sweettjrose · 9 months ago
What is your opinion about Disney?
Oh boy... This is a complicated question for me.
And the main reason is that I have a lot of Nostalgia for Disney. I grew up watching and loving animated Disney movies and tv shows and is probably the main reason I have such a love for animation and music. And even when I rewatch the movies and the shows they still hold up, some even are better than I remember and show clear mastery and love for art and creativity. The truth is I love these characters and I love these stories and I honestly don't think I could ever truly hate Disney...
But I can still be disappointed. And unfortunately, Disney has and continues to do disappointing things. It would be wrong to ignore all of the bad elements of Disney. Unfortunately, Disney made quite a bit of racist media both in shorts and in movies, and as a mixed person (half-black and half-white) it honestly a truth that is hard for me to truly accept at times. Disney played a major role in really messing up our copyright system making it harder for more media to be in the public domain, despite them liberally using public domain characters to make their stories. Even now with the war in Gaza, it sucks to see Disney officially only side with Israel and not with the Palestinians, with some of them even wearing Disney merchandise. And honestly, I am really worried with the disaster of Wish, Disney+ confusion, and the rise of AI, that Disney will start making some really big anti-creative decisions and somehow even destroy the parts people still like about Disney.
But with that said, I do think there is one element that people tend to forget when talking about the pros and cons of Disney. They are not a monolith. Disney is full of constantly changing and moving people all with completely different politics, opinions, and goals, and contributions. Tbh you could argue that the only time it has been like that is when Walt was in charge and even that is debatable. As a result the people who are doing the stuff I love are rarely the ones doing the stuff I find frustrating. I know artists who work on Disney shows that are supportive of Palestine. Heck you can even feel the internal battle at Disney when it comes to trying to add more LGBTQ+ and diverse content. There are people are trying their best to use their time at Disney to create positive media for future generations, just as much as there those trying to hide or shoot down those media. And even in cases the people causing harm are the same ones making the parts I like, that unfortunately is a constant in life, no matter where you go. Gottfredson made one of my favorite Disney comic characters, but he also did and said quite a bit of racist things. This isn't a justification, but something you can't completely avoid or ignore and have to decide how to handle yourself. To be honest that alone is a completely different essay. But the point is that people change and Disney 100 years ago is different from Disney 30 years ago which is different than Disney today. And even within Disney, not everyone agrees and supports the same things.
And personally, I feel like people tend to overcorrect when it comes to criticism of Disney and act like they have been nothing but a bland corporation with no creativity or positive impact on the world at all. I feel like people tend to group Disney with corporations like McDonalds as if they don't produce any artistic endeavors at all, but just generic content and I can't really believe or support that either. Regardless of how you feel about Disney. They have made such an impact on not just animation, not just on American media and culture, but everything all over the world. Anime is heavily inspired by Disney. Videogame Mascots like Sonic and Mario are inspired by Disney. Even media that takes shots at Disney like Shrek wouldn't have existed without Disney. To be honest it would be harder to find stuff without some element of Disney influence. As I said before a lot of amazing movies have been made with Disney and wouldn't have existed without it. I would consider The Great Mouse Detective and Beauty and the Beast straight-up masterpieces. And it was through Disney that they even got made. Disney can have its frustrating eras (like now), but they're also an effective tool to allow amazing movies and shows to be created. And in a world that doesn't value animation, we still need companies like Disney to still have that faith and support. At least I hope we can.
So to make a long story short, I think it is important to acknowledge the flaws and not ignore or hide them, but to also recognize the artistic achievements as well. Disney had a positive impact on me and nothing will be able to change that. Disney is a constantly changing cultural force that will grow along with us. It will continue to evolve as new people take the reins. Some will try to make up for past mistakes and move forward and some will repeat those mistakes and cause more problems.
All that we can hope is that the good will outweigh the bad.
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sincerestarlight · 1 year ago
The Introverts Guide to The Meaning of Life.
Yeah the title is a bit grandiose but I like it.
This is coming from a place where I wanted to be able to help people. I don’t always know the best words to express what I think when I speak but lately I’ve wanted to work in a space where I could just speak at length about what I feel I’ve learned in my life. About how I think and relate to people and the world at large. And I wanted to do so in a space I felt would maybe be seen and help a person or two.
Hence I made the decision to come to Tumblr.
Call it Madness or Wisdom, you’re still probably right.
So this is going to be my partial diary, partial wisdom blog, partial hard record for whatever therapist wants to look at me down the road. Hopefully they appreciate the documentation.
So I guess the first thing I want to kinda dwell on is, as the caterpillar asks…
Who are you?
TBH I think about this question a lot. Sure I can answer with my name, and that’s indeed who I am in society, but where I begin questioning is who I am to myself.
To anyone who is reading this, Lils is fine.
One of the things I’ve always had a problem with is trying to describe myself. The concept of ice breaking activities fills me with dread, or more commonly these days it’s the ominous “tell me some of your strengths and weaknesses”.
Whoever came up with that question needs to be sentenced to having to use the bathroom on stage in front of an audience.
Seriously there are no good answers to that question! If you say to many good things, or those good things in the wrong way, you’re perceived as arrogant. If you say to many negative things, you lack confidence, or worse they lowball you in pay cause they think you won’t fight back.
And the thing is that you should have confidence in yourself! We are in a big old universe that, as far as we know, stretches on for immeasurable lengths, distances where you can only measure in how many years it would take light to reach it *and it can still be millions of years*
On top of that matter that had at one point just been floating in the void floated into each other *so hard* that it became a giant floating rock. Then this rock managed, through scientific fuckery, make water! An atmosphere! *Fucking Life*. And whatever you think about *what* made life, the fact is that from there, millions of years passed, dinosaurs happened, then they stopped, then humans. Greece, Rome, Wars, and all that time has led to you.
And then fuckin life happens.
Oh yeah, it’s a miracle but it doesn’t mean it doesn’t suck a whole bunch of nards. Christ almighty, it’s a miracle when a kid makes it out of high school without some form of lasting trauma. And then we mold ourselves around that trauma, in the worst case passing those issues onto the next generation.
Why bring up trauma? Well I think that’s why I have a problem with the initial question of who I am.
I used to really like ice breaking activities when I was younger. I always saw them as an opportunity to make friends, maybe if we have similar likes or interests, one of the peeps in my new class will like it too, and we can bond over it and then boom, friend made. So a lot of times, I would talk about what I liked, or things I learned from properties that I liked. It seldom worked the way I expected, but again, stories for another time.
That was my safe spot you know? The things that I liked. I knew those. Give me two options and I can tell you what one I prefer. Tv shows? No problem. Video games? Piece of cake. Sportsball games? I might not be super into them but I can tell you what team I prefer over a different one, even if it’s just based on their uniforms or mascot game.
But then everything changed when the question did.
See, you *have* to go to school. You *have* to do your homework. For stricter upbringings like mine you *have* to get good grades. Living within those confines is it’s own form of comfort. You know what you’re going to do, the question was doing it in a fashion that you like. And after many years of picking between Pokémon starters, that was an easy task. But then one day, maybe later than other people, I wasn’t asked “what do you like”
I was asked “what do you want to do.”
For some people, that question is easy. They know what they want to do. Doctors, artists, scientists, parents, people know what they want to do and the most tenacious of us make it with jobs in their chosen field and I am genuinely thrilled for people who follow their passion. But when I was addressed with that question, I froze. Want was never included in my world up to that point. There were things that sure, if I had complete freedom and unlimited money I’d like to do, but being invested in anything like that was merely fantasy. Sure, being able to lie on the beach in a nice chair with a book in hand sounds like paradise but it’s not really a realistic goal. Same with world domination.
After that I struggled…a lot. I started learning about the things that I like, maybe I could refine down what it was that I liked about them and magically, like an epiphany, I would see the thing that would make me happy, the passion and determination that others had when it came to their craft. But nothing came. I got a retail job after that and spent a good long time basically chasing that next bit of Serotonin. Nothing dangerous but definitely not good for my mental health. If passion wasn’t in my future the least I could hope for would be comfort.
Then I moved into my own place. I had a job that could (barely) afford, and then I looked around and said “well. Now what?”
That was the goal. Self sustainability. And I don’t mean to sound dour about the whole thing, it’s an accomplishment that I am proud of, but a ghost loomed over my head. The concept that now that I am self sustainable, what did I want to do? Obviously there are limits, but now I could exist beholden to no one but myself and…I didn’t know what to do with it. I still don’t. and it’s felt very lonely. Lonely because I feel this bright passion inside of me and I have no way to share it. No way for it to exist in this world.
I don’t know what I want to do but I want to do something.
I want to live my life in joy
I want to love whomever I want at my own pace
I want to be passionate and excited and run into the future with the confidence of the ball of conscious stardust that I am.
And even if no one reads this, writing it down helped a lot. The fact that the very thought exists somewhere helps.
0 notes
rpreview · 2 years ago
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now presenting a review for PITTSQZHQ !
@pittsqzhq​, a 21+ dystopian survival rp based on tumblr
first impression
ok based on the name alone i had no idea what to expect, so i’m excitedly heading over to your page! aaaaaa the aesthetic is very apocalyptic which gets me so giddy tbh, i am obsessed with apocalpytic plots, and the presentation is lovely, so you’ve got me so far! 
you may be fooled by the cutesy theme i’ve got going here, but horror is literally my favorite genre lmao
the plot
i already love the last of us so much (despite not even finishing the game yet because apparently i can only Do Things when the hyperfixation is fixated), so i can’t help but be a little biased here in just loving the concept alone. but you did amazing with setting up the plot! i think you’ve given solid information for anyone who has never seen the show or played the video game, so that it’s not entirely necessary to have that media consumption to play in your plot!
not only that, but you’ve provided details on so many things i’d normally have questions about, lol. i’m such an overthinker, i feel like i need to know everything i possibly can before joining a group. your plot even covers how the infection stages work, etc. so good on you, seriously. i really appreciate this as an overthinking bitch who needs to know every minute detail in order to feel safe to apply lol.
overall, the plot feels hefty and complete. it wasn’t a boring read, which sometimes long plots can be. i like that you’ve broken it up into multiple sections in which the sections aren’t too long either.
the details
i love the detail on your rules tbh. it feels very much rp once upon a time lol. rules are usually so simple now, which is ok! i just love this. 
i think you could use a location page (nothing fancy, even just a bulleted list with a little description could do!) to bolster the places mentioned in your plot! 
i can’t continue because i think your jobs link is broken :(
i’d also look into a navigation page, especially for those who are mobile, if you don’t have one! (i don’t think i’m seeing one) on that page, i’d normally expect to see like a checklist, a masterlist to follow, things like that, but i’m not seeing anything? and on the “more” button on the theme, it just refreshes the page.
i love the organization, it’s very simple to look around, which makes me feel totally chill. if i was an applicant, i definitely wouldn’t be too scared to apply. 
well you have kat graham and sarah michelle gellar as your mascots, and those are literally two of my all-time favorite faceclaims somehow, so im happy lmao. from what i can gauge on the main, you’re very friendly, and you want to run a tight ship with this roleplay, and i totally admire that.
i immediately struggled to find the navigation. i opened the page for my first impression, and i was really excited to find the plot, but i legit could not find the buttons for a good minute, aaaaa. it’s also really hard to read the text on the buttons. ok now that it’s bigger in this screenshot it’s easier but slkdfjsd it was very hard to see on the page. if the theme doesn’t allow you to change the text without changing another important aspect, check the html!
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i know how crucial activity is to a roleplay, especially these days with everyone flitting about without sticking around anymore. however, as a disabled person, the activity feels just a tiny bit too tight-leashed for someone like me to maintain. i know i’m not the average person, but it’s worth keeping that in mind!
i can’t find the forward/backward buttons on the pages, either.
i do see diversity in the cast, which makes me happy! i do see a handful of problematic faceclaims though that might scare a few people away if they are feeling uncomfortable about things like that.
UPDATE: the admins have reached out about this, and have assured they’re working on it!
tumblr: theme/graphics
i personally LOVE the scheme and the graphics, but due to how difficult it is to read the theme, find buttons, etc, i would consider changing it up a little. if editing it doesn’t work, maybe a similar theme? i know that always hurts to even think about, but you definitely want potential members to navigate with ease!
i love it!! i’d consider looking into the faceclaims that are being applied for, but i love love love an apocalyptic roleplay, and you’ve got a great plot here. i would just tinker with some of the minor details, and i think you have an incredibly solid group here i could see lasting for a good long while!
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soupbabe · 3 years ago
hi i had seen you did the crusaders with a chubby s/o but i was wondering if you can do one with the duwang gang and a chubby s/o? please and thank you king!
Part 4 characters w a Chubby! S/O
Did I extend this to more than the Duwang Gang? Yea. Why? Because everyone in jjba would love and spoil a chubby S/O. Araki told me himself it's canon
Josuke Higashikata
He really isn't one to focus on looks in a relationship
The first thing he would love about you would be your personality, it's just a plus that you have a nice body !!
Literally you are so perfect to him omg he can't help but to smile like an idiot when you're around
On the weekends/during summer break when you're not in your school uniform and just a pair of shorts and a tank top he just melts omg
You look so good!! He's respectful with it and not roaming his eyes everywhere, but that won't stop his blushing when he sees your plush form walking over to him
He loves your thick thighs so much
Perfect pillows for when he's having a rough day
When spending time together he will do anything he can just so he can lay down on your thighs
Sometimes when you both are getting ready to go to bed he does it and lets you comb your fingers through his hair
Okuyasu Nijimura
I do headcanon Okuyasu as a bit chubby so in my mind he has no room to judge
Not that he would in the first place
First time he saw you he (not so subtlety) whispered to Josuke that he thought you were hot
He would want to hug you so much and be all over you
You're just really soft to him and like?? It's heaven
Dates to Tonio's is a must
You're a growing y/n he has to treat you right
Please don't be insecure about eating in front of him, he's literally the best at making an atmosphere more comfortable
His favorite part of you might be your chubby cheeks
He enjoys squishing them from time to time, lovingly calling them your "chipmunk cheeks"
Koichi Hirose
A lot of characters in this aren't the shallow type and Koichi is no exception!
You're just so nice and caring towards him it just makes his heart go fast around you
Absolutely loves holding your chubby hands they're just so soft to him and so comforting
Same with hugs he loves getting hugs from you
Yea it leaves him a blushing mess but it's so worth it
He loves laying on your big tummy so much
He could easily fall asleep, face buried in the soft flesh
Probably the best sleep he got, would recommend sleeping on a chubby y/n again
Rohan adores chubby bodies
Rohan Kishibe
Loves giving you designer clothes
Plus if you're more confident in yourself, it makes him like 3x more attractive omg
You look so pretty/handsome/whatever you prefer when the clothes he bought you bring out your favorite parts of your body and your curves
He loves drawing you so much
He calls you his muse a lot
If you're ever having one of those bad days where your body doesn't just "look right" to you, Rohan would simply tell you that you're very attractive and that there's nothing to worry about
Later on he would show you all of his drawings of you, capturing your beauty like no other
Hell, he could take a tiny insecurity like a double chin and make it look like the prettiest thing to exist in his artwork
He loves your stretch marks so much
When you two have the down time to just do nothing but be lazy in bed, he loves tracing them in silence
Yoshikage Kira
This man doesn't care what you look like
You only got his attention when your hands touch when he dropped something and you went to give it back to him
Yes, he usually went for slim, more feminine hands, but yours was just so soft and he thought your chubby little fingers were the cutest
Although you weren't a Mona Lisa, he still was a changed man
It was then when he saw the rest of you and thought that you were stunning
He checked his watch, mentally cursed himself for running late to work
He gave you a business card with his number on it and asked you out to lunch as a thank you
He loves having lunch with you
You two holding hands while you both talked about your day was the highlight of his
He loves giving you rings and watches, he thinks it just makes your hands shine through and he says that you deserve to be pampered
That being said he absolutely loves your hands
How his slender and somewhat bony fingers perfectly fit with your pudgy ones makes him smile
Yukako Yamagishi
Oh you're perfect to her!
So soft, you're like her personal teddy bear!
It's surprising if your self esteem hasn't risen even a little bit once you're with her
She loves complementing you so much
Will steal your clothes
And guess what.
She's another character I headcanon as plus size so you both are going to be stealing each others clothes
Best home cooked meals wow
Will make sure you get everything you need and aren't skipping meals
She would be so scary if she finds out that you aren't taking care of yourself
She cannot choose her favorite part of you
You ask her and she will say all of the above
Toshikazu Hazamada
He doesn't get out much tbh
I'll be honest anime/manga has definitely risen his expectations when it comes to appearance for a s/o
Gotta wait til he gets humbled shorter if you ever want to be with him
By then he should get it through his head that not everyone is going to have the flat stomach or big muscles as anime might have him believe
I feel like after that he might be open to collecting more diverse anime figurines, including the cute chubby anime mascots you can find online
When you said that you had feelings for him he grew so flustered that he actually accepted
It doesn't matter what you really look like to him anymore, if you like him he would like you back
Please let him sit in your lap and let him hug you
Would constantly suggest you to cosplay a character from his figurine collection
He wants his anime fav come to life you would make him so happy
Something just tells me that he would really like flabby arms tbh
The feeling of your squishy arms around him when you two hug makes his heart go so fast and his face so red
Loves cuddling up and laying his head on your arms
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robintheredwonder · 4 years ago
Helluva Thoughts after EP 2
Might as well post those bc I wrote a lot
Spoilers underneath the ‘
From the start Stolas' wife [Stella] seems to not be too 'happy' with having to get up to tend to Octavia. I'll pass this off as her being tired [bc a child screaming in the middle of the night isn't a pleasure] but it also makes me think things started being bad for a while now. I'd also say it's supported by Octavia dreaming that only Stolas was gone, as well as her only having a drawing of him and her in her bedroom. UPDATE-- she also only has a photo of her and Stolas in her room. Stella is definitely not that involved in my mind now.
'I used to think love would be fun' in Stolas' song makes me 100% sure smth started happening early honestly. Even if they were in a forced marriage, it feels like he did try to make it work, maybe, only up until he realized it wouldn't.
'Now all my stories have been told, except for one' makes me sad to be honest. He's sure there's nothing more to his life at this point but his daughter. His daughter is the only important thing for him now.
Anyways Stolas best dad award
On my first watch I felt bad for Stella thinking she was so upset bc Stolas is cheating-- Rewatching it makes me feel like she's upset mostly because it's an imp he chose out of everything, much rather than the fact that he isn't fixing their relationship or working on it.
It's kind of obvious Stolas grew apart from his daughter but I also think he is trying his best. Given what Octavia says later on in the episode, it makes me think he did kind of not realize how much his fights affected her and, with how eager he was to get out, that he was avoiding the family all-together at times.
Stolas' swear words get mostly censored, while other characters' don't. With his line about naughty language it makes me think he censors himself on purpose. Octavia is eating Robo Fizz cereal-- Fun detail but also if Stolas is the one doing the groceries oh man.
Blitzo calls Millie and Moxxie 'M&M' which is their fandom ship-name. Thank you vivzie >:3
I don't know why but the fact that Blitzo doesn't even reach Stolas' waist is very funny to me
Somehow Moxxie being a helicopter mom doesn't shock me
The posters on the wall eye-- 'Does lulu world have a sexy robot?' 'Not lulu world stop sending complains' 'Stop asking' 'Everyone is so mean to me' 'I'd never do that to my bff Lucifer'
This park is just a big reference to the goofy movie ngl-- From Looloo's 'ahyuk ahyuk ahyuk' to the fact that the dad is thrilled while the kid isn't to other mirrored scenes-- good kush
The more I watch this the more I realize the worst thing hell brings you- Capitalism.
Blitzo being a clown previously is so funny to me-- But also it kind of makes sense, in a way? I thought he'd only have a show with his sisters but it makes more sense that he'd be the circus clown. Also makes me wonder if his relationship with his family isn't so good given they were all in the circus but he seems to detest even thinking about it. HOWEVER, he also has a poster of his show with his sisters-- Perhaps there's more to it than I think.
I find it so fucking funny that Robo Fizz copies Charlie's song-- Just further shows that Loo Loo land copies EVERYTHING Lucifer does huh. Speaking of which, they also have an apple mascot-- Didn't Lucifer love apples in this show??
'I don't know what that thing is but I want that thing' - Gravity Falls reference to Wendy and Dipper in Season 1. Vivzie do you have a ship to confess? [Now that I think of it, Moxxie does remind me of Dipper]
This is just me pondering but we see Blitzo purring while here Moxxie is hissing. Can different imps do different things? Are they based off of different animals?
'Does anybody love you, Blitzo?' I know this is meant as a joke but it lowkey hits hard, especially if he doesn't speak to his family anymore.
Stolas' hat changes with his emotions and I think that's really cool tbh
'But home doesn't even feel like home anymore' hits hard honestly. Octavia didn't choose to be in this household, nor did she choose to live with a dysfunctional family. I can't blame her for blaming her dad, even if Stolas deeply cares. It's obvious Stella is angry and that's probably reflecting on her also, not to mention the fact that she has to see her father fall in love; Even if Stella and Stolas never quite got along, she probably still saw the two of them as in love when she was younger and didn't think it's possible for them to fall out of it.
Stolas being unable to finish his sentences makes me think he wants to speak to her about how he feels, but doesn't want to break her heart.
I knew stolas was powerful but motherfucker can turn imps into stone-- Holy shit.
Are we just gonna ignore the fact that Millie got kidnapped--
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alanncs · 4 years ago
hello my loves , it’s dani aka the ari mascot on the main ! if u don’t already know me , i’m 21 , i’m from toronto which puts me in the est tz , & i have a unhealthy obsession w/ mgk 🥰 hehe , that’s me ! let’s b friends pls !! anyway , i’m so so excited to be back in wealthy with all u angels , i seriously missed everyone so much ! okay , so i’m gonna put some info bout my girl alanna under the cut ... i switched her up quite a bit so i’m xcited 2 be bringing her back ! pls give this a like if u wanna plot with me & i’ll come bother u !!  also pls feel free to msg me on discord for anything 🥰 𝒎𝒈𝒌'𝒔 𝒘𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒆 .#1958
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new york’s very own alanna d'alessio was spotted on broadway street , with a striking semblance to hailey bieber !  you may know them as @alanna or hitting the front page of tmz as youngest d’alessio heiress alanna caught trashing nyc four seasons hotel room . according to tmz , you just had your twenty - first birthday bash . while living in nyc , you’ve been labeled as being reticent , but also charming . things that would paint a better picture of you would be the lingering smell of smoke , anything pink  &  gold  jewelry  . ( cisfemale + she/her  ) * vc/career claim : lennon stella .
                   *  /   𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑠 .
full  name  :  alanna  marie  d’alessio  .
age :  twenty  -  one  .
hometown  :  new  york  city  .
zodiac  chart  : scorpio  sun  ,  aquarius  moon  ,  libra  rising  .
character  inspo  :  alyssa (  the  end  of  the  f*cking  world )  ,  marissa  cooper  (  the  o.c )  ,  hanna  marin  ( pretty  little  liars ) .
                  *  /   𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚   !!  (  tw  : kidnapping , ransom , drugs , ptsd  )
alanna was born heir to the d'alessio family which came with the billion dollar dynasty that her parents created .
her dad is an italian government official  but they grew up in ny basically bc her dad is an ambassador/representative for italy  &  her mother is a super model who also wanted to raise her kids here having lived here her whole life , and so they did . 
she had everything handed to her on a silver platter and her parents expected nothing but success from her because of how wealthy they were, they knew they would never have to worry about providing for her and her siblings , and so they spoiled her with whatever she asked for and more
but that came with a price, she was expected to do everything they wanted of her, go to an ivy league college, follow in one of her parent’s career footsteps
alanna did just that, she got amazing grades in high school and was head of many student clubs, organized prom, got almost perfect on sat’s and exams, and busted her ass to get into a good college despite the fact that her parents could’ve easily gotten her a spot if she didn’t do as well as she did
her life was going so well, she had the perfect boyfriend, perfect group of friends, was on her way to brown university in a couple of months, her parents and her couldn’t have been in a better spot with their daughter
the last thing they expected was for someone, a stranger, to get their hands on their daughter . 
a week after her 18th birthday , she’s walking to school on a monday morning and before she knows what’s happening , there’s something over her head and she’s being dragged into a van and taken from her life
the one thing that was expected, was the $10 million ransom she was held for
basically her dad had some shady dealings with the italian mob & didn’t pay his debts to them for some time - so they kidnapped alanna in retaliation for that
they kept her for 3 days before her parents were able to work with the authorities to get her returned and pay the people in full
surprisingly, she was returned alive but she had to spend two weeks in the hospital afterwards with injuries
once alanna was returned, she wasn’t the same
she told the police what happened to her , but only barely . she didn’t tell her parents or anyone else about what they did to her when she was gone . she didn’t speak , eat or sleep for two months after she got home
she spent the last few months of her high school in bed, she didn’t attend her graduation, deferred from going to brown in the fall, she didn’t see her friends anymore and she broke up with her boyfriend
the people who took her were never caught & she is still to this day completely terrified of going anywhere alone
she never walks anywhere alone 
it took her months to be able to get back to doing normal things again and being who she was before
to this day ,  alanna still struggles with the memories and the ptsd from what happened to her , but she doesn’t speak to anyone about it and she refuses to bring it up in any scenario
she also has a horrible relationship with her father now , having trouble forgiving him for what happened to her
some people know about it as obviously, being as famous as her family is, it was on the news at the time, and everyone she went to high school with knew what happened so sometimes it can be hard to avoid it ( possible connections ? hehe )
                                        *  /   𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚  !!  (  tw : drugs )
ok here comes the fun part hehe where i changed her up a bit !
alanna’s def still wild ! i’ve decided to tone it up a few notches this time around
so she’s completely intertwined in the nyc party scene , like , you’ll see her at any big club or party every weekend and tbh probably on a wednesday you’ll see her there too
she kinda acts like nicole & paris on the  simple life lmao like she’s always doing dumb shit 
she’s always under some kind of influence whether it be cocaine , weed , alcohol , shrooms , percs , she’s always gotta be on something 
after dropping out of school , she knew she wanted to pursue a career in the industry , growing up she was a child actress &  did some dancing 
she always had a knack for singing & songwriter , got her first guitar at the age of six & just never stopped
it was always like an escape from reality for her , just to have music playing and let her voice go free
so after making some money through instagram modelling & some professional 
she decided to pursue her music career this past year 
her vc is lennon stella cus i just feel like the songs fit alanna perfectly and lennon’s voice is magical so yah
she can be very selfish at times , to a fault . like u can call  her out for treating u like shit and she’s gonna be like , yeah sorry . don’t cry 2 much bout it . she really doesn’t care 
it takes her a LONG time to get close to people , so like if ur  someone she actually cares about and loves , ur gonna know it . and if ur not , ur gonna know that too lo l
she does not hide how she feels about things or ppl , she’ll tell u straight up like
istg this girl prob doesn’t have a filter she just says what pops into her head first
here’s her pinterest board for more of an idea !!!
if u read all this i seriously love u sorry its so long ohp
i have tons of IDEAS here @alannaisms​  !  so pls look thru that & lemme kno if any would fit with  alanna & ur muse !  heh ok im done ily  guys pls come plot with me <3
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sortasirius · 5 years ago
“Moving On” with Sam and Dean
God I love this show.  Anyway.
Like, putting to the side the fact that it was meta as fuck, setting us all up for what the writer (Chuck) wants (to destroy his audience) vs. what Team Free Will will actually do, we gotta talk about the final car scene with Dean and Sam.
I kinda had a serious suspicion that they weren’t going to hit on Cas like at all, which they didn’t (sans the Becky/Chuck moment), but just because Dean isn’t spilling his guts or anything, it’s still the very obvious poorly-coping Dean we’ve seen pretty much every time he and Cas are separated, but he’s putting on this brave face for Sam, which doesn’t crack per se, but Sam most deffo sees right through.
What got me about the car scene is that, for so long, it’s been Sam pulling Dean out of the depths of despair: finding a hunt, reminding him what they fight for, keeping him on track, but now the roles have reversed, Dean is taking care of Sam the way he did when they were kids.  Dean knows that Sam is even more emotionally wrecked than him, so he puts all those emotions into a little box and laughs and eats and works and makes jokes about the mascot on the scooter and refuses to even acknowledge that Cas is gone and, for all intents and purposes, is not coming back.
Also, Dean loves to cope with his emotions by throwing himself into work.  He’s done it for years, when he was going to Hell, when they lost John, when Cas died in season 12, he’s never been one to just sit around and let himself think about things, and Sam knows that, (his face journey is AMAZING in this scene) he KNOWS that Dean copes by working.
“We do the ugly thing so people can live happy.”
“Yeah.  Lucky them.”
“Yeah, lucky them.”
And Sam goes from smiling to literally concerned about Dean in like .5 seconds, his face totally changes, because who is Dean talking about?  He’s not talking about the random little town they saved from a vampire kid, he’s not.  He’s talking about Cas “moving on” and possibly being happier without them and it’s not subtle lmao.
When Dean talks about who they’ve lost and who they do the job for, there’s this negative space, it’s obvious that he’s not saying Cas, that maybe Sam tried to bring up Cas and it didn’t go well, but the conversation almost feels wrong, because why are they talking about the “people that ever gave a damn” about them, and not mentioning Cas? Because who has given more of a damn about them than Cas?  And Dean’s usually the one to say that, he’s always been the one to bring up all that Cas has sacrificed for them, so it really feels...off for Dean to not mention Cas when he talks about who they do the job for, really just hammering home what we already know: Cas not being there is weird and the tension between Sam and Dean is weird because he’s not there.
“We’re finally free to...move on, you know.”
You mean to tell me I’m supposed to hear the words move on and not immediately think “I think it’s time for me to move on”?  Ok.
But like, if Sam and Dean are free from Chuck so they can move on, does that mean that Dean thinks that now Cas is free from him, so he can move on too?  This is honestly all too much and idk how I’m going to handle it when the show brings them back together tbh.
“I don’t know if I can move on.  You know, I can’t forget any of them.  Dean, I still think about Jessica.”
The wounds don’t heal.  And they shouldn’t, you shouldn’t “move on” from the people that you’ve lost and loved, and I’m glad that Sam tells Dean that, because Dean wanted to hear “yeah, we should move on,” because he doesn’t want to deal with the fact that Cas is gone, that they’ve lost Jack, Rowena, and Mary, he wants to put all of that away until it bursts out of him in a rage but Sam won’t let him, and I’m glad Sam can tell Dean that, can cry, can let Dean know that he won’t move on, he can’t.
Also I’m suing Jared Padalecki for emotional damages because he’s so amazing and I love him and Sam so goddamn much.
“Maybe tomorrow.  Maybe I’ll feel better in the morning.”
This line really sat well with me.  Because Sam isn’t moving on.  He’s hurting, he’s sad, he’s tired, but this isn’t moving on, it’s putting one foot in front of the other to see another day, a healthier version of what Dean was saying.  Not forgetting, not moving on, but moving forward.
“And what if you don’t?”
“I don’t know.”
It’s just so INTERESTING because they don’t have the answers and neither of them feel the way they feel like their supposed to because obviously we, the audience knows that Chuck isn’t gone and is trying to ruin their lives EVEN NOW and that everything feels weird without Cas and not mentioning him makes it even weirder and aaaaahhhhhh!!!
I really liked this episode, I think Davy Perez is really talented, and it was a nice break from the nothing but heartbreak we’ve been seeing for the last three episodes, while still keeping that energy that something could go wrong at any second.  So far I’m just a huge fan of the direction the season is going, and more than anything I have faith in these writers.  I know I say it all the time but Supernatural and the fans are lucky to have them, because they’re AWARE of what a big task it is to end a show like this, where so many people have been so invested for so many years, and I really do think that they’ll do it justice.
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photolover82 · 5 years ago
The Masked Singer Season 3 Episode 12: The Last Four of the Elite Eight (Face-offs Part 2 Commentary & Guesses)
Hi my fellow Masked Singer fans! It’s that time of the week, time for Ana’s Masked Singer Recap. After a week off because of that weird sing a long episode that I don’t know what to think tbh, we are back with the second & last part of the Face-Offs. The format is just like the first part of this round (link here: https://photolover82.tumblr.com/post/614974157920337920/the-masked-singer-season-3-episode-11-the-first) btw. So, having said that, let’s get started!  (Disclaimer: Spoilers ahead, proceed with caution.. don’t say I didn’t warn you)
Ok, so the first pair of the night is the Frog vs. Kitty 
First up was Frog, performing Fireball by Pitbull. 
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Ok, so honestly, this was an upsetting performance to talk about because it just felt super repetitive to everything he has done so far. I am just really hoping for a change of pace from him because all he does is rap and do some dance moves. Also picking up Pitbull song was a terrible idea for his voice because it seemed like he was out of breath trying to keep up with Pitbull's distinct speed of rapping & also some of the Spanish elements of the song because he doesn’t know Spanish. So, I am really hoping that moving forward he will switch it up because it’s getting boring at this point. 
Next came his rival/girlfriend? (idk there is this romantic storyline between them which is weird if they are who I think they are), the Kitty, performing True Colors by Cyndi Lauper. 
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Alright, I enjoyed her performance a lot more than the Frog, but I can still give her the same critique. She’s been only doing ballads, which are great because of her voice and it goes with her, but I also want to see her do something more fun or upbeat maybe with choreography. 
So, having said that, the winner/the person moving on to the top 6 is to my dismay.... FROG!! Yeah, let’s just say not happy with this result. 
So, for the next/last pairing of both the night & round, we have Banana vs. Rhino! 
First up was the Banana, performing "Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door” by Bob Dylan. 
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Ok, ya I guess it was a good performance, but it shows that he isn’t the most vocally strong of the contestants. However, he is talented, it was really cool that he played the piano in the beginning and he freaking kicked the stool for God’s sakes. I gotta give him props, but it still didn’t knock my socks off or anything. 
Last was the Rhino, who sang 10,000 Hours by Dan & Shay and Justin Bieber. 
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Again, I have the same critique for Rhino as for Banana. It was great and the song suited his voice just as it did for Banana, but it wasn’t amazing nor wowing at all. There was no wow factor to the performance. However, it was pretty good and I enjoyed it better than Banana’s performance. 
Anyways, I kind of figured this would happen.... the winner of this duel was RHINO!! 
Alright, so that means we are onto the smackdown of the Kitty vs. Banana.. which went like this:
Kitty went first, with Unstoppable by SIA. 
I really enjoyed this more than her actual performance (I would say it was the best of the night since the other performances didn’t blow me away.). You can really tell that she is so vocally talented and has an insane range in her voice. 
Then came Banana who did Brick House by The Commodores. 
It was good ngl, but it didn’t beat out the Kitty at all. I feel like she really beat him in the vocal department and he didn’t do anything dance wise or performance wise that was more entertaining than hers for him to stay. 
Having said that, I think you can guess that the person unmasked was...
who was revealed to be (as I figured out for a while)...
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Yeah as you guys probably saw from my previous posts, I figured this one out but here’s an explanation of the latest suitcase clues: 
X-ray of a cat= CAT Scan= brain hemorrhage from an injury at the Tony’s 
Bug Spray= reference to his band Poison
Tags (Backstage Crew & Tongue sticking out) = his time in the rock & roll industry 
Nashville Sheriff Badge= he was a judge on talent show Nashville Star
Now that we are done with that, let’s talk about my guesses (none have changed) and how the new clues confirm them:
1. For Frog, my guess is Bow Wow (duh) 
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Suitcase Clues:
Japanese Flag= Bow Wow is also the name of an influential Japanese rock band
Keyboard with L & I blacked out= reference to his old nickname “Lil” Bow Wow
Ice Cube Tray= worked with Ice Cube in a movie called Lottery Ticket
“Thank God it’s Frogday” tag= R&B Friday radio show he hosts in Australia 
2. For Kitty, my guess is Jackie Evancho (took me a while to get it but I am certain I finally got it) 
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Suitcase Clues:
Pope’s Hat= played for pope September 2015
Mouse= worked for Disney, house of Mouse if you will (i.e. covered many Disney songs, appeared on Wizards of Waverly Place) 
Angel Ornament= song called Concrete Angel 
3. For Rhino, my guess is Barry Zito. (I’m convinced y’all) 
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Suitcase Clues:
Rhino Secrets= album called No Secrets
Tennessee flag= played for Nashville Sounds (at end of baseball career) 
Seal= he played for the Giants whose mascot is a seal
Base Clef= reference to his baseball career
Alright, that”s it! I will see you guys for the next one. Bye! 
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eb-byestelle · 5 years ago
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Hi there !! ❤️
Oh lord……….. 😵😅 There is a lot of it! But in some way it flatters me 😂💖
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2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?
I do. It seems to be sth unpleasant but I like that tbh. It’s a very refreshing feeling.
5: are you self-conscious of your smile?
Ofc I’m 😂
6: do you keep plants?
Generally no. I prefer to have an ornamentation which are long-term like a paintings or various types of souvenirs. But every now and then I love to buy some roses or lilies.
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself?
13: what’s something that made you smile today?
A few things for sure ^^ For example some new epizode on the channel of one of my favrite youtubers. I usually don’t care about youtubers, but there is few guys who I really like. He is one of them. Besides of reviewing and mocking of a bad movies, he started to make a program when he laughs of his inept cooking skills and in a funny way he tries to do the various dishes. It was the epizode when he tried to do some dish created by Gordon Ramsey. With his brilliant joke and a chill style of being, as usual it was great. Another thing which comes to my mind is a very tasty breakfast 😋
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14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?
I guess it would be like in case of a lot of roommates. A separate rooms for each of us. Each one would be the own part of the fridge. The bills would be divided in half for each.
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair?
Right now I have a color I like (dark chocolate).
22: are you a morning person?
Not exactly xD I love mornings! It’s my favorite part of the day. But at the same time I love to spend all night without sleeping xD At night we have the best ideas and the biggest inspiration ❤️ sometimes I call myself „a night animal”. But I still love mornings, this fresh air, very pleasant atmosphere. But because of my love to being „a night animals” my morning is only sometimes in the correct part of the day (like 7.00 – 8.00 am).
23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?
Like today xD Eg. replying to messages (like right now xD), cleaning, some activities like a cycling, trips or swimming, watching a movies, finding an interesting things or creating sth like a new poem or taking a new photos to my albums.
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?
Yes, she is ❤️ She knows more than anybody.
28: sunrise or sunset?
Sunrise ❤️
29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing?
Eg. when there is my birthday time and some my friend always gives me the gifts which perfectly suits to my interests and my personality ❤️ It’s the sign for me that someone knows my well and I’m important for him/her.
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared?
I think I have… But I’m not sure when exactly. It was a long time ago…
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?
You mean a mascot, right? I still have my dear bunny ❤️ Its name is Niunia (a girl name). I got it for my fourth birthday. It was one of my biggest inspiration for the next 10 years xD Thanks to this bunny I created my first tales, comics, novels, and arts. It was like an one big inspiration bomb xD
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often?
Yeah, I like it. I use it very often.
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean?
Rather clean.
38: tell us about your pet peeves!
It would be probably when someone is too sarcastic. Many people love sarcasms. Some are funny, when don’t laugh of somebodies in some mean way, but generally when it’s sth too personal, directed directly to me, then it’s sth very painful.
I also really don’t like when someone is a religious fanatic. I’m not an atheist and I totally respect all religiouses but some part of them are just insane… Some of them even try to say, that the homosexuality is a disease and that the contraception is a killing. Maybe we should claim that the religious fanatics is a disease xD 💀😂
Oh! And I hate this obsession with diet and exercise. It’s great to feel attractive and healthy but it started to be the one large international persecution mania 😅💀💀
40: think of a piece of jewelery you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you?
Ahh, ofc! I have a lot of jewelery, many of them remind me of some memories. My the most precious thing is my ring which I bought from my first scholarship (the scholarship I got in 2015, while I bought it in 2016). I wear it everyday. Later I went to the some steep hill and at the top of this hill I’ve done a kind of oath to myself that I will never make some mistakes once again, i.e. that I will always respect and love myself and I will always be faithful to myself (Sth a bit like a self-wedding xD There was even the cross xD).
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41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving?
Generally I read book quite rarely, I choose much more the watching the movies/anime, but when I think about a books like this, eg. now I’m reading some really great book. It’s called „Sophie’s World”. It’s about a teenage girl which one day came back from school and inside of her letter-box found a letter addressed to her, where it was one question „Who you are?”. Later, after she started think about who could give it to her and wonder about that question, another anonymous letters with philosophical questions began to be put into her letter-box. After a short time, after stimulating her curiosity towards philosophy, still without knowing the identity of the mysterious philosopher, the girl started a philosophy course, this time receiving a lot of long sheets full of new knowledge. More and more she began to delve into the world of philosophy, while at the same time trying to find out who is that mysterious teacher. At the same time, every now and then for some reason in various places, she found some things for the another girl she had never met. So far, I’m halfway through, history is getting more and more interesting. This is not a romance, as might be suggested by that “mysterious man” xD is a novel which is a kind of textbook of philosophy inserted into the story of the main character, written in a style that is one of the best literary styles I have ever read ❤️
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?
With my music xD 🎵🎇
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?
It was some time ago, on my last ride by bicycle.
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe?
The meat from the dogs 😱😭😭👎
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today?
In case of this, I’ve really changed. As a kid I was scared by a storm, altitude, public appearances, spiders, darkness, although at the same time since childhood I’ve liked to challenge myself. Then there was a time when there were many strong negative experiences in my life, after which I came up with some simple thought: “Once I was afraid of a storm, but then I found out that there are more terrible things than a storm.” Now I’m afraid of only few things. I was able to go in the middle of the night through a dark forest, perform in front of a hundred people or run away from a stranger who chased me with a log in hand and even then I didn’t feel a fear. But there is still something I’m scared. It’s a bad people. I divide bad people into “culprits” and “intruders”. These first ones are people aware of their faults who have made mistakes, but they have a goodness within them that helps them to be better. Those second ones are totally evil. They are persuasive. People love them and follow them. They’re often completely unaware of the quantity of evil that is within them. Their boundless ruthlessness, combined with their eternal state of repression and alleged innocence, make them worse than the most dangerous lion.
I’m also afraid of losing humanity. I have the view that human is a creation between an animal and a device. I don’t want to get lost totally in lusts and instincts, like an animal, I don’t want to lose myself in logical cold action, like a device. It’s important to not forget about the instincts and the logical thinking, both skills are very valuable. But the extreme transition to one of these parties is bad. And very simple in a present times. While there is still humanity in the middle, specifically this what is metaphorically called “the soul” (feelings, weaknesses, sensibility). I don’t want the present world to deprive me of this.
50: what’s an odd thing you collect?
I guess I don’t collect any things like this.
54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face?
Some my friend from studies. She has a very hard time right now…
55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point?
It’s hard to say… But I guess it was some „skill” I had to learn, ie. more „sharp” kind of speaking and behaving, more agressive. Ofc not as a kind of speaking everyday, but it were a situation which forced me to be cruel to someone who hurt me. It was my final attempt to prove that this person very hurts me and deserves my contempt. It worked. Now this person is completely different to me. But I don’t hide that it was difficult. In a way, I had to move my scruple and find within me something what I call “wildness”.
56: what are some things you find endearing in people?
When someone still has inside sth from a child. Specifically, I mean a children’s sensitivity, curiosity about the world, the ability to dreaming, child’s innocence and a kind of enjoying something like a child. Imo it’s very important to cultivate everything this within us, at the same time having sth of an adult, like eg. an emotional maturity (there are ofc also children who can do it ;3). I like when someone is not afraid of being themselves. I also value a tenderness. I also like when someone gets involved in something with a passion, in some of their interest, or even in the anime episode xD
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics?
I can to listen to this AGAIN AND AGAIN 💖🎵🎵
59: what’s your favorite myth?
I don’t have any.
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
I like ^^ My fave poets are Adam Mickiewicz and Jan Lechoń. From my poetry my fave poem is called „The Shine” about how to recognize the true great love and not to confuse it with sth worse, some fake. It resembles a dialogue by a man with a personified „Mrs Love/Goddess of love Venus” (there is even sth mentioned about Venus). The man falls in love with someone, but he hesitates, doesn’t know if she’s this only one. Love tells him that yes, this is the only one. Love also tells him what he should to do to not lose her and how to realize the enormity of his feelings and distinguish the “first place / podium” from the others ones.
61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received?
I gave one day for one my friend a cup with picture of Rei from Free! in a butterfly costume. Have I received some stupid gift? Maybe that bright green headphones for music in the shape of little monkeys that looked terribly and worked even more terribly XD
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?
I think that to some level I’m fussy, but not very much. I love the most to listen sth what it evokes some feelings me and emotions inside me or inspires me to sth. When it doesn’t do it, it’s not a big deal but on the first place I put a kind of music like above.
64: what color is the sky where you are right now?
Black (We have a 2:15 am so .. xD).
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel?
It’s not sth what makes me feel worse. I just try to accept any weather and to be above it. But sometimes there are a moments when I feel sleepy.
68: what’s winter like where you live?
It depends. Sometimes it’s light and warm, about 0oC, sometimes we get even -20oC  O.O … The snow is every year but not during all winter.
70: have you ever used a ouija board?
So far I have not.
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it?
Some things yes. I love to create a lists concerning various things. Thanks to this some stuffs and things to do are orderly in my head. But not everything. There must be a place for being spontaneous lol xD without this we don’t live xD
73: what are some of your worst habits?
No comments XD
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.
Friendly, kind, tender, open-minded, full of passion and amazing ideas, funny, inteligent, positive, shy, sensitive, as much pervert as me (or more xD), with a golden heart 💖💖💖
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t?
Yhm, Sleeping? (2:40 am while tomorrow morning I go to work xD sometimes I have to turn off my inner „night animal” xD)
79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?
Eg. when one my friend gave me on my birthday ALL collection of „X/1999”, all 19 volumes which cost a lot of money and which are also very hard to find. I’m truly grateful for that, it’s one of my favorites manga serieses ever! In case of guys, eg. one kissed my hand only in a winter glove, claiming that he’s not worthy to do it without this. From myself (I do for myself A LOT of sweet things xD) I’ve gotten a gold statuette for happy birthday with an engraved wishes 😄🏆🥇
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why?
The walls of my bedroom are in a creamy color. I didn’t chose it but creemy it’s for me very neutral color so it’s alright. In my future dreamy bedroom the walls would be white or in a powder pink color.
81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.
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Yeah, this is perfect xD
82: are/were you good in school?
In those subjects I liked. That was my rule xD About the rest I didn’t care.
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?
I guess not.
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?
The scientific movie “Journey to the Edge of the Universe” (2008) It’s one of the most beautiful and profound movie from this kind, I’ve ever seen ❤️❤️ „100 girls” when the main guy has absolutely brillant reflections about a women and men, everyone should to listen to him! :D And „Lucy”, about the potential of our brain. And perhaps also „The Devil’s Advocate”, it’s a food for thought.
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy?
Music for sure and a bit the painting world.
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities.
Let my own photos and those from the Internet will tell instead of me.
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Yeah… That’s Wroclaw 💖
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?
INFJ/ENFJ, pisces/aries , none of hogwarts houses.
98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it?
Last week, It was very nice. I really like this kind of spending time.
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100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?
I think that none of them. I don’t want t change a past, I like the state of things which is now and love some special memories which could to not happen If I would go back 5 years. I also don’t want to jump up the 5 years which can bring something special.
It reminds me some trend which we were in the primary school, called “The golden thoughts” where some person created a 100 question, wrote in a notebook and later others answered her question in that notebook. It looks exactly the same ❤️
Thank you for your message! 😘
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frida--y · 5 years ago
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open your heart for the finale of faiz
i dont know why i did this to myself again, watching another inoue rider, after how much kiva made me boil. i think faiz frustrated me more than kiva tbh, you cant really change up kiva since it was soap-opera-ish in its presentation. 
however faiz??? like you could of done SO MUCH more with it’s characters and it just fails.... yuka especially, she was the most interesting orphnoch for the fact that she gave into the killing and yet was still attached to her human self. You could of have her resembled teruo’s mother and shown the complications between yuka’s own relationship with her family and this new one with also dealing with teruo’s grief... instead of having teruo pull yuka skirt up or even when he was shown to be the sleeping king, you could of had the ‘resembles mother trope’ happen too, but we didnt get that...
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kaido as well, like i got his character, the type who runs away from himself and growth (for what happened to him), but i just didnt like him, making his shitty actions and attitude play in a comedic light just sucks, i cannot take this fragile man seriously, i just think he has ulterior motive for everything does when he doesnt.   
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^this seriousness and self awareness is what i wished he expressed more than that episode and the god tier episodes (7&8) and few later ones. kaido’s inner emotions are interesting!! USE THEM!!!! ive said it before, i felt like he just wanted the righteousness from others to help him become a better person than he was b4 he became an orphnoch (even when its shown he still has that when he saved teruo and felt guilt when he didnt save his parents) he dared to keep his humanity when he was the most likely to throw it away 
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i love yuji, i love characters like him, characters who get the the most awful roll of the dice in life. parents die in car crash, he awakes from a coma to find his gf stopped visiting him and is now dating his cousin who’s family terminated his father company leaving him with literally nothing (and no one was there when woke up), they even talked behind his back how him waking up from his coma is bothersome now... and!!! throughout the show he is hunted and is “betrayed” then has his close friend murdered by humans (or so he thinks) and i know he still tries to love humans, but ultimately... even in his evil phase he still is human.
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god takumi... is the best huh, his character arc is some of- if not, the best ive seen in kr. a really solid built up from hearing how little self confidence he has, to seeing why he feels that way and his growth from it, he’s up there with my personal favs: eiji and shinji.
dare to fight a evil cooperation with a fantastic mascot 
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anyways, monster designs were sick, i love mr. j, takuma (the monster not the man), and murakami’s the most.
suit shout out that prob doesnt get much love, but i love it:
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and ultimate bastard shout out, fuck you you piece of shit 💕:
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p.s. why was mari not allowed to transform
p.s.s. faiz good/bad ;) i honestly see how this is japan’s favorite, i just wish it wasnt lmao
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purplesurveys · 5 years ago
Have you ever had a really bad haircut? I haven’t had any truly awful ones. The only time I felt ‘meh’ about a haircut was when I went to the salon on my own and told the hairdresser what I wanted myself. I was never good at that kind of stuff, and always prefer being with someone so they can tell me if I’m headed somewhere good or otherwise. Did you ever order any clothes from the Alloy catalogue? I’ve never heard of that. What brand, color, and type is your favorite eyeliner? I’ve only ever used eyeliner at one point in my life and I’ve forgotten every detail about it. It was black, though. Do you wear eyeliner? I used to. I wanted to look nice post-breakup, so I learned how to do makeup to feel good about myself. Was there ever a time in your life when you couldn't cry? I guess when I have HAD to cry in the past, as in for a skit, I couldn’t. But I can be triggered and cry very easily otherwise.
What's your favorite type of yogurt? I hate yogurt, I hate everything that’s sour (except for sour tapes, but even those I can only handle at a certain level of sourness haha). What posters did you have on your wall as a teenager? Wrestling. My mom took them down for no reason eventually, even though I loved having them up on my wall. What are your favorite type of calendars? I mean I don’t obsess over calendars enough to have a favorite type? so a digital one on my phone and laptop is fine with me. I do sometimes wish I was rich enough just to be able to spend on those novelty calendars with Audrey Hepburn photos and Monet paintings in every month, though. Do you have a full-length mirror? I used to but it got transferred to my sister’s room. I don’t mind it though; I don’t use mirrors all that much. When was the last time you bought stamps? Elementary school, probably. Do you have any overdue library books right now? HAH, yes I do actually. It was a book I needed to do a Powerpoint on, and I completely forgot that its due date was on the 4th. The fee is like ₱2/day so I’ll have to pay around ₱8 to ₱10 by next week, depending on when I’ll feel like returning the book. How often do you do laundry? I don’t; my mom prefers to do it herself. Do you have a piggy bank? Maybe as a kid, but I never took it seriously because I didn’t sit well with the fact that I couldn’t see the money I’ve been saving. I’ve stuck with a good old wallet ever since, just so I can know my progress. Do you remember your locker combinations from high school? I don’t, actually. I wonder what numbers I used to secure my locks :o What's your favorite DIY crafts youtube channel? Aren’t a lot of those misleading and downright fake? Could you spend hours on pinterest? I’ve never spent more than five minutes at one time on that website/app. Do you own plaid pants? Nah, it’s not really my style. Have you ever had to wear a school uniform? I had to wear my school’s uniform for 14 straight years. All I ever wore Monday through Friday for that span of time. What was your high school's mascot? We don’t have a mascot; we just have school colors. What were your high school's team colors? Gold, white, blue. Who were your best friends in high school? Angela, Gabie, Athenna, and Sofie. Others I was close with were Chelsea, Kaira, and Fern. Who was your first boyfriend or girlfriend? Gab. Have you ever been to Chicago? Nope but it’s a dream. If yes, what do you like best about it? The FOOD, the culture, the museums. Have you ever stayed in a hostel? Nope, never been. Would you rather sleep on the top bunk or bottom bunk? Bottom. I wouldn’t like sleeping somewhere that felt unnatural, and lying down way high from the floor is definitely one of those things. Do you love camping? I’ve never tried, so I don’t know. Would you rather sleep in a tent or under the stars? Lie under the stars for as long as I can, then pass out in a tent. What insects are you afraid of? Cockroaches. Have you ever had a secret admirer that left you notes? I haven’t. Are you close with your cousins? I have a good relationship with most of my cousins, mom’s side; but I’m especially close with my eldest cousin, who I essentially view as my older brother. I’m so-so with cousins on my dad’s side - we were very close as kids, but they moved further to the south and I never really get to see them anymore, so we grew more shy as the years passed.  Are you close to any aunts or uncles? I love my mom’s cousins; they’re all younger than her and they’re mostly late Gen X-ers so they’re more hip and cool hahaha. I wouldn’t say we’re close but they are definitely much easier to talk to than other older relatives. Are you close to your grandparents? I seldom get to see my paternal grandparents because they live with the ^ same cousins I’ve since grown quite distant from, so I wouldn’t say I’m close to them but of course I love them all the same. I was very close with my maternal grandfather when he was still alive as I always knew what to do to make him laugh; and I am also crazy for my maternal grandmother, although in the last few years she’s been all about Jesus so sometimes it gets a little draining hearing about how I should always pray and that “God can answer all [my] problems.” Still love her loads, though. Who betrayed your trust? A friend did, many years ago. Who was your first best friend (apart from a sibling)? Bold of you to assume a sibling was my first best friend, because you’re wrong lol. I’d consider this girl we calle Kaye the first one; we were class number buddies in Kinder 1 (I was 4, she was 5) so we got close quickly. She changed schools by Grade 1 and I haven’t talked to her since, but I still remember her fondly. What was your favorite thing to do at sleepovers when you were younger? I was never allowed at sleepovers when I was a kid. What kind of popcorn is your favorite? Sweet-flavored ones. I could never take dry-ass plain/salted popcorn. It has to be something like salted caramel or parmesan. Does your town have a big fountain in it? If we do have one, I’ve never seen it. But I’m pretty sure we don’t. What is your town known for? For being on a mountain and being ridiculously hard to get to because 1) of its winding, accident-prone roads, and 2) IT’S ON A MOUNTAIN. I live in the area of Antipolo just before you start to go up, so I don’t get offended much by the complaints of everyone else; but I’m in solidarity nonetheless with the ~mountain-dwellers~ just because I used to go to school in upper Antipolo. Do you currently live in the city you grew up in? I mostly grew up in Antipolo, so yes I still live here. I did live in Manila in my early childhood but that time was much shorter than the time I’ve spent in my current city. What's one way in which you're behind the times? I hate Minecraft and I hate Fortnite even more. What's one way in which you're still a child? I love coloring books :) What's one way in which you're old? I have a bad back. Do you feel old or young? Or do you feel both at different times? Definitely feel a bit of both, depending on my mood. The perfect example could be that I can be annoyed seeing younger kids make so much noise, but the next day I can be exactly like those kids making a bunch of noise with my friends. How old are you? I am 21. Do you know what you want to do for your next birthday? No, not yet. Quite early to think about at this point, really. If yes, what is it? A private dinner would already sound perfect. What is the last new thing you discovered that was really good? Vaping. I mean don’t try it if you haven’t already, but yeah. What would be the best surprise you could receive right now? Tbh if my mom came home carrying a box of Yellow Cab pizza. AKA something that would NEVER happen; she snobs Yellow Cab cos she thinks they’re too expensive for pizza. Do you usually forgive when someone hurts your or try to get revenge? I get my revenge, subtly. Were there any subjects in school that were really easy for you? Our subject Language, which was mandatory back in elementary school, was literally basic English grammar. Not everyone in my former school spoke fluent English so a lot of them weren’t all that good at the subject; but for people like me who had a solid grasp of English and read a lot to begin with, the class was basically a breather from the other more difficult classes. If so, what? ^ I already told ya all about it. Did you ever skip a grade or get held back a grade? Skipping grades isn’t a thing in my former school which is honestly a good thing for me cos it would have bred a lot of competition. But students would have to repeat a level if their grades showed that they had to; I wasn’t one of them. What time of day were you born? 9:11 in the evening. What is the best hairstyle you've ever had? I loved my layered hair like 10 years ago. It was probably the only time I did something to my hair that wasn’t just a trim, so I enjoyed that experience. I also liked cutting my hair way, way too short last year; it was a bold move but I liked how it look, as did everyone else. Do you think you look better with dyed hair or natural hair? I’ve never tried dyeing my hair so I wouldn’t know. Do you think your look better with curly hair or straight hair? Curly, I think. Do you have bangs? I have baby bangs but they’re just stubborn hair standing around my head lmao but no I don’t have actual bangs. Do you think you look better with bangs or without? I haven’t tried getting bangs as an adult. I did look cute with them as a toddler though :( Do you think you look better with long hair or short? Long. What's your favorite rock band? Paramore, if they still count. Who's your favorite country singer? None. Do you ever listen to Celtic music? No. Do you listen to Hillsong? No. Did you try the unicorn frappuccino, and if yes, were you a fan? No I never tried it. Have you ever won a contest? I won a school quiz bee and an essay writing contest before, but I wouldn’t call the latter legitimate. It was just a writing contest about wrestling held by a local TV station and the three best entries got to win WWE t-shirts haha. Have you ever wanted to be a model, actress, singer, or dancer? I wanted to be a model when I was like 12. No fucking clue what was going through my head at the time. When you look at your baby pictures, do you recognize yourself? Sure. Has your hair color changed since you were a toddler? Nope. Do you wear matching socks? Yes. How many drawers does your dresser have? Three. Do you own an American flag shirt? No thanks. Do you own a British flag shirt? I don’t. The Union Jack got overused by 2011 Tumblr, honestly. Do you have a seashell collection? I don’t. Aren’t we prohibited from getting those from beaches? That’s the case in the Philippines, anyway. Do you have a rock collection? I do not. Do you decorate for Halloween? We didn’t decorate the house but I celebrated it with friends this year. What is your favorite thing to do in the pool? Float around and relax. Flamingos or pineapples? ??? Flamingos, I guess? Cacti or seashells? Seashells. Maple tree or palm tree? Palm tree. Dreamcatcher or wind chimes? Dreamcatchers! Have you ever taken a picture at the perfect moment? I probably have at few points. Do you have a crush right now? Yes. What color was your first car? My first and current car is white. Was your first car used or new? I’m actually not sure. It was my dad who purchased it. Do you have a car now? Yep. What color(s) eyeshadow do you wear the most? I never wear any.
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belovedfinch · 6 years ago
Re-watch of Veronica Mars & Movie
“I used to be cool” -keith   “when” - veronica
lol veronica putting a bong in logan’s locker
“i suddenly feel like I’m in a scene from the outsiders” - wallace
“be cool soda pop” - veronica 
I love that my favourite book is referenced
“the people you love let you down” - veronica
I forgot paris hilton was on veronica mars 
Duncan and his antidepressants and side effects and hallucinations of lily, I never liked duncan but please never go cold turkey off prescribed meds!
the fashion 😂
when veronica was 12 and logan first saw her he said he thought she was hot - love at first sight ? 😜
dude where’s my car joke
“change had a tendency to walk up and punch me in the face” - veronica
you can tell logan is afraid of his dad straight away 
his mum sits on the couch drinking wine while her son is getting belted cool cool cool cool....
Never underestimate the size of my cahoeneys😂Logan is my fav
“what is so great about living?” - Logan
Mac is awesome, I forgot her name was cindy, I named my cat after my favourite barbie doll whose name was Cindy r.i.p beautiful ❤️
“I guess we remember it differently” - Logan, me to my brother about our childhood
leighton meester, monique coleman from high school musical, Adam Scott!
logan put his gum under a chair in the police office! yuck
“there is also a tribe that worships Donald trumps hair” - veronica
“what, did he loose a puka shell?” - weevil about logan😂
when logan starts crying in the lobby after he mistakes his step-sister as his mum😭
meg with her pretty in pink dress up for the 80s valentines day dance and duncan is ducky❤️
I wish my school had an 80s theme dance, but I would be too indecisive about who to go as tbh.
“whoever said it’s a mans world, didn’t know how easy it is to be a girl” - veronica, you can tell a man wrote that line
horned mascot from riverdale - veronica and calls herself betty when she goes to the other school
kinda forgot how relatable veronica is, loner, pushes people away
that black beanie with the flames
the flashbacks or hallucinations that show lily speak to people/mostly veronica, remind me of allison in pretty little liars
aussie guy - from home and away i think
never really liked duncan
logan punching the fbi agent
love how mac and keith both say “earth to mars”
logan step-sister trina when she asks him for money reminds me of my brother
veronica had a slider and so does wallace in the second season, my sister had a purple one and i wanted it so bad
logan’s smirk at veronica when she found his step-sisters boyfriend
wow aaron’s father being an abuser, then himself, glad the cycle stopped with logan
thats amore playing whilst aaron beats up his daughters abusive boyfriend
I always felt bad for leo as much as I love LoVe. Veronica basically just used him
sean from degrassi is on veronica mars
“i like what i see in him when he’s with you” - aaron echolls
I think i could love her plays as veronica stands logan up on his boat
“the thought of you breeding? ugh” - logan to dick
logan’s allergic to shell fish
“All i care about is you” - logan
“just evaporate or something” - logan
why didn’t aaron get rid of the tapes? did he not think someone would find his secret ?
sucks that veronica spent her savings for college on her mum to go to rehab and her mum didn’t even last
logan on the bridge where his mother committed suicide, about to jump
when keith saves veronica from the fridge and his on fire and his in a gurney and says “who’s your daddy?”
I’m glad she realises her mum as much as she loves her she is better off without her, that’s what alcoholics do, they are liars.
“don’t forget about me veronica” - lily
greenhouse academy has the same cliffhanger as season 1 of veronica mars
logan shows up at 3am beat up and framed for stabbing someone, then he hears on the radio that his father killed his girlfriend and that his father was sleeping with her
it’s was always duncan right? breaking up with logan making any excuse, all because you finally find out your not brother and sister. ugh
like logan said everyone in his life was gone, the one person he opened up to. also left him. Not cool veronica
the bus crash reminds me of degrassi
“you must chill” veronica says to a girl that has just lost her father in a bus crash and is being bullied and blamed just because her dad had mental health issues and the good ol sheriff feeds the press that it might have been a suicide attempt
curly dude washed up on the beach with veronicas name on his hand, is that like twin peaks, or the guy in australia that was found on the beach with something on his hand but they he had no ID and all the tags were off his clothes
PLL writers should take notes on veronica mars on how to tie up loose ends
“what conspiracy have you pulled out of your ass today”- logan
“my day is complete veronica mars has accused me of evil” - logan, as he twists the ends of his imaginary moustache
veronica is very selfish if you think about it, she asks for favours all the time from her friends but she is never there to hear their problems, she thinks the world does actually revolve around her.
lol logan in the line-up
eye roll aaron blaming duncan and then saying he snapped
cameo by that chick off of america’s next top model
aaron got a psychology degree in jail lol
omg able coonz dying thinking his only daughter is alive but she got killed and shoved into an ice machine holder thingy at a stingy motel
lol when veronica lays down onto logan thinking its duncan
“3rd wheel beginners guide” - logan
“nobody likes an eager beaver” logan to cassidy, was rob waiting a whole season to make that joke and thats why the nickname beaver was given to him?
singer maybe billy idol?
I feel like megs death was a crappy ending, like did she just die so that once again duncan and veronica are split up because of circumstance and they are star-crossed true lovers (eye roll)
“whats your poison” - veronica (breakfast club reference)
“sorry we are all out of liquid evil” - veronica to logan
michael cera
when logan pretends to get burned by the bible when interning for woody
gia says logan uses humour and sarcasm to something something, dance episode
we used to be friends along time ago, but i haven’t thought of you lately at all
logan not taking any of his fathers bull shitting when he was on trial on the stand
“So, apparently, if you're handsome and famous enough, you can just lie under oath, and that's cool.” - veronica
when woody finds veronica on the computer he is creepy af
can we just talk about how much logan went through and how mentally that would fuck you up, yet he never resorted to violence
“it was worth getting taped to a poll” - wallace
lol veronicas dad when she graduates
dicks “trust me I’m rich” shirt
keith says “Carol channings still alive isn’t she?” and I’m like no she died 6 days ago
season 3 
don’t like the new intro
“Back ups in charge? what about the bitch he’s been seeing” - V
MAC “hey i know that guy’ (wallace)
there is no one else, i only want you - logan
victoria from twilight is in a sorority
I love when logan comes over for dinner and he just smirks at keith and veronica’s banter
i forgot logan had a brother
lol the clerk calls condoms “raincoats” so does my great aunty
diana from glee is on here
veronica is pretty selfish, like her dad was in a car accident and she is annoyed and disapproving of him having a relatioship , she can’t just trust logan?!? ugh
but for logan to run away from the burning motel, it’s just what douchebag pukashell wearing logan would do, not the actual logan
holy crap veronica was SOO damn lucky logan was there at that moment she would be baled and raped, like is once not enough for gods sake?
guy from the nanny
when logan calls veronica from the other side of the cafeteria and she ignores it and he is basically crying :(
logan and i broke up , “are you okay?” keith, “it was unexpected” -v wtf bitch you didn’t trust him, you had a fight, how was it unexpected
dude from waynes world
I love the hooker story line, max & wendy aww
I’ve always hated maddison far out she is a piece of work
ep13 “where are your heads?” basketball coach, me “Obviously not in the game”
lol how dick locks logan on the balcony
logan is yoshi in mario cart!! so am i
“how is it you have so many friends? you don’t even like people” v to l
Lafayette from true blood is a child solider
why did logan invite parker to be with him over break when he obviously wasn’t happy or didn’t want her to go, was it just to prove veronica wrong that “that’s just the way he is” like v said is true, to prove that he has changed.
like it just seems logan and veronica are denying their feelings for each other
that writer from once upon a time is in here, he is in everything
mars uses venus razor
oh the logan piz fight…
such a crap ending to an amazing show
I just love the scene where logan is leaning up against the car like jake from 16 candles (i did post a comparison of the two ages ago)
I like how logan went out with the crazy chic, he was so nonchalant about it, because he wanted to pay veronica back for coming back to neptune when he called even though they hadn’t spoken like 10 years.
kind upset that it wasn’t leighton meester that played carrie
comeback always
logan isn’t supposed to remember the epic quote because he was drunk?
I have so much love for logan, I relate to him so much and it was honestly the best day of my life when I met Jason ( i also met percy and michael) he was so kind to me and I gave him a letter I had written and he was just so down to earth.
How else is pumped for the return?!? 
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nikatyler · 6 years ago
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Long time no replies. Yeah. Last week, I couldn’t do them on Sunday. I couldn’t do them on Monday either because I was in Prague all day and got back home at midnight. I thought I’d do them on Tuesday but then I didn’t feel like it, and then there was school stuff and other stuff and yeah here we are, it’s another Sunday. I don’t think anyone cares that much though :D
I’ve been working on Rose Legacy all weekend. It’s been so much fun. Right now, I’m halfway through the first part of it, the part that’s focused on quadruplets. I had a phase a few days ago, I was thinking about switching to ts3 again and I felt like I didn’t actually want to do it for some reason. Probably because I’ve been posting ts4 for months now and switching games after such a long time has always been kinda weird. It was always the other way around though - I posted more ts3 and less ts4. Eh, you don’t care :D Now I’m excited for posting that legacy again. I still think of them as of my “mascots” to be honest, they’ve been here since before I had a simblr. Anyway, January 2019. Roses are back. It’s gonna be great. I hope.
Another thing no one cares about, it snowed for the first time today and it hasn’t melted yet. I’m so happy. I'm like a child when it comes to this, really.
elisabettasims replied to your photo “create-a-sim replied to your photo “When you’re reading this, it’s...”
One of my fondest high school memories is of my prom night. I'm glad yours was awesome, too.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photo “create-a-sim replied to your photo “When you’re reading this, it’s...”
Oh, I remember my prom, it was maybe th esecond coolest memory of school! Now I sometimes look back at it and feel nostalgious (less than half a year passed, yo). Glad, you enjoyed yours, too<3
It’s been two weeks and I’m still thinking about it. It has really been the best thing about high school so far, and I doubt anything will top it. We finally got the video of the prom on Friday. I haven’t been able to watch it but I hope it’s good :D
simlovinggirl replied to your photoset “I didn’t know December now runs a gardening Instagram account.”
Only the coolest grandmas have gardening Instagram accounts :P
I helped my grandma start a Pinterest account but I wonder what it would be like if she joined Instagram as well :D
andruskysworld replied to your photoset
Cute cat ��
She really is cute! I didn’t even edit her that much, aside from the colours of course. I might have changed her fur too, but I’m not sure about that.
jackssims replied to your photoset “Ross: “Alright mum, I’ll have to go now. Look after Sunset, okay?”...”
//Ross//, buddy, pal, you gotta do something with her, even if it means watching some cartoons here and there
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Ross: “Alright mum, I’ll have to go now. Look after Sunset, okay?”...”
Argh! He's so frustrating!
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Ross: “Alright mum, I’ll have to go now. Look after Sunset, okay?”...”
December. it`s time to use handcuffs to chain Ross to his daughter
Yeah. But it’s gonna get better I promise. At this point I think it’s kinda showing...it’s baby steps but he’s gonna get there somehow I promise. Not saying he’ll be the ideal dad but you know. He won’t be the worst one. Have faith in him :D
simmering-pancakes replied to your photoset “Bella: “But…dead people can’t vote.” Ross: “They will be allowed to...”
�� This makes me so happy.
whysimstho replied to your photoset “Bella: “But…dead people can’t vote.” Ross: “They will be allowed to...”
I find it funny that he was able to ask a ghost for a vote. Also imagine if this was possible irl. It’s kinda scary actually :D
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Good luck at school!”
to cute for me to handle
I knooooooow
damn these Breeze genes will be the death of me
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Things are going great. Really great.”
Except for... maybe... your daughter?
He cares about his success at work more than he cares about his daughter. *shrugs*
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your post “Pass the happy �� When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you...”
A big YES to the pointless edits!
What could be more entertaining when everything else is boringXD
Exactly! And also, I’m often like “okay I’m just gonna take a look at all these pictures I’ve taken today and then I’ll go to bed” and then oops, I’m editing one and doing all sorts of stuff and oops, it’s midnight and I know I’ll be dead the next day. Pointless edits are one of the reasons why I don’t get enough sleep, basically.
Btw guys, here’s my HUGE folder of screenshots waiting to be edited in case you’re ever bored :D
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Ross: “My sister got a letter today. She’s gonna go to uni.” Caleb:...”
I swear, Ross, if you don't stop forgetting your daughter ... also, I hope he rejects you.
melien replied to your photoset “Ross: “My sister got a letter today. She’s gonna go to uni.” Caleb:...”
Lmao seconded Caleb deserves better
Do you ever see an absolutely terrible person, but somehow everything turns out right for them and you’re just hoping for karma to hit them in the face but instead they keep getting things they don’t deserve? Ross is that kind of person.
Also, love how everyone turned from “yasss we ship Ross and Caleb” to “oh no poor Caleb we must protect him from the evil that is Ross” lmao
melien replied to your photoset
Persephone is now easily my favourite character in this legacy
She was mine too and then someone else entered. Find out tomorrow :D
melien replied to your photoset “Valentine: “Are you feeling a little unwell, brother? Is Sunset...”
After all he's ever done I can't help but hope he has the worst indigestion issues ever
He was sick many times so maybe karma did hit him in the face a little bit
melien replied to your photoset “Look Ross. You’ve made mistakes and we all know that. We all hate you...”
I guess Claret hates him too
Aww yes I’m here for that
Also Bianca. Back in 2016 Bianca liked setting things on fire. Good old times.
God, Bianca would hate him so much. That argument she had with Tyler in chapter 3? It would be three time worse if she had to fight with Ross. She’d probably actually fight him.
melien replied to your photoset “She’s beautiful.”
Can I adopt her
Too late I adopted her first
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “It’s happening. It’s really happening! I can’t believe it. Do I even...”
Yeah but he doesn't deserve it. I also know the rules of this generation so, LOL
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “It’s happening. It’s really happening! I can’t believe it. Do I even...”
Yeah. i was waiting for it, but... I somehow feel, like Caleb deserves better, much better. And I wouldn`t be surprised if Caleb would leave Ross this will serve him right
I still was waiting for this kiss, but it`s kinda... bittersweet?
jackssims replied to your photoset “It’s happening. It’s really happening! I can’t believe it. Do I even...”
I'm very happy with this but also very conflicted (more or less for the reasons the others described in their comments)
Can I just say I’m glad it came off like this. Bittersweet. I kind of wanted that, to be honest. Not in the “yasss I’ll make my followers cry I’m so evil hahaha” way though. Idk it’s hard to explain.
It’s different from other legacy couples, in my opinion, and I’m here for that. It’s kinda refreshing. I mean, usually people love the heir, love their spouse, want them to get together. This one? This one is something else.
I’m not saying I’m gonna make all my heirs assholes from now on, don’t get me wrong. But it was fun to try something new :D
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Breeze, Valentine - the better half of the breeze siblings - too pure...”
somehow i managed to miss so much! she1s beautiful!
Thank you! I had so much fun dressing her up for this.
jackssims replied to your photoset “Me when my otp becomes canon”
Big Mood
Yeah. But also this is really how my otps make me feel
Btw, at this point they definitely weren’t my otp just yet. Like I was kinda obsessed with them, but I wouldn’t call them my otp.
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “December: “Wait, no! You can’t just beat me like this! Ugh.” Sunset:...”
Caleb is a cinnamon roll and should be protected at all costs.
jackssims replied to your photoset “December: “Wait, no! You can’t just beat me like this! Ugh.” Sunset:...”
December isn’t wrong here tbh
If only she had admitted that earlier
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “When I opened the game again, the girls came home from school for some...”
Is it a holiday? When there are holidays in game, there was a bug where, if you had a loading screen for any reason (even CAS) sims would come home from work and school.
Nope, it was a regular day. Still a better bug than the current one :/ I thought I’d start playing gen 3 but I don’t want my sims to age up when I enter CAS. I know there’s a fix for it now, I’ll probably look into it tomorrow.
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “this shouldn’t be funny to me but it is funny to me help”
NOOOOOO. Also dying sims are so dramatic.
Oh yes. I think I prefer the dying animation in ts3, where they just sort of turn into ghost. The ts4 animation might be more realistic, but the ts3 one is just...beautiful, in a way. Sad but beautiful.
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “Nooo, December! Hold on just a little longer, don’t forget what you...”
jackssims replied to your photoset “Nooo, December! Hold on just a little longer, don’t forget what you...”
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “W-what?! No…wait a second Grim, I’m sure she’s just unconscious…right...”
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Nooo, December! Hold on just a little longer, don’t forget what you...”
I really didn’t expect her to die that day. I had PLANS. And she ruined them.
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “No. No. That can’t be real.”
This is only the second time I've felt bad for Ross. :(
It was bad, but at least it opened his eyes and made him realize that he has to be there for his daughter or else she’d have no one. More on that below.
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “23rd March 2018 - 5th July 2018 It’s been months and I’m still sad...”
December was an awesome character.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “23rd March 2018 - 5th July 2018 It’s been months and I’m still sad...”
Farewell, December, you were great!
She was ;-;
Also isn’t it sad that her name is December but she didn’t live to see the month of December?
jackssims replied to your photoset “Ross: “Hey…hey, Sun. Look at me. Everything is going to be alright,...”
We’ll all be holding you to those promises, Ross (but in all honesty this is a touching moment)
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Ross: “Hey…hey, Sun. Look at me. Everything is going to be alright,...”
Awwww. Ross, I hope this keeps improving!
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Ross: “Hey…hey, Sun. Look at me. Everything is going to be alright,...”
You better Do fix this, Ross!
This, for me, was also very bittersweet. Because it’s awesome that he finally realized he has to be there for her, and it’s great that he finally cares, yay character development...but December had to die for him to realize. That sucks.
I have to say something else here...at this point, you’d think I would make them interact more. I didn’t really. I don’t know why, but I didn’t. So really, who’s the bad person here? I’d just like to say that from here on, they were closer, they spent more time together, even if I somehow didn’t show it. Past me, you’re stupid, this was such a big part and you ruined it.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Too bad I can’t keep you forever, Kitty. But I’m sure you’ll have fun...”
Persephone: Someone please help!
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justkeeponsimming replied to your photoset “Village Vibes I finished furnishing this house the day I had my prom...”
Thank you thank you thank you ♥ I had so much fun building this house.
unbridledsims replied to your post “9, 15, 19 for Valentine or any character you would like to share for....”
Thank you for sharing hun. It was nice getting to know her. I like that you did all the questions, very nice.
Thank you for asking! I love her and it was fun to answer this.
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Ross: “No pets allowed. Persephone was the only exception.” Sunset:...”
Because Ross is self-centered and doesn't understand how to take care of another living being :D Any pet he had would starve to death or something.
Yeah, maybe he doesn’t want a pet because he knows he’d be so bad at taking care of it :D Maybe he has a good reason for once. Well, not exactly good, but you know what I mean.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “In the morning, he decided to plant a plasma fruit tree in front of...”
The Sims - the only place where the combination "vampire" and "vegetarian" does make sense ��
Now that I think about it, I’ve never actually played with a vampire that has the Vegetarian trait. Oooh. I should. Or maybe I could replace one of Caleb’s traits and see what it does. Doesn’t he have the Foodie trait? Makes no sense to me but ok ea. I know he’s the good vampire and all that but still.
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adrianaplays · 6 years ago
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Get to know me tag! I was tagged by @thesimparrot (thank you so much bb! ✨💖) and I tag everyone who wants to do this! (because idk who’s been tagged and who hasn’t lol)
RULES: Post a pic of your simself with your traits and answer the questions.
I gave myself the following traits: creative, perfectionist & loner. 
Questions are under the cut!
1. what is your full name: tamara (adriana is actually my middle name but I’ve always identified with that name more)
2. what’s your nickname: adri, tammy
3. birthday: november 20th
4. what is your favorite book series? the infernal devices probably
5. do you believe in aliens or ghosts? I think I do!
6. who is your favorite author? I don’t have one tbh
7. what is your favorite radio station? anything that plays christmas songs atm! this is the only time of year I listen to the radio lol
8. what is your favorite flavor of anything? vanilla
9. what word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? nice
10. what is your current favorite song? this one!
11.  what is your favorite word? damn
12. what was the last song you listened to? I WILL LOVE YOUUUU UNTIL MY DYING DAAAY
13. what TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? timeless, cable girls, the good place, friends
14. what is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? mamma mia (both the first and second one)
15. do you play video games? yup!
16. what is your biggest fear? the people I love dying or leaving me
17. what is your best quality, in your opinion? I’m a good listener
18. what is your worst quality, in your opinion? I always want to please people too much
19. do you like cats or dogs better? both! but right now I’m leaning more towards cats because I have my own cat
20. what is your favorite season? autumn
21. are you in a relationship? nope
22. what is something you miss from your childhood? not having to worry all the time
23. who is your best friend? I don’t have a best friend, just a couple of good ones
24. what is your eye color? brown
25. what is your hair color? brown
26. who is someone you love? my family
27. who is someone you trust? my mom
28. who is someone you think about often? my dad
29. are you currently excited about/for something? christmas!!!
30. what is your biggest obsession? chocolate
31. what was your favorite TV show as a child? anything disney channel and nickelodeon!
32. who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? no one comes to mind
33. are you superstitious? a little
34. do you have any unusual phobias? I have a phobia of people in suits and mascots... which sounds weird but it’s a very real phobia ;-;
35. do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? behind
36. what is your favorite hobby? reading and playing video games
37. what was the last book you read? shatter me
38. what was the last movie you watched? bohemian rhapsody
39. what musical instruments do you play, if any? I play the flute, piccolo and a lil’ bit of piano
40. what is your favorite animal? my kitty
41. what are your top 5 favorite tumblr blogs that you follow? I can’t choose, I love everyone I follow tbh!
42. what superpower do you wish you had? the power to teleport away from people’s bullshit
43. when and where do you feel most at peace? when it’s rainy outside and I’m at home
44. what makes you smile? memes
45. what sports do you play, if any? I cycle to work every day, does that count?
46. what is your favorite drink? chocolate milk
47. when was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? last week, it was for work though
48. are you afraid of heights? a little
49. what is your biggest pet peeve? two-faced people
50. have you ever been to a concert? twice! both were all time low concerts <3
51. are you vegan/vegetarian? no
52. when you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? a stewardess lol but that was before I found out I’m terrified to fly
53. what fictional world would you like to live in? the harry potter universe
54. what is something you worry about? everything lol
55. are you scared of the dark? yeah
56. do you like to sing? I do!
57. have you ever skipped school? occasionally
58. what is your favorite place on the planet? london
59. where would you like to live? anywhere close to a theater
60. do you have any pets? a kitty!
61. are you more of an early bird or a night owl? night owl
62. do you like sunrises or sunsets better? sunsets
63. do you know how to drive? no, I’m terrified ;-;
64. do you prefer earbuds or headphones? headphones
65. have you ever had braces? yes
66. what is your favorite genre of music? I love a lot of genres tbh
67. who is your hero? my mom
68. do you read comic books? I used to read donald duck when I was younger
69. what makes you the most angry? the world is going to shit atm and people are ignorant as hell about it
70. do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? a real book
71. what is your favorite subject in school? history and english
72. do you have any siblings? I have an older brother and sister
73. what was the last thing you bought? a cappuccino in a coffee shop haha
74. how tall are you? 170 centimeters
75. can you cook? a little
76. what are three things that you love? chocolate, books, musicals
77. what are three things that you hate? ignorance, two-faced people and heat
78. do you have more female friends or more male friends? female friends
79. what is your sexual orientation? straight
80. where do you currently live? the netherlands
81. who was the last person you texted? a friend
82. when was the last time you cried? a few days ago
83. who is your favorite YouTuber? carrie hope fletcher
84. do you like to take selfies? barely tbh
85. what is your favorite app? youtube
86. what is your relationship with your parent(s) like? greater than it ever was tbh
87. what is your favorite foreign accent? Irish
88. what is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? paris, madrid, tokyo... and a lot more
89. what is your favorite number? any even number
90. can you juggle? no
91. are you religious? I’m not sure tbh... it’s complicated
92. do you find outer space or the deep ocean to be more interesting? both are fascinating and terrifying at the same time!
93. do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? sometimes
94. are you allergic to anything? yeah, I’m allergic to pollen
95. can you curl your tongue? yes
96. can you wiggle your ears? no
97. how often do you admit that you were wrong about something? almost always
98. do you prefer the forest or the beach? I live near the beach so I’m used to it so forests!
99. what is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? don’t give your attention to people who don’t deserve it
100. are you a good liar? nope, not at all
101. what is your hogwarts house? hufflepuff!
102. do you talk to yourself? never tbh
103. are you an introvert or an extrovert? introvert
104. do you keep a journal/diary? I used to but not anymore
105. do you believe in second chances? rarely
106. if you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? make sure it gets returned to its owner
107. do you believe that people are capable of change? it depends...
108. are you ticklish? yeah
109. have you ever been on a plane? yeah I have several times
110. do you have any piercings? nope, zero
111. what fictional character do you wish was real? I don’t know tbh
112. do you have any tattoos? no I don’t
113. what is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? dropping out of high school (which sounds bad but it worked out in the end)
114. do you believe in karma? kinda
115. do you wear glasses or contacts? I wear reading glasses
116. do you want children? maybe? idk
117. who is the smartest person you know? my dad
118. what is your most embarrassing memory? one time a security person at the airport told me to have a good flight and I replied “thanks, you too” asjksjfhd
119. have you ever pulled an all-nighter? yeah, I used to do that in college quite a lot
120. what color are most of you clothes? white, black and blue
121. do you like adventures? sure
122. have you ever been on TV? I was on local tv once because I sang in a choir when I was little lol
123. how old are you? 22
124. what is your favorite quote? “Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.”
125. do you prefer sweet or savory foods? sweet!!
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cavalierycuth · 6 years ago
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nicknames: jeanne (pronounced like GENIE) even though it’s spelled the same as my actual name ?? confusing woops
zodiac: sagittarius !! ( sagittarius rising & aquarius moon ayy ) 
height: 5′2″
time: 8:45PM
favorite band / artist: the maine, you me at six, bad suns, hippo campus, beach weather, dreamers, night riots
song stuck in my head: please don’t say i told you so by the technicolors
last movie i saw: ralph breaks the internet  (ALSO WRECK IT RALPH IS MY FAVORITE MOVIE AND im HIGHLY dissapointed tbh i’m gonna act like it doesnt exist and watch wreck-it 400 more times thanks)
last thing i googled: iphone 8 plus specs 
other blogs: i have my personal @yourl0ved and my old multi-fandom that i’m barely on @izombies 
do i get asks: lmao i used to and i’m inactive bc i’m shit so !!! nope
why did i choose this username: because YMAS 4th album had just come out and i’m still obsessed with it, so here we are. cavalier youth. also !! it’s just fitting i feel for my muses
following: i think i follow like 17 people ?? but also, again, i’m inactive as shit. i want to change that
average amount of sleep: probably like 3-5 hours. i don’t need much to get myself going
what i’m wearing: joggers, an oversized t-shirt of my hometown mascot, bear socks. 
dream job:  cyber security i think? at least that’s what i’m going for right now. if i end up hating it, then i want to be an FBI agent ngl  . . . if not that.... ?? idk something decent
dream trip: germany !! my friend is there right now and it looks so pretty and there’s so much to see. also my bf would be there with me to translate everything bc he’s from there and yes. dream trip = germany and my bf
favorite food: omg uhhhh i don’t even know, i love so many things ?? french fries?? homemade mac n cheese ?? pasta?? yes, everything
play any instruments: i played violin when i was little . . . i play some piano, guitar, and ukulele now
eye color: brown
hair color: light brown / blue (it ombres into blue right now ay )
languages you speak: english, a decent amount of spanish
random fact: when i was little i used to talk about working in the bakery in my town bc i loved it in there so much, and that is now my current job and the job i had in high school. yep idk if that counts
describe yourself as aesthetic things: oversized cardigans, shelves stuffed with to-be-read books, story-based video games, arizona peach tea, color coded noted, long curly hair, fuzzy socks, dark lipstick, endless rambling, messy buns
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darkmatter-swordsman · 6 years ago
I dont know anything about mlp but go off dude
Here I’ll generalize it for you even if you didn’t really ask
The main character is twilight who’s a fucking incel and only made the 5 friends she got becauseher adoptive mother is only there to force her into a destiny she saw for her in prophetic dreams. She forgets she even has a brother until the end of season 2, and during season 4 we learned she gave somebody mega depression because she left town and didn’t go to their birthday party. She’s cool but she’s a degenerate lowkey and we don’t notice because her voice is sweet and she’s smart
Rarity! I love rarity. She likes glittery things and being an artist, but the writers forgot about that about halfway through season 1, and didn’t remember until season 3, when she had an episode where she sung about being generous. Which by the way, is supposed to be her element, and she is supposed to exemplify it regularly. But they forgot so bad, they had to make her sing about it. She’s currently the most successful horse in the group, chasing her dreams of owning dress/outfit shops all over the continent. She earned what she got through working hard and being an absolute darling. Fuck yea rarity
Rainbow dash is like basically the shows mascot right. Everybody knows that because she’s the cool bitch. Everybody loves the cool bitch. Whatever. She may look alright but she’s no different than the white boys you see getting red faced in a simple game of dodge ball. Though also chasing her dreams, which was to join what we thought was just a group of fancy fliers who perform for important ponies, but later in like season 2 kinda and past 4 that was changed to be the Pegasus military? Who are just a bunch of assholes. And she gets in and wonders why she, the asshole, is getting treated badly by bigger assholes. Anyways, she’s competitive and snarky and obnoxious and I don’t like her as much as I used to. Probably because I’m not 14 and know what a good character is now (barely. I’m still 10 tbh)
Pinkie pie is great! Love that wild bitch! Holy fuck! Again all her shortcomings come from shitty writers who don’t know how to write ‘lol random’ characters as anything but annoying bitches who don’t care about people’s feelings. Which isn’t true. Pinkie cares the most out of anybody. She knows everything about everybody in her whole town because she loves them so much and knows what makes them happy. She literally keeps everyone in ponyville from slitting each other’s throats by keeping them all happy and cheerful. She would assassinate an asshole for you if you told her it would make you the peachiest motherfucker in the universe forever. She shines brightest in episodes centered around her
Applejack ??? Cool fuckin awesome and the best family member figure in the show 90% of the time , which is high considering all the other shit we see. Her parents are dead and she takes the roll of both of them and runs a farm that sends shit all around the country on a constant basis. She’s like that one Dad who can fix anything but fucks up the most simple shit. Could really use a nap still. Also a shame you don’t learn anything interesting about her until about season 3, but barely so. Obsessive and has an unhealthy addiction to unneeded routines and tradition. My enjoyment of her fluctuates, but it is 100% real shit that she has ALL of the best songs in the show. It’s a fact and I won’t be convinced otherwise.
Fluttershy is lovely. Cute! But falls victim to writers not knowing how to write characters with anxiety or fears well at all. The morals of her episodes are weak, but are usually pretty ok eps. She’s just trying her best and I appreciate her effort. She’s good at a lot of things that she never ever acknowledges or gives herself credit for. If the episode isn’t about her, you might forget she’s even there sometimes. Oh well. Despite all her issues and shortcomings both in writing and character, she’s my second favorite in the main group. She looks like how the softest most fluffiest blanket in the world feels.
I think this enough talk of horses for now but I’m working a night shit and I can’t sleep and have nothing better to do I’m sorry
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