#// weight mention
vaspider · 1 year
I'm on a new diabetes med which my doctor said "oh yeah, and weight loss is a side effect," before I reminded him that I've got disordered eating from prior medical abuse and I've made good progress on it, so let's not undo that...
... but then I couldn't figure out why I had constant headaches until my wife pointed out I was barely eating and kept sugar crashing, too. Apparently the reason that people lose weight on this is because it turns off your hunger signals! So I wasn't ever feeling hungry and my food intake had dropped ridiculously.
I dunno, man, that seems like something you should have mentioned, dude, since it's a known thing about this class of drugs.
Anyway, uh, yeah, make sure you ask about known issues with hunger signals or loss of appetite with some of these new diabetes drugs. You don't want to end up accidentally starving yourself.
(I'm fine; we've added some precautions and new routines.)
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anonabelle · 1 year
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Most things may weigh like nothing to Raph, but that doesn't mean Raph is above caring about those things, Donald.
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softlimefluff · 2 years
“you think he would really want you??” is something a lot of self shippers (including myself) struggle with.
Even though self shipping is usually for healing and self care, there’s times when mental health is in the tank and doubt creeps in. Especially for plus size girls and former girls.
“He’s so pretty why would he want someone like me???” “I’m not his type…” Etc etc.
All I have to offer is that:
-you have value even on the days you can’t see it for yourself.
-your f/o is fictional but still has feelings and emotions in their universe. They understand what it means to be a flawed, imperfect human. Including understanding and accepting you 💕
-we’re often drawn to our f/o’s because there’s a bond of compatibility. If given the chance to really know you, I think they would feel that too.
-just because someone is pretty, doesn’t mean they’re automatically fatphobic. There’s this cultural idea that pretty men could NEVER want a fat girl, but not all people are mean or chubby chasers—especially in the fictional world.
-with self-shipping, you can make the world to your ideal (softer, kinder, more accepting, etc.) Your healing process can include “ooc” content made for comfort. Without apologies.
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nevarroes · 8 months
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😙 ✌️
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skulldetergent · 9 months
chubby ghost i will always love you.
as much as ghost is an undeniably fit and athletic person, he's also got a good amount of extra fat on him. soap adores his curves, and never misses the chance to rest his head on ghost's belly, play with his love handles, or take a nap on his massive thighs. ghost puts up with those antics, and has to tear soap off him as if he were a clingy housecat when he's had enough
ghost is the perfect mix of muscles and fat, and it only enhances his already impressive and intimidating statue. and soap is smitten– his boyfriend is simultaneously a strong and capable soldier but also the perfect pillow. the epitome of beauty, soap would say (and i agree)
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payasita · 2 months
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senshi was right about everything. hes right about it all
(*adhd meds. you gotta make sure youre eating well on these guys)
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ackee · 2 months
i got up to 127 lbs!! which means i am now the heaviest ive ever been in my entire life. i also just realized my goal is 140, so that's only 13 lbs away, Not 20⁉️🥹
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beaft · 4 months
the bathroom scales inform me that i have somehow lost 47 pounds since my top surgery. as i see it, there are two possibilities here: 1), that the scales need new batteries; or 2), that my boobs - despite looking pretty normal - were actually made of some incredibly dense substance, like osmium, and thus required a small crane and/or circus strongman to remove them
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sandersstudies · 8 months
As an actor changing your body for a role feels embarrassing. You tell people you’re trying to lose/gain fat/muscle and they’re like “nooooo you’re beautiful the way you are :(“
No Jess this isn’t a toxic diet culture thing it’s that I have to go provide the body for a fictional human who doesn’t fit in mine. Think Sean Astin gaining weight to play Sam Gamgee.
I got cast in a stunt role for the spring and that stunt work will get easier for myself and my fellow actors if I drop weight by then. That’s not an insecurity that’s just a fact.
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lugosisbones · 5 months
starving is the reward.
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grayve-mistake · 5 months
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some quick lil post-true-end/headcanon doodles I did of Sunny <3
I like to think he has different false eyes and eyepatches he switches between depending on how he's feeling that day bc it's neat
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roboraindrop · 1 year
Hey plus size or underweight self shippers? Your f/os don't see your weight as a flaw. They love you for all that you are, and that includes everything. Yes, human beings are very flawed. Yes, your f/os do love your flaws as well! But, your weight is not a flaw. Just wanted to make sure you knew that. 💕
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floodnetworks · 8 months
i know we all know this but weight loss propaganda ads are truly the devil i go blind with rage every time i see a thumbnail of a cute tummy and im like "wooaw awooga" and then i see that the caption is like "learn how to lose weight fast!" i will kill you. i Will kill you.
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sickficideas · 9 months
NYC sherliam recovery headcanons :) manga spoilers below!
- poor William is sick all the time. his body has gotten so much weaker after the coma that he can't fight off much of anything and Sherlock extra careful to not bring anything home to him
- quiet "i don't feel well, sherly" with red cheeks and glassy eyes when he's really struggling and feeling awful and weak and wants someone to help him 💔 it breaks Sherlock's heart
- Sherlock has to keep windows open when he cooks because William gets very easily nauseous with smells that he's no longer used to. the smell of meat cooking makes him feel miserable
- in general his stomach is super sensitive now and he can't handle too much food...in the beginning Sherlock insisted he try to eat more to gain some weight back, and William didn't want to tell him he couldn't eat too much it because he didn't want Sherlock to worry...cue a few sporadic nights of Sherlock waking up to hearing William throwing up in the bathroom because his stomach couldn't handle dinner, Sherlock realizing the pattern after a few times of it happening 💔
- Sherlock staying with him in the bathroom and rubbing his back and trying to convince him to go back to bed so he can be more comfortable 💔
- Sherlock learning how to make tea for him too, ginger tea when his stomach is bothering him...William crying the first time he does it, Sherlock thinking it's because he's horrible at it, but it's because it reminds him of Louis and he misses his brothers💔💔
- the fainting spells have gotten worse and Sherlock is always secretly terrified that he's slipped back into a coma, especially after witnessing the first time it happened 💔 he definitely cried when William finally woke up and William was like ????
- Losing vision in one eye has destroyed his depth perception and he struggles getting used to it. Stairs take him quite a long time to figure out but he's embarassed by it and doesn't let Sherlock help him. He gets bad headaches when he focuses too long or pushes through it 💔
- William is dizzy all the time and clings to Sherlock's arm to steady himself most of the time
- Sherlock dealing with chronic pain from the arm/shoulder he injured and not having the heart to tell William it hurts when he holds on too long 💔 one day when they're laying together and William is laying over his arm and a shift makes Sherlock wince...William suddenly "did I hurt you? what's wrong?", Sherlock insisting it's nothing but William quickly figures it out. "you're still in pain there, aren't you?"
- William playing with Sherlock's hair while he's sleeping 😭😭😭
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lunarneo · 1 year
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dead weight walking
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amethystsoda · 3 months
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lol was wondering how long it would take as a plus size person who likes cooking for someone to make a comment like this 🙄🙄
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New research
Now look, I don’t owe this anon any medical history. But I feel like I gotta defend myself I guess, so buckle in…
My weight gain started with puberty and hormones. I was literally a twig as a child. My mom says they couldn’t find pants that fit me.
I was always plus size as a teen. But I rode my bike a lot as exercise. I didn’t have control over food because my mom decided what and when I was allowed to eat (and I was homeschooled). I didn’t often get snacks. The only time we usually cooked was me and my dad at night.
I have a vivid memory of my mom pulling my shirt up in the back and grabbing at my back fat telling me I was getting stretch marks.
During this time, I also developed Hidradenitis Suppurativa flares in my armpits, thighs, under boobs etc. Not as a result of being fat, but because of hormones and effed up genetics.
During flares, it hurts even to move and brush up against them. Putting band aids on sometimes makes it worse because I’m allergic to the sticky material and my skin breaks out worse.
In college I lost a ton of weight because I had to walk everywhere. Buuuut, senior year I had a lot of emotional trauma happen and moving back in with parents after college made it worse.
After college, I had major allergy outbreaks and stress related symptoms. I also got into a car crash (not my fault) that severely messed up my muscles and mobility for a while. I would often get nauseated and couldn’t eat at times because of internal injuries healing.
Also my family made me do Keto/Low Carb for a while around 2018, but then I was just starving myself, unhappy, and plateaued. I was straight up a low carb influencer for a while, but stopped when it wasn’t sustainable.
Even while low carb/a smaller weight, I still had to deal with hidradenitis flares. Because, again, hormone related, not weight based.
So now, after a long battle with myself, I try to eat balanced meals (yes, even with carbs and sweet things in the morning), get exercise (my job has me lifting heavy stuff a lot and I try to do DDR or go on walks), and try to combat allergies and mast cell activation (which has been my current biggest battle and I’m learning more about histamines).
I have no intention of being on my 600 pound life, but just because I enjoy food doesn’t mean I deserve to be yelled at.
If my genetics decided that I was a twig and I made honey toast, you wouldn’t even say anything.
So I’m going to continue fighting for respect for plus size people, making meals that I enjoy and that nourish me or treat me, and fight for my own healing and health journey.
You don’t get to tell me that I can’t love myself and you certainly don’t get to decide what I eat.
Go take your hatred elsewhere because it’s not going to work here.
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