#/ free ammo
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Yeah I’d be a dead man.
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Kamala is a gestpo lunatic, this video of was in 2019. She admits sending law enforcement to people’s houses to confiscate their guns when she was Attorney General.
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narwhalandchill · 2 months
also mistake not my silence on the summer event story now that its all out for not paying attention bc. well firstly not going to be the subject of this post but seriously just the . Overall implications of the whole thing when it comes to teyvat and genshin as a whole? wild stuff like are they rly out there revealing the entire cosmology now 😭 (tho i kinda have. Mixed thoughts as well)
anyway secondly and most importantly because of course i have priorities (its ajax we all know) . soooo simulanka and names eh?
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well not that i was any doubter to begin with in that it like. meant something when hit game jenshin impact featuring guy already foreshadowed and being set up for some real curious world-overturning and celestia torching business etc etc etc coincidentally named. ajax. among other things. that the same game happening to Also begin introducing this whole other ajax/aias as an actual historical figure featured within the games lore and legends. would very much be just a massive fucking thing we Should be taking very seriously in terms of his future development but like thanks very much for confirming it too uwu
anyway let us look at my favorite french cultist scribbled note for no particular reason once more just to celebrate the occasion
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i mean what can i say man . truly the endgame relevance long term allegations continue undodged 😤😤
anyway whats kinda funny to me is the way a lot of ppls reaction to this name confirmation seems to be like. omg ajax is in trouble now bc irl mythology ajax died and ajax/aias of genshin also seems to have possibly had a shit fate by the end im so worried omg . when like. literally the second part to this whole "name = inheriting destiny" thing we see in simulanka is that . with the right circumstances . the one that inherits the name and destiny is not necessarily doomed to that exact same outcome as the original . like we all did see how we saved simulanka durin right?? and how the existence of mini durin may now open up the possibility of teyvats durin to receive a different outcome to his tale???? right??
like why do ppl have so little faith in childe im 😭 like if you ask me hes Already giving indication of defying his fate in a multitude of ways (vision malfunction being a big one) so personally i simply think we need to let him do his thing and see where he goes with it . i have faith in him like if Anyones abt to subvert the fate hes been set up with be it due to his name or any other reason . its gonna be him lmao
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like. its not even new stuff kwdwdjkdwjk
either way tho . even if this fucker straight up "dies" or goes MIA im not even that worried bc. ppl worrying about this "tragic fate" his namesake seems to be conferring to him by default with simulankas explicit confirmation of a names meaning . and its just are we straight up missing the fact that this historical ajax/aias is Literally connected to that rent free narzissenkreuz note that EXPLICITLY aligns this "tragedy" with the theme of REBIRTH. and becoming a descender straight up .
like maybe its just me but this Really isnt giving "omg childe is going to die due to mirroring the fate of ajax" its giving "childe is Literally being set up to become sth descender equivalent one way or another AND theyre doubling down on it now" im sorry 😭
like. even the implications of phrases like. "forsaking the self" to be reborn in the abyss just reminds me of this. weird panic people have around childes vision malfunction as if its like. vision is GOOD ambition and his GOOD ending and his GOOD characteristics and it malfunctioning means BAD EVIL SIN ambition and WRONG characteristics is taking over!!!!!!!11! hes being torn into two different directions and the abyss is bad and vision (=celestia) is good!!!!!1
and its like. say we even buy that (but like dang what a sustainer sponsored take to have in a. gnostic inspired lore environment JWSJKJKSF) . that his. "correct" and "healthy" destiny as vision wielder (that Every single recipient of a "gods EYE" gets like forcibly and irrevocably bound to by design and surely this isnt problematic at all) . is a part of that "self" that is being forsaken and twisted as his destiny pushes against celestias control and his connection to said vision falters . lets say we assume that is a "bad" thing for his "intended" path and destiny somehow .
(which YES it prolly is. but only within the bounds of a world order set up by the heavenly principles!!! of COURSE the HP would force people into destinies and paths that Only serve the continuity of its rule!!! and doesnt shake up the system!! like yes a vision likely represents and assigns to people a "Good" ambition but thats not from the recipients POV thats from celestias POV and at this point its just. fellas. we are not supposed to buy into that at face value lmao)
which like. again. i v much dont buy anyway i think every single time genshin calls something sin or forbidden it should be assessed v critically.
but even with that assumption we can still see how this very note is already implicating that "forsaking the self" is Literally a prerequisite . in this grand destiny featuring ajax/aias . for reaching True rebirth as a holy infant and a descender and all that . for defying the shackles of the heavens . for gaining a will that rivals the world . right???
+ also if like. forsaking the self being mayhaps and perchance more of a GOOD thing in a world with preordained and unyielding destiny set up by false divinity wasnt already established enough
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welp thank you rene narzissenkreuz.
oh "excising the self" you say?? that sure sounds a bit like "forsaking the self" doesnt it ??? how curious that it would be considered less of a "death" and more of a "rebirth" indeed . and that a vision to a cultist very invested in the methods available to Defy a prophecy and fate is very much a bad thing to receive . like what a coincidence that we would have a note like this as an established character already tied to a note you wrote about acquiring a descenders will is experiencing vision compatibility issues its very funny indeed.
so like ig what im trying to say is just idk for me personally if ajax is out there forsaking his self by any metric im just gonna be cheering him on <3
but yeah jkqjkwdjkwdjkwd dont mind me im just kinda rent free with how its now just even more confirmed by hoyo that this insane ajax/aias note stuff is Not meant to be coincidental At All (even tho its very funny ppl doubted the signifance to begin with at all). but also i just dont get the panicking abt it being some bad thing lmao like this is just genuinely hype as fuck for him 😭😭😭
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lornasaurusrex · 5 months
I miss you Lorna… this is such a mess
This is an old message and I had several other similar messages, but I miss you guys and hope you’re all doing well!! I’m sorry to see nothing has improved.
I saw I was kindly mentioned by @awesomefringey and some other commenters the other day, so just wanted to log in and say hello and log back out for a few more months. 💕
Sending so so much love to all of you. Take care of yourselves and each other, please.
The video is still on YT.
#Anywayyyyy#The fandom added a whole lot more C to my C-PTSD#So a nice random message every few months instead of a freshly posted death wish is LOVELY.#Don’t fret. On meds and therapied but fresh tf out of money from it so @ L and H… lornasaurusrexx at g*ail is the PayPal if ur bored 🙃#I hate to be like this but protect your hearts. They’ll never be able to look out for you guys and they feed these trolls ammo for snacks#and it seems to have only gotten worse. Gotta keep them hets hetbaited for their money whilst actively encouraging them to bully yall? Why?#STILL!? At this point it feels like they’ve both chosen that path deliberately now and I find it quite gross. but I’m also very far removed#So don’t worry about my opinions. Keep trusting your own intuition!!! You all see it. I love you guys and your beautiful hearts and empathy#But I hope they can sleep at night knowing the absolute fucking genuine WRECKAGE they left across the Big Gay War generation/era of Larries#Don’t worry guys I’m just as dramatic as ever. None of this has anything to do with them coming out or anything. Just how we were treated.#But trust I fuckin mean that shit from the deepest darkest pit of my Demon Larrie™️ heart. They encouraged this. 🤷🏼‍♀️#Anyone who cares about my actual life updates: I’m a school nurse now and will be working at a bougie summer camp over break#Had a surgery I needed. Got new tattoos and piercings. In a happy and healthy relationship with the best dude for almost a year now.#OH and I went to New Zealand last year with Prettytruthsandlies!!!! We made a pact back in our Big Gay War/college days to go. And we DID!!#I got overstimulated and overfed and puked in Hobbiton. 🤣 (It was the best time of my LIFE GENUINELY🥰🥰🥰🥰🥹🥹🥹)#Okay BYE LOVE YOU GUYS#There are better and more humane ways to maintain a closet ..like literally STFU entirely. Ignoring it and not exploiting a kid is FREE#🇵🇸
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deepseacolors · 4 months
One of my cats (Molly) loves playing fetch more than anything in the world. When she's awake, there's always a 75% of you ending up with a small fuzzy cat toy dropped on your feet, her looking up at you expectantly.
She has also recently learned how to open up her toy box. (Get behind the drawer and push it, go back to the front and reach her paws in)
Combining these facts: if you do not immediately respond to her solicitation of play, she will apparently think, "oh, they must not want to play with this toy. I'll go get another one!" and before you know it you'll end up with a huge pile of shapes of varying shape and fuzziness sitting either on your or next to you.
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some-pers0n · 1 year
"All of the mercs would be homophobic and racist" NO THEY WOULDN'T!! You mean to tell me that nine mentally ill hired killers, all of which coming from a game that's hellbent on taking old and tired tropes and cliches and subverting them in new and funny ways, would just be generic bigoted people because of the time period??? My guy WHAT!?
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monstress · 1 year
me and my friends would've killed matt healy with hammers next time we see him i'll tell you that much
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stillcominback · 4 days
Also! If you’d like to check out my small shop — That’s So Niche — here’s the website! Active on IG as well @ sonichedesigns 🎀✨ Working on a new two-part Halloween drop, and part 1 goes live on Friday (check IG for design reveals 👀)!
But there are lots of designs already available to check out and shop — from House of the Dragon to Musicals to Disney, I’m checking all kinds of boxes 😂💖 This has been a fun way to channel my creativity through my love of pop culture things, build back some confidence, and make a little $ for myself — so, ANY support is beyond appreciated! 🫶
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silverskulltula · 7 months
fallout: new vegas bleed me dry sex any% post-game commentary for those who made the correct decision not to watch: the goal was to do red lucy's quest starting from a new game as fast as possible since she falls in love with you for your egg-collecting skills. I made an energy weapons crit build character and went north from goodsprings to black mountain and cut north to repconn headquarters. I got the matter modulator and a fuckton of microfusion cells. I then stole everything in the silver rush once I got to freeside. I also got veronica and ed-e and collected the snowglobes for goodsprings, hoover dam, the mormon fort, the strip, and the test site when we eventually got to the lucky 38. we made a detour to the tops to seduce benny and fuck him to death (since it was valentine's day.) we sold the snowglobes and killed mr. house. we bought the unique recharger pistol in novac (which we really didn't need since the unique plasma rifle was more than enough.) we got boone's beret and left him to stew about his dead wife on valentine's day. we then got the unique gauss rifle (very important.) NOW we started the quest. we did vault 22 for the mantis eggs and then got the rest of the eggs up to the deathclaw eggs without much of note happening. I got to see mean sonofabitch absolutely LAUNCH a fiend with his sledgehammer. we went to quarry junction last and I stealth-crit the dealthclaws with the unique gauss rifle and only used about half of my total microfusion cells. I took the last eggs to red lucy, completed the quest, went to her bedroom, then called time and quit the game because poorly-acted sex sounds are not safe for twitch.
happy valentine's day! if anyone else tries this I'll be fucking surprised but I'd kill to hear how you would do it. energy weapons just seemed like the fastest way to get OP for free besides like the alien blaster which funnily enough would be in the exact same place as the gauss rifle. the free ammo in repconn/silver rush and the low strength/skill requirements for the gauss rifle are just too good for becoming a killing machine as quick as possible without exploits
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fvaleraye · 1 month
decided to boot up Black Reliquary again bc we got tired of refusing to play it until the 1.0 update and just wanted to play it. we completely forgot that the difficulty spike from apprentice to veteran quests is a wall, and that we have... very poor opinions of how punishing the bosses are. don't get us wrong, we get it's supposed to be hard and it's probably just a skill issue, but we genuinely believe that specifically enemy damage needs to be toned the fuck down. we do not think regular enemies should be able to hit for 30+ if they get a good roll at a level where tanky characters have around 100 HP and squishy characters are lucky to break 60. we also call bullshit on the idea that "the third spot is typically safe in most fights except in the caverns", bc literally every area has SOME basic or specialist enemy in every fight that can nuke the third row, it's not just the caverns. third row will get hit by a 56 crit damage flying guillotine or a 30+ crit damage trained slash and there's nothing you can fucking do about it. we love Black Reliquary, but the second we decide to go above apprentice, or god forbid fight a boss, it stops being fun and starts being frustrating, because it feels like every enemy has enough damage to just kill you, and every boss is tuned to be completely unbeatable if you don't bring a perfect team to counter everything they do and still completely ruin you anyway even if you do bring a perfect team because fuck you. Darkest Dungeon, even at its worst, has never given us this feeling, not even on Stygian/Bloodmoon difficulty. it's always the early game that lulls us into a sense of security, bc the early game, once you get used to BR's flow, is WAY less punishing than DD's early game(you start with more money, the prep round gives you time to think, heroes have more health and damage overall, basically all items have larger stack sizes and you get more money overall and you start with everything unlocked, as opposed to DD's early game; where you start with basically no money, money is incredibly scarce for a while, you do not unlock everything until a few quests in, and every hero is generally useless until enough investment is made), but then the second you hit the mid game, or even the late early game, and try to start fighting bosses and doing harder quests, the game stops fucking around and you suddenly live in a constant state of everything being able to kill you in two turns, sometimes one turn if they focus you hard enough, with no warning and no way to really ever stop them, because no healing is going to outpace barbarians hitting your front AND backline for 14-36 multiple times a turn, especially if they roll high and god help you if they crit. we understand that we're probably just not good at the game, but unless you have actual advice to help us get better we don't wanna hear it.
#Faye Complains#not letting this breach containment bc lord knows we don't need to hear it. we just needed to complain.#black reliquary is good and if you like darkest dungeon you should try it; especially if you like playing on stygian/bloodmoon#but we have problems with it. we've only fought the janissary and the warhawk matron out of all the bosses so far and killed neither.#and we have major complaints about both of them. for the janissary; like...#we think the idea of a boss with insurmountable dodge that can only realistically be hit by someone he challenges to a duel is a cool idea#in practice; he has way too much health for someone who can only realistically be hit by one person at a time-#-does way too much fucking damage; and if he happens to mark your support/healer before you can kill him; that's it just close the game.#because that character is dead. because he's dead-accurate; will deal more than 20 minimum damage every attack and has permanent riposte.#oh and if the guy he's targeting dies before the duel wears off; he takes a free potshot at someone before turning his gimmick back on.#and the warhawk matron hides behind 3 invincible ammo crates; loading her cannon and moving closer every time she does; and has 3 actions#meaning that if you can't hit the back row you basically have ONE turn to do damage. to a 375 hp boss with 35 prot AND dodge.#because when she finally gets to front; she hits your entire party with a melee attack that flings her back to position four-#-AND *shuffles* your party. for *some* reason it also shuffles you. on top of hitting everyone and dealing a non-negligible amount of damag#we don't imagine the other bosses getting better. we're waiting for 1.0 and the easier difficulty. fuck this.#long post
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slayanyhivegodslately · 2 months
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If only shoot to loot worked on engrams... 😔
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vicsep7250 · 4 months
God it almost feels wrong playing New Vegas normally instead of Hardcore Mode.
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mosaicfangs · 1 year
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Oh yeah, here's Malice, my immortal pirate wolf who maybe tries just a little harder than she needs to to be cool like how she keeps getting shot trying to parry bullets with her katana Anyway I won't clog people's feed with her whole backstory just yet, I'll finish some other characters first and then I'll ✨️worldbuild✨️ in public
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horizonandstar · 2 years
Sun: Aww, little one! Did you invite your friends to see me? Burrower!Star: No, these are my 4 children. Sun:... I'm sorry, what?
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borrower kids are 1 sauce tall. can you imagine
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corrodedcoughin · 1 year
I’m absolutely not the person to do it but I feel like there could be such a good steddie Drabble or fic based on spooky by dusty Springfield
The first verse based on how Steve sees Eddie, trying to use his old tactics of playing hard to get when Eddie asks him round to watch the movie he rents from family video. Thinking that if he plays his cards right he might finally get Eddie’s attention. Unsure of how to go about it any other way but absolutely knows with certainty that nobody else is going to compare to the strange and endearing guy who’s had Steve’s attention for far longer than either of them realise.
(But the thing is Dustin told Eddie all of the flirting advice Steve tried to pass on. So when Steve changes his initial ‘no’ to an ‘alright’ with a smirk eddie thinks and hopes and prays he might be in with a chance)
The second verse is Eddie watching steve at work and day to day. Completely unsure of how to take the ex-mr popular, convinced that he’s flirting with everybody that comes into his vicinity and it’s either through mercy or for his sins that Eddie is catching the strays. In two minds about what dustin said, is this part of Steve’s game or is it real? But this time when Eddie gets lost in those spiralling thoughts, Steve grabs his hand and smiles at him. Eddie’s flurry of doubt stops and all he sees is the contradiction of Steve with his neck scar and polo shirts.
Love is kinda crazy with a spooky little boy like you 🎶
#third verse is them FINALYL getting their heads out of the sand and DOING something#both of them pining stupid hours over each other#.Robin is SICK of it#she needs Steve to be back at capacity to help her plan her Halloween costume so Vickie will be swept away by the intensity of his feelings#she’d be happy for Steve if he just stopped stalling and went for it#there’s only room#for ONE hopelessly in love platonic soulmate at a time and steves had long enough#corroded coffin are at a loss. Gareth has his head in his drum kit and asks Jeff to slam it as soon as Eddie starts on his Steve rant#Jeff obliges because he’s a kind soul and is actually using Eddie’s rants as ammo for the eventual best man speach he knows he’ll have to#give at the munson harrington wedding because Jeff believes in love okay!!#Gareth is a rage filled rat boy (affectionate) and Jeff is the kind chinchilla#freak (Ian to ME) just keeps going on with the practice because he actually wants to get better he’s a capybara#yes thank you for seeing cc are rodent based#Eddie is unfortunately a pangolin#listen I don’t claim to be a writer don’t judge me#there’s better people to read I’m just throwing riffing ideas out there#I’m offering free samples#I’m giving out spare change#take it and leave me#stranger things#eddie munson#steddie#steve harrington#it’s a VERY fun song to Steddie-fry#*….steddiefy#and yes wayne wishes eddie would stop playing it. Wayne loves dusty and Eddie is making him#reconsider his love#poor wayne
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riftwalker-limbro · 1 year
Do you have anything on warframes sleeping? I'm trying to decide if they do in my 'verse and if yes then how exactly it works and I was wondering if you had any Thoughts
in my universe i think i've decided that they do need sleep, mostly because i think it'd be nice if they did. this gives me narrative freedom & tools, you see, but i have actually come up with Lore Friendly Reasons Why
mechanically, since the orbiter does not Have Sleeping Places & since warframes are fucking awesome from a biological perspective, warframes can either go into a deep hibernation - for this they need to lay down like a human or risk falling over and looking silly - or a lighter, perfectly warframe-sleep-needs-fulfilling going-slightly-offline state they can get into while sitting/kneeling (like on the login screen). it looks like deep meditation & they're still partially there, just also.. not entirely. i don't think they dream outside of deep hibernation.
my reasoning for this (beyond Yay Narrative Tool) is that sleepiness & sleep does stuff with chemicals in your human brain, right. being awake for too long gets you buildup of certain stuff in your head that makes you feel tired & it gets cleared out while you sleep. i am of the opinion that the warframe equivalent of a human brain has the same functional debuff.
the deeper hibernation would be for things like long periods of waiting, or having to heal without the help of a helminth infestation. since warframes do not have mouths but still perform actions that expend energy, i think they do a kind of cosmic background radiation/void fuckery photosynthesis to generate their own energy. this can obviously happen whether a warframe is active, slumbering or dormant, so that gives them the same refreshed feeling after a good night's sleep that humans get.
disclaimer i am not a biologist or chemicist or basically know anything about the human body. i'm a programmer, all i know is coffee (black tea) goes in and code comes out
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