#+one by ikemen series
archiveikemen · 3 days
Mobius Chord Pre-Registration Open!
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Pre-registration is currently ongoing for Mobius Chord, a new game from +ONE by Ikemen Series. Be sure to pre-register to enjoy more rewards when the game launches in Fall 2024 (Japan)!
Ways you can pre-register:
► Via official website (guide)
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rabushuji · 3 months
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First Bridal Event / Eternal Love Song Gacha - Xeno
"From now on, I swear to protect you forever."
"I will love you 'till the end of my life."
"...... I promise."
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neerons · 26 days
Interview with the Brutal Beast...
When @askchevaliermichel is a bit scary to approach...
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kurishiri · 3 months
is it just me or does ikevil have a thing for calling me out?
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no…? just me…? …ok 🥲👌
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scorchieart · 6 days
Budget Cuts
Leon: Alright, how about this one?
Chevalier: ...No.
Leon: You didn't even read the whole thing.
Chevalier: I have read enough to know it requires major revision.
Leon: Okay, fine. I can maybe cut back a few orders for the kitchens in Spring, but you'll have to answer to Yves when he—
Chevalier: Not that. Line 39.
Leon: Ah, yeah. That... It's a minor condition.
Chevalier: It does not belong in the budget plan.
Leon: It's just for one day. It'll fly by.
Chevalier: I refuse to comply.
Leon: It's your civic duty as the Second Prince to comply with the wishes of the citizens of Rhodolite.
Chevalier: And since when have the citizens of Rhodolite wished for this?
Leon: The Boys™ and I conducted an end of year survey. One question was: If you could demand one act of community service from any prince next year, what would it be?
Chevalier: Was it multiple choice?
Leon: Free response, actually.
Chevalier: Did Clavis "assist" you in your data collection?
Leon: Listen, you should be honored. And that wasn't even the top pick. But Sariel made an executive decision to veto that one. Didn't represent domestic values, or something.
Chevalier: What was it?
Leon: Jin Topless Tuesdays.
Chevalier: And yet, this was deemed adherent to "domestic values"?
Leon: Give me some leeway here, Chevalier. I'm letting you keep your bit about constructing fifty new bee sanctuaries across the kingdom, even though they pose zero military advantage as far as I'm aware. Aside from maybe stinging invaders.
Chevalier: Having additional sources of food along the journey decreases the need to overpack at the start. Additionally, the honey invigorates soldiers without risk of sugar crash.
Leon: So that's how Luke convinced you.
Chevalier: You need to revise your proposal.
Leon: You need to learn to be a team player. There are only 10 days left till the budget plan is due.
Chevalier: Meanwhile, I am counting down the days until I am crowned king and can veto any ridiculous suggestion that exits your mouth.
--— 11 days later —--
Townsperson 1: Hey, is that... is that Prince Chevalier?
Townsperson 2: Mhmm.
Townsperson 1: Wearing a giant, adorable, fluffy tiger costume?
Townsperson 2: Mmhmmm.
Townsperson 1: And handing out chocolates and terrifying grimaces to the children?
Townsperson 2: I think those are meant to be smiles?
Townsperson 1: This is why I voted for Topless Tuesdays.
Jin + Clavis: Psshhh! Speak for yourselves. *high-fives*
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memoria-99 · 16 days
Ikemen Bromance (Vamp, Pri, Vil)
Part 1 Love triangle
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Part 2 Love square
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Part 3 One true pair
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Note: Gilbert might flirt with others but his true love is Chevalier
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aquagirl1978 · 7 months
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Everyone has been afraid of him. His mother, his father, his brothers, his grandfather - all afraid of him at some point. When everyone avoided him, hid from him, out of fear, you faced him.
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In the sweet end, you worry that he's not petting you because he also hesitated to pet the wild bunny you found earlier in the story. But then you consider the fact that he might not have known how to interact with small animals.
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In premium end, he confirms this, and more.
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from My Honey's a Bunny, sweet and premium ends
But then to find out that he didn't not touch the wild bunny because he was inexperienced, but rather...
He simply wanted to touch you instead.
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gothmayoi · 3 months
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violettduchess · 6 months
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A/N: I know I am late but this is a very belated birthday present for a very special person: @lorei-writes 💜 I'm sorry this took so long but I hope you know what a wonderful friend you are and how grateful I am to have you in my life!
Chevalier x Reader, Only One Bed (the trope that won my poll!)
tw: injury
WC: ~2.5k
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The trees whip past you, black blurs with long, spidery branches like fingers that reach for you, the wind carrying their whispers of how much they yearn to touch you, to pluck you from the back of the white horse you’re currently astride, tear you away from the man whose waist your arms are so tightly wrapped around. 
Chevalier says nothing as he guides his horse expertly through the darkening forest, the evening light fading with each thundering heartbeat, each turn of the ground under the horse’s hooves. You hear the distant sound of yelling, of the soldiers who are pursuing you and squeeze your eyes closed, pressing your cheek harder against the softness of his white cloak. You don’t know how much time passes. Your arms begin to tremble with the effort of holding on. Your legs feel as if they are numb as they struggle to keep you atop the churning muscles of the animal beneath you. It’s only when you hear him say your name that you slowly come back to yourself, eyelids fluttering open as you feel his body slowly twisting away from you. 
You’ve stopped.
Darkness has almost completely taken over. Only the palest shafts of dusk filter through the gaps in the trees. Strong hands reach up, pulling you down from the exhausted horse. Despite the heavy pace of the ride, Chevalier’s grip feels solid, a strength you lean into, wishing it would somehow seep from him into you and grant your shaking limbs calm, your burning lungs cool steadiness.
He waits a moment, still as the tree trunks, but you can see the way his eyes roam the gloom, searching. 
A decision is reached.
“Can you stand?” His voice is low, quiet, hushed with alertness.
“Yes,” you manage, surprised at how raw your own throat is, how the words have to be forced out like sandpaper against rough wood.
He releases you and your back curls like a question mark, your hands sliding down to your knees where you hold yourself, focusing on breathing. Your shoulder burns, a lick of fire that feels oddly wet when you reach up to touch it. 
You hear him murmuring to his horse, patting the loyal animal’s neck, speaking in a tone that is both gentle and soothing. Who would have thought the brutal beast capable of such softness? And then, having removed his bedroll and saddlebags from the animal, he reaches back and with a crack across the steed’s rear, sends it rushing away into the yawning darkness with a soft whinny.
What….? The horse is your only way back….how…. why…..
He may not be able to see your face clearly but somehow he can still read your thoughts. “It is familiar with these woods and will find its way back to the palace. We cannot risk having it close by.” 
Suddenly his hand is grabbing yours and he’s moving, pulling you along with him over the uneven forest floor. “Come.”
You trust him to lead you, even if you cannot make out a path. He pushes his way through branches and brambles and bushes and you very quickly lose hope of ever figuring out what direction you are moving in. Just when your legs begin to cry for mercy, he pushes aside several low hanging branches to reveal the destination he has been heading for: The mouth of a small cave underneath an overhang of uneven rocks and scraggy bushes. It is here he takes you, into the maw of darkness.
You’re hit immediately with the strong, dank scent of rock and earth. Chevalier has to duck, the cave not high enough to accommodate his full height. How does he know where he is going? It’s nearly pitch black. You don’t have the energy to voice your concerns or questions. The aftermath of fear and flight has left you compliant, wordlessly trusting this man to lead you somewhere safe.
The mouth of the cave is almost out of sight when he stops, dropping to his knees in the darkness. You hear him lift the flap of the leather saddle bag, rummaging around until he finds what he is looking for. There’s a quiet snapping sound and suddenly the small area is illuminated with soft blue light, a sight so unexpected and beautiful that you gasp.
You’re at the back of the cave, surrounded on all sides by smooth stone. Chevalier is holding what looks like a vial of some kind, filled with glowing blue liquid. You’re so enchanted that you momentarily forget the terror of just an hour or so earlier, of the masked soldiers who ambushed you while on a sunset ride with the prince, the hiss of the arrows they fired at you, the cry of your horse as it stumbled to the ground and the way Chevalier swept you up in one fluid movement, anchoring you behind him even as he carried you away from the violent chaos, deep into the safety of the dark forest.
“What is this?” You touch the glowing tube even as Chevalier pulls out another, bending it until it emits a small cracking sound and more blue light, pale as the underside of the ocean, fills the cave.
“My brother may be a fool but he has his moments.” He sets the glowing vial down, turning to reach for the bedroll.
Clavis. Of course. He’s always working in his room, tinkering, inventing. That he was the one to come up with such a clever invention doesn’t surprise you. As Chevalier lays out the bedroll, you continue to look at the glowing tube. The gentle blue light almost feels like it’s wrapping itself around you, gentle waves guiding your lungs into a steady rhythm, your heart lowering its guard as you feel a sense of cautious safety begin to settle over you. 
“Come here.” You look up to see Chevalier pointing to the bedroll. He’s kneeling beside it, pulling off his dark gloves one finger at a time, a small brown jar on the ground beside him. Before you can ask, annoyance flickers across his face. “You’re injured. This will help keep the wound from becoming infected.”
Injured? Where are you–
“Your shoulder. Now come here.” His words are crisp, edged with impatience. 
You glance down, pushing aside your cloak and are stunned by the darkness that stains the sleeve of your white blouse. 
When did that happen? In the blur of escape you didn’t even notice…..
Carefully you settle yourself in front of Chevalier. In the cool light, he leans close to you, shifting the torn fabric to try and examine the injury. He’s so close you notice just how long his lashes are, how the wild ride through the dusky woods tangled his pale hair. A slender red line mars the perfection of his face, a scratch that cuts a slanted line right beneath his cheekbone.
“It’s no good. I need more access.” He leans back as his eyes, so impossibly blue in the chemical light, flick up to yours. It takes a deep breath to keep you from free falling into those oceanic depths. Forcing a quick nod, you cast modesty aside, grateful for motion as it will keep you busy. Your cloak is tossed aside. One by one, you undo the buttons of your blouse until you can slide the material off your shoulder completely. The cool air of the cave brushes over your newly exposed skin and you shiver. 
“It’s not deep. You should heal without issue.” He uncovers the jar and reaches inside with one finger, scooping up a generous portion of the milky salve. With a practiced hand, he begins applying it over the torn skin of your shoulder. Another shiver runs through you, something bright and restless that has nothing to do with the cold.
Hands that have rained down death and destruction are shockingly gentle as he touches you, spreading the salve evenly across your injury. You watch the passage of his finger across your skin, unable to look away even if you wanted to. Have you ever noticed how beautiful his hands actually are? He glances up and finds you staring at him. Whatever he sees in your eyes seems to unsettle him. He jerks his upper body back, hastily pulling his hand away and reaches back into the saddle bag for a strip of cloth which he ties around your upper arm. His fingers now expertly avoid touching your skin. 
“That should suffice for the night.” He reaches for the jar, about to close it again.
“Wait!” You pull it from his grasp as surprise flashes across his face. Clearing your throat, you gesture with the small clay jar in your hand towards him. “You have a scratch yourself.”
His shoulder lifts in a gesture of indifference. “It’s nothing.”
You shift your body, turning to face him directly. Your blouse is still partially undone and he finds himself noticing the wash of pale blue light across the exposed skin of your shoulder, the way it highlights the line of your collarbone and the intimate divulgence of the skin beneath it. 
“Please, let me.” Your voice carries a note of something tremulous in it, pulling his gaze back to your face, the parting of your lips, the soft supplication in your eyes. He finds himself acquiescing, his powerful upper body leaning ever so slightly towards you. 
“If you must.”
The salve is cool to the touch and you apply a much smaller amount to the tip of your index finger, leaning towards him. Your other hand moves automatically, reaching up to catch his chin in order to hold him steady. He blinks, but otherwise does not move. You press your finger to the thin scratch on his face and slowly, carefully follow the red line. You’ve never been this close to him before. He carries the scent of roses and sweat, even after your hard ride. Your finger comes to the end of the scratch and it is with a surprising reluctance you let your hand drop from his face.
His chest rises with one breath, two. And then he tears his gaze away from the mesmerism of your face, leaning back to close the jar and return it carefully the saddle bag. He glances towards the cave’s entrance, shaking off the moment that still has your heart clenching with emotion.
“We cannot risk leaving now. We’ll stay the night and make our way back by the light of day tomorrow.” He gestures towards the bedroll. “It’s cold. Get in.”
“And what about you?” You don’t even realize you’ve crossed your arms, frowning. 
He shakes his head once. “You’ll freeze before I do.”
“We can share it.” The words are out of your mouth without thinking. And they continue. “It’ll be snug but we can both fit. You need warmth just as much as I do. And you can’t protect me if you’re freezing to death.”
You’ve surprised him. He draws in a breath and then exhales. With every passing minute, as darkness becomes thicker outside the distant mouth of the cave, the temperature is indeed dropping. 
Wordlessly, he leans forward, pulling off his dark, mud-splattered boots. The sight is somehow so intimate, so personal you find yourself watching, both fascinated and flustered. He removes his cape, folding it into a makeshift pillow and then pulls back the corner of the bedroll. It’s made of thick brown leather and lined with the softest looking white fur you’ve ever seen. He slides his long body inside and then jerks his head.
“Come then.”
You kick off your own riding boots close to where your cloak is lying, abandoned on the hard stone floor, and then with the roaring sound of your own heartbeat in your ears, you wiggle your way down into the bedroll beside him.
And immediately you realize you were wrong.
While the bedroll is large, it is not really made for two people. The only way you can remain covered by the top part is to press yourself as close to Chevalier as possible. He grunts as you hook your leg over him, nudging your hip against his. Your arm automatically reaches across his middle as you settle your head on his shoulder. 
Now the bedroll flap closes, enveloping the both of you.
And Chevalier has not moved. He’s barely even breathing. 
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, your face burning as you begin to slowly scoot away. This was too much, too fast. You literally just touched his cheek for the first time ever and now you’re laying across him as if he's a pillow. “Maybe I…I can wrap the cloaks around me and–”
Your words are cut off as he pulls you back to him, his arm holding your body firmly against his. It’s a rough gesture, a jerky movement so unlike his usual feline gracefulness. 
“You’ll stay here.” His voice is low, a soft growling sound that you feel as much as hear with your ear pressed against his chest, the vibration of it slowly winding its way through you. Heat blossoms within your stomach and your veins pulse with the sudden awareness of just how it feels to be held by Chevalier Michel, how every hard plane of his body fits perfectly against your own softness.
You blink as if you have been shocked awake, as if someone has ripped the curtains away from a window full of glaring sunlight. 
Have you always felt this….desire? Has it been hiding itself within the shadows of your heart only to be dramatically exposed by your closeness to him?
Chevalier shifts ever so slightly, pulling you even closer as he tilts his chin down to look at you. Your own face lifts to meet his gaze. Clavis’s soft blue light illuminates the planes of his face, the pale white of his hair. 
He is so breathtakingly beautiful. 
For the second time tonight, you reach up and touch his face with your hand, this time cupping the strong line of his jaw. His lips part as if to speak but nothing comes. Ignoring the spark of pain in your shoulder, you stretch yourself upwards and press a kiss, soft as silk, warm as dawn, to his injured cheek. Beneath you, his chest stills with a breath held.
“Thank you, Chevalier.”
And you sink back down, your eyes closing as you allow yourself the peace of falling asleep, cocooned in the safety of his arms, welcoming the strange, new tide of yearning for him that has astoundingly, readily rolled into your heart and mind.
As for Chevalier himself? 
He holds you through the night, each passing minute you are in his embrace more and more startling because despite the enemies at the gate, despite the cold of the cavern, despite all that has transpired, it has him wishing that dawn will never come and take you from his side.
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Tagging: @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @aria-chikage @redheadkittys @tele86 @dear-mrs-otome @olivermorningstar @writingwhimsey @mxrmaid-poet @silver-dahlia @wendolrea @nightfoxqueen @myonlyjknight @ikesimpleton @ikemenlibrary @namine-somebodies-nobody @cellophanediamond @whatever-fanfics @justpeachyteastea @chirp-a-chirp @got7igot7family @kookie-my-little-sunshine @mastering-procrastinating @portrait-ninja @queen-dahlia @themysticalbeing @nightghoul381 @whitelittlebunny @chi-the-idiot @bubblexly @ozalysss @starlitmanor-network
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dododrawsstuff · 3 months
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For the Jude nation 🫡
I used a very good reference for this one and I'm not used to working in grayscale, but gradient maps are so fun! Will definitely do it again
Ikevil taglist: @scummy-writes @natimiles @bicayaya @floydsteeth @lorei-writes @goustmilk @sh0jun @ludivineikewolf @judejazza (let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist)
Commission info | Kofi | Art Raffle
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lavulabi · 2 months
and FUCK having a social life
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rabushuji · 3 months
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Wait i realized something, why his eyes' colors different? First one is from Twitter, second one is from the game.
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Did they confuse his eyes with Jace's eye color? lol
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mythicamagic · 2 months
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Ah I've missed these two goofs
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hariet436 · 1 month
Thanks Gilbert for holding me captive until I finish
Spoiler below
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bakersgrief · 3 months
Clavis: How could you be so cruel, my dearest fiance? Are you saying you don't love me anymore??
Emma: Clavis, this is for your health.
Clavis: So you would deprive me of one of my life's greatest joys? Is this punishment for the crime of being human?? I shall wither away without your attentions, my dear!
Emma: ...
Emma: *deep breath*
Emma: Clavis
Emma: You are in a neck brace.
Emma: I'm not going to sit on your face.
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sonicsquid3000 · 2 months
WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH GUYS!! We just got some mega lore drop right here in this new event!!
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Liam’s dad killed Tio?!!
First off, this whole time I was imagining Liam to be like an old butler around his late fifties to sixties, but from this time frame and the way Keith talks to him, if anything he was a teenager when this happened and is more than likely around Sariels age.
Second off, if that’s true then he was so young when this happened. Because of that and the fact that his dad was responsible for killing the Prince, Liam had to have had immense guilty for what happened to Tio and blamed himself for his death. It’s in no way true, but regardless of how old he was he was still young and had to have blamed himself in someway. Maybe for being related to his dad, not seeing the signs, or even for loving him.
Either way, this expands upon everything we know and completely changes how we thought of the history behind Jade and Keith. Also, LIAM DID NOT DESERVE THAT KIND OF TRAUMA!
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