#// gdi Shiro lmao
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kaito-yuki · 11 months ago
// Underground Arena [Kaito & Zayne] - Part 3
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“I see, then there’s a chance I might have a bounty myself. I have made a lot of enemies,” Kaito replied with realisation, because he did take quests involving dark guilds when he could so the others would not need to. “Don’t worry about it, Zayne,”
“I actually did something similar in the past, and some others had to bail me out,” he admitted, trying to offer some comfort. “But I learned a lot from that, and you will too from this. Then one day you will look back at this not as failure, but as experience.”
“Others that had to bail you out including myself, this situation now is probably karma for that too!” Shiro the Exceed was now lecturing Kaito as well, but he knew better than to whine more.
“In the worst case that we are forced to fight each other, let’s give them a good show while holding back as much as we can. Do you get my drift?” Kaito suggested towards Zayne, preparing them both just in case. Their priority was always to escape, and keeping this between them enabled them to conserve their magic to do so. So Kaito patiently waited, strategizing with himself while they still had a chance to.
Kaito may not have known it, but Zayne was internally criticizing himself. Getting caught like this, getting his guildmate/friend caught up in an attempt to help, he just hated getting beaten or involving others. But he swallowed his pride and sighed before leaning on his door more, looking in the corners to make sure no passing guards could hear them. “This place is one of the hives Underworld Dark Guilds like to get together. Not for business really… but for sport. They capture people who have bounties and lock them up here, forcing them to fight against their cronies.” He said with an aggrevated tone. “Guess even after I joined the guild, my bounty from when I was a freelancer is still up for grabs. Or at least, fulfilled.” He turned his head towards the cell that he heard Kaito and Shiro from. “Sorry I got you caught up in this. But I’m warning you right now Kaito. I think we’re next on the list for whatever they have above us. I heard some guards talking about fighters. Professional ones, along with higher ups in the underworld guilds making appearances. We have to find a way out. And fast.”
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void-tiger · 3 years ago
Even if!! they did “black paladin Keith” well I’d still hate it because:
-Shiro is so intrinsic to the Plot and Themes, and Black Lion/Black Paladinship to Shiro
-Red Lion/Red Paladinship suits Keith so well
-ALL the initial Lions&Paladins suited the characters well while still having plenty of room for these characters to grow and have their initial roles continue to suit them Better
And no. No I won’t ever be “over it.”
#tiger’s roar#vld salt#anti monsantos#bp shiro#red paladin keith#lions&paladins#…look I KNOW we’ve already gone over Why It’s A BAD IDEA but#gdi. I still just want to see things rebooted from s2+#take SOME of the ideas from s3 to 5 that were actually viable with faaaar better/consistant/compassionate writing#and do them WELL. as actual canon. vs fanon fixits#so like. no lionswamp except to show them Uncomfortable and Grieving. they ‘adjust’ but they’re far better once in their s1&2 roles#fully commit to lotor and team sincline as Dark Voltron and/or morally grey (with frenemies or Actual Atonment)#NO GENOCIDE COLONY. NO BLOWN UP CASTLE. NO ATLAS. NO CLONE MURDER#let. clone!shiro/jiro. exist. and. thrive. with. team. voltron.#and IF shiro vanishes…bring him tf back by the end of 3&4 and BACK in BL#[laughs sardonically] Keef GONE did what ‘shiro gone~’ was supposed to do LMAO.#the clone was a faaaar better black pilot/leader than keef ever tried to be#(while still being not as great as shiro. so it could’ve been Yes! Shiro’s Back! with errybody back in s1 lions and breathing again)#(and hell. if Keef Still AWOL ‘cause Blades Cooler (but sooooo toxic OMG)#(then like. Jiro in RedLion with Shiro in BlackLion would’ve#(1) let Jiro grow and explore his own personality (he’s a planner but also very impulsive when hotheaded)#(2) shown Jiro as better than Lance in RL as Lance is best in BluL while shiro’s better in BL than jiro was in BL. forshadow his own skills#(3) help Jiro make his own path aswellas make Keith ATONE for leaving the Team. earn back their trust and his place#(4) finally show Allura Jiro and Coran comfortable in their own skins and kicking somuchass in the Castle/as commanders vs field captains#just…it could’ve all worked!! the pieces were all THERE!!!
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(cc) Shanks: So while I was out with Ryoko, she sprained her ankle and I caught her, like the princely gentlemen that I am! She was blushing really hard too, you got competition now Kaito!
(RPH) Kaito: But Ryoko’s ankle is fine, Captain. Are you sure you weren’t drunk or dreaming of such a fantasy?
(cc) Shanks: But! -Ryoko agrees with Kaito- No way T_T
-it really happened, but he has no solid proof, lmao-
(RHP) Kaito: -thanks Shanks (for it) weeks later-
(cc) Yassop: Uh, Captain looks like he hasn’t slept for days.
(Mink) Shiro: Yeah, Kaito thanked him for something and won’t tell him what it is, so he’s losing sleep trying to figure it out.
(RHP) Kaito: -feels bad- Hm, maybe I should tell him.
// inspired by - headcanons with @nephytale
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cc-gray-fullbuster · 3 years ago
Shiro Ship Show [Starlights of GraLu]
// with @ofstowaways​
(Exceed) Shiro: -on the lacrima radio- Welcome to the Shiro Show! In this segment, we will be going through our most popular ships!
Firstly we have Gray x Lucy, GraLu! Man were they trending when they came out, you should see all the fan messages left on Lucy’s window!
Also NaLu and LaxLu, but multi-ship’s a whole other dimension!
And last and certainly not least, Jellal x Erza - Jerza!
When will they finally kiss? Please text/call this number to place your bets!
ofstowaways answered:
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" i'm going to kill him, gray. "
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“Well not if Erza kills him first, jeez..." Gray replied with a sigh. “And Natsu too for that matter, did you know he lost all his money from our last job betting that Jerza would kiss yesterday?”
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cc-fairytail-s-class-men · 4 years ago
(Exceed) Shiro: Alright, now to (Tumblr) send off my bestie @riverofsymphony
-teleports Gray, Gajeel, and Jellal onto a sinking boat-
(cc) Gajeel: Hey! What happened? Why are we here?! Is this Frosty’s damn cat’s doing again?!
(cc) Gray: Jeez, wait is he seriously playing that violin piece from the Titanic? 
(cc) Gajeel: Do something already! I’m gonna rust and die at this rate!
(cc) Jellal: Why am I not surprised? Let’s go, Gray.
(cc) Gray: Yeah! Ice Make: Ocean!
(cc) Jellal: Meteor! -grabs Gray & Gajeel and flies back to Fairy Tail-
(Exceed) Shiro: Damn it you guys, you’re ruining my (joke) sendoff!
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kenta-koma · 5 years ago
I know I don’t have to say much, but damn it are you one of the best RP partners I have ever had! You have helped me and my muses grow and expand so very much, and we have grown so close as friends, I can’t express how lucky I am to have you in my life. Here’s to another year of amazing RPs! And hopefully I can get back into the swing of RPing. 😂🤣💜
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(mun) Kenta: GDI Megs, right back at you! You also helped me and my muses grow beyond my expectations, and made Tumblr so much fun! I am so glad to call you one of my best friends on here, and yes to another year of amazing RPs!
(FT) Kaito: We are still waiting on your post for the wedding RP…
(mun) Kenta: Kaito, I’m working on it! Me and my muses shall wait patiently for your gracious return to your RPing prime, except Shiro who thinks this is a cheap way to get out of his shenanigans lmao.
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hamstermastersamster · 7 years ago
Aww man, Voltron S7. General SPOILERY observations under the cut:
- 13 EPISODES AAAAAAAAAA - I binged them all in one stretch and I’m not even sorry.
- Oh, Dreamworks. You were so close. But it still counts as Bury Your Gays if you kinda split them up before you kill one of them :’( Disappointed.
- Once I caught wind of that Shiro revelation I was really looking forward to a good feelsy reunion once they reached earth and it was totally denied. We don’t even get to know more about this relationship, or what Adam was like as a person, or how he felt after Shiro took off for that last time and then was reported dead. These missing holes are always so frustratiiiiing grrrrrrr!
- Please for the love of god now hook Shiro up with some cute garrison officer or resistance fighter between seasons. Let him rest, let him love.
- I enjoyed seeing the brotherhood between Shiro and Keith develop in ep 1, but the other revelation about Shiro being chronically ill (I feel you, bro) was really odd. I’m all for characters with chronic illnesses that they just gotta Deal With but this disease has literally never been mentioned or its impact seen ever again. Not throughout the entire season, nor ever referenced by Shiro and Keith in seasons prior. Did the galra cloning process eradicate it? Is it just gone now? All the physical stuff he’s done right up until the final episode, he still seems at pretty peak condition to me!
Of course, maybe he’s just a Chronic Illness Icon and extremely good at pretending to be abled. God knows the poor dude has got enough else going on visibly (PTSD, amputated arm . . .), maybe he just told his invisible illness to piss off and deals with it without mentioning it ever (life goals right there).
Whatever, it’s weird. Chronic illnesses are called that for a reason - pls don’t drop ‘em in and then forget they exist.
- I think that intro threw me off ‘cause the season intro felt slow to me, without providing the meaningful post-S6 character moments I think we all wanted (or I wanted?). I wanted Shiro team hugs, to hear his feelings about Kuron beyond that, granted, hilarious one liner about his evil clone, to see if HE WAS OKAY MENTALLY but, as Romelle kindly points out, we all just move on again. There were 13 eps this season, there was room for this important shit!
- Okay, I laughed a lot at the obligatory comedy episode this season. Parody!Lotor made me piss myself and I never want to see blushing Haggar again.
- Zethrid/Ezor shippers, do your thing. I was glad to see Lotor’s generals get some much needed time for their characters to shine.
- Feels latched onto me from the lost in space ep and never really let me go from there. Until that point I was feeling like I could maybe watch this season in a few sittings. But team bonding is my jive, and . . .
- POST-APOCALYPSE EARTH IS ALSO MY SUPER JIVE OH SHIT. It’s like they knew what was in my heart. Everyone who knows me knows that I live for this crap and I never get tired or stop feeling emotions at the sight of our civilisation in ruins and brave desperate human factions trying to correct that :’D
- At first I thought the world’s reaction to Sam’s global broadcast was so simplistically naive. Like, based on today’s situation I’m pretty sure nations would immediately accuse each other of a) lying, b) developing superweapons to bolster their own power and take over the other nations, and c) start world war 3. But Veronica later says that WW3 has already happened on this Earth, and the garrison seems to be just one site for an international military organisation, so I’m gonna assume we’re at the point of worldwide peace, an enlightened human race and international alliance, and let it slide.
- Speaking of, SO MANY GREAT MINOR CHARACTERS WTF?! The cute MFE cadets! Veronica! Resistance fighters! And the usual effortless unspoken Voltron diversity in the garrison troops and the resistance fighters is so refreshing and fills my heart with joy. Women and PoC are just allowed to exist in the Voltron world without having to justify their presence or be a plot point or serve the white dudes of the series. They can be good, bad or nothing special in between and why isn’t this the basic standard of entertainment oh my god. It makes it doubly frustrating that they didn’t give Adam his due, gdi.
- I just really enjoyed watching Earth fall to the galra and the level of detail lavished on establishing that was, for once, just right. To the point that I didn’t even realise we’d gone a few eps without seeing a single Paladin. Sam Holt’s a good egg.
- The Hunk focus was welcome. The Hunk/Keith hug gave me life. Aw, Keith. You should do the emotional support thing more often. You’re getting better at it, honey.
- In general the Paladins w/family thing was super cute and cathartic after they’ve been away from home for so long.
- Like, I know there are a couple of ‘problems’ (arguably charming characteristics) of Voltron writing, that some people can’t stand. Like overengineered space problems for the protags to overcome (it took 2 Lions like, 30 seconds to take out one cannon in the end, WHY DICK ABOUT WITH THE REFLECTOR THINGIES AT ALL), or the deus ex machina (Coran you literally FORGOT you had an all-powerful crystal hanging from your damn neck and the base got exposed for NO REASON), or extremely delayed realisations of how a problem can be overcome while the audience is literally screaming at the screen (CALL YOUR DAMN LIONS IN THE CELLS GUYS DO IT DO IT NAO).
But I can’t lie - the way these scenes always get presented on screen in this series, with that incredible soundtrack making your heart race and the constant sense of urgency and danger, it really gets my blood going. I will defend its silly space antics until the day I die.
- I’m really glad Admiral Sanda got to redeem herself. She wasn’t a bad person, just had too much pride and bad solutions to an admittedly shitty problem. 
- Man I really hope not too many garrison peeps got crushed by moving sections when the Atlas transformed, lmao
- Damn, the Atlas mecha is THICC
- Voltron needs a serious upgrade. It can’t keep scraping through fights like this and needing loads of help, surely.
- I’m so incredibly glad they didn’t end on a cliffhanger. There were moments toward the end where I couldn’t remember how many eps I had left and I kept thinking they were gonna leave us in the lurch. Thanks, Dreamworks.
- All in all, not as great as S6, but as usual I had a good time and lots of feelings and I feel good about how it ended.
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blood-red-lion · 7 years ago
Not that anyone really needs more of thissss BUUUUT it’s my blog so I’m’a do what I want. Read more for what is basically my “live blogging” season five starting with episode 2.
What the fuck is he using What the fuck is he— That looks like a BAYARD bro—
Ooooh my goooood he’s using his fathers weapon. How the fuck did we see Lotor use it before we saw Shiro use it lmaooooo
Yoooo ya’ll fuckers I love my space Legolas okay he’s a babe and he did his best and look at what he managed to do saving your asses THANKS.
Allura trying to make him feel better oMg
“Look, Prince Lotor, just hanging out on the bridge.” “That’s a thing that happens.”
“Lance this is not your call.” OUCH. Shush up. YOOOO SHIRO BACK THE FUCK UP.
And omg they’re trying to kill her fuck fuck nah she’s waking up guys let the crazy witch chill.
Ahhhhh my beautiful lovely lady generals. I love all of them. The little traitors... Is Haggar taking them in— yes she is ohhhhh my gosh. Also can we talk about how Acxa was sitting causeeeee.... lol.
Iron will to match his iron fist.... -stares at Haggar- WHAT THE FUCK IS KURON STAGE FOUR MOTHER FUCKERS.
I mean Allura is being generally nice and tolerant of Lotor like... it’s cute she’s grown so much. She’s apprehensive, fair, but she’s trying. I love her.
I’m LAUGHING that line was said by A GENERIC GENERAL?!?? Lmaoooooo. Ya’ll fuckers.
LANCE BABY ITS GONNA BE UP TO YOU ahhhh my heart guys my heart
YOOOO HE PUNCHED THAT THING INTO NONEXISTENCE ahhh my baby I can’t. Give him his boyfriend /someone/ should cuddle him.
If I don’t see Keith soon I’m gonna flip a table tho ngl.
Also yooooo Earth finally being in on the loop.
And UHM. Yeh no Lance knows. He deeeeefinitely knows. He HAS to know.
okay yeah the iron fist thing makes sense now lmao.
Fucken stupid.
-dead- WHERE IS MY SON THO?!???
OH LOOK THERE HE IS. Tiny child with his off color fanny pack.
LOTORS LITTLE SURPRISED FACE “oh-! May I, princess???” Like this babe— ahhh I love him. Soft eyes lotor is my FAVORITE thing.
Pidge: “he definitely color codes.” Omg.
Also... does lotor not realize Haggar is honerva...??? ......babies......
LOOK AT HIM HE’S SO SOFT??! I mean that was WEIRD but ahhhhhhh
Yooo Sen looks like he’s been through some SHIT.
Also that one hacker galra like “we should /not/ let them do the thing.” Clearly speaking sense I mean they’re all shitty but /clearly/ speaking sense.
YOOOO SAM JUST SAID THAT. Sam JUSTTTTT said that. Punk is such a funny thing.
Yo did Shiro like. Take a joy ride with Lotor what is this. This is not the ship I wanted. Get away from me.
Bet. He fucking did.
Keith’s fucken concern.  Jesus.
Ya know by the rules of succession, lotor killed his dad, he was next in line, like— why should he have to fight for this, he literally has both and only legitimate claims.
“I return the black lion to the galra.” Yo what.
Yo Keith almost sounded concerned for Lo too like ngl I’m gonna cling to that.
Keith trying to turn off all the bombs baby honestly just go tell them to skedaddle or something shit lmao Ya’ll bombed sacred ground. Annnnnnd Lotor is alone. Fack. Please protect my purple space Legolas.
Also. Seriously. Like. How are they supposed to pick a new ruler now? The point is for lotor to take the throne and ya know— stabilize the galra guys. Ahhhh...
More Keith plz.
Look at lotor. Still fucken finishing it. Looks so annoyed. My boy.
Archivist don’t give a fuck that his emperor is a half breed fuck all y’all.
Is that the end tho is that the end of his time in the castle ship cause I really enjoyed how he and Allura talked like please—
OH messages for their families. Yo that’s important. Lance’s—-FAMILY HAS NAMES. MARCO. LUIS. VERONICA. NAMESSSSSS.
“There is a lot of space dust in here.” “ITS FILTHY.”
LOTOR oNGHGG “Thank you for coming my friends!” BABY. Changing banners and looking all— Ahhhhhhhh I love him. Soft baby. SOFTTTT baby. Just letting them do what they want. Lil smiles. Ahhhhhhh!!!!!! “Come princess.”
WHAT IS FUN. Omg. Okay this makes sense now.
I want lotor to walk in and for pidge to have to explain they broke one of his sentries for shits and giggles
Blending too much keith. Tooooo much blending. (Also I’m still pissed about the last time you were in one of those WHAT the fuck.)
SHE HAS HIS BANGS. THIS IS NO JOKE WTF. Who the hell is Acxa then...?
Yoooo is Allura only figuring that out now?? Also can we talk about how proud Lotor is of his mama? Yeh he definitely doesn’t know Haggar is his mama well shit.
These three literally being chased by galra like its a sitcom guys poor things. Th—EY KIDNAPPED THEM AND ARE JOUSTING THEM WTF GUYS— At least they made them popsicles... Omg.
KROLIA FUCKINg— She’s also got Zethrid style hair and it’s cuteeeee af.
I like Lotor being obvious enough that allura can see him get annoyed— Allura just tried that ahhhh baby no he hates haggar.
“Wait a tick!” HIS FACE. MY SON. Hessocuteomg. And soooo into his Altean heritage that’s fucking adorable.
HE RECOGNI—- “I left you once, I’ll never leave you again.” BABY. FUCKING. BABIES.
The fucking droid. Oh my god. “Later paladudes. Weeeeeeeeeee.” This is bullshit.
“You compromised the mission!” “Keith! Shut up and listen to me!”
“I handed them over to it.” WELL. Alrighty then.
Keith gonna have a conversation with her now??? Yup there we go. Keith did you really not get it? Baby is more dense than we thought guys. Everyone go home.
“Perfect place to hide a magical world.” “Perfect place to crash and die.”
“We’re navigating by cave poetry now?”
“Lotor is sending you to your doom!”
“You need to zip it!”
Lotor stands by just :)))))))
Where is Lotor anyway?
OH GOD if he keeps those the galra are nooooot gonna be happy... also white lion legit just /chose/ Lotor guys. He’s so PROUD of himself tho look at him. Ahhh and she looks so cute too.
I don’t think kuron knows he’s kuron. I mean I never did but I’m just gonna voice that now.
Yoooo Acxa still seems loyal to lotor wtf.
LOTOR TALKING ABOUT HIS CHILDHOOD. BABY. BAAAAAAAABY. Look at his pouty face ahhhh omg they’re bonding FACK guys so ngl this was kinda my original ship when I first saw Lotor like I’m dying lmao they’re fucking adorable.
His hair floof <3
I want his markings back yo like I know they’d screw him but they looked /lovely/ on his faaaaace.
Lotor private spiritual journey.
Lotor’s approach is so funny lmao... “We come seeking knowledge!” “I /will/ know your secrets!”
Ahhhhh baby you fucked up. I hope he isn’t too upset about that. I mean that was his conditioning it’s not fair. He even /said it/. Victory or death. Poor baby.
Yeah he’s looking kinda pissy. But he seems to be trying to handle it okay. Still soft. Good soft.
—OH NO. Oh shit and that’s it.
Well. Fuck. :(
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kaito-yuki · 8 months ago
(Exceed) Shiro: -on his birthday, July 5-
-starts to parody Eminem’s Houdini [Verse 1]-
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Guess who's back, back again? Shiro's back, tell a friend
Well look what Edolas sent (What?) Little baby Exceed with the forked tongue And it's stickin' out yeah like a sore thumb (Bleah) With a forehead that it grew horns from Still a white jerk Pullin' up in the Christina to the guild hall with the Blue Pegasus chicks, in a Fairy Tail shirt
S Class Candidates, S Class Mages, you’re all light work And I don't gotta play pretend it's you I make believe And you know I'm here to stay cause me If I was to ever take a leave It would be coz Kaito’s got a feve (he freezes everything!)
If I was to ask for Juvia of the Sea Lockser if she would collab with me Would her simps fans really have a shot at a feat? I don't know but I'm glad to be Back, like
Abra-abracadabra (and for my last trick) I’m about to flap my (angelic) wings, brah Abra-abracadabra (and for my last trick) (poof) Just like that and I'm gone, bro
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sp4c3-0ddity · 7 years ago
Fresh season 4 thoughts/impressions:
so…Lion swapping. again. wyd guys
i finally got a Star Wars reference!! spoken by a character who wouldn’t know what that is, but
so Keith being absent for half the season…was like a Band-Aid for other problems the show has
speaking of…those promised Lance moments?? the Hunk moments?? kinda few and far between
…as were a lot of wholesome character interactions
wtf Lotor why didn’t you just EXPLAIN to Acxa/Ezor/Zethrid why you did that to Narti?? then that wouldn’t have happened!!
speaking of Narti, i feel like her character ended up getting…wasted?? like she could’ve done so much (especially with her ~mind powers~)
gdi Keith almost killed himself on purpose. like sacrificially
i’m so proud of Keith. becoming a leader.
so is Shiro the Real Deal or not. @ the Black Lion stop sending us mixed signals sis
(is Keith still technically a Paladin or nah)
GOD Allura being grumpy about playacting as Keith was the funniest thing this season
i like a Coran-centric episode as much as the next person, but that played out like a bad version of “The Ember Island Players”
so kallura in 4x01 anyone??
i’m also feeling the allurance but my heart still belongs to plance
…which is now up a creek without a paddle because there weren’t really any moments between them
but Pidge finally got reunited with her brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes!!!!!!!!!!
Matt Holt: humongous Nerd and Proud Older Brother. bless
i feel like the Galra drama ended up being more interesting than Voltron’s.
well, no. it was just those two rather filler episodes in the middle of the season
where. are. my. character. moments
(like, you know, bonding)
i can’t believe they haven’t come face-to-face with Lotor yet. but SOON
frog alien. dog alien. lady Galra in Zarkon’s armies issuing commands.
Pidge’s reunion with Beezer!!!
…that was an exposition-heavy penultimate episode though. @ Shiro would it kill you to be less verbose??
(don’t answer that. i don’t want you to die, Real or Clone)
…and a surprising number of obvious on-screen deaths for a kids’ show. Edgy
anyway overall i’m…slightly disappointed (i have extremely mixed feelings about the Lion Swap Part Two). but!! i trust the writers i guess. or, more than Lotor’s generals trust him lmao
(speaking of i hope that’s not the last we’ve seen of them…)
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swageki-ken · 8 years ago
Tagged by @dadpun (brother from another mother😎) Rules: Answer 20 questions and tag 20 mutuals you want to know better. ((((before we start I’m probably not gonna tag 20 people so jot that down)))) <-- leaving that in because lmao I don't have THAT many friends Name: Adeline (Leo) (had to put my real name so you understand my nicknames but I also go by both) Nickname: Dadeline, Sadeline, Probably loser, Addy Zodiac Sign: Libra Height: 5'9 last I checked Ethnicity: African American Orientation: (Peter) Pan Favorite Fruit: fuck uhhhhh pretty much all melons Favorite Season: The cold one Favorite Book: One? Hahahaaha you thought. I enjoy the Legend series, Percy Jackson series (still reading), Fahrenheit 451, The Girl Who Could Fly, gdi I know I have more but I'm not near my bookshelf to see them all and lord knows Idk off the top of my head Favorite Scent: The A/C right when the car turns on, towels that are fresh from the washer, Eucalyptus and spearmint anything, the "sleep" scent from bath and body works (lavender and chamomile I think), freshly baked cake, and of course revenge Favorite Color: Greens and Blues Favorite Animal: Manta Rays, Cats, dogs, dude fucking sea urchins, and literally so many more but imma stop Favorite Beverage: Hot chocolate but i can't have it on this diet 🙃 Hours to Sleep: about 4-6? Favorite Characters: I'm legit Gonna end up naming everyone in overwatch so let's say all of them because shit, Leo Valdez, Harry Hart, Anders from dragon age, Kylo fucking Ren, Pidge, Otabek, Shiro, Booker Dewitt, there's,,, too many Follower Number: I usually don't like saying this? Idky. It's not low,, it's not high,,, I hate that I get embarrassed by it or care about it at all so much but yea anyways here's wonderwall Blog Created At: a dark time Thanks for the tag, my dude :^) imma tag @volleydweebs, @pheonomenal, @curselikeasailorfucklikealady, @francis-bonnefoys-wife, wow all my friends were tagged in the previous post of this thanks River for stealing them (by all my friends I mean 1) you don't have to answer these if you don't want! But if you do, have fun and Godspeed
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(cc) Shanks: Kaito and Ryoko are looking for mistletoe for the ship?
I don’t buy it, I bet they’re just sneaking off to have sex again!
(Mink) Shiro: Captain, think about it, if we have mistletoe...
You can make people kiss under it whenever you want on the ship.
(cc) Shanks: You’re right, and a genius Shiro! Alrighty then!
(Mink) Shiro: -gives Kosei a ‘mission accomplished’ signal sign-
// inspired by this - with @nephytale
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cc-gray-fullbuster · 4 years ago
(Exceed) Shiro: I have a confession, I am a Granni shipper.
(cc) Natus: What’s a Granni? like short for grandma? Just say ma?
(Exceed) Shiro: Nono, it’s the ship name for Gray and Danni!
(cc) Natsu: So they have a ship called the Granni? -gets sick thinking about it-
(Exceed) Shiro: Oh they don’t, but you’ll be surprised who does.
(cc) Jellal: -over lacrima phone while in hiding- Correct, we have to change the code name for our undercover ship and the ship itself, it’s been compromised, yes by the same Exceed, I am also concerned over how he’s able to even do all this, no don’t worry, he’s not affiliated with any dark guild, but with Fairy Tail.
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cc-fairytail-s-class-men · 4 years ago
(cc) Jellal: I don’t want to rush things with Erza =/
(Exceed) Shiro: It took you years to just hold hands with her, I think we’re all going to die of old age by the time you two actually make out at this rate!
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kaito-yuki · 11 months ago
What you’re lacking
(FT) Kaito Yuki is lacking 1) a clone - “That would help me keep Shiro in check.” 2) Obama - “I don’t know who that is, you mean Ooba-san?” 3) invisibility - “That would help with undercover jobs””
(Exceed) Shiro is lacking 1) a million dollars - “Damn right I do, now buy my merch!” 2) spaghetti - “Meh, and meatballs too.” 3) a boyfriend. - “I’m not gay, you are!” -says the crossdresser-
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kaito-yuki · 11 months ago
-after (Kaito) is healed by @adelha-mathilde and co-
(Exceed) Shiro: So I have an idea...
(FT) Kaito: Shiro, no.
(Exceed) Shiro: I get Aqua to join me on OnlyCats?
(FT) Kaito: Please don’t drag them into your shenanigans
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