strawberyshelley · 5 years
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Happy May the Fourth (Be With You)! Let’s have a drink to celebrate. 
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strawberyshelley · 5 years
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strawberyshelley · 5 years
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strawberyshelley · 5 years
Uuuh your obi and padme fic is so so so good?!!!!! I need that next chapter so bad
Awwuuwuwuw thanks so much you can read the next chapter here  or on A03 (where 5 chapters are up!!) 
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strawberyshelley · 5 years
I Will Love You Forever Chpt 2
Padme and Obi-Wan are in love, and now she carries his child.
Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan chose not to take Anakin from his life on Tatooine, changing the destiny of everyone in the process.
Now married, Obi-Wan struggles with visions that plague his dreams.
Chapter 2, read below or on AO3                          previous             next 
Updates regularly, I love comments!
Waking up alone on his ship, sweat glistening on his skin, he contemplates the events that the Force revealed to him while he slept. This was not the way Obi-Wan wanted his day to start. Night after night, the Jedi witnessed visions of fire. Smoke clouding his vision, screams piercing his ears. He moved to the small water closet, splashing his face, trying to forget the terrible sights and sounds which plagued him. The man who stared back at him in the mirror was not the confident, quick thinking Jedi Knight that he often is. It was if all his insecurities shined back at him clearly, brought out by the heavy vision. Finding comfort in the soft hum of the ship, he brought a hand up to focus on his face, and noticed he’s grown a bit of stubble. Picking up the standard razor, he willed his hand to steady, moving on with his morning routine.
In the pilot seat, Obi-Wan rubbed a hand over his face, feeling drained.
“Should I share these visions with the council?” The Jedi Knight questioned himself. Putting the ship on autopilot after he engaged the hyperdrive, he looked lovingly at the small photo he had placed on the dash. Padme stood, elegant as ever, their arms around each other on her home planet, Naboo. At first Obi-Wan rejected the idea of having photographs taken at their wedding, but he’s very grateful for Padme’s closest friends and family’s insistence .The warm scenery took him away from the cold , sterile ship environment, even just for a moment.
Entering Coresaunt’s atmosphere, Obi-Wan put the photo snuggly in a small pocket in the front of his robes, and prepared the rest of his things for landing.
“Master, could I speak with you? It’s with the most importance.” Obi-Wan asked through the door to his old Master’s , Qui-Gon Jinn, quarters. The door opened swiftly, letting the younger Jedi into the living space of a Jedi Master. Much larger than his own Knight’s quarters, it was fit to hold both a Master and Padawan. Obi-Wan used to live here, but felt no remorse at moving into his new quarters after his knighting since he had already been spending a portion of his time at Padme’s . Qui-Jon sat on the floor, looking to be in the middle of a meditation. “I’m sorry to disturb you, Master.”
“You are always welcome, my old Padawan”. Qui-Gon stated warmly, opening his eyes. “Something is troubling you?”
Obi-Wan hated lying to his master, but he kept his shields up. After officially deciding to dedicate himself to Padme, he felt that he must now place a barrier between those he once opened his mind freely too. With a sad smile, he joined his master on the floor, sitting in a meditating style across from him. “Visions I have been having at night, they are very concerning to me. Although the... content of these visions makes me afraid to tell even the Grandmasters.” Obi-Wan confided in his mentor, hesitantly.
“Hm…” Qui-Gon closed his eyes, thinking. “The events you see in your dreams may be certain to come to pass... or not. The Force is sharing with you for a reason Obi-Wan. It is your decision that will influence what will come to pass, but remember my old Padawan, doing nothing is a decision as well.” Obi-Wan could sense his master was referring to his persistence to leave the boy on Tatooine behind, not try for his freedom.
“I felt darkness surrounding him, please trust in my judgement.” Obi-Wan pleaded, unsure if he truly did make the right decision. His Master’s eyes fell upon him again, and the guilt rose slightly inside him.
“That darkness you felt, was it the same darkness you feel now in your visions?” His Master questioned, his brows furrowing in concern.
“No, this feels… different. When I was around Anakin, I felt the darkness almost as it came off of him in small, subtle waves. Now it’s… like it’s constantly pounding in my head.” Obi-Wan realized. He released his feelings of worry into the Force, not willing to show his Master how much it concerned him.
“Changed his fate, you may have by not taking him with us, but all of ours you have changed as well.” Qui-Jon concluded solemnly. “I advise you to meditate more on these visions, try to find the origin of the darkness, search for the feeling you felt when next to Anakin”.
“Yes, Master.” Obi-Wan stood and bowed, leaving the quarters. Returning to his own he freshened up, before heading out to his speeder and making his way to his favorite Senator’s apartment.
“Obi-Wan!” Padme said in delight as her husband walked into the sitting room. He gave her a small kiss, a hand around her waist, before giving a bow to Senator Farr. “I was just discussing the future with Uncle, he sees much promise in the younger members of his family. Is that not delightful?” She said happily, a hand on her bump. The mention of the future was not what Obi-Wan wanted to think about, all he felt in the future was smoke, and that he was suffocating.
“I’m sure,” Obi-Wan forced a smile, “Would you like to go out tonight?” He asked Padme.
“What place do you have in mind?” Farr asked, smiling sarcastically, batting his galaxy eyes.
“No disrespect Senator, but I’d like some time with my wife, since I recently returned from a long and very strenuous mission”. Obi-Wan shifted closer to Padme, unconsciously seeking comfort since he was quite emotionally exhausted. Little did Farr know, Obi-Wan was on a simple scouting mission. Padme rolled her eyes at him knowingly. He winked back at her.
“Just this time Kenobi, remember I still owe you a drink for helping me on that speech.” Farr responded.
“How could I forget! I still need to beat you in a round of Dejarik. You owe me a drink but I owe five already from that blasted game.” Obi-Wan joked. The Senator hugged Padme goodbye, and soon the couple were left alone. Padme turned to Obi-Wan, tracing the outline of his Jedi issued robes.
“So, where are we going?”
“I was thinking our cottage on Naboo, lets release some of that tension from sitting in boring Senate meetings all day.” Obi-Wan joked, rubbing her shoulders, understanding the vital importance of her work. Padme laughed.
“You never fail to entertain me, but this time I pilot,” Obi-Wan started to protest. “No! Every time you pilot, let me enjoy the excitement for once,” Padme declared, racing towards the box she keeps her keys. “And, if someone tries to attack us on land, I’ll expertly pilot us away in our speeder as you deflect lasers with your lightsaber.” She joked, mimicking Obi-Wan’s serious face, pretending to have a lightsaber clutched in her hands, deflecting blaster shots.
“Ah.... the real intention is revealed, you want to accept my offer to train in wielding a lightsaber.” Obi-Wan said grinning, moving into a hand-to-hand combat stance as if for her to defend herself with the pretend saber.
“Maybe , if I wasn’t already so handy with a blaster.” She smirked back, hand on her sleek white blaster, cocking her hip a bit, showing it off. Obi-Wan trailed his eyes lazily from her caramel one’s to her hip.
“I think it would be better if we waited for baby as well,” he chuckled, rubbing her bump. “Have you felt him or her move yet?”
“No, but sometimes I can feel the presence, like it’s reaching out. Maybe I’m just imagining,” She wondered suddenly, “ do you want our baby to be Force sensitive?” Obi-Wan wasn’t sure, he felt a flash of fear at the thought of their child being taken away to grow up at the temple. He instantly thought of his own parents, the ever persistent question in his mind, why did you leave me, still lingering from when he was a child. Padme sensed his emotions, and helped him will it away to the Force.
“I’m not sure, I cannot imagine myself without the Force, but I do not see you any less by not having it.” Obi-Wan told her sincerely. “I would not want to change who you are, or how our baby will be.”
“I agree,” Padme told him warmly, “I would not change who you are for the world.” She kissed him deeply, projecting pleasure and safety. “Shall we leave now?” Obi-Wan looked at her heatedly.
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strawberyshelley · 5 years
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My number one brotp for life, i would die for them
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strawberyshelley · 5 years
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Qui-gon & Obi-wan & Anakin
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strawberyshelley · 5 years
Star Wars Prequel Preferences #1
What kind of dog owners are they?
Anakin, Obi-Wan, Padme, Ahsoka, Mace, Jango, Palpatine 
I take requests!
Anakin: Takes his dog e v e r y w h e r e. Actually dogs plural. He falls for every stray he sees, but his apartment is never crazy since at the end of the day everyone is super tired from many many many walks. His favorite game to play with the dogs is catch! Anakin doesn’t have much patience to teach any complex tricks. 
Obi-Wan: Since he’s gone a lot for work, Obi-Wan likes an independent dog. His favorite thing to do is to cuddle with a large boi on the couch. An expert negotiator in the field, Obi-Wan likes to practice with his dogs, no wonder his two are basset hounds. 
Padme: Gifts from her many friends and family, Padme owns many brittany spaniels. Her handmaiden helps her take care of the trio, since she’s ever busy with Senate duties. When she’s on vacation, she loves to run and play frisbee with them in the meadows of Naboo. 
Ahsoka: Her Jedi training came in handy when handling her very large Great Dane at first. Quickly taking many dog training classes, Ahsoka’s dog is the best trained around! Even though he’s not allowed on the couch, they spend time together going on well behaved walks and practicing new tricks. 
Mace: At one foot tall everyone knows Mace’s is the top dog in town. The wagging tail, floppy ears, and hotdog shaped body demands respect. Getting a few too many free treats from Chick-Fil-A has boosted his ego, but it’s not like nothing a good walk can’t fix. 
Jango: Living in his car more than his home, Jango’s dog loves going on road trips. When they get drive through, the beagle loves sniffing out what Boba drops. Jango always protests but doggo wins each time. Jango doesn’t take his dog to business deals of course, but Boba is plenty qualified to keep her company. Jango prefers playing tug of war but Boba likes to wrestle! 
Palpatine: Most well kept dog around, this Pomeranian is always having a good hair day. Having done a dog food commercial, this pup is loved by many, although is quite feisty in private. Although five star dog walker Anakin would say otherwise. 
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strawberyshelley · 5 years
I Will Love You Forever
Padme and Obi-Wan are in love, and now she carries his child.
Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan chose not to take Anakin from his life on Tatooine, changing the destiny of everyone in the process.
Chapter 1 , read below or on AO3                                                   next 
Updates regularly, I love comments!
Padme rested on the couch on her balcony. Although it was quite a different view from Naboo, she enjoyed spending the few moments she had away from being Senator to watch the city. Rubbing her palm over her belly , she could feel a small bump forming. It was very comforting. Closing her eyes, she tried clearing her mind. Stress and anxiety came with being Queen at such a young age, and then becoming a Senator directly afterwards. She wouldn’t change it for the world. She would never abandon her people. She thought of the first time Obi-Wan tried teaching her how to meditate.
“Obi....” She said smiling, remembering how patient he was, touching his mind to hers. Her comlink lit up, she answered sweetly, “Senator Amidala speaking.”
“Hello there darling”, the crisp Coruscanti accent responded warmly. She felt a buzz of excitement at the sound of his voice, although laced with uncertainty.
“I love hearing your voice again, how was the mission?”
“You know the Council, always sending me to the front line or to the front of the negotiating table.”
“Which was it this time? I wish we could have met once before you left. ” Padme knew their relationship wasn’t traditional. They both held dangerous jobs, she didn’t worry when they initially were together. Now as the fighting among Senators escalated, so did the war.
“Table talk, although it was on a sandy planet on the outer rim. Right in the middle of a dual dust and sand storm.” Obi-Wan said, faking exasperation.
“Let me guess, you took a ship without a shower on board.” Padme teased.
“Something like that.”
The silence that fell between them was comfortable, they had been together through countless missions and dangerous Senator meetings. Nothing was off limits or considered an awkward topic. Although as she felt her baby bump, she was afraid that it would push Obi-Wan away. What if he didn’t want to be a father? They were not married , they didn’t live together. Sure, the man stayed at her place 9/10 times he was on the planet, but did that really mean that he was ready for the next step?
“Obi, come see me tonight after you get settled. I”,  she paused, “I want to talk to you about something.”
He could feel the hesitation in her voice, it concerned him slightly.  “I never refuse an invitation.” Obi-Wan answered back cheekily. She felt her face flush a little, but then her handmaiden came to address her. Turning her comlink off , she turned to her friend.
“Yes Mina?” she asked.
“My lady, Senator Onaconda Far would like to speak to you about the Geonosian bill soon.”
“Of course, please tell him I’ll be there right away.”
Embracing her Uncle, she thanked him for inviting her to review the bill after she expressed her concern during a preliminary meeting. Glancing out the window, she realized it was dusk and wondered if Obi-wan was waiting for her.
Entering her chambers , the lights were dimmed and she wondered if Mina was still here.
“Mina?” She called out. Suddenly strong arms wrapped around her waist making her jump, “Ah! Obi-Wan you scared me.” She laughed,  turning around to look at the Jedi.
“My deepest apologies, I’m afraid I told your handmaiden that I had to meet with you, and that I could fulfill her duties for tonight.” He smiled, stroking her hair, still expertly done up for Senate meetings. She led him to the couch, he sat in the nook, with her infront of him.
“Are you sure you’re up to the challenge?” She said softly, with a hint of tease. She felt his fingers gently start to unbraid her hair.
“I’m a fast learner,” he responded, having seen Mina help Padme other times. Getting through the last of her braids, he combed his hand through her now soft, wavy dark hair. He loved the way it contrasted to her light skin, unlike his own sun bleached auburn hair. Turning towards the Jedi, Padme thought of their baby, and took his hand.
“Something has happened Obi-Wan, something wonderful.” She smiled hesitantly, looking into his blue eyes, calm as always. He squeezed her hand in reassurance.
“What is it?” He pressed. She looked down, unsure, and took a breath.
“I’m pregnant.” She announced, and felt his hand slip away from hers.
“Oh Padme…” Obi-Wan said softly, overwhelmed with emotion. Unable to express how he felt in words he touched his mind to hers, projecting his love and pleasure at hearing her news. He pressed his palm to her small bump, feeling their child. “I love you so much.” Padme teared up, feeling the rush of emotions and Obi-Wan’s passionate confession. Snuggling into his side she placed her hand on top of his. Tilting her head slightly she pressed her lips to his, her other hand stroking his recently shaven cheek and his soft hair. She pulled back, panting slightly, resting her forehead on his.
“Obi… What will we do?” She questioned.
“I’ll do anything for you, Padme.” He responded sincerely, his gaze unwavering. “Let’s get married.”
Shocked, Padme projected her happiness, telling the man she loved, “Yes”.
Their minds melded together in their strong emotions, holding each other as feelings of passion, sincerity, and pleasure flowed between them.  
“I will love you forever, Padme.”
“I will love you forever, Obi.”
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strawberyshelley · 5 years
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