#//cannibalism mention
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its-dari · 1 year ago
Beware Baby Bunny
Hard Yandere! Akatsuki - Types & Danger Levels
I know it says "hard yan". But that's because my preferred type are soft yans... This is literally the worst extreme, especially in terms of character.
~ Dari
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Type: Manipulative & Dependent
Danger Level: 3/10
Not particularly manipulative towards you, more so towards any possible suitors. But if he is favored by you, he will milk it to the best he can. This especially shows when he assesses that he cannot physically win over them and resorts to more underhanded methods. A yandere that needs you like he needs air and all his purpose feels like it's gone when he is no longer with you. Like he'd die without you.
Creepy Behaviors Include: Heavy breathing upon close contact. Occasional thievery of your items. Manipulative behaviors towards potential suitors. Occasionally Munchausen.
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Type: Violent & Delusional
Danger Level: 9.5/10
Intensely wrapped in the bloody thoughts of Jashin, he believes that you were gifted to him for his labors to his god. There is nothing but blood in his brain when it comes to you, obsessively and sexually wrapping himself in how you look drenched in it. He is willing to harm both you and anyone that gets in his way of having you. It is only a side comment that makes him conceal his feelings and behavior.
Creepy Behaviors Include: Idealization. Erotomania. Stealing of bloodied sanitation products. Leering.
Hoshigaki Kisame
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Type: Protective & Possessive
Danger Level: 7/10
Immensely blood thirsty but unlikely to violently react towards rivals unless they were similar. Views your opinion as important and so is careful in how he presents himself in front of you. If pushed, he could react violently but is a relatively docile type. Very loyal and pretty liberal in committing bloody acts if he knows he won't be caught. Depends on how well you handle these tendencies.
Creepy Behaviors Include: Keeping things you make for him long beyond it's tenure; including food.
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Type: Possessive Provider
Danger Level: 4/10
Doesn't try and especially hide his fondness and generally is one of the more normal types. While people presumably think he'd view the object of his affections as a posession, it's his experience and older age that allowed this more mellowed look. While his rank and level of violence of a criminal is still high. There is still somewhat of a levelheaded way he goes about dealing with rivals. He also won't really attempt to force you into anything.
Creepy Behaviors Include: Stealing Minimal Items. Financial Coercion.
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Type: Apathetic, Obsessive & Possessive
Danger Level: 10/10
Lucid and fully aware his behavior is unhealthy and will keep it to himself. The most dangerous in the sense that he cares little for you, your feelings, or your choices. He's also the master of acting like there's nothing wrong with him. The only one with a full 10 in all categories.
Obsessed with the idea of memorializing you forever by turning you into a puppet regardless of your wishes. Watches you often and at length to be able to gauge your anatomy and measurements perfectly. Has likely made a doll version of you and prepared clothes for a potential wedding... If given a chance, will make a different human puppet if the victim is close enough to your likeness.
Creepy Behaviors Include: Staring(often withoit blinking). Watching you sleep if given chance. Idealization. Objectification.
Uchiha Itachi
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Type: Protective & Passive
Danger Level: 2/10
Genuinely the least selfish of the bunch, while he has an agenda in flirting with you and wanting to have you. He simply can go on without having you in a romantic sense, content fo have you in his life and just show you that you matter a lot to him. Will set aside his feelings in favor of yours and let you be happy with someone else. The closest to genuinely loving you. Though can show aggression/violence towards those that mean you harm or disrespect your memory.
Creepy Behaviors Include: Stealing Items. Replicating them with sharigan if possible.
Non-Yans / Yan Leashes:
Pein / Nagato
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Honestly, someone come help this man. It is their respect for him that they're not acting out. He probably has a soft spot of some sort for you otherwise, he would consider murdering you for causing unrest among the others.
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She's probably used to the creepy leering of men, and is immensely uncomfortable by the knowledge of this behavior. It is her connection with Pein and respect for her that keep them from behaving like insane people. Well, except Hidan, but that's par for the course.
Uchiha Obito / Tobi
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He knows EVERYTHING and WOW, he thought he was bad. He takes advantage of his position as "innocent" Tobi to go around and mess with them, just for his amusement... It is his own fondness for you as a member that makes sure they keep from anything too extreme.
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If the cannibal himself is grossed out by them, there's a problem. He is the one to report to the others as he can phase through walls and such... Keeps them docile for the sake of that they might know he knows everything.
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deadbnnuy · 1 year ago
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Dont we all love Lewis
The worst boy
The phonekisser
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prokopetz · 3 months ago
Seeing "toxic yuri fan" in their blog header and skimming their last few dozen posts to see whether that's toxic yuri as in "I have ambivalent feelings about the central relationship in She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, a PG-rated cartoon for children" or toxic yuri as in "I want them to kill and eat each other".
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bamsara · 7 months ago
Trod is so incredibly good I spent the entire night reading it until like 5am and then had a dream where they sluggishly argued over the ethics of cannibalism. Peak
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I agree with your dream brain, I think they would have sleepy arguments like this (thanks for liking the fic skdhgsdk)
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melatoninburst · 1 year ago
Who's the best transformers character?
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"Shout out to the freak of nature that is Tarantulas from Beast Wars. He's a cannibal, a mad scientist and a purple spider!"
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locusfandomtime · 1 year ago
compilation of all the iconic insane mumbo jumbo posts
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wanted to get them all in one place. feel free to add
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elsa-fogen · 1 year ago
I could eat you for breakfast | Breakfast AU (Part 1)
Do you though?
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You really shouldn't say such thing in front of 2 real unhinged cannibals...
|1| (you're here) - |2| - |3| - |4| - |5| - |6| - |7|
Just for you to know, none of the next parts have real gore in them
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The boys got a present from their kind neighbor Radio Demon ☺☺☺
UPD: I wanted to show somehow that Alastor also holds her soul, but forgor HEUUUUUGH
AU Masterpost
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zalcolm · 1 year ago
reblog if you either eat at least one of the following:
toilet paper
pineapple on pizza
human skin
but no one is able to guess which
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jetconsumer · 8 months ago
u know how hard it is to live in dc and not make a comment about fallout 3 every where i go. this is how it feels walking around chatting with my friends
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lucabyte · 5 months ago
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pros and cons
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oregano-gremlin · 9 months ago
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daily-airimomoi-vitamins · 5 months ago
[uagh, my head]
[Your head hurts, it's pounding. You very slightly open your eyes and]
[there's blood.]
[you're lying in a pool of blood. Some of it is on your head...drip drip dripping down your face.]
[some of it isn't yours]
[you're just barely able to lift yourself off the ground. It smells terrible. Like an awful concoction of flesh and sanitary alcohol. The ground...it's colder than before. This is not the same floor as the one you fell on.]
[you...recognize this place. It's in worse condition but...yes...yes you remember]
[I... remember]
[that girl. In the back. This is where you found her before-]
[oh god. The blood and her memory. You hated the implications.]
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[that corner, where she sat. She seemed so lonely...The thought of her tired eyes and small composure...]
[...that corner, a machine. It's blade doused in blood. It hasn't been cleaned]
[....a meat grinder?]
[your eyes widened at the thought. You quickly covered your mouth and shook your head, trying to rid yourself of the disgusting thought...]
[..Finally, you arise. Your legs are shaky, your head and hair damp with blood and cold sweat. What the hell are you doing here? How did you get here..?]
[you recollect what happened....Did she hit you over the head, or did you pass out? Perhaps, your head hit the floor too hard. Whatever it was, it didn't matter now. Now, your priority was to get ou-]
You're awake.
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[..the pharmacist. She looked so oddly bleak. So...empty]
Took you long enough..he..haha...
[ah, that smile. But it just wasn't the same. Her eyes were narrowed, her arms in her coat pocket. She continued to chuckle]
Haha...heha....you really...really couldn't let this go, huh?
"..What did you to her."
hmph...I thought I told you before. She's dead...you know, I hate repeating myself. It's so fucking annoying. I fucking hate it.
Yeah, sure, I've kinda enjoyed all this. But do you know how much of an annoying little brat you are..? For fucks sake, and to think...I wanted to help you.
"are you being serious right now?! Help?! Since when has what you're doing been help!?"
...hm. I don't think I want to answer that.
[She moved off the wall, and starting to circle around you. You felt trapped]
"No-No that's not how it works. You've ruined my li-"
What life?
[She turned her head to you, inching closer]
What sort of life have you lived? What life are you remembering, hm? You don't have a life, not anymore. You're life isn't yours. Both of us. We do not live, we don't have lives.
[She turned to the machine, putting her finger inside and swiping the blood off of the blades. She put her thumb in her mouth, wiping her mouth]
This life, wasn't alive either.
[You felt physically sick. You were fighting the urge to throw up, right there and then. You're fists clenched]
[You had so many questions....]
[Your eyes drifted towards the machine, a shiver down your spine following along. You swiftly looked behind you towards the corner of the room, thinking of that girl]
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prokopetz · 7 months ago
"Oh no, this goofy monster virus mutates you into a gnarly beast with an insatiable hunger for human flesh" and then the goofy monster protagonist is able to master their cannibalistic impulses not because they have superhuman willpower or special genes, but because prior to being mutated they were the most repressed human being alive.
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th1rstf0rbl00d · 2 months ago
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How to stay young forever
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awful-little-goose · 11 months ago
Hi Leshy, what did you felt when you met your beloved Yellow Cat for the first time?
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He’s…a little bit unhinged. But well meaning!!
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cinematicnomad · 1 year ago
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THE TERROR ▸ 1.09 the c, the c, the open c
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