#// gdi Jellal lmao
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cc-fairytail-s-class-men · 3 years ago
(cc) Gray: So Jellal, did you kiss Erza yet?
(cc) Jellal: No I haven’t, why do you ask?
(cc) Gray: No reason -made a bet with Natsu, and the guild too-
-later back in the guild while Erza is out-
(cc) Natsu: I know! We just need to kidnap Jellal then almost kill him!
(cc) Gray: You idiot, Erza’s going to kill you first for the kidnapping!
// inspired by thread - with @ofstowaways
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// testing character images (and info) below - top row: icon / preview / start .jpg images - middle row: hit / block / dodge .jpg images - bottom, row: win / lose .jpg images - apparently I did a typo on ‘Affiliation’ back then gdi lmao - some images were not manually resized and got scaled down (for the game) instead, whoops!
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Natsu Series: Fairy Tail Race: Dragon Slayer Affliation: Fairy Tail Rank: Mage Intro: Natsu Dragneel: "I’m going to smoke you to a crisp! Win: Natsu Dragneel: "This is the power of a real Fairy Tail mage!" Lose: Natus Dragneel: "Damn you...." Info: Created by SpeedPhantom7 // my old AIM screen name haha RP: Natsu Dragneel: "Take this! Karyu no Tekken"
Code Panda’s Notes & Commentary: - Whoops, did not resize the icon =/ - the ‘RP’s used are in romaji (since I’m a sub watcher), but the skill name is in English anyway, so it shouldn’t matter (you dub watchers!)! - the image used was screen capped from Natsu’s rematch with Erigor 
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Fire Dragon's Iron Fist Type: Physical Attack Deals 5% HP damage Energy Cost: 0% Action(s): N/A Usage: 0 / 0 Cooldown: N/A
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Fire Dragon's Claw Type: Physical Attack Deals 10% HP damage Energy Cost: 5% Action(s): N/A Usage: 0 / 0 Cooldown: N/A
Code Panda’s Notes & Commentary:  - Yeeep, I did not resize this image obviously gdi lmao - the image used was screen capped from Natsu’s fight with Jellal
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kaito-yuki · 5 years ago
Shout Out Thank Yous!
Alrighty I can already tell that this is going to be a long ass post, so I’m just going to say general things here first. I will then address each mun under the Read More (there’s 20+ of you!), so search for your blog mentioned to find my message to you! 
This Fairy Tail OC blog is my 3rd most popular blog by follower count, just under my Vegeta (DBZ) blog which is popular because of the muse itself over the RPing. Kaito is the opposite, which is why I especially find it important to address and thank each and every mun who’s interacted with me through this blog. For actual posts made it is only second to my personal, which just affirms  that this blog has earned its popularity (and bronze medal) here in my opinion. 
I put in my all and beyond to this blog especially, how it’s navigated, organizing the threads and tags as much as I can so me (and you) can read back on things whenever we want, will use it as a template for my other muses/blogs too haha. Kaito (and my other OCs) have grown as characters thanks to the interactions here, especially when it comes to ships! I also have done the most mun/muse vs muse posts here (Shiro has his own tag FFS lmao), which I’m pleased that many of you are a fan of (the posts, not Shiro!) 
To all my followers, thank you for following and sticking with me, esp those from the beginning! To the other RP blogs I haven’t interacted with yet, I’d love to, especially you OCs! I want to also use this blog to advocate for other similar (OC) blogs, that they can also be great and relevant as canon ones with enough hard work!  Now onto the special thanks!
@crystaldragonslayer: Oh looks like the Queen Pixie has returned, the timing couldn’t have been better with your RP comeback! You are just one of the best RP partners out there, I am very grateful for the time and effort we combined together on our RPs/ships. Vivienne is just awesome and probably the main reason why Kaito is too, creating a OTP that deserves it’s own paragraph gdi!
+KaiVi: Kaito & Vivienne have a total of 69 threads by my count atm (I hope I miscounted lmao). I just love this OTP of ours to bits, it is a pleasure and honour working with you on them so far. I can’t wait to start exploring the next stage of their lives and beyond! You know what they say, ’First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes-”-mouth gets frozen by Kaito coz spoilers!- I’m so happy that KaVi has got at least a couple of fans too! Then there’s the AUs, and interactions with them with/and our other muses, so much to look forward to! It’s just really fun to just crossover this ship with others, with other muses ours and our RP partners! Highlights: Battle of Fairy Tail (Thread) | Song | Promo | Wedding (Art)
@starlightxveins​: I usually ship Kaito with Lucy romantically, I never would have thought they’d be the BrOTP too! Your Lucy is a delight and fun to interact with, crossing over the KaiVi, ShiroAqua, GraLu, JerZa and WendyCookies ships is just fabulous and I look forward to more of them (crack) [group] interactions lmao. Can’t wait to start on the other ships we discussed as well!
@celestial-weirdo-lucy: We may only have one thread on here, but I love it! Your Lucy is great, and it’s awesome I get to make a spin on KaiLu by having Kaito have a crush on her already lmao. Then there’s our other ships that I’m excited to develop too! Our KaiLu bodyguard AU is probably my favorite AUs which I look forward to sharing, I’m excited for our other  AUs too (like Gods and Bleach) and ships with our other muses, damn there’s lots to RP!
@celestial-keys-princess​: The Lucy that started it all, Ava you are first mun I approached in the FT RP community and became my guide to others. KaiLu is awesome and I thank you for going through plots and headcanons with me for them! Look forward to continuing their interactions when we do! 
I appreciate you also helping me expand Kaito’s Sabertooth verse with Minerva. Kaito’s ship verse with Tori is still the only one where it’s Shiro and the female teaming up against Kaito, which is so hilarious that I will keep it there lmao. Then there’s our other interactions/ships I’d be happy to get into again like Rukia/Aizen, Laxus/Tori, GraLu (with modern band AU) and Lucy/Jackal, who is atm growling at Lucy behind me because of and/or for her ear rubs lmao Highlights:  A Prayer in the Rain (Thread) | Song | KaiLu (Art/Promo)
@pitchblacksteel: Akira I just love your Gajeel, especially your ships with Lucy and Mira! I look forward to more interactions with him and muses on your multi (like Natsu and Erza!) Kaito still feels bad over the crap Shiro has dragged Gajeel (and Natsu) into lmao.
@poisonouslightslayer: Your Sting is the Sting me (and Kaito) think of whenever Sting is mentioned, you portray him with such depth, it’s really nice to read the posts I see from you! Our interactions also helped inspire me to add a Guild Master addon/verse for Kaito, would love to explore that too!
@itashiro-hitsuchiha​: Thank you for helping me expand Kaito’s Sabertooth and Kingdom Hearts verses, I look forward to continuing our threads with Harumi and Perix!
@dxvilishgrin: Our Kaiio/Mira ship started on Discord, so I’m happy we could also expand upon on it on Tumblr too! Also enjoyed the interactions with your other muses, canons and OCs alike!
@stellcrblossom: Rin I appreciate you and your OCs so much, you gave Kaito a [adoptive] daughter (Ember) and sister (Kamui), and pretty much helped extend his family and my OCs too. Also this helped me branch into going through the next generation of FT, got me working on my other ship’s children too which is appreciated! Can’t wait to RP as Issei (KaiVi’s son) when I’m done with his info! +SakuEm: Sakurai x Ember is one of my favourites and is awesome to see them upgraded to an OTP, and that we created a whole plot/saga/arc/war around Ember’s kidnapping. Can’t wait to continue that and crossover it with my other ships, it’s going to be awesome! Don’t get me started on our AUs, excited for them too! Highlights: Ember Fading (Thread) | Asterius Arc Promo & Graphic
@gureixfurubasuta: Your Gray is great, and I just love their brotherly (gay according to Shiro lmao) bond esp with their shared ties to Ul. Thank you for inspiring me to start my own Gray blog, even though it’s just so I don’t force anyone (like you) to RP Gray for Kaito, and look how that turned out haha. Your Gray (and Juvia) will always by my main for Kaito, and my Gray’s more angsty twin lmao. I’d be happy to interact more through our other muses too!
@sky-dragon-slayer-wendy: Your Wendy is so precious (and a rebel GDI lmao), I loved our thread together and would be happy to continue interactions when you’re free enough again! 
@broken-memories-and-silent-tears: Alice is great and I’m happy to crossover this with our Gralice ship, Kaito and Alice have a great sibling bond with my Gray (and Shiro) between them haha. I’d be happy to add Alice into my fan game as we discussed before way back too, esp now things are better on my end!
@imaginaryserver: Me and (my muses) miss you and your Mavis! Our Cards Against Humanity game is still a memorable time for me from way back, I’m still waiting for an artist to draw it!
@shrimps-variety-garden: I just adore your Levy and her ship with Kaito, the modern AU is especially interesting since it’s based on song lyrics haha. Looking forward to us RPing though to the endgame! Our ship also has helped me develop a more antagonistic version of my Gajeel which is awesome too.
@scythe-rps: Hiroshi is a better guy (and muse) thanks to his best friend Gyrain! it’s good that we can bring more focus onto the usually underappreciated Blue Pegasus! I look forward to when Lyon & Gyrain finally clear the air about their relationship lmao, and thanks for helping me develop Masaru more through their interactions! 
@sunaarashii: Thank you for interacting with Hiroshi, his ship with Cari is just precious with the thread we have currently, can’t wait to RP out what comes next!
@bunnysmultimuse: The thread with Sorano was fun, so I’d like to continue interactions (esp with the headcanons discussed) if you’re still up for it! That goes for Jellal with Meredy too!
@ultecr: Still have your post in my drafts, I know you said to take my time but even I know taking months is ridiculous lmao. I look forward to starting the Kaito/Ultear ship once I do reply, love your portrayal of Mavis too!
@herhorns:  I love seeing your Mira on my dash, especially her ships with Gajeel and Gray! Looking forward to interacting with Ravyn when we get to it, your art is awesome too!
@angelsoffiore: Welcome back man! Mizumi is a great OC and is why I approached you in the first place, so appreciate you still continuing our thread after so long. Hope to interact more with Mizumi, your other OCs, and your Laxus too!
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cc-gray-fullbuster · 3 years ago
My Tumbler Year in Review [2021] - Gray Fullbuster
Top 5 posts
Gray gets another fire mage to demolish his ice make buildings instead of Natsu (coz Natsu)
Gray casts Iced Shell when anything (trivially) bad happens to him
Granni be the ship name for Gray x Danni, and a real ship
Natsu barges into Lucy’s room to help her on her first job my herself but finds Gray there instead
Natsu blog hops (to Gray’s blog here) and tells another Natsu how to get more interactions (by showing up in other muses’ threads as a side muse)
Top 10 Tags
Muses: Gray, feat. Natsu (as a side muse)
Ships: Gray x Kamui
and muse crack scripts in between RPs
// Didn’t do much last year here, hope to get it more active this year!
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I posted 87 times in 2021
30 posts created (34%)
57 posts reblogged (66%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 1.9 posts.
I added 138 tags in 2021
#cc gray fullbuster (main verse) - 26 posts
#ccmuse : gray fullbuster - 20 posts
#// thanks for this! - 17 posts
#icebuster moments - 17 posts
#// sorry for the wait! - 11 posts
#rp meme - 11 posts
#ccmuse : natsu dragneel - 10 posts
#kenta scripts : muse vs muse - 9 posts
#gray x kamui - 9 posts
#frozenflcwer - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 68 characters
#ccthread : memory about their children | gray x kamui | frozenflcwer
My Top Posts in 2021
(cc) Natsu: Like I told @rebelliousshadows​’s variant of me, all you gotta do is keep showing up in other muses’ threads so you get your own!
(cc) Gray: Get off my blog Natsu! Hey, you can’t be okay with this!
(mun) Kenta: -eating popcorn- Wait what now?
// inspired by this
2 notes • Posted 2021-07-29 00:26:28 GMT
(cc) Natsu: -barges into Lucy’s room- Hey Lucy you wanna go on a job together-what the hell are you doing here Gray?!
(cc) Gray: -sitting on Lucy’s bed, smirking- Oh Lucy went out on a job by herself already this morning, maybe next time, burnout brains.
(cc) Natsu: Well I’ll just find Lucy with my nose, she’ll need my help and-
(cc) Gray: Lucy doesn’t need your help Natsu! She’s strong on her own now!
(cc) Natsu: I know that Gray! But she still might need backup!
-starts his next brawl with Gray, on Lucy’s bed-
// inspired by this
2 notes • Posted 2021-06-21 04:46:46 GMT
(Exceed) Shiro: I have a confession, I am a Granni shipper.
(cc) Natus: What’s a Granni? like short for grandma? Just say ma?
(Exceed) Shiro: Nono, it’s the ship name for Gray and Danni!
(cc) Natsu: So they have a ship called the Granni? -gets sick thinking about it-
(Exceed) Shiro: Oh they don’t, but you’ll be surprised who does.
(cc) Jellal: -over lacrima phone while in hiding- Correct, we have to change the code name for our undercover ship and the ship itself, it’s been compromised, yes by the same Exceed, I am also concerned over how he’s able to even do all this, no don’t worry, he’s not affiliated with any dark guild, but with Fairy Tail.
3 notes • Posted 2021-06-23 00:33:16 GMT
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(cc) Gray: -something minor happens, like stubbing his toe-
fuck it, ICED SHELL!
@riverofsymphony - crediting you for starting this gdi lmao
3 notes • Posted 2021-06-23 00:38:25 GMT
(cc) Natsu: Gray! I heard there was a job to burn down one of you ice make buildings, why didn’t you call me?! You got that blue fire guy from Blue Pegasus, I’d do a way better job than him!
(cc) Gray: Burn down? Don’t word it like that Natsu, I meant demolish! And I got Hiroshi to do it because unlike you, he won’t destroy everything else in the process too!
// Hiroshi is my Blue Pegasus OC who helped during the Oracion Seis Arc!
3 notes • Posted 2021-07-18 21:33:42 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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cc-fairytail-s-class-men · 2 years ago
(cc) Jellal: -is pardoned and a free man-
-still walks in to order (fast food), in his Mystogan disguise-
// inspired by this - with @heroiclegends
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cc-fairytail-s-class-men · 4 years ago
(Exceed) Shiro: Alright, now to (Tumblr) send off my bestie @riverofsymphony
-teleports Gray, Gajeel, and Jellal onto a sinking boat-
(cc) Gajeel: Hey! What happened? Why are we here?! Is this Frosty’s damn cat’s doing again?!
(cc) Gray: Jeez, wait is he seriously playing that violin piece from the Titanic? 
(cc) Gajeel: Do something already! I’m gonna rust and die at this rate!
(cc) Jellal: Why am I not surprised? Let’s go, Gray.
(cc) Gray: Yeah! Ice Make: Ocean!
(cc) Jellal: Meteor! -grabs Gray & Gajeel and flies back to Fairy Tail-
(Exceed) Shiro: Damn it you guys, you’re ruining my (joke) sendoff!
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cc-fairytail-s-class-men · 4 years ago
(cc) Jellal: I don’t want to rush things with Erza =/
(Exceed) Shiro: It took you years to just hold hands with her, I think we’re all going to die of old age by the time you two actually make out at this rate!
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cc-fairytail-s-class-men · 4 years ago
(cc) Gray: So, this guy in charge of this photoshoot is?
(cc) Natsu: -sniffs- He smells like Shiro
(FT) Kaito: He probably used transformation magic again, jeez.
(cc) Gray: -sighs- I figured as much.
// inspired by this - with @anchoredstowaways
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cc-fairytail-s-class-men · 4 years ago
(mun) Kenta: -writing up a post for Jellal-
-’Jellal’ autocorrects to ‘Jelly’- Well then...
Oh, look at you Jellal! -pinches his cheeks- You a jelly boy now! 
(cc) Jellal: Please don’t... -hides under his hood more-
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cc-fairytail-s-class-men · 4 years ago
(cc) Jellal: -whenever he eats while undercover-
(Exceed) Shiro: -appears out of nowhere- So when are you going to kiss Erza?
(cc) Jellal: !!! -drops his food/drink all over himself-
(Exceed) Shiro: Oh no, do you want me to call Erza to help you clean yourself up?
(cc) Jellal: How do you keep finding me?
// inspired by Jerza with @anchoredstowaways
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cc-fairytail-s-class-men · 4 years ago
(Exceed) Shiro: And last and not least, the Newcomer Award! I won’t go into much detail since they’re new, so congratulations, Jenni!
-Jenny from Blue Pegasus stands up-
(Exceed) Shiro: No not you, I mean the Jellal x Danni ship! Jenni!
(cc) Gray: Stop it with your stupid ship gags already Shiro!
(Exceed) Shiro: Oh shut up Gray, you got your Granni already!
Danni please get up here and get your award! Oh wait-
-hopes he invited the normal Danni and not Evil!Danni-
// inspired by this.- wth @riverofsymphony
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cc-fairytail-s-class-men · 4 years ago
-on July 6, International Kissing Day, inside a kissing booth set up in Magnolia somewhere-
(cc) Natsu: I dunno why I gotta kiss people for compensation!
(cc) Gajeel: It’s to cover the damage you cause on jobs you idiot!
(cc) Laxus: And we’re here to make sure you follow through, Natsu.
(cc) Jellal: Hm. -somehow got hired here for ‘extra security’-
(FT) Kaito: Shiro, what are you doing with this kissing booth? I don’t think it was even necessary to hire Jellal for security...
(Exceed) Shiro: Silly Kaito, of course it was necessary, now help me get Erza @anchoredstowaways to walk past the kissing booth!
(FT) Kaito: -sighs- I knew it.
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cc-fairytail-s-class-men · 4 years ago
(Exceed) Shiro: -blasting Rebecca Black’s ‘Friday’ outside mages’ homes at 5am while singing loudly- LOOKIN’ FORWARD TO THE WEEKEND, WEEKEND!
(cc) Gray: Shut the hell up Shiro! It’s 5 in the goddamn morning!
Ice Devil Slayer Mode: Super Freeze Arrow!
(cc) Freed: -soundproofed his home with runes, forgot it do it for Laxus’ home-
(cc) Laxus: -summons Raging Bolt upon Shiro, from his bed-
(cc) Jellal: -the noise exposed his hideout while working undercover-
(cc) Natsu: Wow, it’s Friday already? Awesome, thanks Shiro!
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cc-fairytail-s-class-men · 4 years ago
(Exceed) Shiro: -flies over and hands Racer a bouquet of red roses-
Okay, now give these to Jellal, he won’t even notice with your magic!
(cc) Racer: Leave it to me -one second later- Done, now pay up, cat.
// referencing this
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cc-fairytail-s-class-men · 4 years ago
Also on Kiss Day
(Exceed) Shiro: -going around playing ‘Kiss the Girl’ from the Little Mermaid with his band of singing Exceeds towards couples in his sight, and if they don’t take the hint…-
Hello? Are you deaf or something? Kiss the girl already god damn it!
(cc) Jellal: -was just walking with Erza- =/
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cc-fairytail-s-class-men · 4 years ago
Wendy: ARE YOU-
Juvia: Fucking.
Juvia: Fucking.
Wendy: IDIOT!
Levy: …What was that?
Juvia: Jellal banned Wendy from swearing, so I’m helping her out.
(cc) Gajeel: Look Wendy, I’m sorry I broke your pot plants!
(cc) Gray: Jellal’s really taking his fatherly role seriously huh
While Gajeel’s becoming that uncle that pisses everyone off, jeez.
(cc) Jellal: -might have put a swear jar in Wendy’s room too- =/
// inspired by and continued from this
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