#// honestly if this isn't blaine
spaceorphan18 · 1 month
Why is Blaine written as this hypermasculine character in fan fiction? People can absolutely write how they like, I just don’t quite understand why this is such a common trope as he isn’t really like this in canon, is he?
I mean, you watched the show Nonny, what do you think? <3 <3 <3
So. I can kind of talk about how this happened back in the day. I'm not sure I have a good explanation for now.
There are a couple of components going on when the show first started. For one -- Blaine's character was ill-defined and in Season 2, he came off as more masculine coded than he would later on in the series. Even into Season 3, they'd lump Blaine into the guys and Kurt in with the girls and even the show set up this dichotomy that they filled different gender roles.
However... the second component, and the one that really, we should be talking about, is the fact that a lot of people tried putting stereotypical, heteronormative layers onto them. And -- eeesh, that has not aged well, has it. I remember there were a lot of discussions as how Kurt was the 'girl' in the relationship, and assigning those gender roles on to topping vs bottoming, and honestly, it's all a little gross, and completely dismissive of the fact that we're talking about two men in a homosexual relationship.
So, Blaine going super masculine was a way to counter Kurt as super feminine. I mean... and that's the way a LOT of romances had been written in the published world -- (I mean, eesh, just reading Julia Quinn, she's adhering to these strict gender roles up the wazoo, and they aren't great even for the straight couples.) But when that's what people know and are used to (and some people just like that dynamic) that's kind of what got layered onto Klaine.
that all said, gender conformity isn't as much of Klaine's story as people tried to make it. Yes, in the beginning - Kurt was much more effeminate, and Blaine filled in that role as hero, savior and protector, and the Klaine romance took on elements of things like fairy tales, etc. But that's shoving them both into archetypes that are, really, archetypes, and doesn't allow them the nuances of being more fleshed out characters.
Well, more fleshing out is what we got, and as time went on, they evened out. Kurt's masculinity became more pronounced, as did Blaine's femineity, and by the time the show was done, they were pretty even when it came down to having more masc vs fem traits.
But I mean, I go back to my first point, this is still a gay couple, and neither one, no matter how feminine they are, is the 'girl' in the relationship.
Idk, I've probably been more eloquent before when discussing this, because this isn't the first time I have. But it boils down to people wanting to place Blaine into a certain archetype that is surface level and ignoring his sexuality. but I assumed people have gotten away from that? Idk what the state of fanfic is these day. :P
16 notes · View notes
mymanyfandomramblings · 2 months
Best Season For Each Glee Character (In My Opinion) And Their Best Episode In Said Season
Note: I'm picking which episode in the season I picked is their best, not overall
Rachel: Season One. Early Rachel is truly one of THE characters of all times, and she's hilarious, and I think they had the formula down the best for her insanity. Best Episode: Either Pilot or Bad Reputation
Finn: Also Season One. I love his arc in the first season, and you get such a good feeling for his character, and you get such a good feel for both his strengths and weaknesses. The other three seasons he's in are also good for him, and he has one of the most consistent arcs and developments, but he's making less Horrible Decisions in Season One. Best Episode: Ballad (no questions asked)--
Kurt: Season Two. Yes, he suffers in Season Two, but he also meets Blaine, and he gets actual storylines that are seperate from Rachel's, and aren't just reducing him to his sexuality or his ability to deliver cutting remarks. Best Episode: Grilled Cheesus, Never Been Kissed or Born This Way
Mercedes: This is rare but Season Five is truly the season where Mercedes shines brightest. She gets to be more than Rachel's competition for solos for the first time, and they actually take time to explore the way her faith informs her decisions. She truly feels like such a realized character in S5. Best Episode: Tested
Santana: Season 2 or 4. Season Two because she's living her best evil life, as well as having some chances to really show her vulnerable side, Season Four, because she's actually being a pretty nice person most of the time, albeit in the most chaotic way possible. I could do a whole analysis of why those are her best seasons, but this is not the time. Best Episodes: Silly Love Songs or Sexy (S2), Girls (And Boys) On Film or Feud (S4)
Quinn: Season One. They seemed to have gotten the right balance here of Quinn being character who suffers a lot, but is also not a very nice person in Season One, and they are never quite able to regain that again. My second pick would actually be Season Three, where she gets to have a lot of good conversations and growth. Best Episode: Throwdown or (what else) Funk
Puck: Season Two. Two words: Lauren Zizes. Also they seemed to have actually figured out what they wanted to do with him in that season. Like Quinn, Season Three was going to be my second pick for him, because I really like his arc in Choke, but alas, the Puck x Shelby thing drags S3 down for him. Best Episode: Never Been Kissed or Original Song
Tina: Season Three or Five. She gets a fair bit to do in Season Three--she's in quite a few songs, and she isn't yet at corruption-arc status, although she's no longer dressing goth, which is a shame. That said, Season Five is also a fun season for her--she's past the worst of her villain arc, and she gets to participate in the stupidity that is Blamtina. Best Episodes: Hold Onto Sixteen or Props (S3) and Trio (S5)
Artie: Season One. He gets some storylines in S1 which aren't just him fumbling girls (and as Artie's no.1 fan, I am here for him getting storylines), and they hadn't completely flanderized his occasional sexist comments into his whole personality yet. Best Episode: Dream On, by a mile.
Brittany: I'm conflicted here. Season One was the only season where she was written with any consistency, however she barely does anything in S1, so it seems unfair. However, she does have some great moments in Season Two. Best Episode: Sexy or Britney/Brittany
Mike: Season Three. He actually gets things to do in Season Three. Best Episode: Asian 'F' (surprisingly)
Sam: Season Two. It took a moment, but once they figured out what to do with Sam Evans, he truly became one of The characters of Glee. Season Three is also good, but he's out-of-focus a lot Best Episode: Rumours
Blaine: Season Four. I know everyone loves Dalton era!Blaine, but I don't care about the Warblers, and although I do like Klaine, I honestly think that it was so good to see Blaine minus Kurt for a season or so, because previously, it had been so obvious that he was a Designated Love Interest character, and Season Four was so important in developing his personality outside of Kurt. Best Episode: Dynamic Duets
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tragedytells-tales · 11 months
Obey Me Incorrect quotes
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Notes - quotes from poker nights + Sam and max, Feat. Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor + the rare Luke, Solomon, Simeon, and Barbatos appearance
Summary - A bunch of stupid incorrect quotes and sometimes they're out of character on purpose!
Warnings - Slight game spoilers, Chaotic and traumatized MC, Forth wall breaking
Tw - Gambling, Strong language, Guns, Violence ( nongraphic )
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MC: Well of course you won with THOSE cards! Even Luci could'a won with those cards, and all he can do is talk about alcohol and how much of a poor single widowed mother he is!
Lucifer: Where in the three realms did you lot hide my demoneus now?
MC: shut the FUCK UP LUCI‼️ and people say I'M annoying??
( Telltales games : poker nights )
MC: Hey asmo, what do you think I should do?
Asmodeus: Tell her how you really feel before she runs off with Blaine!
MC: About the hand, chucklehead.
Asmodeus: Oh. Check.
( Telltales games : poker nights )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Demon student: I gotta ask, what's it like living on a different plain of existence?
MC: It's great! As long as you ignore the constant firefights, random explosions, human eating plants, the fact that everyone I know and love has killed me, attempted to kill me, assisted in almost getting me killed, worsened my trust issues, or that every demon could try to eat my soul at any time- The devildom really is a home away from home!
Everyone (aside from Solomon, Simeon, and Luke): *whistles*
( Telltales games : poker nights )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Mammon: This decks gone colder than my ex. Zombie not demon, they were actually kinda hot!
MC: Sometimes I regret being brought down here. this isn't one of em though, tell me more!
( Telltales games : poker nights )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC, talking about Michael: I've only become aware of your existence for 1 minute and I already unapologetically hate you AND everything that you stand for!
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: Hey! how much property damage do you think I can get away with in the span of, let's sayy, 2 minutes?
Belphegor: considering your last record, I'd say the entirety of RAD plus half of the forest.
Lucifer: yOU WHAT??
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC, watching the brothers fight: I believe I need to get in touch with my anger, Satan.
Satan: I can help with that!
( Sam & Max S1 E15 )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Diavolo: I believe our persuasive charm could have him seeing things our way!
MC: Or not seeing anything at all.
( Sam & Max S1 E15 )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Lucifer: And what in the 7 rings happened here?
Barbatos: I'll tell you what just happened here, they just drove a man insane.
Mammon and Asmo: all in a days work!
( Sam and Max S1 E15 )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: Y'know that never works, right?
Solomon: Oh, I know. But it's such a wonderful prelude to the impending mayhem!
( Sam and Max S1 E16 )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Diavolo, squeezing MC: I will pet you, and love you, and subjugate you to my every will!
( Sam and Max S1 E16 )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Diavolo: I think that poor human has been forever scared, Barbatos.
Barbatos: Then our work here is done, my liege.
( Sam and Max S1 E16 )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Beelzebub: Not to be skeptical or anything, but what makes this little human a potential weapon of doom?
MC: :]
( Sam and Max S1 E17 )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: Oh I think I understand, you want me to feel like any other person with freakishly destructive powers! You guys are so sweet!
( Sam and Max S1 E17 )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: Well this is an unlikely turn of events.
Mammon: Foiled by some oversized rubber baby buggy bumper. ( He's talking about Belphie. )
( Sam and Max S1 E18 )
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Belphegor: Hey MC, what am I?
MC: Dumb question, you're a doof.
( Telltales games : poker nights )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Diavolo, playing UNO: Is that a good idea? Cause honestly, I don't really know what I'm doing!
( Telltales games : poker nights )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Solomon: I want one, but it's not for me. It's for my friend, Luke!
Luke: Don't go dragging me into your slighty malevolent and silly schemes, Solomon.
( Telltales games : poker nights )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Simeon: 25th anniversary huh?
Beel: yup.
Simeon: But didn't you guys get together in the same year as the exchange program?
Beel: yes, I guess so.
Simeon: then that was 26 years ago?
( Telltales games : poker nights )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Diavolo: I think this has taught us all a very important lesson. But I'll be damned if I can figure out what.
Luke: I'm unsure how much more damned you can get and I'm afraid to find out.
( Telltales games : poker nights )
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Asmodeus: Move freely he says. In these heels?!
( Sam and Max S1 )
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Satan: So that's why I always feel an overbearing presence just out of my field of vision, watching and judging my every move! *stares at the forth wall*
In-game MC, at his side: That's me dude.
( Sam and Max save the world )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Demon student, looking at Luke: How far would you go if I punt you?
( Sam and Max devils playhouse )
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Simeon: Do you two know what happened?
Luke: I can't lie to Simeon!
MC: I can, kid! No, no we do not.
( Sam and Max the devils playhouse )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Lucifer: MC, where do you put all your school supplies?
MC: In my backpack of course!
Lucifer: But you're a sheep. Where do you put your backpack?
MC: Now that is none of your damn business, Luci.
( Sam and Max the devils playhouse )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Mammon: Magnatism? Don't tell me you're one of those kooks!
Satan: You don't believe in Magnatism?
Mammon: It's an interesting theory, but I'm not convinced.
Satan: This is almost as bad as Beel believing curry is a concept.
( Sam & Max beyond space and time )
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Lucifer: What in Diavolos name is going on in here?!
MC: My tomfoolery is none of your concern.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Diavolo: MC, I believe I have developed feelings for you over the time we've known eachother.
MC: Huh, feelings of anger?? You wanna fight?
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Mammon: MC, I didn't study for this test?! What do I write?!
MC: That's our marriage certificate, Mammon.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: Belphi, wake up!
Belphegor: Huhh, what is it MC?
MC: You fucked up big time.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: I'm going to commit mass arson, and no one can stop me!
Lucifer: Why.
MC: ...Good question. Chaos.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: A blackout in a room full of violent creatures? Ah, don't be such a fussypants!
( Sam & Max S1 E12 )
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Beelzebub: I'm Beel! And this is my huggable family!
Everyone in the room: Please don't hug us.
( Sam and Max this time it's virtual! )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Asmodeus: and here's the house of lamination! A colorful and full of life home that came to be under mysterious circumstances!
MC: By "colorful" He means decaying, filled with demonic forces, and smells like certain damnation with a hint of mildew. And by "mysterious" he means a psychologically scarring murder house turned horror movie that was dragged down here by Lucifer himself.
( Sam and Max this time it's virtual! )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Belphegor: I thought we needed one of those mermaid candies to breath down here.
MC: It's fiction, jarhead. We have ridiculous lung capacity.
( Sam & Max s1 E2 )
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*During the angels event*
MC: Kindness? Charity? Understanding!? When will this hellish nightmare end?!
( Sam and Max )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Beelzebub: You aren't scared of me?
MC: Me? Scared of you? Why should I be, you're a big blubber of man.
( Life of Melody )
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Diavolo: You're looking hale and hearty today Lucifer!
Lucifer: I had five years worth of coffee in five minutes Diavolo.
( Sam and Max hit the road )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Diavolo: MC, you have as much of a say in this as anyone else does.
MC: You mean like how I had a say in my technical kidnapping and all of my many near death experiences?
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC, walks into the room with a gigantic lint roller covered in dog fur: So I lint rolled the puppy.
Mammon: Okay.
* five minutes later *
Mammon: Wait MC did what?
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Belphegor: This is your first and final warning! Pull over or die!
( Sam and Max save the world )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC, looks at the dislike portion of the student ID: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Simeon: Can I drive?
MC: Jumping vehicular homicide, no!
( Sam & Max save the world )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: What do you have?
Solomon: A microwave!
MC: Somehow that's worse than you having a knife.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Satan: They say an idle mind is the devils playhouse
MC: How curiously insulting.
( Sam & Max the devils playhouse )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Satan: Are you sensing my desire to turn you into a QUIET LIL HANDBAG.
Luke: Satan.
Satan: Sorry.
( Sam and Max S1 E10 )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Daivolo: Hey MC, can I-
MC: No.
(Sam and Max save the world )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: Question, when was panda express constructed?
Beelzebub: Uhhhh 1776??
MC: Ah yes, during the American revolution!
( sunny side skies )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Mammon: What're ya gonna do? Gimme the silent treatment?
MC: .....
Mammon: Nooo, stop, pleeeease!!!
MC: Never underestimate the power of passive aggression, mams.
( Sam & Max beyond space and time )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Belphegor: By the name of the moon I will kick thy ass!
( colors of my canvas )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Lucifer: MC, can I ask why you're parkouring over furniture and nearly breaking every vase in sight?
MC: Lilith keeps trying to touch me with her icy hands!
Lilith: they're not that cold MC! I promise!
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Mammon: Where is your "can-do" attitude?
MC: She left, long ago!
( heartstopper show s1 e1 )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Luke *with the most serious face he can muster*: MC, I don't want to be friends anymore!
MC: Yeah, okay, that's cool lil buddy-
Luke: MC? MC are you crying?
MC: No, no, it's okay, this is fine-
Luke: MC, you're sobbing.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Lucifer: Cerberus is ment to discouraged you from coming into the unground tomb.
MC, currently cuddling with a sleeping cerberus and peting his heads: And?
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: It's so sad frisk died of ligma
Belphegor: who's frisk?
MC: ligma balls
Belphegor: AHHH-
( Saying alot of things as Kris )
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MC: Are there British people here in the devildom?
Diavolo: What?
Soloman: Of course not MC, British people aren't real.
Diavolo: What???
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Lilith: why are you the size of a shrimp?
Belphegor: Why are you nonexistent in a physical form?
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: If I gave Diavolo a lemon, he would disintegrate and I would become the ruler of the devildom, and that's the way the world turns.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Satan: -to make them think they've come here willing and have them be more submissive."
Solomon: *cough*andbreedable*cough*
Mammon: MC, you've been drugged- Solomon????????
Lucifer: I can't have a moment of peace.
( The Day Out by @/beels-burger-babe )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Diavolo: It's just sitting there, menacingly...
MC: It's literally just eating grass.
Diavolo: It's looking at me with cold, dead, eyes...
MC: It is entirely focused on the grass.
Diavolo: It's unnatural.... how can something be so, complacent?! So, unbothered?? So... So uncaring about what may happen should it let it's guard down for even a second?!
MC: That's because not everything runs on caffeine, procrastination, and daddy issues, Diavolo.
Diavolo: It's scary! 🥺
MC: It's a Capybara.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: Plural for platypus, go.
Platipy- Mammon , Daivolo , Luke , Beelzebub
Platypuses- Satan , Lucifer , Barbatos
*windows shut down* - Levi , Simeon
Platypuss(e)s - Asmo , Belphi , Solomon
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Mammon: You good?
MC: No.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Player: AYO!
MC: huh?!
Player * dragging MC *: let's go bud, we're off to therapy!
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Asmo: Asdsgvdfdzkga!!@^$$"'
MC: ....Pardon?
Asmo: You don't know keysmash?
MC: This is an audible conversation.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Luke: Please let this be a normal day...
MC: With these several idiots? No way!
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: Hold on- how was I able to hear him from my room, which is by the kitchen down the hall from the stairs, from the attic?
Beelzebub: Big attic.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
* C R A S H *
Teen!MC: are you okay dude?
Teen!Demon: yeah I'm fine *scurrys away*
Beelzebub: they were flirting with you btw.
Teen!MC: what?
Beelzebub: Yeah, they were showing off their magic for a few minutes now. Kinda a shame you only noticed when they crashed.
Teen!MC: Damn, that's rough.
MC: All dirt is grime but not all grime is dirt.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Mammon: Huh?
MC: All poultry is meat but not all meat is poultry.
Beelzebub: Correct.
MC: All math is calculated but not everything that is calculated is math.
Satan: Alright now you're just going off the rails.
MC: All pails are buckets but not all buckets are pale.
Asmo: MC, dear, I think you're sleep deprived.
MC: You can read all books but not all books have been read.
Lucifer: context, Also it is 2 am. Why are you up?
MC: Osmosis is always diffusion. But diffusion is not always Osmosis.
Belphegor: Very true.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
* Loud explosion *
Mammon * from across the castle *: WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT MC??
MC: that, was the sound- * peeks into the kitchen * OF THE KITCHEN BEING BURNED DOWN?!?!
Solomon: * cackling *
(Helluva boss )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Luke: I am not a child and I don't need to be treated like one!
MC: You're literally 10. I don't know who traumatized you or how but it is fine to be a 10 year old with 10 year old feelings.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Lucifer: All is forgiven-
Solomon: Oh no.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Teen!MC: Fuck it, let's go to hell!
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: They be like "I'm good and fine!" Sir, you are mentally ill and have suppressed half of your lifetime, nothing about you is "fine".
- - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: Have you no free will friend?!
Asmodeus: Excuse you, I'll have you know I did that morally injust thing on purpose.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Diavolo: I have a task for you-
MC: No.
Diavolo: wait what?
MC: No.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Lucifer: * crying over Liliths body, reeling from war, daddy issues sky high, extraordinarily traumatized *
Diavolo: I can fix him!
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Luke: Ah, shit.
Simeon: Sir?
* later *
Simeon: Goddammit.
Michael: Excuse me?
* even later *
Michael: Son of a bitch.
MC: I didn't even say anything.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: So if I take off the ring I could potentially collapse all the realms, ending the worlds as we know it?
Solomon: yes.
MC: So the ring is the only thing stopping me being consumed by own magic and essentially killing me?
Solomon: yes.
MC: And the ring should be kept on at all times?
Solomon: Not really, but yes.
MC: You mean... the ring that's laying on the floor right next you?
Solomon: Pardon?
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC after getting 6 hours of sleep over the span of three days because Belphegor doesn't stop whining: Can the DEMONIC BEINGS that go THUMP in the ATTIC, SHUT UP?!
Belphie: *stomping his feet* IF I HAVE TO SUFFER SO DO YOU
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Lucifer: You're an irritable sheep today, aren't you?
MC: Yeah, well, why don't try sitting in this smelly booth while I beat the hell outta helpless fish?
( Sam and Max hit the road )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Asmodeus: He hasn't stopped balling, or spewing, or having violent fits of rage since we brought him home! I wonder what's vexing him so...
Bb Satan: * Screaming bloody murder *
( Sam and Max S1 E10 )
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AN - I needed a break from writing a long chapter and refound this. I don't know what it is either.
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forabeatofadrum · 4 months
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Hello and El WooWoo! @artsyunderstudy and @you-remind-me-of-the-babe tagged me on Sunday, but that day was moving day so I didn't have time to post. And then Monday and Tuesday AND today was more moving stuff so folks, I skipped SSS. Gasp! This was actually the first time I skipped a SSS/WW post ever since I started doing these in November 2021 (🤯). Honestly, I am not even sure how I managed to keep this "streak" going for so long.
ANYWAY. FIC. It's Pride Month, my dudes, and I have a pride themed chapter planned for Ljubili se. I've had this planned since I started outlining the story and it would be ideal if I were to post it in actual pride month, but alas. The Pride(TM) chapter is chapter 11. I posted chapter 9 a week ago or so BUT I HAVE NOTHING FOR CHAPTER 10 YET.
Ah well, at least I am not a big company. I'm fine with posting pride stuff after June. Here's some of the Pride(TM) chapter, though:
Blaine follows Kurt, Santana and Dani. Dani and Santana are chatting happily. They've already done some pregaming at Dani's place and they are very happy because of it. The outside doesn't look too flashy, apart from the string with little pride flags that's decorating the building. There are so many of them and it's colourful. It's Blaine's first time going to a gay bar and he hates that he wishes that it weren't so obvious. He loves the flags, truly, but he's very aware that everyone around him will be able to see what place he's entering. "You okay?" Kurt asks, "We can still go and watch a movie." Dani and Santana don't waste time. They enter the bar without a second thought and Blaine looks up to the flags again. Isn't this the point? Doesn't he want visibility? He's come out to Santana and Rachel. He's planning on telling his family. He's nervous, truly, but he also definitely wants this. Yes, people will see where he's going, but he wants to be here. He grabs Kurt's hand and the two of them follow Dani and Santana inside.
Does anyone have a fun title for a gay bar?
And now, the weather: @quizasvivamos @coffeegleek @caramelcoffeeaddict @raenestee @tectonicduck @nightimedreamersworld @urban-sith @bookish-bogwitch @confused-bi-queer @that-disabled-princess @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @larkral @cutestkilla ​ @wellbelesbian ​ @facewithoutheart ​ @shrekgogurt @rockitmans @bitbybitwrites @whatevertheweather @theotherhufflepuff @shame-is-a-wasted-emotion @esilher @kurtsascot @blackberrysummerblog @nightimedreamersghost @ivelovedhimthroughworse @thnxforknowingme
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4, 13, 21, 24, 25, 33, 42, 57, 63, 70 and 71 for the fic writer ask game!
Thank you for the questions! Okay, this took some time and thought. And some of my answers are long. It will be under a "read more" out of convenience and respect for my mutuals and followers.
4. what is the plot bunny you’ve been carrying for the longest? optional bonus question: do you ever wonder why you haven’t written it yet and experience deep existential dread?
I really want to write a background and sidestory for a one-off character from George Lopez that Tony O'Dell played. I don't think I've written it yet for a few reasons:
a) I don't know if his character is named Blaine (dialogue and closed captions) or Patrick (credits on IMDb and from the end of the episode).
b) I kinda want to ask Tony about that episode and role.
c) I haven't had time or haven't sat down and focused on it enough to start writing it.
No, I don't experience existential dread over it.
13. talk about a writing experience that has pleasantly surprised you.
This isn't going to take long. But in writing my first fic, Is This Love?, I learned that I can write sexy things. This is the opposite of the "write what you know" advice. I have done research and will continue to do more. I've talked with others who have written smut. And I have had some friends read over what little I have written. As I tend to write out of sequence, I haven't published the smut and I'm still a bit anxious about it, but I decided to do this to prove to myself that I could. I wouldn't be upset if Is This Love? is the only fic that I write that contains smut, but proud of myself.
21. pick a writer to co-write a book with and tell us what you’d write about.
A fellow fanfic writer? Hmm, I would say @curiousdamage @missviolethunter @cecexwrites @rynnie-rynn @themaradwrites @avatarskywalker78 and/or @the-time-lord-oracle.
With Curious, MissV, Rynn, and/or AvatarSkywalker78, I would write something for The Karate Kid or Cobra Kai because that is the main fandom that we have in common. The first three were with me when I created my OCs and I honestly would trust them to write Julie or Alyssa. But all of them have strengths writing other characters in that fandom that I'm not sure I can do justice or write with the nuance they deserve.
Curious, MissV, and I could finally write that spinoff/revival-type fanfic for The Equalizer with Scott McCall and his OC daughter as the central characters. Or Curious and I could write a Cagney & Lacey story.
With Cece, it would probably be a story set in the Wizarding World with supporting and minor canon characters.
Obviously, a Doctor Who story with The_Time_Lord_Oracle.
And were I to write an original story, it would be with Rynn or Mara.
All of these writers are ones that I greatly admire, consider friends, have created some of the best original characters (I wish they all were canon and I would protect them to the end), and have written many of my favorite stories.
If you are asking about published/professional authors, I'm not sure. Maybe Rick Riordan, Richelle Mead, David McIntee, Timothy Zahn, Jude Watson, or Cassandra Clare (yes, I know some of the allegations against her, but she is still one of my favorite YA writers).
24. on average, how much writing do you get done in a day?
It really depends on it's a workday vs. weekend, how much time I've had to write, and how inspired I was. If I write at least 500 words, I consider it a productive day.
25. what’s your revision or rewriting process like?
I edit as I write, which makes the writing process longer, I'm sure. Then I send it to my beta. After I hear their thoughts and suggestions, I take into account if those serve the story and make appropriate edits. Then I will post it on AO3.
33. do you start with the characters or the plot when writing?
Honestly, a very rough plot idea. The characters are my main focus and I spend more time thinking about how to develop them and how they will react to the plot.
42. describe the aesthetic of a story in 5 words.
Let me preface this with "I'm not sure that I'm doing this right."
Family. Friendship. Discovery. Magic. Adventure.
57. what is the last thing that a fic made you google when you were reading it?
Okay, these might not be the actual last things, but they are the best that I can remember: Camille Coduri's natural hair color and Billie Piper's eye color.
63. what’s the best insult you’ve read in a fic?
I've read so many fics that I honestly don't know. I'm sorry.
70. are you very critical of your own writing? how much do you find yourself editing (either during the writing or after the fact)?
Yeah, I think I am. I second-guess myself a lot. I edit as I write, so I might spend hours on the same damn paragraph because I didn't like the original word choice, felt it was too similar to something I had previously written, or numerous other reasons. I once nearly trashed everything I wrote for Is This Love? and lay on my bed crying because I thought I was being too harsh on Jimmy and my OC Julie.
71. how do you balance writing and life? do you ever feel overwhelmed by the amount of writing you have to do?
Hahaha. Balance? What's that? Ironic isn't it, considering that I write for The Karate Kid and Cobra Kai? Yes, I constantly feel overwhelmed by the amount of writing that I have to do. I want to be able to post two chapters for three of my WIPs by the end of 2024. I haven't worked on two of them at all yet. I haven't done any writing since early or mid-February. Sometimes, I feel like a failure because I started writing Is This Love? in 2018 and I haven't even started writing the scenes concurrent with the plot of The Karate Kid, while I've got friends and mutuals who can write, finish, and post a few multichapter fics within a few months.
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irresistiibles · 1 year
this event is lowkey my child so i am super excited! i will be away for a few days of it since i'm flying to seattle on the 20th and coming back the 25th but i'll still have my computer and am optimistic i can still get a lot done. with that said beneath the cut is a starter/plot call! i am capping it at 4 per character and per mun, though if there is something you really want to do i may be able to expand. feel free to like to plot or just reply with what starters you want and i'll make it happen. definitely let me know who you want it from and for cause i hate making decisions. finally, though i'll still write this week i will probably be dropping pre-event threads once it actually starts. you can find a condensed post with the starters i owe HERE.
amber - went in willingly - open to death and injury
amber definitely wandered in here with lumine thinking it was something exciting. all things considered she's still kinda intrigued even being stuck within the maze. they'll be helping people out, and be a bit concerned, but in a still upbeat and cheery way. can bring good energy to people who need it
starters (2/4) - gnudy, eula lawrence
asami sato - went in willingly - open to injury and maybe death
to say she went in by choice isn't entirely accurate. her girlfriend wanted to go in and asami wasn't going to let her just wander in alone. asami is freaked out but also a little used to weird stuff, and does have a gun with her. another one who will be helpful as needed.
starters (0/4)
ciel phantomhive - was forced in by magic - open to injury
yeah he's not the type to go in a corn maze even if it didn't just pop up over night, unless he has to and has his demon butler with him. since neither of things were true ciel had no intention of going anywhere near the maze and he's very unhappy to wind up there. he's not a great fighter and tires quickly, he's got a weapon he barely knows how to use, and will be trying his best to keep himself alive. he could probably use some help, though he would be the type to turn on others to save himself
starters (2/4) - lizzie midford, blaine anderson
columbina - was forced in by magic - open to injury
she probably found the whole idea intriguing but from a distance. she's not the type to get mad or upset even in the worst of situations, and honestly would not blame anyone wandering the maze who saw her creepy ass just sort of humming along as she goes and assumed she was a monster to fight.
starters (2/4) - alcina dimitrescu, henry creel
esther mckinnon - went in willingly - open to death and injury
honestly i think she entered just a tiny bit before the maze forced people in, her curiosity finally getting the better of her. esther is fully unaware, does not know how to use her magic, and is basically hoping to get by on good energy and a bottle of pepper spray. she could realistically use some help because otherwise she's not getting far here.
starters (3/4) - ethan mckinnon, marlene mckinnon, emmeline vance
glinda upland - was forced in by magic - open to injury and maybe death
yeah corn mazes are too outside in the dirt for her to have ever come in on her own. glinda is also not really a fighter, and only knows how to mostly use her magic to make defensive bubbles around herself. she's having a horrible time, probably is stuck there in heels, and really really wants to go home
starters (2/4) - cho chang, sella palpatine
gu zi - was forced in to magic - open to injury
i think he would consider going in but is a bit of a coward. if someone wants to say that they dragged him in though i would be happy to plot it. he's confused, scared, unhappy, and being a general cry baby about it. he is just absolutely not built for this please help.
starters (1/4) : sherlock holmes
inej ghafa - was forced in by magic dragged in by jesper - open to injury
no way in hell inej was entering a weird randomlly appearing corn maze of all things, and she's unhappy to have wound up here despite that fact. went in with jesper thinking it would be some quick childish thing and now here she is. she is pretty good at keeping herself safe, and her main priority is trying to find her friends, but she might help out others along the way.
starters (2/4) : kaz brekker, aelin galathynius
jin ling - went in willingly - open to death and injury
i was going to say he was forced in before i remembered jin ling is so good at walking into the worst situations ever without even thinking about it!! he's reckless and does not think and by the time he thought to hesitate going into this thing it was too late. he's also unaware so while he remembers some self defense skills his ability to fight is not nearly as good as it should be and he could be in a little trouble
starters (1/4) - nie ruizhi
lily evans - went in willingly - open to injury
unfortunately she and james were worried they were boring adults and decided to go explore in the worst way possible and now here they are. fortunately she is pretty decent with magic and self defense and is very used to the city's bullshit. her priorities and seeing if she can locate any of her friends and get the heck out of there but she will go and help others where she can.
starters (3/4) : lily luna potter, harriet hufflepuff, rubeus hagrid
luo qingyang (mianmian) - was forced in by magic - open to injury
she's so tired of this shit!! she kinda just wants to find a portion of the maze to camp in and roast some corn so people are welcome to join her for that plan because her desire to just wait this out is real. can fight and will try to help people however she can but god give her a break
starters (0/4)
madoka kaname - went in willingly - open to injury
another one who unfortunately just tends to walk into danger without thinking it through honestly. she probably thought it was just a surprise corn maze from the city and now here we are!! literally no way to defend herself beyond running and the worst right hook you've ever seen in your life and that will not stop her from throwing herself in danger to help others.
starters (1/4) - homura akemi
mei nianqing - was forced in by magic - open to injury and maybe death
this old man was not going to go anywhere near the corn maze!!! absolutely not are you kidding me! he's just trying to get back out again, though he was give (unwanted) advice to everyone he sees in a way that could maybe be considered helpful.
starters (0/4)
nico di angelo - was forced in by magic - open to injury
he knows a magic trap when he sees one and corn maze magically appearing reeks of magic trap. he's very capable of defending himself and even controlling some of the monsters wandering around so he can be a big help if you find him. though he's also very aware of death around him and may be feeling shitty because of how all too aware he will be of everyone dying in the maze.
starters (2/4) - bianca di angelo, hazel lavesque
nie huaisang - was forced in by magic - open to injury and maybe death
will be loudly crying until he finds someone who will help him through this whole thing! is also not mentally stable enough for any of this and may be very on edge!! be cautious around him i don't know what to expect from him so you shouldn't have any clue either.
starters (3/4) - jin guangyao, mo xuanyu, lan wangji
pearl - was forced in by magic
this is not pearl's scene at all but she is also very competent as a fighter and will probably be okay. she will be stressed rambling the whole time and stressing out everyone else around her as a result so there's that, but if you can deal with that she will be offering help. only one not really open to injury just because she's very hard to injure, but will happily involve her in someone else's injury or death plot
starters (2/4) - patch cipriano, dean winchester
princess zelda - was forced in by magic - open to injury
extremely confused and unhappy and stressed! zelda hates things she doesn't understand, and isn't much of a fighter, with only a little self defense training. she'll manage well in some of the more trap/survival areas but is going to have a very hard time dealing with monsters in the maze
starters (1/4) - patia por'co
roronoa zoro - went in willingly? - open to injury
i say he went in willingly but that's not entirely true. i'm so sure zoro was trying to head home one day and just wandered in to the maze by mistake, and now has been stuck there for an extra day. he is luckily very good at fighting and surviving, but his sense of direction is absolutely horrible so please!! help him out! also might start fights with other people because like, he just assumes anyone who looks a little strange or dangerous could be a monster. he's a mess
starters (1/4) - nami
shang qinghua - was forced in by magic - open to injury and maybe death
he knows a setup when he sees one! if anyone is capable of breaking the fourth wall of rp it would be shang qinghua who absolutely knew the corn maze could mean nothing but trouble and stayed away from it as long as possible. he's doing his best but is an every man for himself type of guy unless you're one of the rare people he likes and he will trip others to get away from monsters.
starters (1/4) - shen qingqiu
shi qingxuan - went in willingly - open to injury and maybe death
unfortunately qingxuan was probably out drinking with some friends who thought it would be fun to check out the random corn maze and now here they are! so unhappy! so stressed! so screwed!! trying to help out here and there despite everything but i cannot promise any actual useful help here. if anything she is the one who desperately needs assistance.
starters (1/4) - samara palpatine
toph beifong - was forced in by magic - open to injury
toph, who can use their seismic sense to see blocks of areas at a time and noticed the way the maze was constantly shifting and changing immediately definitely got in here only to immediately turn to anyone nearby and hit them with "well, maze is fucked." she'll be fine despite that tbh and will probably wind up having some fun fighting things, but isn't even trying to get out because she knows that's kinda impossible until whatever magic shit is happening stops, and will tell others this is the case
starters (1/4) - katara
wirt - was forced in by magic - open to injury
just went from one autumn themed horror show to another and is extremely unhappy about it!! hopeful that maybe his brother is somehow somewhere in this maze but he's not feeling good about it. extremely anxious but powering through to the best of his ability. he can't fight but he is relatively smart and he really wants out of this maze!! so if that means working with others that is absolutely fine by him
starters (2/4) - dani dennison, marco del rossi
yin yu - was forced in by magic - open to injury and non memory changing death
so tired. so so tired. he's got a shovel for a weapon, the energy of a sad thirty year old who has given up on improving his life, and is just sort of trudging through accepting that this is the next shit show in his never ending list of ls in life. he tries to be a good guy, he'll help out where he can, but if there is a vibe check he is not passing it
starters (0/4)
zagreus - went in willingly - open to injury and non memory changing death
he's excited! he hasn't gotten to experience many human halloween's and walked straight in and honestly, has not entirely realized there's something wrong with the situation. he likes fighting, he spent a chunk of his life escaping a maze like underworld, so he's having fun and feeling right at home. will help people out but will also be chuckling the whole time about what a cool event this is and how nice it is for the city to do it.
starters (1/4) : drusilla keeble
zhongli - went in willingly - open to injury and maybe death
this man is unfortunately the case of curiosity killed the cat. he knew it was probably a bad idea and walked in anyway! he's regretting it for sure since unaware zhongli can barely fight compared to aware zhongli, but he does have a level head and a very smart way of thinking, so he'll be getting by and repressing his emotions so he doesn't have to feel shaken until he escapes somehow
starters (1/4) - rowena ravenclaw
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jemtokall · 1 year
This is the same anon that asked about reph and now I wanna know about Brain/Data Riku as well lol, was it also spawned from rp? Like it's honestly super clever
HIIIII thanks for taking an interest and letting me info dump <3333
You would be mostly right! It started in a modern au rp but we kept re-doing in other au's because their dynamic is funny to us. Surprisingly, canon was one of the later au's for them
They're very silly and not as serious as Reph. This about sums them up
Tumblr media
Book Data— They're both data! To make it work in present time, the Blaine here is Data-Blaine from shift pride made from the book of prophecies, the same way that Dataku is made from Jiminy's Journal. Blaine can still live as himself since the original isn't around, but they're both still copies from an original. (And Dataku doesn't have the same level of existential crisis of being a clone as, say, Repliku would) so they're very chill with each other's existence and secure with themselves.
Black coat— Blaine has some sort of history with Luxu, a man in a black coat, and then Dataku's main outfit is a black coat :) overcoming some unknown fears on Blaine's part. Then they go on a cute clothes shopping montage because Blaine can't stand seeing Dataku in that hooded outfit,
Virus vs. Anti-Virus— Blaine became a virus to rewrite the book and give it a better ending. Dataku is an anti-virus made to detect bugs and fix it. Dataku has to struggle with his coding to fix bugs vs. his want for a happy ending
Brainiacs— They're both very smart in different ways. Dataku has an encyclopedic knowledge on everything in the current time, and Blaine is very tricky about working around rules to get what he wants (like when Blaine asked if the rulebook was more of a guideline iirc). They challenge each other
Love of animals—Dataku is obsessed with bugs (especially crickets) while Blaine is obsessed with small animals. So
-Blaine lives outside of the computer but visits the datascape often
-Neither of them sleep
-Blaine talks with Dataku on the phone every night because everyone else is asleep
-A lot of banter because neither of them know how to deal with emotions, so it's a lot of sidestepping serious topics.
Repliku: Eph, I'm cold
Eph: Oh, here! Take my scarf!
Dataku: ...
Dataku: Blaine, I'm cold
Blaine: Well damn I can't control the weather
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rockitmans · 2 years
Blaine Anderson Vs Valentine's Day (5/14)
Summary: Blaine drunk posts on his Instagram asking for a date for Valentine's Day. He gets one.
Notes: Written for the @klaineccfanficlibrary Valentine Challenge. Today's song is You're The Best Thing by The Style Council
This one's for @cerriddwenluna who has not only been a wonderful cheerleader for this fic but also inspired this chapter with our mutual Elliott love
Read on AO3 or below
Blaine wakes up with his phone pressed against his cheek. He'd stayed up so late talking to Kurt that he'd fallen asleep in the middle of typing out a sentence. He can barely believe how long they spent chatting. They just clicked so instantly that everything felt easy. The conversation meandered with the joyful flow of close friends, helped along by the huge amount they seem to have in common. 
Blaine is slightly suspicious he really did manage to manifest Kurt into being through pure wish power. He's that perfect. Or maybe he has some glaring flaw that has yet to reveal itself. Maybe he thinks that Katy Perry is overrated. 
Blaine flips open his DMs, not really expecting much, but is delighted to see a new message from Kurt. 
Kurt: Good morning, sunshine ☀️
It's a simple enough message but it tells Blaine two things. That Kurt isn't interested in playing games with him, which is nice after the mental gymnastics he occasionally went through with his exes. And that Kurt woke up thinking about him. Which means Blaine isn't alone.
Blaine: Good morning. I have to go to my real person job today 😔
Kurt: Same here. Catch you later though?
Blaine: Absolutely 
Blaine's Real Person Job is at his local record store but he barely considers it work. He just gets to talk to people about music all day. He also gets to hang out with his favourite colleague, Elliott, who always buys him a morning coffee without fail. Angels exist in the form of Elliott Gilbert. 
"Morning, Bee," Elliott greets him, pushing a Starbucks cup into his hand. He peers into Blaine's face. "You okay, skipper? You look tired."
"I was up most of the night," Blaine admits. 
"Lucky you." Elliott waggles his eyebrows and Blaine glares playfully.
"Not for that. Um… Sebastian and I broke up actually."
"Oh." Elliott frowns. "Is it too early to admit I never liked him? Or are we still in the 'mourning and pretending he was wonderful' stage?" 
Blaine laughs weakly. "Insult away. He cheated on me."
Elliott stiffens. "Where does he live, again?"
"No. You're not killing Sebastian."
"Not even like a little spook? Some casual threats of violence?"
"Fine," Elliott sighs. "But seriously, how are you holding up?"
Blaine thinks about it. Waking up with thoughts of Kurt had kept the grief at bay. And, if he's being really honest with himself, Sebastian was always more fun than Forever. They were never going to be picking out paint samples or arguing over who would pay for the Netflix account. He just wishes Sebastian had told him the expiry was up on their relationship and that they had parted amicably. Not that he had fucked a random from the gym. 
"I'm doing okay," he says honestly. "More pissed off that he cheated than about the relationship being over."
"And…" Blaine hesitates, wondering if it's too early to start talking about Kurt. 
"And?" Elliott echoes curiously. 
"Well… And don't judge me. I kind of started talking to someone else."
"Blaine Anderson, you slut," Elliott gasps, sounding thrilled. "Tell me everything."
"Not like that. Just. A guy messaged me on Instagram."
"Oh my God."
"I know, I know. But honestly it's all been very wholesome. We talked all night. It was kind of wonderful actually."
"That is… incredibly boring but I'm thrilled for you, truly."
"Sorry you can't vicariously live your sex life through me," Blaine says tartly. "I hate to disappoint."
"That's ok. I'm used to disappointment."
Blaine flips him off and Elliott laughs.
"Just be careful, okay?" Elliott adds more seriously. "Not everyone is who they claim to be on the internet."
"I'm being careful," Blaine lies. "It's not like I'm planning to meet him anytime soon." The dinner reservation at Di Fara set for less than two weeks away  flashes like a beacon in his mind. He could so easily invite Kurt. He ignores the impulse. 
Elliott hums doubtfully. He knows Blaine far too well.
Blaine makes it a grand total of four hours before he messages Kurt again. Which is fine and normal and completely chill, actually. 
Blaine: I'm on lunch if you wish to be bothered
It takes Kurt fifteen minutes to respond and Blaine spends the time bouncing his knee anxiously and reminding himself that Kurt actually does have A Life and it's not all about him. Unfortunately.
Kurt: Bother away 
Kurt: How's real life going?
Blaine: Extremely boring
Kurt: Mine too. No cute, half naked guys in my Insta feed today 😔
Blaine: Listen
"What are you smiling about so much?" Elliott interjects, wandering into the break room and stealing a bite of Blaine's sandwich. He looks at the phone in Blaine's hand. "Oh my God. Are you talking to your Instagram man right now? Your Insta-man?"
"Shut up."
"That's not a no."
"I thought this was a safe space," Blaine complains and Elliott cackles. 
"I'm not judging. You're adorable. "
"You say you're not judging but your tone says otherwise."
"Don't leave him on read," Elliott urges, waving him away and grabbing a magazine. "God forbid I get in the way of 'true love.'"
"I can hear the quotation marks," Blaine mutters but he glances back at his phone. 
Kurt: I'm listening intently 
Blaine: Sorry. My friend interrupted my flow to ask me why I was smiling so much
Kurt: Oh? And why ARE you smiling so much
Blaine: I've made a horrible mistake
Kurt: 😂
Blaine: I'm being bullied from all sides today
Kurt: No. I've been smiling all day too. Because of you, to be clear.
Kurt: It's going to be very awkward if you weren't smiling because of me now 
Blaine laughs, ignoring Elliott's pointed cough. 
Blaine: Don't worry.
Blaine: It was definitely because of you
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cornus27florida · 11 months
I think all three of the Plaid brothers share the blame for the engagement fiasco. Blaine for admitting that Gwen doesn’t meet his standards for beauty and Lance for admitting that they made Frederick go through with courting Gwen. Frederick fell for Gwen for real but of course he didn’t realize she overheard him.
That's true, all of the three Plaid Princes are share the blame for the engagement fiasco - but imho the blame actually for all parties involved. Which means even Pastel Princesses in wrong on some parts too. Like what Jamie said in ep 155 (although in different context, BUT Gwen eat poisoned apple is the result of engagement fiasco) "it was a bit of everyone's fault" -> Please, the following wall of text are not character bashings btw, I just tell honest canon facts from my personal opinion - and pointing out some canon things that might be forgotten by fandom. There's so many hates and bashings toward certain characters and I am intend to peace it out
You are right about the engagement fiasco as part of Plaid Princes' fault, but the reactions of Pastel Princesses are also the part of the fiasco. Why I said that, here the following:
Blaine painted himself as a hypocrite when trying to vouch for Frederick, and indirectly tell Gwen is ugly (quote: stop being absurd, Maria! You two are ACTUALLY beautiful)
Maria is stunned after that and called him the one with ugly side (hypocrite) - this is true BUT this also the leading point where Blaine fell harder to the darkness side, he becomes so cold he calls Gwen ugly again later around prison cell (oh, and his mockery to Frederick too). Blaine later on tricking Maria to opening the door, which make the invasion could happen, Leland's "not so nice plan" begin comes in the motion. The fiasco is the trigger to stop the "nice way" plan completely
Let's move to Lance and Lorena. Lance is a dumb goof without tact - so when he helps to vouch for Frederick (about his love devotion to Gwen) - I take that his saying of "forced" actually unintentional, like at ep 24 where he accidentally painted Frederick in bad light as someone that took too long in the loo. Lance actually means to highlighting the 'carried Laverne several times to see Gwen'-but he's honestly kinda distant with Frederick as brothers and still thought that Frederick forced to do those things by their father. This is not true as we the one with reader had the narrative to know the truths BUT the characters aren't yet. Lorena along with Maria getting mad (rightfully indeed) about the implication of forced love between Frederick and Gwendolyn = Frederick's love to Gwen not genuine - when in reality it's the opposite. Lorena is the hard headed one from the Pastel siblings, and she is also the one that calls Frederick as the monster. This likely the one that make to Lance completely mute (likely thinking that words aren't good as he believes he can't explain things well) at the Frederick's prison cell, and had wrong thinking that the best way is going along with Leland's plan - as 'supporter' to the invasion plan
Let's move to the last couple which (my OTP) the green pair Frederick/Gwendolyn, before I like to apologize to kinda out of trail by also pointing out the implications of the engagement fiasco BUT I find it's important to highlighting implicit message from the CPC: everything that happened isn't merely coincidence, it's happen for reasons
Frederick fell for Gwen for real but of course he didn’t realize she overheard him -> I want to pointing out that I disagree with the notion. Frederick has inkling of the idea that something is wrong with Gwen especially with how often she put 'fake smiles' with hint of sadness. He try to learn the truth along with coincidentally to be fell in love with her genuinely - which clearly shown at Jamie's Art Show where he confronting Gwen (ep 106) with this : " Did I do something to hurt you when we first met? " -> this means Frederick already had inkling idea that he hurts Gwen somehow when he first met her, but he's not sure about what exactly so he asks Gwen about it directly. He didn't realize (or, aware) that Gwen hides under the table and hears everything. He believes that talk only known by Blaine, and then extended to his own family as got telly talled the next day (ep 16). Remember how shocked the expression of he is that even shaking at ep 132 when he realizes that Gwen overhears him?
Frederick's confrontation at ep 106 isn't leads or 'forced' on by anyone, it's come from his conscience after the CPC intruder arc - that previously missed chance at Gwen's dinner party because Gwen fell asleep early. In that conscience, as hyper aware person - he connects the hint dots as interacted with the CPC. The CPC aware of his (initial) feelings, and attacking him for it - means there's mistake that he He didn't know exactly but very close about it.
Let's see Prez quote to Frederick at ep 85!
"You've got real nerve thinking that being chummy with her will atone you of everything you've made her through" -> after that Frederick in total confusion about what's Gwen going trough, because we know freddolyn is a pairing with abysmal communication as the crown queen is Gwen by making her confrontation to just want to be friend becomes to sounds like a threat to haunting Frederick forever. Later on Frederick knows the complete truth in Whitney's slumber party, but again it's thanks to the CPC not Gwen.
Gwen is very sweet and the kindest girl indeed, but she isn't perfect as if I could say her ultimate flaw is her abysmal communication skill. Shortening up words that totally make different meaning. Putting up fake smiles and hiding the truths, it's only thanks to the CPC that she begins open up and telling her problems. Gwen also dislike confrontations and believe certain truths is well keep hidden which leads to the whole CPC story: how she didn't want to ruin her sisters engagements because her paired prince didn't want her, how she suddenly meets the CPC as the result of she's running at the haunted forest while crying when her family members are thought that she just going to the bed, and how she believes that if Frederick never knows the truth forever - it's the only way for their happily ever after (that's not true + unhealhtly)
Back at "the engagement fiasco", which also the perfect ultimate example of 'bad-poor communication kills' troupe (https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PoorCommunicationKills). It's happened as waffle note papers raining down to the rose hall at the end of the gala during the Proposals. Frederick learns the truth in the worst possible way, he's hurting so much - as well Gwen.. I am gonna to focus solely to them in the following paragraphs....
Gwen quickly come on his defense right before her sisters ready to attacking Frederick, then she's explaining that she knows about ugly mockery already. This shocking everyone espc Frederick. After that, Frederick hurriedly come to Gwen and apologize (as now, he knows the context). Then her sisters asked why Gwen never tell about it to them and why she defending Frederick. Gwen explains that the last thing she wants is to ruins her sisters happiness (because she knows if her sisters know the truth, they called off their own engagements immediately) - and she believes that she and Frederick gotten to know each other better UNTIL she see her own reflection at the glasses floor of the rose hall.
Then her negative hallucinations come full force, and she begins to get delusions - believing that the girls that called her "ugly duckling" is right with how hideous she looks at reflection. Right at previous ep, 131-Gwen totally anchoring her whole well being to Frederick's love with the quote :
"I don't care if I'm an ugly duckling like those girls said... ... because Prez was right. She doesn't transform into a beautiful swan at the end of the story. She just dicovers her own beauty. ...And my beauty exist... ...in Frederick's eyes"
So as she get sudden shocking situation of engagement fiasco, she's frozen and totally not know what to do. She can't communicating properly as well, so instead telling that the gala guests called her ugly duckling - she tells that (previous) Frederick is right about her being ugly while crying...
Frederick right after that quickly approaching her and tell "No, Gwen you're wrong! I think you're beautiful".. Then her sisters shuushing Frederick by screaming him as monster.
As Gwen anchoring her self to Frederick's love, this becomes unhealthly of "I need him". Her sisters try to calms her down with Lorena says that Gwen didn't need anyone (like Frederick) to tell her as beautiful - Gwen just need to looking at the mirror. Then Gwen says that her sisters won't understand (sadly it's true, because the one that truly will understand what's Gwen going through is Lilyth as her mother and experienced something similar - been called as ugly, one is by the loved one's family while the other by the romantically loved one self in the past) that her reflection totally shattered (shameless promotion but please at least read ch 7 of my fic that explain more about feeling shattered : https://archiveofourown.org/works/51450922/chapters/130267924#workskin because the "shattered" topic is heavy ).
We then have Frederick absolutely broken in wreck, falling and crutching at his head - and totally frozen to can give any response after that. Then we get the following fiasco between Maria and Blaine, Lance and Lorena - which make Gwen ever more sad (please... Anything but this). Princesses go with broken hearts. The Princes stuck in the Rose Hall - and their father comes from behind and telling that the engagement indeed scheme for Plaid Kingdom. We get absolute angsts as the ending of season 4 part 1 - "yay~". Cheers with the glass filled by own tears
And at the end (epilogue) - remember that, even with how heartbreaking that fiasco is that resulting to heartbreaks for the Pastel Princesses and punishments for the Plaid Princes.. The ultimate goal for Isolde make the engagement fiasco with waffle note happen BECAUSE she wants the Pastel Princesses to be protected within their own castle - which gives some home advantages like Lorena's project and the Pastel Maid Ensemble AND basically the help from the CPC that warned by Frederick could kinda come in right time. Another unintentional goal for the fiasco is to give truth bomb to Frederick and Gwendolyn, as the latter planned to never tell the truth to her romantically loved one - which might make the history of Jack/Lilyth relationship (loving with secrets) - be on repeat = not to make unhealthly romantic relationship on repeat. Harsh indeed, but sadly and unfortunately is necessary action to do. Isolde didn't trusts her own sons because Leland make her so separated and stoic to them in the name of "royal way".
Could it (the engagement fiasco) go differently, without crushing the hearts of Pastel Princesses and Plaid Princes got punished tragically? Yes, in alternate universe maybe. Like what-if Isolde trusts her own sons more and believes they're capable to break free from Leland? How I wish for multiple time if things go differently (like, I have an altenative universe scenario where Frederick learn the truth after the gala from the CPC, then he sent letter that explicitly should be opened with Gwen and her siblings to shows that yes he's an idiot in the past but now he truly loves her - and he's hurt with how Gwen kept the truth from him, but as they are love each other he's willing to trust Gwen again as long as from now on - she's completely honest with him so if he ever do any mistake again, he could make amends for it)
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The closing image is kinda of burn salve for the fiasco pains
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daisyishedwig · 11 months
Glee tag game
I was tagged by @annepi-blog, thank you!
1. Favourite season 1 episode: Okay, so the obvious answer is Laryngitis because it's one of the absolutely best Kurt episodes in the whole show. But I also fucking hate everything about Rachel's storyline but Rose's Turn alone does kind of give it the leg up to still be the best episode anyway.
2. Favourite season 2 episode: Oh I've got so many contenders for this one. I love Furt and the relationships we get to see between Burt and Kurt and Kurt and Finn. But then Never Been Kissed is just a classic with it being Blaine's first episode and Chris' acting in it is just so so incredible. Blame It On The Alcohol would be a higher contender because I love drunk Blaine and I actually really enjoy Finn in that episode, which isn't something that happens a lot for me until season 4, but the writer's biphobia that they push onto Kurt really ruins it. But I think the actual winner would have to be Prom Queen. I love Kurt in that episode and I love it being the first time we start to see that Blaine's not perfect, that he's a little broken, a little fragile. It's underutilized, but it really sets up so much of what makes Blaine my favorite character to write.
3. Favourite season 3 episode: Okay, we all know it's Michael. Like of course The First Time, On My Way, and Dance With Somebody are all great episodes that I really love. But Michael is the episode I rewatch the most. And part of my love for it is, a) the cut Want You Back scene, and b) believing Seblaine to be genuine, very close friends which makes the slushee incident so much more heart-wrenching. But it's still such a good episode, especially for me with my deep love of angst and Sebastian Smythe, it's really just the best episode in general. Plus it has the added bonus of having the one and only Samcedes duet so, yeah, it's the best.
4. Favourite season 4 episode: Diva and Feud are both a lot of fun, even if a lot of what happens in them is really ridiculous. Guilty Pleasures is such a good Blam episode. And I love I Do for the flirty and thirsty sides of Klaine we get to see. But I do feel like, once again, the angst lover in me has to go with The Breakup. The Scientist and Don't Speak are two of my favorite songs on the whole show. Everyone's acting in that episode is just so so good. Darren and Chris just knock it out of the park in every single scene, and I will never cease to be awed by them.
5. Favourite season 5 episode: I would probably say Tested, because I always love an episode where Blaine gets to cry. And I love Elliot and everything that he does for Klaine in getting them to communicate. And I love getting to truly see Blaine acknowledge his self-worth issues instead of them just constantly being buried and locked away. A lot of the episode is weird and difficult to watch but the conversation that Klaine have at the end will always be one of my favorite Klaine scenes. Other contenders were Bash, because I love Kurt in that episode and once again we get angsty Blaine. And then New York New York because its when we first get to see Klaine actively working to fix the problems in their relationship instead of clinging to the past so tightly that they crush it entirely.
6. Favourite season 6 episode: God, this one is hard because I'm honestly not sure there's any episode that I truly love. Like The Hurt Lockers are iconic, and I love Chris' acting in 2009. But so much of that season is just weird and almost pointless that I'm not sure I have an episode I like enough to consider my favorite.
7. Episode that makes me cry: I haven't rewatched The Quarterback since it aired because of how much it makes me cry. Tested and The Breakup also both hurt a lot.
8. Episode that makes me laugh: The Hurt Lockers for sure
9. Favourite tribute episode: Michael obviously. It's probably my favorite episode of the whole show in general and the songs are so well done.
10. Favourite Christmas episode: Ooof, I love them all for different reasons, but there's just something about Blaine going to New York with Burt to comfort Kurt that will always get to me so it's gotta be Glee, Actually.
11. Episode with the best songs: Ooooh, probably the mashup episodes? I'm not sure I can pick one but it would be a tie between Never Been Kissed and Mash Off.
12. Favourite sectionals episode: Oh, I'm torn between Special Education and Hold On To Sixteen. I love Quinn and Sam getting a duet, and I love Valerie, and I love Mercedes and Tina getting to sing Dog Days Are Over (maybe I just love the lack of Rachel solos, lol). But I do love the set list in Hold On To Sixteen, I love Quinn singing Control, I love Kurt and Tina and Mike all getting solo parts in ABC. And of course The Troubletones are just so good.
13. Favourite regionals episode: I've gotta say On My Way even if it's largely just for Glad You Came and Cough Syrup. The actual competition doesn't matter much to me, but the Karofsky storyline was handled really well and I love Sebastian's apology to Blaine and the New Directions, and it's just good in general.
14. Favourite nationals episode: I really love the set list for Nationals in season 3, but I hate Rachel and so much of that episode is all about Rachel and her choking at her NYADA audition and somehow convincing Carmen Tibideux to come see her anyway. But on the other hand while I don't love the City of Angels set list for nationals as much, I do love the fact that they were all Finn's (and Cory's) favorite songs. And I love Burt and Carole being there. And I love Throat Explosion (or at least John Baptiste) actually being very kind and respectful of Finn's passing. I like that they didn't just lean hard into the show choir rivalry there and let them actually be humans who recognize the pain of the McKinley team. Also Throat Explosion's set was really good too.
15. Episode most people like but I don’t: I might get killed by my Klaine friends. But Love, Love, Love? At the time it aired I was super excited about the proposal, but now as an adult, I really wish it hadn't happened, especially not like that. Like I get that it's romantic in that big grand gesture that Kurt deserves and Blaine would always want to give him. But. They hadn't talked about it! While Kurt guessed it was coming on the drive, it still didn't leave him with anyway to actually pull Blaine aside and talk about it. And with multiple other show choirs there, including Sebastian, can you really expect Kurt to be able to say anything but yes? Like I would have loved for them to have a quiet, personal proposal. To have Blaine ask and have them talk about it and whether or not they're ready for that. And then they could do the big thing. But instead we got Kurt not being given a chance to think about if this is something he actually wants, and it leads to a lot of problems in the future for them.
16. Episode most people dislike but I like: Probably Old Dog, New Tricks. Like it's a weird episode, admittedly. But we get some of my favorite things in it. We get Blaine being a sweet and supportive partner, we get Klaine being a team, we get Kurt calling Rachel out on how selfish she is, we get puppies, and we get Peter Pan. It's great. I have fun with that episode.
and now that I have finally finished that, I'm going to tag @esilher, @calsvoid, @lusthurts, @backslashdelta, and @cryscendo
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spaceorphan18 · 2 months
Hello!! Just following on from my comment on Head Over Feet, what inspired the Blaine and Santana friendship? I love it!! :)
Oh no problem! :)
Honestly, this....
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Like, physically, they make such an interesting couple. Like, the two of them would have a story to tell. I have a noir fic that I never wrote (idk maybe someday) where the two of them are fake married as a cover.
Anyway - the dynamic then felt incredibly interesting. Blaine is such a sincere, straight forward character. Santana isn't. But I think they'd value a friendship if they ever developed one. And that's the genesis of it all. :)
Thanks for asking!! Blaine and Santana have been a real treat in Head Over Feet! It's one aspect of the fic I've really loved. :)
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blazernot · 1 year
Do you have any Blaine headcanons for your siblings au?
He can be very sassy and smart mouthed at times but he's honestly mostly pretty quiet. Like if everyone is together he'll be more reserved. When its a small group or one on one is when he'll go full annoying little brother. He used to be loud when everyone was together as well but after the master left and everyone turned on each he quickly learned not to rock the boat. Towards the end he became withdrawn with everyone period.
Also he isn't a part of any of the unions. Or he's a member of all of them. He switches unions depending on what'll benefit him. He doesn't really interact with anyone so one no really notices
He overthinks a lot of interactions with the union leaders because he's never really interacted with normal poeple and he doesn't want them to realize what he is. His chirithy is "Hey Brain I honestly don't understand why you don't just tell them like hiding this isn't helping you and I think they'll understand. Like they're not around anymore so you should just spill the beans" and Brains like "No ❤"
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mymanyfandomramblings · 5 months
Gleecap 3x06--Mash Off
Here we go, controversial episode about which I have controversial opinions. To clarify, this is my second watching of this episode, and I was able to watch it more critically this time around. Here's my reaction recap:
Puck running around the hallways so that Shelby can walk past him again--hilarious. To be clear, I don't like the Shelby/Puck storyline, but damn it gets some funny moments out of Puck
Additionally--Hot For Teacher was a hilarious number. The mic stand duelling, the sheer amount of fun all four guys were having--love it. Ditto the above point.
Sue's political ads are so ridiculous, and I love that the show tries to pretend that people are actually taking them seriously.
You And I/You And I is one of the best mashups the show ever does. It's actually heavenly
Also--Puck plays piano? Since when?
Also half the ND's just sitting down on the floor for no real reason
Now the first part of the episode that bothers me--Finn specifically tells Santana that he's not interested in making it vicious. He wants to keep it civil. If he'd started off matching the competitive energy, Santana's actions would have made more sense, but no. He says he doesn't want it to get vicious, and Santana sails in with her insults. I really don't like her until late Season Three, and I know that she's actually great by season four, but this..is not it
When Will enters the choir room, Quinn, Rory and Blaine are looking out the windows at the top of the wall. Why? We'll never know.
Honestly, the New Directions are actually working together pretty well--Finn moves to give Rory a solo, Blaine backs him up, they're all friends. The fact Finn is so decent the rest of the episode makes what eventually happens extra frustrating.
"You're skinny, like all the crops on your family's farm failed.", Rory, I adore you
Now, here's a part where the whole Incident could have been avoided if the writers had just remembered one thing that they established earlier--insults don't roll off Santana. She can dish it out but can't take it. But no. Drama.
Quinn's dodgeball faces are perfect. Of course she's the dodgeball-as-an-outlet-for-repressed-rage girl
Also I adore that at all points in the game, there are random players just flying through the air
I fundamentally disagree with Kurt's assessment that dodgeball is bullying--it was one of but a few things we did in PhysEd at school that I liked. However, the way the Troubletones attacked Rory was plain mean.
I love protective Kurt. Bullying is such a sore spot for him, and he will rise to anyone's defence.
"I sound just like her" --Sugar, you are brilliant
Now observe--both Mercedes and Shelby tell Santana to back off Finn, because there's no point to the feud. Santana has an option here--she could stop, or she could keep going.
Also Brittany's response to Mercedes making herself leader is gold.
And then the Hallway Scene. I really really really wish I could have more sympathy for Santana because nobody deserves to be outed, but this lead up makes it really hard.
I also paid close attention to what Finn was doing during this scene. As Santana talked, managing to hit every one of his insecurities (his weight, his comparative mediocrity in comparison with Rachel, the fact his future is more or less hinging on riding Rachel's coattails, the fact he slept with her and neither came away happy etc.) you can see him slowly getting madder and madder, and then boom.
I am not defending Finn. He's not the brightest, but that's no excuse for discussing her sexuality in a crowded area where anyone could hear--and they do. However, I do think that it wasn't intended as an outing per se. He was primarily focusing on what he perceived as cowardice (which it really isn't), rather than trying to say anything homophobic, or intentionally yelling 'hey everyone, Santana Lopez is a lesbian'. Once more, I don't condone his actions--he took a cheap shot, he was thoughtless, and he endangered Santana, I just wanted to...nuance the discussion. (I would also like to add, that I hate that the outing is turned into a 'Finn was doing it for her own good' in the next episode--Finn was retaliating and hitting her where it hurt, nothing more)
Once more, Sue's political ads. I wonder how Carole responded to either of the implications a) that Burt is cheating on her with a donkey or b) she is the donkey
Puck is actually very sweet with Beth and I love that.
Next pet peeve--Mercedes is team captain of the Troubletones. Shelby knows that Santana has been crusading against Finn for seemingly no reason. Why then did she let Will pit Santana (and not Mercedes) and Finn against each other in the coin toss
Also Rachel is hilarious at how ridiculously aggressively she responds to Finn winning the toss.
You Make My Dreams/I Can't Go For That is actually brilliant. The costumes are fantastic, the choreography is fun, Rory and Tina get exposure, the girls' skirts and hair is so cute, and they are all having the times of their lives.
Brittany vaguely frustrates me throughout the presidential campaign arc, but then she does that a lot. Brittany is very up-and-down for me as a character.
Rachel being a selfless friend!! Yes, Rachel!! Love that for her.
Quinn in early Season 3...sure is a ride.
Also here, even Brittany is telling Santana to lay off Finn, to which Santana responds that manatees have thick skin. I am trying so hard to be sympathetic to her, but she makes it so difficult.
And now the scene. I love Sue taking responsibility for once. I love that for Sue
Now comes the bit where Naya Rivera's acting makes me feel sorry for Santana. That 'I haven't even told my parents' is so heartwrenching.
My unpopular opinion is that I prefer the Hall & Oates mashup to the Adele mashup. That said however--Santana sounds stunning. STUNNING. Her dress is also really pretty, even if I find the costumes a bit plain compared to the ND's. I don't find that the songs suit Mercedes incredibly well, but everything about Santana's performance redeem it, along with Britt's worried faces.
I genuinely believe that Finn was only saying that the Troubletones were good, however he probably did deserve the slap. Once more Naya acts the heck out of this scene
There's my two cents about this very controversial episode.
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moderntimeadventure · 2 years
Welcome to the Modern Time Adventure AU! It’s basically an interpretation of what Adventure Time might be like if it took place nowadays. Before getting into it you may want to check out this FAQ to figure out some basics of the AU. Enjoy!
Yes yep yeah I've included events and characters that appear in both the original show, distant lands, and a teensy bit from the comics, so if you're looking for something spoiler free, this isn't it.
As far as I'm concerned, there isn't really one. Mostly it's everyone being stupid and having fun but I hope to also included some sideplots based off the original show plots, such as certain relationships, events or scenarios happening.
What's different?
Honestly, I think the biggest thing that's changed is the timeline. It's my AU so I decided I can do whatever I want, so the occurrence of the events slightly different .. but other than that there are some small changes with character specifics that aren't really worth mentioning in detail here.
Does Finn lose his arm in this AU?
Short answer, yes. Long answer, I do feel it's important to Finn's character and arc that he loses his arm, however the basis of the AU is the gang having fun and I didn't want to make it too angsty. Also, Finn is only 15 here and the current thought is that he won't lose his arm until he's older, around age 17 like in the show.
About me:
Hiya my main is @mispelled and Adventure Time has become really special and close to my heart recently, I know I'm late and the fandom is pretty much dead but. I don't really care, I'm gonna have fun anyway :)
Primary characters:
Finn, Jake, Bonnibel Bubblegum, Marceline, Phoebe/Flame Princess, Fern,
Secondary characters:
Simon Petrikov/Ice King, Peppermint Butler, BMO, Neptr, LSP, Susan Strong, Frieda, Tiffany Oiler, Cadebra, Spader, Blaine, Huntress Wizard, Betty Grof, Prismo, Lady Rainicorn, Kim kil whan, Charlie, Viola, Jake Jr, T.V.,
Characters that I've included but aren't really part of anything important:
Jermaine, Sweet P, Tree Trunks, Mr Pig, Aunt Lolly, Uncle Gumbald, Cousin Chicle, Neddy, Earl Lemongrab, Lemonhope, Gunther, Martin Mertens, Minerva Campbell, Hunson Abadeer, Joshua, Margaret, Billy, Canyon
(warning: this is going to be very long. You've been warned)
Character Specifics
Finn Mertens (he/him), 15. Idiot teenager who lives in the treehouse in Jake and Lady's backyard. Jake often sleeps there too because Finn will sometimes get nightmares. Likes plants. Favorite color is blue. Aro ace. Finn and Phoebe dated for a bit and then had a fight and broke up, didn't talk to each other for three months, and since then have made up, now they are besties.
Bonnibel Bubblegum (she/her), 17. Very studious, serious about her future. Favorite subjects in school are science and technology, but also enjoys home ec. Has a pet mouse named Science. Loves Marceline's songs but wouldn't admit it during the time they weren't talking. Questionable morality. Autistic and has anxiety. Favorite color is pink. Ace lesbian. Lives with her Aunt Lolly and Uncle Gumbald, cousin Chicle and foster siblings. Has a twin brother Neddy who doesn't live at home. Helps out in the candy shop most days after school
Jake Dogg (he/him), 32. Dad Humor ™. Also fart jokes. Plays the viola. Sneezes loud as heck. Gets very passionate about things he cares about. Likes going for long walks. Bisexual. Is Legit the best dad and brother ever. Loves his kids and his wife and his brothers sm!!! Isn't officially married to Lady but calls her his wife very often. Stay-at-home dad but tends to do random jobs during the day while most of the kids are at daycare/school. Finn's official best friend and bro. Fave color is yellow but dark blue is a close second
Phoebe Flame (she/her), 15. Hot temper, daddy issues. Has an older brother named Flint but isn't close with him. Found a passion in freestyle rapping and often raps with Neptr. Finn called her "flame princess" while they were dating (because of her last name and her temper) and he sometimes still uses the nickname to antagonize her. Favorite color is orange. Bisexual. Growing up her father was super overprotective and low-key abusive. She ran away from home for a bit but they made up eventually and now have a tense relationship on the mend.
Marceline Abadeer Petrikov (she/they), 18. Acts angry and punk but is actually a major softie. Writes music and takes inspiration from mitski, girl in red, chloe moriondo, cavetown and the red hot chili peppers. Had a vampire phase in middle school and still has a soft spot for YA novels. Favorite color is red. Bisexual. Has played in a band but has come to realize she prefers writing alone. Has insomnia which is when she writes her songs. Ambidextrous, which explains her ability to play bass with both hands.
Simon Petrikov (he/him), 58. Former Professor of Archaeology. Likes penguins. Plays the drums. Getting over a mental breakdown involving amnesia
Fern Campbell (he/they) 15. Finn's lil brother. Only reconnected with Finn recently because neither of them knew the other existed. Autistic. Nonbinary. Has a lot of angst™. Feels like he needs to one-up Finn at all times and live up to his reputation. Questionable morality and anger issues. Has a green thumb and really likes plants. Favorite color is green.
BMO Dogg-Rainicorn (he/they/she), 5. Adopted kid of the Dogg-Rainicorn family. Very imaginative, likes to play pretend. Has an imaginary friend, "Football", and plays soccer in an after school program. Is in Lady's first grade class
Pepper Mint Butler (he/they), 6. Very smart (especially for his age). Likes to use big words and will sometimes swear. He's That Weird Kid who knows random facts about creepy things. Plays DnD. Draws comics (which the rest of the cast likes to read and discuss at length). Lives at the Gumbald Foster Home. Is in Lady's first grade class.
Neptr Dogg-Rainicorn (he/him),11. Adopted kid of the Dogg-Rainicorn family. Super smart. Small for his age and uses a wheelchair most of the time. Loves pie and is in Tree Trunk's good books, often hangs out at her pie shop. Beatboxes with Phoebe.
Lady Rainicorn (she/her) 31. Works as a first grade teacher during the day. Mother of seven. Such a good mom and teacher. Speaks Korean at home, but English while teaching. Pansexual. Best friends with Bonnie and they'll sometimes get together to talk shit and eat junk food.
Charlie Dogg-Rainicorn (she/her), 6. Likes witchy stuff, mythology and tarot cards. Twin to Jake Jr. Is in Lady's first grade class
Jake Jr Dogg-Rainicorn (she/they),6. Daddy's girl. Twin to Charlie. Is in Lady's first grade class
T.V. Dogg-Rainicorn (he/him), 4. In the same dare care as Sweet P
Viola Dogg-Rainicorn (she/her),2. Very sweet, wants to be an actress.
Kim Kil Whan Dogg-Rainicorn (he/him),6 mon. Literal baby
LSP (she/her), 16. High school junior. Gossip girl. Often acts low-key bratty, sassy, attention-seeking and willfully ignorant, and enjoys texting on her phone but actually has depth that she doesn't like to show on the outside. Marceline's insider informer
Frieda (they/she), 27. Very open to different things, likes trying new hobbies. Always working on a different project. Very involved with helping Susan and has become a regular visitor at the Amnesiac Support Group. Sapphic and in a relationship with Susan
Susan Strong (she/her), 27. Super loyal and has strong intuition about who to trust. Likes picking people up. Has a golden retriever personality. After a fight with Frieda as teenagers, she stalked off and was involved in a car accident, leaving her with amnesia and aphasia. Subsequently ended up in the same ward as Simon and after a whole bunch of shenanigans was able to reconnect with Frieda several years afterwards. Hasn't recovered her memories but has strong feelings of intuition and remembers knowing Frieda from before. Sapphic and in a relationship with Frieda.
Cadebra Daniels (she/her), 6. Pep's #1 best friend (but he'll deny it). Loves sleight of hand magic. Super hyper and has ADHD. Is in Lady's first grade class
Tiffany Oiler (he/they/she), 23. Plays the viola. Old friends with Jake who acted as an older brother figure until Finn came along. Has a mini rivalry with Finn about being Jake's bestfriend/brother. Has soon come to respect Finn and now they get along, if somewhat grudgingly. Has been adopted by Joshua and Margaret Dogg
Blaine Jay (they/them), 6. Spader's best friend. Has become grudging friends with Pep and Cadebra, and often feels like they need to earn Spader's attention. Is in Lady's first grade class
Spader Petersen (he/him) 7. Frenemies with Pep. Used to be really stuck up but has taken it down a notch since then. Has sensory issues with noise so he almost always wears noise cancelling earphones. Carries around a rock named Larry. Is in Lady's first grade class
Betty Grof (she/her), 54. Simon's fiance and Marceline's mother figure.
Huntress Wizard (they/she), 16. The emo/scene kid at high school who has a mutual platonic crush on Finn. She ends up bonding with Fern after they realize how much they have in common. Aro
Prismo (they/he), 33. Fashion designer, has his own homemade pickle brand, "Prismo's Homemade Artisanal Pickles". Plays the banjo. Best friends with Jake from their college days when they dated. Pansexual. Somehow always has an answer to every question, though it's not always correct. Will often get the gang to model his clothes for his brand
Jermaine Dogg (he/him), 34. Jake's biological brother, Finn and Tiffany's adopted brother. Artist and keeper of family heirlooms.
Mr Pig (he/him), 64. Married to Tree Trunks, Sweet P's adopted father
Tree Trunks (she/her), 65. Pie shop owner and Sweet P's adopted mother
Punchy Gumbald (he/him), 43. Bonnie's uncle. Runs a collective foster home and small candy store, "Candy Kingdom". Husband to Lolly, father to Chicle
Sweet Pig-Trunks/Sweet P (he/him), 3. Adopted kid of the Pig-Trunks family. Has nightmares. In the same dare care as Viola
Chicle "Crunchy" Gumbald (they/he), 19. Bonnie's cousin. Six foot four. Self conscious about his laugh. "The funny one™". Away at college most of the time, doesn't always feel comfortable being at home with the foster kids.
Lolly Manfried Gumbald (she/he), 42. Bonnie's aunt. Runs a collective foster home and small candy store, "Candy Kingdom". Wife to Punchy, mother to Chicle
Hope Lemongrab (he/him) 11. Earl's little brother. Foster kid of the Gumbald Foster Home.
Earl Lemongrab (he/him) 16. Autistic. Foster kid of the Gumbald Foster Home. Needs glasses but never wears them.
Martin Mertens (he/him) 40. Finn and Fern's scumbag biological dad. Con artist. Has brain damage.
Neddy Bubblegum (he/him), 17. Bonnie's twin brother. Autistic. Currently residing at a separate care facility
Hunson Abadeer (he/him), 50. Marceline's scumbag biological dad. Business man™.
Minerva Campbell (she/her) 39. Finn and Fern's biological mother. Doctor.
Margaret Dogg (she/her) 63. Jake, Jermaine, Finn and Tiffany's mom. Runs a detective firm with Joshua, her husband.
Joshua Dogg (he/him) 62. Jake, Jermaine, Finn and Tiffany's dad. Runs a detective firm with Margaret, his wife.
Billy (he/him) 35. Finn's celebrity crush
Ok phew that's over for now
Specific Situational things that are important:
Canyon (she/they) 33. Billy's girlfriend
Finn and Fern were born to Minerva (doctor) and Martin (former con artist) Mertens. Incident happened where Martin and Finn were confronted by Marten's past clients (people he'd cheated), they ended up running. Finn was found and adopted by the Dogg family, Fern grew up alone with his mother who never told him about his brother. Martin returned to his con artist ways. Minerva tried to search for her missing family but never found them, and tried to move on with her life.
The Mertens
Finn and Fern didn't know the other existed, being separated as babies. They eventually met by accident when they bumped into each other at [an event]. After the fact, Fern took matters into his own hands and stalked Finn down via the internet.
Mertens brothers reunion
Joshua and Margaret Dogg run a private detective investigation firm. They have four children- Jacob, Jermaine, Tiffany Oiler and Finn Mertens
The Doggs
Jake and Lady are not officially married but live as if they are. They have five biological children, Kim Kil Whan, Charlie, Viola, Jake Jr and T.V., as well as adopted children BMO and Neptr. Finn lives with them, usually opting to stay in the tree house. Jake is a stay-at-home dad but tends to do random jobs during the day while most of the kids are at daycare/school. Lady works as a first grade teacher
The Dogg-Rainicorns
Punchy and Lolly run a collective home where they care for foster children. Some of the residents of the home include Pep, Earl and Hope Lemongrab, Bonnie and (formerly) Marceline. The Gumbalds also own a small candy store called "Candy Kingdom" where the kids will help out after school.
The Gumbald Foster Home
After Marceline's mother died, Simon, who was a close friend of Marcy's mom, took her in as his own. Marceline lived with Simon and Betty, his fiance, until soon after taking her in, Simon began experiencing a mental breakdown/psychotic episode that lasted a couple months, and is still recovering. Betty attempted to reunite Marceline and Hunson Abadeer, who wasn't interested in raising his kid. After the attempt ended in disaster, Betty was unable to care for Marcy and longer and she was transferred to the Gumbald Foster Home while Simon was committed to a psychiatric ward. Only when Simon was on the road to recovery and was released from the hospital did Marceline return to living with him and Betty.
The Simon/Marceline relationship
Simon had a mental breakdown/psychotic episode which ultimately resulted in dissociative amnesia. Marceline created an insert oc for him called The Ice King to try and help them both while dealing with the situation. Simon did get professional help but the amnesia remained for quite a while. He now attends an Amnesiac Support Group, which Susan also attends.
The Ice King Incident
Marcy and Bonnie were good friends throughout elementary school and the beginning of middle school, until they started to fall apart because of Bonnie adopting more responsibilities in her life (including helping her brother Neddy, dealing with family dynamics, the foster home, and accepting responsibilities at the candy shop) and as a result, Marcy felt ignored and left out especially because that's when she needed a friend (while going through her own issues with Simon's mental downfall). The two had a big fight and didn't talk for a few years but they're patching up their relationship and aren't dating yet, but both have feelings for each other.
Marceline/Bonnie relationship
Kara and Frieda were good friends as teenagers but after a fight, Kara stalked off and was involved in a car accident, leaving her with amnesia and aphasia. She subsequently ended up in the same ward as Simon and after a whole bunch of shenanigans involving changing her name to Susan, they were able to reconnect several years afterwards. Susan hasn't recovered her memories but has strong feelings of intuition and remembers knowing Frieda from before.
Susan/Frieda relationship
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a-tale-of-legends · 1 year
I finished the relationship post ( family guy death pose) Right now it's mostly like. Who's with who and familial stuff. A lot of uncertainties, that'll probably change in the future. But with that all said, here. I spent way longer on this than I should have ha
Prof Oak - Had a thing with Agatha sometime in the past. Most likely didn't end up together long term ( I mean obviously) and Oak married someone else. She's no longer alive, as is their child, alas.
Red - with blue
Green - unsure
Blue - with red
Daisy - probably has herself a boyfriend
Brock - focused on work, but is bi questioning ( considering dating men)
Misty - ????? She has a boyfriend in the games????? So possibly????
Surge - closeted gay man. He comes out eventually when it really sinks in how queer the league is lmao.
Erika - Happily dating/ married to her old archery partner.
Koga - has a wife that's still alive
Sabrina - Not sure how to feel about dating. Focusing on herself.
Blaine - Simply not interested in dating.
Giovanni - Gets so many bitches lmao. But is married to Ariana in this au.
Ariana - Also swimming in bitches imo. Married to Gio, had two kids that ran away from them rip. Likes getting catty with Archer lol
Pertel - unsure
Lorelei - dated a lot but doesn't get anywhere
Bruno - Isn't interested in relationships atm,but is pan ( much to people's surprise for some odd reason)
Agatha- Had a Thing with Oak once. Terrible experience never again, she's single but probably had a trail of dead husbands in her wake.
Lance - aroace, single dad of 7 ( Kanto trio, johto quartet)
Elm- Wife and two kids ( one of them being Aiko)
Silver - Bi. User to date Aiko before turning his eyes to Kenji
Falkner - Not sure if I want him and Janine to just be mlm wlm besties or an actual couple.
Bugsy - Nonbinary/Agender and waaaaaay more focused on their work with bugs than any relationship atm. ( debating if they're aroace or gay as hell)
Whitney - Gay and dating Jasmine <3
Morty - Morty/Eusine. Not sure if they are dating by the johto arc or not.
Chuck - Has a wife and maybe a kid of his own
Pryce - is a granddad himself. A widow.
Clair - unsure. Has gay aunt vibes but again. Unsure.
Proton - Gay. Gay ass man
Archer - Down bad for Giovanni, insanely jealous of Ariana……probably is Giovanni's side bitch tho lmao
Karen - Honestly, probably gets with Will and maybe Grimsley. Maybe.
Will - Same as above
Birch - has a wife and kids!
Wally- Ends up dating Jin and Kohaku after a long ass time pining.
Roxanne - Maybe with Brawly I dunno.
Brawly - Maybe with Roxanne, again dunno.
Wattson - Unsure. I think in the anime he has a son so maybe????
Flannery - Not dating anyone, but she is pretty gay
Norman - has a wife and kid
Winona - need to think about Steven-Wallacd backstory, but I am liking the idea that she used to date Wallace. Though overall, I'm unsure.
Liza and Tate - ( shrugs ) Tate, for some reason, reads me the type to get crushed easily. But outside of that, they probably don't think about dating until they're older.
Wallace - Looks above at Winona. Still, he ends up with Steven for the long term.
Juan - Single man, doesn't plan on having kids, since Wallace exists.
Phoebe - Unsure
Sidney - Unsure. Wonderful hype man tho
Glacia - Okay so. I saw one hc that Glacia was Siebold's mom and it stuck with me for so long. So I think she had a husband, that left one way or another ( either he died or she divorced him) and she's been single ever since. Her relationship with Siebold is…. complicated. Edit: Glacia is no longer Siebold's mom, rather she's his aunt and legal guardian. They're relationship is still complicated, but there's a level of care here.
Drake - Not interested in relationships
Steven - with Wallace.
Archie - after prison and a lot of therapy, I imagine he gets back with Maxie
Maxie - Same as above.
Shelly - Shelly x Courtney is an interesting ship I've seen but not sure if I want to make it canon. Shelly does get a lot of bitches tho.
Matt - Same with Matt lol. Matt x Tabitha is something I've considered but not sure on. Probably not, given how both parties are, but I'm keeping the option open.
Courtney - Look above at Shelly. Also she does have that obsession with Maxie, though I'm not sure if I want that to be familial or romantic.
Tabitha - Look above at Matt. Tabitha is. Interesting to say the least. The more I think about it, the more I think the ship I mentioned above…. probably wouldn't work. Same with Shelly and Courtney to an extent. Honestly I think he's perfectly fine being single.
Lisia - Bi bi bi, baby. If I wasn't clear, I do plan on making her and Anabel an item.
Anabel - Look above
Noland - Unsure
Greta - Unsure
Tucker - gay as all hell and has had many flings.
Lucy - Serial dater than just can't get them to stay. Probably at a point where she thinks it's better for her to just focus on herself for now.
Spenser - Has a loving wife that's still with him, even at this age.
Brandon - Single, is married to the live of adventure
Zinnia - Requires therapy and traveling around to her to really get with someone.
Prof - Rowan - single. Probably dated a bit in the past but is now married to his work.
Johanna - Not exactly divorced ( yet), but hasn't spoken to her husband in years sooooo. She's not exactly looking for someone right now.
Roark - unsure
Gardenia - unsure
Fantina - Unlike her cousin/sibling ( Tucker), Fantina does actually have a partner. And lots of fans lmao.
Wake - Unsure
Byron - Divorced, but is living happily.
Maylene- Ends up with Candice
Candice - Ends up with Maylene
Volkner - Flint duh
Aaron - Not entirely sure. Definitely queer I think.
Flint - Volkner duh
Bertha - Hmmmm. She deserves a wife. I'm giving her a wife
Lucian - I like the idea of him having feelings for Cynthia, but it's unrequited. Sorry bud.
Cynthia - Bi and has her eyes on a certain actress
Cyrus - Choosing to focus on himself before even considering any type of romantic relationship. Will combust if someone flirted with him.
Mars - Likes the idea of going on dates, never actually been on one.
Juniper - People are too scared to get close with her. Probably for good reason. Fantina is trying ( and failing ) to set her up with someone.
Saturn - Used to be hella gay for Cyrus, but now is just picking up the pieces of everything. Doesn't know how to feel about him, so he's focusing on himself and work.
Charon - No bitches
Palmer - wife and kid
Darach - far too focused on taking care of Caitlin to even consider dating.
Argenta - Wine aunt. Happily single
Thorton - aroace
Dahlia - a free spirit, so she likes having her options open.
Cheryl - Gay
Marley - Also gay. Maybe I should make the date ( shrugs)
Mira - A kid who's main concern isn't dating or noticing who she likes. As for in the future when she's older…no clue.
Buck - Has a crush on a boy on Stark mountain. Doesn't have the guts to confess ironically enough.
Riley - :)
Cedric - Divorced
Aubrey - Married to Fennel :)
Cheren - Gets with Lear*
Bianca - Gets with Roxie
Cilan - Single, too shy to really consider putting himself out there.
Chili - Aroace
Cress - Single, is looking.
Lenora - Canonically married to Hawes. Doesn't plan on having children as of now. They kinda have Cheren for that, ha.
Burgh - I'll give him a win and let him have himself a boyfriend
Elesa - Is with Skyla
Clay - I've definitely seen different takes on him. For now he's a single father of one ( Wayne)
Skyla - Dating Elesa
Brycen - This came to me out of nowhere, but he and Marshall are dating. No one knows except Alder.
Drayden - I already have him as Ingo and Emmets grandpa so, he definitely got with someone, though I think he's single now.
Marlon - Has so many bitches but is too intertwined with the ocean to notice lmao. Maybe one day.
Grimsley - I mentioned he might be a part of a polycule with Will and Karen, but like. Grimsley's a mess. He has many many failed relationships under his belt.
Shauntal - Happily single.
Caitlin - " What? No. Go away"
Marshall- As mentioned before is dating Brycen.
Alder - Widowed granddad.
N - I know he's asexual biromantic. However I'm unsure of what to define his relationship with Kamari. But for now I'll say he's single, living his best life.
Ghetsis - ….I have. No clue.
Colress - Also have no clue!
Sycamore - Has a whole Thing with Lysandre. The sap in me wants them to get back together, but alas.
Dexio - I just saw someone else do it and thought it would be fun. He ends up with Cassius.
Sina - Not sure. I don't even know if she's truly interested in anyone. Possibly aroace.
Shauna: Probably had feelings for Jude and Dante at some point. Probably over then and living her best life.
Trevor - As of Kalos arc, faaaar more focused on the pokedex. After that he probably gets with Tierno.
Tierno - Same as above except he's more focused on dancing.
Viola - *clenches fist* Viola and Perrin are so freaking cute but I don't think they fit in my timeline!!!! So sadly, Viola's gf is someone else.
Grant - Has major feelings for Siebold, but unsure if he feels the same way.
Korrina : Wants a girlfriend so bad ( another sad case of two characters being at different points in the timeline so I can't ship them within the au. This time it's Bea)
Ramos - Was married to his husband for a long time, until he unfortunately passed away. He tries not to let it get him down.
Clemont- His sister keeps trying to get him to date someone lmao. He's moreso interested in his machinery but maybe one day?
Valerie - Debating if I want her to already be with Grant and is aware of the budding feelings between him and Siebold ( it ends in a poly) or just have her single in her own world.
Olympia - Single and is completely fine with that.
Wulfric - has a wife and two kids of his own! Loves them a whole bunch.
Drasna - :)
Siebold - Has not yet realized any of his feelings lmao.
Wikstrom - He has a wife. No kids.
Malva - Messy. Loved and resented Diantha in their relationship. Wished Lysandre would stop putting Diantha on a pedestal, while alSo wishing she was on that pedestal instead. Didn't know how to feel when Diantha ended up with Cynthia.
Diantha - Tried dating a man once. A publicity stunt if anything. After that she realized she was very much a lesbian and was talking more to Miss Cynthia.
Aliana - Unsure.
Bryony - Dating celosia
Celosia - Dating Bryony
Mable - Unsure
Xerosic - lmao
Lysandre - Was with Sycamore. Was.
Kukui - Married to Burnet and ends up having a kid together. Guzma joins in a poly.
Burnet - see above.
Hau - gets with Gladion in the future
Lillie - ends up with Ames
Gladion - gets with Hau in the future
Illima - Big ass crush on Kiawe. Thinks he's being the perfect flirt. He is not.
Hala - has a wife, one son ( who left ) and of course, little Hau as his grandson.
Lana - Unsure *
Mallow - Unsure * ( might make their relationship like the anime tho)
Kiawe - Thinks Illima is kinda weird ( but does have feeling for him)
Olivia - Canonically and chronically single. Girl suffering out here.
Acerola - Unsure ( child)
Sophocles - Unsure ( child )
Molyane - Has a boyfriend of his own, both of them are nerds together.
Nanu - Meowth man. So no one.
Mina - 👍
Hapu - Unsure but she gets flustered very easily.
Wicke - Aroace, happily looking after her friends children.
Faba - No rizz at all. Bitchless.
Guzma - Ends up in a polyam relationship with Kukui and Burnet. Genuinely doesn't know how he got to that point, but he's….happier.
Plumeria - Had the hots for Ames' mom but that didn't go anywhere. Single.
Kahili - Unsure
Magnolia - Still is with her husband. Sonia is her only grandchild.
Sonia - Dating Nessa
Hop - Um. Not sure. I like Hop x Bede but also not sure of I would want it in canon. Hop is ace too, so he's not really focused on those kinds of relationships for the most part. He does get flustered easily lol.
Marnie - It takes her 5 years to get with Naomi. But they get there!
Bede- Similar to Hop. Though I'm honestly just having fun writing his platonic relationships with everyone. He did mistake his platonic feelings/friendship with Naomi for a crush but he quickly realized it wasn't the case.
Milo - Ends up with Gordie
Kabu - Uncertain only bc I like so many hcs. Like I like him and Peony together but also just him vibing by himself is fun. Also him and Melony is cute. So yeah, not sure.
Bea - Eh. She's more focused on school and martial arts to care.
Allister - Has experienced a crush before but is waaaay to shy to do anything about it. Grateful to have the crush as a friend though.
Opal - Much like Agatha, has a history of dead husbands.
Melony - Divorced and has 5 kids ( Gordud, a daughter, and then triplet sons)
Gordie - Ends up with Milo
Piers - I might change this later only bc I'm really thinking about it, but I do see him in a poly relationship with Leon and Raihan. Again might change.
Raihan - Look above. But unlike piers, him and Leon are always end game.
Leon - Again. Look above.
Rose - Had a relationship with Cassandra before realizing she was pregnant was Carol. Was pretty much married to his work after that.
Oleana - similar case to Courtney, though maybe after a lot of therapy she gets with a nice lady.
Mustard and Honey are a couple, with Hyde.
Peony - Similar case to Kabu. Not sure. He has Peonia and recently Carol so he's honestly living his best life.
Klara - Way too toxic to be in a lasting relationship atm. She probably gets better after IoA but uh. Yeah. Not a great dating life.
Avery - Probably had never dated anyone ever…..yeah I can see him and Klara getting together at some point. It is, surprisingly, pretty healthy.
Sada and Turo are, miraculously, together in this au. They're also both dead.
Clavell- Unsure, waiting for the indigo disk to come. To really make my judgement. Was planning on giving him a husband.
Nemona - Unsure. Power of friendship real tho.
Penny - Unsure. above.
Arven - Unsure, again. Look above lol.
Note: I have shipped Arven and Ramona and Nemona and Ramona before but I'm ultimately unsure if I want either to be canon.
Giacomo - Unsure ( please understand I am in shipper hell here)
Mela- Slow to any romance, due to past experiences.
Atticus - Unsure
Ortega - is only 13, and while he knows who he is, he takes much more enjoyment being around his friends.
Eri- Is with Carmen. Duh.
Okay gonna cut the single format, let's get right to the case.
Larry is Divorced…..and also has his eyes on Hassel and Brassius who are already a couple. Has not made a move and plans to never ( he fails at this btw). Giacomo is his son ( until I change my mind).
Ryme has a partner but they broke it off. She's happily single now.
Tyme is the opposite with a husband of her own.
Iono doesn't date cause that would mess with her viewers.
Katy and Saguaro seem really cute,I'm considering it.
Jacq - Single dad ( Ramona). Is unaware of a theater teacher's feelings towards him.
Geeta and Rika definitely has a Thing but neither of them really addresses it. They're in their own world.
Poppy - Just wants Larry to say he likes Hassel and Brassius already. Also thinks boys have cooties.
Grusha - Was too depressed to consider dating anyone but is coming around to the idea.
Raifort scares people away lol.
Kofu - Unsure
Tulip - Just doesn't have the time to date
( aggressively points to Luca and Kieran) Kindergarten Divorce.
Carmine - Unsure. Wouldn't be surprised if she scares some people away.
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what did you think of the izombie ending?
I thought the resolution of sticking all the zombies on a segregated island was not great, and I kinda wish blaine and don e had a better ending than just dumping them in a hole and leaving them there together, but what do you think? also if you could change the ending what you make happen instead? sorry for autismdumping izombie thoughts on you,,, have a good day !! +also sorry if you’ve already talked about this one
!! I mean, we're...I think in year 2 of my absolute hyperfixation on this show and me rambling about it so you have nothing to be sorry about!! I love talking about iZombie!! (and I don't think I've talked about the ending before bc...I only watched it one single time, went 'duly noted' and then...proceeded to care a lot more about everything that had been going on before that. So it's also that part of the show where I'm the least immersed)
(Which, in the defence of the show, isn't entirely their fault. I have a way of trying to repress the fact that my favourite shows are over by not thinking too much about the endings).
And I also know there were some budget issues, personnel issues, CW issues so I also cut the show some slack for all that stuff affecting the writing. I also think that with everything that happened since the season 3 finale and season 4 only beginning to set up New Seattle, it would definitely have taken more than season 5 to unwrap all of those plot-points in a really all-around satisfactory way. Especially since s4 also spent a significant amount of time on the whole Brother Love plot which then ended with the season finale, meaning it gives season 5 barely any material to build on BUT also stealing a lot of time they could have invested in starting to set up a satisfactory finale in s5. I heard a lot of people say that the ending was rushed ...and yeah IT WAS - but honestly, I don't see how you resolve a zombie-Seattle under the control of a mercenary army being threatened with nuclear destruction in just 12 episodes without breaking a few eggs.)
What I don't understand is that they knew they had this time problem and then...spend a lot of time introducing so many new plot points and focussing on new ideas and elements. For example, I think the whole Dead-Enders plotline was not very compelling, rushed and...I don't know, I just didn't feel particularly intrigued. Especially since it was introduced so late in the show.
Or Liv's father being Beanpole Bob - for one, I didn't really care about Liv's father up to that point bc...she never really seemed to care. I didn't even really take much notice of the fact that she didn't have a father around and it didn't feel like something we were supposed to be invested in. Honestly, up until that point, Liv didn't seem to care much about her father at all. There was no significant journey to find him, and I wished they had dedicated more time to exploring her relationships with her actual relatives and their falling-out after the season 1 finale. Maybe even really dedicate an episode just to the Moore family. Hell, give me Evan Moore as a narrator, talking about his feelings over the last few years. It would have been better if they had delved into those dynamics earlier instead of cramming them into the last season.
And perhaps this is a personal preference, but as someone who is also fatherless and okay with it, it's a bit irksome from a feminist perspective how just HAD to give us a father to Liv. It feels as though we were suddenly supposed to care deeply about the identity of our female protagonist's creator and rejoice in this revelation. Like they thought we were watching this entire show wondering desperately where Liv's father is and why she doesn't have one around. Especially since the Moore-family is very well-situated and successful and is clearly managing just fine - while the media often likes to make deadbeat dads look like a problem specific to precarious living situations. I think it would have been good to show a family that is well-off, successful without a man around and no, you don't have to ask where the father is, just be normal about it. And yes, Liv's mom is toxic in many ways - but I genuinely think that this is something that never really is resolved, for better of for worse because suddenly we have a father for Liv to care about. They spend so much time on Blaine and Angus horrible father - son dynamic that it feels a bit annoying that they never fully explored the disturbed mother - daughter dynamic between Liv and her mother.
Also, the whole twist of discovering that Liv, who became a zombie simply by being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and had no involvement in drugs or related activities, happens to have a father who was connected to the creation of the zombie virus and the Boat-Party Massacre felt just too contrived. It didn't sit well with me; it felt forced.
(sorry, I know this isn't really about the ending itself but I got carried away)
As for zombie-island - I feel like pretty much everything has already been said about the issues with that entire solution. The biggest problem I see is...with eternity. It doesn't really feel like much of a resolution to me.
Take the idea that you now have terminally ill people getting infected and living on the island. This is going to get very crowded very soon - not to mention the rise in brain demands - this would mean over time, it would really difficult to keep this place working without once again giving power to brain dealers and brain smugglers (also, again: eternity. Islands aren't exactly getting bigger these days, with the oceans rising). And if the good-will and brain donations depend on people being a lot more pro-zombie because they're helping sick people, then this sentiment can also turn sideways very quickly when they start rejecting people because they cannot feed them anymore. It would be the same problem they had in Seattle. Moods change, governments change, problems change. It feels unrealistic to me that just because there is a cure now, people are just going to be fine with this for the rest of time. (This is part of the reason why I at least made it a government secret in one of my fics)
Not to mention what it means for the main-characters. Again, this is a bit of a personal opinion but...I never really liked stagnant endings. The kind of endings that are 'well they're living in small house in the countryside now and have 5000 kids and don't work anymore'. That kind of Peter Fox Haus am See ending. Especially not if it's for all eternity. Because that's...not really a happy ending to me, unless e.g. that person was always shown to have really longed for that or maybe they spent their entire life without having peace like that. For example, Liv and Major taking care of kids together is something I enjoy because this was something they both wanted - Liv wanted kids and Major was a social worker who lost his job because of this situation. But especially Liv was always an extremely driven person - she was always in motion, always chasing that feeling of accomplishment. And a big deal in the show was her realisation that she was chasing things that weren't actually making her happy and that she wasn't doing what she did because she believed in it. She had to learn to do what she thought was right and important over what others thought was right and important. She had to learn that she wasn't taking the time to rest and look around and take in the sights and live.(In fact, one of the many things I consider zombism to be a metaphor is - at least in the early days - Liv suffering from burn-out). And the ending feels like it's going into the opposite extreme and I don't think she would be happy, spending literal eternity living in secret on an island. Like...what's going to happen to her? It still hasn't really been answered.
(don't get me wrong! I'm excited that Major apparently got to live his dream of building outdoor furniture like he said in season 1).
The problem was never that Liv WAS a driven person or active person - the problem was that she applied it to the wrong things in the wrong measures. Her drive is one of her best traits and while she certainly deserves a few decades of peace and vacation and relaxation after all the events of the last 5 years, I don't think that would work for her for the rest of eternity. What will become of her? That question still hasn't been fully answered for me. The lives of the other main characters went on. I like that - even though I'm a bit sad that their group is kind of separated now and to be back together, they also have to live in stagnation.
So yeah, this is kind of my biggest reason why I'm not over the moon enthusiastic about the ending. I'm also not like...super-angry about it but I'm also not thrilled. It just wasn't one of those endings that are brilliant, for me. It's just...an ending.
As for Blaine and Don E:
Honestly, I'm going to out myself here ... I think it's a fitting ending for them. On the one hand, I think it is intentionally a somewhat ambiguous ending. Blaine and Don E were fan-favourite characters but they were also pretty awful people AND especially Blaine also had some parts of the audience that really, really hated him - so it's a bit hard to find an ending for those two that works for everyone (and I mean, this one also clearly doesn't work for everyone).
But...the well-ending, even more so than the zombie-island ending, leaves room for speculation. Maybe they're down there for the rest of time, going Romero. (something that would be a giant fucking biohazard btw). Maybe the main gang just leaves them down there long enough to scare the shit out of them, before having someone fish them out, cure them and put them in prison. Maybe they climb out on their own (they're not weighed down like Angus was and it IS a pretty narrow well) and kill each other. Maybe they escape and play some Catch Me If You can and finally make up again. Maybe one of them kills the other and gets away, maybe they both kill each other, or maybe they were killed by the fall. The opportunities are basically endless so everyone gets to have their cake and eat it.
Another reason I'm fine with the well-ending is that I'm a bit obsessive about the symbolism of the well (I'm going to make a really long post about this one of these days and will be legally declared insane) but long story really, really short: I think the well is a symbol of how Blaine never managed to truly define himself outside of his own upbringing and trauma. Despite how much he resents Angus, he also defines his own worth by the way Angus defined his (lack of) worth as a son: Angus is all about power, selfishness, capitalism, how feelings and compassion are weak and pathetic etc. Après moi le déluge. And his entire life, Blaine ran after those values, trying to accomplish something in this framework. His efforts to do something else were very brief and dishonest (like the amnesia-thing where he tried to live a lie with Peyton).
His only idea of changing was being seen differently by others - but never to actually work on himself. He could never bring himself to commit to the idea that if his father is such a horrible person it doesn't matter if he thinks that Blaine is a failure - that it is, in fact, a badge of honour for a guy like Angus to consider him a failure. (I think this is at least partially because Angus is the only person left from Blaine's childhood. He could never even really bring himself to kill him, he just freezes him or dangles him in a well and talks to him).
Blaine never found friends of his own other than Don E, never went to therapy, he could easily have moved to a new city, found a job there, gotten married to someone or done whatever the hell he wanted with his life that WASN’T mass-murder and become a fully self-actualised person. And sure, he would probably always have carried that trauma and pain with him - but we can't change the pain we carry within us. But we can do is decide whether we're going to do something about it and grow - or whether we're always going to venerate what was done to us and try to climb into a shell to keep that from happening again. A very important aspect of Blaine's storyline was always that he felt entitled to act the way he does in order to get rich and reclaim the privilege he was born into and that he feels he's owed. And for me, the well and his relationship with it, his talking to the well, throwing his father in there (even instead of killing him!) really symbolises how much he's a prisoner of his own pain and of his own stunted self-image and that's why in the end - he ends up being devoured wholly by the well. The more unhinged he becomes, the more he becomes part of the well.
And...as for Don E - and I know this is probably the even more controversial point bc I know a lot of people wanted a redemption arc for him: As it stands, I'm also fine with him going down the well. The reason I stand with that is specifically the exchange he had with Peyton when he found out that Blaine had killed Darcy - he was absolutely fine, even amused with everything Blaine did UNTIL he learnt that it affected him this time. His response to learning that Blaine had killed some girl was literally "well we all have our hobbies". And that's really always been his thing, honestly. Yes, he did less genuinely awful things than Blaine - but he also never really spoke up against them. He was always happy to profit from Blaine's bullshit and sit on the bandwagon as long as it got him forward. So him getting the same ending even if he's not directly as bad as Blaine - I feel fine with it.
Now, mind you, I'm not entirely against Blaine and/or Don E getting a redemption arc if it had been done right (and it would have had to be done early enough). However, in Don E's case, it would have required more than just falling in love and caring deeply about another person like he did with Darcy. I think it should have required some initiative regarding something that isn't just him protecting something or avenging something or someone he cares about.
I understand that many people view Blaine as beyond redemption, but honestly, the point of no return for me would have been if he had simply become friends with the main gang, especially if someone like Peyton or another female character did all the work to fix him (as he intended with the amnesia arc). If he had shown personal growth and started establishing moral boundaries on his own at some point and chosen something like compassion or idealism or morality over profit and personal power, and if it had been handled intelligently and with care, I would have been okay with that. Nevertheless, I'm not upset or saddened that they didn't go that route, because it's a delicate matter that could have easily gone awry, and I prefer him not being redeemed over a poorly executed redemption arc that mishandles his character.
Things that I would change:
Small thing I think about a lot: I would have made Al Bronson the relative or former teacher or friend or maybe a girlfriend (I guess she's a little too old for that) of one the kids Blaine killed in season 1. I liked that he got his comeuppance for what he did to those kids and that he got outed as a child murderer but I feel like the fact that she's the niece of Mr Boss cheapens it a little. For one: Al Bronson is the one who manages what no one else previously could do - she really brought down Blaine. This would be a lot cooler if she was e.g. the sister of one of the kids from season 1. By making her Mr Boss niece, her accomplishment kind of falls onto a male character and Blaine's punishment suddenly becomes more about the gang war he started in season 2 rather than the kids he exploited in season 1. He openly admits that he killed those kids because no one was going to notice or care or investigate for long - so someone genuinely caring about them and THIS causing Blaine's fall would have been great. But now it's just...part of another scheme in the endless scheme-war these guys got goingand Mr Boss gets away with everything and doesn't receive his due punishment despite also being pretty awful.
In the grand scheme, I would have avoided introducing so many new things in the finale, like the Dead-Enders.
I wouldn't have introduced Liv's dad. I genuinely don't care about meeting Liv's dad. Instead, I would have wanted more episode with her established family.
I really didn't like that they killed Michelle
maybe an ending where the main gang is a bit closer together
and I mean, if I had all the power ever to make changes, I'd have...maybe dropped a few cases of the week in order to stretch the resolution over a few more episodes.
Heck, if I had all the powers in the world ever (and budget, I'd just have made a season 6)
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