#// my first drabble yaaay
pimosworld · 8 months
Lovely Priscilla! 🖤
Congrats on your milestone! Yaaay!! You rock! 🎉🙌🏻
Can I request 💌 with Dave and some fluff? I'm feeling all fluffy today!
Love you! 🖤😘
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Pairing- Dave York x gn reader
Summary- A Valentine’s Day surprise 💕
CW-a little angst and loads of fluff
A/N-I’m kicking this off with you @morallyinept and of course it’s somehow not quite a Drabble but 1k of my murder daddy Dave.
Agent Cupid
Despite your husband telling you to dress casual and prepare for a fun and relaxing night, you were currently anything but relaxed. You couldn’t find your favorite jeans, the shirt you planned on wearing was in the dryer this morning and now nowhere to be found.
Dave was nothing but punctual so you’re trying not to panic over your appearance as the time he told you to be ready quickly approaches. You love him so much it hurts but right now you want to hurt him and his smug face as he lounges on the couch without a care in the world as you run around the house like a maniac. He’s got his feet up on the coffee table- something he never does looking ridiculously handsome in his gray pullover and black jeans.
“We can’t be late, baby you almost ready?” His tone is steady and calm as you try not to cry in frustration. You can’t even look halfway decent for your husband on Valentine’s Day.
“Ya honey, just a minute.” A slight quiver in your voice that you try to disguise. You don’t hear him at first when he enters your bathroom, you quickly wipe your eyes and offer him a tight smile. His heart looks like it’s breaking a little at the sight of you. The deep frown lines in between his eyes get impossibly deeper as he steps up behind you wrapping his arms around your waist.
“Did I tell you how beautiful you looked today?” You shrug as he rests his chin on your shoulder swaying a little to shake the funk you’ve put yourself in. “You’re the most gorgeous, kind, wonderful, amazing-“ He kisses your neck and cheek and lips with each punctuation as you laugh against him. He somehow always could read your mind and knew when you were letting your thoughts get the best of an easy situation.
“This isn’t really what I wanted to wear.” You say sheepishly as you gesture to your clothes.
“You look great, and I needed your cute behind in the car approximately-“ He checks his watch. “Five minutes ago.” You yelp when he smacks your ass and leaves you staring at your flustered reflection in the mirror.
You desperately want to turn on the radio to drown out the hum of the car and Dave tapping some incessant tune onto the steering wheel. You blindly reach for the knobs, not daring to move the silk scarf around your eyes. He gently grabs your hand, kissing each knuckle as he places it back on your thigh.
“Can’t we listen to something, the silence is killing me.” It comes out whinier than you’d like as he chuckles to himself.
“We’re almost there baby, but I can sing something for you if you’d like.” That would assuredly kill you, you think.
“No that’s fine-“
“Cause I’m leavin on a jet plane.” His off tune voice cuts you off and you’re contemplating just opening the door and jumping out. “Don’t know when I’ll be back again.”
“I’m glad you think this is so funny.” There’s no real bitterness in your tone but a touch of apprehension at what exactly he had planned for tonight. The car comes to a stop and he gives your leg one final squeeze as you hear the door open and close. The sound of the trunk opening and closing startles you slightly and you think this might be it.
He’s finally got sick of your shit and he’s brought you to the middle of nowhere to dump your body.
The passenger door opens and the cool rush of air is a welcome feeling from the sweat dripping down your back. His finger hooks under the soft tie around your face and draws it back. Your eyes try to adjust to the unfamiliar parking lot as your husband leans into the car placing a kiss on the crown of your head.
“Where are we?” You question and he doesn’t answer as he holds out his hand and helps you out of the car. The sound of a plane taking off is completely disorienting as you finally take in your surroundings.
“Technically we’re in the airport parking lot.” The sarcasm oozes from him as he rolls your suitcase into view and clicks the handle. No doubt holding the contents of your favorite jeans, tee shirt, makeup, and everything else you almost had a meltdown over not being able to find. You’re in awe at the man standing in front of you looking just as smug as the day you met him.
“Dare I ask where you’re taking me?” You teased as you tried and failed to take your suitcase.
He locks the car and throws his bag over his shoulder taking your hand. “We’re going to the restaurant from our first date.”
“David, our first date was on my work trip in Las Vegas.” You balk as he continues to pull you along.
“I’m glad you remember.” He turns and winks at you while you grasp the severity of your situation. “And before you ask…I’ve already taken care of everything. Your boss owes me anyway.”
You’re not entirely sure if he owes him or he’s just terrified of upsetting your husband but you don’t care at this moment.
“But…-“ He turns to you breathing out heavily through his nose as he gives you that look. The look that said he’s had just about enough of your back talk. “I didn’t get you anything.”
He laughs deep and menacing as he walks you through the sliding doors of the airport entrance. “Don’t worry sweetheart…I’ve always wanted to join the mile high club.”
Comments and reblogs are much appreciated
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soragawanaeru · 9 months
So I just rewatched Nexo Knights randomly, when I got the idea, I watched S3E2 one and I reached the Combo Nexo Power part and Merlok mentioned about Nexo Power Triangulator because 3 combinations of Nexo Power created a new one. And so for this I wanna give appreciations to Ava and Robin because their tech innovations, yaaay!!
Also as an apology because of DAY 03 story that maybe giving mental damage
Usual announcement, English is not my main and not beta read. Set in Future AU because Robin and Ava grow up into young adult thing, but I put a bit flashbacks of the series for the plot.
Ava Prentiss and Robin Underwood just a mere Knights' Academy freshmen students when they were approached by Fortune Goddess after NEXO KNIGHTS' Ceremony of 151th Generation Academy Graduation.
Since the awaken of Book of Monsters and its army, Ava and Robin were the one who noticed how to initiate. They created a machine that contained Merlok's memory and magic that encrypted into data and soon was attached into the encypter in Merlok's tower library, creating a hologram version of the magician -- Merlok 2.0 and a magic power to defeat the evil called Nexo Powers.
They joined the army, with Ava as programmer and Robin as technician. Together, they created new technology that helped NEXO KNIGHTS to battle. First, the vehicles to provide NEXO KNIGHTS an easier transportation for outside Fortrex. A machine support that Robin got inspired by the props on Lance's play 'The Golden Castle'. Robin also made a suit called 'Black Knight' so he could defeat the doppleganger of NEXO KNIGHTS that actually lava monsters in disguise. Then Robin added 3 more vehicles so each knight got one. During the final battle of Book of Monsters and the lava army, Robin upgraded the Techcalibur so he could use that and transfer the magic into Book of Monster's inside.
Ava was working much to. Even she's spent her time sitting and typing, but she's actually the brain of every techs that NEXO KNIGHTS used. Her intelligence in programming helped every data encryption, coding, and programming. She even let her ratio passed when she knew the way to end Book of Monster's final battle was sacrificing Merlok, even she felt that her feelings broke down because a mistake and Merlok will be gone, forever.
As time moves, everything changed. Cloud of Monstrox returned and NEXO KNIGHTS must change. Ava and Robin worked hard just to created a machine that can combine three Nexo Powers -- Nexo Power Triangulator. She ratioed every possibilities that occurs in order to keep the power intact. Robin created new armor for the knights that resistant from any Forbidden Power attack after the old one crumbled after affected by Forbidden Power 'Relentless Rust' (And he was the one who controlled the reparation of Fortex after Rogul rusted it)
When news that Clay got cursed by Monstrox and slowly turned into stone got into everyone, Robin worked himself to create a Knight Suit in order to support Clay in battle (So Clay didn't left out and felt guilty because he's the leader after all)
Ava, on the other side, worked hard to encrypt and found out about Merlok's magic and restore the data memory so she could understand, how to defeat Monstrox, what Nexo Power she should encrypted for the next battle, how Merlok's life and relationship with Monstrox, and so on.
Ava and Robin's heart broken when they saw Clay, standing highly, as a hardened statue after his last battle with Ruina Stoneheart to save Queen Halbert. But the two must go on, they must carry Clay's legacy to save the realm. They both just a mere teenagers, they don't know how to enjoy their teen life. Their life stucked and they MAYBE lived for rest of their life, to creating and programming.
But, after the storm, comes the rainbow. Peace was upon Knighton again, and people finally can live upon their life. Including Ava and Robin. They begin their journey as a mere student with above average intelligence, creating simple new innovation for technology, then ranked by The King as Junior Knight for their bravery, dedication, and intelligence in order to save Knighton. And now, Ava Prentiss and Robin Underwood, age 20, finally fully graduated from Academy were given a noble title from the kingdom.
They both successfully creating a technology that will creating a new era in Knighton. Yes, Knighton was a city of techs, but in Ava and Robin's hand, they worked with inventors all the Knighton to creat technology that help human life, to protect from any harm and evil.
The young teenager finally turned into young adults. Robin looked nervous, especially when he saw the audiences in front of him and saw familiar faces. Ava on the other side looked stoic, but Robin could know she was proud, all their hardwork and sacrifices was worth.
After some presentation of the inventions, it's time for Ava and Robin to give speech. All the audience silenced, then Robin proceed to talk.
"I want to thank you for His Majesty King Halbert and Her Majesty Queen Halbert, for this gratitute. I and Ava won't be here and pursue our dream to invent for future of Knighton if not for your mercy and blessing. We hope, our contribution for this invention will be use for good, for new and hopeful future of Knighton. I and Ava, since our teenager time, seeing world changed, affected by darkness and evil attacked the realm, wished one day, everyone can contribute to protect themselves and Knighton.
So we worked hard. We joined and fight along with NEXO KNIGHTS to defeat evil. We both may not in the front guat for battling, but we fight with our way. I and Ava created technology supports so the knights can defeat evil. Our feeling when we knew that our inventions can help was full of joy and pride. We found out dream to invent, to create, and we continue that, until we are reaching now."
The audiences slightly cheered, Robin then proceeded to continue, "I, Robin Underwood and my partner, Ava Prentiss, personally want to thank you to The NEXO KNIGHTS -- Knights' Academy Head Academic and Teaching Division, Professor Clay Moorington; Her Highness, Princess Macy Halbert; Sir Duke Lance Richmond; Axl; and Aaron Fox, for giving us lessons, experiences, and became our teacher to find ourselves and dreams..."
From audience's seats, the five front rows were filled by NEXO KNIGHTS members, Clay, Macy, Lance, Axl, Aaron. They felt glad for Robin and Ava. Time has passed and people has changed, but their relationships remained the same.
Robin and Ava bowed down, followed by the audiences' clap, signing that Robin's speech ended up with happy ending...
After a long time of events, finally everyone was given their time to enjoy themselves, not excluding Robin and Ava too.
The tech duo went into the other side ot Knightonia's Joustdome, met the five former NEXO KNIGHTS who are enjoying their time for a reunion.
"Hey, guys, what's up? May I join?" Robin asked and was replied by a yes, signing Robin and Ava to join.
"You're so cool, Robin. Your and Ava's idea for making that inventions really make me glad, people started to learn from me how to defend their village" Macy chuckled. Despite retired being a knight, she carried her legacy by teaching people to protect themselves from evil, also learning as a future Queen of Knighton, of course.
"Yup, that's it. Hey Ava, can I asked you for a program again? Making a web for recruitement for the actors, don't worry 'cause I'll pay you well," Lance said as he swished out his hair. His job as actors and presenters really took his time, recently Lance want to make a film based on NEXO KNIGHTS' life, so he started to search potential actors for his film.
Axl just munched on his food, typical Axl. He's back as Axl the Singing Chef, but more focused because no monsters to be fought. Aaron on the other side, worked as sportsman and vlogger thanks to Lance's reccomendation, dunked his tea, "Yeah dude. Hey Robin, your idea for that launcher's sooo coool. I wanna be your first one, to try it of course..."
Robin laughed, "Yeah, of course, I'll tell you about it." Ava sighed, "Come on... Robin... We all know what things will end if you and Aaron cooping together..." Robin knew Ava was joking, but that can't be helped because that's funny.
The last one to speak. Clay set his reading glasses off, showing his ocean blue with yellowish-orange highlight eyes. "It's a long time, right? I remembered that you just a teen and now you grow up so much, Robin, even your voice is heavier now."
Robin replied, "You know, Clay, you don't changed much." Aaron cut Robin's statement, "Yeah, like, how can he had no wrinkle even we almost our 30s dude?!?! If I didn't know that he's a wizard than I though that he's a super vampire!"
Everybody laughed, including the stoic people Ava and Clay. "Guess so, but the change in my physical is that my eyesight turned bad that I need glasses to read papers, eh," Clay said while he showed his reading glasses.
"But Clay, you changed too. From only a knight, then as a teacher. And now you got multiple jobs! You're maybe retired like us four, but now you're a full time teacher and academic staff. Adding by you're a wizard! I can't believe you survive that all," Macy told about everything.
Clay chuckled a bit, "Well I guess so. I mean, Head Academic and Teaching Division. I never heard that until the system changed. I'm quite suprised because I remember Principal Brickland choose me to fill the position, like I'm the one who manage for teachings and academical like that."
Axl joined the dialogue, with his mouth a bit filled, "You know that time you got the position, I need to knock you because you're frozen that time."
Everyone there laughed. Robin and Ava may grew up, but their young souls remained. Robin, looking at the photo of his first invention with Ava, Techcalibur, smirked. From simple magical sword until a rocket launcher in Merlok's Library Tower to defeat Collossus in his youth. Guess new techs started with old memories...
What in world I'm doing? I supposed to do tech but this became like a cringe story...
A-anyways, feedbacks are welcome and maybe I'll try for making better stories...
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onlyswan · 6 months
I loved the new drabble😭💔💔💔 it’s so good I might cry 😢 It’s so well written and so 🌸🎀💞💕💗 I love it sm<3 made me a lil sad ngl.
art it’s has been 2 years since I stumbled upon this masterpiece of a blog 💘 the first drabble that I’ve read was “in which you wake up in the middle of the night without jungkook by your side” 🥹
do you know how happy I was when I found your blog????? I was really bored of what I was reading on tumblr because everything is so smutty, and yes i’m a fluff girly! I love cute stuff that makes you want to cry but also makes you want to scream at the same time yk? and YOUU🫵🫵 are the PERFECT PERSON FOR THAT.
It felt like I discovered a hidden treasure! that day was the best honestly.
love you🥨 my favorite author ❤️
omg yaaay that’s such a relief to hear 🥹🥹🥹 thank youuuu so much !! 💕💕💕 i was really surprised i managed to pull through and finish it and share it with you ㅠㅠ i’m happy!!
holy shit how has it been two years already??? 🥲 that’s insanehfkdhfjdh thank you for being here since then and allowing me to grow as a writer through your support 🥺🩵 i’m a fluff lover through and through too hehehe and i’m so happy to have this lil community who simply loves love :") LOVE YOU!!!
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myradelphox · 3 years
She's rolling in her bed as images flash in her mind, voices from the past echoing, voices she never wanted to hear again.
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“Why did you betray me?”
A thunder stroke down, briefly illuminating the silhouette of the other Pokémon. Flashes of blue and white fading back into the darkness as the lightning ended.
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“You're insane!”
He laughed.
“You'll have to come up with a better reason, young one.”
Red eyes flashed through the dark. A sinister grin crossed his face.
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“Stop calling me that! I'm not your little one! I never was!”
Another sinister laugher followed by another evil grin.
“I took you under my wing and raised you. Under my training you became stronger! A true, powerful Witch! And yet, you repay me with betrayal.”
“You didn't raise me! You kidnapped me! You brainwashed me! You took me from my home! You killed someone important to me! You made me your slave! Everything I hate about myself comes from you!”
Now the laugher has stopped. There was only a sinister and malicious look on the other Pokémon's face.
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“I was freeing you!” The dragon Pokémon yelled, his red eyes filled with fury.
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“By enslaving me?” She spat back, teeth bared in a snarl. “You're a hypocrite.”
Latios simply shook his head in disbelief and disappointment.
“You were already a slave, young one. You just never knew it yourself.”
The thunder continued to crash, illuminating the blue and white face of the Chaos Pokémon. She didn’t know if this was a memory of the past or if the spirit of the evil Pokémon was there, haunting her dreams, filling her with guilt and shame.
“A monster, is what you are.”
“A monster, you say? Humans are the true monsters. They are the ones who are destroying our planet, killing our kind, using us for their own purposes. You were such a slave to them! They were the ones who brainwashed you!” The dragon shouted, his red eyes burning with hatred.
“You’re wrong!” Myra spat back. “Arwin was my friend! He was like family! But you don’t understand any of this. You have love for nothing. Not even for your own kin.” 
She thought of Latias, the poor red dragoness had gone through so much shit because of her corrupted brother. Perhaps the only deity she felt some sympathy for. “You only love destruction and death. You’re no better than the humans you want to destroy so much.”
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“How could I ever love a sister who refuses to aid me in my plan? She is as weak minded as the rest of you. Pathetic little creatures who live to be ruled by others. Such a shame.”
The chaos dragon snarled, but he stayed silent for a few minutes as if processing his next words.
“I will come back, Myra. Mark my words. And when I do, you can be sure that every single human life will cease to exist. Lugia and the other gods will fall. I will rule the new world as a new God and lead our kind to prosperity, as it should have been in the past. And there won’t be a place on Earth, no realm, no crevice where you can hide from me. You will be mine again... Or suffer the consequences. The choice is yours.”
His evil laugher echoed through her mind, mixed with the thunder and in an instant, he disappeared, and Myra woke up with a scream of terror.
Was this only a nightmare? Or a prelude of things to come? 
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daffodildazaiwrites · 4 years
Hello! saw that you were taking requests so could you do some fluffy headcanons of Chuuya and dazai being with an insecure chubby reader! Thank you so much in advance!
Yaaay my first BSD request! I hope you enjoy this anon and thank you for requesting! oh and sorry that the Dazai one turned out to be more like a drabble T^T
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When ever your mind is clouded with self doubt, you would stand in front of a mirror. You would prod at your soft stomach and love handles with a distasteful look in your eyes.
Dazai would always be baffled whenever he caught you having a staring contest with your mirror double. Sighing, he would come from behind you and wrap his arms around your waist. His hands would gently lay on your stomach and would start to rub small circles into your soft skin. 
He would whisper how beautiful you looked and everytime you would scoff at him. You were still confused as to why someone like Dazai was with you. 
Dazai, as if he was reading your mind, would click his tongue with annoyance and swiftly turned you to face him. 
“Honestly, I’m offended that you would ever think that I would care about something as trivial as your weight.” 
Your mouth hanging open, you would start at him with wide eyes. This was the first time he was actually angry at you because of this. You bit your bottom lip. You’ve never considered how he might be feeling about you constantly degrading of yourself. 
You opened your mouth to apologize but Dazai shushes you and placed his hand on your cheeks. His thumbs went in circles as he stroked your flushed skin. 
Dazai leaned in gave you a tender kiss. When he parted you followed his lips, not wanting to part from him, he chuckled at you and placed his forehead on to yours. 
With that you felt your mind clearing up much like sunlight dissipating the grey clouds of a rainy day. 
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Chuuya always makes you feel loved and cherished. 
He doesn’t really care if you have extra weight or not. Honestly the fact that you love him and want to be with him is enough. 
Chuuya is super supportive about anything you do. 
You want to lose weight? Cool he’s signing the both of you up for a gym membership. 
You want to binge eat and watch movies all day? Great, let’s go to the supermarket and buy some junk food to eat together. 
If he ever catches you staring at a mirror with a disapproving look in your eyes, he threatens to break the mirror since it’s making you feel like crap.
You have to beg him not to because you don’t want seven years worth of bad luck. 
If anyone dares to comment on your weight while the two of you are out, needless to say that Chuuya is going to let them have a piece of his mind.
Honestly, if he could he would smack you too for talking trash about yourself. 
His absolute favorite thing is to blow raspberries on your stomach.  
If you got annoying Chuuya would smush your cheeks together with one hand to shush you. 
He also likes squeeze your upper arms and basically uses them as a stress ball. 
Chuuya loves to take short naps with his head on your thighs. Apparently your legs were the comfiest pillows in all of Yokohama.  
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bigheromaniac · 3 years
Big sister Abi
A//N: This is a drabble that i had in my head after i've done this art. I hope you guys like it.
It has been a long night for Robert. After his wife called him during his meeting with his coworkers telling him that her water broke, he had to leave the school in a hurry and with tears in his eyes while he drove back home to get her and take her to the hospital. Of course they had to take their five year old daughter with them as well. Abigail was an energetic girl who loved everything about her father and wanted to be just like him.
After a few minutes they made it to the hospital and once he parked at the lot, Robert brought his wife in and she was soon taken care of by the deliver team. Robert had to pay for a Nanny to stay with Abigail while they were at the deliver room, since they had no one in their families avauliable to do so. While at the delivery room, Robert felt like he was back at the day when Abigail was born. All of the thriller and the anxiety were back like it all happened yestarday.
After hours of pushing and screaming, the baby was here, for everyone's relief. The midwive announced that it was a girl. The news bringing joy to Robert's heart. Once they have cleaned the newborn, they brought her for what would be the first time the father was going to hold his daughter. Robert was glad that he was already trained in that area. He remembered the first time he held Abigail. He was so scared of letting her fall or that he'll make her cry.
However, the moment his new daughter was placed in his arms, he had one of the best sensations in the world. And now, he felt the same thing and it was even stronger.
While he let his wife get her most deserved rest he took his new daughter to the hallway and asked for a nurse to bring his older daughter here. As he waited, he sat on a chair and rocked his newborn daughter gently. Robert watched as her little face moved with the new sensations. He smiled as she remembered so much of her mother.
Sunddlenty, he felt as someone climbed on behind him.
"Hi Daddy!!" Abigail said as she hugged his back. Then, she noticed that he was holding something. "What's that?? Is it the new baby??"
Robert smiled at his daughter and noded.
"Yes, Abigail, this is your new baby sister." He said as he presented the two sisters to each other. Abigail looked curiously at the baby her father held.
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Abigail smiled hapily and jumped a little. "A sister!! Yaaay!! She's so beautiful!! Can i hold her??"
Robert had to shake his head. "No, sweetie. You can't just yet. She's too small. But as she grows and if you help us take care of her we'll let you hold her eventualy."
Abigail seemed to understand what her father said. She eventualy calmed down from her excitement and sat down next to her father and her sister.
"What will we name her??" She asked.
Robert thought for a moment, until a name came to his mind. "Her name will be Belinda. I think it suits her well." he said smilling.
Abigail giggled and noded. "Yeah!! It does!! Right, Bee??"
"Bee??" Robert asked confused.
"It'll be my nickname for her. My baby sister Bee!!" Abigail said as she petted her sister carefully.
Robert had to admit that he really likes the nickname his duaghter made for his new daughter. He brought the newborn up and nuzzled on her. "Welcome to the family, my little Bumblebee."
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highqueenofelfhame · 4 years
I loved the new castle chapter you wrote! I liked it the first time but didn’t say anything but I felt I should say something now. Beauty and the beast is one of my favorite fairytales and I already love how you’re adapting it for rowaelin and I can’t wait to see how you continue it!
i’m really glad you guys enjoyed bc was convinced that was only me writing it for me to read HAHA. yaaay thank u guys so much!!! i hope you like the rest of the drabbles i have planned.
i also need to get back to writing bc i only have the next 4 days done YIKES.
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hobidreams · 4 years
OK... So like I said tracking the timeline has been such a fun part of the mlt series. I can't help but notice that in the first drabble Feb 1869 King Yoongi seems to have been fucking mc regularly, but then I was wondering when it all started since there hasn't been any indication of intimacy before Feb. My guess is that in June 1868 when mc accidentally heard King Yoongi crying she goes to comfort him, and he like... POUNCES on her like the sexy beast he is 🥵 and clearly mc has many feelings
+ For her king cus she has seen him as a kind child and loving son. She knows he has good in him. You can tell she feels something for him so I suspect when he made his advances on her... She let him. Also I believe it wouldn't have been appropriate to reject the king during Joseon times 😂 likely punishable by death? Idk but I'm also LOVING all the historical facts I'm learning while reading mlt. I can tell you are dedicated to making sure it's historically accurate and I respect you so much for
+ Putting in the time and effort to research all the lil details. Thank you for sharing mlt and this couple with us. The character development and the way you convey such strong emotions in these drabbles have been so impressive to me. I'm lovin it so much and can't wait to see how the plot progresses!! Sending all my love 💜
safdljasdf omg ...... you are so sweet........ 😭😭 OC is nothing but a bundle of feelings lmfao i love her. she’s literally so soft. you’re right, rejecting a king is noooot something you wanna do. (you’ll find out in about a day whether or not your guess is right hahah!) & ahhhh i’m so happy that you’re enjoying the historical bits! a lot of it is unfortunately not accurate bc it wouldn’t be as engaging for a modern audience otherwise imo (which is why i think dramas do it too lmfao) but yeah! i’m trying to keep it somewhat realistic 😂 yaaay 🥺 i’m happy to hear that the development comes through bc that’s the biggest challenge in drabbles i think? i worry it feels disjointed lmao. but will keep working hard !!! sending all the love back 😘😘 thank u very much <3
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oliviaischillin1204 · 4 years
*quietly goes "yaaay"*... Sorry, again I'm very awkward sometimes. Just wanted to say that I'm in L o v e with your 'kid fic drabbles', I've read the first chapters on AO3 and I loved it! I'm not feeling well atm so I've been doing alot more reading. I'm fine, I'm just exhausted and my immune system is taking it out on me 😅 k I'll stop talking now 😂😂 -Caramel
BRO REALLY???? I- 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
wait that honestly makes me SO happy to hear omfggg, i love that au too and it’s really sucked that i haven’t been able to work on it in so long, but hearing that u liked the tfic and then even went and read the other parts is !!!!!!!! so wonderful to hear!!
and i’m sorry you weren’t feeling well!! i hope you’re better now, broski <333
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greenbriar-j · 4 years
So to summarize the last few posts I made which will mostly be deleted by the time this one goes up - and because I seem to work best in bullet points:
I finished Touch of Light. Officially. Yaaay!
So here’s the next wip:
I have characters (sort of) and a general vibe/dynamic (sort of)
I’m probably going to do a drabble a day to get used to their characters and their problems etc etc before I even start thinking about a draft. These will likely be posted as they get written, but don’t take them as cannon quite yet
I’m thinking of staying in universe and still having Muses and Arts but taking it outside of Seure into a more Asian-based town. Want to see if I can add my heritage a little more obviously this time than last time.
Here’s our two main leads, as far as I’m concerned (conceptual names are Hoàng Thanh Yến and Nguyễn Hữu Kiên, may change in the near future and bc these names are last-middle-first, you’ll likely just be seeing them referred to as Yen Hoang and Kien Nguyen).
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These kids probably have a romance thinly veiled as rivalry. A crime fighting couple, if you will. One will have an Art and one will not.
They probably have a deep-rooted family rivalry too. Dunno, feels right.
Speaking of family, I might try to sneak an Emerson cameo as one of their cousins or a family friend but that might be stretching it.
Maybe something about body guards? Something about mafia? This point is still being debated.
So anyway, yeah I’m gonna give it a shot and see if writing tiny excerpts a day will let me get a hold of this wip
Btw I will still have TOL Thursdays for a while bc... Just because. I might start Wip Wednesday to rant about my unnamed wip in the same manner tho. I might be too tired to follow through on this bullet point in particular. Idk. I’ve never had a wip up here other than TOL how do??
Gonna add my taglist so you know what’s going down, sorry for the huge post: @abbystardis @acrimoneous @aelenko @astrowriting @asoftplxcetoland @corav1a @halleiswriting @jess---writes @mastery-in-procrastination @nightmares-and-fireflies @semblanche @softly--sinking @theoldcity @vhum @waterfallwritings
Important: I’m not going to tag this Taglist going forward bc Ik a lot of people on it have had new life developments since I put trueness on the Taglist and tumblr isn’t their main concern anymore and I feel bad for flooding their notifs for some reason. That said, hmu if you want to be on this new taglist going forward! :)
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trashmouth-writing · 6 years
can’t tell [t.h. + s.h]
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not my gif.
Prompt: Tom is away, the reader has a problem and Sam steps in.
Word count: 2.2k
Warnings: a few curse words, and this is SUPER CLICHE so I’m sorry in advance.
Important a/n: hiiiii yes I know you’re waiting for brand new knight part 2 and my other requests buuuuuut writer’s block is being a *real* bitch with me lately. also tomorrow is my birthday (yaaay), and I’ve been working on my speech for high school graduation which is this Thursday and it has also been a nightmare. anyways, I hope you can understand and as an apology please accept this little drabble I did a few weeks ago.
“Does Tom know?”
“No, and I trust you won’t tell him… Sam, you can’t tell him, or else I will disappear without a clue.”
The twin looked down at the paper in his hands again, unbelievably. He couldn’t understand why his brother’s ex girlfriend was telling him this and asking for him to keep the secret. Why not just tell him? Or why not just go away and tell nobody? Why him, why not Harry or Harrison?
“And what do you want to do?”
The Holland family, minus Tom, sat together having just finished dinner that Thursday. They were all chatting about their day when all of a sudden Sam stood up and excused himself, leaving the house in a hurry and without explanation. He came home two or three hours later, and said nothing about it. Dominic and Nicola knew he had been sneaking out every other Thursday for the past three months, and even though they didn’t know why, nobody cared to ask.
The thing was, Sam had been helping y/n out ever since she told him about his pregnancy, right a week after Tom, the baby’s father, had left to film his new movie in Japan. Y/n had been suspicious and taken a lab test, later finding out she was actually pregnant, only a day before Tom’s flight, day in which he decided to tell her it was better for them to split up, cause he was leaving for almost a year. Y/n wasn’t devastated, she knew the last thing he’d want to do was hurting her, and this was probably the best for both, so she agreed. She didn’t tell him the news.
Tom’s ex girlfriend knew for sure she had to go on for her child, and even though it was a little hard at first, Sam had been a real angel to her during the first trimester of her pregnancy. He always insisted in going with her to the doctor’s appointments and things like that. If she was going out he’d go with her, or just stay near just in case there was an emergency. They decided that every other Thursday would be dedicated to baby stuff - appointments, scans, baby shopping, birth planning, preparing the nursery, they even attended a birth class together. It was great for y/n to have someone she could count on, that was also close to her baby’s father, the only thing he couldn’t attend was the baby shower.
One particular Thursday, the Holland parents were going out, so they left Paddy for Sam to babysit, as Harry was with Tom and Harrison in Japan. Sam had no other option than letting his younger brother know the secret. When they arrived at y/n’s house and she opened the door, revealing her nearly seven months pregnant baby bump, Paddy’s eyes went wider than the moon. Of course, being the amazing uncle he was, he kept the secret for the remaining couple of months, and he also tagged along many following Thursdays.
Nearing the Holidays, Tom got a three week break which he lovingly spent home with his family. It was a living hell to keep y/n’s secret a secret now, as Tom wanted to tag along every time Sam went out on his misterious “errands” on Thursdays. The poor twin was running out of excuses not to bring Tom with him, the very last of them being he didn’t want to take him away from helping their mum with the Holland’s Christmas party preparation. This left the older Holland boy confused, but seeing not even his parents were asking questions, he didn’t either.
It was during their Christmas party when it all went down. Sam was sitting on the couch with Haz, Tom and some friends of theirs, talking about Tom’s life in Japan, when he got several texts from y/n.
“My water just broke”
“Well, it actually did this morning”
“I’m in the hospital”
“Doctor said there was like an hour or so left”
“Will you make it?”
What the fuck? It took him all his will not to curse out loud. He looked around in panic. Tom was in the middle of a story when Sam suddenly stood up and excused himself, drawing everyone’s attention to himself. Tom saw him look for Paddy and then saw them both walk to the backyard via the kitchen, only to be pushed back in by Dominic Holland himself. Having had enough of this, Tom walked to the kitchen and stood outside, eavesdropping.
“Where do you think you’re going? It’s not Thursday.” he spoke, once they were all in the kitchen.
“Yeah, young man, don’t think we haven’t noticed your strange patterned behaviour from the last six months or so. What is going on? The truth.” Nikki demanded answers, her arms crossed over her stomach, just below her chest.
Sam could only think about one thing in that moment: y/n and her son. He knew she would be mad if he told them, but it was that or leaving her alone on her son’s birth night. Which was also Christmas Eve. What could he do? He debated internally, all three pairs of eyes on him, until Paddy just sighed and told him to tell the truth.
“Alright, this is it. She’s gonna hate me for a long, long time, but, remember y/n? Tom’s ex girlfriend…” Tom’s curiosity was picked up by his brother’s words, and he grew impatient behind the door as Sam took his sweet time talking. “Well, a week after Tom has left to Japan she confessed to me that she was, uh, you know… pregnant. I’ve been with her all along and Paddy has, too.” The youngest one nodded in agreement. “Anyways. She’s having her baby right now and she needs me there, so, if you don’t mind…”
Sam was about to walk out the back door when suddenly Tom busted in. “My ex girlfriend is what?” He asked, dramatically, slamming the kitchen door open. All eight eyes laid on his for a moment. “You’re kidding, right? Why didn’t she tell me? It’s obviously not my child. Bro, I’m sorry she used you to get help.” Sam looked at his brother in shock, not believing what he was saying.
“Woah, Tom. You can’t be sure, I mean, she told me she found out the day before you left, the same day you told her you wanted to break up.” The twin argued, looking at his older brother as if he was a complete stranger. Actually, everyone was, even Harrison and Harry, who’d come when they heard the scandal. “She really needs me there. You know her family doesn’t live here and she was due in two weeks, her sisters aren’t here yet.” With that, Sam walked out, followed by Paddy.
Tom felt guilty all of a sudden, how could he doubt her? He really loved her, and leaving her had been one of the most heartbreaking experiences of his life. Having made a decision, he sprinted behind his brothers. “Wait! Wait, I’m coming with you!”
“So are we.” said Haz, meaning he and Harry. Nikki and Dom said they would meet them later, they still had a party to host.
Arriving to the hospital, Tom, Sam and Paddy practically jumped out of the car at the emergency door, and while Haz and Harry went to park the car, they went to look for y/n. When the nurses told them where her room was, Sam asked for Tom and the rest to wait outside while he talked to her about their sudden visit. At last, they found her room and Sam knocked twice before opening the door and walking inside.
“Ah! Sam, you made it! Thank God, I thought I’d have to push by myself…” She exclaimed just as she saw him. The Holland boy is impressed at the quantity of cables and monitors y/n and her giant stomach have connected to them. “My friend from college was here earlier but she had homework and a night shift so she left like an hour ago and I’ve been alone since.” She was speaking fast, while panting. Sam had zero experience with childbirth but he could tell she was probably having a contraction.
“Listen, y/n, uh, there’s something I need to tell you…” just as he was about to continue, the girl screamed in pain and held her stomach, panting again.
“Hold my hand, hold my hand, please, Sam, hold my fucking hand!” that was it for Tom. Just as Sam walked closer to offer his hand to her, Tom, Paddy, Harry and Haz stormed in the room.
The moment when Tom and y/n looked at each other, it was like a slow motion scene from a movie. Suddenly, she nearly forgot she was having a contraction and let go of Sam’s hand, still breathing heavily. Tom walked/sprinted to her and held her hand himself.
“Is it… Is it really my child?” And he ruined it. Y/n felt her just fulfilled heart suddenly crack down to pieces. She pulled her hand away from his.
“What do you mean? Of course it is yours.” It broke his heart to see her eyes momentarily lose that glow, to let Tom see her broken heart once again, like he’d done several months ago. In a second, y/n’s expression changed to a cold one. “Actually, you know what? It’s my child. You don’t need to worry. Why are you here, anyways? This baby could be anyone’s. Oh God, Sam, thanks for breaking your promise.” Tom didn’t miss the disappointment in her voice, already hating himself for doubting.
“I told him to wait outside, it was kinda mum and dad’s fault? It’s hard to explain, they cornered me, and… yeah, they know.” Sam tried to ignore the problem and explain why his whole family minus their parents was there. Still, Tom wasn’t finished.
“No, y/n, I mean… I just don’t know why you didn’t tell me, I can’t believe you’re this selfish, this… prideful! I know I wanted to break up, but it was for your own good! It’s horrible to be thousands of kilometres away from the one you love, and-”
“Oh, so now I’m the villain? I’m the worst human being, just because I kept my pregnancy a secret, not wanting to ruin your career and tie you with a child? I’m selfish because I thought having a kid right now could ruin the perfect opportunity for you and prideful because I put your life before mine?!” It was true. It probably wasn’t the best idea, but she only meant good. There was a minute of silence. “I want you out of here, Tom.”
“No, I’m staying. Y/n, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean all that, it’s just… I just came back for my three week break and found out the love of my life whom I had to give up is making me a father… It’s too much to process in less than an hour, don’t you think?” Tom finally spoke his mind decently. “And, to be fair, I believe it’s the greatest Christmas gift ever.” Y/n smiled, ready to answer, but in that moment the doctor and two nurses walked in.
“Hello, Miss l/n, family, I assume… Oh, is this the father?” She asked when she saw Tom, to which he nodded and shook the doctor’s hand, introducing himself. Everyone could tell she and the nurses were excited as hell for having to deliver a celebrity baby, but they all kept a professional attitude. Maybe working on Christmas night wasn’t that bad after all. “So, I’m going to do a quick check up, and… I believe you’re ready!” It was really weird for the five men present to watch a woman insert her hand on y/n’s private area, so they decided to leave the room before the doctor even requested it, leaving only Tom, Sam and y/n. “Alright, sweetheart, when the next contraction comes, just push, okay?”
The last five minutes had been an emotional rollercoaster for y/n, but now that Tom was there, all the fear and doubts she once had just vanished. Once again, it felt like a slow motion scene from a movie, the pushing, the counting, the words of support and encouragement from both boys and the doctor, the baby’s cries…
When Tom (and everyone) saw their son, there was no doubt it was his. He looked exactly the same as him when he was born, everyone agreed on that. The baby was given to his mother the moment he was out of her, before Tom was offered to cut the umbilical cord. He then took him from y/n’s chest and held him ever so carefully, trying to hold back his tears. He was just so perfect, it was hard to believe. Two hours ago he was having a drink with his mates and now there he was, holding his newborn son on Christmas.
“Breaking! Marvel Star Tom Holland Just Became a Father” read the headline of almost every single article in every single social platform. The thing was, the Hollands were so hyped for the matter, they didn’t even think about disguising their identities. By the end of the night, the whole hospital and the world knew Tom Holland had a son. He was called for a million interviews on the matter, where they asked him questions about the baby, family life, his career and, most importantly, the baby’s mother.
“What do you and y/n plan on doing?” He was often asked. But it took actually a very long time for him to answer,
“We’re engaged.”
tags: @marvelouspottering
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backtothestart02 · 6 years
Drabbles - Prompt 12
A/N: It's been forever and a day, but I'm finally getting back to fulfilling old requests. This one was much longer than I expected it to be, but it's under 3,000 words, so I'm still allowing it to be considered a drabble. ;P Enjoy!
*Many thanks to @valeriemperez for beta'ing. :)
PROMPT : Barry and Iris take the twins shopping for toys. They can speak now and they gasp seeing their daddy and uncle Ollie everywhere. They run off to the section and pick out the toys. Then they show them to Oliver. The twins like the Power Rangers more than him. -TheFlashFanatic13
The peace and quiet was so nice. Snuggled up against her husband, her nose pressed to the soft cloth t-shirt covering his chest, his arm wrapped around her waist, holding her close as their blankets warmed every part of them from neck to toe, Iris never wanted to wake up. She’d already emerged from deep sleep to that in between space, but she willed herself not to move beyond that. If Barry wasn’t opening his eyes and stretching his legs beneath the covers – as was his morning ritual – neither would she.
However, she neglected to remember Barry Allen was not the only being in this household who had the ability to force her awake.
With a loud bang their bedroom door swung open and hit the wall.
“Mommy! Daddy!”
“Daddy! Mommy!”
“I’m up, I’m up.” Barry snapped to attention, sitting up in their bed.
Iris groaned, sticking her nose into her pillow and covering her face with her hands.
“No, too early,” she grumbled.
But their darling twins paid no heed, determined in their struggle to lift themselves onto the bed and crawl over to their parents.
“Daddy!” Dawn giggled as she jumped into her father’s arms.
“Hey, beautiful girl,” he cooed. Iris wondered how he could possibly be so cheerful at this hour.
“Momma?” Don crawled towards her, hopeful.
“Oh, whoa, buddy, Mommy’s trying to slee-”
Barry reached to stop him, but Iris knew her time was up. She removed her arm from her face and sat up to face her son, who was looking quite concerned by her lack of involvement.
“Come here, baby boy,” she encouraged, a soft smile on her face.
Hesitantly Don came closer until she could reach for him and set him in her lap. She pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“Is Momma sick?” he asked, pressing a hand to the side of her face with a sudden smack since he couldn’t reach her forehead.
She grimaced some, but she was still smiling. She took his hand and kissed it too, holding it gently in her hand.
“No, Mommy isn’t sick. Mommy is just tired.”
“Store?” Dawn asked, seated in Barry’s lap but looking at her mother intently.
Iris’ lips parted. “Oh my God…” She locked eyes with Barry. “I forgot.”
“No store?” Don asked, his bottom lip trembling.
Iris looked down at him.
“No, um…of course we’re going to the sto-”
“Iris, I’m meeting with Oliver today,” Barry interjected. “It’s important.”
“So is this!” she insisted, to which he delivered a look. “It’s not my fault you also forgot.”
He sighed testily.
“Bring him with us,” she suggested.
His jaw dropped, but she didn’t correct herself.
“You’re serious.”
“Dead serious. There’s a food court on the far side of the store. We can have lunch there afterwards, since I’m sure the kids are eager to get some toys – like we promised.” She smiled through her teeth, ruffling her son’s curls.
“I suppose I could as-”
“Great! We’re going to the store, kids!” she cheered, suddenly full of energy.
“Yaaay!” the twins cheered, clapping.
“And guess what?” she whispered conspiratorially.
They leaned in, eyes glued to her, eager to hear what she was about to say.
“Uncle Ollie is coming.”
“Uncle Ollie!” They cheered and clapped again.
Barry rolled his eyes and set his daughter onto the bed next to his wife and son.
“I better give him the bad news.”
He grabbed his phone and started to head out the door, pausing at the entrance to catch Iris’ eye which was smug and gloating. He shook his head at her, but then smiled and left her with a wink just as Oliver answered the phone.
“Hey, Oliver, change of plans…”
The store was bright, beautiful, huge, and with children running rampant all over the place. Oliver’s eyes widened on seeing the place. Barry and Iris needed a moment or two to adjust, but they could hardly afford more than that as their two rambunctious children were eager to join the bunch.
“Remember what Mommy said,” Iris reminded, somewhat strained. “No running away where we can’t see you.”
“And no leaving the store without us either,” Barry added sternly.
Don and Dawn appeared to not have heard them.
“Hey, kids.”
The two stilled at Oliver’s deeper voice. They turned and looked at him, shocking Barry and Iris into silence.
“Listen to your parents.”
“Yes, Uncle Ollie,” they said, looking down, ashamed at themselves.
Iris glared at him.
“I think we had it covered, Oliver,” Barry said.
Oliver said nothing.
“Frightening them is hardly a solution to the problem,” Iris practically hissed.
“I didn’t frighten them,” he barked back. “I just-” He stopped, sighed, and looked past the judgmental parents.
“What?” Iris dared, but a simple nod of his head let her and Barry know their kids had run off. A sigh escaped her lips, and she went after them with the shopping cart. “Don, Dawn, don’t run off,” she pleaded. To her relief, the two rascals hadn’t turn the corner when Iris caught up with them.
“You’re not going to follow?” Oliver asked, looking amused and very judgy.
Barry was not so amused.
“I know you’re not thrilled with the meeting place, but could you not question our parenting skills?”
To his surprise, Oliver actually looked a bit ashamed himself.
“I’m sorry, Barry, I didn’t mean to-”
“It’s all right.” Barry brushed it off. “Come on, near the back is a quiet area with some tables and chairs. We can talk there.”
Oliver nodded and followed his friend to the back of the large store.
The little rascals were never far ahead of her, Iris reminded herself. Or, rather, they didn’t turn the end of the aisle until she almost reached them. Truly she should just be grateful that they’d remembered their rule before leaving the house to never use their speed in public – save that for when they get older and decide if they want to be superheroes or not, she’d decided.
If it were up to Barry, they’d already have their super suits ready – and for all she knew, her husband had secretly schemed with Cisco to make that happen – but she was determined to let their children have a choice in the matter. Even if she had to constantly distract her husband with her smokin’ bod whenever the topic came up and he decided to get really passionate about it. She knew he could get just as passionate about other things; they could both enjoy the experience if it was about her.
All this aside, she was grateful when the twins came to a stop in the middle of the next aisle. And truly, a complete stop. They didn’t move. Iris turned to see what they were staring at before the logical side of her brain went out the window in favor of full-blown concern.
“Whoaaa,” Don said, wide-eyed, mouth hanging open.
Dawn gasped. “A whole wall of Daddy.”
Iris bit her bottom lip, unable to repress a smile. It certainly wasn’t the first time they’d seen an action figure of the Flash. It was however likely the first time they’d seen so many of him in one place.
Suddenly Dawn dashed farther down the aisle – using her super speed for just a second before coming to a stop. Luckily, the woman passing by the aisle they were in didn’t come into full sight until after the quick flash of red lightning had vanished. Whew.
“Look, Donny! Uncle Wally is here, too!”
The woman passing by slowed down some to furrow her brows inquisitively. Iris briefly panicked and walked over to where her children were as normally as possible.
“He dresses up as Kid Flash every year for Halloween.” The woman raised her eyebrows. “And their birthdays, and other…” The woman walked away entirely. “…events,” Iris finished lamely.
She was just about to gently scold her children for revealing so much, even if it was pretty harmless and likely no one would believe them even if they did insist their family members were the superheroes displayed in great numbers in this aisle. But then Don briefly used his own speed as well to go to nearly the end of the aisle and snatch one of the few remaining figures of a different kind.
He turned to look at his sister with wide eyes and a mischievous grin. She nodded conspiratorially, and he darted away. Dawn quickly grabbed a couple other boxes before following.
“No speed, guys!” Iris called, following them quickly and relieved that at least they weren’t using their super speed again.
Finally, the two slowed right in front of their Uncle Ollie and Barry.
“Look what I found, Uncle Ollie!” Don said, smacking the box down on the table. Oliver blinked. “It’s you!”
Some surrounding patrons looked inquisitively towards them.
“Right…” Oliver forced a laugh when Barry’s attempt to shush them fell on deaf ears as they stared at their personal Green Arrow for his reaction. “That’s…me.” He cleared his throat.
Dawn turned to her father.
“Daddy, we saw you too! A whole wall of you!” she exclaimed, wide-eyed and delighted.
“Yeah?” he asked, a smile on his face at his daughter’s joy.
“Must be due to that subway save from the other day,” Iris said, walking slowly over to them and standing beside her husband and children. “The Flash is in demand,” she practically purred.
Don and Dawn were oblivious to the suggestive undertones, but Oliver was not.
“Christ,” he muttered under his breath, “There are kids here, Barry.”
Barry broke the heart eyes he’d locked on his wife to look at him and raise his eyebrows.
“I’m aware, Oliver.”
Dawn popped up on Barry’s lap and he held her securely.
“You going to get that one, bud?” Oliver asked Don who still clutched the Green Arrow box in his hand. He was going to get some sort of win out of this situation. “Not your dad?”
Barry and Iris glared at him. The exchanges were harmless, but it was best not to tempt fate.
“Uh-uh.” Don shook his head.
Oliver’s brows furrowed. “No?”
“We have lots of Dad at home,” he said, then turned to his sister. “These are what we want!” He reached out his hand, opening and closing it greedily.
Dawn looked at the two options she held in her hand and gave him the one that least appealed to her – and luckily, Barry thought, most appealed to her brother.
Don shoved the box in his Uncle Ollie’s face.
“Oh. I see.”
“Power Rangers!” Don declared. Dawn giggled from her side of the table and nodded enthusiastically when Oliver looked over at her.
“We’ve been wanting them forever!” she declared, throwing her arms wide open and accidentally dropping the box on the floor in the process. “Oopsie.”
Iris bent down and picked it up for her daughter, sharing a pointed look in addition to the toy. Be careful.
Dawn looked away briefly. Yes, Mommy.
“So, Power Rangers are better than the Green Arrow, huh?” Oliver asked, not without a little bitterness on his tongue.
“The best!” Don declared.
“Not better than Daddy,” Dawn scolded on a hushed whisper. Don turned to look at her, slightly ashamed. “Or Uncle Wally.”
“But better than Uncle Ollie,” Oliver muttered under his breath.
Iris broke the minor tiff between the adult and two children.
“Why don’t you guys go with Daddy to buy the toys at the check-out. Then come back here and have lunch.”
“Okay!” The two kids said excitedly, Dawn hopping off her father’s lap.
“Here you go.” Don pushed the Green Arrow toy towards Oliver as he dutifully grabbed his dad’s hand – Dawn doing the same on the opposite side – and walked with them to the far side of the store.
“Thanks…” Oliver responded glumly, though the boy was already too far away to hear.
Iris smiled smugly to herself and stepped closer to the secret superhero sitting at the table. She watched her husband and her now obedient children as they walked towards the check-out.
“Look at that, guess they do listen to us sometimes. Maybe we are half-decent parents.”
He sighed. “Iris, I never meant to imply-”
“I’ll get lunch,” she said, walking away towards the food court section of the store. “Bring them over when they come back, would you?”
He nodded. “Sure.”
“Great.” She smiled brightly.
“Out of curiosity…just how many Flash toys do your kids have?”
Iris stopped, unable to help herself and strutted back to where Oliver was sitting. She pulled out her phone, found the picture she was looking for, then turned the device around and showed it to him.
Oliver’s jaw dropped.
A pile of Flash plush toys, some sprinkled over their bed, some of Kid Flash too. Even a couple rare edition Jesse Quick ones. Then a whole assortment of action figures spread across their dressers, and their blankets, bed sheets, and pillow cases were decorated with lightning bolts and the Flash.
“So, they…like the Flash,” he said reluctantly.
Iris was going to gloat again. She really was. But when she thought back to how affectionate Barry was with their two kids and how fiercely he protected them, her heart melted.
She responded softly in return, “They adore him.”
Oliver met her eyes in recognition.
“Any…Green Arrow toys by any chance?” he asked hopefully but also, resigned.
“A couple,” she assured, the smug smile back. “But they don’t play with them much.”
He chuckled and nodded. “Of course.”
“I’m going to get us lunch now.” She couldn’t stop smiling. In fact, her smile widened till it was stretched across her face.
“I’ll bring them over when they get back,” he said with a sigh.
“Glad you could make it, Oliver.”
She laughed and left him. He stood up and watched as the two Allen kids collected their toys after Barry had paid for them and jumped up and down excitedly. Barry watched them with such love Oliver was almost envious, even though he could definitely relate.
Maybe it wasn’t so bad to join the Allen family for lunch after the meeting at the toy store.
*Also posted on AO3 and FFnet.
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surannoona · 6 years
Putting Yoongi to Sleep
Summary: Out of all the members of Bangtan Sonyeondan, Min Yoongi is the one who sleeps a lot. Is what they say. He likes sleeping so much that he gained himself a nickname. But why are you having a difficulty right now putting Yoongi to sleep?
Genre: Fluff, borderline smut
A/N: This is my first story (more like a drabble) here on tumblr, YAAAY! 
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You flipped through the available channels on your television to find an interesting show when you ran across a replay of BTS’ performance today in a music show. They were all looking fine with their styled hairs and harnesses, singing their new song Fake Love. As usual, your eyes wandered to the direction of a specific member that has a very special place in your heart- Min Yoongi.
Yoongi has been your boyfriend for a year. It was difficult dating an idol, but it became a hundred times worse when BTS started to gain so much popularity in a year that you barely even see him at all. The risk of getting caught with him by the fans was just too much that you opted to just see him in your place or his instead, no more outside dates. Although it was hard, you understood so you just use your time into studying harder as you are a graduate student, finally finishing your masters this year.
Their performance just finished when you heard a click on your door. Excitement immediately ran into your veins, knowing very well who just arrived, as only one person knew your password besides yourself.
Yoongi, wearing all black from head to toe, with his cap and mask to cover his face, walked lazily towards the sofa where you were sitting. When he got in front of you, he dropped his bag and laid his head on your lap.
“I’m so tired,” Yoongi said with a grunt.
You quickly removed his cap and mask to see his face, his eyes still closed as you ran your fingers through his hair.
A minute passed without the two of you talking.
But you didn’t need to.
And that was the special thing about you two, you didn’t need words to understand and express your love for each other.
However, you knew well what Yoongi needed that time, and it was a good sleep on your bed and not on the sofa, as he would need all the rest he could get for their last day of promotions tomorrow.
“Yoongi,” you whispered to his ear, “let’s go to the bedroom, you shouldn’t sleep here.”
Even though Yoongi was two years older than you, you didn’t like calling him oppa because he liked it too much for your liking.
He suddenly opened his drowsy eyes and muttered a soft, “Kiss me first.”
You heard it but you asked him again to repeat what he said just to tease him.
“I said to kiss me first.”
You giggled at his request. With his eyes closed already, you kissed his forehead.
He opened his eyes again, now with a hint of naughtiness, as if saying that you were cheating.
You just laughed at him and finally gave him a quick peck on his lips. And before he could even complain, you immediately dived in for another quick kiss which left him chasing your lips for more.
He was now sitting and looking at your eyes intently.
“I miss you.”
And with that he kissed you passionately, which you kissed back.
His hands were now at the back of your neck while yours were caressing his soft hair.
You quickly ended the heated kiss before you couldn’t even control yourself. You knew very well where that was going but you preferred that Yoongi would take his sleep instead, for you knew how much he was tired with their promotions. So you stood up and pulled him towards the stairs.
But you haven’t even reached the first step when he caught up to you and pulled you into a back hug. He planted soft kisses along the side of your neck which he knew very well as your weak spot.
“Yoongi, stop. We won’t reach the bedroom if we go at this rate.”
He obliged but his hug tightened. You struggled walking upstairs while Yoongi was still back-hugging you.
For every step that you took, his hand roamed to different parts of your body. It was easy to just give in. To turn around and kiss him back, but you controlled yourself, though you couldn’t control nor stop him. Because you sure damn well that once you put that hands of yours to his, it would be game over.
It took almost forever when you reached the second floor. Few more steps and you’d be in your room. Which was not a good idea after all, you realized. But heck. You have to put Yoongi to sleep. Nothing more, nothing less.
It was not your first time to handle a needy Yoongi, wherein most of the time you succeed. Your self-control was just so high, even compared to him, who has the most self-control among the boys, as they described it. But after not seeing him for a month, you just couldn’t help it.
“Baby please.” He moaned into your ears.
Fuck it. You thought to yourself.
You gently pushed him towards the walls of your room. The change in your resolve didn’t register to him for a good few seconds as he stared blankly through your fiery eyes. You kissed him like you’ve never kissed him before. He wasn’t returning the kiss at first but you kept going until you finally felt his hands on your waist. You quickly got out from the heated kiss and went for his ear.
“You are a needy one, aren’t you?” you breathe out on his ears. “Have you been thinking of me today?”
He tried to reach for your lips again but your hands were faster. “Fuck baby I’ve been thinking about you since the last time I’ve tasted you.”
“What a naughty boy you are, acting all cute to your fans while thinking of fucking me?” You said while putting a hand on his hair and another on his thigh, carefully not touching his growing erection.
But Yoongi’s temper got the best of him. He turned you around, trapping you with his arms on the wall.  He simply couldn’t tolerate being teased by you when he was that close to fucking you senseless on your bed, or wall at that moment.
But that didn’t last long. You pushed him towards the bed and went on his top. If there was someone to be in charge for that night, it was going to be only you.   He was the one who asked for this so it was only right for this to be on your terms.
Moreover, you already have this huge plan for him tomorrow since it was going to be the last day of their promotions. But there was no harm in moving your surprise a day earlier, right?
Speaking of your grand surprise, you just remembered the lingerie you had prepared along with the surprise, which you were not wearing right now because it was supposed to be worn the next day. You were sure that your we bare bears panties would not really go along with the role you were planning to play so you gave him a long kiss as you got off him.
“Stay here you little kitten unless you want to destroy your chances of getting laid,” you said with such powerful tone because you knew that he would just follow you if you didn’t.
As soon as you got inside your closet, you quickly got off of your pjs and looked for the said lingerie. To be honest, this kind of underwear wasn’t really your style. And Yoongi knew it too, as he had never seen you wear any kind of this garment with all of your trysts. But what you had planned for him was special so you wanted to really surprise him, plus, you really liked to try one of this things out.
How the fuck this piece of cloth costs much? You whispered to yourself as you fight your way through the flimsy material.
After the longest minute in your life, you finally managed to get dressed, or undressed for this matter, with only a robe to cover your surprise. You sprayed a bit of perfume and looked at yourself in front of the mirror. You were satisfied with your look and so excited on how he would react to seeing you wearing something like that.
You were so ready for that night’s show that you would die if you didn’t feel his hands on certain parts of your body in another minute.
“So have you been a good boy?” You asked him while barely showing yourself thanks to the closet’s door.
 No answer.
 You went to see him and suddenly, you’ve never felt so betrayed before until now.
The pain from the pit of your stomach became worst knowing the attention it needed wouldn’t be attended anymore.
“Damn Yoongi you owe me bigtime,” you cursed to yourself as you fixed the blanket around his figure.
 “At least one of us will be sleeping peacefully.”
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army-author · 7 years
jimin scenario | the cat whisperer
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➸ prompt: We’re both witches and our familiars keep trying to set us up on dates…
➸ pairing: witch jimin x witch reader
➸ requested by anon | 1.1k words | fluff
Jimin knocks on your door for the third time this week.
Normally, he’s happy to have an excuse to see you, rather than surviving on quick glimpses in town, stealing glances while you buy potion ingredients or browse old books.
But today, it’s an unhappy reason that brings him to your house - that is, the sick cat in his arms. When his familiar, Mistoffelees, started behaving strangely, you were the first name that came to his head, and not just because you were always on his mind. Coming from a long line of witches that specialised in potions for animals, you were the one the town turned to when their familiars fell ill. In the non-magic realm your kind are known as vets. Jimin knows you as ‘the animal whisperer’.
The door opens, and Jimin looks up from his sickly cat, met by your jangly bracelets chiming at your wrists, and your lacy ribbons fluttering in your hair.
A smile instinctively lights your face when you see him, before your eyes fall to the cat, and your shoulders slump. “Oh no, Mr. Mistoffelees! Is he still unwell?” Your pure desire to help is another reason for Jimin to crush on you – add that to the mile long list he’s been building.
While you usher him inside, with your own white rabbit familiar, Lewis, hopping over to snuffle Jimin’s boots, he explains, “The last potion you gave me didn’t seem to work.”
“Odd… I can’t figure out what’s wrong with him,” you say, as you lead him through to the potions room, where your family keeps all of their remedies. Your index finger skims along the rows of bottles, looking for the right cure. “Can you run me through his symptoms again, Jimin?”
“Well, for starters, he’s not eating anything which is extremely strange for Misty-” In his arms, Mistoffelees yowls in objection – “Sorry Misty, old boy, but it’s true. You do love your food.” Jimin pokes his familiar’s stomach, a little more pudgy than it should be. Mistoffelees bats his hand away with a soft paw. While the cat wriggles in his arms, Jimin continues, “He’s also been a lot noisier than normal. He hardly ever mews, but recently I can’t get him to be quiet. It feels like he’s trying to tell me something.”
You walk over to Jimin, and scratch Mistoffelees under his chin, “Poor thing. What on earth could be the matter?”
“I wish he could just tell us,” Jimin sighs, “That would make everything so much easier.”
Your eyes lift to Jimin’s, sparkling below your lashes. “Actually… I might have a potion for that…”
Breaking away from Jimin’s stare, you dart back to the shelf, and search through the bottles, mumbling under your breath. At last you find what you’re looking for and return, with a potion labelled lingua feles. Reaching your fingers out to Mistoffelees, you scratch below his chin again, until he closes his eyes and opens his mouth slightly. Quick, you drip one drop of potion onto his tongue. That was a much easier than Jimin’s method of administering remedies. After you’d given him his first bottle for Mistoffelees, Jimin had spent nearly an hour chasing his familiar around his house, shouting, “Just drink it, Misty! It’s good for you!”
“What will it do?” Jimin asks, as Mistoffelees licks his lips a few times, confused by the taste.
Your eyes gleam. “Just wait!”
At that moment, another voice interrupts, muttering, “That potion’s disgusting. What on earth did you feed me, stupid human?”
Jimin stares down at his familiar in shock, then looks back to see you chuckling. A potion that makes cats talk. “Mistoffelees!” he scolds, “Where are your manners?”
Mistoffelees flicks his tail in irritation. “Sorry. Stupid is harsh. Just a bit dense.”
“What?” Jimin reaches to cover his cat’s mouth, but Mistoffelees dodges his hand and leaps to the floor. Turning back, he rumbles, “You’re no better master… I’m afraid you’re both idiots.”
You crouch down to look the cat in his amber eyes. “Sorry, Mr. Mistoffelees, I tried really hard to find out what was wrong with you, but I can’t figure it out because I’m a stupid human. Could you possibly bestow your wisdom upon us, and tell us what’s the matter with you?”
When Jimin mumbles another apology on his cat’s behalf, your shoulder’s shake with laughter. Behind your hand, you whisper, “It’s okay. Most cats are like this. You have to address them politely to get anything out of them.”
Turning back to Mistoffelees, he narrows his eyes, before saying, “It’s not your fault human. This is all on my master.” Sitting down and tucking his tail over his paws, you follow his example, and sit down on your knees, pulling your cloak around you. Unsure what to do, Jimin sits down as well, forming a triangle.
“You see,” Mistoffelees’ voice softens, and something akin to amusement pushes through, “I’m not actually sick. I faked my symptoms, knowing it would force Jimin to bring me to you.” He turns to his master for a moment, “You should be thankful. I’ve given up so many meals for you. And you didn’t even take advantage of it.”
“Excuse me, Mr. Mistoffelees, but what do you mean by that?” you ask.
“I mean,” Mistoffelees exhales through his nose in a cat-style sigh, “I gave my master a perfectly good excuse to come to your house… and he didn’t even ask you on a date!” His voice rises to a yowl at the end.
Blushing, Jimin grabs him and pulls him back to his arms, while the cat hisses “Unhand me at once!”
“Ignore him!” Looking up at you, Jimin sees your hand pressed to your lips as you hold back laughter. He wants to pull Mistoffelees’ whiskers one by one for embarrassing him in front of you, until you say:
“Well, Mr. Mistoffelees, would you feel better if I went on a date with Jimin?”
“Yes, please!” Mistoffelees perks up, “He’s been pining for weeks.”
Jimin’s face floods red, but there’s no point denying it now. He loosens his grip on Mistoffelees and the cat settles more comfortably in his arms, satisfied that his work is done, when you continue, “Well Jimin, what do you say? I’m free right now, so why don’t we go out?”
Author’s note: Yaaay, they finally got together! This was fun to write, but next time I’m picking a shorter name for a cat. Mistoffelees just takes too long to type!
a halloween drabble > click here to read more
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sour--strawberries · 7 years
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First of all, merry Christmas (I know I told you that day, but still XD) I wanted to thank you so much for giving us some amazing fics for Christmas, I loved them all, plus thanks for giving us the amazing ending of Meow Cafe! ToT I’m totally going to miss that fic series…. Here you have my thoughts:
Christmas drabble 1:
This one is not my top favorite, but I loved the fact of an ashamed Steve where he was jealous and did something stupid to “mark his territory” realizing he. was. so. wrong!! And Tony can’t believe this but at the same time he was enjoying torturing him so much XDD haha
Christmas drabble 2:
This one is pretty hilarious and probably my 2nd favorite one XD I can picture Tony going into the box to be Steve’s Christmas present, but also omg, I have to ask as Steve did, was he okay inside the box?! I mean poor of him, no matter how elastic you are, it has to tire your limbs so much!! XD
Christmas drabble 3:
I have to say it, I can picture this one on the 616 universe, no idea why… but I can imagine Tony as the 616 Tony, but the 60’s one XD wearing the sweater Steve gave to him for their first Christmas, I can say that this was really really sweet! (and it was cute that there were soft playful tickles, I loved it)
Christmas drabble 4:
I have no words to express the feeling this one leaves on me, I mean I love when they take care of each other like this, but I especially love when Steve does it like this, because basically is just perfect for Tony, Steve is giving him everything he has and everything Tony needed to be happy
Christmas drabble 5:
My top favorite one (I agree with you) is this one because, omg… they were alone in who-knows-where, just the two of them, celebrating Christmas and theeeen! Luxurious Tony attacks!! I can say that I loved that Tony found Steve’s present lovely because, sometimes when you get something you have no idea how you could use it, or what is it, or whatever, but you find a meaning like Tony did, it’s pretty sweet! it’s loveeee!! I agree with Tony, knowing that someone is paying attention to those small details is really meaningful for anyone
 So on a personal level, this is my top favorite drabble, but is also one of my favorite stories because of that!
Meow Cafe, chapter 12:
Form the top! Thank you so much for inviting me to the inauguration cafe! XD I’m still dying since I read that part hahaha because we were there! (yaaay!!)
 I loved the beginning as I couldn’t actually imagine how the inspection were, but after reading about “the fluffy butt” I immediately knew who the inspector was hahaha XD pretty awesome, of course Figaro had to give them the green light for the new cafe!
 But OMG! I had to talk abut something important here and say WOOOOW!! Bucky is working at Meow Cafeee!! Now I can say he will become a crazy cat lady! I totally love how you developed his character (as well as Rohdey when he’s appearing), the transformation was unbelievable XD and always resulting on funny parts, like this time Steve (almost) spilling coffee on his shirt
 Not to mention you made me big fan of the SamBucky pairing here! I totally love them on all the series and the way you write about them is amazing <3!! And I know I had told you this so many times, but it’s totally true too: I love the way you write Bucky and Steve’s friendship, is great just like Rohdey and Tony’s friendship!
 I’m so glad you did added more characters on this story, from Thor to Peter Quill *O*!! (obviously I mean Jan, T'Challa, Loki and as much as I hate it Tyberius too) that gave this story a lot of points on my fav stories, I do appreciate this and trust me is awesome to read about everyone and their cats; and you have no idea how happy I am reading that Rohdey is getting along with Steve too XD (*coff coff*somethingIhopetoseeintheinfinitywarmovie*coff*)
 I always love when Fig narrates what he’s seeing, from the drabbles to this one, I like to read what’s on his cat mind XD and the memory of the night he came to Tony’s apartment was really sweet and beautiful, it was one of my favorite parts to be honest
 The ending was really cute; I’m feeling happy and sad at the same time… It was a really lovely story! I remember when you told me you’ll going to write it and I’m so nostalgic now ToT;;
 Have a happy new year! I hope the best for you this 2018 and keep writing these amazing stories <3 you always make my day every time you post one!
PS. I hope you like the draw ;3
- Yuki
and the award for the longest feedback goes to... Rapunzel!! *wink wink*
tbh I don’t know why drabble with jealous!Steve became so popular, because in my opinion the last drabble should be!! but well... I can never guess what people will like anymore...
hope you had fun during the opening *more wink wink*
ha, I am high fiving myself that so far no one guessed earlier that the inspector was Figaro and that Bucky became the new worker at the cafe!
friendship between Bucky and Steve and Tony and Rhodey slowly became as important for me as love between Tony and Steve. dunno when that happened, but I am not opposed to that! those are two good friendships and while I always imagine Rhodey being the overprotective older brother, Bucky would push Steve off a cliff for laughs, but then would visit him in the hospital every day and read him stories
writing so many characters is haaaaaard… but I am glad I did include them, it was fun in the end!
Fig is a proud kitty and writing things from his perspective is a nice change!
and thank you for the drawing!! so beautiful! and thank you for letting me use Tsuki and drawing the new logo for Meow Cafe!!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too!!
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menatiera · 7 years
My 2017
My fics masterlist:
According to my Ao3 statistics, I’ve written slightly more than 100K in this year! :)
Still alive - Winteriron Big Bang story - 62K The Winter Soldier escaped from Hydra, and on the run, It needs a Mechanic to maintain the very efficient weapon attached to its body. It decides the best person for the work is the world's best weapon expert: Tony Stark. Abducting him goes unexpectedly well. Then, complications come. with awesome art by araydre and neutralchaos, check them out!
Command me to be well - Stucky Scary Bang story - 17K Prompt: "Necromancer Steve is going to anger management because every time he gets pissed off dead people start crawling out of the ground." That's it, that's the story. A creepy tale involving zombies, therapy, and - yes, you guessed it right - love. Beware of treating death as a joke. (But hey, for a necromancer...) Artwork is by Brooklyn_bisexual.
My roommate is a monster... really?! - Stucky Scary Bang story - 8.7K "Steve makes sure his breaths are deep and even as he listens to Bucky's footsteps. He's barely made it to their dorm room when Bucky's screams started. He almost made the huge mistake of waking him up, but he stopped himself the moment he touched Bucky. He was pretty sure Bucky wouldn't appreciate teethmarks on his forehead." Sharing a room with your childhood best friend in college is great. Even if one of you is a war vet with only one arm, and the other isn't exactly run off the mill either. This should be a funny piece. Written for the Stucky Scary Bang. The wonderful Arania made a beautiful piece of art to accompany this fic.
Inktober ficlets - starkspangledwinterhawk drabbles Day 12: Instrument (Ao3 / tumblr) - 1K Day 7: Confusion (Ao3 / tumblr) - 1K Day 6: Water (Ao3 / tumblr) - 1.3K Day 5: Fallen (Ao3 / tumblr) - 0.5K Day 4: Compliment (Ao3 / tumblr) - 0.8K Day 3: Warmth (Ao3 / tumblr) - 0.8K Day 2: Barefoot (Ao3 / tumblr) - 1.3K Day 1: Searching (Ao3 / tumblr) - 0.7K
Avenging the galaxy - Pod_together ficlet - 2.7K „All right, everyone! Assemble!” Cap called them with a shit-eating grin. „Time to continue playing!” The Avengers already had a succesful table-top RPG campaign where they saved the world as the Guardians of the Galaxy. The second game seems to be as much fun as the first. The amazing podfic is by Opalsong, who jumped into place in the last minute and made magic!
Little ficlets and drabbles: Calidoscope - gen - 1K The first Avenger and his best girl (also superhero) - Steggy shorts - 3.8K In the end we'll find our happiness (or fight for it) - Stony shorts - 1.7K
And here comes my summary of the year :) Fandom things in the beginning, personal stuff (under the cut) in the end.
I fell this hard into the Marvel fandom in the summer of 2016. I've always been a fangirl, but with other stuff earlier. I can't remember the exact thing that hooked me - I have some recollection about a Bucky CW meta, but not sure -, but one it catched my attention, there wasn't a thing in the world able to stop me. I started in hungarian, but the base is almost nonexistent, so... I've started to read english fanfics that fall. It was hard because I haven't practiced my english knowledge since high school, and I've never been particularly good in it anyway. But I've read A LOT, and I got better...
Fast forward: in the beginning of 2017, I made this tumblr blog (thanks for my helpers @saturnabouttomakelove and @cabeswaterfoxes), and in February I wrote my first english drabble. It was garbage, of course, and nothing original, and I struggled with the language so much... but from time to time I tried to write a drabble or one-shot, because I needed to be a 'maker' to feel myself part of the fandom.
I think I had a great development by now, and I hope to have it as well in the future. There are many people who helped me a lot through hard times or with problems I had, and I appreciate all of them and all of their work! I won't try to name everyone because it would be longer than this whole post, but I hope you all know who you are - thank you!!! If we talked even just a few words during this year, then my heartfelt thank you is yours as well, my introvert heart beats for you in gratitude.
The remaining stuff is the personal part, so it's under the cut for the ones interested, but skippable for everyone else.
I can't resist the opportunity to summarize my last year either, so here we go! I had a good run in mostly every sense of the word. Okay, I had my ups and downs and rough areas, sore spots and stuff, but in overall, I think I did good.
I spent 9 out of 12 months with therapy (and only not more because my therapist changed jobs so she had to quit, sadly), and I learned and achieved a lot.
I am still happy with my bf. He's my complete opposite, but he supports me all the way, happy for my successes, encouraging even in things he can't and won't understand or like. I love him dearly.
I moved out from my parents and in together with my sis, which is not ideal, but way better than staying there in a place that I felt toxic. (And made me ride public transportation 3-4 hours each day. Now I have to ride only around 2-2,5 hours. Improvement.) She got two cats, which means I have them as well, and they make me so, so happy. They might not sit in people's laps or love anyone unconditionally, but they have unique and beautiful personalities and they care with us. They try to cheer me up when I'm upset (and they're in the mood for it, of course), they demand attention, they play, they... oh, and they're also beautiful :)
I met wonderful people. I joined a Marvel club, which is awesome. I still feel out of my element most of the time with them, I still don't have that 'I belong here' thing. At some parts it's rational since I don't do cosplay like the rest of them, or since they know each other longer than I. But on the other hand, it's fully irrational and I have to work harder to not only realize they accept me, but also feel myself accepted, and to not let my insecurities ruin this social thingy for me.
I participated in GISHWHES, and had a mostly fun time with it. (Again: my insecurities can fuck themselves because they try really hard to ruin things for me, but I'm battling them actively.)
I met with wonderful hungarian fangirls and -boys in an awesome fandom camp, which meant 4 days of games and fun to me. (Kudos and acknowledgement to the hard-working organizers!) It was the best 4 days of my summer.
I did Nanowrimo as an ML which means I had the opportunity to met all my wonderful wrimos either personally or online, get the honour to help them out, to organize events for them, and in return I became part of the best community I've ever seen, people who understand each other deeply and support each other even more - including me. I'm the luckiest for being part of that. (And also, I’ve written 50K in a month. Yaaay!)
But above all, first and foremost, I'm grateful for meeting my soulmate. @cpt-winniethepooh, you are a truly amazing, awesome person, sunshine in my life. I can't even say how much your friendship means to me. And also, you became my beta, my muse, my best fandom friend as well, and the fics I've written this year mostly happened because of you. I'd be so lost without you. You make me a better person and a better writer as well, you help and encourage me in every way and form, and I want you to be part of my life until we're old and grey. (So, you'll have to meet my bf, and you might as well mean this as a threat. :D) What could I say? Thank you feels not enough, but that's the most I can offer. Thank you for being amazing, for deciding you want to be amazing next to me, and for letting me see the moments when you don't feel amazing at all. (Don't worry - you still are, even during those times.) Thank you, my beloved darling.
And you, dear readers and mutuals and friends, thank you for bearing with me, for following my tumblr and reading my fics, for being awesome and enthusiastic and kind and all.
Keep going in 2018! :)
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