#// ask and you will receive
king-wille · 2 years
Analysis of Wilhelm and Simon's smiles in season 1
(Analysis of season 2 here)
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taruchikas · 5 months
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Waiter! Waiter! More yuri please!!
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writtenbyevie · 2 years
tag game by the lovely @kimbapisnotsushi,
I was tagged by incomparably lovely @mrs-nubenueve please shower her in love and affection
relationship status: it’s...complicated (rip). I’m seeing a guy who lives in a different state than me. It started out as hooking up and has gotten blurry to say the least. wish ya girl luck
favorite color: a soft warm pink (if you can’t tell by the everything about me)
song stuck in your head: make me feel your love by adele
last thing you googled: images of magma. (I was writing a description of atsumu needed some inspiration)
time (at the moment): 1:19 PM
dream trip: I’ve been fortunate enough to travel to a lot of places. I’ve always had a love for Greek and Egyptian mythology since I was a kid. I’d love to visit both of those places, as well as outer space. I think this is entirely reasonable
last thing you read: a draft of a friend’s original story! it was great! (hi leo ♡)
last book you enjoyed reading: everyone you hate is going to die by daniel sloss. it’s both brilliant and hilarious
favorite thing to cook/bake: I’m a dreadful cook, but I do make a mean grilled cheese
favorite craft to do in your free time: I write relentlessly, but I also love to paint and draw. I really love drawing hands.
most niche dislike: two things. one, the way ao3 put a weird annoying ass space between an italicized word and unitalicized punctuation. two, (context: I’m a professional actor.) any actor who says shit like “I’m fully dedicated to the craft,” or “the play is my life,” makes me want to invert their kneecaps. like good god shut up you elitist fuck. (ran into this like two days ago)
opinion on circuses: I think it’s about being on the right side of spectating. Are we here to celebrate these people and their talents/uniqueness or are we othering them and making a mockery? I’m okay with circuses if they’re run fairly and aren’t like fetishizing.
one food you can only eat in a specific way: no pulp please in my juice! also i can’t eat corn on the cob. the cob sets off my trypophobia
no-pressure tagging: @perpetual-trashcan @woahajimes @homosubtext @i-am-suffer ♡
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subcoolture · 2 years
Whatever portal you needed open in 2022 has only a month and a half left until closing forever. So think seriously about it now. Because 2023 is a very different energy. Think about it as if this is a unique kind of a year, because it is. Make things happen before the portal closes.
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psychohelmet · 1 year
tsukiyama shuu... its been forever since i saw that name 😭
omfg you read my tags. it’s been ages since I thought about him. I’ll nvr truly forgive ishida sensei for writing tsukiyama’s chara so weepy and pathetic in :re. I miss his dramatic self.
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twstrhythm · 1 year
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alright. lets do this
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character opinion board for jensi!!!! made by @doctorwhoisadhd!
This is usually mainly a danganronpa blog, but when I found this, I had to do it lol, I love jensi sm, my blorbo, my comfort character, he deserves more
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theguardianyaksha · 1 year
Who's your current fave in HSR?
I would have to say Dan Heng. I just love him. In most of the cut scenes he appears in, he just looks so done. And I absolutely love that.
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pa-stella · 2 years
Ramuda for the headcanons game?
🍭 Ramuda 🍭
Sexuality Headcanon: Asexual Panromantic Gender Headcanon: NB A ship I have with said character: FlingPoly A BROTP I have with said character: Ramuda and Hifumi A NOTP I have with said character: RamuRei A random headcanon: Ramuda has a secret notebook where he keeps designs inspired by other divisions' members. He sometimes actually create those designs. General Opinion over said character: I didn't like him at first (I'm not a huge fan of this type of characters), but the manga really helped me understand him more. I can't say he's one of my faves, but he's absolutely one of best written characters in the series.
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veldyia · 24 days
Finished reading 2ha vol 6 so time to excessively drown myself in Sonnani
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sergle · 2 months
ALSO IMPORTANT TO NOTE, people dropping mad mad sums of money on gfms and charities and stuff are extremely impressive but that DOES NOT MEAN that putting like $5 towards someone's fund or any good cause is any less valuable, a lot of crowdfunding is about momentum and those single digits add up super fast, you do not need to be Rolling In The Dough to make someone's day!! moving the dial at all is extremely positive!!
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daily-dragon-drawing · 8 months
a dragon but disguised as fruit would be the best shock to stumble upon
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#11 - 火龍果 (dragon fruit)- I don't see a dragon here, do you? 🐲🍓🌟
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His ass does NOT cost 39元
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blconnoisseur · 9 months
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soranker · 9 months
begging u to pls post the I think we’re gonna have to EAT THIS GUY w wolfwood and laios here so i can reblog it 🙏
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psychohelmet · 1 year
Hey! :) Long time no see. I was surprised to see you pop up on my dashboard. Been a while since I saw your url, haha. Hope everything is well.
oh hey thanks for the nice welcome back! yeah it's been awhile. tbh i lurk from time to time. i did come back for a little bit when melon husk first bought over twitter and everyone there was freaking out and jumping ship.
life's been mundane and tiring but i'm hanging in there!!
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