#It's very confusing
pursuecrazylife · 8 months
Tatort has no business being this gay. I'm not talking about the newer teams like Saarbrücken because I get that the ARD finally realised a huge group of people are watching Tatort for the gay feels.
I'm talking about the older teams, just some random examples
München 1991: First ep shows one of their girlfriends, only to show her thirdwheeling against Franz and Ivo's unbreakable bond and insane chemistry from day one
Stuttgart 2008/2009: In one of the first episodes Sebastian and Thorsten get mistaken for gay, and don't even deny it
Münster 2002: Boerne is written like the manic pixie dream girl who is going to brighten up Thiel's life, they even have a meet-cute straight out of a rom com
Like why is a famous German cop show watched every Sunday so gay? I'm not complaining, but it doesn't make sense. It's not even subtext is just text
Do you know how many times I have tried to convince my friends who want a show with gay couples to watch Tatort, the show their parents watch, and they think I've gone crazy...That's how much this doesn't make any sense!
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persefoneshalott · 10 months
hot man fighting the temptation of having horny thoughts about her hot coworker... his life is SOO hard
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spevvy · 2 years
Does anyone else of the neurodivergent/dopamine deficient persuasion go through these phases where you physically cannot cope with new media in any format, not new tv shows, not new episodes of a tv show you already love, not new music from your favourite artists, not new films, nothing? Like you physically can ONLY deal with songs/shows/films that you know all the words to and you've seen/heard approximately a billion times because any of your people doing anything different is too stressful to deal with and you need the stability of knowing they're constantly gonna do/say/sing the exact same things in the exact same way every time and they're never gonna stop being the perfect comfy level of dopamine that doesn't give you butterflies but it gives you cuddles?? Like you can fall asleep to it knowing that it's not going to change and it's gonna still be there for you exactly the same when you wake up??? Does that even make sense???
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lyriumrain · 2 years
Love that tumblr gives you the same error message when a reblog fails regardless of whether it's cause you're blocked or just because the app is Having a Moment
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spectacularizm · 1 year
Just a list of music and artists that I like cuz I'm bored and been feelin' musical as of late (In no particular order) - Billy Talent - Tyler, the Creator - Gorillaz (Current Favourite) - Lana del Rey - Kendrick Lamar - The Weeknd - Eminem - Faith no more - Metallica - ABBA - Earth, Wind & Fire - Boney M - Lady Gaga - Ubiquitous Synergy Seekers/USS - Placebo - Your Favourite Martian - Nelly Furtado/Timbaland I listen to some differing Phonk creators, too. I like a lot of 70-90's music as well. Sooooometimes Marina, Ace of Base and the Eurythmics. A couple of my guilty pleasures are soundtracks/theme songs from videogames, shows and movies, too- Especially the GTA franchise and Godzilla franchise. I also listen to the 2022 All Quiet on the Western Front soundtrack if I want to feel dead inside, and the '79 theme is pretty eerie and ends up making me feel really bad. I think that's all that's important tho.
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chaoticnerdsstuff · 2 years
My older brother is the most backwards... but progressive man I know
He goes from "I can say faggot cuz my sister is gay" to say " dumbass what do you mean that Lesbians are treated equally? Go outside just because on a paper it says we're all equal doesn't mean they're treated like that in real life"
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nostroviadrop · 2 years
Speaking of 25 year olds on tinder: I've seen too many of them claim to be 90s kids
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alixennial · 2 years
New adventurer asks: A3, A8, and B7!
I'm going to answer these in separate posts if that's ok as I have a tendency to ramble but I took some screenshots to make up for it XD
A3. What was your first impression of the three major City-States, Ul'dah, Limsa Lominsa, and Gridania? Did these change over time?
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Sweat-soaked skin and a mouth full of dust. Huge stone fortifications visible from malms away with the explicit intention of separating the haves from the have nots, though even within those walls, Ul'dah itself is a city of uncomfortably obvious socio-economic disparities. Displaced citizens huddle in dusty alleyways stuffed between courtyards dripping in gold. The marketplace is filled with sickly sweet incense battling to mask the sweat of nearby grafters pushed to their limits. Ul'dah is controlled by the affluent, capital being the measurement for how much influence you have, and although this is where Indie's adventures began it was never somewhere she wanted to call home. Her opinions haven't changed much, though learning more about the monetarists made her more sympathetic towards Nanamo's plight.
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After the dust and noise of Ul'dah, Indie's first visit to Gridania was a welcome reprieve; beautiful, peaceful and so much easier to breathe. While Ul'dah rises out of the desert tall and arrogant, Gridania tucks itself away in the undergrowth of the surrounding forests - small, rustic and unassuming. It's hard not to regard the place as idyllic on first impressions; gentle breezes carry a composition of rustling leaves and birdsongs and the soft scent of wildflowers and yet, Gridania is the city-state Indie feels least connected to. There's a strange undercurrent of tensions as citizens, and the Wood Wailers in particular, work to appease their Elementals. Despite all the issues in Ul'dah, Indie feels that there is at least an understanding and some hope for those currently pushed to the outskirts. Gridania, and the attitudes of those in positions of power, is a lot more challenging to untangle.
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Limsa Lominsa is currently where Indie feels most at home. She loves being by the water; sometimes calm, quiet and clear as glass, other times crashing and roaring in the midst of a storm. Either way, she cannot help but feel in awe of the oceans power - both the divider and connector of nations. The locals can be brash, but the bustling port encourages all kinds and despite (or perhaps because) it's a haven for pirates and bandits and misfits, she's always felt welcomed. There's a reassuring openness about it, no one is hiding behind faith or wealth, they're themselves for better or worse. It was a combination of setting and leadership that encouraged Indie to enrol with The Maelstrom and she's since settled into an apartment in Mist. The views are majestic and the fresh sea breeze invigorates her, and there's always plenty of fun to be had by nightfall 😈
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edow-keohise · 2 years
I'm... Trying to wrap my head around what the hell is going on in higurashi and umineko without actually looking at a summary or... Watching/ playing/ reading the actual thing and it's wild, lemme tell you, I don't understand a single thing and have only probably majorly spoilered myself
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stargatebarbie · 6 months
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Everyone wants to talk about how Senshi is a tumblr sexyman but...Senshi is actually attractive. Like even aside from the fact that he's pretty good-looking he's a nice, sweet guy and he can cook and loves doing it. He's a perfectly eligible candidate for marriage, which kind of goes against the spirit of a tumblr sexyman.
Chilchuck, however? Chilchuck is a tumblr sexyman. What the fuck do you people see in him
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glitter-stained · 4 months
Random goon: Hey boss, were you the one to pick that name as an alias? And why this one?
Red Hood : I used to have another name, before... A long time ago. But that person is dead now. I get to choose for myself now, they can't take that from me. I won't let them.
Goon: Huh.
Random Goon: Say boss, why do you never take off your shirt in front of us?
Red Hood: Well uh, I actually have that really fucked scar on my chest and I'm not comfortable with...
Random Goon: Don't worry boss, we get it, you don't have to explain yourself to us.
Red Hood, high on some toxin: God, I wish my family...
Random Goon (on boss-sitting duty): why not try reaching out to them?
Red Hood: They would never accept me as I am now... They wouldn't agree with my so-called "life choices". Besides, they don't miss me, they miss the person they think I used to be... I wasn't even a man when I last saw them.
Random Goon: Damn boss, that sucks.
And then the goons throw the Red Hood a party on trans visibility day and Jason is so confused he straight up cries.
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lost-master · 4 months
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I got a youtube ad for a cat bed featuring off-brand IO and Luna.
Great Value Moon Cats.
The "We have Astronocats at home.....Astronocats cats at home" meme.
I am baffled and delighted.
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itachi86 · 6 months
"Part of me wanted to draw closer instead, to burrow into the heat of Shaw’s body like she was the lone sunbeam breaking through the Bone Forest’s dense canopy."
-Daughter of the Bone Forest
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cashasideas · 7 months
"I feel like my real name sometimes. Sometimes I don't. So my name changes sometimes. What about you?"
"No? You don't?"
"Why not? It's just like changing clothes. You like to change, don't you?"
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captainkirkk · 1 month
Concept: Peter actually got bitten by a totally normal spider. It's just a coincidence that his mutant powers were awakened around the same time
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