#// leo i literally said 🔪
libraincarnate · 2 years
astrology notes: 7 💋
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quick note: i'm absolutely not an astrologer. these are just a collection of some observations, thoughts, theories, and personal experiences. with that being said, i'm still learning along the way & i may come back to edit this post to make corrections. above all this is just for fun. lastly, keep in mind that i’m not reading your birth chart and i know nothing about you. these are just some possibilities that may or may not apply to you. enjoy!
♡ 6th house placements may have an interest in the human body. fascinated with the way it works and could want to learn about it. i also notice a lot of natives with 6th house/virgo placements look so good in bikinis because their bodies look so bomb and a lot of this could be due to the energy the put into their physical health such as diet & exercise.
♡ saturn/capricorn in the 7th house & capricorn venus/moon: dating or the talking stage = an interview. when dating or talking to someone with these placements, your words and actions are all being taken into an account to analyze the kind of person you are. your morals, perspectives, values, goals, achievements, your temperament, your background, how you interact with others, etc. you are interviewing for a spot in their lives but to also gain access to the parts of them they conceal from others which is no small thing because they don’t let just anyone into their lives. it’s not easy to get close to them.
scorpios are known for putting you through tests to see if you’re worthy, well caps put you through a series of interviews. and if you don’t meet their standards? ✌️
♡ cancer mercury: these people are such good listeners. they care about what you say, how you say it, and how you feel. these people can make you feel heard, make you feel that your thoughts & feelings are validated. patient when communicating. they refrain from judging and you may feel comfortable being vulnerable with them, a space that welcomes vulnerability. they remind me of this Bible verse: (proverbs 16:24) “pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the bones.” they’re loyal & supportive friends that have your back. also the types to hype you up like libra & leo. if you know people with these placements appreciate them & be nice to them. or else 👹🔪😌.
♡ libra mercury friends just get each other. they just click. if there are 2 people with libra mercury in a group of friends, they’re probably the closest to each other out of everyone else in the group.
♡ saturn retrograde natives: responsibility may feel overwhelming because you feel like you’re the only one who can help yourself and handling everything on your own is taxing. you didn’t really receive the help and support you needed from others, maybe your parents, so you had no choice but to do it yourself. you’re accustomed to doing things yourself so asking for help seems foreign. incompetence frustrates you, there’s no time for that. if you don’t know how to do something or you don’t understand it you can get frustrated with yourself. this native may be regretful, an “i should’ve known/done better” type of person, even about little things.
since raising children is such a massive responsibility, i feel like this is another placement that may not want to have kids. they barely had time to be kids themselves. here’s an extra heart for you guys ♥︎.
♡ gemini rising = being your own bestie.
♡ want to have one of those conversations where you could just talk about “life”? find an:
aquarius/uranus dom- immediately their personality and way of thinking stands out. i feel like leo’s creativity is usually more in the realm of arts/music/acting but for aquarius they’re creative in the way of literally inventing something new or simply bringing something to this world that improves it, forces progression, or it’s something the world has never seen before such as the level of one’s skill, ability, talent, intelligence, etc. imagine the conversations you can have with someone with a mind such as that. these folks will be themselves, they don’t pretend to be somebody else so there’s no sugarcoating their personality. they’re authentic & what you seee is what yoy get.
they don’t believe in limitation and that may be one of the reasons why they achieve such great things. they do what they want & do it themselves. they may have many friends because they’re an air sign, they’re social and like to interact with others & it rules the 11th house associated with friendship. however there are few people who are really close to them. interesting but cool  & nice individuals who you can sit under the stars with and talk about whatever the hell is out there. politics, the way different countries are goverened, society and its current trajectory or future. they might be interested in sci-fi, dystopian type books.
scorpio/pluto/8th house dom- they naturally gravitate towards what most people consider dark and taboo. there’s an interest that draws them in and they eventually gain knowledge in these areas. the supernatural, sex, death, what’s on the other side, the occult, fears & deepest darkest secrets. but they’ve also had experience with these things in their lives. probably seen some eerie/frightening stuff. psychology is also something that interests them and scorpio is one of the signs that can see right through you. picking up on the slightest details about a person, anything that may reveal something about you but there’s a lot you don’t know about them. they privately go through things that change them as a person so it’s hard to know them. & because they’re private they may only discuss the dark and taboo subjects with people they trust especially since a lot of people may not feel comfortable with such topics.
sag/9th house dom- associated with knowledge & expansion, how could a conversation with these individuals not be intriguing. they can’t help but reflect on life. the why’s, the what’s, the how’s. hunting the truth, meaning, purpose, and reason. they travel a lot so they have seen many things. an interest in the different cultures around the world, what bonds & keeps a group of people together. their traditions, religions, what forms their identity, & their way of life. intelligent individuals who probably enojy or enjoyed school/college/university and do or did academically well. optimistic & sophisticated people who can make a difference in your life.
pisces/12th house dom- the 12th house has some similarities to the 8th house but it’s taken up a notch .. or two. it gets dark in a different way. it’s funny when people say they don’t really understand the 12th house, because same, but that’s also because it’s the house of mystery! the things that can’t be defined, that are vague, & cloudy. those are some of the things that fall in this house. the 12th house has you looking in the mirror without you even realizing it, until you do. but pisces also has that spellbinding beauty (not just physical), a sense of dreaminess, flamboyance, that you can look but can’t touch attribute. this contrast between the daunting depth and the enchantment of the 12th house/pisces only contribues to its mystique and strengthens the illusion.
with the propensity to turn to escapism, they must be imaginative. vivid and with great detail. or they’ve experience things that stretches their imagination. they drift off to the land of fantasy, somewhere opposite to reality. they just know things, can sense when something is about to happen. the traits of a prophet/prophetess. familiar with the spiritual realm, even if it’s subtle. conversation with these individuals can make you feel like you’re coming down from a trip. you ponder life on a deeper more spiritual level. you revisit your beliefs, purpose, and the way that you’re living. they dare you to alter your perspective. they inspire you & draw out your creativity and desires.
♡ chiron in the 5th house: blessed w/ musical & artistic talent. gifted in this area but may feel like those gifts are being wasted or not being used to their greatest potential.
♡ pisces/neptune is associated with drugs and certain bad habits. but if you’re also capricorn/saturn dominant or you have aspects like mars trine saturn, you may feel as though you have control over your use of drugs & alcohol, you know your limits, you’re able to take breaks, especially when necessary. bonus if these placements are in the 6th house of routine, these individuals are good at breaking and forming new habits. if a person has neptune in capricorn, they may feel like they know better than to experiment with drugs/alcohol, or at least serious drugs. if they do try it out they lowkey hate them, end up stopping, or find it illogical.
♡ mars retrograde natives: wearing or needing glasses to see better.
♡ 1st house ruler in the 2nd house, 2nd house stellium, venus in the 2nd house: mirrors were created for these individuals. they probably have a lot of mirrors in their house. they totally understand narcissus from greek mythology lol. “never pass a mirror without looking in it.” -paris hilton
if you read this until the end i hope you enjoyed it & thank you so much for reading. ♥︎♥︎♥︎, those hearts are for you.
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liliansun · 9 months
you and your friends are genuinely so adorable and fun to watch, it's so lucky all of you met like this. how did y'all become friends?? alsooo assign a meet ugly trope to each of the couples 👀
i know,, believe me i thank the sky every day that i met these crazy girls,, and omg i’m so excited THANK YOU FOR ASKING (lowkey been waiting ages for someone to ask)
so joy 👯‍♀️and i met here, (like the rest of us) we had a mutual friend and that mutual friend was going on about how we would be good together yk? and i was SCARED. bc she seemed so cool and i just had gotten on tumblr and i was like fuck it and i was gonna send her an ask but she beat me to it and sent me an ask and we took it from there to dms and she CONVINCED ME TO GET ON DISCORD. so i did and we’ve just been so close ever since,, she’s my soulmate 🥺
loki 🌺🧺👶 (@alohajun) and i met bc of joy, i was running kflixnet at the time and loki was a member and she kept calling me her mom (a lot of people said i was a mother of the net at the time🥹) and since then we’ve always had this beautiful friendship,, she calls me her mom and i take it w a badge of honor bc she really could be my child if we weren’t a year apart 😭 we are so alike and we’re both leo’s so it doesn’t help the chaos we create
niwa🌻 (@haechanhues) and i met bc we’re hyuck enthusiasts (obsessed and in love) and she sent me an ask i believe about haechan and we took it to dms and she sends me a haechan ask every day (she took a vow to send me one a day for a year,, THERES SO MANY I NEED TO ANSWER THEM ALL) and i just love her so much,, she’s so goofy and sweet and i just needed her in my life
ESA BABY,, (@rum-gone-why)she and i met bc of haechan too 😭😔 she sent me an ask i think? and we took it to dms IMMEDIATELY. when i tell you our first conversation lasted 4 hours, like we just talked and talked and talked (i we love struck, ngl) and we just clicked so easily,, we still gush about hyuck (i’ll fight him for her,, or anyone for that matter😭👺🔪)
and somehow we all got into a discord gc and then moved it to instagram and we’ve been so close since. these girls are there whenever i’m crying in my room at night or if i’m literally gonna pee bc they’re making me laugh so hard. there’s so much they know about me that no one else probably would ever know and there’s so much we’ve shared, cried, screamed and fangirled over. if home was a person, they each have a room for me within them and that’s a two way street for us all. they’re truly my best friends and when i wrote etmy, ofc i had to include them?? they supported me from the start and were there for the whole breakdown of the process into it and i knew in that moment they had to be included. if it wasn’t for them, we wouldn’t have the sn:pv stories and it genuinely makes me so fucking happy to see you guys love their characters bc they’re biased off them and to me that means you get to love them the way i do and see them the way i do and that’s all i could’ve asked for bc they deserve that and so much more (not me about to cry before i got into work)
anyways 🤩 (sucking in TEARS) MEET UGLY TROPES i hope i did these right😭
y/nhyuck : y/n telling hyuck his taste in music is outdated in a vinyl store and he’s TRIGGERED
jaemal : meeting him in a group setting expecting him to live up to the hype and being like ‘oh, you’re who they talked about?’ and he’s floored, speachless and ego slightly bruised 🥲
jensal : two strangers arguing over who can have the last snack in the store
markjoy : mark watched joy falling flat on her face and tried not to laugh before walking around her 😭
renwa : him asking her to be quiet in a public setting and her only getting louder to piss him off and he shows it
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acollapsar · 3 years
@childeofwar​​ replied to your post: owo "So defensive, mister butler~"
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          “ Hoh.... are you under the impression you’ve struck a nerve? ”
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zodiac-psychology · 3 years
Love for the placements 💘
*I’m not a professional astrologer. These are simply my observations and opinions.
Being loved by a Leo placement,especially Sun,Venus,Moon or 7th house, hits different y’all. They’ll literally treat you like a queen. I’m talking gifts, massages, ENDLESS compliments, long text messages etc. (but they expect the same treatment back)
Cancer placements are feisty af. They’ll kill for you, if they love you.
Pisces would die for you.
Scorpio would die and kill for you 🔪
Sagittarius placements will SHOW YOU OFFF, just like Leo. They’ll literally shout your name from the rooftops and will introduce you to their friends like “look at how beautiful she is!!!” in front of eveeryone and they’ll be so proud to be by your side and it will make you blush sooo hard (i love y’all) + EXTRA points with a Libra Mars. Sweet jesus.
You know an Aquarius really likes you, if they wanna hang out w you more and treat you like one of their buddies. The way to their heart is through their head, so if they start discussing random stuff with u or hang out w u, but make it seem like “no big deal🥱” this mf likes you lmao. Also, roasting is their love language (tough love)
Pisces x Virgo placement combo is THE samaritan placement. They would lend you their kidneys, if they could. I love y’all so much. Pls cultivate healthy boundaries tho👉🏽👈🏽
Capricorn placements will give you that tough love as well, but they’ll give you the consistency and stability you probably need (especially if you’re a mutable dom). They’ll make sure you got your life together and would do ANYTHING for you, if you’re one of the few lucky ones, that made it through their tough exterior. You can count on them ALWAYS. Also, just like Virgo, Scorpio, Sag and Aries, they won’t sugarcoat anything. They tell you what you need to hear, instead of what you want to hear.
Many Chiron 8th housers tend to lose their virginity later in life. Also, Saturn in 7th/8th or Venus-Saturn aspects.
If a Pisces placement or 12th house Sun/Moon/Mercury opens up to you, you better LISTEN!! Because they barely do. They’ll listen to all of your problems, but never talk about their own🥺 So if they open up to u and u make them feel like you don’t care or listen, you can be sure to never EVER have them open up to you again. Take care of them. They never show what’s really going on inside their head and heart.
Aries’ in big 6 love is super intense. They’ll shower you with all the love they have in their heart. However, they do expect a lot of love as well. I would dare to say that they aren’t “easy to love”, in a sense that they need a lot of your energy, this can especially be hard to understand if you’re more detached (for example Aquarius). They need to feel loved and can easily feel abandoned, if you don’t remind them regularly or show attention. But if you do, they’ll kiss the ground you walk on.
Gemini x Sagittarius x Aquarius x Pisces placements will give you the best deeptalks and conversations you’ve ever had, because they’re SO open minded. I love it.
Cancer ascendants, Moon in 1st, Moon-Asc Aspects have such a beautiful voluptous figure. Y’all really said: ⏳
Capricorn Ascendants and their runway-model look.
Taurus placements are such good kissers, jesus
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berenicetheiv · 2 years
"I have no [insert sign] in my chart at all. I SAID I DON'T HAVE ANY-"
Don't steal 🔪.
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Ma'am, that is simply not possible. If you took the time to research and truly understand astrology, you'd get it, you'd totally get why that is. Because in order for what you're saying to happen:
We'd have to remove said sign from the birth chart. Like a pizza. Except that's not possible because a birth chart is NOT a pizza.
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A chart, even if the houses are not evenly divided, will always have the 12 signs:
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Not this (for example: Scorpio is missing). This is simply not possible:
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No matter, whether you like it or not, you have every sign in you. Some are just more in the spotlight, but they're there. They'll always be there!
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If A) a planet is in the first house, or B) it's in a house it's comfortable in (like the sign of that planet is in that sign's ruling house):
Exhibit A:
If you have Mercury in the 1st house: you'll have Gemini/Virgo energy/vibes, etc etc, even if you have no planets in those two.
Exhibit B:
You have Gemini Venus and it's in the 7th house (Libra is the ruler of this house and Libra is a co-ruler of Venus) so you'll have more Libra Venus traits compared to other Gemini Venus people, even if you have no planets in Libra in your chart.
Always remember that planets and houses have signs ruling over them.
Even if you have a Scorpio Venus, have no planets in Taurus or Libra at all, these two signs still have a hold on your Scorpio Venus as they literally rule that planet, it's not like they're leaving, passing the crown to Scorpio, they're still there, ruling, just think of Scorpio as their business partner from another kingdom, asking to create a project with Libra and Taurus.
So Taurus and Libra are there, in the background, watching over Scorpio execute and take the lead of the project while they're the financial backer, etc.
Another example:
This time with houses- Your 8th house is in Leo and ends in Virgo. Virgo and Leo are part of your 8th house. Imagine them as very important guests from other kingdoms coming to the kingdom of the 8th house, where the ruler is Scorpio, for a very important meeting. The guest from the Leo place is a prince while the guest from Virgo is a duke (since the 8th house is in Leo and not Virgo, so Leo has a higher rank and more power over it).
Or, if you don't like the comparison I made, think of modern companies. Think of music labels. Think of Leo and Virgo as Capitol Music Group and their partner/main distributor being Universal Music Group (Scorpio) lol.
Now what about intercepted houses?
Yes, it's still like that. For example: Your 3rd house starts in Leo and ends in Libra and not Virgo. Even if no house is in Virgo, Virgo is still part of the 3rd house; she's still there, even if it's muted compared to other signs. And with the kingdom+guests comparison: Still the same, except this time, there's 3 guests, not 2.
Aspects. Aspects. Depending on aspects, you will most certainly have an energy of a sign if their ruling planet is prominently aspected, even if you have no planets in this sign.
If neptune is in aspect to your ascendant or chart ruler or both, you'll radiate some Pisces energy/appearance even if you have no planets in Pisces.
Degrees do have an effect/influence on the chart, seriously.
Someone (me) with a Scorpio Moon in a Leo degree will be more emotionally dramatic and less emotionally guarded compared to someone (friend) with a Scorpio Moon in a Taurus degree.
So many asteroids in the solar system alone, that they'll literally be in every sign, every house, every corner of your chart if you plug them all in: BUT, you have to check if the asteroid is prominent in your chart, if it's prominently aspected, etc etc.
Astrology is never-ending, it's infinite in many ways if you keep digging and digging. A literal goldmine for people who don't want to run out of things to analyze and study. I don't recommend this part to beginners especially if they haven't got the grasp of their birth chart by at least 80% - but if it does not resonate, go ahead, go crazy:
There are many, and I say MANY, types of astrology methods/charts you can drown yourself in. A bunch of rabbit holes:
Persona charts, planet returns, harmonic charts, transits, midpoints, etc. You can even try to make various relationship charts with your natal and these (ex. Make a composite chart of your natal and moon persona chart as an experiment).
And no, I haven't fully mastered any of these as well. I understand them, but when it comes to interpretations? Byeee.
Also, the fact that there are many astrology tools/methods that exist but is inaccessible to the majority of people (including me)- okay, I'll stop. (If you're curious though, I'm always here.)
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First astrology note (is this even a note? more like a rant reminder?), be nice to me or else 👹🔪🔪.
So yeah, hope you guys enjoyed this post. Remember that all signs are part of our birth chart as they all govern over different natural parts of life. Scorpio- death, Taurus- food, etc!
So embrace every single one of them! (Not saying you can't make fun of certain signs anymore, you can still do that as long as it's not serious.) Have fun! Until next time!
Copyright © 2022 berenicetheiv
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glassamphibians · 4 years
what's your giant bucket list for the potential nico book? like plot, backstories, tropes, all that good stuff. also becky riordan said that people have to read house of hades if "rick does a nico book in the future"
this is kind of all over the place and very long so uhh sorry in advance
omg yeah wait ur right becky did say the house of hades thing. it scares me bc i don’t know if she was just being like “you find out nico’s gay in this one and that bob still exists so uhh thats important i guess now buy my husband’s book 🔪🔪” and it doesn’t actually mean anything, or if it means something huge like “remember eros? yeah nico kills him in the solo book >:)” she could have meant anything im and terrified.
what i do know is that i want both nico and will narrating in first person pov. i’ve talked about why i want both of them here. normally i dislike first person pov’s in books but riordan is a weird anomaly where his first person narration is actually better than his third person narration? like, if you pulled random pieces of text from percy, apollo, and carter’s povs, i would be able to tell who was narrating bc they all have very distinct voices. in heroes of olympus the only pov that felt distinct was leo and thats one out of nine characters :/ nico and will both have really interesting personalities and i want to have that come through in the narration.
for the plot all i know is that i dont want it to be going to tartarus to save bob, thats too straightforward and honestly its kind of a cheap move. i think the whole bob thing should just be the hook and then as the story progresses we realize its something else entirely.
maybe its someone else trying to get rid of nico bc they view him as a threat, maybe its related to the pantheon meeting chiron was at, idk!! but theres a lot going on and i think this is bigger than bob
like, remember when luke gave percy the cursed shoes? i think it could be like that. imagine them getting so close, being just about to dive into tartarus, and then realizing they were tricked and that something bigger is happening. then the real plot picks up.
bc on a more thematic level what i really want this book to be about is a continuation of toa’s “breaking abusive cycles” theme. it should be about nico putting his past behind him instead of falling back into it.
then once the real plot starts i think it should be formatted like the pjo quests!! a big fun cross country road trip where you get almost killed, make some friends, make some enemies, and all in all have a horrible great time!!
im gonna trash on heroes of olympus one more time im so sorry. Son of Neptune is the strongest book in that series and what does it have? the cross country quest format!! once we expanded into moa and they were just on a fancy boat for the rest of the series it stopped being fun. literally like look at blood of olympus. no one cares about what the fancy boat people did in that book. what we did care about was the three person quest where they had no clue what was going on and had to make hedge do interpretive dance so that they could pay for breakfast.
so yeah i think for it both to be a strong stand alone as well as fit into the rest of the rrverse it needs to have that “some goddess just showed up and told us to go to kentucky but did not tell us how to get to kentucky. will won’t let me shadow travel so now we’re on a bus. the stranger sitting next to me fell asleep on my shoulder and i dont want to be rude and move them. why does god hate me.” kinda vibe.
the cross country think is also great bc that mean’s we’d get to see all our old friends!! maybe they stop at the waystation and see reyna & the hunt!! maybe they end up in texas and see will’s mom!! maybe they end up in california see hazel & everyone else over there!! maybe they go to paris and visit rachel!!!
the trogs must be involved. idk how but they must play a major role. maybe screech-bling is the third person in their quest and they can wear hats the whole time.
i really, really want will to finally get cannon complexity. he has a such strong foundation as a character and i’m still upset we didn’t get much real depth added to it during tower of nero. i feel like each book Rick gives us ten Will related puzzle pieces and leaves us to make the rest of them ourselves?? just make the whole puzzle rick it is literally your job.
the idea of Will, someone who has been a background character for 15 books suddenly being pushed into the protagonist position is such an interesting concept that i would love to see explored in the solo book. i think that contrast him and nico, who has been a Big Deal since before will was even born, would be really fun to read.
also i want him to snap. stop being composed will go apeshit!!! throw a scalpel at someone with your amazing apollo aim!! have plague powers and kill some people!! no one is gonna tell on you Will we all want this
going back to nico, he has no idea who he is rn. i mean seriously he’s never had a home like this, he’s never had people who care about him like this, he’s never been safe. remember what percy said in house of hades?
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percy’s talking about how he personally doesn’t know nico, but i think it could be applied to this situation too. he’s changed so much in the past like 15 books and i want to see nico figuring out who he is now that his life isn’t being dominated by pain and sadness. i want to see who nico becomes now that he’s finally able to take up hobbies and just be a teenager!! he know’s who he is as a son of hades, as one of the most powerful demigods alive, but he still has to figure out who he is as a person.
so maybe we get to see what cabin 13 looks like now that he’s changed it!! maybe we get to see what his favorite modern movies & musicians are!! maybe we get to see jules albert finally driving nico and his friends to the mall like hades had intended :)
the should summon jason’s ghost at least once
hades should also properly apologize for threatening to kill him that one time lol
i want hazel, reyna, and rachel to play a major role and if i they don’t i’ll steal riordan’s dog.
is this too long? it feels like its too long even tho i have no clue what i said uhh anyway i hope you had fun reading this love you all xoxo
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