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cc-fairytail-s-class-men · 11 months ago
// S Class Adventures [Sting & Mizumi] - Part 5
As the participants went deeper into the forest, they were faced with their worst fears, manifested from their thoughts and memories. This included another one of the trials’ participants, Toshiro Yurei, a wind mage who could transform into a white tiger.
He saw a version of himself, a mysterious bipedal white tiger beast. The worst case what if, if he could not control his instincts when transformed and attacked his friends, his version of the Dragon Slayer’s Dragon Force, but uncontrolled.
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“I doubt there is another me in here or I have a twin, so this must be some magical illusion. I hope the others notice this quickly,” he commented before he braced himself at the white tiger beast pouncing on him with a growl. It was his guess, that this was an obstacle to split up the participants.
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“In this first stage, they must conquer their fears. There are a lot of unknowns especially with S Class jobs, I want to make sure they’re mentally ready. If they can at least confront them, they’ll be on the right track to lead others too,” Sting explained to Rogue as he kept watch over the map of the trials. “Oh! Looks like some have already found the jewel’s location!”
As the water mage made his way through the forest, he couldn’t help but see something out of the corner of his eye. “Huh?” He turned, seeing nothing in sight. He was sure he was alone right now in that area. Aside from his peers being in the area. As he shrugged and turned to continue walking, he came face to face with a plant humanoid that looked strangely familiar. Almost like his older brother. “!!” With a surprised yelp, he quickly hopped back, flipping as he drew his lacrima edged blade. “You…! But… how!?”
Hiro jogged lightly along a beaten path before he saw movement and leaped up, dodging the jaws of a gigantic plant snake. “Gah…! Damn it! I hate snakes! Why did it have to be these assholes!?” He said as another one slithered up and tree near him as he dodged its strike and gave it a mean side swipe with flames on it. “Hragh!!”
Fumio stood in a tree that was remarkable tall before seeing a rather suspicious temple in the distance. “Hm… it seems that the temple down that way must be the target. I could go alone… but perhaps it’s time I end this childish game and find the others. Maybe Hitori is near-!” As he turned, the feeling of the air behind him changed directions as he followed his instincts. If he did not do that, the sharp stone blades of a humanoid arm would have kill him. As he swayed around a couple more attacks, he threw up and kick, which did not move the man. He had vines all over his body. Bark clinging to him like armor, and sharp edged stones coming out of his arms like jagged blades. It made the wind mage flinch in place before he almost dodged too late, the stone scraping his cheek before hopping back and bringing up his arms in a martial position. “Who are you?!”
Nobody had heard from Hitori after they split up. After the beasts came his way in the midst of the chaos, all anyone could hear was fighting going on, knocking over trees followed by roars mixing in pain and aggression before being silenced.
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cc-fairytail-s-class-men · 4 years ago
Happy Birthday Mizumi 2021 [Sting & Mizumi]
cc-fairytail-s-class-men Sting: "Happy Birthday Mizumi, to celebrate we're going to have a pool party!" Sting announced with a grin, showing off the birthday cake that with edible mini water park decorations on top.
angelsoffiore answered: 
Mizumi was surprised by the sudden Announcment. These past few months had been so crazy he almost forgot his own birthday. He was so moved by the fact that his friends remembered he had slight tears in his eyes while trying to keep a smile. “R-really!? Awesome! Thanks Sting... and everyone else! Pass me that cake cutter!” He said just throwing off his coat to show off the wetsuit he wore.
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“Yeah! I see you’re already ready for it!” Sting soon brought over a white knife for Mizumi to cut his cake, with the rest of the guild surrounding them too to watch. “Oh, don’t forget to make a birthday wish before the knife hits the bottom of it,” he added on. They didn’t have candles on the cake traditionally, so this was the next best thing to do instead.
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angelordemonmattersnot · 4 years ago
GAME OVER for Sapph :)
Send ‘GAME OVER’ to get a glimpse of one of the worse possible endings that can happen to my muse in their life.
/I uh...you asked for it buddy. Under read more. Angst and death warning
They had gone so far. Traveled the many worlds, struggled to survive to take down the oldest gods in the multi-verse as they destroyed everything the rag tag group of four loved dearly. All coming together to this point. They were supposed to win. They were supposed to survive this and live long lives afterwards. The bad guy never wins right? How wrong they were. Here is a place you should never challenge the elders.
It had been a blood bath. The moment they arrived, the hard work that they had put forth into righting the wrongs of these wretched beings, wasted. It didn’t matter that they had gods on their side, you mess with one to many powerful deities you were bound to get hurt or worse...dead. 
And death their was. She cradled her lovers head to her chest. Listening to him tell her one last time how much he loved her. How even in death they would never be able to part. And oh, how she craved sweet death so she might join him....and her brother and his new wife. A soul shattering scream ripped through her when he finally stopped moving. Begging him to come back to her. Wishing so dearly that they could turn back time enough that they could live being happy once more.
So lost was she that she didn’t see the ethereal beings slowly surrounding her. Not that it mattered to her. They destroyed everything she ever loved and cared for in the matter of months...a year even. A large hand came down, almost enveloping it completely before applying near crushing force pressure dragging her away from where her family lay unmoving. She couldn’t even bring herself to scream in pain. To fight back like she normally would have. To still try and stop them. Though why give them more pleasure from her tortured screams. 
“This one still is alive...”
“What should we do with this one?”
“I say we pluck her pretty little wings off and enjoy a nice meal...then crush her so there ain’t no more healing to the little abomination.”
“No....I have a better idea. We need to have a new servant after we killed our last one. Why not give her, her memories to live within.”
“Happy memories?”
“Now I never said I was going to be that nice...”
She listened to them talk about what they were going to do with her. To her horror death was not going to be awaiting her. She would not have that solace of meeting the others in the after life, at least not for a very...very long time. So she began to struggle. Maybe if she did something... put up a fight at least they would put her out of her misery. 
“Oh would you look at that. She suddenly has a little bit of spunk left in her. Quite the little spitfire she was.”
Their laughter echoed around her as she tried scratching at the hand holding her head so tightly. Screaming out as pressure was applied to her head just a little too much making her black out. When she woke, she was holding a tray, her body moving on its own as she could see what they had meant. What they were making her do. Please the gods by serving them as they sat around. But that wasn’t all... despite being able to see what she was doing, the last moments with her love, her family replayed in her head on a constant repeat. A reminder, to never go against the gods.
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sunaarashii · 5 years ago
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It wasn't uncommon for the Blue Pegasus member to go and collect fresh berries for her pastries. Especially making small strawberry tarps. She loves using the wild strawberries because she thinks it gives them more flavor. Sliding on her converse she grabbed her basket and placed the small white cloth in the basket and headed for the door. She opened the door of her small town house and headed towards the path she always took.
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 She smiled and waved to a food old folks and handed out small cookies she had in the basket to the children like she always did. Making it down the path more she hummed to herself. The small smile creeping to her lips. Sunny mornings always made her happy, especially ones where she knew the berries were right for picking. She paused for a moment hearing rustling but she ignored it since it wasn't uncommon to run into wild animals on this path. She smiled seeing the berry patch and headed over setting her basket down next to her as she reached for the ripe berry.
@angelsoffiore​ || starter
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streetwisetemptress · 4 years ago
It’s your birthday!? I’m so sorry I didn’t know until now! Happy late birthday!
//Yes, it was lol. You’re totally fine. Thank you though! I really appreciate it! :)
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kenta-koma · 5 years ago
@angelsoffiore​ said:
What is your favorite kind of magic in Fairy Tail, or anime shows in general?
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When it comes to magic in Fairy Tail it’s either (Fire) Dragon Slayer Magic or (Ice) Make Magic, coincidence or not their magic users are also my top favourite characters which I also RP lmao.
With other anime, it would be Luffy’s (Gum Gum) Devil Fruit powers from One Piece. Especially the way he adapts, enhances and improves it with other powers (and homages too) which is to me as an anime fanboy, can be very inspirational with the feels!
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thesolidscriptshrimp · 5 years ago
A New Friend
It's been a year and a half since Fairy Tail disbanded and then came back together. Things had finally settled down across Fiore and Levy was taking some much needed time to herself. There had been so much loss and heartache in such a short amount of time and she decided that it was time to get out of Magnolia and see the kingdom.
She had been making her rounds in the cities, stopping in to visit with the guilds that had helped Fairy Tail out during the war. Now, she found herself standing outside the guild hall for the Sabertooth guild. They had been instrumental in winning the war and bringing all of the dragon slayers home unharmed and she wanted to thank them in person.
Smiling to herself, Levy clasped the stap of her bag in both hands and walked inside the guild with determination. She wasnt at all surprised to see that it was just as loud and boisterous as her own guild and that caused a grin to break out across her face. After bringing herself out of her reverie, Levy began scanning the crowd for familiar faces.
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kaito-yuki · 5 years ago
Just dropping by to say how much I like Kaito and interacting with ya! We gotta plot!
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Aw, thanks man! Right back at ya, for Mizumi and your other OCs too! And yes, of course! Plotting! Especially since we finally finished our (first) thread! lmao
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texmexchexmix · 5 years ago
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Thank you @angelsoffiore for commissioning me! 
This was fun to do. We have his OC Mizumi and Juvia Lockser from Fairy Tail having a lovely night out dancing together. 
Want to commission me? Please contact me via DM here on Tumblr.
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mz-pixie · 5 years ago
Happy Birthday! 💖 Hope you have a great day! Love you! Btw the muses are sending the love as well lol
Thank you!!!!! 💜😻
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kaito-yuki · 11 months ago
// Underground Arena [Kaito & Zayne] - Part 3
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“I see, then there’s a chance I might have a bounty myself. I have made a lot of enemies,” Kaito replied with realisation, because he did take quests involving dark guilds when he could so the others would not need to. “Don’t worry about it, Zayne,”
“I actually did something similar in the past, and some others had to bail me out,” he admitted, trying to offer some comfort. “But I learned a lot from that, and you will too from this. Then one day you will look back at this not as failure, but as experience.”
“Others that had to bail you out including myself, this situation now is probably karma for that too!” Shiro the Exceed was now lecturing Kaito as well, but he knew better than to whine more.
“In the worst case that we are forced to fight each other, let’s give them a good show while holding back as much as we can. Do you get my drift?” Kaito suggested towards Zayne, preparing them both just in case. Their priority was always to escape, and keeping this between them enabled them to conserve their magic to do so. So Kaito patiently waited, strategizing with himself while they still had a chance to.
Kaito may not have known it, but Zayne was internally criticizing himself. Getting caught like this, getting his guildmate/friend caught up in an attempt to help, he just hated getting beaten or involving others. But he swallowed his pride and sighed before leaning on his door more, looking in the corners to make sure no passing guards could hear them. “This place is one of the hives Underworld Dark Guilds like to get together. Not for business really… but for sport. They capture people who have bounties and lock them up here, forcing them to fight against their cronies.” He said with an aggrevated tone. “Guess even after I joined the guild, my bounty from when I was a freelancer is still up for grabs. Or at least, fulfilled.” He turned his head towards the cell that he heard Kaito and Shiro from. “Sorry I got you caught up in this. But I’m warning you right now Kaito. I think we’re next on the list for whatever they have above us. I heard some guards talking about fighters. Professional ones, along with higher ups in the underworld guilds making appearances. We have to find a way out. And fast.”
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fierykage · 6 years ago
│ Fɪʀsᴛ Mᴇᴇᴛɪɴɢ │Aᴛᴛɪᴄᴜs ﹠ Tsᴜɴᴀᴅᴇ
Atticus felt a tap on his heel as a ball bounced off of him lightly and he caught it. He looked around and saw a group of kids looking at him, scared that they infuriated the stranger. The archangel spirit mage only smiled and calmly walked up one of the kids and tossed it to her. “Please, be more precise of your activities.” He said with a kind smile. “Go have fun, young ones!” He said as they sauntered off confused before hearing a voice behind him. He turned to see a blonde woman standing there with her green coat being the most colorful thing in the snow next to her blonde hair the blue diamond symbol on her forehead. He stood back up and turned towards her. He slowly pulled back his hood to show a tuff of long lengthened light brown hair that looked groomed and kemp. A small braid on the side with a small jewel swayed the cold breeze as he waved a smiled at the new woman in his sight. “Oh! Hello there. I’m so sorry! I’m quite knew around here in this country, so I’m not familiar with the laws. Though if you say meeting the Hokage is required, then by all means!” Atticus then happily began walking towards the Hokage with open arms in merriment. “My business is merely just taking a vacation day for myself. I’m quite interested in exploring more of your… village? It looks almost as big as Magnolia where I am from.” 
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         features softened only slightly.  with the village’s past a hokage could never be too CAUTIOUS. her former teammate had too, once presented himself as a friend face, and in turn became one of the village’s greatest enemies. trust issues were ABUNDANT among shinobi. it was a means of survival more than anything else. especially those who had been battle hardened, like tsunade. an appendage would come to rest upon a slender, yet curvaceous waist, as chestnut oculars continued to scan and inspect. that’s  o d d.  she didn’t sense any chakra pulses emitted from the taller.
perhaps he wasn’t a shinobi? at the same time—he didn’t seem powerless. there was certainly something peculiar about this stranger. tsunade PLANNED to get to the root of the mystery one way or another. pursing lips to press into a thin line, the heiress presented herself as SERIOUS—one wrong answer and he’d be on his way to the interrogation unit.
                                          “ magnolia? you need to fill out a visa. come to my office—                                               the village guards SHOULD’VE directed you there. “
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angelordemonmattersnot · 4 years ago
I followed you a long time ago because you are a genuinely nice person and a delight to talk to. I also love your art so much. It’s absolutely breathtaking to see. I love your portrayals of your characters (oc’s and all) very much. I don’t ever regret following 💖
Why did you start following me?
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/Thank you Brice! That means a lot~
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itashiro-hitsuchiha · 7 years ago
Meeting the King of Knights
Closed starter for @angelsoffiore
For the past few days there have been many rumors of a swordsman in blue wandering around in the wild. This swordsman had encountered many different kinds of bandits, monsters, and even dark guild wizards. Most of which were highly known and sought after for justice. This person had single-handedly defeated them. No one knows who this person is or what all they look like specifically. Only that they wear a blue outfit with armor and has golden hair. 
This person was none other than Artoria, who has been traveling to find someone who knew something about the Mage association or the Grail War. She found herself in a strange land upon being summoned to a strange location. What was stranger still was that there wasn’t any summoning circle in her location when she arrived. She needed to find out why she was there and what brought her there. Something just isn’t adding up and it was very concerning to her. For now she found a decent place to sleep for the night. She still had her servant enhancements and with this place being overly abundant with magic energy for her to preserve herself with she doesn’t seem in need of a master right away, but she will still need to limit her mana consumption as much as possible. For now she will have to wait until the next day to see what she could find. 
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kenta-koma · 5 years ago
@angelsoffiore​ said
#Positivity Protocol! 😄💙☀️ Send this to ten muns who you think portray their muses so damn well and are just generally awesome!
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Thank you! Right back at you man! For your awesome self, and the portrayals of your OCs and canons too!
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angelsoffiore · 5 years ago
God I would listen to this all day.)
You know what? It’s really like that sometimes.
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