#// *i could talk so much about fandoms and how much theyve gone down since but theres a LOT we can still do. its small adjustments within
monmuses · 1 month
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OH this is gonna be so good to talk about.
so with fandom spaces, i genuinely believe they have gone to the shitter when quarantine hit, and it has skewed a LOT of our own mental health to a much lesser expectation than how it is right now. and i hate to say this like it's judgmental, but there's people who do NOT understand fandom spaces and they inherently invaded those spaces, changing what that whole expectation is for fandoms and communities in general.
it kills the creativity. people are expected to be perfect at their skillset. there's no more of a positive approach to bringing a community together to help one another. remember how we used to advocate against cyberbullying? it's more prominent than EVER.
that alone i think is the biggest failure since quarantine. that we've NORMALIZED cyberbullying, and that's why you hear a lot of "drama" between people; it is quite literally a result of cyberbullying and isolation to some degree and making direct insults and jokes about people as a way to demoralize them and then turn around to paint the person as a monster and the accuser as a victim (an example: Kane Carter & Theft King, Ohmwrecker and all of his bullshit with the Vanoss Crew & Terrorizer and Markiplier, UrbanSPOOK, Sneako, etc.)
this same thing also applies to other artistic spaces like writing, art, film, etc. the idea of criticism about art pieces and works in fandoms has turned into insulting and degrading others but masked as "criticism" that's often not asked for. it's such a mess and it has only gotten WORSE since quarantine. sure, you could argue this in saying that people in fandoms have been like this since day 1, but not to this extent. not this violent and miserable.
it's why i don't ever approach certain fandoms or communities because they normalize the negativity and misery. they normalize cyberbullying. it sucks to see it, but we still got a chance to turn that around. right now, it's just ... a mess in a lot of places.
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missjackil · 4 years
Sam Winchester’s Character is Underappreciated
And I am not talking about the show, or the writers, but the fandom. The last couple of days I have seen many fans complaining that Sam isn’t like he was back in Saint Kripke’s days. That he lost his anger, and my personal fav “It’s like they gave his anger to Dean” and all I have to say is that you’ve missed the point entirely. 
First I want to point out that Sam and Dean are two different characters. Both are very well thought out by the creators/writers and perfectly executed by Jared and Jensen. These are two brothers with relatively the same upbringing, who have gone through pretty much all the same trauma, but have handled it all differently. 
Sam was pretty angry in S1, mostly about dad and wanting to go back to school Dean was angry also, mostly about wanting his family to be together. Sam wasn’t angry at all in s2, a bit in s3 but only angry when it came to Dean not acting like he cared that he was going to die and go to Hell. Sam had some anger in s4, mostly due to drinking demon blood, but we did get to see him angry in a flashback to when Dean was still dead. In s5, Sam SAYS he’s angry all the time, but WE dont see it. Mostly he acts sad and self loathing. Dean however has been angry since the beginning and still is. 
If both WInchesters were angry all the time, the show would SUCK and the boys wouldnt be interesting. The show established early on that Sam is the optimist and Dean is the pessimist and has reminded us of this several times and as recently as when their mother died (again) Sam didn’t grieve the same way Dean did because Sam took comfort in the fact he knew Mom was happy, in a great place and with their father. Dean was hurt and angry that she was gone forever now and they had no hope nor chance of bringing her back. Same event, diffrent yet perfectly valid reactions. 
Sam and Dean have both been through the most horrible events imaginable and yet they manage to keep it together, by staying together. The fact that they have different reactions to the same things is a big reason why they can keep it together. When one is weak, the other is strong, when one loses hope, the other gives him a reason to have it, when one loses faith, the other holds on to enough for them both. This isn’t lazy writing or favoriting one character over the other, this is where TPTB excell and do their best work. TPTB may fail in other areas but they’ve always managed to nail it with Sam and Dean’s characters. 
Sam has evolved over the years into this badass hunter who is also soft and full of empathy and compassion for others. He chokes back most of his emotions in favor of pressing forward, or to show understanding to someone he cares about. Notice how he was with Mary, many times he visibly held back his anger to try and understand her reasoning. He’s choked back many tears so he could stay focused on the task before him, and you all may think its to his or the shows detriment, but its actually a good thing in this case, because when Sam DOES let out his emotions, it’s dramatic, noteworthy, and we know shit is real. 
Look at the last couple seasons and to where we are now. Sam, the one who’s been optimistic for 10 years, is losing hope. Unraveling before our eyes and saying he feels like he can’t breathe when he thinks about everyone they’ve lost and all the crap theyve been through. He’s disaplaying his emotions more now because he can’t hold them back for the sake of faith anymore. When Sam has no rfight left, neither will Dean, thus bringing us to The End. 
Now, I think it sucks when people shit talk the writers when Sam and Dean dont act the way they want them to. Sorry snowflake, its not your story. It may be you don’t actually like the character as much as you think you do, or prefer the fan fiction versions. I know at least some of y’all spend too muich in fan fiction and have forgotten what the real characters are like, like the ones I saw recently claiming “Sam is always so sumbissive” and I had to ask what show theyre watching, because Sam may not be dominatiing, but hes anything BUT submissive, to anyone. Dean and Lucifer included. 
With Dean, Sam has always chosen whether or not what theyre arguing or fighting about is worth fighting about, and often times he just drops it. With Lucifer, he wont ever stop fighting him as long as theyre both alive. 
So, in conclusion, if you think Sam’s character has been left by the wayside or that he is “just a shell of what he used to be” put down the fan fic and watch the show again, because you’ve missed out on a wonderfully developed and perfectly executed character, and that’s just a crying shame.
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