#//chatter=twitter in this context
psyonicscream · 5 months
With how she is, if she had a chatter It’d be a trashfire. But it might be entertaining to watch. She’s always so quick to bark back at me like she assumes I’m always throwing a dig at her. It’s kinda sad to watch. Seems she’s doing better lately though, she’s made actual friends here and she’s been getting in drama less. …Why do I care?
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baihujun · 4 months
Ciao, i discovered your profile today and i really love your art. I was wondering, what convinced you to ship batman/green lantern? and what are your favorite green lantern comics?
thank you, have a great day.
Ciao, hm I can't pinpoint when or what it was exactly, but it was most likely some great fanfic lol. Also I enjoy both characters a lot so that helps.
My favorite Lantern book of all time is probably Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps (2016-2018). It's a 52-issue post-Rebirth run penned by Venditti and an absolute romp. I always recommend this run for those who wanna start reading modern GL; it's a great starting point and brings it all back to basics, what IMO people know and love about the Earth lanterns, the gang's back together, space cowboying around, Kyle ends his wild stint as a white lantern, etc etc. Long, but a blast to read for all of the 4 corpsmen. Plus, the art's fantastic.
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Another comic near and dear to my heart is JLA/The Spectre: Soul War (2003). It's a two-issue story where Hal as The Spectre warns and helps the JLA fend off a psychic alien threat called The Trans (lol).
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How much I appreciate and enjoy Spectre!Hal aside, it's a devastatingly romantic Batlantern story when read through a certain lens (and just as poignant platonically).
Anyway, don't have the time to delve into things but needless to say I spent like 2 hours in Rosh's DMs yelling about my read-through. Lmao. It's fun.
I'll just leave these panels here (spoilers):
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the-clay-quarters · 11 months
looking through storylets ive saved and realised that in the affluent photographer story, i was so annoyed by something she said that a. i forgot to save the whole thing and b. highlighted the particularly bad line
past me was so pissed he forgot all pretense of accurate archiving lmao
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kadextra · 8 months
I never post discourse but this time I am because I am annoyed :)
hey if any of you twitter people find my post about the accessible signs on here. y’alls reading comprehension in the negatives for real
let me stress once again this primarily is about Accessibility. personalization means nothing if the text can’t even be read. it literally does not matter if another cc had the idea to personalize the signs too, bro be serious that is such a common idea, I bet all of us have had it before, I have had it before. but this is about ACCESSIBILITY. the title of the post SAYS that, not “oooh look at the pretty sign ideas!” context is clearly in the post and the thread.
Bad saw that chatter’s message and immediately got to work to make the signs more accessible. he spent like two hours talking personally to this person to figure out a solution that would work for them- the customization is a fun little bonus. gosh I know it’s a lot to ask, but maybe acknowledge when people do good things? :0
because if your first thought when seeing this is to make up an imaginary competition, discredit someone’s work, and disregard the feelings of the chatter + the main focus of this change which is an inclusive accessibility feature for visually impaired viewers, you need to self-reflect.
if you have twitter, please send some love to this thread and to the user who suggested these changes @/AngelYoonki
edit: new clip thread
edit #2: thank you ricardão :]
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touchoffleece · 21 days
EnReco is all about RP so there is no "main" pov or Main Character but Gonathan (GiGi) is not escaping the Main Character allegations
I saw someone on the Hololive Reddit explain how CC lead to the two competing Queens to bury the hatchet and decide to Marry while disposing of the Corrupted King, but their explanation is missing context that circles back to Gonathan inadvertently helping solve his Queen's issues, and helping Libestia. I don't have, and I don't want a reddit so I'm explaining this here.
the reddit post and news clipping (twitter image) depicting the Queens Union:
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by test__plzignore:
Everyone out here sleeping on CC who may have just reconciled the queendom fight for a measly 269 gold coins. For context: Queen Mario and CC broke into the Queen Tam Gander’s guild house (by glitching their horses through the closed doors). CC, (Scarlet Wand member, knight, lawyer) in her quest for leeching money off of everyone, charged Queen Mario 200 gold for a critique of an art piece. Later, in Queen Tam Gander’s room, CC reviewed another piece of art for Queen Mario. It depicted two characters who appear to be fighting and CC said it was named From Enemies to Lovers. Reflecting on CC’s critique, Queen Mario had the realization that the painting in Queen Tam Gander’s room must depict their struggle and that Tam must really love Mario. And that the feud must be ended with their marriage. CC (Scarlet Wand member, knight, lawyer, art critic, relationship advisor) then charged 69 gold coins for her help in the matter. CC then got lost for a while and ended up playing minigames for a long time.
But something that was missed in this is what CC, Raora, and their Chat thought was the "Queen's" Bedroom, was actually Gonathan's bedroom, gifted to them by the Queen who decided to gift the whole top floor of the Cerulean Cup's quarters to Gonathan for being such a staunch Knight to her and encompassing so much EMPATHY representing their guild. So, Gonathan's room painting lead to his Queen, and her Rival to find company in each other after their Rival arc. 😌 On another level of meta irony humor, Kronii aka Queen TAM, aka The Azure Maiden, had a budding romantic interest with Irys (the Hot Pink One) but was heart broken when Irys proposed to Ina. While chatting with "the voices in her head" aka chat, some chatters jokingly said something along the lines of: "There's still the Hot, Pink one.", meaning Raora. Since Kronii was set to leave for a vacation, no one really paid much interested in the idea, but lo-and-behold the throw away joke became true.
The moment where Kronii confesses and you can start to see Chatters mention Raora for a romantic interest for TAM. (around 2h 17m 30s)
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Hi. I just wanted to ask if it's possible for you guys to post the English translation of the Spanish posts? Tumblr doesn't have the translation option like X or Facebook
Hi! I'm guessing you're speaking about this post. Sure, no problem. I think it's relevant for everyone to know how long he has been in these kind of situations. I'll try to do my best w/ translation and offer some context.
Luz said in her post:
"I don't have a Twitter, I consider it an intolerant and racist world, this is the social network where Tenoch has the most bots against him, he receives a lot of hate and they generate that hate. But yesterday in a group they sent this picture, it's a publication about a radio host saying Tenoch apologized to him for being a person "without education and without ethics" according to his words.
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(In the tweet: I share with you the picture when #TenochHuerta apologized to me for behaving as an uneducated being, without ethics and as the chairo without words he has always been. If I had known, I would've charged $1,800...
Note: Chairo doesn't have a translation, but it's basically derogatory way to to describe an individual who holds a far-left ideology, specifically any person who thoughtlessly defends, idolizes, and fawns over a populist politician and demagogue with an attitude similar to that of a religious fanatic.)
I thought it was weird and I found a publication made by the director Alonso Ruizapalacios in 2015 where he explains what happened that day
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(full text here: https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02fkKp1ZGWvpcweaavk8e13ke4HQj2k616EPv75JrrExeEB49DUGPL7m31WJzGDqqil&id=1369494912&mibextid=Nif5oz)
A few hours ago, me and Tenoch Huerta went to promote our movie GÜEROS at the radio show "Charros vs Gángsters", hosted by Jairo Calixto and some José Luis Guzmán "Miyagi" (I confess I didn't know about him until today).
Since we arrived at MVS Radio in Polanco, we saw patrols and riot policeman surrounding the radio station and preventing the production van from passing through. The driver suggested it was "because of that reporter that they are going to fire."
Despite this rarefied atmosphere, the inteview about the movie went like most interviews in radio and TV he (Tenoch) helped with in Mexico: wih cordiality, but with simple and unexciting (no preparation), but overall with the hysteria that characterizes a large amout of the communicators in our country - a kind of perpetual nervousness about not leaving even a moment of pause, to "fill the air" with whatever, with an incessant strident chatter that passes for irreverence and freshness. Despite that, we promoted our move without problem, between jokes about the Partido Verde and bestiality.
At the end of our interview, Tenoch took the floor and said: "Before we leave, I'd like to comment something in a personal capacity, I think it's necessary to have dialog to clarify the situation about the communicator Cármen Aristegui and her firing from this radio station." In that moment "Miyagi", who had not heard a single word about Güeros nor had he looked up from his iPad during our entire conversation, ordered: "Let's go on commercial break!" and it was obeyed immediately in the cabin. After a awkward painful silence, Tenoch and I realized we had finished. After a painfully awkward silence, Tenoch and I realized that we were done. We approached to say goodbye to our hosts, who barely shook our hands, without looking us in the eyes. But before leaving Miyagi told us: “We opened the microphones for something else, not so that you could continue with that…” To which Tenoch responded “We just want to know what is happening with Aristegui.” And nothing else was said.
We went out of the MVS with our heads spinning aournd, trying to understand what had just happened. And we still continue to not understand...
My interpretation: We're still trapped in this climate where communicators -even those who brag about being irreverent- fear (maybe justifiably) about their continuity in the enterprises that pay their salary. We're still living in a climate of very litte solidarity and a lot of intolerance.
Maybe "Miyagi" simply made a mistake and acted on impulse, a byproudct of the frustration from reading trolls against him since he didn't defend Cármen Aristegui. Or maybe the sushi upsetted his stomach... But what he did was censorship, it's indisputable. Turning your back on such a valid and relevant question and go on commercial break when things get awkward, in true Televisa style, was something surprising to witness live.
I don't have information to venture an absolute theory about all of this, nor to affirm that it is censorship that comes from above, or if it's rather self-censorship, a product of fear. But that there's something rotten in Denmark, I have no doubt.
While I appreciate the space that was opened to talk about our film, I deeply regret the continuation of this state of fear we live in.
I'm sorry that our communicators don't look at us in the eyes. I'm sorry there's no room for pauses. And I'm sorry there's no time to listen.
Context on who is this journalist and why this happened:
On 12 March 2015, two journalists from MVS, Daniel Lizárraga and Irving Huerta, were fired after they used the station's brand name without permission in a newly created website known as MexicoLeaks, which leaked reports on government corruption. Aristegui issued an ultimatum and threaten to quit if MVS did not reinstate her two staff members. Four days later, MVS fired Aristegui after considering that she had crossed the line for issuing an ultimatum to the MVS management.
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My friend Tenoch says: My name is José Tenoch Huerta Mejía, mexican.
I love who I am, where I live and with who I live.
I don't like what's going on in my country, it's not the country I grew up in, nor the one I want to live in.
I don't understand a lot of things and as many more I'm scared about what we're living.
It hurts my soul to know that thousands are no longer hugging their families when their time had not yet come.
I wonder what's up, what can I do so everyone can be alright, the truth is I don't know but I decided to talk and ask.
I have nothing against any politician or people in power, I just want a different country.
I don't want one where we're all poor to be equals, but one where we're rich at heart, pockets and tummy to decide what to do with our time in this land.
Yersterday I asked something I needed to know, the mic was open and I asked.
Today, someone went to my house, intimidated me while hiding their face behind a brown scarf and a newspaper. They took photos of me, laughed mockingly at me and then disappeared into the hallways of the place where I live and have called home the last four years of my life.
What did I do wrong? Ask, say that I don't like any of this, thinking that we could have a better life, think?
A lot of people supports and helps me, but what about those that don't have the fortune to be visible?
I write this and I cry because I don't want to live like this, we don't deserve to live like this.
Mexico hurts my guts.
My little corner on land that gives me food and air to breath, that gives me a house and family.
I love my country, I love my people and even you, who doesn't understand we can live in a better way.
Thank you for your support, for being there and might our voices and hearts always sing.
We deserve something better.
Then, Luz adds:
What really happened was that exactly 8 years ago, in that booth, there was no freedom of speech, Tenoch tried to speak about a topic and was quickly cut off. Another account later shared that Tenoch had reported that he was being followed and photographed.
What I'm trying to say is that they have always hated him for telling them to their faces what he thinks about some topic and that makes them angry, they "can't stand it." Now that he is doing a little better, they are trying by all means to ruin his career. Tenoch himself has mentioned it in many interviews, and they have paid the media to destroy him.
I think we have to be careful, those media and haters are always aware of all the publications about him and if it is something controversial they can manipulate, they will do it, have no doubt about that, even if it is from years ago.
Do not react, do not comment or retweet, only report the publication if it has racist content. Never try to talk to them, it's not worth it. (Personal note: Please listen to this!! Especially twitter folks, since it might be counterproductive. By fighting them, you're offering them more interactions because that's how the algorithm works).
Hope this helped!
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awesomefringey · 2 years
Relevant to your masterplan (LOL) anon earlier
Ughhh… I’m not gonna lie, they do sound ridiculous to outsiders. Maybe even to insiders. But so do Larries. Each fandom has to handle and balance out their own influx of idiocy.
What I absolutely despise is when people - who obviously aren’t part of said fandom - pick one comment out of context and use their platform to make fun of this person for their fandom chatter - all in the name of being the smarter person and expose it to a hateful community. Like seriously, fuck off. You’re just a bully!
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tunasundays · 6 months
Sunday April 7
hehe hi,
I recently rewatched Mtvs Awkward and remembered how much I loved having a little blog when I was 13. I got lonely tonight and had so many thoughts and I was distraught when I have no one to throw my thoughts at. So here I am typing to the void of the internet. This little blog is just gonna be a collection of thoughts classic diary style! I just wanna be able to post little entries of the different thoughts. I know it must be somewhat of a common experience for us ex Tumblr girlies that miss that random connection with people you don't know that have the same interest as you. I also just have so many fun sexy stories to tell and no one to tell them too.
lets dive in
starting with music
I am listening to The Last Dinner Party and I just am feeling the energy I felt when I watched YellowJackets. Is this a shared experience??? dying to know.I just listened to the Prelude to Ecstasy I really enjoyed it and will have more thoughts once I give it a second listen through. I yearn to have friends who watch and listen to the exact things I listen to. I want to be able to discuss these things! -- Chappell Roan is my everything and I just can not stop listening to her. I adore what she has to offer to the world of pop.-- I just now realized how much Luke Bryan I listened to in my first country phase. Like DAmn this man had a lot of bangers on the Crash My Party Album.
Lets talk tv bitches
the invincible season final had me gagged. I couldn't speak and that is rare for me. I am a chatter box but I did not have words! wow! from what I have been reading on twitter I should read the comic for all the extra context and action. I am very excited for the next season and hope it comes at least in the next year.
The Real shit
Fuck y'all. I finally got out of the two month long hookup drought. y'all I am baffled by the audacity of men. I am aware its not too surprising but god damnit!!!!!!!! This was supposed to be my redemption arc but I am very discouraged. Over the weekend I had two suitors (both from the dating apps) boy #1 had the stamina of a fucking horse on steroids. that being said there was no foreplay! but I was touch starved that I didn't give a fuck! lmao. so we go FOUR rounds. He gets off every time and I got off slightly once.The whole experience was just not uncomfortable in a non consent way but in a way it was just not my cup of tea. I am down to try everything once and this showed me I don't love or hate my toes being sucked on. wtf! I am a socks during sex type of girly and it kinda through me off guard but it wasn't the craziest part of this experience. This man fully used his jizz as a massage oil on my back and I was so taken a back! he asked me "has anyone ever done that before" my befuddled self just said No?!?! lmao! its so silly I wasn't that grossed out by it I was planning on taking a shower after he left but like what? I'm not gonna yuck someones yum but I didn't know that was a thing???? Okay boy #2 we have been talking on the snapchat for a while and went for drinks awhile back. The talks over snap have gotten spicy a couple times and we were both pretty excited to get together in person. I was excited because this man talked up his game in a very believable and respectable way. It was SO awkward and I know I am a silly person but usually I can keep a conversation going. That was not the case. So at a very random point in conversation he kisses me and It was just not good and that's a terrible start! like whaaaaaat where are your lips! You are just giving me your tongue and do not get me wrong I love a good French kiss but let me feel your lips first! so things start and I end up getting this man off two times in 15 minutes at the most. the entire experience from kissing to his double completion was 25 minutes. Which would be fine if he would of taken the time to get me off like he said he would in these past two weeks of snapchat. He is now distant and I have a feeling its because he knows he didn't provide anything exciting for me. Dating is so damn hard. The thing is I don't even want a boyfriend. I could be a perfect FWB for some very lucky attractive sex god but I can't find him!! I stupidly thought moving to the big apple would provide a better pond but damn its just not going well. That being said I'm gonna keep on trying for the plot because although its bad sex its funny stories. one day I will find a sexy person to have fun casual sex with on a regular basis. that's not too much too ask for! this is getting messy lmao its late I'm wine tipsy. haha goodnight whores xox
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morethanpanel · 11 months
Resilient Branding in the Age of Algorithm Adjustments
First things first, what's an algorithm in the context of social media? It's the system that decides what content appears in a user's feed. Long gone are the days when posts would appear chronologically. Nowadays, algorithms use a mix of user behavior, relevance, and other variables to determine what content should be presented to whom. The upshot? Brands need to be hyper-aware of these algorithmic criteria to maintain or expand their social reach.
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Staying up-to-date with how algorithms work can feel like trying to hit a moving target. Social media giants like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter constantly tweak their algorithms, which can dramatically alter a brand's visibility. The stakes are high: slip-ups in aligning with algorithm changes can result in decreased engagement, fewer followers, and ultimately, a poor return on investment for all your social media efforts.
Adapting Content Strategy
Many brands fall into the pitfall of creating content in a vacuum, not realizing that content adaptability is the name of the game. An ideal content strategy accommodates frequent algorithm changes by being flexible, yet consistent in quality and relevance.
A brand needs to be proactive in modifying its content strategy. Adaptability here refers to changing the type, timing, and even the intended audience of your posts based on the most recent algorithmic criteria. So, if video content is being favored—make more video content. If the algorithm rewards engagement within the first hour of posting, time your most interactive content to go live during high-traffic periods.
The Significance of Engagement Metrics
The emphasis on engagement metrics such as likes, comments, and shares is not arbitrary. These metrics often form the crux of algorithm criteria. The principle behind it is straightforward: if users are interacting with your content, it must be valuable. Therefore, the algorithm pushes it up in people's feeds, creating a virtuous circle of visibility and interaction for your brand.
How to increase engagement then becomes the challenge. One often overlooked aspect is the power of social listening. By understanding what people are saying about your brand or your sector, you can develop posts that are hyper-relevant and immediately engaging to your audience. While this won't guarantee immunity from the next algorithm change, it does put you in a position to adapt swiftly.
The Myths of Frequency and Timing
There's a lot of chatter about how often to post and when. While consistency is key, an over-emphasis on frequency and timing can lead to content fatigue. Algorithms are increasingly sophisticated in identifying and penalizing what they perceive as spammy behavior. So, the trick is to find a balance, maintaining a consistent posting schedule without annoying your audience—or the algorithm.
Community Building as an Algorithm Shield
No matter how frequently algorithms change, one constant remains: community. Building a strong, interactive community around your brand is like having an insurance policy against algorithmic shifts. This community acts as a safety net, ensuring that even if your posts don't get the visibility you were hoping for, there's a dedicated group of people who will seek out your content and interact with it. Therefore, invest in community management as part of your broader social media strategy.
The Iterative Learning Process
Given the continually changing nature of social media algorithms, consider your strategy an iterative process. What worked yesterday may not work tomorrow. Being nimble and willing to pivot is not just a nice-to-have attribute; it's a necessity in the fast-paced world of social media algorithms. Brands that succeed are those that treat every algorithmic change as a learning opportunity. They analyze, adapt, and march on—ensuring their social media presence not only survives but thrives, no matter what algorithmic curveballs are thrown their way.
Remaining updated on algorithm changes necessitates a multi-faceted approach. Industry blogs, webinars, and expert talks can provide invaluable insights. However, social media platforms themselves often give clues or even direct information about upcoming changes. Follow their corporate blogs, subscribe to their newsletters, and keep an eye on their updates. You're not just a user of these platforms; you're a stakeholder with much to gain—or lose.
Further Reading: What Social KPIs Aren't You Measuring?
Summing Up
Algorithm changes can feel like insurmountable challenges, especially when they seem to come out of nowhere. However, with a proactive approach that includes flexibility, an emphasis on engagement metrics, community building, and an iterative learning process, your brand can not just survive but can excel in the ever-changing social media arena.
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butternutv74 · 2 years
🍎 Welcome to My Blog 🍎
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✨ About, Rules, and Navi are below the cut ✨
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🍎 Hello!! This blog is for sharing my art and interacting with peeps!
🍎 I'm 20 years old! (Aquarius)
🍎 I am Nonbinary and use They/Them and It/Its!
🍎 I am a heavily Introverted INFP-T.
🍎 I don't know if it's relevant, but I'm also a Bard of Heart.
🍎 I love aesthetics and fashion and making OCs!
🍎 I'm very active on my twitter but am transitioning to Tumblr
🍎 ask me about my ocs~
🍎 My main blog is @beeanbutternut
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🍎 This blog will occasionally have NSFW topics and images but I'll do my best to censor it with a "read more"
🍎 Ask anything! (Anon is on!)
🍎 Things I will delete from my ask box no matter the context: mentions of noncon, mommy/daddy pet names/kink, age play, incest, etc (List will be updated in the future)
🍎 Please be respectful and patient with me! I'm slow (and dumb) and don't check tumblr every day lol
🍎 Carrd
🍎 Twitter
🍎 Ko-fi
✨ TAGS ✨
🍎 [ voodles ] - My Art
🍎 [ chatter ] - Rambles and Rants
🍎 [ visitors ] - Asks
🍎 [ sharing!! ] - General Reblogs
🍎 [ packages ] - Submissions
🍎 [ importannat ] - Important Things
🍎 [ moots ] - Posts about/with my moots
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phoneticgrip · 4 years
Too many bad opinions not enough listening and asking for context
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forestwater87 · 3 years
Okay, for all of you who don't feel like watching Miles RP as David
Here are some of my favorite quotes. Context may be added if I feel like it. Reactions are my goblin brain screaming. All of these came from a discord so if they don't make sense . . . see goblin brain comment.
(That link should start directly at the point where he becomes David; if it doesn't, skip to 1:40:33)
In roughly chronological order:
David: "Teachers are sort of like camp counselors during the rest of the year."
The thing is David is absolutely up his own ass enough to think this.
David: "Trail mix is expensive!"
^ said to show he understands why not everyone can donate to the charity for teachers. Very adorable, am crying.
David's "ooooh" seeing one dude was extremely non-heterosexual. Fucking bicon. Him losing his mind that one of the arenas is called "Survey camp"
David: "A person's hitting me -- I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry this is just pretend!"
This is just canonically how David plays video games. Either this or he's unwilling to commit violence at all, but I'll defer to Miles.
David: "That's very goat of you!"
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Spencer: "Is David popular amongst his campers?"
David: "I like to think so! There's only 3 staff members, so I'm definitely in everyone's top 3."
"That also means you're in the bottom 3."
David: "Well, I choose not to think of it that way."
(I have to keep adding reacts so you can tell when one quote ends and another begins. Judge not lest ye be judged)
I think the other person in the stream is named Spencer. Friend of Miles. I know literally nothing else about him and am not even confident on those facts.
Every time he says something so non-David in his David voice I die: "I have a lot of grenades!"
David: "Oh my goodness, would you look at this beautiful scenery! Can we hike that mountain?"
This is so goddamn cute. I am dying. Miles looked at his fans and said "they will eat tonight" and I am so relieved.
David: "Not to be a couple of Greedy Garys, but I say we get this [care package] and then I'll drop another one!"
The fact that Miles is grinning like a lunatic the entire time is very good. (Also if this is formatted badly then I'm sorry but not all that sorry. I'm doing my best and David would be proud of me.)
David: "Didja getim? Didja getim? didja getim? How 'bout now?"
Spencer: "I didn't get 'em."
David: "Well, you tried your best and that's all that matters."
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He calls healing "a little health kiss." I'm not sure why but it's very important to me.
David: [while jumping to murder someone] "Hi! Scuse me!"
(i just need something to separate the quotes okay)
David: "Well you know what gang, we did our best. You don't always win the 3-legged race. You did a wonderful job!"
Then there's a bit where they talk about Spencer's time at summer camp:
David: "ooooh hand-holding's pretty serious!"
David is too pure.
David: [dreamily] "Did you fall in love, Spencer? A summer love?" [puts hands up to his face]
Then there's the fact that David/Miles gets to pick where they play each round, and he keeps insisting on going to the one called "Survey Camp" every single time because it has the word "camp" in it.
David: "Now, I don't like to disagree, but . . . I was thinking we could go . . . to Survey Camp!"
Spencer reminds him that technically since David's the one with the power to choose, his opinion is the only one that matters:
David: "Everyone's opinion matters. And my opinion is we're going to camp."
David just steamrolling over Spencer's interests is very good. There are these little selfish nuggets sprinkled in among the wholesomeness that really capture the full David experience.
David: "Well, he's climbing up . . . he's coming my direction . . . oh, he looks scary . . ."
Spencer: "Is he coming towards me?"
David: "Oooh, I don't know. I'm dead!"
The positivity is relentless. I think Miles said on twitter afterwards that this whole thing was exhausting and I can see why. Being David is no picnic . . .
David: "I have a question: do we have to shoot each other in this game?"
And then a few seconds later:
David: "I'm just wondering if maybe there's a way we can, you know, help others. Talk through our issues."
And a few seconds after that:
David: "I was asking if they wanted to be friends in the game!"
I believe that moved killed him, too. Precious.
Also we're interrupting the real Miles!David content to share something my friend suggested to me while I was watching this and giving her quotes; she said that maybe David just calls everything camp to make life more fun, and then sent me this imaginary exchange that actually killed me all the way to death:
David: Gwen Santos would you go to marriage camp with me
Gwen: I'm going to have to change this story when I tell everyone
It made me laugh quite a bit.
Anyway, back to the video!
Spencer: "How do you sign up for [Camp Campbell]?"
David: "Well, um, you can fax, uh, an application to [email protected]. And . . . you can know that myself and Gwen and Quartermaster and sometimes Mr. Campbell will do our best to make sure they get what they need! Which more than anything is love and support. And friendship."
Spencer: "How many dollars does this camp cost?"
David: "You know . . . it is, um . . ."
And then the conversation switches subjects and David breathes a sigh of relief.
Very shortly after this he changed his character from a woman (she was wearing a yellow shirt, which he liked because the campers wear yellow shirts) to "a Forward Scout with a positive attitude!"
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"I like his style."
Spencer: "Does everybody abuse David verbally?"
David: "You know, sometimes people have harsh words. Mostly Max, and Neil, and Gwen, and Quartermaster, and Nurf."
Spencer: "Did you just list almost everyone?"
David: "Mmm . . . I'd say maybe a third."
Poor David. Somebody please protect him.
Spencer: "Yeah, I think people abuse David. I get that vibe. Or at least, I feel it in my heart. Like I wanna put ants in your bunk or something."
David: "Well, I think that says more about maybe some of the hurt you're carrying with you. And sometimes when people don't know how to process that, they act out. Do you want some trail mix?"
David just said his favorite part of trail mix is the raisins which is so cute. "They have a little bit of salt on them, which isn't typical for a raisin."
And he keeps telling chatters to watch their language.
David: "Who is my favorite camper? Aww, you know I couldn't pick a favorite! . . . But I know who has the most potential, even if he doesn't want to admit it."
I KNEW IT!!!!!
I've been saying for years that David doesn't have a favorite and gravitates towards the ones he thinks need him the most AND I FINALLY GOT ONE RIGHT!
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David: "Well you know, Gwen swears and that's okay."
shipping intensifies
David: [gasp] "The moss is growing on the north side of the rock!"
Every time he nerds out about weird shit in the game I gain 3 seconds to my life.
Spencer: "Did you get teabagged?"
David: "What's that?"
Spencer: "It's where somebody places their most intimate bits on you for . . . friendship."
David: [softly] "Oh, I don't know about that."
Also David confirms that the whole show has been a single summer, so please see the "vindication" gif above.
David: "I know a lot of fun camp songs."
Spencer: "Sing 3."
David: [starts singing] "Bum-bum-bumblebee, bumblebee tuna, I love bumblebee, bumblebee tuna . . ."
Spencer: "Okay, please stop. I immediately regret this decision."
David: "Max said the same thing! One of my campers. And, uh, and my co-counselor, Gwen."
He's literally made of sunshine. I would die for this fictional man.
Spencer: "Are people at camp against their will? I feel like they are."
David: "No! . . . They don't always like it immediately, but it grows on them."
Spencer: "It sounds like they're there against their will."
David: "Well I just think that's a negative way of looking at it."
FWIW Spencer makes an excellent foil to David. Not as aggressive as Max or as dour as Gwen, but he brings a very . . . like, straight-man energy to the conversation. Like how a normal person would react to David IRL. I'd enjoy seeing these two interact more.
Spencer: "It's like your overpositivity is wanting me to balance it out with negativity."
David: "You know, I feel like that dynamic's pretty popular with me."
eeeeeeee <3
And the last one that I personally found noteworthy:
David: "One day we'll be able to afford safety equipment. Until then, we'll just have to deal with Quartermaster's Ropes Course. And a lot of pillows."
There's point near the last 20 minutes where either it got kinda boring or I just got too tired to keep track. But if there are any quotes you think I missed, please share them! This was a really lovely bit of content to feed our starving maw, and I appreciate Miles very very very much for taking one for the team.
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 3 years
Memories of 2020 - Initial asks and a small discussion
*cracks knuckles* Here we go.
If any of you have spent any amount of time today on any ARMY sns platform, I’m sure you’ve seen the mess which, as seasoned ARMY, I can tell you was the exact same mess we see...every single time. I can’t particularly say I’m surprised by any of it, especially when watching the entire process, as in the first clips hitting the TL and then the rest slowly following suit like a flood building steadily as the hours went by.
From anon: be ready for insecure vminies 😂
I’m pleased to report it wasn’t actually as bad as I expected, though now that I’m typing this I probably jinxed my own luck and the flood of asks will come soon enough, but maybe not. I’m holding on to the latter.
Based on the cycle in which these things happen every time, as in that the first clips that hit the ARMY spaces are Xkook ones, followed by vmin and other ships, and lastly more OT7 content, I expected our asks to go haywire after that clip, you know which one I mean. But we’ve only gotten two (?) about it, kind of, so I guess most people understood that it was just for laughs and nothing serious that anyone would have to get insecure over.
From anon: Sigh. This is my first memories of bts as army and i'm already tired of how all of twitter seems to be about 1 j*/k*ok moment now. There were so many j*n/kook m*ments and hugs and a sweet h*pe/k*ok backhug moment and a good number of vmin moments including slow dancing so why is the focus always on that one ship?
Here’s the thing, maybe my TLs are just well curated, I don’t know, but on mine no one really focused on that moment? Even non-shipper OT7s just briefly had a chuckle and then moved along to other things, awww’ed at vmin moments, there was lots and lots of talk about J*nk*ok being super cute and there being so much content when it comes to their interactions, there was a lot of chatter about basically every duo and OT7 moment. I know ship specific spaces went nuts, Xkookers butting heads like their lives depend on it, but outside of them?
“All of twt” is an exaggeration and I know, believe me I do, that Xkookers have the ability to make it seem like everyone just cares about their moments because they themselves (the shippers) are loud and seemingly everywhere, but when you look past them, that isn’t the case. Shippers have a tendency to generalize, especially those who follow a lot of their fellow shippers, but when you step outside of shipper spaces, things look very differently.
Like anon said, though I’d like to preface this by saying that I haven’t seen the entirety of Memories of 2020 so I can only go by what I have seen though I’d say I’ve seen nearly everything that was posted on twt or at least as much as I could find (including Xkook things), there were a lot, and I mean a lot, of amazing moments between basically all the members, regardless of who your favorite duo might be, I’m sure there was something for you there. Even those who are supposedly a rarity. And even as vminnies, this time around we had a feast with so many amazing vmin moments, some funny ones, some random ones, some super cute ones, whatever you want, there is something there for you to find. And the same can be said about so many other duos, we even got Yoongi and Hobi FaceTiming each other, and Yoongi saying they look like a couple while looking at the pictures Hobi chose for the coffee truck he sent to Yoongi’s Daechwita MV filming set.
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There’s one discussion I’d like to get out of the way below the cut, but after that I will have another post very, very soon in which I want us to just have some fun and look at vmin, namjin and the other moments because there is just so much to find. And this is just day one of people having the DVDs, these discussion will continue for a while because, like I mentioned before, Memories are a treasure trove for OT7 content and fun stuff, and there’s more than eleven hours worth of it to be watched, discovered and discussed.
But, okay, let’s get into that moment since anons wanted to talk about it and know my thoughts on it, so let’s do just that. And yes, other anon from a while ago, I remember you once mentioning how I shouldn’t talk about other ships and shouldn’t “debunk” them and their moments, though I’d hardly call this debunking, but as I said many times since our first post, I’m ARMY before I am a vminnie and namjinist, and our blog is called thoughts on Bangtan and, as far as I’m aware, both JK and Jimin are part of Bangtan, so I don’t see a reason why I can’t show my perspective on it and also voice my grievances with shippers when it comes to that moment. And, before anyone comes into our asks to yell at me for being toxic/problematic or only doing this to make my ship look better or whatever, no, that isn’t the point, like at all. 
“Debunking” moments makes literally no difference whatsoever in the grand scheme of things and doesn’t affect reality, all I am doing is having a chat just like everyone else. I’m not even asking you to agree with me, you’re more than welcome not to, I can’t and won’t stop you. Also, just so you know, my initial reaction was just to laugh amused by it, no hard feelings, so I’m not the bad guy.
That being said...the Xkook moment.
Here’s the thing, when it first surfaced many hours ago, the moment itself was cut down to show just the moment of Jimin leaning close to JK and JK leaning back and turning his head away so his cheek faced Jimin...and cut, some even cutting off the video before JK turned his head. That’s it. People, as in shippers, freaked out, and everyone else had a good laugh and moved along to other things, even vminnies were joking about it and everything. I saw none of my fellow vminnies getting angry or insecure about it. Then, as time went by, someone else posted that scene but this time also showing the things leading up to it, so putting it into context instead of removing it. With the context suddenly the whole thing looked and felt completely differently since moments prior Jimin was pretending to stab JK with the pointy end of his mic and then acted as though to check if he was d*ad, as in the end of the scene. Turns out it was just for giggles and not some grand romantic moment in a room full of people and a camera close to their faces.
By that time, of course, those who cared most about that moment had long decided what meaning this holds and didn’t care once context was shown. Gifs and art had already been created, the yelling was loud, and the fights between Xkookers were reaching levels of toxicity I hadn’t seen in a while, which was disgusting and fucked up the say the least. But, the thing is, I don’t think the moment itself was the issue. In context and as rational ARMY you know it was just Jimin playing around with JK as they usually do, things we’ve also seen other members do in similar (though not quite like this) fashion, and after eight years since debut and nine of knowing each other, this isn’t shocking or new in any way. No, the issue were Xkookers and the way they treated this moment, some even going as far as taking screenshots and editing them to make it seem like they were about to kiss, as in they changed the placements of their heads to fit their narrative, as well as others making gifs where they play the moment backwards (leaving out the part where JK leans his head away and to the side) and thus they created their own version of the moment which was different from what had actually happened.
That is my biggest issue with this whole thing. The blatant manipulation of moments to create narratives that don’t match reality, twisting them and using them in stupid pointless fights. But imagine vminnies were to do any of that, all hell would break loose and we’d be attacked without mercy because how dare, and yet they don’t follow their own “logic” and “rules”. It’s more than okay to find any and all moments cute, we all do, to make jokes and whatnot, but twisting context, manipulating it and basically creating your own version of it goes too far. 
Take what we are given as what it is, instead of what you want it to be.
So, now that that’s done, please fellow vminnies and ARMYs, don’t be insecure or let people ruin your mood and fun over it. It’s not worth it. Instead let’s check out and have a talk about some of the fun vmin and OT7 moments we got, along with other ones, including my reply to another anon when it comes to namjin. Of course what I will mention in the post (HERE) is basically just the tip of the iceberg since tumblr has a limit on pictures and everything, so just know there is so much more still left to see than just that.
Before I’ll go, for those who still feel a little insecure/doubtful/whatever else, while I was working on this post and the other one, another anon sent in this well timed vmin ask:
From anon: I have to say this as a Vmin supporter. Whatever is going on with Vmin we can rest assure what they is special/untouchable. They graduated HS & college together, going for Bachelors together. Jimin-ah I like you the most. I want to live with my lovely Taehyung for the rest if my life. Their future is together, friends/soulmates or more they said it. I won’t tear down other members closeness (good for them) their bonds don’t erase Vmins. I’m just happy with the moments Vmin allow us to see.
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Been thinking about the Shinryu egg chatter that’s been going around Twitter and it reminded me of a Chicagoland area classic
(For context)
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mokutone · 3 years
Your post about witch hat atelier is what finally decided me to read it and I can't thank you enough! I've only read one chapter yet but the art is so lovely, it's almost reminding me a bit of Chris Riddell's haha so it's very comfy and nostalgic
ah, i’m so glad!!! i think i can see what u mean abt chris riddell, his art is also very confident and line-heavy for textures and form building...the art is really incredibly lovely, i cannot at all believe that kamome shirahama makes it so fast...there’s like two volumes a year! to create something at that level of detail and to make so much of it so fast, (AND AS FAR AS I CAN TELL SHE WORKS TRADITIONALLY TOO...I HAVE BIG ADMIRATION!!!)
like it’s not even just the characters who have beautiful detailed designs, but the objects and scenery they interact with...i hope she is having fun at least! how intense...here im gonna share some of my favorite bits in the manga w/o context, all are from very early on in the manga, and don't really contain anything more plot relevant than what i've already chattered about on my blog
(reminder for folks who havent read manga in a while: read from right to left!)
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brief pause just to. admire this one especially ^^^ its REALLY difficult to get somebody to read a page going UPWARDS when our gaze wants to go down, so that shirahama-sensei is able to draw the eye upwards so fluidly toward that little figure [upward + leftward direction of clothes and arm as well as the border in rightmost panel leads to the upward and leftward gaze of the character, which we instinctively follow to the tiny figure floating in the high left corner] is REALLY impressive...its not a move that any comics teacher would recommend but she pulls it off incredibly well for being, essentially, Comics Rulebreaking!!!
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her artwork is SO GOOD...sometimes she posts inking timelapses on her insta or twitter. wonderful...absolutely obsessed w/ her artwork it inspires me to be more careful and intentional with my own
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the-resurrection-3d · 2 years
I feel like Elon Musk trying to buy Twitter fascinates me so much because I agree with a lot of his assessments of it -- but the more I think about it, the more I find the project of rehabbing Twitter’s reputation incredibly daunting. (and also I’m fascinated by web design and its effects on behavior.)
Tumblr partially rehabbed its image only via a mass exodus of users-- certainly staff has been making some positive changes, such as tipping and the “non rebloggable” option that allegedly will exist soon, but I think we can all agree that the reason Tumblr is seen by many as calmer than before is because of the porn ban.... whereupon all the worst users went to Twitter.
I’ve already posted about the content moderation issue that plagues most social media sites. (Fun new example from Youtube: I was watching a stream where one superchatter was asking for advice about how to comfort his elderly, COVID+ father, and another chatter was suggesting a bath of Epsom salt for aches and it got fucking deleted as COVID misinfo while the streamer was reading it out loud.)
Multiple posts/threads/videos have been about this, but I think that so much of Twitter’s user interface is designed to make you want to tell people to swallow glass that to actually tackle the harassment problem-- as Musk indicated he wanted to do very recently --you’d need to redesign the whole thing. A few “the devil is in the details” things that stand out to me personally:
the What’s Happening tab stands out the most to me because I actually recently installed a Ublock Origin filter to get rid of it. There should never, EVER under any circumstances be a trend-- especially a political trend-- that I am not able to banish to the fucking Shadow Realm. Ever. 
this feature can also amplify harassment by directing people to the Twitter Main Character of the Day. Though, to be fair, this is really a problem with the site’s users and not so much the feature in a vacuum.
Inserting random shit onto your timeline also needs to go. Part of the reason I don’t like using my professional account is because I’ll get a bunch of “liked by whoever” tweets that are about people’s family members dying or OP getting diagnosed with cancer, which obviously the person I follow liked out of sympathy. 
quote-retweets are pretty much only used for dunking on other people. Even visually, the quote-retweet is “pushing down,” as it were, on the OP, privileging their voice over OP’s. I think part of the problem with them is that they cut notifications off from the source-tweeter; this is why so many artists have “NO QRTS” in their bios. But this means that you can reap all the dopamine of a “hit tweet” by QRTing someone else. 
also worth noting that, though you’re allowed to RT things onto multiple accounts from the app, you still have to go into QRT mode to select the account you want.
oh god remember during the election when they made QRTing pretty much mandatory
Something I’ve noticed that is Twitter seems to be dealing with this trend of mass-QRTing people into oblivion by arbitrarily pretending the QRTs aren’t there. I’m sure other people have noticed this, right? The page with the parakeet with the big cut-out human eyes? Very odd. 
This one is probably the most obvious, but as many others have noticed, the way longer threads are displayed does the work of taking shit out of context for you. 
The character limit. Oh, the character limit. This will always be a fundamental problem with Twitter so long as people treat it as a real website and not an RSS feed.
Things I like about twitter got gov dot net that should stay: 
Allowing you to go private at any time without blocking your followers from viewing your content. This is one thing I think Twitter has over Tumblr, hands-down. 
Private bookmarking, though I think there should be some way to organize them, similar to how ao3 has bookmarking tags and collections. 
Allowing people to make lists of users to follow that’s separate from their “main” list of followed accounts. I follow one list of nothing but magazine accounts and it’s great. 
That time during the election when Twitter (at least the app) had a pop-up chiding you for retweeting a link you hadn’t opened. I think they should bring this back. Honestly, it might even be worth it to outright block you from retweeting links you haven’t opened, or at least tweaking the algorithm so that likes/RTs from people who haven’t opened the link are discounted. Musk mentioned recently that he thinks free speech and shadowbanning people can co-exist (which I find funny, because a lot of the people who complain about censorship also complain about shadowbanning), so this change would work with that idea.
downvoting replies is hilarious and I love it 
Of course, part of the problem with the site, too, is that people are trying to break its features over their knees to make it work for a ton of different communities with tons of different needs. 50+ tweet threads are the best example of this-- especially when you see one and the very first, most-liked reply is someone @ing the thread-unroller bot so that it’s in a more comprehensive and readable form. And THEN OP complains about it because it’s stealing money from them, somehow. 
Honestly, Musk should pull a Fortnite and take the site offline for a month or two while it gets revamped. All the worst users will kill themselves and the problem will have sorted itself out! 
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