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cogs-incorporated · 5 months ago
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polls-everyday · 2 months ago
How spicy do you order curry?
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starwarsrecrimination · 6 months ago
I know I said I was going to move to Wordpress, but it turns out my files are too big... instead, I've decided to move to Calaméo, which is geared towards hosting magazines. My profile there is a little bare-bones, but I don't feel like shelling out for more features for what's essentially an archive.
Also, I have a new display name on the site! It's "AR-CAI-DE", which has the dual purpose of giving me a non- Star Wars title to work under should I upload other pieces there, and correcting the pronunciation of the name in my bio. Cai = kay, kay?
Anyway, if you want to read my work you officially can- again! I'd love feedback on making the site more accessible, and if anyone is willing to try out the comment functionality that would be awesome too.
Read Season 1 here!
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silksongeveryday · 2 years ago
Drawing Hornet everyday until Silksong comes out - Day 35
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requested by @/valkyriefastwing and anonymous !
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tranquil-slaughterhouse · 1 year ago
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aotearoa20 · 2 years ago
To Return - Part Two
// Part One // Part Two // Part Three // Part Four // Part Five //
Celegorm woke with the dawn to a softly dying fire on a low hillside. The wind rippled the long grass in soft waves. The forest was a dark line at the edge of the sky but he didn’t worry. The cloak still rested on his shoulders shielding him from watchful eyes and if he had not been intercepted all night they should still be an hour or so longer. He sat up, eyes fixed upon the being on the other side of the embers.
He was at least a head taller than him. His dark eyes flicked up at him the moment he had stirred. It was uncanny to find such familiar mannerisms on such a foreign form. The sun rising behind him, cast his cropped silver hair in warm light. And his claws also.
Truly he’d known Huan was no common hound. Anyone with eyes could have see that. But he was the Hunter’s gift and so he’s strangeness could always be accounted for so. He felt his face heat up as he thinks of how he’d treated him. Not poorly to be sure, not till the end, for he had loved him but still like a beast and not like a person.
“You slept in my bed. You slept at my feet” he whispered, “Celebrimbor would ride you when he was little enough.”
Huan - he winced, it seemed strange to name him so now - sat cross legged in the grass, drumming little rhythms on his leg. His brow furrowed just slightly and he spoke as one not yet accustomed to elven words.
“My Lord asked if I would look after you, for the longest time it was my best joy.”
Celegorm sat up shaking his head. He startled as Huan offered him a plate. Game from the moors they sat amid. He scanned the campsite for a bow but found none. There was blood on the Maia’s lips.
“You left with me and brought my curse upon you.”
Huan smiled softly with bloody teeth. His eyes found the fire but he made no move to rekindle it.
“Every day we’d leave Nargothrond to tear up the Dark Ones wolves I’d think, perhaps today I will meet him. The one greater than the rest.”
Celegorm stiffened. He’d known his companion’s doom in his heart - as well as he’d known his own. But he’d never spoken of it. Not to his brothers, certainly not to his hound.
“It never frightened me,” Huan carried on, “I thought I would die as I lived, fighting the darkness with you.”
The sun had risen high enough that Celegorm’s shadow fell over the Maia.
“But when the time came you were not there.”
He felt heat rise to his face, “You left me - ”
“You-“ Huan’s voice is cut off by a snarl, “You…”
Celegorm bit his lip until it drew blood. He’d determined not to ask for anything if he’d ever be permitted to leave the halls. After all he’d taken he could not deserve it. He’d offer his apologies. Offer himself in any way that would demonstrate his sincerity. But he would not presume to ask forgiveness. Even if it was only to save himself the hurt of being denied.
So he did what he hated, which was nothing, and waited. He did not reach over as Huan hunched over, a small whine escaping his throat.
Finally, Huan spoke, “You changed.”
“The Oath…”
“Do not - with that!” Huan snapped at him, “I know it all, I was with you through it all! You gave it up! All of it! All of us! And for what?”
“I’m sorry.” he says unable to stop himself
“I loved you.”
“I’m sorry. Please…”
He shoves the rest of the words down his throat. A silence draws out between the two of them but he doesn’t trust himself to speak. He aches for the time he could sit in comfortable quiet with him. Now the horse he’d been given in Lorien nickers beside them and makes his stiff muscles jump.
“Have you a plan?” Huan said finally.
Celegorm shrugged and looked across the plain. He’d not thought that far ahead, except in broad strokes. The cloak to keep a low profile. Head down to the sea. Find a boat.
“The way is closed, the last ship arrived years ago and none can return.”
So they say, but had anyone tried. Either way his brother is across the sea. He shrugged, “I will.”
“I will do it.”
“You don’t know how to sail.”
“I’ll find someone who does.”
Huan sat back on his heels, eyebrow raised, “You’ll send another Telerin sailor to their death trying to cross the sea.”
“I… did not consider that. I’ll go alone.”
“How, Celegorm? On whose boat?”
“I’ll swim Huan! I dont know!”
“You never do,” He sniffed and they fell once more into silence. Celegorm was half a moment from taking his leave when the Maia spoke again, “I know of a Telerin elf that could get you across, favoured by Ulmo.”
Celegorm frowned, “Young?”
“No but he’s part Noldorin, he’ll not hold it against you.”
“Someone I knew?”
A pause.
Celegorm stared at him a long moment before looking away.
“You don’t need to do this. You have more than fulfilled the Hunters wishes.” He gestured back to the new woods of Doriath. To Lúthien’s people. “You’re free to go.”
He can’t place the expression on hop the Maia’s face. He blew a stray strand of hair off his eyes before getting up and saying, “I am always free, Tyelkormo.”
The elf opened his mouth and closed again. Instead he sighed and shrugged before walking to where his horse stood grazing. He could here Huan coming up behind as he rose up into the saddle he’d stolen from home. Frown he looked back down, unsure if he should offer the Maia a seat beside him but Huan had already started walking east and south towards the sea. With a sigh he urged her forward down the green hills of the Blessed Lands.
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hy2ka · 11 months ago
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crazymuff1n · 2 years ago
i just feel like newcomers should get to experience a dash destroyer in the wild. hope this works <3
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emjaydoubleyou · 8 months ago
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this post is fearmongering. the results of this study are concerning and should definitely be a matter of public discussion, but this is certainly not the conclusion the researchers came to.
the point of the study was to assess the risks of exposure to toxic metals- something one of the co-authors notes are “ubiquitous” fwiw- via menstrual products. Their research confirmed that these metals are indeed present in tampons, but no further conclusions are drawn. it is possible the metal entered into the cotton from the soil, which is a well-known phenomenon; cotton is so good at lifting heavy metals that it has actually been suggested as a part of the solution for revitalizing polluted ground.
the authors conclude with an acknowledgement that the study should be repeated- their sample size was 60 tampons- and a suggestion that further testing ought to be done to indicate whether or not these metals can even leech out of the tampon in the first place, let alone whether or not such leeching could occur at levels deleterious to human health.
there is, in fact, a body of research- too small, for sure, but much larger than this single study- indicating that long-term proper tampon use has no observable negative impact on health. i am grateful and thrilled that more research is being done and i hope that this study is the first of many on this line of questioning, but i am really frustrated at this post and the response it got.
obviously, if this study alters your approach to menstrual health, more power to you. consumers should be informed-risk-takers, and menstrual health is double-obviously a very personal choice. but it definitely wasn't the researchers concluding that you ought to “avoid using tampons at all cost," only this tumblr user did. the lead author of the paper, in fact, specifically says that she hopes people do NOT panic about the results.
(the notes of the post were disappointing. people affirming that they knew they were right to be suspicious of tampons all along, or even recommending alternatives that actually have very little to no research regarding the safety of long-term use, etc. it’s a different conversation, but categorical distrust of tampons is old-school misogyny. you certainly shouldn't wear them if you don’t want to, but there is nothing inherently scary or wrong about them, and people who prefer them are not being reckless or crass.)
((if you're really worried about exposure to heavy metals, you may want to turn a critical eye to fast fashion, as an aside))
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the-heroines-of-thedas · 3 months ago
is it just me, or did i do really badly back there? (for whoever u like!)
"Well..." Evaline paused, scrunching her nose in dismay. "To be perfectly fair, those traps were fairly well camouflaged. At the very least, we all got out with just a few minor burns and bruises. That has to count for something, right?"
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roppiepop · 3 months ago
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Typical role dustribution
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iwasntstable · 6 months ago
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helloidkwhatimdoing-0 · 8 months ago
Gonna try drawing smth in a brush that ik wont look good
Bc i figure it might get me to relax and loosen up my lines if i KNOW its gonna look shitty
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ozymandien · 2 months ago
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chef with a silver earring
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apollo-zero-one · 1 year ago
I feel amazing actually lol byeeee
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nekovale · 7 months ago
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4+ comic pages for a stupid punchline? apparently
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