#// ooc. thanks for sending!!
i-am-emmet-real · 8 months
//new ask game
Idk if this has already been done. If so, sorry.
Send me a 🎶 or [music note] to get a song/lyric that reminds me of my muse(s). I may or may not explain why.
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shittyutmv · 4 months
I never had so much fun scrolling to someone's entire tumblr, your art makes me happy
We got this ask back in april and I keep it in my pocket at all times basically
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the-kids-in-black · 2 months
Ooh! Kid versions of us! Hello.
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zuzu-draws · 2 months
I was thinking about how much Gege emphasizes Yuuji's death from the beginning of the manga.
First with Wasuke's words when he asks his grandson not to die alone like him. Then there's that obsession of Yuuji's to have a dignified death and not die in vain. It's also very curious how just before Sukuna takes over Megumi's body, Yuuji is thinking about how he is ready to die alongside Sukuna when they are executed. Not to mention the words Yuuki tells Choso, about how he should live for Yuuji, because if he dies, Yuuji would be left all alone... And well, Choso is already dead and Yuuji has no one left.
I think it's very likely that he will decide to die together with Sukuna, because you have to remember that despite everything, Yuuji still feels guilty for what happened in Shibuya and maybe he's looking to redeem himself with his sacrifice.
And Gege also overemphasizes that for Sukuna love has no value and that he has always been very lonely. Neither Kashimo, nor Yorozu nor Uraume and neither Gojo have been able to teach him what love is, perhaps it is because the person destined to do so is... Yuuji?
oml reading this made me emotional again, i agree so much!! And yeah, at this point, there really is no one left to answer Sukuna's love confusion but Yuuji ;_; I still wonder how Yuuji's going to do that though.
For Yuuji to truly grasp the situation at hand, for him to "save" Sukuna, he'll have to understand him first. To do that, he'll need to know his past.
The fact that Gege made his domain related to touching the soul and spirit itself,,, is just so wonderful to me. Because this links Yuuji to Sukuna in a very delicate, somewhat sensitive manner, in a manner Sukuna has no defence against. In trying to save Megumi, could Yuuji accidentally sync himself to Sukuna's soul? would that propel him into the memories stored deep within Sukuna's soul, thrown completely off guard? Is Sukuna going to let his memories be read? Or would he even care? Will he use his experiences as a justification for upholding his current ideology against Yuuji? and How would Yuuji react to them being related to each other? Would this solidify Yuuji's belief that in putting down Sukuna, he'll have to perish along with him?
So that they both could get a new start, in another life? Where perhaps the inclusion of one other person could prevent Sukuna's downward spiral into utter destruction?
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That perhaps the love of that person, could save him from the his Loneliness?
This just has too many possibilities and i'm just clutching at my heart at the moment, i sincerely HOPE Gege doesn't fumble this wonderful opportunity to help develop Sukuna as a character further.
Clearly, it makes sense why the first chapter of JJK is titled as "Ryomen Sukuna", this story is about Sukuna and Yuuji, right from the very start.
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To Bill (also sending fanart I made cause f it)
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We all know what you did.
. . .
Who do you think you are.
To talk to me.
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Falin, please address the rumors about you and Marcille.
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Rumors? I don't...I don't know what you're talking about, haha! Me and Marcille are just...uh...close friends, since magic academy! Are-Are the rumors bad?
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keithkog · 2 months
Would you ever let Lance on this blog? Like let him answer a few questions? Kinda like Lance takeover? :)
Oh god. He would absolutely vandalize my account and pretend to be me while saying some embarrassing shit. That is my guess as to how he would absolutely piss me off. Would he actually do those things? Only he knows.
Now he has taken my communicator a few times and has typed out things on this blog, however I always have been able to edit and make it clear it was Lance and not me. I’m also not sure as to what questions he would be up for answering. He’s more sensitive than I am with his feelings, since he likes to hide them behind a veil of irony and misdirection. So some of his answers may not be as straightforward as mine are.
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mayafitzg · 2 months
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𝕤𝕠𝕔𝕚𝕒𝕝 𝕞𝕖𝕕𝕚𝕒 𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕥
é o carro da rua passando no seu bronze - calma, era o contrário. Anyways. Gratidão eterna a Circe por proporcionar uma atualização completa no feed como essa. (além é claro, dos dias de descanso merecidos). Os dias na ilha revitalizaram a filha de Anteros que tava precisando de um pouco de: sol, sal e mar.
legenda de fotos:
post 1:
foto 2: me and my girls - @eroscandy; @zevlova and @littledecth
foto 4: fliperama de Circinha
storie e postagem: autoexplicativos
post 2:
foto 1: with @kretina
foto 2: only girls in the house - @misshcrror; @magicwithaxes; @melisezgin e a chata da @solarpcwer
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askchilchuck · 3 months
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OOC: guy it hasn’t even been 24 hours
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ask-boreal · 5 months
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(( I saw this post and had to ))
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grimowled · 3 months
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respondedinkind · 2 months
Quick (long) update.
|| I know I haven't been around in a hot minute, thought I'd give a quick update.
Sorry for vanishing like this, life has been a little wild recently; I started therapy a few weeks ago, next to me finding joy in a new game where I slipped into the fandom (rather hard lol) and realized that I am, right now, much happier with doing art and creating fics rather than RPing.
This might sound a little odd to some - but the thing is, my brain simply doesnt hold enough energy to do *all* the creative things I want to do. For example: RPing is incredibly fun but also *incredibly exhausting*, and whenever I put a lot of time into RPing, I am literally unable to do art or write fics. It's taking so much of my creative-energy-meter that it's empty quick, leaving me with being frustrated as I don't really get to create anymore.
So I decided to pursue creating art as well as writing fics for now, which means I basically vanished from RP tumblr in return. I know this might be frustrating to some - especially my writing partners - and I want to apologize for that, for said frustration I might have caused.
But it is what it is, and I am not going to change much about it anytime soon. I am actually feeling rather happy about being able to do art, write fics, and *not* worry about writing replies and possibly making partners wait. It's a sort-of-pressure that I've taken off of my own shoulders...
Which is needed right now as I, as mentioned, also started therapy. It's going to be a journey, and I was just diagnosed with general anxiety as well as depression (which could actually be a 'double-depression' on top of it, means it is a chronic depression as well as an 'episodic depression'). It feels... incredibly relieving, in a way, to finally have an official diagnosis and to know that yes, something IS going on with me, I am not just crazy in my head and/or lazy. However, the whole therapy-thing is only going to get harder from here on and I am already working on things that have been talked about, think about them in my head, work with what I have realized about myself and try to handle it.
I do have a whole diagnose-session going on in August for ADHD / Autism as well, which will *also* require a good chunk of my energy. So yeah, things are happening.
Long story short: I decided to put my priorities elsewhere for now, for my own mental health's sake, and my happiness. Reducing stress was *needed*, especially since I am only going to be more stressed while working on me, on my diagnosis, and on all the problems I finally want to be able to figure out and address, possibly solve. ---Something also happened in my private life a couple of months ago that basically, let's call it 'triggered', my sudden energy to finally ask for help after trying to handle everything for literal decades. So yeah. It's been a yeah so far lol.
I want to thank each and every single one of you for having been with me, RPed great stories, formed companionships over weeks and months; I won't delete this blog nor do I plan to 'archive it'. I'll just leave it like this and maybe, who knows, I will return to it (and my other blogs) at some point. I just don't want to put stress on me as in 'I will come back in x day / months', I'll just see where life takes me and when I find the energy to be here again, I will.
I love Khan, love Stephen, love Bones. I haven't lost my love for them, my attention is just elsewhere. (Including that cute game I have been playing, falling in love with some characters...)
I wish you all the best, sending you lots of vibes, happy thoughts, my eternal gratitude and some strength for whatever you need to deal with in your life. Remember that you are loved, that your thoughts are valid, that you are worth it. ♥
PS: I do miss you, the people I formed friendships with. I miss you, our RPs, our conversations. In case we have been interacting much on here, but not actually exchanged other ways of staying connected besides tumblr - discord, for example - you are absolutely allowed to hit me up and I'll give you my discord. ♥
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aid-daily · 2 months
Hi there
Would you like some tea? This isn���t a trick cross my heart
Uhm. I would say yes, even if it is a trick, but I don’t have a digestive system.
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iniziare · 28 days
Prompt: Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion. // Accepting. // @ccaptain
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I don't think that there's a single thing that I feel as strongly about, as my opinions of the following two lines: 'Every portrayal is equal' and 'There are multiple interpretations of a character'. I think that they both play into harvesting and perpetuating the worst mentalities on Tumblr: insecurity and egos. I disliked the PSAs about the former back in 2013, I hated the transition of the former to the latter in 2015/2016, and I hate how the latter still seems to resonate around the RPC as if it's some sort of bible that does anyone any good. And before any potential 'but Sae, those are two different things', no, not really, they play into the same concept, it's simply the phrasing that changes to make it all the more mentally inclusive and sound more socially welcoming. But a bad message remains a bad message no matter how pretty its packaging is. It all plays into not wanting to hurt people's feelings, which I fully understand and it's even a noble cause at its basis, but coddling doesn't help people, it never has, and it has and will only continue to make people more sensitive (which is a topic for a different salt send-in), all the while demotivating and utterly frustrating others. I'm sorry folks, but not every portrayal is equal, there are people who will create a blog merely because a character is hot, or for social political reasons of 'look at me', or because they simply ache to write a fandom's popular ship, and they disappear as quickly as they come when the 'urge' has been fulfilled. Those, for instance, are not equal to people who put a lot of time into their portrayals, and I'm not saying that everyone needs to live up to the latter, but don't be telling me that everyone is equal on the mere premise that they all 'exist' and we should 'all support one another'. Not every portrayal is equal, not everyone's writing is equal, and people's understanding of a character will not always be equal. And these things aren't subjective, they are factual. There can be such clear differences between portrayals and ignoring them is actually doing an injustice to every single depiction out there. If you tell a blog that does minimal writing and seems to not have a great understanding of the character (yet?), or the worst one: seems to really not care— that they’re equal to everyone else, then you’re telling them, for starters, that they could have nothing to improve on. And trust me, I’ve seen it happen time and time again, people will not put in effort to improve if you tell them that there’s nothing to actually better. And of course simultaneously, you demotivate the ones that have stuck around for years and put much time into what they do on Tumblr. And that sucks pretty hardcore.
Now luckily, that first line has somewhat died out, but now in its stead, we're left with 'There are multiple interpretations of a character'. I don't know whether it's worse, better, or just equally as bad of a take. I vote for... worse, actually. — No, no one will ever convince me that if they wrote an OC, and then released them to the world, that they'd be okay if RPers anywhere would claim that one can read their OC multiple different ways. I've seen RPers on Tumblr blow up over much less. What I need people to realize and remember, is that all creators and writers alike, have an intent with their characters, and that isn't subjective. Just like personality traits aren't subjective. For instance, one can't look at Veritas Ratio and go 'he's confident' and have someone else state 'he's insecure', and say that both are factually true and that both takes are equal in 'value' if we look at accuracy, because they're not. They cannot both be true, and I'm not talking about minor details that can be considered to be 'exceptions', I'm talking about the rule. What I need people to admit to, more often than not, is that it seems to have become a common take to conflate what they want a character to be like with what they actually are. I sometimes can look at a character and objectively go 'I wish they had done this instead, focusing on this and this, or this part of their personality'. but if I then choose to portray the character like that instead, it doesn't mean that it's what the character that we ultimately see on screen is actually like. And admitting that it's not the case isn't a bad thing, being canon divergent isn't a bad thing, but it is entirely different from intending to write the character based on what we actually see.
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finchers-ipad · 1 year
Do u have any soapshipping hcs :)
hey!! thank you for the ask! honestly i have so many that i just forget (i need to start writing them down or something) but these are the ones that i can remember off the top of my head!! :D
- Tyler is a movie buff but only when the film has some political message (or so he says but loves old gay westerns and the ‘Alien’ franchise) ((YES BECAUSE OF FINCHER LET ME LIVE))because he can not stand passive viewing of films. he dragged the narrator to his projectionist job and lectures him on why the majority films are making people brain dead. the narrator loves listening to these rants.
- related: the narrator knows about tyler’s love for gay westerns and one day goes to a thrift store and picks them up two cowboy outfits/costumes ….safe to say tyler lost his shit and the narrator called in ‘sick’ to work the next day
- when they order take out, tyler orders for them because the narrator always orders the same thing and it’s usually always the most plain thing on the menu, where as tyler gets a concoction of every ingredient in the restaurant
- tyler is ALWAYS just walking into the narrators office and dragging him into the bathroom, but his coworkers do not give two shits about him so they hardly notice and tyler has to much confidence to look suspicious
- they can NOT keep their hands off each other at all times, they are either inside of each other, or just chronically touching each other; holding hands, brushing against each other, tyler’s hands in the narrators hair. you can’t pull them apart (apart from when they both go to work, but even then sometimes they sneak each other in)
- cleaning each other up after fight club is SUCH a crucial part of their relationship, this is when they are most vulnerable and at times intimate and they just sit there in silence most of the time and stare at one another whilst they clean their faces.
- they sometimes share clothes, but it’s more tyler wearing the narrators t- shirts and boxers to bed on cold nights, and tyler insisting the narrator wear his low rise jeans and crop tops. the narrator feels a bit out of place and stupid for wearing them but the way tyler looks at him with a massive grin on his face, makes him wear them more.
- (BONUS) listen, i love to be delusional and believe that tyler is real but in the case that he is not, it’s because the narrator watched ‘se7en’ like 3 or 4 times in the theatre when it came out in 95, loved it, but just never watched it again. tyler is just subconsciously designed after david mills (just a slutty version)
Again, these are just the ones i can remember but these bitches live in my head rent free, so i’m sure i have more lmao <3
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byanyan · 4 days
back in low battery, energy recharge mode, please hold—
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