#// but yeah ilu all so much
khattikeri · 7 months
one of my favorite things about mdzs is that for how heavily its plot involves politics of classism and misogyny... even the characters most directly impacted by it can't and don't free themselves from it. literally the closest exception is mianmian.
meng yao being the "son of a whore" wasn't some sort of commie awakening for him that led him to wanting everyone to be socially equal. he played the political game, climbed the ladders, sucked up to and backstabbed and murdered people, including other prostitutes who actually had nothing to do with how he and his mother were treated at the brothel he grew up in.
he put in so much extra excessive effort for even a fraction of the same respect that members of gentry cultivation clans got. and he did deserve to be treated more humanely! but he feeds into the exact same system that created him, leading to his own undoing.
his efforts were for a fragile upward mobility that was never going to hold up. he never surpassed his origins nor did he empower others in similar stations, because the society he lives in is not one that would accept that.
the second he got caught and all those crimes exposed, he was scapegoated to hell and back, replacing wei wuxian as society's terrible one-sidedly evil boogeyman overnight.
speaking of not-quite male gentry, i think it's interesting that wei wuxian explicitly doesn't try to climb the ladders in BOTH lives, knowing full well that anything he does will be punished just for the sheer fact that he is wei wuxian.
wei wuxian is scolded for giving intelligent and correct answers in school. lan wangji does the same and is praised.
wei wuxian occasionally lounges around with fellow disciples and is punished. jiang cheng does the same and mostly escapes.
wei wuxian refuses to carry his sword around in public (after losing his golden core, which nobody knows) and is scorned as an arrogant upstart. nie huaisang has been doing the EXACT SAME THING for YEARS and nobody bats an eye.
unlike jin guangyao, wei wuxian knew subconsciously from the start that his acceptance was superficial and that he could be cast out any time. when he was 10 and recently taken in by the jiangs, he canonically would not eat or use "too much" food and water because he thought they'd find him a nuisance for "wasting their things" and kick him back out.
now away from just the classism, yu ziyuan is a proud and strong noblewoman in a society that belittles and derides women for everything they do. her strong cultivation doesn't matter. she's victim to the vicious rumors of her husband loving another woman who is strong like her but apparently had a more likeable personality.
it doesn't matter even if jiang fengmian didn't cheat or that wei wuxian is wei changze's son with cangse sanren; yu ziyuan can't bear with the humiliation of herself (and by extension her children) not being "good enough". she's ridiculed for "failing" in that one duty as a wife, mother, and woman.
she lashes out and takes out that anger on everyone present for years, giving her children lasting trauma and also being a key element in how the jiang family and yunmeng jiang sect are effectively wiped out at the hands of the wen clan.
madam jin doesn't even have a name outside of the fact that she's married to jin guangshan. i don't even remember reading anything that indicates if she's a strong or weak cultivator, or what, which in itself proves that to most people, it doesn't matter. she's "just" a woman.
of course she's angry at her husband's affairs and all the bastard children they bring in. but she also can't do anything about them, so she lashes out at the few people she can: servants. non-cultivators, probably. those very same bastard children.
shoutout to meng yao getting shoved down a flight of stairs at age fourteen, because if madam jin tried that move against her husband instead, it would make her lose even more face, which as a noblewoman she'd never do.
and that's not getting into how jiang yanli is consistently sidelined for being physically weak.
that's not getting into how mianmian was actually a good cultivator, but was mocked by everyone around her for trying to stand up for wei wuxian when everyone was turning on him. how everyone scoffed at luo qingyang's words as "just some lovesick woman" who "obviously wants to marry or bed him since he saved her".
luo qingyang is the only one of these characters who HASN'T died. she didn't play society's games like jin guangyao. she didn't dig her heels in confidence of her own abilities like wei wuxian.
she didn't bitterly lash out like yu ziyuan and madam jin. she didn't gently accept it like jiang yanli.
she just LEFT.
she married an ordinary merchant and cultivates separately from mainstream cultivation society, and therein found her own peace and happiness.
mxtx doesn't bother with particularly class conscious or feminist vocabulary to hand-hold readers into understanding these disparities, but that choice highlights them & the deeply entrenched politics of their society even more. i really love it.
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cicidraws · 1 year
we got nothing in the cabinets rn
if anyone wants to, not obligated: cashapp is $CieranSpeakman
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Never thought I'd get weepy over a software presentation keynote and yet, here we are
So for those of you who don't know, I use ProCreate. It's the only art program I've touched in at least five years, and aside from brief stints in my sketchbook, I've done everything in it. The animations I've done last year and this year were all done in ProCreate, which is strictly a drawing and photo editing software and animation was kind of built in as an afterthought. As such, the animation capabilities of ProCreate are kind of... nonexistent. Clunky at best, and I had no way to add sound. And because of how ProCreate's animation worked, I couldn't do long or particularly complex animation. Which is fine, like, I'm still learning how to animate in the first place. But we really are limited by the capabilities of our tools, and as much as I love ProCreate for static art, it left a ton to be desired in the animation department.
But the team that made ProCreate just announced they've made animation software. Not "are making," have made. And it's robust. It covers everything a full animation studio would do with multiple different softwares, all in one app. I can't even begin to say how excited I am for this. And it's only $20, where equally powerful—or hell, even less powerful—desktop animation software would easily cost $500 or more.
I'm so excited! I'll finally be able to follow along in a ton of the animation lessons I own! I couldn't do that before, because of ProCreate's limitations. Mostly the lack of animation timeline and I couldn't add sound—you know, the two most vital aspects of animation. But now I'll be able to! I just have to be patient until the end of November and fork over $20. And then? Then I'll be unstoppable.
I'm gonna conquer the fucking world, y'all.
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armafidelium · 8 months
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whispers if no one's told you today i'm proud of you, you're doing an amazing job, and you're a wonderful presence i'm so happy to be around
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auroradicit · 1 year
okay so in my defense uhhhh we had our biggest biannual fundraising event at work last week and also my partner and I started seriously looking at houses so there’s been. a lot of chaos and driving. my two least favorite things.
thank u all for your patience with me!! I’m hoping to be around a bit more and also make sure to get to dms this morning/tomorrow
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dantakeyoman · 2 years
omg.. i need a pt 2 to the seeing you for the first time :") it was so well written!! maybe something where he keeps staring at her and not doing well to adapt until his parents scold him?? if ur too busy then no need obv, but yeah i like ut writing alot !! 🫶🫶
Neteyam Is Struggling In Learning The Metkayina Ways, So You Give Him Some Encouragement (SFW)
Part 2 of "Head Over Heels"
CW: simp Neteyam, touchy reader, Lo'ak and Kiri duo, annoyed Ao’nung, reader is lowkey kinda crazy lol ( but in a good way i swear ), i headcannon that the Sully kids use beads as a barter system of some sort, and the person with the most beads has the most bragging rights, which is why Lo’ak and Neteyam have so many in their hair ( they bet a lot), Kiri has a few, and Tuk has next to none ( she doesn’t really understand it, but still attempts to )
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“Neteyam, how many times have I told you? You must breathe from here, not here,” you playfully scolded, placing your hand on his chest and stomach to show how he was doing it wrong.
Neteyam’s breath hitched, already feeling his heart rate pick up.
You moved you hand from on top of his lungs, to on top of his heart, and sighed.
It was practically going a mile a minute, like every other time you had checked these past two weeks.
“And your heartbeat. You must calm down, Neteyam. Allow your mind to go blank, and your heart rate to slow.”
It had been the same shtick since the boy got here.
All of the other Sullys had taken to their lessons swimmingly, now able to keep up with Ao’nung and Tsireya.
But Neteyam was the only one that couldn’t quite get the breathing right.
When Ao’nung taught him how to ride an ilu, he got it almost immediately. It only took him two tries.
When Rotxo taught him some basic sign language, he got each gesture the moment it was shown to him.
So why was he having so much trouble when you showed him some simple breathing techniques?
Little did you know, the boy could to do the breathing perfectly fine.
Practicing in his free time, he had managed to get it on his own.
But in order to graduate from his lessons, he had to keep up the technique for 5 minutes, with you checking to make sure he maintained the proper form.
And that was the root of the problem.
In order to check, you had to touch him, feel up on his chest.
And that always sent his heart into a frenzy, making all memory of the technique go out the window.
You were just so...you.
Every time you got anywhere near him, everything about you would flood his senses.
Your smell, your voice, hell, just your aura in general. 
It would all cloud his mind, and leave him unable to think about anything else.
It was overwhelming, and made it so he couldn’t be anywhere near you unless he wanted to become a stuttering idiot.
Which was, obviously, impossible to avoid during your lessons.
How does Dad do this everyday?
Who knew having an angel could be so frustrating.
“Here,” you started, snapping him out of his thoughts. “I think I have one more way to help you get it.”
He watched you, intently, as you tied a large rock to a really long stalk of kelp, then tied it to your ankle.
Once it was secure, you gave him a warm smile, which practically turned him to putty.
“See you later,” you winked, pushing the rock in the water and jumping in after it.
Neteyam stared, confused, as he watched you sink.
What is she doing?
2 minutes go by.
Is this normal?
4 minutes go by.
Okay, something’s up.
5 minutes go by.
That’s it.
Neteyam quickly dove into the water, frantically looking around to find any sign of you.
When he couldn’t see anything, he swam deeper, turning at a large coral reef.
There was no way you could’ve disappeared. So why couldn’t he find you?
It was scaring him.
What if you drowned? What if you were attacked by a predator? What if you had been swept away by the current?
These thoughts only fueled him more. And when he made it past this giant school of fish, he saw you.
The fish had been obstructing his vision at first, but he could now see that you were floating in the water, limply, as the rock from before kept you tethered to the ground.
Without hesitation, he swam towards you, whipping out his knife and cutting off the kelp stalk, before taking you in his arms, dragging you up.
He could feel himself slowly running out of air, but he had to stay strong. He couldn’t let you drown, not like this.
Not when he could’ve saved you sooner.
“Sure, men can have angels. But only real men can protect them,” his father’s words repeated in his head, keeping him going.
He was a real man.
And he was going to be his angel’s protector.
When the two of you broke the surface, he let out a loud gasp, flopping the both of you back onto the rock, panting.
When he turned to you, you were unconscious, laying still on the stone.
“(y/n)! (y/n), are you alright?!” Neteyam frantically asked, trying to shake you awake, pressing on your chest a few times.
That seemed to do the trick because you gasped, coughing up a little bit of water as your eyes snapped open.
“For Eywa’s sake! You surely took your time,” you breathlessly laughed, looking up at the boy with a smile.
“I-...wait....YOU DID THAT ON PURPOSE?!” he exclaimed, shocked.
He was absolutely befuddled. You scared him half to death, and you did it on purpose?
“I’m sorry I tricked you. But that was the only way I could see the breathing get through your thick skull,” you apologized, giving him a little flick in his temple, making his nose twitch.
It made your smile grow.
He looked cute when he was shocked.
Without warning, he pulled you into a bone crushing hug, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
“Please don’t scare me like that ever again,” he asked, his voice quiet and slightly broken.
It made you blush, and your heart wrench, at the same time.
You hadn’t thought he cared for you that much. Not to the point where he sounded like he was on the verge of tears at your death.
It made you guilty for pulling such a cruel stunt.
But it also made you feel loved, loved in a way you had never felt love before.
“I am really sorry, Neteyam,” you apologized once more, your joking tone gone.
You wrapped your arms around his neck as he backed out the hug, keeping him close.
He expression turned confused, and you gave him a chaste kiss as an answer, making his eyes blow wide.
This was really happening. You were really holding him. You were really kissing him.
Eywa, please don’t let this be a dream.
You kept it short and sweet, long enough to let him feel your emotion, but short enough to make him want more.
When you pulled away, his lips chased you a little bit, mindlessly, and you giggled.
“Let’s take it slow, forest boy,” you smiled, placing a hand on his lips.
He nodded frantically, like a child being promised candy, and it made you burst into full laughter.
This boy made you feel happier than you had in a long time.
“C’mon, let’s go for a swim,” you suggested, moving your hand from his mouth and nodding towards the water.
“I’m in,” he smiled, staring at you with an enamored glint in his eye.
That’s when you remembered.
“Hey, if it makes you feel any better,” you started with a smirk, turning to him and resting your hands on his chest.
His breath hitched, and his heart picked up speed yet again.
You leaned into his ear, dropping your voice to a whisper.
“You passed.”
The way you said the words made a shiver go down his spine, and a warmth spread through his body, it’s origins being your hands.
You pulled back, flashing him an innocent smile as if what you did was the most natural thing in the world.
But he knew better.
You knew exactly what you were doing to him, hiding it behind that beautiful smile and those gorgeous eyes.
Little did you know that that was making you all the more enticing.
Who knew his angel could be such a little troublemaker?
bonus !!
Lo’ak, Kiri, Tuk, and Ao’nung watched you kiss Neteyam in the distance, their ilu lessons being put on hold for the spectacle.
“Look at my bro. It’s only two weeks and he’s getting some tail in,” Lo’ak smirked, setting a reminder in his head to congratulate his brother the next time he saw him. 
“You better tell him to keep his hands to himself,” Ao’nung grumbled, turning to Kiri.
He did not find the situation as amusing as Lo’ak.
“Tell her that,” Kiri playfully scoffed, watching you move your hands down to his chest.
“Are Neteyam and (y/n) mates now?” Tuk asked, tugging on Lo’ak’s arm.
“No. But it’s only a matter of time,” he shrugged, ruffling her hair.
“Hey!” Ao’nung exclaimed, shooting the boy a sharp glare.
“I’m betting a week,” Kiri smirked, crossing her arms as she turned to her brother, holding up a satchel of beads.
“I’ll take action,” he smirked back, holding up his own.
“I hate you all,” Ao’nung groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose.
But in all honesty, knowing his sister, he gave it a few days.
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byunpum · 9 months
Mama's Boy | Part 3
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Pair: Jake x neytiri x human reader (trio couple) x sully children's
Warning: Kinda sad, cozy moments, conflict.
Note:I've had so many ideas for this mini-series. Cuz yeah, now I've turned it into a mini-series xD. I think it's going to have two more parts or who knows. But thank you so much for the support, by the way I recently opened a KO-Fi…. if you want to leave any tips or support I would appreciate it (it would help me to buy real coffee xD). But still we are very close to reach my followers goal, you guys are amazing.
AVATAR MASTERLIST | Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6(final)
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You still couldn't believe you were with your family. Neteyam, kiri and tuk were helping neytiri prepare breakfast. Jake was next to you, while lo'ak had his head in your lap. The boy may have been twice your size, but he was always looking for a way to snuggle with his mother. He had his eyes closed, while you gently stroked his hair. "Looks like someone around here is falling asleep," jake says, watching as lo'ak settles more into your lap. You smile, bending a little to place a soft kiss on lo'ak's cheek. "He missed me so much, huh?" you speak, jake moves closer to you. For now he wraps his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to him. "yeah…he was hopeless" jake looks at lo'ak, he had definitely fallen asleep. "My poor beautiful baby" you speak. "You know he's all grown up" jake teases a little, but he does it with tenderness. You've always been that way with all the kids in the family. You were the mother who spoiled them.
On the other hand, you felt a little bad for lo'ak. You knew that these last few months must have been difficult for him. Of course, being away from you. The whole mess with the RDA. But the little problem between him and his father. Jake could be a little strong with lo'ak, always comparing him to neteyam. This situation had been the beginning of a few arguments between Jake and you. They never became serious and always looked for a solution. But you knew that if you were present things had to get a little out of control.
"Come here…the food is ready" says neytiri. You carefully lift lo'ak up, watching as the boy stands up and sits down. Everyone settles in together, neteyam runs as fast as he can settling in next to you. "Hey…move!!!" lo'ak pushes neteyam a little. "skxawng let me…I want to be next to mom too" neteyam and lo'ak start to fight. In a quick move you pull lo'ak's tail, dragging him hard so that he sits on your left side. "By eywa… Here's an empty space" you scold them both. Neytiri couldn't contain her laughter, they looked so cute. It had been a long time since the whole family had been together.
Breakfast was served very quickly, everyone was happy. Telling the anectodes they had lived, catching up with each other. The room was so bright and happy. It seemed as if nothing bad was happening. "mom I have to show you my ilu" says tuk excitedly. "ilu? What is that?" you ask because everything she was telling you was new to you. You had arrived in the early morning. And you hadn't left the marui at all, even jake sneaked you from the ikran to the marui. "They are a type of ikran…but aquatic" neytiri explains to you, this makes you more curious. "yessss mom you will love them, and the beaches…ahhh" kiri was so excited, planning everything she was going to do with you. But jake interrupts them for a moment, "kids…I know you are excited about your mother's arrival, but remember I still have to talk to the clan leaders" jake speaks, watching as all the family's faces changed to one of concern.
"Are they that bad?" you look at neytiri with concern. "They're not bad…tonowari is friendly and I'm sure she'll understand. But ronal…she's the problem" jake gets a little nervous, knowing he'll have to talk to them soon. "She's very problematic" neytiri says rolling her eyes back. "but mom isn't going to leave…is she?" lo'ak holds your hand tightly. "I'm going to stay?" you look at Jake, waiting for his answer. Jake caresses your face. "Of course you are…it's definite. Y/N is staying with us" jake speaks. Lo'ak moves closer to you, curling his hand between your arm. He looked like a larva next to you, and on your other side was neteyam imitating lo'ak. You squeeze their hands tighter, hoping they know you're not going anywhere.
After breakfast, neytiri insisted that you take a nap. The journey through the night and into the early morning had been a long one. So she adjusted the hammock she and Jake shared. "Here the three of us will sleep…it's very comfortable. You should get some rest," says neytiri, she was so excited about your arrival. She felt complete again. Jake completed a part of her soul, but you were her soul mate. You did everything together, the connection you two had was very special. "well you're right…I'm a little tired" you stretch out, climbing into the hammock to rest. As you were settling in, neytiri was talking to you. Until lo'ak approaches from the other side. "Mama!!!" lo'ak yells. Neytiri taps him on the head. "Be quiet…mama is going to sleep" neytiri scolds him, but you touch lo'ak's face. "What's wrong my darling?" you see lo'ak's little ears pull back.
"Then…are we going to make the bracelets we always make for my birthday?" lo'ak looks at you with wide eyes. Neytiri opens her eyes, and you look at her with concern. By your arrival they had both forgotten about the boy's birthday. "Of course we did…but mom needs to rest" you reassure the boy. Lo'ak smiles excitedly, walking away to go get everything ready for when you get up. "this day has been crazy and it's only just started" neytiri says, watching you laugh. She takes your hand and gives it a gentle kiss. "Rest" neytiri pulls away, leaving you to rest. You had to process everything that was going on, you settle a little in the hammock and close your eyes.
On the other hand, Jake had left the Marui after finishing breakfast. He was determined to do whatever it took to get you to stay with them. Jake arrived at tonowari and ronal's marui. The pair got up from the floor when they saw jake approaching. "hello…good morning" jake speaks, greeting both bosses. He felt like he was about to throw up, the matkayina clan had been so kind to them. He had recently accepted them into the clan, and now he was about to drop some big news. "How can we help you?" asks Ronal, inviting Jake to sit down. Jake sits down, placing his hands on his thigh nervously. "I came to ask you for a favor," jake says. Ronal looks quickly at his partner, tonowari signals jake to continue. "I know I haven't expressed myself honestly…but my family is bigger than you think" says jake. Tonowari now looks confused. What was this man talking about.
"I had to leave one of my children's mothers in the jungle, because it was dangerous for her to come with us. But recently I brought her here…to the clan," Jake says, swallowing hard. Jake was looking both leaders in the eye. "Another mother? How were you able to leave one of your mates? What was the reason?" asks tonowari. Jake settles back on his ankles, he was sweating a little. "The reason I couldn't bring her is that she's…she's a person from the Sky" jake speaks, there was a rather long silence for jake's liking." You're saying there's a demon living among us!!!" shouts ronal, the woman gets up from the ground. She looked upset. "No wait!!! She's harmless…I can" jake tries to explain everything, trying to make eye contact with tonowari. "Jake sully…what have you done?" tonowari looked annoyed, but calm at the same time. For some reason over the past few months the two men had become good friends. "She's the mother of my children too…I" jake is interrupted by ronal. Which was now in front of him. "How is it possible!!!?" ronal is hysterical, a demon in her clan. She couldn't allow something like that.
"Y/n…she is the mother of my third child, lo'ak. She carries, raises and is the mother of my son. I know it's crazy, but you must believe me. She won't do any harm, tonowari listen" jake tries to approach his friend. "She is part of the omaticaya clan, she is someone who has earned the trust of our clan. She is a na'vi" jake tries to speak as slowly as he can. " A na'vi…you're crazy!!!" ronal sits down next to his partner, taking his hand. "Jake…I don't think…everything you're telling me is a lot" tonowari is at a loss for words. "I know it's hard to understand and hard to believe. But I'm asking you to please let her stay. She is part of our family, if you want I can bring her here…and" jake is again interrupted by ronal.
"No…she won't stay here. It is impossible for a human to give birth to a na'vi child. Second she is dangerous, she is a demon!!!" ronal shouts, but that word awakens something in jake that he was trying to control. "SHE IS NOT A FUCKING DEMON…AND I ASK FOR A LITTLE RESPECT, BECAUSE YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT MY PARTNER AND THE MOTHER OF MY CHILDREN" jake yells, getting up from the ground. This action causes tonowari to become defensive. Imitating jake, getting up. "Jake you don't need to yell at my partner like that" tonowari confronts him. "And she shouldn't talk about my family like that" jake takes a deep breath. Preparing to exit the marui. "I appreciate everything you have done for me and my family….but if you don't accept her. I think it would be best if we left" jake speaks, exiting the marui in annoyance.
He knew he shouldn't have yelled like that, much less at Ronal. But he could let them talk bad about you. If there was one person who had never hurt anyone, it was you. Even in the great war with the RDA you never… had blood on your hands. Jake arrived at the marui, finding only you and neytiri. You were still lying in the hammock, while Neytiri was weaving a basket. You both looked so happy and carefree. Jake remains silent, watching as both women looked at him with concern. "Is something wrong?" neytiri asks watching as jake sits down next to you. "Jake?" you knew that face something had happened. Jake is silent for a good while, trying to calm down and get the news out that he was going to say. "I think we'll be leaving this place tomorrow…all of us" Jake says, Neytiri adjusts in her seat. And you quickly get out of the hammock, confused. "What are you talking about honey?" you speak. Jake reaches over and strokes your cheek, your partner's eyes reflecting frustration. "I tried to talk to them…but all they did was offend you" jake swallows hard, dragging the back of his neck. "I crossed the line…and yelled at ronal. I couldn't stand them talking bad about you" jake speaks, you hold his hand. Sitting next to him. "my eywa…what did you do?" neytiri was upset, she was tired of moving from one side to the other.
"If I have to go back to the jungle I'll do it…" you speak, but you see how neytiri and jake look at you with wide eyes answering you with a big 'No'. Jake was not going to let you go back to camp. The family had already decided that you would stay with them, no matter what. Now the problem was telling the kids the news, but they had to. That same day you broke the news to the children. While neteyam, tuk and kiri looked a little upset because they had to leave the place, as they were getting used to it. Lo'ak didn't really care, after his mother was with him. On the other hand you felt very guilty, this wouldn't be happening if you weren't here. You were the problem and it was killing you. Your people were already the problem that Pandora had, but now you were also the problem that your family had.
You were sitting in a corner of the marui, everyone had started to pack everything. According to Jake, they were leaving the next morning. Neytiri looks at you, you were wrapped up like a little ball in a corner. She knew you…she knew you were feeling guilty. Neytiri didn't care for humans, the only human she ever allowed in her life was you. You are the only human she trusts and loves. Neytiri knew that none of what was happening was your fault, she never blamed you or held you responsible for the cruelties your species did, she never would. Because for her you were another creature, as if you were a being apart from your own race. Neytiri approaches you, kneeling down to now be at your level. You look up, meeting Neytiri's gaze. She had a warm smile plastered on her lips. "You know I hate it when you feel guilty," says neytiri.
"But it is… and you know how true. I shouldn't be around you guys, I'm one of the biggest problems you have and I" you are interrupted, when neytiri in one swift movement grabs your wrist and lifts you off the ground. Dragging you into her arms, hugging you tightly. From the emotion and stress you have been carrying all these months you collapse in her arms. And you begin to cry, this attracts the attention of the whole family. Kiri quickly approaches, and accompanies neytiri in the hug and tuk also joins in. "You are not a problem for this family…You are not like them, you will never be like your species. I know…I bet everything on you" says neytiri, pulling away a little from the hug, to fix several pieces of your hair. "I get sad when you cry," says tuk, and you try to calm down, caressing the little girl's face.
Jake is packing things, with neteyam's help. They are both looking at the scene, Jake looks at Neteyam. He looked a little upset, "everything okay?" asks Jake, watching as Neteyam lets go of what he was doing. "I don't understand why they don't accept mom…she's our mother and…I don't understand" neteyam is frustrated. He wishes everyone could see you like they see you here. "teyam not all people think like us and have the same understanding. That's why we'll find another place…we'll be fine" jake taps his son on the arm. Jake turns all around, looking for lo'ak. "Hey where's your brother?" jake asks, neteyam lifts his shoulders. "Mmmm I don't know, he said something like 'I want to take one last walk'" neteyam speaks. Jake sighs loudly, he hopes lo'ak doesn't do anything stupid before he leaves, otherwise he was going to kill him.
On the other hand… lo'ak was determined to behave like a man, like a warrior. He looked for tsireya, the girl was talking to roxto when he saw lo'ak approaching her. "Hello!!!" the girl got excited when she saw him, lo'ak had been missing for a long time. "Hi…hey can I ask you a favor?" the boy asks. Roxto and tsireya gave each other a look. "I need to talk to your father" says lo'ak, he looked determined and confident. "Ahh I don't think so… dad talked about something like he had an argument with your father and I don't think it's the right thing to do" says tsireya.
"I know…but that's why I want to talk to him. I'm sure he'll understand me" says lo'ak. The girl thought for a moment, she didn't think it was the right thing to do. But something told her she had to let him talk to her father. "Ok…come with me" says tsireya, starting to lead lo'ak towards the familiar marui. Ronal was not in the marui, and to lo'ak's luck there was only tonowari. The man sees who is accompanying his daughter, and sighs aloud. "What brings you here?" says tonowari. Lo'ak greets him respectfully. " Dad… lo'ak wants to talk to you" says tsireya.
"But I don't want to talk to him," says tonowari, going on about his business. The girl looks worriedly at lo'ak. But he steps forward. "Sir…please, I need you to listen to me" says lo'ak, making eye contact with the man. Tonowari thinks for a moment, but agrees. Tsireya steps away and leaves them alone. "Why don't you sit down boy" says tonowari. Lo'ak sits down, in comparison to his father. Lo'ak had a serious and determined posture.
"Go ahead…I'm listening" says tonowari. Lo'ak clears his throat and takes a deep breath. "I know you and my father had an argument this morning, and it was about my mother. I know it's hard to understand, that a human is the mother of a na'vi. But look at me…I am proof of that" lo'ak points to himself, raising his hands to show you. "Take a good look at me…I am a hybrid…a mixture of my father and mother. And I'm still a na'vi. You people may think I'm a monster," lo'ak says.
"I don't think that…boy, she is a sky person, they have destroyed everything they touch" says tonowori. "But my mother hasn't destroyed anything and anyone. She is the best person that can exist. She has been through so much… I just want her to be with us. For her to be safe, because she is in danger too." Lo'ak moves closer to the man. "Please give her a chance…a time of trial. And if she does not convince you, we will leave. But I swear to you my mother is not dangerous" Lo'ak is practically begging to accept his mother into the clan. Lo'ak had never been one to beg for help, but for you. He would give the world, he needed you to be here. And he also knew that the whole family needed you.
Lo'ak gets up from the floor, tonowari said and spoke nothing. He just looks seriously at the boy. Lo'ak thanks him for taking care of him and starts his way to the marui. When he arrives he sees how the whole family was packing. "Where were are you?" asks neytiri. "I was saying goodbye to my friends" says lo'ak, walking towards you. Neytiri gives you a look and you signal that you were in charge. Lo'ak sitting down next to you, laying his head on your shoulder. "Mom?" lo'ak speaks softly, just for you to hear. "Yes?" you speak, as you go about your own business. "You're awesome, you know that?" lo'ak says. Feeling you stop, you turn to look at him. You press a kiss to his hair, and he swears he sees your eyes fill with tears. "I know honey…I know" you joke. Lo'ak is just waiting for tonowari to think about what he told him. he needs eywa to help him.
P.s. This part was going to be longer, but I think I got carried away. XD So I split it so there would be another part, I hope you like it. Wait for the next part <3
Tag: @baybaybear1 @hoodiepandaninja16 @teyyyteyyy @anika-rose-walker @victoria2054 @raviolisblog @jessi-dan @neteyams-wh0re @jimfiqs @bitchykittenconnoisseur @chershire23 @holynightnacho @danilezilla
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somepinkthing · 3 months
Since I'm getting back into comics, ig this is where I admit that I didn't get the tim drake hype until I read jason's return arc and damian's intro to the family? As in, it wasn't his own content that caught my eye but instead the way he was treated when seen through someone else's pov. Because ppl were always talking abt how much he was asked to put up with and I didn't not believe it but I was like well yeah but that's being robin for ya. BUT THEN the guy literally has two people try to kill him??? Only for his own family to essentially expect him to get over it?? And the general fandom agreement is that he should??? AND THEN HE JUST DOES?? And then I read Red Robin(2009), where we find out that he still considers damian dangerous and isn't totally over the whole almost-being-assasinated thing...and the response from both canon and fandom is that he should have gotten over it harder??? That he should apologize for not doing so?????
Not to mention, dick and jason both lost their minds when they found out that robin had been picked up by someone else only for dick to give it away right in front of tim's face, while he was still using the title!!! And his reason was "tim will be fine" and was super shocked when he wasn't!!! Dick babe ilu but im ngl, I would be lacing ur shit with arsenic. In fact, if I almost died multiple times only for my own family to focus more on the emotional wellbeing of my would-be-murderer than me? I'm blowing the whole place up idgaf what the circumstances were (hi jason). But tim just. Doesn't? Like he's majorly understanding and that's treated as normal.
To top it all off, the entirety of damian's and jason's arcs gives tim like two sentences even though their early interactions with him were major stepping stones for the start of both of their arcs! Which, when you think about it, mirrors how his stint as robin both started and ended—like he was just some stepping stone until the "real" robin came around and picked it back up. And you can't expect me to not be facinated by a dude getting the "girl getting in the way of the canon couple" treatment.
The majorly gay and about one canon event from losing the plot thing was just the cherry on top.
TLDR tim drake is my girliepop and will have my full support whenever he decides to finally lose it
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shkudss · 2 years
Weakened by Eywa Pt. 1
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Summary: Ao’nung finally realizes that his actions have consequences
Warnings: curse words, bullying, mental breakdown, English isn’t my first language
Author’s note: it my first Avatar writing, so I hope you like it! This idea was spontaneous and I’m not really good at writing, but I hope you’ll enjoy it! I’m still learning how to use Tumblr properly since I don’t really use it 🥲
Yawntutsyip - darling, little loved one
Yaymak - foolish, ignorant
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You thought that all these days when you flew to the water clans were the hardest in you life. Little did you know that life with Metkayina would be harder. You expected to finally live a normal life, doing your chores without being sacred to be shot by sky people. Now you’re safe, but things didn’t get better.
Since your arrival, these boys were bullying all your siblings, including you. You have no idea why it is important for Ao’nung to see totally similar to him Na’vis. You all are same avatars with slight differences that were unavoidable due to the environment you’re supposed to live in. Oh, yeah… supposed to live.
“What are you even doing here?”
“You’re so useless to our tribe”
“Go back to your monkey house”
All these words almost engraved in you mind without leaving space for other thoughts and hope. It’s been two weeks since you arrived and you still haven’t ridden an Ilu successfully, you can’t hold your breath as Metkayinas do. This makes you feel horrible and believe all these mean words.
“C’mon, Y/N, you can do it!”
Neteyam is trying to teach you how to deal with ilu and his voice is so calming, he really believes in you as an older brother. You wish you could just believe him, but insecurity lays too deep and securely in your mind.
“I don’t know… I can’t…”
Your voice was really soft and quiet as you’re the calmest child in your family. You don’t like loud sounds and fast actions. That’s just the way you are. Neytiri says that Sylwanin was just like you.
Despite being slower and more sensitive that other Sullys they loved and protected you with all their heart. Jake knew that Kiri and Tuk are different, they can deal with their problems a lot easier, while you cannot. When something bad to your family or yourself happens, you worry a lot and you won’t tell anyone about your worries unless they make you to. That was the hardest part of you character.
“Hey, are you okay? Do you need to take a break? We can continue tomorrow, don’t worry yawntutsyip.”
Neteyam was worried about your mental state, you were too quiet these days and it never meant anything good. Trying to make you speak about your feelings was completely impossible. You always think that your family has too much to worry about to burden them with your own issues. You want to be like Kiri and Tuk. That’s hilarious, Tuk is way younger than you but she’s able to deal with her emotions way easier than you.
“I’m good. Can we just take a break for like half an hour? I think my brain melts.”
You awkwardly smiled at the end trying to lighten the mood. Neteyam smiled back, feeling relief as you seemed to be just tired. He didn’t want you to hide anything from him and your family.
“Okay, yawntutsyip. I’ll go find Lo’ak and make sure his ass hadn’t get in trouble again. Kiri is on that side of the beach by the way. You can join her, she’s probably flirting with plants again. Let’s meet here in an hour.”
You laughed at his little joke about Kiri. But that’s a fact. Since you arrived here all she’s been doing is examining all local flora and fauna. You missed your time together in the forest, maybe now you’ll have a chance to talk and just be together.
“Tell me if something goes wrong.”
You knew this look. The big brother look. Sometimes you think how hard it would be for you to live without your family, the way you’re connected to them something really fascinating. And one of your love signs is time. Spending time with your family and each member is the way you show love, the way you feel protected and loved.
You see Kiri laying down in water and looking for something. She didn’t see anyone around, attracted by… water? You didn’t try to understand what’s going on in her mind.
“Hey, pandora geek.”
You stood in front of Kiri and the shadow from your body covered her. Only after that she raised her head and squinted at you.
“I thought you’re with Neteyam. What’s wrong?” She sat on the sand, water was covering her legs a little. You did the same thing, hugging your knees and placing your head on them.
“We took a break, my brain doesn’t work properly. I still can’t ride ilu.”
Hopeless sigh made your sister chuckle, but then she saw your eyes. They were full of sadness, you were not happy. Kiri felt guilt, as your sister she had to be with you, she forgot that Sullys stick together.
“What bothers you?” You were not sure if it’ll be okay to tell her everything. But you family always encourage you to speak what lays in your heart, so you decided to do it.
“There’s a lot… I miss home, I miss flying with you, Neteyam and Lo’ak around Hallelujah mountains.” You were vulnerable now and this is one of those rare moments when you opened your feelings easily. Kiri was the only one you did it with. You could feel tears coming to your eyes, you needed this. “I just miss our way of life. I don’t know why it’s so hard for me to get used to it. Especially, when you always hear…”
“Hey monkeys! Still can’t ride ilu? How can you be so yaymak? You’re both freaks!” you could recognize this voice in millions. “One sister has demon blood, another is too dumb to do things that even infants can do!”
Ao’nung and his friends were coming towards you. Kiri’s body immediately tensed, you could feel it.
“What do you want? Is there nothing to do?”
Ao’nung and his friends came closer and you both stood up. Kiri was looking at him angrily, ready to fight. You were supposed to have such a good conversation, opening each other your soul, but this bully spoiled everything.
“My goal for now is to get rid of such fake Na’vis like you two and your stupid little brother.”
You were furious, how dare he talk like this about your family. Yes, he did say mean things to you, but he still picked his words. Now it’s too much. Nobody can talk about your family this way.
“Shut up and don’t get close to me and my siblings!” You tried to get into protective sister mode. Kiri was shocked by the way you raised your voice. She’s never heard such tone from you before.
“Look at this! Little girl knows how to talk?” Ao’nung was teasing you and laughing with Roxto and the rest of his friends. “Maybe you’ll learn how to swim properly soon by the time my future brother or sister will turn 10. Hopefully.”
You clenched your fists, trying to hold all your emotions. Anger, offense, sadness. It felt like a hurricane of extremely high spectrum of emotions, which was hard for you to bear.
“Don’t you dare…”
You didn’t control yourself that you were coming closer and pushing him. The reason why you felt this way was in him.
He did this to you.
You didn’t care that he was taller than you and all you faced was his shoulders. You didn’t care that he barely moved as you tried to hurt him as much as he hurt you. All he did was laughing. It seemed like Ao’nung didn’t understand anything you said, like he didn’t see you breaking into pieces right in front of you.
“Calm down, you little skxawng!” It was a joke for him. For you it was your last piece of composure.
“You’re dumb! So dumb that you can’t even understand how much pain you give me! Every day I wish I don’t meet you so you won’t shower me with all your shit! Every night I cry myself to sleep because all your mean words you’ve said hurt me! And you don’t understand me, how can you be so mean?”
You were screaming at him and trying to hit, mental breakdown took over your senses. You could physically feel how your heart hurts and legs weaken. All sounds were heard as if from under the water, you didn’t see what’s going on around you. Someone’s holding your shoulders and pushing you to their chest to not let you fall on your knees.
“Don’t touch her!”
Furious voice sounded from afar. Neteyam. Your brother who always protects you, surrounds you with love you need. That’s why he calls you yawntutsyip. Little loved one.
You could feel your brother as he came closer to you. His steps were as heavy as his mood. When he saw you breaking down in front of this asshole and because of this asshole, he almost lost his temper. The way chief’s son was holding and looking at you, finally realizing that his actions have consequences. He had to drive you crazy to understand it.
“Back off! Now!”
He pushed Ao’nung as he got closer to him, taking off his hands off you. You didn’t realize it was him, who held you all this time. Was it long? Actually, everything happened in less than 2 minutes, but for you it was like an infinity.
“What happened?”
Lo’ak was here, he saw you crying in Kiri’s hands and Neteyam fighting with Ao’nung and his friends. He didn’t need to check on all details to punch Roxto and other guys.
“It’s fine, we’re here. Don’t worry.” Kiri was sitting with you and slowly swaying, while tapping your head to calm you down.
“I’m sorry, I…” that’s all you could say.
Neither you nor Kiri noticed how the fight stopped until Neteyam came closer and examined you. His eyebrow was cut so as his lower lip, but he didn’t care. Now he could feel only your pain.
“Yawntutsyip… my sister.”
“I’m sorry, Neteyam. I didn’t…” You were gasping for breath from crying, not being able to collect your thoughts.
“Shhh, that’s fine, you’re fine. We’re here, nobody will hurt you again.” Kiri gave you to Neteyam, he was calming you down repeating the same moves as Kiri did. You were crying, letting all pain, that was suppressed inside of your soul, to flow through you.
Your siblings knew that you need to feel it to let it go. That is the only way for relief.
“Let’s go home, yawntutsyip?” Neteyam’s voice was calming as always, he hated seeing you crying.
You just nodded in agreement, hiding your face in brother’s neck and holding him as if someone can take you from him in any moment.
Yes, most Na’vis are brave, ready to fight and protect their beloved ones. But you just can’t do it. You are the one who needs to be protected. Eywa created you that way and you can do nothing about it.
“Don’t ever come to our sisters, you little bitch! Are you so insecure that you’re afraid to battle with me and choose those who are weaker than you?” Lo’ak didn’t miss to say the last goodbye before following after all of you. He didn’t wait for the answer, he didn’t need it.
Ao’nung was standing up there and looking as your figures disappear. No words are in his mind, except for one.
I hope you liked it! I’m not sure if I’ll write the second part🫣 I have an idea but idk if it’s worth it, we’ll see!
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ma-yawntu · 4 months
mine, all mine. iii.
chapter three: fare well
pairing: neteyam x female!metkayina!reader
summary: Meeting with potential mates made you want to drown yourself, but what annoyed you even more was how much relief he provided.
word count: 2.7k
warnings: some rude guy, fluffy, neteyam being so damn respectful, parental pressure
now playing... birds of a feather by billie eilish
chapter one | chapter two | masterlist
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You were sure this was the absolute worst part of being the daughter of the Olo’eyktan. You knew it was just part of life for you– but that didn’t mean you had to like it. You let your head rest in your palm as you sat in your family’s marui, the conversation you were supposed to be part of, falling on deaf ears. The stupid neck piece you were wearing was choking you and your head hurt from your freshly done braids. Every month or so, you were forced to suffer through a meal with a boy from the village your parents had picked for you and his parents while your parents tried not to give away their unbridled rage at how insolent you were being (mostly your mother).
“...isn’t that right?” Your father directed his attention toward you at the end of whatever it was he was saying. You could feel his eyes on you and you quickly looked between him, your mother and the family in front of you.
“Yeah… Yeah, sure,” you replied, completely uninterested and bored. Tonowari curled his lips inward before looking at the family in front of you with a nervous smile. Tonowari was always so sure that you would grow out of this rebellious phase when you were a child– finally cut him and your mother some slack after almost sending them to an early grave several times. But he was sorely mistaken.
“We must apologise A’tok, our daughter has been very busy with those forest Na’vi children– it has occupied a lot of her time,” your father quickly said. You could feel your mother’s eyes piercing the side of your head, surely burning two holes into your skull. “You understand.”
“Of course,” A’tok’s mother replied with a nervous smile, noticing the way the Tsahik glared at her daughter.
“Perhaps we should wrap this up?” A’tok’s father suggested. Thank Eywa someone in this marui had some semblance of sense. 
The moment A’tok and his parents left, Ronal spun around to look at you, eyes blown wide with anger. Your father rested his hands on your shoulders, bracing you for the verbal ass-kicking you were about to receive. 
“Must you embarrass us like that, ‘ite?” Your mother spat, her tone harsh. You felt your father flinch, his hands still resting on your shoulders. Your ears pinned back at her words, your tail twitching anxiously as she ran a hand down her face to calm herself. “A’tok is a nice boy, my daughter. You must think of the future of our clan, of your future–”
“A’tok is rude and arrogant,” you retorted, your voice low as you stared at the ground, jaw clenched in frustration. “He could not fill father’s role.”
Your mother sighed at that, your father gently rubbing the side of your arm. “I know that this is not what you want, ‘ite,” your mother sighed, tucking some of your hair behind your ear, “but this is how it is done. This is tradition.”
Tonowari shared a look with his mate before speaking, “but we still want you to find happiness,” he said, almost nervous as to how his mate would react. Ronal gave him an annoyed look– while she had the luxury of love in her relationship, not everyone before her was so lucky, most of the time it was an agreement– a partnership rather than a union. 
“I do not think that is possible,” you mumbled, your parents glancing at one another. “May I go? I promised Reya I would be there to help her teach the Sully kids to ride the ilus,” you added, glancing up at your mother. 
“Yes, you may go,” Ronal nodded. Ronal shared a look with Tonowari as you left, feeling rather defeated after the morning’s events. You knew it would be the same thing next month and you would inevitably have to give in to your parents wishes. 
You walked through the village with your head hanging, lost in thought as you made your way to the main reef where your sister would be waiting. You didn’t understand why you had to be mated, why you and your sister or brother could not share the responsibility of leading the clan, you did not understand why it had to be you that was mated off. 
“Where are you going?” You almost screamed at the sound of A’tok’s voice behind you. He had been a pain in your ass since you were children and you wanted nothing more than to be rid of him. The idea of your parents thinking he was a suitable mate for you was disturbing beyond belief. The two of you were nothing alike– he was rude and cocky, always getting into fights and was far too angry to be the next Olo’eyktan. Sure, you could be hard-headed yourself at times, but you were at least considerate and knew how to have a conversation without talking about yourself.
“I don’t believe that is any of your business,” you retorted, continuing to walk away and ignore him. His hand suddenly reached out, clutching your upper arm as he forced you to turn to him. 
“If we are to be mated, I feel you should at least show me some respect,” he said, the stupid grin on his face making you want to punch it right off. 
“We are not going to be mated,” you spat back, reefing your arm out of his grasp to continue walking. You could see your sister in the shallow reef waving at you– at least you would be free of this interaction soon enough.
He grabbed your wrist again, this time tighter, “your parents seem to like me. You may not have a choice,” A’tok smiled cockily, his grip on your wrist beginning to hurt. You opened your mouth to start spewing off insults but that familiar accent beat you to it. 
“You have a lot of nerve putting your hands on the Olo’eyktan’s daughter,” Neteyam leaned against one of the thick trees that acted as supports for your village homes and pathways. His hair was wet, dripping all over the place as he stared A’tok down with a rather intense glare.
A’tok slowly removed his hand from your wrist and you gently rubbed at the irritated skin. “And who are you exactly? I’m sure she can handle herself.”
“Oh, I have no doubt she could,” Neteyam quickly replied, “but would you respect her disinterest in the likes of you?”
You wanted to laugh, you really did, but you elected to bite at your lip to avoid escalating the situation. A’tok looked between you and Neteyam for a moment before scoffing and leaving, his tail swishing angrily as he walked away. 
“Are you okay?” Neteyam asked as soon as he was out of earshot.
“I could have handled that,” you retorted, making your way toward the beach.
“Yeah, you seemed to have it completely under control,” Neteyam chuckled, following close behind you. 
You rolled your eyes, “I have known him since we were children, he is harmless.”
“Sure, but you don’t touch the Olo’eyktan’s daughter– or anyone’s daughter for that matter,” Neteyam replied. You stopped in your tracks, turning to look at him.
“I do not need your protection, Neteyam,” you grumbled, giving him an unimpressed look.
“Didn’t think you did,” he replied.
“Eywa, you are so annoying,” you groaned, turning on your heel to wade into the water.
“I’ll pretend that was a ‘thank you’,” he called after you.
“And I am going to pretend you didn’t just say that,” you called back. 
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Riding an ilu was probably one of your favourite pass times, you had been riding ilus since you were younger than Tuk and you enjoyed teaching the children of the village how to bond and ride with them, teaching an almost fully-grown forest Na’vi was a little more entertaining though. You stood waist-deep in the water beside Neteyam, your sister lovingly assigning you to him. You ran your hands along the thick skin of the ilu’s neck, soothing the creature. 
“You want to make the bond gently,” you said softly, pulling on the ilu’s kuru. Neteyam was clinging to every word you said, listening intently as you soothed the creature. The ilu happily clicked at you as you scratched along his chin. “Here,” you held the ilu’s kuru out for him. “Gently.”
Neteyam pulled on his queue, letting the pink tendrils reach out for the ilu’s, making tsaheylu as gently as possible. The ilu’s pupils dilated, the creature’s fins splashing in the water. Your brother began to laugh behind you and both you and Neteyam watched as Lo’ak was thrown from his ilu, the creature splashing him comically. 
“Maybe don’t do that,” you winced at Neteyam as he tried not to laugh at his brother. 
“I’ll try,” he replied with a nod.
“Hold here,” you gestured to the wooden handhold that wrapped around the top of the ilu’s kuru, “he will move fast so… just hold on,” you laughed. Neteyam let out a breath and nodded at your words, gently mounting the ilu. “Feel his breath and his strength, do not try to order him– move with him.”
“Right,” Neteyam said, his hand gripping the handhold. He seemed nervous, his knuckles turning a lighter shade of blue at how hard he was gripping.
You reached your hands over his larger hands before looking at him, “relax,” you muttered softly.
Neteyam watched you for a moment, the two of you just staring at each other before you cleared your throat, stepping away from him. Neteyam took in a shaky breath before the ilu moved forward through the water, cutting through the reef. Neteyam stayed close to the ilu’s body, the two of them zipping through the reef. 
You held your head underwater, watching him move with a stupid smile on your face. Neteyam emerged from the water, the ilu gently swimming back toward you. “You did it!” you beamed, rubbing the ilu’s snout softly.
“You’re a good teacher,” Neteyam said, panting softly. You gave him a look that told him you didn’t believe him, “I’m serious.”
“It helps that you seem like an overachiever,” you retorted, Lo’ak scoffing from behind you. Neteyam scooped some water up, splashing his brother. 
You spend the rest of the afternoon helping Tuk with her own much smaller ilu, the little Na’vi giggling with delight when the ilu happily nuzzled her chest. Kiri seemed to have a way with animals, able to bond with her ilu all on her own without you or your sister’s guidance. You rode your own ilu through the reef with Tuk and Kiri; Lo’ak and Tsireya off in their own little world. At least they had the luxury of getting to spend time together because they wanted to, you were forced to meet with idiots and their parents– hours of your time you’ll never get back.
When night finally swallowed the village, you urged the Sully family to join you and your family for the village’s communal dinner by the beach. Your clan did a communal dinner once every week as a way of spending time together around the bonfire and sharing stories, Tsireya insisted you ask the Sully family to join since they were now living among your people. Neytiri was hesitant to join, the arrangement reminding her too much of her home. Jake comforted her, the two of them sitting comfortably by the bonfire while you and Tsireya showed their kids around. 
You sat by the bonfire with your sister, your knee bumping with hers as you ate your meal. Lo’ak and Kiri came to join you, Lo’ak finding a comfortable place next to Tsireya (obviously).
“Hi, Lo’ak,” she greeted with a shy smile, you and Kiri sharing a knowing look with each other.
“Mind if I join you?” Neteyam’s voice made your ears prick up, your attention turning to the oldest brother. You gestured to the spot on the sand beside you, Neteyam taking a seat right by you, little Tuk coming to sit in front of you.
“I like your hair today,” Tuk said softly, some fruit juice smudged across her cheek. 
“Thank you, little Tuk,” you smiled, wiping some of the fruit off her face.
“It’s pretty,” she giggled, “right, Neteyam?”
Neteyam looked at his sister with widened eyes, mouth full of food. He quickly nodded his head, almost choking on his food as he quickly tried to answer, “yeah– yes. Very pretty.” You chuckled softly, moving some of your hair over your shoulder, suddenly growing insecure of his eyes on you, the intricate neck piece you were still wearing somehow growing tighter around your neck.
After almost everyone had departed the beach, Tsireya insisted you both walk the Sully kids back to their marui while their parents stayed behind with the other adults of the clan. You were sure it was just so she could spend more time talking to Lo’ak and she wanted to disguise her little scheme. 
Tuk held onto Kiri’s hand as she jumped along the woven path, you hanging back behind them while Neteyam trailed behind all of you. You could feel his eyes on you, peeking over your shoulder every now and then to catch him looking before he would glance at literally anything else. 
“Why are you staring at me?” You asked boldly, pausing to let him catch up with you.
“I am not,” he replied quickly.
“You most definitely are,” you retorted.
“Awful bold of you,” he chuckled.
“Well it’s hard to focus when you keep looking at me,” you grumbled, pursuing your lips at him. Neteyam chuckled lowly at your words.
“Making you nervous, am I?” he asked curiously, lowering his head slightly to your height.
You frowned, feeling your cheeks heat as you crossed your arms over your chest, “no.”
“Convincing,” he nodded.
“Shut up,” you retorted, earning a laugh from him.
He walked beside you at a respectable distance, not letting his shoulder bump yours like Lo’ak did with Tsireya. His words from earlier in the day rattled around in your head, noting how he was so adamant on not touching you– or anyone touching you for that matter. It made your heart thump a little louder and quicker in your chest, praying to Eywa he didn’t notice. 
“Will you teach me that finger talk thing you do?” Neteyam asked, changing the subject.
“Sign language you mean?” You chuckled softly.
“Yes, sign language,” he nodded. “I would like to learn.”
“Yes, I can teach you,” you replied. “Though, I think I might have to leave you in the capable hands of my sister since I’ll be busy.”
“Busy?” Neteyam asked curiously, “with what?”
You let out an annoyed sigh at the simple thought of it, “my parents want me to meet with potential mates around the village they have picked– while it is painful for me, it must be done,” you huffed.
Neteyam took in your words for a moment, “you are not allowed to choose?” 
“I can,” you added, “but I am taking too long… to be fair, I am quite harsh.”
“You?” Neteyam asked sarcastically, “no way.”
You playfully shoved his side with a grin on your face, “not funny.”
“I am joking,” he quickly said, regaining his posture after your weak shove, “I’m sure that must be difficult.”
“It’s not exactly fun,” you replied, “and I have to wear this stupid thing,” you sighed, pulling at the neck piece your parents insisted you wear. It was intricate and covered in various beads and shells– your mother had worn it and so did your grandmother, it seemed fitting you wore it too, as much as it pained you.
“It’s not stupid,” Neteyam said softly, “it’s not you though.”
“Not me?” you repeated.
“Just doesn’t seem like something you would like, that’s all,” he added. 
“And you know that, how?” you asked, genuinely curious as to what his reasoning might be. The two of you were beginning to lag behind the rest of his siblings without really noticing, lost in the conversation. It pained you to admit you actually enjoyed talking to him.
“Well, I mean, I don’t know you very well. But I know enough to know you wouldn’t enjoy wearing something like that,” Neteyam replied, slightly nervous.
You hummed, “well, you’re right.”
“But,” he started, a nervous breath leaving his lips, “I would like to get to know you more… if you’d like to know me too, you know?”
You laughed at his words softly, “that would be nice.”
You felt a smile pull at the corners of your lips, that had to be the first time someone has ever thought about what you would like without you telling them. It felt nice to be seen.
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a/n: i apologise this is short! i have finals coming up :< pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist
taglist: @s0urw00lf, @peqch-pie, @greatsstuffsposts
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Neteyam x Mute!reader - mesmerising
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Could I request Neteyam x Mute!Reader. Maybe they're a well-respected hunter and known for their gentle touches with the Ilu and the Tsurak. Maybe Neteyam sees them while he's learning and asks Tsireya who they are - Anon💜
A/N: sign language will be in bold
Tsireya was leading Neteyam to the water and that’s when he first noticed you, standing waist deep in the water as your hands gently moved over the head of a small IIu.
He stopped walking and focused on you instead, which is what caught Tsireya’s attention.
She followed his gaze and smiled a little as she walked over, standing next to him.
“Our best Hunter.” She said.
Neteyam snapped his head to the woman beside him, scrunching his brows a little in confusion.
He flicked his eyes back to you for a second before turning his attention fully to the na’vi who was supposed to be teaching him about the way of the water.
“That is (Y/N), they are our best Hunter. Respect by all Metkayina. The people trust them.”
Neteyam nodded his head as he turned his attention back to you.
You walked through the water with ease, tail swishing behind you as you approached another IIu, touching its head, giving a small bow before you moved past to greet some more.
“What’re they doing?”
“They are checking on the IIu, making sure they are well and happy. (Y/N) has a strong soul, deep spiritual connection to the land and the animals.”
Neteyam nodded his head again.
He was captivated by you, and as Tsireya looked at him she couldn’t help but smile at the look of pure amazement on his face.
He looked at you as if he had never seen such a na’vi before, as if he had never seen anything so beautiful, so absolutely perfect he was scared if he took his eyes away from a second you would vanish.
“You wish to know more?” Tsireya asked.
“Yes…” he breathed out.
“Come. Come.”
She quickly grabbed his hand and they jumped back on to the walkway, and she took him to the edge, looking out upon the water you were walking in.
You approached a Tsurak and he panicked.
“We have to stop them! They’re going to get hurt!”
“Wait, just watch.”
He stopped himself from rushing forward and watched you carefully.
The Tsurak didn’t seem happy about you approaching, and it swam around you in circles, but you stood there, hands in the water.
After a tense moment, it slowly swam over and touched your hand, poking its head out of the water enough for you to brush your fingers over its skin.
You bowed your head at it before letting it go.
You looked to the sky for a moment before you dived into that water as with that you were gone.
“They will be hunting now, only (Y/N) and a few of the men go behind the reef.”
“Aren’t they a bit young to be a hunter?”
Neteyam knew each tribe did things different, but from what he saw there was no way you could’ve been much older than him.
Hell, he was sure you could’ve been at least a year younger than him.
Tsireya just laughed at him and shook her head.
“No, no. They received the title of hunter earlier yes. But a hunter like them is only born ever couple of hundred years, no one has seen such elegant hunting before.”
Neteyam wanted to learn everything he could about you.
“Can I meet them?” He asked nervously.
“I can’t see why not. Do you remember the sign language we taught you?” She asked.
He nodded his head confused.
“Great, you’ll need it. Now let’s go, you still have a lot to learn if you wish to be Metkayina.”
Neteyam tried to focus on his lesson, but he couldn’t, he was so focused on you. He couldn’t shake you from his mind.
He finished his training early, and you still had yet to come home, so he spent his time with his brother and sisters, sitting outside the hut waiting your return.
“You’re looking eager.” Kiri said.
“Oh yeah, he’s smitten for someone!” Lo’ak laughed.
“Neteyam has a crush!” Tuk laughed.
Neytiri was standing behind them a small smile on her face as she looked at her youngest children poking fun at their older brother.
Walking over, she crouched down next to him as the three ran away laughing to themselves.
“So who is it?” She whispered.
“Mom.” He sighed.
“Come now, I will find out eventually.”
Neteyam knew his mother was right, so he sighed and looked back over the water and that’s when he was you riding back, hauling a large next on your back.
Neytiri followed her sons gaze and smiled a little.
“A good hunter.”
He hummed and nodded, quickly standing up.
“See you later!”
He jogged away, following wherever you were going to before he lost sight of you.
Neteyam thought he had lost you, but when he jumped down in to the sand he saw you patting the head of your IIu.
A few of the tribe were standing around waiting, and you set the net on the ground, crouching down you held your hand out.
Neteyam stood nearby, watching as you out fish in peoples baskets, they thanked you and let the next person go.
By the time you were done, the sun was starting to set, and Neteyam took that as his chance to approach you.
“Hey.. Uhm.. hi…” he smiled.
You looked up, holding your hand out to him and he titled his he’s sun confusion and you did the same.
“I uh.. I don’t have a basket?”
You stood up, looking at him.
Are you not here for fish?
Neteyam blinked, your hands moved too fast for his eyes, he was still only learning so sometimes he struggled to understand what was being said to him.
“I’m sorry can you repeat that? I’m still learning.” He laughed nervously.
God, he wanted to make a good impression on you and here he was making an absolute fool out of himself.
Are you not here for fish?
This time he was able to understand what you said to him and he shook his head.
“No, sorry if I confused you. I actually wanted to get to know you if that’s okay?”
You smiled and nodded your head, gesturing for him to follow you so he did.
You walked around, handing out some more fish until you only had a few left and you took it to an empty hut and set it down.
Sitting down, you gestured for him to do the same thing.
You were with Tsireya earlier right?
“Yeah I was, you saw me?” He asked.
His tail swished a little in happiness at the thought of you spotting him as well, and he watched as you started to cut up the fish.
You nodded and set the blade down, looking up at him.
I am a hunter, I see all. What’s your name?
“Right! I’m Neteyam!”
He grinned and you smiled back, and he felt his heart stop a little at the soft smile.
You already know my name. Why did you want to talk?
He awkwardly looked away, trying to figure out what to say. He could either tell the truth, or come up with some complete lie. And that sounded like the better option.
“I heard you were the best hunter. I’m learning to be a hunter, I was wondering if you could help teach me?”
You put the fish in the pot above the fire and added a few more things before turning to him.
Yes, I can teach you. But I teach differently to others.
“That’s cool!”
You nodded your head and your ears flickered a little as you heard a series a short calls.
His ears flickered as well and he looked behind him before turning back to you with a smile.
“Sorry I have to go, can I see you tomorrow?”
I will find you.
He grinned brightly and nodded, getting up he jogged away, his thoughts absolutely consumed by you and all the questions and all the things he wanted to learn about you.
You were a mystery to him, and if there’s on thing Neteyam loved doing, it was solving mysterious
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fleursbending · 2 years
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲’𝐬 𝐀𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫. | Sully Family
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : after the successful intervention, your family's hearts still burn for some good ol' revenge. luckily for them, an unfortunate event arises that allows them to do just that.
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : sully!family x sully!daughter reader
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 : i apologise that this took a lot longer than it should have to be posted! i initially wasn't going to do a part 2, but so many ppl wanted it i just decided eh why the heck not?? with that being said, pls read part 1 before this because i don't think this can be read as a stand-alone! mother!tiri really shines through this time so now i'm just healing your mommy and daddy issues atp.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : bullying/teasing?, hurt/comfort yk the drill, angst, fluff, lo'ak pummels ao'nung, pissed mom!tiri, tonowari pops tf off, dorky brother neteyam, ao is a dickwad here!
𝐠𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐫𝐲 : (actually highkey proud of this i'm trying to use more na'vi in my stories from now on) Tsmuke - sister, Skxawng - moron/idiot, Tsmukan - brother, Yaymak - foolish/ignorant, Sa'nok - mother, Txavä’ -disgusting, ‘Itetsyìp - little daughter (term of endearment), Tsamsiyu - warrior, Muntxate - wife/female spouse, Olo’eyktan - clan leader, ‘Ite - daughter, Itan - son, Sempul - father, Uturu - sanctuary, Oeyä - my (possessive), ‘Awsiteng - together.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 : 2.9k words !!
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 :  @pandorainmymind @eywas-heir @spicycloudsalad @missdreamofendless @prty-poisxn @scarlettwitch-4 @23victoria @avidreader3107 @purplehyacinthss @itssiaaax @neteyamoa @tsireyasgf @nijirozzz @useryourbut @yua-himari @sweetheartlizzie07 @grierpilots @reneehillary69 @fruitsalad1 @forasgaard @iwaslikeblah @dumb-fawkin-bitch @theicemav @narutoboi
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐎𝐍 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄 today, it had been storming the last few days. Now you and your siblings were making the most of the sunshine. Things have been really good the past few weeks, and slowly you were finally beginning to warm up to the ocean. The past had to stay where it was, now you were gradually moving on. 
Y/n remembers her dad's words then, "It's the little steps that end up making the biggest difference." 
He was right, they really did. 
"Neteyam", Y/n giggled as he splashed water at her whilst she sat at the edge of the platform they used to easily access jumping into the water when calling for their Ilu's. Her legs dangled over the edge, peering down at her siblings.
"Tsmuke, you are being silly! Come join us in the water!" Neteyam tried to beckon you to join him and Tuk as they played with their Ilu's.
"Yeah, come on Y/n!" Tuk whined, only to be cut off by ecstatic laughter as her Ilu nudged their head onto her back. 
Y/n held her hands up then, an unfinished anklet dangling below the palm of her hand. 
"I am finishing this, you skxawngs." She reminded them, wanting to give it to Tsireya once it was finished. 
As Y/n began to reach out of her reserved shell, Tsireya swooped right in. She, Neteyam, and Tsireya had become a trio of sorts. She was hoping to make matching anklets for all of them.
"Alright, we're going to ride our Ilu's further out. Is that okay, tsmuke?" Neteyam called out to you, pointing further out.
You rolled your eyes at his worried tone. 
You love your family, really you do. But the one downside to the confrontation you had with all of them. Well, they've been treating you like a little baby ever since then. 
The doting and attention were very much appreciated at first. But it escalated to your siblings trailing after you everywhere you went, for the most part. They'd become increasingly overprotective whenever Ao'nung and his crew were in close proximity to you. The kicker? They implemented a curfew for you now. You had to be home an hour before dinner was ready, a whole hour! 
Basically, your freedom and alone time had been cut in half. Stripped away from you. While you looked a lot more healthy and since perked up in the past few weeks - your family continued to remain on the edge. They just didn't anything to further happen to you, especially now that you've progressed so much.
The Sully's knew you were a strong girl, but the pieces you were starting to put back together could easily be ripped apart again. So for the time being, they'll do whatever it takes to prevent it.
Unfortunately for them, such an event was just right around the corner. 
Y/n scrutinized Neteyam and in return, the eldest son wiggled his nonexistent eyebrows in a taunting manner. 
"Yes, tsmukan. Now go!" You urged him to leave as Tuk waved bye to you.
Letting out a happy sigh at the silence that filled you, wow - this was really nice. She thought to herself. Just the waves rippling beneath you is what accompanies you. 
Neteyam was about to dive into the water when he turned to look back and check on you. There you sat in the same position, back hunched and eyes focused as you continued to weave the unfinished anklet. 
He nodded to himself then, satisfied that you were alright.
Yet the moment he turned his back and dove into the water, the infamous group you've been trying to avoid made their way into the nook where your mauri and outdoor area were. 
Y/n tensed as the air shifted, hearing the sounds of multiple footsteps nearing her. A feeling of deja vu surged through her, oh no. 
"Alone, at last, the great daughter of Toruk Makto!" Ao'nung jeered as their shrill laughter raked through the once peaceful aura you were just starting to settle in. 
A not-so-subtle hiss escaped your lips, eyes closing in disdain. Can a girl not get any damn alone time around here? 
"What's this then? Oh, an anklet!" Ao'nung had stalked over to you from behind, ripping the unfinished weaved strings out of your hand. 
Defeat flooded your futures, not wanting to make anything of this. Y/n hoped they'd just say a few insulting comments and mosey on out of here.
"Who is this for, me? I love it soooo much!" Ao'nung mocked, sarcasm dripping in his tone as his friends cheered him on.
"No. It is for your sister." Y/n deadpanned, not finding the amusement they seemed to be in this predicament. 
"Well, it's quite pathetic. I think you should start over if you want my sister to actually appreciate this." He teased, nimble fingers beginning to untangle the hard work you had just done. 
Your ears folded back then, standing up and facing the idiots. Cracking your neck, a harsh glare was sent their way. Sticking out your open hand, palm up in front of Ao'nung. 
"Just stop that and hand it back over. Then you can be on your own merry ways." You tried to appease them.
"When did you suddenly find your voice? I ought to stomp it out." Ao'nung sneered at you then, and in a blink of an eye, he had thrown your project into the ocean. 
"Ao'nung!" She fumed, angry eyes scouting the water but you could no longer see it. 
"Yaymak! Useless like my father had said, how do you even survive? Come on, take a dip!" He contended, bending down beside you to push you in-
A jarring snarl erupts from behind them. They all jump and swivel around, but are instantly stumped. 
There stood your Sa'nok, gripping a basket full of fruit so viciously that it chipped - pieces of dried flax splintering and falling to the ground. 
"Txavä’. Useless? I ought to show you how you can become useless-" She stormed over to them making most of the boys in front of you yelp in surprise and jump back again.
"Sa'nok! Do not!" You remarked, astonished at her shameless way of protecting you. 
Ever since finding out about what had happened to you, she'd been so civil whenever in the clan leader and tsahik's son's presence. Now she realises how eery those actions actually were. Oh great mother, she was just doing it for your sake. 
"Ma ‘itetsyìp, she is a fierce tsamsiyu. Unlike you!" She vehemently fired, pointing at Ao'nung.
He began to splutter out apologies, the realisation dawning on him that he was being reprimanded by one of the fiercest women Awa'atlu had ever come across.
Another figure popped out of the shadows then, Lo'ak. His fists were tightly clenched at his sides, eyebrows furrowed as indignation rolled off of him in waves.
"Yaymak?! He snapped, and before you could even fully acknowledge his presence he rushed forward - tackling Ao'nung who was receiving a scolding from Neytiri, into the ocean before you. 
"Lo'ak!" Y/n fretted as she peered over the edge to see the two boys yelling and cussing each other out as they floundered about in the water. 
"What in the world…" Jake whispered in question to himself as him and Tonowari rounded the corner - quickening their paces due to the faint sounds of the commotion they had overheard.
His eyes widened at the scene before him, the chief mimicking his expression as well as they stopped, stunned in their tracks.
Neytiri was still yelling at the group of bullies, an accusatory finger prodding at one of his shoulders as he looked down at his feet in embarrassment. She turned a blind eye to what he rebellious son had just done, deeming it was rightfully deserved.
 Both their eyes then flittered over to Y/n who was basically dangling on the edge of the platform, hauling a battered Lo'ak back up. 
His drenched body collided with the surface and he grunted, but that didn't stop him from turning around to flip off Ao'nung who was struggling to push himself up.
"Yeah, eat shit!" Lo'ak continued to provoke him, even while branding a busted lip and what looked like the beginnings of a black eye. 
"Lo'ak…" You cautioned, pointing to your father and Tonowari's looming figures.
"Oh fuck." He cursed to himself. 
"What is going on here?" Tonowari boomed then, stepping forward and making his presence known. 
Jake trailed behind him, tail swishing in unease. 
"Neytiri!" He called for his muntxate, grabbing onto her and pulling Neytiri into his side. 
You walked over to stand by your parents, guilt crescendoing - this happened all because of you. Stupid, you didn't want to make a scene in the first place.
"I'm sorry Olo'ektyan. This is all my fault." Y/n confessed, tail drooping as all the attention was shifted to her. 
"She is lying! My 'ite cannot carry this burden any longer, she will not. This is all your son's fault! He has been antagonising my ‘itetsyìp since we came here." She persisted, a sigh of irritation falling from her lips as she once again pointed at Ao'nung.
The mentioned boy wiped his bloody nose, ears shifting as Neytiri said his name with such harsh conviction.
"'Itan, is what Neytiri speaks of true?" Tonowari divulged as he dug into Ao'nungs pride with a mere look.
"Yes, sempul. What she speaks of is true." He blanched at the scrutinizing look Jake targeted toward him. 
It was like he was about to walk into the battlefield, gun in hand and ready to rain blood.
"Look at me, boy!" Tonowari thundered, eyes now slits as he admonished Ao'nung. 
The clan leader's son could've gotten whiplash from how fast his head turned. 
"Go home, and work up an apology. Now." The chief ordered.
"But, I can apologise now-" He tried to reason, wishing to get this embarrassment over and done with.
"It would be insincere." Both Neytiri and Tonowari spoke at once, the former giving an apologetic nod to your mother in agreement.
Ao'nung tried to fess up some words, but Tonowari glared. His chest almost heaving from contempt.
"Go!" He bellowed. Ao'nung with his tail between his legs scampered off back to his mauri.
His friends stood there, almost comically. They knew they were utterly fucked and word of this would travel back to their own families.
"Why are you still here, shouldn't you be working on your apologies as well?" Tonowari antagonised.
"Oh, uhm- sorry!" One of them spluttered before being shoved by another boy as they all ran off.
Tonowari sighed in chagrin, a hand of his meeting his face. He stood straight then, turning to acknowledge your family.
Right in tow, Neteyam, Tuk, and Kiri were pulling themselves back up from the ocean.
Lo'ak went over to help them. Ignoring the worried hands of his older brother that looked over his bruises.
"As Olo'ekytan, I failed in my duties today. As a father, I also failed. I sincerely apologise to you, dear." He looked at you then, eyes full of guilt as he briefly placed his hand on your shoulder.
"I will be sure that he will see through a firm reprimanding, Jake Sully." Tonowari called to the man that had become his good friend.
"I raise my apology to the rest of your family as well. You came here to seek uturu. This will not happen again." 
Jake motioned, Oel ngati kameie, to him. Tonowari returned the motion, bowing his head down lower than usual to try to convey his genuine upset at the situation his son had conjured.
"You are a fierce mother, Neytiri. Your Sa'nok would be proud." Tonowari added, before turning around and making his exit too. 
Neytiri watched him leave, a faint smile on her lips before giving all her undivided attention to you.
"Oeyä 'ite, are you hurt?" She necessitated, lifting your arms up and checking for any wounds.
"Sa'nok, I am fine." You dejected, eyes flittering to look anywhere to ignore her studying gaze.
"What happened?" Neteyam interjected, rushing over to you and bringing you into a hug. He felt terrible for having left you alone.
"I'm never leaving you again." He whispered, holding your head to his chest.
While the words came with comfort, they made your chest constrict. 
Agitated you shoved him away. In return, Neteyam fumbled backward in surprise.
"Y/n!" Kiri gasped in shock.
"I am fine! I'm going to be fine! I'm not dying or anything, I'm still here okay?! I appreciate the concern, but please. Just, leave me alone." Your voice grew fainter towards the end of your speel, tears welling up in your eyes. 
Cursing to yourself you rushed into the family mauri, humiliation seeping into your conscience. 
Jake began to follow you but Neytiri put a hand on his chest. It had emerged on her then, how a situation that seemed so minor grew to become a lot more vocal than any of them prepared for.
Y/n was not one for attention, let alone being stuck in the midst of it all.
"Give her a moment, then we will go and console her," Neytiri spoke with quiet empathy.
"Okay." Jake agreed hesitantly, all he wanted to do was comfort his daughter. But he knew how much you needed your alone time. 
So they huddled, ‘awsiteng. They waited, ‘awsiteng. 
Until the light escaped the sky, and your raspy voice cut through the gentleness of the night.
"You can come in now, you didn't have to just wait outside. I'm sorry."
Jake looked to his family then, before they all slowly got up and made their way into the Mauri.
You were huddled in front of the fire, a blanket shrouding you as you blankly stared into the burning embers before you.
"Ma 'ite. You are not alone." Jake murmured as he sat by you, brushing away a stray strand of hair that had cast itself over your bloodshot and puffy eyes.
"I know." You acknowledged.
"Tsmuke, you are not alone." Lo'ak reiterated.
"Yes, I know." You acknowledged again, finally looking up at them as they all sat in a circle around the fire.
"‘Itetsyìp, you are never alone," Neytiri affirmed, having sat by your other side and giving your cheek a soft kiss.
"I know. Are you all trying to make me cry again?" You garbled, tears prickling in your eyes at the warmth you were receiving after giving them the cold shoulder.
"No, we aren't! I don't like it when you cry." Tuk remarked, jumping up from her spot and running over to you. Giving you a hug from behind as her little thumbs rubbed away the tears that began to stream down your face.
"Useless my ass! That shithead was so stupid to say tha-" It seemed Lo'ak was still hung up on what Ao'nung had said.
"Lo'ak!" You all chided, quiet laughter following.
Jake grinned down at you then, his teeth even showing a little as he watched his pride and joy laugh. "Baby girl, we mean it. We're all in this together…‘awsiteng." 
"‘Awsiteng." You repeated, smiling up at him. 
He combed through your hair, bringing you and Tuk into his chest.
"And you're right. You need some alone time, yeah? But we'll always be right around the corner. Okay?" Jake continued to reassure you, rubbing your shoulder - or what part he could reach since Tuk wouldn't let go of you still.
"Okay." You mumbled, arms wrapping around his shoulders and squeezing. 
The pieces that felt so scattered and displaced suddenly puzzled back together.
This is home. Not the forest, not the ocean, not the mauri you all resided in.
As chatter overtook the silence, your parents began to cook up a late dinner. Your eyes met Neteyam's who sat directly parallel to you - he gave you a dorky thumbs up. Your little sign between each other that Jake had mentioned in passing that sky people do when you were younger, "Hey, are you okay?"
You returned it with your own equally as dorky thumbs up, earning a questionable look from your mother who after all these years - still could not fully grasp the concept.
This is home, the family that would always accept and love you through the toughest of times. Your family, that always made you feel whole. Complete.
As Neteyam yipped happily at your thumbs up, unable to hold his happiness under wraps. You thought then,
"Eywa, there is no other place I'd rather be."
࿐ ࿔*:・゚˳೫˚
As your family began to prepare to sleep, Lo'ak tapped your shoulder. 
You turned to him, giving him a questioning gaze.
"Yes, Tsmukan?" 
He opened your hands before a familiar unfinished project was placed gently in them.
"I tried to dry it outside, I don't know how salvageable it'll be but I am willing to help. I know Tsireya really likes- oomph!"
You stood on your tippy toes, tugging him in to a gracious embrace. 
He smiled then, hands wrapping around you as he swayed you two from side to side.
"I appreciate it so much, thank you brother." 
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⤷ feedback and reblogs are always much appreciated ! feel free to ask through my inbox if you would like to join my taglist. ♡
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bookshelfdreams · 9 months
ofmd wasn't "profitable" enough but I didn't even get the feeling hbo wanted to make money off of it. They didn't promote it when s1 dropped, and the promo for s2 was erratic at best. They don't sell merch. Or physical copies. There's no bts documentaries other than what actors (shoutout to Samba ilu) make themselves in their spare time.
It took more than a full year for me to be able to watch s1 legally! I still can't access s2 legally anywhere! It's not that ofmd is unprofitable, it's that hbo refuses to profit off of it, because - well, because profiting off of it would mean investing work and money into it.
And like. Of course, when you compare it to the juggernauts hbo holds rights to, like GoT, ofmd is small fishes. But.
How on earth do these clowns think cult classics happen?
A Game of Thrones was first published in 1996 and didn't make it on the NYT beststeller list until 2011. The first edition of the first Harry Potter book was 500 pieces. And yeah, TV shows are different, but if you look at today's media landscape, would things like Star Trek, or Buffy, or Doctor Who stand the slightest chance? These things take time, is my point. A piece of media doesn't become a massively profitable, beloved classic over night. It takes time and effort to build that kind of franchise.
And the thing is! Nobody who makes these decisions even likes stories. I'm convinced that whoever is in charge at hbo, at amazon prime, even at disney, thinks storytelling is dumb and for idiots. They think it's enough to just slap the name of something people love on whatever garbage they spit out, for it to be profitable. They think it's the brand that sells: Look this has "Lord of the Rings" on it! Look, this one has "Game of Thrones", you like Game of Thrones don't you? Watch my show, boy.
But this isn't how this works. It's not the name that sells (unless, I suppose, you're the MCU, and even there one gets the impression the trick is finally stopping to work), especially not when the product is bad. People aren't idiots.
But it's not about making something good. It's not about making a meaningful piece of art, or telling an engaging story. ofmd served its purpose; it drew in all the subscribers it ever would, so there's no point in letting it go on. Even in the s2 that we did get, this is evident: the penny pinching is palpable, it's clear that the studio didn't want to spend any more money than absolutely necessary on it, and then cut the budget by 40%.
It's not about art. It never has been.
And it's not even about profit, because to be profitable eventually, stories have to be allowed to thrive first. You tell a good story first, and success happens later, often much, much later.
And ofmd was incredibly, astonishingly successful. It was the most in-demand series for weeks after the s1 finale. But even that wasn't enough, it's never enough, ofmd could have made record-setting profits and it still would have been cancelled, because -
Well, I don't know. Because we live in a bad time for art. Because Orwell was right, and stories have become commodities, like shoelaces. Because. Well. It's not about telling a story, is it?
What's the point of a story? What's the point of making something for the joy of making it? What's the point of a piece of art, existing, if it cannot be transferred into numbers for the stockholders?
idk how to end this. I hope David Jenkins finishes the story he wanted to tell, even if just for himself. I hope, against all odds, that weird, fun, heartfelt, beautiful little stories like ofmd continue to happen.
But goddammit.
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avatarkv · 1 year
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V ! I Know it's for the better. Know it's for the better.
✎ Synopsis ! You've been thrusted to carry the burden of the eldest after his passing.
Content & warning Jake sully x Daughter!Reader, Sully kids x Sister!Reader Neytiri x Daughter!Reader. Mentions of death and violence! (wc; 5057)
Song: Waiting Room, Phoebe Bridgers.
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“Can you hear me, corporal?” He chuckles, “Yeah. I think you can.” 
"If you so much as lay a finger on her, consider yourself a dead man.” Your father seethed through the intercom that you could feel his very rage– it frightened you, almost more so than being captured by Quaritch. Jake wasn't the kind of man who liked to make idle threats; it was his commitment that made him the perfect olo’eyktan, but it was purely love that made him the father he is today. 
You knew very well what he was capable of. 
You tugged at the binds, desperate to loosen them but to no avail. Squirming uncomfortably in your seat, despair settled into your chest like lead and you felt helpless. You didn't even put up a fight to begin with; all those training, just to end up at the root of it all. You could only glare at Quaritch while he looked down at you, fingers pressing the pager on his ear.
“Now don’t look at me like that, sweetheart, you have your father’s eyes.” His remark made your gaze falter, disgust coursing through your body. “You know what to do, Jake.”
“Don’t touch her, asshole! She’s just a kid–
“Might’ve gotten a few scratches in, but nothing a few bandaids can’t fix.” Quaritch looks you up and down, a smirk playing on his lips,  “Don’t worry, we show visitors the utmost respect here. I’m certain you’d know our customs around these parts, marine.” His tone is slightly aggressive and there's an air of smugness in his words– he’s provoking him, taking pleasure in knowing that he has the upper hand.
Scratches my ass. They gave you one hell of a shot on your side when they tried to kill off your ilu and they did nothing but put some ragged cloth to stop the bleeding. You knew it wasn’t any deep, but it still hurt– not to mention you’ve lost a lot of blood from their harsh tugging. You wince, thinking about it. If it wasn’t for the adrenaline coursing through your body, you would’ve been in a whole lot of pain.
“What the hell do you want?” 
“Same as before. You for her.” 
Their voices melted into the background, like a low hum of static passing through your ears. Despite the noise, you feel yourself attune to it after a while and allow yourself to drift away. Eventually, it tuned itself out and you were surrounded by an almost eerie silence.  
Your father had said something, you remembered, something you had missed.
You had missed the looming aircraft above– unlike the usual helicopters you knew, this one flew stealthily, as if it was designed to lurk and catch even the slightest of movement. At first, they thought it was merely a lone ilu; they were now at the reef, after all. Your color blended almost perfectly with its skin, movement as fluid as the raging sea. They had shot it, grazing its fin. 
“Mawey, mawey!” You had screamed in panic, trying to hold on to its thrashing body. “Dad–”
The ilu struggled, bellowing in pain. It was impossible to form a bond, let alone control your breathing– the bluish-green waters were now tainted with a faint, crimson hue. Blood; familiar blood, painful red. 
“__, listen, I’m gonna find you, okay?” It was difficult to make out the words he had spoken over the loud static of the pager. The radio waves were making it hard for either of them to hear properly. Trying again, he shouted,  “Sweetheart, I’m–” 
From there, they had spotted you; a forest na’vi, sticking out like a sore thumb. Quaritch had most certainly hit the jackpot upon seeing that it was none other than Jake Sully's eldest daughter.
You wondered what he could have uttered in that moment before Quaritch and his people had rushed to get to you. Could it have been an apology– a sorry you’ve been longing for? Sweetheart, I’m sorry for being so tough on you. I’m sorry we had to leave home– leave him. I’ll find you and you’ll be okay. We’re going home.
But the thought of facing his disappointment again plagued you; once it had been his love that held you together, but now this fear kept your feet firmly planted on the ground.
Sweetheart, I’m disappointed in you– how could you put yourself in this situation? How could you put everyone in danger again? What would Neteyam think? I’m tired, __. You tire me. 
Yeah, that was surely it. 
Your eyes wandered around the room; the unfamiliar white walls reminded you just how far away from home you were and perhaps this time, you could never return.
Quaritch grabs your braid in his fist, tugging on it with a vice-like grip and forcing you to look up at him. You stifle a cry of pain, feeling the throbbing ache all across your scalp as his grip tightens around it. He tugs on it further, wanting a sound out of you, but all you could let out was a loud hiss. “Can’t hear your father, darling, think we have to put on a show.” He sneers, “You must not really love your children, Jake.” 
“I understand already–! get your fucking hands off her!”
“I don’t think you understand, really.” Quaritch taunts. 
A beat of silence passes before your father's desperate voice echoes through the intercom. “Please,” he pleads, “Don't hurt my daughter."
“There we go,” He finally releases your hair, “I’ll be waiting, Jake.” 
Quaritch removes the pager, discarding it on the table just in front of you. 
“You must be very disappointed in yourself,” A low hiss erupted from your throat as you gazed upwards. He sat in front of you, mockingly close, yet far enough that you couldn’t do anything but glare. “Does this not remind you of a familiar night?” 
“They are coming for you,” Your tone was menacing– livid, as the words snarled from your lips. “And when they do, you’re gonna wish that you’ve let yourself rot in that shack.”
It flashed through his mind– a glimmer of your mother that burned fiercely; a warning. Quaritch straightened his posture, chuckling. “That traitor is coming to save his dear daughter in distress, much like your brother had. We know how it'll end.”
“Not until he kills you first,” 
“You’re in a different boat, kid, away from the main one. What happens if I tell him he’d been too late and I got bored?” He shakes his head, snickering, like he had figured it all out– like he had carefully planned for everything to work out just so.“That this kid had too much of a mouth on her that I had to cut her throat?” 
His words had struck you– a low blow. You feel as if your mouth has suddenly gone dry and the lump that appears in your throat lodges itself there stubbornly, refusing to move. No words came out of your lips, but a pathetic low sob. He was going to kill your father and he could succeed in doing so. “You’re one sick man.”
“You know your brother didn’t have to die,” His voice held no remorse and you wondered how someone could sleep so soundly. He stands up, dusting his pants, “But your father had it coming. Now stay here and be a sweetheart.”
Before he walked out, Quaritch had looked down on you one last time. There, you realized that you doomed yourself beyond salvation. You were nothing and he made sure of that— had cut you on a barely healing wound and now it reopened, bleeding more than ever.
Eywa must’ve turned her back. No child of hers would have suffered such trouble– and you were young. So young, you think that the stories of her were absurd. One more miracle, you needed just one more. 
The lights dimmed when the doors closed, leaving you in the dark with your thoughts. 
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They were arguing again. 
Tuk was nestled close to Kiri, the two of them huddled together in front of the table. Lo'ak sat on the other side, rising slightly from his seat in an effort to eavesdrop and make out whatever he could hear from their parents’ conversation.
Something was off and gravely so. Nothing ever good rooted from a fight and they barely do, not until the past occurrences. It had to be the sky-people.
“I don’t feel so good,” Tuk muttered, her grip tight around her belly as if she could hold in the pain. “The last time this happened was when we left our home.”
“We’re not leaving, Tuk.” Kiri quickly assured her.
Their meal had gone cold and the silence was deafening. They all waited with baited breath, trying not to fidget or move. The suspense was growing thick in the air and they didn't know how much longer they could bear to remain idle, wondering what the hell was happening.
As if their prayers had been answered, Jake hurriedly walks inside, eyes falling to his panicked children. It made his heart more and more heavy, but he couldn’t bring himself to comfort them. Neytiri had already gone to Ronal’s
“Kids,” His voice was low and firm, and it made his shoulders stiff in anticipation, “Make sure everyone stays here. No one goes out the reef, understand?”
“Wait—” Lo’ak abruptly stands up, staggering to his feet. “What’s happening? Where’s __?”
“They took her.” It was all the answer he needed. The sky-people had found them. “Lo’ak, stay here with your sisters. I mean it.”
“You can’t expect me to stay here while __ is in danger—”
“I need one child! One child to listen when I tell them to stay,” He raises his voice with every word, but it wavers as he speaks— Jake could barely keep himself together, eyes betraying his authority. His gaze sharply shifts to his daughters, watching intensely as the scene unfolds. “Kiri, please.” She only replies with a curt nod and Lo’ak visibly deflates.
He needed them to stay here— here, where it’s safe. Here where Quaritch couldn’t touch them.
From afar, he embodied the fierce olo’eyktan that he is, but truthfully, he trembles as a father. He blamed himself for that night– blamed himself for everything that had happened. Jake couldn’t risk losing another one. Not only will he be failing his family, he’d fail Neteyam again, most of all. 
Lo’ak slumps his shoulders, pushing past Jake. “This isn’t fair,” He mutters under his breath. Jake’s eyebrows knitted tightly and he knew damn well there was no going back from talking back to a parent. “You aren’t being fair– how could you ask us to standby?” 
“I’m not asking, Lo’ak. It’s an order.”
“That’s even worse!” He shouts in reply and Jake is taken back. 
There it is. The emotions desperate to claw out of their throats. If toughening them to an extent was a good thing, why was it biting him in the ass right now? Jake’s bottom lip quivered slightly. He didn’t need this– not now. He would’ve dealt with it properly, if it wasn’t for the situation at hand. Jake didn’t need his kids reminding him how he fucked up. He didn’t need another heartache when he had to toughen himself out.
“This isn’t the time for attitude, Lo’ak–” Jake exhales a deep breath, his eyes squinting as he clenches his jaw. He tries hard to keep himself in check, the last thing he wants is to lose his temper. Talk to them. Calmly. “You think I have the upperhand? Your sister needs me right now, what don’t you understand?” 
“This would not have happened if you could just listen!” 
“Well I’m here now, Lo’ak– just what do you have to say?” He stares back at him with an intensity that matches his own, voice slightly raised.
A million thoughts raced his mind. Will he blame him for bringing him here–? Here in awa’altu where they had to unlearn everything they have known– here in awa’atlu, away from his brother; but when silence had only replied to his outburst, he sighed wearily. 
“Right now, we do not see eye to eye, boy.” His tone turns gentle, surprisingly. It causes Lo’ak to become rigid– unmoving as he takes in his father’s unfamiliar nature. The atmosphere shifted so somewhat awkward. Lo’ak only knew how to deal with his father’s anger.  “And that’s on me. I know you blame me for being a shit father, and I want you to. I messed up and I keep messing up.” 
“Then why can’t you be better?” He said so casually, like  it was something Jake could accomplish with a flick of a switch, as if it was an easy task she simply hadn't put in enough effort for. But that was never the case. 
Truthfully, he didn’t know what to answer. Didn’t want to tell his son that this was already his best. He liked to think that no father is perfect– eased him just a little knowing that there were far worse than him. But maybe he was no better.
When he knew that Neteyam’s eyes would never open again, he thought that hurt had hit the lowest of lows. But here he was, watching his son’s hateful gaze and had never been so wrong. 
His ears flattened. “Stay here Lo’ak, please.” 
Coward. Jake was a coward.
Lo'ak let out a frustrated scoff, quickly turning his head away and storming off in anger. He left the Marui so hastily that Jake was left alone with a crestfallen expression etched on his face. His expression was enough for Kiri to run after him, Tuk trailing behind. She jogged hastily, her breath catching in her throat as she eventually managed to match Lo'ak's pace.
“Lo’ak, they asked us to stay here.” Kiri tried to grasp on his wrist, only for him to retract harshly. They continued to walk towards the shore in an argument, “Lo’ak!” 
“They have __, I’m going.” He continues to march towards his ilu, caressing its head in greeting while it mewls in return. “I’m not losing another one, Kiri. She’s my sister.”
Kiri grabs his hand, turning him around to face her sharply. Tuk’s head peeps to watch from behind her legs, “I’m your sister too! You’re scaring Tuk, just let them handle it.”
“What’s going on?” Ao’nung calls. Tsireya had heard of the commotion and immediately went to find Lo’ak and it was no surprise that he’d want to go after his parents. 
“This is the sky people we’re talking about! The same people who–” He had exhaled loudly in frustration, his movements jerking and violent as he ran his hands through his braids repeatedly. His face contorts in stress and disbelief, and he yanks on his hair lightly, an attempt to shift the focus of his energy to something tangible instead of this hopelessness that has crept up on him. 
“I have to be there.” 
“Keep your skxawng ass here, I swear to Eywa.” But her threats fell on deaf ears as he continued to mount his ilu, spear in hand. He threw them one last glance before he sped away, leaving Kiri to call out his name. 
Rotxo’s expression grew worried as he watched Lo’ak’s figure disappear amongst the vast spread of water. Forehead creased in concern as he looked around where everyone had been standing, “Are we supposed to let him?”
“Eywa, of course not.” She had clapped towards the Ilus, beckoning them to ride. “Let’s go, people.”
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Life was simple back then. 
Jake knew he had to pull on his weight, lengthen his patience, and learn fatherhood from scratch. He was far from perfect, but he was sure that even his best efforts would still be better than what his own father had done for him when it came to parenting. His old man had never been there for him in any sense of the word. 
“Alright babygirl, your turn.” Jake beckons you to take Neteyam’s place as he lends you his bow. 
“He’s gonna come out behind those big rocks,” Your father instructs. He grabs your arm and moves it just a bit higher, steadying your aim with his firm grip. “Slowly, steady. Watch your aim.” You squint your eyes, focusing your sight as the fish comes to sight, stuck between the current and the rocks. With a deep breath, you release your hold, striking it right through its body. 
“Good job, sweetheart. Go get it!” He shouts, giving you a big smooch on the cheek as he pushes you to claim your hunt. You giggle, feeling absolutely proud. 
As you and Neteyam proudly display the fish you have both caught, he watches with a big smile. “My mighty fishermen, now let’s go home and show mama.”
Bracelets were enough to make his kids happy back then; beads and trinkets he found along his hunts. They would keep it for years to come and Jake thought he had cracked the code. But the gifts turned to few and then none and the ones they kept had burned along the crossfire. He became stricter– tougher on them.
He knew being a marine best than a father. 
When his children looked at him, it wasn’t of love— he wasn’t dense with how their shoulders stiffened around him. Jake thought it was a good thing, to keep them all in a straight line, for them to learn discipline early. But as they grew older, they were getting harder to reach and no amount of presents could make them come back. 
“Lo’ak started it!” Your eyebrows were heavily knitted, fangs bared as you showed him the broken bracelet. You tightly held onto the beads, afraid that you’d lose more of it. 
Your brother had immediately turned defensive, shoulders tense. “If you hadn’t been in the way, it would’ve been avoided!”
“I don’t want to hear it.” Jake quickly interrupted you both, massaging his temples. “One night. One night without any of you bickering. You’re older, __, why can’t you be the bigger person?” 
Your heart sank a little. You weren’t growing younger and so was your dad. Jake never took the time to craft, unlike before. The bracelet was from him and it would’ve made you feel better if he had listened. 
“No more of this, you hear me? It’s just some stupid bracelet. Jesus Christ.”
Jake wasn’t perfect. He knows that– knows his children deserve better. He fears that when people ask them of him, they’d tell them how great of an olo’eyktan he is– how he fought against the sky-people, but never how he was as a father. 
Your father loves you– loves everyone dearly. He would burn the whole world for his children– but the thing about fathers, they have an odd way of showing it.   
As they finally near the large battleship, his hand pressed on the pager. “Babygirl, do you hear me?”
Your head perked up at the static coming from the pager discarded on the table right in front of you. Your body jerked against the binds desperately, “Yes, yes– sir I’m here!” 
But he couldn’t hear you, not without you pressing on its button in return. 
“If you’re listening, I’m coming, okay? Mama and I are coming to get you.”
You let out a stuttered breath, the beginnings of a sob bubbling up from somewhere deep inside you. It was no use anyway. You felt deflated as you sank down into your chair. Tears welled in your eyes, building itself up like a dam. 
Jake anxiously waited on the other line, expecting to hear something back from you, but all he heard was the thump of his own racing heartbeat resonating in his ear as time seemed to stand still. His lips trembled as he softly spoke again, “I love you, kid. You know that, right?”
But you didn’t. You didn’t since everyone arrived at Awal’tu and for months, this was the first time you’ve heard of it again. It made your chest tighten in response, stomach knotting. 
Oh Eywa, you missed your father. Missed him dearly. 
This one time he had told you he had loved you. This one time where you needed to hear it the most and you couldn’t say it back. It’s true that your father had stopped being affectionate– but you’ve grown and stopped being as loving as you were as a kid too. You will always be your parent’s child– your daddy’s girl. 
“I love you too.” 
Life was so much simpler back then, and if Jake had just spoken to you, he may have figured out that his words had more value than any presents he could find. He fears that he might be too late. 
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“We have to split up.” 
“Split up?” Kiri shouts incredulously, holding onto Tuk tightly. 
“There are at least three ships here, she has to be in at least one of them.”
“We’ll take the one from the south,” Ao’nung says, Tsireya quickly trailing behind. Kiri groans, knowing she couldn’t do anything but follow. Roxto followed her as they all nodded to each other, speaking in unsaid terms. Be safe. Please. 
Lo’ak trots ahead, letting out another eager yip as they make their way towards the distant ship far up north. You had to be on one of them. You had to. 
As he stealthily moves through the area, searching every nook and cranny, Lo’ak is determined to find you, leaving no stone unturned nor any corners checked. The lack of people around was suspicious and it made the atmosphere more eerie. As he scanned every cell, his eyes caught a battered Na’vi, head hung low– you. Quickly, he broke down the door with heavy locks.
“__!” He immediately rushes to you, taking off the restraints with brute force. Without a second thought, you engulfed him in a hug, nearly pushing him off his feet while he frantically searched for any serious injury, eyes swiftly scanning the cuts on your skin. “We have to go now.” 
Both of you hurriedly try to exit the ship, steps heavily thumping across the metal floors. It was silent. Too silent. Like there hadn’t been a war at all. The ship was quiet, other than the crashing waves and footsteps. Not to mention the lack of recoms surrounding the area, you grew more and more nervous. “Where’s dad? He’s–” 
“On another ship, we have to go.” He pulled you closer the edge where his Ilu had been waiting, 
“Lo’ak, we’re not leaving him, are we?” 
“Dad can handle it, I’m only here to take you home. Now please, come with me–” 
“I know you don’t want to leave him too.” his lips drew into a thin line in response, immediately growing silent. His heart was thumping wildly, knowing that the decision was his to make. “Lo’ak, we can’t leave him.” 
“Fuck it. Let’s go.”
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“Run– run, go!” Lo’ak's call was still echoing in your head as you sprinted, bullets whizzing past in all directions. Fear and adrenaline coursed through your veins as you darted and weaved throughout the area, momentarily hiding behind a steel wall. 
Both of you had been searching for Jake and everyone but despite your best efforts, the only thing you were ever able to find was more trouble. What was supposed to be a relatively straightforward endeavor had quickly become an arduous task. You feared for your life and your brother’s. 
“We have to jump now, __.” He pulls you out from your thoughts, panting heavily.
“We haven’t found dad yet or anyone– they could be in danger!” 
“Listen, I’m not about to lose you in another dumb decision of mine. We’re going, do you understand?” He tugs on your wrists tightly. The look on his face told you that his decision wasn’t open for any negotiation anymore– this was about you and your safety. You offer a solemn nod, feeling a knot forming in your chest as your frown deepens.
As the shots come to an end, the avatars begin to disperse, frantically searching for both of you. Lo'ak forcefully pulls you to your feet and dashes towards the edge ready to take a leap, but the ship lets out a sharp screech as it leans further and further downwards into the vast ocean, both of you caught completely off guard. Water quickly rushes up to bathe the deck in a sea of white froth and foam, its relentless waves rocks the boat back and forth so harshly that you fall to your knees. 
Lo’ak frantically looks around for something to hold onto, but it all happens too quickly; just as his hands latch onto a railing, it snaps and he begins to tumble along with the current and down an open trapdoor. He quickly holds on to its rusty edge, “__!”
You immediately slide towards him, grabbing his wrist. “I got you, just hang on.” While your other hand clutched your bloodied side, you groaned as you felt the skin surrounding it stretch, ripping more and more as you tried to hold on. “Lo’ak, please.”
“I can’t– I can’t!” Both your grips are loosening and you choked out a sob, feeling absolutely helpless. You could feel it– his fingers slowly slipping from your wrist. Your heart hammered on your chest as you extended your other hand. 
“Brother please, grab my other hand,” 
Another wave crashes towards both of you, and in that moment your grip on his wrist slips. You can feel the panic rise within you as you shout out his name desperately. His body falls, water completely engulfing him.
Without any hesitation, you jump down after him.
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You hastily scramble out of the water, eyes wide and scanning the wreckage that surrounds you for any sign of Lo'ak. All around you there is nothing but the ship itself, pushing you down with it. It loudly creaks once again, the sound vibrating off the walls. 
You try to regain your composure– breathing slowly and steadying the beat of your heart, only for it to race yet again as another body emerges from the water, coughing violently.
“I can’t find an exit.” He says, breathing heavily. 
“I’ll go check again, you stay here.” The water was already rising and your frantic state wasn’t helping. 
you said as the water level began to climb higher and higher. Your frantic state wasn’t helping either of your cause, but there was no time to think of that now. In order for the two of you to make it out alive, one of you had to remain calm and focused. You had to be just that– the bigger person. The big sister Lo’ak needs right now.
“No! You’re bleeding, I’ll go look.” He protests and you both exchange banters.
“I am your older sister, Lo’ak, listen to me– just let me do this.”
“I don’t care. You’re hurt already.”
“Lo’ak, don’t be so stubborn right now.”
“I’m a better swimmer than you!” 
“Why are you being so stubborn, just stay here–!”
“Just let me do this for you, Neteyam!” 
And that stuns you both. 
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” He croaks, the words barely escaping his trembling lips. His guilt is palpable in the air as he hangs his head low in shame, trying to swallow the lump in his throat that is threatening to choke him. Lo’ak had to let it out now. Now that you’re here– now that you and him might never come out alive. “Maybe if I didn’t insist on coming there, we would still be back at home– with him. Maybe if I didn’t force everyone to come along, he would not have the need to save us.” 
“Lo’ak, please..” 
“But I did– I did, and now he’s gone. I lost him and I can’t lose you too,” You stayed there, like the water surrounding you was anchoring you on that very spot. You could only stare at him as he poured his every guilt. Your heart ached for Lo’ak– Lo’ak, your baby brother. Lo’ak who tried so desperately to be seen. “It’s my fault, __. I was just so jealous– so jealous that I forced you to join in because maybe then, you’d want to spend time with me too. I wanted what you had with Neteyam, what Kiri was to Tuk.” 
“But I miss him, I miss my brother so bad.” Lo’ak continues to weep, tugging on his hair– hurting himself. “I hate that my body didn’t move towards you– towards him that night. Maybe then, I would’ve said goodbye. Maybe then, I would’ve told him I was sorry.” 
You slowly swam to him, awkwardly taking his hands. Siblings were such a funny concept. They could say the harshest, most meanest thing– hurt you to an extent because they know you more than anyone else. But they would do anything– absolutely anything, just to keep you safe. Hell, would give a kidney if it means that you’d live. You miss Neteyam, terribly so, but does losing him make you less of a sister?
“I’m sorry, __. I’m sorry that it took me this long to tell you this, but every time you looked at me, all I could see was him. I miss Neteyam. I miss home. I want to go home.”
“We’re going home, okay?” You pull him close in your arms, burying your head on the curve of his neck as you try to contain a sob. “I see you, brother.” 
“I’ve been nothing but difficult.” You feel his breath hitch as he tries to steady his breathing, heartbeat slowing down. “I don’t like how everyone has become since he died.” 
“Me too, Lo’ak. Me too.” You whisper, rubbing circles on his back.  “I’m so sorry. I’m here now.”
As the two of you hold each other tightly, the water continues to rise around you with no sign of relenting. You both know that it will only be a matter of time until this ship finally gives in to its fate and sinks beneath the surface yet neither of you want to let go. There was something comforting with having Lo’ak near now that he had spoken of his troubles– something light. 
“We’re going home.”
This was it, you thought, this is the end.
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☆ mauve here! i know this has been long overdue ;( BUT FINALLY, IT'S HERE. don't really know if i should be adding another chapter or just stop with an open ending hahah hopefully this was painful enough because my brain is bleeding and i can't wait to start another series. -
please tell me how i did! i really enjoy interacting w my moots nd readers ;( it's like a reward (ALSO i'm sorry if i forgot to tag someone! some of the names don't really pop up too ;(
tags: @eywas-heir @aonungsmate @cappsikle @dearstell @minkyungseokie @wwwellacom @aleracrovn @fangzyz @bobojojoba69 @alohastitch0626 @gcldtom @dumb-fawkin-bitch @navs-bhat @jo1818 @ladylovegood-69 @kahlowy @neteyamforlife @mochiivqi @heart-an0n @strnger @abbersreads @historygeekqueen @anxietydrogz @kau7itz @winxschester @1mawh0re @thefirst-ofus @tsoomie @wheeeelys @lunamhm565i @ayanelisa @sully-stick-together @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @jackiehollanderr @dreamsholdpowers @aimsro @violilaqrs
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© avatarkv, do not repost.
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neteyamyawne · 10 months
🫀— Another Love
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༄ Pairing : Lo'ak x Fem!Na'vi!Reader
༄ Summary : He slowly falls for another and all you can do is see him be happy with her like he was once with you.
༄ Warning : Jealousy, slight one-sided love, falling out of love, emptiness (emotional), sadness, confrontation.
༄ Prompts : Falling out of love.
༄ Word count : 1.2k, proof read.
༄ Note : This is me first time writing for lo'ak so idk much 🥹 I'm improving for him!
༄ Glossary : [Tiyawn] - Love, [Yawne] - beloved.
◦ Angstmas || Masterlist
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You saw it, of course you did, anyone who wasn't lo'ak saw it loud and clear…
Your favorite leather armband? Gone, the river stone choker? Gone and nowhere to be found until you saw Tsireya wearing it. The inkling of downfall starting from the smallest of things.
The swimming lessons were always him and her paired up, at first it was you, the one who left her forever home for him to come here, to an unknown clan and living in between unknown people, just for his love… your love..
His eyes were unfocused as you say near the coast with him, though his hand rested on your thigh, his mind was elsewhere, lost in thought, it was like, he was your lo'ak anymore.
“Ma lo'ak… are you okay? You seem distracted” his eyes snapped back at your face, a sheepish smile forming in his face as he squeezed your thigh softly.
“Yeah, yeah I'm good, Tiyawn” he whispered before his eyes trailed back to the shallow waters, where Tsireya taught the metkayina children how to ride the ilus and for a moment you thought if he suggested to go for a walk on the beach for a certain reason.
She looked splendid, everything a female should look like, the small shell at the crown of her head, the neat braids that cascaded down her back in tight curls would easily make anyone fall in love with her and from the way she sat close to him, her hand on his chest during breathing practice and his breath would stutter at her touch Every. Single. Time.
The dots were connecting but you weren't ready to admit it, it was hard to accept the fact that the one you love the most was falling out of love with you “Lo'ak, what's going on?? I know you're hiding something… I know”
He was startled by your confrontation, a look of guilt spreading over his features, though he looked unsurprised by your question, which only meant one thing, he anticipated it.
“I- I… it's nothing, y/n forget about it, it's stupid” he looked away embarrassed, he didn't want to say it, who would when they knew it would break the heart of the person who left everything behind for them.
“It's Tsireya… isn't it?” Your words grabbed his attention so fast it almost snapped his neck, eyes wide in surprise and resentment… not for you though, for himself.
He shakes his head worried about how he would be able to explain about this complicated feeling but if he saw deep enough, the answer was right there… the ocean eyed, metkayina princess.
“Y/n, No, it's- it's not… i mean yeah but-” he was struggling to form words as his eyes darted between you and her as if he was watching a ping-pong match.
But your heart sank deeper with every second of his hesitation, a void yawning open in the middle of your chest as you clearly saw the love on his face but it wasn't for you, as much as it broke your heart, it wasn't for you.
He was miserably failing to explain his side but you saw the yearning in his eyes for her, a bittersweet smile graced your lips and your hands trembled, so you fisted them as you spoke the next words “Go to her, It's okay… Go to her”
The stunned silence on his face was enough for you to break down right then and there, you loved this man with your entire life and this is how it ends? You let go? But it'll only hurt more if you hold on, though…
“Sweetheart- what are you saying…? Go to her? Are you sure?” That's when the tear slid down your cheek and his frown covered his features, knowing that his truth was your end, but what hurt the most is that he asked ‘are you sure?’ he was ready to go, there was no point in holding back.
It felt like you were ripping your heart out of your chest and shredding it into ribbons with your own two hands as you simply hid your pain behind a smile and teary eyes and nodded “yes, Lo'ak, go to her… as you want, you can go to her… i guess your love wasn't as strong as you said it was”
The hesitation and guilt was written all over his face as he saw the tears in your eyes, the hurt in your voice, nothing but regret filled him as he never thought this day would come “I'm so sorry… So damn sorry” he held your hand tightly but there was no warmth in it, his words were like Ash in your mouth, they meant nothing to you now.
“Just go… leave, go away” your eyes averted back to Tsireya who was unaware of the conversation, anger simmered in your chest but it didn’t cover the hurt that caved your chest, the jealousy that raged in your mind but you hid it well.
Lo'ak frowned, the little braids that framed his face falling away from his eyes, getting up from his spot beside you… biting his lip nervously as he knew he fucked up big times “Yawne, I'm really sorry… I hope you understand… I'm-”
But you got up "stop it please! Just go away! I- I don't want to talk, please!" and left, not wanting to hear the reason why you failed to be the one for him, it was all a mistake, a mistake to leave your home for the person who you thought was your everything, a mistake that he would be your love forever, a mistake to ever think he'd never leave you for someone else.
His heart sank as she watched you walk away after the truth was out, he felt terrible, HORRIBLE, for breaking your heart after everything you did for him but he couldn't keep you leading into a ditch after he knew his feelings were lost for you and held onto another and with a defeated sigh he walked towards Tsireya, with a smile, as if nothing happened and he didn't just leave you, the person who left her whole life behind for him, for the girl he met a few months ago.
Even when you walked away from him, sobs leaving your lips silently, you couldn't help but stop and watch from behind a boulder with tears glistening your cheeks as the smile he once gave you shone brighter when he looked at her instead, the look he gave you once now almost glowed with love for her.
Were you not worth it? Did your sacrifice mean nothing to him? Was it that easy for him to forget you and move on? After you spent years loving him? The questions swirled in your mind but there were no answers to justify them as the person you saw your future with left you with just your thoughts in a clan where you don't know anyone and had to live with his family to top it off.
You were foolish to think that he would keep loving you… but were you? Is this what you deserved? To be left alone and broken in a place you don't know anyone, away from your home and family and betrayed by the person you trusted the most? No, but your heart still broke as you say the on golden shores of metkayina but nothing seemed so colorful as it was to you before this happened…
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Ho Ho Ho : @cryinginthemoonpool, @luvv4j4ybe11, @xylianasblog, @plooto, @itchaboi-itchyboy, @pandoraslxna, @taylormarieee, @thewiltedpeony, @neteyamswillow, @danniackerman, @hotdsworld, @zafrinaxyz, @xstarsdiary, @moondaisye, @puddle-nerd, @eywxveng, @minnory, @neteyamssyulang, @tavsianus, @ele-sme.
• Let me know if you want to be tagged in the next two angstmas fics!
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©Neteyamyawne2023 | All Rights Reserved. Do not repost on other platforms, copy, steal, or translate any of my works!
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pinknipszz · 9 months
golden girl
↷ ˊ- neteyam/metkayina reader | (i.), (ii.), (iii.), (iv.)
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“every day, people came to see the girl without any name”
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neteyam tried so hard to find some semblance of his home in the sea, but how could he when they were nothing alike? he scorns the sand and salt that replaced the sweet smell of morning dew and soft soil. he misses the trees he used to climb to and fro. there’s beauty in the mangroves, of course, but nothing compares to home.
his heart ached bitterly at the thought. as if i’ll ever see it again. neteyam returned to cleaning his bone knife in a shaded spot that overlooked the beach. the spot put a great distance between him and the salty water, but it was enough to keep a close eye on his siblings playing near the shoreline. he wasn’t asked to by anyone, but old habits die hard. 
they splashed about like babies, having given up on their efforts to convince him to join them. it’s not like he minded; he was still exhausted from the breathing lessons a few hours prior. 
his ear twitched at the unmistakable sound of footsteps approaching. he kept his eyes trained on the curved bone knife, not sparing a glance at the quiet weight beside him. neteyam bit his cheek. he waited and waited, expecting to hear his mother’s voice, or even his father ready with another lecture. when he heard neither, he finally looked to see who was invading his space.
it was you, the beautiful metkayina girl who took the liberty of teaching tuk one-on-one.
it was by some miracle really. you weren’t even supposed to be on that side of the beach that day, but by ewya’s will, you went against your mother and stumbled upon a very frustrated ao’nung and a pitiful batch of sully children. you didn’t have plans to interfere, until you caught sight of sweet tuk struggling to mount her ilu. apparently, something in her expression moved you to lend a helping hand.
ao’nung jumped at the opportunity to abandon his duties and join his friends, leaving the omatikaya at your mercy. thankfully, you have been merciful, far more than anyone else has been. you spoke with unending patience and guided their hands to the right place, going so far as to reposition neteyam's legs when he mounted incorrectly. your touch was brief, but the sensation lingered.
the sun was long gone by the time you finished. you left first, not before bidding farewell with a single promise to help tuk, and the others, again if necessary. as you spoke, he caught the fondness in your eyes when you smiled at him. kiri and lo’ak quickly caught on as he watched your disappearing figure.
days passed like this. lessons with ao’nung and tsireya resumed with you occasionally joining them, and the sully kids made great progress. it was admirable, really, how much you balanced them out. you were kind, but also stern when you needed to be. you came up with solutions that accommodated everyone, not without establishing your own objectives. you had every quality of a leader. even the chief’s children looked up to you.
and you were sitting beside him, right now. 
“are you alright?” you asked with a kindness that made his heart clench. neteyam quickly rid himself of those thoughts. you were just a good person checking up on him, he reasoned.
“yeah, ‘m still tired from the lessons. i didn’t even know I could stay underwater for that long.” he shuddered at the memory. it was only half a lie—spun up in a spur of the moment to spare the details of his homesickness and thoughts of you. whatever it was he said, it made you laugh, and neteyam swore he never heard a sweeter sound.
“i understand how difficult it is. on the bright side, you beat your brother’s record of four minutes. don’t tell him i said that, though.” the corner of his lips quirked up into a smile at the mention of his brother. “it’s a commendable achievement worth sharing with your parents later.” 
“you’re right, but the glory won't last long. he’ll stay up all night trying to regain his honor.”
“i suppose he is quite competitive.” you hummed, watching his siblings play tag in the distance. “still, i am amazed by your willingness to learn our ways. you are a quick learner.” it was a brief compliment, but he still scratched the back of his neck and chuckled, growing shy under your praise.
however, at the mention of his "willingness" to learn, he faltered.
neteyam was no stranger to guilt. he was born into war as the eldest of four; it was a dangerous concoction. it felt different when he looked at you, one of the few who didn’t think they were alien trash, as if he wasn’t thinking ill of your home just a few moments prior.
and here you were, praising him for something he doubts he possesses. guilt sat like a stone in his stomach. 
he cleared his throat. “honestly, i doubt we would’ve made it this far on our own. you and tsireya were a huge help. we owe you guys big time.”
“nonsense!” you laughed as if it was the most preposterous thing. you reached out to pat him gently, and you pulled back just as fast. his skin burned from the loss of contact. “we only do half the work while you guys do the rest. progress wouldn’t come so easily if you didn’t appreciate the work you're doing. tsireya and i can’t control that kind of stuff.”
neteyam nodded, his mouth dry. you babbled on and on about nonsensical things, like how your day went and how a new necklace was coming along, and he greedily soaked them up. he studied you, meanwhile. have you always been so perceptive? his heart rattled in his chest—from guilt or infatuation—he didn’t know what, but it pumped through his veins like adrenaline.
he loved the forest—loves it still. he doubted any amount of time at sea would change that for him, but you enraptured him to a degree he couldn't even begin to comprehend.
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