#//Literally the embodiment of ‘this guy bothering you; queen?’
dutybcrne · 11 months
Referring to Taru as your knight is a surefire way to make sure he will Center His Entire Personality Around It in regards to his views of you
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minzart · 3 years
Hi, love your Great 7 are ghost au and I would like to share with you my idea about MC/Yuu. You know like in fairytale there are princess, villain and prince that saves the day. Also have you ever heard a quote "Evil queens are princesses that weren't saved". What if Yuu is actually Prince Charming that came to TWST Wonderland to save overblot students. What if Malleus is not replacement for Maleficent, but is actually Princess Aurora and Yuu is Prince Philip. (1)
(2) Prince Philip (I think that is the name of Prince from Disney Sleeping Beauty). And it kinda fits Yuu perfectly with their similarity with princes (at least, from early movies like Snow White, Cinderella and so on). They are blank slate like early princes, didn't have much role until fighting the villain to save princess which were the same person in the game (Leona, Azul and others) like real princes.
(3) Also in the prologue, there was a text, something about running out of time and that only Yuu can save them. Just like only Prince Charming could save his princess from villain. But what bothers me is that if our overblot friends are unsaved princesses, then who is the real villain of their stories? I think I got carried away with the whole conspiracy theory. 😅
Ok ok, ohohoho let's gooooo
Yes, I have a vague memory of hearing "evil queens are princesses that weren't saved" and it's a really interesting concept
theories, no matter how batshit crazy you might think some are.just inspire me. Like. Even if they don't become canon especialy if they don't, just show how wildly different the same story can be interpreted, and I belive so many creators get inspired by them, I can literally talk about how calcifer and the moving castle are a metafir to Howls heart and I bet this is a analysis or theory someone made somewhere but I just didn't saw it yet
Crowley's voice in the prologue:
"Ah... my dear beloved. A lovely and noble flower of evil Truly you are the most beautiful of all. Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the..."
"Those who are guided by the dark mirror, as long as your heart desires, take the hand that appears in the mirror" (until here I belive it's what he's saying during the ceremony)
"For me. For them. For you. We are all running out of time. No matter what, never let go of my hand" (this, I belive, was for yuu/the player directly)
[translated by Shel_BB on YouTube]
That frase + the fact that he's always looking for the black stones after every overblot can point to Crowley being the villain, I thought he was going to be the big bad for quite some time, but now I just can't belive this anymore
Bc Overblots aren't some magical shenanigans that are only happening now, they are a fact of the world, studied and know to many, rare as they may be, it makes sense why he's looking for the black stones if we concider that they need to be disposed afterwards so noone will accidentally consume another's blot, see Grim
And I may joke that Crowley is a "bad headmaster" and "bad dad" for comedic value, but the guy is restoring little by little Ramshackle, you can see the change in the main room and the exterior through the chapters, he's literally banking Yuu's education, even if it's probably the school's money, in ghost marriage he gave a break to Yuu, the one who actually made them go help in the end was Ortho, and as you said, Yuu can be the one who embodies the "prince charming" spirit, like the others embodies, mostly, "the villains spirit", more about that in a sec
Before the game even gor released a friend and I thought that maybe Malleus would be the bad guy, maybe even the player, bc, well, "villains world" and all, and he is the poster boy, but you can see why this can't be the case already
And considering how overblots are made of overworking and stressing oneself, I think the villain is just that, stress, trauma, overworking, miscommunication and high expectations
There's this post about the overblot boys and how they aren't an exactly replica of the villains they represent. Exemple: Unlike Ursula, Azul made clear to everyone that he was shady as fuck
And I notice that all of the boys are more like a mix of Disney characters than only one, see: Malleus and his Prince Philip syndrome, wanting to run away from his retainers and have a good time alone; Lilia who is probably the three fairies, Diablo, very close to the royal family, and the storm curse, where a bat spear for a second; Cater has some Cinderella vibes. What I'm trying to say is: I think you are correct that they are princesses too!
Yuu being prince charming is a great take! But I think Yuu embodies the traits/spirit of a hero, I'm still fazed that they have sass but even so used the "bc they are my friends I need to help them" card in chapter 3 in a more modern way
Bc Yuu is technically the Therapist of NRC, they are someone the overblot boys could tell so much shit and discharge that negativety on bc Yuu, in the end, will go home, they won't be here and will dispatch all their problem with them, and that's something reassuring to someone who doesn't has the habits of sharing what's in their brain easily
Isn't that a hero in it's own way? Helping someone to overcome their own demons
We don't know were Yuu is when the boys fight, maybe in the background giving orders or helping others, but I realy like to think that they are hearing the story that the boys share after they are defeated
And let's remember that being magicless isn't something rare in twst, nor something they frown down on, see: Epel's parents or grandparents I'm not sure wich, if I'm not mistaken, they are magicless; the only thing that set Yuu apart is that they got there by the carriage and can't go back to their world, they are a magicless student who is in a magic school and that's supose to be impossible
Unless Crowley needed the embodiment of a hero for some reason, maybe he knew too many overblots would happen that year, and he needed someone to heal the boys slowly, bc a thing I love in this story is that they don't suddenly heal of their trauma, no, it takes time and communication, see Riddle still learning to be more lenient with his rules in chapter 2
And one particular thing, sometimes the relationship Yuu has with the character in the menu, voice lines and events, is diferent from the relation they have with the same character in game
There're some voice lines that stuck with me, specifically Leona's
“Oi, stop clinging to me. I hate the warmth. And you’re not a kid anymore.” Dorm uniform, from here
“You’re always so serious about things. Don’t you ever get tired? ...Ha, yeah, that was a stupid question.” Cerimonial Robes from here
"Wanting to stay with me while I'm practicing my magic is so Typical of You. Most people would just curl up their tails and whine about it" PE uniform, from here
“My hair tie’s coming loose? Then fix it for me.” PE Uniform, from here
“I’ve been looking for a good place to take a nap. Let me use the Ramshackle Dorm.” Lab Coat, from here
I don't know about you, but I don't feel that Leona is as close to Yuu as he is in his voice lines, and yes, this could be a gimmick to apeal to the audience but what if it isn't? What if slowly, away from us, Yuu is basicaly becoming their friend and helping them improve little by little
The line that sold me to like Azul was a Menu one were he asks if he looks good for the seven sake
Basicaly: I think your theory that Yuu is the one who posses the prince charming spirit is realy cool and makes sense in the world's context, and even if it gets dated or whatever by years forward it's still going to be a fantastic concept
My personal take is that: Yuu is a more of "brothers Grimm"/writer of fary tales, bc Yuu is a blank slate that is taking many roles at once to progress the story as well as the hero role
I will die in this hell and still say that Yuu is going to play Diablo in chapter seven and if they don't then it was a waste of potential
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Your comments about the acowar 1st chap are so entertaining! If you want, can you do more chapters?
Alright anon fine but dont blame me if you're charged for the murder of my brain cells 😭😭
I present to you Chapter 2:
No, that threat certainly didn’t seem to keep Lucien or Tamlin awake at night. Or from inviting these monsters into their home.
The manipulation of the text is clear as day. How do people not see it?? The way this sentence is formed and placed in the story?? It's implying that Tamlin and Lucien are heartless monsters who dont give two fcks about the humans. But why wud they??? They aren't humans!!! They're fey!!! Just because Tamlin is against slavery and his court borders the humans, they aren't his responsibility. The humans have the their queens. They aren't bothered to protect them. So why is she blaming Tamlin and Lucien for looking out for their own rather than those who aren't even under his jurisdiction and who hate his kind????
Plus its not like she loves the humans or anything we see it with the way she deals with any humans.The queens, grayson and family. Even her own sisters. Remember the time she just showed up at their doors as a High Fey after months of no contact demanding they help her and 3 humanoid bats??? Remember how she talks to them, to nesta???
Tamlin had promised upon my return that I was to be included in the planning, in every meeting. And he was true to his word when he explained that Jurian would arrive with two other commanders from Hybern, and I would be present for it.
In this book its mentioned multiple times that tamlin is trying to be better. Trying to make amends. She even says although in way sjm thinks is badass... that "that was his new favourite word: try". That isn't something to be made fun of. Tamlin realises his mistakes hes trying to be better. That's not something rhysie ever did. Honestly, I'd prefer someone who will better himself and rectify his mistakes and take initiatives to be grow as a person and as a partner rather than someone who cries into a bowl of soup to make up for SA me for three months. But i'm going to talk about Tamlin in these chpters in another post.
They indeed wished to survey the wall, to test for the perfect spot to rend it once the Cauldron had recovered its strength.
Turning my sisters into Fae, apparently, had drained it. My smugness at the fact was short-lived
SMUGNESS???? BITCH WHAT??? What smugness??? why is she feeling smug that it took a lot of the cauldron to turn her sisters fey?? HER SISTERS LITERALLY WENT INTO THE EMBODIMENT OF ALL LIFE AND DROWNED UNTIL THEIR MORTAL BODIES WERE DEAD AND SHES FEELING SMUG ABOUT THAT??? People actually stan this character??? Is she suppose to be an inspiration for the young girls who read this ??? People actually want be like her??? Idk you guys thats pretty concerning.
I did not dare risk using the bond too often.
I had not dared to ask for more details
But I did not ask for more. Did not risk touching the bond beyond that first time.
This thing about not using the mating bond often is repeated in the same page atleast thrice. I really ache to understand how sjm is considered a good writer.
Twins—perhaps linked in power and mental bonds as well.
Have she and elain exchanged their powers here??? Cause unless she is a seer idk how she guessed that.
He’d sold us out. Sold out Prythian—for me. To get me back.
*throws the book across the wall* *jumps on table* *falls down from the table* *screams into a pillow*
(Also, if Tamlin hadn't been retconned, if he had still been the hero, and rhysie the villain this would have SOOOO fcking romantic!!! The i-would-burn-the-world-for-you trope)
Smoke curled in my mouth. I willed frost to fill it again.
What is she?? a dragon??? Why does she have smoke in her mouth?? And this isnt even a metaphor?? Cause she is actually using kailas' power to extinguish it???
A harmless, lovely package, perfect for a High Lord to mount whenever he wished.
What is this why would she say this ??? For a high lord to mount??? is she a horse ?? (bitch decide if you're a dragon or a horse its confusing) Is she implying that Tamlin only wants her as a sex toy???
“Perhaps if you’d bothered going to war over Miryam, she wouldn’t have left you for Prince Drakon.”
Okay so i like nay adore jurian so i'm going to be biased and double offended by this. But why the fck did she have to bring up miriyam???? She literally has NO reason!!! He is just stating facts??? According to them rhysie kidnapped feyre and Tamlin did go to war...well almost to get her back??? Miss girl boss, wouldn't this ruin your "ruse"??? Huh how did she know about miriyam when tamlin didn't tell her?? Unless she wants them to think rhysie r*ped her and then gave her history lessons while she was in the NC this isn't a smart move.
“Or what? You’ll throw me in the Cauldron?”
Are you okay?
That was my first step: make Tamlin believe, truly believe, that I loved him and this place, and everyone in it.
okay so she says this but in the start of the chp she also says that her first step is to find out what part of the wall hybern will try to bring down and send that info to Rhysie??? i'm so confused at this point.
The thought of them so close to the human lands … But my sisters were not there.
Wtf at first she worries about them being near to the human lands but then she like "oh well my sisters are not there so it's cool ☺️☺️"
HELPPPP 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
No, my sisters were somewhere in the vast territory of my own court, protected by my friends.
You are letting them do this; you are rationally allowing them to bring down that wall and prey upon the humans on the other side.
This is feyre's inner thoughts...the part written in italics...and I just-
This is NOT healthy. This style of writing, this manipulation, trying to dictate how the reader thinks and feels about the plot and the characters is not healthy it's toxic. Dangerous even. Someone needs to strap on a pair and tell this woman to either improve or stop writing FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.
Aaaaaahhhh thats chapter 2!!! Hmm lets see i think i lost 555229399 brain cells. Hope they regenerate in time lol.
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suganovakawa · 4 years
i hope requests are still open, if not, you can just ignore this since u may be busy. i LOVE your s'mores headcanons with the karasuno boys, it's ! so ! cute ! may i request protective! captain as dads ( you could pick anyone you're comfortable with writing! ) and their only daughter started liking a boy ( bonus if it's the son of their old/current teamates if they played professional. ) thank you again if u ever decided to do this 💙
i’m slowly going to be going through requests again but THIS IS SO CUTE IM DYING PLS
this request is so old i know , i’m sorry for the wait anonnie pls forgive me fjjsnfmd
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a loving father.
— kuroo, daichi, ushijima, oikawa, and bokuto’s only daughter ( separately ) falls for a boy.
gen masterlist.
taglist ( open ) ༉‧ @yams046 @janellion @avylee
— a/n : new layout! figured i’d try it, i always thought my previous layout was too tedious and spaced out, this new one is something more simple. enjoy!
— also, this is fem!reader!
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tetsurou kuroo.
✧。 the first time he hears of his babygirl catching the feels™ for someone, immediately he goes into protective dad mode
✧。 in the past he had always joked about him being the only man his daughter needed in her life, and daddy’s little girl would always comply because kuroo def is one of the best dads around, don’t @ me
✧。 but boy oh boy he’s ready to wage war once he hears about this boy, and he doesn’t even know who the guy is
✧。 he wasn’t supposed to hear about his daughter’s crush, you and your daughter were having some girl talk, and you actually had to pry it out of her system or else she would’ve just kept it secret
✧。 he was 100% eavesdropping on the two of you, he always feels so left out when it’s girl talk time— he’s tried convincing the both of you to let him in on the girl time, but all of his attempts have failed
✧。 both you and your daughter hear a “WHAT?!?” from outside your bedroom door, and the two of you run out to see kuroo literally pressed against the door with a scowl on his face
✧。 oh boy, your daughter’s really gonna get it now
✧。 “tetsurou! you know better than to eavesdrop on us like that! you know that girl time is for us only! no boys allowed!” ofc, if y’all want a son...
✧。 we love a good drama queen, he’s sprawled on the floor, pretending to sob in his hands as your daughter is trying ( and failing ) to hide her embarrassment that her dad happened to listen in on what she wanted to keep secret
✧。 “noooo our babygirl is growing up too quickly! what happened to me being the only man in her life, huh? she’s leaving the nest too quickly, stay with meeeee! be my little princess forever!”
✧。 proceeds to become the embodiment of 🥺
✧。 “dad, it’s just a crush...”
✧。 “i had a crush on your mother back in the day, look at how we are now!”
✧。 “tetsurou...”
✧。 kuroo looks to you and takes you by your shoulders, his lip quivering as he points to your guys’ child “how are you so calm about this? this is our daughter we’re talking about here! take me a little more seriously, y/n!”
✧。 you’re cracking up at the sight of kuroo, wiping tears from your eyes as you cross your arms, an evil glint shining in those eyes of yours
✧。 “you’ll never guess who she does have a crush on, sweetheart.”
✧。 “what?”
✧。 your daughter is trying oh so hard to give you a signal of no no no no no no no no no mom please spare me but you’re just ignoring it, “go on, sweetie. tell your father who this special boy of yours is.”
✧。 “... lev’s son...”
✧。 RIP tetsurou kuroo, gone too soon.
daichi sawamura.
✧。 now, daichi takes the news far better than how kuroo does, but you can tell he’s just a wee bit protective
✧。 you can see it in the way he scrunches his nose every time your daughter brings up this boy— it’s subtle, but definitely noticeable
✧。 he finds about his daughter’s crush while he picks her up from school, he spots her chatting up a storm with a classmate of hers
✧。 “is that a friend of yours, sweetheart?” she’s in high spirits as daichi takes her home, which he’s happy with. he wants nothing more than to see his little bundle of joy happy as can be
✧。 “silly daddy! that’s my boyfriend! he asked me out today while we were both at the swings, and i said yes!”
✧。 “b-boyfriend, you say?”
✧。 “mhm! i’ve had a crush on him for a while, and he likes me back! so when he asked me to be his girlfriend, i said yes and we hugged!”
✧。 by the looks of his face when he and your child came home, you knew exactly what had happened between your husband and your daughter on the way back— you were suppressing your laughter as much as possible, but a snicker escaped your lips as you greeted your daughter and let her inside
✧。 “you knew about this, didn’t you, y/n?” daichi mumbled as he greeted you with a kiss on the forehead, clearly bothered by the news
✧。 “she’d always fill me in on her adventures with her crush, telling me how she knows deep within her heart that they belong together.” you had turned to your daughter, who finished putting her bag down and you picked her up in her arms, “did he ask you out today, sweetie? were your predictions correct?”
✧。 “yes! we’re dating now!” just hearing those words made daichi’s heart clench, but he had to just smile through the pain
✧。 “that’s... lovely, sweetheart...” had he bothered to say anything more, he was going to pass out
✧。 “wait, daddy doesn’t know who your boyfriend is, huh?” you smirked, causing daichi’s face to pale, “why don’t you tell him who your special someone is, dear?”
✧。 your daughter grinned, “you know his dad, daddy! mr. nishinoya!”
✧。 daichi proceeded to stare a wall blankly for the next half hour, repeating the words “oh my god, noya has a son” like a mantra.
✧。 “mommy, what’s wrong with daddy?”
✧。 “just give him some time, he’ll process it soon.”
wakatoshi ushijima.
✧。 the first time he heard of his daughter having a crush on someone, it went completely over his head and thought nothing of it
✧。 “daddy! i have a crush on that boy over there!”
✧。 “oh. that’s nice, dear.”
✧。 you were initially surprised when you heard his reaction, you weren’t expecting ushi to be so nonchalant— he was very overprotective of your only child, even if he didn’t show it
✧。 turns out, he doesn’t know what a crush IS
✧。 he thought it was just some childhood slang for classmate, and proceeded to carry on with his day— his daughter didn’t explain to him what having a crush meant, either
✧。 oh sweet mother of jesus, you’ve married a complete dunce
✧。 “toshi... you’re okay with her having a crush on a boy, right? you don’t mind?” you had to know for yourself, you asked ushijima about it when he came home from adlers practice; you let him wash up and both of you had put your child down for the night, you were busy making a late night meal for him since you know he can get hungry after working so hard
✧。 “why wouldn’t i be okay with it? doesn’t she have many crushes?”
✧。 you pressed your fingers against your temples and sighed loudly, shaking your head in disbelief. “do you even know what crushes are?”
✧。 “classmates...?” seeing the shock on your face, he raised an eyebrow slightly, confused with your exasperation. “is it not youth slang for classmates?”
✧。 “toshi— no. just, no.” you sat down in a chair next to him, and proceeded to explain that crushes are not slang for classmates, and to explain what your daughter was going through
✧。 uh, i think you broke him
✧。 after a whole five minutes of silence, all you got in return was “... oh. that’s what crushes are.”
✧。 his face was completely blank, you weren’t sure if it was him realizing that he did not like that, or if he still was completely confused to his daughter having feelings for a boy
✧。 “... well, i don’t see the harm in it.” you turned in surprise— his face was still stoic and unreadable, but he had shrugged slightly as it was your turn to raise an eyebrow, “a harmless crush on a boy isn’t too bad. and besides,” you could see a ghost of a smirk appear on his lips, “i had a crush on you, and we turned out like this.”
✧。 sir that is illegal wtf go back to being a dunce
✧。 you scoffed and hid your blush in your hands, rolling your eyes a bit, “do you even know who the boy is, toshi?”
✧。 “am i supposed to know?”
✧。 “ask your friend hoshiumi tomorrow at pracrice, i think he’ll be able to fill you in on it.”
✧。 wakatoshi had many, many questions for his daughter the next evening when he came back from practice, oh boy.
tooru oikawa.
✧。 honestly, i think tooru would take the news the best out of everyone here JFJSJJD probably because he’s so experienced in having people fawn and gawk over him, oops
✧。 but obviously he’s still gonna be a little diva about it; after all, it’s HIS perfect princess we’re talking about here
✧。 he came back home at the sight of your daughter daydreaming to you about her day at school, anyone with common sense could see how whipped and smitten over whoever this person was
✧。 “we held hands during recess today! i almost didn’t want to wash my hands when we went inside today— hi daddy!”
✧。 oikawa scooped her up in her arms and chuckled, ruffling her hair slightly, “hey there sweetheart, who did you hold hands with today?”
✧。 the little girl blushed, lowering her voice shyly as she twiddled her thumbs, “it’s this boy in my class who i really like...”
✧。 you couldn’t help but laugh at tooru’s initial reaction; his eyebrows flew upwards as his jaw parted slightly, processing the fact that his babygirl had developed a crush™ on a classmate
✧。 tooru wasn’t too bothered by it, he was just in shock— immediately after he simply kissed her hair and smiled brightly at your daughter, “that’s real sweet, princess. anyone would be lucky to have someone as adorable as you liking them.”
✧。 “you’re just saying that because i’m your daughter, daddy.”
✧。 “no! i am just saying the truth!”
✧。 he huffed, “besides, you better not get married so soon! you’re still MY baby, he can’t take you from me just yet! i’m still number one in your heart, right?”
✧。 “tooru...”
✧。 “y/n, how can you be so content with her having a crush already? she’ll be gone from us so soon from the power of love! not yet not yet, i’m not ready to say goodbye!”
✧。 embodiment of 🥺, part two
✧。 “of course you’re still number one daddy, i just like him a little bit, that’s all!” your daughter pouted a bit, causing the brunet to chuckle and kiss her forehead next
✧。 “i’m joking, princess. having a crush is so adorable, i remember when your mom still had a crush on me.”
✧。 “you had a crush on me first, tooru.”
✧。 “BESIDES THE POINT, who’s the lucky guy?”
✧。 you laughed at his question, your lips quivering as your suppressed your laugh but not fully, a hand covering your mouth but the laughter evidently there, tooru looked at you weirdly
✧。 “what’s so funny?”
✧。 you turned to your daughter, “tell him, sweetie.”
✧。 a bright grin, followed by, “kyoutani!”
✧。 holy mother of goodness oikawa almost dropped her from the name, a loud gasp filling the room as his face turned completely white
✧。 “y/n, please tell me i heard her wrong. PLEASE TELL ME I DIDN’T JUST HEAR THAT.”
✧。 “our daughter crushing on mad dog’s son? no, you heard that perfectly clear, darling.”
koutarou bokuto.
✧。 bokuto will take it personally and will see to it that he will win this one-sided war for your daughter’s affection
✧。 same way kuroo found out, he was def eavesdropping on you and your daughter’s girl time; there was no escaping him the moment he opened the door
✧。 “b-but what do you mean you like a boy at your school?” emo mode is a go
✧。 “i just like him, daddy! it’s not like i’m gonna marry him!” she paused, “... yet.”
✧。 “kou, it’s just a crush...”
✧。 “do you not remember how it was when i had a crush on you?”
✧。 you sighed, running a hand through his hair to calm him down— which worked, a little bit— “you, koutarou, are a special breed.” you kissed his forehead, sighing at how his hair depleted
✧。 “you are still my princess! my babygirl! i should talk to this fellow, because i will not be second best to my daughter’s heart.” he huffed, puffing out his chest with pride
✧。 she, on the other hand, is completely embarrassed by this, “daddy, no...”
✧。 “what? why not?”
✧。 “actually, you should let him do just that, sweetheart.” you crossed your arms and smiled, much to your daughter’s dismay. “i think akaashi will find entertainment in seeing this for himself.”
✧。 “akaashi? what does he have to do with this?”
✧。 too late, you’re already calling the other fukurodani alumni, chuckling as both bokuto and your daughter are giving you the same exact confused look— like father, like daughter
✧。 “akaashi will be here in about 10 minutes. i told him to bring his child, here, too.”
✧。 “baby, what are you talking about—”
✧。 meanwhile, your daughter was in a frenzy, running around the house as she screamed about getting ready and looking nice for the guests— bokuto was still plopped one the floor, looking up at you like a lost puppy
✧。 akaashi walks through the door with a grin on his lips, holding his son’s hand as you greeted both of them at the door, “akaashi! wonderful to have you here! your son is looking so handsome.”
✧。 “akaashi? why are you here?” kou blinks in confusion, scratching the side of his head before he notices how his own daughter is reacting— she looks like she’s about to explode, hiding behind his leg with a whole face of blush
✧。 “y/n said you wanted to talk to my son about something, so i figured why not? i’ve got a day off.” akaashi chuckled and waved to your daughter, who shyly waved back but hid again before the other guest in the house could get a good look at her
✧。 you left the room, you were laughing so loudly— akaashi found this quite humorous as well; bokuto looked down at his daughter, clinging onto his leg and smiling softly to herself. she had gotten the courage to wave at akaashi’s son, who smiled brightly at her and blushed as well
✧。 “... oh my god.” he felt like an idiot, yes— but akaashi’s kid being the lucky guy? “ARRANGE THE MARRIAGE!”
✧。 “koutarou, NO.”
✧。 “bokuto-san, no.”
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in honour of the rawring 20s, more cringy things from my emo/scene phase, a semi-masterpost:
•putting the you me at six lyric “whose keeping a score of who is a whore??? i know you don’t!” as my myspace header in japanese…… so the girls in my year at school that i thought were “whores”, and didn’t like them bc of that, wouldn’t pick up that that i was aiming it at them. like being a weeb and a scene kid douchebag???? they don’t mix lmao.
•screaming “IF YOU HAD A SEX LIFE, A SEX LIFE WOULD YOU EVEN WORRY ABOUT MINE WHEN YOUR BED IS EMPTY???? YOU’RE A WASTE OF TIME!!!!” from the song sex life by d.r.u.g.s (destroy rebuild until god shows) through the halls of catholic school in year 10/2011 to try to ~subtly~ and bitterly flirt with my crush lmao. like honey. chill the fuck out!!!! you’re 15!!!!! not many people have a sex life at 15 anyway lmao
•my uh. jeffree star music phase in 2007
•i’ve mentioned this before but wanting to score my entire year 10 drama shakespeare monologue with emo music and my teacher having to block the idea constantly bc “it’s good enough on its own! i swear to GOD!”
•taking a studded belt to school on the 31/10/2009 bc i had to get ready for amity affliction at my besties house that day after school so we could head up to sydney that night for the concert. saying shit about having a studded belt made me hardcore and wanting to punch people in the face with it bc it was some dumb reoccurring theme i had
•watching the music video for one love by aiden on my ipod nano at school and telling everyone about jeffree star’s i hate you ring in the video and how if i ever had it i’d punch all the people i hated in the face with it….. and then they’d be branded for life with the fact that i hated them?????? like bro. i KNOW you are the embodiment of angsty harry potter from HP puppet pals. but literally!!!! calm the fuck down!!!!!!
•i’ve talked about it before, but breaking up with clear braces boy and immediately demanding him to “hurry up and listen to a day to remember bc they’re fucking amazing!!! and you know i’m motherfucking right!!!!”
•taking 3 hours to straighten my hair just to go swimming….. then like someone pushing me in a pool or the surf (if we’d gone to the beach) and RUINING MY PERFECTLY STRAIGHTENED HAIR AND MY AESTHETIC!!!! HOW DARE YOU????!!! you KNEW you were going swimming girl. why the fuck did you bother to straighten your hair anyway, lmao???
•the whole cringy thing of me wanting to work in the CD shop sanity just so i could play a bunch of emo music and have some cute heavily tattooed emo boy/guy in his skinny jeans, slouchy beanie/now gross beanie hat type thing and band shirt come in and mysteriously fall in love with me….. and then kiss me to “kill me in a record shop” by boys like girls… or like alternatively i’d be making out with my hot older emo coworker in the back to the same song or some other horny emo song anthem/s 😂😂 same went for JB hifi when they came along and started stocking all time low and cute is what we aim for cd’s 😂😂😂 the hot emo bro would also teach me to skate as a bonus hobby outside of work. like KILL ME NOW!!!!
• alternatively to the above, i’d just magically have a hot emo boy boyfriend who was preferably the singer in the band…. but also could play guitar and could hardcore scream really well….. when like the bulk of those dudes were literally in their 20s 😂😅. on this point, teen emo me believing that her liking 20something emo dudes who were covered in tats and piercings and wrote ~hella deep~ lyrics etc etc just apparently made her more mature than the girls in her year at catholic school who liked justin bieber or one direction (who were literally the same age as us lol). like girl no. if those older dudes hit on you, IT’S A RED FLAG!!!! FUCKING RUN!!!!
•wanting to take my edgy pop punk road trip to a town 8 hours north from where i am as soon i got my licence and stuff… also the whole moody thing about ~crashing my car just to feel again~ theme i had going on 2011/year 10 in my teen mental breakdown phase in regards to getting my licence bc i was so desperate to do something ~reckless~
•basically a good bulk of my high school statuses tbh
•me taking in the same 3 pics of the same 3 scene queens and hayley williams (and cassidy pope, once) into my hair dresser EVERY 8 WEEKS to get my hair cut just like them 😂😂 i even updated my facebook status in year 9/2010 once with “got hayley williams hair cut today :D :D!!!!” i swear to god my hairdresser got so sick of me taking those pics in lmao 😂😅
•stage diving at a local amity affliction show in 2010/year 9 and going straight to the fucking floor bc i accidentally jumped into a hole in the crowd…. but i suppose it’s bc i was the biggest wanker at the show bc….. before we went in, i was bragging hella loud about how “hardcore” i apparently was 😂😂
•using my hot topic dress in my year 10 drama monologue bc i thought its steampunk style was elizabethan enough when paired with my black marching band style jacket (that i used to imitate black parade era mcr) and a pocket watch that was a tiny moveable robot. and also my trusty red flanno shirt from jay jays
•wanting entire clothing lines from certain band members from certain labels. and most especially booty shorts with the persons name (most frequently a dude) plastered across my ass 😂😅
•wanting the entire mid2000s line of drop dead merch. also bbycks (baby cakes) and zumiez etc etc. also glamor kills.
•desperately wanting my bra to be on a mic stand of a certain band dudes mics (just why lmao)… or on certain band members mics lmao (also just why)
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haokyeom · 4 years
ice queen | lee chan
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ミ★ synopsis: you’re known as cold-hearted and unkind at your university. your classmates even warn people not to try and talk to you because your glare is deadly. that’s until you meet chan. the man you believe holds the whole sun in his smile.
ミ★ genre: virtue of kindness!chan, slice of life au, fluff, humor
ミ★ warnings: none !
ミ★ word count: 5,282
ミ★ pairings: chan x female reader
ミ★ notes: hi guys ! it’s lila aka, @viastro​, this one was really fun and sweet to write </33 it was a good break from the other ones i’ve written... stares. AHFLSRKHGLKR but other than that, as always, i hope you guys like it ! make sure to give chan lots of love <33
ミ★ previous | masterlist | next
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Be kind. 
It’s one of those life lessons everyone learns as a child. You hear it all the time in Disney movies, with the protagonist who has unnecessarily rude family or friends and yet they always grows up to be a sweetheart. 
a bit whack you believe.
You would think that those Disney movies would really stick with you, but you learned at a young age that being nice led your classmates to think you were a pushover. So you were the main target of all of their sick jokes. That is, until you punched a guy in the face in front of the swings. 
You decided at that moment, at the young, tender age of seven, that that was a lot more fun than being kind to everyone.
And now here you are, 19 years old in your second year of university. With a total of two best friends (thank god for Joshua and Jeonghan) whom you met under very suspicious circumstances, but it’s fine. The three of you pair well together, and you don’t feel the need for other friends. It’s not like your peers try to be close to you either, due to you earning the title of ice queen at Seoul University. 
They ended up calling you that when one guy tried to ask you to be his girlfriend in the square. He had a bouquet of flowers and everything, it was truly the whole shabang. With everyone’s eyes on the two of you after he poured out his heart, you coldly rejected him, turning around and leaving the square without another word. Leaving the poor guy standing there in shock. 
In your defense, you hardly knew the man. He was your partner once for a Chemistry project and suddenly he wants you to be his girlfriend ?? No. 
Not to mention the fact that Jeonghan and Joshua told you they were waiting for you at the water fountain so that the three of you could go and get kbbq together. 
While that was the main incident that made everyone come up with the name of, ice queen, what really got people to start calling you that was when they realized you were best friends with Yoon Jeonghan and Joshua Hong. AKA, two of the most charming gentlemen on campus that almost everyone wants to marry. They’re the epitome of the man you’d want to take home to introduce to your parents. They’re that nice.
But they’re evil when it’s just the three of you, with all the pranks the two pull and the cheating they do during games. You have not once beaten them in mario kart, and you’re on a mission to absolutely destroy them. 
Your peers just thought it was rather strange seeing you in between these two bright and happy guys. Who seemed to always have a smile on their faces. While you were just stone faced as they spoke to a fellow acquaintance or waved to someone they knew on campus. 
You think being called ice queen is great honestly. No one really tries to bother you, and if they do you kinda just… squint at them. This whole routine is wonderful for you. 
“Hi! Do you know where the café is? It’s my first day here, I just transferred.” You look up at the voice, prepared to squint at the man for bothering you as you sit on the bench waiting for the two stooges, only to feel your breath get taken away at the sight of his kind smile. 
His hair is blonde, and it’s fluffy over his forehead, making you think of a puppy. You feel the strongest urge to reach out and squish his cheeks as they remind you of bread. His eyes are full of nothing but happiness, and you swear to the Gods above that this man needs to be protected.
“I-it’s over there.” You stutter, pointing in the direction of the campus café. The man smiles happily at you, “Ah, thank you so much. Have a good day!” 
He walks off in the direction you pointed, leaving you absolutely breathless in your seat. You begin to question the authenticity of the sun in the sky when you’re 100% sure that you just saw the whole sun in that man’s smile. 
“I see that you met Chan.” Jeonghan states once him and Joshua walk up to you on the bench. They watch as you stare off in the sun’s direction. Joshua chuckles at your awestruck state, reaching out and patting your head. 
“No, that’s the sun.” You mutter unconsciously, watching as a guy walks up to the man named Chan and wraps his arm around his shoulders in greeting. You feel your cold heart warm at the sight of Chan’s smile, even if you’re only seeing half of it. 
“Maybe Chan is the cure for the ice queen’s heart.” Joshua jokes once you finally stand up from the bench after Chan is no longer in view, and you turn to glare at the two. Jeonghan coos, tilting his head to the side with a grin, “Andddd she’s back. I missed you yn, almost thought he thawed your cold heart.” 
“Shut up, Hannie.” You mutter, and the two laugh at your response. The three of you begin walking in the direction of Joshua’s car, and your eyes trail over towards the university café, your thoughts still on the pretty boy with the beautiful smile.
Maybe the routine can be tweaked a bit. Just a bit.
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“You should’ve seen him yn. He literally panicked when he saw Minghao and ran into the wall. I almost pissed myself, shit was so funny.” Jeonghan tells you as he flips the meat that’s being grilled. Joshua reaches out and slaps his shoulder, a small blush prominent on his cheeks at the reminder that he embarrassed himself in front of the pretty exchange student from China. 
“I was nervous! He was walking in our direction and I almost passed away.” Joshua exclaims, causing Jeonghan to laugh at the memory. You just continue to stare at the meat, mind still stuck on Chan, the physical embodiment of the sun. Jeonghan takes notice of your silence, and lets out a grin.
“Wow, never thought I’d see the day where someone would be able to swoon you.” Jeonghan teases, and you finally glance up, shooting the lavender haired male a glare. He sends you a wink, and you take a piece of brisket and shove it in your mouth. “He was just… very pretty.”
“And we’re not pretty?” You glance up at the two, finding Joshua biting his lip aggressively and Jeonghan smiling widely at you. While you know your two best friends are very pretty, you’re not attracted to them. You see them as Thing 1 and Thing 2. You also don’t want to boost their already overly large ego, so you shake your head no. Joshua gasps while Jeonghan squints at you, and you shoot them finger guns. 
“So you gonna talk to Chan?” Jeonghan asks after placing some meat into your bowl, and you shake your head. Joshua’s eyes widen in confusion, “Why not?” 
“I stuttered when I spoke to him today. Stuttered. I don’t think I’m capable of having a whole ass conversation-” You pause when you realize something. 
From the moment Jeonghan and Joshua walked up to you after Chan left, they already knew his name. How could they know his name when he just transferred? How do they know him? Are they acquainted?? 
And so you slowly look up at the two, and they feel their heart drop into their asshole with the intense stare you’re giving them. Jeonghan gulps, and Joshua shoves some meat into his mouth. You tilt your head to the side, and Jeonghan quickly grasps Joshua’s hand under the table with the way your eye is twitching. 
“How did you know his name?” You ask, and Joshua lets out a tiny squeak with the thought that this might be the last thing he ever sees before his death.
he didn’t even get to tell minghao his name yet.
“H-he’s in our economics class.” Jeonghan answers, and you stare at the lavender haired man, the information processing in your head. You lean back in your seat, still glaring at the two as you still feel suspicious. Joshua catches onto what you might be thinking so he adds, “We didn’t send him your way, just so you know. We only knew of him cause he walked into class and smiled so brightly we swear we saw the gates of heaven.” 
You finally nod your head, feeling satisfied with their answers as you begin to eat again. Jeonghan lets out a quiet breath of relief, and Joshua runs a hand through his hair, feeling glad that he’ll still have the opportunity to tell Minghao that his name is Joshua. 
“His smile is rather nice.” You mumble, and Jeonghan chuckles. 
“It really is.”
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“Hey Chan! Come sit with us!” Jeonghan says in a cheerful voice once he sees the young new transfer step into the auditorium. Chan smiles happily when he sees them, walking up the steps in their direction. Joshua lets out a grin, “Damn, his smile is so sweet I might just melt.” 
“Bro, same.”
“Hi guys! How was your weekend?” Chan asks as he settles down in the empty seat beside Jeonghan. The lavender haired beauty begins to tell Chan about how fun his weekend was. While Joshua recalls how you fell off his bunk bed at his shared dorm with Jeonghan, ending with you getting a large bruise on your thigh and holding Joshua in a headlock for five minutes. This information Jeonghan chooses to leave out as he and Chan discuss their weekends.
“How was your weekend, Joshua?” 
“What’s she doing here?” 
“Don’t make direct eye contact, I heard her glare is terrifying.” 
Joshua refrains from answering when he takes notice of the increased whispers around them. Jeonghan turns his head once he hears the mutter of the name, ice queen, and he glances up towards the entrance of the auditorium. 
“Oh neptune.” Joshua breathes out when he sees you standing there, holding one of Jeonghan’s sweaters in your arms. He squints when he realizes that’s the sweater Jeonghan’s been missing. You lock eyes with Jeonghan, letting out a breath and beginning to walk up the stairs. 
“Oh! She gave me directions last week. Is she your friend?” Chan asks as he watches you walk towards them, glancing around at all the stares and whispers you’ve been receiving. Joshua nods his head, waiting for the moment that you finally notice that the man you believe is the sun is sitting right beside Jeonghan. 
“Hannie, you left your sweater at my-” You pause when you make eye contact with the guy sitting right beside Jeonghan. Otherwise known as Chan, the man who you stuttered out a sentence to because he’s so fucking bright. 
Ah, there it is. Joshua thinks to himself as he smiles at your reaction.
“Hi! I’m Chan, you gave me directions last week. What’s your name?” Chan asks you, standing up from his seat to go and shake your hand. Jeonghan and Joshua question what you’ll do next, as you’re currently just standing there, staring at Chan with a blush rising to your cheeks. 
Imagine their surprise, as well as everyone else’s when you let out a close lipped smile, reaching out and grasping his hand. “I remember you, I’m yn.” 
“Holy shit.”
“Did she just?”
“There’s no way.”
“Oh my God, the ice queen just smiled and shook someone else’s hand.” 
You release Chan’s hand after giving it a firm shake, and he giggles, making your heart do a backflip within your chest. Jeonghan and Joshua let out quiet chuckles at how pink your cheeks are, deciding right then and there that you’re going to fall in love with Chan. 
“Oh, sorry. I just interrupted you as you were giving Jeonghan back his sweater.” Chan apologizes, and you immediately lift your hands up and give him a reassuring smile. Which causes the room to erupt in more whispers at the fact that you smiled not once, but twice at Chan. 
“It’s okay! I don’t mind.” You tell Chan as you chuck the sweater directly at Jeonghan’s face without so much as a glance. Jeonghan sputters once the cotton hits his face, causing Joshua to burst into his melodic laughter. 
“This isn’t about you Jeonghan.” You say through your teeth, and Chan laughs at the whole interaction between you three. The sound of his laugh is like music to your ears, and you want to be able to hear it again. The four of you turn when you hear the sound of the professor's voice, and you flash Chan a regretful smile. 
“I have to go. It was nice meeting you.” Chan nods his head, smiling and waving at you as you begin to head down the stairs.
“I hope to talk to you again!” Chan calls out, and you stop for a moment. You turn your head and give him a big thumbs up, before walking out of the auditorium. 
The students around Chan all stare at him with gaping mouths, and he raises an eyebrow at all the attention. He walks back to his seat, sitting down and opening up his journal. The students look away once the professor begins speaking again, calling for their attention so that he can take roll. 
“You must truly be the embodiment of the sun if you were able to make yn smile at you like that.” Jeonghan says in awe once his name is called, and Joshua nods his head in agreement. Chan just lets out a chuckle, shaking his head at the two. 
“Yn’s nice.” Chan mutters as he prepares his highlighters. Jeonghan and Joshua turn to share a glance, before bursting into quiet laughter. Chan raises an eyebrow at the two, noticing that they show no signs of letting up, and he lets out a quiet sigh. 
she’s kind to me so far, so i hope i can get her to be kind to everyone else. 
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“I’ll have the jasmine green milk tea, less ice, full sweetness, anddd tapioca please. That’ll be all.” You tell the cashier. They nod their head, and you’re about to hand them your card when someone reaches over, handing them their credit card. 
“Add a green tea with fresh milk and tapioca pearls as well! It’s on me, thank you.” You frown at the familiarity of the voice, and you turn your head, only for your breath to get taken away at the close proximity between you and Chan’s faces. His eyes go wide, and you watch as a blush rises to his cheeks when he takes a step back, allowing you to breathe again.
“Sorry.” He mutters sheepishly, and you shake your head, pinching your arm to try and redirect the heat that’s rushing to your face. “It’s fine, you don’t have to apologize. However…” 
The cashier hands Chan back his card, making you both take a pause in your conversation for a quick second. Once he has the order number and the card back in his wallet, the two of you walk over to a nearby table to wait for your boba. 
Chan gulps when you turn and squint at him, finally understanding why the other students seem to fear your glare. You reach out and point at his chest, and his eyes widen slightly, before looking back up at your face. 
“I owe you now.” You simply state, before retracting your finger and running a hand through your hair. Chan shakes his head, giving you a smile, “No, no! It’s fine. I just wanted to-”
“No, I owe you.” You interrupt, and Chan shakes his head again. You find yourself squinting at the pretty guy whom you may have a raging heart boner for, and Chan lets out a nervous chuckle. “I originally wanted to treat you for coffee, but I found out from Jeonghan and Joshua that you prefer boba. Imagine my surprise when I actually saw you ordering.” 
You bite the inside of your cheek to prevent yourself from breaking out into a full blown smile. You purse your lips instead, nodding your head, “Well, this is my favorite boba spot. They make really good tapioca pearls, so you made a good choice coming here.” 
Chan grins, opening his mouth to respond when he hears the order number being called. He stands up to go and get it but you stop him by raising a hand up at his face, already on your way to the stand. “I’ll get it. You already paid for the drinks, it’d be crazy for me to make you get the boba too.” 
Chan nods, sitting back in the stool and watching you walk over to the stand. You nod your head at the employee, thanking them for the boba before walking back to you and Chan’s table. You sit down in the stool across from him, handing him his order and straw. You open up the straw, only to pause when you realize Chan is just staring at you, hands folded politely, and you raise an eyebrow. “Aren’t you going to drink it?”
Chan’s eyes widen and he lets out an embarrassed laugh, rubbing the back of his neck as he grabs the straw. “I just. Some people like taking videos of poking the straw through the lid, and I wasn’t sure if you’re that type of person.” 
You let out a giggle at how embarrassed Chan seems, and his eyes widen at the sound, looking up and seeing you smiling softly at him. The smiles he’s received from you have always been just a slight tilt of the corner of your lips, or a close-lipped smile. This is a full blown smile. With teeth and everything! 
He doesn’t register the blush rising to his cheeks due to how pretty you look with a smile on your face. He just finds himself in awe at how he believes your smile might just be his favorite in the world. You shove your straw through the plastic seal before glancing back up at Chan, “I’m not that type of person. I get boba way too much for me to do that.” 
Chan nods his head, snapping out of his temporary trance as he shoves his own straw into his drink. The two of you take a sip of your bobas, both nodding in satisfaction at the sweet taste. Your weekly boba fix is finally being fulfilled, and you’re happy. 
“How did you meet Jeonghan and Joshua? The three of you seem really close.” Chan asks, and you purse your lips at the memory. You glance up at Chan to see him waiting in anticipation and you sigh, “It’s a rather ridiculous story if you’re still willing to hear it.” 
Chan nods his head, and you chuckle, thus ensuing you spending the next half hour telling the pretty boy all about how you met the two stooges. Chan thinks you’re a great storyteller with the way you explain things. From the vivid details, to the way you perfectly mimic Jeonghan and Joshua’s voices, Chan feels as if he’s the one who met Jeonghan and Joshua in the boys bathroom. 
“So you’re telling me that you accidentally walked into the boys restroom, saw Joshua and Jeonghan, and they told you to just use the stall?” 
“And you did?” Chan asks, and you nod your head. He lets out a loud laugh, and you find yourself smiling at the contagious sound. You raise your hands up in the air, “I told you it was a ridiculous story!” 
“So now the three of you have been inseparable ever since?” You nod your head again, and Chan smiles. You take a sip of your boba, feeling your heart warm at the fact that you’re spending time with the guy you wholeheartedly believe is the sun. Your phone vibrates on the table and you glance down at the screen, and you let out a sigh when you read the text.
joshushu: we’re at your dorm
we have chicken
jeongjeongie: we fought a raccoon on our way here pls come home quickly
we have battle scars
joshushu: no we don’t
jeongjeongie: shut the fuck up joshua im trying to get yn to come back quicker
joshushu: bruh
“You have to go?” Chan asks, and you regretfully nod your head. You turn your phone and show Chan the screen, and he lets out a giggle at the text Jeonghan sent. The two of you get off the stools, and walk out of the small boba shop after throwing away your garbage. 
“It was nice getting to know you, Chan.” You tell the pretty boy honestly, and he smiles. “Likewise. I’ll see you tomorrow?” 
You give him a thumbs up, and with that, the two of you turn around and begin walking your separate ways. Only for you to stop when you hear Chan shout out your name, causing you to turn back around to see what he needs to say. 
Chan smiles, feeling his heart rage against his chest at the visual of the sun beginning to set behind you. It’s as if you’re glowing as you stare at him, and he wonders how anyone could possibly call you the ice queen. He cups his hands over his mouth and says, “You look pretty when you smile!” 
And with that, he turns around and walks away, leaving you standing in the middle of the sidewalk. Your eyes are wide, mouth slightly dropped open, and a furious blush to your cheeks as you watch Chan walk off into the crowd. You raise your hands to your face, biting the inside of your cheek. 
Next thing you know you’re sprinting to the dorms, and everything is like a blur. From the moment you swipe your card to enter the building, to you running to the elevator and basically punching your floor button.
which scares your neighbors in the elevator with you but it’s fine.
You finally make it to your dorm room and shove your key into the lock, quickly unlocking the door and stepping inside to see Jeonghan and Joshua playing on your switch. They pause their game of smash bros at the sight of you panting, and Jeonghan raises an eyebrow. 
“Did the raccoon get you too?” 
You shake your head, and he curses under his breath. Joshua stares at you for a moment longer, taking in the sight of your red cheeks, to the sparkle in your eyes, and that’s when a lightbulb goes off in his head. He sits up from the floor, pointing at you, “Did you just see Chan?”
And with that, you kneel onto the carpet and excitedly tell your two best friends everything that happened at the boba shop. From the moment Chan paid for your boba, to him telling you that you look pretty when you smile, and then your sprint all the way back here. 
It’s a lot to process for Joshua and Jeonghan as they stay silent for a moment. You raise an eyebrow at them, reaching out to your desk and grabbing your water bottle, taking a long sip. Jeonghan purses his lips and he glances at you as you basically chug all the water. 
“Did you get his number though?” 
The water did not make it down when you realized that you absolutely didn’t get his number.
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“Yn, can you go and ask Mingyu to come over here?” Jeonghan asks you as the four of you eat in the campus café. You raise an eyebrow at him, and Chan smiles at your reaction. “You have legs. Go use them.”
Jeonghan glares at you, and you glare back. Your lavender haired friend lets out a sigh, “I’ll get you boba later.”
“Done.” You state, standing up from the table without another word and walking over to Mingyu’s table. Chan chuckles, “She’ll do anything for boba, huh?” 
Joshua nods his head, letting out a disappointed sigh at how easy you fall into the hands of capitalism. Jeonghan just shrugs his shoulders, “If it gets her to do stuff for me that I’m too lazy to do, it’s fine by me.” 
You already notice the eyes on you as you finally reach Mingyu’s table, his friends staring at you with expressions that range from fear to trying to appear neutral. Mingyu glances up at you, and he almost chokes on his rice when he realizes you’re standing right in front of him. 
“Y-yes?” Mingyu asks in a quiet voice, and you give him a smile, “Jeonghan asked if you could go over and talk to him, he was too lazy to come over here though. He bribed me with boba so that’s why I’m here.” 
You take in the silence of his friends, and you look them over to see that all their mouths are dropped open. Your eyes fall back on Mingyu to see him also in the same state as his friends, and you bite the inside of your cheek. “Uh, Mingyu? Did you hear what I said?
Mingyu immediately stands up from his seat, nodding his head and giving you a smile. “Yeah! Sorry, yn. It’s just that I’ve never seen you smile before.” You let out an, ah, and grin at him. 
Ever since Chan told you that you look pretty when you smile two weeks ago, you made the decision to start smiling at people and being nicer last week. Today is your first day of trying out that decision, and you weren’t expecting this type of reaction at all.
You and Mingyu begin walking over towards your table, and that’s when you take notice of everyone staring at you. You seriously begin to question whether smiling at Mingyu was truly that big of a deal that you need to be stared at, but alas. 
“I’ve brought Mingyu! Don’t forget my boba later.” You tell Jeonghan as you sit down in your seat beside Chan. You pick up some rice with your chopsticks and place it into your mouth, only to register the silence at your own table. You glance up to see Jeonghan and Joshua gaping at you, while Chan just eats quietly while paying attention to what’s going on. You raise an eyebrow defensively, “What?” 
Jeonghan leans forwards in his seat, reaching up and grasping your face with his hands, looking you over. You swat his hands away and he leans back, still looking flabbergasted. “You smiled.” 
You nod your head slowly, taking a bite of katsu as you do so. Joshua leans forward in his seat this time, poking your cheek, and you smack his hand away. “At someone who isn’t us.” 
You let out a sigh, before gesturing to Mingyu who is just awkwardly standing beside Jeonghan, wondering why he was called over. This seems to snap Jeonghan out of him overanalyzing your every move for a second, and he begins talking to Mingyu about their project in English. 
“I just decided to be nice.” You mutter, and Joshua’s eyes bulge out of their sockets. Jeonghan freezes mid-conversation with Mingyu at your answer, turning to look at you. 
“You? Nice?! What happened? Did you fall out of a tree?” Joshua asks hurriedly, and you shake your head at him. Jeonghan reaches across the table and grasps your hand, “Are you sure the raccoon didn’t get you too?”
You snatch your hand away before reaching out and bonking Jeonghan in the head, making him cry out in pain. “Enough with the raccoon! And yes, I’m fine!” Chan watches in interest as you argue with your two friends, while Mingyu decides to just step away and walk back to his table.
“Listen to me!” You exclaim, and Joshua and Jeonghan quiet down. You motion to Chan, and he points at himself, and you nod your head. “I got the opportunity to become close with Chan because I gave him the time of day when he asked me for directions. I realized that I could end up meeting a lot more cool people like him if I was just nicer.” 
Jeonghan raises a hand to his mouth in shock, while Joshua’s eyes tear up at the fact that you’re being deadass. Chan just lets out a smile, happy that he was able to convince you to be nicer. However, you’re hiding the fact that the main reason for you being nice and smiling at people more is simply because Chan said you look pretty when you smile. 
“Oh my God, she’s no longer the ice queen.” Joshua mutters, and you roll your eyes. “Listen… I’m going to be nice to those who deserve me being nice too. However, it’s still ice queen to anyone else.” 
Jeonghan nods his head before turning to Chan and giving him a grateful smile, “I know I made a joke when you and yn first started talking that you’d thaw her cold heart, but I just wanted to thank you for actually thawing her cold ass heart.” 
You shoot a glare at Jeonghan, causing Chan to laugh. He reaches out and pats your head, making you freeze in your spot, “Happy to help.” 
Joshua coos when he notices how pink your cheeks are turning and you let out a whine, reaching out to bonk his head too. However, Joshua’s fast so he’s able to dodge the power of the bonk. You sigh, leaning back and taking a bite of your food. “I hate it here.” 
Joshua quickly poses by puckering his lips and winking at you, while Jeonghan smiles brightly and sends you a peace sign. You frown at how fast they coordinated their poses, before turning your head to speak to Chan, only for your eyes to widen when you see him winking and sending you finger guns. 
“But you love us, right?” The three ask simultaneously, and you stare at them in silence before you burst into laughter at their antics. The whole café turns in shock at the sound of you laughing, something they’ve never been able to see or hear before. The three all smile at the sight of you giggling at them, and Chan feels his heart burst at the sight. 
“You guys are so stupid.” You finally mutter after you calm down, and they laugh. 
“Oh wait, did I tell you guys about-” You glance up when you see Joshua frozen in his spot, and you turn your head to see Minghao entering the café with his friend Jun. They begin to walk past your table, and that’s when the most shocking thing happens. 
Minghao turns and makes eye contact with Joshua, and he waves at your best friend with a tentative smile, “Hi Joshua.” 
The three of you watch Joshua internally malfunction as he waves back at Minghao, “Hi Minghao.”
When Minghao and Jun finally walk past the table, Joshua turns his head and stares at Jeonghan with wide eyes. You bite back a smile when Joshua stands up from his seat and punches the air happily, Jeonghan and Chan congratulating him on his crush knowing his name. 
You look at the three of them with fondness in your gaze, and you finally let yourself smile, giggling as Joshua jumps happily. You shake your head, taking a bite of rice and placing it into your mouth. 
Who would’ve thought that the ice queen’s heart would thaw when the virtue of kindness joined her life? 
Definitely not you.
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willel · 5 years
Will and El storylines
This is a straightforward picture of how I view their development.
El’s main antagonist is Brenner. Brenner is the one that has caused the series we call Stranger Things to happen. Due to his cold and endless scientific curiosity, he has forever tainted their world with the Upside Down. There may never be a day where they achieve peace because of him.
Not only did Brenner take El as a newborn, not even allowing Terry to hold or touch her own baby, he stripped her of her name and raised her mostly alone in a cold laboratory. 
Although we don’t know the age at which the experiments and testing started, it is all El knew. The most warmth she’s ever had was 1 stuffed animal toy, occasionally getting a story read to her, and getting to draw 1 picture. 
After Brenner caused El to open the gate into the Upside Down, El took her fate into her own hands and escaped. She ran as hard as she could and found two safe havens. First Benny, who was killed for trying to help her, and then The Party. 
There, she continued to decide her own destiny. She put her foot down when she needed to, refusing to let Lucas and Mike inform their parents. But, she was also on her own mission. She was searching for someone, someone she didn’t even realize was associated with the boys who helped her. 
The show doesn’t delve into how she knew Will before she met the boys, but the comic illustrates she caught a glimpse of him on the other side and vice versa.
Now with the pieces all in place, El, in her own way, tries to undo her “wrongs”. She wants to help the boys to find Will. Safely. In the end, she does. At a price. For a while, she can’t be with her friends and Mike anymore. She’s lost her safe haven, but soon finds another in Hopper. 
As we know, things with Hopper aren’t all sparkles and rainbows. As time marches on, El grows more and more frustrated and she starts seeing things in Hopper she doesn’t want to see. She sees traits of Brenner and what he did to her. While Hopper is nowhere near as bad as Brenner, it’s easy to see someone who experienced as much trauma as El can see the similarities. So she ditches Hopper to find a new safe haven. 
She finds her mother. Alive. But broken. Another piece of her life broken by Brenner that may never be fixed. She can’t fix this one, at least, not right away. Instead, she tries to follow her mother’s wishes, which leads her to her third safe haven. Kali. 
Kali is just like her. They were tortured by the same man, both stolen away from their parents. They found a new family to feel safe with. But, there’s a key difference between Kali and El. Kali heart is hard as stone. She’s been hurt one too many times. Her fear and rage fuel her to be on the offence against the people who hurt her instead of the defense. El tries to follow in her footsteps, but she can’t. She doesn’t want to split up families like they did to her and Kali. 
It happens again. Brenner returns, but it’s a manifestation of Kali’s powers. El and Kali are so alike, Kali knows El’s pain and can use it against her. It’s always Brenner who is her greatest fear. Her and Kali too.
When she closed the gate, who is it that pushed her over the edge to make one last huge push? Brenner.
It always comes back to one person. Brenner. Even when he’s supposedly dead, he has affected El’s life forever. If he is still alive, I think even the big bad Mind Flayer won’t personally affect El as much as Brenner has. Even when El inevitably has to fight the Mind Flayer, I just can’t see it cutting as deep as Brenner. She can fight the Mind Flayer. It’s just a monster out to destroy her world. Brenner? His pain cuts much deeper, fighting him isn’t as easy. 
El’s foe is Brenner. 
Will’s antagonist is the Upside Down, and the embodiment of the Upside Down, the Mind Flayer. Of course, he shares this antagonist with literally everyone. The difference between the others and himself is they’re on the outside looking in, and he’s on the inside looking out. If that makes sense.
Will’s story will be a little faster to write. Probably. 
Will was once a normal kid with a jacked up family. Despite this, he’s made the best of it. He has good friends. A good brother. And a very supportive caring mom. Good grades. Interesting hobbies. Although things aren’t great with his dad, I think Will was content with the life he once had. 
But, everything changed when he ran into the Demogorgon that night. He was kidnapped to an alternate dimension for a week and somehow managed to escape death right up till near the end. He was saved thanks to El’s help. 
Will comes back home, but things still aren’t the same no matter how hard he tries. He’s having visions. Nausea. Nightmares. Panic attacks. How many sleepless nights did he have? How many times did he crawl into bed with Jonathan and Joyce or vice versa? He’s 12 going on 13 year old and probably feels like a small child again. Despite all this, for a while, Will is able to gain at least a little normalcy.
As the anniversary of the events comes closer, all that normalcy is washed down the drain. The Upside Down came back for him and overtook him. “I felt it... everywhere. Everywhere...” Imagine how traumatizing that is, being unable to move as you’re overwhelmed with what looks like smoke. Possibly unable to breathe or scream. The torture didn’t end there. Every waking moment he didn’t feel right. Stuff that probably would’ve been enjoyable, like a hot bath, instills fear in him. But it’s not HIS fear, it’s someone elses. 
Then he gets thoughts. But not his thoughts, someone elses. Memories. Visions. Feelings. Everything. All belonging to someone else. Feeling it all the time, unable to stop it. It’s worse than invasion of personal space, his person is no longer his own. Something or something else is in his body. The Mind Flayer knows everything about him and uses it against the people he loves. He no longer has control over anything, not even his own voice. 
In season 2, slowly but surely, Will loses his fight against the Mind Flayer/The Upside Down. Once again, he is rescued by his mother and his brother through a painful and intense exorcism. 
El seals the deal and saves everyone by closing the gate, locking the Mind Flayer out. 
The Intersection
The part that interests me on a deeper level is not necessarily how similar El and Will are as people, which they are, but how similar their personal antagonist are. 
Brenner and The Upside Down/Mind Flayer have both changed Will and El’s lives in personal irreversible ways. Yes, Brenner is technically everyone’s enemy. So is the Mind Flayer. But who have they done the most damage to? The answer is obvious. 
Controlling. Manipulative. Forcing them to do things they don’t want to do. Knowing everything about them and using it as a weapon to cut deeper. Brenner and the Mind Flayer are big contributing factors as to why Will and El are so alike excluding their natural calm and quiet demeanor. 
The Future 
So what does this mean? Why does it matter? All of this boils down to how the cast are going to take out the two big bads. Brenner, and the Mind Flayer. I don’t think El can do both all alone and she shouldn’t have to. She has friends and family now to support her.
El is weak to Brenner, but with her powers can fight the Mind Flayer. 
Will is weak to the Mind Flayer, but Brenner has no hold over Will’s psyche.
I think both these big baddies will need the whole group to help take them down just like the previous seasons, but I also think there’s some importance for the main people affected get the final blow.
El getting to slap or punch Brenner? El getting to throw him against a wall? El getting to tell him off to his face??? I want this to happen for her. I want her to get her chance to take down her big bad, the one person who ruined her life. She deserves her moment. Kali too, I’m not sure how Kali fits into this, but a team up of her and Kali getting a few licks in? That’d be good too. 
As for Will, this place has been haunting him for years. It’s stolen years of his life and continues to bother him, his friends, and his family even still. I think Will deserves to have his winning moment as well. He’s not El. I don’t think any power he has will be able to do anything to the Mind Flayer. Not like El can. No, I want Will to be the one that crafts the ultimate plan that takes out the Mind Flayer for good. I want Will to be the brains, and for the others to use his blueprint to win. 
I always visualize it as the Mind Flayer and Will on opposite sides of a chessboard. And on Will’s chessboard, El would he his queen piece, the strongest piece on the board. Oof, that’s so cool to me. It really ties into that scene with Joyce and Will at the table for lunch and in response to Joyce’s question, he says, “Sometimes, the bad guys are smart too.” 
(note: I do think Will could help El with Brenner, but Brenner feels like more a Mike and Hopper problem for now)
The Powers
Onto the powers thing, my favorite thing to talk about. Over the last year or so, I’ve thrown out all kinds of theories about what powers Will could have and why. I probably have hundreds of posts, some serious, some not. As season 3 grows closer, I think I’ve settled on what they are. 
Clairvoyance or the power to feel ones intentions. A general sensitivity to things. A heightened sense of empathy. 
Something Upside Down related is headed towards Hawkins again? Will would be the first to feel it. 
Something supernaturally bad is happening in Hawkins? Will could point out where on a map or draw it out. 
Meets someone who seems sketchy? His gut would be able to accurately confirm or deny any suspicions. 
Need to peek into the Upside Down (or possibly other dimensions?), Will can use True Sight. 
True sight includes being immune to illusions, so Kali’s power might not work on him. 
As you can see, none of these powers are out of this out of this world crazy or bonkers. None of them conflict with El’s powers either. These are all things Will has done before and while being possessed by the Mind Flayer. Season 3 will show us exactly how much is him and how much belongs to the Mind Flayer. 
It’s also interesting to note that Joyce displayed a few of these traits too and she has nothing to do with the Mind Flayer. As season 2 has showed us with Terry, the writers are following the Montauk Project blueprint in how powers are acquired. Genetics. Trauma. And drugs. 
Whenever I speculate Will’s powers, I never think about it as, “What power can make Will just as powerful as El or stronger?” It can’t work like that. You see, El was an experiment. Day in and day out, the laboratory focused solely on making her power stronger. It’s unnatural. There is probably no other psychic more powerful than El and Kali. They are the equals in that regard, not Will and El.
When I speculate about Will’s powers, I think, “What power could Will have that would fill in gaps El doesn’t so they can be a team?” 
In season 2, El’s power revealed a huge gaping hole. She can only see the people she’s searching for or have met/seen before. So when they went to kill Ray, El did not know he had daughters and could not see them. This blindsided the gang and inevitably put a bigger target on their back. 
So what power do I think could have helped El cover he bases better? Someone who can help her not just see one person, but maybe everyone in the area she’s looking at. 
Think about what Will was doing while the Mind Flayer possessed him. It was kinda similar to El where he could remote view what was going on. But he didn’t need to know all those soldiers to see them dying. He saw the whole area, their whole trip down into the tunnels. The catch is, his vision was tied to what the Mind Flayer was seeing. The only time Will used their connection to see what he wanted to see absent of the Mind Flayer is during the search for Hopper.
So imagine this same concept applied to an El and Will team up. Will can see what El can see. She can go anywhere she wants if she knows the person she’s looking for, but Will, through her, can help see not just the one person, but everyone they’re with and their surroundings instead of a black void. A booster for El’s existing powers. 
I imagine Will is a booster. Not particularly strong on his own like any other natural psychic, but with a skill set that boosts the effectiveness of other psychics. The team buffer. 
I love the concept. I don’t think I’ve ever written about it here because I’ve been saving it for my fic you see. A fic that will take forever to write, so why not. The one time I’ve alluded to it is my Bathtub Theory.
The Ships
I just want to get this out of the way. Byler shippers? Mileven shippers? I’m not on either of your teams. My blog doesn’t exist to boost your ships. Whatever ship happens doesn’t really matter to me. At all. I’m agnostic. I’m not out to get you, but the posts I make also aren’t meant to be evidence for shipping.
I’m not crafting theories and posting about parallels because I’m trying to make Will and El compete for Mike. Or to make Will the one and only main character. Or to reduce the importance of other characters and story lines. I’m making these posts because I feel like these parallels and similarities are going to mean something for the plot against the bad guys and them as characters. 
I make Will and El comparisons to Mike sometimes not even to stress how important Mike is to them, but to show how the characters end up treating them similarly because of their circumstances. I use it as proof both of them have an extraordinary role in the group on purpose. The two oracles. The ones the group will turn to when stuff starts going down.
This willel blog? It’s a sideblog. This is where I put most of my Will and El love. My love for other characters that aren’t the Byers/Hoppers are on my main blog which I don’t really advertise because that’s what what you’re here for. This blog is compartmentalized love for two main characters out of ... however many we have now. 20. I bet many of you didn’t even know my second favorite character under Will is actually my dearest action hero son Lucas Sinclair whose story line I can’t wait to see this season. 
The only kid ship I KINDA care about is Luxmax. And that’s ok people. We don’t all need to care or love the same things, you know? That would make a boring uncreative fandom. It’s not about the ships for me. It’s not. It never has been. I made this blog because there were no Will and El blogs at the time, only ships. 
I love my potential siblings. I think they have a lot in common and can relate with one another in ways the others can’t. They aren’t the same people. They don’t even have the same beef with the main antagonist of the series. They don’t have the same powers. They don’t have the same life experiences. They don’t have the exact same personality. Although similar, they don’t have the same trauma. 
They’re parallels. The definition of parallel is “side by side and having the same distance continuously between them” or “a person or thing that is similar or analogous to another.” Or, analogous, “performing a similar function but having a different evolutionary origin, such as the wings of insects and birds.”
You see that? Side by side. Similar. Analogous. Not same. Carbon copy. Identical.
They’re twins. My mom and aunt are twins. They have so many similarities including their face, but are also have a huge gaping canyon between their personalities. They aren’t the same person and that’s never what I’ve pushed here.
Please understand, I love Will and El because well, I always gravitate towards stories like theirs. Two people completely unrelated and barely even know each other brought together by supernatural forces and managed to work together to take down the big bads with their friends/family. For me, it’s like found family to the extreme. I love it. I always fall for it.
I have so much fun crafting theories about their powers. I have fun coming up with fluffy or angsty headcanons about them. I have fun thinking of big family Hopper-Byers scenarios and making gifsets. This is what I enjoy personally. 
I know you guys are having your ship war, but please leave me out of it. I’m not involved. Leave my posts out of it. Ok? I’m tired of it, you know? The other day it really depressed me. I felt like all my love for Will and El was being misinterpreted as existing only to stir up ship wars. I contemplated hiding my blog for a while until my rage passed over, but at the end of the day, I don’t have the energy to be mad. I’m just sad. 
My one wish is for Will and El not to receive hate because of ships because you know what? That’s the worst possible outcome possible for season 3. They don’t deserve it. 
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winterbites · 5 years
(Major JoJo's Bizarre Adventure anime spoiler warning) My review of...
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable is fantastic if you ask me; 39 episodes, each one fun and funky, Diamond is Unbreakable brings in many new elements that the previous three seasons didn't. Being my second favorite season in the series, I'm very much ready to give my review so let's jump right to it!
First, I'm going start with those new elements since I absolutely love them; there's a couple of them so I'll try to be brief (but I know I'm not good at being anything but descriptive). First is the new art style. Trying something different from what he normally does, Araki went with the more popular art style of the time called Bishonen, which is basically just a softer, more boyish art style (translated, it means beautiful youth). However, the style Araki used for this season isn't exactly Bishonen, but is instead an art style inspired from it while also mixed with his own personal touches. This mix makes for a refreshing breath of fresh air for the series and I think that it's wonderful for Araki to try out new stuff.
Next is the universal-wide range of color palletes. It's far from unusual for the JoJo seasons to switch up from one color pallete to the next during battles, but Diamond is Unbreakable takes it to a whole new level. There's not much I can say in this category because, once again, things like this are better experienced first-hand, but I can say that it's a wonderful aspect of the season that I truly adore.
Third, we have the Stands. While Stands aren't new to the series at this point, the inspiriation and creativity for them are. Stands have stepped away from being representations of tarot cards and are instead true portrayals of their human counterparts. Josuke's Crazy Diamond is crazy tough, powerful while also being able to heal, which is just like Josuke's indomitable will, physical strength and readiness to protect those he holds dear. Okuyasu's The Hand gets things closer to himself, embodying Okuyasu's simple in-your-face style of fighting. Koichi's Stand, although changing throughout the season, keeps the same feature of supporting at a distance while still being able to throw one helluva punch; this characterizes Koichi in that he's not as violent as the rest of the cast but he'll kick some ass if he needs to.
For the last new added element, I'm talking about the behavior of the season's criminals. The words modus operandi, in terms of crime, refers to the method of operation (or MO) used by an offender to commit a crime while a criminal signature is basically the unique mark a criminal will leave (usually used to satisfy the criminal's needs like emotional needs and please don't ask how I know this stuff).
Moving on, while I usually take time to talk about the intro, I'm not going to in this post but rather a separate post. The reason for this is because, as I learned with my Stardust Crusaders post, I'm not going to be able to make a relatively short post if I include a discussion on the intro. Unlike the other seasons of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Diamond is Unbreakable has three intros, each having different versions and unique additions. Since it would take a long time to talk about them, I'll save it for later.
With that being said, let's move on to the next topic: the characters. What can I say? I love them, the entire cast is so unique and special in their own way, even more so than Battle Tendency's. Much unlike Stardust Crusaders, most of the "enemy" Stand users in Diamond is Unbreakable aren't really enemies but rather people with their own interests who are just trying to achieve their own personal goals. Hell, you even have Stand users who aren't fought at all, with most of all the Stand users being reoccurring characters that fill the world (or in this case, fill the town) and get actual character development, minimal as it may be. You have the asshole Rohan who's only friend is Koichi due to Rohan being a very picky and particular person. You have Koichi (whom objectively has the best character development in the entire season) who gets stronger and braver throughout the season, confronting more and more problems head-on while also getting better at thinking on his feet in the heat of the moment. There's even development of relationships between characters, such as Josuke and Okuyasu going from being enemies to brothers by heart or Yukako going from trying to torture and murder Koichi to the both of them creating a loving and lasting bond.
Now, I want to go back to those little bits about criminal behavior and talk about one of the best anime/manga antagonists and the best JoJo antagonist so far: Kira Yoshikage. So the guy has a kink, but don't we all? Yes, he takes it too far by actively murdering people but it plays into that criminal signature I mentioned before and his Stand, Killer Queen, helps to create Kira's MO. Kira's signature is taking the hand of his female victims, which satisfies the psychological needs of his hand kink, and his MO is to explode people. The best part about all of this is that he didn't have either immediately: it took time for him to start stealing hands and it took him time to develop his Stand. Kira also has the most amazing motive of simply wanting a peaceful life; granted, that motive includes murdering people but I never said he's a good person, just that he's a good character. This all adds a very real feeling to Kira and makes him possibly the most human character in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
Quite different from the rest of the seasons, Diamond is Unbreakable's soundtrack takes a more chill approach towards music in between fights; however, once a fight does hit, get ready for badass music to ensue (Sudden Battle is really good and A Blossoming Love is really cute). As for the outro, I Want You is my favorite outro across the seasons. Keeping that extreme use of multiple color palletes and emphasizing the softer art style, this outro has a groovy song and adds on more visual details as the show goes on.
Finally, I want to talk about three things that bothered me throughout the show. First was that, once again, Araki threw one of his characters under the bus; this time around, it was Joseph Joestar. While Joseph has shown himself to not be above cheating at games and battles, I don't believe for a second that he would cheat on Suzi. This woman single-handedly took care of him and kept him company during his recovery after his battle with Kars. Not to mention, as I've said before, Joseph has strong familial values and there wasn't even a given reason for his adultery. To top it all off, Tomoko truly loves Joseph; that means that he would've had to stay in Japan long enough, which he has gone on record to say how much he hates Japan, to make such a lasting impression on Tomoko.
Next is that Araki made the characters Shizuka Joestar and Mikitaka Hazekura, which are both cool characters in their own rights, yet never showed or mentioned them after Diamond is Unbreakable ended. I understand that Shizuka can't be used in the near future since she's a literal baby and maybe Mikitaka simply stayed in Morioh, but we never got any closure information on them (is Mikitaka an actual alien and what ever happened to Shizuka's parents, things like that).
Lastly is the absolute Deus ex Machina of Kira's Bites the Dust ability on Killer Queen. He got it when he was under extreme pressure and that's just not a good enough explanation in any world; not to mention it's a bit uncreative given that Dio ALSO had a Stand ability that allowed for timey whimey shenanigans. A cool ability no doubt but that doesn't make in any less bullshit
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Moon in the signs 🌛☁️✨
The moon in astrology represents our emotional nature, our instincts and inner intuition, as well as our reactions to things. The moon is our more emotional, intuitive, and feminine nature as the moon represents the “mother” and the sun represents the “father.” The moon shows us our emotional development, how we connect with our emotional nature, and how we go about it.
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Moon in the signs:
ARIES: Aries moons are filled with so much passion and energy and that’s one of the many great things about this placement. Aries being a cardinal sign, a fire sign, and ruled by mars gives it such an energetic, impulsive, and passionate energy in regards to their emotions and reactions. When they feel things, they feel it on a level others can’t simply understand. When they have opinions and feelings about something, they’re going to stand up for themselves and say something. They can be true warriors when it comes to their own (& even others) passions and feelings about things and that’s why people love and admire you. As “intense” and fiery as this placement can be, there’s also a childlike energy about you guys. Being the first sign of the zodiac, you’re not only leaders but you’re also childlike in the sense that you can go all in without thinking about the consequences. When you are feeling something, you feel it on such a level that when you’re excited, you’re really excited. When you’re mad, you’re pretty mad. Your emotions can kind of be so extreme like a toddlers if not fully matured. Aries moons embody what it means to have spirit and passion about things and I love that so much about you guys.
TAURUS: Taurus moons are the true embodiment of what it means to be a pillow princess. You’re soft, romantic, and have a love of comfort. Taurus being a fixed sign, and earth sign, and ruled by Venus makes this a very sensitive and grounded sign when it comes to the senses, stability, and comfort as a whole. These people are often attracted and sensitive to the senses: smell, taste, touch, sight, and even things they pick up intuitively so it’s important for these people to really express these things with blankets, candles, comfort food, etc because it adds to the luxury of comfort that they seek. Don’t let their romantic nature fool you though because these people are very strong emotionally and in their opinions despite the feminine Venusian energy they embody. They aren’t very big on change and can have a lot of arguments and issues regarding it. It can make them feel emotionally out of control and so it’s important for them to feel balanced and in control. They have a very stubborn streak to them and so don’t be surprised when these people put you in your place, argue, or share their opinions as they are very opinionated and specific in their wants. They seek security in pretty much every way (emotionally, financially, etc) and they can emotionally spiral when they don’t have these things.
GEMINI: Gemini moon individuals are very expressive in their emotional nature. These people can often be very good at expressing their emotions, passions, ideas, and even interests and this expressive nature can even make them great writers or inventors so I’ve noticed just because these people are so quick in emotion that they often need an outlet. With that being said, these people can also easily have a hard time with thoughts always coming to them (especially about problems they me be having) so they can easily get into this mode of disfunction where they need an outlet (just make sure it’s healthy). Their own minds/emotions can drive them crazy sometimes and they can even battle between mind and heart. Gemini moons are such interesting individuals because they’re constantly on to the next thing no matter if it’s their interests, emotions, or their physical activities. As a mutable moon sign, they definitely like change and it’s important for them on an emotional level to have that and to learn and discover new things. I’ve noticed that Gemini moons can either be really bubble and expressive or they can be really moody and almost on the brink of a meltdown because of how thought provoking and mutable this energy is.
CANCER: cancer moon individuals are definitely at home with this placements as cancer is ruled by the moon. Cancer moons embody the essence of being a maternal figure whether they mean to or not. They definitely have a natural caretaker and protective energy to them and I find many cancer moons are great with animals, kids, plants, or just doing something where they feel maternal or can take care of something or someone. Like Taurus moons, cancer moons are very big on home and comfort and these two share a kind of home body energy and likeness and I find cancer moons can easily become emotional eaters or just find “comfort” things when they’re feeling emotional whether it’s retail therapy, watching tv all day, binge eating, etc. they can easily fall into little indulgent behaviors like Taurus moons. Cancer moons are also very intuitive and in touch with their feminine energy and I find they just have this ability to pick up in things especially if it’s changes in their family, friends, and the people they are closest with. This is definitely a highly emotional placement so make sure you’re taking care of yourself first.
LEO: Leo moons tend to embody the essence of passion, romance, and just fun. These people are very fun and energetic in their emotional desires and wants and that’s what makes them so interesting to be around. They’re just so... warm in their emotional nature that they really have this gift of radiating it onto the people around them. Leo moons can easily be drama queens or just a very diva like personality. My sister is a Leo moon actually and she is so fun and motherly but she’s also very big on attention and can even be a bit of a baby when it comes to her emotions in ways where it’s like you are literally fine stop whining lol. Like she is just very dramatic with it and I feel like that’s so leo moon. Leo moons are known to be confident but they can actually be really insecure. Leo is very fixated on appearance and just “ego” and in the place of emotion it can become such a focus that it might turn into insecurity or anxiety. Leo moons are very creative individuals and a lot of the time this is a great placement for artists and musicians because they just have this creative and expressive yet radiant quality and my leo moon sister is actually a really great artist and Leo moons definitely need a creative outlet. When I think of Leo moons I always think of art during the renaissance period with all of the royalty of god images and the rich colors and detail.
VIRGO: Virgo moons are often very critical people when it comes to themselves or even to their tastes, ideas, and the people around them. Virgo moons can drive themselves crazy with how much attention they pay to things whereas others wouldn’t even bother to notice. They just have this amazing ability to see things in ways others can’t and I think that’s what makes them so great but is also one of their biggest faults. The feminine energy of this moon sign definitely gives a nurturing and caring energy to Virgo moon individuals and these are the people that care so much and can do a lot with helping others because they have really big hearts. Virgo being a mutable energy buy also an earth sign can cause a constant need to nitpick and change things about themselves, others, or things they have created and I see this a lot in my step dad who’s a Virgo moon and he’s constantly on time, doing things so routine, and nitpicking when he cooks or does something. Virgo moons can truly drive themselves crazy with the amount of drive they have to fix, fix, and fix even when it doesn’t need to be. On the plus side this can make them very detail oriented and very nurturing.
LIBRA: Libra moons are very big on harmony, equality, and tranquility. They definitely strive for balance and security in their emotions and in their life to the point they can spiral if they don’t have it. The thing about Libra energy is that because it’s the mediator, people are often drawn to it to rant, dump their problems, etc and so Libra moons can easily lose themselves in other people’s problems/needs/demands/etc and so it’s important for them to learn no. They definitely have such a creative, independent, and romantic nature and so it’s really important for them to express through art, music, etc. and to really find an outlet for their frustrations and emotions in healthy ways so that it doesn’t turn into feeling unbalanced and out of control.
SCORPIO: Scorpio moons are definitely very emotional and intuitive in the way they feel. They can easily pick up on emotions, energy, etc. when others can’t and that’s one of the many ways why they are so receptive to feeling emotions on the level that they do. Nobody will quite feel as intensely as a Scorpio moon and that’s the difficulty and the admiration behind them. Being a water sign that’s ruled by Pluto, they can easily transform immensely through their emotions and that can be a major life lesson/experience them overall because anywhere Scorpio or Pluto is, it can create a huge transformation process so it’s important to pay attention to. As a fixed sign, it can hard for Scorpio moons to adjust to change or to really let go of things so it can be hard for them to leave people, change their ways, and stop unhealthy habits if they have any. It can be hard for them to find a new direction and I think that’s why this placement often feels doomed and stuck when they aren’t. It’s a mental and emotional difficult for you. Emotions are often intense. Whatever you’re feeling, you’re feeling it SO much stronger than the people around you and that can be such a difficulty for you. Just know that you’re loved and you’re not alone and you’re not crazy for feeling the way you do.
SAGITTARIUS: Sagittarius moons are truly free spirits at heart and that’s why I love you guys so much. Having Sagittarius in the place of moon can create a desire to be free and learn because Sagittarius is a fire sign but they are also mutable so they really have this passionate and energetic spirit and they often put it towards change, adventure, travel, people, and experiences. I think more so than anyone, Sagittarius moons are just looking to have fun. They don’t do well when feeling trapped, tied down, or just overall not having their independence. Sagittarius moons are learners and I feel like this placement has such a desire to learn and experience and that’s why so many people are attracted to you and your energy. I wouldn’t say Sagittarius moons are less emotional but I would say they have a more independent look on things. They are definitely passionate in life and oftentimes live their life to the extreme if possible for them.
CAPRICORN: Capricorn moons are very similar to Taurus moons in the sense that they seek security and comfort in life. They want to be able to not constantly worry about financial issues, job issues, and just overall life issues. They want to feel secure emotionally, financially, mentally, etc. and when they don’t feel in control they can easily spiral and feel lost. As a cardinal sign, Capricorn moons are very initiative, driven, passionate, and heads on in their pursuits while remaining cautious, tactful, and secure. Capricorn moons are often very responsible, many times because from an early age they were expected to be or growing up was pushed on them at a young age and they had to sacrifice a lot of their childhood for whatever responsibilities and I think because of this maturity and nature they have, they can easily play it safe and restrain themselves from doing things they want to do in life. This can bring on a lot of feelings of anxiety, insecurity, and even not feeling like you’ve truly lived because you’re not allowing yourself to. With this behavior, however, is where you hold a lot of your strength and power and to you that’s just another part of having control of your life and the things/people in it and without your power you don’t feel in control.
AQUARIUS: Aquarius moons are definitely rebellious at heart. They can be fun, quirky, different, rebellious, inventive, etc. Having Aquarius in the moon can make for a very.... interesting individual because of how futuristic and strange the sign of Aquarius is. These are the people that are going to be interested in humanitarian issues and the people who are going to feel strongly for the outcasts and the people who are different because they themselves get what it’s like to feel or be different. Aquarius moons have so much power on their strangeness and I love that. Being an air sign, aqua moons can be a bit distant or not as showing in their emotional nature and instead can seem cold or even aloof. Much like Gemini moons, these people don’t like to be put in a box or be labelled. They go their own path and that’s how it’s always going to be. You can’t own or control an Aquarius moon.
PISCES: pisces moons just interest me so much because of how intuitive and imaginative they are. Like I truly feel like after meeting a Pisces moon it’s like you just really double check your originality because of how interesting and quirky they are in the best ways possible. They’re so emotional and they definitely have a strong intuition and I love that. Pisces moons are truly sensitive beings and so imaginative and creative and it’s amazing. Pisces moons are also highly romantic signs as they do have that dreamy and emotional quality to them and I think it’s very important for them to be careful with who they share a connection with because not everyone sees the same thing as Pisces moons and so you guys can kind of not see things for what they truly are.
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lala-the-rebel · 5 years
for the prompt thing, "are you drunk?" (the numbers are a bit messed up)
(This went through pretty much a year of editing and idea changing and all that jazz, so here it is in all it’s glory lmao)
Summary: It’s the Sides’ annual Halloween party, and Patton one can hope everything goes off without a hitch, like it does every year. That’s why you plan things ahead of time, right? Unfortunately for him and pretty much everyone else, it does quite the opposite of that.
Word Count: 6,575 (yes there’s a read more since i’m on desktop for once)
Warnings: drinking mentions all throughout, Deceit (he’s a pretty relevant character in this so don’t read if you’re uncomfy with him), lots of cursing from multiple characters (lemme know please if I missed anything)
Writing taglist: @fandersunite
As appropriate for the spooky season, the sides decided to host a Halloween party. Well, really, Patton was the one who decided and made everyone go along with it. It was a yearly tradition that they were nowhere near prepared for this year.
The outdoor decorations weren’t even put up yet, which was a shock in itself. It was well-known around the neighborhood that they always went all out on decorating. If they didn’t, there would be a lot of disappointment. So, after much debate, the responsibility was given to Roman and Logan to do that morning. Patton had been in the kitchen, working at double-speed to prepare the refreshments. Virgil had been dreading the party, as he did every year. Yeah, he loved the Halloween aspect of it, but he did not love the social interaction part of it, especially when he had no way of escape. He kept telling himself that things went better than he expected every year, so he shouldn’t have too much to worry about.
He had no idea what to expect this year, though. 
Despite that, he helped out as best as he could, all to hopefully make things easier on Patton. While he went with Roman to get things from the store, Deceit and Logan stayed home to finish decorating. Things almost went smoothly until Patton dropped a bomb on them.
Not only was he leaving to go on the other side of town, but he was leaving Logan in charge of something he had no idea how to run. Even with written instructions, he was still unsure he could do it.
What made him even more unsure was that Patton told him he couldn’t drink. The reason was that he wanted Logan to be aware of anything and everything at all times. Logan understood, but at the same time knew he was gonna be miserable. It was one of the things he enjoyed from the party, and not being able to do it just meant to him that he wasn’t going to have fun.
And when Virgil heard about all of this, he swore that he would make sure Logan would be completely fine. He even got Roman in on it, despite his protests. They knew what would be in store from Patton if they didn’t stop Logan, and there was no way they could hide it from him if they tried. Even if there was, they weren’t going to try it.
They had rushed from the store back home, finding Deceit outside on his own. “Where’s Logan?” Virgil asked as he got out of the car. 
Before the other could answer, Logan bolted out of the front door. “There you guys are! We need to get to work quickly! We have a lot to do and not enough time to do it.”
“So where do we come in?” Virgil retorted. 
“Roman, you’re on refreshments. Finish what’s left and display them. When you’re done, change into your costume.” Roman ran off. “Virgil, you’re on finishing interior decorations. When you’re done, go change.”
“Got it.” He went inside.
“Deceit, you’re on finishing up the lights and then going inside to change. When you’re done, help the other two if they need it.”
“And what will you be doing?” he inquired.
“Finishing up stuff out here. Don’t worry.”
“Shouldn’t I be doing that?”
“It’s what Patton wrote on the paper, so you tell me. Now go!”
Deceit rolled his eyes but complied. He climbed back up on the ladder and got back to work. Logan did the same. Inside, the other two were working on their individual jobs. They couldn’t help but run into each other along the way. Quite literally. 
Virgil was standing on a chair, decorating above the window. “Roman, I swear, if you walk under me one more time I’m gonna choke you with this garland!”
“It’s not my fault! You’re in my working space!”
“Well, can’t you wait until I’m done?! That table isn’t even set up yet. You’re gonna have to take everything off it now.”
Roman sighed. “Damn it.” He started moving things around again, bumping into Virgil. A couple seconds later, something hit the back of his neck. He quickly turned around, frowning. “What was that?!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Virgil answered with a shrug, hiding a smirk.
Roman looked at the ground. There was a candy beside his foot. He picked it up. “A Rolo? Really?”
“I’m telling you, wasn’t me.”
“Oh, so who was it then? Deceit?” He threw the Rolo back at him. Virgil caught it, which pissed Roman off so much that he stomped back to the kitchen. Virgil had to hide a snicker. He ate the Rolo that was fired at him while throwing another. It landed on the counter, unfortunately missing Roman. He tried again, this time hitting Roman in the eye.
It became a full blown war between the two of them in a few minutes. It didn’t stop until Logan came in and got hit by one right on the face.
“Logan, I am so, so sorry-”
“It’s fine,” Logan huffed. “Clearly, I’ve seemed to interrupt some important business going on in here.”
“You didn’t interrupt anything,” Virgil assured him. “We were, just, uh, finishing up.”
“Doesn’t look like you’re finished to me,” he said with a glance around the room.
“At least I am,” Roman boasted. He got a Rolo thrown at him as a result. Before he could retaliate, Logan intervened.
“Enough with the throwing the damn Rolos! This isn’t doing what I told you to do, now is it?!” They shook their heads. “I didn’t think so. Now get your asses back to work!”
They did. Logan supervised them along the way, filling in for Virgil when he had to go help Deceit with his costume. Everything was completely ready about ten minutes before the party was supposed to start. Logan was waiting downstairs for all of them to arrive. His costume, if you could call it that, was as minimal as he could make it. He wore a headband with a fake axe attached to it to look like it was stuck in his head and a plain black shirt with the phrase “This is my Halloween costume” on it in white lettering. Patton, of course, chastised him for it, but Logan assured him he had an actual costume prepared that he wouldn’t show off until the day of.
The first of the other three to arrive was Virgil, dressed as Jack Skellington with scarily accurate detail. He slid down the banister, landing on the ground gracefully. Deceit, dressed up as none other than Patton, arrived right after him. He also slid down the banister, landing not so gracefully on the floor face first. Virgil had to sidestep out of the way to avoid being knocked over. He got up almost right away, acting nonchalant. “That didn’t hurt at all.”
“Well, whether it hurt or not, it was a very Patton thing to do.”
Virgil rolled his eyes. “Too bad he couldn’t have fallen down harder.”
“Well, not everyone is the perfect embodiment of grace like you,” Deceit retorted, “Although, I did happen to see you stumble on a shoe in the living room just a few days ago, so maybe that’s an incorrect statement.”
“That was only because Roman never puts his stupid boots away! He leaves them out so much that all of us trip on them, even Logan!”
They continued bickering until Logan finally had enough and scolded them. “Could you two get along for once in your life?”
“The free trial for that just expired.”
The nerd let out a long sigh. “Whatever, that is not the issue here. Where, in the name of Newton, is Roman?”
“Right here!” his voice boomed. All three of them quickly turned their heads to find him at the top of the stairs, showing off his extravagant costume. He was dressed as the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland. The suggestion from Virgil was intended as a joke, but Roman took it very seriously. 
“I thought you weren’t going for the heels because you couldn’t walk in them?” Virgil asked, having noticed them from the way Roman had been posed.
“Practice, emo nightmare,” Roman remarked. “Besides, the outfit isn’t complete without them.” He spun around, making the dress poof out even more than before.
“Stop showboating and get down here,” Logan demanded. Roman scoffed but obliged. “We have more important things to focus on here.”
“More like you do. We’re not the ones Patton put in charge.”
“Well, then I’m dragging you down with me.”
“You- you can’t do that! Can he do that, Virgil?”
“I mean, I don’t think there was anything saying he couldn’t.”
“Hah! Then that proves it!” Logan grinned.
“Oh, no!” Roman protested. “You’re not gonna get away with it that easily!”
“And how do you propose you’re going to stop me?”
Roman thought for a second. “A bet.”
“A bet?”
“Roman, no, you’re not making a bet-”
“I’m in.”
Virgil threw his hands in the air. “Why do I even bother? Tell me, Deceit, should I use my invisibility for good or for evil?”
“Great,” Roman beamed. “So, the bet is that if you don’t drink, let’s say, until Patton gets back, we’ll do whatever you want us to for a whole day.”
“We?” Deceit blurted.
“Oh, no, you’re not getting us in on your little shenanigans, Roman,” Virgil complained. Roman ignored him.
“What else?” Logan asked.
“And if you do drink, then you have to do what we want you to do for a whole day.”
He considered it. “While that is tempting, I feel like we need to, say, up the stakes more.”
“Okay, fine. Throw in twenty bucks.”
“Roman!” Virgil barked.
“You understand that we each have to pay him that?”
“You mean it’s not split up?” Virgil shook his head. “Oh. Fifty it is, then.”
“That’s still not any better!”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake. I did not agree to any of this!”
“Virgil, please, calm down. Guests are arriving,” Logan stated. He turned away to answer the door. As soon as he did, Virgil gave Roman the dirtiest glare.
“What’d I do?”
“What haven’t you fucking done?” Virgil retorted. “What was the whole point of that shit?”
“Dude, relax. It was a little motivator, if you will, to get him to do what he’s supposed to do so that we don’t have to intervene.”
“So, taking the lazy way out?”
Roman thought for a second. “Well, I guess when you put it that way, yeah.”
Virgil sighed. “Whatever. Let’s just get this stupid party over with.”
“Why, so you can go back to ignoring all of us?” Deceit piped up.
“Not everyone, just you,” Virgil remarked before walking off with a smirk. Roman stifled a laugh while Deceit let out an offended gasp. He then smacked Roman on the arm for laughing, which didn’t phase him much. He continued to giggle as Deceit walked off.
About an hour passed after that. Patton still wasn’t back yet. Virgil was slightly worried, but he didn’t let it get his mood down. He kept to himself in a corner until Deceit came up to him. “Virgil.“
He sighed. "I hid out to escape you guys. Lot of good that did me. What do you want?”
“I, um, have some news. Logan’s kinda drunk.”
“Oh, yeah, funny joke there, Dee. I can tell you’re lying,” he said as he took a swig of his punch.
“I’m not lying.”
“You’re shitting me.”
“Nope. You can ask Roman yourself,” Deceit defended.
“Fine.” He looked around, finding Roman not too far away. “Roman!” The prince turned his head. “Get your ass over here.”
He quickly walked over, or as quickly as one could walk in heels. “Yeah?”
“You’ve seen Logan recently, haven’t you?” Deceit asked.
“Is that what you called me over here for? Of course I’ve seen him. Who do you think told you he was drunk, dipstick?” Roman then realized what he said. His eyes widened as he looked at Virgil. “Oh shit. Virgil didn’t know about that, did he?”
“Not until now. That motherfucker.”
“Woah, hey, calm down, dude. There’s no need to get worked up about it.”
“Yes there is! Logan was told by Patton exactly what rules to follow. We all know the same Logan, don’t we? There’s no reason why he wouldn’t follow them, and if there was, it would have to be something really fucking big.”
“I’ll give you that.”
“But besides that,” Deceit piped in, “why are you so obsessed with the idea anyway?”
Virgil paused. He had a big reason, but he wasn’t going to let them two know what it was. Not anytime soon. “Because, I’m pretty sure none of us want to see Logan get Patton’s wrath, right?” They nodded. “And if he knows that we knew, we would get it too. And we don’t want that, do we?”
“Fair point.”
“But what if, like I said earlier, we just act like we didn’t know about it?” Roman blurted.
“And what if he finds out we faked it?” Virgil countered. “We’ll get it even worse because we were lying about it.”
“But what if he doesn’t find out?” Deceit inquired. “What would he do then?”
Virgil stared coldly at him. “I’m sure he’ll find out eventually. We can’t lie about it forever.”
“Maybe you can’t.”
“Whatever. I just know it’s gonna be bad if we don’t get Logan acting kinda normal before Patton gets back.”
“It won’t be if we provide distraction,“ Roman suggested. Virgil gave him a judgmental glare. "I’ll explain. While you deal with Logan, we’ll keep Patton away from you by any means necessary until everything is okay.”
The emo sighed. “While I may not have the greatest trust in you two, this is the only plan we got. Unless you have something, Dee.”
A pause. “Yes.”
“I’m taking that as a no. Roman’s plan it is then. Now, we’ve gotta find Logan. Hopefully, he isn’t that out of it.”
“Where do you suggest we look?” Roman asked. Before Virgil could answer, Logan’s voice rang loudly throughout the house. “Never mind. I think he answered that for us.”
“Okay, great. We know where he is, but how are we going to deal with him?” Virgil retorted.
“I don’t know. Maybe just sit him down and try to tell him what’s going on and hopefully persuade him to get back to acting normal?”
“Okay. Deceit?”
“We could just try hiding him away from Patton and then lying about why he isn’t out here.”
“And what if he doesn’t believe that?”
Deceit thought for a moment. “I don’t know. I didn’t think I’d get that far.”
Virgil rolled his eyes. “Roman, once again, that was a good suggestion.”
“What was a good suggestion?”
“Oh, nothing, Logan,” Roman replied casually. He then jumped about a foot then and there out of fright. “Logan! Where have you been?”
“I’ve been out having a good time. What about you?” he asked in return, slightly swaying in place. He took a drink out of the cup he was holding. “Roman, you made the punch, didn’t you? It’s really good. You should try it.”
Virgil stared straight at him. “Logan.”
“Yeah?” He wobbled a bit, latching onto Roman to keep his balance.
“Are you drunk?”
“Are you?”
“Son of a bitch.”
“Well, at least now we know for sure,” Roman said in an attempt to lighten the situation.
“I’m not as think as you drunk I am.”
“Yeah, right,” Deceit said with an eyeroll. “I know a lie when I hear one.”
“Here,” Logan blurted, sticking his arm out with the cup in hand. “Taste it. It’s the regular punch, I swear. I’ve only had one cup, no, one sip of the other one.”
Deceit looked at Virgil, then back at the cup. He grabbed it and took a sip. “He’s right,” he lied. He handed the cup back to Logan.
One look from him was all Virgil needed. “Hey, Lo, why don’t we go sit down, okay? We’ll get you something else to drink, if you want.”
“That sounds fun,” he replied, slurring his words. He almost dropped his cup, which would have spilled all over Roman had he not caught it in time. He took the cup from him before leading him over to a chair. As soon as Logan sat down, he stole it back. Roman didn’t even bother with it.
“He is completely wasted,” he said, turning to the other two. Lucky for him, Logan hadn’t been listening. 
“Yeah, no shit,” Virgil barked. He looked at Logan, who was about to drop the cup again. He rushed to take it from him. “I’ll take that. Roman, do you mind getting something else for him?”
“Do I have to? You’ve got legs too, y'know.”
“Roman, really?”
“Fine, I’ll go do it. Sheesh.”
“Don’t even bother now.” Virgil sauntered off to the kitchen. He got a water bottle from the fridge before throwing Logan’s cup away. Except it was actually his own cup, and he didn’t notice until he went to go take a drink. He rolled his eyes at his own stupidity, then glanced down at the other cup. He chugged the rest of the spiked punch in one shot, then threw it away.
When he made his way back to the group, he handed Roman the bottle to give to Logan. He faced away from them to inspect the crowd, which led to Deceit swooping in to stand beside him. Virgil side-eyed him but didn’t say anything.
“You know, I saw you earlier.”
“You see me all the time. Next question.”
Deceit furrowed his brows. “I meant in the kitchen, dumbass.”
Virgil shrugged. “I’m sure everyone else did, dipshit. You’re not special.”
Deceit huffed. “Oh, yeah, well, did they see you drinking?”
“Probably. They also probably saw a lot of other people doing the same thing. Hydration is important.”
The other snarled. “You know that’s not what I meant.”
“Maybe I do, maybe I don’t. I’m not letting your stupid intimidation tactics get to me. So, you can kindly fuck off now if you’d like.”
Deceit’s mouth hung open in shock. Well, more like offense than shock. “You don’t need to be an asshole about it, damn.”
Virgil finally turned and faced him. “You don’t need to be snitching on me for stupid shit! We’re all on the same side here! There’s no point in it!”
“Am I interrupting something?” Roman piped in. He stood on the other side of Deceit, looking directly at Virgil.
“No, why?”
“Oh, I just came in to report on Logan. He’s doing fine, actually.”
“Is he now?” Virgil asked, glancing behind him. “Damn it, Roman!”
“What’d I do now?” He turned around. “Oh shit!”
“This is just fucking great! We lost him, again!”
“I think he’s just trying to escape,” Deceit suggested.
“No shit. I highly doubt he isn’t aware of the consequences of what he’s doing. He just likes to test fate. And our patience.”
“You got that right,” Roman sighed.
“You two go look for him. I’ll stay here,” Virgil ordered. They nodded and ran off.
At that moment, his phone buzzed in his jacket pocket. It couldn’t have been a worse time.
“This better be good,” he muttered. He turned his phone on, looking at the notification on his lockscreen. A text message. From Patton.
He hesitated to open it. He did it anyways, knowing if he didn’t open it sooner than later, he was in for it.
Patton: Hey there kiddo! I’m about 10 mins away from home now. Everything good? Haven’t heard anything from Logan. 
“Shit.” He had to lie. He had to. And he had to let the other two know, wherever the fuck they were.
Virgil: hey pat. yup things are running smoother than ever. Logan got distracted with some stuff i think but will let him know
Instant reply.
Patton: Good to hear! See ya soon
Virgil: see ya
He quickly shut his phone off and shoved it into his pocket. “Fucking hell.”
Just then, Roman ran up to him, slightly panting. “How can anyone move around in these things? I take one step, and not only am I tired, but I’ve managed to knock three people over in the process.”
“I think they just fake it the whole time,” Virgil remarked. He then noticed Roman’s sudden change in height. “What happened to the heels?”
“I ditched those fuckers. Even with practice, I still can’t walk with them. Much less run.” He got a nod from Virgil. “You okay, Virge? You look more worried than usual.”
“Glad you noticed. Ten minutes and ticking until Patton gets here.”
Roman’s jaw dropped. “You’re joking.”
“Not one fucking bit.”
“Well, hate to make things worse, but we can’t find him.”
“What?! What do you mean you can’t find him?!”
“We searched everywhere we know, and he’s nowhere to be found! Deceit is still looking, but I don’t think he’s gonna have much luck.”
Virgil rubbed his temples and sighed. “You know what this means, don’t you?”
“I do, and I don’t want to.”
“We’re fucking dead meat.”
Just then, Deceit decided to make himself present. He noticed the worried looks on Roman and Virgil’s faces and questioned it. “What happened? Who died?”
“We’re going to if we can’t find Logan in less than ten minutes,” Virgil complained.
“Let me guess, Patton is gonna be back by then.”
“How’d you know?”
“Kinda the obvious answer, don’t you think?” He got a nod from both of them. “Well, you can clearly see I’ve had success with finding Logan. What is your next suggestion, oh wise and humble leader?” he sarcastically aimed at Virgil.
Virgil acknowledged the dig at him with an eyeroll. “Just keep doing what we have been doing. Whoever is closest to the front of the house by the time Patton gets here has to text the other two and tell them, then be a distraction until we find Logan again.”
“I don’t have my phone on me,” Roman announced.
Virgil huffed, “And why the hell is that?”
“Does this dress look like it has pockets on it?” Virgil shook his head. “Yeah, didn’t think so.”
“Then why didn’t you just hold it?”
Deceit sighed, being just loud enough to make them turn their heads to him. “You two are wasting time arguing here!”
“He’s right,” Virgil agreed. “Roman, just keep close to Dee then, since you can’t get your phone.”
“I mean, I could-”
“We don’t have the time! Just go find Logan and stick to the plan!” he demanded. They headed off towards the front of the house while Virgil planned on going towards the back. As he passed by the stairs, a familiar voice sung out his name.
He turned his head sharply. “Logan?! What the hell are you doing up there?”
“What the hell are you doing down there?” Logan creatively replied back. He was sitting on the top step.
“You know why. Get down here!”
“Here, catch!” He launched the water bottle given to him earlier down the stairs.
Virgil caught it in his right hand without even flinching. He gritted his teeth as he stared Logan down. “Get your ass down here now, Logan!”
“Make me, bitch!”
“That’s it!” Virgil started stomping up the stairs. As a result, Logan bolted the other way into one of the rooms before Virgil could see him. “Damn it, Logan! We don’t have the time for this!” He threw the water bottle to the floor in his fit of frustration. “Patton is gonna be here any minute now, and if he sees you like this, he’s gonna kill you!”
“I am more sober than I have ever been in my life,” Logan called. Virgil had noticed the sound came from his room. He walked over to the door and stood by it as he talked to Logan on the other side.
“Dude, you’re acting like a complete buffoon. You only do that if you’re drunk or if you’ve met some freaking deadline earlier than planned. I think we both know what the situation is here.”
A pause. Logan answered, sounding serious. “Have I really?”
Virgil laughed. “Were you not aware that you threw a water bottle at me just now? You are so out of it, dude.”
“I didn’t throw it, I handed it to you,” Logan insisted. “Clearly I’m not that out of it.”
“If you insist,” Virgil said with a smirk. More commotion erupted from the crowd below, so he turned to look. Sure enough, Patton had walked through the door.
“Shit!” he muttered to himself. “Logan, let me in!”
“It’s my room, fucker, I’m allowed in there if I want to be.”
“Don’t you have a party to be at, or something?” Logan slurred as he reluctantly opened the door.
“So do you.” Virgil entered and closed the door. His phone went off in his pocket shortly after. As he predicted, it was Deceit telling him what he already knew. He leaned against the door as he pulled it out of his pocket.
Deceit: Our man of the hour is here
Virgil: yeah no shit i could see him
Deceit: Where tf are you
Virgil: take a wild fucking guess
Deceit: Obviously down here next to me
Virgil: yeah we’ll go with that
is the idiot with you
Deceit: Which one
Virgil: lmao you know who
Deceit: I finally got rid of him
We’re all free at last
Virgil: hah I’ll believe it when i see it
Deceit: Fair enough
Any luck on finding Logan
“Who you texting?” Logan asked in a sing-song voice. He was on Virgil’s bed laying upside down with his head hanging over the edge. His headband ended up falling off without him noticing.
Virgil instantly fired back a sarcastic comment. “Your mom.”
“How can you text what doesn’t exist?”
He had to resist laughing. “I was joking, Logan.”
Virgil: possibly 
Deceit: He’s with you isn’t he
Virgil: perhaps
Deceit: Hey giving vague answers is my thing stop that
Virgil: maybe
“I knew that,” Logan insisted. He then decided to roll off the bed, landing hard onto the floor. 
Deceit: Bitch 
Virgil read the message, then looked up from his screen when he heard Logan fall. “You good, Lo?”
His face was smashed into the carpet, muffling his answer. “Absolutely. Hey, did you know your carpet smells nice?”
“Not until now, but thank you for telling me.”
Virgil: you know it
how is roman doing
Deceit: Looks like so far he’s been talking Patton’s ear off
Oh shit they’re coming over by me
Wish me luck
Virgil: nah I’m good
Deceit: Oh fuck off 
He sent that last message and looked up. Patton and Roman had walked up to him, still finishing their own conversation. Roman caught a glance at Deceit looking at him and quickly addressed him. “Hey, Dee, look who’s back!” He noticed the forced smile on Roman’s face. One look at Patton and he would have been a dead giveaway.
He acknowledged Patton with a small wave. “Hey.” He glanced at the other’s costume. “Nice attention to detail. I like it.”
“Oh really? Thank you so much!” Patton said with a grin. He was dressed as Fix-It Felix. “I do have to say you make a very convincing me.”
“It wasn’t that hard,” Deceit admitted. “Virgil helped me with most of it.”
“Oh, wow! Speaking of Virgil, where is he, by the way? And Logan? Aren’t they usually out here with you guys?”
Deceit looked over at Roman, whose eyes went wide with fright. Neither of them had thought of an excuse. If Patton caught onto their bullshitting, the whole plan was fucked.
“I’m sure they’re around here somewhere.”
“Have you tried looking?”
“Hey, Patton, how about you go set your stuff down in your room?” Roman interrupted. “You won’t have to carry your things around with you while you go have fun!”
“Roman, I’m sure that’s not necessary-”
“Well, kiddo, if you insist, then I’ll go. Care to join me?” Patton asked.
“Yeah, sure.” Roman had just turned to walk off with Patton when Deceit called him back. He told Patton to wait for him by the stairs, then walked back over. “What?”
Deceit promptly smacked him on the back of the head. “What are you doing?”
“First of all, ow! Second of all, what do you mean what am I doing? What’s wrong with going up there?”
“Did you forget that Logan and Virgil are up there?”
Roman looked at Deceit with the most offended glare he could muster before smacking him back. “Did you forget that you didn’t tell me shit about that?”
“Oh, well then my bad. You had every right to hit me. But that’s not the point here. You have got to keep Patton distracted until they get down here.”
“Well how long is that gonna be?”
Deceit shrugged. “I don’t know. I don’t even know if Virgil has actually found him yet, much less got him convinced to act normal.”
“Okay, how about when he does? How are you gonna let me know?”
“I’ll go up there and get you or something. I don’t know yet. Just go before Patton starts suspecting something.” He ushered Roman away with his hands, then quickly got back to texting Virgil.
Deceit: Dude Patton and Roman are heading up your way
Virgil: what
are you joking
fuck me
Deceit: How is Logan doing
Virgil: not much better. what do you suggest I do
Deceit: Continue doing what you can do. Only come down if you know he’s capable of acting normal. Otherwise it’ll be too suspicious 
Virgil: yeah no shit 
Deceit: Moving on. Find me when you get down here because I have to get Roman afterwards
Virgil: why
Deceit: I sacrificed him
Virgil: hallelujah
The emo looked up from his phone at Logan, who was bouncing all over the place in his room. He sighed. “Logan.”
The other was startled at the call of his name and bumped into Virgil’s shelf of CDs as a result. They all fell noisily to the floor.
“Damn it, those were alphabetized,” Virgil whined. “Can you sit still for one minute?”
“Nope.” He walked over to the vanity Virgil had on the other side of his room. It was still littered with the items used for his costume’s make-up. Logan took the chance to start fiddling with them.
Virgil almost didn’t notice it. “Logan, no!”
While he continued dealing with Logan, Patton dealt with Roman. He was acting highly suspicious, insisting that he stayed in his room way longer than what he needed to. Patton had enough of it.
“Roman, what is the matter with you? What’s wrong with leaving?”
“Oh, nothing’s wrong,” Roman lied.
“I don’t believe you. Tell me what’s going on. You’ve been acting suspicious the whole time we have been up here!”
Roman looked down, then back up at Patton. The look on his face made him feel even more guilty for keeping it from him. He had to tell the truth. The sneaking around wasn’t getting him anywhere now. “Okay, fine. I wasn’t gonna say anything, but I can’t keep this stupid charade up anymore. Virgil is hiding out with Logan because Logan’s drunk as hell. We’re trying to hide him from you because we know how much trouble he was gonna be in for it. He keeps running off on us, and now you’re here so it’s adding to the confusion of what to do and where to go and I’m just so damn tired of it-”
“Roman, slow down. Slow down. I know you’re probably stressed out, but it’s okay. You’re fine.”
“They’re gonna get mad over the fact that I ratted them out, Patton, and then what’s gonna happen?” Roman countered.
“I will make sure they don’t,” Patton said sternly. “Now, do you know for sure where Virgil and Logan are at?”
“Deceit just told me they were somewhere up here.”
Patton nodded. “Alright. Come with me, okay?”
“Yeah, okay.”
Patton opened the door to find Deceit on the other side. He immediately gave him a dirty look. “What are you doing?”
“Just making sure everything is okay, you know?” Deceit attempted to assure him.
“I don’t believe you one bit.” Patton pushed past him. “Which room are they in?”
“I don’t know who you’re talking about-”
“I’m not going to ask you again,” Patton demanded, his voice lowering for effect.
“Virgil’s room, I think.”
Patton sped over to the other end of the hallway. He opened the door and walked in without hesitation. The other two followed close behind him.
Virgil was in the middle of lecturing Logan again, stopping once he heard the door open. He turned around and looked at the other three, shock clearly on his face. He failed to come up with an excuse as Patton stared him down.
Logan tried breaking the tension, but just made it worse. “I must be drunk, because I am totally seeing double right now.” He pointed at Patton and Deceit.
Virgil shot a quick glare at him before looking apologetically at Patton. “Patton, I swear I can explain-”
“In the hallway. Now.”
“Now, Virgil!”
Virgil gave a reluctant sigh and got up. He skittered past Patton, avoiding eye contact. As soon as he left, Patton turned to Logan. “Hey, Logan, can you stay here for just a couple minutes and not do anything? This is Virgil’s room, and I’m sure he doesn’t want you to mess it up.”
Logan enthusiastically nodded, grinning like a dork. “Sure thing, Patton,” he slurred.
“Good, good.” He feigned a smile until he had latched the door, then gave the other three the dirtiest glare as he turned around.
“Whatever it was we did, we didn’t do it!” Roman blurted.
“Bullshit!” Patton retorted. “I asked you three to do one thing. One thing! And what do you idiots do?! This!” He pointed at the door for emphasis before continuing. “You better have an explanation for this besides being lazy.”
“We weren’t being lazy, Patton,” Virgil defended. “We really did try keeping track of Logan. He kept escaping every chance he got!”
Roman nodded. “That is true. He did it before we even found out he was drunk.” He then laughed to himself. “You’d think he wouldn’t have wanted to lose the bet after acting cocky about it.” He realized what he said right after he said it and slapped a hand over his mouth.
“A bet?” Patton inquired. “What bet? I was never informed of a bet.”
“We didn’t make an actual bet. It was a figure of speech,” Virgil said in an attempt at backpedaling.
Patton raised an eyebrow. “Deceit, was an actual bet made?”
“It was indeed made.”
The stern glare returned to Patton’s face, added with the crossing of his arms.
“Shit,” Roman muttered. “Sorry, Virge.”
“Roman, what was the bet?”
The prince sighed in defeat. “If he didn’t drink, we would each pay him fifty bucks on top of doing whatever he wanted us to do for a day. If he did, he would pay us each that much and do whatever we wanted him to do. But we only made the bet because he was wanting to drag us down with the stupid no drinking rule!”
Virgil glared at Roman before he spoke. “Stop trying to pull the ‘we’ shit! You made the bet all on your own and dragged us two into it! You’re a hypocrite if you’re calling Logan cocky!”
“I did not!”
“Did too!”
“Enough!” Patton scolded yet again. “You’re bickering like children. I want nothing more from you two unless you are spoken to directly. Is that clear?” They nodded. “Deceit, is what Virgil said true?”
“Every bit. Virgil did try his best to stop Roman from making the bet in general, I can confirm that,” he answered.
“I don’t doubt that. Roman, what was your excuse?” Patton asked.
“I…I don’t know,” Roman said with a shrug. “No, wait, I do. It was because Virgil dragged me down with him first!”
“When did I do that?!”
“At the store! When we were talking to Logan!”
Virgil recalled the memory, then instantly scoffed. “Really?! You started all of this shit over that?! Now you’re just being petty!”
Roman was going to answer, but he looked at Patton, keeping in mind what he said before. Patton gave him the nod to continue. “No. I wasn’t. I wasn’t trying to be petty or anything. I was genuinely trying to help in the best way I knew how. I know how much this thing stresses you out, Virgil, so I was only trying to, you know, not make that happen. Lot of good that did me. I’m…sorry about that, Virge. And, Patton, I’m sorry that we didn’t do exactly what we told you to, even though we tried our best otherwise.”
Patton softened his gaze. “I can’t get mad at you guys for trying to fix everything. But I can get mad at you for lying and trying to hide things from me. And for that, at least one of you three will have to sacrifice the rest of your night to take care of Logan. Who’s it gonna be?”
“Not it!” Roman and Deceit blurted at the same time. 
Virgil rolled his eyes and sighed. “Of course.”
“You’ll be fine, kiddo. Besides that, we’ll finish this discussion later,” Patton declared. Not even a second later and he was scolding the other two. “Do not slide down the banister! What have I told you about doing that?!” He gave Virgil a quick wave before rushing down after them.
Virgil had to chuckle. After everything that just went down, he needed it. He turned towards his bedroom door, took a deep breath, and opened it.
Logan was now sitting on the floor. He threw his arms up in the air as he saw Virgil arrive. “You’re back!" 
He smirked to keep from laughing. "Yeah, I am. How’d you get down there?”
“How’d you get up there?” Logan said with a giggle.
“I’m standing up, Lo,” Virgil said with a chuckle. “You haven’t forgotten how that works, have you?”
“Psh, no!”
“If you say so.” Virgil went and sat down next to him. “I’m gonna stay here with you, okay?” Logan only responded with a hum of approval before leaning his head on Virgil’s shoulder. Virgil smiled softly at the gesture.
He didn’t mind staying like that for the rest of the night. He didn’t mind missing out on the party. He didn’t mind being with Logan, secretly because it was what he wanted. Sure, he wasn’t completely aware of everything, but that didn’t mean Virgil wasn’t willing to take care of him.
Maybe he was falling for Logan. It was a weird time to realize that, he would admit, but he figured being there for him at his worst wasn’t a bad thing. If anything, it should have meant something important, right?
That’s what he kept telling himself. It felt right. It was right.
He just hoped Logan felt that same way.
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eggoreviews · 5 years
My Top 25 Games Advent Day 18 - Fallout 4 (#8)
​​"Humanity is so resilient, to cling to life despite all of this. It is the duty of us all to further that survival."​​
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​​Before Bethesda irreparably ruined one of their most lucrative franchises with Fallout 76, and after everyone went hog wild over New Vegas, there was Fallout 4, the definitive Fallout for the new generation. It had a fully open world, a great cast of companion characters, factions to join and endless quests to overcome. This game became my life for a hot minute there and this slightly edgy, tonally weird open world adventure stuck with me long after the genuine fear of real-world nuclear annihilation set in. I love immersion.​​
​​So what do you do in Fallout? You fuck around in the wasteland, you shoot horrifically mutated creatures, you marvel at what could’ve been had the world not obliterated itself, you build badly misshapen houses in the crafting menu and realise there’s nothing you can do to stop random villagers from stealing your bed aside from literally blocking up the front door. Fallout 4 takes the post-apocalypse open world adventure and stretches the concept to its limits.​​ ​​Immediately, your wonky main character’s motives and ideals become clear as your spouse is murked by the breakfast cereal guy and your son has been kidnapped by a shady organisation known only as the Institute. What follows is a moral-centric epic spanning 50 hours, including multiple branching endings depending on your chosen faction and plenty of spicy, lofty questions to answer about the nature of consciousness or whatever in the form of the synths. The main story is highly satisfying and embodies the importance of player choice, allowing you to decide for yourself whether synths deserve persecution or salvation, or whether they need to be contained by those that created them. Or hey, if none of these sound tempting, just side with the farmers and you won’t have to bother (if you’re curious, I’m personally Railroad bc the synths did nothing to us and also hoo boy the Brotherhood are fuckers)​​.
​​To accompany you on your edgy journey is a whole cast of lovable and diverse characters, each with their own character arc, quest-line and, for the majority of them, a romance option. The synth detective Nick Valentine, the snarky pirate ghoul Hancock, the mysterious yet lame Railroad agent Deacon, the cunning news reporter Piper and your dog, among others. Building your relationships with this band of odd survivors is immensely satisfying to do, especially since these relationships build directly into the story with many of these companions playing integral roles in the main plot. This also informs your choice as to which faction to side with, as you end up with a companion from each faction that embodies that faction’s motives and moral compass. In the same way, each companion reacts realistically to your actions and choices throughout the game, making them feel even more real as you know your actions truly do reflect on everyone you meet and makes everything you do have much more weight to it.​​
​​What helps this epic blend of story and character along is the beautifully dilapidated world they inhabit. Fallout 4’s Commonwealth makes it clear exactly what everything used to be, from levelled cities and husks of theme parks to drive-in cinemas and murky harbours. The world of Fallout truly embodies a thematic blend of 1950s American values and futuristic technology and architecture, as if the dreams of those living in the 50s came true through the retro-looking tech that fuelled the society of before. The mixture of grainy propaganda footage of the iconic Vault Boy, alongside literal killer sentry robots is a brilliant contrast that somehow doesn’t feel at all out of place. The world building is absolute; nothing feels wrong or weird because Bethesda were endlessly consistent with their own rules in the world they’ve made. They also went hard with the optional dungeons too, with the majority of these also reflecting how things were before the nukes went off; half-destroyed subway lines, abandoned vaults and shopping complexes filled with burned up sundries and rubble. Fallout 4 truly makes an almost entirely dead world feel alive.​​ ​​But equally, exploring that world can be as terrifying as it is melancholy. While tuning into the Diamond City Radio and listening to hits of the 40s is satisfying in itself to be fair, nothing beats the pure adrenaline of running into a brand new mutated monster. Sometimes, you get lucky and you only need to use your frankly massive arsenal of weapons on a Mirelurk or a Radroach. But sometimes, out of nowhere, the game throws at you an Albino Deathclaw or a mutant behemoth in a pond or a giant hermit crab in an ice cream van. The possibilities really seem endless when you first embark on your journey, especially since you have no idea what kind of post-war monstrosity will assail you next.​​
​​Point being, Fallout 4 is a perfected apocalyptic adventure. It excellently blends satisfying gameplay and unique design elements with enough emotional impact in the narrative and world-building that stay with you long after you’ve blown up your chosen enemy. Fallout 4 changed the way I see open world games and still stands out as one of my favourite adventure games ever made (but not quite my favourite Bethesda game. I’ll be covering that a little closer to Christmas).​​
​​Standout Moment Award: The takedown of the Mirelurk Queen in the Castle is exhilarating and I was not ready for something so massive to come charging at me. ​​ ​​Standout Character Award: Nick Valentine. Valentine’s enigmatic personality and unique backstory made him the most memorable character in the game by far, as well as my favourite cosplay I’ve done.​​ ​​Tomorrow: No. 7; Dead guy gets bad PR, hunts down queercoded magician who’s responsible.​​
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quinintheclouds · 6 years
Sanders Sides Ships as Undertale Characters!
@koalaaquabear​ and I figured all these out together! I may have elaborated on our decisions a bit TOO much in this post, but... that’s what I do best :P ENJOY! (Descriptions for each Side are separated by a semicolon)
Royality: Papyrus - Royal Guard™, loves attention, wants recognition, kind of a big ego but veiled insecurity, tries to date everyone, has big fanciful dreams, dramatic; sweet and kindhearted, cooks food for you (albeit not always very well), loves everyone loudly and unconditionally, sometimes a bit oblivious, excitable, in love with pasta, goofball. A cool dude made for hugging. 
(Alternately, Royality is also Greater Dog. He's literally a cute puppy who's a knight)
Analogical: Alphys - anxious, afraid of social interaction, cares deeply about her friends but is constantly worried she’s bothering them, obsesses over past mistakes; nerdy, geek, inventor, actual genius, embodiment of the “as a gay scientist,” post. Basically the (not-so-mad) scientist who experiments in their basement, is scared of messing up, and bad at dealing with emotions.
Logicality: Toriel - teacher, loves books and learning, wants to read to you and share fun facts, has shelves FULL of books and keeps everything nice and organized, calm exterior, has already prepared you a curriculum for your education; sweetest goat mom, parental, loves puns, will bake you a pie, such a Mom/Dad™, will call you every 3 seconds to make sure you’re okay. Everything you could want in a parent/teacher combo.
Prinxiety: Undyne - fiery passion, fights in the royal guard, dynamic, LOUD, has literally 0 chill, strong personality, will lift you for fun, sassy, competitive, a hero; intensely protective of her friends (like, FIERCELY), suspicious of everyone, takes a lot for her to trust new people, defensive, always vigilant and on guard. Will fight you to protect her friends. Chaotic gay.
(Also, Prinxiety is low-key burgerpants - just an anxious dude who wanted to be an actor) 
Moxiety: Sans - absolutely loves his brother with all his heart, makes friends easily, everyone loves him, P U N S, loves food, supportive of friends, total sweetheart; deep and mysterious, keeps to himself, worried about a lot of things at once but pretends he’s chill, is afraid of a lot because he knows a lot, mushier than he lets on. 
(Moxiety is also kinda like the Nice Cream Guy - super nice fella, gets worried a lot that people won’t buy/like his ice cream, but still smiles)
Logince: Mettaton - enjoys quizzes and gameshows involving trivia and facts, helped to plan, design, and build his new body (could be attributed to both Logan and Roman tbh), likes being in charge (again, both of them), is a robot but not really, can SING, would absolutely dab unironically; theatrical, flamboyant, has a bit of an ego but in a lovable way, stylish AF, lives for the applause, drama queen. A very Extra™ pair. 
Remy: Annoying Dog - sleeps all the time, a total troll, Sassy McSasspants, would totally wear sunglasses, winks, leaves JUST WHEN YOU NEED HIM I STG I WANT SLEEP AND THAT ARTIFACT
Deceit: Flowey - I mean... do I need to explain, or? He tries to trick you the whole game and lies constantly... but he’s still a fun and interesting villain.
Thomas: Asgore - (we’re ignoring the whole souls thing lol) The ruler of them all who just likes flowers and tea, and loves every one of them dearly. A softie who gives big warm hugs and wants the best for everyone. Loyal and emotionally-driven, a silly, kindhearted fatherly type. Lord Fluffybuns.
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asksansweredpdf · 5 years
These are actually solid questions
1. First thing you wash in the shower? my hair
2. Are you more of a coffee or alcohol drinker? i can’t stand coffee. and alcohol might as well be my blood at this point
3. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? haha noooo. he was nice but i felt literally nothing. was like kissing a brick wall or something. tbh i never feel much when i kiss boys
4. Do you plan outfits? YES. i’m a drama queen and a diva and flamboyant and i need to look good always. i have my graduation in 2 days and i still haven’t planned what to wear and it’s bothering me
5. How are you feeling RIGHT now? tbh pretty numb. like not happy and not sad. just. .... chillin
6. Whats the closest thing to you thats red? my track pants
7. What would you do if you opened your door and saw a dead body? well with the mood im in now, i probably wouldn’t react. but the logical side of my brain would kick in and i’d phone it in to the police. 
8. Tell me about the last dream you remember having? it’s still that one about the creepy old dude touching me in the car. 
9. Three of your current feelings? -introspective -apathetic
10. What are you craving right now? tbh i would very much love to hug my stuffed pink harold. but he’s downstairs and i just don’t have the energy to walk haha
11. Turn ons? not rly in the mood to answer these
12. Turn offs?
13. What comes to mind when I say cabbage? this vine
14. When was the last time you cried? Why? idk like over a month ago. i had to work a thursday night shift which is always super stressful. and that day my sister just started beating the shit out of me so the anxiety was like double
15. If you could be a superhero, who would you want to be? ironman. any day. or spiderman because it’d be fun to just swing around the city listening to music peacefully
16. Did the one person who hurt you most in your life apologize? nope. she doesn’t even know that i know about half the shit she did. never ever apologised about the stuff she knows i know about. no acknowledgement. no apology. just pretends it never happened
17. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it? lick it 
18. Favorite movie ever? idk i like frozen and pride and prejudice and the hunger games
19. Do you like yourself? i like myself, but i can’t seem to justify why. i don’t really have an identity. i don’t know what i’m like. and so it’s hard to like myself when i don’t know what i like about my self, or why i do. but i enjoy being myself.
20. Have you ever met a celebrity? i met stan walker once? he’s a minor celebrity in australlia
21. Could you handle being in the military? part of me would thrive in the structure and forced exercise and socialisation. another part of me would completely crumble because like i have anxiety
22. What are you listening to right now? i don’t give a ... - missio
23. How many countries have you visited? india, america, canada, australia. so 4 i guess
24. Are your parents strict? you betcha
25. Would you go sky diving? sure yeah. i’m afraid of heights so the adrenaline would be wild
26. Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush? nah. i dont give a shit about him. maybe i’d go if he paid for the food.
27. Whats on your mind right now? literally nothing. mostly thinking about endgame. i’m also thinking about taking my mum’s anti anxiety meds since she doesn’t use them and i have anxiety. but i don’t want to take them without professional advice. but also, i am a professional advice. and like what could happen? i’d get mentally ill?
28. Is there anything you want to say to someone? nah i dont really feel like talking atm. i guess i’d ask if they wanted to go for a smoke. i would love a cig rn
29. Have you ever been in a castle? no but i would love to!!
30. Do you rent movies often? not really, i just watch stan/netflix
31. Whats your zodiac sign? cancer sun, leo moon, libra rising
32. When was the last time you had sex? i haven’t had sex
33. Name five facts about yourself. i honestly don’t think i know enough about myself to do this but let’s give it a go -i have short hair -i love music more than literally anything -i turn 21 this year and i have no idea what to do for it -i’m thinking of getting a motorbike soon -i’ve never broken a bone
34. Ever had a near death experience? If so, what happened? nope
35. Do you believe in karma or predestiny? i used to. and i absolutely would love to believe in all that stuff. but not to sound angsty or whatever, i’ve had so many shitty things happen to me that it’s hard for me to believe that it’s all part of some big plan or that there is any justice in the world. i think people just do shit and that’s it
36. Brown or white eggs? ive never had white eggs so..... brown?
37. Do you own something from Hot Topic? nah we dont have it in australia
38. Ever been on a train? yeah man i love trains
39. Ever been in love? not mutually, no
40. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you do it? it’s a million bucks. absolutely. one night of terror to never have to worry about anything ever again. i’m a witch too so as much as i’d be scared, it’d be fine.
41. If you could trade places with any person living or dead, who would you trade places with? someone rich and famous. maybe harry styles or freddie mercury. i’m sure they didn’t have it easy, but it’s certainly easier than things have/ever will be for me you know?
42. If you could shorten your life expectancy by 10 years to become more attractive, would you do it? absolutely
43. Whom do you admire and why? i tend not to admire irl people. but i do admire tony stark a lot (GOD this is so lame ksajrsjkfs). i admire his charisma, his confidence, his humour, his good looks, his intelligence, his eyes. he embodies everything i feel like i can never be. but everything i’ll always want to be.  i admire freddie mercury. for his work drive and ethic. for his confidence and stage presence, his ability and talent in singing, songwriting, musical instruments. his flamboyancy, his sense of humour. again, these are all qualities i would love to have.
44. What was your favorite bedtime story as a child? oh i never really got read bedtime stories
45. You’re walking down the street, you come across a burning building. A woman says her baby is trapped inside, what would you do? internally, i’d be like “that sucks for you” and walk away. but i can’t be a dick, so i’d assess the extent of the fire and see if there was a way to save the baby. i’d try if so, if not idk what i’d do. panic and call 000?
46. If you could choose the future profession of your son or daughter, would you? nah man. gotta let kids live their lives 
47. What was your best experience on drugs or alcohol? alcohol: the night i just moved out of home 2 weeks ago. my roommate invited a friend over, and we all had fun and played never have i ever and i flirted with this really cute guy and had so much fun. i hadn’t really had any experiences like that before because i was - anyway. it was nice to feel like a normal 19 year old just for a second weed: either the time i was drunk and high at our housewarming party and went to the park and felt like i was on a fucking rollercoaster, or the time i got super cooked after work and had a shower which felt amazing and then went back to my room and listened to beautiful people beautiful problems. i didn’t hallucinate per se, but i closed my eyes and could like see the lyrics “blue is the colour of the planet from the view above”. it was like i was in outer space and could see the earth and i was so relaxed and it was so magical mdma: my halloween party! there were so many people and no one knew i was high and we had a mad dance party and i met some of our neighbours and i just had so much fun talking to everyone and Living. 
48. What was your worst experience on drugs or alcohol? alcohol: being around boring people when drunk is boring. especially because when i’m drinking i really want to have a good and fun time.  weed: ahh i have anxiety so i used to get a few panic attacks when i was smoking mdma: eugh it was my friends 21st at the time and we took mdma and i thought it wasnt kicking in because all we did was sit in bed and talk. literally so boring. im so mad that i wasted my first time like that
50. As your walking down the street you find a suitcase full of money sitting next to a parked car, would you take it? nah, i’d probably hand it in to the police. actually, i dont trust the police so i’d probably google what to do with it. but probably police because i cant have stolen money or give it to someone else. 
51. If you found that a close friend has AIDS, would you still hang out with them? not hanging out with someone because of that has literally never even crossed my mind
52. In front of you are 10 pistols, 5 of which are loaded. If you survive you’d receive 100 million dollars. Would you be willing to place 1 to your head and pull the trigger? nah. i’m actually going places now days
53. How old were you when you lost your virginity? tba
54. Do you believe in ghosts, werewolves or vampires? nope
55. If you could live forever, would you want to? yeah probably. i’d like to give it a trial run though. i’m very anxious, so being lonely and immortal might make it worse. but at the same time, being immortal might make it easier to not give a shit and to be less anxious
56. Which fictional movie character most resembles who you are? honestly i feel like jane villanueva or peter parker
57. If you could go back in time, which time period would you visit? i would love to be a victorian bitch with a bomb ass dress and waist
58. If they were to televise a live execution, would you watch it? probably not. unless it was someone i really hated, i wouldnt give a shit
59. If you could be the president of the USA, would you be willing to do it? i mean i wouldn’t be the best person for the job, but i also wouldn’t be the worst. if i could have time to properly study politics then yeah i’d consider. 
60. If you could choose the sex of your unborn child, would you want to? i’d probably want a girl but i dont really see any reason to not have a boy
61. Would you rather live longer or be wealthy? be wealthyyyyyy
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