#im not saying to be complicit when theres something wrong
auspex · 1 year
brief mini announcement: after reflection. I'll be holding off on posting publicly about WoD - for now temporarily. I will still talk about it in private discords; im not dropping my games or anything... but yeah... just not comfortable posting publicly rn.
personal ponderings and ig reasoning for my choice below.
info for reference: https://www.patreon.com/posts/werewolf-5th-and-86463964
this is a must read if a modern WoD fan imo.
this is not an analysis or specific criticism as it aint my place (im white). i just wanted to vent. and over the course of writing this i decided not to post publicly about WoD for now. if anyone wants to discuss though, i would love to.
i mean in short i dont want to just sit on this info.
so w this werewolf stuff, for context, i only briefly skimmed 1 of its previews and so was holding opinions on it until after i read it fully. and already knew older stuff was anti-indigenous in many respects, (never read it for this reason so dont know details beyond the obvious issues with certain names being used) so now that its fully confirmed the new one is still bad in this way (v v v v disappointed) and the ppl who made it bad and are straight up anti-indigenous are still employed its just. like. ugh. what the fuck. i also didnt know so many of the ppl in old white wolf remained employees when paradox took over???? i fell for the rebranding AUGH.
+ outside of werewolf with outstar still having her position w seemingly no criticism or action or apology given???
theres of course also gonna be a bunch of people way worse than her employed too , that arent as public, so we dont see it, unless wronged former employees speak out about it. (which is very brave and essential. )
in the end i largely believe in the capitalist society we live in corporations are gonna be immoral at their core and that includes paradox. but i dont want to use that belief as an excuse to do nothing. and i feel perhaps i have used that as an excuse before.
sambrano said the following:
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so, we have to hold their feet to the fire. but im not sure if im just misreading or stupid (really, probably just ignorant) but im not sure what exactly is the best thing to do. just express our outrage in someway?
if a boycott was organized i would join. but if one isnt? idk! and idk if a boycott is best. i want and need to hear abt what specifically ingenious and fans of color in general believe is best atm so i suppose my next steps are to just. listen. and see.
idk this is really bad. not sure what 2 do what 2 do.. hhmmhmhmh. just awful all around. my impatience is killing me but i must wait to see what others say.
it seems like when you get down to it the way WoD treats Native Americans specifically in this instance and overall non-white people/non-white culture is abhorrent. both in and out of universe. and i feel if im not careful i could be complicit as a white fan. so i want to proceed very carefully.
if you read, thanks for reading. i hope i can learn what should be done. in the interim...
im not dropping WoD - but something should be done to address this and until then. i dont feel comfortable posting publicly about WoD. ill still discuss OC stuff in personal discords unless others feel this is still inappropriate.
and im still posting on tumblr. just not WoD stuff. this may last a day, might last a week, may last who knows how much longer. but yes. wait and see ig.
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ranboo5 · 1 year
sorry this ended up being so long and its a little over the place
i thought they really nailed the atmosphere from episode 1 and i was srly impressed w the set design and the pretty seamless transition between live bits and prerecorded bits (felt a bit like a pre-rendered cutscene in a viddy game) and the general gamey aspects of the audience participation. my first first first impression of the entire thing was i was reminded of like you know those kids shows that are live action and theres an grownup guy whos host and theyre walking around in weird surreal rooms that arent real rooms but just a set? do you get what i mean.
i get that whole point was like well the "show" is show and its meant to be off and have this like vibe of shallow entertainment but its like when the large chunks of the actual series is That it wasnt always super interesting to watch unless there was something else going on? but like conceptually i really liked all the different segments of the "show". theres almost an aspect to them where in some of them the entertainment comes out of like almost degrading and dehumanizing the participants? could be wrong. anyway no matter how entertaining i found those bits, having 2/3 of the series be That does make really good buildup for ep3 i dont think i wouldve enjoyed ep3 alone without having seen ep1 and ep2. like them just walking around on these like sets they had been in prior but now theyre empty and dark. and the sets on their own were already a bit freaky and ominious but with all the silliness on top you sort of buy it, but now theyre empty like FUCK. seeing the ep 1 set from that perspectove for example fucked w me. i rly like ep3.
i liked the little nod to jerma dollhouse. and i love how they make audience participation feel increasingly more sinister during the course of the series . i mean it was already sinister in jerma dollhouse because jerma dollhouse is a riff on sims and SIMS is sinister because you get to play god with little guys and thats on paper a little fucked up. i guess the audience has way less power in genloss but theyre sort of complicit in everything and almost contributing to the spectacle just by virtue of being there and watching? idk. thinking of ranboo yelling stop watching into charlies stream and throwing the camera into the floor. maybe thats the point
i havent thought tooo hard about but but i think the overall recurring theme feels slightly on the nose like the part where ranboo walks into the food court and its just this row of streamers it feels like just slightly a little bit corny. but then on the other hand id rather have that than like it being so ambiguous that the casual viewer would not Get it do you get what i mean.
umm i think my biggest consistent negative thing was the improv between characters felt a little chaotic and overwhelming and it seemed like some participants werent really responding to each other as much as just Saying things. and i think given the many different kinds of Situations and Predicaments they were in i was a bit disappointed that there wasnt as much good like not banter but back and forth as i wouldve hoped. and then i liked even less when there were too many streamers in one scene at once it was very overwhelming and chaotic and it seemed like everyone was just fighting for screentime (maybe this is not true but this is the impression i got). im fine w the acting tho i think it was suited for the story they wanted to tell. as always blown away by ranboos profiecience at playing a miserable sopping guy at the end.
the standout star of the series was the visuals goddd the sets and the cinematography and the way they utilize the entire space so well.like every single hallway and door . and like idk what to call them the like Guys with the masks just pouring out of these corners is so freaky and then the Wire tv creechers are so and its so actually i have one thing visualswise that i thought abt that stuck with me with like again idk if they have a name but the guys with the masks in general. ESPECIALLY that moment in the end when ranboo presses that red button and they all just kind of stop and shut down and just stand there eerily . VISUALLY it reminds me so much of magrittes golconda and i just keep thinking about it. like the way theyre all spaced and just standing it almost feels intentional maybe not referencing that work specifically but def trying to evoke a similar feeling. do you see the vision
idk. Thats my thoughts.i have not been super into the whole arg aspect and the binary code and wingdings and i have not dived super deep into like the hashtag LORE these r just my own observations and thoughtse. yayy
I think I had a lot of patience for the show:tm: stuff because I was paying (probably too much/reading Into It) attention to the moments of like . Shaky camerawork or weird handling of confessionals. That whole energy that Showfall is not an actual media company but something playing at being a media company. IS SO
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phoneticgrip · 4 years
Too many bad opinions not enough listening and asking for context
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girldraki · 4 years
sorry if this is annoying but how would you go about getting into scp? ive been interested for awhile but when i try to i get lost on where to start
its not annoying!! im flattered that you asked me tbh ^^
it depends on what you really want to focus on wrt scp because its a very wide range of content but split into a few options:
-if you want to focus on the individual anomalies themselves in a... fandom-y? way (im not sure how to phrase it):
theres some fairly popular scps (mostly from series 1) with a lot of content. off the top of my head the biggest ones are 049, 682, 173, 079, 035, 1233 sort of? 096 and 106. most characterization for these guys is fan based.
anomalous characters who are fairly popular and have like legitimate characterization include 105, 073 and 076, 166 (there’s a couple of rewrites of her article, since the original one is... gross. they’re listed as -166, -4166, and -0166 respectively and like. trigger warning for sexual assault especially on the first two), and 590 (his file is pretty damn ableist, but most people who write him don’t have the same brain rot as deposed author bright)
the little misters by doctor wondertainment are a series of connected scps who vary in popularity.
-if you want to focus on individual anomalies in a twilight zone “fucked up if true” way:
just scrolling through the mainlist is good, tbh. click on those eye catch titles!
there’s a fairly comprehensive tagging system if you want to see specific types of scps (cataloguing stuff such as type of anomaly, what it physically is, particular anomalous groups who made them etc)
tvtropes is good for getting more specific if youre willing to read through the list of tropes
-if you want to focus on anomalies made by specific groups of interest or characters from those groups
the groups of interest page explains who these all are. theres a pretty damn wide range of them so theres probably at least something youre interested in
goi formats (documents created by the groups themselves) are underutilized, but they exist!
i touched on it briefly before, but groups of interest also have tags you can filter
i don’t recall if there’s any more, but at least two canons (dread and circuses and what a wonderful world) are directly centered around gois (the circus of the disquieting and dr. wondertainment respectively), so if you find you’re interested in either of those you can check those out
-if you want to focus on the characters who work for the foundation itself:
obligatory “they also have tags” because yes, they also have tags.
foundation characters have a lot of content compared to other scp stuff, although you’re still kinda shit out of luck for any but the most popular ones
some of them have personnel files but also those files are terribly sorted and you will never find them on your own and i am very, very sorry about that and i wish it was different too
tales, by their nature, mostly focus on foundation employees and canons mostly focus on particular facets of the foundation, so like. go there
you have to read scp-3001 and scp-3999. actually even if you’re doing the other three things you have to read those. 3001 and 3999 are required fucking reading
-some general notes about the bullshit the community does
my fucking god. many of these bitches in some way bigoted and much older content is kind of.... palpably dated. bad for them bad for them. theres a lot of people who are cool and gay though its not all bad
the staff are bad people, full stop. at the least theyre complicit in the other staff member’s actions
djkaktus is a rabid dog and needs to be beaten to death with a stick. some of his earlier articles are good (actually when i say this i mostly mean 049-j ngl) and a lot are iconic (1730 aka what happened to site 13, i do not recognize the bodies in the water) but now he mostly just spends his time writing shitty insensitive political skips with snl tier humor. if someone recommends 4444 4911 or 5004 they are both wrong and have shit taste
this all doesnt mean you cant get into scp. obviously, i love scp, for the things that all the people who aren’t shitty make, and because of how the site works even the stuff shitty people make is often salvageable, but you gotta acknowledge the degree of bullshit in order to engage
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bigskydreaming · 6 years
A lot of the discussions about AoX and the stuff said about the X-Tremists has altered my view of some elements of all that, I’m not gonna lie. The X-Tremists definitely isn’t what I initially thought it was, and in the context of all the X-Men being heavily brainwashed and operating based on a selectively altered sense of self and reality, even if I still don’t agree with it, I GET the intention behind picking gay and bi characters to be the cast of this particular book. 
Like, I can understand how when focused on the end goal rather than the set up, there’s a satisfying payoff to it being gay and bi characters pissed at being shoved back into the closet who are the ones best positioned to figure out what’s really going on and fight back against it once they do. I can connect those dots, see how that story choice makes sense and has the sense of catharsis Williams talked about getting from writing it. From the angle of gay/bi characters fuck shit up because they’re not gonna take society or some higher authority determining who they can and can’t love, that fits.
In a lot of ways, its the compulsory sexuality story I’ve ranted for months about wanting to see in regards to Bobby’s situation and the fact that Jean’s actions are ultimately the reason he spent so long in the closet.
BUT. At the same time....that’s kinda the problem?
Because that story I talked about wanting to see with Bobby, it didn’t come from nowhere, I didn’t just go ‘oh hey what if.’ It came from just putting together the pieces that were already there. Everything needed to tell this particular story about being pissed at someone overriding your own sense of self and telling you who you needed to be for the sake of society, the timeline, whatever....it was already there. In the main universe. Already written. Every single element needed to tell that specific narrative was already in place.
Completely unacknowledged.
And I think that’s a big part of where my cynicism comes from, beyond just not trusting Marvel as a whole. Because the fact that this specific narrative was already laid out, already in play, hell, already the fallout of a Grey’s choices and mucking around with Bobby’s head.....without it ever being addressed, its hard to see how a five issue mini (that needs at least an issue or two to set up the revelations to the characters) can do for that narrative spread out among three gay/bi characters what nobody bothered to do with just one character in three years worth of opportunities.
(And if in the end it turns out by the time all of this is over NOBODY in-story has drawn the parallel between this and Bobby’s own narrative even before all this, like.....that’s gonna bug.)
But anyway. When you look at it from that perspective, as essentially the same narrative that was already set up and put in place and then completely overlooked for Bobby already.....then its hard to see this as anything other than gratuitous. Because that was already this same narrative, WITHOUT the fascist imagery and associations. Bobby already had every reason to be pissed - just needed those reasons to be raised and acknowledged - WITHOUT needing the trauma of being made unwillingly complicit in storm trooper actions heaped on top of how much he would already be fucked up from just the forced closeting. The painful catharsis of watching a gay hero push back against forces trying to make him something other than he is and wants to be, it was already locked and loaded ready to go - WITHOUT the trauma part of that narrative needing to be added to two other characters’ narratives additionally.
It just feels...unnecessary.
Like, I can’t stop fixating on that damn armband, is one of the things. I understand the in-story logic, that its ultimately one of the clues that makes them wake up to the realization something is very wrong, for Bobby to be wearing that. I understand that the intention there is for it to be a motivating factor for Bobby’s anger, making him intensely furious that this was done to him, put on him. But the thing I can’t understand is what makes the armband necessary to do all that?
Its not needed in order to leave bread crumbs for them to see how things are messed up and where. There are other options available, other ways to portray how things are different or wrong. I’ll never agree its necessary for THAT to be the thing that makes Bobby enraged. Like look at everything I was saying about his main universe storyline. Why not just use this to allow Bobby to have a different perspective on his lack of agency in all that and the how and why of his staying repressed for so long, have this second instance of telepathic meddling with his sense of self make the first more clearly obvious to him. Isn’t that already more than enough to make Bobby furious and intent on beating the fucking shit out of Nate Grey because he’s sick of not knowing how much of his sense of self is actually HIM and how much of it is the result of telepaths sticking their nose where they don’t belong, without any hint of remorse?
When its your perspective that the more offensive elements of this story aren’t necessary, its all but impossible to look at anything else. They’re the elephant in the room. The things your eye can’t stray from in those ‘what in this picture doesn’t belong’ games once you find them, because its so painfully obvious then that they don’t belong.
And the other thing, the big thing that I’m really upset at seeing so many other white LGBTQ+ readers dismiss or just trivialize....personally, I find it impossible to find empowerment in three white gay/bi characters who are used to police the romantic and sexual relationships of characters of color and especially LGBTQ+ characters of color. I get that this isn’t on Williams, that it wasn’t her choice to have the X-Tremists arrest Bishop and Bling specifically, that those happened in other books. But this is an area where editorial oversight - used properly - would not only be useful, but I honestly believe was NECESSARY. If you’re gonna tell a story like this, do an event like this, play with these themes specifically and talk about how its meant to explore intersectionality, about how intersections of power affect how an individual interacts with society and its institutions....you need to bring your fucking A game, and this event just didn’t. At all. 
You need to be conscious of the fact that Marvel has given its readers, particularly its most marginalized ones, NO reason to have any faith in them, give them any benefit of the doubt, after they’ve spent the better part of 20 years deliberately driving this franchise into the ground because they didn’t get any of the X-Men movie profits. Editorial absolutely NEEDED to be aware of the nuances of this story and be prepared to step in where necessary to prevent things like what happened with Bishop and Bling interfering with the intended point of the X-Tremists mini and costing it more readers. There should have been someone watching all the pieces, someone whose JOB it was to look at the script for NextGen and hand it back and say no, Ed, you can’t have the X-Tremists arrest Bling, you need to pick someone else, pick a straight white character. We’re not having three white gay/bi cops arrest a black lesbian teen for impure thoughts. Nuh uh, no way. Not happening. Same with Bishop. If he absolutely had to be imprisoned in order for the events of Prisoner X to unfold, there should have been a different reason, rather than a random out of the blue pairing with Jean Grey that gets him locked up and her a slap on the wrist. Like, how about the fact that Nate Grey - being from the Age of Apocalypse - is aware that Bishop being a time traveler enabled him to know the AoA wasn’t how events were supposed to happen, and preemptively locked him away because he was afraid Bishop would be similarly able to see through this altered reality and warn people?
Like, when you have a character LITERALLY playing God, as in that’s the entire narrative....deus ex machina isn’t a problem. It’s your actual story engine. You can set the stage however the hell you want and Bishop can be wherever the hell you need him to be with the only reason being Nate Grey arranged for him to be there because that’s where he wanted him to be, fearing he could be a threat.
But seriously, white LGBTQ+ fans need to shut the absolute fuck up about the instances with Bishop and Bling and stop talking over fans of color when they bring them up. Stop trying to minimize it or handwave it away as no big deal, like, that is ugly. That is just, plain UGLY. Stop telling fans of color and LGBTQ+ fans of color any issues they have with white characters arresting black characters for ‘impure’ and ‘barbaric’ thoughts and relationships...like, stop acting like these things are no big deal or that they’re not big ENOUGH of a deal to take away from the empowerment you get from three white gay/bi characters’ narratives. Stop saying the latter is what they should be focusing on, as if its the only variable here that matters, and that they’re just blowing things out of proportion.  Some readers developing a dislike for Bobby because they have to read and see him being depicted the way he is at the expense of characters of color - even if its not ‘his fault’ - like, some readers not wanting to read or see Bobby in stories for awhile or ever because they just can’t get that image out of their head, that’s a valid and understandable reaction to what’s on the page, what they can’t avoid if they want to take in this story on any level at all. Its a reaction EARNED by the narrative choices made overall, and if its not a reaction the narrative wanted to earn, different narrative choices needed to be made.
Honestly, the more I think about it, if this event was going to happen like it or not, if writers had to just make the best of it as much as they could, knowing editorial wasn’t going to be interfering on their behalf when other writers used their characters in ways detrimental to the first writer’s intentions....Bobby, Jean-Paul and Betsy should have been in the cast of Prisoner X, I think. Like, they shouldn’t have been the secret police, the guilty parties motivated by outrage at being used to hurt others like them, they should have been part of the ones who already had plenty of motivational outrage based entirely on experience with being told their love was impure and wrong.
LGBTQ+ characters IMO were already a natural fit for seeing through Nate Grey’s changes to reality, to be arrested for engaging in romantic and sexual relationships in defiance of society’s laws and arbitrary morals. It could have easily been built into the event itself that Nate Grey (who has never identified as anything other than straight) viewed the world through a heteronormative lens. And thus when ‘eliminating’ love and memories of it and things like that, he did so according to a straight person’s perception of what that looked like...and thus potentially overlooked where LGBTQ+ peoples’ experiences had taught them how to keep a secret part of themselves hidden away at the core of their being, their mind, where no one would stumble across any truths they weren’t ready to reveal. LGBTQ+ characters were already a natural fit to be caught breaking the rules of this society instead of keeping it to themselves and staying safe if they started to suspect something was wrong with the way things were....because they were the ones who had already defiantly pushed back against unjust rules and restrictions the first time they realized something wasn’t right with the way society told them they should feel.
The same is true of characters of color of any sexual orientation, given past laws against interracial relationships - I’m not expanding on that not to exclude them, but just because imprisonment narratives have a different context and history with characters of color and that’s not my lane.
But like, if the event was structured to remove the variable of mutant oppression and thus explore intersections of power when everyone was on the same field in that respect, its disingenuous to make up forms of oppression to highlight the flaws in a dystopian society when existing marginalizations already exist once the mutant metaphor is removed. Those already marginalized in our society should be the ones marginalized in that society, else you end up with a ‘what if straight white people were the oppressed and sympathetic’ narrative that nobody asked for. And I do suspect that part of the way AoX is structured IS intended to reflect that, to have LGBTQ+ characters like the X-Tremists and characters of color like Bishop play key roles in toppling Nate Grey’s dystopian vision....I just don’t believe making any of them the secret police works in FAVOR of that rather than against. If your marginalized characters are united by common experiences of being oppressed by straight white mutants once they in turn are no longer oppressed by humans, then you also eliminate the stuff I was talking about earlier, the issue of having an oppressed group fight to put things back to where they were more oppressed. Instead of SPLITTING your characters’ identities along different axes, with the world according to Nate Grey being better for them in the sense that they’re no longer persecuted for being mutants but worse for them because it tries to restrain their sexualities...they don’t need to prioritize between their marginalizations at all. These characters don’t have to ‘sacrifice’ a world in which they aren’t oppressed for one where they are, if they’re still oppressed by that society as gay and bi individuals even though they’re no longer persecuted for being mutants. That’s still messy as hell for a variety of reasons this long fucking post doesn’t need to see their unpacking added to it, but like....
Sigh. Thing is, I know I have a tendency to go off and running in some AU direction like “this is what I would do if I were writing this story” every time I’m critical of shit. Its honestly not because I think I’m the greatest writer ever or oh my ideas are so much better than everything else. 
Its just....I don’t know how else to say it, even though it fails to sink in every damn time I have a variation of this argument...I’m not critical so I can hate things, I’m critical cuz I want them to be better. I don’t come up with different ideas for how else to tell a story BECAUSE I’m critical of it and hate it as is. Its the reverse. I’m critical of stuff BECAUSE I can’t turn off my writer brain and I can see where things could be better or at least fail in new and different ways than the same old repeated mistakes (and thus at least get us closer to better, by eliminating more of what doesn’t work).
Like, I’m just so fucking tired of being talked about like I’m this bitter angry dude who just hates everything and is never happy with any content ever. I’m not angry and loud when I criticize shit because I’m thinking like “This thing you like offended these three people and thus its fucking terrible and you should feel bad!” I’m angry and loud when I criticize shit because I’m thinking “This thing you like offended these three people AND IT DIDN’T FUCKING HAVE TO. THAT CAN BE AVOIDED.”
I don’t posit all these alternative scenarios when I criticize shit because I’m thinking that doing it any way other than my way is bad, and I’m just an egotistical jackass who will never be satisfied with any work other than his own. (LMAO, hell no, I’m insecure as hellllllll about my work, like lolol. How critical I am of other shit is nothing compared to how critical I am of my own).
Point is, when I do that, I’m only doing it to say like....see, look. Here are alternatives. If I can find some, other writers can too.
But other writers have to LOOK for alternatives in order to find them. They have to have a REASON to write things differently than what they already wrote. THAT’S WHAT CRITICISM IS FOR. TO GIVE THEM THAT REASON. TO TELL THEM THIS DOESN’T WORK THE WAY IT IS, BUT IT COULD WORK IF YOU DO SOME OF THESE THINGS DIFFERENTLY.
And when people say “lmao some of you just need to go the fuck outside, like calm down and let people enjoy shit for a change,” what that ACTUALLY sounds like to some of us is “well this thing works for me as is, and thus I see no reason to care about it being better for the people it doesn’t work for or actively offends.”
It’s honestly depressing as hell how many people on this site smugly reblog that “I don’t know how to explain to you that you should care about other people” post, only to turn around and five posts later complain about criticisms of a show they like and are perfectly comfortable with as is.
Its not about telling you that you should never enjoy anything ever. Its not about saying well this thing offends us, and if we can’t enjoy it, nobody should.
Its just like.....its great that you enjoy this thing but wouldn’t it be better if you could still enjoy it and all these people who AREN’T able to enjoy it because of these reasons could now enjoy it more too?
People shutting up about the ways content offends or hurts them or people just settling for sucking it up and dealing with the microaggressions in a creative work, like those things shouldn’t be necessary in order for you to enjoy content or be comfortable with what you’re reading or watching. 
And if it is, that’s a you problem and if you could PLEASE stop projecting it on to people who just want things to be better and more enjoyable across the board - like that’d be great kthxbai.
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theythemsam · 6 years
spn 1x14 (cause i completey skipped 1x13, cause its a bad fucking episode y’all), liveblog, collected posts (all 12 of them) or as i like to call it: I Am In Hell, Why Does This Show Hate Abuse Surviviors So Much, also i triggered myself so uh that’s always nice, tw for discussions of child abuse and suicide, bc that’s what happens in this piece of shit episode and once again Sam Winchester is the only good thing about this episode & I am so angry. Also Max did nothing wrong and deserves better:
Oh Fuck Yeah, more psychic!sam
#heck yeah i love it!!! #also my beautiful boy max who deserves so much better
also killing abusers. Now Thats A Sexy, Sexy Episode.
#just watching that bastard die is... very... very... satisfying
priest!boys. Nice.
#also sam all styled and stuff #with his hair slicked back it looks great
“so what was your dad like?”
Max, visibly going from bitter laugh to fake sad: “you know, just a normal dad”
#god that poor boy #he deserves so much better #supernatural and abuse victims #its not a good mix 95% of the time #but i think with him they at least did a kinda okay job? #not good bc lmao should have let him survive and go to therapy please!!! #but at least hes portrayed as sympathetic but flawed #something which many other abuse surviviors (bela. the kids in family remains etc) dont get and i hate it
Planting some heads in flower crates. Maybe some nice buds can sprout from that assholes brain.
#i feel literally 0% empathy #i cheer when the father & uncle die #like hmmm yes more pls
ughhh i hate that episode so much, it makes me so angry
#like not only did the stepmom do nothing and honestly? she deserves to die for that #but the police never helped even when they were called a shitton of times by neighbors #the system very rarely protects abuse surviviors #anyway what im saying is: max did nothing wrong
like I get it, there’s a lot of cases where the woman can’t stand up for a child, cause they are also abused or they don’t see a way out, and in real life I would definitely treat that a bit differently, but the fact that she stayed, that she’d didn’t stop it, that she didn’t take the child and run away, makes her complicit and nearly just as a bad as the actual abusers and that’s the tea and also why she deserves to die
#i have 0 tolerance for that #like... if you notice something like that and youre not willing to fight like hell to protect the victims... youre not a person i'll like #and she deserves whats coming for her #FUCK i forgot how angry that episode makes me
also the fact that she stood by and watched… like it wasn’t like she wasn’t in the room or didn’t notice it, she just… didn’t care.
#kill her max youre doing amazing sweetie #fuck me i hate abusers so much
Dean: “it doesn’t justify murdering your entire family”
Tumblr media
#it does #anyway hot take of the day: all abusers deserve to die #its ptsd Oh Hour for me over here folks lmao #and dean then just going: we gotta kill him #like... dean you lay a finger on my boy and im gonna tear you apart limb by limb
that fact that sam knows so well how to calm abuse surviviors down (giving them the choice of what’s going to happen, being calm and non-threatening) etc is definitely also one of my fav things about him
#like hes just so gentle and good #and fuuuuck im still angry #cause max deserves so much better
god, Max makes so much sense to me and honestly? i support him wholeheartedly
#'it wasn't about getting away. it was about not being afraid' #like sure... you know.... getting away is healthier in the long run but #knowing your abuser is still out there? maybe hurting others? maybe planning to at some point come after you? its fucking terrifying #theres a kind of relief you can only get knowing that they are gone for good #Max Deserves Better
also like… you know… of course killing your abusers is not going to not make you scared anymore, but… especially if somebodies been forced into that situation for such a long time, never knowing when the next beating was coming, never knowing how long you’d be safe and never able to feel safe? fuck, i get why he thinks it’s the only way, no matter how illogical it seems from the outside.
#i only care about max now #this is now the max blog #like not only does that child have cptsd for sure #i dont think he ever knew what safety felt like #not being safe in your own home must be the worst #cause you have no where to turn #especially as a child #and the fact that there were so many people who could have helped but /didnt/ or where nothing came from it #hell im bitter and its just a story to me
i’m still angry that she got to survive and max killed himself because honestly? she deserved worse and he deserved better.
(also her going: “I lost everyone.” does not make a single bit more sympathetic to me)
#hell im always on the side of abuse victims and surviviors and she was part of the abuse #i think im gonna take a break cause i think i actually triggered myself so uhhhh.... yeah....
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viralhottopics · 8 years
Ivanka Trump is complicit in her dads mission to get rich at the USs expense | Arwa Mahdawi
Shes an attractive package, appealing to Trumps heartland while simultaneously appeasing liberals. But dont be fooled
I hope you are ready to improve and expand your vocabulary today because I am about to drop a very complicated word. Complicit | km-pli-st | adjective. Merriam-Webster defines it as helping to commit a crime or do wrong in some way. One could, for example, say that Ivanka Trump is complicit in her dads mission to enrich himself at the expense of the US.
Indeed, Saturday Night Live said just that on, er, Saturday night. The comedy show, which has been making headlines in recent months with its lampooning of the Trump regime, featured a parody advert for an Ivanka Trump perfume. Complicit: The fragrance for the woman who could stop all of this, but wont. As Ivanka, played by Scarlett Johansson, slinks sultrily through glamorous party scenes, a voiceover narrates: Shes a woman who knows what she wants. And knows what shes doing. Complicit.
The sketch has caused quite a stir. Not least because it has finally exposed the shocking fact, long ignored by mainstream media, that many Americans, even the SNL-watching coastal elites, arent entirely sure what complicit means. The show spurred a large spike in searches for of the word online. As of Tuesday morning, its still among Merriam Websters top trending words along with neophyte, incredulous and refute. I dont want to refute the dictionarys data but I am incredulous that so many Americans are lexical neophytes. As the president would say: sad!
Scarlett Johansson as Ivanka Trump in SNLs Complicit perfume sketch on 11 March 2017
Anyway, Im not here to make a mockery of the American educational system. Thats Betsy DeVoss job. Im here to say: finally! |f-nl-, fn-l | adverb. Finally, it looks as if we might have stopped giving Ivanka the benefit of the doubt, which she has enjoyed for far too long. Ivanka has certainly not been immune to criticism (see, eg, the 73,461 articles explaining why she is not a real feminist), but the liberal media has been eager to see the best in her. There seems to be a widespread desire to view Ivanka as Trumps moral compass, a voice of reasonableness, a moderating guide.
Part of this is just desperation. Trump is a loose cannon; its calming to think theres a safety mechanism in place ensuring he doesnt go off. And so we clutch at any straws we can to reassure ourselves that Ivanka is smart, she hangs out with liberals, shell make everything OK.
And Ivanka has been very savvy in ensuring that there are just enough straws to clutch at. Last month, for example, it was reported that Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, persuaded Trump not to sign an executive order that would have rolled back LGBT rights. Much of this coverage was sickeningly gushing and quick to reassert the notion that Ivanka and Kushner are somehow independent from the president. The New York Times, for example, reminded us that: Mr Kushner, a lifelong Democrat, and Ms Trump, an independent, travel in liberal social circles and have long supported LGBT rights. Funnily enough, all this reporting about LGBT saviours Mr Kushner and Ms Trump seemed to stem from multiple sources with knowledge of the situation, which one imagines was probably Ms Trumps PR people.
Its also hard to think of Ivanka as being a terrible person when much of the criticism of her centred on her profiting from her lifestyle brands. Her peddling of kitten heels and suede tote bags and her saccharine-sweet Instagram account make her seem less like a woman complicit in the serious destruction of millions of peoples rights and more like a girl just trying to have fun, as her dad tramples democracy.
Ivanka Trump may have a jewellery and fashion line but her real brand is herself, and it is an impressive balancing act; theres something there for everyone. A mum, a daughter, a wife, an educated businesswoman married to a Jew. She appeals to Trumps heartland while simultaneously appeasing liberals. She is an attractive package.
And attractive, really, is the operating word. One wonders whether the media would have cut Ivanka quite so much slack if she werent so photogenic. Were all affected by beauty bias and multiple studies show that were more likely to be forgiving towards attractive women who behave unfairly. Ivanka isnt the only woman close to an authoritarian figure who has been protected by pretty woman privilege. Vogue published a flattering profile (A Rose in the Desert) on Asma al-Assad in 2012, for example, as her husband Bashar al-Assad was murdering Syrians. And we seem more keen to view Melania Trump as a victim than as possessing any agency. Her miserable demeanour at the inauguration led to #freemelania trending and widespread expressions of sympathy.
Ivanka and Melania dont deserve our sympathy. They are not victims, theyre profiteers. And Ivanka deserves far better than our excuses. She is far more than a daughter stuck in a difficult position. She is an intelligent woman who has shrewdly benefited from sexist notions of women as nurturers rather than murderers. If we continue to allow her that narrative then we too are complicit.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2mohsNT
from Ivanka Trump is complicit in her dads mission to get rich at the USs expense | Arwa Mahdawi
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