#/ he is one of the softest muses i have ever written
roscgarden · 6 months
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𝘽𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙣, 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙂𝙤𝙙 𝙤𝙛 𝙒𝙚𝙡𝙡 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙙 𝙏𝙤𝙮𝙨
He brings warmth, this quiet god. The world around you fades to cotton wool and you feel a flush of safety. When you look around, you find that his arms are circling you; held within his soft embrace, you sink into a silent bliss. He takes the form of a giant stuffed toy, his brown fur faded in patches and smudged with dirt, one eye loose in its cavity, the plush velvet of his paws threadbare. "Do not worry," he says, and his voice is low and soothing. "I will take care of everything." Gently, he brushes a lock of hair from your eyes. He rests his paw on your cheek, and you feel a pleasant heat sink into your skin, leaving a raised red mark in the shape of a pawprint. "You will be safe with me," he says. "There's no need to fear. We are one now. We will give comfort; we will bring calm. We are their precious things, and we will protect them. You and I, we will be their strength." You can feel your skin growing softer, shifting from flesh to faded velvet, your insides crammed with cotton. With stitched-on lips, you smile wide. You cannot wait to meet your new friends.
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TAGGED BY : stole this from @walkeddeathTAGGING : steal this from me <3
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blakbonnet · 1 month
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Please give it up for the nicest and one of the most creative writers in this fandom: Duck! I'm just such a fan because not only does Duck manage to write the softest, gentlest, loveliest Ed and Stede (both together and apart), their fics somehow perpetually keep me looking like 🥹 all the time ough. And they were very very nice about sharing their writing process with me:
What's your writing process like? Do you start with the beginning or the end? Do you write in order or as the scenes come to you?
Mostly it’s the Taika “look at a document for 8 hours and then close the document,” honestly. I’m a very slow writer and lose motivation very easily, so I mostly get by on the muse’s fire hydrant and forcing myself to write those fifty words even when every single one feels so bad.
I go moooostly beginning to end because even though I’m generally an outliner, I always end up with little details that will affect later scenes and I don’t wanna lose continuity or have to rewrite a bunch. However, I do definitely let myself do a [finish this scene later] and move on to the next scene because otherwise I will get really fucking stuck, and sometimes I’ll write a line or a paragraph I thought of that sounds really good and tuck it away for a later scene.
Favourite trope or headcanon you like to explore while writing?
Ooooooooh, I don’t know if this is a trope but there’s just nothing I love more than huge feelings contained in mundane stories, of feelings so big you can’t actually express them and so they’re this constant hum throughout the story. I also love writing about touch for both of them, how Ed gives casual touch to hide the deep well of desire for intimate touch, how Stede is so unused to touch and craves it so deeply. (Can you tell I just really like subtle yet overwhelming emotions? Maybe it’s the aroace in me idk but that shit hits HARD.) Oh, and I love a fuckin’ allegory or object to discuss all those big feelings, whether it’s monsters or gardening or peaches or what the fuck ever (I have used all of these lol).
Whose voice is easier to write - Ed or Stede? Why?
I think Ed’s voice comes to me faster because the way I personally speak is closer to Ed’s voice, but it also means I’m sometimes double-checking myself to make sure I’m still deep in his voice, not my-voice-but-Ed. Stede isn’t necessarily harder for me, I’m just doing all that double-checking to make sure I’m not slipping into Ed voice or, god forbid, Aziraphale-lite voice. So, idk! I love writing them both, the little details of each of their inner dialogues are SO important to me (Ed’s tangents and his pshh-I-don’t-care moments, Stede actively avoiding thinking about things he doesn’t want to face, etc etc etc).
Your personal favourite thing you've written that you'd like more people to read
For the longest time it was There is Love That Doesn’t Have a Place to Rest, mostly because it was posted the day before another fic and, while I find them to be siblings and equal quality,  the other one got way more attention. That fic is about the time between signing the Act of Grace and getting to the academy and I think I really nailed where the two of them are at.
However! (And I know this is cheating okay shh.) Nowadays the one that I wish people read the most is Not Only the Sugar, But the Days. It’s the sequel to my “offscreen 30 year slowburn friends to lovers finally get together” fic and I put my whole fucking heart into it, honestly. The two boys basically go on a bunch of dates to live out the teenage experiences they never got together and work through the biggest feelings and I just! Really want people to see it! (It also can be read as a standalone, which I didn’t advertise super well lol.)
What is the one word that you think you use a lot?
Unfortunately it’s probably “just” or “a little” or filler words like that. Also obviously if the word fuck counts then, yeah, that. Maybe warm? Or something about yearning??? If I have a classic word please tell me I’m fascinated by this idea.
Do you have a beta reader? Have they made you a better writer?
The person who beta’s for basically all my fics is Owen @trans-top-stede and they are sooooo fucking helpful and incredible. So good at catching all the little things I miss, making sex scenes make sense, reminding me positioning in general is a thing, cheerleading me on, etc etc etc. My fics are so much better for their help.
Why OFMD 🥹
Ed and Stede just fit so fucking well into all sorts of AU’s (they try to invent their own AU’s in canon, even) while also having so much fun space to explore within canon. Their range is also perfect perfect perfect for writing fics—they can be in the wells of misery and fluffy as fuck and obnoxiously cheesy and realistic all in the same fic, if you want, and it’s completely accurate to their canon selves. It’s also helped me to embrace being silly and cheesy and earnest because life is about being yourself and finding your people and feeling deeper, feeling bigger, feeling more authentically without fear of being too much. Fuck I just really love these boys. (Also they’re so pretty and the whole crew’s so pretty we WON.)
Please head over to @ofmdlovelyletters (who also made the header) and send your love to all your favourite authors (and authors of the week 😈 watch that blog for some special letters coming your way)
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anna-hawk · 9 months
Getting down to business
Julian Kaye x F!Reader
Summary: You run across Julian Kaye on several occasions at the hotel your friend works at. Each time you see him, you are more and more fascinated by his easy charm. After one specific evening, you finally decide to make a business transaction with him in the hopes that Julian will be able to satisfy you in a way that no other man ever has.
Warning/Tags: oral sex (f!receiving), sex work, shy reader, body worship, fluff and smut
WC: 9.5k // Explicit 🔞
This is written for the Naughty or Nice Bernthirst Prompt Fest. The prompt was on the Naughty list and was “Keep your eyes open, look at me.” with Julian Kaye. Idk whose prompt it is, but I hope that I was able to work it into my initial idea well enough. I definitely had an incredible time writing for Julian, and it's some of the softest, yet still intense smut I've written. And we have a shy reader this time, which is also kind of a first for me.
Happy holidays everyone 🎉
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Looking around yourself to take the whole restaurant in again, your eyes fell to the crystal chandelier hanging above the table you were sitting at with your three friends. It sparkled under the soft lights of the venue, giving the place an even more luxurious appearance than the rest of the decor already did. Your eyes travelled away from the chandelier and moved to the bar lying in your line of sight, where a man was sitting at, deep in conversation with the woman next to him. You couldn’t exactly pinpoint what about him had attracted your eyes enough that you’d kept looking back towards him every few minutes since he’d sat down, but you’d found him intriguing right off the bat. He’d joined the woman he was still talking to a good twenty minutes ago, and she’d welcomed him with a seductive smile, which he’d returned with a sultry twist to his lips. They were nursing a glass of wine each, taking a sip here or there, as they kept their heads together while they spoke. You had no idea what they were talking about since, even if there hadn’t been some soft music playing, they were too far away for you to hear anything. From the body language, however, it was still pretty clear that they’d be leaving the hotel together. Or maybe get a room. 
You finally returned your attention to your friends, laughing when, Chloe, the birthday girl, got all excited as the waiter arrived with a small cake, three sparklers crackling on top of it. Clarissa, one of your two other friends, worked at the hotel and had managed to secure a table for tonight, the restaurant being fully booked on most evenings. The food was as delicious as expected, and the dessert proved just as good. While you were savoring the rich cream of the chocolate dessert, you glanced back to the man, only to find him standing and holding out his hand for the woman. You watched how she shot him a falsely coy smile before taking his hand and joining his side. 
“Looks like Julian has found a new client,” Clarissa chuckled next to you, and you noticed that she was looking in the same direction as you. 
“Julian?” You frowned curiously at her use of the word client. “Do you know him?”
“Sure. He’s an escort. He’s good friends with the head concierge, and the costumers he brings in are always super rich and leave huge tips. Well… I think they’re this generous because something else is huge,” Clarissa cackled at her joke, while Chloe and Zara snorted. 
Your eyes widened at the information. An escort? Looking him over with a new eye, you thought that he did fit the part. He was dressed to the nines, not a piece of clothing out of place, as was his impeccable hair, while the fitted suit he was wearing perfectly highlighted his body. He definitely looked like his clientele was from the upper crust. 
“Wonder how much a night with him is,” Chloe mused with an appreciative glance over her shoulder to look at the man while the two others laughed. 
“I don’t know, but I don’t think you could hire Julian Kaye with your teacher’s salary,” Clarissa winked at her, and Chloe flipped her off good-naturedly. 
“So he’s that good, huh?” you asked without meaning to as you watched Julian vanish towards the elevators with the woman. So they would be staying at the hotel. 
“From what I heard.” Clarissa shrugged. “I mean, he’s really nice and all, and he’s always super discreet with his clients. I’ve never been able to really overhear them talk whenever I was serving drinks while he was there. I think that’s what the ladies like about him… But rumor is that none of his clients ever left unsatisfied. You only need to see the looks on their faces when they leave,” she chuckled. 
The conversation steered into another direction after that, but your eyes kept returning to where the couple had left, like you were expecting to see them again and witness the proof of Clarissa’s words. Giving yourself a mental head shake as it happened for the fourth time, you forced yourself to stop and spent the rest of the evening steadfastly ignoring that corner of the hotel. 
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A few days later, you made your way through the main hall of the hotel and towards the bar of the restaurant, intending to find Clarissa. You’d left a jacket at her place a few weeks earlier and had asked her to bring it today since the hotel was on your way home from work. 
Since it was late afternoon, there was only a low number of people at the bar. Julian Kaye was one of them, however. The man was sitting at the opposite end of the bar from where you were standing. This time, you were much closer to him than the first time you’d seen him, giving you the chance to take him in some more. He was sitting with his profile to you, giving you a perfect view of his chiseled jaw and the straight slope of his broad nose. Your eyes traveled to his lips as he smiled at something he was seeing on his phone, the relaxed expression looking at odds with the flirty smiles you’d seen a few nights earlier. Appearance wise, he looked just as fetching as the other day. This time, he was wearing a dark green suit that flattered his skin tone, and a pair of shiny black loafers. His hair fell slightly into his face from how he was leaning over the phone, but he brushed it back up by sliding his fingers through it. Watching him like this, you had no doubt that this man could have any woman he wanted. 
“Oh, hey, you’re already here.”
You blinked back to reality and turned your head away from Julian to face Clarissa, now standing across from you behind the bar. 
“Uh, yeah, hi, I was done earlier than expected, so I figured I could just grab a drink while I’m here before heading home.”
Clarissa beamed at your decision to stay for a while longer before she returned to the staff room to grab the jacket for you. You thanked her with a smile and plopped down on the stool in front of her. 
“The usual?” Clarissa asked, already reaching for a glass on the shelf behind her. 
You shrugged with a thoughtful look. “Why don’t you surprise me and mix something for me?” 
She grinned brightly and nodded excitedly; Clarissa was always sure to come up with some delicious cocktail. 
After you’d been chatting for some time while she busied herself with cleaning this or that item or serving customers, you suddenly noticed a tall form moving closer to you and a pleasant scent reaching your nose. Turning your head in the direction of the person, your eyes widened when you saw Julian standing barely a foot away from you as he leaned over the bar and towards Clarissa. 
“Hey, Clarissa, could you send us two whiskeys down there, please? Top shelf.” He extended a hand with a crisp dollar bill clamped between his index and middle finger. 
His voice was smooth and low as he spoke. It wasn’t particularly deep, but the soft, almost private sounding tone he used along with his friendly smile had a warm tingle running down your spine. 
“Coming right up,” Clarissa grinned, snagging the bill from his fingers and going to work instantly. 
Julian smiled back, before his face turned a bit and his eyes landed on you. You could feel your face heating under his attention, and were only able to stare at him wordlessly. His head titled faintly to the side as his lips pulled up more to one side. He was smirking at you, but there was only curious amusement in it. 
“You’re Clarissa’s friend?” he inquired, turning his whole body towards you this time. “Think I’ve seen you here a couple times before.”
Your eyes widened slightly at finding out that Julian had noticed you, even if it was only in relation to Clarissa. 
“Oh — um, yes.”
You didn’t get the chance to say anything more, since Clarissa came back with two tumblers of whiskey and pushed them over the dark wood of the bar and towards Julian.
“Here you go.” 
Julian grinned at her and picked the glasses up with a soft “Thank you”, then shot you a light wink before returning to the end of the bar where a woman was sitting. 
“He seems nice,” you mentioned to Clarissa in a completely fake nonchalant tone as you took a sip from your drink, not wanting to give away how curious you were about this Julian Kaye.  
“Julian? Yeah. Like I said the other day, he’s a really nice guy.” She held up the money he’d given her. “And a big tipper too. I’ve stopped trying to give him back any change, and he’s stopped telling me to keep it,” she said with a small laugh, moving to the side to finish the transaction with the till. 
“And the owner doesn’t mind him … working here?” you kept asking, glancing back towards Julian to see his lips pull into a playful smile at what the woman was telling him. He really had a beautiful mouth.
Clarissa shrugged. “It’s LA, right? I guess everyone wins in this situation and as long as there are no issues, no one really cares.”
You nodded, seeing her point. 
“Besides, it’s not like he’s here every night, either. He probably has his regulars here and there, and I know that he’s taken one or two of the women here to some fancy events.”
Humming at her explanation, you chose to change the subject, no matter how much you wanted to ask more questions. 
As you finally made your goodbyes twenty minutes later, you noticed that Julian was standing too and offering his arm to the woman. She seemed to be in her late 50s or early 60s, the plastic surgery she had gotten done making it harder to determine. As you slowly followed behind them to get to the exit of the restaurant, Julian noticed you as they stepped outside. He sent you a small smile and a nod of farewell, which you echoed shyly. You consciously refrained yourself from looking back at where he’d walked off to this time, and headed down in the opposite direction.
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In the following days, your mind regularly returned to Julian. And his job. You had no doubt that the man actually had several clients over the whole city. He was beautiful and charming, and the way he looked at the person he was talking to made it seem like they had his full attention. You’d seen it during the two times he’d been talking to either of these women, but also when he’d talked to you. As short as the encounter had been, he’d really looked at you. 
Clarissa’s words also kept repeating in your head: Rumor is that none of his clients ever left unsatisfied. You bit the inside of your cheek each time you remembered that part and thought of his lips, wondering if… but then you shook your head, feeling ridiculous for entertaining that thought for even a second. 
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That Saturday evening, you once again made your way through the hotel lobby and into the restaurant, looking for Clarissa. You and the girls were going out tonight, but Clarissa had to work a longer shift than anticipated due to one of her coworkers calling in sick. You’d offered to run by her place and pick up a few things for her so she could change at the hotel, and you’d go straight from there. 
Clarissa watched you approach with a bright smile, making grabby hands at the little bag you’d brought her with her stuff inside. 
“You have no idea how happy I am to see you. I thought the day would never end,” she sighed as you handed her the bag over the bar. “Thanks, I’ll be out front in a sec. Wanna drink something while you wait?” 
“Nah, I’m good. I’ll just sit down over there.” You motioned to one of the small bar tables with your chin. 
Clarissa nodded and ran through the ‘employees only’ door at the back of the bar. 
While you waited, you let your eyes move around the bar, absently looking at the patrons coming in and out of the restaurant. 
“You’re by yourself tonight?” asked a low voice close by, making your head jerk in its direction. 
Julian was standing to the side of your table, smiling down at you with this soft expression that you realized was his natural smile. Today, he’d gone for dark gray slacks and a burgundy button down shirt, the top two buttons undone and the jacket thrown over one arm. Your heart started beating faster at the sight of him and the attention that was directed solely on you. You took in a deep breath to calm yourself, doing it slowly and hoping that Julian didn’t notice it. 
“Uh, no. I’m waiting for Clarissa to get ready to leave.”
Julian gave you a once over, making more heat run over your face and neck. 
“Going somewhere?”
“Uh huh… I mean, yes. We’re trying out this new, uh, restaurant down town and… yeah.”
You wanted to sink through the floor with how awkward you felt. Smooth? You didn’t know them. 
“Yeah? What’s the place called?” 
If he noticed your distress, he didn’t show it. Instead, he seemed so honestly interested that it rendered you to an even bigger stuttering mess. 
“Oh, um…” you blinked a few times, unable to remember the name of the restaurant. “It was, uh… something Italian?” 
Julian’s mouth quirked to the side in amusement, but it wasn’t mocking. If anything, it looked actually sort of fond, which had your heart doing double time. You also had to force yourself to not let your eyes stare at his expressive mouth.
You jerked in your seat at the call of your name a moment later, breaking the spell Julian had put on you with his eyes alone, and swiveled your head to see Clarissa walking up to the table. 
“I’m ready when you are,” she announced with a grin, before she looked at Julian. “Hey, Julian.”
“Hey,” Julian smiled, right before someone called out his name from down the bar, and he turned towards the voice. 
You and Clarissa followed his gaze and found a woman dressed in an elegant jumpsuit waiting for Julian at the entrance of the restaurant. 
“Ladies, if you’ll excuse me… Have a nice evening at that Italian place,” Julian smiled charmingly at the two of you. “It was nice seeing you again,” he added just for you, and the way he said your name at the end had warmth curling in your belly.
Somehow, the simple use of your name also helped you make a choice about something that you hadn’t consciously been thinking about; or rather, not allowed yourself to really think about. 
“You too,” you managed, as you got up and joined Clarissa, a rush of nervousness and exhilaration washing over you at your decision. 
Julian smiled again and gave you a nod while you and Clarissa said goodbye. You watched him walk towards the woman with long and smooth strides, making you instantly picture a panther. 
“Okay, let’s go,” Clarissa said, checking her phone. “Zara just texted that they’re already there.” 
You nodded and followed her as you hurried out of the hotel. 
“What’s the name of the restaurant again, by the way? Josh asked me earlier, but I couldn’t remember,” she asked a minute later, as you walked towards the nearest subway station.  
“Leoncini’s,” you replied automatically, still lost in thought. 
You mentally facepalmed a second later because, of course, now you remembered the name. If you decided to go through with your plan, then you would have to make sure that you would be able to string along more than one coherent sentence. 
Several hours later and after a fun evening with the girls, you laid in bed but were unable to go to sleep despite your tiredness. You felt both absolutely ridiculous, but also incredibly excited about your decision, which had you going back and forth on going through with it or not. 
But you were so curious, and the thought of Julian doing this to you had you squeezing your legs together. The fact that you were paying for his services was the part that made you the most self-conscious. But then, at least you could be sure that he’d take care of you, right? 
Grabbing one of your pillows, you pressed it over your face and groaned into it with exasperation and frustration, leaving it there for a good minute. As you finally removed it, your face now hot from embarrassment and the pillow itself, you stared at the ceiling and breathed in deeply. Once. You were going to do this once. For yourself. 
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Deciding on how to approach Julian about the whole thing took you several days of psyching yourself into actually doing it. It was one thing to decide that you wanted to do it, and another one to actually go through with it. One thing was certain, the only place you knew Julian to regularly be at was the hotel, which meant that Clarissa couldn’t be working on the day you went there. Thankfully, you talked about your respective jobs often enough that you knew when she was off the following week. You could only hope that Julian would be there as well, since Clarissa had told you that he wasn’t there every night. 
That Friday evening, you made sure to put extra care in what you were wearing. Julian would probably not be available the same night, which was fine by you, but you still wanted to look your best while making your request. 
Your heart was beating like crazy during the whole time it took you to get to the hotel, and you had to shake out your hands before going in to stop your nervous twitching. With one final deep breath, you walked through the lobby, nodding at the person behind the reception desk since you knew them — hopefully he wouldn’t tell Clarissa about seeing you today — and entered the restaurant. You scanned the bar and the tables lined up in front of it. Not seeing him, you looked towards the restaurant tables, but you were just as unsuccessful in finding Julian. Heaving a sigh, you bit over your lower lip, wondering about what to do. You couldn’t be sure that he would come at all, but maybe he’d be in a little later. With a look at the bar, you chose to take a seat there and have a drink. Thankfully, you didn’t remember meeting the bartender who took your order. 
Nearly a whole hour passed before you started to think that tonight would be one of those nights where Julian wouldn’t show up. You checked your phone for the time again, and sighed, about to get up, when you heard laughter and lifted your head towards the doors. Julian, dressed in a deep blue suit, walked through them with another man, the latter laughing loudly, while Julian chuckled and shook his head. Your heart, which had had the time to calm down in the past hour, found the same nervous rhythm as when you’d first arrived. You closed your hands into fists over your thighs before rubbing your palms over them. Julian was walking in your direction, and you tried to angle your body so he would see that it was you, but also not make it obvious that you were hoping that he’d see you. Picking up your second drink and surreptitiously glancing up from under your lashes as you watched them come closer, you saw Julian listening to something the other man was saying while letting his eyes drift over the room. Recognition sparked in his eyes as his gaze landed on you. You met his eyes when his lips pulled into a smile, and sent him a small one in return. 
“Hey, how’re you doing?” Julian asked, stopping at your level. 
“Good, thank you,” you smiled, turning your glass in your hands before stopping the nervous motion. 
Julian looked around the bar and tilted his head. 
“Clarissa here?” 
Your eyes widened briefly at his question. Of course, he supposed you were here for Clarissa again. 
“Uh, no, she’s off today.”
Julian’s eyes went back to you, but you were unable to meet them. You stared into your glass instead. 
“Julian?” asked the other man after a beat of silence. 
You lifted your eyes again to see Julian looking at the man and nodding. 
“Have a good evening,” Julian said with a small smile directed at you and began walking again. 
Shit. You’d had the perfect opportunity, but you totally blew it by not engaging more with him, and now he was walking away. 
Feeling like a fool, you stared at his slowly retreating back and sighed loudly.
Julian looked back at you with the same surprise that you were feeling, since you hadn’t consciously decided to call out his name. Tightening your jaw with new resolve, you put your drink back on the bar and slid from the stool to take a step in Julian’s direction. 
“Do you maybe have a minute?” 
Frowning slightly for a second, Julian shot a look towards the other man. 
“I’ll join you later,” he told him. 
The man gave you a quizzical look, but agreed and continued on alone.
With his hands in the pockets of his pants, Julian slowly walked back to you, stopping a few feet away. 
“Could we do this somewhere more private?” you cut in, nervously glancing around you and wringing your hands. 
Frowning again and squinting at you curiously, Julian motioned for you to follow him out of the restaurant and towards a somewhat secluded alcove. 
“What can I do for you, Sweetheart?” 
Your heart missed a beat at the endearment. By the way he was looking at you and his soft tone, Julian was clearly concerned about your need to talk to him. It took you another second to find your voice again and get your thoughts in order. 
“Okay, so, um… First off, I need this to stay between us. Clarissa can’t know, okay?”
Julian nodded slowly, one eyebrow lifting questioningly. 
“Of course.”
Nodding as well, you blew out a loud breath and uttered a small, nervous laugh. Now or never.
“Right, so…” you stalled for a second before powering on. “I’d like to… um… hire your services?”
Now both of Julian’s eyebrows shot up towards his hairline, as he’d clearly not expected anything of the sort. His head tilted to one side as he considered you, his back straightening and his hands going back into his pants. 
“And what kind of services would you like?” he wondered, taking a step closer to you as his voice lowered, turning more private. 
Willing the heat of embarrassment suffusing your face away, you bit over your bottom lip and glanced into his eyes before looking away again. 
“I would like you to make me come with only your mouth,” you replied quietly, forcing the blunt words out so there wouldn’t be any doubts about what you wanted or expected from him. 
Julian was quiet for a moment before he spoke again. 
“That’s it? Nothing else?” 
Looking at his questioning eyes, you nodded with a one-sided shrug. 
“I’ve never been able to get there with my previous partners, so,” you trailed off with another self-conscious shrug. 
“Then you haven’t been with any decent men,” Julian said with an unimpressed look on his face at the knowledge that seemingly no one had made enough of an effort for you. 
A small, surprised laugh escaped you at the vehemence in his tone. 
“Maybe, I don’t know, but…” you sighed. “I tend to, you know, always be too much in my head. Like, I can’t fully let go, I guess.”
Julian observed you quietly for a few seconds. 
“What makes you think it’ll be different with me?”
You’d asked yourself the same question, so the answer came quickly this time. 
“I suppose, well, hope really, that since there’s no pressure whatsoever for anything else beyond that, I’ll be able to, well, get out of my head.” You laughed under your breath. “And I have more confidence that you know what you’re doing.”
Julian chuckled at the last part, and he hummed thoughtfully. 
“And when would you like this to happen?” 
“So you agree?” you asked, eyes wide at his easy acceptance. 
He huffed out a small laugh of equal surprise and let his eyes travel over you. “Why wouldn’t I?” 
Heat blooming on your face, you looked away with a small smile. 
“Well… I’m usually free on any nights, so… Whenever you’re free, I guess… And,” you hesitated for a second? “What do you charge for that?” 
Julian pulled out his phone from the inside of his jacket and scanned it for a minute. 
“How about tomorrow?” he suggested, throwing you a brief look over the top of his phone as he typed. 
“Oh… um, okay.”
“Here okay, or you wanna go somewhere else?” 
You’d thought about that and even considered asking him back to your place if he agreed, but you’d quickly decided that you’d rather it happen somewhere neutral. You laughed nervously.
“Here would be fine by me, but I can barely afford more than two drinks here once in a while without having to eat cup noodles for the following week. So paying you and a room…” you laughed with a grimace and let the end of the sentence unspoken, the meaning clear without you voicing it. You were in a luxury hotel, and the drinks definitely followed the general rates of the establishment. Only Clarissa working here got you a small discount. “I’ll have to think about-”
“Tell you what… I can usually get a room here without problem,” Julian told you with a smile. 
“Oh… Really? I guess… If you’re sure, then that would be… great.”
Nodding decisively, Julian shook his phone and motioned it at you. 
“Can I have your phone number?” 
“Oh… Yes, sure.”
You recited the number while Julian typed it into his phone, then your own vibrated in your purse.
“I sent you the rates,” Julian explained as you pulled your phone out of your purse. 
You stared at the price popping up in the texts. It was expensive, but far less than you had expected, which was a good thing. Looking back at Julian, you gave him a succession of quick nods of agreement. 
“Um… how… do you prefer your payments? Do I wire them or, um… ugh, I’m sorry for being so awkward about all this… I keep feeling like I’m going to say something really offensive and ask the wrong question at some point.” 
You huffed out an exasperated laugh and rubbed your palms over your arms. 
“Don’t be,” Julian smiled gently, leaning forward to catch your gaze, which you had averted during your muttering. “Never anything wrong with asking for what you want. Any woman should be taken care of the way she deserves to. That’s what I’m here for.”
You bit your lip at the heartfelt words, and gave him a small, grateful smile for putting you at ease. 
“As for your question. Wired, cash, however’s fine by me,” he added. 
“‘kay… Is there something… I should… be aware of? Like dos and don’ts?” 
Julian considered you for a little moment and shook his head minutely. 
“Think about what you’ll be comfortable doing. Or me doing to you. I’ll follow your lead. But we can always go with the flow, see how I can get you out of that pretty head of yours.” He pointed at your forehead with a small chuckle. 
“Oh… yeah, okay.” 
Your breathing ticked up a notch at his words. 
“Right… Wanna meet in this spot tomorrow around 9?”
“Yeah,” you stopped yourself from saying okay again. You couldn’t remember how often you must have said it tonight, or any variation of it.
“Good,” Julian smiled, pocketing his phone. “I’ll see you tomorrow then.” 
“Tomorrow,” you smiled back, nodding. 
With a last nod of goodbye, Julian turned around and walked back into the restaurant, leaving you to stare after him with a still baffled expression. This was actually going to happen. You were going to have that gorgeous man’s mouth on you. A shiver of anticipation ran down your spine. 
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When you woke up the next morning after barely getting any sleep the previous night from all the excitement and nervousness of what was to come, you started wondering if going to the hotel was the best idea. What if someone recognized you and saw you with Julian, only to tell Clarissa about it? Sure, it was none of her business, but you still didn’t feel like sharing what you were going to do with her or any of your two other friends. You couldn’t be sure that they’d understand; it was quite an unconventional request coming from you. 
After lying around in bed for an hour and going back and forth with your emotions on the matter, you finally put a lid on all of it and decided to just go for it. It was only tonight, you’d be discreet and even if someone saw you, what did they actually know that wouldn’t be anything more than wild assumptions? With a decisive nod, you got up and went about your day, trying to push any thoughts of that evening to the back of your mind so they wouldn’t distract you too much. Which you weren’t that successful at since you weren’t working and hadn’t planned anything in particular except for doing some chores. 
By the end of the day, you were a nervous wreck and only managed to go through the process of getting ready on autopilot. Before you knew it, it was ten minutes to nine, and you were, once again, standing in front of the hotel. Quickly going through the lobby and avoiding the reception desk just in case, you arrived at the alcove and found Julian already standing there. He was leaning against the wall, his stance relaxed with one ankle crossed over the other, while he looked at his phone. He’d gone for a charcoal suit with a dark red button down shirt. You swallowed at the outfit, as well as at his sharp jaw that looked freshly shaved and at his nose that scrunched up in thought. That gorgeous man would be yours for the night.
Julian’s head lifted as you came closer, his hair falling slightly into his eyes from the motion. Your breath caught as he smiled, one side of his mouth pulling up more than the other. 
“Hey,” he said and turned to you, taking a few steps in your direction to meet you halfway while his eyes swept over you. “You look beautiful.”
“Hey,” you replied in kind, except that it came out breathless and almost inaudible. “Thank you,” you managed after another breath, your face feeling hot. 
“Is there something you’d like to do before we go up or…?” Julian inquired, putting his hands in his pockets, but still leaning closer to you. 
“Um, no, I think I’m good,” you muttered, trying to get your heart beat under control. 
Julian nodded with a small smile and extended an arm in the direction you were going into before leading the way. As you silently followed him to the elevators, you glanced down at his hands that were still sitting in his pants. He hadn’t touched you at all. He’d come closer, as he’d done yesterday evening, talked in a seductive voice, but he hadn’t touched you, keeping his hands to himself at all times. As excited for that to change as you were, you realized that he was doing it on purpose and clearly for your sake, considering how he hadn't refrained from touching his other clients. You felt immeasurably glad about him picking up on you being apprehensive of being touched in public. Thus far, Julian had been incredibly professional about everything. He had been surprised by your initial approach, but as soon as he’d understood what you were looking for, he’d never acted in any way or said anything to make you feel uncomfortable or ashamed about what you were asking for. You rode the elevator in silence, but you noticed that Julian was giving you furtive glances every few seconds. It wasn’t until you’d walked up to the suite’s door — yes, he’d gotten you a goddamn suite — that Julian finally spoke. 
“Just so we’re clear. Anything that is going to happen in this room, or not happen for that matter, is fully up to you. You choose that we stop here, that’s totally fine. Got it?”
You stared into his brown eyes, gentle and honest. Was your nervousness that obvious? You scoffed internally. Of course it was. You must have been fidgeting non-stop since the moment you’d seen him. 
“Got it,” you replied, infusing as much determination into your voice as possible. You did want this, after all. 
Julian nodded with a small smile and pulled a key card out of the inside of his jacket. He pressed it against the door handle, a click sounding instantly as the door unlocked. Taking a step to the side, Julian motioned for you to do the honors and open. With one last deep breath, you pulled down the handle and stepped into the room, only for that breath to whoosh out of you a second later as you took in the room. It was a small apartment rather than a room; it had a small living room dividing the room into two areas, a large bathroom showing through a door to the left, a balcony to the right, and the bedroom across from the entrance. The bed was bigger than any bed you’d ever slept in, and everything in the room showed off what a luxurious place the hotel was. 
“Please tell me you didn’t pay for this just for me. Julian, that’s-”
“I didn’t,” Julian assured you with a faint smile. 
You stared at him dubiously before looking around you again. 
“You got this for free?”
Julian shrugged noncommittally and walked to the mini fridge sitting next to the small couch to peer inside. 
You opened your mouth to insist on the matter, since you didn’t want Julian to pay any extravagant amounts of money for you, but Julian beat you to it. 
“Let’s just say that I have an agreement with the head concierge. This suite was available tonight, so he gave it to me.” 
You suddenly remembered Clarissa saying something along those lines during Chloe’s birthday dinner, and nodded, accepting the explanation. Julian smiled again as you slowly walked up to him while scanning the room and looking out at the city lights twinkling through the balcony doors and the bedroom windows.
“Do you wanna drink something?” Julian asked after he’d shrugged out of his jacket and let you take everything in. 
You looked back at him and then the mini fridge, which wasn’t that small for a mini fridge. 
“No, I’m fine, thanks,” you said softly, glancing at the couch and putting your purse on it. Biting your lip, you removed the envelope with the money from the purse and placed it on top of the fridge. 
Slowly returning your eyes to Julian, you saw him observing you quietly and not even glancing towards the envelope. You tried not to fidget as much as you wanted to under his attention, although your hands twitched at your sides as you forced yourself not to cross your arms. 
“Can I touch you?” he asked quietly, tilting his head minutely as he locked his gaze with yours.
“Well, considering what's supposed to happen, I think that you will have to touch me, yes,” you laughed awkwardly and bit over your bottom lip.
Julian came closer, standing toe to toe, and lifted a hand to stroke his fingers along your neck and to your nape. 
“I meant like this.” 
His voice was low and intimate and sent shivers down your spine, as did his fingers on your already hot skin. 
“Oh… um… yes, sure,” you breathed, unable to speak more loudly than a rough whisper.
He smiled, something soft but hiding more. You definitely wanted to find out about what this more entailed. 
“Can I kiss you?” His eyes were on your mouth, which parted in surprise at his question. 
“Isn't there like — I thought — Shit, I must sound so stupid but… is it, like, a misconception of mine or… I always kinda thought that kissing wasn't… part of this?” you babbled, as your brain tried to deal with his request and the idea of him kissing you.
Julian chuckled, amused, and stroked his thumb along your chin. 
“I'm not pretty woman.” 
You laughed under your breath and sucked in your lower lip, some of your anxiousness leaving you at his easy joking.
“No… but you're definitely a pretty man.”
Julian's mouth moved into a sweet and genuine grin before he leaned in closer until his lips were only an inch away from yours. 
“Some people don't like kissing. And I don't kiss all my clients… But I'd like to kiss you very much, if that's okay.” 
His voice was husky and soft, and you were unable to do anything more than stare into his brown eyes and nod. He smiled, soft and pleased, and moved in.
His lips grazed over yours and your eyes fell shut at the feeling. You slowly moved your lips against his, following his lead, as he alternated between pressing them more firmly against yours or retreating until the touch was barely there. Just as slowly, his other hand curled around your waist, his hand coming to rest on the small of your back. It was only then that you finally lifted your hands as well. You slid them up his back and held on to the fabric of his shirt at his shoulder blades. Your grip tightened as Julian tentatively stroked his tongue along your top lip, requesting access to your mouth. Access which you willingly granted. You made a small sound at the first touch of his tongue against yours. How could he make you already so weak in the knees with only a kiss? What would happen when he got to what you were initially paying him for? When his mouth slid towards your jaw, you instantly tilted your head to the side and moaned at the feeling of his teeth teasing along your skin. He ultimately stopped at where your neck met your shoulder and gently sucked at the spot. 
“That okay?” he asked, his rougher voice making you shiver. 
“Uh huh,” you panted. 
After a minute of this, Julian’s mouth climbed up your neck again to reach your lips. 
“Can I undress you?” 
Your eyes opened a fraction as your fuzzy brain tried to process his question. As you bit your lip, Julian’s eyes slid to your mouth, before they returned to yours with… Could it be desire? Instead of contemplating what his look could possibly mean, you finally nodded in silent agreement before whispering a tiny, “Yes.” 
Smiling, Julian kissed you again and rendered you just as breathless as earlier before he even began going for your clothes. He slowly pulled you forward as he walked you towards the bedroom, his lips and tongue still drawing moans and sighs from you. As you reached the bed, Julian pressed one last kiss against your lips, then stepped around you until he was standing at your back. He started removing every piece of clothing with slow and deliberate care, while his mouth teased at your nape and shoulders or behind your ears. Your entire body was wracked by shivers the further he went, until you were a trembling mess once he had you fully naked. His large hands slid over your sides and to your stomach, the heat and touch of them making goosebumps rise in their wake. 
“Julian,” you gasped softly, not exactly knowing what you wanted to say. His name just fell from your lips at the gentle care he was handling you with. 
“You’re so responsive,” Julian said with a note of wonder, as his fingers trailed up your chest and tickled between your breasts. He let out a soft chuckle as you arched your back and pressed your head against him when he circled his index fingers around your areolas. “So responsive.” 
You exhaled sharply and moaned when he took both nipples between thumb and pointer finger and pinched them just the tiniest bit. By now, you could feel the dampness between your legs, and pressed your thighs together as Julian continued his sweet exploration. When you had asked him to make you come with his mouth, you had expected him to do just that; get you on a bed or couch and literally go down to business. Nothing more and nothing less. You certainly hadn’t thought that he’d treat you basically like a lover, touch you in ways that had never gotten this kind of reaction out of you. He’d commented on how responsive you were, but you had never reacted this way with anyone before, which either really said a lot about your previous partners or about Julian’s talent. Maybe a bit of both. One thing was certain, if this was the service he was giving to all his clients, then his reputation was no surprise. At all. 
As one of his hands moved down your belly and towards your hips, he paused as he reached just above your mound. 
“Can I use my hands too, or just my mouth?” he asked against the shell of your ear, getting yet another shiver out of you.
A wave of heat ran through you, and you felt yourself getting wetter still at the idea of having his fingers right there. 
“Yes,” you breathed, before realizing that this didn’t answer his question, and you swallowed before you elaborated as best as you could. “Your fingers.” 
Julian smiled against your skin, then licked his way down your neck and back up. 
“Spread your legs a bit for me?” 
Despite your shaky legs, you did as asked and widened your stance, feeling the soft fabric of his shirt against your bare back. Julian hummed pleasantly and wrapped his arm around you just under your breasts before he let his other hand continue down its original path. Your mouth parted for your gasped out breaths as Julian slid two fingers between your legs to stroke them along your outer lips, as if testing your response. Both of your hands went to the arm around your chest and gripped it, as Julian moved one of the fingers to your center to gently slide it through your folds. 
“I think I’ll have a lot of fun making you come,” Julian said in a low tone, as he repeated the motion and lightly circled over your already pulsing clit. 
You keened at the touch, your head falling forward as Julian kept teasing and teasing over the same spot, the touch featherlight but still managing to light your nerve endings on fire. All through the haze of need, you still realized that Julian hadn’t said “try to make you come”, instead, he was clearly confident that he would. By how this was going, you were less and less uncertain as well. 
“Why don’t you go ahead and get comfortable on the bed?” he suggested after a minute.
Thankfully, and Julian probably knew to do it from experience, he didn’t pull back from you immediately after his request and let you gather your bearings enough to no topple over once he wouldn’t be behind you anymore. He slowly let go of you and let you walk out of his space in your own time. If you were honest with yourself, you could have stayed right where you had been all night, as long as Julian kept talking and touching you the way he’d done so far. Now that he wasn’t touching you anymore, a bit of self-consciousness returned, which stopped you from looking at him as you moved towards the bed and reclined on top of it, feeling suddenly exposed. Especially since he was still fully dressed. 
“Look at me,” Julian said softly. It was a request, not an order.
It was this small difference that made you do as asked. You slowly met his gaze, and saw him smiling at you tenderly as he knelt on the foot end of the bed. 
“You’re beautiful, Sweetheart.”
You uttered a surprised and shaky laugh and closed your eyes for a moment. When you looked back at him, you gave him a small smile and managed to relax against the pillows. Clearly pleased by your reaction, Julian pressed his other knee to the bed as well and moved up until his was kneeling in front of you. You’d bend your legs at the knees but had squeezed your thighs together. With his eyes on your face, Julian leaned down and placed a small kiss on each of your kneecaps, a tiny smile on his lips. The act had you giggling lightly and exhaling a deep breath. Your lips parted as Julian’s hands drifted down the outside of your thighs, only to move back up again, the touch soothing but also turning you on some more. You observed him as he kept pressing kisses along your knees, silently waiting for you to part your legs. As soon as you did, Julian shot you a pleased smile and proceeded to do the same thing he’d been doing to the outside of your thighs, but on the inside this time, and with his mouth. Air rushed past your lips at the ticklish yet arousing touch. You were unable to tear your eyes away from Julian’s head as he went further down until his mouth stopped at the juncture between hips and thighs. You were panting in anticipation at the idea of Julian finally moving to your center, except that he had other plans. He quickly turned his head to the other side and did the same as with the other leg but in the reverse, kissing his way up, until he was back at your knee. The small smirk he sent you had you groaning and squeezing your eyes shut. He was teasing you deliberately, and you had to admit that you liked it a lot. Your stomach quivered with need. Julian knew how to drive you high without even touching you where you needed him the most. 
“Julian,” you breathed, as your fingers gripped the comforter at your hips. “Please?” 
Julian ducked his head and shook it with a small, affectionate laugh. 
“So responsive,” he mumbled, as if to himself. “Keep your eyes open,” he added with one last glance at you, before he knelt down all the way and pressed a long kiss against your mound. 
Your mouth fell open as his tongue slowly flicked out and made its way down your outer lips. He traced patterns over them in such a way that you had no idea what he would be doing next; up, down, left, right, but never in the same order. At the first pass of his tongue through your folds, your eyes opened wide and the air came whooshing out of your throat sharply, accompanied by a surprised moan. Julian went slowly, taking his time as he drew his tongue over every part of you, leaving nothing untouched. When he began suckling at your lips teasingly, one of your hands automatically went to his head, your fingers gripping his soft hair. 
“So — sorry,” you gasped at Julian’s grunt, and instantly let go of his hair. 
Before you could retreat your hand all the way, Julian’s own hand shot out to snatch your wrist and pull your hand back to his head. 
“Go ahead,” he said, looking up at you with intense eyes. 
He spoke against your flesh, and the rush of air and small vibrations caused by his words had you uttering a small gasp. Licking your lips, you slid your fingers through his hair again. He had you tightening your grip again a second later when, with his eyes still on you, Julian sucked your clit right into his mouth. You cried out at the unexpected move and the pleasure coming from it. Your hips bucked into his face, and you had the need to apologize for that too, but Julian only groaned and held you tighter to him with his arms around your thighs. He took it easy after the first initial suck, clearly wanting to take his time there as well and not overwhelm you. You were grateful for that, since you were still unsure if hard and fast could do it for you, no matter how aroused you were after the foreplay. He still kept your hips from moving too much, making you take his ministrations with just the right intensity. As he nibbled around your lips before tonguing your clit with light strokes, you felt one of his arms let go of your legs and the hand moving to under your thigh. 
“Only my mouth, or can I use my fingers too?” Julian asked again, except that this time, he meant if he could use them at the same time. Just the thought had you moaning without meaning to. How could you say no to having his talented mouth and gorgeous hands on you? 
“Both… I want… both,” you got out, panting rapidly. 
With his eyes on yours, Julian used his thumb to slowly rub through your drenched flesh, moving it up until he could press it against your clit and circle it a few times. You whimpered, unable to look away from him, and moaned long and high as he slid the thumb back to slip one of his large fingers inside you. As the second one followed, this time, you couldn’t keep your head from falling back and closing your eyes. Julian kept his fingers barely moving for a few seconds, before he had your eyes flying open again when his mouth descended on your clit to flick at it with the tip of his tongue. He sucked and lapped at his continuously, while his fingers started moving for real, curling against your walls with each plunge in and out. 
You were… a mess. 
Julian had transformed you into a moaning and begging ball of need, your fingers flexing in his hair or the comforter as your hips moved against his mouth and fingers on their own accord. It was with both surprise and no surprise that you felt the tendrils of your orgasm assembling in the spots where Julian was touching you. You could feel them coiling together, gathering and getting bigger and warmer as your belly contracted, and your legs began to shake without your control. 
“Julian,” you gasped, sounding nearly panicked at the idea that he could stop and rip this feeling away from you. 
But Julian never relented. He worked his mouth and lips like a magician with his best trick, his fingers adding the last element that had you suddenly flying over the edge with a shocked gasp as your hips bucked. Everything went white and silent as the peak of your orgasm hit you, pleasure of the most intense kind you’d ever felt with someone else being the only thing that registered with you. After the more intense part began to fade, you felt Julian kissing the inside of your thigh as he spoke to you in a low and soothing tone. Words of praise hit your ears and made your body glow with another form of pleasure. You slowly opened your eyes as you felt Julian coming to lie next to you on the bed, and turned your head to gaze at his smiling face. Since you were still drifting on the pleasure, you couldn’t even feel any form of embarrassment at the sight of his glistening nose, lips and chin. Julian reached across your body and pulled at the comforter to tug it around you. You smiled drowsily at the gesture and the softness of the fabric against your cooling skin. Julian held himself up on an elbow and put his head on his palm as he watched you. Despite the messy hair, which you were responsible for, the flushed and shiny face, and the wrinkled dress shirt, Julian still looked as gorgeous as always. Maybe even more so because he looked utterly relaxed and at ease. That thought had you wondering about Julian’s needs. Did he get aroused while doing this? Should he do something about it? Or maybe he didn’t get turned on at all and- 
You forbid yourself from letting your mind go down that road. This wasn’t a relationship. Julian didn’t have to get turned on by any of it. This had been about you, and Julian had gone above and beyond what you could have ever expected from this. 
“Do you ever get actually turned on when you do something like that?” you asked anyway, your mouth not listening to your brain, apparently. “Wait, no, don’t answer that. I didn’t mean to ask this,” you groaned as you closed your eyes, and cursed under your breath. 
Julian didn’t seem fazed and chuckled softly. “You’re sure?”
You glanced back at him and huffed in thought. 
“I… I wasn’t asking if this…” you made a vague gesture at yourself as a whole. “Turned you on… I mean… I'm not expecting you to be… and I'm aware that escorts down always have sex with their clients but… um… I guess, I’m just… curious,” you sighed at the end of your word vomiting.
“About the mechanics?” Julian smiled, clearly not bothered by your curiosity or babbling. 
You thought about that term and nodded. It was a job, after all. Julian shrugged and for a second, he got a far away look that held such a strong note of sadness in it that you nearly stopped him from going on before the look vanished completely and Julian smiled again. 
“It’s a question of working with the moment, I guess. Creating a special connection with that person. Setting the mood… and, well, habit is a factor, I suppose. Let's say that being able to get it up is different from being turned on.”
You hummed thoughtfully as you took in the information. You were glad that you didn't ruin the moment and that he was willing to share as much. 
“Well, you sure know how to create that connection,” you laughed softly and turned on your side. 
Julian snorted softly through his nose and grinned at you, rubbing a hand over your covered arm once you faced him.
“Some connections are much easier to create than others.”
His soft look had you smiling and looking down, feeling suddenly shy again. 
“Thank you for doing this, Julian,” you muttered, glancing up at him once more. 
His hand moved to your face and his thumb stroked over your cheekbone in a gentle caress. 
“It was my absolute pleasure, Sweetheart.”
And you actually believed him. Believed that he’d enjoyed giving you this pleasure, no matter if you’d paid for it. 
You stared at him for a while, just looking, and Julian didn’t seem to mind. 
“Do you have to get back?” you asked at length, looking around yourself for a clock, but not finding any. 
Julian didn’t reply immediately, but he shrugged when you looked back at him. 
“I can stay a little while longer.”
That statement had you smiling and closing your eyes. Julian’s fingers played with your hair as you drifted for a while, his presence and the comfortable bed pulling you under.
The next time you opened your eyes, he was gone. You hadn’t even realized that you’d fallen asleep. It couldn’t have been that long, however, since it was still dark outside. Turning around with a long sigh, you glimpsed a folded piece of paper on the bedside table. You sat up to reach for it, the comforter falling around your waist as you moved. 
Please stay for as long as you want. The room’s all yours for the night. Take anything you need from the fridge, it’s on me. 
You smiled fondly at the neat script and put the note back on the table. 
A nice bath in a fancy hotel room sounded like the perfect way to end this incredible night. 
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drchenquill · 2 months
Writerly Questionnaire~
Thank you @sableglass , @the-golden-comet , @paeliae-occasionally , @leahnardo-da-veggie and @the-letterbox-archives for the tag!
About Me
When did you first start writing?
Only two years ago. I used to only fantasized about scenarios, dream stories, never feeling confident enough to put it to paper, but then I did and I fell in love with it.
Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
Absolutely not! Romance and fantasy, those are my go to genres in reading and writing. I'm also okay with adventure, but romance has to be part of it. What can I do, I love romance~
Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you’re often compared?
Not that I'm aware of. If yes, not on purpose.
Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)? (Room, coffee shop, desk, etc.)
Everywhere. I don't really have a writing space, just a little corner with my laptop, because I can literally write anywhere. Sometimes I get a sudden urge to write something down, so I grab my phone, fight autocorrect (I write in German, but my phone's keyboard is also in English, so sometimes it thinks I'm writing in English and messes everything up), and write it down.
What’s your most effective way to muster up some muse?
Listening to music. Everything works better with music. I come up with scenes, or even develop an OCs character through a song that I connect with them. It really helps.
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
I don't think so…to be honest, I like to be very vague about the places my stories take place because I don't want people to recognize things. Wait, let me explain! When I read a story where the place isn't described in detail, it makes it easier for me to immerse myself. Sounds weird, I know, but I feel restricted if you describe every nook and cranny, and that's why I give very vague descriptions.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
As established before, I'm a huge romance fan, so I have a lot of recurring romantic themes. And no, they do not surprise me at all, because they are very much welcome~
My Characters
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character? (Current WIP, past WIP, never used, etc.)
Oooof, okay. I love all my OCs, but if I had to choose between the ones I'm writing right now, it would have to be Daisy. She's from my WIP "Daisy" and is the sweetest, softest, purest OC I've ever written. She is a joy to write because my other OCs are either very traumatized (Leon) or the worst human being to walk the earth (Azul). Daisy is like a breath of fresh air, a break from strong, witty characters.
Which of your characters do you think you’d be friends with in real life?
Without a doubt, Sophie from "Memories of the Future". She would be a joy to be around. She's extremely extroverted and I'm painfully introverted. She would do all the talking and social interactions, but would never leave me behind. She is friendly and easy to get along with. I describe her as a "Sonnenkind". Literally translated "a child of the sun". It means she has a sunny disposition.
Which of your characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
Azul. To put it in simple words: he is a bitch and will most probably make me cry.
Tell me about the process of coming up with of one, all, or any of your characters.
It's a pretty simple process. There's not a lot of thinking behind it. They are the most natural thing that comes to me (easier than the plot hehe). The only one I really put a lot of effort into is Azul. I created him while I was playing a game (The Arcana: A Mystic Romance), but developed him outside of it after I finished the game. He was never meant to be what he is now (an asshole) because when he came to life, I didn't even think about writing at all. For some reason he stayed with me and I just used him whenever I daydreamed or made little scenes in my head while listening to music.
Do you notice any recurring themes/traits among your characters?
Oh yes, yes I do. Tall, scary but actually soft. Witty, never seems to be serious, but is the most serious when necessary. Petite but headstrong… I could go on and on.
How do you picture them? (As real people you imagined, as models/actors who exist in real life, as imaginary artwork, as artwork you made or commissioned, anime style, etc.)
I'm very particular about what my characters look like. I have Pinterest boards for some of them filled with faces that could potentially look like them, but I mostly go for real people.
My Writing
What’s your reason for writing?
Because I like doing it~ It's as simple as that!
Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
I love any kind of comment, but I love it when a reader agrees or even disagrees with a choice a character has made, because that means they are invested in the story, that means they are experiencing the story.
How do you want to be thought of by those who read your work? (For example: as a literary genius, or as a writer who “gets” the human condition; as a talented worldbuilder, as a role model, etc.)
Nothing much, to be honest. Just as a girl that writes compelling stories~
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I think the romantic aspect is what comes out the best. I like writing it a lot, so maybe that's why I feel like it's a strenght.
What have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others?
I've been told that I write good plots, that my ideas are interesting.
How do you feel about your own writing? (Answer in whatever way you interpret this question.)
I really like it. I like how it grew, how it developed through these two years and I like how it keeps developing.
If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
Dark question, okay. I would be very lonely, but I would still write. I love writing, and I love reading what I write, so I would still do it until my last breath.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy? If it’s a mix of the two, which holds the most influence?
I think it's a subconscious mix. I do write purely what I enjoy, but I think I get influenced without wanting to.
Loved these questions! Tagging with no pressure @finickyfelix , @frostedlemonwriter , @leahnardo-da-veggie , @leitereads , @theink-stainedfolk and open tag
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huntershowl · 6 days
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i don't have one particular otp — big ships change depending on the Era hellhound is in!
nothing illegal obviously — other than that, aside from long-lifespan characters whose mental maturation is slower, i generally stay away from with 10+ year age gaps when the younger muse is under 20. just feels like a weird power dynamic i guess?
yes! ships on this blog cannot be pre-established — i tend to lose interest fast if they don't build up naturally, either through lots of ooc plotting or through writing. on top of that, seph is ... piiiiicky. she has very specific Types. generally, ships with very gentle, soft, mentally well-adjusted characters are possible, but transient — seph falls out of love after a point, but remains staunchly protective of them.
the long and short of the matter is she's a freak, and you kind of have to match that to be compatible as a long-term partner. but even then they don't always line up perfectly! idk. seph's weird. simultaneously very easy to ship with and very hard to ship with.
oh i've got lots of good ones going on right now!! pls forgive me for gushing. focusing on currently heavily-plotted and/or written ones for this bit bc otherwise it will be pages and pages!! if i forgot someone you have full permission to impale me on a pike i am SO SORRY. (aka i'll go back and add u in omg)
@vsagis' villain izuku— i had to put u first bc u kickstarted this shipping renaissance. seph and izuku clicked instantly and started a long-term trajectory that i don't think either of us writers expected. they're just freak enough to match each other, just soft enough to genuinely care. we're really putting these two through the horrors(tm) and watching them fall hopelessly, horribly in love. <3
@spiritcrown's pasha — how could i not mention pasha!! i was so happy to see you back, because pasha and seph's relationship was soooo formative for seph's development wrt romance. seph is absolutely, completely and utterly devoted to pasha. they worship at the altar of her. they would bend heaven and raise hell for her.
@crowshoots' jesper — UAHGHGBBHBH INCOHERENT CRYING NOISES. the first thing seph noticed about jesper was extremely respectable fighting skills, but even then they were definitely uhhhh touch and go for a while there before they started to simmer down and. pin each other down and — one thing led to another and jesper's being antagonized by her antagonists and they're too deeply in love to go back!! i love them. i l
@crowgreeds' kaz — HHHHHHHHH god. hi siri i know ur not around the dash much but idc im writing u into this. kaz and seph both have such a darkness in them that the other recognizes and not only feeds, but when necessary, balances. they're ruthless and violent and mean but at the same time, they have such a softness for each other that they both thought was dead. also, you're the recipient of probably the best rp reply i've ever written (that fucking. hellhound kill description. my GOD im feral for seph protecting him)
@tewwor.... goose is2g we really have the creatures ever. litho — FIRST SHIP!!!! FIRST SHIIIP i still cant believe it took 4 irl years for them to finally admit their stupid feelings. now they're soulmates and there's no turning back. he's the reason seph likes poetry in every verse. the softest snarkiest ship. probably the closest to a true YA-style soulmate seph has. she hasn't forgiven him for all the twilight jokes though tough luck jie & ricochet — the boys... the absolute chaos trio... i never expected seph and jie to fall for each other but honestly i should have. he falls so neatly into her "equally feral" type. ricochet is so calm and seph is kind of intoxicated by that. sheathed claws kind of vibe. just love these three their dynamic balances itself so well
@spungolden's dio — two femmes raised as weapons with deeply suppressed emotions, chillin in a murder alley, five feet apart cause theyre not g— (theyre gay. theyre so gay) these two are so sweet they sometimes make me tear up. they skipped the trauma stage and went straight into lesbian domestic fantasy with only occasional murder.
@chaoslulled oh boy(s). toji — brutally in love. they saw and embraced each other's monster, refused to shy away, and now they somehow revolve in this strange orbit of violent and incredibly soft with each other. i think he's the first of the current ship lineup that seph has in-thread said the L-word to. this ship was so easy to jump right into, the chemistry was like lightning in a bottle. satoru — one of the most genuinely unexpected slowburn ships i've stumbled into. these two read each other for filth INSTANTLY as lonely motherfuckers who, in some way or another, had loved and lost. they haven't even gotten to the oh-shit moment in the slowburn yet but i'm lookin forward to it yakuza sukuna — THE PAIN. THE SUFFERING. AUHHHGHGGGG HOL YOU'RE FUCKING KILLING MEEEE. these two are mirrors in the worst possible way. they've got their throats stuck under their boss' boot heels; they've been disfigured, they've had their siblings used as leverage, they've been made into muzzled dogs. despite hating each other at the start, they can't not recognize that, and it's led to this fierce protectiveness that isssss whoops evolving into feelings. i'm sure nothing will go wrong
@eraserisms' shota — AHHHHHHH god okay most of this ship has been pure plotting vibes and responses to memes, but i truly cannot wait to get into writing more of them because they own my heart and soul. i think they know each other to the marrow in a way that's not super common for seph, and the gentleness and caution with which they're starting to explore revisiting their care for each other is heartbreaking in the best way
@sasouken BEE!!!! ok chronologically(??): deku — so precious and wholesome from the start. your honor he's just a little guy with a big dumb crush. when i tell uuuuuu some of our plotting has literally made me tear up a little??? the absolute bleeding heart on this boy??? HURTS ME??? one day they'll hold hands casper — slated to be our angstiest dynamic, i just Know it. two motherfuckers who love their siblings, inextricably involved in a tangled web of crime and violence. two people who have lost so much and don't want to lose anyone ever again. i will die i WILL satoru — such... a different vibe than i was expecting in an amazing way?? his dynamic with seph is so fuckin sweet? so much physical touch born of trust and comfort. also again: her first ever fwb (for now), which is truly a wild thing to experience. sukuna — i .. . dont even know what to say about this one. (affectionate). he unlocked an entirely new dimension of freak in seph's psyche and attraction style that i couldn't comprehend before we started writing them but retrospectively makes so much sense. what the fuck is going on with these two i have no idea but i am OBSESSED with it. also writing them getting down nasty has been extremely fun, i'm enjoying it a lot
there are more sort of beginnings/potentials for ships that haven't been explored yet which i haven't included here, but i'm truly excited to see where each and every one of them goes!!!
yes absolutely hahaha — at least communicating ooc about it is necessary! i'm much more comfortable shipping with partners i mesh well with as a mun and have an easy time talking to.
LOOK I. LISTEN. LISTEN... IM FERAL FOR SHIPS. FERAL. even though seph is picky about them — and i promise it's not personal if it doesnt work, it truly is just her dumb creature ass being unable to normal.
N/A for this blog, but as a fun trivia fact, i'm deep in satosugu hell rn
it's all vibes babey. we just start writing their non-romantic dynamic buildup, and if it clicks (or even if u just think ur character would have a crush!) we talk about it ooc and plot some more, then plot some more and before u know it, the angst hammer looms over ur head
Tagged by: @bearratic (thank youuuu!!)
Tagging: (points) do it
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exquisitexagony · 3 months
RULES: Answer the questions with the Muses that would best fit the answers. Bonus if you give details why.
TAGGED BY: @ask-thedepressedkidatthetable
TAGGING: @miidnighters @heartxshaped-bruises, @dramatiique, @starrymused, whoever wants to really!
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Answering this based on all of my muses between all 4 of my blogs since this blog is technically not a multi-muse. Thanks for tagging me!
1) Rank your softest Muse and your toughest Muse. (Personality-wise)
Ohh...That's a tricky one...I thinks softest is a tie between Rhys and Sam. Ah! Or maybe even Daianira or Hypnos! When I first think of softest, though, my brain goes to Rhys. He's always been my precious little boy. Toughest? Jazzi or Chell, maybe E. I think Chell comes to mind first, though.
2) Which Muse would blow through $1000 quickly?
Aurelius Bridgers...Because $1,000 is nothing to zem.
3) Do any of them have nicknames? Is there a meaning behind them?
Rhys & August have a couple of my fave nicknames I've written for characters. Rhys' being Reese Cup & August's is AJ or Almond Joy. They typically only really use those names with each other, like sweet little brotherly affections, but August will use AJ with people he's close to...Samuel's nicknames include Sami, Sam, and even Arthur which is his last name or Arlo when he was a kid. Aurelius has lots of little nicknames mostly because people struggle with spelling and/or pronouncing his name and it's just easier that way--his stage name is Aurora. Daianira goes by Daylight or Day because they find it pretty and it's easier to pronounce/spell for most humans. I also gave that to them because it reflects their personality very well--sunshine. Elizabeth goes by "E" because they hate their name and it's more gender neutral, which they prefer. Leo (@gollldrush) calls Ambrose Rose which I find absolutely adorable. Jhazala typically goes by Jazz or Jazzi again just to shorten the name. Some people call Demetrius Demi, but don't ever say it to his face because he'll smite you. James hates nicknames and would be absolutely livid if anyone called him Jim or any shorter version of James. Shimi goes by Sami or Sam sometimes as a sort of "human" name in homage to his transition from living with xyr jinn brethren to living amongst humans.
4) Are any of them up-to-speed on the latest trends? Anyone more old school?
OK that last one was long, I'll try to make this quick: Sami is very old school. Aurora is trendy as hell. Rhys is old school or at least just somewhere in the middle because he doesn't care. August is a mix of old school and trendy--he likes what he likes and sometimes that's old stuff sometimes that's new stuff. Chell, Ambrose, Luna, Demetrius, Jazzi, and maybe Skylar are all what I'd consider up-to-speed on trends. James, Shimi, Sarai, and Day are all a little old school. The rest just don't care so they're probably aware of trends but don't pay much attention to it.
5) Who has the best relationship with their siblings?
Rhys & August, of course.
6) Karaoke night! Who is likely to grab the mic first and bust out a tune?
Aurelius, for sure! Godly voice and proud of it. August would try to talk Rhys into it, but he'd definitely decline and August wouldn't push him too much. Luna would probably jump up there too. Maybe Ambrose because they'd probably be drunk as all get-out.
7) Who is least likely to enter a beauty pageant/model?
Oh gosh, um...Probably Rhys & August would be least likely, but also Elizabeth, Day, and obviously Sarai would require a lot of convincing. Hypnos probably wouldn't either and probably not Hermes.
8) If your Muses visited a haunted house where actors scare you, who would panic and who would be unfazed?
Muses that would panic: Sami, Hypnos, Day, Ambrose, Luna (but she'd be enjoying it), Aurelius (also probably enjoying it just a little)
Muses that would be panicking on the inside: Shimi, Rhys, August, E
Muses that would be unfazed: James, Sarai, Demetrius, Hermes, Zagreus, Chell
Muses that would be kicked out for punching an actor: Chell (maybe if they happened to spook her), Elizabeth, Skylar, Jazzi
9) Are any of your Muses particular about taking certain modes of transportation?
Rhys takes the bus or bikes a lot because he can't drive. He definitely prefers biking over bus, though, and is known to bike in the rain so long as it isn't storming. Aurora loves to take his convertible whenever he can have the top down. Sami prefers not to drive even though he can so he'll take the bus sometimes. Day will usually walk because she can't go very far anyway and she's taken a couple of taxis but has definitely gotten in trouble for not having money to pay for the trip.
10) Share a little-known fact about any Muse.
Oh gosh...but I have so many muses with so many little facts! Here, I'll throw a few out there... Rhys is trans-male--something that I've gone back on in the past but recently brought back again because it just feels right for him even though his faceclaim isn't trans. Sami doesn't talk about it at all or even know how to put a name to it, but he's definitely queer in terms of gender, which is why I use different pronouns for them even though they would never ask someone to do it because they're still learning. Aurora has a verse that's technically his canon in which about 10 years from his main verse he contracts a deadly disease that is extremely rare and most typically developed in demi-gods and basically dies in his mid-thirties! Little known part of that is that it's also the same disease that killed his mother.
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sezja · 8 months
First Kisses, Part 2
Thaffe will be heading home from the mine soon, Jeryk muses, chewing on his bottom lip. There's a book open in his hands - a technical manual on the assembly and maintenance of the current model of Talos being used in the Hills of Amber - but for once, he can't seem to make his mind focus on it. It's not just that he's already read it; when has that ever stopped him before? No, it's just that his thoughts are wandering, relentless.
If he hurries home now, maybe he'll catch Thaffe before he settles in for the night.
Stop that, he scolds himself, thumping his heels hard against the old desk he's sitting on. Give him space!
But it's been a whole week, he thinks, plaintive; he can't remember ever going so long without speaking to Thaffe in his entire life. The effort to find leonine has to take priority, he knows. They can't restore the Talos without finding proper hearts, after all, and without the Talos, there can be no trolley! Agna's taken the best miners deep into the old mines, seeking out good-sized chunks of leonine that might've been missed by previous generations. That's why Thaffe's been gone lately. That's all.
And of course all that digging tires him out, so it's only reasonable that he heads straight home... and heads right out again in the early hours, before Jeryk's so much as thought about stirring. The miners aren't supposed to be spending the entire day down there, but Thaffe's hardly the only one; he's just as determined to find leonine and get the Talos mended as Agna is.
That's all.
Jeryk's chewing his lip again, and the words on the page might as well be written in some ancient Ronkan alphabet, for all the sense he's able to make of them.
It's just a coincidence that Thaffe's been making himself scarce since...
Was it that bad?
Such a little thing, really, in the end. Maybe that's the problem; maybe they should've made a bigger thing out of it - first kisses are supposed to be world-changing, aren't they? Gods know Jeryk's been daydreaming about kissing Thaffe since he was fourteen, and maybe he ought to be disappointed that the real thing turned out to be so short, so brief: just the softest brush of Thaffe's lips on his own, and then it was over. It's just not in him, though, to feel slighted. Not when the kiss itself had been Thaffe's idea, Thaffe's suggestion! He hadn't even been bold enough to dare suggesting it himself...
Why's he avoiding me, then?
He's not. Surely not. Would Thaffe do that, just kiss him and then refuse to ever talk to him again? No.
Maybe they should've talked about it, Jeryk reasons, frowning at a diagram of a Talos's heart-chamber. Maybe they ought to have sat there in the aftermath of the kiss and had a proper talk about it, about what it was and what it wasn't; about what it meant and what it didn't mean - maybe he's gone and spooked Thaffe, that's the problem; maybe he'd put a little too much want into a tiny kiss that wasn't supposed to be anything more than a first kiss for two boys who might otherwise never get one.
He heaves an unsteady sigh, thinking about it. Small as it was, it's kept him warm at night - Thaffe's breath on his lips, the way Thaffe's cheeks turned as red as his hair, the way Jeryk's lips tingled for bells...
If he hurries home now, maybe he can catch Thaffe before he settles in for the night. Maybe it isn't too late to talk about it.
Give him space, he scolds himself, again. He'll come 'round when he's ready.
The door to the old offices opens. Strange; everyone else left a while ago-
"Thaffe!" There, see? He's not avoiding me. "I haven't seen you all week! Have you and Agna found any leonine?"
There's a look on the man's face Jeryk doesn't quite recognize, and his heart sinks. That's not the look of a man who's simply come to visit his best friend after work on a whim. Either something terrible happened in the mines... or this is about something more personal, more immediate.
This is about the kiss. Thaffe has been avoiding him.
But surely if the kiss was that bad, Thaffe would choose to keep some distance between them, the better to make it clear no such thing would ever happen again... but instead he closes the distance, coming to stand right in front of Jeryk. So close, Jeryk's sure Thaffe must hear the way his pulse speeds up; if Thaffe is about to tell him off for the kiss, the man very well might hear the moment Jeryk's heart shatters just as thoroughly as all those Talos' out there-
Thaffe tugs Jeryk's hat off, setting it aside with the book he doesn't remember putting down, and rests their foreheads together. They'd done this when they were children - giggling conspiratorially in the private space between them - but it's different now; charged. This close, Jeryk feels all but surrounded by Thaffe - by the warmth of him; by the scent of sweat and the hot earth of the mines; the whisper of his breath. Jeryk could drown in it, he thinks; he could die right here, and be content.
Until Thaffe says he'd like to kiss him again, and Jeryk realizes he needs to live.
Thaffe's hands are tough and calloused against his face, but gentle, so gentle. You'd never hurt me.
"Yes," he breathes, drawing Thaffe in close, needing to answer in the only way he can: with more kisses. And this time they'll be better. "Oh, yes!"
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blouisparadise · 2 years
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Here are some amazing bottom Louis fics that were posted or completed during the month of October. We hope you enjoy this list. Happy reading!
1) High On Tour | Explicit | 2284 words
Daddy gets high, but Daddy takes care of business... if that business was getting fucked in his dressing room after a concert.
2) Fifties Baby Doll Dress For My “I Do” | Explicit | 4708 words
"Are we celebrating something?" the man asked coldly, as the music closed and Louis turned off the sound. He walked with nonchalant steps closer to his spouse, discarded what was left of his own cigarette in the ashtray and sat down on the sofa facing her.
"I can't remember, are we?" her false tone of disagreement was obvious. That stupid grin on her reddened lips was enough to drive anyone off their feet.
3) Let Me Love You | Explicit | 5035 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Louis's not expecting to run into his first ever crush while picking up his daughter from school, but fate clearly has other plans. His mum was right.
Harry would always be in his life.
4) Comfort Is Found When I’m the Only Thought On Your Mind | Mature | 5087 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Prompt 396: Established relationship - very domestic PWP. Louis complains about being out of his favorite moisturizer, and Harry suggests giving him a facial.
5) Nobody Had To Know | Explicit | 5146 words
Louis has a secret kink. He never thought his roommate and best friend, Harry, would have it too.
6) I Wanna Be Yours | Explicit | 5838 words
Just like how Cady Heron from mean girls said Halloween is the one night a year when girls can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it, not like anyone ever does to Louis because well Louis is a sweetheart and a boy, the guy with the softest voice and eyes bluer than the oceans. They were all Cara's words not his. 
7) I’m Fine | Mature | 6420 words
"Harry and Louis pretend that the intimacy they shared the night before never happened, until Louis has to go get his cell phone from his apartment.
Or where Louis escapes as fast as he can from the apartment, he spent the night in and is forced to return after forgetting his phone."
8) Tides Thrash Inside | Explicit | 8510 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
"How could I call you when I needed you as far as possible to sever our spatial bond?”
9) Addressed To The Fire | Explicit | 9085 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
“Would you have come,” Harry says after a few seconds, voice levelled. A part of Louis wants him to snap — wants him to be the first one to raise his voice, because if there’s one thing he will never, ever do, is give anyone the satisfaction of saying he’s the one that starts the fights, “if I had invited you?”
No, Louis’ mind replies immediately, I wouldn’t have.
10) Be The Artist To My Muse | Explicit | 9665 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
“I think I’m in love,” Harry says, flopping back to lay on the bench again. Nick sighs and pats Harry on the head.
“There, there. You’ll forget him in a day or so.”
11) Take It Day By Day | Mature | 10167 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
“Enemies” to Lovers AU where Harry and Louis secretly date and Harry just wants to smell like his baby.
12) The One Who Stays And The One Leaving You  | Mature | 10315 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
He had just slept with none other than Harry Styles.
13) Everyone’s Entitled To One Good Scare | Explicit | 10278 words
Louis has suspected his husband isn't what he says and is determined to be right this Halloween. Inspired by this prompt.            
14) I Beg You To Stop Running | Mature | 10346 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
“Congrats. You’re marrying an amazing human being.” Harry found himself saying before thinking about it.
“Oh, I know, he’s truly the love of my life.”
Harry didn’t expect it to hurt that much. Now he realises he had everything with Louis. It was amazing, maybe not perfect but it was more than enough. Louis is the love of his life not this redhead man’s.
15) Losing That Reactive Spark | Explicit | 11599 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
“You didn’t shock me,” the O says, yanking at Harry’s shirt. Harry’s eyebrows furrow, looking down at him. He could probably shake him off if he wanted to, wouldn’t even hurt him. Harry doesn’t. “What’s your name? How come you didn’t shock me?”
“Um,” Harry says. “What?”
The O sways closer, pushing himself up onto his toes as he peers at Harry’s face. Harry tries not to breathe in too deeply, too obviously. The last thing he needs is for someone to catch him obviously scenting an O that doesn’t belong with him in public. No matter how unhinged that particular O might be. That’s just asking for trouble.
“Is it broken?” the O asks, shaking at Harry’s shirt. Harry sways, more confused than ever. The bell on the door dings, and on autopilot Harry shifts them out of the way, allowing the person to pass. His umbrella dangles uselessly from his hand, not doing anything to keep them dry.
“Is what broken?” Harry asks.
“It’s not broken,” the O says to himself, fast. He shakes his head again, bringing both hands up to his face to push his wet hair back. “Just yesterday – ”
He stops, staring at Harry again. It’s a suspicious stare. Harry’s mildly offended by it.
16) Reckless Behaviour | Not Rated | 13565 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Harry is a retired football player looking for a new opportunity. Louis is the image consultant hired to help him find it.
17) As You Stay In A Daydream | Mature | 14689 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
"Come on I'll show you something!" Louis said eagerly dragging him away towards what looks like a cabin, louis' eyes shone as he showed him it. His loved for this place was evident on his face as he told him things he did with it, his sadness was evident when he told him that he would go here to escape his house that never felt like home. He told him who built the small little cabin and he had shyly showed harry his artworks which amazes him as he never knew louis was making art. Harry felt as if his heart could burst with so much love when louis showed him a portrait drawing of him. Intricate details of him was drawn down on to the paper, the shading was right as the light hit him at the side of his face when he was looking out of the window after being bored listening to Mr. Smith's lecture. He didn't know louis had noticed him with so much beauty he had captured it and decided to lay him on a piece of paper that had know meant so much to him.
18) And If Ever I Can Rescue You | Mature | 14725 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Louis waited until he was on top of the criminals before emitting his light, announcing his presence as the alley lit up. “Didn’t I put you two away last week?”
All three men in the alley froze as they stared at Louis. The two crooks Louis recognized as a pair of brothers hell bent on committing petty crimes no matter how many times they got locked up for doing so. But the civilian — shit, he was the guy Louis had been watching earlier from the rooftop, the one with the long hair and the skinny jeans and—.”
“Well, if it isn’t London’s Little Ray of Sunshine,” the thug with the wallet sneered, pulling Louis’ focus back.
19) How You Sleep At Night | Mature | 15568 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
"-And...this is Louis."
And just that.
‘This is Louis.’
Louis feels like throwing up out of nowhere. So, that’s it then? Is he just a ‘Louis’ to him now?
20) Hungry Heart | Explicit | 16100 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
"So you're using me and my kitchen for a bigger paycheck?" Harry asks. "What do I get out of it?"
"What do you-" Louis parrots in disbelief. "I get a job that doesn't make me work ten hour shifts just to barely pay my rent while you get three meals a day cooked for you."
"So, what, you're like some glorified housewife?"
Housewife, personal chef, Louis doesn't care. Contract's signed and done; T's crossed and I's dotted. Louis will wear an apron and twirl his hair all pretty if that's what he wants. Even if the job feels more like some drawn out jail sentence, Louis hopes this isn't going to be a long summer.
21) A Little Bad Luck | Explicit | 17237 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
"What the fuck do you mean, they quit?" Louis asks.
This man—demon, whatever—looks over at Louis with a withering glance before tossing the apple he's eating. It misses the trash can by about a foot, falling to the floor of Louis' kitchen and definitely leaving a sticky residue that he's going to have to clean up later.
"You kept getting yourself into trouble and their afterlife experience became too stressful, so they quit. After the fifth guardian angel quit their post last week, there were no other volunteers, so that's where I stepped in. I was getting bored of welcoming souls into hell anyway...they're so goddamn whiney, I'm always like, bro, just shut the fuck up—"
"So you're my guardian demon," Louis says flatly, cutting the demon/man/thing off before he can get any further.
He smiles largely enough to show dimples, which seem like a completely inappropriate thing for a demon to have.
"Exactly," the demon confirms.
22) Baby, Loving You’s The Real Thing | Explicit | 21011 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Harry never thought he’d be taking care of a child at the age of twenty-one—well, trying to anyway.
23) Let Me In | Explicit | 24059 words
Note: The main pairing is Louis/Zayn Malik. This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here. 
Louis and Zayn begin messing around on tour in 2014, but Zayn's getting ready to make a decision that he knows is going to change everything, possibly for good. They just have to believe that they can make it.
24) Heart Of Sugar, Sweet Temptation of Mine | Explicit | 25600 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
The process of courting is seriously outdated nowadays, it's not common anymore; people don’t want to go through the hassle of a proper courtship, dating is easier.
Louis though, he was raised in a very traditional family, every member, down to his parents, had a courting and a mating ceremony. He grew up hearing stories about how wonderful it is, how much deeper the connection gets between a courting pair can get, and he's wanted that for himself since he was a pup, always dreaming of his alpha showing up and sweeping him off of his feet.
His dreams seem to be coming true when he moves into a new building, closer to where he works, and the older alpha living in the flat in front of his own, initiates the courtship process. Everything he's ever wanted is within reach.
Or is it?
25) Feeling Peachy, Take A Bite | Explicit | 25654 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Prompt 570: omega louis works at a cupcake shop. he makes the prettiest cupcakes and loves his job. in comes beefy alpha harry who absolutely loves to eat louis’ cake. inspired by louis being a cute baby girl handing out cupcakes. (no a/b/o necessary, but louis has to be feminine)
26) Like Rabbits In Cigar Smoke | Explicit | 26088 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Los Angeles 1975
The rules to being a Playboy Bunny are very clear. Keep the clients happy while still protecting the brand. Bunny Louis tries very hard to keep to that, and no amount of longing stares or soft touches from world-wide famous rock star Harry Styles is going to change that. He's not that kind of Bunny, right?
27) Hash Brown, Eggyolks. I Will Always Love You | Mature | 26883 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Harry loves watching louis, it never gets old or boring for him because everytime he looks at him he finds traces of something new he didn't find the last time and it always left him in awe to call louis as the love of his life, he get to call him his and he get to know someone as amazing as louis. The way there's a small mole underneath his chins and traces of freckles wrapped around his cheeks like constellations. Louis is so beautiful to just sit and admire what he's like and the small omega didn't even know how beautiful and how important he is for him. That's why whenever louis would get inside his head and be an insecure mess, harry would kiss every tear away and would fill louis up with love. He never wanted louis to go to a drop again because of it so he always makes sure to give him enough of everything he will ever need.
Andy place down their orders as harry was still lost in staring at his muse that louis was quickly arranging their food in the way he loves to. "Okay we've finally got our hash browns, some nice sunny side up egg yolks.. and what else?" Louis rambled, trying to organize the many food his alpha had ordered for him.
"I love you."
28) Ding-Dong! Daybreak | Explicit | 28096 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
“Hungry for knot?” The alpha’s voice suited his image so well. The deep, borderline sensual octave made Louis shiver. It was laced with timbre and Louis couldn’t remember the last time someone had spoken with a voice like this to him. But wait… Did the alpha just ask him if he was “hungry for knot”? "Excuse me?" The omega could feel a hot flush underneath his skin.
All it took was a flat bike tire, confusing usernames, pumpkin flavored biscuits, a chaotically supportive dog and food deliveries at daybreak for Omega Louis to fall hard.
29) If It Wasn’t For The Nights | Explicit | 28449 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
“Okay, so. You didn’t fuck. But you’re gonna go hiking with Harry?” Zayn raises an eyebrow. “You don’t even go outside.”
Louis groans, crossing his arms on the table and hiding his face in them. “I know.”
30) What It Feels Like | Explicit | 34272 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
“Okay, right. Aren’t you straight?” Harry was straight. Unless he somehow lied to the entire internet about how much he likes pussy, he was straight.
“A good time is a good time. A hole is a hole. What does it matter that I’m straight?”
Louis’ knee wobbled. Barely. Everything was fine.
“That doesn’t sound straight to me.”
Harry groaned and tossed his head back. He looked more comfortable in Louis’ office than he did, swiveling back and forth. “What does it matter that I want to have sex with you? You’re pretty, like a girl, and you moan like one, too. It’s your fault, not mine.”
31) Something As Simple As This | Explicit | 34625 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Trapped in a cabin in the middle of nowhere after a blizzard derails Louis from getting home, he and the attractive stranger who owns the place have nothing to do but... well, each other. It would be a real shame if feelings got in the way, and even more of a shame if a secret about this stranger's identity turned both their lives upside down and inside out.
32) Every Witch Way | Explicit | 36318 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Heart leaping to his throat, Harry’s head snaps up in shock to see a person standing in the middle of the room. Someone dressed in a black sweatshirt that absolutely swamps his smaller frame and jeans that are cuffed at the ankle. More peculiar is the cat perched on his shoulder, blinking at Harry with luminous purple eyes.
“Who the fuck are you?” Harry chokes out once he regains the ability to speak, eyes widening as he realizes the carved circle on the floor is now glowing bright violet. “What the fuck is going on?”
The stranger simply raises an eyebrow, cat still on his shoulder. “You’re definitely not Cressida.”
33) To Paint A Symphony | Explicit | 40583 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Despite being a wedding painter, Louis has never had quite an optimistic outlook on marriage life. Love, sure, he’s a hopeless romantic and he longs for a sweet partner, to feel adored and cherished, but a part of him will forever doubt that love can last forever, a spark never lasts long, after all, so he paints because strokes of paint can remain forever and unchanged if looked after properly, cared and cherished the way he wished he could be, safe from an unsure future. Harry, on the other hand, as a performer and lyricist, indulges in pleasure. He loves love, never wastes a moment, never hesitates, always so sure of what he wants. Songs come and go on the radio, sometimes forgotten, sometimes transcending generations, the way people leave, and others stay. He never thinks of a future because he only ever lives in the present and he never was egocentric enough to think he could make a real impact and his art could outlive him.
At a wedding under summer skies and surrounded by endless sea, two seemingly polar opposite lovers meet, and perhaps one learns to let himself feel and fall, and the other lets himself hope and cling on.
34) Catch Me If I Fall | Explicit | 47100 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
“You– how do you–” Louis stammers before attempting to compose himself, fighting off the tidal wave of fear that threatens to wash him away in its wake. “No. You don’t. You don’t know.”
Every protest falling from his lips is in vain, because despite what he keeps telling himself, Harry knows.
Harry's widening smirk is answer enough as he steps forward slowly, walking up until he’s right in Louis’ space.
“You look like you need some time to process things,” he whispers with false-earnestness. Sliding a hand under Louis’ chin, Harry tilts his head so Louis is forced to look up at him. “Why don’t we take a little break and start up again later, so you can mull things over?”
35) This Is How You Fall In Love | Explicit | 53538 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
When Harry Styles' 16 year old daughter dragged him along to see her favourite artist, Louis Tomlinson, in concert, the last thing he had expected was to be invited backstage. Unaware his life was about to change forever.
36) Not Afraid Of Living On A Fault Line | Explicit | 55218 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
His eyes widened when he realized he had just somehow managed to ask Harry to hang out.
Judging by Harry’s own expression, he wasn't the only one who was shocked. Louis expected him to laugh it off the ridiculous request but the beta looked up at him, almost hopefully. “Are you being serious?”
“Um,” was all Louis could say, feeling every bit as speechless as Harry had been earlier. “Are you?”
Harry shrugged. “I’ve been told I need to get out more.”
37) Dark Doom, Honey | Explicit | 57801 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Louis lifted one shoulder, lips slightly pursed. “You are acting like an asshole.”
Harry’s mouth pressed into a thin line, eyebrows knitting together. “I wasn’t being an asshole, I was following my own rules. The ones I always follow when I’m about to start an arrangement with a new submissive. If you don’t want this or are having doubts, we should stop now. But if we do this, I do want to make something clear, I’ll never do anything you don’t want to, but you have to be aware that I’ll never be sweet, I don’t do sweet, you already saw what I do. If you want something different you can go on dates, this is not that. Are we clear?”
It was the perfect way out. Louis could simply say no and their lives would keep on going as they were. So far, nothing was changed beyond repair. But he wanted to be. At some point in his life, way before Harry and the betrayals, Louis lost a little of himself, and had never felt closer to getting it back than in Lair, with Harry.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here. You can find other monthly roundup fic rec lists here.
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savedpeople · 5 months
RULES: Answer the questions with the Muses that would best fit the answers. Bonus if you give details why. If tagged, copy and paste into a new post – DO NOT REBLOG!
(Since this is a single-muse blog, I'm going to include muses I've played on other blogs. I'm not going to include every muse I've ever written though because 1. it already feels funny talking about muses that 99% of my followers have never seen me write, and 2. some of them were very short-lived. So I'm only including the ones that I've written most or were most significant, plus my newest one that I haven't written yet, since they've been on my mind a lot lately.)
1) Rank your softest Muse and your toughest Muse. (Personality-wise) - Strictly personality-wise, softest to toughest: Ted Logan (Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure), Max Caulfield (Life is Strange), Izaya Orihara (Durarara!!), Amaimon (Blue Exorcist), Satoru Gojo (Jujutsu Kaisen), Negan, Levi Ackerman (Attack on Titan.) This is kind of funny though because aside from Ted and Max, none of these characters can really be considered "soft."
2) Which Muse would blow through $1000 quickly? - Gojo. But he's also rich rich, so $1000 is nothing to him. He canonically owns shirts that cost more than that. Aside from him, I think if you gave Ted $1000 he could easily blow it all on music gear and albums pretty quickly lol.
3) Do any of them have nicknames? Is there a meaning behind them? - Negan has been called "Neegs" by a few, but not many can get away with that. "Ted" is short for Theodore, and "Max" is short for Maxine (never call Max by her full name, she hates it.)
4) Are any of them up-to-speed on the latest trends? Anyone more old school? - Ted, Gojo, and Max are most likely to be up-to-speed on trends, but Max appreciates the old school stuff (she prefers analog cameras over digital for her photography, for instance.) Levi and Negan are more old school, though Negan might attempt to learn trends to seem cool to his students/the kids (it rarely works.)
5) Who has the best relationship with their siblings? - Three of them have siblings: Ted, Izaya, and Amaimon. Ted and his little brother probably have the best relationship, at least as kids, though he deals with insecurity and envy as their dad clearly favors his brother. Izaya has two sisters who are twins and about ten years his junior. Their parents were abroad for work so much that he basically raised them, but his bad influence played part in them turning out eccentric. Their relationship is complicated and a bit love/hate. Amaimon has six brothers and a sister. They are all demons (literally, they are children of Satan lol.) He's only seen interacting with one which I interpret him to have a neutral to positive relationship with. I don't see him having a close relationship with any of the others. But I also haven't read or watched the series in years, so I have no idea if more has been revealed.
6) Karaoke night! Who is likely to grab the mic first and bust out a tune? - Ted. Max will join him with some encouragement. Negan if he's had a few drinks.
7) Who is least likely to enter a beauty pageant/model? - Levi (he could actually probably do well as a model, but suggest this and he'll vehemently deny it.) Also Amaimon because he doesn't spend much time on Earth and probably doesn't even know what a beauty pageant is.
8) If your Muses visited a haunted house where actors scare you, who would panic and who would be unfazed? - Ted and Max would be panicking (but they're having a blast.) Levi and Amaimon are unfazed.
9) Are any of your Muses particular about taking certain modes of transportation? - Not really. Max does get nervous about airplanes and Izaya prefers to walk or take a taxi/public transport. Gojo doesn't drive and either takes the train/subway, has his assistant drive him, or teleports/warps short distances since he can do that lol.
10) Share a little-known fact about any Muse. - So I can't really think of anything, but I have twd verses for most of my muses that I never got to use/talk about so I'mma ramble on about little things about them here. Ted - and Bill - were following a band on tour that summer, and were at a music venue in the Atlanta area when the outbreak hit. Bill's dad died saving them the first day, and they and Missy go on to survive traveling around in their RV for a while. Max found an old vintage photography store shortly after the outbreak and took as many packs of polaroid film as she could realistically carry. She continues taking photos, not just to document the new world but to also capture small moments of beauty and happiness within her group. Gojo acts nonchalant about the apocalypse until he loses his best friend to a walker bite, after which he essentially shuts down and locks himself in a room with the (restrained) walker for days, refusing to let anyone in. He even attempts to remove its jaw/hands to keep it with him (kind of like Michonne did), and it wasn't until after that he finally killed it. He puts on a big smile and acts fine, but the unresolved anger and grief come out in spades whenever he goes up against walkers. Izaya and his sisters are in an airport preparing to fly back to Japan when the outbreak hits, and get stranded in the Virginia/DC area. A group takes them in out of pity, despite Izaya giving them the creeps. But when his sisters are eaten in a large walker attack, the group abandons him, and he's presumed dead. Months later, cue The Saviors showing up with Izaya at Negan's side as one of his lieutenants. Surprise! Levi meets up with his uncle, the only family he has, when the outbreak happens. It doesn't take long for them to start butting heads morally - his uncle is much quicker to warm up to the idea of stealing and killing. But they stick together until they're separated while fighting a horde, and Levi's been on his own ever since, unsure if he's alive. He's eventually taken in by Alexandria, but has a hard time adjusting. I don't have anything set for Amaimon, but he's naturally violent and off-putting and very likely ends up with the Whisperers or becomes a cannibal or something lol.
tagged by: @wexarethewalkingxdead tagging: @esoterium @survivoirs @chitteringbeast and anyone else that'd like to do this (y'all are the only active mutuals I know that have multiple muses and weren't already tagged I don't think??)
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7 to shut them up.
Rooster and Hangman 👀
Hi! Thanks for this request! I hope you like thus take on Hangster and Kiss # 7 a kiss to shut them up. I hope you love it.
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A Kiss To Shut Them Up (Cause Jake Couldn't Shut Up if he Tried)
Bradley has no idea when it happened but he looks blearily up from the warm half inch of beer at the bottom of the bottle to see he's completely alone. Legs akimbo on the sand, he lets the bottle with its skunky dregs dangle from his fingers. Phoenix is dancing not far away, towing Bob around on a makeshift dance floor as Payback and Fanboy dance with the dorkiest dance moves he's ever seen nearby.
Coyote's chatting with Halo, Omaha, Harvard, Yale and Fritz not far away. The only aviator missing is the hero of the night, Hangman. He's been the center of attention for most of the night as everyone pats him on the back for his last-second save during the mission. Bradley and Mav wouldn't be here at all if it weren't for him. Bradley should be riding the adrenaline rush like everyone else. But instead, he just feels lost.
Nobody else can see it. Except maybe Hangman. Bradley can see it sometimes, on his face, the despair, pain and fear hiding behind his eyes. He gets lost in his thoughts for a bit, because the next thing he feels is a cold bottle against the side of his neck.
"Roo!" That crow could only belong to one person. "What're you doing here all alone? Grab a beer! Eat! Drink! Be merry!"
"How can I do that?" Rooster's genuinely bemused, even as Hangman animatedly tells him all of the ways he can be merry. He's struck by the wash of the yellow-pale lights drifting across Hangman's - no Jake's face. He looks ethereal, like an eldritch creature that has come to earth to torment one Bradley Bradshaw. He also looks breathtakingly beautiful.
Jake seems mostly unaware of Bradley's internal musings, even as he gets stuck on the way alcohol is making Jake's lips glisten. But he can't help his fixation. And he can't help how Jake just won't shut up. Who is he kidding? Jake's never been able to shut up. How could he think the man would be any different when he's riding the high of another successful kill?
He chalks what he does next to the excess energy coursing through his system. He curls his fingers through the curls at the base of Jake's neck and pulls the man close. He chatters on, even as Bradley can smell menthol and yeasty beer on his breath. The sharp gasp that pours out of Jake's mouth is quickly muffled in the softest kiss Bradley's ever given.
When he pulls away, Jake's eyes are closed, the paper thin skin of his eyelids twitching as a blush paints his cheeks. Before Jake's eyes open, Bradley's already talking to Natasha, a smile stretched wide over his face.
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Want to request a Kiss and a pair for me to write? Guidelines are here.
Want to see other Kisses I've written? Here's the full Masterlist.
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the-octic-scribe · 7 months
to my brother in arms questions~
Rock: How do you deal with writer’s block? My father has a small block on his desk that he carved out and called it his writers block.
When I think about how much I hate writers block I think of it and laugh my ass of then get back to work. The muses are dead, it is up to you to continue
Spirit: What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received on your writing?
Uh this one is weird but I won this award in high school called the purple pen award. Its where you received the teachers pen used for grading works as a gift – it was a symbol tha your writing was both above and beyond expectation but also that you did so well the teach may as well let you write your grade your doing so well- it stuck with me forever.
Sand: What’s the softest scene you’ve ever written? Let me write an excerpt for this one
“hey Alex , couldn’t sleep?”
“something like that. how is the night watch? it’s beautiful up here.”
“long , lonely and utterly breathtaking. I haven’t minded too much, although I’m glad to have someone to talk to”
Alex smiled and laid out on the branch staring at the stars. “ you know there’s an old myth I read about, Arcana believed that the stars were the souls of past elders looking over us. I find one flaw in there logic, the stars are far more beautiful than we can be.”
“it is a gorgeous night.” I reclined on the main trunk behind me, carefully extending my wings so they wouldn’t get sore.
we sat there in silence for a long moment , just contemplating the cosmos and feeling the tremulous air. after a long moment Alex propped herself up on their elbows and sharpened the rough outline of there body.
“there’s something I want to talk to you about.”
The rest are *spoliers*!
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merlot-and-chardonnay · 8 months
A Night of Liberation- Elihal
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I'm honestly a little surprised I haven't seen many one-shots written for this character from Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. True he didn't have much screen time in the game overall, but I find myself attracted to him, or more specifically I'm very attracted to his confidence and shamelessness in being who he is.
I also have this headcannon that Novigrad is like New York City and the non humans have their own spaces, especially for the ones that would be considered queer, not unlike how black and Latine queer communities carved their own spaces as seen in the show Pose (something I may have touched on in a previous one-shot where the reader is a trans woman witcher and found a community among non-humans who were much like her). I firmly believe that as a gender non-conforming elf, Elihal would be involved in those types of scenes when he's not busy being a tailor.
Plenty of fluff and a raid somewhere in the middle that's hate based in case that's traumatizing. And maybe some suggestive content too.
It was a sweet moment, one you've shared many times with the man...or elf in front of you. There was really no special occasion, it was a merely a moment between two lovers, a random moment that came in the middle of the day when you went to see the elven tailor over some torn dresses that needed mending.
He took his fingers under your chin and lifted it so you could stare into his eyes before he leans in to give you a passionate kiss. 
You always admired the way Elihal worked with his hands, the care he put into each stitch and the passion he put into this profession. It was something you've come to admire about the elf ever since you first met him. He truly had a talent in designing and making clothing, from the sharpest doublets to the softest dresses. You had been fond of Elihal for a rather long time, since you've first met him in fact. His occupation wasn't considered conventional at least for a man, or even an elf to a certain extent. Still, it made him happy, and he didn't care what others thought of him. Something else you also admired about the elf. 
Honestly, you weren't sure what he saw in you, but it came as a shock when he asked seemingly out of the blue to court you. It came even more shocking since you were human and not many elves engaged in romantic relations with humans; to be fair, not many humans did either.
So, when he asked, you nodded and your visits to his shop became more frequent, whether you needed clothing fixed or not. And many of those visits would last overnight as well. You've never inquired of Elihal's age, but you figured he was old enough to know a few tricks to please a woman in the bedroom. 
You've also stood in as his model on several occasions whenever he had an idea for a clothing design and wanted to work on it. Some of the stuff you liked, others not so much, but you didn't mind being his muse, whether it was for a dress or a doublet, as long as you got to spend time with him and as long as it came with passing kisses every now and again.
On this particular day, it was a doublet you were modeling for the elf. You didn't really wear doublets out in public...actually you've worn a doublet in public...actually before courting Elihal you've never tried a doublet on before, not even as a child. Though to be fair, you never were encouraged to try different clothing that wasn't considered conventional for women; if anything, it was heavily discouraged in your family during your formative years. Ladies wear dresses and heels, and wore make-up, and all that other shit. Anything else would make you be seen as less then a woman.
Yet, here you were, wearing men's clothing, and the man you love was here giving you a kiss.
"What...what was that for, Elihal?" you inquire of the elf once he finished, "not that I'm complaining." "You just looked beautiful in this light, I couldn't help myself," Elihal admits.
You felt your face heat up. "You don't believe me?" "No, I do," you assure, "I don't quite feel beautiful wearing this." "I think you look rather stunning," Elihal counters, "with a matching pair of trousers and shoes, it would be perfect." "Ha, yeah that sounds like me," you laugh a little, "I don't suppose you would compensate by wearing a dress?"
It's worth noting that even though you've known Elihal for a while now even before courting him, you didn't know about his hobbies outside of his tailor business. The elf gave a small knowing smile, knowing what he what he had planned for tonight. "I know that look," you tell him as you take the doublet off and put on your regular clothes, "you're up to something." "Meet me back here at dusk," Elihal merely says, giving you a quick peck on the cheek, "I'll make it worth your while."
You weren't sure what to expect, but you give the elf a kiss back before you leave. You had errands to run in the city, so it would take some time. By your reckoning, by the time you were done, it would be near dusk.
You head back to Elihal's shop around dusk as he had asked. During this time, you've been going over in your head what you elven beau had in stored for this evening. However long you've known Elihal, he could be something of an enigma sometimes. Though it was still one more trait of the elf you admired.
"Elihal?" you knock on the door to announce you were walking in. The lights were still on, but no sign of your lover. "You called?" you turn around to see the elf you love step in from his bedroom.
Your eyes widen in surprise when you see his attire. Elihal was dressed in...well a dress. Blue with red patterns and even heels to match. And when looked closer, you could see Elihal was even wearing makeup. "Elihal?" you finally manage to say, one the shock passed, "you're...you are...?"
"Stunning? Beautiful? The prettiest sight you've ever seen?" Elihal suggests. "It's...well it really is something," you say, tilting your head a bit, "it's a perfect fit, though that should come as no surprise. I've never seen you wear this before." "I made it two days ago," Elihal tells you, "I was planning to show it off tonight in a sort of debut. Along with the doublet that you were modeling this morning." "You....want me to wear the doublet?" you realize, "outside?" "Why not?" Elihal shrugs, "it suits you rather well."
"But...what would other people say?" you ask, feeling a sense of shame from even asking this question. Both from being scared of the idea of being out in public and not being as open minded about this as Elihal clearly was. The comfort he was currently sporting being dressed the way he is definetely suggested he has done this before. "What people? Mere strangers?" Elihal points out, "what does it matter what they think that you don't conform to their rigid ideals of what men and women can and cannot do? Should what they think matter so much to you when they don't even know you and you don't even know them?"
You avert your gaze lightly, knowing Elihal had a point on that. You look at the doublet the elf had in his hands and take them from him. You hold it out, thinking it over. It felt so forbidden that you were considering trying it out, but at the same time, it felt so exciting. Much as you enjoy wearing dresses and being feminine, the thought of crossing social gender lines did sound enticing. The thought of defying society and giving it the middle finger as Elihal clearly was doing just for dressing the way he was right now. 
You make a small smile, and it felt like a barrier you had kept up, or more specifically had been built around you was starting to crumble. You take your dress off and place the doublet and trousers on. You take a hair tie and pull your hair up in a bun.
"How do I look?" you turn to face the elf. "Quite handsome, i dare say," Elihal nods in approval. "So where are we going?" you ask after you get your matching shoes on. "You'll see," Elihal says rather cryptically as he puts on a cloak and hands you one. You and Elihal head to the city.
Once further inside, you see a couple priests of the Church of the Eternal Fire preaching to a group of men. Ironically enough, the sermon was on the importance of the difference between women and men and how sinful it was in the eyes of the Eternal Fire when those lines were blurred and mixed around, resulting in confusion and leading weary minds astray into believing that up is down and bad is good and so forth. You noticed the look on Elihal's face when you and him passed the crowd.
Several patrons turned to see the two of you walking by, not quite paying attention at first, but there may have been some stares of condemnation when they recognized what was going on. 
You pushed the elf to walk faster, not really feeling safe with how charged up the crowds was from both the priests' fervor in their sermon.
"Where are we going?" you ask. "You'll see," Elihal assures. Once closer to the docks, he leads you towards a path he's clearly taken before. The path lead a what at first seemed like a dive of sorts. Not quite an impressionable looking establishment from the outside from what you could see. But you trusted the elf, and let him lead you inside.
It wasn't all as shady as you admittedly was expecting.
It was actually quite colorful and lively as non-humans congregated and conversed amongst one another, some laughing, others drinking cups of wine or mugs of ale. Looking around, you see a symbol of a green mermaid decorating the walls. You recognized what this place was.
A safe place for people who were different. People like Elihal. Non-humans who didn't conform to the dominate 'normative' culture and in fact exist outside of said culture openly and often in defiance, even if it cost them social status or even their very lives. You've heard of this place before as whispers from others in Novigrad, those whispers mostly coming from overly pious followers of the Eternal Fire who saw places such as this as alters for decadence and moral decay, especially where non humans were concerned. In fact, those same people would use these places as further evidence that beings such as elves, dwarves, and dopplers could not be trusted and were an affront before the light of the Eternal Fire itself. 
You didn't really think much of it before, as you've made friends with plenty of elves and dwarves before you ever met Elihal. They were just people trying to live their lives to the fullest. They weren't hurting anyone just for simply existing.
"Is this what I think it is?" you ask of your lover. "It very much is," the elf nods in confirmation, "What do you think?" You look around some more. The patrons were just doing their own thing, hardly even giving you any attention, unlike back in the city when you passed those priests and their followers. Here, no one seemed to care what you were wearing or what you looked like. You were just being yourself...or someone else. It didn't matter, all that did matter was that you were here with the man you loved and you were going to enjoy yourself.
"It is...I'm not sure how to describe it," you admit. Elihal heard his name being called, getting both your attention to a group of elves and half-elves who were dressed similarly to the way the both of you were. These must be Elihal's friends, at least the friends who were also part of this community. Elihal waves back and guides you over so you could meet his friends.
The conversation flowed as smoothly as the wine you drank from. Apparently Elihal had told his friends a lot about you, a few even voicing they were surprised you had actually accepted his invitation to come here, especially dressed the way you were. You felt a little shame at first, thinking maybe they were under the impression you were some prude that preferred things to be folded neatly and kept in little boxes like every other human in this city.
The embarrassment went away, however, when they began to complement your clothing and you in turn gave the credit of the design to Elihal, whom you felt to be one of the best tailors in Novigrad. As the night carried on, you felt you were slowly being accepted into your lover's social circle, the shame you had felt earlier in the evening starting to fade away from being in a place where no one would judge you for being a non-conformist.
Later you and Elihal step out briefly for some fresh air, while also sipping the last of your wine. "I have to admit, I'm actually having fun here," you tell him, face feeling flushed at this point, "I wasn't sure what I was getting into, but I really enjoy myself." "I'm had a feeling you would," Elihal says with a smile, "I had a feeling since we met you would be open to new experiences." "Whatever gave you that impression?" you scoff, "I'm anything but open minded." "...you're here in this place, are you not?" the elf points out, "have you ever been here before?" "No," you shrug. "What was you first impression?" "I supposed it was...different any other establishment I've been to before," you admit, "it just felt so...normal, I guess. Here I am dressed in a doublet and no one even batted an eye. Unlike when we walked past that crowd and those Eternal Fire priests, they looked at us like we were the worse kind of criminal. People like them, I've known my whole life since I was a child. They always had such a rigid view of the world. But these people in that tavern, they were so...liberated. And confident. I wish I was more like that."
"You could be," Elihal points out, "it's never too late to learn."
"I guess that's true," you say, about to sip your wine again but realize your cup is empty, "I'm glad you should me this world, Elihal. I would like to come again. I really like your friends. Also," you take his hand, "I wouldn't object to seeing you in this dress again. You do look rather ravishing," you give the elf a knowing grin. "Oh my, into a little role playing are we?" Elihal grins back, "that, good sir, is hardly anyway to treat a lady." "Would be gentlemanly of me to at least request a kiss from the lady?" you ask to which he obliges, or at least he was about, but then pulls back in a teasing manner. "Oh, so now you're playing," you feign exasperation before getting serious, "you really do need to show me how you do your eye shadow. It's better than mine."
Elihal chuckled a bit. Before either of you could share that kiss, however, the two of you hear soldier's shouts. Sure enough, you turn to see the familiar armor of the Temple Guard, one of them shining a torch your way, "you there!" "Arrest these perverse deviants," the commander orders. "What for? We didn't do anything!" you protest. "A man in a dress, even an elven one is an affront to the Eternal Fire," the Temple guard commander says, "same goes for a woman in a doublet." "Fucking freaks," one of the guards mutter.
"I believe you must be mistaken good sir," Elihal says, facing the guards, placing his hands on his hips, "isn't obvious I am lady. You should be treating me as such." "Oh I'll treat you like a lady alright, you cocksucker," the guard sneers, fixing to pull out a dagger, "you want to be a woman so badly, I'll make you one." You react and kick the guard in the groin before he could proceed to hurt Elihal, "you stay away from my lover's parts, they belong to me!" you exclaim, "yeah, that's right. I coupled with an elf, and I'm not ashamed of it. What are you going to do about it?"  
The guards draw their swords in response.
"I think now would be a good time to warn the others," Elihal says, grabbing your arm as the two of you run inside to warn the patrons of the impending raid. They were quick to scatter as the Temple Guards broke in and raided the place, arresting and/or killing anyone they could get their hands on.
Luckily though, most managed to escape out the back or through some other secret entrances that have built into this place for just such an occasion, which based on quickly everyone reacted, it was clear this was something that did happen unfortunately rather often.
You and Elihal were among the lucky ones to escape, heading back into the city, away from the docks.
Once out of sight from the Temple Guards, you and Elihal stop and catch a breath, then you notice Elihal start to giggle. "What's so funny?" you ask in confusion. "Just thinking about what you did back there," Elihal tells you, "defending my honor and such. I am quite flattered." "Well, it wouldn't have been gentlemanly of me to leave a defenseless woman to take on those brutes," you retort back before you get serious, "they could've hurt you, Elihal." "...you're probably right about that," Elihal admits, "and they had hurt many of the patrons over there at the Green Mermaid. All because they wanted to live their most authentic lives." "They...you lot still manage to thrive," you nod, "you thrive and resist and still manage to find joy in the littlest things. Not letting anyone force them to be hiding underground or living lives that don't fit them. You're more liberated then any of the Eternal Fire's followers. I want to be liberated too."
Elihal nods in understanding, "let's go home."
"Say, Elihal," you say as the two of you walk back to his place, "any chance we could do this again? Dressing up and going out and painting the town red, I mean? After you mend these trousers that is. They got torn back during the raid." "Of course, we can do this anytime you wish," Elihal answers, "and I'll be sure to have the trousers mended. In no time, they'll feel like you're not wearing anything at all." 
"Hmmm, I wouldn't mind actually not wearing anything at all when we get home," you give the elf a suggestive grin. "Now am I supposed to work on my thread and needle if you're laying around in what you humans call a birthday suit? It'll do nothing but distract me from my mending." "That's the idea I was going for."
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gloryseized · 1 year
i write this with the deepest vow of silence, unwritten by penmanship so lost to time. i loathe that i cannot bring myself to sign this letter, should it find you. . . link. hero of courage, traveler of time, knight who seals the darkness. with this document, i shall depict to you my heart's oils on canvas. how it flutters on the wing like the softest fluctuation of a butterfly's wing, how slow the world seems to blow like a grass blade in your presence. the simplest things, from the everlasting glow of your golden hair, your smile by a dimly lit room's candlelight. time never seems to be enough, not when i'm with you. and though our time has been limited, and my future written in stone, i know one thing. my heart has never lasted this long for any of my readings, my knowledge, my wisdom. hylia forgive me for what little words i've shared with you, with previous venoms i spat at your very ilk. no satin flowery prose could ever mend the viciousness i once showed you, but i long for the days where i felt your hand ghost mine on a field's eve mid-journey. to see the fireflies dance by the softest shave of your face, and to prosper in the light that lie within your eyes.
yours truly.
Send my muse love letters on anon. Bonus points if you drop a hint on who sent it.
The letter doesn’t need a signature as Link’s throat tightens. It’s taken longer than it should have for him to return to Hateno. He’d been following various leads of sightings of her all over Hyrule rather than return to the home that they both shared. It was partially the work and partially the fear that keeps him away.
He might have built Hateno for himself but in the years since they vanquished Calamity Ganon it had become their home. And what was his home without her there? The house would be too still without her there.
And he re-entered the home, steps soft so as not to disturb the thin layer of dust that rested over everything in their absence. He doesn’t want to change anything without her there. Like a tomb, a memorial, he wants everything to be exactly as it is when she returns.
It takes an effort of will to venture down into her ‘study’, the place they jokingly called the hideyhole near the well. As much as he’s loathe to barge in there, he has to know….has to see if maybe she…
But he finds the note instead, reading it in a flurry and then in a trudge, emotions washing over him one after the other. Anger, frustration, joy, sadness, and, and—does he dare? What’s holding him back now?
I will find you, he promises himself, refolding the letter and tucking it near his heart. Zelda.
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neonbitemarks · 1 year
🖊 !
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Az is baby.
Before Lucifer's rebellion, he was also the Angel of Death.
Azrael is another of my OG muses. Older even than Lex, as I've been writing Az for 7 or 8 years now (I think? Maybe longer. You'd have to ask my gf, lol)
He's another one of my softest boys and has always been kind of a giant puppy of a person (even after the shit Jophiel pulled, but that's a story for another time), and I live for the fact that he's married to a necromancer and they have one of the cutest ships I've ever written.
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stygicniron · 2 years
[ OC ]:     for the mun to talk about a mun’s original character (OC) muse who they really like, for any reason at all, from the way that they’re written, themes that are referenced in the portrayal, how the mun explores their character, the characteristics and personality and relationships found in their portrayal, etc.
Ask Meme: Reaching Out
Again, there are entirely too many to list, but I have to start with @polarean because sometimes I forget that their amazing muse Sylvain is an OC. He is the softest, most precious boy and yet evered writes him with an incredible depth and balance that is so so much fun to bounce Nico off of. I also love Sylvain’s backstory so much! The mun has clearly crafted the character with such awareness and sensitivity for the various topics explored that he positively breathes off the screen. I felt like I knew who Sylvain was before even sitting down to do a thread with this OC, and the experience has only grown from there. The thread especially where Nico and Sylvain go to the aquarium brings me such joy and heartache that replying to it can literally lift my mood. But I cherish all the threads like a fine chocolate, savoring each one of them because they are so lovely to reply to!
And this isn’t even all of this mun’s incredible OCs!! You have to follow them if you’re not already <3
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lokisprettygirl · 1 year
Do you dear you would fall out of love with loki someday? How would it affect your writing?
Hmmm that's an interesting question, like i have said before I'm not a writer I'm just someone who enjoys writing for loki, he's my only muse and only one I can write for so safe to say if I wasn't interested in Loki anymore I think I won't be writing.
I'm not really in love with him though, I'm in love with the idea of him and more than the Lokis we have seen in canon I love the Loki i have in my head and the several Lokis I have written. It's the desire to find someone who'd accept me the way I am, someone who is masculine but at the same time softest, most tender man from inside, i always had this dream about how my partner would be and Loki is nothing but that wish for me, if I ever do find that person in real life (which honestly I have no hope for anymore because some people are just plain shit but just in case) then I don't think you'd see me much here or like at all. I don't think I'd continue to fuel my obsession if I have someone in real life who cares about me.
I'm just glad I'm able to write for him because I'm a constant daydreamer and my brain never stops so Writing has really helped me with those thoughts which I used to be unable to share with anyone before, now I can do that and it helps in getting my mind uncluttered. I think once I stop writing for loki is when I'm going to realise whether it's the writing I enjoy or it's just the writing for loki that gets me all hyped.
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