#//comes back to this two years later with a starbucks
deflcresco · 1 year
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❝  Unexpected mid-March snow is the best~ ❞
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phoenixkaptain · 1 year
I love it when pre Original Trilogy era shows how much effort went into making the Death Star. It took decades, literal decades, and it took so much money and so many people and it was such a secretive thing and it’s staffed by millions because it’s the size of a small moon.
I cannot express how much all of the added information makes it so much funnier that Luke blew it up.
Luke destroys literally everything Palpatine built. He blows up the Death Star, which was referenced in universe as early as the second movie. He blew up the weapon of mass destruction twenty years in the making. And he blew it up pretty much directly after it’s first and only successful attack. It was operational for fifteen minutes, fifteen minutes that Palpatine had the thing he’d been building for longer than Luke has been alive, and Luke blows it up. First day retirement, but first hour retirement.
Luke convinces Darth Vader to turn back to the light side, a feat thought literally impossible by literally everybody. Sidious clearly doesn’t see Vader’s betrayal coming. Vader’s betrayal was not in his plans, nor was it something he was prepared for. Sidious is a powerful Force user with all four limbs while Vader is a man in the tin can Palpatine put him in. If Palpatine had seen Vader turning coming, he would not have allowed it to happen.
Luke literally should not even be alive. Palpatine almost definitely got Padme out of the way on purpose, and he almost certainly was trying for her unborn child as well (there was way too big of a risk that a cute liddol bebe would bring some humanity back to Anakin, and Palpatine did not want Anakin to have any humanity) Luke living is literally the first step in Palpatine’s ultimate downfall, especially once Vader finds out that Luke is his son. His very alive son. His son that is not dead, despite Palpatine claiming Anakin killed Padme. Implying that Anakin killed Padme and she posthumously gave birth. But, she didn’t give birth on Mustafar, which was the last place Anakin interacted with her. And once the mother dies, you have to get those fuckers out fast or they die too.
I imagine Darth Vader piecing all of this together is that meme with all the math floating around his head, because how could Padme have died by his hand and then given birth like two hours later?
Luke killing Palpatine is what ultimately leads to the dissolution of the Empire as an omnipotent entity. Luke killed the Empire. Luke spends a good amount of his adult life killing Empire remnants. We see that in the Mandalorian, since he’s so recognizable that Gideon immediately knows he’s fucked just by seeing an X-wing. We read it in Legends’ continuity, where Luke terrifies Imperials because he can walk into their changing room and stand in their for a minute and they don’t even notice.
Luke destroyed Palpatine’s life’s work. Everything Palpatine spent his whole life working towards, and Luke kills all of it. He blows up not one, but two Death Stars (he may not have pulled the trigger on the second Death Star, but without him, it never would have been destroyed). He convinces not one, but multiple Sith and Dark Jedi to return from the Dark Side. He is the only reason that Obi-Wan Kenobi, the biggest pain in Palpatine’s ass ever born, lives long enough to make it to the Death Star.
Palpatine went through so much effort. And just when he had finally won, when he finally had a weapon capable of destroying entire planets with a single blast, making it impossible for any planets or peoples to go against him, Luke shows up nineteen years late to the Jedi party with space Starbucks and a droid twice his age and almost singlehandedly destroys everything Palpatine ever had a hand in creating.
Luke manages to become even worse than Obi-Wan Kenobi, the ultimate thorn in the side of politicians, and Luke doesn’t even understand any politics. He wasn’t trained in diplomacy like Obi-Wan and Leia, no, he’s a farmboy who left home for the first time in his entire life, just this morning. And he is the one to destroy the Empire.
If they rewrote Star Wars and had it entirely from Palpatine’s perspective, Luke Skywalker would be his greatest foe. Luke Skywalker would be the final boss. Luke Skywalker is the antithesis of everything Palpatine believes in and he is the one character that Palpatine cannot predict. He isn’t as moldable as Anakin, he doesn’t respond to threats very well, he’s apparently impossible to kill via Force lightning (still the funniest scene of all times, the progression of Palpatine’s face falling and him looking like “what the fuck??? Is this kid rubber??? I’ve electrocuted him eight times???”), his unwavering faith in his father’s goodness makes Darth Vader want to be a better person, Luke Skywalker is the big bad of Palpatine’s story and—
There is nothing in this world that is funnier than someone’s biggest antagonist being Luke fucking Skywalker. Luke Skywalker, who saved the galaxy with the power of love and who shouldn’t exist, by Jedi rules and by Palpatine’s own attempts, and whose best friends are literally droids, which Palpatine canonically hates!
Everything about this is hilarious, this is the funniest thing in all of media, Palpatine loses absolutely everything to some backwater farmboy who fucking likes droids.
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Stars In My Eyes
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(a part two to this fic!)
modern music teacher!eddie munson x art teacher fem!reader
18+ ONLY MDNI!!!
warnings: fluff, so fluffy, first dates, first kisses, some anxiety/stress, a little dash of coach!steve harrington, suggestiveness
author's note: i feel like this took me ages to write! so sorry for the wait...i do sort of love how this turned out :) writing a first kiss scene is hard!!!
please let me know what your thoughts are on this series!
word count: 7.7k
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Eddie Munson couldn’t believe his luck.
Like, sure he’s gotten lucky a few times before.  There was that one time an officer let him off with a warning after he rolled through a stop sign, he’d played the “I’m a teacher during finals week” card and it had seemed to work out pretty well for him.  There were also a few times when a stranger in front of him at the Starbucks drive thru had paid for his morning coffee, only for him to turn around and see there was no one behind him to pay it forward to.  
And then, there was that time back during his final senior year where Stacy Cowell was going through a “rebel phase” and decided to give Eddie a string of random blowjobs over the course of a week and a half to make herself feel like she was living on “the wild side.”  She quickly transitioned out of that phase when Eddie had asked her out on a date, he figured they should probably make an effort to learn a little about each other if she was going to be deepthroating him in the back of his van every other day after school.  She turned him down with a disgusted sneer, leaving Eddie a little heartbroken by the fact that a girl could be so offended at the idea of a date with him.  
But none of that even mattered to Eddie anymore.  All of those situations touched by a bit of luck have been reduced down to mere coincidences now that he has you in his life.  Even though it was only one IKEA date trip that the two of you went on last weekend, Eddie couldn’t stop himself from imagining a long, happy future with you because of how fucking perfect it all went.
You don’t think you’ve ever been so nervously giddy over anything in your entire life.  There had never really been any boys that you were crazy for when you were younger.  Sure, you’d been in love a couple times before, but nothing was ever…”wow.” 
 You’d never felt any real sparks, never met anyone truly special enough to change your life like all of the women you’d seen in movies or read about in books.  
But Eddie…he was very much wow.
After you’d worked out the details for your IKEA trip that afternoon in your classroom, you found it hard to stop blushing for the remainder of the week.  The both of you decided that you’d go on Saturday morning, and Eddie had insisted on picking you up and driving there together.  He bowed his head and lightly pressed his lips to your hand in a dramatic and silly fashion before leaving your classroom.  Your knees felt weak and a bright red blush bloomed on your face as Eddie stood back up to his full height to face you. 
“You know,” he started, still holding your hand, "you're really cute when you blush like that.”
A tiny squeak is all that comes out of your mouth when you open it to respond.  
You struggle to put together a coherent sentence and settle for the smile and girlish giggle that bubbled its way out of your chest.  
“I’ll see you later.”
Eddie started to walk backwards, keeping your hand in his grasp until he was too far away and then turning around to exit your classroom.  There wasn’t much else you could do except stare at the hand that had just been held by him, while holding your other over your mouth in shock.  
Eddie waited the appropriate five seconds after being out of your line of sight before erupting into a silent “fist-punching-head-banging-fuck yeah!” celebration in the hallway.  He couldn’t believe he kissed your hand.  The thought to kiss your hand had barely graced his mind before his body had made the decision to go through with it.  Eddie was terrified that his nerdy qualities would cause you to run for the hills, or that you’d think he was weird or stupid.
But instead, you’d blushed bright red and blessed his ears with a giggle, and all of Eddie’s worries and fears were banished from his mind at the sound of it.  
Eddie decided he was going to really enjoy taking every opportunity to make you blush.  
There were only two days until your IKEA trip with Eddie, and somehow you kept missing each other in the hallways at school.  On the rare occasion that Eddie had a spare moment, you were at some kind of art teacher workshop.  Whenever you could pull yourself away from decorating your classroom and lesson-planning, Eddie was leaving early for the day to go look at different types of Tubano drums for his classroom.  
There were a couple of staff meetings that everyone had to attend, but the two of you never ended up sitting next to each other.  Instead, you would indulge in a game of eye tag, making yourself feel like you were in high school all over again with a big fat crush.  
While you were really looking forward to your day out with Eddie, a tiny part of you was glad that you weren’t running into him constantly.  You found yourself overpouring your coffee in the morning because of the way the deep brown shade of the coffee matched the color of Eddie’s eyes.  You accidentally took a sip out of your paint water cup instead of your drinking cup because you were staring off at the lamps in your room, wondering which one had been Eddie’s favorite.  Two days was just what you needed to collect yourself enough to act like a normal human being before you saw Eddie again.  You weren’t even allowing yourself the time to think about being in a car with him for the hour that it took to get to IKEA.  All of the workshops, lesson plans and other preparation for the start of school kept you calm and collected.
Eddie, on the other hand, was reduced to a pile of chunky silver rings and nerves.  He couldn’t stop thinking about everything he had to get done before your trip…date?  Was it a date?  Did you say the word date when you asked him?  Is it even a date when the girl asks the guy-
Eddie’s frantic pacing is interrupted by a shark knock on his propped open classroom door.
“Yo, Munson.  How’s the…” Steve trailed off as he took in Eddie’s disheveled state.  “Dude.”
“I know, I know, man.” Eddie responds, plopping down in a chair that was meant for one of his students.  He puts his head in his hands, tugging on the roots to try and get a grip.
“What’s goin’ on, Ed?  I haven’t seen you this distraught since One Direction broke up.”  Steve sits on top of a desk next to Eddie, jabbing him softly in the shoulder after his lame attempt at getting a smile out of Eddie.  
Eddie chuckles and shakes his head at the stupid joke.  He looks up at Steve with a deep sigh, then stands up and grabs him by the shoulders.
“If I tell you, it stays between us.”  Eddie fixes Steve with a hard look and raised eyebrows, not any different from the look he gives his students when they’re getting up to no good.  “I’m so dead serious.”
Steve’s eyes widen at the sudden seriousness, making a cross over his chest with his finger.  “Yeah man, cross my heart and all that.”
Eddie lets go of Steve, slumping back into the chair with a huff.  
“How do you know that a date is a date, and not just a friend thing?”
Steve smiles cockily and leans forward, always interested in Eddie’s love life…or lack thereof.
“Well, I don’t know…I think I might have to hear a little more about this special lady in order for me to provide some of my good ol’ Harrington Love Advice.”  Steve wiggles his eyebrows at Eddie, throwing in a wink for the sake of being annoying.
Eddie rolls his eyes, he knew it was a mistake to bring up girls around this guy.  Steve was always giving Eddie pointers on how to get chicks the way he did, but Eddie was in no way similar to Steve when it came to relationships.  Steve never had nothing to do on the weekends, always with a new girl, sometimes even the single moms at school.  He’d meet them out at a bar, woo them, take them to dinner and then even sometimes back to his place.  Despite his fuck-boy tendencies, Eddie knows it’s never that meaningful for either party.  Steve’s been pining after one of the English teachers for years, and these flings are only serving as a way to satiate his intensely flirtatious side.  
As annoying as he may be, it would be nice to rant about all of his pent up loverboy feelings for you to Steve.  Eddie knows he’s just giving him a hard time, it’s one of the many love languages they share as best friends.
“I-it’s just…she’s so beautiful man, like…holy fuck.”  Eddie shakes his head in disbelief, looking off into the distance as he rambles on about you.  “I mean just…she looks like some kind of Elven princess-angel-goddess-fairy–”
“Dude, Ed.  None of that nerd shit please, say it to me in English.”
Eddie chuckles and shakes his head with a sigh.  
“Okay.  I really like her.  I haven’t felt this way in years, maybe ever.  We met officially yesterday and just…clicked.”
Steve smiles at Eddie as he talks about you, happy to see his friend so excited about someone.
“We made plans to go to IKEA this weekend, but I don’t know what to make of it?  Is it a date?  Should I bring her flowers?  What if I do bring her flowers and she gets weirded out because it was actually never a date at all?”
Steve holds his hands up like he’s trying to calm down an animal.  
“Woah there, buddy.  No need to get all freaked out about it.”  Steve can’t help but to laugh a little at the helpless look on his friend’s face.  “Let’s just start with the details, okay?  Who asked who?”
“She asked me.  I said I liked her lamps and then she said she got them at IKEA and then I said that I needed some for my room and then she said that we should go to IKEAandshopforsometogether-”
“Okay, okay man.  Take a deep breath.”  Steve motions for Eddie to inhale for a couple seconds.  
“Then let it all out.”  Eddie expels the breath from his lips in a hard huff, looking a little calmer.  “Alright.  So, she asked you?”
Eddie nods.
“That’s good, it means she’s interested!  Not a lot of women are making the first move these days, it means that she definitely wants a slice of Munson.”
Eddie rolls his eyes at Steve, but still waits for him to go on.
“Are you picking her up for the trip to IKEA?”
“Yeah, I offered to pick her up and drive us both there since it’s about an hour away.”
Steve scratches his five o’clock stubble.
“Hmm…okay.  Did she like…jump at the chance for you to drive her or was there some hesitation before she agreed?”
Eddie thinks back to that moment.  How the two of you were standing slightly too close for new friends, the way your eyes seemed to sparkle as you looked up at him, how he was surprised you couldn’t hear his heart beating out of his chest.  
He remembers offering to drive the both of you to the store, surprising himself by saying it way calmer than he was feeling.  Your face lit up a little, like you were shocked that he’d even offer to pick you up and drive you there.  You smiled and nodded your head sweetly before agreeing out loud.
Eddie feels himself smiling at the tiny memory.
“It wasn’t like she immediately answered…but she definitely was smiling when she agreed.  She didn’t seem nervous about it or anything, it was more like she was excited or something.”
Steve’s eyebrows shoot up as a smirk emerges on his face.
“So let me see if I’m getting this straight.  She asked you to go to IKEA, probably knowing it was a long drive, and then she happily agreed to let you pick her up and drive the two of you there?  For a whole two hours there and back?”
Eddie nods, anxiously awaiting Steve’s opinion on all of this.
“I mean, it’ll probably be a good four or five hours that you spend together driving and shopping.”
Steve fixes Eddie with a look that says ‘c’mon man, it’s obvious.’
Eddie’s had enough of his edging.  “Will you just get to the fucking point please for the love of god?”
Steve sighs and claps a hand on Eddie's shoulder. 
“Ed, it’s a date.”
Eddie barks out a triumphant laugh and Steve does the same.  The two men high five and Steve wraps a beefy arm around Eddie’s shoulder to pat him on the chest.  Eddie can’t help but to let out a big sigh of relief now that he can stop worrying about how to act on this trip date.
On Friday, you could’ve sworn you went slightly neurotic.  
Since Tuesday you’d been considering your day with Eddie as a date, but it suddenly hit you that maybe he didn’t feel the same way.  What if you’d been doing all this worrying and freaking out for no reason?  What if he ends up calling you ‘dude’ the entire day?  What if he has a girlfriend already, and he just agreed to take you to IKEA so that you wouldn’t get your feelings hurt?
You’d been running circles in your head trying to prepare yourself for any and all possible outcomes that Saturday could hold for you, but none of it seemed to be doing you any good.
So, you did what you always did whenever you found yourself flipping out over something new.
You made a to-do list. 
Pick out an outfit.  Dress! too fancy…jeans?  Dress, definitely dress. not too fancy though…
Drink wine 
Watch movie
Clean house…again
Drink more wine
Possibly reconsider outfit…
After all was said and done, you plopped down on your worn-in couch, sufficiently drunk with a clean house and an outfit neatly hung up outside of your closet.  You decide to pour your third and final glass of wine for the evening, and to surrender your anxiety to the gods of love.  You hope and pray that they like you enough to let you have this one. 
It was finally Saturday.  Eddie stands in front of his closet furiously, wondering why in the fuck he can’t find a single thing to wear for his date with you today.  He’s got enough clothes to fill his entire closet, dresser, and a $20 clothing rack he picked up at Target years ago.  Steve said to just go with what felt the most like ‘Eddie’, but he’s suddenly unable to remember what his style even looks like.  
He wants to punch himself in the nuts for not taking the time last night to plan this all out like a normal person.  
He ends up settling for a fitted white tee, a pair of trusty black jeans, and black boots.  On a FaceTime call with Steve (so he could approve Eddie’s choice), Steve mentioned that the outfit was casual, but still fairly nice, and that the white shirt showed off his tattoos and muscles.
“Chicks dig the muscles and white tee combo, man.  Trust.”
Eddie chuckles at his friend’s ‘frat boy’ lingo, but the comment makes him feel better about his appearance anyways.  Last year, Steve had managed to convince Eddie to start going to the gym with him after school during the week, and it pains him to admit that he sort of really likes it now.  He likes how much stronger he feels, he likes sweating out all of his frustrations, and most of all he likes the way he fills out his t-shirts now.
After hanging up the call with Steve, Eddie flexes a little in his mirror before leaving to go pick you up.  He decides to do a few last minute push ups and to moisturize the tattoos on his arms so that he looks extra good for you.
Perhaps being slightly neurotic about this date was a good idea.
Thanks to all of your meticulous planning, you managed to get completely ready with a half hour to spare.  You decided against sitting on your couch until Eddie arrived since the nervous butterflies in your stomach made you want to throw up, so you opted to wander around your house for the remainder of the time.
You pass by your mirror, doing a final check and making sure your outfit and makeup are up to par.  You’d decided on a simple white dress, with a denim button up thrown over it and your pair of black chelsea boots that had yet to let you down.  You smile at your reflection, happy that you’d managed to choose a comfy and cute outfit that felt like you.
There’d been too many dates before this one where you’d gone out and spent insane amounts of money on brand new outfits that you weren’t even sure you really liked, all in the name of impressing your date and hoping he likes you enough to ask you out on a second one.  When prepping for those dates, you spent hours upon hours running around like a mad woman.  Shaving, plucking, tweezing, waxing.  Making sure your hair curled just right and that your eyeliner was sexy, but not slutty.
You couldn’t figure out why Eddie felt so different to you.  Even though the nerves of a first date had really freaked you out the night before, this morning was fairly calm.  Sure, you took plenty of time in the shower and doing your hair and makeup, but it didn’t feel like you were trying to morph into a different version of yourself to please a man. 
It felt more like you were trying your best to look like your favorite version of yourself. 
You want Eddie to know who you are inside and outside of work, and you really hope that he likes what he finds. 
Eddie stays parked outside of your house for a minute or two to try and settle his nerves.  
You lived in a small, red brick house in a family neighborhood.  There were flowers planted in the beds under your windows, and your front door was painted a deep turquoise color.  Eddie sucks in a breath when he sees your figure moving around through the gauzy white curtains covering your windows.  
How can a hazy silhouette still be so beautiful?
Looking into his rearview mirror, Eddie takes a deep breath.
“You got this man.  Be cool.”
He turns his car off and makes his way to your front door, knocking three times and then taking a step back to wait for you.
It takes all of two seconds for your front door to swing open, revealing you on the other side.
Eddie immediately feels weak in the knees.  You looked so cute in your little boots, and he couldn’t help but to let his eyes trail up the smooth skin of your legs.  He gulped a bit at the short hem of your dress, and then realized he should probably say something.
“Hey you.”
“Hi,” You smile up at him bashfully as he looks you up and down.  You take the opportunity to look him over as well, and damn.  You already knew he was sexy, but his tight tee shirt and pulled back hair made you want to drag him into your house and do things to him…
You only notice that he’s been holding a hand behind his back when he brings it out in front of him, revealing a beautiful bouquet of flowers.  
“These are for you.  I didn’t know which was your favorite, so I just asked the lady to throw together a bunch of different kinds and to make it look pretty.”  Eddie holds the colorful bouquet out to you and smiles sheepishly.  
Your mouth hangs open as you reach out to take them, being so careful for no real reason.  You look up at Eddie with those big, sparkling eyes.
“Thank you so much, Eddie.  These are so incredibly beautiful,” he watches you looking down at the flowers, gently brushing your fingers against their petals.  “Let me run inside and find a vase for them real quick.  Come on in!”
You wave him in behind you and hurry inside.
Eddie tries to suppress the excitement he feels at being invited into your home.  He felt like he already got a good glimpse at who you are and how you express yourself when he was inside your classroom, but he’s now getting to see where you spend the majority of your time, where you live.  As he steps over the threshold and into your house, he readies his brain to take mental pictures of everything he sets his eyes on, just in case he never sees it again.
Instantly, he’s hit with a sense of “home.”  The inside of your house is the perfect temperature and it smells so good and womanly, like your perfume and also like you’ve been baking something but somehow also like flowers…Eddie loves it already.
You scurry off into the kitchen, trying not to think about the fact that Eddie Munson is looking around your house right now.
Where in the hell have all of your vases run off to?
Eddie walks around cooly with his hands clasped behind his back, taking in everything about your space.  Much like your classroom, Eddie is able to spot at least four different sized lamps and light fixtures placed around your entryway and living room.  There were warm white Christmas lights hung up along the ceiling, multiple green-leaved plants in different corners, and Eddie even thinks he spotted a black cat sprinting under your soft looking white sectional.
Overall, he’d give your interior design skills an 11/10. 
He’s just starting to miss you a little when you come out from your kitchen holding your flowers in a sparkly glass vase.  
It’s an odd feeling, seeing Eddie in your house.  His ‘edgier’ look seems like it wouldn’t fit with your overall aesthetic, but to your surprise he looks like he belongs here.  You walk up to him almost in a daze, admiring the silver hoop earrings he’s wearing, the smile on his lips, and the way some of his hair has made its way out of his low bun to frame his face.  
The two of you stand there for a moment looking at each other, with you holding your flowers in between your bodies.  You engage in a staring match for almost a second too long before you break the silence.
“No one’s ever gotten me flowers before,” you sheepishly admit, looking down at them instead of at him.  Eddie grins at the blush that blooms onto your cheeks after your prolonged eye contact.
Eddie scoffs before he can stop himself.
“Seriously?  That’s a damn shame, sweetheart.”
You look up at him again and try not to faint at how easily the word fell from his perfect lips.  Unable to take another second of his eyes on yours, you retreat into your living room to find the perfect place for your new flowers.  You decide to put them on your coffee table, then turn around to find that Eddie had followed you in.  
He offers his arm out to you, “Shall we?”
This time, you can’t fight the smile.
You take his arm and swipe your purse from the coat hanger next to your front door on your way out.
Eddie was the perfect gentleman for the entire duration of the car ride to IKEA.  He had opened the car door for you, he let you pick the music, and he definitely did not sneak a glimpse at your bare, voluminous thighs when your dress shifted as you sat down.  The sweet smell of your perfume spread throughout the interior of his truck, he hopes that smell never fades away.
He couldn’t help glancing over at you every other minute, looking so beautiful in his passenger seat while you bobbed your head to whatever song you had queued up on his phone. 
“Would it be a total invasion of privacy if I played your On Repeat playlist?  I’m dying to know what the music teacher’s favorite music is right now.”  Eddie turned to see that you were smiling pleadingly at him, and how could he say no to that face?
“I suppose,” Eddie sighs dramatically.  “But, you are not allowed to judge me for whatever pops up.”  He playfully points a finger at you while keeping his eyes on the road.  You giggle girlishly.
“I wouldn’t dream of it.”
You hit ‘shuffle’ on Eddie’s playlist and aren’t surprised when the first song that plays through the speakers is ‘The Unforgiven ll’ by Metallica.  You already knew Eddie was a fan of the band thanks to the music he always has playing a tad too loudly whenever you pass by his classroom.
“Oh, I know this song!”
Eddie’s face whips towards you sporting a shocked ‘you’ve gotta be kidding me’ expression.  He was definitely expecting you to be the ‘indie music’ type.  Your eyebrows furrow adorably angrily at the look on his face.  
“What?  A girl can’t like Metallica?” You fix him with a look that tells Eddie he should think twice about his response.
“W-well…I just didn’t expect you to be into them…that’s all.”  You roll your eyes playfully at him and cross your arms.  “But!  I’m very pleasantly surprised that you are!  Girls rule, alright?  Men like…totally suck and stuff.”
You chuckle at his frantic attempt at avoiding a lecture on gender inequality and feminism while settling back into your seat.  And because you actually do know and love this song, you start mouthing the words, which eventually evolves into singing them under your breath.
When Eddie thought he spotted you mouthing the words out of the corner of his eye, he was sure that his eyes were playing tricks on him.  But just barely hearing you singing the words to his favorite Metallica song just further confirmed a fact that he already knew.
Eddie Munson was totally going to fall in love with you.
The rest of the car ride consisted of sharing music, talking about work and life, childhood memories, and other random topics.  Eddie discovered that you love thunderstorms, your cat’s name is Pascal (after the chameleon from Tangled), and that you moved here at the beginning of summer from Chicago.
Eddie swears there’s never been a conversation in history that flowed as well as yours and his.  He felt like he’s known you for years, and he hopes you’re feeling the same way.
You totally are.
Once the two of you made it to IKEA and inside the giant store, Eddie quickly realized that he never really put any thought into what he actually wanted to buy for his classroom.  You swiftly came to his rescue and pulled out your phone to open up Pinterest.
Together, you found a couple pictures that matched the general vibe of Eddie’s classroom.  He grabbed a map of the store and a cart, and set off into the maze of furniture.  
You were back to being shy again, now that you were out in the wild with Eddie.  He found that making jokes about all of the funny names got you giggling, and so he didn’t miss an opportunity.
He made you laugh the hardest next to the Koppang drawers.
You bumped your shoulder into his around the Baggebo bookcases.
His hand brushed yours next to a Tornviken kitchen island. 
And Eddie finally worked up the courage to hold your hand next to a Klippan loveseat.
You gasped a little when you felt his warm hand slide into yours, interlocking your fingers together.  A red hot blush worked its way up your neck as you snuck a glance over at him, only to find that he was already looking at you with a smirk.  He knows exactly what this hand holding is doing to you.
He chuckles smugly as the two of you arrive at the lights section of the store.  As he pushes the cart through the aisles, you’re enamored by the twinkling lights that are draped overhead.  You’re lucky he’s holding your hand, or else you probably would’ve fallen flat on your face.  Eddie can’t help but to stare at you as you stare up at all the different light fixtures.  The different colors and hues of light shine beautifully onto your face, and the soft smile on your lips makes Eddie wish he could just grab you and kiss you right here in the aisle.  But, he figures that would cause you to explode after your reaction to his hand-holding.
He watches as you look further down the aisle at the lamps that are on display there, your face lighting up in recognition.
“Oh!  That’s one that I’ve got in my room!”  You point at an orange, donut shaped light called a Varmblixt.  Eddie recognizes it, you do indeed have one hanging on the wall behind your desk.
“I must have it,” Eddie says with a flourish ,”Never have I seen a more extraordinary donut lamp.”
You giggle and go to grab one to place in the cart, but the box proves to be way heavier than you remember.  Eddie notices as soon as you inhale to exert more effort, and he steps in immediately. 
 No fair maiden such as you should be forced to exert any effort whatsoever in his presence.
“I’ve got it, sweetheart.”
You try not to let the name affect you but once again, you fail.  You’re left blushing and biting your lip, speechless.  You stare unashamed at Eddie as he picks up the heavy box and goes to place it in the cart with ease.  The overhead lights were really doing him favors, every ridge and contour of his body was lit to perfection.  You could see the delicious bulge of his biceps, the ripple of his forearm muscles, and the outline of his chest in his shirt….why is your mouth watering?
Eddie easily places the box in the cart, turning to face you again.  He finds you blushing up at him with wide eyes, and is unable to contain the smug smirk on his face.  The sudden lack of distance between the two of you did not go unnoticed by him, he hoped you couldn’t hear his heart pounding in his chest.
The ‘normal you’ would’ve noticed that you were obviously in Eddie’s personal bubble, and you would’ve taken a step back like the respectable adult that you are.  But the ‘normal you’ was long gone in Eddie’s presence.  This version of you was not unlike the version that existed when you were an awkward teenager who was on the brink of passing out anytime a boy even breathed in your direction. 
While you were busy ogling Eddie’s physique, you’d failed to notice the close proximity between the two of you, which led you to your current situation.  
You and him were so close together, you could feel the warm puffs of air from between his parted lips gently hitting your face.  His gaze trailed down from your eyes to your lips, but you wouldn’t have noticed anyways because you were one step ahead of him.
His lips looked so pillowy and soft, you wondered how they’d feel pressed against yours.  Would he kiss you slowly, gently holding your face in his big hands and brushing his thumbs along the apples of your cheeks?  Or would he be rougher than that, grabbing you by the waist and tugging you into him, kissing you with fire and passion?
Eddie’s eyebrows furrow as he watches you suck your bottom lip into your mouth to bite it.  You’re so goddamn beautiful, and you looked like an angel in this aisle of lights.  A lamp from behind you lights up the silhouette of your hair like a halo, and he can see the lights above his head reflected in your eyes like stars.  
Eddie knows he shouldn’t kiss you right now, not in the middle of IKEA where he can hear kids whining to their parents and couples arguing over which shade of beige would match their living room better.  He knows this, but he can’t stop himself from reaching his hand up to gently grasp your jaw.  His thumb slides from your chin to your bottom lip, tugging it free from your teeth.
His hand snakes down to the side of your neck, and you can feel the slight tremor in his hand.  You’re glad that the situation is affecting him too, because you are freaking out.  
Is he going to kiss you right now?  
On your first date? 
Is this even a date?  
Do you even want him to kiss you?  Idiot, of course you want him to.
Eddie’s eyebrows lift slightly, almost questioning you.  Asking you, ‘Do you want this? Is this okay?’
You answer him with a soft smile, and you feel his hand move behind your neck to pull you in.
It is at this moment that a baby starts to wail one aisle over, effectively ruining any sort of moment you and Eddie had been sharing.
He lets out a frustrated huff, and touches his forehead to yours with closed eyes.  
“Of course,” he groans.
You’re secretly giddy at the fact that he so obviously wanted to kiss you badly.  You bring your hand up to his arm that’s still resting on your neck to give it a reassuring squeeze, and in a surprising burst of confidence, you rise up on your toes to peck him on the cheek.
Eddie’s eyes shoot open at the feeling of your soft lips on his cheek.  He pulls back to stare down at you as his face turns red.
You giggle at him, then turn around to walk down the aisle.
“C’mon, I think I saw another one of my lamps down this way!”
Eddie snaps himself out of his daze with a shake of his head, he’s sure that he’s got hearts in his eyes as he watches you walk away from him.  Grabbing the cart with one hand, he holds his other gently to his cheek, touching the spot that’s still warm from your lips.
Eddie ends up purchasing five lamps from IKEA after an hour and a half of wandering through the aisles with you.  
He can’t help but to act like the loverboy he is when he’s looking at furniture with you.  He fantasizes about a life with you, imagining that the two of you are actually here to pick out items to furnish your shared house.  
He wonders which kind of wood floors you’d pick out and which backsplash you’d want in the kitchen.  You’d probably want to decorate with colorful rugs and throw pillows, and Eddie wouldn’t complain.  Not as long as you’re happy.   He’d live in a pink house decorated with bows and lace trim as long as he was living in it with you.  
Maybe he’s getting ahead of himself, it’s only your first date together right?
If only he knew you were having similar thoughts as you strolled up and down the aisles, hand in hand.  You thought about what kind of decorating he did in his house, you figured it was styled in some way considering the amount of effort he puts into making his classroom look as cool as it does.  Does he have shelves full of records or different posters framed and hung up on his wall?  Which side of the bed does he sleep on?  You hope he likes plants, there’s no way you could part with your beloved greenery if the two of you were to live together.
You’re quick to silence the random thoughts buzzing around in your head, it’s silly to think about these things on your very first date…you don’t even know his middle name yet!
You and Eddie both seem to snap out of your stupors at the same time, sighing simultaneously.  You both turn to look at each other and then begin to laugh, unsure on whether or not the ‘jinx’ rules apply in a sighing situation.  
Eddie pays for the lights, and soon enough you’re both back in his truck.  
It dawns on you that your date is almost over, but you’re quickly redirected when you hear the starting notes to the next song that starts playing when Eddie’s phone connects to his radio.
Is that…Taylor Swift?
You turn to him slowly, confused at why a Taylor Swift song is on his ‘On Repeat’ Spotify playlist.
Eddie’s already staring at you mortified.  He holds a hand up, pausing any words that might’ve come out of your mouth.
“Before you say anything,” he begins ,”I really admire her lyricism.  Girl’s a wizard with words.”
The two of you sit in a charged silence for a moment before you can’t hold in your reaction any longer.  A laugh breaks free from your chest, and Eddie can’t  help but to laugh along with you.
You’re wiping tears from your eyes as your laughter dies down, and Eddie just grins at you.
“I can’t believe it.  The rock and roll music teacher listens to enough Taylor Swift for it to end up on his ‘On Repeat’ playlist.”  You shake your head at him with a wide smile on your face that Eddie wants to take a picture of and frame.  
“Yeah, yeah…laugh it up.  As a music teacher, it’s my duty to appreciate all types of music.”
You nod along to his explanation, “Yes, of course.  How else are you supposed to connect with the teenage girls these days?”
“Right! Yes!”  Eddie exclaims.  “I do this lesson on lyrics and Taylor’s music is a great example of what storytelling in music can look like.  I respect her, hard.”
You stifle another laugh at his emotional Taylor Swift themed outburst.
“This stays between you and I alright?” Eddie points a finger at you playfully.  “If Harrington gets word of this I’ll never live it down.”
“Of course, my lips are sealed.”  You mime zipping your lips shut and throwing away the key.
Eddie settles back into his seat with a huff, boyishly smiling over at you.
“I have a very important question for you Eddie.”
He leans in, intrigued by your seriousness. 
“Which era are you in right now?”
Eddie scoffs, throwing his head back with a groan.  This sends you into another laughing fit, Eddie can’t help but to join in again.  He’s coming to find out that your joy is such an infectious thing.
“Hmm let’s see…,” he muses.  He turns to look at you with one hand on the wheel and a smirk on his face as he puts his keys in the ignition.  
“Right now…I’d have to go with ‘Lover,’” he says with a wink.
Your laughter is cut off abruptly as you gasp and bite your lip, attempting to subdue the cheesy grin that’s surely made its way onto your face by now.  
You stare unashamed as Eddie puts his right hand over the back of your seat to turn around and look through the rear window as he reverses the car out of its parking spot.  You can smell the cologne he must’ve sprayed on this morning, which immediately awakens the butterflies in your stomach.
As soon as Eddie is set on the route back to your house, he holds out his hand expectantly over his center console.  You look at it, then at him, then back at his hand before shyly placing your hand in his.  He’s quick to lace his fingers through yours, holding on tight and running his thumb back and forth.
You’re both thinking that you could get used to this.
Eddie (reluctantly) only lets go of your hand in order to rush around the front of his truck to open your car door for you after he’s pulled into your driveway.  He’s quiet as he walks you to your front door, wondering which way is the best way to ask you out on another date.  
You stop when you reach your door, looking down at your hand in his.  The silence begins to feel just a tad awkward as you both search for something to fill it.
“Thank you,” you start quietly ,”for today.  I had a wonderful time.”
Eddie lets out a relieved breath and grins widely down at you.
“I did too,” he begins, readying himself for his next question.  “Would you…I mean–would you like to…uh…shit, would you want to maybe do it again sometime?”
You know what he means, but it’s still so tempting to tease him when he’s blushing like this.
“Would I want to go to IKEA with you again?”
“N-no!  I mean, if you wanted to we could I guess…b-but I was thinking something more along the lines of dinner?”
You find it adorable how nervous he is to ask you out on a second date, as if you wouldn’t agree to go out to dinner with him tonight.
“I’d love that.”
Eddie’s face lights up with a triumphant smile as he lets out the anxious breath he’d been holding in.  
“Good, that’s really good.”  The way you’re smiling up at him right now is causing him to lose his train of thought.  “Um…how’s tomorrow night?  Around 7?”
“Tomorrow night is perfect.”
“Awesome.  Great, yeah I’ll just…I’ll pick you up, okay?”
You’re beaming as you nod your head, much too ecstatic at the idea of going out with Eddie again to form a coherent sentence.
Eddie finds himself smiling and nodding with you, you’re just too adorable. 
“Hey could I uh…c-could I get your number?” Eddie stammers the question out like he’s a prepubescent teenager, mentally face palming the whole time.
He’s relieved when you chuckle and hold your hand out for him to place his phone in.  He fumbles around trying to give you his phone as quickly as possible, he can’t believe how nervous he feels right now. 
He finally somehow manages to pass over his phone with a new contact page pulled up and ready for you.  You type in your number and name, making sure to add the artist’s palette emoji afterwards.  Eddie laughs through his nose when he sees it, then pockets his phone again.  
There’s a weird tension in the air that can only be brought upon by two people who so obviously want to kiss each other, but are too nervous to make the first move.  Eddie wracks his brain for a way to ask you if it’d be okay for him to kiss you without looking like a total idiot.  It’s really unfortunate that the way you bite your lip causes his mind to completely shut off and switch to autopilot.  
“I really wanna kiss you right now,” he blurts out.
You look up at him, shocked at his bluntness.  Eddie’s even more shocked than you are.
“Y-you probably should then,” you bashfully admit.
Eddie can’t believe that worked.
He steps towards you and softly places one hand on your cheek, the other going to gently grasp the side of your neck similarly to the way he had in IKEA during your almost-kiss.
Your eyes flutter closed as you feel his lips graze yours for the first time.  The feeling is electrifying, and you can’t help but to venture forward for more.  
Your lips were just as soft, if not softer, than Eddie imagined. 
You plunge forward to press your lips against his, instantly deepening the kiss.  Eddie found himself instantly addicted to the feel of your lips and the way you sigh into the kiss.  It’s a shy kiss at first, where the two of you slowly begin to figure out your shared rhythm.  But it wasn’t long before you sank into a synchronized dance, mirroring each other’s movements in a way that crafted the most perfect, earth shattering first kiss.  
You let Eddie Munson kiss you at your front door in a way that you had longed to be kissed for your entire life.  This was how the women you saw in movies or read about in books were kissed.  You’d read about magic and sparks flying, and you think you’re finally starting to believe in all of it.  
Eddie moves his hand from your cheek to your waist, gripping it and pulling you closer to him.  The gasp you let out gave him the sweet opportunity to run his tongue against your bottom lip, asking, pleading for an entrance which you of course granted.  You tasted like autumn and felt like home, he decided he could kiss you for hours on end.
You both stood there for a good five minutes at your front door, making out like giddy teenagers and feeling like them too.  Eddie finally pulls away from your lips, pleased to find you subtly chasing his mouth with your own.  You open your eyes and come out of your kiss-induced haze to find him smiling adoringly down at you with both hands now circling your waist.  
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he whispers, leaning in to kiss you once more. 
“Actually, I’m gonna call you tonight.”  He kisses you again.  “Is that okay?”  Another peck.
You're giggling as he places a final kiss on your forehead, “Yes, please.”
Eddie steps back, grabbing your hand to kiss it like he did on Tuesday.  He pulls you back in with that same hand to plant one last kiss on your lips, then jogs back to his truck.  He waves and quickly honks his horn twice as he pulls away.  
You’re left standing at your front door, watching his truck disappear down your street and reliving every moment of your first kiss with Eddie Munson.
When you finally make your way inside, you make sure to smell your brand new beautiful flowers before scurrying off to your bedroom to pick out an outfit for your second date with Eddie tomorrow night.  
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@josephquinnsfreckles @the-fairy-anon @anukulee @littlebebebunny @meetmeatyourworst @lalalala-melmosworld @someantics @lokis-army-77 @loserboysandlithium @strangerstilinski @mystra-midnight @lesservillain @queenimmadolla @luveline @munson-blurbs @fairyysoup @urhoneycombwitch @oneforthemunny @rebelfell @taintedcigs @wroteclassicaly @eiightysixbaby @bettyfrommars @loveshotzz @lovebugism @carolmunson @rustedhearts @lonelysatellites
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am3ricanh0rrorwh0re · 5 months
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luke cooper x fem!reader
summary: Luke Cooper, the nepotism hire at Dunder Mifflin, starts to get a little crush on you.
warnings: nsfw, car sex, fingering, unchecked writing, smut with little plot
a/n: i had nothing to title this one ✌️
”Coffee monkey has arrived,” You heard Luke’s voice say as he walked into the office area, holding a cardboard carton of coffees. An audible sigh of annoyance escaped the workforce of Dunder Mifflin as a whole, including yourself.
Luke Cooper. Michael Scott’s nephew, who apparently Michael hasn’t seen because he was cut off from that side of his family. No fucking wonder. Luke was lazy, incompetent, ignorant. But Michael still ordered that everyone had to not nag or bother Luke. Nepotism in its finest form, just like fine cut cocaine. Except cocaine actually gave some form of pleasure and satisfaction. Unlike Luke.
“You got my order right, Luke…” You say. Luke gave that smug-ass smile. Luke’s eyes looked you up and down with a smile. It’s like he always got everything right about you. It was weird.
“Just the way you like it, right?” Luke asked, smiling. You roll your eyes, unimpressed by his antics of giving you special attention.
You walked back over to your desk, sighing as you stared down at the cup of Starbucks. Why the fuck was he so lazy with everyone else? He was so lazy, that all he practically did was sit there, smile, and laugh like he was fucking high. But for some reason, you found that…endearing?
About half an hour later, Luke came up to your desk. He smiled at you, tapping his hands on the wood of your desk. You look up a him with a sharp exhale. You put on a fake smile and looked up at him.
“Hey,” You smile.
“Hi,” He smiled back. It was a really bland start to a conversation. He looked exhausted, like always. Exhausted or high.
"What do you need, Luke?" You asked, looking up from your computer screen. Luke had been known for coming around your desk just to annoy you with his antics, but you always brushed him off.
"Nothing, nothing," He replied, scratching the back of his head nervously. You could already guess what he wanted to ask you. But since he hadn't stated it yet, you gave him a chance to spill before you did. 
“I just thought, we haven't hung out ever. Wanna go smoke in my car?" He suggested, smirking slyly.
Letting out a small sigh, you begrudgingly agreed, “Fine. Let’s go.”
soon enough, you two were sitting in the backseat of Luke’s red car, sharing a cigarette with the windows rolled down. “Why do you always get my order right?” You ask.
“Well,” Luke began, taking a drag from his cigarette before blowing out a cloud of smoke. He looked away, clearly trying to come up with a believable excuse. 
“It's simple, really. I pay extra attention to your order so I can get it right. It’s not that hard.” He grinned, trying to hide his nervousness. Maybe he could sense that you saw straight through his lie.
After a few moments of silence, he continued, "Besides... I like making sure you're happy." He muttered, glancing at you sideways. His eyes met yours for a brief moment before he quickly looked away again.
“And I enjoy spending time with you.” He couldn't help but blush as he admitted that last part, the truth behind his actions slowly slipping out. He took another drag from his cigarette, watching the tip glow with each puff. He then offered you his pack of cigarettes, holding it out to you so you could have one if you wanted.
 "Want another? Or should I take it as a sign you're mad?" He joked, trying to lighten the mood. You shake your head, sliding closer to him.
Luke sighs, looking out the window as you scooted closer. He smiled, starting with a quick place of his hand on your thigh. Soon though, you were on his lap, naked from the torso down.
Luke’s fingers slid in and out of your core with precision, like he’d done this a million times before. But you knew he hadn’t. No one would ever in a million years want Luke Cooper’s fingers up their pussy. No one except you. You moaned, your fingers digging into his pants like you were hanging onto a cliff.
“L-Luke-“ You whine, your legs shaking. He laughs at you, moving his fingers in and out quicker now, curving his fingers upwards inside of you. You squeak, exhaling shakily.
He grabs your hips, placing you down next to him as he pulled his fingers out of you. Luke unbuckled his belt before sliding down his pants and boxers. His cock shot up, flushed and covered in precum. He twitched as he looked at you, sighing. You straddled him, hovering just over his tip.
“You’re such a tease,” He whined, grabbing your hips as he forced you down onto his cock gently. A lot more gently than you thought he would. You let out a sharp gasp, your eyes closing as you panted softly.
Luke held your hips, bouncing you up and down on his cock. You never knew you had feelings for Luke until you were riding his dick. Well, you never knew your feelings were this strong. No matter how much he annoyed you, you always wanted to fuck his brains out
. The tip hit your g-spot, making you moan loudly. One of Luke’s hands covered your mouth, his other holding your neck.
“Shh, shh, shh…slower, slower, okay? we can’t rock the car, they’ll see us from up in the office,” He chuckled, panting softly as he held your neck. Luke squeezed your neck, his hand coming off of your mouth to unbutton your shirt.
“That’s it…that’s it. perfect…” He said huskily as you slowed down your bounces. Luke unbuttoned your shirt, peeling it off to kiss your chest. “I knew all these coffee runs would get me somewhere,”
taglist: @fear-is-truth , @dangeroustaintedflawed , @newwavesylviaplath @slutforgarlogan @nickrhodeslittledarling @coentinim @foreverlovestruck
all rights reserved !!
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racinggirl · 7 months
i’m hunting your ask box at this point but i can’t really regret it, your writing is a masterpiece each and every time 🎉
today’s thoughts : smau where y/n and charles always ‘argue’ and make comments against each other on socials, leading people to think they actually hate each other (they’re actually best friends and lovers in secret, and sit together giggling as they tweet stupid shit about each other) they admit the truth with a post of them on a date with the caption “… enemies to lovers?”
the grid know they’re good friends but not that they’re going out until the posts, lando would definitely be like “yep i knew it i called it” when he really did not
lots of love!! <3
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liked by user1, user2, user3 and 73,710 others
An iced coffee a day... (only it's just frappuccino without coffee bc I don't like coffee) 🧋
view all 9,264 comments
user8 you're so real for this, queen
charles_leclerc someone needs to teach Y/N that frappuccino's are just coffee's sugary sidekick
yourusername sorry Charles, I prefer my beverages without a side of bitterness. user2 Am I the only one that feels like Charles and Y/N don't like each other this much? user10 Nope. user1 They hate each other lol
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liked by user4, user5, user6 and 1,402,618 others
Let the season begin 🏎️ ❤️
view all 62,720 comments
yourusername goodluck, you'll need it 😚
charles_leclerc thanks, good to see you're unable to stay away from my posts 😉 yourusername someone should keep an eye on the chaos you bring to my feed. It's a public service, really. charles_leclerc a public service? I should be charging admission for the entertainment I provide 😘 user7 okay they are UNHINGED
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liked by user2, user7, user8 and 92,610 others
is it giving 'that girl' vibes? ✨
view all 5,277 comments
user4 YES IT IS 😍
charles_leclerc you're such a StarBucks addict 🧋
yourusername says the guy that's addicted to having a cup of espresso every morning
user10 wait, how does she know? user6 OMG what if they are dating? user2 lmao, they hate each other, I doubt they are willingly hanging out together
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liked by charles_leclerc, user2, arthur_leclerc and 104,175 others
no cap needed 🌎 ✈️
view all 9,610 comments
user1 liked by Charles AND Arthur? I thought they hated each other?
user3 Why do I feel like we're gonna get mind fucked, they are playing a game and we're all losing 😶
user9 I'm obsessed, girl you're living our dream 😩
user5 where are you going???
yourusername 🇯🇵 ❤️ user6 THE JAPAN GP? OMG
user2 hold up, no Charles x Y/N banter in the comments?
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, scuderiaferrari and 126,710 others
@charles_leclerc have to admit, I would make a pretty good WAG 💋
view all 15,710 comments
charles_leclerc if only you would choose F1 over soccer 😘
yourusername I'll come back to you about that in a week
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one week later
yourusername & charles_leclerc
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, f1 and 2,516,470 others
Enemies to lovers?...
Took you a while to figure that out, happy 2 years baby ❤️
view all 74,571 comments
charles_leclerc I love you ❤️
yourusername I love you more ❤️ ❤️
landonorris yep, I knew it, called it
charles_leclerc no you did not, you tried to hit on her 😂 yourusername you could learn something from his flirting skills tho, at least Lando didn't ask me if 'falling down from heaven hurt' 💀 charles_leclerc It worked though, didn't it 😉
user7 that sixth picture though 😩 ❤️
user8 I want what they have 😍
a/n: thank you for sending in the request sweety! It really means a lot! Hopefully you’ve enjoyed it! As I mentioned before, I will have a small break. I’ve got 3 requests in my askbox atm, but if you have an idea for a story, don’t hesitate to hunt my askbox again and send it in. I’m not 100% sure when I’ll be back exactly, but it shouldn’t be too long. Lots of love 💗
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megangovier · 6 months
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Pairing: Stepdad! Joel x f!reader
Summary: Joel asked you to borrow your laptop to search for work stuff, but something caught his eye. As he clicked on it a smirk grew on his face. He had found your Tumblr account filled with fics of older men and your deepest dark fantasies.
No mention of y/n
wc- 738
Cw: 18+ only | smut | use of daddy| biting | oral! f | manhandling | dirty talk | degrading | slight choking | masturbation!m | dry humping | spanking | Minors do NOT interact!
Joel had knocked on your bedroom door coming in to ask if he could borrow your laptop, you agreed and gave it to him. As Joel opened up your laptop, sitting on the corner of your bed you had just gone out to get two coffees and a few cupcakes from Starbucks which was only a few blocks away from the house, as Joel was about to open up a tab on google, he clicked on the tab that was already opened. Called "Tumblr" as he scrolled down on your dashboard what looked like fics appeared.
As he clicked on the first one and looked through it a chuckle escaped his throat "damn, didn't know she was this needy for dilfs, what a slut." the more he looked through the fics you wrote of older men and what you wanted them to do to you the more his pants were becoming a tent. Joel moved up to the headboard, got comfortable and slipped his hand down his pants.
Half an hour later...
Joel was still on your bed, with his hand around the bars of the headboard. Gripping tightly, knuckles turning white flushed face growls and groans escaped his throat. He couldn't believe he was doing this, but that dirty mind of yours has got him to where he is now grabbing the headboard bars and the other hand down his kelvin Kleins. Joel was so close to his high but heard the downstairs door open, quickly getting his hand out his pants, putting the laptop on home screen and rushing to the bathroom he washed his hands, sorted himself out and came out the bathroom to go downstairs to get his coffee and cupcake.
Joel and you were sitting at the table opposite each other enjoying iced cold brew and tasty treat to go with it, but in mind he was thinking of a different kind of treat that glistening honeypot between those thick thighs of yours. Side eyeing you he was still surprised by what you wrote about men who were over 15+ years older than you, you seemed so innocent like an angel to him, but he guesses he doesn't know you at all. As time went on you both were sat on the couch wrapped in a blanket watching tv.
As a commercial came on Joel looked at you, clearing his throat ready to ask you a question "Can I um- ask you something?" looking at his beautiful brown eyes that you've always loved "sure" you said. Turning his body to imitate yours, he looked up at the ceiling then back to you "so when I was on your laptop to find something out, I came across this tab that was already opened and clicked on it" Looking at him, face white, eyes widened. You couldn't help but feel embarrassed. "Oh god, you didn't read those fics did you?" Joel scratched the back of his head looking up.
Getting up from the couch and rushing upstairs to your bedroom, grabbing your laptop and opening it, your heart racing and sweat dripping down your neck, hand shaking you clicked on Tumblr and could see he had looked at your fics. Joel grabbed you from behind, a squeal escaped your mouth. "it's okay bunny, it's only daddy." a whine left your throat. His breath was on your neck biting your ear making you grind up against him. Taking the laptop from your hands putting it on desk beside your bed, he pushed you onto the mattress.
His chest to your back, a hand wrapped around your throat from behind, his lips to your ear. "Daddy will be extremely careful with you little one, unless you say otherwise". Knees on the floor, Joel hiked up your skirt. grabbing your panties, sliding them down he inhaled the sweet scent. "Damn baby, you smell good, now let's see if you taste like it".
Grabbing your thighs from behind he slipped his warm tongue inside, a moan left your throat. Growling into your honeypot a whine left your lips. "Fuck, I could spend hours between your legs, so warm and sweet." as your legs started to shake, he knew you were close. "Come on baby, cum all over my fucking face" he said aggressively. The words made goosebumps crawl over your skin, a hand spanked your ass hard, making you come undone all over his pretty face.
"Well done baby."
@toxicrecs @toxicanonymity💗
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rafeandonlyrafe · 11 months
just friends
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words: 3.1k
warnings: drinking
“hey rafey.” you call, bouncing into the room and giving him a kiss on the very top of his head.
rafe eyes kelce and topper immediately. “only she gets to call me that.” he says sternly, and they both nod, knowing he’s not kidding about that.
“what are you doing, y/n/n?” rafe asks as you start to rifle through the cabinets in his kitchen. 
“getting something to eat.” you say with a shrug, frowning when you can’t find any snacks you like.
“here.” rafe stands up from the stool he’s sitting on and pushes it back under the counter, rounding it to place a hand on your back and guide you to the pantry. he opens it and grabs your favorite bag of chips, knowing exactly what you prefer after 15 years of friendship.
“perfect!” you say happily, giving rafe a dazzling smile, pouring some in a bag and handing rafe the bag back to put away. you head out of the room, going to eat in front of the tv. rafe watches you leave before returning to his spot between topper and kelce.
“why aren’t you dating her again?” kelce asks, making rafe give him a slap on the arm.
“she’s my best friend.” rafe clarifies. you’re the one good thing he’s managed to keep in his life, a light in the darkness, his only source of joy some days when his dad is being particularly cruel or the pain of missing his mom gets too great.
“hey rafe, i was wondering if you were gonna miss family dinner.” your mom says, giving him a quick hug.
“and miss your cooking? never mrs y/l/n.” rafe smiles, always putting his charm on when he’s around your parents, despite them already loving him like he’s her own son.
“y/n is outside on the daybed, i think we’ll eat outside since it’s such a nice day.”
“that sounds perfect.” rafe heads towards the door before turning back to call, “let me know if you need any help!”
you look up from your phone when rafe comes out onto the patio, smiling at your best friend. “come hereeeee, rafey.” you say, dropping your phone and opening your arms to him.
rafe joins you on the daybed, resting his head on the pillow next to you as he lays down, pulling you into his hold. you grin as you snuggle into his hold, resting your head against his chest, feeling the familiar heartbeat against your cheek.
you don’t even need to speak, simply relaxing and enjoying being around each other, rafe rubbing his hand up and down over your back, you tracing shapes on his torso.
your mom carries the dishes to the outdoor table, with the help of your dad who just got home from work. “do you think they’re finally going to realize that they’re in love with each other now that they’re older?” your mom asks with a sigh, wiping her hands on her apron as she watches the two of you.
“i’m sure they will soon.” your dad says, placing a hand on his wifes back, “on their own time.”
rafe grins as you walk down the stairs and into the dining room, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. your hair is a mess of curls, sticking out in every direction from your scalp.
“why-” you say, flopping down on the seat next to rafe, “do you look so awake right now?”
you thought you were getting up early when you dragged yourself out of bed at 10 am after a movie marathon with rafe that lead you far too late in the night.
“you know i always sleep best when you’re in the bed with me.” rafe says, offering you his bowl of cereal, knowing he can get more later, wanting you to eat as well. you accept it, talking about the movie as you finish off the honey nut cheerios.
“hey y/n.” wheezie greets you, also still in her pajamas, but you’re so comfortable with each other that she doesn’t mind, it’s nowhere near the first time.
“hey wheez.” you say with a smile.
“did you sleep over?” she asks.
“mhm!” you hum in response. “do you wanna do something today wheez? i can take you shopping if you want.” “oh yeah!” wheezie says. “let me get dressed.” “woah, woah, slow down! eat first then we can get some starbucks, okay? besides i still have to shower.” “okay, thanks y/n/n.” wheezie says, rushing out of the room.
“i can’t believe my little sister is stealing my best friend from me.” rafe pouts, crossing his arms.
“oh shush.” you say, standing up and pressing a kiss to his cheek. 
“ugh!” you shout, watching the liquid fall down the front of your dress, soaking the material. your bottom lip quivers. you felt so beautiful tonight, your hair and makeup came out perfectly, but now the beer spilled down your front is ruining that completely.
“i’m so so sorry-” the man begins to apologize, but rafe is already hovering over you, giving the guy a look that his him almost shaking in fear.
“get. out.” rafe manages to say through gritted teeth. the man backs away, heading out of the party.
“rafe, you didn’t have to make him leave.” you say with a pout.
“but i did, he ruined your pretty dress, baby.” rafe hates the look on your face, would do anything to make you smile again, to make you feel better.
you sniffle at the mention of your dress. rafe completely forgets that he’s supposed to be hosting this party right now, taking your hand and tugging you inside of the house and up the stairs.
“come on, sarah wouldn’t mind if you wear something of hers.” rafe says, directing you into his sisters room. you know he’s right, you’re practically a big sister to sarah with how much you’re around. you’ll send her a text promising to give the dress back clean and take one out of her closet.
rafe waits outside the door as you change, taking the dirty dress and tossing it into the laundry room to deal with later. 
“i’m so sorry, bunny.” rafe says, using the nickname he gave you originally in third grade when you would come over just to bounce on his trampoline, until you begged your parents enough that they got one as well.
“it’s okay.” you say, shoving him away from you once you get downstairs, “now go get more beers, i’m sure we’re running low.” rafe nods, letting you boss him around, the one person who can tell him what to do and he’ll actually listen.
you head back out to the party, your friend coming up to you and handing you a drink. “thank youuu.” you coo, taking a sip of the bitter liquid.
“you know, nobody believes you guys are just friends.” she says with a laugh.
“huh?” you ask, only half listening as your eyes scan the party.
“you and rafe, everyone thinks theres something more going on.” “oh my god.” you roll your eyes, sick of this conversation surrounding yours and rafes relationship. “we are just friends! just really good friends!” you say.
“uh huh.” your friend says, and you can tell that she absolutely does not believe you.
“rafey, i’m cold.” you say, tucking yourself underneath his arm, giving a tug at the sweatshirt covering his waist.
“i told you to put something warmer on!” rafe says, taking his eyes off the football game you’re watching to tug his sweatshirt off, hanging it over to you without a second thought. 
“you also said you liked my shirt, so you’re sending a lot of mixed signals here.” you say as you pull the sweatshirt over your head, making rafe chuckle.
you make sure he’s not going to get cold himself by wrapping your arms around him, keeping your body close together to share your heat. you breathe deeply into the collar of his sweatshirt, loving the comforting scent.
“this is exactly what i mean.” your friend says when she rejoins you after getting a pretzel from a snack vendors.
“what do you mean?” you ask.
“nobody believes you’re just friends.”
“i’ve literally-” your declaration is interrupted by a loud hiccup, “never been drunk in my life.” 
“me either.” rafe says, pulling you onto his lap, head lolling forward against the back of your neck, pressing his lips to the skin there that’s exposed by your bikini.
“you guys went ham.” topper laughs from the other side of the boat, also now just chilling on the sofas after the boat was brought back to the dock and most of the people got off, signaling the end of the party.
“i don’t think i can move.” you manage to slur out, turning to sit sideways on rafes lap so you can rest your head against his shoulder. 
“you’re more than welcome to sleep on the yacht.” topper says, “my parents won’t be back until monday.” “mmkay.” you say, tracing your fingers over rafes jaw. “thanks top.” rafe looks down at you, an unfamiliar emotion in his eyes, one he usually hides from you. it makes you sit up straight, turning to fully face him now, straddling his lap.
“kiss me.” you say, taking his cheeks into your hand and squeezing them slightly, even as your head spins from the amount of alcohol you’ve taken in over the course of the evening.
“yeah.” rafe nods, pulling you tight against him, keeping his hands on your waist as your mouths connect in a sloppy, messy drunk kiss. 
“hey, hey.” topper is suddenly pulling you guys apart. “you’re way too drunk for kissing.” he’s thankful that he opted to drive the boat, meaning that he’s not as insanely drunk as you two are.
“n-no.” rafe says, trying to go to push topper away, but his arm falls before he can even raise it halfway up.
“let me kiss rafe, top, please, i love him so much.” you say, pushing your mouth back against rafes, 
“no, you’re best friends, remember!” topper says, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you off of rafes lap, ignoring your whines at being separated. “now, y/n, you come with me and you can take the main bedroom, rafe can sleep on the couch.” “noo, i want rafe, i want him.” you whine, but the minute your head hits the pillow, you’re out like a light.
you and rafe don’t remember anything from after the party, and topper decides not to tell you about the drunken kiss, not wanting you to feel regret.
“what do you want?” rafe asks, knowing you don’t like to order and prefer him to do it.
your hands are firmly grasped together as your eyes look over the options. “umm, two scoops of chocolate chip cookie dough.” you say.
“in a bowl? with sprinkles?” rafe asks, knowing that’s usually what you prefer.
“mhm.” you nod, “thanks rafey.”
you let him order his own ice cream and then your own, swaying your hands between your bodies.
“you two are cute together, how long have you been together?” the woman behind the counter asks.
“oh no.” rafe laughs, handing over the cash for the ice cream. “we’re just friends.”
the womans eyes drop to your conjoined hands, and you realize how it looks, letting your hand open and drop away from rafes.
“suuure.” the woman nods, stepping away from the counter to prepare your ice cream.
you watch in silent anger as rafe dances with the girl, whose name you think is stephanie but you can’t be sure.
“just go over there, he’s just having fun with her, he only has eyes for you.” topper says, seeing the sad look on your face.
“what? no.” you shake your head, forcing a laugh out. “i’m fine.” “you certainly don’t look fine. you look heartbroken.” topper says.
“come on, you know he’s my best friend.” you say, forcing your eyes away from the dance floor to look at topper.
“dance with me then.” topper stands up, offering you his hand. “just for fun, i know you don’t have feelings for me.” 
you smile at your friend, often forgetting that while you and rafe are extremely close and have been for years, that topper was also there with you for a lot of the time.
“okay.” you place your hand in his, letting him pull you off your seat and towards the edge of where everyone is dancing. you move stiffly at first, unused to the feeling of someone other than rafe touching you, but eventually you get into the rhythm, laughing as topper twirls you around.
you’re not even really dancing to the beat of the song, just letting topper move you as he pleases. you let yourself get lost under the colorful lights, your hands coming up to make movements in the air as toppers hands grip your waist, moving his body behind yours.
you close your eyes and grind your hips back against his, until you’re suddenly pulled away, making your eyes snap open.
“rafe!” you shout as rafe holds you against his body, shoving topper away from you. “what are you doing?” 
“it’s fine, y/n.” topper says, knowing the look of jealousy in rafes eyes.
“no, it’s not fine.” you cross your arms, stepping away from rafe. “don’t be mean to top, you can’t get upset that he’s dancing with me when you’re off with another girl.” you turn and walk away from rafe, knowing he’s on your heels as you head up to his room.
“y/n!” he shouts, slamming the door shut behind you. 
“no, it’s not fair.” you say, flopping down on his bed that you practically treat like your own. “it’s not fair that you get to go have fun, hook up with girls, but the second i even dance with our friend, you pull me away?”
rafe sits down on the edge of the bed, his back to you. “you’re right.” 
“i am?” you ask, surprised that rafe conceded so quickly. 
“it’s not fair that i get jealous but don’t expect you to be.” rafe moves so he’s laying down next to you, face to face. 
“there’s nothing to be jealous of anyways, rafe.” you say, placing your hand on his face, stroking your fingers over the smooth plans of his cheek. “i was just having fun with top, he was making me feel better because i was upset watching you with a different girl.” rafe nods, pulling you in tight to his body. you sigh softly at being in his hold, knowing you’re the one at the end of the day who gets to be with him.
“i love you.” rafe suddenly says. he’s said it before, a million times, but you can tell that this time is different.
“no, i love you. let me say it.” rafe says, opening his mouth to talk more but your ears seem to stop working, tuning him out as your mind starts to race. years of friendship, years of being by each other's side.
“i-i…” you shake your head, jumping out of bed and running down the stairs, out of the house.
“it’s been an entire week since you’ve seen rafe, why don’t i call him and have him come over?” your mom asks, rubbing your head as you pull the covers up even further. you have barely gotten out of bed since rafes confession, ignoring all the times he’s texted and called you.
“mom, he’s the problem.” you groan. “i don’t want to see him.” “mmm.” your mom hums.
“please, just let me sleep. i’m tired.” you say. you haven’t been able to sleep properly, like your body knows that something is wrong, that the balance is off.
“okay, honey.” your mom drops a kiss to your forehead, closing the door behind her when she leaves.
“he’s never missed a family dinner.” you hear your dad whisper to your mom.
“i didn’t invite him.” you say, making them jump, not realizing that you were listening from your seat in the dining room.
“he doesn’t need an invitation.” your mom says, returning to stirring the pot.
“mom, stop-” you pause when you hear a knock at your door. a familiar knock, a pattern you recognize instantly. 
your mom gives you a pointed look. “you let him in or i do.”
your hands are shaking as you head toward the front door, opening it to reveal rafe standing there, hands in his pockets. “i’m sorry.” rafe says, eyes on the ground. “i shouldn’t have said anything.” you step out onto the porch, closing the door behind you so your parents can’t eavesdrop. “aren’t you scared?” you ask, making rafe blink up at you.
“aren’t you scared that we might not work? we’ve been friends since we were in kindergarten. what if we throw all of that away be-because we try- i don’t know rafe!”
“shh.” rafe says, taking your face in his hands. “you’re overthinking it baby.”
you shake your head in confusion, trying to turn away, but rafe pushes you against the wall, forcing you to keep your eyes on him. “i love you. and you love me, i know it.” 
your traitorous eyes drop to his lips, how close they are to your own. “i do love you.” you whisper, and that’s all rafe needs to hear as he presses your lips together. you melt into the kiss, letting rafe deepen it, his hands keeping your head in place while yours clutch at his shirt, not letting him pull away, not after wanting this for so long.
“i love you.” rafe whispers against your lips, giving you another kiss.
“i love you too.” you say with a giggle, letting rafe lift you and spin you in a circle.
“oh my god, wait until your parents find out.” rafe opens the door, tugging you inside. you follow him happily, head dizzy with love. 
“rafe!” your mom says happily, both of your parents eyes looking at the way you’re wrapped around each other.
instead of speaking, rafe drops his head and presses his lips against yours, to the backdrop of your parents cheers.
“oh topper.” you sing as you skip to sit between him and rafe. 
“hey, y/n.” he says, giving you a friendly smile.
“i have something to tell you.” you say, linking your hand with rafe. topper looks at you expectantly, waiting for you to speak. you just raised your joined hands with rafe and give it a shake, hoping he gets the message.
“what?” topper asks.
you laugh, obviously holding hands too much with rafe before you starting dating that it’s nothing telling to topper, so you turn and bring your knee over to the other side of rafes lap, smashing your lips together in a kiss. you pull away after a second to look at topper, “oh, thank god you’re not drunk this time.” he says, pressing a hand against his chest.
“wait, what?” you are rafe say in unison.
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afictionaladventure16 · 6 months
Hey! I love your Tim Bradford x teen! Reader fics! Was wondering could you do another one? Reader reconnects with someone they met through the system who's had a rough go. Maybe they were in the same house for a while and relied on each other a lot in that house to keep each other safe. But as they reconnect reader doesn't realise how toxic the relationship is. Tamara knows the dodgy stuff that the kid gets up to from her time in the system and warns Lucy and Tim because she doesn't want reader to fall back into bad habits with them. Maybe reader gets in trouble and calls Tamara to save them?
Reconnections and Regrets (Tim Bradford x Teen!Foster!Reader)
The Rookie Masterlist
Warnings: Mentions of guns and drugs
Summary: After trying to reconnect with people in the past, y/n realizes quickly why the past should stay in the past.
Author's note: I feel like this one wasn't the best fic I've done so far. I really liked this idea for the fic, though! I hope you enjoy it! Send in some more Tim Bradford x Teen!reader angsty fics!
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You had promised yourself that you wouldn’t get back into your old habits. 
That you would forget your past and move forward, just like Tamara had done, and just as every other kid within the system wishes they could do. To have the ability to find someone to take you under their wing and help you forget your past. An opportunity to start over. 
But here you were, texting an old friend with plans to catch up later that afternoon. You couldn’t help but smile at the messages, you were excited to catch up with old friends. But most of all, you were excited to catch up with a special someone that you hadn’t seen since Tim took you in. 
The special someone was a boy named Jacob, the two of you had been in a foster home together when you were younger and he protected you from your foster father and well, you tried to do the same. You couldn’t help but develop feelings for him over the years. 
The last you heard about him was that he was living with his cousin, from what you knew, this cousin was bad news and you could not help but worry about Jacob living there. Especially since he stopped responding to your messages when he moved in with his cousin. It felt like he had just pushed you away. 
“What are you smiling about?” Tamara asked as she sat on the couch beside you. You had come over since Tim wasn’t home yet, and well, since Lucy and Tim were dating it now felt like you had two homes instead of one. 
“Nothing,” you responded. 
You could feel Tamara peeking over your shoulder to look at your phone, you quickly locked it and put it on your lap. 
“Please don’t tell me you’re talking to Jessica,” she pleaded. 
“Alright, I won’t.” 
She rolled her eyes, “Y/N, you know how I feel about her.” 
“Look, I’m just trying to reconnect, what harm-” 
“You know what can happen. You gotten out of that life and now you’re trying to go back? You get Starbucks on the daily, you’re in the cheer team and you go to a self-defense class for crying out loud. You’re not the same girl you used to be, so don’t think they’ll be coming at you with open arms.” 
You gave her a small glare, “Stop acting like you don’t think about going back to see your old friends from time to time.” You got up from the couch, “Maybe instead of focusing so much on my life, you should take a look at yours first.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Tamara asked as she followed you as you walked towards the door, “Where are you going?” 
“Out,” you stated as you walked out of the apartment. 
“Fuck,” Tamara exclaimed. Maybe she should’ve kept her mouth shut, but she felt she had to say something, otherwise, you would end up hurt. But now she felt like she had made things worse. 
On the other hand, you were annoyed by how she was right and maybe you got angry with her out of fear. Fear that maybe your friends, like Tamara had said, wouldn’t be as inviting as you think they would be. You hadn’t just changed through your personality but through your appearance too. You now had someone who would take you shopping for clothes you always wanted to wear, but never did out of fear of them getting stolen or taken from you. 
You acted like a completely different person now. A person who learned to trust a little more easily and you now weren’t afraid to just be yourself. 
On my way over, you sent it to Jessica. 
It wouldn’t take long for you to get back to the old neighborhood, it was a twenty-minute bus ride away. Or thirty minutes walking, but with the Los Angeles heat, you’d take your chances with the bus. 
A couple of hours passed, and Tamara had not received anything from you. Beginning to worry had already surpassed, she was the definition of completely terrified of what could go wrong. She should’ve texted Tim or Lucy the second you left, but she wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt, but not the guilt was eating away at her. She let out a frustrated groan and called Lucy. 
Lucy picked up after a few rings, “What’s up?” 
“Look before you start yelling, I was trying to warn her okay?” 
Lucy furrowed her eyebrows, “What happened?” 
“Please don’t be mad, but Y/N was here and I saw her messaging one of her old friends and we got into an argument about it and now she’s not responding and I’m scared she’s gonna fall back into some bad habits, especially because this girl is known for doing certain things.” 
“How long ago did she leave?” Lucy asked. 
“Like two hours ago,” Tamara confessed. 
“And you’re barely calling me?” Lucy raised her voice, but quickly let out a sigh, “Do you think she went to see this friend?” 
“I know she did,” Tamamra hesitantly said. 
“Alright, for now, we’ll just see things out. We can’t just go there all guns blazing when there is no trouble,” Lucy stated. Although, she wanted to go all guns blazing because she was worried for Y/N’s safety. 
“Are we going to tell Tim?” 
“Tim already knows,” Tim announced. Tamara could hear the anger in his voice, and the fact that he never said anything until now, meant that he was indeed angry. 
“Look, just keep us updated, let us know if you hear anything from her, alright?” Lucy said. 
“Alright,” Tamara hung up the phone. 
Lucy didn’t say anything to Tim, she waited until he did, but he remained silent. 
Lucy let out a deep breath, “do you want to talk about it?” 
“Talk about what?” Tim asked. 
Lucy rolled her eyes, “About Y/N sneaking off to see her old friends? I mean, it’s obvious that you’re angry.” 
“I’m not angry.” 
“You’re not?” She asked in almost disbelief. 
“I’m disappointed. I thought she trusted me enough to tell me things, well, I thought we had gotten to that point. Now I feel like we hadn’t made any progress at all.” 
“You know that’s not true,” Lucy began to say. 
“Is it?” Tim cut her off, “because from my perspective, it doesn’t look good. I love this kid and I want to be more than just another foster home for her, but almost every time we get close to making a breakthrough she pushes me away.” 
Lucy sighed, she felt that maybe with her experience with Tamara, she would know what to say, but somehow this was different. “Just give her some time,” Lucy suggested. 
Tim wanted to say that he had given her all the time in the world, but that made it sound like he was giving up, and he didn’t want to give up. He just wished he knew what to do. 
You had been with Jessica walking around your old neighborhood for the past two hours, hoping to run into Jacob and it didn’t take you too long. 
From a distance, you can see Jacob at the park talking to some guys that looked to be older. 
Jessica smirked as she watched you stare at Jacob from a distance, “you know he still asks about you.” 
You scoffed, “really?” she gave you a nod, “yet he won’t return a text.” 
“He thinks he’s too tough for all that shit now, he even dropped out of school,” Jessica commented. She walked in front of you, “We should go over there,” she suggested. 
Now that you were here, you had a sort of fear lingering in the back of your head. You knew the chances of hanging out with Jacob meant that you could get into trouble, but that voice inside of your head just wanted to talk to him once more. 
You shrugged, “I don’t know.” 
“Oh come on, Y/N. Don’t act like your main purpose for hitting me up was so you could see him again,” Jessica grabbed your hand and began leading you to the park. That fear within the back of your head was beginning to get louder the closer you got to Jacob. 
“Maybe I should go home,” you began to say. Jacob was only steps away and at the sound of your voice he quickly turned around. 
“No way,” he said with a smile on his face. “Ain’t no way she came back to see us,” he exclaimed as you sighed and walked up to him. “For a second I was beginning to think you were too good for us.” 
You rolled your eyes at his comment, “How you’ve been?” you asked. 
He glanced over at his friends then diverted his eyes back at you, “I’ve been decent.” Jessica walked over to his friends, of course she would know who they were. She was quick to strike up a conversation with them. Jacob took a couple of steps away from the group, gesturing for you to get closer. 
“I heard you’re staying with your cousin,” you began. 
“You shouldn’t have come back, Y/N,” Jacob warned. “You got out and I’m proud that you did.” 
“It’s not too late for you to do the same,” you commented. 
He shook his head, “I’m too deep in this shit.” You knew what that meant. You knew that his chances of getting out of this life were gone. “You really shouldn’t have come back, people know you’re staying with a cop. My cousin knows,” he began. 
Your heart began to race, “Why did you stop texting me back?” You asked. You had to ask before you left, you knew his cousin had beef with cops and anyone associated with them. 
“You left and well, I had to go with my cousin and that meant-” 
“I know,” you interrupted, not wanting to hear him say it. To hear him say that he stopped talking to you not just for your own good, but his as well. 
“You really should go,” he began to say. From the distance you could hear the roar of an engine, it caught Jacob’s attention. “Fuck,” he whispered. 
“Sounds like your cousin is back,” One of the other guys began to say. 
You looked over at Jessica, “we should go,” you said. 
Jessica opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by the roar of the engine, a second later a car came into view and parked in the parking lot of the park. 
A guy came out of the car and began making his way over to the group, “So the rumors are true,” he began to say. “Jacob’s little girlfriend is back,” He smirked. 
“Hey, Frankie,” you said. 
“Is that all I get? Hey Frankie?” He scoffed before looking over at Jacob, “I need you to come with me,” he began as he glanced over at you, “and bring your little girlfriend.” 
“No, Frankie. You already know she liv-” 
“Did you just tell me no?” Frankie interrupted Jacob. “Do you not remember the last time I had to put you in your place?” Jacob clenched his fists, “or do you need a refresher?” 
“Fine,” Jacob grabbed a hold of your hand, “let’s go.” 
“Wait, what? I-I need to go home,” you pleaded. 
“No, no,” Frankie began, “you’re coming with us now.” 
You felt your anxiety rise within you, this is what Tamara had warned her about. This is what she was afraid of and now it was too late. 
“Jacob,” you whispered to him as soon as you stepped away from Frankie, “Where are we going?” 
“I don’t know,” he whispered. “I told you, you shouldn’t have come back.” 
You remained silent, the best thing you could do right now was to stay calm. 
Frankie drove the two of you two a house down the street, he led the two of you inside, “Dude, what the fuck, why did you bring us here?” 
“I told you I wanted to show the business,” Frankie said. 
“And you thought it was wise to bring her here?” Jacob commented. You looked around to see equipment you couldn’t recognize and powder inside blenders. You knew what was happening here wasn’t good at all, it was a lab of some sorts. A shitty one at that. 
“I want her to see what we’re doing, if she says anything then I know who ratted us out,” Frankie stated. 
Jacob shook his head, “that is the stupidest thing you have ever said. I swear you’ve lost it since you started using.” 
“What the fuck did you just say to me?” 
“Did you not hear yourself? You want her to purposely rat us out, for what? For us to lose everything?” 
Frankie pulled out a gun and aimed it at you, “So then should I just shoot her?” 
Your eyes widen, “What the fuck, Frankie!” Jacob exclaimed as he stood in front of you. You clung to Jacob’s arm, you could feel tears beginning to well up in your eyes. 
One of the guys from earlier came running in, “We got a problem.” 
Frankie sighed and put his gun back in his belt, “what?” 
“Enrique is here and I don’t think he wants to talk anymore.” 
Frankie looked at the man with anger in his eyes, “Stay here,” he told Jacob before walking out front. You pulled out your phone as soon as Frankie left. 
“What are you doing?” Jacob asked. 
“I-I was in over my head coming here,” You began as you looked for Tamara’s contact. 
Jacob rolled his eyes, “Calling your cop dad is just going to get me locked up,” He commented. 
“You wanted me to go, so now I’m calling my friend to get me the fuck out of here,” you stated. You heard a gunshot coming from outside, before you could even ask Jacob anything, he ran outside. You called Tamara, hoping she would pick up fast and that she wouldn’t say a word about this to Tim. 
“Y/N!” Tamara exclaimed. 
“Tamara,” you choked out, “I-I need your help.” 
Tamara face fell, “Where are you?” 
“I don’t know, we were at the old neighborhood and Frankie showed up and he-he’s on something and it looked like he wanted to show Jacob a-” Another gunshot rang outside, you jumped to the sound. You ran from your spot in the living room, you found a bathroom in the hallway. 
“What was that?” Tamara asked. 
You closed the door behind you, locking it before jumping inside the tub. “Please, help me.” 
“Okay, okay, stay on the phone. I’m gonna connect Lucy okay?” Tamara quickly added Lucy to the call. “Please pick up,” Tamara said to herself. 
“Tamara,” Lucy began, “you hear anything from Y/N?” 
“Lucy,” you said. 
“Lucy, I added you to the call,” Tamara explained. 
Lucy quickly put the phone on speaker, Tim was quick to understand what was going on. 
“Y/N, Hon are you okay?” Tim asked. 
Just hearing his voice made you feel even more guilty, you felt the tears fall down your cheeks, “I’m sorry,” you choked out. 
“Y/N, honey, it’s okay, right now I need you to tell me if you’re okay, are you hurt in any way” Tim reassured. 
“N-No,” you stated. 
“Good, where are you?” 
“I-I don’t know. Some house in the old neighborhood.” 
“Y/N, do you think you can share your location with me?” Lucy suggested. 
You placed the phone on speaker as you went on your phone to share your location, “There,” you stated. 
“There it is,” Lucy said. 
“Let’s go,” Tim said as he placed the shop in drive. 
Another gunshot ranged through the air, “What was that?” Tamara asked. 
“That sounded like a gun,” Tim stated as he drove. 
You stayed on the phone with them until they had gotten there. You had hung up the phone once they arrived, You could hear the gunshots coming from outside, meaning that Lucy and Tim’s presence wasn’t welcomed. Sirens were coming from the distance, you felt a little at ease knowing that backup was coming. 
Still, you remained in the bathroom until it was safe. The shots subsided and you heard footsteps within the house. A few seconds later someone knocked on the door, “Y/N?” Tim called out. 
You quickly got up from your position in the bathtub and opened the door. Before Tim could even react, you had your arms wrapped around his torso, he let out a relieved sigh as he hugged you back. 
“I’m sorry,” you cried out. 
“It’s okay,” He said as he gently rubbed your back. “It’s alright, let’s just go home.” 
You agreed, following him outside. You looked around for Jacob, making eye contact with him as he sat inside one of the shops. Tim had noticed, he knew that you needed this closure with your past, “hey, roll down the window,” he told the officer who sat inside the shop. He did as he was told. 
Jacob stayed silent, “I guess this is goodbye,” you began to say. 
“Next time, stay out of this neighborhood,” he warned. You gave him a nod, “And if there is a next time, I probably won’t be as inviting.” 
Tim gestured for the cop to roll up the window, he knew you didn’t need to hear more. “There won’t be a next time,” you whispered as you walked away from the shop. 
“Y/n!” you heard Tamara call out. 
“Tamara!” You ran up to her, she engulfed you in a hug. “I’m sorry for everything I said.” 
“It’s the past now,” she said. “Let’s just forget about it,” she said as she let go of the hug. 
“Tamara is gonna take you home until my end of shit,” Tim stated. “We’ll talk then, alright?” 
You gave him a nod, following Tamara to her car. 
“If there is anything I learned today, it’s that the past is the past,” you said once you got in the car. “And you’re right, I’m not the same girl I was a year ago.” 
“We’re lucky,” Tamara began, “Not a lot of us get this opportunity in life and when we do, we do everything we can to not go back.” Tamara started the car. You knew that you wouldn’t come back to this life, but something within you was going to miss it. Miss the little moments of happiness that made you feel like you had a home, but now you had an actual home. It wasn’t the ideal home, but it was a home and you had someone who gave you a sense of family even if it wasn’t picture-perfect. 
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dameronology · 2 years
liar (bucky barnes)
based on the paramore song of the same name lol a.k.a the one where bucky barnes is scared of his own feelings a.k.a jazz is back in her bucky era
warnings; language
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Bucky Barnes had never considered himself a liar.
If anything, he had a hard time not telling the truth. It escaped from his mouth before he even had the chance to think about; no, Steve, I think your new hair cut sucks and sorry Sam, she wasn’t actually checking you out, she was waving at the guy behind you. Call it a product of his years as an assassin - because he couldn’t recall being this truthful back in the war - but it was part of who he was now. Sometimes he thought it meant he should come with a warning; something to say don’t pull the pin on this grenade, because he won’t lie to your mum about liking her food. Would that have been the worst Tinder bio ever? Yeah, no doubt.
Bucky had a hard time even lying to himself. That had become clear as soon as you whirl-whinded into his life. That day was still as crystal clear in his head six months later. It had been an early morning at the SHIELD HQ - the F-train had been delayed an hour and he’d come sprinting into a national security meeting, Starbucks in one hand (he was already late, he figured five minutes more for a frappuccino wouldn’t hurt) and a jumbled apology ready to offer. Then, not two seconds later, you’d come sprinting through the door, smacking into the back of him and launching the iced coffee from his hand, into the air, and straight into the lap of the British prime minister. 
Bucky was late, but you’d been even later. He liked that about you.
You were a whirl-wind in his life; his best friend from that day forward and the reason he could let go of the breath he’d been holding for so many years. Meetings were never boring with you, nor was the paperwork after long missions or the early starts. Every time he was late, he knew you’d take even longer because maybe his commute from Brooklyn was long but you lived three blocks away from work and managed to sleep through every goddamn alarm you’d set. 
It was clear about exactly three seconds after you met that you and Bucky were not destined to just be friends. You knew it and he knew it but neither of you wanted to talk about it. Avoiding the truth wasn’t necessarily lying - Bucky was thankful for that, because he knew that if you asked, everything would come out. He wasn’t ready for that. He wasn’t ready for love. 
So, you both left it to rest (and maybe to rot). 
“I hate meetings,” you grumbled. It was eight o’clock on a Monday morning and thanks to a national security threat, you once again found yourself in the SHIELD meeting room earlier than you felt to be natural. “Can’t they just put this in an email?”
“Probably,” Bucky replied. “Hi guys, there’s a terrorist threat. If you see something, say something. Lots of love, the security council.” 
You snorted. “Did you know I have all of their emails sent straight to my spam?”
“I would do the same but I can’t work out how the Facebook app works,” he muttered. “Why are there so many buttons? What are cookies?”
“Buck, why would you have the security council on Facebook?”
“Isn’t that…” he paused, scratching the back of his head. “Isn’t that where emails go?”
You dropped your head in your hands and let out a groan. “I only just got you used to Twitter. I’ll leave it a few weeks before I overwhelm you with any more social media apps.”
“What about TikTok?”
“I am never letting you download TikTok,” you said. 
“Sam said that I should make thirst traps-”
“- please no!” you cut him off. “Never take life advice from Sam.”
Sam was sat across the table from you, a scowl on his face. He was a morning person - hell, the man had already been for a run that morning - but the combination of you and Bucky at any point in the day was enough to drive him up the wall. He glanced between you both, brown eyes calculating for a second, before a grin spread across his face. 
“Don’t worry, he doesn’t,” Sam chirped. “Remember last week when I told you to do that thing, Buck?”
Bucky’s eyes widened. “Shut up, Sam.”
“What thing?” you frowned.
“It’s not mine to share,” Sam shrugged. “But based on the last five minutes’ worth of interactions alone? I think it would be best to listen to me-”
“- I swear to god if you don’t stop talking!” Bucky cut him off; then he glanced at you, blue eyes wavering for a second. “Don’t listen to him.”
Sam knew that he was doing; playing devil’s advocate because a) it meant he could piss off Bucky and b) hopefully get two of his best friends to finally get together after months of pining. It had gotten to the point where him and Steve had literal bets on it. Not necessarily on if you would get together, but more on when. 
“I’m not, but you’re acting weird,” you said. “Want to share with the class?”
“No,” Bucky firmly said.
“Buck,” you warned; it was clear by your voice that you weren’t fucking around. “I don’t know what immature high school bullshit is going on right now but I don’t appreciate it.” 
“I’ll talk to you about it later, okay?” he said. 
“You’re an ass,” you replied.
Picking up your bag and coffee, you shuffled over to the other side of the meeting table where Steve was sat. He hadn’t said a word in any of this; you quite often cursed the lack of boundaries amongst the four of you, but you couldn’t fault Steve that morning. He’d kept to himself, simply watching in awe at the chaos that had just unfolded. 
You stopped in the seat beside him, glancing over at him. “If you say a word, I’ll hit you.”
“I’m not saying anything,” he held up his hands in defense.
The meeting was quick, thankfully. Even worse, it definitely could have been put in an email. You also couldn’t help but notice the British diplomats watching your coffee carefully every time you moved - that was a joke you could have made to Bucky, had he not managed to get himself into your bad books.
You’d barely been out the board room five minutes before you were practically wrestling him by the ear into a quiet corner. The meeting had been quick, thankfully. It hadn’t felt that way for Bucky, who’d been sat opposite you the entire time, barely avoiding your dagger-y gaze. If looks could kill, his vibranium arm would have had a fair few dents in it. 
“So?” you asked. “What was that all about?”
“It’s nothing,” Bucky quickly replied. “I promise-”
“- bullshit!” you cut him off. “Why are you keeping things from me, Buck?”
“I’m not.”
“You are!” you exclaimed. “Look, I don’t even want to know what you and Sam were talking about but at least have the common decency not to keep me out of a conversation that’s about me!”
“Why aren’t you mad at Sam too?!”
“Believe me, I have it out for Sam too but it’s worse when this stuff comes from you!”
Bucky thinned his eyes at you. “Why?”
“You know why.”
He sighed, shifting from one foot to another. Eyes to the ceiling for a second, he took a deep breath. 
“Sam told me last week that I should ask you out,” he said. “Said something about how everyone around us can see what we don’t, and that we’re kidding ourselves, and…”
You sniffed, trying to stay composed. It had been a long time coming, there was no denying that. Bucky had been avoiding the conversation because he wasn’t ready but you’d been avoiding it because you were terrified of the answer. Rejection from literally anyone else in the world would have been fine, but from him? There was no metaphor for that pain, or that fear. 
“And what?” you asked. “What do you think of that?”
He shrugged. “I think it’s…”
You both waited for a second, the tension in the air almost suffocating.
Your eyebrows shot up. “Dumb?!”
“Yeah?” Bucky sounded unsure. “We’re best friends, and-”
“- that’s bullshit!” you snapped. “Buck, I know you can be confusing but…if there’s one thing I am certain of, it’s that we are not just best friends and you know it!”
“Do I?”
You took a step back, sniffing. “Yeah, you’re right. It’s dumb. Forget I said anything.”
“Wait, don’t be like that-”
“- it’s fine, James,” you sniffed. “I’ll see you around.”
“Are we good?”
“Yeah, we’re good.”
(You weren’t good.)
“Okay, I’m glad. Call me later, yeah?”
“Yeah, of course,” you forced a smile.
(You weren’t going to call him.)
Five days.
That’s the longest Bucky had gone without talking to you since he’d met you and also the exact amount of time you’d been ignoring him for. He’d given in calling you after three days, and considered coming around your apartment after four, but then he got a last minute call onto a mission where your name was at the top of the call sheet. Fab. 
Bucky liked to consider himself a good flier, but it certainly would have been easier to co-pilot a jet with someone who was actually willing to talk to him. It was quite amazing, actually, to see the lengths that you were willing to go to all in pursuit of icing him out. 
“This is Barnes to air traffic control on QJ564. We’ll be approaching our destination in about five minutes, currently at 10,000 feet, over.”
“This is ATC to QJ564, you’re cleared for landing in Munich, runway four. Over.”
“This is Barnes to ATC on QJ564. Runway four confirmed, thank you. Could you also tell my co-pilot that I’m sorry and that I miss them? Over.”
“Uh…this is ATC to QJ564. Barnes says he’s sorry and that he misses you. Over.”
“This is Barnes’ co-pilot on QJ564, tell him that I think he’s a cun-”
“- this is Captain Rogers monitoring the channels for suspicious activity from the headquarters. May I remind the pilots aboard QJ564 of the appropriate workplace manners over professional channels? Over.”
After Steve’s voice, the lines went silent. Bucky glanced over at you, eyebrows raised. 
“That was rude.”
You continued to ignore him, attention turned to landing the jet safety. It wasn’t hard - Tony Stark had built a jet that practically landed itself, but it was still a good enough excuse to blank out your best friend for the next five minutes. Still, none of that conversation was worth the absolute castigating you were about to receive from Captain America as soon as you were back in New York. He was no fun sometimes. 
With the jet safely on the runway, you parked up at the airport and made your way down to the tarmac where the agents were waiting. All you had to do now was await instructions from headquarters on what to do next. That gave you more empty time with Bucky, who was stood next to you. So, you moved away and leant against the wheels of the plane, pulling out your phone to play Doodle Jump.
The call came through eventually, but it was to Bucky’s radio instead of yours. 
“Right, agents,” he began, though it was more a sigh than anything. “Coulson is currently ten minutes out on another quinjet to lead the mission. Agent (Name) and I have been removed from this operation for the foreseeable future so that we can sit in the jet, man the communications systems and re-take the online seminar about appropriate workplace language.”
“What?!” you exclaimed. “Nice one, Barnes!”
Bucky forced a smile, trying not to crack up in front of the fifteen junior agents stood in front of you. “Why we have to retake it is a mystery to me.”
“Good luck out there, guys,” you huffed. With that, you spun around and stormed back on board the jet. 
Bucky was hot on your heels, closing up the door behind him as he went. He didn’t really know what to say - somehow he’d made you angrier, now - but apolgoising profusely felt like a pretty good place to start. 
“So you’re talking to me now?” he asked, following you through the fuselage. 
“You just did!”
“Fuck off, Bucky!”
“And again!”
“Leave me alone!”
He grabbed your arm, stopping you in your tracks. “I’m sorry, okay?”
“Sorry doesn’t even begin to cut it,” you huffed.
Taking a seat, you curled your legs up in front of you. You didn’t try and swat (or hit) Bucky when he leant down in front of you, which he took as a good sign. It was time to pull out the big guns. 
“Can I talk for just…maybe five seconds, possibly ten, without you interrupting?”
You nodded.
“I didn’t mean to hurt you. I never want to hurt you because you’re the last person in the world I’d ever want to upset but I was put on the spot by what Sam said, and then by what you said, and it freaked me out a little,” he began. “You and I both know that he’s right - but never tell him I said that - and honestly, the silence you’ve given me over the last five days made me realise that more than ever.”
You smiled. “What are you saying, Buck?”
“I love you,” he said. It was plain and simple, completely without hesitation and entirely with conviction. “I’ve known that for a while but I just didn’t want to admit it to myself, but like I said…five days without you made me realise I don’t even want to go five seconds without you.”
“That’s how you apologise,” you gave him a watery grin, poking him in the chest. 
“So what?”
“Anything you want to say to that?”
“Oh, yeah!” you exclaimed. “I love you too.”
Bucky pulled you into a kiss; he held you flush against him, one hand holding the back of your neck, metal one gripping the back of your tac-vest. Despite everything, he was warm and you were certain then that you were never going to let him - if not a little ecstatic that you’d found a new way to shut him up. 
You both jumped back when you heard the doors to the jet go, only to turn around and see Phil Coulson on the phone, a glare on his face.
“What is it with you two and inappropriate work place behaviour?”
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hockey-fics · 1 year
Hard to Forget ~ Trevor Zegras (and Jack Hughes)
Summary: You had a history with Trevor but it was a history you had worked hard to forget. But forgetting it becomes even harder when a new person finds their way into the middle.
Word Count: ~ 11,800
Warnings: drinking, jealousy, language, smut
You knew it would be a chaotic week, from the moment Trevor brought it up you knew that. But the reasons you thought it would be chaotic for were not exactly what they turned out to be. A week, one large secluded cabin on a lake and a handful of 20-somethings. It was really just a recipe for disaster.
But when Trevor asked if you wanted to come it didn’t take any consideration before saying yes. Trevor. You met Trevor in university, in your first year and his only year. You met in First-Year Writing Seminar, a class full of other nervous first-year students. 
You had completely expected to sit silently beside some other student for the entire year. But Trevor had plopped himself down right beside you, immediately striking up a conversation. You exchanged numbers that day, under the guise of meeting up to study together. But studying together rarely happened. Sure, the first time you hung out outside of class was supposed to be to study, but instead you spent 4 hours talking and laughing together at a table tucked away in the corner of Starbucks.
From that point on you rarely went a few days without seeing each other. He would drag you to parties you didn’t want to go to but would inevitably have a great time at. You would convince him that he did in fact need to study for his exams even though he was just at BU to play hockey. He would come back to your dorm after class and spend the entire afternoon distracting you from your own studying. You would go to almost all of his games that he had at Agganis Arena, even when your friends were begging you to stop spending so many weekend evenings at the arena. 
But there was one night in the midst of your friendship with Trevor that was different. You went with Trevor to a party at an apartment that you had never been to before, still to this day not knowing who lived there. When people began to trickle out late into the night Trevor offered to walk you home. It was only a ten minute walk back to your dorm but you took him up on the offer. When you got there you invited him in, drunken giggling and hushing each other till you were behind the privacy of your bedroom door. You flopped onto your bed, head spinning with alcohol as you stared at the ceiling. Trevor joined you a second later with a mutual understanding of your shared intoxication. You don’t even know how it happened or who initiated it. But it wasn’t long before you were laying next to each other on the small bed, bodies naked, flushed and sweaty, breathing heavily. 
When you woke up the next morning, nearly on top of Trevor, you knew a discussion needed to be had. So you asked Trevor what it meant, what he wanted, where things were going to go. And he told you that it didn’t mean anything, that he just wanted to forget about it and keep things the way they were. It hurt. It hurt more than you wanted to admit, so you didn’t admit it. You pretended you were fine with that and you did just what he requested. So you two spent the rest of the year being just friends again. And when he moved to Anaheim it was easier to do that. Because you didn’t talk as often and when you did you had so much to catch up on that you weren’t tempted to turn every silence in a conversation into a conversation about what happened that night. You did stay close with Trevor though. Both of you would take little trips here and there to see each other, keeping in touch through an endless stream of texts and many FaceTime calls. 
So when Trevor invited you on the trip of course you jumped at the opportunity. Because you missed him. Because maybe you were still in love with him. Because truthfully, you would do anything to spend even a little more time with.
You had to fly in to go to the cabin, something that Trevor financially helped you with despite your many protests. He picked you up from the airport, packing your bags into his rental car before the two of you went to the grocery store and the liquor store to stock up for the week. 
Before you knew it you were on your way to the cabin, an hour and a half out of the city. You had claimed AUX, knowing exactly what Trevor would play if you didn’t and wanting a little variety. 
“Who is this?” Trevor asks, glancing over to you in his passenger’s seat. You had one leg tucked underneath you, windows open, hair tousling around your face. 
“You wouldn’t know him,” you tease with a playful smile. 
“Oh-kay,” Trevor says, drawing out the word. “You’re so cool, I get it.”
Giggling you twist your body towards him, barely able to take your eyes off him. You knew you were still into him. You always had been. But you were supposed to just forget it, you had heard that loud and clear. “Well I’m glad you can admit how cool I am.”
“At least you’re not singing,” Trevor jokes, glancing over at you with a smirk. 
“Yet,” you chime in, giggling as you scroll through your Spotify playlist. Now you had to look for a song you could sing at the top of your lungs after that comment. And you do, blasting Cruel Summer, singing loudly with every word of the song engrained deeply in your brain. Of course you noticed the occasional glance from Trevor, taking his eyes off the road just long enough to take in your performance, his lips never dropping from that same intoxicating smile that made you fall for him so long ago.
The energy in that Budget Rental SUV doesn’t drop for the entirety of the drive, even managing to get Trevor to join in your karaoke session for a few songs here and there. When he turns off the car in the driveway of the massive vacation cottage it quickly hits you that you were no longer in the presence of broke college students. After dragging your stuff inside you’re met with an onslaught of people you had mostly only heard about. The round of introductions ends with Jack who quickly swoops in to pick your bags up off the ground for you. 
“You two weren’t early enough to claim one of the nice rooms,” Jack states, leading the way across the living room towards the stairs. 
“One room?” you whisper, looking behind you as Trevor drags his own bag along with him. 
“I, um…yeah, I hope…is that okay?” Trevor asks, hanging back at the bottom of the stairs as Jack continues on with your bag. “I’m sure I can just sleep on the couch down here if it’s not, I don’t think anyone has claimed that yet.”
“No, no…I mean, yeah, that’s fine,” you stammer, quickly turning around to scurry up the stairs before Trevor could see the ways your cheeks were flushing. 
In the bedroom you watch Jack set your bags down, stepping back towards the door. When your eyes lock with his you’re immediately struck with something deep inside you. “We were going to head down to to the lake and go swimming in a bit if you guys are down,” Jack tells you, his eyes locked on yours for a length of time that makes your heart flutter. 
“Sure, yeah,” Trevor states loudly. “We’ll be down in a bit, thanks, man.”
You watch Jack leave the room, closing the door on his way out, before you look back at Trevor. “Well I didn’t realize all your friends are just as hot as you,” you joke, pulling your suitcase up onto the bed to find a bathing suit. 
“Relax,” Trevor mutters, shaking his head. “Are you going to be like this for the whole week?”
“Like what?” you ask, pulling a red bikini out of your suitcase. 
“So fucking horny.”
Your eyes widen as you look over at Trevor. “Jesus Christ,” you mutter. “I’m not ‘so fucking horny’…calm down.” Turning around you walk to the door, yanking it open. 
“Where are you going?” Trevor asks before you can get out through the door. 
Turning around you look back over at him, rolling your eyes. “To fuck all of your friends because I’m so fucking horny,” you state sarcastically. “I’m going to find a bathroom to change in,” you tell him honestly, lifting the bikini in your hand for emphasis. 
Trevor simply shakes his head, letting you leave without further comment. After changing into your bikini you pull your shorts back on, already feeling a little too exposed without your shirt. Making your way back to the bedroom you push the door open, finding the room empty. 
Sighing you toss your shirt down onto the bed, picking up one of the beach towels you had packed before hurrying down the stairs. You find Trevor in the midst of a conversation, hanging back as you watch him for a few seconds. 
Jack turns his head away from the conversation, eyes locking with yours. You watch his eyes linger on you for a bit before shifting to the side, nodding for you to come join the conversation. 
“Do you want a drink or anything?” Jack asks you as you step closer to him. 
“We, um, we brought some stuff,” you stammer, unsure why you were suddenly feeling so shy and nervous. 
Jack nods, glancing over to the fridge and then back to you, realizing Trevor must have put the drinks in the fridge while you were changing.. “No pressure but we’ve all been drinking for awhile.”
Laughing under your breath you look over at Trevor, his hands still empty. Extending your hand you set it on his arm, catching his attention. “Want me to grab you a drink?”
Trevor’s eyes land on you for the first time since you got down there and you watch them slide down your body, pausing on your chest for a second longer than you would have expected. “I, uh…yeah, sure.”
Slipping out of the circle of conversation you head around the island in the kitchen to the fridge. Pulling a cooler out for yourself you grab one of Trevor’s bottles of beer. Spinning around you begin pulling drawers open, digging through them in search of a bottle opener. 
Jack is at your side by the time you get the third drawer open. “Looking for a bottle opener?” Jack asks. 
“Yeah, do you have one?”
“No,” Jack says, pulling the bottle from your hand. You watch him line the edge of the bottle lid up with the counter, slamming the palm of his hand onto the top of it. The lid pops off easily, digging into the laminate countertops. 
Giggling you point to the tiny little marks left on the edge of the counter. “Guess you’re paying the damage deposit on this place,” you tease. 
Jack shrugs, setting the open bottle down on the counter between you and him. “Not a problem.”
“Oh, I bet it’s not,” you reply with a laugh. “I’ve heard about that contact of yours.”
Jack chuckles, shaking his head as he stares down at the counter. “Yeah? Was it Z bitching about it?”
Giggling you slide your hand across the counter, wrapping it around the bottle of beer. “I think he’s pretty set himself.” Turning around you head back out of the kitchen, handing the bottle for beer to Trevor. “Is that okay?”
Trevor take the bottle, wrapping his arm around his your shoulders. “Of course, thank you.”
A moment later the group progresses out from the house down to the beach. You drop your towel onto the ground before shimmying yourself out of your shorts, kicking off your shoes. Looking over you see Trevor standing inches from the water and you hurry over to his side. “Is it cold?”
“It’s not bad,” Trevor says as he steps into the water, letting the gentle waves lap against his legs. 
Leaning down you run your hands through the water, a shiver running down your spine. “That’s a lie,” you state, standing up next to him. 
“You’re just wimpy,” Trevor teases, stepping around you and heading towards the dock that stretched out over the lake. 
Reaching over you attempt to playfully swat his arm, your fingers barely brushing against him as he steps around you. “I am not,” you state, following after him onto the dock. 
“No?” Trevor asks with a playful smirk that makes you instinctively step back away from him. 
You watch him step closer, his hands stretched out in front of him and you try to grab them, not knowing where he was going. “No,” you giggle, backing away as Trevor gets closer. “Trevor, I’m serious, whatever you’re about to do…don’t.”
Despite your pleading Trevor has his hands on you a second later, scooping you up into his arms, holding you against him as he walks towards the end of the dock. “I swear to God,” you mutter, squirming in his arms. “Trev, if I’m going in you’re coming with me.”
“I doubt that,” Trevor chuckles, stepping to the edge of the dock. You feel him stepping back, building up momentum and you quickly wrap your arms around him. 
Just as you had said you drag Trevor down into the lake with you as you plummet below the surface of the cool water. Quickly orienting yourself you emerge from the water, inhaling a sharp breath of air. “You’re such an asshole,” you exclaim, grasping onto Trevor’s shoulders, trying your hardest to push him back under. 
“What? Are you trying to drown me?” Trevor asks, easily keeping himself afloat as his hands find your hips under the surface of the water, pulling you into him. 
Your legs wrap around his waist, not knowing how else to handle the way he was pulling you into him. “Maybe,” you hum, giggling quietly, arms resting over Trevor’s shoulders. “It’s only fair after you tried to do it to me.”
“I wouldn’t let you drown. I’d save you.”
“Okay, Hasselhoff,” you tease. 
Before you have a chance to say anything more you hear someone yelling from the beach, asking if the water was okay. Looking over your shoulder you see Cole standing a few feet away from the threat of the cold water. “No,” you call to him. “But Trev will be right there to make you get in any way.”
Looking back to Trevor you clamber about his body, till you were on his back, arms wrapped around his shoulders, legs around his torso. “You made me get in, you’re taking me out,” you giggle. 
“Of course, your highness,” Trevor says, swimming back towards the shore. 
As Trevor gets further out of the water you let one leg go to stand up, feeling Trevor’s hand slip under your knee, keeping your leg around him. “I swear to god, Trev, if you throw me back into the water I’m hitchhiking back to the airport.”
Trevor chuckles, carrying you to where you had left your towel, crouching down till your legs hit the ground. “I’m not that mean.”
“Yes, you are,” you giggle, fixing your towel before sitting down onto it, leaning back on your arms. “Now go get Cole into the water.”
“It’s been like six hours, are you sick of me already?”
“Yes,” you joke, leaning back onto your elbows, letting the hot sun dry your skin. 
Trevor shakes his head, taking a step away from. “Remember that when you’re six drinks in and you won’t let me out of your sight.”
Rolling your eyes you reach over, picking up your drink at the reminder of the drinking aspect of this trip. “Shut up,” you tell him, taking a sip of your drink. “That was like three years ago.”
“We’ll see,” Trevor chuckles, heading down the beach towards the group standing along the shoreline, drinks in everyones hand as they stare at the water.
You’re not alone for more than a few minutes before Jack is sinking into the sand next to you. “You’re not what I expected,” he tells you. 
“What did you expect?” you ask, glancing over at him. 
“I-,” Jack begins, cutting himself off with a chuckle. “I don’t really know.”
“Well at least tell me if I’m better or worse than you expected.”
“Better,” Jack states without a second of hesitation. “Definitely better,” he breathes out. 
“Well I’m glad to hear that,” you tell him, looking down at his empty hands. “Where’s your drink?”
“Empty,” Jack tells you with a shrug. 
“You know, I think there’s a pretty easy solution to that issue.”
“And what’s that?” Jack jokes. 
Pulling yourself to your feet you reach down, taking Jack’s hand and doing your best to yank him up to his feet. “I’m sure I can finish this one by the time we get inside,” you tell him, tipping your can back to take another large gulp of your drink. 
“Impressive,” Jack laughs, waiting for you before heading back up the beach to the house. The air inside it cool, sending a shiver down your spine as you make your way to the kitchen, finding the bag for empty cans before tossing yours in there. “What are you drinking?” Jack asks, standing in front of the open fridge. 
“The vodka sodas,” you admit with a laugh. 
“Makes sense,” Jack teases, grabbing one for you before taking one of his own drinks for himself. 
“Do you want a shot?” you ask, looking over at the bottle of vodka you and Trevor had brought up. 
Jack’s eyes dart to the time on the stove, chuckling as he looks back to you. “It’s six pm.”
“Isn’t five the acceptable drinking time or whatever? Nobody said what type of drink it has to be.”
Jack hesitates, staring down at the bottle of vodka for a second before nodding. “Yeah, okay.”
Quickly you grab the vodka and a couple shot glasses, not giving Jack time to back out. Pouring them you slide one towards him, picking your own up. With a quick cheers and tap to the table you throw the shot back, the burning making its way to your stomach as you chase it with your drink. 
“Fuck,” Jack winces, laughing as he takes a swig of his beer. “That’s awful.”
Giggling you put the bottle back, picking up the one beside it. “How do you feel about tequila?” 
“Not much better,” Jack admits with a chuckle. “But I can handle it.”
“Of course you can,” you laugh, setting the bottle down in front of him. “Cause there’s nothing you can’t handle, right?” you tease.
“You want me to do one right now?” Jack asks, eyes shifting nervously to the bottle. 
“I want us to do one right now…I mean, if there’s nothing you can’t handle.”
Jack chuckles, a groan following seconds later. “Fine.”
You pour two shots, reaching over and grabbing Jack’s hand as he reaches for the shot. “Wait, I was joking around, I really don’t want to pressure you into doing this if you don’t want to.”
Jack’s eyebrows furrow, lips curling into a smile. “You’re cute,” he comments, glancing down at the counter. “But no, I want to.”
You can feel your cheeks warming and you’re fairly certain it wasn’t from the shot you had just taken. Picking your glass up you go through the same routine, cheers, counter, lips. Wincing you take another large gulp of your drink followed by a deep breath. “I don’t know if I’m going to make it past nine,” you joke. 
“That’s not my fault, I came in here for one drink.” 
“You’re right, it’s not your fault. But it might be my fault if you don’t make it past nine.”
“You’re underestimating me.”
Rolling your eyes you lean back into the counter, looking up at Jack, standing in front of you. “Am I?”
Jack nods, his eyes transfixed on you in a way that made you both nervous and excited, your stomach filling with butterflies and your cheeks warm. “You’ll see,” Jack tells you. 
“I guess I will,” you whisper, taking another sip of your drink, your eyes barely breaking away from Jack’s gaze. 
“What’s going on in here?”
Looking over your shoulder you see Cole step inside, eyes narrowing as he closes the door behind him. 
“Do you want a shot?” 
“Of?” Cole asks, pulling the fridge open to grab himself a beer. 
“Vodka, tequila, I think we brought rum…whatever you’d like,” you tell him, watching him look back and forth between the two of you like you were luring him into a trap. 
“How many have you guys had already?” Cole asks, setting his beer down before grabbing the tequila and setting it in front of you. 
“Just a couple,” you tell him honestly, pouring him a shot, sliding it over to him. 
“I’m doing this by myself?” Cole asks, picking up the glass as you give him a nod of encouragement. He gets it down quickly, his hand slamming against the edge of the counter letting you know it was less than an enjoyable experience. 
A second later you hear you the door open, looking over to find Alex stepping inside. “Do you want a shot?” you call to him before anyone can say anything. 
“Don’t,” Cole warns. “She’s convincing but that’s awful tequila.”
“You want to try to the vodka instead?” you joke. 
“Absolutely not,” Cole chuckles, picking up his beer and heading back out the door. 
“I think I’m going to pass on the shots,” Alex tells you with a breath of laughter, grabbing himself a water from the fridge. “Z’s looking for you, by the way.”
“Oh, thank you,” you tell Alex. Reaching into one of the bags you brought you pull out a red solo cup, pouring a shot of tequila into it. Heading outside with Jack you plop yourself down next to where Trevor was sitting. “Heard you were looking for me.”
“I figured you couldn’t have gotten far,” Trevor comments, watching you with furrowed eyebrows as you hand him the plastic cup. “What’s this?”
“You gotta keep up,” you tell him with a mischievous smirk. 
“How many have you had?” Trevor asks, staring into the cup at the small amount of liquid sitting at the bottom. 
“A couple.” You watch him take the shot, chasing it with his beer, though it doesn’t seem to do much as he lets out a shuddering breath. 
“You’re a menace, you know that?” 
Shrugging you lean over, resting your head on his shoulder. “You love it.”
“Yeah,” Trevor breathes out, his arm slipping behind you. “I do.”
By the time the clock hits midnight that night you had lost track of how many drinks you had consumed that day. You were doing a decent job keeping yourself at a steady level of just drunk enough to maybe be able to convince someone you weren’t drunk at all if you used every ounce of your focus. Beer pong had made it’s way into the evening activities, the patio table covered in puddles of water from spilled cups.
It was game four, you and Trevor undefeated. “When’d you get so good at this?” Trevor asks, his hands on your hips as he stands behind you, the other team taking their turn. 
“You missed a lot in the last three years of university,” you quip, pressing your body back into him, your head tipping onto his shoulder. 
“I guess I did miss a lot,” he mumbles, sighing quietly. 
“Don’t sound so sad, you didn’t want to be there to begin with.”
Trevor chuckles, taking one hand off your hips to turn you around and face him. “I don’t care what I missed in school, I care about what I missed with you.” 
“Uh oh,” you giggle, shaking your head. “Someone’s become a sappy drunk.”
“Shut up,” Trevor groans, turning his attention to the pong table again, throwing his ball and watching it bounce off the rim of the last cup. 
“It’s okay…I like it,” you tell him, picking up your ball to take your shot. You watch it easily sail into the last remaining cup, surprising even you. 
“Oh, shit,” Trevor exclaims, wrapping his arms around you excitedly. 
“Trev, they get redemption,” you laugh, wiggling out of his grasp as you watch neither of the other team’s shots go into your remaining cups. “Now you can celebrate,” you tease. 
“You’re fucking incredible, you know that?” Trevor states, his hands around your arms. 
Laughing you shake your head, not expecting to see this level of drunk out of him yet. “I’m just good at beer pong, I’m not doing anything that spectacular.”
You hang around after your last game for a few more drinks before sneaking off to bed, leaving Trevor to continue drinking with his friends for awhile longer. 
It was just after three in the morning, only hours after you had originally fallen asleep, when you woke up again. You could feel the slight headache, knowing it would only build into something worse by the time the morning rolled around. Groaning you pull yourself out of the bed, slipping out of your room and sneaking down to the kitchen. You didn’t want to turn on too many lights, not wanting to wake anyone in the bedrooms downstairs, using the dim light from above the stove to find yourself a glass, filling it with water. 
Turning around to lean against the counter your eyes catch a figure coming into the kitchen, making you jump. “Holy shit,” you breathe out, laughing quietly. 
“Sorry,” Jack chuckles. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“I’m just a jumpy person, you’re totally fine,” you tell him, taking a large gulp of your glass of water. 
“Didn’t expect you to still be up,” Jack comments, pulling a gatorade out of the fridge, letting you know he was also on his way towards a hangover. “You two were pretty quiet up there.”
“Hmm?” you ask, eyebrows furrowing. A moment later you realize what he was getting at. “No, we’re not,” you state. “I mean, together, we’re not together…we’re not doing anything together,” you stammer, face reddening. 
“Really?” Jack questions, eyes narrowing. 
“Yes, really…why? Did he say something else?”
“No,” Jack states quickly. “No, he didn’t. I just, I saw you on the beach and you’re sharing a room and I assumed…you know.”
“No, I mean, that’s totally fair,” you say with a shrug. “But we’re just friends, nothing else,” you tell him, thinking back to the morning after you and Trevor had slept together. Just friends. That’s all he wanted with you. Bringing your glass to your lips you finish off what was left in your glass, turning around to fill it up again. 
“Do you want a gatorade or anything? Might help more than water,” Jack offers. 
Turning back around you take another sip of your water. “I’ll be okay with just water, but you don’t happen to have any Advil or anything do you?”
Jack chuckles, nodding in response. “Yeah, I do,” he tells you, nodding in the direction of the stairs. 
Following after him you stop in the doorway of his room, watching him digging through his bag. You hear the rattle of pills in the bottle, almost sighing in relief as he bring it over to you. Taking the bottle from Jack you tip a couple pills into your hand. “Thank you,” you whisper. 
“Of course,” Jack says, voice soft as he runs his hand through his hair. “Let me know if you need anything else, okay?” 
“Thank you,” you repeat, your eyes falling to Jack’s lips, your own parted slightly as you inhale deeply. You watch Jack shift closer, his own eyes moving from yours to your lips. Perhaps it was the alcohol, maybe it was something else. But the sober part of your brain was screaming at you loud enough for you to take a tiny step back. “Goodnight, Jack,” you whisper. 
“Goodnight, Y/N,” Jack replies, watching as you turn around, heading back down to the hallway to the bedroom you were sharing with Trevor. 
After falling asleep for the second time that night you manage to stay asleep till the morning. You woke up with a headache that was only a fraction of what you had expected, most little due to the Advil Jack had spared. Rolling over you notice Trevor’s side of the bed was empty and you slowly pull yourself out of bed. Changing out of Trevor’s t-shirt you had stolen to sleep in and into one of your own t-shirts and a pair of shorts. Heading downstairs you find the state of the room in much the same shape as you were feeling, quiet and clutching bottles of water or gatorade. 
“There she is,” Trevor announces as you step into the room. He opens his arm to you where he was sitting in an armchair in the corner of the room. 
Slowly you make your way over to him, sitting down in his lap without a second of hesitation, not wanting to stay standing for longer than necessary. 
“How you feeling?” Trevor whispers, wrapping his arms around you. 
“Been better,” you say with a quiet laugh, laying your head on his shoulder. “Probably would’ve been worse if Jack hadn’t spared some Advil though.”
“When did Jack give you Advil?” Trevor asks, tone sharp, fingers tightening on your arm. 
“Last night,” you mumble, pulling your phone from your pocket, unlocking it to check on the notifications that had built up since you had started drinking the night before. 
“When?” Trevor repeats, his voice sharp enough this time to draw your complete attention. 
“I don’t know,” you mutter with a shrug. “Maybe like three or something. He came down when I was getting some water.”
“With Advil?”
“No,” you giggle. “But I asked if he had any.”
Trevor nods slowly, running his hand along your arm. “I have Advil.”
“Okay,” you say, drawing the word out. “But you were asleep.”
“Just wake me up next time, okay?”
“Okay,” you reply with narrowed eyes, shaking your head before turning your focus back to your phone. 
You’re not sure how long everyone sits there in silence on their phones before someone suggests making something for breakfast. It was most definitely lunch at that point but you volunteered to help out either way. 
In the kitchen you pull a carton of eggs from the fridge, beginning on your task of scrambled eggs. “Need any help?” Trevor asks, standing at your side, watching you crack egg after egg into a large bowl. 
“I think I can handle this,” you tell him as you crack another egg, a sizeable piece of shell falling into the bowl. “You didn’t see that,” you laugh, attempting to fish it out with a fork. 
“Oh, I definitely did,” Trevor teases. “Are you allowed to be this bad of a cook now that you’re not a college student?”
“I graduated like two months ago,” you exclaim. “I’d like to see you do better.”
“Okay,” Trevor states, hands on your hips as he shuffles you out of the way. You wished you could say that when he touched you like that it didn’t make you feel anything, but you simply couldn’t. But you could pretend. At the very least you had experience in pretending. 
You watch Trevor crack the remainder of the eggs into the bowl without a problem, knowing exactly what was about to come. So when Trevor turns in your direction you shake your head, stopping him before he had the chance. “Don’t,” you warn with a giggle. 
“Fine,” Trevor smirks. “I’ll give you a break this time.”
“Actually, since you’re such a great cook I think I’m going to let you take over here,” you tell him stepping back to head around the island in the kitchen. 
“No,” Trevor breathes, shaking his head. “You volunteered.”
“Well now I’m volunteering you,” you tell him. Walking around to the side of the island with a row of barstools you slide onto the one next to Jack, resting your elbows on the counter. “We’ve got the front row seats.”
“Oh yeah, who needs Food Network?” Jack jokes. 
Laughing softly you turn your head to look over at him. “Thanks again for the Advil last night, I’d probably still be in bed without it.”
“Yeah, it was no problem, really,” Jack shrugs. “How do you like your toast?”
Your eyebrows furrow as you stare at Jack. You watch him nod towards where Alex was standing in front of the toaster, a blank stare across the kitchen as smoke pours out from the toaster. “What is that considered?”
“Well done, probably.”
“I must be a medium rare type of person, I guess,” you laugh, leaning into the counter as you watch Alex remain unaware of anything happening around him. 
“Alex,” Jack calls, catching his attention. “Need a sub out on toaster duty or what?”
“Fuck…shit,” Alex stammers, fingers hammering at every button on the toaster till the blackened pieces of toast lift from the toaster. “Yeah, no, I’m good,” Alex chuckles, setting a couple more pieces into the toaster. 
Eventually the meal is assembled and at that point there was no denying it was lunch as you all sat down at the table, clock nearing one in the afternoon. After the meal is finished and dishes are at least halfway dealt with everyone heads outside to at least enjoy the latter half of the day not sitting inside. 
You spend most of the day laying on the beach, keeping yourself entertained with an endless scroll of Instagram posts next to the cooler of drinks and the patchwork of beach towels laying on the sand. And you’re still at it when you notice a body land on the sand next to you. “How’s it going over here?”
Looking over you squint into the bright sunlight up at Jack. “Pretty good, gotta keep up to date with the celebrity news.”
“Right, yeah,” Jack chuckles. “I just…are you okay over here?”
“What do you mean?” you ask with a nervous laugh, sitting up to be at the same level as him, not sure what was going on. 
Jack shrugs, picking up a small rock from the sand beside him, tossing it down towards the water. “Just, like, don’t want to leave you out or anything,” Jack mumbles. “We were talking about playing beach volleyball if you want to play.”
Hesitating for a second you glance over to where Trevor was standing, laughing about something, shirtless and more attractive than ever. “Yeah, sure,” you say to Jack, pulling yourself to your feet and tugging your shorts on before walking with Jack towards the group that had gathered near the volleyball net. 
Trevor turns his head, doing a double take when he sees you approaching. “You’re actually going to play?”
“Yes,” you tell him with a giggle as he throws an arm over your shoulders, pulling you into his warm body. 
“Well I don’t want you on my team,” Trevor jokes, smirking down at you.
“Fuck off,” you laugh, ducking out from under his arm with a playful shove. “I’m not that bad.”
“I know,” Trevor laughs, reaching over and grabbing your hand, pulling you back in front of him. “Of course you’re going to be on my team.”
Swallowing heavily you stare up at Trevor, heart racing as he looks down at you. “Okay,” you whisper, not able to think clearly or quickly enough to say much more. 
“Alright, are we playing or not?” Alex calls and you’re more than grateful for him breaking you out of the moment you were stuck in. 
You’re able to clear your mind of your racing thoughts by the time the game begins, though you were pretty sure the intensity of the game would have done it for you if you hadn’t. By the end of the game you were breathing heavily, desperate for a drink that wasn’t alcoholic. But at least you had won, even if it took all the energy your half-hungover, half-tipsy body could muster up. 
Turning around you look over at Trevor, shaking your head as he walks over, lifting his arms. You bring your own up, the high-five ending with his hands wrapped around yours as he chuckles at your breathless state. “Don’t say anything about it,” you laugh. “I don’t get paid to workout.”
“Fine,” Trevor chuckles, handing you his bottle of water. “You did good though.”
“Thanks,” you tell him, taking the water from him gratefully. “You want to go swim?”
“Oh, now you want to go in?” Trevor teases. “Yeah, I’ll come with you.”
So you head to the edge of the water, shimmying out of your shorts before you slowly make your way into cool water. “It’s so cold,” you giggle as Trevor throws himself into it. 
“Get in quicker, it’s easier.” 
“No,” you protest, readying yourself for a fight as Trevor approaches. “Don’t.”
“Relax,” Trevor chuckles, hanging back as he lets you get into the water at your own pace this time. Once you’re in you had to agree, the cool water felt nice against your warm skin, the heat from hours in the direct sun slowly easing up. 
You follow Trevor deeper into the lake, till you’re at his side. You feel his hand wrap around your waist, pulling you into him again. “You know I can swim, right?” 
“No,” Trevor jokes, receiving an eye roll from you in response. “You’ve looked really hot this trip,” Trevor tells you, voice low as his eyes lock with yours. 
“Shut up,” you laugh, shaking your head. “Now you’re the one that’s so fucking horny…you need to get laid or something.”
“I’m quite fine in that department,” Trevor states with a confidence that makes you question the truth of that. 
“Yeah?” you ask, giggling as you place your fingers and thumb on his jaw, turning his head to look at you. Your face was close enough to his to cause the familiar desires building inside you, the way your body would ache for his touch. “Have you? Tell me all about it,” you joke.
“You’d like that,” Trevor comments and his lips are so close to yours you have to use every bit of restraint not to kiss him right there. 
“I know all I need to know,” you whisper.
“Right,” Trevor mutters, his grip on you loosening as he lets you drift a little further away. 
“Trev, I’m sorry, I-,” you begin, mind flashing back to his words all those years ago. ‘Let’s just forget it happened.’
“No…no, you’re fine,” Trevor assures you, twisting you in his arms till you were on his back, swimming back into the shallower portion of the lake. Once you could touch the ground you free yourself from Trevor, heading out of the water to resume your position of laying on your towel, letting the warmth of the sun sink into your skin. Only this time your mind was racing with thoughts and regrets for bringing it back up. 
Thankfully the day takes a turn towards alcohol shortly after, the rest of the night falling into the same rhythm as the first night. You take too many shots, play too many rounds of beer pong, and sneak away to head to bed before everyone else. 
Day three you had expected to go much the same as the first days. That was until you made your way down the stairs, the large windows revealing the grey sky, sheets of rain pouring from it. “Well that sucks,” you state, glancing back at Trevor who was just steps behind you. 
“Does it?” Trevor chuckles, wincing at the brightness of the living room. “I think I need to just lay still for awhile.”
Laughing you nudge Trevor towards the couch, grabbing some water from the kitchen before curling up next to him on the couch. He’s in the corner of the sectional, your back pressed to his chest. And you two stay like that for most of the day, others joining you now and then to watch parts of whatever movie Trevor picked from the Netflix suggestions. 
The energy in the house that day was significantly lowered, by the time the sun was set people were already trickling off to their own rooms. 
It was nearly eleven when Trevor pushes himself up from the couch, stretching his arms over his head. “I’m heading to bed, you coming?”
“I think I’ll stay down here and watch tv for a bit longer,” you tell him, lifting your head to let him get up from the couch. 
“Okay, I’ll see you in a bit,” Trevor tells you, heading up the stairs to the second floor. 
Turning your attention to the TV you focus on the rest of the episode of Community that was playing. 
“You’re all alone, hey?”
Looking over you watch Jack walk into the living room, flopping down onto the chair beside the couch. “Yeah, I was abandoned,” you joke. 
“That’s too bad,” Jack chuckles. “You’re staying up for a bit?”
“I don’t really know, I’m not super tired but this isn’t very exciting,” you admit with a breath of laughter. 
“Do you smoke?”
“Yeah…I mean, like, weed?”
“Yeah,” Jack chuckles. “Do you want to?”
“Sure,” you tell him, sitting up and turning your attention to him, watching him stand up and head towards the stairs. 
“You coming?” Jack asks. 
Quickly you shut the TV off, picking up your phone and bottle of water before hurrying after him. You follow him into his room, hanging around near the dresser on the edge of the wall as you watch him dig through a duffel bag, pulling out a baggie with a few pre-rolled joints. 
“You can sit down,” Jack tells you, sitting down himself. You watch closely as he picks up a lighter, taking a joint out of the bag and tossing the rest to the side. 
“Are you sure this is okay?” 
Jack turns his attention away from the lighter in his hand, eyes narrowing. “It’s just weed.”
“No,” you laugh, shaking your head. “Smoking it inside.”
Jack seems to contemplate it again, looking over at the open window before shrugging. “Yeah, I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
“Alright,” you reply with a shrug, watching him light the joint in his hand. After a couple silent rounds, passing it back and forth while holding back coughs, Jack presses the filter into a glass on the bedside table.
“Gross,” you comment, eyes flicking back from the glass to Jack as he leans back against the headboard. 
“What did you want me to do with it?” Jack chuckles.
Shrugging you extend your hands behind you, leaning back onto your arms, eyes on the ceiling. “I don’t know, I don’t usually smoke inside.”
“Yeah, me neither,” Jack admits. “Are you still living in Boston?” 
You’re frozen in place for a second, foggy brain needing a second to realize how he knew you were there at all. Because that’s where you met Trevor, that’s probably one of the only things he knew about you. “Yeah, sorta,” you tell him, laughing quietly. “I just graduated so-.”
“Congratulations,” Jack interrupts, making you laugh again. 
“Thanks,” you say with a soft smile. “So I don’t know…I might stay there, I might look for a job somewhere else, I’m not sure.”
“I’ve heard California is pretty nice.”
“Yeah?” you ask with a playful smile. “Who’d you hear that from?”
Jack chuckles, glancing down at his hands that were sitting in his lap, legs spread out in front of him. “What happened with you two?”
Shaking your head slowly you shift further onto the bed. Turning towards him you cross your leg in front of you, your knee brushing against his thigh. You contemplate shuffling back but you stay there, trying not to make it obvious how much that simple touch was filling your stomach with butterflies. “What do you mean?”
“I don’t know, it’s just hard to believe that you two haven’t, you know, done anything together.”
Your lungs draw in a sharp breath, lips parting, the truth almost spilling out before you can stop yourself. “Yeah, no, we’ve never…you know. We’re just friends.”
Jack nods slowly, a few minutes of contemplative silence. Looking across the room Jack’s eyes land on the TV mounted on the wall. “Do you want to watch something?”
“Sure,” you whisper, watching him pick up the remote, your eyes transfixed on his hands. You knew you shouldn’t be thinking about him like this. But you couldn’t help it. Perhaps sober you could, but the rational part of your mind had vanished some point between your first and fifth lungful of smoke.
“Any suggestions?” Jack asks, drawing your attention back up to his eyes. 
“No, I’m fine with anything,” you tell him, turning to lean against the headboard beside him. 
Jack takes your answer very literally, pressing play on the first movie suggestion that came up on Netflix. Setting the remote down he places his hand down on your knee, an unsteady breath leaving your lips in response. When you turn your head you find that Jack was already looking at you. 
You try to make sense of the situation, your heart racing. Your eyes unconsciously fall to Jack’s lips, wondering what it would be like to kiss him. He’s moving slowly, like he was watching for an signs of hesitation from you. But you don’t stop him as he slides his hand along your jaw, fingers resting on the back of your head. 
Trying to steady your breathing you let yourself lean closer, let yourself melt away into the moment. But when you feel his breath on your lips you find there really was some hesitation hidden in your hazy mind. “We shouldn’t do this, right?” you whisper. 
“No, probably not,” Jack admits. 
Part of you wanted to go on anyway, but you couldn’t. Something, somewhere inside you, was telling you not to go any further. So you don’t. Slowly you pull away, your eyes lingering on his chest for awhile, uncertain of what to say. “I don’t think we should-.”
“It’s okay,” Jack interrupts, shaking his head. “I get it.”
You weren’t sure if he really did get it but you nod anyway, thankful to not need to go any further into an explanation. “I can go now,” you whisper. 
Jack gestures towards the TV at the movie that was playing. “You don’t want to stay and watch? It looks like it’ll be good,” Jack comments, the two of you staring at the screen where some of the worst acting you had ever seen was occurring. 
Laughing quietly you lean back beside him. “You’re right, this might become my favourite movie.”
So the two of you watch the movie together. By the time you hit the halfway mark you were both laying down, your head resting on Jack’s shoulder, his arm around your back. And by the time the movie had ended you had long since fallen asleep, the movie most definitely not anybody’s favourite. 
Waking the next morning you need a few minutes to process where you were and what had happened to get you there. The events of the night before come rushing in, rolling out of Jack’s arms as you sit up, staring at the wall for a moment as you gather your thoughts. 
“You okay?” Jack mumbles tiredly. 
Looking over your shoulder you nod quickly. “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” you assure him. “I’m going to, uh, head downstairs.”
“Yeah, I’ll be there in a second too,” Jack tells you. 
Slipping out of Jack’s bedroom you make a stop in the bathroom. Brushing your teeth and hair and staring at your reflection in the mirror for a few minutes too long, taking in the circles under your eyes, the late nights wearing on you. Finally you head back into the hallway, finding Jack heading down the stairs just a moment before you. 
When your feet hit the floor of the living room you can sense the strange energy in the room before anyone even says anything. 
“Yeah…of course,” Trevor states, glancing across the room at Alex. 
“Shit,” Alex breathes out. “Do you guys need a minute?”
Trevor shakes his head, turning his attention back to his phone. “Nah, it doesn’t matter.”
Your eyes are shifting around the room, a sinking feeling in your chest. Slowly you make your way to the couch, sitting on the edge next to Trevor, like you weren’t sure if you were even allowed to sit down. “Hi,” you whisper, not managing to get him to look away from his phone. 
“Hey,” he replies coldly. 
“Trev,” you whisper, setting your hand on his leg. 
“Don’t,” Trevor mutters to you and you quickly recoil, not able to get your lungs to fully expand, your breaths growing shorter and quicker. 
“Trevor, what’s going on?” you whisper, voice strained as you fight to hold back your tears. 
“I don’t know, why don’t you tell me what’s going on?” Trevor snaps, quickly looking from his phone to you. “Because it sure as hell looks like I brought you out here just to fuck my friends,” Trevor continues, standing up from the couch. 
“Z, man, it’s not, don’t yell at her like-,” Jack begins, not making it through his sentence before Trevor turns his anger onto him instead. 
“Shut the fuck up,” Trevor snaps at him. “I don’t want to fucking look at you right now.”
You’re scrambling to your feet as you watch Trevor heading upstairs, heart beating so fast and hard you could hear it in your ears. 
“Should give him some time,” Alex says as you step towards the stairs. 
“No,” you croak, shaking your head. “I-I can’t,” you stammer, tears filling your eyes. Without another moment of consideration you hurry up the stairs, slipping into the bedroom after him. “Trevor,” you whisper, leaning against the closed door behind you. 
“What?” Trevor snaps, turning around to look at you. 
“What are you so upset about?” you ask. Sure, you could maybe understand some level of anger at the idea of you and Jack doing anything together, but there was something else going on, you knew that much.
He doesn’t answer you, at least not with words. With a few large steps he’s standing in front of you, his hands on either side of your face as he tips your head back. His lips are on yours before you can even process what was happening. The kiss is filled with so much anger that you can almost taste it. When he pulls back you’re both breathing heavy, wide eyes staring at each other, so full of uncertainty. 
“What the fuck?” you finally exclaim, wiggling out from where you were pressed between Trevor and the door. “What the fuck was that?”
“You really hooked up with my friend when I’m so clearly in love with you?” Trevor snaps. 
“So clearly in love with me?” you ask, voice higher than you had expected. “Don’t fuck with me, Trevor.”
“I’m not,” he yells, shaking his head. 
“Really? You’re so clearly in love with me? How about after you fucked me four years ago? Were you in love with me then?” 
“Yes,” Trevor exclaims. 
“Fuck you,” you breathe out, shaking your head as you take a step back away from him. “You’re the one who told me to forget it ever happened, like it was a fucking mistake,” you remind him, voice shaky but loud. “So you don’t get to make me seem like the bad guy here. Because you broke my heart that day and I’ve had to spend every single fucking day since then pretending I was okay and it hurts…it hurts so much.”
Trevor shakes his head slowly, eyes softening as he stares across the room at you, at the tears rolling down your cheeks. “I-,” he begins, swallowing heavily. “I didn’t know, I thought…why didn’t you tell me?”
The breath of laughter that leaves your lips is cold, bitter. “Because you told me to forget that it happened, Trevor, you didn’t really make me think you were open to that conversation.” Turning around you take a few steps towards the door. “I need some space.”
Trevor tries to protest but you’re already on your way downstairs. The silence downstairs sends a wave of panic through your body, eyes down as you set your focus on the front door. But Jack is stepping in front of you, trying to get you to slow down for a second. 
“Don’t,” you whisper. “Please, Jack, I’m sorry, but I can’t…I can’t do this right now.”
“Are you okay?” Jack asks, despite your pleading. 
“No,” you croak, stepping around him and continuing on your path. Slipping on some shoes you hurry outside, the morning air still cool as you make your way down towards the beach. Flopping down onto the sand you pull your knees to your chest, curling into yourself as you try to force deep breaths into your lungs. 
Eventually you stop crying, eventually your lungs don’t feel like they’re shaking as you try to inhale. You don’t know how long you were out there, lost without your phone telling you the time. But before you can force yourself to go back inside you hear someone approaching and you keep your eyes on the lake, not knowing if you were prepared for what was about to happen. 
“Hi,” Trevor says, sitting down next to you, his own eyes transfixed on the lake. “Can we talk?”
“I guess,” you mumble. 
Trevor takes an audibly deep breath before saying anything, a moment to compose himself in the midst of the chaos. “You accepted it so easily, the idea that it didn’t mean anything and it’s not like…I’m not saying that I’m not in the wrong, but, you know, I thought it was fine. You didn’t seem upset, I just, I fucked up, I got scared, I don’t know. I don’t know what to say, I’m sorry, I didn’t know it hurt you then and I don’t want to hurt you now and I just don’t know what to do.”
Nodding slowly you reach forward, fingers turning a rock over and over. “I don’t know either.”
“I mean, I don’t want to lose you but if you want to be with him or whatever, I don’t know, I guess like, that’s fine if that’s something you want, but-.”
“Trevor, stop,” you breathe out, finally turning your attention to him. “I don’t want him. We didn’t even do anything.”
“You spent the night in his room,” Trevor points out. 
“Yeah,” you tell him. “We almost kissed, I’m not going to lie to you about that. But we didn’t…I couldn’t. I just, it didn’t feel right or whatever. We were stoned and we decided to watch a movie and fell asleep. That’s it.”
Trevor is silent for a few minutes, eyes focused somewhere out beyond the lake. “I’m so fucking sorry, Y/N,” Trevor whispers, turning to look at you now. 
“Me too,” you reply. “It shouldn’t have even gone as far as it did.” 
Reaching over Trevor takes your hand, slipping his fingers between yours. “So what now?”
Shrugging you stare down at your hands, squeezing his gently. “I don’t know.”
“Should we, um, just go back to the way-.”
“No,” you interrupt. “Jesus Christ, Trevor, that’s what got us into this in the first place.”
“No, you’re right, I’m sorry.”
“I also don’t think I could go back to the way we were after that kiss,” you whisper with a playful smile. 
“What?” Trevor asks, a smile spreading on his face.
“I don’t remember you taking charge like that the last time,” you tease. 
“I was nervous, why are you coming at me like this?”
“I’m not,” you say with a giggle, looking up at him. “It was good, I remember that.”
Trevor’s lips curl into a smirk, reaching over and sliding one hand along your jaw, till his fingers were on the back of your head. Leaning down he kisses you again and this time it’s not angry but it’s just as energy filled, an eager, desperate energy. 
“Trevor,” you whisper, pulling back. “I think we should go inside…deal with this, I don’t want this to ruin the trip.”
“Yeah, okay,” Trevor groans, waiting for you to climb off of his lap before standing up and following you into the house. 
It’s not as quiet as it was earlier, someone had put on music, there was conversation stemming from the living room. But the energy was still off, sending a wave of guilt through your body. The last thing you wanted was to be the cause of this trip becoming weird. 
Letting Trevor take the lead you follow him into the living room, stopping to lean against the wall, hanging back as everyone turns their attention towards you and Trevor. 
Your eyes lock with Jack and a nervous, apologetic smile spreads on your lips. 
“So-,” Trevor begins, clearing his throat. “What, um, what are we doing today?”
“No way,” Cole states, laughter filling the room. Amusement from everyone except Jack, who still hadn’t looked away from you. “There’s no way we had to listen to you two screaming at each other an hour ago and we don’t get to know what’s going on now.”
Trevor glances over at you, seemingly looking for an answer as to what to tell them. Shrugging you cross your arms over your chest, waiting for him to go on. 
“Well how much did you hear?” Trevor asks. 
“Dude, all of it,” Alex chimes in. 
Trevor nods, reaching over and taking your hand, pulling you into his side. “We’re still figuring it out.”
You watch a few exchanges of looks, a mixture of skepticism and confusion, before Alex stands up. “Well I’m going to have breakfast, does anyone want to join me?”
Sighing in relief of the change of topic you follow the group into the kitchen, leaning against the island bar as you watch Alex pull stuff out of the fridge. It’s barely minutes later when Jack steps up to the bar beside you, his body angled towards you. 
“Hi,” you whisper, turning in to him. Trevor’s eyes remain locked on you as you talk to Jack, everyone still uncertain about the situation. 
“Hey,” Jack whispers back. “Can we talk?”
“Yeah, of course,” you say quickly, pushing yourself away from the counter. “Do you want to go outside?”
“Sure,” Jack says, following you through the living room and out the sliding glass door to the deck. 
Walking across the deck you sit down on the small couch, turning your body to face Jack as he sits down on the other end of the couch. “I-,” you begin, not getting far before Jack cuts you off. 
“You told me nothing ever happened between you and him,” Jack says, voice accusatory. And he had every right to be accusatory. You had lied to him, straight to his face.
“I know,” you mumble, looking down at your hands. “And I’m really sorry, I am. But it’s complicated. I, um, I thought…you know, he told me we should forget it happened and part of me thought that, you know, he was like…embarrassed that it happened. So I tried to forget and I never told anyone, he didn’t seem to want anyone to know.”
“Embarrassed?” Jack presses.
Shrugging you feel your eyes prickling with tears again, keeping your eyes focused on your lap, nervously wringing your hands. “Yeah, I mean, look at him…and he was always the centre of attention, every party we went to people just loved him so much and he could have had any girl at that school and like, why would it be me?”
“Hey, woah,” Jack mumbles, reaching over and placing his hand over yours, forcing you to stop moving them. “He’s not…he’s not like…that great.”
You can’t help but laugh at that, reaching up to wipe tears from your eyes. “That’s kind of mean.”
“I didn’t mean it like that,” Jack chuckles. “I just mean he’s not any better than you in any way, he’s not better looking or funnier or anything. You know that, right?”
“Yeah,” you whisper, nodding. “Yeah, we, um, we talked about it a bit. It was just hard to think that for years, you know?”
“Yeah,” Jack replies, and it felt genuine, whether that was something he did understand or not. “For what it’s worth, I know he really loves you…just didn’t realize it was like that.”
Nodding slowly you reach over, pulling him into a hug. “Thanks, Jack.”
“Yeah, of course,” Jack mutters, standing up when you pull back from the hug. Following suit you head back towards the door. “But if you have like a single friend or something,” Jack jokes, making you laugh. 
“I don’t think you need a matchmaker but I’ll see what I can do,” you tell him with a laugh. Stepping inside you wait for Jack to close the door, the two of you making your way back to the kitchen. 
“Everything okay?” Trevor asks, voice tense as you slide into the spot next to him at the counter. 
“Yeah,” you assure him. “Can I talk to you upstairs?”
Trevor nods, eyes flashing with a panic that almost makes you feel bad. Taking his hand you slip from the kitchen and up the stairs, not stopping till you were behind the closed door of he bedroom. 
“What’s wrong?” Trevor asks, watching you closely. 
“Nothing,” you whisper, running your hands up his chest, one hand on the back of his neck as you gaze up at him. “I just, you know, want some…time, with you.”
Your words take a moment to sink in, but the second they do he has his hands on your waist, pushing you back against the wall. You let out a heavy breath, eyes gazing up at him through your eyelashes. 
His lips are on yours a moment later, the desperation from earlier not fading as his hands find the bottom of your shirt. Pulling back he yanks it off without hesitation, leaning back in to kiss you while his fingers make quick work of the hooks of your bra. Before you let him slide the bra straps down your arms you’re yanking on his shirt, fumbling it over his head. 
With both of you topless you place your hands on his chest, pushing him across the room before bringing your knees to either side of him on the bed. You feel his arm on your back, pulling your body closer as you lean down to kiss him again. With a soft whimper you press your hips forward, desperate for him to touch you in all the ways you had been longing for. It doesn’t take long for him to push you back to your feet, tugging your shorts off, not sparing a second before your underwear is off your body as well. 
“Fuck,” Trevor breathes out, pulling you down onto the bed next to him. He’s over top of you a second later, lips trailing down your neck to your chest as his hand slips between your legs. He draws a sharp gasp from your lips when his fingers find your clit. With gentle circles he makes you moan quietly, trying your hardest to keep your volume down. 
“Like that,” you whisper, pulling him closer to kiss him again, a desperate attempt to keep silent. It doesn’t take long before you’re squirming below him, body hit with waves of pleasure. “Holy fuck,” you whisper, pulling back as you stare up at Trevor, a breathless smile on your face. 
Slipping your hand between your bodies you run it down his torso, a smirk growing on your lips as Trevor lets out a strangled groan. When your fingers slip just below the waistband of his shorts you still your hand, watching Trevor closely. 
“Don’t,” Trevor groans, shaking his head as he runs his hand down your thigh, pulling your leg around his waist. 
“Don’t what?” you whisper, fingers toying with the waistband of his shorts. 
“Tease me like that,” Trevor mutters. 
“Then do something about it,” you reply with a mischievous smirk on your lips. 
You don’t have to tell him to take charge more than once, with him quickly standing up. Tugging his shorts and boxers off he climbs back on the bed, sliding his fingers up your thigh as he does. As he kisses you again you can feel his fingers back between your legs, sliding one inside you a second later. Pulling yourself back from the kiss you gasp quietly, hips lifting to try to get him to give you more. 
Trevor reads your body language easily, slipping another finger inside you, curling them up inside you. “Trevor, please,” you whimper. 
“Please, what?”
“You know,” you whisper, hands cupping his cheeks as you tug him down, desperate to kiss him again. “Please.”
“Tell me,” Trevor insists, pulling back to watch the look of desperation on your face. 
“I want you inside me Trevor, please, I want you to fuck me,” you plead, breath shaky. 
You watch Trevor get up and you pull yourself to lean on your elbows, eyes following him as he walks across the room. After a minute of digging through his bag he returns, condom in hand. 
“You brought condoms?” 
“Yeah,” Trevor replies easily, ripping open the package before slipping the condom on himself. 
“Why? Who did you-,” you begin. 
“You,” Trevor interrupts, pushing you further onto the bed to give himself more space to climb onto the bed over you. 
You lips part slightly, knowing this was most definitely something you could tease him about. “Did you have them around every time we were together?”
“No,” Trevor states, a little too quickly and with not enough confidence for it to be convincing. 
Giggling you reach up, sliding your hand behind his neck, pulling him down to press your lips to his again. “Yes, you did.”
“Do you want me to fuck you or not?” Trevor mutters. 
“Yes,” you whisper, nodding eagerly. 
“Then stop,” Trevor warns you. 
“Fine,” you state with a breath of laughter. Your laughter comes to a quick stop when you feel him slide inside you, a gasp slipping from your lips. “Oh, fuck,” you whisper, reaching over and grasping desperately at his shoulders. 
“Feel okay?” Trevor mumbles, his hands on your thighs as he leans up, hitting an angle that makes you moan loudly. “That a yes, sweetheart? Tell me.”
“Y-yes,” you stammer, nodding eagerly. “You feel so fucking good inside me.”
Trevor’s hips begin moving quicker, thrusts becoming harder. “Good girl,” Trevor mutters, his words drawing another moan from your lips. 
Shortly after Trevor is pulling himself out of you. He has his hand on your hips, beginning to turn you over. Realizing quickly what he wants you slip onto your knees, arms braced in front of you. His hands graze over your ass, sliding himself back inside you before moving his hands to your hips. He helps steady you against his hard thrusts, your moans becoming more frequent with each second. 
“Need you to be quiet,” Trevor mutters, reaching one hand around your chest, tugging you up onto just your knees. “Can you do that for me?” he whispers, lips next to your ear. 
“Yeah,” you mumble, hands bracing yourself when he lets you go, bringing his hands back to your hips. And you do your best, stifling the majority of your moans till his thrusts begin to slow, finally pulling himself out of you a second later. 
“Holy shit,” Trevor mutters, breathing heavily as he slips his condom off. Using a handful of kleenex he cleans himself up enough to be able to pull some clothes on and head to the bathroom. “I’ll be right back,” he tells you, pressing a kiss to your forehead before leaving the room. 
By the time he gets back you had pulled some clothes on yourself, laying on your back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. 
“Everything okay?” Trevor asks, sitting on the edge of the bed, looking down at you. 
“Everything is great,” you assure him, sitting up and kissing him quickly before taking your turn in the bathroom. And you do your best to look like you hadn’t just had sex, brushing your hair and splashing some cool water over your flushed skin.
After changing out of your pyjamas you head back downstairs with Trevor to have breakfast, despite it now being early afternoon. You’re grateful to find that everyone was outside, leaving you and Trevor to have some time to fully recover from what happened upstairs alone. 
You make breakfast together, hands on each other during any spare moment. After you finish eating you clean the kitchen before making your way out to the beach. The last bit of your anxiety and worry about causing issues on the trip fade once you’re outside and everyone seems to be back to having a great time, nobody asking questions or making comments about it.
You spend the rest of the afternoon on the beach, heading inside with everyone to have some drinks and hang out. Late into the night you find Trevor, taking his hand and pulling him aside. “Want to go down to the beach with me for a bit?”
“Yeah, let’s go.” Trevor follows you to the beach, sitting next to you. 
“Crazy day,” you comment, leaning back to lay on the soft sand, hoping you wouldn’t end up with sand in your hair, though you weren’t worried enough to not lay down. 
“Yeah,” Trevor mumbles, laying down next to you. 
The sound of the gentle ways rolling onto the shore fill your ears, mixed with the chirping of crickets in the distance. Neither of you say anything more for a little while, taking in the moment, thinking back over the details of the day, wrapped up in your thoughts. 
Staring at the bright stars in the night sky you lift your forearm, waiting till Trevor follows your lead before sliding your hand into his. “So, what now?” you whisper, turning your head to look at Trevor. 
You know he understands exactly what you’re asking by the length of time it takes him to say anything. “How does Anaheim sound?”
Your breath catches in your throat and before you have sufficient time to really think it through you’re nodding in response. But even if you had enough time to think it through, Anaheim did always sound like a good idea. 
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Summary: You had been signed up with Joel and two other people to patrol to the radio tower in Cody. After getting there you offer to take first watch, leaving Joel coming up with a... creative idea to test how good of a sharpshooter you really are.
Pairing: Joel Miller x fem. reader
Wordcount: 2.7k
Rating: E
Warnings: established relationship, teasing, flirting, kissing, smut (Oral f receiving; unprotected sex; cream pie), 2 ass slaps, some biting, guns, shooting
follow @toomanystoriessolittletime-fics and turn on notifications to get notified when I post new fics
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The ride to the radio tower in Cody was not something you looked forward to when you read your name on the patrol rotation board. 
You did not particularly enjoy sitting on horseback for a longer amount of time ever since you injured your tailbone just before you got to Jackson almost four years ago. The injury had fully healed of course, but certain movements still made you sore. 
But you were never one to complain and saw the bright parts of such a journey. 
Spending one on one time with Joel Miller for example. 
Not that you didn’t spend time with him anyway ever since he moved into your home almost two years ago. But there was something exciting knowing you and him would be almost alone for miles and miles. Well except for the two other people who were also on patrol which would be Eugene and one of the newer residents of Jackson a young woman named Katy. 
„I could talk to Maria, tell her you’re sick,“ Joel offered, his chin resting on your shoulder as he stood behind you his chest against your back, his arms caging you against the counter where you prepared a big to go cup (thanks to a Starbucks raid earlier this year) with Coffee for him and a fresh mint tea for you. 
„That’s awfully nice of you, but I finally convinced myself to pretend it’s like a little 3 day vacation.“
„Oh yeah?“ He asked and you nodded, smiling as you felt his nose against your neck, breathing you in. 
„Jup. You know, five star accommodation in a… abandoned farmhouse, food and drinks all inclusive, spa treatments….“ You listed. 
„Oh yeah I can see it. Rustic survival experience package included,“ he hummed and you chuckled. 
„See? The amount of money you’d have to pay for that like twenty years ago,“ you put the lid on both of the travel cups and turned around, tilting your head up to look up at him. His hair was still wet, combed back. He had shaved a little, leaving his beard a little shorter than usual. There were tiny wrinkles around his eyes as he looked at you, a small smile on his lips, his brown eyes soft and… happy. 
It was a completely different version from the Joel you met three years ago when he and Ellie first got here. 
It took a lot of time and patience to get to know this version of Joel, the version he only showed to the people he loved. 
You got on your tiptoes, kissing him softly on his plush lips. 
„Come on, we gonna be late,“ you whispered and he pecked your lips again, sighing as he parted from you and picked up both of your already packed backpacks, leaving you to carry the cups and sandwiches you had prepared for the journey.
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With your rifle over your shoulder, your backpack and a bag with some food strapped to your horse, Ellie let you borrow Shimmer, you were riding next to Joel behind Eugene and Katy who were currently playing a game of car (yeah, hilarious, they already saw one in the last three hours).
You had another hour to go and you were already looking forward to taking a nap first thing you got there. You had volunteered to take the first watch during the night, giving you perks of not having to set up camp and clearing the area of infected. 
„You okay?" Joel asked and you turned your head to look at him, giving him a small smile. 
„I’m fine,“ you said as he looked at you and he sighed, not believing a word. 
„Want me to give you a massage later?“ He asked, riding a little closer so only you could hear him. 
„I don’t know, if I can afford a spa treatment. Money is a little low,“ you teased him and he sucked his bottom lip in, shaking his head, fighting a smile. 
„We’ll find a way for you to pay, don’t you worry,“ he hummed and you couldn’t help but smile at him for a moment longer before your eyes drifted away from him to watch your surroundings. 
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It was almost dark when you got to the radio tower in Cody. The four of you made quick work of checking the building, before you spend some time talking and eating together. You took a thirty minute nap, Joel waking you up so you could start first watch.
You were looking forward to stretching your muscles while on the watch of threats, stretching your body after riding all day. Not that something had ever happened here before when you were out on this trip.
It was getting colder, winter fast approaching. 
Joel had given you his winter jacket to keep warm before he laid down into this sleeping bag, reminding you to wake him up in four hours so he could take over second watch. 
You still couldn’t get used to how dark the night made the world around you ever since the outbreak. There was no twinkling light of a city in the far distance, no noise of a far away high way.
You were on the roof of the tower, the whole landscape surrounding you.
It was dark and quiet. The only light source the half moon, the only noise an owl somewhere in the woods beside the house. 
You saw some deer while watching out through the scope of your rifle but you decided against taking one down. 
You did not have the right tools to put it apart and take back to Jackson so you watched them while they were running around. 
A noise behind you let you jump, your rifle still in your hand. Turning around you watched Joel as he walked up to you, completely dressed apart form his coat you were wearing, watching you with a little amused smile. 
„Could have shot you,“ you sighed, taking a deep breath to calm down your rapidly beating heart. 
„What a way to go,“ he joked and you rolled your eyes. You turned away from him, your eyes back on the landscape in front of you. 
„What are you doing up?“ You asked. 
„Couldn’t sleep,“ he hummed and you felt him getting closer until his arms came to rest on the railing in front of you, his body caging you in. You felt his warmth even through the layers you were already wearing, wondering if he was getting cold, only wearing his undershirt and Flannel. 
„You should try anyway. It’s gonna be a long day tomorrow,“ you said and he hummed. 
You stood there in silence for a while before you felt his lips on your jaw. One of his hands left the railing, pulling a little on the coat you were wearing until he could access more of your neck, his lips wandering down. 
„What are you doing?“ You asked quietly, your head tilting to give him more access.
„Nothin’…“ he hummed, sucking on your skin. His hand slowly unzipped your coat, grunting when he found another coat beneath it. 
„How many goddamn layers are you wearing?“ He asked irritated and you grinned to yourself. 
„Enough to stay warm all night,“ you said and he made a disapproving noise, pulling the zipper of your second coat down. His beard scratched over your skin when he finally found a sliver of your skin with his fingers, his lips humming against your neck. 
„Joel…“ you warned, the rifle still in your hands, propped over the railing, ready to be used immediately in the case of an emergency. 
„Just keep watch baby. Don’t mind me,“ he said, his fingers now running down your stomach, his fingertips slipping under the waistband of your jeans all while his lips kept kissing your neck. 
You took a deep breath before you relaxed your shoulders. You felt him smile against your skin, before his other hand let go of the railing and he opened the button of your jeans. 
„I want you to focus on keeping watch, baby. Can you do that for me?“ He asked, his lips against your ear while his fingers pulled at the waistband of your jeans. Your breath hitched, you head nodding. 
„I need words,“ he said and you whimpered. 
„I do. I can, Joel,“ you mumbled.
„Good girl,“ he whispered and your knees buckled at his low praise.
The rifle was by now slumped in front of you, only held up by the string over your shoulder. Joel slipped your jeans and panties down to your knees before his warmth left your back. 
„I want you to keep your hands on the railing. You gonna want to hold on to something,“ he said and your hand shot out, gripping the railing, fighting a whimper.
You had no idea what got into him, but you weren’t about to question him. 
His fingers brushed up the back of your thighs, making you sigh. 
“Gotta be quiet. Sound travels from up here. Don’t want Eugene knowing what we’re up to here, huh?“ he said before you felt his tongue lick through your folds from behind, front to back. 
„Fuck,“ you gasped, letting your hand fall in between your shoulders, your eyes slipping closed. 
„Nuh uh. Keep that eyes on you surroundings. Want you to keep watch while I eat this pussy,“ he said and you bit into your bottom lip before you tilted your head up, your eyes focused on the dark landscape in front of you. 
Joel licked you slowly, humming against you, both of his hands pulling your asscheeks apart, exposing you fully to him. You moaned quietly as he ate you out, his tongue slipping inside of you, fucking you with it slowly. 
„Shit,“ you whined, wiggling in his grasp. He slapped your ass. 
„Stay still. Tell me what you see,“ he hummed, you felt his breath on your ass. 
„Wha..at?“ You asked. 
„Tell me,“ he licked, „what you see. Got a job to do. Don’t let me stop you from it,“ you could hear the grin in his voice, before he slapped your ass again. Harder this time. 
„Fuck. Fuck okay,“ you said. You blinked your eyes a couple of times, your gaze wandering around as you felt Joel’s tongue flick over your clit.
„There’s… There’s a family of deer not far from here,“ you started. He hummed, his lips closing around your clit, sucking slowly. 
„It’s two big deer and five smaller ones. They… Fuck the younger ones are jumping around,“ you whimpered, your knuckles starting to hurt form how hard you were gripping the railing. 
„What else?“ Joel asked and you groaned. You took a deep breath, trying to find something else. 
„Ho-ORSES, fuck right there,“ you moaned and you felt him chuckle as he focused his tongue on your clit while two of his fingers entered you without any resistance, angling them inside of you, his fingertips brushing over the spot only he seemed to be able to find immediately. 
„Joel please,“ you mumbled out of breath. 
He played your body like he played his guitar, with strong hands an nimble fingers, pushing you closer and closer to your orgasm, your insides clenching. You could feel it deep in your bones, your muscles tensing. And just before you could fall over the edge Joel stopped. His fingers pulling out. 
You whined in disappointment and Joel bit into your left ass cheek. 
It’s then that you both heard it. The unmistakable noise of infected. 
You tensed, your hands gripping the riffle, pulling yourself in position. 
Joel held on to your hip as he got back up, the weight of him behind you keeping you focused. 
„How far away?“
„Far,“ you whispered, your finger now hovering over the trigger. With one eye closed you kept an eye on them through the scope. It were six or seven, you could not say for sure due to the darkness. 
„Think you can take them out from here?“ Joel asked and you heard him unbuckle his belt, fighting the urge to turn around to watch what he was doing. 
„What are you doing?“ You asked, your eyes still fixed on the slowly approaching danger. 
„Nothin’. Shoot them baby. I know you can. Best fucking shot we have in Jackson,“ he hummed. You were now leaning over the railing, the gun sitting over it, pointed towards your target. You steadied yourself, fading out everything around you, your eyes finding your first target. 
It looked like it had been a young man before it got infected. You breathed in, pulling the trigger as you breathed out, a shot ringing out and that was when Joel chose to thrust into you hard, making you stumbled minimally forward, gasping out. Joel’s arm came around you, reloading the gun for you, his cock deep inside of you. 
„Next,“ he hummed against your ear. You clenched around his cock, making him choke out as you took back control of the gun. 
„A little warning would have been great,“ you turned your head to look at him. He just kissed you once. 
„Where would be the fun in that? Go on, lemme check how good of a shot you are while you’re fucked,“ he said and you couldn’t stop a low moan from your throat as he rolled his hips. 
„Someone woke up horny,“ you mumbled to yourself and you heard him chuckle. You leaned back forward, your eye searching for your next target through the scope. When you found it, you didn’t think, you just pulled the trigger, watching it fall down, while Joel bottomed out and thrust back into you hard. 
„So fucking wet,“ Joel groaned, slowly fucking into you. 
You reloaded the gun, lining up the next shot, trying to steady yourself as you took the shot, Joel thrusting into you hard again. 
„Fuck,“ you whimpered.
„Gonna make you cum so hard once you took them all out,“ Joel promised and you gasped as you reloaded the gun again. 
Every time you pulled the trigger he thrusted into you so hard you had to push back against him to not stumble forward. 
It was after eight shots more (you only missed one) that you secured the weapon and put it down. 
„My good girl,“ Joel praised you, his arm pulling you up against him. You wiggled yourself out of his coat, wanting to feel him closer. One of his arm wrapped around you, his hand gripping one of your tits over your shirt.
„Please make me cum. I’m so fucking close,“ you whimpered, bringing your hands up to hold on to his arm wrapped around your chest. He fucked up into you deeply, his other hand coming down in between your legs, finding your clit. He circled his fingers over it while he continued to fuck you. 
„I’m… Fuck I’m gonna cum,“ you moaned, meeting his thrusts as best as you could.
„Shit, keep squeezing my cock like that,“ he grunted against you ear. 
It was within the next few second that you exploded around him, your lips parted in a silent scream, shaking around him. 
„Fuck baby. Can I cum inside you?“ He asked and you nodded. 
„Last period ended three days ago. Should be fine,“ you whimpered. 
„Fuck, you sure?“
„Joel please come inside of me,“ you whined and he groaned, thrusting a handful more times before you felt him twitch inside of you, fucking his cum inside of you. 
His head came to rest on the back of yours, you both out of breath. 
„What was that all about? Not that I’m complaining,“ you asked and he huffed a laugh. 
„Woke up horny for you,“ he said and you both chuckled. He slowly pulled out of you and you hissed a little. 
He pulled up your jeans for you after he tucked himself back in and you turned around in his arms. He had pulled his coat on and you put your arms under it, hugging him close.
„You took them all out?“ He asked, looking down at you. 
„Sure did.“
„That’s my girl,“ he smiled and kissed you. 
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Hey, you could do an Edward Cullen x reader where the reader is his blood singer but, unlike Bella, isn't obsessed with him? As if he really had to work hard to win her over? (sorry if i wrote something wrong, english is not my mother tongue)
Taking It Slow
You dropped Jessica and Angela off at Jess’ car still in the parking lot of the dress shop. They were leaving Port Angeles early while you were going to meet your brother for dinner later. Sometimes you wondered why you agreed to move in with your brother. Well, you knew. It was either go live with your older brother or move to Portugal during your last years of high school. You learned French in school, not Portuguese. Forks, Washington was your only real choice. 
There was still some time before your brother got out of classes and met you. It was nice of him to let you use his car, stating he could take the bus instead. With time to kill, you decided to grab a coffee and just walk around. A gasp left your mouth when you ran into someone. 
“I’m so sorry. Oh, hi, Edward.” 
You looked up to see Edward Cullen, your… you didn’t know what to call him. You guys weren’t really friends. But what exactly were you supposed to call the vampire you knew who claimed your blood was made for them? Aside from telling him that it wasn’t exactly a compliment you were a blood singer, you didn’t know what to do with Edward. He wasn’t mean. On the contrary, he was a decent guy. But you weren’t the type to just fall for someone because they were hot and nice. Plus, you didn’t like your guys having all the girls falling for him. 
Edward scratched at the back of his head. “Hi. Oh, I wasn’t following you, by the way.” 
You pursed your lips for a moment. “I wasn’t exactly worried about that.” 
“Right, sorry, I’m kind of guessing. I promised not to read your mind so I’m not really sure anymore.” 
“You could just ask.” 
“Right, right. Uh, right, do you want another coffee?” 
“I’m actually meeting my brother for dinner.” 
“Well can I walk you?” 
The two of you were side by side with each other. You could feel Edward twitching next to you. The vampire wasn’t sure what was going on with him. He had never planned on getting close to you but he couldn’t help it. It was impossible not to want to be near his blood singer. He felt awkward and unsure about everything he did when it came to you. He wasn’t even sure if you were still single because you knew of his feelings for you or if you just didn’t like any of the boys that asked you out. 
Your brother raised an eyebrow when he saw you coming up the street. A sigh left your mouth. He was going to ask about Edward and you just didn’t have the patience to answer anything. You gave a wave to your walking companion and entered the restaurant. Like you expected, your brother didn’t stop asking questions. He wouldn’t even give it a rest when he dropped you off at school. 
You always got to school a little early because of your brother’s classes. You blinked in surprise at a very tall and rather pale man standing next to your locker. Awkwardly, Edward stuck out a hand. He was clutching a small bouquet of flowers. 
“I don’t know what your favorite is but I thought these daisies were nice.” 
You took them from him. “Thank you, Edward.” 
He nodded, walking off. You held the bouquet in the crook of your elbow as you grabbed some books. Not even a minute later, Edward came back. You watched him take in a breath he didn’t need. Edward pointed at the flowers until you got the hint to give them back. He thrusted them out in front of you once more and you had to stop yourself from laughing. How was a century old vampire so awkward in life? 
“I want to ask you out. Do you want to go on a date with me?” 
“I… I haven’t thought that far.” 
“Well, when, then?” 
“I haven’t thought that far.” 
You took the flowers back from him. “It’s a Teacher Work Day on Wednesday. You pick me up at seven, we drive to Seattle. Breakfast at the Original Starbucks and then we go to the waterfront.” 
Edward was flustered, muttering a small okay. You laughed as you watched him walk away. This was certainly going to be an interesting date. 
@venomsvl @peaches-n-sunscreen @summerellaz @supernaturallover2002 @sambucky8 @9daykrisr @thebitchinleo @23victoria @scarlets-widow @pagetpagetpagetpaget @lovexnatasha @awesomebooklover17 @1234-angelika @imatrisk @blackreaderatrisk @princess-jules47 @alexloveskili @a-marie-a @siriuslysirius1107​ @i-have-no-life-charlie
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jenscx · 1 year
FATE — huh yunjin x f!reader
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it’s been two years since yunjin had broken up with you, but fate brings you to korea, and into yunjin’s arms.
TAGS — fluff, angst, exes to lovers, cursing, wanted to write a super angsty one but felt bad for my wife yunjin :((
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yunjin breaks up with you through a phone call. it’s embarrassing, her voice sounding through your phone explaining and rambling while you try your best not to cry in a random starbucks.
“—and it’s not you, like seriously, it’s just our time differences and i can’t be in a relationship if i want to debut.” you grip your phone a little tighter.
“you told me you were going there to visit family. not to debut or even train again,” memories of yunjin reassuring you flash through your head and you can just hear the grimace in her voice.
your girlfriend continues, “i know what i said, it’s just, they asked and this is all i’ve ever wanted.”
“so that text from yesterday was a lie? telling me that you missed me so much and couldn’t wait to come back?” you hiss as quietly as possible, feeling more furious rather than sad at this point.
yunjin goes quiet for a second before sighing, “i do miss you and i miss new york too but i can’t give up on my dream. i’m sorry, y/n.”
you think of your girlfriend’s past endearing words and they only fan the flames burning inside you. ( “y/n? are you still there?” ) and at that moment, you no longer feel any sort of affection for huh yunjin, only disappointment that she lied to you and then broke up with you through a two minute phone call.
“i hope i never see you again, jennifer. bye.”
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it’s been two years since the breakup and you glared at anyone who brought it up. it was a sensitive subject and you would rather spend your time thinking of anything else but yunjin. yet, you feel exhilarated. a sample of your mix had somehow worked its way to hybe and the producers there had reached out to you, an opportunity anyone would give anything for.
a ticket headed to south korea was booked and you stood in the airport, giving your teary goodbyes to your family. you had tried to build up your korean a few weeks beforehand and maybe, you could understand it more than the average foreigner.
after all, if you were to potentially be signed to hybe, you might just end up migrating there and a little korean could help you out.
“be good, i don't want to see my only daughter ending up a prisoner,” your dad says.
you laugh, affronted, “why would i do anything that would warrant jail time?”
he shrugs and you give your parents one final hug before departing for the gates.
excitement fills your veins and you are soon jittering with nervousness. as soon as they announce boarding, you rush onto the plane, a newfound enthusiasm for your future.
maybe you could meet blackpink there, but yg and hybe don’t really collaborate often, you thought.
or maybe if the whole hybe thing doesn’t work out, you could try for the black label and end up producing for somi. that would be fun.
your fantasies entertain you for the rest of the flight and sleep overtakes you at the later part. it is a 14 hour flight after all. you dream of soft brown eyes and even softer black hair.
it’s around 10 o’clock in the morning when your plane lands and surprisingly, you feel well-rested. it’s surreal that you were finally in korea and as you wait for the designated driver to pick you up, a crowd of fans rushes past you, camera flashes going off at lightning speed.
“ah, isn’t that lesserafim? they just came back from japan,” a stranger remarked while passing by. you tense up. the group, lesserafim, familiar yet painful at the same time. you clench your eyes shut, not willing to make any sort of contact with one particular member.
however, your body gravitates towards the crowd and the sight of the group’s success before you grips your heart painfully.
she left for a good cause.
“kazuha! look here!”
“chaewon! chaewon! do a heart with sakura!”
“eunchae-ssi, do a heart!”
just as you’re about to leave, someone calls out.
“yunjin! look here!”
unfortunately, the person who had yelled stood next to you and even though your head was screaming at you to run, your legs stayed rooted and you’re forced to face the girl who had broken your heart.
“y/n?” she mouthed, eyes widening. you pulled the cap on your head downwards and gulped. should i just run and hope she thinks i’m just her hallucination?
unluckily (or luckily for future you), neither you nor yunjin move away and you’re stuck in a staring contest with your ex.
she did nothing and snapped her smiling façade back on her face but her gaze wandered to you occasionally.
you thought back to your words, “i never want to see you again.” yeah, that was how it should be and your body finally cooperated as you pulled yourself out of her trance, away from the crowd.
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you stare at the building, a modern, skyscraper corporate building that spoke of the company’s success.
“hello,” you greet the bodyguards stationed at the front and head in. it was pristine and honestly, you would die to work here every day. there was a cafe and everything, you promised yourself to get a snack later.
“oh, you’re the producer that no joohwan has a meeting with,” the receptionist says, “the twelfth floor, i think he’s in the studio.”
you nod and express your thanks before making your way up. despite the fact that you were about to talk to a hybe producer, your head was filled with thoughts of a particular idol under hybe. her blonde hair and bright eyes… why did she dye her hair? you frowned as the elevator dinged.
you’re greeted with a hallway and multiple doors. the sign above most reading, ‘practice room’ while the door at the end is a different colour.
you knocked and waited a couple seconds before opening it slightly.
a man sat before a layout of buttons and mixers that you were well familiar with and inside the recording booth, a sole girl looking at the lyric sheet.
“oh, hello, i wasn’t expecting you to be so early but come on in. you can take a seat there first while i finish up,” the producer, no joohwan, smiles. you nod and do so, not before recognising the girl inside as lesserafim’s chaewon.
“chaewon-ssi, let’s do the last verse, okay?”
you’re amazed at her voice and the way joohwan moves so fluidly around the mixer. it feels like it’s his second home and it probably was. it was like a performance artwork.
“i think that was good, we can wrap up here today,” joohwan says, “tell yunjin to drop by later, we need to record her verse too.”
even her name urges some sort of reaction out of you and maybe chaewon notices since she raises a questioning eyebrow but doesn’t say anything.
“okay,” joohwan turns to you when chaewon leaves the room, “so, i heard your mix and i think you’re just what our team needs. i think that you bring something new and i want you to work for hybe, or more specifically, source music.”
source music, the company lesserafim is under. you’re now in some dilemma because if you were to reach joohwan’s level, you would have to see the members during recording. the members, including yunjin. your head spins at the opportunity presented, either let your past relationship affect your future or forget about it.
you feel slightly bitter. yunjin chose her work over your relationship. she didn’t let you, no matter how much she loved you, affect her dreams.
“i would love to work for source music.”
you think you’ve made the right choice when joohwan takes your hand into a firm handshake, “i’m glad you chose our company! when i’m done recording with the girls, we can sign you to source music and draft up a contract.”
“okay, i’ll come in next week then?”
“yes, that would be great.” you don’t lie through your teeth when you tell him how much you appreciate the opportunity and joohwan seems genuinely excited for new ideas and samples.
as soon as you open the door however, your smile fades away as a blonde blocks your way.
“oh. you’re… here,” yunjin blinks. seeing her in close proximity brings up a lot of things you want to say to her. for example, you’re still so pretty ranging to i hate you and your stinking guts. but you don’t say any of those. you nod and then try to manoeuvre past her but she’s so much taller and stronger than you that your wrist just ends up in her grip. she drags you away while you struggle in her grasp and only stops when you two are both in an empty practice room, the door swiftly locked by yunjin.
“what are you doing!” you shriek, backing away from your ex-girlfriend but it seems, she has other plans that prevent your escape.
“no, what are you doing in korea?” yunjin retorts, “aren’t you meant to be in new york?”
“i’m here for a job, dumbass, so can i leave now?” you frown, not liking the way yunjin rests her gaze on you.
a moment of silence befalls the two of you, and of course, your temper runs short and it’s another episode of you trying to reach the locked door but yunjin’s arms reach you before you do.
her arms wrap around your waist and you writhe uncontrollably.
“jennifer! let. me. go!”
you gasp, “what the hell do you mean, ‘no’!”
“i just wanna talk to you!”
“and i don’t want to talk to you!”
your ex-girlfriend pointedly ignores you until you stop trying to escape, too tired to fight back against the once comfortable embrace you wished for.
you pant, “what?”
“what do you want to say? and it’s not nice just grabbing your ex— or anyone, like that!” you scoff.
yunjin releases her grip slightly but not enough for your body to wiggle out. she sits you both on the wooden floor and sighs.
“what, jennifer? you wrestle me and then have nothing to say? you better start talking if not i’m leaving in five seconds.”
“okay, this isn’t how i envisioned our first meeting.”
“and i didn’t envision this at all,” you whisper under your breath, rolling your eyes. who the hell fantasises about meeting their ex again?
“can you stop saying shit and just listen?”
“no, jennifer, because you literally just kidnapped me!”
yunjin groans loudly, “oh my god, stop calling me jennifer!” her shout falters you and you stay quiet. a part of you is scared of her anger and another part wants to cry. cry that yunjin’s hold is so, so warm.
you hear yunjin take a deep breath.
“i regret breaking up with you.”
and it’s crazy that you don’t have a snarky remark to bite back. you don’t have any words at all because… well, why would yunjin ever regret that?
it got her famous, rich and her dream that she desired.
you feel her embrace you a little tighter again. at this point, your back was to her chest and she rested her head against your shoulder. it was like you two were cuddling, only that you were deathly upright and still. suddenly you hear sniffles and your shoulder getting wet.
“it was fine at first. i liked being an idol but i just… i’m sorry for leaving you. i was an idiot and i can’t tell you how much i’ve missed you,” yunjin cries into your shoulder, “i was so stupid to break up with the only person that supported me then… and i’m so sorry for being such a dumbass to ever let you go. i wanted to go back to new york and beg for you to take me back—”
“so why didn’t you?” you interrupt.
“i was scared, scared that i might see you with someone new and scared to face you again, but now that you’re here, all these emotions just rush out and fuck, i can’t stop crying. please, please let me try again, i won’t be the same idiot that breaks up with you. i’ll do anything for you, y/n.”
yunjin just sobs into your shoulder and there’s some mumbles that you can’t make out.
“jen,” you mutter softly, “i was so broken when you left me. you lied and then just broke up with me on the spot, and there’s still a little bit of my heart that hates you for it.” your ex-girlfriend’s body tenses up.
“the days after, i waited for any contact with you. maybe you would call, apologise and come back to new york, but a part of me knew that you would never. but i stayed, hoping,” you chuckle, “so much for wistful thinking. you haven’t changed much. but i did.”
yunjin inhales sharply.
“have you… moved on?” you can tell her cheeks are burning red at her curiosity despite her hair hiding her face.
“i could never move on, you know that right? i just had to change to become someone who would survive without you,” you turn around, facing the one that left you heartbroken in a starbucks two years ago. “you left so abruptly and… i can’t just forgive you instantly. also, i meant it when i said it wasn’t nice of you to just drag me in here.”
yunjin pouts, cheeks reddening further, “you would have ran away.”
you pinch her cheeks, “then you can chase me properly this time, instead of leaving again.”
she sighs into her hands.
“i wish i could turn back time and never leave you.”
you shake your head, “i’m still pissed at you. i think i had to change pillowcases every day since i cried into my pillow every time i thought of you.”
yunjin lets out a watery laugh.
“i’m sorry.”
“it’s okay. i became okay.”
“i just,” yunjin stutters, “missed you… way more than i thought. i love you, so much. fuck, why’d i ever think of leaving you?” she says the last part more to herself than you.
“let’s start slow, yunjin,” you offer the girl, who raises her eyebrows.
“everyone here calls you yunjin, shouldn’t i do the same?”
“but i like jen…”
you giggle, “okay jen, i’ll give you another chance.”
you swear that yunjin’s face brightens up tenfold when you let those words out.
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lesserafim’s dating ban is lifted after five years. yunjin is more mature and so are you. you had recently celebrated your 27th birthday by flying back to new york (with yunjin tagging along) to visit your family.
after reaching incheon international airport, yunjin takes ahold of your hand and laughs, “this is the first time i saw you since we broke up. it’s so crazy that fate brought you here with me.”
you roll your eyes at her.
“you mean, you broke up with me, don’t make it into a mutual agreement,” you sass.
“yeah yeah, but i wanted to ask you something,” yunjin shifted uncomfortably, “y/n.”
“yes, jen?”
“we should start dating.”
“yeah? that’s not really asking anyway, more like stating,” you say.
yunjin is now the one rolling her eyes.
“is that a yes because i might just start crying.”
you give her silence before bursting into laughter at her worried expression.
“yes, you doofus.”
( “hey jen, you were kind of like joe jonas breaking up with taylor swift when you broke up with me.”
“oh my god, i was joe jonas.” )
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bokutooooo · 1 year
Dream Ride PT- 2 ᰔᩚ
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The annoying sounds of my alarm clock going off waking me up almost instantly and I can already feel my head pounding. Last night I ended up going to one of Han's infamous parties and let's just say it was fun. "Morning Cassidy, how'd you sleep?" Cassidy was my aunt, one of the main reasons I came to Japan after mom threw me out. "it was fine, woke up a couple of times but nothing to bad. How's Neela? you girls have fun? being careful I hope". I grab a box of cereal and a bowl "It was fun I mean just regular car stuff.. Neela likes my car so that's good" I laugh thinking about how Neela kept asking me to let her drive it. "I'm glad, just make sure you guys are being careful and staying out of trouble" I give her a nod walking towards the small couch. I haven't really told her anything about Han I don't think she'll like it, which means I probably shouldn't be getting involved with him but can you blame me? his shoulder length jet black hair, his little smile and I mean have you seen the 1997 Mazda RX-7 it's almost to nice. "Hey? you going to start getting ready? Don't want you getting yelled at again."
"Hey Neela whatcha doing?" I say as I'm walking into class. "Nothing too exciting just sketching something knew, you think I should get a Toyota Supra? I mean how cute would that be." I lightly laugh "I think you should get whatever you like, you have the time and money right? so do it." she gives me a small smile and continues sketching away.
I sat down as our professor walked in, all I could ever think about was cars, friends and.. well Han. I know it's stupid, thinking about a guy who pays me little to no attention but I can't stop. My grades were going down, I was starting to care less and stop trying but If I don't start picking them back up my aunt will notice and question me than I would have to tell her something. "Hey! let's go times up" I look up and Neela's waiting for me "class is over? already?" I swear class just started "Yeah??? let's go weirdo."
Me and Neela were out shopping "What about this one? it's cuteee, c'monnnn look at the lace lining" I look up from my phone. She was buying a new skirt.. yet all the ones she's tried on were kind of.. ugly? "No." I look back down "whatever!" she aggressively shuts the the curtains of the change room. "How's Hanny booooo have you texted him? "Why would I be texting him?" she pops her head out "because you like love him? and you always want to talk to him."
"Well I haven't talked to him since the party so." It's true I do love finding an excuse to talk to him but I guess I'm starting to realize that we have like no chance together. "What's up? you suddenly stopped liking him?" "No it's just- It's not going to happen. Like ever, so I'm going to stop being a fangirl and find someone else. Plus Cassidy would ever approve and I won't let her down."
"Oh come on! you guys like.. love each other!! maybe thats to quick.. but! you guys love talking to one another and love hanging out, so who cares what others think? Cassidy you'll talk to when it happens, don't worry about before it even happens."
Neela had a point but I'm not even sure I was ready, I don't even know how Han feels.
Once Neela found an outfit she liked we went to go eat. "Hey Neela I'm gonna go grab something from Starbucks want something?" "mmm.. sure! just an iced coffee please."
"Hey Neela got your ice-" I paused, DK and Morimoto sat on either side of her. "Oh hey DK what are you doing here?" "Just came for something to do, ran into you two." Neela looked a bit uncomfortable, DK practically breathing on her and Morimoto right on the other side "Me and Neela were just about to leave but we'll probably see you guys tonight." "Yeah sorry guys see you later!"
Tonight was one of the biggest Drift events of the year. It would be packed, cars in every spot, people everywhere, music blasting and food. That's why me and Neela went shopping, had to look extra good tonight. "Why was DK like breathing down you're neck? he's pretty clingy for someone your not dating" "I know but we've been best friends for agesss, kind of hard to just stop you know?"
"Eeee! look at it! so cute!!" I was admiring my self In the full body mirror. I had white leg warmers with pompoms on them, and light pink tank top with a dark pink outline and a white headband. "look at you cutie!" "never mind meee look at you beautiful" Neela had on a short denim skirt, black military boots with a heel and half up half down hairstyle with a bow. "ready to go? we should try to get there before it gets to packed, gonna need to park somewhere."
Hope you enjoyed this part!>
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allthingsfangirl101 · 9 months
Underneath The Tree – Joe Keery
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The only thing worse than being alone for Christmas was being alone and sick for Christmas. I pulled the blanket up closer to my chin as Jimmy Fallon introduced his next guest, Joe Keery.
Joe and I have known each other for several years. We met when he was filming Free Guy. I worked in the Starbucks cafe Amazon had on set. It started with Joe stopping by every couple of days. He then started stopping by every morning. This turned into him coming in every morning and before he left every day.
After months of him stopping by, he finally asked me on a date. We dated on the DL because we weren't sure how his director would react to us dating. We've been official ever since Free Guy came out. Six months ago, Joe and I decided to move in together. We thought it would help our relationship since Joe's always gone for work.
I smiled, ignoring the fever as I watched Jimmy interview my man. He was a natural. He answered Jimmy's questions while being respectful and funny. He was perfect. It's no wonder girls all over the world were in love with my boyfriend.
"So, tell me how things are going with Y/N," Jimmy said, shifting the conversation to Joe's personal life. "Still going strong?"
"Of course," Joe chuckled.
Behind his professional actor smile, I could see a slight blush building. He never minded talking about his job, but he was hesitant to talk about me and our relationship. He didn't want to accidentally share too much. The last thing he wanted was to share information about us that made me uncomfortable.
"Come on, Joe," Jimmy teased. "Give us some details. You two have been dating for, what? Two years?"
"About a year and a half," Joe corrected politely.
"And?" Jimmy elongated.
"And things are going great," Joe chuckled. "Y/N is amazing and she makes me incredibly happy."
"That's wonderful," Jimmy cooed. "You two live together, right?"
"Yep," he said shifting in his seat. This conversation tended to make him a little uncomfortable. Some people thought moving in after one year was too soon. We received some backlash when it leaked. Ever since then, Joe's hated interviewers talking about our living situation.
"Once we got to the one-year mark, we decided to move in together," he continued. He quickly added, "I'm gone a lot for work and we would sometimes go weeks without seeing each other. We figured that moving in together would allow us to see each other more."
"Has it?"
"It has," Joe said, relaxing. "I get to see her every day I'm home. She's the first thing I see when I wake up and the last thing I see when I go to bed. It's perfect."
"Well," Jimmy chuckled, "it sounds like the two of you are really in love."
"We are," Joe said. My breath got caught in my throat when he looked at the camera and smiled.
I don't know who the musical guest was. I fell asleep after Joe finished his interview. I woke up about an hour later to my phone ringing. Without getting up, I grabbed it off the coffee table and answered it.
"Merry Christmas Eve Eve, Joe."
"Crap," Joe said into the phone.
"Hello to you too," I chuckled as I slowly sat up.
"I didn't mean to wake you up, baby," he sighed. "I'm sorry."
"It's okay," I said as I slowly sat up. The movement of me sitting up sent me into a coughing attack. I pulled the phone away from my ear and tried to cover it. When I finally calmed down, I put the phone back to my ear.
"Are you okay, Y/N?" Joe asked.
"I'm fine," I brushed off.
"I'm so sorry," he sighed.
"What for, baby?"
"For not being there," he sighed again.
"Joe," I tried to interrupt him.
"I should be there," he continued. "I should be there to take care of you. To make you soup. To draw you a hot bath. To get you water when you go into one of your coughing attacks. To hold you as you fall asleep. To take care of you."
"You had to go to New York," I said, making sure to sound as strong as I could. "You had an interview. It was a plus side that you're family is spending Christmas in New York. Besides, you'll be home after the holidays."
"I know, but. . ."
"Please, don't do this, Joe," I sighed, a small cough getting caught in my throat.
"But. . ."
"No," I said firmer. "Joe, you know how much I love you. You haven't seen your family since before we moved in together. They were taking that trip to New York at the same time as your interview. It was perfect. You got the interview done and now you're spending Christmas with your family. And don't forget that we talked about this."
"That was before you got sick," he whispered.
"I'll be fine," I said slowly, mainly because it hurt to breathe, but also to make sure he heard me. "I'll spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day watching classic Christmas movies. You know my tradition of watching White Christmas on Christmas Eve. I can't skip that just because I'm sick."
"I wish you weren't doing that alone," he said, slightly speaking up.
"Well, it's not your fault my dad spends the holidays with his real family," I shrugged.
"Does your dad even know you're sick?" He asked.
"I called him," I sighed. "His wife sent me a care package."
"That was nice of her."
"Yeah," I scoffed. "The only reason she sent it was because she's 'trying' to show I'm a part of their family."
"At least she's trying," he offered.
"It would mean more if it was coming from him," I whispered.
"I know," Joe sighed. "I'm sorry, baby. I should've brought you with me to New York."
"Then your poor family would be stuck taking care of me," I chuckled.
"And they would happily do it," he said instantly. "Even my mom would rather have you here with us instead of alone."
I tried to avoid it, but sighing sent me into another coughing attack. Through my coughing, I could barely hear Joe sighing. For a second, it sounded like he was talking to someone.
"Baby?" He said, his voice coming out clearer. "You okay?"
"I'm fine," my voice horse from coughing.
"Get some water. Do you have some water?" He asked quickly.
"I do," I said, my voice slowly returning. I grabbed the water bottle I had next to me and took a large drink. I stopped drinking when I heard Joe talking to someone, maybe his mother.
"Everything okay?" I asked.
"Yeah," Joe said, sounding a little strange. "My mom just asked how you were feeling."
"Oh," I said softly. I cleared my throat, trying to get rid of the sudden guilt. "How's your family?"
"They're good," he said, still sounding strange. "They miss you. I miss you."
"I miss you too, baby." I paused before adding, "You'll be back before New Year's, right?"
"Yes," he said quickly. "My flight is on the 30th."
"Perfect," I said, no longer able to hide how tired I was.
"You should get some sleep," Joe said softly. "I'll call you tomorrow."
"Sounds good."
"I love you, baby."
"I love you too, Joe."
* * * * *
After my call with Joe last night, I fell asleep on the couch instead of our bed. I half-woke up when I felt someone gently move some hair out of my face. My eyes started to open but fully shot open when I saw who it was.
"Joe!" I gasped. I would've jumped into his arms if the excitement hadn't sent me into a coughing attack.
"Hello to you, too," he teased. He chuckled when I pouted. "What's with the face, Pout-pout Fish?"
"I want to kiss you," I said sadly. "But I'm sick."
"How about we do something else?"
"Joe," I sighed, laying back into the couch. "If we can't kiss, we definitely can't do that."
"I wasn't talking about that," Joe laughed. "And we don't have to kiss to do it."
"That may be true," I smiled, "but I'm still too weak."
"That's a different issue. One that can't be fixed or avoided," he chuckled. "Anyway, I meant this."
I smiled as Joe carefully crawled over me until he was lying behind me. I closed my eyes as I focused on the feeling of being wrapped in his arms. He reached over and grabbed the remote.
"What are you doing?" I mumbled.
"Putting on White Christmas," he said as he put the remote on the nearest side table. "Duh."
Joe wrapped his arm around my waist and I instantly draped my arm over his. Joe kissed my temple before relaxing behind me.
"I love you," I whispered.
"I love you too, baby. Merry Christmas, Y/N."
"Merry Christmas, Joe."
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mollymagician · 1 year
Dreamling Week Day 2: stuck in an elevator
Hi guys!! *shows up three days late with a Starbucks, two immortals and an old lady stuck in an elevator*
It was June 7th. Not THE June 7th, not the big one, they’re a few years off from that yet, but a random rainy 7th of June, and Hob was off doing errands. He’d have been a lot more disgruntled about slogging half way around the city in a pelting downpour if he hadn’t known that Dream would pop up somewhere, he always somehow managed it on this specific date.
But it’s still a surprise when he suddenly comes into being just as Hob is about to hop onto the lift at stop #2 on his to-do list.
Hob shoots him a grin. “Fancy seeing you out and about on such a miserable day.”
Dream replied with the small smile that seemed to be his grin-equivalent. “I thought you could use…assistance holding your umbrella?”
There was a ding as the doors slid open, and then began to close behind them as they stepped inside. Suddenly, Dream’s arm shot out, inhumanly quick and totally lacking the primal human fear of getting one’s fingers squished.
The doors sprang back open, revealing a stooped and wrinkled figure shuffling along behind a walker. Her gray hair was bundled into a messy bun, and gray eyes were magnified enormously by the thickest glasses Hob had ever seen.
Her name was Gladys, they would soon come to find out.
She didn’t seem to notice that Dream somehow knew what floor to push for her without asking, just crackled, “Oh, thank you kindly, dearie!” and Hob stifled a snicker. Dearie.
The lift began to rise. They made it to the sixth floor before the power went out.
Gladys sighed and pronounced with feeling, “Oh bugger!”
Gladys was eighty-two years old, never trusted elevators, but was delighted to be stuck in one with “two such handsome young men!”
“Er…I’m sure the power will be back up in a tick,” Hob said. Gladys settled comfortably on the seat of her walker, seemingly very content with her lot.
“So romantic, eh boys? Just like those little stories my granddaughter likes to write!” She gave Hob a wink. Dream’s head tilted and he took on the far-away look he got whenever he was accessing his mental metaphysical Google, or whatever it was he did. Hob could tell when he finally found what he was looking for, because his eyebrows shot up so high they nearly cleared the top of his head.
Fifteen minutes later:
“Well lads, thank the good Lord I had a piddle before I came or we’d be in dire straights right about now!”
Standing behind Gladys, Dream reached into his coat and produced his pouch of sand, giving Hob a look that he could only translate as is it really necessary for us all to be stuck in this box?
Hob wasn’t sure how to telegraph we cannot throw sand at a little old woman and teleport her out of a lift because she will have a STROKE with nothing but expressive eyebrows so he just shook his head and shot Dream his sternest look. It worked on his students…usually. Dream signed and put the sand away obediently.
Another fifteen minutes:
They had heard about Gladys’ late husband, her three grandchildren and how lovely the cardiologist was that she’d been on her way to visit before her morning got derailed. She rummaged around in her purse. “Like a mint, dears?”
Hob swore under his breath at his phone. “Connection is wretched in here. I can’t get through to anyone.” Dream patted him awkwardly on the shoulder. Hob could FEEL him restraining himself from pulling his sand out and dangling it in Hob’s face.
“I’m sure everything will be fine, lovie. I think I have a deck of cards about, somewhere…” More purse-rummaging. “Oh, and a sandwich! Bless, I forgot that was there.”
Ten more minutes:
“So,” Gladys said, “How long have you two been together, eh? I’d have been celebrating fifty years with my Bert this July.”
Silence. Distantly, Hob could hear the rain pounding against the building, echoing down the elevator shaft.
“Er…” he began, eloquently.
“That is…” he continued.
“Oh go on, it’s all right,” Gladys chirped. “My grandson, the one at university, he’s got himself a nice boyfriend. I said to myself, I said, Gladys, you can tell when two lads are sweet on one another, so don’t go challenging anyone to strip poker.” She pulled the deck of cards out of her purse and winked. “Yet.”
“Um,” Hob said.
“Sometimes it feels like six hundred years,” Dream intoned.
Gladys cackled and bopped the Immortal Endless King of Dreams and Nightmares on the arm with her purse. “Oh, listen to this one here!”
“It is…our anniversary,” Dream added.
He reached over to nudge Hob’s jaw shut with a little click, and then tugged Hob into his side like…like it was just something they did. And yes, that was definitely a smirk.
The power chose that moment to come back on.
“Oh…bugger,” Hob said.
They made it back down to the lobby with little incident. Gladys shuffled off to call her daughter, she said, since her doctors appointment was a bust. But first, she gave Hob a surprisingly crushing handshake and thumped Dream on the shoulder and said, loudly, “Well, thank you for the LOVELY time, boys. Let’s hope that the next time you’re stuck in a lift on your anniversary it’s not with an old bird like me hanging around, eh?” She executed a frankly indecent eyebrow wiggle, and shuffled away, humming to herself.
Hob stood for a moment watching her go, and realized he didn’t have the patience for any more of that day’s to-do list. He was to-do’ed out, as it were. Except for one thing. He glanced up at Dream and tried hard to control the idiot grin attempting to take over his face.
“We need to talk,” Hob said.
“That was partially my intent when I came to visit you today,” Dream said, still smirking, the bastard.
“I must admit, I’d hoped that talking wouldn’t be our only activity.”
Hob sighed. “Right. I’m not hiking back to the tube in this weather. Get back in the lift, dearie. This time you can sand us all you like.”
Dream said, “I thought you’d never ask.”
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