#// not that i expected anything wud happen
kpopulr · 3 months
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케이윌 (K.will) '내게 어울릴 이별 노래가 없어' MV Teaser
Did I blink at the point where this moment happened? I feel played.
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supermaks · 3 months
No but what is red bull doing with this car??? I just can't understand how they're suddenly having so much issues. It feels like the McLaren car is great in every track while we're are struggling everywhere.
My impression is that mclaren have now a superior car and they might put some serious pressure on the championship. No hate to the mclaren drivers, but they're not doing justice to that car. The only reason max keeps winning still is because he's leagues better.
Tbh its still too early to tell but the more rbr talks about the suspension and what they think the problem is, the more sense it makes to me. Its not at all a new thing, actually its kinda part of the design itself. Like the red bull philosophy wid the 2022 regs was to maximize the aerodynamic components by keeping the suspension as stiff as possible. rb18 and the rb19 were uncompromising cars from the start, but the ground force generated was so ahead of everybody elses rbr cud have the most rigid mechanical components and still produce better lap times than the competition just because they were able to lower their rear very consistently. So for instance they get to an outlier like Singapore that has such bumpy characteristics and like explode but it doesnt matter because for most of the calendar the ride height holds and they have the advantage. Its a very milton keynes adrian newey led type of compromise regarding car design which means its not a compromise at all and it kinda expects its immediate and total sovereignty to be its own justification. I dont think rbr is doing anything 'wrong' wid the car, its just that the car was always bound to hit a limit in performance and kinda coasted on other team's setbacks. That and yes, there are lil operational mistakes throughout race weekends happening rn that didnt exist last year and cud be attributed to some uncertainty regarding car development, the turmoil inside the organization, some fatigue, etc. Time will tell if they can fix the problem or if its something to try and minimize until the next regulatory cycle
About the Mclaren, and why it looks so spooky, seems MTC have been able to develop a car that not only employs the same suspension trick as rbr, but is able to make it work to its full potential, particularly by absorbing bumps and kerbs more effectively, which is something the rb20 as of now cant do. Basically its an all around more balanced car wid better handling. Without the first SC yesterday Lando wud have put a 20 sec gap no problem. By fp3 both Mclarens were already lapping like 2 seconds faster than the rb20 so like clearly that pace is here to stay. Whether itll translate into a full fledged wdc fight it will depend on the next big 4 updates because all the top cars have room to improve in the upcoming european leg. mcl38 has a lot of potential tho and not being hindered by the suspension the way rb20 is makes it a significant threat. Also like Mclaren is still making some basic strategy errors that usually tend to go away once the team settles more into its new role in the competition.
Ab ur last comment, idk personally I think zak browns bj brothers are doing a really good job keeping pressure and staying consistent, especially Lando, but its also their first taste of a truly competitive car so its normal for them to miss out on some pole positions or maybe not drive some stints as well. I think Ive commented on this before but sometimes it does come down to experience. 2023 had some hints of a possible Mclaren resurgence but they were few and too spaced out for the drivers to be able to truly build on it. On the other side u have a world champion coming out of 3 consecutive title runs 1 of which was one of the most competitive in recent memory, and another the most dominant. Mclaren is intent on building momentum and Max wont let them. Rbr are in limbo but Max isnt. Wid much respect to everybody else but like either put ur best foot forward every time or better luck next year 😐
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Answering this ask because my clumsy ass deleted the draft of the ans as well as the ask idek how that happened
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A tomb.
This place was a tomb.
How can someone be proud of doing something cruel to someone? If they are the saints they claim to be why do this to Tamlin bro? Istg i will NEVER to this understand how on earth did the editors agree to the plotline of the destruction of Spring Court?
Lucien had not come here to make amends during Solstice, I realized as Tamlin opened the door to the dark library.
Lucien had come here out of pity. Mercy.
Bruh why? why? wud he underestimate their bond like that? he speaks as if they hadnt been each others only family for centuries
Tamlin claiming an ornate cushioned chair on one side of it. The only thing he had that was close to a throne these days.
oh fck u little shit atleast tamlin doesnt OPPRESS his people!!
“If you’ve come to gloat, you can spare yourself the effort.”
Tamlin is so non-combative here and people still have the audacity to say Rhysie is the bigger male????
“Do you see any sentries around to do it?”
Even they had abandoned him. Interesting. “Feyre did her work
thoroughly, didn’t she.”
ISTG this asshole someone needs to kick him in the balls. HARD.
I smiled. “Oh, no. That was all her. Clever, isn’t she.”
No sir she is a dumb teenage girl who taught to destroy a court DURING WARTIME?
tbh if Spring wouldn't have fallen the war would have never gone down i said what i said.
I didn’t smile as I countered with, “I suppose you think I should be
thanking you, for stepping up to assist in reviving me.”
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“I have no illusions that the day you thank me for anything, Rhysand, is the day the burning fires of hell go cold.”
my boi tamlin is so savage like??
Tamlin deserved what he’d brought upon himself, this husk of a life.
He deserved every empty room, every snarl of thorns, every meal he had to hunt for himself.
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Seriously? Tamlin, sweetheart, for the love of good kick this man and his bat dick pls.
Tamlin had burned them long ago, Feyre had told me. It made no
difference. He’d been there that day.
I really want to emphasize that Tamlin DID NOT take part in their death.
Had given his father and brothers the information on where my sister and mother would be waiting for me to meet them. And done nothing to help them as they were butchered.
U expect a boy to go against his evil, physically abusive father? NO, strike that.
No tell me? how was Tamlin supposed to fight a HIGH LORD and his brother??? Three against one??
And even if he tried to help them? we will never know? we get only rhysie's side of the story never tamlin's pov
“You brought every bit of this upon yourself,”
Yes yes lets go tell a suicidal person he brought every bit of his misery on himself
Yeh lets all applaud him
“You won,” he spat, sitting forward. “You got your mate. Is that not
"You deserve everything that has befallen you. You deserve this pathetic, empty house, your ravaged lands. I don’t care if you offered that kernel of life to save me, I don’t care if you still love my mate. I don’t care that you saved her from Hybern, or a thousand enemies before that.”
Why doesnt he care that tamlin has saved BOTH their lives on MULTIPLE occasions???
at this point 50% of the IC owe their life to tamlin
“I hope you live the rest of your miserable life alone here. It’s a far more satisfying end than slaughtering you.”
well he isnt even strong enough to keep his people in line and not a hair's breath away from rebellion, i doubt he'll be able to slaughter the HL who tore apart Amarantha, who fought a hundred of Hybern's monsters and soldiers in their camp ALONE, at the same time helping feyre escape AND was able to "drag" another highlord to war
*Drops mike*
But Tamlin only stared. And after a heartbeat, his eyes lowered to the
desk. “Get out.”
Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present to you the bigger male
Tamlin didn’t have shields around the house. None to prevent anyone from winnowing in, to guard against enemies appearing in his bedroom and
slitting his throat.
It was almost as if he was waiting for someone to do it.
This breaks my heart so much. No, Tamlimn doesnt deserve this. NO ONE deserves this. Imagine being OKAY with someone being suicidal?!
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expectopatronum18 · 10 months
Unpopular opinion thts gonna get me cancelled
At least according to the side I've seen, most, if not the entire snape fandom and even some of the marauders fandom believe that snape's vulnerability was taken advantage of by his fellow slytherins and tht he was brainwashed and manipulated into believing in voldemort's pureblood ideology and joining the death eaters. While this would have no doubt made for an interesting story, we actually have zero canonical evidence that this ever happened
We have no evidence to suggest that the slytherins were trying to recruit kids to become DEs in the first place. If he was indeed radicalized, wouldn't tht be an important thing to mention in his own memories? We don't see a single scene pointing towards that. The most we get is lucius patting snape on the back when he gets sorted, but consider this. Lucius had a prefect badge, so he was already in his 5/6th yr at hogwarts. What could he do in lyk 3yrs? And y on earth wud he care abt some random 11y/o kid? Again, there's a lot of room for creativity and interpretation here, but that doesn't make it canon. I personally always took that as lily and snape's separation, and the plot metaphorically pointing towards where they'll eventually land up: lily with the marauders and snape with the DEs. The rest of the prince's tale is snape making bad choices, but we still don't see a single scene of anyone trying to convince him of anything
Which leads me to believe that no one tried to, or even had to brainwash or manipulate him of anything, he got inflamed by their ideas on his own. He came from an abusive home and was bullied in school, he felt powerless all around. So when he saw what the DEs represented, power and honor and establishing a new order that placed them at the top, he wanted to be a part of it. In hbp when the trio r discussing the prince's book, they bring up an interesting point.
“If he’d been a budding Death Eater he wouldn’t have been boasting about being ‘half-blood,’ would he?”
“The Death Eaters can’t all be pure-blood, there aren’t enough pure-blood wizards left,” said Hermione stubbornly. “I expect most of them are half-bloods pretending to be pure. It’s only Muggleborns they hate...."
This is probably what snape tried to do. Voldemort talks about shedding his 'filthy muggle father's name and embracing his ancestry', so its possible that snape was enamored by this and wanted to do the same. He already hated muggles, presumably because of his abusive muggle dad (apparently snape never saw any other muggles in his entire life upto tht point to convince him that killing them wasn't cool), and he tried to use lupin's vulnerability against him by trying to expose him as a werewolf in a society that persecuted them to try and get the marauders expelled (yes sirius sent snape to the whomping willow but his bad intentions do not automatically erase the fact that snape was also in the wrong here), so it seems lyk he didn't even need convincing, he was right up their alley already
Even the author's comments validate this interpretation:
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Ofc, I don't mean to say that other interpretations are wrong or aren't fun to dive into and explore, I just think this one has more canonical evidence and aligns more with how snape was written in the original books
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megaloldon · 9 months
pls do 1-10 (or whatever hcs you have) for wallace *prayer hands emoji*
1. on a scale of 1-10, how ticklish are they?
Solid 6. You wouldn't guess it based on how good he is at keeping quiet, but he does stiffen up and flinch a lot.
2. where is their most ticklish spot(s)?
thighs n lower back I think. Not where most people wud expect at least
3. which spots are they not ticklish?
hes actually really ok with people touching his stomach. not like fully "not ticklish" but it's far from his worst spot
4. what is their laugh like?
rlly high & breathy - not something you'll get to hear much unless you have good jokes otherwise :b
5. do they enjoy tickling? if yes, is it a fun platonic/familial thing, or kinky thing to them, or can it be both depending on the circumstance?
absolutely depends. im gonna say depends based on who is involved because if he likes you (common enough) or actually has feelings for u (rare) it can be anyth for him depending on what context it's in. usually tends to be a way to mess with someone (cough) for him though.
6. are they more often a lee or ler, generally?
usually he's the one tickling ppl cause unless u catch him off guard or plastered drunk ur not getting much of a reaction as he's good at being stoic
7. who is someone in their life that they tickle often?
scott - honestly even if I didn't like them together their dynamic rlly lends itself to that I think. like they're really touchy usually w Wallace initiating and like messing up his hair n shit, I could definitely see them in college being touchier too and I doubt Wallace would let it go if he accidentally found out scott was mad ticklish lol
8. who is someone in their life that they get tickled by often?
scott tried. a couple times. he also ended up whining about how it was soooo unfaiiirrr that Wallace was (allegedly) not ticklish. (he is. scott just sucks at sneaking up on people.)
later on probably mobile - not intentionally (usually) but he does kind of flinch away if someone rests their hand on his back and he's not expecting it.
9. does the word “tickle” or any variation of embarrass them?
naw, he can say it all day. especially if it's making someone else embarrassed. especially especially if that someone else is his dorky roommate who sucks.
10. are they embarrassed about their ticklishness, and do they try to deny/hide it?
naw, but he does deny it. if you manage to get a reaction from him, he will straight up lie to you about it without breaking a sweat. "that never happened" says the lying liar. "must've been a weird dream you had or something" says the lying liar. you could always just try to disprove that again if you wanted
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strawberryseeded · 26 days
i spent the weekend watching various horror movies in netflix (my moms accnt obvs) cos i was too lazy to pir/ate anything. i watched uuh.. konferensen 2023 (it was fine, it was a good time), split 2016 (p good imo tho the superhuman angle was kinda silly to me. but it was interesting. solid. ending was a bit unsatisfying tbh? and the msg quite confusing? like i geddit, empowered victims.. but the kidnapper ended up becoming a perpetrator too? and the fl didnt shoot him in that crucial moment AND they also didnt show what she ended up doing abt her uncle. idk if the plan was 2 make a sequel but it all ended up coming off as.. pretty lukewarm..), the stepfather 2009 (nice. rly straight foward w the premise tho not super focused w its message.. like it was abt family but it gave too much focus to the protags gf? which i thought was a bit juvenile like we get it they are teens in love now lets get back to the dude trying to murder the whole family please.. also i kept thinking the story wud have been fun from the mothers perspective as well.. oh and a bit more bg & development for the killer wud hv been stellar), monster 2023 (indonesian) (plot was p standard (rly reminded me of that free ice cream horror flash game) but i rly liked it visually! rly cool scenography!! it almost had no dialogue & that was rly refreshing and interesting. it really didnt need any), and today i watched longlegs 2024 w my sister (which i did pirat/e)..uuuuummm... ok SPOILERS for longlegs
i rly liked the way it was filmed n the photography. also the music/sound dsgn. the time setting was confusing as hell for me tho?? like idk im not usamerican but the story supossedly took place in the 2000s but it all looked like the 70s to me???? and there are big differences between the 2 eras its not like im THAT period blind. the only scene i thought oh yeah theres no way this is the 70s is a scene in which you can see computers in the bg but anyways. the movie.
it started off GREAT. very eerie.. i had no clue abt the plot or anything btw i went into it completely blind.. so i had no idea if the movie was going for a realistic angle or a more supernatural angle. it rly reminded me of it follows 2014 not bc the fl was played by the same actress (it was) but bc everything that was happening seemed not quite real. like a dream. i loved that..
so ok. its p clear from the beginning that something is p weird (supernatural weird) abt this whole thing. the fl makes my suspicions grow bc shes some sort pf psychic so i though ok the killer is def some kind of hypnotist. i was wrong tho, whatever. lets skip a lot of stuff. plot twist it was the devil all along. i felt kinda silly bc im usually p good/fast understanding movies (esp this type of movies) but i was so confused by the end of this.. i was like huh.. wait what do you mean the devil is real in this story. it was rly easy to catch onto that btw i was just still expecting a psychic weirdo killer angle idk maybe i liked that idea more deep down lol? but it wasnt so my sister was like dude are you serious the devil was right there in one scene and i was like what. she went back to that scene. the devil was right there. oh ok. wait then what about the scene in which the mother shoots the dolls head why did she do that it the deal wasnt over. and what about the surviving victim why did she kill herself after the ball was out of the dolls head. also why didnt the fl shoot the dolls head at the bd party in the first place why did she wait until the dad started killing ppl. also the deal was supposed to end with the 13th victim i think so why did the mother say she will keep killing. me & my sister concluded well idk lets sleep on it i guess. yeah.
overall enjoyable and interesting, but i feel like the plot-twist reveal and the ending were a bit idk rushed?? like ill be quite honest i didnt feel anything abt the mother being the accomplice???? it was good in concept but was a bit lacking in execution.. like. why shud i even care.
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stanurines1mp · 3 years
Play Fire With Fire
Pairing: Jean Kirstein x Fem!Reader (she/her)
type: fluff + steamy
an: literally wtf is this? it's kinda hot though oml. someone get me a Jean irl. I want him honestly. also, please give me requests or smtng idk... it's not technically fluff tho- but it's not angst either and def not smut. a part 2 for this where its just filthy smut wud be good tho eheh. i apologize in advance tho-
warnings: mentions of being an orphan, mentions of injuries, slight angst if you squint, steamy-ish, enemies-to-lovers-esque, not even enemies really tho. suggestive flirting so if youre not comfy, don't read. coz there's a lot eheh. they're very dirty dirty. but no smut tho. tell me if i missed anything.
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You had no idea what came over you. But when your ship was hijacked, you voluntarily went with Yelena. You had no idea what her and Zeke's plans were but you went with them anyway.
While the other Marleyans were held captive as prisoners, Yelena made a request to let you roam free under the supervision of the Scouts. It took a lot of convincing but ultimately, Commander Hange Zoe allowed the request after the discussion held with the other high-ranking officers of Paradis.
You were introduced to the main unit of the Survey Corps. The Commander was exceptionally friendly and eccentric that even if you actually hated Eldians, you were sure you would have loved them either way.
Then you met the man dubbed as Humanity's Strongest Soldier; Captain Levi Ackerman. You didn't expect him to be so short or slender, to be honest.
You were lucky enough to actually spend time with the person Yelena so desperately wanted to meet; the Titan shifter, Eren Jaeger. Along with him, you met Armin Arlert, the one with the power of the Colossal Titan.
Their unit consisted of a few others; Mikasa Ackerman, Sasha Braus, Conny Springer, and Jean Kirstein. All of them were about your age. Which made them wonder how you were even a part of the cavalry sent to rescue the lost soldiers.
"I'm an orphan. So they pretty much just took me and made me a soldier since I was a kid," you confided to Armin on a cold night by the fireplace.
"I'm sorry to hear that. How old were you when they took you?" He asked, voice intended with care as he worried over the crossing of boundaries.
"Five years old," you mumbled under the starry night.
"I'm sorry. No one deserves that," he sympathized, understanding that you now had a bond with him.
It was clear that there was a lack of trust at first between you and the Scouts of the main unit. But Armin was the connection that insisted trust be built.
So over time, you trained with them and shared stories of your life with them. Trust strengthened the friendships you had with them all.
Once the trust between you and those of the Scout Regiment was strong enough, you began training with them. You learned to use their gear, their blades, though you knew that Titans weren't really the ones you'd be fighting against. You were just curious and the others had taken a liking to your curiosity that they helped you with it.
To say you were a natural was an understatement. With no experience whatsoever, you managed to use their ODM gear perfectly. They even compared you to Captain Levi and Mikasa, saying how you were almost as good as them. The keyword being almost.
You'd train one on one with most of them. Easily, you won. Eren, Armin, Sasha, and Conny fell victim to your strength during combat training.
You had yet to train with Mikasa and honestly, with the way everyone praised her, you were certainly excited to test your abilities against someone from the Ackerman clan.
The session you had with Mikasa was long but you weren't even upset when she ultimately won. But still, she gave you injuries and wounds that seriously hurt like a bitch.
"It happens," Jean chuckled while he stood by your side, helping you to your wounds.
"I'm used to it," you shrugged.
"You know, you haven't fought me yet," he smirked, wiping some rubbing alcohol on your skin. "Shit, sorry," he mumbled apologetically after you winced at the sudden contact.
"You think I can't beat you?" You laughed, the sound music to his ears.
"It would be amusing to see you try," he grinned.
You couldn't help but want to smack the smug smirk off his face. You didn't hate Jean. In fact, his leadership skills were admired by you.
Not to mention, you did think he was quite attractive. But his complexion was that of a challenge. And you weren't the kind to back down from a challenge. Because of that, you took it up on him once your injuries settled.
Honestly, Jean had no idea why he was being so smug with you. He knew damn well that the chances of you taking him down topples the chances of him actually winning.
He was there when you went on against Mikasa. He watched your every move, he studied you. He examined the way your slim body moved against Mikasa.
Your movements were swift and your techniques were unique. Even with how much his eyes were focused on you whenever he saw you train, he still couldn't master your techniques. And he really tried to.
So again, he had no idea why he was being so cocky. Maybe because he wanted to impress you. Or maybe because it was just you. Either way, he was ready to give it his all during your training session with him for the first time.
"Why are you all here?" You quirked your brows at everyone who was sitting by the clearing just like last time when you trained with Mikasa.
"We're here to see horseface gets his ass kicked," Eren shrugged.
"I take it you're on my side then," you smirked, sending a wink to them before you warmed up. "Get ready to go down," you grinned, walking past Jean.
"In your dreams," he huffed, rolling his eyes sharply.
But something in the way your voice was a sultry, chest-originating tone caused his breathing to stop. It was just for a second, but it was a second. The two of you warmed up before approaching one another on the field. You began.
It didn't take long for you to win the first session. You had your right leg pushing him on the ground against his chest. Your lips were curled in a victorious grin that erupted a swarm of butterflies in the pit of Jean's stomach.
At the end of the day, you really did win against him. Well, almost. At the last round, somehow, someway, Jean swooped your leg and pinned you down.
Your back hit the ground with a thud. Your throat let out a muffled grunt before your whole complexion turned into a scowl at the sight of Jean's lips that mimicked the ones you sent to him before. Your ears caught the gasps of shock from the others.
"Got you," he winked, absorbing the victory.
You didn't hate Jean. But now, you do. All because he won against you one time.
So after that, you kept training with Mikasa just so you can improve your skills. One day, the Captain himself wanted a shot at you. You didn't mind. Even if he won, which he ultimately did, you'd understand. He was an Ackerman.
But Jean wasn't. So how the in the goddamn fuck did he manage to pin you down?
You made sure that he knew you were holding a grudge. You couldn't help it though. Because after that day, everything about him annoyed you. His incessant, constant flirting. His stupid smirk. His dopey grin. His whole fucking existence.
"You lost against Mikasa and Levi, why are you giving him such a hard time?" Sasha queried, taking a mouthful of food.
"Because he's annoying," you grumbled bitterly, watching as Jean chuckled with amusement.
"Welcome to the Jean hate club," Eren patted your back gently, slightly scared of you after you caused him to get five stitches during the first round of your training with him. "I'm the President of it."
"Shut up, you suicidal maniac!" Jean growled through gritted teeth, and you couldn't help but appreciate the sight of his anger.
He looks kinda hot.
You hate him.
You hate him but you're not blind.
But you hate him.
And as you spend your days with a grudge against Jean and hating at each movement of his, he couldn't help but fall head over heels in love with your whole existence.
He fell infatuated with each part of you. So while you would make a remark about anything of him, he'd stare with eyes so fucking loving.
You'd agree with whatever insult Eren let out, adding a comment of your own. But Jean would admire your soft pink lips that would curl into a grin.
He knew you'd one day want a rematch with him. He looked forward to that day the second you mentioned it in a tone he assumed was meant to be threatening. But to him, it was mere beauty.
At nights, he'd think of you before sleeping. He'd think of how the skin of your fingertips would look against his.
He wanted to know how his palm looked against yours. His palm would probably be bigger. He wanted to know how your hands would look intertwined with his.
He wondered how both of you would look when he had his arm around you. Your waist, your shoulders, your body.
He wanted you.
One night he thought of how to get closer to you. How to have a relationship with you. He came up with an idea to begin flirting with you.
The whole day before he saw you, he was mustering up the courage in his body. At first, he was almost sure you would hit him or just straight-up murder him. But he was wrong.
When he laid eyes on your appearance by the hallway, he rushed out, an arm smoothly stretched out around your shoulders. At first touch, you tensed but then you immediately relaxed at recognizing Jean's touch.
"Hey, gorgeous," his lips were twitched upwards in a smirk while his deep voice warmed the side of your ear.
While your eyes were intensely stared forward, his were on you. Careful, sharp light-brown eyes studiously raking your reaction. Much to his surprise, he noticed the sharp intake of breath of yours at the same time red hue splattered your complexion.
But the reaction that caused his confidence to shoot up the roof is the flash second after his flirty greet when your breathing stopped and your eyes fluttered.
Your chest then heaved rather nervously, like your heart was beating fast because of his words. Because of him. Your jaw clenched before you relaxed and tried your best to pretend you had no reaction.
"What do you want, dickhead?" Your voice was scrunched messily at first before it took a steadier tone.
"Is that a way to greet your favorite Devil?" He chuckled, noticing that you hadn't pushed his arm away or even tried to squirm. You just continued walking alongside his pace, arm still around your shoulder.
"You are in no way my favorite," you also let out your own humorless chuckle.
"Wanna have dinner with me, doll?"
"Like you'd even give me a moment of peace anyway," you retorted, unknowingly warming his heart.
After that night, he just kept on going. In addition to the nicknames, he started giving you flowers. Random flowers he'd pick up whenever he'd see one.
"For you, princess," he'd bow down jokingly while handing you a single daisy.
You'd roll your eyes, pretending like he was annoying you. You did still find him annoying. But you began to like having him around.
He did make funny jokes. Even though they were mostly, usually, stupid. But you decided you actually did like stupid jokes. Especially his stupid jokes.
But you liked what you had with him. So you kept it going.
You'd still roll your eyes at his appearance. You'd huff out a breath at his words. You'd give him a scoff like everything he's doing and saying is stupid. Maybe they were. But he liked doing them all to you and you felt the same.
But you'd never let him know.
Because he still managed to beat you that one time.
And he was so smug about it that you needed to win.
"You're glowing, love," he greeted you with awe at the training field.
The day both of you were looking forward to had arrived. You were more than ready to kick his and he was more than ready to see the joyous look on your face when you'd do that.
He knew that you'd win. The only reason he won that day was because of pure luck. He'd seen you and the way you fought. Still, he wasn't going to let you win that easily. He respected you too much not to give you a real fight.
"Get ready to get your ass kicked, Jean-boy," you winked playfully.
Fuck, Y/N, if I could, I'd let you ruin me. He wanted to say that. He thought that. But of course, out of respect, he'd kept them as nothing but a mere loving thought.
The others had gathered around the field. The ones most excited for the fight were, of course, the two titan shifters as well as Conny, Mikasa, Sasha, and Commander Hange.
Captain Levi was there too but you were sure he couldn't care less about it. But maybe he did a little because you had been training with him a lot that he considered you a friend.
So you began once the two of you were ready. Just as you had expected, Jean wasn't going to give in so easily. You realized that he, too, had gotten better with his techniques.
Despite the number of nights you had spent staying up thinking about Jean, it was becoming hard to predict his next moves. Thankfully, you were fast.
But not fast enough that Jean had your back against him. Your body was pushed flushed, a light thud emitted at the rough contact, causing you to drop your knife.
His arm over your collarbone was strong and firm, holding you in place. Your breathing was heavy, your head slightly turned to the right to see him.
You felt his head lean down to the right side of your face. His breath was warm against your skin, sending goosebumps at the close contact.
"I got you," he let out a deep chuckle, so cruel yet arousing.
"Yeah?" Your voice is intentionally sultry to catch him off guard. "What are you gonna do to me now?"
Just like you planned, he was extremely surprised at your sudden words and tone. He didn't really let go of you but his arm loosened away and his mind was clouded with desire.
You took the opportunity to make your move. You swooped his right leg with your own, causing him to tumble down.
In one swift movement, you took your fallen knife before turning Jean's body around so you were face to face while you had him pinned on the ground. The knife you held was strained against his throat. Of course, you wouldn't actually hurt him.
"You talk too much, Jean-boy," you hummed. "Should just slit your throat right now. That should shut you up."
Your threats were empty, both of you knew that. But your eyes were glaring sharply at him. All while his complexion wore a dopey smile like he was drunk. Drunk of your sweet scent. Drunk of your touch. Drunk of your presence. Drunk of you.
"You're beautiful."
His voice was so steady. Your mind was a little blank at coming up with a remark. You were blushing madly as your eyes met his.
Your face relaxed a little but before a proper smile could form, you heard Hange and Armin stopping you. They probably thought that you were really gonna hurt Jean.
"That's enough, Y/N," they chuckled nervously. "I'll treat us all to a dinner tonight at your victory," they announced happily. "Please wear nice clothes."
"Oh, fancy," you giggled before getting off Jean's lap on the ground.
You made sure he caught sight of your wink that sent him into a frenzy. He sighed contentedly, falling back onto the ground. He laid there for a while before getting up himself.
He didn't even feel angry when Eren made an insulting jab towards him. He was much too blissed out by you to care about anything else.
And just when he thought he couldn't be even more mesmerized by you, he was proven wrong. Standing before his eyes was you in a long, silky sage dress.
The straps holding the dress were so thin, he couldn't help but conjure the image of his fingers wrapped around them. He was wearing a suit, his growing mullet styled nicely.
He leaned against the doorframe of Hange's office where you and Levi were conversing. He couldn't help as his eyes raked over your figure. You could feel his fiery gaze on you but you couldn't ignore the way heat was flushing your body.
During the fancy dinner, you were sat across Jean. And his gaze never once traveled elsewhere. Unless someone was talking to him. So in between the praises and questions, you let your eyes meet his.
Somewhere over the course of the night, you caught him staring at you, eyes flickering up and down. Deciding that your actions could probably lead to something irreversible, you ignored all rational thoughts and reciprocated his demeanor.
So you played fire with fire.
"That last technique was really good, Y/N," Armin complimented, taking a forkful of food. "Where'd you learn it?"
"One of the first things I was taught," you answered with a sly smile, distracting enough so the others wouldn't notice you and Jean eye-fucking each other. "Distract your opponent and hit them when their brain is all mushy and confused."
"How'd you distract Jean?" Levi's voice was laced with suggestion more than curiosity.
You'd spend enough time with the Captain to notice his little hints. Of course, he knew something.
"Come on Captain, I'm no snitch," you let out a soft laugh while your gaze wandered to him again. "Everyone craves a distraction honestly."
"That, I agree," Sasha smiled innocently, shoving her mouth with more food.
Once the night ended, you all returned back. You said your farewells to the others. Your ways parted with theirs when you made your way to your room.
But you didn't have to look behind to know Jean stayed his journey with you. His presence was so filling that you could sense him easily.
"Getting a little creepy there, horseface," you simply let out, feeling as he picked up his pace so he can walk alongside you.
"Can I walk you to your room?"
It was an accident but you felt his fingertips brush against your bare forearm. "Aren't you doing that already?" You laughed softly.
"Sorry for that," he hummed, putting his hands in the pockets of his pants.
You chuckled breathily, a little amused at his sincere apology. The whole way over to your room was silent. You didn't say anything and neither did he.
When you finally reached the door, you held the doorknob against your flesh. But before you actually turned it, you faced him, eyebrows raised, a suggestive smirk lingering on your lips.
"So are you just here to be a gentleman or do what you wanted to the whole night?"
The next thing you knew, your hands grabbed at his tie, pulling him closer to you. His hand quickly was placed on yours at the doorknob, quickly turning it.
His body pushed against yours into the room. The door was closed in a thud that you wished wasn't too loud. His hands roamed to your body, your body pressed against the wall while his lips fought yours in a battle of dominance.
When you both needed air, he pulled away, making sure to drag out your bottom lip with an arousing bite. A small whimper of pleasure escaped your throat at his action.
"What did you say about my mouth earlier, Y/N?" He chuckled darkly, his deep voice rumbling from the pit of his chest. His tone was condescending and belittling.
You couldn't help but let your own hands wander to the buttons of Jean's shirt. His lips were slightly swollen and you knew that yours were too. Pants were in sync, filling both your hearings like music on a sweet summer day.
"Fuck you, Jean," you seethed.
Then he let out the most rumbling voice against the heat of your ear. The darkness of his tone matched with the dominating breathing he kept by your earlobe was enough to free every inch of you from any self-restraint.
"Trust me, gorgeous, you're about to."
Don't play fire with fire, they say.
You were glad to never have been one to listen to anyone, anyway.
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oofkemal · 3 years
kemal my baby kemal my darling kemal my ragtime pallllll~ how are things going with his dad? do you think there's a chance kem may try to get out of the trailer for good anytime soon, or is he still locked in with father dearest? regardless, how is he feeling about the current makeup of his life? he's got a lot of good things going for him now after a seriously rough patch, so is he feeling excited about his life somewhat? i would like to know his thoughts :>
ok only bc u asked so nicely xx
soo as of rn, he's...... unofficially living with but basically living with max <3 n trip by default ig jshbs <3 like i feel he is there most nights but he kinda doesn't feel comfortable fully ' moving out ' just bc he does wanna still keep tabs on his dad ? so even if he spends most of his time with max, he does still have his stuff with his dad and he will still go there every so often to just make sure his dad isn't dead / in trouble ? there are still occasions where he will go pick him up from the station or carry his drunk ass home...
like he does wanna ditch the whole situation with his dad but the main issue kem has is still wanting to have a relationship with him and kinda hoping that ' this time's the last time ' and having that mentality that they can move on from whatever shitty time that was kem's childhood and adolescence, and that his dad will sort himself out. he rly just ...... wants a dad : ) but he is sick of it and wants to bail and not care about it anymore but kem really does see his dad as his responsibility and if anything happens to him it's his fault and he should have been a better son. he also really hates his mom for leaving bc it's another reason why he doesn't think he can leave :) so he's kinda a bit trapped in that sense bc he really feels like...... if he tries and hopes then he's disappointed n if he doesn't then he's a shit person who deserves the life he has x
it's not like every interaction he has with his dad gets violent, and tbh i feel like the physical side of abuse certainly slowed down once kem got taller than his dad and did those summers fixing ppls roofs or whatever ppl do in the 90s, like i feel by 18 he was def a Big guy, it's kinda a reason why ppl r unsettled by him ?? big friendly scary giant. and so if his dad was trying to hurt him physically then it wasn't impossible to stop him bc he wasn't this meek little kid anymore
but obviously there's still a lot of trauma that comes from his dad so even being with him, silent or otherwise, just being in his presence makes kem feel like shit ! he's uncomfortable, tense, scared, fed up, like...... and i think bc he has become so comfortable and familiar with max too, he has sorta found a place where it feels like home bc he feels so good w max and it's the complete opposite kind of living situation than what he has at 'home'.
i think max has helped him realise what he wants in the way he feels. like he wants a home to be a safe space and warm n loving, the way it shud be & he's never rly had a home in that sense other than what he's experiencing with max so ... i think he'd..... definitely give up his dad and all that drama to ensure he could keep what he has now if that makes sense... but he is holding on to that idea that he can have both <3
so yeeee i think he's excited !! lmao i know he is <3 like he is in love w maxine sinclair hello ????????? how cud he not. but ya ! i think that... he has mixed feels when it comes to his dad, i think he ....... wud rather die than introduce max to him so ? i think he's slowly coming to terms with just completely cutting off that part of his life bc deep down he knows his dad ain't shit : ) like max's love has shown him self love ???? bc he'd have never ever ever expected to deserve to feel this way or have anyone feel it about him ?? he's so not used to it and so he's like... huh... maybe i can have nice things xx
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Ain’t No Lie (Baby I’m Bi Bi Bi)
Clenny Week Day 1--Fake Dating
Clyde's fake-dating plan needs a boy for it to work. Kenny McCormick seems like the best option. There's no way this could go off course.
(or read on Ao3 here)
how down wud u b 4 pretendng 2 dte me
               Clyde gave the almighty message a nod and folded the ripped notebook paper into a sloppy airplane. He aimed when the teacher’s back was turned, sending the paper careening across the room. Clyde caught Craig’s eye and flashed a toothy grin alongside a big thumbs up. Success! Craig leaned over the gap between their desks and whispered, “You remembered to sign it, right?”
               Best friends as they may be, Craig had always been one to bring down the mood.
               The comment had the desired effect of Clyde straining across his desk to try and see the location of his airplane on the other end of the room, knocking off a flurry of papers in the process. Vaguely, Clyde could hear Craig and Token’s simultaneous sighs, Tweek’s startled yelp, and Jimmy’s chuckling. None of that was what he was looking for, though. That was being picked up off the floor by bandaged fingers in frayed gloves.
               The airplane was examined just long enough to read the name scrawled out in pencil before being unfolded. The reader gave no visible reaction before tucking the sheet inside a beat-up parka and critically glancing around the class. Tired eyes raked over the crowd of faces and-
               Kenny saw Clyde.
               They made eye contact. The teacher droned on. Kenny rose an eyebrow; Clyde nodded as the answer to the unspoken question, grinning just a little sheepishly. Kenny pulled the crumpled paper back out and reread it, then grabbed the nearest pen (which happened to be on Kyle’s desk) and made a few marks. The paper was sent back by airplane, and Clyde tore the paper with the speed in which it was unfolded.
               Clyde blinked down at the paper. He tapped his pencil to his chin, thinking what to add. What could he say here that would wow the fabled Kenny McCormick? He passed the sheet over to Craig to see as well, whispering, “what would you say are some of my best qualities?”
               Craig glanced back up with a deadpan expression. “He’s asking why you want to pretend date.”
               One could practically see the lightbulb flick on above Clyde’s head. “Oh! That’s way easier to answer!” Before he could turn back to the paper with newfound spark, it was whisked off the desk. Clyde looked up to see the teacher looming with the note, a dark shadow of doom cast over the desk.
               “I must kindly ask you not to pass notes in my class, Mr. Donovan. Last warning.” The paper was promptly tossed out and the lesson returned to, leaving a very distressed jock and a poor kid with a little more interest than he walked into class with.
 When the bell rang and students hastily pushed their way out, Clyde was a man with a mission. He and Craig shared a nod and went separate directions, one with the goal to distract an inquisitive friend group, and the other to find a blob of orange in the dense crowd. Clyde fought his way through, sights trained on the orange coat he’d spotted. Almost there—
               “Hi, Clyde.”
               Clyde stared at the boy. That couldn’t be right. “Wait, Kyle, since when do you wear orange?”
               Kyle gave back a funny look. “Since always?”
               “Cut him some slack, Kahl.” One of Eric Cartman’s more prominent skills was surely butting into conversations uninvited. “He’s been playing sports with Stan; you can’t expect him to stay smart.” Cartman cleared his throat and dramatically turned, ignoring Stan’s protest. “What. Do. You. Neeeed?” He blatantly overenunciated, and was happy to do so loudly.
Clyde’s cheeks reddened, but he pressed forward. “Isn’t Kenny usually with you guys?” Cartman was quick to make a wisecrack about Clyde and Kenny, and Stan answered while his friends argued.
“Dude, he’s just in the bathroom. He can’t afford a vape so we know it won’t be too long.”
Not too long, huh. Clyde adjusted his varsity jacket, leaning against the wall in a futile attempt to look cool and chill next to Stan’s infamous gang. The sacrifice would be worth it if he could just get Kenny’s response.
True to Stan’s word, Kenny stepped out after a moment, wiping his hands on dirty, ripped pants. When he looked up and saw Clyde intermingled with his group, his body language lit up. Smooth as anything, he sidestepped his usual crowd and held out a hand to Clyde, who was simply a little confused, but had the spirit and took the hand. Kenny confidently stepped off with Clyde in tow, flashing back a finger-gun and a wink, leaving Stan, Kyle, and Cartman in varying states of shock.
“I totally knew they were gay, you guys! I totally said it!”
The resulting shouts reverberated around the hall, but they were easy enough to tune out. Besides, it just meant the plan was already kicking into gear.
As for the pair, Kenny had yet to put his gloves back on, and Clyde could feel the ridges of every bandage on his hand. The skin was cool to the touch, but surprisingly gentle. If pressed, Clyde would claim that any embarrassment he felt in that moment was simply because Kenny grabbing his hand was out of the blue. Still, he was quick to snap back to the cool-guy demeanor he so desperately wanted to achieve.
“So. Class.” Maybe not as cool as he might’ve been in his imagination.
“Mhm,” Kenny hummed behind his coat. “I was actually thinking we should skip.”
Clyde grinned. “Cool.” His math homework lay unfinished in his folder, so a little postponement would be beneficial on all fronts here. He’d take Kenny over algebra any day. Clyde swung their joined hands aimlessly between them, smile still dancing on his features. “Where were you thinking of going?”
Kenny looked over, eyes twinkling. “Well I don’t take cute boys to the Goth hangout.”
Led by Kenny, the two dashed out a forgotten exit at the end of an abandoned hall. From there, it was a short walk through overgrown weeds and unshoveled snow to a weary-looking shed. Clyde eyed the building warily; the hinges creaked when Kenny pried open the door, and the thing seemed to sway with the wind. Besides, the whole structure was grimy and rotten. Clearly forgotten, it was the perfect place for sneaking away to, at least.
Inside, Kenny had already plopped onto the floor. He waited for Clyde to join in the dirt before starting the conversation with about as much taste as one could expect from the most troublesome gang in school. “Trying to impress the Asian girls or what?”
Kenny leaned back, casual. “Creek was a big hit; my first guess is that you wanted a piece of that attention. Guy and guy, people eat it up.”
“Well—actually, I hadn’t thought about that…but no! No one believes I’m bi.” Clyde paused, waiting for a reaction—there was always a reaction—but his companion was living up to his reputation of being the quiet type. “Token thinks it’s the jacket, but Jimmy thought it was a joke when I told him I like dudes!” It had been upsetting at the time, but remembering his friend laughing and snorting chocolate milk out of his nose helped. “I thought, if I showed people I could date guys, then they would be lining up after we stage a break-up!” It was a fool-proof plan, if he did say so himself.
Kenny nodded. “Solid. So what brought you to Kenneth McCormick?”
“Aside from being one of the only out guys in school, come on! You’re Kenny McCormick!” Clyde gestured to his friend, voice loud and excited. “Everyone knows you’re basically a relationship god! Besides, it won’t be as much of a big deal, because, uh…” Clyde’s spark fizzled out awkwardly, one hand rubbing his neck.
Kenny’s expression remained unchanged. “Because I get around.”
“Which is like, so cool.” Clyde said quietly, afraid of disturbing the tense atmosphere. The awe, however, was genuine to its core.
Kenny’s right eye crinkled ever so slightly. “Yeah. ‘Cept the dying from syphilis.”
The cold air that filled the shed didn’t seem to matter at all in that moment, nor the dilapidated and disgusting wood they were sat on. What did matter was that the atmosphere between them was warm, just two bros hanging out and skipping class. Clyde watched the small puffs of warm air drift up out of Kenny’s parka and watched the way those blue eyes shone with mischief. This was gonna be such a great idea.
 “Hey, babe!”
               Token, Tweek, and Jimmy watched with wide eyes as Clyde hailed Kenny over to their lunch table, draping an arm around him. Clyde’s round face was lit up with a grin.
               “The m-m-madman actually did it.” Jimmy’s mouth hung open, braces glinting in the light.
               “Oh my god.” Token’s salad lay forgotten in the wake of this much more important news.
               “Gah!” Tweek grabbed onto his boyfriend’s sleeve. “Did you know about this? Has this always been happening? Kenny?”
               Craig continued to poke at his mashed potatoes. His voice maintained its flat nature, but those who knew him well could notice the small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “Clyde’s my best friend; I knew. They’re kind of perfect for each other.”
               Kenny continued to hover at Clyde’s side, the two of them deep in conversation. Kenny was laughing, Clyde looking insanely proud of himself. It was Token who recovered from the sheer shock first.
               “Uh, why don’t you sit down, Kenny?”
               A pleased noise made its way out of the thick orange parka, and Kenny slid onto the bench next to Clyde. His arms were noticeably empty, but he used that as an opportunity to sling one around Clyde’s shoulders.
               Tweek stared, eyes as large as saucers. “How long?”
               “A whole week,” Clyde proudly announced, spraying half-chewed food across the table.
               “I g-gotta hand it to—to you, Clyde. I didn’t think you could get a b—bo—a bo--, I didn’t think you could s-snag a man.” Jimmy leaned on the table, soaking up the news.
               “Yeah, man,” Token smiled, ever the diplomat, “Congratulations!”
               Tweek tapped his fingers anxiously on his thermos, continuing to stare directly at the new duo. Jimmy leaned farther across the table, stage-whispering to Clyde, “h-how much did you p-p-pay for that one?”
               Kenny leaned onto the table, matching the other, calm. “You couldn’t afford me.”
               That sent the table into a fit of laughs, save for Tweek, who only produced a weak chuckle and narrowed his eyes at Kenny. When the object of scrutiny looked over, Tweek mouthed a small “I don’t trust you,” and twitched. If a member of Stan’s gang thought he could just waltz into their clique and manipulate Clyde’s heart, he was sorely mistaken. Tweek would be cautious. He’d protect his friends.
               Tweek was startled out of his thoughts, yelping when he felt a sudden hand on his arm, but looked over into the concerned face of his boyfriend. “Are you okay?”
               “It’s Kenny,” Tweek whispered, agonized.
               “Clyde’s happy,” Craig responded casually.
               Tweek nervously glanced back to the intruder. Clyde was leaning on Kenny, waving his hands as he told a story. Kenny watched with passive interest, blue eyes alight. The two looked so comfortable next to each other, bright and content. Tweek twitched. “Clyde’s happy,” he had to admit. “But if Kenny turns out to be an evil monster from another dimension, it’s—gah! —it’s not my fault when all our souls get stolen!”
               Across the table, Kenny snorted.
 “Do you want Doritos or barbeque chips?” Clyde called out from his perch on the kitchen counter. His arms were already laden with food, but chips were mandatory to complete the hangout.
               “Barbeque!” Kenny yelled back from the other room. Clyde added the red bag to his collection and climbed down to head back. He rounded the corner into the living room and dumped his snack spoils into a heap on the ground. Kenny’s blue eyes were wide as he took in the size of the pile.
               “Just grab whatever, I don’t know what you like.” Clyde plopped himself down on the carpet and extracted a soda. It hissed as he cracked it open and took a sip. Kenny scooted over, abandoning his notebook, hand hovering over the snacks. He finally grabbed a packaged cupcake and eagerly tore in.
The weather may have been getting colder, but the inside of the Donovan household was plenty warm. Clyde had ditched his varsity jacket for a t-shirt and some old sweats, while Kenny still donned his heavy parka. It was making Clyde sweat just looking at the faux fur trim and heavy fabric. “You wanna lose the coat, dude? My dad’s got lots of heaters.”
Kenny looked up from his food and shook his head. “Nah,” and his eyes crinkled, “you couldn’t handle all the looks I’m packing.”
“Maybe I should get a parka then,” Clyde mused. “It would help from having to fend the ladies off with a stick. This beauty is a curse.”
Kenny raised an eyebrow at the last comment, but didn’t say anything. Clyde was getting used to that; after hanging out with his group who always had something to say, the silence was a bizarre shift. He supposed it balanced out the constant screaming and arguing by the people Kenny hung out with.
Kenny happily moved to grab the bag of chips, and Clyde slid him a soda and juice as well. Kenny opted for the juice box, maneuvering the straw through the zipper of his mouth guard. Clyde stared down the fabric, curiosity ebbing at his thoughts. Maybe Kenny was right; maybe he was unspeakably attractive behind that coat. Kenny caught his eye, and Clyde quickly glanced away.
The snack pile slowly wore down, no match for their combined appetites. Clyde led the conversation between mouthfuls of food, from video games to the latest drama to why Red Racer was actually cool and not a nerd show, and no, Craig did not have him brainwashed. Clyde was happy to blabber on, and the jokes Kenny intercepted with were of the utmost quality. Indeed, Kenneth, that is what she said.
Clyde swallowed his chewed cheese snacks, and made the spur of the moment decision to drag Kenny into the current topic. “How would you rate the guys in our class?”
Kenny wiped his mouth. “Stoley’s a zero. Don’t like that he has the same name as my brother.”
“You have a brother?” The little Karen McCormick he knew about, but another sibling was a surprise. “How come I haven’t seen him?”
Kenny shrugged, leaning back on his hands. “He dropped out. Kev’s working at a car garage now.”
The pieces fit together in Clyde’s head. “Oh! Because your family’s poor!” He felt proud of his innocent realization, but that soon dwindled. Kenny’s tired eyes stared him down, and Clyde was suddenly struck with the sheer number of wrappers that surrounded his friend on the floor. “But cars are cool!” he tried. “I can’t wait to drive!” The wind in his hair, a shiny new vehicle, impressing everyone around; it was a dream.
“I’ve already driven,” Kenny proclaimed, happy to share his accomplishment. “And I didn’t even die once.” Of course, Stan’s gang would’ve gotten into that. Nothing stood between those guys and doing whatever they wanted.
“I hope you didn’t die,” Clyde shot back, smile tugging at his lips as he climbed up onto the couch. He grabbed the remote from where it was wedged between two cushions.
“You’d be surprised.” Kenny laid back on the carpet, arms crossed behind his head and eyes closed.
“It would suck so bad if you died, dude.” The noise of various channels filled the room as Clyde flipped through, but things were weirdly quiet in Kenny’s corner. When Clyde looked over, his companion had a strange look on his face.
“Yeah,” he finally responded, gaining humor in his voice, “you’d have to find some other sorry guy to fake date you.”
“Hey! You suck!”
“I didn’t know we were at that stage of our relationship,” Kenny taunted, waggling his eyebrows.
“Shut up, dude!” Block it out, Donovan, block it out. This is just some temporary stuff, chilling with a homie. Grabbing the attention of some cute guys in the school while casually respecting the cute guy in front of him platonically. Still a good plan. “Wanna pick a movie? My dad gets home in like three hours.”
Kenny gave an enthusiastic thumbs up and leaned against the couch as the film played. Clyde had to keep himself from inviting his friend up to the couch as well. Cuddling during movies is not a bro activity, he reminded himself. Kenny’s parka would be stifling pressed against his skin anyway.
 “No, he’s dating Kenny McCormick.”
               “Yeah, he’s hella bi.”
               Clyde strolled through the halls, head held high, confidence levels way up. Being a topic of hallway conversation made his heart swell and put a little skip in his step. His eyes caught on a poster hanging on the wall, and it only made his grin spread.
               Art Club Wednesdays, the sheet announced. Beneath the colorful lettering was a drawing, bursting with oranges and reds. The shading was bold, and the fabric folds boasted a level of artistic expertise. The limbs may have looked a little wonky, but it got the point across.
               Clyde raised his phone to take a quick picture. He’d say they captured his roguish handsomeness pretty well.
 “You guys are so cute!” Bebe had gushed in the back row of Home Ec. In the seat beside her, Kenny poked a needle and thread through his project, making a noise of agreement. “I think it’s good he’s found someone, I felt so bad for the guy after we broke up.” She pressed another pink sequin to her own swatch of fabric and set to stitching it on.
“I’d say he’s pretty satisfied right now.” Kenny winked at Bebe, who bumped him on the arm, careful not to disrupt their stitching.
“You’re a dog, McCormick.” Bebe’s eyeroll was betrayed by the smile playing at her painted lips.
“Maybe so.” Kenny shrugged, slipping the needle through again. “No complaints so far.”
“Hey,” Bebe prompted, “Has he fallen asleep on you yet?” Her eyes were bright, and the lift of her mouth just a tad mischievous.
Kenny raised an eyebrow and leaned closer. “Oh?”
Bebe adjusted her project on the table. “When we were dating, he would always be so affectionate. It’s like moving a cat.” When she finished her current loop stitch, she fished out her phone and unlocked it. “I think I still have pictures of him drooling everywhere. It’s always important to have blackmail material.”
Kenny bit the end of his thread off with his teeth, and began threading a new one. “But he’s real soft for cuddling,” he provided, “like a built-in pillow.”
“That was top-tier snuggling,” she admitted, sliding her phone over. “Check out these pictures.”
“Holy shit.” Now that was the good stuff. Equal parts adorable and terribly embarrassing. Bebe Stevens was truly an artist.
Caught up in the photos, Kenny’s hand and needle slipped, effectively intercepting his other arm at an angle that tore open a line of skin. The blood gushed out, and he hissed, covering as much of the wound as he could. His glove and fingers quickly stained red. Bebe yelped at the sight, but reacted fast, grabbing both of their projects out of the splash zone. “You’re a real one,” Kenny smiled at her, albeit weakly. He shot off a quick and earnest finger gun before falling out of his stool.
 Bebe was right in the statement that Clyde was affectionate. He was always pressing his knee against Kenny’s at lunch, or swinging their hands together when they walked. Kenny had made an educated guess in saying that Clyde was like a pillow, and he was indubitably pleased to find that it was true.
               Kenny was finding a lot of things about Clyde pretty great, actually.
 “—but Craig doesn’t like coffee at all so I wonder how he kisses Tweek so often, you know?” Clyde prattled on, breath forming puffs in the cool Colorado air. The layer of snow left on the sidewalk crunched as the duo strolled through, hands wound together.
               “Maybe the homo cancels out the coffee,” Kenny theorized, the idea doubly muffled by his hood and the whistling of the wind.
               Clyde tapped his chin. “That does make sense, but I was also thinking that Tweek probably kisses all quick since he gets nervous like that and Craig isn’t affectionate anyway—”
               “How would you kiss me?” Clyde looked over to the glittering blue eyes of his fake boyfriend. The wind was rough, and had blown out a few strands of blond hair from the confines of the parka. Despite the time they’d known each other, Clyde still had trouble distinguishing the other’s mischievous teasing and genuine intrigue. It probably had something to do with the small amount of uncovered skin or the already quiet nature. He doubted Stan or Kyle or Cartman could do any better.
               Clyde opted to answer with the guess that Kenny was messing around, which he thought was pretty likely. He stopped in his tracks, moving the hand that wasn’t holding Kenny’s to the latter’s hood. The crinkle that characterized a typical Kenny grin was quickly replaced with wide eyes. “Ken, dude, babe, I would kiss you into next week. People would talk about it for generations as the best kiss ever conceived. It would be legendary.”
               Kenny gingerly took Clyde’s hand from his hood, holding it in his own. “I think you’re mistaken,” he hummed. “I’m sure the school would agree that I would be the one kissing you into next week.”
               Clyde considered. “It would get a lot of attention…” That was the goal here, after all. If giving Kenny a smooch would help accomplish it, so be it. There were definitely worse people to kiss.
When it came to it, attention was certainly grabbed. Deemed the perfect time by the amount of student traffic between classes, Clyde and Kenny nodded like the genius agents they believed themselves to be. After exchanging quick conversation, they knew it was time to enact.
               “I’ll see you after class,” Kenny cooed.
               “See you later, babe,” Clyde concurred, and reached over to pull down the piece of the coat covering Kenny’s mouth.
               The worn fabric bunched, and Clyde was struck with the face of an angel. Pink and purple bandages hugged the curve of Kenny’s cheek and the point of his chin. Freckles exploded across his thin cheeks, darting across his nose, cut by various scar lines. Dried blood still presented itself on the corner of his lip, which had obviously been busted. Kenny was missing a tooth on the right side, prominent and unspeakably adorable when he grinned. Clyde could have stared forever, but was interrupted by Kenny leaning in and pressing their mouths together.
               And he thought just looking at Kenny was good!
               When the fireworks finished, Kenny’s coat was back up in half a second. Clyde had decided that damned parka would be his new greatest enemy. Sorry, Arby’s cashier on Maple Street, there’s new priorities. “You were right,” Kenny proclaimed with a teasing lilt, smile evident in his voice, “you were doing some serious kissing.”
               When Kenny turned tail and went to class, Clyde stared after. He continued to stand in the hallway after the bell rang, too focused on the phantom brush of heavy fabric on his face and the metallic taste of a bleeding lip in his mouth.
 “When are you going to break up?”
               Clyde looked up from where he was struggling with his essay. “Break up with Kenny?”
               Craig spun around in his desk chair, so Clyde could clearly see him roll his eyes. “Unless you’re dating someone else. Yeah, Kenny.”
               Clyde blinked. “Why would I break up with Kenny?” This conversation was making about as much sense as his homework. Craig always seemed generally supportive, and Clyde thought his escapades with Kenny were going well.
               The two stared at each other for a few awkward moments before Craig finally gave in. “You’re fake dating. You thought it would be a great idea to use him to start raking in the boys.”
               “Oh yeah!” It was all clicking back into place now! “Oh god.” They weren’t actually dating. That forgotten fact came back around like a freight train.
               Craig gave him a long hard look. “How do you forget you’re fake dating someone?”
               Pink tinged Clyde’s cheeks. “It felt very real!” he defended.
               Craig set his pen down, lab report abandoned. “Well, do you think it’s real?” Clyde paused, and Craig continued, voice as even and monotone as ever. “You’ve talked more about Kenny in the past month than Red Racer. It got on my nerves but you looked sooo happy.”
               “He’s a really good kisser,” Clyde added fondly.
               Craig leaned back. “I would say just ignore emotions until they go away,” he sighed, “but Tweek would tell you to talk to him.”
               Clyde grinned cheekily at the mention. “You mean, all this time, Tweek was the master of relationships?”
Craig’s mouth twitched into what might barely count as a smile. “Yeah. He’s way better than you could ever be.”
Clyde fell back onto the carpet, clasping a hand over his chest. “The betrayal! From my own best friend! You are not getting invited to my wedding!”
The words fell on only half-interested ears, as Craig had turned back to his science papers. “Bold of you to believe I would show up anyway.”
“You wound me, Craigory.”
“Then perish.”
 It was the perfect location, in Clyde’s opinion. The Taco Bell on the corner of Gibson Avenue was a shining pillar of all that was right and delicious in the world. The third table by the window had been there for so many special moments and endless menu combinations. There could be no better place.
Clyde figured if Kenny fake-real dumped him, he could just drown his sorrows in nachos and spicy chalupas. Taco Bell would understand.
The two slid into their usual seats, the familiar smell of seasoning and meat easing some of Clyde’s nerves. Truly the best place, and today had to be the day. If Tweek was utilizing relationship knowledge that could help Craig Tucker of all people, Clyde was smart enough to take it to heart. It was just a matter of bringing it up.
“So, how’s dating me going?”
Kenny looked up, bemused. “You’re the man of my dreams, Clyde Donovan. I’m swept off my feet.” He pulled some coins out of his coat and began counting them out on the table.
Clyde flushed. “I mean actually. I wanna talk about dating you.”
“Oh.” Kenny looked up, shifting a penny to a second pile. He looked disheartened, but Clyde just had to push through, and then he could cry into his tacos. No backing out now.
“I wanna date you for real.” The words tumbled out in a rush, destroying any façade of cool.
The seconds ticked by. This was it; the deciding moment. The answer that would determine the rest of their interactions for forever. The two stared at each other, brown eyes against blue.
The tense silence was broken by Kenny leaning far back in his seat, fists in the air, punctuated by a muffled “woo-hoo!” The clatter of the chair and boy hitting the hard floor reverberated through the restaurant. Other customers looked over, undoubtedly irritated by the disruption, but the employees, upon seeing the two familiar faces, didn’t bother to bat an eye.
Clyde leaned over the table, eyebrows bunched, concern cut across his face. He found Kenny sprawled, limbs caught in the topped chair, grinning like a madman. He made no move to get up from the greasy tile, but his eyes glittered. “I was hoping you would.”
A matching wild smile spread across Clyde’s face. “Wanna celebrate with tacos?” He stretched over to better look Kenny in the face.
Kenny got a hold on Clyde’s jacket, closing the space between them. He shrugged. “Can’t afford it. I’ll see what I can get off your face.”
Clyde quickly pulled his boyfriend to his feet, rushing toward the register. “Then what are we waiting for? Finally, my two favorite things combined into one!”
“Me and tacos?”
“You and tacos!”
 A month had passed, and the two were lying on the Donovan’s carpet amidst cola stains and snack wrappers, when a question hit Clyde. A question he hadn’t considered before, but was important enough that he knew it wouldn’t go away until he asks. He looked up from his Animal Crossing town to gaze at his boyfriend.
               “Why did you agree to fake date in the first place, anyway?”
               Kenny grinned, and Clyde knew seeing that missing tooth and freckles would never get old. “I thought it would be fun.”
               The simple phrase made Clyde smile, and he knew he had Cheeto dust caked on his cheek, but he couldn’t be bothered to care. “You were right.”
               “You know what else would be fun?” Kenny set down his PS4, and Clyde could swear that the glow from the screen didn’t match any graphics he knew of, but there were more important things at the moment.
               “Making out?”
               Yeah, he was always gonna love seeing that smile.
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bigsnzstanacct · 5 years
Hayfever Story (sneezing + nose blowing)
I... don’t know what you all will think of this one. This is part one of two, though I’m not entirely certain how part two should go. This one is mostly setup but there’s plenty of sneezing at the top. Honestly it is almost all sneeze talk or description. The sneezer is described as male, but the narrator’s gender is left ambiguous: imagine whatever excites you the most.
This is unedited, obviously, but I may go through and take another pass at it at some point.
I could hear him down the block.
“AAAHHHHCCHHH-HHOOOOOOO!!” The bellow was dimmed somewhat by distance and the walls between us, but I still heard it, clear as day. He’d be winding up for another one now, frozen in place, captive to his big, protruding proboscis. The handkerchief clutched in two hands, spread wide as his head tipped back and back and back until his shoulder got into it, his wide nostrils flaring absurdly as he gasped... and gasped... and gasped... until...
“EEEEEEAAAYYYYYATTCCHHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!” Even louder this time! He would have delivered it right into the handkerchief, so that he could transition, seamlessly, fluidly, almost... professionally into the window rattling roar of his great lawnmower honk of a nose blow, sonorous as a trombone, surely so because of the unusual architecture of his cavernous nostrils, which provided plenty of room for the great crashing blow to echo and resound and build in noise. The first great two-nostril honk taken care of, he’d press one nostril shut and blow his trumpet blast out the other, then switch sides, in a sort of aftershock to the first great blow. I could barely even hear them through the walls. But I knew after that would come the last big blow. First, an enormous lung-swelling long smooth inward gasp of air, his shoulders rising, rib cage expanding to let in more and more and more air. Then, a silent moment of preparation, practically like a prayer, his eyes scrunching shut, face flying into the waiting hankie and then...
The real foghorn, a nasal blast that dwarfed his sneeze in volume. His “big blows” as we called them existed less to expel moisture or whatever else might be lurking in his nasal passages, and more to cleanse the terrible itch with the sheer sound of it, as though by making his whole sinuses vibrate with the sonorous force of the blow, he could chase that twinging tickle into every nook and cranny of his nose, and in doing so scratch the itch into submission.
He’d be walking again now. Would there be another sneeze before he arrived at the door, would he in fact reach the door even as the ragweed and grass pollen and all the terrible floral irritations of spring reignited that desperate desire in him, left the poor exhausted man with no choice but to unleash another:
“HEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHSSHHH-OOOOOOOOO!!!” This was an angry sneeze. The sneeze of a man exhausted by his nose and a nose exhausted by the itch. It was the sort of sneeze he released only when he at last forgot about the noise and disruption his nose could cause—did cause, all throughout hayfever season—and could think only of finally relieving the terrible itch. I swung the door open, and was greeted by the sight, no longer in my imagination but in the flesh, of his reddened, dripping nose, his tired, sagging eyes—oh it was so obvious he was in the grips of an absolutely miserable allergy attack, and I could only reach out to him, press him into a tight embrace, even as, over my shoulder, he spread it out—oh, not a handkerchief at all, but one of those big red bandanas he used when his poor nose wore him out, when even his hankies seemed too small and too fragile to stand up to the ferocity of his allergic response. I barely noticed before he crushed his nose into his hand and, uncontrollably, right next to my ear blasted out a honk that I swear nearly made my go deaf.
Of course, if that were going to happen, it would have long since happened by now.
“Oh hodey...” he said, sniffing, as he straightened up. “Hodey I’b so sorry bud by dose...”
“Shhh, shhh,” I cooed at him, guiding him into the living room and down onto the sofa. “It’s fine, darling, I understand. Your hayfever...”
“Id’s terrible!” He announced, as though every centimeter of his face was not making the announcement for him, from the downturn of his lips to his constantly working, practically buzzing nose. “Wud sec godda blow...”
He said this with banal literalness—he was going to blow his nose. And yet I couldn’t help but think that “gonna blow” seemed accurate for any and everything pertaining to his nose, which resembled nothing so much as his personal Vesuvius, a volcano always on the edge of an eruption.
He held forth with a blow that put the others to shame, or perhaps that was just me being able to appreciate it properly now, neither muffled by walls nor so all-consumingly close that its relative volume was masked. De-stuffed a bit by the blow, he continued: “I had to sneeze so badly all day, darling, you wouldn’t believe it. I hate hayfever!” He said it with conviction, so much so that I couldn’t help but hate it too, even if his hayfever, this particular specimen, also thrilled me. “I don’t know how I got any work done, always having to duck into the bathroom to... t-tuhhh... huuuhhh.... HUUUUUHHHH... HUUUUUAAAAASSSHHHOOOOOOOOO!!!”
“To do that?”
“Mm.” He replied, congested again. Our flow of conversation ebbed for the moment, making way for his great trumpeting blows, always the same pattern: a great two nostril honk, a series of cleansing blows of each nostril individually, alternately, and then a final great tickle-chasing honk. Although this time even that pattern didn’t seem to be enough. “Cad you ged me adother h-hadker... hadker... hehhHH... AAAASSSSHHHOOOOOOOOOO!!”
He didn’t have to tell me twice, though as I heard the thumping on our ceiling from our neighbor above, already fed up with his nasal exuberance, I couldn’t help but hope, for the sake of peace in our little block of apartments if nothing else, that the next cleansing blow managed to clear out some of that infernal pollen and ease his allergies some.
Although, as he heard him snuffling and sniffing, surely hunting for any dry spot left on the great bandana, I didn’t hold out much hope.
He’d really had a terrible hayfever day, though it did calm at least somewhat after he’d been home for a while, with our humidifier and air filters all around. He explained that he’d had to sneeze all day at work, constantly ducking into the toilets to let one loose, fighting not to blast one of his rather disruptive and distinctive sneezes in the open office. He’d sworn he wouldn’t be known primarily by his nose, not at this workplace, unlike many of his others. Even then, he hadn’t felt like he could blow his nose, not fully, not properly, even in the toilets. On the bus home, he’d fought not to explode but his hayfever was just unbearable and before he knew it he was belting out sneeze after sneeze, so loud in the enclosed space he was afraid he’d startle the driver or something. The other passengers glaring daggers at him didn’t help. So he’d walked a good deal of the way home, which only succeeded in allowing his big nose to suck up even more allergens, to drive him even crazier with the urge to blow them all out.
By that evening, his nose had largely calmed down, its outbursts coming once or twice an hour rather than every few minutes. I gave him the tea that always helped, wiped his face with a warm cloth, did my best to soothe the allergic beast inside him, the little demon of nasal irritation that took up residence in his nose—a spacious abode—that tormented him and took over him body til his whole body used all its force to exorcize the demon in a blasting sneeze or trumpeting blow. There was something nice about it, the feeling that it was we two in a battle against his hayfever. Sure, it was him on the front lines, cajoling and managing and denying and satiating his itchy nose and its allergic demands. But I was there too, supporting and assisting and fetching bandanas and grabbing things out of his hands when a sudden blinding urge to sneeze robbed him of every other thought. I liked helping him in that way. It was plain to see those great galumphing sneezes took it out of the poor man. And though he always seemed pleased, satisfied after a good strong session of blowing, that too must have required energy. He’d tried to teach me on more than one occasion, when I caught bad colds, how to blow my nose as thoroughly and authoritatively as he did. I’d gotten quite a bit better—no longer the sniffer and snuffler I was when we met—but still, I could never quite manage the sheer ferocity of his nose blowing, let alone the power, let alone the volume. He was in another category for that.
Of course, that presented its problems. And there was another area in which I could help, in which it was I instead of him on the front lines of battle: the neighbors.
Now we’d been lucky enough to escape complaints in many if not most of the places we lived, though surely his nasal exertions were audible through the walls. And to his credit, most of the year, with the exception of lazy afternoons where gave his nose free reign and let his great bellowing sneezes rip as they pleased, he kept his nose to.... well not quite a polite acceptable volume, but at least a dull roar during quieter hours. But this was our second hayfever season in this apartment. And when hayfever season strikes that nose of his, all bets are off. I thought we’d come to blows with at least two of our neighbors by the end of the season, but although we narrowly avoided that, we did have to speak to the apartment management about noise complaints. They couldn’t, of course, kick us out of our apartment over hayfever. But to keep the peace, we agreed to try our very best to keep the noise down late at night, even during hayfever season. His nose had free reign until ten pm. It would be cruel to expect anything else. But his hayfever was too severe to let him sleep sometimes. I’d been awakened, more times than I could count, with a great bellowing sneeze, a desperate, whispered apology and then a trumpeting nose blow. Half-asleep, it never occurred to him to tamp down the violence... all he could think of was chasing away the terrible itch.
So, in those moments where he awoke at night, itchy and sneezy and desperate, it fell to me. Then I took the front lines in the battle against his allergies, or at least the battle to avoid coming to blows with Mr and Mrs Cadwallader upstairs.
I suspected, from the moment I heard him coming down the way to our apartment, that tonight would end up being just such a night. So I’d taken the bandana he normally hid under his pillow and hid it under mine. If he were about to sneeze, even in half-asleep stupor, he’d reach for that, and so it was that I was awakened at 2am, not by his nose, but by his mouth:
“—Quickly!! I n-need to snehhh... sneeze!”
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rainbowglittr · 5 years
Senior Year: Chapter 26: pt1 cause it's so long
"Jaleia! Jaleia, wait!" Tyler yelled after me. I've been avoiding and ignoring Tyler for at least a week. I have to admit he is persistent- persistently annoying. I heard his footsteps get closer.
"What do you want Tyler?" I asked, bored of this game of cat and mouse.
"Can we talk later?" he asked, almost out of breath. 
"Why? I don't think we have anything to talk about." I started to put my earbuds into my ears.
"I know you're mad but I promise I will explain everything later. I hate it when you're mad at me."
"Oh now you care about me being mad? This should be good." 
"Seriously, Jaleia."
"I don't know what you expect me to say." I said while I picked out a song.
"Just let me explain, Jal-"
"Fine, Jesse and Kiara are going to be busy during lunch anyway." Jesse had to practice something for his music class, and Kiara was going to be writing an essay. And Robyn, well when has she been to lunch lately, might as well waste my time with Tyler.
"How's Jess?" Tyler asked with his voice low and his head down.
"Wouldn't you like to know? If you really want to know, you'll ask him yourself. I'll see you at lunch." I turned and walked away, my music blasting in my ears. Usually I'm a lot more forgiving, but Tyler, I want him to feel just as bad as he treated us.
The wind rustled the branches around us. I was with Tyler, we were walking to a cheap Pizzeria during lunch. I looked around, it was almost my favorite part of spring, when all of the flowers and plants come into full bloom. Right now, you could only see the buds of the flowers that were soon to awaken.
"Look, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for not believing you about Mariah and not being around very much." Tyler blurted out.
"Okay?"I said, unimpressed by this confession.
"Look I just want us to be cool again, I'm sorry. I found out last night that-anyway. Are we cool?" I heard the hopefulness in his voice.
"I don't think so Tyler. You really treated me like shit." He suddenly stopped and faced me.
"I know and am sorry I'll never do that to you again. I know that you were just trying to look out for me." I crossed my arms at his words.
"What inspired this change of heart? And I'm not the only one you should be apologizing to."
"I know I know. There's a lot of shit going on with me okay?" His voice was slowly getting defensive.
"Who would know that but you Tyler? People tried to help you and you acted stupid and now you don't understand why you're on your own?"
"You know I hate talking about that kind of shit."
"Fine, but you don't have to be a jerk to everyone, everyone has problems but everyone doesn't act like a brat."
"Look my parents have gone fucking insane. Jaleia, they've been fucking fighting nonstop and they totally forgot I existed. I know that Mariah has been fucking other people. And I've been killing myself to get this basketball scholarship. It's been a lot." Two birds flew away as his voice got louder. We started walking again.
"I get that Tyler, but like that's what your friends are supposed to do-help you, but you wouldn't allow anyone to do that you just got sucked into the world of Mariah and didn't listen to anyone. You really screwed it up with Jesse. He didn't deserve that. We were only looking out for you."
"What do you want from me, I'm sorry! I don't know what else to tell you. I'm sorry for not believing you and ignoring you." Tyler raised his voice and threw his hands in the air.
"And being a dick, and for saying stupid things that were not true, for ignoring my feelings, for picking fights, for many more things, need I go on?" I rattled off. We stopped walking again. He turned to face me.
"I'm sorry for all that. But now I see what you were talking about. Now I know that there's better." He said sincerely as he grabbed my hand, stepping closer to me. I pulled away from him. I really couldn't believe him.
"Don't do that." 
"What?" he said, confused.
"Don't do that. I know you well enough to know how you try to hit on girls Tyler. I'm not your backup now that your first choice screwed up. This is what I'm talking about. You are so self absorbed! Spend some time dealing with the things that are clearly bothering you before you ruin another FRIENDSHIP!" I pushed past him and started to walk back to the school.
"Jaleia!" He said, trying to catch up to me. I turned around to face him.
"Stop trying to use people. You're not sorry, you're lonely. When you are actually sorry, come talk to me."
"Jaleia! That's not-I wasn't-I-" He stuttered, trying to think his way out of this.
I walked away. That's what I thought.
"You need to get your friend." I said as I leaned against a tree outside out school. Me and Jesse were in our usual meeting spot after school, waiting for the rest of our friends to come out so we could walk home.
"What do you mean? Who?" Jesse said, a little confused.
"Tyler, I think he's lost his mind."
"I don't fuck with him." Jesse said, flatly.
"He tried to apologize to me and hit on me at them same time. It's ridiculous. And I know you two will eventually make up. You can drop the macho guy act." Jesse rolled his eyes at me, then his eyes darted back at me."
"Wait, what the fuck did he do?" His head tilting as he said it.
"He was all like I know there's better now and tried to grab my hand. He's so stupid. Like I've known him for years I know what moves he tries on girls. That's classic "I'm pulling a move on you."
"What did you do?"
"I told him that he needs to figure out what's going on with him before he ruins another friendship."
"He's a fucking idiot." He sighed, shaking his head.
"Who is a fucking idiot?" Kiara said as she walked up to us.
"Tyler," I said. "He tried to apologize and hit on me at the same time. Who does that?"
"I can't wait for him to get it together. I don't know what's wrong with him."
"Well, apparently his parents are going through a thing. They have no idea what's going on with him. He realized that his little friend has been cheating on him, and been trying to get a basketball scholarship. So he's a little stressed right now we have to forgive him. No matter what he does. I Guess that's what he thinks." I said, while trying to figure out where I put my phone.
"He's a dick." Jesse said with a weird look on his face.
When I got home I laid on my bed and just thought about some things. It had been such a crazy year so far. I never thought that so many things could happen. Jesse and his brother fighting all the time, his sister getting sick, fighting with Tyler. Tyler dating a crazy girl, driving all his friends away, his parents fighting. Robyn-I don't even know what to say about her. So much has happened over the course of like six months. I think at this point me and Kiara are the only normal ones. All of a sudden I got a call from Tyler. It was 10 at night, one it's late, two, I have nothing to say to him, so I declined it. Like two minutes later it rang again, Tyler. I declined it again. Then got a sudden rush of text messages from him coming in.
Idk wat to do
So I texted back
What could be so damned important?
No, what do you want? Before I block you.
What, are you just wasting my time?
No, it's just that...
Mariah is pregnant 
I almost dropped my phone, I read it again to make sure I wasn't crazy. Pregnant? Pregnant? What the hell? Do they not know what condoms are? I get that she may not wanna be on birth control but damn no condoms? What the hell were they thinking? So many thoughts rushed through my head. What were they going to do with a baby? I guess I took too long because Tyler texted me to see if I was still there.
Shocked.... what do you mean like you saw the test?
Yes, positive
Your fucked
Thanks. that helps I dont know what to do
I dont know what you want me to tell you
Didnt she cheat on you?
Yeah but the timing....
Its mine pretty sure
You gonna tell your parents?
I dont know what the fuck to do
And no im not telling them
Your bro?
No. not yet. he wud tell them
Is she keeping it
Your fucked
Please help me
What do you want me to do? I didn't have unprotected sex and get someone pregnant. What am I supposed to do about it?
I dont know, im flipping my shit
I sighed, as annoyed as I am at him right now, I know that if I was in his shoes I wouldn't want the bitchy attitude I was giving him even though he completely deserved it. I would want a little understanding, so I decided to actually try to help him as best as I could. After all, when your friends are in trouble you're supposed to support them not tear them down. Right? Right? And I think at this point Tyler has literally reached rock bottom. I don't think he can go any lower. As much as I feel he doesn't deserve it, I'm going to help him. Then again this is not my responsibility. I don't even know what he expects me to do. I don't even know what to do. I don't even know why I'm so surprised.
You know I'm still mad at you right?
But I'm going to help you, cause I care about you and I think you've also suffered enough right now.
But you have to tell your parents, how can you even keep that a secret?
My parents dont care about me, her parents are always really busy. For the next couple months she wont show so...
And then whats the plan? Thats not a plan and its not smart.
Well she doesnt want to tell them until after prom.
What? Thats ridiculous and stupid
Well she has a cousin that works at planned parenthood that can hook her up until then
Please dont tell anyone. shell kill me and we dont want anyone to know
What if I tell someone that I know really well?
You can't tell anyone.
How am I supposed to keep this a secret? There is no way I can keep this a secret-no way. I have to tell at least Kiara, I know she won't tell anyone else and you know she won't.
Fine but if it gets out then Mariah and me are going to kill you
Ttyl, Tyler.
I sighed, what a mess. I can't wait to tell Kiara tomorrow. I don't even know how to feel at this point. I'm not even sure I want to be involved but I think it's a little late for that. A part of me can't even believe it. I hope it's just a late April fool's joke because... I don't know how this will end but they need to tell their parents for one. This whole situation is a mess. I grabbed the blanket on my bed. Tomorrow was going to be a long day.
Jesse's POV
"Hey bro!" Shaun said as he opened the door to my room.
"What do you want?" I said, I didn't even look up from my laptop.
"Mom and dad are going out for the night, they sent Diana to Aunt Ebony's. You know I never had a chance to repay you for ratting me out. I know you told mom and dad about school and the car and all the other stuff. So don't worry the time has come for me to repay you for that."
"Just get out Shaun. You deserved it! You're not going to run all over me anymore."
"Oh I'm Not? Did you finally grow a pair?"
"Get out!"
"Make me, BITCH!"
I threw a shoe at his head. I ducked as he threw it back at me. "Fuck you!"
"Oh well I thought about all the ways to repay you and I thought what does Jesse care about the Most? And I found something. Those stupid guitars limited edition special bullshit-" I looked up at him.
"Shaun, what the fuck are you talking about?" I started to panic those guitars were so expensive I bought one and my dad bought the other for me. Special edition, gold trimmed, rare, Martin guitars. I have special cases, everything for them. They cost over a thousand dollars each. Those were not your average guitars. They are like collector's guitars, I very rarely played them.
"So I decided to fix them up for you."
"Leave them alone I swear, Shaun." I said as I got up to check for them in my closet.
"I already have them little bro, no need to look for them, I'll show you." Shaun smiled sadistically.
"Shaun, what the fuck are you talking about. This is not funny, do you know how fucking expensive those are. I will-"
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this is candy. candy is an undertale fandom oc. candy is an energitic happy boi. he hardly gets underthe weather unless somthing really bad happens. he's a bit of a show off but he's very sweet on the inside. he also has a candy like tail but it can crack open to a sharp sugar coated mouth with lots of sharp teeth anf poisines sugar like substance that smels sweet like honey.
likes: compliments,people trying to flirt with him,animals, being a tad bit evil, harmless pranks loves:attention,food,trying to win a flirting battle,cute stuff,being called cute dislikes:people being plain assholes,innsults,made fun of,being alone hates:being called ugly,poeple being mean to small cute stuff or animals,peeps not taking him seriously,peeps not listning when he says no. 
(the backstory is very long so I will put it under the keep reading. read it if ya wanna)
backstory. when candy was little he was a bundle of trouble. causing fights getting himself hurt exploring strictly forbidden places. his parents once decided they had enough after some royal guards brought home a muddy colorful child. explaining he somehow had manged to break into an area nobody except the king and his top scientists were allowed. and that the security nearly killed hi before realising he was only a small child. his parents yelled and beat him before they chucked him out. they didn't want anything to do with him anymore. since he caused so much trouble. candy was left out in the cold. he didn't really know what to do. he was bleeding quite a bit from his parents and the security of  where he went. he knew his parent's probably wanted him to dust this time. so he left where he was and tried to find somewhere that wasn't as cold. he decided it would be best to just go to an abandoned area he found once climbing the biggest trees he could find in snowdin. he got there and sat under a buncha planks of wood he made into a small den. he would notice a little bunny near where he was. he would lighten up a bit before going on his knees patting his legs as if trying to encourage the rabbit to come closer. he recognised it. it was one he used to give treats to before he ran off and started trouble. the bunny would come to him expecting treats. but when it saw none would be a little confused sniffing his hands.it would let candy pet it a little though. after awhile candy got used to being cold and sleeping in the snow. about 10 years later he was 16 years old. that’s when he started causing trouble like last time. however he wasn't as easy to catch anymore. he would steal break things and scare people passing through the woods. once he scared a small child well he thought it was a child. they screamed rather loud and high pitched when he dropped down and dangled in their face his tail holding him upside down. the smol creature he scared to death was a skeleton like him. he would let go from the tree branch and do a small fast flip so he landed on his feet he would lean over the small skeliton before sayin 'heyyyy kid.uh you ok? did irealy scare u to ur death?' he would giggle a little but the skelliton would open his eyes slowly get u and poin his finger in his face and scream 'IM NOT A KID! IM 15!' they would seem really annoyed he would gesture to his hight but that only made them more pissed 'So it's because im short?? THATS RUDE HOW WOULD U LIKE IT IF I CALLED U A  FKN TREE CUZ UR TALL?! im a perfectly avarge hight il have you know.' they would pout before picking their stuff nk up and grabbing a pen with a bird keyring on it. candy would watch them before snatching he pen from them. it would have the word .Blue. written on the side. candy would look at them and go soooo do u just like the colour blue aor is it ur name or sumthin? regardless this pen thingy is mine now. they woul simply just make his hand glow blue and slowly it would go to the floor it didn't hurt but he coulden't dtop it. they would grab the pen and say 'im not in the mood to play games with someone calling me a child and calling me short.' tthey wud make a portal with it before grtting rid of the magic ristricting Candys hand Candy would smile and dive into the portal knocking the small skelliton over again before the portal closed up. candy wud be running everywhere like 'EVERYTHING IS FKN WHITE COOL!'  blue wud be very consed and annoyed he would just sit down make another pen with a small candy keywring before just placing it on the floor and leaving to go bk to biscuit. candy would eventually find it  nd start going to random places. he felt happier creating whatever he wanted and going where he wanted even though he fucks up portals most he time.
that's all :3
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wsl-chelsea · 3 years
Tbh in my opinion the trolls(mostly l chat) seem like they've never been in a committed relationship before. They just wanna stir up trouble and then they get anxious anons going(which is why i'm not attacking the anon from earlier bc they seemed just anxious)
Like here are my questions:
A) How tf do they even know Guro and Sam were roomates? Also it makes sense for them to room together since Erin and Millie were together and with Carly gone who else wud Sam room with?
B) I'm new here but do we even know if Guro is fruity lol even if she is in my opinion its quite obvious she respects Sam and Kristie's relationship.
C) Not as much of a question but you can't base things off social media. They also have been acting like normal on social media.
Lol this turned way longer than I expected but overall for all the anxious anons don't listen to trolls bc keep in mind these r the same ppl who claim preath, or krashlyn or sue and megan are broken up 24/7
mhm!! a lott of fear mongering can happen over there
a) yeah i was wondering that too??
b) i’ve heard rumours but i don’t think i’ve seen anything set in stone
c) exactly!
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zaneymark-blog · 6 years
          ~ Sterling and Zane 
         ~ When:  After reading Zane’s secret shared to Rita. 
Zane trailed off as he once again just answered with “I don’t  know.” Truly he didn’t know why he had sent that. It was not something one  should do when coming to that realization or admitting it for the first time.  But it was done, he was stuck. It was out there now.
Sterling: took a moment, taking the words in. "So..." he  finally said, "it's not just a rumor then? Like...you said this  yourself?"
Zane could only nod in response. Denying it would be a blatant  lie. “Yeah. I did. I shouldn’t have but I did.”
Sterling: shifted on his feet. This is exactly what he had feared.  Having everyone know he had egg on his face. And right after they'd become  official too. This couldn't have been before they told everyone they were  together? Shortest relationship ever. "Okay, so...what? You just want to  be friends then?"
Zane looked at sterling in confusion. “No?” He still wanted to  be in a relationship, have that person in his life. He just didn’t want to  have sex. Sex didn’t make a relationship, right? “Unless you do. Which I  understand if you do.” If this immediate shift back to being just friends  happened each time he came out, well maybe he’d have to just be prepared to  be alone forever. He really hoped sterling wouldn’t say yes to his question,  but he wasn’t too optimistic.
Sterling: furrowed his eyebrows, confusion on his face. His  expression mimicked Zane's. "I--I don't understand. You said you didn't  want to be with anyone."
Zane nodded at sterling’s statement. “I did. In that I don’t  wanna have sex with anyone. Not that I don’t want to have the rest of it  all.”
Sterling: "All the rest of it? All the rest of what? I  don't...if you don't want...sex...then what makes me different from...Pippa?  From anyone else?"
Zane furrowed his eyebrows as he thought of a calm way to  respond. “The rest of it. The emotions. The connection that goes beyond just  physical.” At the question about pippa and anyone else, he couldn’t stop the  return question of, “well I don’t just go around kissing and spending time  with anyone, do I? Is this just a physical thing to you?” Was that all  sterling wanted from him? Was it just lust?
Sterling: "Couldn't you have that with anyone else? The  emotional connection? Isn't that what you have with friends?" Sterling  was probably digging himself into a hole, although he had failed to grasp  that just then. For a long time he just wanted someone to make him feel  special. Someone who made him feel like he was more than just another face in  the crowd. This feeling only increased tenfold after he transitioned.  "But--isn't kissing physical? I'm sorry, I just don't understand what's  going on between us..."
Zane frowned, “yeah I guess I could have that with anyone. If I  felt that way about them. But I don’t. And feelings and love are different  than sex. Sex isn’t love. And yes kissing is physical I guess but I don’t  want to do anything with anyone’s,” he paused for a moment before taking a  deep breath to continue. “You know what. It doesn’t matter. The statement stands.  I. Don’t. Want. Sex.”
Sterling: was surprised at the forcefulness of his words. It  almost felt like an accusation. "I wasn't ever asking you to have sex,  Zane." 
Zane sighed. “I know you weren’t. But it seems like you don’t  believe me. Or that relationships can work without it. Emotions should be  enough.” He didn’t want to think of what it would mean for him if no one else  believed that.
Sterling: "So...you still want to be in a relationship but  you don't want to do anything physical? Ever...?"
Zane nodded. “Yeah. That about sums it up.”
Sterling: "How am I supposed to know if...?" Sterling  cleared his throat. "I mean...how can I tell if the emotional stuff  is...real? How do I know if you're faking it?" He watched Zane  carefully. At the back of his mind, thoughts and insecurities were mingling.  He tried to hold them off, because something inside of him told him that he'd  be a shitty himan being if he didn't accept Zane for who he was. But that  hardly kept the thoughts at bay. Before he transitioned, his body was a huge  source of discomfort. Of disgust. After he transitioned...he felt better,  sure, but there was still those scars. The sign of the mask he'd worn for so  long. Plus, words at the back of his head--telling him what was real about  himself and what wasn't. Thay he was ugly, deformed, mutilated. He would tell  himself that one day hed find someone who would love his body and who would,  in turn, make him love his body--scars and all. It suddenly felt like that  would never happen. That he'd always be ugly to himself.
Zane rolled his eyes at the other man “you could just bloody  well trust that what I am saying is true.”
Sterling: 's eyes didn't waver. "People can lie." He,  for one, knew all about that. Which probably didn't make things better for  his sake.
Zane sighed, “have you known me to lie? Especially about stuff  like that.”
Sterling: "Okay, okay. Sorry. I'm just confused and thrown  off. I mean...you just kind of sprung this one me. And not just me--but the  whole school. I mean, if this is just a friendship, why did you lump me in  with everyone else? You didn't even come to me. You sent it in to a  gossip...I'm--I'm just trying to understand. I need some time to wrap my head  around it."
Zane shook his head. “I was terrified to tell you. And it’s not  just a friendship. Or at least it wasn’t to me. Did you think it was a  relationship even though we haven’t had sex? Why does that change if sex just  never happens. ‘Oh you reached your no sex time limit to be considered a  relationship, please pay the sex fee to continue playing’”. He knew that he  had to get it if there before he really started to either yell or sob or  both. “Take all the time you need, you’ll have plenty of it when youre  getting the hell out of dodge.” He couldn’t stop himself now as he started to  obviously cry.
Sterling: shook his head, eyes wide. "That's not what I'm  saying, Zane. I'm saying why didn't you tell me personally? Or come to me  before you went to the whole school? Shouldn't you, I don't know, talk to the  person you're in relationship and not just put them in with the rest of the  crowd?" Sterling quickly averted his eyes, uncomfortable and with no  idea what he was supposed to do. He wasn't go with emotions. He wasn't good  with people crying. And he felt like shit that he was the one making Zane  cry. Suddenly, he snapped to attention. "What's that supposed to  mean?"
Zane laughed, tears still in his eyes, “you’re one to talk  about telling the person you’re with stuff before going to a gossip and  telling the whole school. You’re leaving after graduation. Graduation is only  a few months away. Were you going to tell me. Or were you waiting til we were  together for months, maybe had sex a few times, and  saying it’s been nice. See ya.”
Sterling: shook his head. "That's not the same at all, first  of all. Second of all, I mentioned it to you over Christmas break."
Zane scoffed, took a deep breath and tried, and failed, to calm  down. “Ha is it neet the syem?... I divvint remembor that. When did ye tell  me.” What he did remember though was that Rita had said something about  sterling having a secret. Surely it couldn’t be the one he aired himself that  Zane had read. “Wot else does Skeeter apparently knar that ah divvint. If  we’re havin issues wi’ keeping secrets, meet as well air them aal noo.”
Sterling: sucked  his a deep breath through the nose. He was, already, not great wuth people  who were upset. It somehow seemed even worse with Zane. He felt sick, he felt  ashamed. When Zane's accent kicked in, he listened as close as he could to  get as much as he could from his words. "Because I mostly said it to get  the bitch off my back. She's a vile woman, Zane. She has no right airing  other people's secrets before they're ready to be told. It's despicable. And  I--I don't have a lot of secrets, in general I think I'm pretty open. But I  do have secrets and they are mine. And I wasn't going to let her put one of  them out there before I was ready. It was the only thing I thought I could  say that would get her to shut her trap." He paused. "When we met  up. I told you I didn't knkw what was going to happen after graduation and  that I didn't expect to see anyone after I left Hogwarts. I'm pretty sure I  mentioned it another time, too." Sterling froze. What a cunt. He gave  her something but she still waved his secrets around like candy. As if she  had a right. As if it wasn't a violation of privacy. As if these things were  hers to break. Sterling shook his head and backed away. "There's  nothing.:
Zane shook his head, before whispering, "Ah thowt that wes  wot everyone said abyeut life eftor graduation. neet expectin tuh see people  from schyeul still. neet that yas leavin. yee just said yee had secrets that  are yoors an' ah respect that, but ah telt mine this wa cos ah nivvor wud hev  otherwise."
Sterling: looked  away once again. "Okay. Fine." He shook his head for a few beats.  "What does this mean then? You don't want me to touch you? No more  cuddling or kissing or making-out?"
Zane let his head drop forward before looking back up and  shaking his head. "Ah wud hev telt yee if that wasn't okay. ah leek that  aspect iv a relationship. just divvint tek off me pants an' toich me knob an'  divvint expect the syem from me an' we'd be fine."
Sterling: ran  his hands through his hair, trying to keep up. "Okay."
Zane smiled, something he was not thinking he would do during  this interaction only minutes prior. "Okay." He sighed when he  realized that Sterling had literally only said okay. "But if you need  time, or need to end this, I understand.”
 Sterling: flashed him a look. "It's new information, okay? People  need time to fucking process things."
Zane sighed, "Unless you were having those kinds of dreams  about me and imagining our first time regularly, I don't see why it would be  hard to process."
Sterling:  "You don't have to be a dick about it, Zane."
Zane , eyes widening in surprise. "Oh Merlin. you have.  I'm sorry."
Sterling:  "What?"
Zane "what?"
Sterling:  "What do you mean?"
Zane "Nevermind. I'm trying to avoid that."
Sterling:  "Avoid what?"
Sterling:  "I'm not talking about the sex, Zane. I'm talking about you treating me  like a bloody moron for not immediately understanding and being cool with it.  Like it's common fucking knowledge. Like I've ever heard of it before."
Zane "So I what, like ruined the image you had of me in  your brain? And it's not common knowledge, that's why I admitted it all at  once, I guess. The statement is pretty bloody clear."
Sterling:  "You haven't ruined anything, Zane. I just don't like being talked down  to. Jesus H. Christ. Whatever." Sterling turned to walk away.
Zane "And I don't like being called a liar."
Sterling:  "No one called you a liar.”
Zane "Really? You did earlier. And all that says to me is  that emotions don't mean anything unless you follow it up with actions. And  I'm sorry but that's not going to happen from me."
Sterling:  "I didn't call you a liar. I was just asking some questions to  understand. So that I can see the difference between me and everyone else.  What, is that a fucking crime?"
Zane shook his head before blurting out, "You really want  to know the difference between you and everyone else? I fucking love you,  okay. I do." he finished before backing away from the other man and  starting to turn as if to run. He hadn't meant to blurt that out, But he did.
Sterling: 's entire body radiated shock. It was just in his eyes or his mouth, but also in his shoulders and brows. In his chest, in his hair. "What?" He asked dumbly. Like he was dead or hard of hearing. What was he supposed to do now? What should he say. "I--I didn't know you felt that way about me." Embarrassed and his face ablaze with red blush, Sterling away. His throat tightened. He rubbed the back of his neck until it, too, was red. Now was a bad time to be horrible at emotions, that was the one thing Sterling was sure of.
Zane stopped when he heard Sterling respond, not turning back to the other man at first. After a few moments, he turned back and saw that Sterling was red. Great, now he embarrassed the man. Or angered him. "I didn't mean to say that out loud. I mean it's true, but now wasn't the time to do that." Unable to continue looking at the other man, he lowered his gaze to the floor, "But now you know. Really everything there is to know."
Sterling: said only this. "Come here, Zane."
Zane was unable to stop the tears as they returned. Feeling shaky, head hanging down, Zane took a few small steps towards Sterling.
Sterling: Sterling reach up high, a little on his toes at this point, and wrapped his arms around Zane's neck.
Zane fully broke down sobbing into the other man's shoulder when he was wrapped up in a hug. "I'm sorry." he couldn't help but say.
Sterling: stroked the hair in the back of Zane's head, being careful. "What are you sorry for?"
Zane "putting all of this on you at once. And crying. And putting all of this on you at once."
Sterling: "It's fine, Zane."
Zane taking a couple of deep breaths to calm himself down, he began to pull away from the hug. "It's not fine. I need- I should- I’m going to give you whatever time you need to process this. And if you even want to stay together...or even- eve- even stay friends, then we'll talk I guess." He laughed slightly and sniffled when the next thing popped into his head, "It's really really really not you. It's me."
Sterling: "Cliché, Zane. And we're talking now."
Zane "O-okay.." he trailed off, clearly waiting for Sterling to continue.
Sterling: "I'm not breaking up with you or anything." He paused. "But that doesn't mean...that it isn't hard. I'm not going to lie to you and say everything is peachy. It's hard for me. I'm not...you know I'm not good at emotions. I'm better at showing how I feel than saying it. So actions mean...a lot to me. Especially because--there's just some situations that make me feel like...I'm...oh, I don't even know how to say it without saying like an asshole. I'm just tried of feeling ugly, I guess. I'm tired of feeling like I'm never going to be enough or that--that my...my body isn't...attractive or--" his voice broke off and he had to swallow to continue, "or that it isn't right. Uhm...and I don't know if I can ever get over that if I don't have the physical attention I've akways yearned for in a relationship. If I were someone else--if you were with someone else...it would be different. But I'm me, you know? I always pictured thay one day I'd be okay because someone, eventually, would not just love me for me, but for how I look and my body. I know this probably sucks for you to hear, and like I said, I'm not breaking up with you, but I have to say this now and not let it build up."
Zane "So you aren't breaking up with me now, but probably will in the future. That's all I'm hearing." he paused to reach up and swipe at his eyes with the back of his hand. "And your body is attractive, and your face is. And your personality is..to me anyway. I have eyes and can see that you are attractive, and if I wanted that with someone, I would for sure want that with you. I'd want that with you because you're you. But if all this is is a placeholder until you find what you want or what you need, then I'm sorry. I can't do that. Neither of us deserve it." As much as it killed him to say that, he needed to. He wasn't going to be okay enough until something better came along.
Sterling: "That's not what I'm saying. And I know you don't find me attractive, Zane. You /just/ told me you only care about my personality. If you were just a placeholder I sure as hell wouldn't be here. You think I have time or desire to waste my time on something that's just mediocre? No. Fuck that. I wouldn't even consider standing here if that's how I bloody felt."
Zane "What did I say about calling me a liar?"
Sterling: "What?"
Zane "I do care about your personality, don't get me wrong. And I find the emotional connection the be the most important thing, I did say those things. But I do find you attractive. I can see that you are good looking. I am attracted to you emotionally, and intellectually, and your face is really nice to look at. I like that you are smaller than me, but still strong. What I define as my attraction to someone is mine to define, so don't tell me I'm lying."
Sterling: "Jesus. I literally found out about this whole sexuality thing ten minutes ago, Zane. I don't know all the bloody intricacies of it."
Zane "Then how about you ask me when you don't know things. Rather than assuming. And I will tell you if I'm uncomfortable or just not feeling it. You just have to trust me. Trust that I'm not lying to you."
Sterling: "Okay. I'm sorry." He looked away.
Zane shook his head before moving to wrap his arms around the shorter man. Kissing him on the side of his head he sighed. “So are we okay?”
Sterling squeezed Zane slightly. "Yes." A pause. "Can I...still kiss you and cuddle?"
Zane grinned and nodded. “Absolutely”.
Sterling: "What about making out?"
Zane “Yeah. Like we have. There might be a limit that makes itself known at some point of what is too much. But in general yes.”
Sterling: nodded. "Okay."
Zane “want me to prove it to you?”
Sterling: "You don't have to prove anything, Zane. I believe you."
Zane “what if I want to prove it to you.”
Sterling: smiled. "I wouldn't be opposed to it."
Zane grinned “then let me prove it to you then,” as he moved to grab sterlings hand and lead him away,
Sterling: squeezed his hand, following him.
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lesbian-ed · 7 years
Is it weird that i often find myself attracted to trans men, but i feel put off frm them because i dont want the world thinking im into men? Im a proud lesbian. I resent that the world prefers me dating men. I wish ppl wud accept me as a female that loves other females.
I don’t think it’s weird at all, especially considering a lot of transmen do look like butches, but even when they don’t they are still female. I personally prefer butch/gender non conforming women, so yeah i understand finding them attractive… I also understand why you don’t want people thinking you’re straight, and how this throws you off.
But the bottom line is… If you accept yourself as a female who only loves other females, and some of the females you are into happen to have trans experiences… That doesn’t make you any less of a lesbian. As long as your trans partner is able to respect your sexuality for what it is, and doesn’t expect you to change for them. (Which is rare, and if they expected anything else, then I don’t see how that relationship would work anyway…)
A lot of homosexual people, especially gnc homosexual people, go down the trans rabbit hole, because we don’t feel like we belong in our own sex, because society expects us to be straight. 
Heteronormativity does play a part in this, as much as gender roles do, and I extremely resent our society for either forcing us to present as outright “straight” and get ourselves in relationships we do not want, or at least transition ourselves into “straight transmen” so that we can be with women and still not break the hetero mold.
All this being said… Society hasn’t accepted females who only love females in all this time, and I don’t think it will so soon. I don’t know how much we can do to change that, but in your own personal life you should be able to do as you will, and be happy. Date who you want, date whoever respects you and whoever you respect. 
lol idk if this covers all bases? I hope I answered your ask properly, there’s a Lot ingrained in this stuff. Let me know!
/Mod A
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sapphicscholar · 7 years
Stronger Together prompt. Soft Sanvers is my favorite Sanvers. How about some adorable cuddling and pillow talk?
Hi, friend! I just posted the chapter to AO3 here! I combined with with prompts from @thebiwisebrownkid and @agent-dvnvers (see below)
Prompt 2: HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW 3x01 TRAILER?!?!! THE HAND HOLDING SCENE WITH WHAT (i think) WAS SANVERS?!?! I low key feel like that was a sex scene so i was wondering if u wud write a soft passionate smutty fic post getting rings and incorporate that hand holding thing p.s. we have never seen sanvers hold hands like how the fuck has that not happened till now-Okay, so it’s not explicitly smutty, save for a line or two. It’s mainly soft (like, ya know, a PG13 movie, or what you get on the CW if you’re a hetero couple)
Prompt 2: Hi! If you’re still up for a prompt could you maybe just write a really fluffy morning in for Sanvers? Featuring a hot makeout and playful banter/teasing and lots of love? Could it also feature cuddling like Maggies head on alexs chest (basically high dosage of cute gay shit pls)
A/N:Why yes, this is soft Sanvers being engaged and ecstatic about spending the rest of forever together and maybe this is the softest, nicest way I’ve ever told a show writer to fuck off, but please enjoy it.
Chapter Text:
“No,” Maggie grunted, her voice muffled by the pillow. She could hear Alex’s soft laugh ringing out as she continued her attempt at extricating herself from Maggie’s tight, koala-like grip around her waist. “Stay in bed.”
“Let me put on coffee, and I promise I’ll be right back.”
“Five more minutes?”
After a moment, Alex acquiesced, letting herself be led back down to the pillows as Maggie’s head found its way to her chest, her fingers curling against Alex’s abs and her legs tangling with Alex’s. The look of pure contentment on her face made her look many years younger, and Alex couldn’t help wishing that they could stay like this forever, far removed from the worries and cares of work and life and a city that seemed to be forever under attack.
Maggie hummed in contentment as Alex carded her fingers through her hair, feeling herself drifting in and out of consciousness with the soothing motions.
“How about I go make us coffee now?” Alex whispered, moving like she was going to get up.
“No,” Maggie whined, reaching up above her for Alex’s hand and drawing it down. As she clasped Alex’s hand in her own, letting their fingers curl together, she looked down at their matching engagement rings. They’d talked about whether or not it was practical to get them, tried to figure out if they’d even be allowed to wear them out in the field, but eventually they both decided that it was worth it. They wanted the world to know they were in love, that they were lucky enough to be spending the rest of their lives together. And if that meant that Alex had spent a few long nights in the lab with some gems from outer space synthesizing a compound even stronger than diamond for their rings…well, it was worth a few nights apart in the end.
“You look good with a ring, Danvers.”
“I could say the same to you, Sawyer.”
“I look good in anything, though,” Maggie teased, pulling herself up to kiss Alex—her fiancée, and god would she ever get tired of saying that?
“I think you looked best in nothing but the ring…” Alex trailed off, turning over in Maggie’s arms to kiss her properly as memories from the night before flickered through her mind. Even though they’d been engaged for weeks at that point, there had been something new to sliding rings onto each other’s fingers, something that felt absurdly romantic but in the best of ways. Alex had insisted on taking Maggie out to a nice dinner, needed the world to see how perfect they looked together, for the world to see that they belonged together. As they waited for their food, they couldn’t help the way their hands drifted across the table at dinner, finding one another, fingers lacing together, watching as the rings seemed to sparkle and flash in the candlelight.
They’d skipped dessert, too eager to get home, to hold one another close and celebrate each and every part of the commitment they were making to one another. But, eager as they were, they’d managed to take it slowly. The kisses were soft—every gentle caress and breathy sigh full of new meaning, every whispered “I love you” trailing off into the unspoken “forever” they couldn’t wait to celebrate in front of their friends and makeshift families. Clothes had been slowly pulled off, fingers and lips tracing reverent paths across every inch of newly revealed skin. When they finally fell into bed, they’d held each other close—gasps and moans swallowed by heated kisses, the press of soft, warm skin a welcome embrace—finally falling asleep with Maggie’s arms and legs wrapped protectively around Alex, their hands tangled together.
The rumble of Alex’s stomach finally pulled them apart. “Okay, time for food—for real this time.”
“I can think of something I’d rather eat…” Maggie winked at Alex, watching as the woman blushed and rolled her eyes.
“You’re insatiable.”
“You didn’t seem to think that was a problem last night.”
“No…I suppose you’re right.”
“I’m always right.”
“You wish you were always right.”
“Semantics,” Maggie sighed, finally relinquishing her grasp on Alex and watching with unabashed desire as Alex stood and stretched, the light flickering in through the curtains playing across Alex’s back, accentuating the planes of toned muscle, the scars that served as reminders of just how brave she was, of how she put herself in harm’s way day in and day out to keep her city and her sister safe. She let out a huff of disappointment as Alex pulled on a tank top and shorts, though she too pulled herself out of bed, looking for her favorite orange t-shirt of Alex’s—the one that still reminded her of their first night spent together so many months ago.
By the time she made it out to the kitchen, the coffee was nearly ready and a double-toasted bagel was sitting at her place. “You spoil me.”
“You deserve it.”
And god, it was cheesy and sentimental and absolutely something she would’ve mocked a year ago, but somehow when Alex said it, it just sounded perfectly sincere, like everything she ever wanted to hear.
After breakfast, Maggie tried stalling, determined to stay at home for just a little longer before they had to go off to work.
“I’ve called in with the black lung four times…this month.”
“I’ve heard it’s incredibly hard to shake—quite the nasty bug.”
Alex laughed and shook her head. “Let’s save our leave time for the honeymoon.”
“Kara told me you had something like nine months of accrued overtime hours alone.”
“Have I not told you about my plans for our honeymoon?”
It was Maggie’s turn to laugh as she tried to drag Alex back to bed. “Please! Just a few more minutes of cuddling?”
“You know as well as I do a few minutes of cuddling will turn into an hour of fucking.”
“You can’t just talk dirty like that and expect me to leave you alone.”
“Then why don’t you come clean up with me in the shower,” Alex offered, already throwing off her tank top and letting her shorts drop to the ground. Never one to resist temptation that looked that good, Maggie threw off Alex’s t-shirt and followed her to the bathroom, her hands already reaching out for Alex’s waist.
After brushing their teeth, they eventually made it into the shower, even managing to pull their mouths away from each other long enough to wash up before Maggie had Alex’s back pressed up against the cool tile of the shower wall, her hands dropping down between Alex’s legs.
“No,” Alex finally managed, though her voice was decidedly less firm than she would have liked. But  one of them needed to lay down the law if they were ever going to make it into work.
“You sure? I bet it would only take a few minutes,” Maggie taunted, making a show of dragging her slick fingers back up and sucking them between her lips.
Groaning, Alex dropped her head back against the tile, forcing herself to remember that she had a to-do list a mile long in the lab that wasn’t going to complete itself.  “Tonight.”
“Fine.” Incorrigible as ever, though, as Alex turned off the water Maggie’s eyes glinted mischievously as the corners of her mouth pulled up into a smile. “Need a hand moisturizing, babe?”
“Get your ass back to the bedroom.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Maggie replied with a cheeky wink and salute.
By the time Alex made it to the bedroom, Maggie was already tucking one of her countless button ups (Alex really didn’t know where more kept coming from) into a pair of skinny black jeans, her hair wrapped in a towel on top of her head. As Alex dropped her towel, she felt Maggie’s hands immediately finding their way to her bare skin. “Already?”
“You told me to wait in the bedroom for you. I did.”
“I’m getting dressed, babe.”
“Why don’t you put on a nice show for me,” Maggie teased, settling into bed and propping herself up against the pillows.
Rolling her eyes, Alex just pulled out one of her DEO uniforms, leaning a little closer to Maggie than was strictly necessary, her chest right in Maggie’s line of vision, and maybe flexing just a little bit…not that she’d admit to it. Smirking at the way Maggie’s breath caught in her throat, she made a show of bending over to pull on her socks.
When Alex sauntered across the room, yelling that she was doing her hair and leaving for work, Maggie groaned. Never before had she regretted a decision as much as she did at the moment, left desperate and wanting with a full day of work still ahead of her. But she joined Alex in the bathroom, pulling out her own hairdryer and plugging it in beneath Alex’s.
The first time a gust of hot air hit Alex, blowing her hair up and into her face at a ridiculous angle, she spluttered as Maggie burst out laughing. “I’m sorry! It was a mistake,” Maggie apologized. They had long ago realized a bigger bathroom was something of a necessity for their next apartment.
“You’re fine,” Alex sighed, though all too soon Maggie felt her own hair being blown up and saw Alex clutching her hair dryer like a gun and cackling.
By the time they were done, the process had taken significantly longer than usual, and Alex’s hair was a bit more…voluminous than she’d normally like, while Maggie had been forced to throw hers into a ponytail to hide the puffy, tangled sections that would be a pain in the ass to deal with later. But they both sported matching grins, their cheeks pink from the effort.
“See you tonight?” Alex checked.
“Barring alien emergencies…though I suppose we’d probably still see each other then.”
“Fair enough. Now be safe.”
“Always. And you too—don’t go jumping into portals without me again!”
“Yes, yes… I love you.”
“Love you too.”
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