#/ fdkjfs
oathwilled · 10 months
i thoroughly enjoy the truth that paerin is this crass and crude warrior who will also half-panic if a party member falls in a fight and fight himself bloody to get to them so he can heal them, and if they're truly in bad or critical shape he's just so intensely caring and worried
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fairymint · 2 years
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“....What???” Nope, he was not just cat-chattering at something. You didn’t hear it.
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falloutcoys · 3 months
enemies to lovers and any loop of it (to enemies... to lovers... to x) for fanfic meme
A: Love it. Spend my time combing AO3 for it.
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they have to be enemy enemies at first. and it cannot be healthy, vanilla, sweet romance in the end. but i do love it done well. like, just the inability to be normal about each other in any form
fanfic trope rating
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you said you're holding yourself from going into details of your quizes dealing with an arm loss. can you elaborate on it here? :)
yea!! thank you for enabling me hfkdlsfjdl <3
will preface this by saying i'm working off of the fact that this is a high fantasy setting where heavy injury etc is way more common and also this is dragon age so things don't Have To Make Perfect Sense lolol
but n e way!
Gonna start off with June cos the Actual Arm Loss has much less impact on her. It still needs a lot of getting used to and adjustment in how she goes about doing things, and she does have times where she gets frustrated with how difficult mundane things are now, or with how slow the progress is, or with needing so much help.
It's the magic-y part that has the biggest impact; the mark's been there for a good 3 years, and her body had gotten used to having it there, so it suddenly being gone, especially after expanding so drastically, kind of fucks up her magic balance and drains her both physically and mentally for a long time. She also hadn't realised how used she'd gotten to intuitively tapping into the anchor's powers until she couldn't do it anymore, so that took readjusting as well.
Otherwise it doesn't take a big toll on her mentally though; if anything, she is kind of relieved to have the arm (or rather the anchor) gone. It's caused an insane amount of pain especially towards the end, and truth be told she'd seriously considered having it removed more than once, so in a way this being how she got rid of the mark is kind of ironic. But what's done is done, and she'd rather tackle the challenge than dwell on it.
As for the prosthesis, the first one she gets and main one she uses is basically a substitute staff -- or rather wand lol. Dagna designed it early on because June is used to bare-handed casting (don't do that at home kids), so she'd instinctively try to channel mana to a hand that Is Not There Anymore which was uh. messy. So! Simple device that lets her channel magic safely and accurately :) They've developed it since then to be more versatile and sturdy, but overall it's still light and simple enough to be easily strapped on and off and to not immediately break when she accidentally tries to lean on it. She does learn to control her casting better also, but on missions it's a practical tool to have. She does have some other simple, utilitarian prostheses for when she really needs a 2nd "hand" to say, grab or hold something, but rarely ever uses them unless she really needs it (too much of a hassle to put on and off & too exhausting to use for long) Full mech arm is being workshopped! Tbh mostly for fun than for "i need this" purposes, but since the Inquisition is still standing they have the resources to do it, and because June and Dagna (and Dorian) are nerds who don't back down from a challenge, they Will do it. Lots of experimenting with levels of complexity, materials, runes, magic, and how to make all that work together, and how to make it work in theory if surgical procedures were involved (neither of them are medics tho so uh. the results are questionable fdkjfs)
ok wow that got a lot longer than anticipated lmaoo so Ari under the cut!
Ari Does Not take it as well oops. Mostly bc Trespasser & the aftermath of it is already So Much (June is much more distanced from all of it but to Ari it Matters. A Lot.) and dealing with the loss of his main hand/arm on top of that is just Too Much, so with everything piled together rehab does not go nearly as smoothly. Doesn't exactly help that things he'd usually do to wind down like cooking or hunting or taxidermy are, well, hard to do now, so the stress and frustration pents up a lot and he's just. not having a great time. Luckily he has a good support system though and he does get better, eventually.
At least for Ari the magic aspect isn't as much of an issue. I do hc that the anchor gives non-mages some magic adjacent abilities, and the strength of its influence is more than enough to mess up non-mages mana balance as well, but it's not nearly as severe as it would be if he were a mage and takes a lot less readjustment (long term anchor fucked-up-ness notwithstanding).
Like June he also never gets a full on mech arm, and doesn't intend to. Ari isn't as close with Dagna and not as keen on experimenting, or has the time or brain space to invest in fancy gadgets, but he makes good use of utility tools to help him for things like keeping a clipboard steady or holding reigns, but especially for archery. The first solution was the mounted crossbow like in the epilogue slides, which.. works. It's not elegant and not always practical, but it does its job well enough and he does make sure to keep in practice with it. Later he gets a prosthesis with which he can draw a proper bow; with entirely different techniques he has to get used to, but he greatly prefers it. Takes a long time before he becomes proficient with archery again, but he's glad he doesn't have to give it up. Helps that at this point it is mostly recreational since he does way less field work over the years post Trespasser, which makes the limitations to speed and draw weight much less of an issue.
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absolutebearings · 2 years
you know you're in the weeds when you get motivation to work on a chapter for a fic you haven't updated in 5 years. (fdkjf i went to go check and its 6 years actually oops) so the usual questions apply. does anyone still care. will anyone read it. is it going to alienate existing readers because i wont be incorporating the new backstory-- will they give me a break for just not having enough time to rip out the roots of my fic and change it all up, or not even knowing where story group wanted to take the character.. lots of things to fret about
but ... a change in pace could be good, in the story i left off that trio right as they were about to find their adventures: a hopeful place indeed
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sheyearns · 1 year
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So, Jack made this pocket watch with Lacie's melody inside and I'm thinking how that was the only thing keeping him connected to Lacie. How many times would he listen to it? How would he feel when he hears the sound of the melody? Hatred? Loneliness?
Jack based his whole world around Lacie. He created this illusion of her and wrapped his head around it until he believed she was his reason for living. He lacked the humanity to see what he was doing was dangerous for himself and those around him.
I'm fascinated how Jack moved on with this for over many decades and he was not entirely at fault. As much as I adore Oswald, he saw it coming, but he refused to see right in front of him and stop him, and Lacie thought it was harmless to befriend Jack, have him follow and dote around because she was desperate for a pet to kill time with and gain amusement fdkjf
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careful-pyromancer · 2 years
Wip asks
hello hello!!!!!
💕: what has your favorite scene been?
for chronicles of avalon it's probably Castien falling off his dragon and then Wednesday catching him and they Make Eye Contact and are both like "oh NO HE'S HOT"
💚: how long have you been working on it?
all of these? like five years excluding Lab Rat and Resisting the Knife
💙: how has the idea changed between starting it and where it is now?
Avalon changed plots like. Five times. It was originally about Jami, Castien didn't even exist yet, Elijah's name was Lucifer, there was something about a faerie prince I think??? Not anymore tho.
Sparrow's flight was gonna take place in Ireland but now it's in Ohio FDKJF. Resisting the Knife wasn't originally tied into Avalon lore but now it is.
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callilouv · 5 months
Hello Cal <3
say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical).
what color brings you peace?
what’s something you’re excited for?
say 2 nice things about yourself (three physical & three non-physical)
physical : tbh this made me notice that i like a lot of physical traits of mine like 1) my one-sided dimple <3 its saur cute and i smile a lot in the mirror to look at it. 2) i like staring at my gyat in the mirror . next question 3) i love my hands cuz even tho i bite on my nails a lot and i often have bandages on it, im always told that i move them gracefully and my friends often seek me for massages bc apparently my hands just do it different according to them FDKJF ^-^<3 non-physical : ohhh now this is a lil challenging cuz i think moots who hav known me for a while now know that i have a uhhh not very good image of myself UHM BUT ILL TRY!! 1) i like the way i always try to make people smile or laugh in some way. i think its def one of my non physical traits that i love :) 2) my ability to stay level-headed is admirable to me. its a useful tool especially for certain situations 3) i admire my ability to pick myself up throughout everything despite having little-to-no people to lean on during hard times <33
what color brings you peace?
yellow!! i know i often say that bright fiery red is my fav color and it is true!!! but im human and the human heart is fickle & so whenever i feel particularly soft, i always lean more to the light yellow color instead of the usual red :D
what's something you're excited for?
my teachers bday is coming soon!!! shes one of the nicest teachers ive ever come across and everybody in my class, including me, have contributed quite a bit of money to get her an expensive bag in her fav color aha (cuz we remembered when she told us that her bag broke recently and she didnt have the time to buy a new one due to her tight schedule) n our class mayor just has it on standby until her bday OH ALSO some wrote letters for her and put it inside the bag itself so when she opens it haha its right there EEE IM SO EXCITED SHES LIKE OUR SECOND MOM RAHHH
hoooo i talk alot i know heres the ask game :3
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cyancherub · 3 years
i dont like that guy matt lucas as a host of the great british baking show
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vagasbonds · 3 years
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↳ indie , iconless multimuse ft. GABBY KINNEY of MARVEL COMICS ↳ as written by CABOOSE
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redxriiot · 4 years
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         “Glad to hear Explosion Boy’s up and running. Now if I could just find Fat’n Tama-senpai, I could be a little more at ease-”
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kirnet · 4 years
just got roasted by the nurse who took my covid test :(
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kittyandco · 4 years
what me and boomers have in common: thirsting over joe cartwright
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ghostlypawn · 4 years
how do you get chess from jessica i-
chessica gfjkfgkj
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lilakennedy · 5 years
oof, i felt that about the robbie ratio. is christmas a general good time for inspiration because ive been so inspired these last few days, i might write a proper plot for the first time in my life, wHAT-
OOOOH HELL YEA!!! i’m glad you’re getting a lil inspirational boost!! 🌸
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mochahq · 5 years
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welcome to mocha, alaska wolfe ! please send in your account within 12 hours, or your role will be reopened !
victoria pedretti / cis female — is that alaska wolfe ordering an americano at mocha ? i heard they’re a twenty five year old ballet dancer. rumour has it she can be a little cynical, but also resourceful. i guess that comes with being an aries. they always make me think of smoke coming off a pond, bloody trails + classical music blasting from a car. i sure hope no one finds out she’s a gold digger. well, looks like their order’s up ! ( ari / 21+ / she+her / est )
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