#3x01 preemptive fix it fic
sapphicscholar · 7 years
Stronger Together prompt. Soft Sanvers is my favorite Sanvers. How about some adorable cuddling and pillow talk?
Hi, friend! I just posted the chapter to AO3 here! I combined with with prompts from @thebiwisebrownkid and @agent-dvnvers (see below)
Prompt 2: HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW 3x01 TRAILER?!?!! THE HAND HOLDING SCENE WITH WHAT (i think) WAS SANVERS?!?! I low key feel like that was a sex scene so i was wondering if u wud write a soft passionate smutty fic post getting rings and incorporate that hand holding thing p.s. we have never seen sanvers hold hands like how the fuck has that not happened till now-Okay, so it’s not explicitly smutty, save for a line or two. It’s mainly soft (like, ya know, a PG13 movie, or what you get on the CW if you’re a hetero couple)
Prompt 2: Hi! If you’re still up for a prompt could you maybe just write a really fluffy morning in for Sanvers? Featuring a hot makeout and playful banter/teasing and lots of love? Could it also feature cuddling like Maggies head on alexs chest (basically high dosage of cute gay shit pls)
A/N:Why yes, this is soft Sanvers being engaged and ecstatic about spending the rest of forever together and maybe this is the softest, nicest way I’ve ever told a show writer to fuck off, but please enjoy it.
Chapter Text:
“No,” Maggie grunted, her voice muffled by the pillow. She could hear Alex’s soft laugh ringing out as she continued her attempt at extricating herself from Maggie’s tight, koala-like grip around her waist. “Stay in bed.”
“Let me put on coffee, and I promise I’ll be right back.”
“Five more minutes?”
After a moment, Alex acquiesced, letting herself be led back down to the pillows as Maggie’s head found its way to her chest, her fingers curling against Alex’s abs and her legs tangling with Alex’s. The look of pure contentment on her face made her look many years younger, and Alex couldn’t help wishing that they could stay like this forever, far removed from the worries and cares of work and life and a city that seemed to be forever under attack.
Maggie hummed in contentment as Alex carded her fingers through her hair, feeling herself drifting in and out of consciousness with the soothing motions.
“How about I go make us coffee now?” Alex whispered, moving like she was going to get up.
“No,” Maggie whined, reaching up above her for Alex’s hand and drawing it down. As she clasped Alex’s hand in her own, letting their fingers curl together, she looked down at their matching engagement rings. They’d talked about whether or not it was practical to get them, tried to figure out if they’d even be allowed to wear them out in the field, but eventually they both decided that it was worth it. They wanted the world to know they were in love, that they were lucky enough to be spending the rest of their lives together. And if that meant that Alex had spent a few long nights in the lab with some gems from outer space synthesizing a compound even stronger than diamond for their rings…well, it was worth a few nights apart in the end.
“You look good with a ring, Danvers.”
“I could say the same to you, Sawyer.”
“I look good in anything, though,” Maggie teased, pulling herself up to kiss Alex—her fiancée, and god would she ever get tired of saying that?
“I think you looked best in nothing but the ring…” Alex trailed off, turning over in Maggie’s arms to kiss her properly as memories from the night before flickered through her mind. Even though they’d been engaged for weeks at that point, there had been something new to sliding rings onto each other’s fingers, something that felt absurdly romantic but in the best of ways. Alex had insisted on taking Maggie out to a nice dinner, needed the world to see how perfect they looked together, for the world to see that they belonged together. As they waited for their food, they couldn’t help the way their hands drifted across the table at dinner, finding one another, fingers lacing together, watching as the rings seemed to sparkle and flash in the candlelight.
They’d skipped dessert, too eager to get home, to hold one another close and celebrate each and every part of the commitment they were making to one another. But, eager as they were, they’d managed to take it slowly. The kisses were soft—every gentle caress and breathy sigh full of new meaning, every whispered “I love you” trailing off into the unspoken “forever” they couldn’t wait to celebrate in front of their friends and makeshift families. Clothes had been slowly pulled off, fingers and lips tracing reverent paths across every inch of newly revealed skin. When they finally fell into bed, they’d held each other close—gasps and moans swallowed by heated kisses, the press of soft, warm skin a welcome embrace—finally falling asleep with Maggie’s arms and legs wrapped protectively around Alex, their hands tangled together.
The rumble of Alex’s stomach finally pulled them apart. “Okay, time for food—for real this time.”
“I can think of something I’d rather eat…” Maggie winked at Alex, watching as the woman blushed and rolled her eyes.
“You’re insatiable.”
“You didn’t seem to think that was a problem last night.”
“No…I suppose you’re right.”
“I’m always right.”
“You wish you were always right.”
“Semantics,” Maggie sighed, finally relinquishing her grasp on Alex and watching with unabashed desire as Alex stood and stretched, the light flickering in through the curtains playing across Alex’s back, accentuating the planes of toned muscle, the scars that served as reminders of just how brave she was, of how she put herself in harm’s way day in and day out to keep her city and her sister safe. She let out a huff of disappointment as Alex pulled on a tank top and shorts, though she too pulled herself out of bed, looking for her favorite orange t-shirt of Alex’s—the one that still reminded her of their first night spent together so many months ago.
By the time she made it out to the kitchen, the coffee was nearly ready and a double-toasted bagel was sitting at her place. “You spoil me.”
“You deserve it.”
And god, it was cheesy and sentimental and absolutely something she would’ve mocked a year ago, but somehow when Alex said it, it just sounded perfectly sincere, like everything she ever wanted to hear.
After breakfast, Maggie tried stalling, determined to stay at home for just a little longer before they had to go off to work.
“I’ve called in with the black lung four times…this month.”
“I’ve heard it’s incredibly hard to shake—quite the nasty bug.”
Alex laughed and shook her head. “Let’s save our leave time for the honeymoon.”
“Kara told me you had something like nine months of accrued overtime hours alone.”
“Have I not told you about my plans for our honeymoon?”
It was Maggie’s turn to laugh as she tried to drag Alex back to bed. “Please! Just a few more minutes of cuddling?”
“You know as well as I do a few minutes of cuddling will turn into an hour of fucking.”
“You can’t just talk dirty like that and expect me to leave you alone.”
“Then why don’t you come clean up with me in the shower,” Alex offered, already throwing off her tank top and letting her shorts drop to the ground. Never one to resist temptation that looked that good, Maggie threw off Alex’s t-shirt and followed her to the bathroom, her hands already reaching out for Alex’s waist.
After brushing their teeth, they eventually made it into the shower, even managing to pull their mouths away from each other long enough to wash up before Maggie had Alex’s back pressed up against the cool tile of the shower wall, her hands dropping down between Alex’s legs.
“No,” Alex finally managed, though her voice was decidedly less firm than she would have liked. But  one of them needed to lay down the law if they were ever going to make it into work.
“You sure? I bet it would only take a few minutes,” Maggie taunted, making a show of dragging her slick fingers back up and sucking them between her lips.
Groaning, Alex dropped her head back against the tile, forcing herself to remember that she had a to-do list a mile long in the lab that wasn’t going to complete itself.  “Tonight.”
“Fine.” Incorrigible as ever, though, as Alex turned off the water Maggie’s eyes glinted mischievously as the corners of her mouth pulled up into a smile. “Need a hand moisturizing, babe?”
“Get your ass back to the bedroom.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Maggie replied with a cheeky wink and salute.
By the time Alex made it to the bedroom, Maggie was already tucking one of her countless button ups (Alex really didn’t know where more kept coming from) into a pair of skinny black jeans, her hair wrapped in a towel on top of her head. As Alex dropped her towel, she felt Maggie’s hands immediately finding their way to her bare skin. “Already?”
“You told me to wait in the bedroom for you. I did.”
“I’m getting dressed, babe.”
“Why don’t you put on a nice show for me,” Maggie teased, settling into bed and propping herself up against the pillows.
Rolling her eyes, Alex just pulled out one of her DEO uniforms, leaning a little closer to Maggie than was strictly necessary, her chest right in Maggie’s line of vision, and maybe flexing just a little bit…not that she’d admit to it. Smirking at the way Maggie’s breath caught in her throat, she made a show of bending over to pull on her socks.
When Alex sauntered across the room, yelling that she was doing her hair and leaving for work, Maggie groaned. Never before had she regretted a decision as much as she did at the moment, left desperate and wanting with a full day of work still ahead of her. But she joined Alex in the bathroom, pulling out her own hairdryer and plugging it in beneath Alex’s.
The first time a gust of hot air hit Alex, blowing her hair up and into her face at a ridiculous angle, she spluttered as Maggie burst out laughing. “I’m sorry! It was a mistake,” Maggie apologized. They had long ago realized a bigger bathroom was something of a necessity for their next apartment.
“You’re fine,” Alex sighed, though all too soon Maggie felt her own hair being blown up and saw Alex clutching her hair dryer like a gun and cackling.
By the time they were done, the process had taken significantly longer than usual, and Alex’s hair was a bit more…voluminous than she’d normally like, while Maggie had been forced to throw hers into a ponytail to hide the puffy, tangled sections that would be a pain in the ass to deal with later. But they both sported matching grins, their cheeks pink from the effort.
“See you tonight?” Alex checked.
“Barring alien emergencies…though I suppose we’d probably still see each other then.”
“Fair enough. Now be safe.”
“Always. And you too—don’t go jumping into portals without me again!”
“Yes, yes… I love you.”
“Love you too.”
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