#/ niko is just THAT DUDE!!!
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While Edwin is acting like an asshole to an actual 16yo who was just possessed by a demon, lost her memories and had nowhere to go, Charles was a dick to Edwin there.
He knows that Edwin doesn't like change, he knows he's not good with people, but he still decided, on his own and without Edwin's consent, to allow Crystal to stay with them. Charles is not the only one leading the agency, they both are and this kind of decisions should ABSOLUTELY be discussed before. Especially when one is clearly against even before this choice was formulated.
It's not like there weren't any other options for Crystal : they could have gone to the police and say she lost her memories (they probably know her already btw, thanks to her previous angelic behaviors), they could have asked other psychics (they're all probably adult given how Charles talked abt them)...
Many options except the one who will unnerved Edwin the most (and there probably many of us who would have the same reaction as him), but Charles is so excited that he tunnel-vision on Crystal and basically ignores Edwin's feelings (that he knows came partially from his traumas from Hell)
I will go as far as saying that Edwin and Crystal began this bad bc of Charles. Yes, Crystal - with her powers (she can do things he can't no matter his amount of knowledge or his time of pratice) and personnality - is a menace for Edwin's way of thing and self-esteem. But the biggest issue came from Charles behavior. Charles who's so clearly crushing on Crystal, Charles who's always taking her side, Charles who ignores Edwin's feelings and traumas and forces things on him he clearly doesn't want. Charles who talked about his more private feelings to a stranger but never to Edwin.
Charles has his own traumas and we can't expect him to cater to everyone and to always have the perfect reactions. But when you see Edwin's reaction to Niko, it's the day and night. Yes, Niko has a more calm attitude (the first thing she did wasn't to insult the name the boys are so fond of) and doesn't have powers that make her a competition to Edwin. But he accepted her almost immediately, he's never bitchy to her, he supports her and her traumas, they spends time together...
I'm honestly surprised Crystal is not a bit bitter at Edwin for the different treatment of her and Niko.
In conclusion, imperfect teenagers acting like imperfect teenagers
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scopophobia-polaris · 6 months
the way your ww link and oot link interacted in that comic is non to me. couldn't even kill ganon lewser
Oh my god I forgot to post this because I wanted to draw something for it but I don't remmeber now and YEAH TIMIE IS A LOSER but they were also 9
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lotus-lamps · 10 months
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im not late what do you mean im late
anyways image on left is a really old drawing, one on the right is the one i spedran for the anniversary but i was still late
I eep now
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theflyingfeeling · 9 months
i just noticed that for some reason i don't remember joonas' middle name and i was trying to recall it by going through the all of blind channel's full names in my head
i don't know what happened when i got to olli because my brain just autofilled it so i said in my head: "olli elias kau- wait he's surname isn't kaunisvesi- i mean olli elias mattson"
i'm way too deep in this ollixallu shit
actually im just sleep deprived and my brain isn't working properly but i'm making it abou ollixallu shit again
no but the way Olli Elias Mattson sounds so cute?? 😭😭😂😂😭😂😭😂😂
I hope they'll take Matsson as their shared surname when they get married 🥰
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makahitaki · 11 months
in a Mood™
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Here's a piece I made for a friend, experimenting with color was fun and all but honestly +4 days of work is also a lot so I ended up burning out right after I finished it lmao, anyways here it is plus some other stuff behind the scenes
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ilkkawhat · 2 months
I hear you were watching Sorjonen, I want to know your opinion about Niko's character throughout the series (no need for long-winded explanations). Do you have any plans for a fic where Alan Wake meets Niko considering Alan has become the Master of Many Worlds lol
Anyway, thank you for the gif and pic of sorjonen and also the other show that you found about Ilkka, bless you 😉
I love Niko so much! I liked seeing him grow through the seasons, someone who start off with a little ambition to get ahead (citing kari’s profiling of him that he wanted a desk job more than fieldwork) to then being reluctant at first to head up SECRI (with that adorable moment where Kari tells him to find that inner bureaucrat again) and watching him cope with his injury with the few scenes we got was *chefs kiss* i just wish we got to see a little more of his personal life and a little more of that aftermath of his shooting
haven’t though of a crossover like that until now but that’d be interesting! alan writing himself to be part of a case nikos working on, maybe with the theme of doppelgängers and mistaken identities would be fun…and i’m sure it’d mess with niko a little bit too, the idea there’s someone out there who looks just like him, the paradoxes of alan’s writing and question of free will as he reads pages…i might have to explore that some day!
(and thank you for the compliment about my gifs! 💜)
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tragedy-machine · 5 months
It's absolutely hilarious to me that we are shown Charles being jealous of every dude who talks to Edwin but even though Edwin says "I just find her so oddly charming" about Niko and they clearly click almost instantly, Charles is not jealous at all??
Like, did Charles clock Edwin a long time ago already or what? dude was so secure that Niko was not a threat, but Monty and the Cat King? oh no no no
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finelythreadedsky · 9 months
6th century bce archaic greece dashboard simulator
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📜 oracles-onomakritos Follow
guys you have GOT to stop sticking in extra aristeias for your faves, the iliad is getting TOO LONG
⚔️ argivehero1184 Follow
nope lmao check out my guy diomedes he stabbed aphrodite!!!
📜 oracles-onomakritos Follow
look do you want anyone to even be able to perform this whole thing bc i know rhapsodes are impressive but their memories can only go so far
#parahomerica #i spend so much time on this and is anyone remotely grateful?
76 notes
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🌠 thalesmilesios Follow
it’s going to be so crazy next month when it gets dark in the middle of the day, the medes are going to have no idea what hit them
🏛️ anaxagoraintheagora Follow
lol like that would ever happen! you’d have to piss off apollo even more than agamemnon did
🏛️ anaxagoraintheagora Follow
i stand corrected.
#ok headed down to didyma to make some offerings now #ngl this has me pretty freaked out
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🌸 iokolpos Follow
poem for atthis 💔
like a hyacinth on the mountains the shepherds tread upon her underfoot and on the ground a purple flower
Keep reading
💐 poikilothronanaktoria Follow
sappho dm me please i won't leave you like she did
247,383 notes
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💩 iambicpharmakos Follow
wealth is such a dick, he never comes to my place to go hey hipponax here’s thirty minas of silver, and some extra too! what, is he scared?
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🏺 exekias-epoiese Follow
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sneak peek of my new work! process video will be up soon, and remember I am currently open for commissions!
#ajax 😭😭😭#wanted to challenge myself with the hands and i think they turned out ok #the armor was much more fun though #art tag
693,554 notes
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👹 assemblerofchoruses Follow
when you think about it... maybe helen's right when she blames herself for the trojan war? she chose to run away with paris and then so many people died because of it, she even says herself that she was a shameless dog
👹 assemblerofchoruses Follow
helen if your reading this i didmt meanit im so sorry
#i cant see anythignwhat is going on
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🍃 nikostratethepythagorean Follow
that hippokleides guy is such an icon. siege of tyre? hippokleides don't care! persian invasion? hippokleides don't care! fall of babylon? hippokleides don't care! peisistratus back in athens? hippokleides don't care!
#trying to bring this energy to the new olympiad #niko speaks
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🫒 notthatmegacles Follow
and don't just automatically vote for your tribe!
💐 poikilothronanaktoria Follow
um who even are any of these guys
🫒 notthatmegacles Follow
dude they're the patron heroes for the ten new tribes, have you been living under a rock????
💐 poikilothronanaktoria Follow
believe it or not i’m one of the dozens of people worldwide that live in a polis that’s not athens
#smh #lesbian problems
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icarusplease · 2 years
I feel like I’m back in high school trying to overstimulate the fuck out of myself so I can crash and not sh. The only difference is not I can completely numb myself with weed :)
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vaguesxrrow · 5 months
can u plsss write one about charles with an american reader? like the inspo is the olivia rodrigo song so american lol. like maybe him making fun of her accent and her doing the and back and like the differences between the two cultures?
ACTUALLY INSANEEE bc right before seeing this i was singing that song in my head (i dont listen to olivia but i probably should tbh). alsoo i wasn't sure if you wanted a fic or hcs, so i kind of made a 2 in 1. hope you dont mind! xx
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a/n: im not american nor british and ive never been to the usa or the uk... so excuse any inaccuracies pleaseee
tags: g!n reader, american!reader, alive!reader
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you shivered and exhaled sharply, your breath misting out in front of you. the moment you stepped outside, you knew you should have piled on more layers, but edwin had been eager in whisking everyone out the door to carry out an investigation for your current case.
you burrowed closer to charles. obviously, he couldn't provide any real body heat, but being near him was a boost in morale to keep going despite the temperature.
"alright?" he asked, putting an arm across your shoulders.
"i should've put on more layers," you grumbled.
charles laughed as he kissed the top of your head. "you can have my jacket."
shaking your head, you declined. "it's fine, it's not that cold. and besides, i wouldn't want to strip you of your british glory and your british coat."
charles snorted. "so it's my british glory, now? who was the one making fun of my accent literally just yesterday?"
"litch-rally," you parroted, grinning. "why is it that all your t's turn into ch's?"
"hey, you're one to talk - what is it you were ordering at the restaurant yesterday? a glass of wa-der, was it?"
"bite me, charles."
he raised his jacket up and engulfed you with it in a bear hug. you shrieked with laughter and wriggled in his hold, but didn't protest when he demanded you hold your arms out so he could put the jacket on you.
"what are you, a soccer player? i thought i was your [boy/girlfriend/partner], not your competition," you teased.
"soccer?" he mocked, outraged. "soccer? it's football, mate."
"mate?" you scoffed incredulously, although you were smiling. "way to friendzone me after months of dating."
"oh, come on, you know you could never get rid of me." charles pulled you in again, this time by your hand. "and for the record, you look cute wearing my clothes."
a few beats of silence, in which you two looked at each other with similar expressions of fondness and exasperation.
"yeah, okay, now get away from me, you victorian fossil." you shoved him playfully, and sprinted away to catch up with the other three. niko waved you over, giggling at charles, who was jogging to keep up.
"victorian fossil? i grew up in the 80s!" he exclaimed. "you know this!"
⌦ ---
- you do know very well that charles grew up in the 80s - you frequently ask him what it was like back then, because naturally, you'd take an interest in your boyfriend's life
- however, charles loves how you're genuinely interested, and get how watching times change can feel a bit lonely for him sometimes
- you're a great listener when it comes to this (which you think you should be greatly accredited for; charles' good looks can be very distracting at times)
- imagine: you and charles in your room as he looks around, inspecting the decor you have on display as he rambles about life in the 80s
- he tells you about a huge movie premiere he went to:
- charles: "get this, right - a ridiculously long line outside the movie theatre. the weather is absolutely miserable, and so are the people. no one's talking at all. i think everyone was just hungry - i saw this lady have tea delivered.
- you: 'i keep forgetting you have stuff like tea times. and did everyone really have the patience to wait for that long, in silence?'
- charles, with a fake american accent: yeah, dude. in silence.
- you throw a pillow at him.
- you also like telling hilariously bad jokes relating to his accent
- you: psst. charles.
- he turns towards you, already expecting another jab at his british-ness
- you: what day do british people eat the most?
- charles, in a deadpan: what day.
- you: chewsday, innit-
- he yells 'NOPE' and walks through the wall, leaving you to wheeze-laugh on your own
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crow-aeris · 4 months
okay yeah, just finished with dead boy detectives and,,, i have so many feelings
like, i am not at ALL surprised to know niel gaiman helped worked on this show, bcs it’s AMAZING??!!!!?!?! In the beginning i thought the title sounded stupid, but then i realized it was about gay ghost boys and then i was SOLD.
edwin fucks??? like, how many bitches he got at this point?? we have charles(?), monty, cat dude, and now SIMON????? omg he literally fucks!!! something about this anemic-looking, sickly-looking, pale as fuck, stuck-up english ghost dude just entices both the supernatural AND the natural-natural 😭😭😭
i’d say i’m appalled, but i’m genuinely not too surprised (what with neil GAIMAN having worked on it) and i really, REALLY hope there’s more, bcs i want to know if niko survives, and if edwin ans charles get together
i also really like how they tied most of the loose ends together, and how beautiful the story looked once completed
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demonbanger · 2 years
𝔇𝔬𝔫’𝔱 𝔣𝔯𝔢𝔱 𝔭𝔯𝔢𝔠𝔦𝔬𝔲𝔰 ℑ’𝔪 𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢 |
ft. sex demon ! 𝗘𝗨𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗦𝗦 𝗞𝗜𝗗 | 🌶 🔞 MDI
“𝙄𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙘𝙖𝙣’𝙩 𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙡𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙩, 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙗𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙤𝙤𝙩𝙮 𝙘𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙡.” — E. Kid, to you
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synopsis: on a lonely night you decide to get a bit buzzed and think, fuck it, why not try to summon a sex demon? Turns out to be either the biggest blessing, or biggest mistake you’ve made in a while.
♫: click for inspo song
pairing: Incubus! Kid x Fem! Reader (no physical description of reader, except hair that can be pulled)
cw: *inhales* demon summoning, bully Eustass, brat taming, blood + pain play, cunnilingus, drinking mention, predator x prey, breeding, dacryphilia, dumbification, belly bulge, overstimulation, praise + degradation, size kink af with our 6’7 king, use of pet names, insane stamina, gets softer at the end
tags: @goshitshardtohaveagoodname @nikos-a-clown @pinkcrystal-rose
© Writing & Imagery in this is my intellectual property. Do not plagiarize or repost to other platforms without my permission. Love, DemonBanger
You stuff your fingers in your dribbling pussy, but just could not get yourself full enough. You felt like such a horny bastard tonight, with so much sexual desperation, and finally decided you wanted to start masturbating again. But nothing worked like when you first started; you’ve just been single for too long and miss the feeling of real cock.
Even a dildo couldn’t do the trick anymore. You needed the real thing, with pumping veins and harsh thrusts, attached to a heavy man that pressed you into the mattress, with low grunts and dirty words moaned lowly into your ear.
You sigh in frustration and set the toys down, taking a swig out of some whiskey to let it take over more of your senses. The liquor burns so beautifully going down your throat…too bad there wasn’t another hot liquid also sinking down your oral cavity.
The familiar floaty headspace seeps in like an old friend that you keep away at arm’s length, as your heartbeat drums in your warm chest. Buzzed you feels like a dragon waking from a slumber, with old runes in the form of dumb ideas filling your brain.
“Might as well fucking summon a sex demon at this point,” you mutter. The idea rolls over in your head for a few minutes, and the curiosity of trying something crazy and reckless like this gets more and more appealing to your buzzed brain, until eventually you think: Wait. Fuck it, what if I tried it at least? You laugh to yourself.
What would you have to lose anyways? Just your soul? You don’t even feel like you have one these days until you drink good old caffeine.
You tap the safari icon on your phone, to research how one would even go about summoning an incubus, and take another swig to invite the madness more.
A few forums say the same thing. People asking if you actually want to invite such a thing into your life, some dude talking about how his wife cheated on him with one of those entities and was never the same after that. Hahah…cuck.
You scoff. You have existential crises every day, no sex demon can fuck your life up like you feel you can. Demons, where you at? It’s ya boi. You think about the meme and cackle way too hard for something so unfunny and possibly life-threatening.
Then you scroll over a comment that is long with a lot of upvotes on it. It looks serious. Seems legitimate. There are no comments underneath, but it reads like a serious spell book.
Eh, why not? You laugh again. The comment warned against masturbating beforehand to make sure your sexual energy was at its peak to really invite any sexual spirits. Welp, already fucked that up, so if this doesn’t work at least you could have something fun to do and then tire yourself out and call it a night.
Then you read how it involves extracting blood from a few…sources such as the tongue and pussy and you wonder if there’s a better way. A paper cut on any of those things sounds gross. Eek.
You look over YouTube and find the first video that pops up. The speaker sounds experienced, and says that it’s much simpler than any methods. Just make a request to the demon Asmodeus by reaching a meditative state, and adamantly focusing on his name.
Simple enough. You try and make sure your room is a little tidy, burn a couple of cutesy candles, and dress in a black spiked collar and a cute, lacey red lingerie set you got yourself a little while back. Scarlet garters hold up soft thigh highs that bring out your thighs and make your lower body look extra luscious. You take in this moment of feminine confidence. What are you? You’re a bad bitch. And what are you about do? Get fucked.
You sit prettily on your bed, take another swig of the burning drink, shake your hips in excitement, close your eyes, and make the signature meditation pose. You even put the sigil of Asmodeus on your laptop to better reach him. Look at you, doing the most. Then, you bite your lip in concentration and your buzzed brain is slow enough to focus on one thing slowly.
Asmodeus. Asmodeus. Asmodeus, are you with me? You think with intention.
Just as you thought. No answer. You continue.
Asmodeus, I know I never spoke to you in my life. I’m Y/n, I know this is silly but I don’t mind giving up some of my energy to get fucked voraciously by a demon boy. An incubus please. Is that ok?
You wait for an answer, peep at the candles. They’re just flickering normally. You try not to psych yourself into micro analyzing the movement of the little flames. Drunk you could do that all night. But you need to keep focused. Then you continue.
Hopefully it is ok, Mr. Asmodeus. I don’t know if I need to give up my blood n shit. I’m just a little drunk girl and honestly I’ve given up so much life energy to toxic exes at this point, you don’t need to warn me,, I know I’m rambling, but uh, yeah. I don’t give a fuck. But also, respectfully, make sure he wants me too. That shit’s hot. Do you even hear me at this point?
A chill up your spine stops you from thinking further. It’s such a chill that you shiver. It’s the same sensation in your nerves that you’d feel if someone ran a finger along your entire sensitive spine. Your window isn’t open.
There’s no way.
Good talk, you think. Don’t know what the fuck that was.
You sigh, keeping yourself open for answers. Maybe he’s thinking? Who knows. For a second you almost feel a little silly for getting all dressed and stuff.
Then you feel a chill up your spine, only more intense. Your hairs stand on end. It’s kind of spooky. You’re drunk though so you’re in more of a relaxed, “oh no!!! anyways” sort of mindset. But none of your windows are open and you haven’t turned on the AC all day.
You take another swig out of the bottle and your face burns. You’re sure your eyes are a bit bloodshot, face flushed. You think about what a male demon would say if he saw you. Probably something like—Put the bottle down, sweetheart.
You cackle in your mind. Sorry about that, daddy, gotta have fun.
Keep calling me that, I like it, the thought says a bit louder in your mind, purring more sexily than you’ve ever imagined a man sounding. Wait, did you make that up or are you tripping?
You open your eyes again. So that was your imagination…or was it? There’s a little bit of doubt in your mind. Either way your imagination is vivid and you crack yourself up.
Damn it, you play too much, now your drunk ass can’t even tell what’s someone telepathically communicating to you and what’s you imagining someone telepathically communicating to you.
You clear your throat a little.
“Oi, am I wasting my time? Am I making this up? Give me a sign or show yourself , but don’t like scare me, or else I’m just going to sleep.” You try to speak clearly and confidently.
Your head whips around to the wall at something suddenly in your peripheral, and you notice a little area starts to glow, brighter and brighter. It’s a sigil. The same one you put on your computer moments ago. It’s very slow. Your heart feels like it’s in your fucking throat as you blink extra hard. Nope, still there. Holy fuck??
You swallow, slightly nervous besides your sense of fear being dulled down.
A gasp leaves your throat at a sudden tapping noise coming straight from the sigil. A fist punches through your wall, except not actually punching through its material. The glowing sigl must be some sort of portal. You let out a shocked squeal as the fist shakes around the air of your room. The clawed hand opens and the body attached steps out.
“The fuck was that?”
Oh lord. He’s huge. And above all else, irresistibly sexy.
The demon stands before you, towering over most of your room proudly, a wild crown of red hot hair adorning his head. The candlelight flickers wildly as he looks directly at you. His handsome features complete with sharp eyes like glowing amber surrounded by darkness, almost dragon-like. Is that…lipstick? And guyliner. Another shiver runs through you at how attracted you are to this creature from hell. You must’ve made Asmodeus laugh and scored the jackpot in return. That sharp nose.. with the pretty bumps on the side…you wonder how it would feel riding it.
He’s wearing a coat trimmed with maroon fur, that still leaves little to the imagination as his entire muscular, giant torso is bare with a sheen that accentuates carved abs, perhaps sweat because hell is hot. Black pants with chains hang low on his hips. You don’t see visible wings but are sure he can make them appear if he wanted.
Just, holy shit.
Dark maroon lips smirk. His voice is raspy, a little tired, a little indifferent, but the look in his eyes says otherwise. “So…you gonna just keep staring at me all night and get off that way, or?”
You bite your lip. He’s so fucking smug. Your pussy starts pooling more wetness than already built up.
“I-well, yeah, you just appeared through my fucking wall,” you roll your eyes, not submitting so easily. “The hell did you expect?”
The demon flashes a mouth full of beautiful, dangerous teeth.
“Pretty little minx, and a smart mouth on ya too. I guess he was right it’d be worth bothering the admiral of the legions, can’t wait to fuck the brattiness out of you.”
Black, ornate trousers that appear punk and shredded to bits sway as he steps closer to your bed.
“Oh, Careful—” you warn but one of his beautiful, tall, twisty horns hits your ceiling fan, and you find it comical how a 7 foot tall demon is cursing at hitting his left horn in your room.
His eyes squint at you. “Fucking brat. Laughing at me, not even telling me your name. I could drag a rude little mortal like you to hell and eat you alive for lack of manners,” he drawls, little to no venom in his words, his voice so deep and rich you almost get lost in it for a moment. Little does he know you want him to eat you alive.
“Oh—, I mean you’re right, sorry sir,” you spit out the sorry as sarcastically as possible, “I’m Y/n, what’s your name?”
He eyes your thighs clenching together and a mocking chuckle bubbles in his chest. “Name’s Kid. But you, little thing, can call me Eustass for tonight when I’m impaling you on my cock.”
A little whimper is forced out of you at how dirtily he spoke, like he made an incantation to turn you on instantly. “Eustass,” you try out, making precum drip out of him more than he’d like to admit. Your eyes flit down to his cock that he mentioned, then back up. He knows you were staring. And he’s so damn smug about it too, because the big guy’s bulge looks absolutely huge.
He looks over at the toys on your bed and scoffs, picking up your dildo, and eyeing it snarkily. Your face burns in indignation at his wolfish, leering smirk.
“Oh princess. Might as well throw these—“ he locates your trash bin, “right here. Because I’m gonna fucking ruin them for you. And you can kiss any man’s dick goodbye.” He drops your sex toys into the trash like a mic drop.
And you’re not even mad. Your thighs shift against the fabric of your bodysuit to gain any sort of friction, so turned on from imagining what’s to come.
“Yeah? You like that? I can just smell how much that turned you on. Such a pathetic, needy, desperate slut. You in heat or something?”
You can only nod your head.
He makes his way back to the bed, walking like he has all the time in the world, and you eye him for how beautiful and dangerous he is, oozing sex appeal. He also eyes you hungrily, like a starved carnivore eyeing its new living meal. Heat from hell radiates off of him, and he smells otherworldly; almost sweet; with notes of pure musk, steel, blood, leather, sweat, and desire.
(You don’t know that the pheromones you’re releasing have a similar effect on him, but he wants to make you beg and whimper; mewl, cry, break).
You take in shaky breaths, not because those fangs could rip chunks out of you if he wanted to…well, that’s hot too.
Kid grabs your bottle of whiskey from your mattress, eyeing you with pure hunger as he gets so close to you, and sets it on the floor. “That’s gonna break if it stays on your bed.” He dips his head closer to you, inhales again to smell your arousal, and his eyes roll shut.
“A-are we gonna have a safeword? I’m not paying any hospital bills if you break my body,” you finally speak up, voice pitch heightened from horniness.
He scoffs. “How fucking adorable, such a needy stupid baby, you didn’t even think before making a contract with someone who could do whatever he wants with you no?” the redhead strokes your thigh as he sounds so mean and condescending, large clawed hand gripping your upper leg, squeezing your supple flesh. His breathing is heavy. Fiery eyes peer down into your soul as he pauses.
“Spikes.” He feels your collar, humming in approval. “But just know, you signed up to be fucked. And drained.” His blackened thumb traces over your bottom lip as he holds your chin. “If you can’t handle the heat, you should know better than to booty call hell.”
“Mhmm,” you say, nodding in his hold, tongue darting out to caress his finger. Kid snarls.
Just like that, a large palm presses on your sternum and shoves you down onto the bed. He yanks you by the hips to the edge of the mattress with a bruising grip, and bucks his clothed hips into yours sharply, trouser-covered bulge slapping your pussy roughly, eliciting a whine from your throat.
“Gonna keep your neighbors up with us all night just like this,” he growls, bucking onto you, hands tracing your hips, fingers dipping under your bodysuit to caress your soaking core.
“Wet kitty, so fucking sinful.” He pulls out his fingers, separating them and admiring how your slick strings up and drips down his hand. Then, glowing eyes gaze into yours as a long, sharp, forked tongue licks your essence up, cleaning them in one stroke. You throb. He tosses his trench coat to the floor and you admire his giant, muscular body. Thick neck you want to scratch up. Giant muscles carved of porcelain and littered with scars that you want to bite and paint even prettier. A fallen angel of vermillion, ready to stab you in the dark, drag you down in lust and weeping to your personal circle of heavenly hell.
Without another word, he dips his head down and snaps the crotch of your bodysuit open leaving you with no room to think. He flattens his large, forked tongue and licks a broad, wet stripe over your sopping cunt.
“ ‘s cunny’s mine,” he breathes, and begins his attack on you with his mouth, squeezing your thighs, large tongue teasing into you.
“Yes it’s all—, ohhhh~” He pulls out and shoves two huge fingers with painted fingernails into your entrance, stretching you out and making you arch your back from the sudden stimulation, pussy smushing into his face further. He growls again, feral in nature, the vibrations going straight to your clit as he intently watches your reactions. Wide tongue lapping at your clit, swirling, making you speak in tongues and whimper at how full you are. You do not regret summoning a demon at all.
He adds a third impossibly thick finger and scissors them in and out of you, then impatiently thrusts his tongue back in to fuck you, massaging every little nook and cranny of your textured walls. Swirling up, and up, and up until your brain rots inside your skull and you’re roughly grabbing handfuls of his hair.
You hear him groan a prideful, muffled “Good girl,” as his nose bumps into your clit so snugly. Your eyes roll back at the praise. It’s too much, all of it is too much. And yet, you need more, more, more, please, please, please. His tongue hits a tender spot that makes you jolt and begins to attack it in a full-fledged assault, causing you to snap your gaze back to him and buck your hips greedily into him.
Greedy. He likes that. He likes how greedy your cunt is, because he’s just as greedy for you. Your thighs clench around his head when he shakes his face, soaked in your juices, side to side to rub your clit with his nose pressed tightly to you. “E-Eustass!” you call out for him, all strangled, and a purr rumbles in his thick chest.
In response, he only clenches your thighs tighter around his face, continuing to torture you with his pink tongue that’s long and mobile like a fucking tentacle.
You cry out as talonesque nails dig into your thighs and little pricks of blood come out, but he doesn’t care. And neither do you. You grind on him, head swimming in lust, probably only worsening the pinprick wounds. He leans back with you and completely sits down on the floor beneath, holding the entire weight of your body on top of his face with the strength of a powerful war demon.
He slides you up and down, and you tremble, spots of white flecking your vision as you ride his face, smearing your never ending slick to his insatiable delight.
His amber eyes glare at you, urging you to let go and come undone on top of him. Yet mocking you for needing to cum so soon.
And that’s what you do, shaking violently, curling over him, death grip on his scarlet tresses, as he groans at how delicious you taste. The orgasm washes over you so hard you almost fall slack, almost, as your moans fall silent from your circuits sparking. He drinks up all the essence you have to offer, lips smacking at how delicious you are, deep “Mmmhfuck” causing your nipples to perk.
He stands back up and sets you back down on the bed, unzipping his pants.
You’re lightheaded from the most amazing orgasm of your entire life, gazing at the ceiling as static fills your brain in ocean waves of dumbified pleasure.
Then your mouth gapes open at the sight in front of you. Beautifully red pubes trail right over his giant hand, fisting the biggest cock you’ve seen.
“Ngh, t-too big,” you whimper.
“Oh, I’m shocked you can speak,” he laughs darkly.
“Barely,” you try to prop yourself up on your elbows, but it’s so difficult and you fall back down.
He laughs at you, humiliating you in his stare. “Such a weak kitten,” the demon mocks you in faux sympathy.
You feel as though you nutting just now made you so insanely tired.
“Just lay back, dollface, you’re giving daddy life energy as a snack. Gonna make you even prettier, so dumb you can’t even speak.”
Before you can protest, he’s spearing you with his cockhead, ripping a loud moan from your throat.
He’s merciless, as no god has shown him, a fallen angel, any mercy. So why should he, an incubus leeching off of your sexual energy, show any mercy to a cunt that’s all his and swallows him in just right.
He continues to sink into you, and your nails pay him back by digging into him now, in his meaty forearms.
Kid’s tongue darts out over his crimson lips.
“Keep,” he thrusts out slightly, admiring the way you grip him, “fucking,” he thrusts back in all the way, making you shriek, “taking it.” The pain is so much, too much, the stretch fucking burns at how large of a cock is intruding you, but he hammers into you without regards to your comfort or pleasure. He’s the one using you, fucking you like you’re his breathing flesh light, like you’re the one working for him though he’s the escort demon. Ramming in, threatening to fuck right into your cervix, overload. You’re clamping down, your walls are rejecting him. It makes him curse loudly at how hard it is for him to move, but he’s stronger than a mere human, so ever the sadist, Kid pumps in regardless.
The pain of his unrelenting, selfish thrusts starts to turn slowly into pleasure, and the fullness and overwhelming stretch feels delicious. Your mind turns dumb and you start to whine.
“M-more,” you moan, and he grabs your tit harshly, twisting your nipple painfully, making tears rush to your eyes. He does so to the other tit, then slaps them roughly. You whimper his name, back arching like an exorcism in progress. Except exiting you, this demon is not.
“Yeah? You need some more, you selfish brat?” He growls, pace deepening and quickening. “Don’t you worry, I’m not going anywhere, not until the sun is up.” His hips snap against yours, and his nails rake down your body to fold your thighs against your chest, his crushing weight pinning you to the bed. Your mattress hitting the wall. You struggle to catch the breath that’s knocked out of you in this position.
“Fucking look at me,” he suddenly jibes, and you obediently make eye contact with him. “Now don’t you dare fucking look away or quiet those pretty noises. I want to make you scream.”
He’s going at an inhuman speed, and so fucking deep in this mating press, and hits the spot that made you cum before. His balls slapping against your ass, making you scream.
“Eustass! Eustass! Please, please, please, yes, Nnnn! Please!” You beg him to keep going, as he growls, “fuck yes, beg, princess, beg for this fucking cock,” his thrusts getting sloppier as your cunt tightens around him. Your eyes roll back a little, as he’s fucking you dumb.
“Ah!!!” You yelp, as he roughly slaps your ass.
“What did I fucking tell you?” Eustass snarls, and you bite your lip, face flushed as he glowers at you.
“T-to, to uh, look at you,” you say dumbly, gasping for air.
“That’s a smart girl,” he rubs your clit, making you squirm, and he condescendingly coos down at you, “so why don’t you look at me as I wreck you, hmm?”
His body is so big, so hot, he’s so heavy and wide as your poor legs stretch to accommodate his wide shoulders while he opens you like a flower and pounds into you. He smells so fucking good, you think, and you want him to cum inside of you and claim you as his, and you struggle but do your best to keep looking into his wild eyes. He’s absolutely feral, so intimidating, and your body rocks at his severity so you grasp the base of his horns. A little moan leaves him, and if he wasn’t pressed up so close to you, flooding up all of your thoughts and walls and senses, it would have gone undetected.
A darkness takes over his eyes. “Now you’ve fucking done it,” his voice drops ever lower, and he pulls out. Flips you over onto your hands and knees, pulls your hips to face the ceiling, and bottoms back in in one thrust. The new angle has you screaming and moaning his name, “EU—fuck!!!!” You whimper loudly, and he pushes your head down into the covers.
“Yeah—this pussy—is all—fucking mine—you hear that?” he rumbles in between thrusts, slapping your ass again as he arches your back impossibly, balls slapping your cunt. You’re too dumb to understand what he’s saying and he knows that. Your slick is everywhere between the two of you and it’s making him absolutely drunk and feral.
You’re unable to speak real words, you’re babbling and you claw the sheets as he batters your insides over and over like a battering ram. Tears and drool are soaking the covers beneath you, as you moan while you let him use you. He kneads and slaps your ass again. “Look at me.” He reminds you harshly.
You weakly turn your head to look back at him, blubbering, and his pointy, evil grin sends a jolt straight to your core again.
“You’re my fucking pet, and any man you let have this,” he makes a slicing movement with his finger over his throat. “Got it?”
You’re so gorgeous, hair plastered to your forehead and all wild, face flushed and teary, eyelashes fluttering up at him, gasping, as you whimper, “y-yes, Eustass, I belong to you,” and his deep thrusts slow luxuriously.
“Good girl,” he grabs a fistful of your hair and pulls you up until your back meets his sweaty inferno of a chest. He rubs more circles on your puffy, abused clit and you squirm from the buzzing overstimulation of another impending orgasm. He eats up how you clench around him, and as your head spins dizzily from him still thrusting up into you deeply, he sinks his teeth into your right shoulder, claiming you.
You cry out weakly from the pain, and spasm around him like a voodoo victim and he lazily fucks you through your second orgasm, enjoying how you make a mess all over his hand.
“Oh, that’s so sexy,” he groans, lapping at the blood on your shoulder, as you squirt all over his arm, and his cock is absolutely drenched, dripping down to his balls. He moans and with a few more thrusts, stills. He fills you up with hot cum.
The giant incubus turns you both around, you still out of breath, dumb, on his cock. “Look here.” He says, like Virgil from Dante’s Inferno showing the writer the lustful circle of hell.
You peer at your reflection in the mirror. You, so fucked out, almost unrecognizable, crying, glowing, lips plump from biting them. A huge bite mark on your shoulder. Bruised hips. Both of you scratched up with a little bit of blood. Legs shaking as you’re sitting pretty on his cock, a bulge evident in your tummy. His huge hands encircling you, him, possessively overshadowing you. He’s so much bigger than you, his width eclipsing you in the reflection.
You lean your head back tiredly. He whispers lowly into your ear. “ ‘M only just getting started with you, but look at how pretty you are as my pet, yeah? This is what I’m gonna see every single night, aren’t you excited?”
You tiredly turn your head to smoosh into his pillowy chest, his smell overpowering your senses, and you look up to him. “This is all I need,” you whisper back.
He sets you down on wobbly legs and holds you up a little. He cups your jaw in his giant hand, and the white of his canines shines. His lipstick is slightly smeared. He looks gorgeous, sinister, a glowing star of red, black, amber, and pale skin.
Then he kisses you, in a way that’s startlingly soft and passionate, in his ferocious way because Eustass is, well, Eustass. He pulls away, eyes glittering darkly.
“That’s the right response, darling.”
TO BE CONTINUED 🏴‍☠️ -> part 2!
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chunkzdeluluwife · 1 month
𝙏𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪- 𝙉𝙞𝙠𝙤 𝙊𝙢𝙞𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙖
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Niko comes to your house beaten up.
Warnings: kissing‼️
Niko Omilana was once your closest friend and secret crush. But everything changed after a heated argument six months ago, and you haven’t spoken since. Now, it’s 2 a.m. on a stormy night when you hear a hesitant knock on your apartment door. With some reluctance, you open it to find Niko standing there, drenched and battered, his face marked by bruises. “I’m sorry,” he mumbles, “Can I stay here tonight?” It turns out his injuries came from a prank gone wrong for his YouTube channel, NDL, where he tangled with the wrong person.
You stood in the doorway, surprised and conflicted about what to do.
“What the hell happened?”
Niko looked sheepish as he chuckled and scratched the back of his head. “I got jumped by some dude for one of my pranks…”
Even with the bruises on his face, you still found him handsome.
“Niko, why do you even put yourself in these situations?” you said, grabbing his hand and bringing him inside.
“It’s for content and views,” he replied casually as you gently pulled him in. He shook his head, sending a few droplets of water onto you.
You led him to the couch. “Wait here,” you said as you left to get first aid.
Niko nodded and took a seat on the couch, looking around the room quietly, waiting for you to return.
After a few minutes, you returned with a first aid kit in your hands and walked over. You knelt down on the floor in front of him, taking a closer look at his wounded face.
You applied some medicine to his wounds and bandaged up his hands.
Niko sat still while you tended to his injuries, wincing slightly as the medicine stung but otherwise remaining quiet. He watched you silently as you worked.
As you finished and started putting things back into the first aid kit, you sighed and asked, “Niko, why are you here out of all places?”
He shrugged sheepishly and replied, “Well, I needed somewhere to sleep, and you were the only one I knew who would open the door for me at 2 in the morning…”
“We had a fight six months ago, and I haven’t seen you since.”
“I know… Trust me, I know.” Niko exhaled, running a bruised hand through his messy hair. “But look, I didn’t come here just to crash. I wanted to talk.”
Niko moved a bit closer on the couch, now facing you directly. His gaze was intense as he continued, “I didn’t like the way things ended between us. It’s been eating at me ever since that day.”
“Well, if you’re still dating that girl, then I don’t think I can be around you,” you said, recalling the reason why Niko and you stopped talking.
Niko’s expression faltered for a moment, realizing the reason behind your words. He let out a breath and shook his head. “No… I’m not dating Olivia anymore. We broke up last month.”
“Did she slap you like she did me?” you asked, getting frustrated as you picked up the first aid kit to put it away.
Niko winced at the memory, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. “That… That wasn’t her at her best.” He leaned back against the couch, his eyes trained on you. “She was… jealous, to say the least. I was spending a lot of time with you, which made her feel threatened, I guess. She thought we were… something more.”
You glanced at Niko with a sad expression. “You’re still defending her, aren’t you?”
Niko’s shoulders slumped, and his expression grew solemn. “I’m not defending her actions,” he said gently. “What she did was wrong. But… she was struggling with her own insecurities, and she took it out on you because she saw you as competition.”
“That’s literally defending her, Niko,” you sighed, rubbing your hands over your face. “We’re back where we were that same night. Niko, I don’t think you should be here.”
Niko’s gaze softened, and there was a hint of desperation in his eyes. “I get it, YN. I really do. But please… hear me out. I came here because I realized something since that day.”
He leaned in closer, his expression earnest. “I realized how much I messed up. Losing you… it changed everything for me. I was an idiot for not standing up for you that day, for not defending you like I should have.”
He reached out and gently touched your arm, his touch sending a pang through your heart. “I miss you, YN. And I know I don’t deserve a second chance, but I’m asking for one anyway.”
His eyes pleaded with you, filled with a mixture of regret and hope. “Please, just give me a chance to make things right. To show you that I understand now. I really want you back in my life.”
You engulfed yourself in Niko’s arms. “Don’t you realize that’s all I wanted you to say this whole time?”
The tension between you seemed to dissolve as you clung to him, your words sinking in. Niko wrapped his arms around you, holding you tightly against him. He buried his face into your shoulder, his chest rising and falling deeply.
“You don’t know how badly I needed to hear this…” he murmured against your hair, his voice thick with emotion. He pulled back just enough to look into your eyes. “I was such an idiot. I don’t deserve you, you know that?”
You chuckled at his words. “You know, I think Olivia was right about one thing.”
Niko raised an eyebrow, a mixture of surprise and curiosity in his eyes. “And what’s that?”
“She was always jealous of me because she thought we were something more…”
Niko’s expression softened, and a hint of guilt flashed across his face. He tightened his arms around you, drawing you closer. “Well, she wasn’t completely wrong, was she?”
“I don’t know, was she?”
He chuckled, a hint of a smile playing at the corner of his lips. “No, she wasn’t.” His gaze darkened slightly as he looked into your eyes, his knuckles gently tracing along your jawline. “I guess what we had was always more than just friendship, wasn’t it?”
“I guess so,” you smiled.
He chuckled softly, his smile matching yours. But then his expression turned mischievous, and he leaned in closer, his breath warm against your skin. “You know… there’s a question I’ve been dying to ask you.”
His tone was light, but his eyes betrayed a hint of nervousness. He continued to toy with the hair on the nape of your neck, the gentle touch sending shivers down your spine.
“Yes?” you chuckled.
His smile widened as he drew even closer, his lips ghosting your ear. “Can I kiss you right now?”
You moved your hands to cup his face and nodded.
Niko’s eyes darkened with desire as he closed the remaining distance between you. His mouth met yours in a tender kiss, his lips soft and gentle. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you tighter as he deepened the kiss, his fingers weaving into your hair.
For a moment, the world melted away, and all that mattered was the two of you. He pressed you against him, his breath hot and heavy, and his tongue tangled with yours as he continued to kiss you passionately.
Finally, he pulled away slightly but stayed close enough for his breath to brush against your lips. His eyes were dark with desire, and his voice was low and gravelly. “I’ve been wanting to do that for so long.”
“Me too,” you smiled.
Niko returned your smile, his eyes sparkling with affection. He leaned in and planted a series of soft kisses along your jawline, his hands gently caressing your skin. “Why did we wait so long?”
“Maybe because you’re an idiot,” you said, laughing as you moved to cuddle on the couch.
Niko feigned an offended look, placing a hand over his heart. “Hey! I’m not an idiot, I’m just…” he paused, thinking. “Well, I’m usually an idiot.” He then conceded, laughing and pulling you even closer as you both settled onto the couch together.
You grabbed the blanket that was resting on the top of the couch and put it over both of you. “I’m glad you finally confessed to being one,” you joked.
Niko rolled his eyes playfully, wrapping an arm tightly around you. “Oh, shut up, you love it.” He poked your sides gently, teasing you with a smirk. “You love me, idiot and all.”
“Maybe just a little bit,” you said, planting a soft kiss on his cheek.
Niko’s smirk widened into a smile as he felt your lips on his cheek. He pulled you closer against his chest, his arm around you like an anchor. “Just a little bit, huh?” His laughter rumbled gently, his heart full as he gazed down at you, fondness in his eyes. “You’re never going to let me forget that I’m an idiot, are you?”
“Nope, never, my love.”
Niko chuckled, the term “my love” making his heart skip a beat. He nuzzled his face into your hair, his breath warm against your skin. “I guess I’ll have to accept it then,” he said softly. “I’m your idiot, and only yours.”
“Mhmm, and so it will stay—no more Olivias or anything, alright?” you joked.
Niko shuddered at the mention of Olivia, his grip on you tightening. He grimaced slightly but then nodded vehemently. “No more Olivias, I promise.” He paused for a moment, his expression turning sincere. “And no more fights, no more stupid decisions. Only you and me from now on, yeah?”
Niko smiled, a sense of reassurance and contentment washing over him. He pulled you even closer against him, his hand on the small of your back. “Good,” he said firmly. “I don’t want to lose you again. You’re stuck with me now, whether you like it or not.”
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lowkeyrobin · 1 month
monty x reader where the reader is apart of the dead boy detectives (ghost from maybe the 50s or 60s?) and he flirts with them instead of edwin and it’s the whole “what do you mean he was flirting with me?? he was just really really nice???”
ooo yeah sure!! ; I also decided to make the ghost time period accurate as much as I could so 🙏🙏🙏 ; but omg thank you for requesting!! hope you enjoy
MONTY FINCH ; he's just really nice
summary ; youre completely oblivious to montys flirting
warnings ; language
disclaimers ; z/s = zodiac sign
word count ; 488
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"Oh, hey, Y/n!" Monty smiles, standing up from the bench he sat on. He'd spotted you with your friends, Crystal, Niko, Charles, and Edwin, as you were coming back from another detective-y mission.
"Hey!" You grin, picking up your pace to reach him quicker.
"I got you that reading." He hands you a book, inside is a paper, a circle in the middle, with lots of writing and colored lines. "Like the outfit"
"Oh, thank you!" You smile, looking down at your dark blue bell bottom jeans and orange sweater. "I keep it time accurate here." You joke, a hand over your chest, resting dramatically as you hold your head high.
Your friends stand behind Monty, waiting for you to come along at the end of the block.
"I don't even know where to start. There's a lot going on here, dude." You awkwardly chuckle, looking to him for an explanation to his diagram.
"Okay, uh, let me explain"
The four awkwardly wait for you, now realizing that you were clearly going to be here for a minute. They weren't going to leave you alone on the street, though, knowing a witch and that damn Cat King were running around wreaking havoc.
"This is kind of..."
Crystal lightly slaps Edwin. "Shush."
Edwin rolls his eyes. "This is wasting our valuable time. May we leave now?"
"Nope" Charles replies, muttering, eyes stuck on you two. "Look"
The other three look over at you and Monty, listening in as they silence themselves.
"You're really attractive, I mean, that's obviously a/n z/s thing, clearly," He awkwardly smiles.
You feel your face warm up a bit as you cross your arms. "Thanks"
That look.
Jesus Christ, Edwin would die over and over again to have Charles look at him like that.
Monty looked at you with full adoration, like he'd never met anyone so beautiful, inside and out. He looked at you like angels sang on your shoulders, like you were an altar to God.
The girls turn back to the boys.
"They're so in love with each other," Niko grins.
Crystal nods beside her.
"We need to get them to just" Charles squeezes his hands. "Kiss already"
"We'll devise a plan, then" Edwin replies. "They're quiet oblivious already, I doubt they're actually thinking he's flirting with them"
"We could force them to be alone together?" Crystal suggests. "Lock them in a room, or make them sit down with each other and get the romantic tension flowing?"
"That's brills"
"Nothing cushy"
You catch up to your friends, having said goodbye to Monty, as he had places to be. "Sorry, I'm back! What're you talking about?"
"Oh, nothing," Crystal swiftly replies
"You realize he was flirting with you, yes?" Edwin asks
"He was flirting with you. Monty"
"What do you mean he was flirting with me? He's just really nice" you shrug
Edwin sighs. "I told you"
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howlingday · 2 months
Caduceus Vibes
Jaune: Why are you wearing women's clothes?
Mercury: Uh... Just because?
Mercury: (Bridal carried by Jaune) Y'know, if the internet saw us right now, they would be having FITS!
Jaune: What are you talking about?
Mercury: We must go to different websites, I guess.
Mercury: (Tied up with Jaune) If you don't quit squirming, I'm going to "unload my shells" right into your "sword sheath"! And by sword sheath, I mean-
Mercury: WHAT?! I'm a red-blooded young adult male! It's friction and junk-ology and spandex grinding against leather and JUST PLEASE stop wiggling your bondage rope-
Mercury: DON'T YELL AT ME! That's totally one of my turn-ons!
Mercury: You saved me~!
Mercury: Just remember, anytime you need hole-filling-
Jaune: Aaand you ruined it!
Jaune: We are NOT your dads!
Mercury: Don't listen to Daddy Arc, Kiddo~!
Mercury: Oh no... You drank TOO MUCH succubus juice!
Jaune: (Dancing) Actually, this is the most free I've felt in MONTHS! GET UP HERE! That is, unless you're rhythmically challenged~!
Mercury: YOU DARE QUESTION MY MOVES?! Fine! These ladies want the Merc? (Dancing) THEY'RE GONNA GET THE MOUTH~!
Jaune: BRING IT!
Mercury: (Dancing against Jaune) You... You're really putting on a show, dude!
Jaune: This will never, EVER happen in my life again! I might as well enjoy it~!
Mercury: You sunshine-assed little maniac~! DANCE, YOU FOOL, DANCE~!
Cinder: How long do you think we can make them do this~?
Pyrrha: Until it bores us~.
Cinder: You're alright, Nikos.
Jaune: ...Why are you holding my hand?
Mercury: It helps me focus...
Jaune: (Holding Arkos art) Uh, what is this?
Mercury: (Yoink!) NOTHING! Just some fan-art~!
Artist: No, it's true! You were in love-
Mercury: Yeah, with me~!
Jaune: I don't know if I believe you.
Jaune: MERCURY?! Argh... Figures...
Oscar: I... I don't understand... The spell was supposed to summon your soulmate... I must have messed up the spell!
Jaune: Soulmates?! We're just friends, Oscar!
Mercury: That's what YOU think! But this proves otherwise. It's science!
Jaune: It's not science; it's magic!
Mercury: Oh, you old softie~! Looks like this spell worked juuust fine~!
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