over The Moon Song Time After Time Waiting On The World To Change
Glassheart (2040) All This And Heaven Too A Woman’s Worth Believe In You And Me Follow Rivers Hardest Of Hearts Honeymoon Avenue I Am Every Woman It’s Always You Like You’ll Never See Me Again Never Let Me Go One Night Only Picture Me Gone Radioactive Run To You The Light Is On Tired Of Being Alone Tomorrow (ft. Tame Impala) Valley Of The Dolls Want You Back You’re Still My Man
Bird Of Happiness (2045) Alterlife Always Be My Baby Anytime You Need A Friend Can’t Let Go Cosmic Love Drumming Song Falling I Don’t Wanna Cry I’m Not Calling You A Liar Lay All Your Love On Me Like Someone In Love Living Dead My All One Summer Night Shoot The Moon Suspicious Mind Take Me To The River The State Of Dreaming Wildest Dreams Without You
These Are My Blues (2050) Ain’t No Way Buy The Stars Cold Cold Heart Do You? Embraceable You How Deep Is The Ocean? Hypocrates I’d Rather Go Blind I Get Along Without You Very Well (Except Sometimes) I Want You I Was Here Lipstick Long Long Way Love T.K.O My Future Just Passed Too Much Heaven Valerie Voila What’s New? You Light Up My Life
2015 You Know You Like It (ft. DJ Snake)
2017 24k Magic (ft. Bruno Mars) Loyalty (ft. Kentorey Johnson)
2019 Get Lucky (ft. Daft Punk) Lose Yourself (ft. Daft Punk)
2020 Sensual Seduction (ft. Cardi B)
2022 FourFiveSeconds (ft. Paul McCartney and Rihanna)
2026 Digital Love (ft. Daft Punk) I Feel It Coming (ft. Daft Punk)
2031 Lost On The Way Home (ft. Chromeo)
2034 Beautiful (ft. Miguel)
2039 Stay (ft. Mikky Ekko)
2045 Empire State Of Mind (ft. Kentorey Johnson)
2058 How Deep Is Your Love (ft. The Bird And The Bee)
Skyfall (2016) Skyfall
Black Panther (2018) All Of The Stars (ft. Kentorey Johnson)
Call Me By Your Name (2019) Redbone
La La Land (2021) City Of Stars I Won’t Say I’m In Love The Audition
Her (2024) The Moon Song
Breakfast At Tifanny’s (2026) La Vi En Rose Moon River Once Upon A Dream
The Hunchback Of Notre Dame (2033) The Bells Of Notre Dame
Pocahontas (2037) Colors Of The Wind If I Never Knew You Just Around The Riverbend Savages (Part One) Savages (Part Two)
Funny Girl (2041) A Piece Of Sky Don’t Rain On My Parade My Man The Man That Got Away Why Don’t You Do Right?
Anastasia (2046) Journey To The Past Learn To Do It Once Upon A December
The Nightmare Before Christmas (2049) Finale Kidnap The Sandy Claws Sally’s Song
The Prince Of Egypt (2058) Deliver Us When You Believe
Filmography (movies)
Black Panther (2018) Call Me By Your Name (2019) La La Land (2021) Her (2024) Breakfast At Tiffany’s (2026) Almost Famous (2031) The Hunchback Of Notre Dame (2033) Funny Girl (2041) Two Days, One Night (2044) Anastasia (2046) The Nightmare Before Christmas (2049) I Am Love (2053) The Prince Of Egypt (2058) Amour (2084)
Filmography (television series)
Pocahontas (2037)
Lés Miserables (2013)
Covers (on YouTube)
2011 Everytime by Britney Spears. Like I’m Gonna Lose You by John Legend.
2012 E.T by Katy Perry. Paparazzi by Lady Gaga.
Cover performances
Super Bowl (2015) Star Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key.
American Music Awards (2016) Got To Be Real by Cheryl Lynn (with Cheryl Lynn).
BBC Radio 1 (2017) Hands To Myself by Selena Gomez.
Grammy Awards (2018) Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen (with Pentatonix).
BBC Radio 1 (2024) Bad Romance by Lady Gaga.
NBA All-Star (2032) Star Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key.
BBC Radio 1 (2035) Hold It Against Me by Britney Spears.
MTV Music Video Awards (2039) My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion.
Super Bowl (2042) Star Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key.
Tidiou M’Baye (2012) Owen Teague (2014-2017) Rahul Kohli (2018-2021) Sho Wara (2023-) *married in 2028
Anton Wara (2031) Isabela Wara (2033) Luna Wara (2035)
0 notes
bronovathree · 6 years
Nikolina Bronova Mori, professionally known as Nina (also stylized as NINΛ), is an american and naturalized bulgarian and japanese singer-songwriter, composer, multi-instrumentalist, dancer, choreographer and actress under Columbia Records. She is amongst a small group of entertainers who have been honored with an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony Award. Nina holds the record for the artist with the most singles to top the Billboard Hot 100. She is also amongst one of the few artists to have all albums debut at the top of the Billboard 200 Album Chart.
Full name: Nikolina Bronova Mori (николина бронова 森). Birth date: December 7th 1998 (19). Birth place: Houston, Texas. Zodiac sign: Sagittarius. Chinese zodiac sign: Earth tiger. Height: 1.68cm. Weight: 52kg. Blood type: O. Voice type: Soprano. Vocal analysis: Great Vocalist and Star. Nicknames: Million Dollar Smile, Queen B, Songbird Supreme and The Voice.
Early life
Nikolina was born in Houston, Texas, the daughter of a bulgarian lawyer and a japanese farmer. She lived in the United States until the age of seven, when she moved with her mother and younger sister to Sofía, Bulgaria, following her parent’s divorce. From the early age of five, she wanted to become a singer, and took various musical classes throughout her early years. After posting music covers on YouTube, she was discovered by a representative of Columbia Records and signed to the label shortly after flying to the United States.
Physical appearance
Black and straight hair. Green eyes. Fair skin. Curvy. Dimples. One piercings on her left ear and two on her right ear. One tattoo on her left hand (henna design), one tattoo on her left ribcage (written “to the stars to the moon”) and one tattoo on her right shoulder (japanese writing of “Mori”).
Positive traits: Adventurous, brave, broad-minded, charming, compassionate, competitive, creative, determined, diplomatic, faithful, freedom-loving, friendly, good-humored, honest, humanitarian, independent, intellectual, intuitive, jovial, loyal, magnetic, modest, optimistic, philosophical, realistic, self-confident, sensitive, sympathetic, warmhearted and well-liked. Negative traits: Compulsive, greedy, escapist, idealistic, irritable, obsessive, resentful, restless, selfish and a worrier.
She is known for being very nice to her fans. Many of them report being well treated by her whenever they meet.
Critic Of Music
Vocal type: Spinto-soprano. Positives: Legendary interpretive wit, thanks to incredible knowledge of musical phrasing and vocal pedagogy. A defining, trademarked voice. Incredible breath support, showing no signs of fatigue and carrying extensive legato passages with ease. Incredible utilization of dynamics, using all volumes from fortissimo to pianissimo and everything in between to craft incredible phrases. Great control of her passagio and incredibly balanced instrument. Powerful, resonant belts that are mixed with head voice, that are well-supported and healthy, projecting massive resonance with ease. A master of breath support. Able to rapid fire mid and upper belts. Her low notes are also well supported, dark and full. The head voice is resonant and piercing, full and fluid. Her vibrato is well developed and rolling, and can be executed with ease. Her timbre is velvety and luscious and makes for a perfect midrange. She is also able to sing complex melisma in all registers, with every register well connected. Her falsetto is light and sweet. She also has unparalleled register transitions, switching from chest to head, head to whistle, and even chest to whistle without as much of a pause. Pitch perfect in 99% of performances. Technically, a brilliant singer. Negatives: Occasionally raises her larynx in upper-belts.
Albums and singles
Yours Truly (2015) Break Free How I Want Ya (ft. Jordan Fisher) Into You One Last Time Problem (ft. Big Sean) The Way
Writing’s On The Wall (2016) Bills, Bills, Bills Bootylicious Check On It (ft. Travis Scott) Independent Women Love Me Harder (ft. The Weeknd) Say My Name
Vivid (2017) All I Want For Christmas Emotions I Wanna Dance With Somebody Love On Top Physical The Way
Revival (2018) Best Thing I Never Had Crazy In Love (ft. Andre 3000) Halo If I Were A Boy Single Ladies Too Little Too Late
Lemonade (2019) Can’t Feel My Face Diamonds How Can I Ease The Pain Let’s Groove September Sexual Healing
Fever (2020) Bad Liar Dangerous Woman Do I Wanna Know? Psycho Killer Take Me To Church Wild Thoughts
Portrait (2022) Back To Black Chandelier Drunk In Love Love On The Brain Stone Cold Un-Break My Heart
Who I Am (2025) Because Of You Bleeding Love Fallin’ If I Ain’t Got You Million Reasons No One
Spirit (2028) Hello Rolling In The Deep Send My Love Set Fire To The Rain Someone Like You
Time (2030) Can’t Make You Love Me I Have Nothing I Look To You I Will Always Love You When We Were Young
How Does That Grab You? (2032) Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) Dust In The Wind Every Breath You Take Killing Me Softly The Sound Of Silence
Katerina (2035) Bohemian Rhapsody Come Together I Want To Break Free Sign Of The Times Somebody To Love We Are The Champions
Waiting To Exhale (2038) Always On My Mind Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood Hurt The Blower’s Daughter Wonderwall
The Diary Of Nina (2040) Can’t Help Falling In Love From This Moment On Here Comes The Sun Loving You Yesterday You’re Still The One
Glassheart (2042) A Change Is Gonna Come All The Man I Need Cruisin’ Greatest Love Of All Let’s Stay Together Say A Little Prayer
Bird Of Happiness (2045) Dreamlover Hero Love Takes Time Someday Vision Of Love We Belong Together
Listen To My Blues (2050) At Last Feeling Good I Put A Spell On You Respect Something’s Got A Hold On Me This Is A Man’s World
Albums and non-title tracks
Yours Truly (2015) Bad Decisions Be My Baby Fools Gone And Found Greedy Higher How To Be A Heartbreaker I Don’t Care Just A Little Bit Of Your Heart Let Me Love You Never Wanna Know No Tears Left To Cry Only One Right There (ft. Alan Love) Sometimes Tattooed Heart Touch (ft. Canvas) Touch Me Wild You’ll Never Know
Writing’s On The Wall (2016) 10-20-40 Be Alright Closer Cyber Stockholm Syndrome Dummy Head Ego Fantasy (ft. Amber Liu) For Him Emotion Glow Honeymoon Avenue Let’s Get Lost Making The Most Of The Night Night By Night Nostalgia Paper Heart Pilgrim Something About Us (ft. Daft Punk) Style Tears Wildest Dreams
Vivid (2017) All That Baby, I Body Language Boy Problems Calling All My Lovelies Can’t Sleep Love Come Alive (ft. Toro Y Moi) Cry Dust Is Gone Finesse First Time Gimme Love Hard To Say No I Didn’t Just Come Here To Dance Maiden Run Away With Me Say You’ll Be There Store The One Too Good To Say Goodbye Your Type
Revival (2018) Countdown Gave It Away Grown Woman If I Ever Fall In Love (ft. Janelle Monáe) Jumping Jumping Knew Better Listen No Mythologies To Follow Oh No! Pretty Hurts Primadonna Girl Red In The Grey Ridin’ (ft. A$AP Rocky) Rose Gold Schoolin’ Life Slow Love Survivor Ugly West Coast XXX 88 (ft. Diplo) You Don’t Know Me
Lemonade (2019) 6 Inch (ft. The Weeknd) Adorn After The Love Has Gone A Lonely Night Broken Clocks Coffee Emotion Every Kind Of Way (ft. Wale) Falling For You Feeling Myself (ft. Cardi B) Fetish (ft. Schoolboy Q) Fire Rides Heart Less How Long In Your Bed Love Drought Lovely (ft. Khalid) Ocean Eyes Perfect Serial Killer Simple Things Somebody Else Super Rich Kids Thinking About You
Fever (2020) After The Storm (ft. Bootsy Collins and Tyler, The Creator) Are You Satisfied? Baby Boy Birth In Reverse Black Sheep Cupid’s Chokehold Empty Nesters Forrest Gump I Wanna Be Yours Miracle Alligner Nicest Thing One For The Road Passionfruit Puppet Love Redbone Run Baby Run Self Control Someone New Strange Mercy To Be Alone When You Were Young Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High? Yeah Right Your Teeth In My Neck Zombie
Portrait (2022) Belly Ache Betsy On The Roof Bored Broken Clocks Cake Copycat Drowning Eyes On Fire Hostage I Don’t Wanna Be You Anymore If These Walls Could Talk Liability Love Is A Losing Game My Boy Reality Russian Roulette Talk Me Down Tears Dry On Their Own Teen Idle Tunnel Vision (ft. Shamir) Until We Bleed Use Me You Don’t Do It For Me Anymore You Know I’m No Good
Who I Am (2025) Almost Is Never Enough As Long As You Love Me Bad Religion Cannonball Crave You Draw Your Swords Every Little Thing He Does Is Magic Home I’m Not The Only One Just A Boy Listen Malibu Midnight Bottle Moonlight Older Chests Start Of Time Talking To The Moon Tell Me That You Love Me Training Wheels Valentine Volcano Whatever You Like You
Spirit (2028) All I Ask Dark Paradise Hometown Glory I Can’t Get Started It Takes A Lot To Know A Man Love In The Dark Lucky Million Years Ago Never Been In Love Before River Lea Rumour Has It Sad Girl Salvation Speechless Sweetest Devotion Turning Tables Venus Video Games Water Under The Bridge Watch Wolves Young And Beautiful
Time (2030) 9 Crimes All Of You Can’t Pretend Caught Don’t Look Back Emotion Illuminated Jealous Lies Little Boy Blue Love Nick Of Time Nirvana Nitesky (ft. Robot Koch) One (ft. U2) Palace Religion Remedy Sandcastles The Chain Wolves
How Does That Grab You? (2032) All I Have To Do Is Dream Bound Build Me Up Buttercup But Not For Me Heal The World I Fall In Love Too Easily If I Had You I’ll Be There I’m A Ruin Immortal It’s My Party Look For The Silver Lining Make You Feel My Love My Funny Valentine Only Hope Pink Matter Quickie Solo (ft. Andre 3000) The Touch Of Yours Lips Want You Back Wonder You Don’t Own Me
Katerina (2035) Bloodsport Boogieman Come To Mama Daddy Lessons (ft. Dixie Chicks) Don’t Fall In Love With Someone New Holding On Ivy Japanese Denim Killer Queen Landfill Land Locked Blues Leave Me Lonely (ft. Macy Gray) Like Real People Do My Favorite Faded Fantasy Pain Please Don’t Leave Me Regret Sinner’s Prayer Sober Stop The World Touch Who Knew Yellow Brick Road
Waiting To Exhale (2038) A Heartbreak All The Way Down Blood Dazed In Daydreams Delicate Elephant Everywhere I Go Guiding Light Heart Beats Slow I Don’t Want To Change You In Chains Love Me Like I’m Not Made Of Stone Medicine One Flight Down Pink + White Put Your Number In My Phone Rootless Tree Run Say It To Me Now Ship To Wreck The Animals Were Gone You Don’t Have To Go
The Diary Of Nina (2040) Big Jet Plane Blackbird Burning Love Clementine Color Me In Creature Fear Dogs Don’t Know Why Falling Slowly Flightless Bird, American Mouth Gravity He Was Too Good To Me Love Has No Pride Lua My Ideal Paper Aeroplane Slow Dancing In A Burning Room Stand Tall The Long Day Is Over The Moon Song Time After Time
Glassheart (2042) All This And Heaven Too A Woman’s Worth Believe In You And Me Follow Rivers Hardest Of Hearts I Am Every Woman It’s Always You Like You’ll Never See Me Again Never Let Me Go One Night Only Picture Me Gone Radioactive Run To You The Light Is On Tired Of Being Alone Tomorrow (ft. Tame Impala) Valley Of The Dolls Want You Back You’re Still My Man
Bird Of Happiness (2045) Alterlife Always Be My Baby Anytime You Need A Friend Can’t Let Go Cosmic Love Drumming Song Falling I Don’t Wanna Cry I’m Not Calling You A Liar Lay All Your Love On Me Like Someone In Love Living Dead My All One Summer Night Shoot The Moon Suspicious Mind Take Me To The River The State Of Dreaming Without You
Listen To My Blues (2050) Ain’t No Way Buy The Stars Cold Cold Heart Done For Me Do You? Embraceable You How Deep Is The Ocean? Hypocrates I’d Rather Go Blind I Get Along Without You Very Well (Except Sometimes) I Want You I Was Here Lipstick Long Long Way Love T.K.O My Future Just Passed Too Much Heaven Valerie Voila What’s New? You Light Up My Life
2015 You Know You Like It (ft. DJ Snake)
2017 FourFiveSeconds (ft. Paul McCartney and Rihanna)
2018 Digital Love (ft. Daft Punk) I Feel It Coming (ft. Daft Punk)
2024 Lost On The Way Home (ft. Chromeo)
2026 Beautiful (ft. Miguel)
2038 Stay (ft. Mikky Ekko)
2045 Empire State Of Mind (ft. Kentorey Johnson)
2058 How Deep Is Your Love (ft. The Bird And The Bee)
La La Land (2016) City Of Stars I Won’t Say I’m In Love The Audition
Breakfast At Tifanny’s (2021) La Vi En Rose Moon River Once Upon A Dream
The Hunchback Of Notre Dame (2024) The Bells Of Notre Dame
Her (2029) The Moon Song
Pocahontas (2033) Colors Of The Wind If I Never Knew You Just Around The Riverbend Savages (Part One) Savages (Part Two)
Funny Girl (2037) A Piece Of Sky Don’t Rain On My Parade My Man The Man That Got Away Why Don’t You Do Right?
Anastasia (2044) Journey To The Past Learn To Do It Once Upon A December
The Nightmare Before Christmas (2048) Finale Kidnap The Sandy Claws Sally’s Song
The Prince Of Egypt (2057) Deliver Us When You Believe
Filmography (movies)
La La Land (2016) Breakfast At Tiffany’s (2021) The Hunchback Of Notre Dame (2024) Her (2029) Two Days, One Night (2034) Funny Girl (2037) Anastasia (2044) The Nightmare Before Christmas (2048) I Am Love (2051) The Prince Of Egypt (2057) Amour (2084)
Filmography (television)
Pocahontas (2033)
Lés Miserables (2013)
Covers (on YouTube)
2011 Everytime by Britney Spears. Like I’m Gonna Lose You by John Legend.
2012 E.T by Katy Perry. Paparazzi by Lady Gaga.
Cover performances
Super Bowl (2015) Star Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key.
BBC Radio 1 (2016) Bad Romance by Lady Gaga.
Grammy Awards (2017) Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen (with Pentatonix).
American Music Awards (2018) Got To Be Real by Cheryl Lynn (with Cheryl Lynn).
BBC Radio 1 (2020) Hands To Myself by Selena Gomez.
NBA All-Star (2032) Star Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key.
BBC Radio 1 (2035) Hold It Against Me by Britney Spears.
MTV Music Video Awards (2039) My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion.
Super Bowl (2042) Star Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key.
0 notes
bronovatwo · 6 years
Nikolina Dobreva Mori, professionally known as Nina, is an american and naturalized bulgarian and japanese singer-songwriter, composer, multi-instrumentalist, dancer, choreographer and actress under Columbia Records. She is amongst a small group of entertainers who have been honored with an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony Award. Nina holds the record for the artist with the most singles to top both the Billboard Hot 100. She is also amongst one of the few artists to have all albums debut at the top of the Billboard 200 Album Chart.
Full name: Nikolina Bronova Mori (николина бронова 森). Birth date: December 7th 1996 (21). Birth place: Texas, United States. Zodiac sign: Sagittarius. Chinese zodiac sign: Earth tiger. Height: 1.68cm. Weight: 52kg. Blood type: O. Voice type: Soprano.
Animals: Miku (pomeranian) and Misha (rottweiler). Body type: Theatrical romantic (medium height, hourglass and voluptuous figure, medium to big bustline, small waist, fleshy arms and legs, small and delicate bone structure with a soft sharpness). Ethnicity: Brazilian, bulgarian, japanese and portuguese. Face type: Classic (symmetrical and balanced features). Family: Shigeru Sugahara Mori (father), Katarina Montes Bronova (mother) and Karolina Bronova Mori (younger sister). Fandom name: Beehive. Hobbies: Reading, drawing, listening to music, singing, dancing, watching movies and television series, exercising, traveling, collecting pens and notebooks, taking pictures, riding her bycicle and writing music. Instruments: Acoustic guitar, banjo, banjo ukulele, baritone guitar, bass guitar, clarinet, classical guitar, drums, electric bass guitar, electric guitar, flamento guitar, flute, harmonica, harp, keyboard, piano, synthesizer and violin. Languages: Bulgarian, english, french, japanese, korean, mandarin, portuguese, russian and spanish. Nicknames: Goddess Of Music, Million Dollar Smile, Queen B, Songbird Supreme and The Voice. Religion: Catholic. Sexual orientation: Heterosexual. Shoe size: 7.5 (US).
Early life
Nikolina was born in Houston, Texas, the daughter of a bulgarian lawyer and a japanese farmer. She lived in Japan until the age of seven, until she moved with her mother and younger sister to the United States, following her parent’s divorce. From the early age of five, she wanted to become a singer, and took various musical classes throughout her early years. After being cast in a Broadway rendition of Lés Miserables in 2013 and winning a Tony Award for her performance, she was discovered by a representative of Columbia Records and signed to the label shortly after.
Positive traits: Adventurous, brave, broad-minded, charming, compassionate, competitive, creative, determined, diplomatic, faithful, freedom-loving, friendly, good-humored, honest, humanitarian, independent, intellectual, intuitive, jovial, loyal, magnetic, modest, optimistic, philosophical, realistic, self-confident, sensitive, sympathetic, warmhearted and well-liked. Negative traits: Compulsive, greedy, escapist, idealistic, irritable, obsessive, resentful, restless, selfish and a worrier.
She is known for being very nice to her fans. Many of them report being well treated by her whenever they meet.
Physical appearance
Black and straight hair. Green eyes. Fair skin. Curvy. Dimples. One piercings on her left ear and two on her right ear. One tattoo on her left hand (henna design), one tattoo on her left ribcage (written “to the stars to the moon”) and one tattoo on her right shoulder (japanese writing of “Mori”).
Critic Of Music
Vocal type: Spinto-soprano. Positives: Legendary interpretive wit, thanks to incredible knowledge of musical phrasing and vocal pedagogy. A defining, trademarked voice. Incredible breath support, showing no signs of fatigue and carrying extensive legato passages with ease. Incredible utilization of dynamics, using all volumes from fortissimo to pianissimo and everything in between to craft incredible phrases. Great control of her passagio and incredibly balanced instrument. Powerful, resonant belts that are mixed with head voice, that are well-supported and healthy, projecting massive resonance with ease. A master of breath support. Able to rapid fire mid and upper belts. Her low notes are also well supported, dark and full. The head voice is resonant and piercing, full and fluid. Her vibrato is well developed and rolling, and can be executed with ease. Her timbre is velvety and luscious and makes for a perfect midrange. She is also able to sing complex melisma in all registers, with every register well connected. Her falsetto is light and sweet. She also has unparalleled register transitions, switching from chest to head, head to whistle, and even chest to whistle without as much of a pause. Pitch perfect in 99% of performances. Technically, a brilliant singer. Negatives: Occasionally raises her larynx in upper-belts.
Albums and singles
Chat-Shire (2014) Because Of You Best Thing I Never Had Halo If I Were A Boy Love On Top Too Little Too Late
Vivid (2015) All I Want For Christmas Emotions I Wanna Dance With Somebody Let’s Groove September The Way
Portrait (2016) Back To Black Chandelier Love On The Brain Russian Roulette Stone Cold Un-Break My Heart
Spirit (2017) Hello Rolling In The Deep Send My Love Set Fire To The Rain Someone Like You
Time (2018) Can’t Make You Love Me I Have Nothing I Look To You I Will Always Love You When We Were Young
Who I Am (2020) Bleeding Love Fallin’ How Can I Ease The Pain If I Ain’t Got You Million Reasons No One
Fever (2022) Bad Liar Dangerous Woman Do I Wanna Know? Psycho Killer Take Me To Church Wild Thoughts
How Does That Grab You? (2025) Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) Dust In The Wind Every Breath You Take Killing Me Softly The Sound Of Silence
Katerina (2028) Bohemian Rhapsody Come Together I Want To Break Free Sign Of The Times Somebody To Love We Are The Champions
Waiting To Exhale (2030) Always On My Mind Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood Hurt The Blower’s Daughter Wonderwall
The Diary Of Nina (2032) Can’t Help Falling In Love From This Moment On Here Comes The Sun Loving You Yesterday You’re Still The One
Glassheart (2035) A Change Is Gonna Come All The Man I Need Cruisin’ Greatest Love Of All Let’s Stay Together Say A Little Prayer
Bird Of Happiness (2040) Dreamlover Hero Love Takes Time Someday Vision Of Love We Belong Together
Listen To My Blues (2045) At Last Feeling Good I Put A Spell On You Respect Something’s Got A Hold On Me This Is A Man’s World
Albums and non-title tracks
Chat-Shire (2014) Almost Is Never Enough As Long As You Love Me Cannonball Crave You Draw Your Swords Every Little Thing He Does Is Magic Home I’m Not The Only One Just A Boy Listen Malibu Midnight Bottle Moonlight Older Chests Start Of Time Talking To The Moon Tell Me That You Love Me Training Wheels Valentine Volcano Whatever You Like
Vivid (2015) 10-20-40 After The Love Has Gone All That Baby, I Boy Problems Can’t Sleep Love Come Alive (ft. Toro Y Moi) Cyber Stockholm Syndrome Emotion First Time Gimme Love Greedy Honeymoon Avenue If I Ever Fall In Love (ft. Janelle Monáe) Let’s Get Lost Oh No! Primadonna Girl Rose Gold Run Away With Me Schoolin’ Life Something About Us (ft. Daft Punk) Store Too Good To Say Goodbye Your Type
Who I Am (2016) 6 Inch (ft. The Weeknd) Adorn A Lonely Night Broken Hearts Closer Coffee Every Kind Of Way (ft. Wale) Falling For You Fire Rides Fools For Him Gave It Away Heart Less In Your Bed Love Drought Lovely (ft. Khalid) Ocean Eyes Paper Heart Simple Things Somebody Else Sure Thing Talk Me Down Thinking About You Wild
Portrait (2017) Belly Ache Bored Broken Clocks Cake Copycat Drowning Eyes On Fire Hostage How Long I Don’t Wanna Be You Anymore If These Walls Could Talk Liability Love Is A Losing Game My Boy Perfect Reality Serial Killer Tears Dry On Their Own Teen Idle Tunnel Vision (ft. Shamir) Until We Bleed Use Me Watch West Coast You Don’t Do It For Me Anymore You Know I’m No Good
Spirit (2018) All I Ask Dark Paradise Hometown Glory I Can’t Get Started It Takes A Lot To Know A Man Love In The Dark Lucky Million Years Ago Never Been In Love Before River Lea Rumour Has It Sad Girl Salvation Speechless Sweetest Devotion Turning Tables Venus Video Games Water Under The Bridge Watch Young And Beautiful
Time (2019) 9 Crimes All Of You Can’t Pretend Caught Don’t Look Back Emotion Illuminated Jealous Lies Little Boy Blue Love Nick Of Time Nirvana Nitesky (ft. Robot Koch) One (ft. U2) Palace Religion Remedy Sandcastles The Chain Wolves
Fever (2020) After The Storm (ft. Bootsy Collins and Tyler, The Creator) Are You Satisfied? Baby Boy Birth In Reverse Black Sheep Cupid’s Chokehold I Wanna Be Yours Miracle Alligner Nicest Thing One For The Road Passionfruit Puppet Love Redbone Self Control Someone New Strange Mercy To Be Alone When You Were Young Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High? You Your Teeth In My Neck Zombie
How Does That Grab You? (2022) All I Have To Do Is Dream Bound Build Me Up Buttercup But Not For Me Heal The World I Fall In Love Too Easily If I Had You I’ll Be There I’m A Ruin Immortal It’s My Party Look For The Silver Lining Make You Feel My Love My Funny Valentine Only Hope Quickie Solo The Touch Of Yours Lips Want You Back Wonder You Don’t Own Me
Katerina (2025) Bloodsport Boogieman Come To Mama Daddy Lessons (ft. Dixie Chicks) Don’t Fall In Love With Someone New Holding On Ivy Japanese Denim Killer Queen Landfill Land Locked Blues Leave Me Lonely (ft. Macy Gray) Like Real People Do My Favorite Faded Fantasy Pain Please Don’t Leave Me Regret Sinner’s Prayer Sober Stop The World Touch Who Knew Yellow Brick Road
Waiting To Exhale (2028) A Heartbreak All The Way Down Blood Dazed In Daydreams Delicate Elephant Everywhere I Go Guiding Light Heart Beats Slow I Don’t Want To Change You In Chains Love Me Like I’m Not Made Of Stone Medicine One Flight Down Pink + White Put Your Number In My Phone Rootless Tree Run Say It To Me Now Ship To Wreck The Animals Were Gone You Don’t Have To Go
The Diary Of Nina (2030) Big Jet Plane Blackbird Burning Love Clementine Color Me In Creature Fear Dogs Don’t Know Why Falling Slowly Flightless Bird, American Mouth Gravity He Was Too Good To Me Love Has No Pride Lua My Ideal Paper Aeroplane Slow Dancing In A Burning Room Stand Tall The Long Day Is Over The Moon Song Time After Time
Glassheart (2035) All This And Heaven Too A Woman’s Worth Believe In You And Me Follow Rivers Hardest Of Hearts I Am Every Woman It’s Always You Like You’ll Never See Me Again Never Let Me Go One Night Only Picture Me Gone Radioactive Run To You The Light Is On Tired Of Being Alone Tomorrow (ft. Tame Impala) Valley Of The Dolls Want You Back You’re Still My Man
Bird Of Happiness (2040) Alterlife Always Be My Baby Anytime You Need A Friend Can’t Let Go Cosmic Love Drumming Song Falling I Don’t Wanna Cry I’m Not Calling You A Liar Lay All Your Love On Me Like Someone In Love Living Dead My All One Summer Night Shoot The Moon Suspicious Mind Take Me To The River The State Of Dreaming Without You
Listen To My Blues (2045) Ain’t No Way Buy The Stars Cold Cold Heart Done For Me Do You? Embraceable You How Deep Is The Ocean? Hypocrates I’d Rather Go Blind I Get Along Without You Very Well (Except Sometimes) I Want You I Was Here Lipstick Long Long Way Love T.K.O My Future Just Passed Too Much Heaven Valerie Voila What’s New? You Light Up My Life
2013 Get Lucky (ft. Daft Punk) Lose Yourself (ft. Daft Punk)
2015 FourFiveSeconds (ft. Paul McCartney and Rihanna)
2017 Stay (ft. Mikky Ekko)
2021 Digital Love (ft. Daft Punk) I Feel It Coming (ft. Daft Punk)
2034 Beautiful (ft. Miguel)
2048 How Deep Is Your Love (ft. The Bird And The Bee)
Skyfall (2014) Skyfall
La La Land (2016) City Of Stars I Won’t Say I’m In Love The Audition
Breakfast At Tifanny’s (2020) La Vi En Rose Moon River Once Upon A Dream
The Hunchback Of Notre Dame (2029) The Bells Of Notre Dame
Pocahontas (2034) Colors Of The Wind If I Never Knew You Just Around The Riverbend Savages (Part One) Savages (Part Two)
Funny Girl (2037) A Piece Of Sky Don’t Rain On My Parade My Man The Man That Got Away Why Don’t You Do Right?
Anastasia (2044) Journey To The Past Learn To Do It Once Upon A December
The Nightmare Before Christmas (2048) Finale Kidnap The Sandy Claws Sally’s Song
The Prince Of Egypt (2057) Deliver Us When You Believe
Filmography (film)
La La Land (2014) Breakfast At Tiffany’s (2020) The Hunchback Of Notre Dame (2029) Funny Girl (2037) Anastasia (2044) The Nightmare Before Christmas (2048) The Prince Of Egypt (2057) Amour (2084)
Filmography (television)
Pocahontas (2034)
Lés Miserables (2012)
Covers (on YouTube)
2009 Everytime by Britney Spears. Like I’m Gonna Lose You by John Legend.
2010 E.T by Katy Perry. Paparazzi by Lady Gaga.
Cover performances
Super Bowl (2013) Star Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key.
American Music Awards (2014) Got To Be Real by Cheryl Lynn (with Cheryl Lynn).
BBC Radio 1 (2015) Bad Romance by Lady Gaga.
Grammy Awards (2018) Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen (with Pentatonix).
BBC Radio 1 (2022) Hands To Myself by Selena Gomez.
NBA All-Star (2027) Star Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key.
BBC Radio 1 (2032) Hold It Against Me by Britney Spears.
MTV Music Video Awards (2039) My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion.
Super Bowl (2042) Star Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key.
Tidiou M’Baye (2011) Nick Rutherford (2013-2016) Stephen Curry (2017-) *married in 2021
Taika Curry (2024) Tzuyu Curry (2026)
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Chapter II: Part I: Ashara/Bastian
Ashara bounded through the streets of Denerim, weaving through the legs of people who were out and about.
Having a cat as her only other form, so far, proved to be both useful and useless. Her senses were heightened; she could smell the bakery three streets over, baking bread, but the stench of dogs, and their… Droppings were much stronger. Though her hearing was better than a human’s when in her elf form, as a cat it was even better. The biggest problem, though, was her eyesight-- Again, as an elf, she could already see fairly well in the dark, but in her cat form, her daytime vision was limited… Which meant she had to rely on her other senses to get through the city and back to the Wilds.
She felt bad, having left Kilian back there. He’d been kind to her, much kinder than any other non-mage, and he’d brought her to Denerim-- Sort of.
He and Yara are probably already laughing, or cursing themselves for not capturing me and sending me off the the templars for a reward, She thought to herself, bitterly.
“Here kitty~” She heard a voice sing out from her right side. She’d not even noticed that she’d stopped running. “Come on, baby, come have some milk.”
Ashara turned around to see the vague shape of a larger woman, crouching down and placing a bowl on the ground, outside what looked to be a rather run-down house.
She padded over, able to smell the milk even before she actually reached the bowl. The woman ran her hands over Ashara’s bright orange fur, and she refrained from biting at the woman as she began to lap up the milk.
She was rather thirsty, and she had plenty of time to leave the city. Yara had likely not even noticed what her cat form looked like, after all.
Bastian left the infirmary with a smile on his face, finding great solace and pleasure in the little room with the elf and soldier: their anger, their annoyance, their foolishness made Bastian warm with delight. It was reminiscent of the Game.
Stepping back onto the dirty streets of Denerim, Bastian took several deep breaths, despite his lungs filling with the stench of excrement, to compose himself. The elf had mentioned that the shape-shifter - Ashara, Bastian thought he heard Killian say - had run away, the argument between the elves reaching a fever pitch. The elf by the Captain’s bedside was looking for nothing more than gold and silver, as Drakus promised. But, the other elf. She was priceless.
Shape-shifting was a powerful art, lost to many but a small few mages exiled by the templars for their dangerous nature, for their wondrous capabilities.  
Bastian had no doubt that if Knight-Captain Gregory Pinnen discovered a shape-shifting Mage in his city, the elf would be killed before sunrise the following morning, Pinnen chasing the cat like a mabari with bloodlust.
Taking one final breath, Bastian followed the trail of magic left by the elf. He could feel it in the air: her connection to the Fade, her magic altering her reality to transfigure her form.
At least, she was still within the walls as he expected.
Ashara tolerated the woman, and the children who had gathered, all of whom cooed at her, and tried to get a turn petting her, and rubbing under her chin.
She managed to finish the milk, then sat back and licked the remaining droplets from around her mouth, before turning and trotting away.
“NO. MOMMY HE’S GETTING AWAY!” She heard one of the brats scream behind her, and she sped up. There was no way she was going to let someone catch her and claim her as a pet; She’d already spent nearly 20 years chained up. She would not let that happen again.
She turned a corner and jumped onto a window ledge, but just as she was about to jump again, she felt hands grab her and lift her up. She yelped in pain, from how this person was manhandling her, and continued yelping and crying, hissing and clawing, trying to get away. “Ugh, fucking demon cat!” The man holding her muttered, then gave her a smack-- likely intending to get her to remove her claws from where they were dug, deeply, into his skin.
Bastian wandered through the streets following the golden-orange wisp of magic that he attributed to the shape-shifted. The longer he followed, the longer the trail was allowed to fester, the harder it was to track her magic. The templars - stalking the city like vultures circling for dead meat to pluck from bones - had laced the air with lyrium which made tracking magic increasingly more difficult.
Lyrium fixed reality, severed the connection Mages had to the Fade, limited the power a Mage could draw on. Without it, most Mages were powerless. Shape-shifters and illusionists were not so unfortunate.
Bastian cut down an alley, listening to the delight of children playing in the dirt until a sharp sound filled the air. A cat. Pain.
Bastian followed the sound until he came upon a man holding a bag by the waist, the cat hissing and squirming in his grasp.
Bastian smirked. Ashara.
Ashara bit into the mans hand, as hard as she could, not letting go until she tasted blood. Until the man yelped and threw her.
She let out a screech, but managed to land on her feet, and continued running. She could hear the kid behind her, still screaming and crying. She just ran faster, not looking back, not taking a break.
Before long, though, she found a stall in the market-place and crawled underneath. She’d wait until it was night-time. She could escape the city, go back into her normal form and find the wilds, find that woman, on her own.
Bastian continued past the screaming child - an annoying boy roaring like a spoiled brat - and the older man, who grasped his hand, blood trickling between the finger joints. He followed the cat, bounding along the mucky path and into the market.
The market was busy, full of people. The sound of the market could be heard long before it came into view, but Bastian tried to ignore it as he searched for the elf-cat. For a instant, Bastian considered that he would lose her in the crowd - the trail was weaker with all the chaos of market day.
However, her spotted her tail move beneath one of the stalls, a flash of orange, and stepped beside it. Lifting the fabric to look beneath the stall. He sighed heavily, his robes dirtied.
The first thought that crossed Ashara’s mind was, templar, and so the first thing she did was hiss and swat at the young man looking under the cart.
She shouldn’t have left. She should have stayed with Kilian, found out from him where she would be safe, if not with the woman of the wilds. No, he would have given you up. She reminded herself, He and Yara would have brought you straight to the templars, they would have taken the money and laughed while they abandoned you.
Bastian took a deep breath and flicked his wrist, the bones clicking at his fingers moved in a rapid figure. The spell caught, wrapping around the cat and pulling her slowly from beneath the stall.
“Ashara, I am not here to hurt you,” Bastian said softly, his words delicate and poise. “I am here to help, shape-shifter.”
Ashara did her best to resist the magic, pulling her toward him. She hissed, and tried to jump down. She supposed she would go with him. He was a mage, after all... And she’d never met a mage who was willing to turn one of their kind in.
She wanted to know how he knew her name, and how he intended to help, but turning into an elf, in the middle of the market would attract much more attention than turning into a cat and disappearing into the crowd. Get me somewhere private, She thought, as if he could hear her.. Though she knew he couldn’t, Ugh, and carry me. Keep the damn children away.
Ashara slid from beneath the the stall, her claws no longer digging into the ground, her will no longer fighting the magic. She was a Mage, as was Bastian - she understood his words.
He lifted Ashara into his arms, her small cat-form lost in the fabric of Bastian robes and carried her away from the Market, weaving between the stalls and the animals who stood around them.
“My name is Duke Bastian dr Prosperu,” he explained, his tone noble as ever, “Stay quite, Ashara, or you will be killed. The templars will be looking for you if they sense any form of magic - you would make a man very rich.”
Ashara let out a sigh of relief when he picked her up, Brilliant. Now, to a dark alley, then, boy.
She turned up her nose. No one would know she was a shape-shifter, no one who would hand her over to the Templars. Save for Yara. Without thinking, she let out a low growl at the thought of her bitch of a sister. She wanted to tell him that the Ferelden Templars weren’t that bad. She’d met a few good ones... But she supposed that all of that didn’t matter. Not when those same people had orders to kill them all, or take them in for ‘questioning’ about the rebellion.
Bastian carried Ashara through the streets to a dark corner of the square, an alley where little light past down from above and very few people seemed to notice.
Ashara had begun to growl and hiss in his arms, arching her back as her fur stood on end. Bastian found the sounds of displeasure amusing. He didn't understand her reasons, however.
“You can shape-shift here, Ashara, I'm sure Kilian would be very upset if I were to let you die now, transforming in front of everyone.”
The moment they reached the alley, Ashara jumped from his arms, and shifted back. “Bloody children.” She mumbled, dusting herself off, and stretching her arms into the air.
She turned to face the man, Duke Bastian something or other. “A Duke, then?” She asked, and her voice grew bitter with resentment. “Well, your grace, I can assure you that Kilian would not mind a bit of I was killed. He and my disgusting excuse of a sister are probably laughing to themselves right now, scheming and thinking of how to catch me, try to get their hands on some reward money.” No doubt that’s what Yara’s doing.
“How do you intend to help me, sir?” She asked, raising an eyebrow. “What sort of power does an Orlesian have here, anyway?”
Bastian chuckled at the elf’s bitter and biting words, each syllable more charged than the last, spoken to hurt. Whatever Kilian and his Elvhen companion had done - besides the argument between the elves outside the infirmary - Bastian was interested to discover.
“I am keeping you safe, with enough power to still be alive in Denerim as a Mage,” Bastian said, soft but biting, “You would be dead by morning if it were not for me. You have no hope of leaving this city without guidance. Not that it matters to you, Ashara, but Kilian was concerned - Yara, now, she has a tongue like a wild horse! She believed she could put a dagger in my throat. Deluded creature.”
He let Ashara pace, fretting and spewing anger, but remained in the alley. She couldn't leave. Not alone.
“I should have joined the rebellion when I had the chance.” She thought aloud. “It’s not exactly hard to sneak by Templars, you know. They can’t sense magic, it’s only when you’re brought to them, or when they see you that they know, for sure.”
She crossed her arms over her chest. Kilian had been concerned? He’d asked for her? As if. No one has cared for you before. Why would anyone care now? She wanted to push the thoughts away, ignore them, but she couldn’t. They slipped into her mind, and she knew it was the truth.
All she had ever wanted, from the time she was first brought to the Circle, until she realized they had given her up, was to go home. To be with her family-- even now, she wanted nothing more than to see her mother and father. “Yara killed my parents. And I intend to avenge them.” She whispered. If what Yara said had been true-- though she still had her doubts-- then they hadn’t given up on her, not really... “Where is that... Girl now?” She asked Bastian.
Somehow, killing Yara felt like the logical thing to do. It was her fault that she couldn’t hear the truth, couldn’t hear their side of the story. Her parents were good people, yet Yara had grown to be so... So... Pathetic. How was it fair that they were killed, yet she survived? How could they have chosen Yara over her?
Bastian listened intently, committing every single word to memory as he did a thousand before, and will do a thousand times again. As part of the Grand Game, it was paramount to remember even the smallest of details. Bastian knew the importance of a well-learned truth or a scandalous verity.
Yara has killed their parents.
Or so Ashara mumbled in her anger. Bastian did not believe that to be the whole truth - not from what he had overheard of their argument. Both elves were privy to details the other was not aware of and both were unwilling to understand the stance and view of the other. Distance separates the mind and the heart: Ashara and Yara were no longer as close as they had once been, it seemed.
“Well, she may still be with Killian,” Bastian mused, “Though unfortunately, I can not divulge such information to you, my dear. I can not have a Mage running amuck in Denerim, avenging deaths by killing others. As you said, there is a rebellion, you will be killed before you managed to leave the infirmary.”
“That’s a lie, and you know it.” Ashara snapped. “I thought you’d be more understanding, but I forgot. Mages aren’t treated as badly in Orlais as we are here...” She trailed off. Perhaps she could go to Orlais, hell, or even Tevinter. Tevinter cherished mages, and saw magic for what it truly was; a gift. I could wipe out countless people. She thought to herself with a bit of a smirk.
“Fine.” She said, already having calmed down. “Where are you taking me, Duke Bastian Du Prospero?”
“Don't think me stupid to the pain of Mages in Fereldan, Shape-shifter!” Bastian said, the harsh undertones of his voice rising closer to the surface. “I understand the plight of the Fereldan Mage, of the Kirkwall Circle - I am here to negotiate on our survival! To prevent all of Thedas acting on the Order’s Right of Annulment. Do not lecture me on my understanding.”
Bastian, glancing over his shoulder at the sound of footsteps and conversation, lowered his voice: “You will return with me to my dwelling, under my protection, Ashara. If you can keep your mouth shut - I may then help you find your missing shape-shifter.”
Ashara stared at him. Negotiate their survival? The reason Anders did what he did was because there was no way to negotiate. No way to compromise. The Grand Cleric knew what was going on, she didn’t care to try and stop it. Everyone knew what Meredith was doing, but no one cared. No one but Anders. She thought to herself. She wanted to say it, she wanted to scream it at him... But she bit her tongue.
She also wanted to demand how he knew of her search for that woman-- assuming that’s who she meant... Had she told anyone? Perhaps whispered in her sleep, but the woman’s existence was a secret that Ashara held close... “Fine, then. Lead the way.” Ashara said, and gestured toward the end of the alley.
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