astraskylark · 1 year
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And the list keeps growing ✨
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blackkatdraws · 10 months
Hi, I'm back from being sent into the shadowban realm!!
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Here's school drawing I did when I was bored in class :3
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runningmunson · 21 days
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in-hav3n · 8 months
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James always has the best ideas when it comes to surprise you in the morning...
WARNINGS : NSFW, a HOT session of pussy eating and fingering
The sun was slowly shining through the clouds, the birds were gradually chirps through the silence of dawn when James opened his eyes on this Monday morning. He staid still for a while, just enjoying this peaceful time as he emerged step by step from his sleep. He could hear the outside sounds, telling him it was the morning already but he wanted more to enjoy the comfort sound of your breathing against his neck.
He moved his head carefully to look down at you as a smile crossed his face. You had snuggled up against him during the night and there was nothing more enjoyable than feeling your body against his. He smiled more and kissed your forehead, thinking how truly grateful he was for having you in his life. Who could have said the almighty Hetfield would have found love, after all the things he had been through ? He knew he was blessed to have you by his side, despite everything he had done in his past.
Suddenly, he remembered what day we were today. Precisely the day of your birthday. James grinned at the thought of everything he had planned for you to enjoy this special moment but since he was early awake, an idea crossed his mind...he could enjoy this precious time in the morning to offer you the first part of your birthday's gift.
Carefully and slowly, he moved away from your arms and waited for a short time. He wanted to be sure you'd be still asleep and when he had the confirmation you were, he moved underneath the cover.
Even asleep, you must have felt he disappeared cause you rolled on your back, stretching like a starfish, sleeping deeply in that position. James waited still, and when he felt ready, he slowly started to kiss your legs and inner thighs until he reached your womanhood.
He waited for a short brief of time again and let his finger glided under your panties' waistband, playing with it to see if he got a single reaction and when you didn't react, he slowly take it off, sliding it from your waist till your ankles. James was absolutely slow and smooth in his movements, almost moving like a cat, but he really wanted to surprise you.
He grabbed your ankles and gently opened your legs, so he could sneaked between them, kissing every single part of your thighs. Even under the blanket, with just a dim light coming from the sun outside, he could see your skin reacted at his kiss, at the touch of his lips on your delicate flesh. Goosebumps were appearing slowly and this made him grin more.
He smiled and went further on his exploration, slowly arriving in front of the object of his desires. He parted your legs, pushing them slowly with his palms He could felt the heat radiating from your body and hoped his palms weren't too cold to wake you up.
When James got enough space, he sneaked closer to let his tongue pressing a kiss against your velvet button. He saw no reaction first and smiled, kissing it a few times. Still no reaction.
He then moved slowly the tip of his tongue on your clit now, licking and tasting it. He felt you moved a little but not enough to awaken you up. He kept doing his exploration, sucking your bund of nerves and couldn't resist to flick his tongue against your velvet lips now.
"Mmh...", he heard from outside the blanket and this helped him to go on. You were slowly feeling something and he loved that. His head was now buried in your pussy, devouring it feverishly as he started to collected some wetness coming from your hole.
He grinned big, seeing you so exposed and vulnerable, and pulled away to tease your clit with his fingertip now. Brusquely your legs started to move and he heard some moans and whines as he kept circling your button in a slow pace.
"Mmmh..", another moan and he understood you were slowly waking up, your palm searching for James next to your body until your realized that he was really under the blanket, buried between your legs. This wasn't a dream. You gasped and slowly pulled away the blanket to expose him to the day light.
"Hello...", he whispered, his lips a bit wet from the pleasure he had given to you for a couple of minutes now.
"What-What are you doing there ?", you asked with a grin, resting on your elbows, to look at your beloved boyfriend.
"Pleasuring my love", he simply answered as he rubbed his long finger against your wet lips, making your shiver and moan at the same time.
"Oh James...", you whispered. "you're torturing me". You gasped again when you feel his index teasing your hole. James was pretty proud of the effect he had on you. He spat on your pussy and teased you with his finger again, letting it in and out slowly.
"You know how much I love to tease that pretty pussy of yours...", he whispered as he buried his head again on you, devouring your clit while his finger worked you out, stretching your pussy's walls.
"Oh my fucking god....More please", you exhaled in a cry, wiggling your pelvis against his mouth, wanting more. You couldn't stop looking at him and gripped his hair to show him to way you like it.
James pulled out in a gasp, rubbing your wetness as he gave you a proud grin. He inserted another finger inside your pussy while his other hand rested lazily on your pelvis, shaking your clit.
"God", he groaned, "so fucking wet for me baby... feel those fingers pushing in and out so easily in you?".
"Mmh...", you sighed of pleasure as your body fell on the mattress, eyes closed and mouth parted, hands gripping the pillow next to you. Your legs were wide opened and you could felt every hit of his fingers deep inside you. "Jamie...please...yes".
But James didn't want you to finish so easily...he suddenly pushed his fingers out and pulled away his mouth. He knew your orgasm were slowly building and he wanted to play with you more, making you feel the edge of desire burning deep inside you.
You opened your eyes, surprised and shocked, frowning at him but all you got is a proud grin again and a giggle.
"Thought I'd have let you cum so easily baby"?", he mocked as he felt the power he had on you. You bit your lip at his comment and started to move your pelvis again, in a needy way, showing him how much you needed to cum now.
"C'mon James...please...", you begged, feeling a strong pain between your legs. Your pussy already throbbing at the thought of the pleasure you were about to feel. "I need to cum...I'm so horny"
"Say it again for me baby...", he teased. "Say to me how horny you are...". His other hand moved under your ass to lift it up a bit, helping his position.
"I'm so horny James...I'm so wet for you, please...give it to me".
"Good girl", he grinned and slapped his palm against your pussy, making your moan louder and gasping of pleasure. His other hand gripped your ass firmly. His right palm hit your sensitive clit and this was enough to awaken your burning desire again.
James then waisted no time to push three fingers inside you, pushing them deeper. They thrusted easily, collecting all the wetness around your cunt and you let it go again, abandoning yourself to the desire you were feeling.
"Oh James...this feels so good".
"I know baby...let it go", he said as moved closer to eat you out again, this time ready to push you over the edge. His fingers gave you no mercy and his tongue rubbed every part of your wet lips, taking not resting time to be sure to send you to heaven.
"GOD...yes!", you whined louder this time, gripping his head and hair hard, not caring if it could hurt him. "Oh yes please...like this James...yes...don't stop", you breathed as your back arched slowly, feeling the pleasure pulsing slowly inside your lower belly until he finally reached that point that makes you explode.
James didn't stop moving, on the contrary. He pushed further and licked harder when he felt your pussy squeezing around his tongue and fingers, ready to make you ride your orgasm till the end.
You explode like you've never did before. Your orgasm hit you strongly, making you shiver, shudder and convulse hard. Your legs shook around James head and your mouth let out incoherent words and praise of how good he was making you feel.
You gripped the pillow hard and buried your face in it, hiding some of the whines and moans you could have let it out until you felt the pleasure getting down, running now through your veins.
You panted heavily, recovering slowly when James sucked your high sensitive clit one last time, as a way to reward you for being a good girl.
"Oh!", you moaned again, looked at him with big smile and you both giggled. "You teaser".
"I love to please you", James said with his low and sexy voice, kissing your pussy again before moving close to you to kiss you on your lips. You tasted yourself and smiled, sharing a deep passionate kiss and when your lips slowly parted away, he whispered a "Happy birthday my love" that makes you fall in love with him all over again...
A/N : This is a birthday gift for bestie! Happy birthday sweetheart <3
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naffeclipse · 8 months
I’m cackling at the idea of Eclipse and humpback YN having their own baby but said baby grows bigger than their papa like he’s holding the baby when they’re born and is upset when it gets older and he can’t carry his baby anymore >:(
That's adorable, ahhh!
A baby between an orca siren and a humpback siren would have a lovely mix of traits from both parents--the baby is bigger than orca siren young but smaller than humpback siren young, so the kid isn't too huge, but still an impressive weight to Eclipse! You would fret over the baby's 'small' size but between the two of you, you both ensure the infant has more than enough food to grow big and strong.
Eclipse loves being a father. He's holding the baby in his arms and cooing and singing sweet lullabies. He just can't believe this little pearl is gonna grow up so big one day but for now, he'll hold his kid as close as he can, when he's not adoring how sweetly you cradle the child (our baby.)
Eclipse is still gonna hold his (not so small) baby even after the years go by, but he does miss when he could cradle the kid.
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taylorswiftshipsbyler · 8 months
eeehehehehehe. happy halloween 👻👻
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byler as beetlejuice because yes. the movie came out in march of 88(I think) so these are their halloween costumes for that year :)))))
this is for the trick or treat prompt for day 6 of bylerween!!!!!
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steddiealltheway · 2 years
The fruity four all live together in a four bedroom apartment that’s on the smaller side but easily affordable since all four of them pay rent.
At first, the idea came from Steve and Robin who thought it made sense to live together considering they work at the same place and are always hanging out.
Eddie would joke about how his Uncle Wayne probably wants him to move out soon, now that Eddie’s graduated high school, and Wayne has a new “lady friend.” Eddie actually really likes her which gives him more reason to move out and give his uncle his own space, even though he always insists he’s more than welcome to live with him forever if he’d like to.
Nancy complains that she doesn’t want to find a roommate or housemate that isn’t experienced with the Upside Down because she’ll need to store her multiple guns around the house, and she doubts someone random would be okay with them. Plus, her night terrors are often hard to explain.
Steve and Robin joke that Nancy and Eddie should get a place with them, and eventually the joke is no longer a joke.
They move in together, and find that, for the most part, they’re perfect housemates.
Eddie has to use Wayne’s trailer to practice at 2am - it was a group consensus after Eddie startled everyone awake the first time.
Nancy makes a chore chart which Robin actively complains about until she realizes that she gets to make fun of Steve when it’s his turn to do the dishes.
Steve has to give everyone at least twenty-four hour notice before he has a girl over because the walls are very very thin.
They develop a nice dynamic, but things shift only a few weeks in when Nancy has her first night terror since moving into the apartment.
Eddie’s out practicing, and Steve’s bedroom is the furthest away from Nancy’s so he doesn’t hear. Robin wakes up to the sound of sobs on the other side of her wall and immediately goes to the source.
When Robin gets to Nancy’s room, she lightly knocks before opening the door. “Hey,” Robin whispers, causing Nancy to snap her head up, tears glistening on her face.
Robin makes her way to the bed and tentatively sits on it. She puts her arms around Nancy who latches on and pulls her in. Robin whispers, “It’s okay. I got you,” over and over again until Nancy’s sobs quiet down. Robin strokes her hair and whispers to her a random story about work from earlier that day, causing Nancy to chuckle and smile slightly. When Robin’s story ends, Nancy whispers out, “Thank you.” Robin squeezes her and finds Nancy dozing off in her arms. She eventually falls asleep, too.
Eddie comes back a little bit after that, quietly sneaking in and finding Nancy’s bedroom door open. He rushes to it, afraid something has happened because Nancy never leaves it open. Instead, he finds Nancy and Robin curled up in each other’s arms.
A door creaks open behind him, and Eddie whips his head around, finding Steve half asleep, rubbing at his eyes.
When Steve notices him, he gives him a look as if to say what are you doing outside of Nancy’s room?
Eddie gestures for Steve to come over and puts a finger to his lips. Steve glances over and finds the pair in Nancy’s bed. His eyebrows furrow, confused, but then he smiles and shrugs at Eddie. He slowly closes the door, willing it not to creak and awake the two girls.
When it closes, Eddie nods at Steve and dramatically tip toes to his room.
Steve silently laughs and shakes his head, making his way to the bathroom.
When everyone wakes up the next day, Steve and Eddie don’t say anything as Robin stumbles out of Nancy’s room, bright red. But as soon as Robin is in her room, Steve and Eddie begin giggling.
Nancy looks equally as flustered as she makes her way to the bathroom, smiling tightly at Eddie and Steve.
Robin makes her way out of her room the same time Nancy comes out of the bathroom. They both look at each other and then at Steve and Eddie. Steve continues flipping pancakes while Eddie pretends to be very interested in his guitar pick necklace.
When they’re all sitting at their dining room table, Eddie and Steve kick at each other’s feet when Robin and Nancy blush and stutter after Steve asks how everyone slept.
Steve and Eddie make eye contact and smile. They’re going to have fun with this new development.
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thosejuniper-berries · 8 months
Rare moment of Zoro & Sanji agreeing.
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*Right they get all worked up - watches sanji be a hypocrite - doesn't fight with him*
(ps his tone when sharing his thoughts w/ sanji was diff from him speaking to the rest of the crew here. It's Placating with Nami, Luffy & even robin. While Reflective & some disbelief of the situation (being in the cloud ocean) with Sanji. )
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lunian · 5 months
*finishes my first Astarion origin with a friendo, crashes every thing in epilogue party*:
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tangleslime2 · 4 months
I was thinking about zombees again, because that's what I do, and I was wondering how the scientists got that many bees.
So I concluded that someone in the hive was doing bee trafficking. And was probably being paid with technology or something.
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miles-alexander-teller · 10 months
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bonez-yard · 28 days
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"It might not be the right time...
I might not be the right one...
But there's something about us I want to say
But there's something between us anyway"
When I say this song is about them, you will take my word for it
I was just minding my own business when this song came on in my playlist and my immediate thought was these two, before things got "complicated and sad"
I'm so upset why is Alastor's profile so PRETTY WHAT-
Please do not STEAL/COPY/REPOST my art!!!
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feelingtheaster99 · 10 months
This effect where the dome becomes Elias Hodge’s sight as he’s falling is probably my favorite d20 special effect ever
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shey-pancake · 10 months
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Springtrap enjoys teasing Aurora everytime given the chance huh?
oh-- look at that, new outfits!
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glitchedcosmos · 5 months
If sonic x shadow generations is real does that mean we could possible time travel and see a old classic smol chibi style shadow next to the old classic style chibi sonic ?!?!?!
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naffeclipse · 6 months
(Spoilers for the latest chapter of AP) naff I KNOW that when eclipse said unbearable it was in italics because he was quoting Y/N from 2 days before but in my head he just got out of a fight with a polar bear - very much still bleeding - and then cracked a pun about it (unbearable) and when i read that i was SCREAMING
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