#// about : joey
bustyclaireonalternia · 11 months
in their defense they usually c0me attached to a frame meant f0r it.
more imp0rtantly i never figured i'd see a human wise up and pick the better planet t0 stay on. h0wever the fuck that worked.
"You know that I'm??!!" Her whole body locks up in alarm and she nopes the fuck out of there, tiddies be damned. A+ work, Captor. Ya spooked her.
.. She tripped and landed on her face about twenty feet away though. Must be off balance.
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viiisenyas · 2 years
Another “getting to know you” meme
Tagged by @plisuu, @moss-flesh, and @n7viper for this cute tag game!
Favourite colour: sea foam! :D
Currently reading: The Song of Achilles
Last song: Winter by Vivaldi
Last film: The Avengers
Currently craving: A break from my toddler chocolate cake for some reason
Tea or coffee: TEA
currently working on: Two longfics and loads of prompts that are fermenting in my inbox
Tagging (no pressure, of course): @oxygenforthewicked, @sulky-valkyrie, @gloriousonemahanon, @aymayzing, @kingsroad, @hawkeshep, @psalacanthea and anyone else who wants to! :D
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castielsprostate · 11 months
having talented friends is so wild!!!!!! like. YOU!!!!!!!!!! YOU made THAT. YOU DID THAT?!?!?!?! YOU created!!!! THAT!!!!!!!!!!! WOAH!!!!!! praise!!!!!!!! praise for one thousand years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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hellspawnmotel · 2 months
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madoka magica x 2001: a space odyssey
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joifee · 2 months
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Smile for the picture!
groupshot of the whole sos smp cast before they cant revive anymore
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matchingbatbites · 16 days
Modern AU where Corroded Coffin does get famous - just not in a way they were expecting.
They try through high school, play some local spots, post their songs online, but they don't really get a lot of traffic. And they think, maybe this isn't going to work.
Until one day, when they post a cover of a pop song, a la Punk Goes Pop, and it does well. Really well.
So they start doing more covers.
Is there a part of their steadily growing fan base that loves their originals and racks up the play counts on the one album they've put out? Of course.
And they never stop sharing their original stuff, but it never gets the kind of engagement that the covers do - and they kind of resign themselves to the fact that, this is what they do now, might as well have fun with it.
Steve Harrington is a popstar who's been on the scene for a little while now, and he loves CC's covers. He never really cared for metal before - overstimulation and audio processing are a wicked duo - but because he knows these songs, he's able to actually appreciate the music, the way the band morphs them into their own style.
He keeps finding himself wishing that they would cover one of his songs.
And then he learns about their original stuff. He listens to the one album on repeat and loves it, loves the lyrics and the composition of the music, and decides that he's going to do the cover for once.
(He's definitely not trying to catch the attention of the hot as fuck lead guitarist, no siree! This is just a nice, normal cover.)
Cue Eddie Munson having a heart attack when his notifications are flooded with links to Steve Harrington - popstar dreamboat and Eddie's absolute guilty pleasure, the man whose music he only listens to at the dead of night when he's guaranteed to never be caught - covering one of Eddie's songs.
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ricky-mortis · 2 months
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Ted’s TED talk
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savagegood · 1 year
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i made this collage of ted during show stopping number lol
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gwentbleidd · 1 year
still my favorite thing about all this is that joey batey really woke up one day, said 'hell yeah queer jaskier' and made thousands of people SO mad
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world-of-socks · 9 months
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Wiggog Y’wrath.
Watched Black Friday with my Roomies today!
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bustyclaireonalternia · 11 months
Tttouch-stttarved, hmmm?
"I've got up with only a little brother. And my babysitter but like, that's it. I'm not very used to physical contact, so I'm always caught off guard when Xefros clings to me or someone puts their hands on my shoulder. That's not to say I'm against it of course, far from it, it's just something I never really had."
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viiisenyas · 2 years
Tagged in this cute thing by @n7viper, ily💖
tagging with no pressure: @oxygenforthewicked, @sulky-valkyrie, @psalacanthea, @gloriousonemahanon, @moxxihodunk and anyone else who wants to! You're tagged too!
3 ships: Val/Hawke, Alessa Cousland/Alistair && Valanaya/Elludín (from my original fic, I'll post some shit about them later)
1st ever ship: I don't remember tbh, but it was probably Clintasha
Last song: Neptune by Sleeping at Last (funnily enough, that's also Valanaya and Elludín's song 0u0)
Last film: I literally watched Black Adam last night, and it was a whole heap of fun.
Currently reading: The Song of Achilles
Currently watching: Series 1 of the Witcher (because reasons, iykyk)
Currently consuming: Body Armour in the flavour of Fruit Punch because I suck at hydrating
Currently craving: Sleep. Always sleep.
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☕️+ Joey Hargreeves?
okay so Joey would have been drinking gross black coffee with the commission so she would be all over experimenting after! I'm feeling iced blonde hazelnut lattes tbh!
Send me ☕️+ an oc and I’ll tell you their Starbucks order
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perseruna · 3 months
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they finally found their geralt <3
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jokey05 · 3 months
I genuinely think that by some paradox DC was WAY more inclusive and "woke" in the '90 than now. Like so many POC characters, the firsts queer relationship in comics, many more disabled characters and representation than today. Not all of them were written well, mind you, but at least they were doing something instead of just showing up during Pride moth and then disappearing in limbo forever after a couple of cheesy lines. And we are not talking enough of all the disabilities erasure in the last years.
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