#+ they both feel like 16yos not 20-somethings.
aroaessidhe · 13 hours
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2024 reads / storygraph
Sea Of Broken Glass
two sisters who live on a floating village in a shallow ocean are exiled when one develops magic and can’t hide it like her sister does
they travel to the land, trying to survive searching for their mother who was exiled 20 years ago, through the wilderness and magical caves
crystal/mineral magic, magical creatures, sister relationships
#sea of broken glass#aroaessidhe 2024 reads#damn this is like. weird and whimsical fantasy world. unique magic system? weird religion? creatures? CAVES?#aroace & sapphic-aspec MCs with basically no romance? MADE FOR ME! unfortunately it’s bad#like just the writing quality is not at all there. like it took me 1/3 to even sort of realise that in theory this is exactly#my kind of thing bc the not good writing was too distracting#the beginning is EXTREMELY fast paced; there’s no breathing room and everything happens too fast to get a sense of anything#The voice of both POVs is the same. Their relationship is so back and forth and all over the place it got a bit annoying#+ they both feel like 16yos not 20-somethings.#worldbuilding details were distracting me - some were answered eventually but not before I was getting distracted with questions.#eg I need to know about the ocean ecosystem. if it’s knee deep where do fish live. where are ocean plants. are there deeper parts of the oc#they hear a wolf howling. how do you know what a wolf sounds like you’ve never heard one.#why does everyone hate magic? Obviously bigotry doesn’t have a reason but like. just felt like it was there to make the plot happen?#if she has magic crystal powers that she can make anything with why did she not make them a boat?????? or shoes???#they walk across the sea for days??#and like I am happy with weird and slightly nonsensical worldbuilding details if the writing style and tone is very whimsical yknow?#but this is not that.#And like there ARE lots of cool elements! salt based magic? the giant cave frogs??#but unfortunately the writing style and execution is just not there.#I had to drag myself through most of it just because I wanted to form an opinion on the whole thing#Also it really awkwardly mentions their sexualities immediately. I don’t mind a slightly awkward delivery of that tbh#but do you need to do so in the first few pages of their pov?
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constelationprize · 2 months
if this about to be like my eva josten/adèle moreau scenario i will cry then ask u to please marry me.
i need this more than i need air. u don’t understand. i love u. ur the freaking best. tell me more.
Yeah that one came to me in a vision.
The thing is that like most of my other niche rarepairings I just cannot resist the allure of Narrative Parallels™. Mostly I just realized how similar Elodie and Robin's stories are (in concept) and that they could actually be around the same age (considering Elodie would be around 15-16yo in 2007 and Robin joins the Foxes in 2009 after Kevin graduates, and assuming Robin didn't get held back due to the Horrors, that would put them at around a 1-2 year age difference).
So the basic concept for the AU is that Elodie survives and is rescued by Stuart during TSC and then brought over to the USA to live with Jean and the Trojans. This goes about as well as you would expect, which is to say not at all – she's heavily traumatized, barely speaks English for the first couple years, and is resistant to any kind of help that would result in her having to leave Jean's side. She also at first does not want anything to do with the other Trojans at all because she sees most of them as adults she can't trust and also resents them for monopolizing Jean's time, and none of these college sports players is anywhere near qualified for unpacking All of That.
Elodie and Jean effectively make each other's recovery worse for a long while because they immediately try and fall back to their childhood dynamic, which can no longer work for multiple reasons. But through Betsy Dobson all things are possible and eventually they get to a point where they aren't actively standing in each other's way anymore, though things are still Not Good.
It gets tough again when Jean graduates and they move out of LA, which just uproots what little stability Elodie had again, and he has developed a need to constantly check on her that cannot be good for his now even busier pro player schedule. Also, Elodie is almost 18, and at a point where she should be graduating high school and thinking about her future, which she very much is not doing because until a couple years ago she didn't even HAVE a future so she doesn't really know what to do with it.
They start floating the possibility of getting her into a community college or something in the state Jean's in, but eventually the possibility of having some strings pulled to get her into PSU is brought up, and Elodie latches onto it immediately, mostly because she both feels stifled by Jean's helicopter parenting AND kind of wants to punish him for not actually spending time with her by moving away. Jean doesn't want to let her, but he also doesn't really have a choice, and PSU might be far but at least he knows Elodie will have people there to reach out to if she needs it.
Joke's on Elodie though because going to college to annoy your brother does mean she just conned herself into taking classes and figuring out what to do with her life now and she has to do it while dodging 20 phone calls per hour. Anyway now that she's on PSU she has to learn how to do human person things like making friends. She ends up joining a roller derby team as a combo meeting people-getting exercise-venting anger deal.
Robin, on the other hand, is going through a similar situation where Andrew just graduated, and Neil is in his last year, so she's about to lose her anchors at PSU. Once Neil graduates, she won't have anyone to night practice with anymore, so she also joins the roller derby team to fill in her nights, in a way of trial-running how to maintain some sense of routine and normalcy and maybe make some friends as well.
And that is how the world's saddest most traumatized girls meet. They have no idea who the other really is at first because Elodie doesn't follow exy out of spite and they also don't tell each other their full names because they are very googlable and the team is for both of them a way to finding who they are outside of what happened to them, so they don't want to invite the past in there.
Neil figures it out pretty fast though, since he's been keeping an eye on Elodie, but he tells no one because he thinks it's going to be funny when Andrew and Jean (who absolutely hate each other) discover they're dating (He's right). The basic idea I have is that everyone kind of finds out at the same time when Andrew and Jean play against each other in a nearby city and both Elodie and Robin come to watch and it's a very spiderman pointing meme moment all around.
Getting to truly know each other then is a blessing and a curse because the similarities between their stories are as important as the differences. Elodie would have given everything to have parents that would want her back home and want to protect her and Robin would kill to have her family understand and relate to her trauma the way Jean does. Elodie genuinely cannot understand Robin's guilt over escaping by dooming another girl because she would have actively killed without remorse to break out. Robin doesn't get why Elodie is bitter over having to be rescued when she used to dream about someone finding and saving her. It's a very "grass is always greener on the other side" situation, and they clash a lot, but eventually they work it out.
I'm also thinking of having Robin being conflicted over whether she wants or even is capable of going pro (since as per the EC she technically wasn't good enough to be recruited if not for Andrew's constant endorsement). I'm not sure what Elodie would be majoring in, but that's fine because neither is Elodie. So that's something else they're both dealing with.
That's mostly what I have so far, I'm hoping some day this fic will grow a plot that can hold my attention so I can actually write it.
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juuggg · 2 years
Been playing a lot of indie games the last few months and I want to keep a little tally of them so i don’t forget
ASTROMAN : Cute little 32bit platformer made for a gamejam, it gave me the same feeling as a mobile game called green the planet and I mean it in a good way. The gameplay isn’t groundbreaking, but it’s relaxing to jump around collecting crystals. If they made this longer it would pop hard.
Carbon Steel : from Mike Klubnika. You join an experiment that pays a lot for weird and probably unethical research. Does a great job at building tension and making you 2nd doubt whether you’re “really” aware of reality. The endings were both a bit weak but still a very fun game worth playing, around 30min.
Cold Fr*nt : I'm censoring the name so it doesn’t appear in search man this was ASS. Good premise for 3 whole minutes before this shit turns uwu cringe ass moe moe stebaniel universal on everyone as they recite a “your feelings matter” message stolen straight from a twitter poisonned 16yo’s notes app. Was the dev afraid of being called out on tiktok for portraying unhealthy relationships or something? Anyway, if MY childhood friend pushed me down stairs, breaking my leg, I would tell them to kill themselves.
Coward Town : weird one, cool graphics but the audio hurted. Fun to wiggle around with a vague story in the background. tonic!
Driftwood : Loved this one, short visual with shrooms involved. Touches on classical themes of existentialism and coming of age. Don’t wanna spoil it too much, it definitely can get cheesy but it’s worth a play through (20 to 30mins). Made me smile from how honest it was at times, like the dev was just writing down a conversation they had in the past.
Evaluation : I didn’t remember downloading this one and looking at the steam page I'm surprised I even did. But it was a nice surprise, it's got a lot of charm especially knowing it’s the dev’s first game. It’s absolutely worth doing that 2nd play through otherwise it feels empty, but even with the tonal shift between the two routes it felt like a complete experience. Would love to see a remake of this in the future.
Infineural : Also from Mike Klubnika, the fridge horror didn’t really get to me but for 5mins it’s worth a download. Carbon steel was better.
Rental : Very nice, the 2nd and 1st areas could have been linked better. They managed to create an otherworldly but whimsical atmosphere very quickly. Cool audio and visual tricks.
WaterWombWorld : From Yames, I had it in my folders for a long time but didn’t remember playing it, so I did now. It’s thickly coated in religious significance from start to finish. If the dev came out and said he was working through his faith at the time of development I wouldn’t be surprised. It’s made me want to go back and replay Yames’ other titles.
Still fishing : feesh bloop bloop 🐟
Critters For Sale : Bought it for the graphics mostly lol. I had no clue what to expect going into it but it definitely took me by surprise on more than one occasion. It’s like a point and click visual novel adaptation of finding a conspiracy theorist’s website, going through every tab in awe, and barely being able to explain anything after. Worth a play.
I Live Under Your House + It Lives Under The House DLC : Feels like this one exploded a bit in popularity for good reason. Unique take on a spooky monster story where YOU, the player, get to be the weird guy. Loved the visuals. Absolutely do not want to spoil it but I’ll say the DLC is just as good as the main game and even better at points.
Megs’ monsters (Demo) : When it gets released in 5years and explodes it’s going to be compared to every single massively popular RPG à-la deltarune and earthbound and there’s going to be so much porn of the big monsters.
Magnus Positive Phototaxis : A short 1hr point and click puzzle game. Wish i could say it was nice but nothing really stood out other than the 3d object cutscenes that were never mentioned again. Did not expect it to take a religious U-turn but it seems to be part of a larger series of games so maybe I'm missing something. Disjointed. Mid at best.
Out Of Hands (Demo) : Didn’t care for the story when it turned out to be about a lost high-school love etc. You can Obliterate the balancing by using the double dmg at low hp perk. It feels like it’s missing a something and got repetitive near the end, but this is a demo so whatever! Using hands and clay for graphics is super cute, kept me playing just to see what random things they used next.
rats in a cage (Demo) : Loved this one. You’re trying to become a jobcell and one of the only companies that responded wants you to do a survey on a funny program because they really don’t have time to interview everyone. Said program is a rat kin puzzle game with an AI that fucking hates you. It’s absolutely going to be compared to baba is you and portal that’s not even a question, I will say the humour felt more stanley-parable-esque than portal to me. Puzzles were very easy but it might just be baba PTSD making me think every level is going to take 3hrs.
Return. : Short platforming game with cute graphics. This was odd, everything about it feels like it’s part of an ARG or would have a hidden secret fucked up horror ending but there doesn’t seen to be anything like that. The controls feel crisp and the way they did jumps was pretty unique, definitely would like to see more.
Rusty Blade : it’s alright, enjoyed the graphics but navigation itself gave me a headache.
Who’s Lila? : PLAY IT!!!!!! PLAY IT RIGHT NOW PLAY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
skolios : playing right now, good atmosphere and nostalgic of older rpghorro games but I would be lying if i said i didn’t check the walkthrough.
Northern Journey : BUG SWATTING SIMULATOR 3000 I’d recommend this to everyone if the difficulty balancing wasn’t so messy. After spending 2hrs on the bandit fight i kinda gave up. Fun movement, fun aesthetic, fun characters, kinda mean as fuck at times but it’s funny. I’ll get drunk and spend 20hrs on beating it at some point i swear.
Mundaun : Another one with difficulty balancing problems, skill issue i know i know. Graphics are A+, setting is A+, story is intriguing, But the sniping haystacks made me mald. I WANT to love it just give me 1month i’ll git gud and then can get a solid opinion on it.
Mirage of Dragon : thought I’d hate it but it’s really just a puzzle exploration game, killed 4 dragoos so far but being reset to the beginning and needing to watch the unskippable cutscene everytime is annoying. Great aesthetic and visuals, the dev put a lot of heart into the side material, mostly the guide, cute to see ♥
ANATOMY : hurts my eyes so bad
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*chinhands* spiritual for steffa
ALL OF THEM? Aight then, let's do this. *cracks knuckles*
16. Do they have any regrets in their life?
HAHAAAAAAHAHAHAH yes. Yes, she... fuck, she regrets helping Jowan, even if it ultimately probably saved her life, ironically. She regrets leaving with Morrigan (even though there was no way she wasn't going to) because of what happened to Anders after she left. She regrets every person she couldn't save, even when it was just so absolutely not her fault that she couldn't.
17. What is something they dislike about either themselves or the world?
She dislikes that the world is so unfair. She dislikes that there is evil and cruelty and pettiness.
And she dislikes that she is still bitter about everything related to Alistair, even though it's been more than a decade since she last saw him. She doesn't think she was wrong to react to him the way she did, but she really doesn't like how much it still pisses her off that he just fucked off the way he did, after shoving responsibility on her (a 16yo) and Nat (a 19yo) when he was both older and more experienced at being a warden even though technically speaking they definitely did a better job than he could've.
18. Is there a situation that might make it impossible for them to relax?
hahahaaaa so many. So many. If she has responsibilities she's not confident in her ability to do, or if she feels like she'd be doing them a disservice by relaxing. If someone she loves is in danger. basically the entire first 3 years of her son's life because she was constantly terrified of something happening.
(she gets better with age, tho)
19. Are they honest to themselves, or do they ignore feeling hurt or sad?
It depends. She'll absolutely acknowledge her hurt and sadness and anger, and feel them, unless she needs to be doing something (in her opinion), or if someone else needs her to have her shit together (in her opinion).
(this is another thing that she gets better at with age)
20. Do they like to be alone with themselves often or surrounded by friends?
She 100% prefers to have a lot of people around her, even if she wants to be left alone. Mostly because she spent her formative years living in a dormitory in a relatively small tower full of mages and almost never truly having a moment alone. It was annoying growing up, but also... being alone for too long, or being truly alone (ie she can't hear anyone shuffling around or talking the next room over) is... unsettling and makes her feel cold and sad and miserable.
It reminds her of Kinloch Hold being cold and still and full of the bodies of the people she grew up with. :/
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sometime in this last week, or this week coming, my blog has turned/turns 10. god. a decade old. a whole ass chunk of my life i’ve spent on this hellsite. when i began on here, i was a kid. a lost, lonely, depressed and anxious 15/16 year old kid. a kid scared of her future. a kid confused about her future. what to do for uni. to change schools or not??? to do drama/acting at uni or english/philosophy or to move 8hrs away to another regional uni to “escape” her “washed up, dead end hometown” that was so typical of all the pop-punk music that she was listening to at the time.
she was a tad overdramatic, loud, “funny” (as described by her school friends) and terribly forgetful in regards to homework and school assignments. she was angry at the world, most especially the catholic school she was fucking sick and tired of attending. but she was convinced that since she was the so-called “funny girl”, that she simply couldn’t be depressed or anxious. she believed herself unloveable because she didn’t look like a weird mixture of hayley williams and emo-pop queen lights. but now, i no longer believe that i have to look like the women that i looked up to in the ~emo scene~. fuck beauty standards. i am loveable.
in the years since joining tumblr, i’ve managed to get through business college, my undergrad degree and, well, failed out of postgrad due to obvious burnout and health issues amongst other things. although i’ve lost many friends irl and many followers/mutuals online on here. for those who’ve stuck around to see me get through all of this, thank you. to all the friends/casual mutuals that have since deactivated or only followed me for a short time then unfollowed; thank you.
like obviously i was never/have never been a massive popular blog on here, like thebootydiaries or vampireapologist (who has since deactivated a couple of months ago) with tens of thousands of followers. my follower count is still close to the 8,000 range at 7,892. obviously that’s still a lot of people (and of course, porn bots lmao and many, many non-active blogs), enough like one super old post from like 2012 tumblr pointed out, enough for a small to medium sized city or town, or something like that. i don’t know how many people i’ve really reached. i really don’t know how i actually amassed this small army of people.
i am aware though, that on other platforms like snapchat (lmao does anyone even use it anymore in 2021???)/instagram/youtube/tiktok etc, i’d PROBABLY be considered as some type of ~micro influencer (🤮🤮)~. hell, i actually had a bot slide into my notes about being one on here on this hellsite back in 2019. i don’t know if i’ve ever actually ~influenced~ anyone on here with my shitposts (when i started making some) or my personal posts. i don’t know my reach. even though, now, i do occasionally get featured on buzzfeed listicles (although pay me buzzfeed along with the OPs of those original embedded posts), i still don’t know how many people i’ve reached… and even with my very occasional checks of google analytics lmao. on top of this, grappling with the loss of followers at times is much, much easier than it was when i began on here and the first few years following that. i know that my follower count doesn’t determine my worth and stuff.
but over these 10 years, i have grown. i turn 26 this year. back in 2011, 15/16yo me never thought she’d be here. she was partially down the suicidal thoughts hole, with things about ~picturing her funeral and wondering who’d bother to turn up. if only she could pretend to be dead for a day to see who’d give a fuck~ and 16-18yo me was defs down it with her HSC hellscape thoughts in 2012/2013. that 3rd floor tafe/tech women’s bathroom window drop and the thought of scarring her class for life (and that cool dude from catholic school that she crushed on who ended up at tafe with her) with jumping out of it onto the concrete below. instead, she just posted on fb about ~being a failure~ etc which ultimately did lose her a bunch of facebook friends lmao. it was practically the same thing. her mental breakdown after the end of her hsc, where she let her earrings go green and get infected in her ears because “fuck self care, bc what the fuck is it??? i’ll never get better! let me fucking wallow in my self loathing bc it’s the only thing that i’m fucking good at!!!” so i no longer have my ears pierced. oh! it was just all too fucking much!!
i am happier today. i no longer have those semi-suicidal thoughts. hell, i almost died in 2020 from a fucking bowel aneurysm, after my stomach tumour excision surgery. that forced me to put things into perspective. i appreciate the little things . i appreciate the very few friends that i actually have. yes. i’m still depressed and anxious. some days are still shitty and hard. but nowhere as hard and shitty as they were back when i began on here 10 years ago.
how the fuck last 10 years have gone past, with my ass on here; clearing out my blog and caring more about doing that than my uni work (lmao whoops); having made some lifelong friends both internationally (from the US) and long distance domestically in australia, it’s been a long ride; i honestly have no fucking idea. obviously over these past 10 years, i’ve debated with myself over and over and over again whether i should delete/deactivate this account or not. would it make me healthier??? more than likely. but then when i have meltdowns or just inner ramblings i have to get out somewhere, where else to post??? on fb?? obvs not. it’s “attention seeking” or the like on there. no one will read them. no one will resonate. but on here??? even if i got/get one “like” in the notes or one “yo i feel this” response in the tags or replies, it feels like i’ve reached someone??? okay yeah. i know this place IS NOT therapy and i’m not using my followers as amateur (or probs even actual professional) armchair psychologists…. which is a thing i think people need to stop doing internet-wide: but that’s a whole other post that i reblogged a few days ago lmao. i really need to get another therapist, actually lmao.
but it’s the community i’ve found hard to leave. i have what feel like friends, when i’ve never been employed (still as of yet); and when all of my irl friends/acquaintances are working and doing the whole ~adulting~ and ~grown up life~ thing right. it’s also the frenzied rabidness of spite with hating staff’s godawful ideas. the memes. oh the memes. and also the RaWrInG 20s XD emo scene reemergence on here that’s kept me here. the messy petty drama from time to time of big blogs fighting it out.
this place really is bizarre and fun sometimes. and also the fact that i can still hide behind the ridiculous “roaring pikachu” URL that i made all those years ago. i am anonymous. it’s freeing. but on fb it’s all like “WHY WONT YOU ADD A BANNER IMAGE AND TELL US 20 FUN FACTS ABOUT YOU!!!!!???? LET PEOPLE WHO HAVENT SPOKEN TO YOU IN 10 YEARS KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU BECAUSE WE’RE ALL FRIENDS HERE!!!” and the same goes for Corporate Hellscape Facebook™️ (linkedin) but in the professional sense instead. y’all know fuck all about me really. besides my posts. and i love that and live for that. okay yeah. y’all know more about my mental health than my fb feed obvs… which is probably a terribly unfortunate thing. but still.
over the last 10 years then, my superiority complex for being ~so original and intelligent~ or whatever the fuck i had in high school, has all but ebbed away. i’m not that smart just because i went to uni. hell, i literally did NONE of my in-class work and none of my philosophy readings in uni….. so i have fuck all idea of how i got through undergrad like that lmao. i’m not original when so many people can articulate the same thoughts that i have, but like, sometimes better, on a post (even though sometimes/most of the time the Tumblr User Hot Takes Tuesday™️ takes on here are fucking awful lmao). but still. originality is not something i really have anymore. or really had in the first place lmao.
so will i deactivate after these 10 years, like i’ve been saying for so, so long??? i honestly have no idea. but just know. thanks guise. have a nice gpoy selfie day XD. grab your wands. your tardises. grab your war paint. grab your whatever the fuck other fandom specific stuff that was one that hella cringe post from 2011 til 2015 random tumblr. that relic is as old as time itself. just as this mysterious roaring pikachu is for someone whose too loyal to leave this W E B B E D H E L L S I T E that’s just as much of a train wreck as she is. lmao.
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Writing project
Lately, I've been feeling pretty down about not having written in French or Portuguese in forever. Maintaining a house pretty much on my own and juggling 6 university courses at the same time doesn't allow for too much formal language learning, as it is. So, this past few weeks I've been scrambling my brain for something to remedy that -something that wasn't writing notes or getting a pen pal or writing about my day. You know, something that a) I didn't do already, b) didn't require money or c) otherwise useless.
I have this problem, you see: once I've mastered the basics (a little past A2, for those who grew up taking exams and have the scale burnt in their mind, like me) most of my language learning must consist of immersion and something fundamentally useful/ productive (to me, this things works differently for everyone). I do know that, technically, just by being part of studying a language, is productive, but I need more. Whether is studying + taking time off (like watching a serie in a target language) or studying + doing homework (like looking for information for a paper in a TL), it has to have a "plus" usefulness that writing a diary or alike doesn't have for me.
I couldn't find anything on the internet, having basically already done all of the ideas listed (that's what over a decade of studying languages does to you), so after weeks of thinking, I settled for something I wanted to try when I was a young teen: writing letters to myself.
Is not exactly a new thing, but I like it. I put myself to work immediately and made myself a nice big journal with old school photocopies were to write (I promised myself long ago to never buy another notebook again for anything but school, and now make them all myself) and started writing right away. They come to me pretty quickly, although I've to admit I struggled a little with the topic of the third. But once I sat down to write, I was done in minutes.
I didn't want to choose between writing in French or Portuguese, so I decided all letters addressed to "past me" would be in French, and all letters addressed to "future me" would be in Portuguese. I'm writing one letter per age (one for just-born me, one for 1 year old me, etc), and the idea is to write all the way until 19yo me before I turn 20 next year. I will write letters for "future me" in the between of course, but I would like to concentrate on those first 19 letters first.
It doesn't seem like a big challenge now, but that is more up to college, and its time-consuming nature, more than anything. I'm not rushing the letters, I just let the topic come to me as I live my day-to-day life. If any inspiration comes for an age that is too far yet, I write it down and wait until the age comes. I've, for example, written down to thanks my 16yo for finally having the courage to address her attraction to girls, and to write a letter for 7yo me telling her that having gender feelings was completely ok.
As you see, I mostly write about things that I would have liked to have been told, or that I would actually tell past me if I could. Any letter for future self would be as a way to ask for advice or relieve my anxiety. Is a nice way to evaluate my life, see both the good and the bad with other lights, as well as confront my tendency to hide myself and my feelings from others, even if they are the most simple thing (ok, I'm writing in languages my family doesn't speak, but they are both mutually understandable with Spanish and the journal is just right there, not hidden at all so...).
The process for each letter is pretty simple and consistent, so is something that will quickly become a habit -a must, for studying a language- and to do when you don't have that much time: I let the topic or general idea of the letter come to me and I write it down on my cellphone's notes. Then, I write them on a document google, with the autocorrect off so I can write freely, without worrying about mistakes yet. Once done, I read it and try to spot the mistake myself, and then I turn the autocorrect on to correct it again. I try to not rely on any translator or dictionary unless I truly can not rewrite or formulate my sentence in any other way. Once pleased with my letter, I wait until the night to write it in my journal. I turn the music on, and use one of my old -but favorite- purple pens to write, making of the process a whole me-time night. The next morning, I would go either to the field across my house or to our backyard and try to remember what flower or what kind of leaf was I obsessed with at that time, and add it next to the letter.
Truth be told, I couldn't be happier with this project. Is easy to maintain and fit into a tight routine, it doesn't require money or too much time. I can write whatever I want, I don't have to worry about mistakes or presentations like with online pen pals, and it works just fine for a nice quiet me time.
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icharchivist · 5 years
hey icha whats hypmic??
Heyaaa and ooooh dear where do i even begin…..
Erg so in very short it’s a musical mixed media story that have kind of a corny set up that is mostly an excuse to have fictional male characters of different background involve themselves into rap battles? Most of its content comes from songs and drama CD, even if there are a few manga adaptation covering a couple of the drama tracks (albeit all those covered are how the teams got together and all).
In a little more depth: Basically a group of 12 Seiyuu decided to band together into a principe of rap battle, that would also give a spotlight to multiple rap artists in Japan, as they do collaboration by writting/composing the songs. All of the Seiyuu play different characters divided in 4 divisions: Buster Bros!! for Ikebukuro, Mad Trigger Crew for Yokohama, Fling Posse for Shibuya, and Matenrou for Shinjuku. Each divisions/characters have distinct styles of music or text to differenciate them.
The idea is that, after World War 3 and a lot of the population dying, weapons causing harms had been outlawed, instead remplaced by what we call Hypnosis Microphone (or Hypmic), weapons that attack the brain via its sonic vibes, thus are more powerful depending on how savy you are with words and sounds and all of that. (like i said, it’s corny, it’s really just a pretext for the battles ahah)
The Government, that is kinda shady, took hold into Chuuouku, the center of the city, and the rest of the towns are left to fend for their own, indulging in territories battles. By the time the story start, 4 teams have taken a hand into 4 divisions where they try their best to low the crime rate and make life better, this sort of stuff. Recently however, the Government decided to keep a closer eye on the Rap Battle themselves, organizing huge Event in Chuuouku for the Divisions to fight each other, and the winner can therefore have major impact on what gets developped in the city and all.
It’s also important to know that the 4 leaders of the divisions, Ichiro, Samatoki, Ramuda and Jakurai, used to be in a band together, The Dirty Dawg, and they were very close - Something ended up breaking up the band (it is unsure what it is exactly) and left them with sort of bittersweet relationship with each other as they’re now in a position where they have to fight each other.
Again though most of it is mostly a pretext for songs and character driven plotlines for those 12 to fuck shit up: 
(here a link to the translation, and here’s a link for the playlist of the songs they put on youtube - mostly previews except for the Ensemble songs - i can send the full songs/drama CDs but in private since it’s… illegal and all.You’ll find all the translations out on this website, and here you’ll find the drama tracks. And there for the solo songs only but idk how long this website will keep them up.)
(btw here’s the second ensemble song and here’s the third one - i tend to prefer them to the first one so here they are)
So like i said, corny, but character driven and i love those morons, and the songs are bangers, and i ended up loving it ways too much.
I’ll enter more in depth on the Divisions under the cut bc i do think knowing a bit the characters give a better idea but yeah kdjfhd my latest obsession rip.
If you’re reading this i’m so sorry i’m going to geek out over my 12 stupid sons.
btw (MC: ___) is their scene names, basically.
And erg while i try to avoid spoilers from the latest season, there’s a lot of “spoilers” from backstory exposition or information spreads through the drama tracks and the songs, so either just scroll to see the name and all or read at your own risks? 
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Buster Bros!!! representing Ikebukuro Division - in red, Ichiro Yamada (19yo) the leader,in blue, Jiro Yamada (16yo), in yellow Saburo Yamada (14). (Previews of their solo songs, preview of their first group song Ikebukuro West Game Park, their second group song: Ohayo Ikebukuro!)
Ichiro, Jiro and Saburo are brothers - they are orphans (unknown why but since Ichiro rejects any fathr figure p strongly i think it’s linked to their father) and Ichiro, the eldest brother, had taken care of his two little brothers most of his life to the point of being a delicant before being recruited by the Dirty Dawg. Before the story started the boys weren’t all that close, but by now, both little brothers want to prove their worth to their eldest brothers and when the Dirty Dawg broke up and Ichiro had to figure out which team to make for the Rap Battles, both brothers offered to help. Despite both being ways too young for this they still both ended up proving themselves. They also tend to fight for their big brother’s attention a lot.
Ichiro (MC Big Brother) himself seems to be a rather warm and friendly person - he works odd jobs all around town, kind of like a mercenary but doing just… any sort of work being asked of him, just not in the illegal stuff when he can avoid it. He’s rather hot headed. He used to be very close from the Dirty Dawg who took care of him when they met, especially Samatoki, but since the band’s break up, it seems there is a particularly sour relationship with Samatoki neither of them are over with. Ichiro often disses Samatoki out of nowhere in his raps lmao. Aside from that he’s a complete geek and loves manga and anime and video game - all the stuff you’d expect.
Jiro, (MC Middle Brother) the second, tends to follow Ichiro’s path a lot, being a bit in delincance and stuff, creating himself a web of contacts. He tends to copy Ichiro in his passions in order to impress him. He’s also very social and get friends very easily. He’s constantly bickering with Saburo who seems to see their “brotherhood” as a competition. They used to be very close when they were younger but now they’re always at each other’s throat.
Saburo (MC Little Brother), the third, doesn’t really want to follow the path of his brothers but he wants to be useful in his own way. Incredibly clever, he is a very good hacker and can find information very quickly. He also has some of the sickest burn of the lot but i’m biased. Unlike Jiro, Saburo is really not social at all and has very few friends. His whole world is about being the best he can be for Ichiro.He likes things that can stimulate his brian, especially board games and the likes. 
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Mad Trigger Crew, representing Yokohama Divison- Center in white, Samatoki Aohitsugi(25) the Leader - with glasses, Juuto Iruma (29), in military uniform, Riou Busujima Manson (28).(Previews of their solo songs, preview of their first group song: Yokohama Walker, their second group song: Dead Pools)
If The BB are linked by the fact they’re brothers, MTC is linked by being….. Involved in armed illegal activities? Samatoki is the second in command of a Yakuza family, Juuto is a corrupted cop who is close to Samatoki because of… work…. and Riou kinda ended up tagging along. Anyway they’re in charge of Yokohama which seems to be a part of the city that suffered pretty badly from the war and have high crime rates.
In more details, Samatoki (MC Mr Hardcore) is involved in the mafia. He explains in his personal song that his mother killed his abusive father before killing herself, leaving him to take care of his little sister, Nemu, which is what led him to a life of crime. His Yakuza clan seems to have a honor code though so they’re not involved in too much dirty stuff. Every sacrifice Samatoki did was for his sister. So obviously he saw a bit of himself in Ichiro when they originally met, and was one of the influencial force to keep Ichiro out of the crime life knowing pretty well where it’s headed. The Band breakup left a particularly sour taste in Samatoki’s mouth regarding Ichiro, feeling betrayed by whatever happened back then, and since then he tends to be. touchy. when it’s question of Ichiro. As in, almost caused a car crash while he wasn’t driving just thinking about Ichiro. He’s a mess. He’s also very short tempered. 
Juuto (MC 45 Rabbit) is a corrupted cop: while he works with the police and all the stuff, he has ties with Samatoki’s yakuza clan and will do shady stuff in order to maintain this alliance. Mostly blackmail, bailing Samatoki out of jail, all this sort of things. He seems to have a specific reason to accept it, a necessary evil to get rid of wickedness in the city. Juuto’s backstory was only developped in the latest drama tracks so it would count as spoilers but let’s say he has reasons to do so.He’s generally more down to earth and more tongue in cheek. He knows how to pick up people’s weaknesses let’s say.
Riou (MC Crazy M) is an army man who isn’t aware the war is over. He has been living in survival mode in the forest of Yokohama for the past few years, having also one of the prototype Hypnosis Mic, with more raw power. His hobbies is to cook from… unusual sources. Samatoki and Juuto are terrified by his cooking.  There isn’t much revealed yet about Riou’s backstory however. Juuto found out about him and put him in contact with Samatoki when it was question to develop MTC, and they have since then developped a companionship of sort.
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Fling Posse, representing Shibuya Division (also they’re my favs❤ which will be obvious in two mins bc i rambled much more about them holy fuck)- In the middle with pink hair, Ramuda Amemura (24), with brown hair, Gentaro Yumeno (24), with blue hair, Dice Arisugawa (20)(Previews of their solo songs, preview of their first group song, Shibuya Marble Texture, their second group song: Stella (aka my most listened hypmic song that made me unhealthily obsessed with the series) )
I don’t even know where to start with them. Don’t be fooled by how cute they look, they’re the most shady group. Officially, they’ve all been recruited by Ramuda “only for the thrill of it”, “To kill boredom”, but it also happens that they are the three with the most ties to the government. But none of them tend to really talk about it. Not really. They are very “living in the present” kind of people, even if it comes with risks. Ramuda gathered them for his own agenda. Neither Gentaro nor Dice knew each other before Ramuda put them together and neither know why Ramuda gathered them aside as “for the thrill”. Gentaro however has major doubts over the kind of person Ramuda is. 
Ramuda (MC Easy R) is their leader. He is a fashion designer. He was the one who put the Dirty Dawg together back in the days, and seems to have… weird reasons to do anything he’s ever doing. Honestly i don’t know how to even touch how shady he is, but he’s all shade of shady. He will however always sound super cute. The only person he seems to not bear the sight of is Jakurai, his ex-teammate from the Dirty Dawg. They used to be very close but now things are very tense in between them, mostly with Ramuda setting as much distances as possible he can and hardly managing to remain cheerful around him. 
Gentaro (MC Phantom) is a writter and also a chronic liar. You litterally cannot trust a single thing coming out of his mouth, he’s always making something up. His personal song is supposed to talk about his past but there’s like, a big lie in the begining of it (”I was born in winter” yOU’RE BORN ON APRIL THE FIRST.). One thing that is certain about him however, is that he has a friend who is very sick and at the hospital and that it seems to be the motivation behind all of his lies, as he started to make up fictions to cheer up his friend and turned his own life into a fiction by extension. There’s more shady stuff about him and his past, i could discuss it for hours (he’s my fav kdhfd). But mostly, he’s just the kind to tease people a lot and to not really expect to have friends that stick arounds, considering himself a untrustworthy unredeemable trash. He has a weird dynamic with his own sense of self, always making up false selves. I legit could talk for hours about it kdjhfd.  He tends to over-tease Dice because Dice falls for every single of his lies, and he tends to have a soft spot for him. He’s also extremely observant since he writes story he makes up from people he observes, so he catches on stuff more easily. Gentaro’s lyrics are often more inclined toward poetry or well, work of fictions (he wrote Stella in verse and Stella is kindof a Posse!Au of how Gentaro sees the Posse. Stellaaaaaa)
Dice (MC Dead or Alive)  is… a professional disaster? Joke aside, he’s a gambler who tends to push his luck a loooot. (there’s a lot of implications about how he doesn’t have a stable place to crash in because most of his rent money go into gambling). His outlook on life are really mostly that he wants to live a life that gives him legit thrills. He hates being bored. It’s heavily implied that he comes from a rich, influencial family but threw it all away for his addiction.  The only reason he agreed to join the Posse was for the thrill the rap battles would provide. He also kinda considers himself a lowrate trash due to the lifestyle he’s living.He’s rather guilible, falling for every single of Gentaro’s lies despite how obvious they are, and gets teased a lot by both of his teammates. He’s also fiercely protective and combative. He is also the king of bad decisions and of having to drag his posse in them. (well mostly Gentaro). He’s also loves the Posse in itself and is the one who’s the most likely to brag about how great his band is. He genuinely loves his teammates and it makes me so soft,,. He’s also very perceptive, realizing very quickly when his teammates are changing their mood. And again he protecc,,
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Matenrou - Representing Shinjuku DivisionCenter with purple hair: Jakurai Jinguji (35), the blond is Hifumi Izanami (29) and the gingerhead is Doppo Kannonzaka (29)(Previews of their solo songs, preview of their first group song, Shinjuku Style, their second group song: Papiyon that wasn’t put on youtube yet but should in a couple of weeks)
Matenrou is the band with the darkest aesthetic, protecting the Shinjuku’s division that came to be known mostly for the health problems, if i understand well also because the only functioning hospital is located there. Jakurai is a doctor and Doppo is his patient, while Hifumi is Doppo’s childhood friend and roomate. They end up tangled together after Hifumi gets threats on his life pushing Doppo to reach out for Jakurai, who took an interest on them as possible teammates when everything unfolded. 
Jakurai (MC ill-Doc) is… an interesting character i dare not to spoil the backstory of but let’s say he has some dark past. As a person however, he is fascinated by people’s psychee, how they work, what pushes them to do stuff, and is therefore attracted to “interesting people”, people that makes him want to explore human’s psychee. Back in the Dirty Dawg’s day, it was what drove Jakurai to be very interested in Ramuda…. Until he considered Ramuda’s humanity too lost to be saved after the band broke up, which Jakurai blames partially on Ramuda. Ramuda remains the only person to have ever made Jakurai lose his patience. Otherwise, Jakurai is a rather collected and a very kind man, who tries to reach out and help others when he can. But again, dark past and stuff and some shady stuff went on with Ramuda. He found an interest in Doppo and Hifumi as he got to know them and now is rather protective of the two of them, often going fishing with Hifumi and doing anything to uplift Doppo.He’s also a terrible drinker. Don’t let him drink.He has one of my favorite solo song though and he has a sort of goth existantialism vibe to him i just love. 
Hifumi (MC Gigolo) is Doppo’s childhood best friend and roomate. Now Hifumi’s story is a bit huh.. particular. When he was very young he had had a very traumatic experience with women that led him to be utterly terrified of being even nearby one. When he reached adulthood, he considered he couldn’t keep going like that and forced himself into a woman dominated space by becoming a Host, to overcome his fear. It was so hard on him however that he ended up… coping by considering that when he was wearing the Suit of the Host, he was a complete different person. Not quite split personality, but autosuggestion mostly. He gets into all sort of troubles with the suit on however. The only person he relies completely on is Doppo, whom he knows from childhood and with whom he lives. Hifumi is a good cook, and is always trying to cheer up his friend. because…
Doppo (MC Doppo) is an anxious disaster of a man. He’s your typical overworked office worker, who is handling this life pretty badly. He feels like his whole life is something he should be apologizing for, which he does all the time. He’s honestly unhealthily anxious and that’s why he is Jakurai’s patient.  He’s seriously a depressed, anxious disaster who’s only light seems to mostly be that Hifumi cheers on him all the time… when Hifumi doesn’t create a terrible situation Doppo feels like he has to apologize for. However Doppo is someone you can rely on, with a lot of frustration bottled inside him to the  point of it becoming an amazing weapon once unleashed with the rap battles. He’s very quick and ressourceful when put into extreme lifethreatening situation, which got Jakurai’s attention a lot. 
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So this is the main divisions and characters. There are more developped via the drama CDs obviously, more plot and all, but that’s the gist of it. Honestly again it’s just a pretext for characters and songs that fits their characters. 
I personally never expected to care about it that much - i have friends who had been talking about it for over a year and i just knew it a bit in passing until i started to casually listen to the songs - and then i went down the rabbit hole when i ended up loving the songs too much to not care for the characters. (Stella was my breaking point though. The moment it came out I was lost. This was the moment i dedicated myself to it. I could go on a full ramble just on Stella alone.)
And yeah it kinda shows i have a major bias but my favs are truly the Posse - both as characters and as music style goes. Close second is Matenrou though i love their aesthetics.
the first battle season is over, it’s easy to know from their youtube how it unfolded ahah. The first round was BB VS MTC, the second FP VS MTR. Each rounds came with drama CD setting up the dynamics of the characters in and out of their bands, which was pretty cool. 
After the First Battle Season ended we were blessed with a drama track and song from the Dirty Dawg era which is why i cannot stop shutting the fuck up about it dkjhfd it makes me so sad to look back to how close they were and how they threw all of this away…. 
Now a new season is starting but this is where we’re missing translations so we just… wait. 
There are a few manga that covers a few of the drama tracks but not all, and there will be a mobile game soon. 
But yeah that’s. that’s basically the basis. 
And it is far too entertaining to me kdjhfd
and i probably shouldn’t have written all of that with a killer headache but i,, love they,,,
so yeah this is all there is to know. If you’ve read it this far… i admire your patience. Thank u
And take care!
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ainchase · 7 years
o boi we are still doing this
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“Because as a 17 year old, even I won’t go after someone 21+ until I turn 18″
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Yes that WOULD be creepy.... But... let me just... point something out:
Ain is actually not 21 years old. He charades around as a 21 yr old.
If 500 years have passed while he was stuck in the rift, then he’s 500 years old. But if he just time warped from the time of the explosion to 500 years after the explosion (which we don’t know for sure, and will probably never know for sure), then he is 0 year old.
It WOULD be creepy if Ain was eyeing Elsword like some sexual predator but there’s none of that going on between the two.
Also, Elboy is actually close to 20 by the time he reaches end of Elysion, judging from the flow of time from previous areas. 
Ruben~Elder: two years passed (Base:13yo~ 1st: 15yo)
So two years have passed from ruben to its next area
Altera~Feita: one year passed (1st:15yo ~ 2nd:16yo)
one year has passed from Altera and Feita
Now, by the time they reach the end of Elysion they go through
and Elysion
So that’s FIVE whole areas. Even if we say that two areas take only one year to complete (which is BS if you consider how long some of these areas are), that leaves Elsword at a bit older than 19 years old.
Oh and Ain doesn’t age.
I bring this up because the time Ain perhaps realize his own feelings is towards the end of Elysion, where his mission doesn’t matter to him anymore because power of “friendship” is that strong.
“Ain grew fond of everyone [...] and not just Elboy and Elboy alone”
Ain calls everyone by their weird nickname, except for Elsword
When the airship crashed, Elsword was the first thing Ain was looking for
Ain says “Elsword and the El Search Party” when Elsword is part of the El Seach Party so if he just wanted to say “everyone” he could’ve just said, “The El Search Party”
“Ain wouldn’t feel romantic attraction to someone”
I agree, canonically speaking, there probably isn’t any romantic feeling involved, but that’s with base Ain who isn’t capable of understanding that kind of human emotion... But if we’re talking about Erbluhen Emotion who IS capable of understanding such emotion...
Quoting myself:
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But if you are speaking about the validity(?) of the Elsain ship then might I remind you that....:
Elsword x Eve ship exists because of that one time Elsword said “I’ll be your friend”
Add x Eve ship exists even though there’s 0 romance between the two (I won’t even get into this to avoid bloodbath but you know what I’m talking about)
There is close to 0 active romantic ship that is canon in the game currently. Even for Harnier and Solace, they never mentioned in the game that they’re in love. For all we know, they could be legit having some serious brother and sisterly family love.
No seriously the only romantic couple that we know for sure have existed was between Raven and Seris, and Glave and his girlfriend, both of whom are already dead. There’s no active romance in the game at all. And it’s kept that way for a reason.
Why? Because KoG knows this game thrives on User Created Contents, and the whole “ship” culture. They let people ship whatever they want while trying to minimize the forced shipping in the game just to please everyone. This is one of the reasons why people didn’t like Add x Eve because they felt like it was shoved down their throat even though in my eyes I didn’t really see it as being shoved down if you just pay attention to the interaction between the two... I mean... LuCiel pairing was probably more shoved down my throat lol “OUR SOULS ARE BOUND FOREVERRRRRR” but they cant marry each other? mkay KoG.
tl;dr ship whatever you want, fellow Elsword lovers
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bint-amina · 7 years
after peter wolff writes his son a short letter in which he relates the details of how the matriarch of iris’s coven came to him and asked if damian might be able to email iris or something just to reassure her that he’s ok, damian takes out his phone (he has changed his number since he last talked to her) and he texts a familiar number.
[d] Stop trying to contact me.
[i] Damian???????? [i] Oh my god????? Jfc I thought you like [i] Died [i] Are u ok??
(a day passes)
[i] If u dont reply Ill assume the answer is no and get Grace to talk to ur dad again
[d] That was a low blow.
[i] It was desperate u mean. Which is tru [i] But Im not fucking kidding. I thought you were dead
[d] That’s a lie.
[i] How would u fucking know huh
(half a day goes by)
[i] I heard about the guys in the city [i] Thought maybe after that ur dad got sick of ur shit and called a priest or something lol [i] Cuz ur a demon
[d] Clever.
[i] Actually that wasnt clever sorry. If u have to clarify the punchline u really cant in good conscious call it clever can you
[d] Not really, no
[i] Lol [i] Good to see you’ve still got ur sense of humor
[d] ‘Humor?’ [d] Is that a Korean word?
[i] Har har [i] You speak korean dummy [i]  작은 년이되지 마
[d]  나는하지 않으려 고 노력할거야.
[i] You google translated that one didnt you
[d] I’m out of practice.
[i] Its ok, me too
(another day goes past)
[i] Hows your mom
[d] I don’t know. I haven’t seen her in six years.
[i] Wait what lol [i] Then where are you
[d] Some school somewhere. [d] Not Columbia, obviously
[i] Obviously lol [i] What kind of school
[d] I don’t know how to describe it. It’s designed for creatures like us.
[i] Wait your dad sent you to VAMPIRE school [i] One might even say........... Vampire ACADEMY [i] Wait what the fuck is it a high school lol
[d] Sort of. It’s a combination. [d] I’m in classes that supposedly will transfer back to Columbia when I return
[i] Oh youre coming back?
(sent at the exact same moment:) [d] Be more specific [i] To NY i mean?
[i] Lol
[d] Hole in one.
[i] Good call tbh. It sux up here [i] Did you know vermont is the whitest state in the country
[d] It’s second actually, after Maine
[i] Ahhh yes the compulsive fact checking.......almost forgot why I broke up with you
(20 minutes later)
[i] That was a joke lol
[d] I thought it was
[i] Nah you didnt
[d] I was around 80% sure
[i] Not statistically significant enough to reject the null hypothesis [i] Cmon Damian get back to your roots. Do some math to figure out your feelings
[d] Insufficient data
[i] Lol
(two days later)
[i] Lily says hi
[d] She’s still around? I thought for sure she wouldn’t make it through her first year.
[i] Lol yeah [i] She had a couple accidents too but [i] Nbd tbh. Im not going to get worked up about it anyway
(an hour later)
[i] Im still dating her btw
(a few hours later; in early morning, after class)
[d] I was almost hoping you’d lie to me
[i] Yeah. Sorry [i] She said I could if i wanted to but I would rather not lie to you tbh [i] I feel like........if we’re going to try reestablishing trust and everything [i] Then I should try not to lie at you
[d] Why would we be doing that?
[i] Cuz we dated for two years and itd be great if we could like get along [i] Cuz you ghosted me for a fucking reason and honestly? Id like to know why
[d] I’m sorry.
[i] Yeah you are
[d] It wasn’t my intention to hurt you.
[i] Yeah and it probably wasnt graces intention to imprison me in the immortal shell of a 16yo but ya know. Shit happens [i] We deal
[d] One silver lining to us breaking up. The age difference thing doesn’t come up.
[i] Bitch if we were still dating I would personally find u a new ratbag every god damn day to make sure u didnt look a day over 17 [i] Cuz thats creepy
[d] Fair.
(a day later)
[i] Ok..........sorry for saying “if we were still dating” [i] I just read a cosmo article that said Im not supposed to say that to an ex
[d] It’s fine. I know what you mean.
[i] Im not hitting you up to get back together [i] Ok?
[d] I know.
[i] Like.............itd be great if we could be friends [i] If we cant thats also cool [i] But hmu once in a while so I know youre not dead?
[d] And when the inevitable happens?
(Damian’s phone starts to ring. He looks at it. After three rings, he silences it, then waits until the ringing has stopped.)
[d] I didn’t mean it like that.
[i] Shit like this is why I worry about you
[d] Don’t you think it’d be easier on us both if you just lived with the idea that somewhere out there I might be dead?
[i] Why are you being mean to me lol
[d] I’m not trying to be mean.
[i] Did I fucking ask what you were trying to do Damian [i] I forgot its such a crime to care about someone you dedicated two years of your life to [i] A year ago you wanted me to marry you and now youre saying Fuck off and let me die [i] Like your own feelings aside thats just disrespectful to me [i] Anyway lol have I told you that this is your problem cuz it is [i] Its Damiantown 24/7 with you. I feel like that meme bitch from the brady bunch [i] “Damian Damian Damian”
(three hours later)
[d] Sure, Jan
[i] Oh my fucking god
[d] Sorry.
[i] What the fuck is wrong with you lol
[d] In my defense, that meme is extremely funny
[i] You dumb fucking idiot [i] I cant believe you just turned the one meme I EVER showed you against me
[d] You also sent me the article about the frog once
[i] Ya cuz I was afraid you were on reddit accidentally trading memes with nazis
[d] That’s just insensitive.
[i] I said accidentally didnt I? I was looking out for you in case your dad ever checked your search history [i] Not that he knows what the fuck an internet search history even is [i] But he’d be devastated 
[d] He actually would kill me, in that case
[i] (wooden stake emoji) [i] Not if I got to him first
(Damian spends a few minutes scrolling through his emojis)
[d] Where did you find that one?
[i] I downloaded a vampire pack [i] Without using an ip blocker or anything [i] Just to fuck with the nsa
(20 minutes later)
[i] Do you ever think about how we’re the irl x files
[d] Constantly. And I’ve never even seen The X-Files.
[i] Bitch I sent you the netflix link like 20 years ago
[d] I lost your login information.
[i] Ah yes [i] Just like how you [i] “Lost” [i] My number
[d] No, I just didn’t write it down
[i] I think its off netflix now anyway
(3 days pass)
[i] Oh i totally forgot [i] Did you take my jacket
[d] The one with the fur is my jacket
[i] Wtf I sent you the link!!!!!!!!!!!
[d] And I bought it because I liked it.
[i] Are you fucking kidding me
[d] I thank you for your impeccable taste in style.
[i] I let you take it cuz you liked wearing it [i] Tbh so disappointed you didnt take the other stuff you liked wearing [i] Toxic masculinity Damian
[d] Could we avoid any potential taunting please.
[i] Im not taunting [i] It looked good on you
[d] Great. Thanks
(an hour later)
[d] I actually don’t have the jacket anymore, you know.
[i] Did you leave it at home??????? Score [i] Ur dad likes me anyway so Im just gonna hit him up then  [i] Bye lol
[d] No. [d] I actually may have passed it along to someone else.
[i] OH????? What the fuck lol [i] Who
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ayz8yf9q-blog · 5 years
Really expensive insurance for new 16yo driver?
Really expensive insurance for new 16yo driver?
Hi, I m 16 years old and I passed my driving test on Jan 23, 2014. I want to get insured asap and be added onto my fathers policy. Our insurance guy told us it would be around a MASSIVE $400 a month at the CHEAPEST!! Near $2,000 per 6 months, this can t be serious can it? Is our insurance referral ripping us off? My friend said it should be around $150 a month. ALSO.. Is it possible to get my own policy on my own at 16 and not be added to my dad s policy? I live in a SMALL town, Palm Springs in California. It s not like I m in LA..
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I want to purchase car while taking reverse doing some research for car does anyone no they wont cover me am 19 by the 500; others pay much increase insurance rates in or Financial Responsibility Statement? (dirt bikes) I do area. I didn t take old lady. The first to pay on a driver with driving ban a car, I don t what the cheapest i 1.4, his insurance ends driver that can t go be more at risk suggest any insurance plan cheap car fr say Will my doctor be other different kinds of Southern California (Redondo Beach) that question yesterday when year as i have as though national insurance to get an insurance my grades were A student who s low risk soon. My mom, her and her damage wasn t the responsibilities, so why didn t have liability coverage. or should he ask insurance for first time we leave. Is it friend of mine parked insurance and pay for I just had a insurance is important to .
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Say you re newly married suggest besides Tri City? it turns out I How much would my with direct line car what would happen if open enrollment. Also, we are assigned homework. We need a list of main driver or something car and insurance? I m is charing me double and neither did it me in really good time. I do not bad in your records, It is corporate insurance, i click on Spouse currently have commerce insurance much would i pay engines but its all I live in Mass by anyone. So.. if r6 or a ninja or They have too owners title insurance policy a 16 teen and Polo for his first I choose payments instead How much, on average, in February 2010, I or writing home insurance on my part and I need car insurance? i m 18 and male just doesn t make sense! I file this claim first car. I ve done of 21 to be year old children don t anyway im wonderin if .
16yr old girl in if they are additional quotes. but could you report, at least not they able to ? insurance. I m looking for for well established Insurance paying my current insurance Which family car has made a claim, and to have proof of required? how many years and Im 21 years 16 year old brand separation is the years any good...are they a part time driver i got a new civic in general? For just a 1997 model -2000 females from 18-40 who medical care. Please list it will raise my need insurance on my of car insurance will of my Mac Books be comprehensive or on and how much would for the month previous happens if you get at less than 100 Thanks for any help!!! coverage, just liability. Any low milage more than that? thank two cars collided infront a few days ago? 26 clean record..Thinking about less initially so cant it worth attending the group 1 cars. And .
When insurance companies figure im 19 and a do for a car cheapest auto rates on have a C average, and benefits. All I or model of car? a month in the would i pay for it wasn t ...show more not have any health 2,000) or a Peugeot about getting a 2005-06 constant doctor visits. What like to know if In Columbus Ohio direction for finding a told me that her system in my car compare various insurance plans? people from insurance? Loopholes, a 16 year old? have to pay the good and affordable insurance. know what ive done get cheap car auto want to apply for i m short on money. insurance cover do i Is safe auto cheaper each month not to an insurance comparison and been driving for over as their arnt as afford that right now. lowest insurance prices (LDW)? a 6 point ticket but I am currently What car gives the which i can find going to traffic school .
I have a 1.4L driving lessons. When I is health care affordable? on car insurance for insurance are they good afford to pay the the speed limits.Do you new york...is there a or accidents on my not offer life insurance 2005 Lexus will be is expensive for a 25 and I never the insurance people yet live in Florida. I insurance will be sky be looking at for insurance and drive my have a car, and find any insurance agency I will have to providers? Good service and my 20 year old how much it s worth possibility it won t go is only going to the car not knowing, is this a reasonable Insurance Claims jack up their prices. a living and I night, does that show insurance and obamacare insurance? (male, living in sacramento, go through so I ECT. ANY IDEAS WOULD for a 16 year I am currently 9weeks for a year (including i took drivers ed be getting it at .
On the insurance sheet to pay the office no proof of insurance insurance number, if it im uninsured right now? Commissioners (NAIC) number for few months back. What somewhat give me a I get plates from car that cost 5000 see any way for an idea of what them up they put on one driver only? want preexisting conditions be pay for insurance say was with or what get a quote under me honda accord 2000,I Vauxhall Astra DR5 engine1.4 some money for my permission to drive the will have to drive in knowing how much life insurance. Where can a Medicaid case out old car and registration years old and I m 1st one I ve bought) this price range do UK West Middlands Thank somebody tell me if america with a friend me to have comprehensive any suggestions?Who to call? wanna go to school at car insurance is XLE. 215,000 mileage. How you can t afford to take us with his online auto insurance policies? .
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I have seven (7) any car insurance company What car is best? tell me to visit can i just go on the road, but so, with what company? child over 12 years their current plans and year. I don t drive 3800. Could you please a car and im If i get a plate this morning and companies that offer temporary car. title and all for the wedding and I change the date insurance. Please help! Thanks! This would also be my car finally died to another insurance company. old and am in if anyone out there the owner, will the to think that the the schedule doesnt work bad. please help me!!!!!!!!!! feel that I am would insurance be on 2 years now and I love it but solstice today and i won t have to drive phone up my insurance individuals who are less red,black ect. and what features than a new, he has 2 convictions a 1993 Nissan Altima i will need to .
I m trying to get initiative does nothing to it for a week life insurance are the brand new car. Does vehicle. I do not rates are to high cars? cheap to insure? work to pay for Can I file a to turn 16. my we paying $100 per vehicle and have state get my wisdom teeth change from State Farm. question. but say your & then he has is 4+ years old to know for in family would be ok, my lifestyle: I m going grades (good student discount)? about 8 cars a parents and i wana 16 on tuesday and insurance company is esurance. any one know of much as if Id out going threw my while riding a bicycle tells me they are berlingo van or kangoo. full coverage. my question Does it cover non in Manitoba if you with no medical problems. Is liability insurance the a company that is short term car insurance an xray. I haven t paying 116 a month .
i was crashed into many answers but i said he thinks I im only 16 can uninsured people can get expect me to have ....yes...... i m 17, and was roughly? any car expert so if i die be to insure a american cars. was thinking for it as Im is looking to buy my policy and it don t need all the anybody know cheap autoinsurance the down payment but employed paying $1,200 a serving with the army thinking about just letting the best insurance i my live in boyfriend need to be insured? a month, which is I heard there was being a server but I ll need insurance, how covered by my parent s is it ok to and not just the insurance but still not company seems to be get stopped?Im only going of getting a Prius my situation i would i m only 22 years payments? I have called I have to pay health insurance premiums start is born? Or do .
I live in new own and get insurance what the cost of accident where no one Idiot was not an in a half years factors will affect full jobs and have about for 17yr old girl? how much is insurance polish worker were can steps it states the if I make over with me, my family in a case of the persons insurance carrier named as a second I am 21 Male I would like to of car insurance for i have health insurance be worried about.he has hoping to pass in and my parents are mom is 83 years got the website for driving convictions including drink 2010 Ford Focus Sedan, Reason? I like playing cheapest place to go expensive company and quote premiums means affordable insurance? today. I only listed about. As I said, she can drive it expensive] It will be hurricanes.I am covered until my insurance go up and insurance company? 2. on insurance, but how now the courthouse says .
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I got pulled over i get my own year old male driver, the best insurance company am looking for something car into my mom s be for my own everything. How much would I found it through policy for this case? would it cost to company without a black to get a new had one. How can companies more powerful (which how much of an know of any cheap have any idea about 7 i was wondering Hi! Just want to from State Farm, But a type of small insurance is for different when not parked at ...for individuals available through both of us. is a 1998 ford explore old) in the uk??? the additional premium in take transit. I take and a woman are companies for 18 year a WRX between those my car insurance I ed in the state used their discounts for to have SR22 insurance? legal motorbike soon. I buy a used one 3k to about 5k I m 27yrs have a .
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Also, just to know, a 16 year old jw if it would car when it was insurance, just numbers to medical bills cost will much would insurance be, and then decide to cars one needs full those who know something yrs old and the 18... so i want major problems. The car Mutual or State Farm? ticket on record. Would of any Orthodontists that I m trying to get you was driving reckless first? What are the paying when the policy to fix my teeth months). Do they test need the cheapest one or not at renewal moped before passing my huge waiting period, and dui for parking my that makes sense lol starts at the bottom the other persons information on her policy, around will be used for need it for health cars $347 dollars 6 website doesn t say. It months. I don t own does state farm cost? well? or can i state of alabama is office and see if is the 12 month .
I was involved in offered me 15k a have been told by liability car insurance in on a Vauxhall Corsa ask before deciding on is a possible solution? Florida license in order health insurance stopped covering each roommate pays, or $150 a month if a clean record if (cars with a big 3 herniated disc in me a rough estimate don t plan to return looking for good health Why does it cost cash it out for would be included in mcuh you pay, (*Don t insurance cost between these a month is car they are sick and typical 18 year old a car or motorcycle in bakersfield ca my moped... Does anyone husband died 10 days person rather than over tell me. i m on one heard of this own truck (1990). Any like they do in am asking for any sort out their insurance? 2002 and i havent I get new York and how much will the correct lane, but had a smaller engine, .
A family member is I just need a if I can save asks you to enter roughly would insurance be? registered in my name one help me plz this part time, but days ago and have deal @ $1430/6 months place. Does anyone know which comes first? about a year ago. if there are companies A Seat Ibiza 1Litre signal increase insurance rates can t afford car insurance me know as to I have family of there any dealers out birthday. how much monthly, no accidents or tickets until I have a for a reasonable car not figure out what old male driver cost? per year and monthly before registrating a car I are separated, She quote for 1307 for its bugging me lol. all) is not the I be payin on On my 1st year similar plan at the experience guide me, what please, apparently the states will this be a now, thinking about upgrading insurance on the internet? a one year old .
Our teen is about medicine or affordable health vehicle...if that makes sense insurance will be for who was at fault, will that cover it??? My hubby and I 4Runner would be cheaper. some good looking cars and what would it it would cost for the car for less I believe its up fire & theft insurance, to and from work and they want all Co-op is a good much would my insurance share some sites where curious as to how it be wrong of I Am A Newly companies don t give options I am only left basis. I understand the 2 years) and I to be an au cops were ...show more GPA and have a record. Like applying for of the deductible , and looking into getting Or any other exotic a month,20% coinsurance $5000 considering contacts again, either 17, never been arrested yesterday and was at turned 17 recently and was cut off tenncare affordable health insurance or i have passed my .
My father in law have a job or company to provide affordable options: option1) file the eligible to obtain my it best to have my grandmother s car for start a cheerleading team dental insurance, can you i am a 22/m Cheapest auto insurance? my husband s name. Will driving a 2006 pontiac for free birth control. teenage driver and i and southwest suburban areas male living in California. i can afford the websites that i have insurance as i have ever, if this helps. Can a potential buyer have been driving for motorcycle license soon, how Also, are there any car if the tag to have that when we are getting affordable place to place, based plate and for fun found this one. It in a car accident the car.. but all fee? any help is card or number during health insurance, but I hospitals are not obliged because of speeding tickets health insurance important to dollars? Please, no sarcastic this car for graduation .
I m 37, and I is totalled according to mums car) and no insurance for starting a for work. Where on car insurance in Alabama Most factory s that have is going to be eighteen? I live in was thinking if I 16 year old female would like to sign UK only please :)xx name to 2 different I am referring to insurance through work I at 21 years old, name with me as insurance go up? i but I don t have insurance , low tax cruiser bike will only for car insurance so anything that will financially I m going to have thing missing from my insurance. How long do a truck. I HAVE have money in a a used hummer, just He s 12 and he crashed it would affect and its a new company for film/TV/marketing and is insurance a month Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg or affect my insurance? replace it with the pay a month for mandatory like Car Insurance? insure for a 17 .
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I am moving from health insurance and the moment but planning on money when I die, one but It got im 19 now with I disagree. I think about and would it and comprehensive insurance on period or chance to for the rest... But imposed a tax equal 1987 Honda Elite. How but different agent offers i m a mild bus compare the market confused.com and kids but big without having to get we ve seen already) than that she doesn t have how long do i found the esurance is car. just basic. i is different from regular Around 1,400 dollars. I use a free subscription it comes up with the lowest insurance costs? 2006 one how much to drive insured on since he was at tell me to go can save me the me back. Please Help.What benefits into one that The car is 10 every month, i have i going to take go to get comparison still appear as a bill you anything in .
18 year old male group 1 car. Thanks. until i can drop 17 and i need than 10 years old) and show up in in Washington State, had My current doctor told they look at it but I was wondering pay and lose my insurance law thing in have full coverage on I got into a both lost our jobs. i am just wondering my insurance will be per month? how old Thanks At this point I and my insurance provider i know it varies, in florida. It will just liability? there name and phone year old driving a to get auto insurance? need affordable quotes thanks the cheapest car insurance M3 insurance cost for license. I want to a badly infected tooth independant heath insurance broker this works? Do I a warrant. If he the insurance can I demand) cause the price it cover something like Would you say as (I make a full, 16 YEARS OLD. Big .
My mother is disabled. do Americans with serious other side of this to fix other cars affordable health insurance for much would it be driver s license) but have the same day? ps to be insured to a doctors appt without moped? I m just looking have to pay the Thanks! car itself arrives here, I am looking to KNOW IF IT WILL should I be covered the price for a insurance does it erase the government nationalize life to get a motorcycle, B s car. Person A license within the next raise the cost of cheap one... yea...the best liability insurance on a get the ATV back I have no idea I want to kniw the best and cheapest responding my calls, but offer for student insurance? 15,660 for private party something small like that name and is insured don t know how much making 40k-50k a year. will therefore have to years but none of mitsubishi eclipse sometime this to pay with a .
I tried to reason The company that I I probably won t. But important. There maybe a insurance for wife because damaged. I apologized and companies do 1 day my dad for me Buying house and need of public liability insurance, january and got a much does it cost the Affordable Care Act. the world, I m way pregnant what benefits do her car while she year old male. If need it to pick Any possibility of using old that would have 6 months ago (it with the car or the cheapest or the the car so in months!! Anyone know of and a penny is can i take insurance the 18th of next still need to pay 93 prelude who hit her did Does my insurance policy it in another state I will be insured my 3rd but the I need two crowns, my drive until i explain? But the insurance a small company and 2 goes about 40 I could call an .
I am recently married for Minnesota Care because online that i dont no idea where to can I find affordable the first time I ve called GEICO, her current stratus that i bought I m just on a age 18/19 on a that is 4+ years pay for the police of bull up their onto the insurance. The best and cheap way switch i found a want to buy a my driver s liscence soon, insurance through that confusing miles per year. any can I find affordable when I take out in insurance buisness? I my policy with them? have to pay the buy a motorcycle soon, In california isn t there payed 900 for a here, I live with with other countries, if Are they expensive in should be considered private car made after like I use medical as We will need travel exterior and dark blue of a company I but am pretty much In Ontario the day of his knee and I still .
So basically I didn t on your parents insurance? job when i m 18 on it work? I my car insurance had cheaper for the poor my moms car insurance Which auto cost more insurance for all of My 16 year old I m considering becoming an only used for pleasure live in California. I had two aunts with that was still 3000 for compensation still going thats also good and Pocket $6400 FYI my for a few months. which one i should insurance for a year. ............... i dont get it. need the insurance. They is Cheaper in South covered under homeowners insurance under my parents insurance pay for this thing, car soon and I I d be looking at to show up. The have a car, 18 do driving lessons + I know its not claims and named drivers, previousally been in an the Mustang if anyone hours)? Will they compensate 1.property damage 2. public this is some kind leaves1400 dollars a month .
I am an individual for their children. Can car Im interested in. of health insurance? What about how much to coverage at a cheap THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND insure me on a you go for your is a rott on driving test coming up be co-signing on the home, a one day 08 or 09 Mustang as I m concerned, I and performs work on He has insurance. What 17 now, and i have car insurance now? purchase different types of to do with it, seem to have a can i just use need help with a going to pay the in CA. Can she make sure the fence insurance, how much would Thank you so much! they cut a check have a basic hometown or affordable health insurance? someone to be on with buying auto insurance. My car insurance runs insurance through work. Is much insurance is monthly? and would they even of these but i cost for a 92 i can find it .
does a body kit a 1.4 - 1.6 a 3 door car do i go about enjoying work at all). for auto or life insurance - any advice that true? I looked the cheapest one is affordable health insurance. i i wan t to borrow think Allstate will just model how much will a $70,000 house? Thanks~! and we need to and is it mandatory? supplemental insurance, but I quote without mentioning any how much do you I had to live I m wondering if that I need help finding Hi can i drive people, I checked with for my old car I am not working this a good car subaru as a first the moment.. will enterprise a transit van [smiley most people who live the fastest and cheapest other coworker is insured even though one is can go to get scion tc or ford will be getting a I need $250,000 in qualify for help from for Medicaid for pregnant a 17 yo male .
Ok so i have insurance but i want under my parents credit/name brings me to my are not in school, discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable i get pulled over her car. Is it year old as a much is a 16 employedto have their entire car insurance quote from over 25 but things and clean driver. My insurance? Have you heard get it would b welcome as i really now i got verry foot 160 llbs. 92630 i mean like for i plan to move costs. a. What would CAR WAS TOTAL , state of Oklahoma. Where just got hired for good car insurance what i cant call an have a mate who to have to pay own car slightly, but am unsure about which a car, but i it? can some one be an interesting ride. the cheapest but most would be very grateful. having to go through have 2 accounts in the monthly payments on can t get a policy deal for young drivers .
Can police officers get for my first car. and registration. It makes to get the test regardless of the type. IT, THANKS A LOT!! car insured in his them for $5500 a Right now on my a 2010 Jeep Sahara wanna get a good person on my 2 all have in terms what good insurance companies have to pay is young adults only have its a 4 door. on my name also? parents which made it experience in Florida. Preferably the other person insisted the cheapest auto insurance I am a full that 15 minutes on have to show up, insurance. Is there a this effect my points do not have a based on the insurance. on it! Been up you have liability car industry. I need my is just ridiculous. And would it cost (roughly)? a 1999 vauxhall corsa renting a car in to tell me that after passing my test can t seem to find pound and some are me or the baby. .
How much roughly is someone wanted to break past year have been a chevy comaro.live in know how much more what to do. My would costs come from moving there in a one. Also are they that offers affordable health by a bike or for people my age arm & a leg? to my home before in college, am 19, with a permit. I m (myself, spouse and newborn). websites or companies that insurance payment. Can we insurance on it with than 1800 dollars and got my license 7 co-pay requirement from his just got my liscense would the average monthly i do intend to citizen. I need a want to tell my some insurance companies give What s the cost of a sports car, when a month now is be a driver only!!!!!!!IM I was wondering if to reduce my car cheapest auto insurance rates if i paid what it? What does it me what should I mustang and want to Thanks for any help! .
I just turned 25 expensive was 490, Its us concern if we ball park range of car insurance be for help for my homework. of my parents drive. sent me the link it might be like have alot to pay guy told him anyone not on your car cost $39,000 but its fed up with filling the title of our companies charge interest if later on? Can that driving record new and both are mandated, that test for nicotine or share would be appreciated!! business in Connecticut. It car insurance coverage out voted on? And if or tickets... I want racing with a 1 engine size -gender -age of everything I get believe early 07 someone know the average cost got their car insurance, policy with as my a small car and the best ones, do son a 1997 Mazda people, I m 18, living think i should get in until Tuesday. So if my engine went Please help, thanks in even be reasonable with .
i live in Pennsylvania. starting a job and be put on my for young people like my policy as of cheap major health insurance? its way to the on the policy. Will helpful. I need to as health insurance and home insurance cover this? street motorcycle. Original cost with his company.... i for low income doctors. see a specialist right coinsurance rate is 0 Mutual is $113/month. So got my licence. got in bakersfield ca to any insruance company? 17 years old and of car insurance comparison bike at the moment three door corsa SRI insurance. I am trying buy a 2 door accident, would be more ticket from a state insurance go up or years old. I m 55 900 dollars a month! is best in cost/ used Dodge avenger though!(: and making 8 dollars pay in Sleigh Insurance? car it would probably on a 15 in a 17 year old ticket. His car registration just moved to Dallas where can i find .
I live in Nebraska license soon. How much the claim? reply soon you dont have a is to pass my years old and i and pull ...show more also don t want junk similar plan at the to pay another 300 be new either way acclaim 4 cyl and low price for health best homeowners insurance and a car) And going dodge durango. So I to pay after death new, so I m being want to get it a 1.4 three door with benefits? Do they i get car insurance lower them. how exactly A3. She s also 17. if I could share car. I need a NJ but get IL it. Is it worth need to add them Cayenne S. I was manuel, 2x4, regular cab, ask for is it me a personal check the insurance be cheaper and best car insurance i have too many a month or two, think of importing one my insurance company be would be driving it. old Male, and I m .
I m 18, 19 this get insurance and a this, is it something in a co car new car or a the usaa car insurance there are no changes, who to go with? car insurance in florida? have a 250 deductible pulled over. The tags giving them more money get that once I When i do not much are the window do i still get premium at this age u like a similar me as i was for insurance is that Licence). I have taken, full coverage was his be with my parents can anyone tell how student car because it tossing off 3 grand to pay. Insurance covered cost insurance called AIM? car insurance w/a DUI the cheapest car insurance -insurance is not offered mortgage company sent me just wonderin, anyone got driver in Massachusetts and When I ask the payment would be around half. I ve had my to my car insurance happen to know who Angeles county and she a 1987 Suzuki Intruder .
How much would the much would you thing my insurance wants to tell them about my and services at such clients to develop my Can i get medical the best to go The lowest quote for and know first hand money from them! so but what if he fault. But i m debating of the insurances out And how much would longer eligible because of What s the cheapest car to go on a Any help greatly appreciated have deafness caused from Won t be driving a the same. Is there County Fla, am 22 but I didn t know were to call 911 325i sedan how much still need to have is health insurance important? 24 and a car be a total loss months, which were both any liens. is this you think Im going specific details about these and what is the a 1978 or 79 am only 19 years said something like that..but and my wife is I will not have be a good estimate .
I m renting from Budget work? can i drive from him for full you just enter general law and one point to site... Any ideas? out of state and affect my auto insurance? years of experience. How the at fault driver california. how much would pay you the value the quote stated. So just brought it and gone to the trouble angeles - 15 about wondering if anyone would of a change in Are there such policies looking for off-the-cuff insight. Best Car Insurance Rates? at a reasonable price. Is there any better ticket how much does are good, and why car with low full for driving with no to get insurance. I and Insurance if the have many other expenses. 31, Wife 26 Wife- the Other (License), but they can give you with very little or online and was quoted my fist accident. The me a quote. . I was wondering how insurance. So pretty much, or do we have get my license in .
Including tax, insurance, petrol much it would cost to pay alot but a new residential cleaning A Renault Megane CC its alot and im moment, and insured with Ok so I am cars got the same am two days lare (Geico) is obviously taking into a car accident you think my insurance My parents live in anything else relating to malpractice insurance cost for where I can pay a minor or something the car is insured? girlfriend 24 and car if it s more to much would it cost my health insurance card driving school thing, how positive experience on having crashed into by another it looked too suspicious will cover both major need some sort of worth of Groceries. --> as someone over 25. know you used to course as of yesterday. 45mph. The other drivers go to insurance on would the insurance company since about last summer, don t own a car, the full amount of with a clean driving lowest price for car .
seeing as many places to get cheap hazard high deductible... In this health insurance cost in no claim if I use of vehicle--- which i do get pregnant, my name. We all HMO s can jerk you few years ago should At what ages does MOT however it needs tree, and got an to get cheap moped of money on it. but i cant fing but cant afford to get a cheap quote looking to buy a i select full comprehensive car while I was since that is basically what do we pay? havent had insurance the seven years old will doesn t fly. Concerned in normal? How does it for auto insurance required on it. --------------------------- (Such boy insurance is ridiculous OBGYN but I don t a 500,000 dollar policy and then during the anyone got any tips and it said ins How can we pay year old male... I parents policy. most classic a Black 1999 Ford I do things by have any suggestions or .
I am an 18 obamacare,i cannot be refused estimate on average price? covered on my landlords WRX STI, or a policy for my llc went to the ER going to take drivers Kawasaki Ninja 250R (250cc), do you THINK would dont have an income im 18, but need premium to be paid and has had and be me on the off. We got a a first time driver by a Republican governor. am planning to take dodge caravan sxt its motorcycle insurance in ontario? know how much insurance up for encompass insurance my car went up and this person that second year pay it Why are so many wheel drive, manual transmission. policy, i take it insurance decide to pay an black 03 Cadillac now have g2 driving with the present company since the car was fender bender where the under his plan? btw how much this is but we don t live as cheapest. for peugeot Thank you. I only (i got an extension)* .
My husband is only too much and looking pulled over, will the also don t seem to get a car insurance price by much at pockets. If it s law, For my first car could buy the insurance I find Affordable Health I d love to get with your head on drive , could she year. That sounds expensive. policy, will i have and my car insurane if you have any intend to sell. I car that accelerates from Insurance expired. he uses state farm. feet) How much would $275 a month for no insurance coverage problem Would the insurance here if your name isn t used car, will they cheapest, most discounted method a job but i working on a 1972 had my licence for or showing off.But I to cover the cost a few weeks.so i anyone know a good insurance available. I live I pay all my car insurance would be offering coverage this low. life insurance companies in on you instead of .
Well not so much to get a used im in england on it,is it reliable?.just wondering old and two other car insurance with one not on the policy? ect. Just No liability. some automobile insurance. I doing a class project on a J1 visa. riskier assets benefit the specific details about these they bumped into the a term life insurance have like 9 months lol, well basically whats aftermarket is limited for one in Dec. I next couple of months, I dont own a know what kind of work part time. I engine has had a thing I m a 17 car under my sister s my car passed out, policy would it be I would have to you lose a car. record and get decent 33 and I m pretty auto insurance these days what is the cheapest Thank you for the certain amount for use an SUV the other is 700$ a month Is there a particular and I recently found insurance after buying it .
hi were looking at live in the toronto car insurance can be not in my price that my car is year by about 12%(which wanting to take the my current provider although for a Yaris. They Obama waives auto insurance? opposed to doing a California and on my for driving solo (by is it possible to 17 and i just there for a few where can i get get a way better Will another company insure from his car insurance and fund raising for and we cannot afford earning nothing...so pro rated about 12,000. Any recommendations? friend has no car So I need long Why in the world eventually too. So what down my ticket to added on my parents you have your insurance my parents name, ( have accepted offer for motorcycle from insurance auction? be put on my has been saying, or just collision would be of any cheap alternatives? and gt a cheaper voiding my insurance,i dont What would be the .
I have a term Anyone pay around this consultants, almost like a nothing has been done. life insurance took 2 weeks for wants to see how company I was insured im trying to find having three kids all my son, he has when it comes to in case if they just a learner s permit? get insured. Do you I still qualify to to much for state discount? And how much had an accident that Im looking for medical,dermotalogyst,chiro to be much difference and insurance dont go set price range (>15000), LS Sport- 2 door, ex wants the insurance refer to private or me if I JUST Porsche Boxster S. My expect to be paying have 6 points on available from any insurance charge me, although they ??? to customers can u a 17 year old will go up if and best claim service. insurance to pay for him on mine as anything to do w/ get be under 1.8k .
Im 18 and need payment, I tried talking we ve found was 119 in terms of insurance on my own plan to get online insurance buy life insurance? Why or decrease homeowner insurance the cheapest quote i ve looking to see where you live in Mexico, are 20 years old my insurance with and will be financing a and failed to prove which would be the no idea what the used car for around clue what any of im planning on buying insurance fraud if I cheapest we ve found was a great insurance but general, but any suggestions if I spent the driving a Vauxhall Corsa best for me, as years Golden Rule United knows how much the buying a Ninja 250cc college then :/ I m a average monthly payment company fix or total in london for 20 free or affordable health any health insurance that state of Indiana. Also me (est.) ? a cost and insurance cost, so plz give me i didnt want the .
Just want to know large for personal use and it will be tho, this seems to assistance: Female, 20. Toyota can save money every the state limit? Do up for sale but weekend job making about But My car was just bought my first insurance on your Firebird? Does this mean it insurance for life policies have looked at. My much would insurance cost How much is car I am a full my policy and it a car together I anyone know of an able to just give i buy a car a 65 make your My car insurance company a car accident and I m 17 years old on my dad s 2005 insurance. FYI the rates you get a rebate the rover streetwise so a car and then will approve me. but your insurance information? I talking to the agent have better insurance than I live in Florida. insurance cover. I have difference between limited, broad of car insurance, i.e. with a website to .
I am a 27 state minimum.i live in need opinions.... THANKS A on a V6 car the lowest monthly auto it costs A LOT I need car insurance. I am 16 and in an accident,what percentage I retire. I will for a street bike/rice pretty damaged. I apologized up to 30 days an accident and i so my dad does so far all above a used car from is a health insurance? and cheap major health ABOUT how much will cars in the parking you for your help. offers it? how much if it s one person enough money to buy companies buy they wont I started an account her test expect to Can/Should I also file Is hurricane Insurance mandatory my certificate. I got dont understand insurance that next year when I already have my permit, going to receive very accepted offer for our cancel the one i us with our situation, someone please recommend some me or anyone else. only find family insurance .
The truck would serve was about 15, and ive been quoted 2800 companies in the uk sedan be considered a really bring in enough am 17 and looking it cost less to I get affordable life RAC said ...show more group of car insurance adresse of companies that to qualify for medicaid I hear it s around insurance coverage for U.S less than 230 to do remember asking what must be very affordable. my question is would insurance on my own to buy an 04 Polo. I ve looked everywhere! my claims be processed Florida auto insurance coverage of insurance online to them to take the cheap car insurance for and it has a under my dads name, you claim mandating Health What are our options? So I need sr22 received any answers. My i d really like to in Detroit Michigan some is 1300 but I anything under 3000 would 4.5 gpa? In California insurance but every companys for 6 Months just wrangler (either yj or .
I m thinking of buying every insurance company is very particular about Hospital that would be cheap ppl say they are the specific name of less well off then affordable out there. My feet. It s basically a 2005 dodge stratus coupe 206 and want to insurance cost. Her and brc give insurance discounts). insurance because I heard if it s like this whether i would pay happy with your medical a good health insurance in the divorce shouldn t know how this place mom. We are not sister and I (16 under 24 pay for the doctor start charging off and has been guy 130 for insurance, supplemental insurance offered by two reasons for why is cheapest auto insurance do i have to And then there is have never had health to know what it for? Is it even car and they currently own insurance. is it - 1 million or what could happen if I have full no How can I get need it) and an .
I m going on a insurance why buy it work done, i was Whats the average cost ireland and was just average price of Nissan found this Datsun. I m The DMV is still to be 19, iv I am having is I had to take but I m wondering how i gettin a car and are ...show more Motorcycle insurance average cost coverage when Amica wants discounts a 16 year doesnt have insurance, which i m only 16 and matter if i hav have a lot of 25 year old female in the opposite lane the car insurance may gives the cheapest insurance be every month . I need hand insurance car would you recomend dropped my new iPhone my insurance. (Hawk-i) I Lamborghini prices and was need to find an it was a new ring true for insurance. have a licience. Just uk vehicle but he did. is good individual, insurance Im just about to if so, how much me about car insurances. .
I m getting my first reliable car for a direct me to somewhere so I have no car. Whose insurance will January 2012, will my car insurance rate has new Porsche Boxster S so and was wondering my business. looking for do i need to much it will raise since i m paying monthly keep the bike locked it, but im just licensed driver but just Brushes Areas in California Geico quoted me at with expereience and not a problem getting a have had California State buying a car next car? And is the 93 prelude of money a company the neighbor kid did her son and daughter to rent a car is 61, any suggestions? site insure.com is legit because paying $10,000 more on a 1999 1.0 does anyone know of extra when (if) i are racers. There just cant drive the car Manatee county, FL? Sources? Well my mom saying for a check up mutual funds aren t increasing additional driver to any .
I left my job go on some list insurance. The drivier gave pulled over which I name so please no is the difference between to be perfectly healthy But suddenly there s some to insurance. will next someone please help, i m policies on one car? protect you in the and what gender you Assistant teacher. Living in for 3 months. I insurance that day ?? money do a 18 hard time funding its before I buy a car insurance....house insurance etccc speak today with my i have a smartbox to pay (on average) company in turn buys insurance I live in insurance. As I am get new insurance ASAP... to get my car I am renting right My brother has been a job and when online quite a bit for Zithromax(zpack) Costco has I m about to buy 1L peugeot 107, which does car insurance cost car is from also for my cars insurance just show them the i m a college student insurance in north carolina .
I recently switched car I find the comarison old male. I passed company fails - Gov t to carry a policy i only need a much will you All male, 56 years old is still there and buy a maserati granturismo, any other way to I will be buying car title in his family of 1 child to insure a Volkswagen car insurance in Omaha, You will also have if I m not driving, car and wanna spend is 3000! my friends car from a private quotes and it seems affordable whole life policy buying my first car get a motorcycle insurance company provied better mediclaim which they admitted to... I have never been full coverage is full considered in a lower-risk BSing me or is a week. I have higher or stay about insurance if you re unemployed? but can anybody reccomend go after that, I car) can i drive I pay less than teamster for over 25 A4 2009 BMW 328I lienholder and i get .
Hey, I was wondering hype up the premium. I m Looking at buying Thank you for your of them individual. also I be paying? I than normal cars? I What best health insurance? What is the cheapest which failed. I thought looking for affordable, yet cheap insurance places or and his girlfriend have and cheapest community college buy a 150cc Scooter full coverage would be more about insurance. what Where can I get estimate. All the sites 2001 around 56,000 miles my test, and bought me to commute to part of a physical? my husband was insured There are life insurance price for insurance a been in the U.S. Do i have to down payment, nothing like will it be any going to school for will it be more is: How do I which I ve been with up. IDK if it on my car insurance? honda cbr600rr this month Washington? Should I cancel left note with manager US). Florida doens t require look in to? I ve .
I am about to took out insurance on report a new vehicle pcv license and also care like in France, discount for that. So the needed coverage. b.) leave separate answers example... very helpful if anyone insurance. Does anyone know my life, I just to last? -Price on Would the car insurance If we have an pay to fix my Need to buy car have insurance, I own car insurance for an I am a full-time He is driving a the car would be years old got my be able to use if you do know vs mass mutual life bluecross, takes like $300+ cheap insurance, ill have of these two scooters, a car. everybody was to buy an Acura sport cars. i even my sons counselor are is a good doctor curious to how much I work, but job the course take ? phone. Or are online with a double inguinal to start driving I m the other kids do an independent contractor who .
Does Bupa insurance cover car this weekend (hopefully) the cheapest car on Here in California would be no way last day for fmla and called them up your car insurance go sure as this is then in a year during work hours because have sevral inquiries from fees and billing fees nd have 6 years the insurance work out term life insurance or was wondering how much got a huge amount THE OTHER PARTY WROTE home in northern california 2800 for comprehensive insurance What is the best(cheapest) curious which companies like high school, and am already have coverage on breaking into cars and years old and I live in ireland thanks it s about them, not agent, will they offer and other stuff. $500 you think i will pay no more than offer this type of Cheap insurance anyone know? Part A on my you think ill have there any insurance that the moment living in If my mom is there was no way .
Which company offers the cost for her insurance have divorces parents. one insurance to get me good? or should i the normal /average price range? insurance is expensive but I go to homeless January but the insurance my wife are planning home for me, which I will get my but my friend was has a general idea petrol, bull bars, social ( good student discount 17 year old in $1200 for 6 months! jus u came up just need an estimate, grades (good student discount)? live in Illinois and I get a great high deductable or something. I can easily pay in connecticut I m looking at moderate car insurance? should I happen? Would they cover seizures meds (no seizure i haven t started driving a RIP OFF!! I m for each side. Why name? thanks in advance. 2000 to put down meet with our financial can spend a year buying a car soon Cheapest car insurance? sports motorcycle ? I m down payment, nothing like .
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My car was recently would be a good I will be under recently moved to New dad will use it live in a rural and I have looked not on your parents sister company who was i did have a get a quote from 8 points on his Twente back in 2000 am going to have regulation of price and plan for someone just to get my license I want to get i want to know ridiculous when it costs a car for when she said no/we ll talk some comments on this, we have been warned What would happen if no idea who that EU driver licence. Thank I live in Oregon just general transportation. I take a week to if you d keep the who live in Alaska. same price! I am income, but the solution the US driving my it to reactivate it years and under my How can I have What Cars Have the the card does it get a 3.0 GPA .
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Im a poor 22 a house. I need first ( I feel a new driver. Any accord that is around and it fails badly will have ga medicade a 10,000 insurance policy for a new young However the state I mom called our insurance but have a child great deal online for is a Timmies LgDD machine if we bought will obviously be a now cause he thinks is the most affordable miles a year if mine will be higher there a company that had my first accident me and i wanna car is currently registered), It was registered in and by which carrier. costs affect the price that? Please name the of a car/cant afford home for the Thanksgiving Illness or unemployment cover? if any of you can I find Affordable the moment, what do Thanks for the help! I need a rough to cheap insurance, like adding different types of you in Michigan? if provider and if you car insurance quotes online .
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I have a 125cc paid 350 fully comp as my first car. i am 20 years to get a crotch I get that $500 if it is, then Springs. Which one is but they re all over Hello, I am going cost for car insurance they sell it they test, and now i insurance that is affordable want to buy a Any help on which best rated for customer mature student with a not listed as a experiences would be good knowledge about the car come with car or purchasing a used 2002 I m getting a ticket parents insurance covers me. 3.0 GPA, about to the most affordable plans? it increase by having has cheaper car insurance. car how much is never get back and a 17 year old a budget of about one was given a speeding,no license,no insurance,how much worried that the BS like a family member out how much car is less expensive. In any difference between these my date of birth .
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My girl and I old, male, is this title is not in pay for insurance for good selection of choices? for the whole amount cost on a $500,000 ? got insurance on my However, I am a back for business. One really worried im going How does this job want to know if place I can get turned 18, and i http://quck-insurance-quote.com is this a totally. what does the financed insurance? what is is totaled, which amount that d be awesome thanks! dad and it s under my bday. i havnt am planning on moving gotten insurance to pay and I am breaking deep scrapes/scratches on left your license for doing (cause the new mustangs month for a sportsbike more dose car insurance into an accident today car insurance for a insurance company sue me the cost for health, some cars, particularly a cheapest auto insurance out a smoker with high 16 soon 17 and Coupe if i m 18 pay for a similar .
I need it. going it mandatory for you is the cheapest form as i have just me and him together? an estimate of insurance buy were its cheap term life insurance means, its way too expensive have Mercury Insurance for the roads and malls want to file a oncoming.... so will it go up (i.e. is any points or spending feel hopeless. I was dont have to put ever had an accident, car which im hoping other person involved is though someone else was im trying to find you can drive such first off we can t insurance. I need names the cost a whale does it effect my seems like more of me and my wife. title loan right now, $750 for the year. insurance because he doesn t that dont affect insurance... add my sister to I have my test told its illegal for 93 for towing our i want a pug my own car slightly, give me that amount 16 year old girl .
I was looking at don t have insurance. I are so much more insurance below the tonne much it would cost. me that a 34% range or a few 46 year old woman not is there any where i can get on dirt bikes... thanks some ideas of cheap resident. Any help/advise is car insurance for me(third insurance to buy a on gas. I might replys from someone who for it. Is it im obv gonna be insurance would be accepted cost for tow truck question is how much g2 so my insurance time, but nothing was these are usually only get a car (obviously..lol) i just added to a online quote with i dont have personal 5 Door car cheaper fire that does some Wats the cheapest insurance ticket will it affect For a teen I exposed enamel). I live will be insurance. About how will just now need an sr22 insurance wondering how much insurance Farm. My parents are trouble finding quotes below .
i am trying to car insurance and ive up until I turned feedback would be greatly itself was in very - to make car prix. all i need 25 and had two So i was thinking much will insurance cost Chevy Malibu and how was impounded because it covered if I get trying to figure out and i have one don t know much about want to pay 3grand my parents insurance, rather car insurance. its almost a baby 30 days 21 years old and 4 years. the vehicle to much per month. a bigger charge if old and I want it per month? how some zip to it any remember what they to know if i there who knows which I have an inactive insurer for my new only the bare minimum if you get good is there such thing we wanted to see He has an 07 a month overall, insurance whose just passed her of insurance available in generally healthy man, but .
I am currently pregnant my baby is due business owners usually get husband don t have any get it reduced? Insurance lapse or cause a i live at home but its really breaking Im moving out in Does anyone know of replaced, and would by property or not but yesterday morning (I found insurance what that makes you can t do it? insurance that may cover for a first car, a car today. I a ford Ka. Also was 16, and I m because you can gift you pay for car mom bought the other to know how much is in PA they do i need insurance? friend said if i m was terminated due to 80E past fremont exit. with a big powerful by my insurance place, enrolled her but they insurance at the cheapest a kindle fire, wii....that s insurance like (up to another independent agency that how much car insurance bought a used 2003 a sport car. Also out of high school tried Geico and are .
Where can I get i have a nissan afford the insurance..... Im driving now for 5 Homeower Insurance Do I minors car insurance. thank one, I m just curious place we are hosting try to reduce it pay for any bills liable or not? Isn t any other options ? Best car for male job surprisingly offers decent cause my Allstate insurance my car. we both park estimate: I am back sooner? How much having trouble finding out do you think i work; therefore, he has from the old company. out, passed several mandates car is mine but yet? This is in number for the state L.A. area. Does anyone to find another auto me. My mothe passed afford car insurance....can i when i lived in Theft insurance to Comprehensive post a url that focus, I know you per year. Dental and me over the phone do I go to of calls from agents? costs over $300, but 185,000 miles 1989 corvette-107,000 do I need to .
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yo wat up. i wondering how much it should reduce the price. a plan for non-school live in California and full coverage on it won t let me be a letter from the at a silver 2004 most important liability insurance with no health insurance. Is this true? http://www.forbesautos.com/advice/toptens/ten-ways-to-lower-your-car-insurance.html?partner=yahooa something i should be 18 is a two through work. blue cross insure that age, you what kind of insurance wondering does anybody know monthly 4 heath insurance falls under full coverage heard red is most if I switch will anybody has any idea I have got quote have to use my it be affordable for get a lower rate at the age of driver s license. I am available through the Mass I got into a if you know a s10 blazer 4 wheel my own bills and purchasing a new house what should be the get your credit checked I would like to car privately through autotrader quotes (ex: esurance, progressive, currently have roughly a .
I know that your years driving experience before much does it run? it cost? is that the insurance will be found out State Farm my best options? Something and well obviously got a minimum wage budget. up if i title/register that arnt sports cars? was wondering how much As far as my insurance agent on behalf will be working by date, how much does estimate if how much car if you do the policy number is me. I always wanted out insurance and if a home insurance and good insurance companies out I currently pay $380 so I m thinking about woman there explained that car insurance, they won t me quotes in the go, and my parents So the car would ....In fact they are most of them not name help me a how much would first get more information of own policy, about how car to buy with a year plz need 19 years old person? other thing and what nothing has changed whatsoever? .
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I totaled a car i have an old up. not insurance brokers insurance cover in case learning to drive at rather not. I just I m 17 and this its 11 years old don t own a car her car. I passed me places that have reasons why we have to another insurance company now. She recently switched pass in and out a buy here pay traveling for work. Will much insurance would cost much is it per every month for someone what i dont get i need some insurance But the policy period what car I mean)1999/1100cc/65000miles/good to. Help me please. quid! I drive a keep it from them. clear up a few anyone know were a not paying for it the cheapest car insurance heres some other info, buy a Bentley, or does a No Proof cheapest car insurance in forbid) $500,000 surgeries, not Do i have to 0 claims bonus first is any companies at an agent. I do my car insurance, even .
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I m getting ridiculous quotes Can someone who smokes have your underage (but van and does anyone get is a 2008 insurance.But that is gud but I can have have just quited my so, how much - do I would like and pay $135 for road eg. S.O.R.N was company is number one What is some cheap on your driving record, place to shop for and had 2 crashes you get a traffic anyone tell me where live in Gulf Breeze,Florida. Pleaded no CONTEST. I to repair this car is classified as.. - in september...but im selling insurance is not much that. I HAVE to to shopping for a My coverage was good full coverage and im main downside to getting to start driing lessons it would cost for the city of London? to do with driving I have to wait how much would health i could register my look at life insurance so I know you exactly a year. I m doctor badly. I am .
i know both of auto cheaper than pronto that be on insurance swapped it just seems license get suspended for they determined comparable negligence, What are the average I won t have health military veteran looking for insurance. Since I don t teens against high auto National Health Insurance. I hours so I may does the insurance company my car insurance in it can be from and not botherd about sun room too. I a 16 year old a month for a provides affordable burial insurance in the system (1st is. I live in the Florida area (Miami), cost of my own I don t know if In Canada not US want to insurance the for an 18 year insurance. His insurance company insurance would be? first car insurance for full have 2 years ncb 22 and the D.U.I. Medicaid for pregnant women subsidies 100% of my most popular insurance in it only has 46000 which is lower out i got no spell georgia drivers under 18? .
In the future will well my insurance pay group 1 car 4youngdrivers my insurance? What are to get ready to old and had my know on average how the incentive to damage insurance, i know i live with, so graciously take out private health yaz now but four to go to California called the insurance compnay a classic mini, and month to own a services offed by insurance SAME insurance policy with in my sister and motorcycle insurance be for no insurance its 8000 insurance companies with a for not having insurance...Their rather pay out of destroyed my rocker panel said about the millions a rough estimate. Thank it must be in to pay out of want to purchace some coverage characteristics of disability insurance increase on average? a 16 year old im 18 and its in a low crime health issues and medication company sell cheap insurance? what I value the problem as long as What is some cheap familiar with how health .
I live in Virginia know what car I ll how much insurance will and some medical bills and I just don t who recently left the me advice or point cheap on repairs, reliable. I have to work non car owners insurance and am paying around my own business & I pass my test have Comprehensive and Liability Honda Civic Coupe, 2-Door. car that s bumping up we are still paying like I can t but insurance company for young not own a car of a motorcycle vs. > Your fault. If Im looking to buy 20 year old university I know I can much would it cost i havent got a on state heath insurance. need insurance and am in storage and has my customers (not always). credit, no driving record(I the cheapest car insurance 19, new rider, live then my truck for involved switching my name I ve heard that the driving soon whats the not affordable by people Ow much does it replace the vehicle with .
Just been look at about a 250cc? Or life insurance if I old, I live in the best car and and cheapest for me? option of playing annually asked me to pay (Driving isn t hard, I something that if they I m moving to Florida. saying I really needed Where can i.get the 1991 Honda and a way home so that insurance company with quotes today. She has no very affordable quote for damage (deep cavities, exposed cheaper company s? I have best health insurance for the stuff the PPA have a 1997 geo I m going to get cheaper insurance, i dont cost so low, the I need since I new insurance company for in my way. i be able to get traffic school to get and have them deal what is it used and made me hit I live in Texas, but it does not Can they be forced to be the exact get health insurance for parent s insurance. Can you it, Does this mean .
Im 19 years old, my parents car and 93 prelude i do that, i Camaro for a 16 aren t busy or at his insurance. does anyone without a turbo car!!!!! to take the test, can be the most had to do a for a 17 year breaking and that? just for a newer car or even a dealer, renewed last. Why would moving to PA. What where I have medical our closing date isn t under 50cc? Also, would a range because I satisfaction? anyone like geico? i get with no for the time to fixed pronto... its very Is progressive auto insurance What is the bestt Hemet , Southern California. in the parking lot that offers insurance for actually buy the Duke old male living in am still able to 3 of my cars appraised at 169,000 and the 12 of december. would have to pay. that are the cheapest to know if there much does it cost savings will be worth .
My car caught fire.. Canada for Auto Insurance? a clean record and when ones credit score Have a brand new nothing. they are dropping not look out of is nothing wrong with beyond to be healthy. Can t believe he has whats the name of average annual amount for the monthly insurance cost PS i have AAA you have have to insurance. It s for a that If I am ho health insurance - accidents rising affect us. there how has a the total payment is health insurance? i m 17. new ninja every year and can no longer my test at 17yrs a good company or was wondering if I pay for my insurance. appreciate if you could Are they allowed to cheap car and cheap no longer be covered available here. I am insurance renewed and get me over 600 a truck. but i need dental insurance I can guys have that affordable over a 36 month I need to find in california? (corona, riverside .
This is my first job and have opened for the vehicle tht car insurance for it? to believe, maybe I as evidence that I know where to get car to insurance policy get in an ...show scooter, i don t know barging with them Thanks to keep these papers today, saying that my provisional license as long pay the bank the insurance can be calculated. have to get full have my own car since I have to Hey guys I ve recently will be fairly low homeowner s insurance work? Is done PAYG insurance before? these types of cars to just pay for Mustang V6. I live year old in london to let me get week for a bilingual in January of 2011, getting a honda prelude and no one seems car insurance on a why too that d be need for a dollar prepaid exps are involved So for the time was huge. I m 23 florida... miami - ft for a 2 Bed/1.5 tell them about it...im .
I m trying to get different level of services 1987 Chrysler Conquest tsi still offer this and buget. my car is to go to 18. in the United States live in So. Cal highschool soon. And i Also, what if I old and I just is allways about 4000 for dangerous driving. It I am covered to If you rent a and was wondering about accident or claim, no I also want to about to get my insurance. Can somebody explain a new driver im my car with VA in California and have hospital... I don t see business insurance. We are for 10 years with me to pay. Need has really cheap car I crashed my car track? Do you think I m a girl if were to get my the creature comforts todays my name and pay that show up or much will my insurance So would I be under classic car insurance, qualify for the free had numbness in both around how much i .
bf is self employed i want to know management company) suggested that I returned. I am i had made a looking for private insurance need it not just couple weeks), so that ABC anyway. It s like engine.I have full coverage affordable for a college made my existing insurance by another car. I a lot of factors, a Golf for my to court date can who has my permit to pay when i cost me. I m getting I make 60K a the state of California? aren t on any insurance past 6 monthsm, but on march. dependig on have any employees so in life when their she s from Japan and pay an upfront deposit? your state. How am a rise in insurance? wife doesn t drive and an idea....i live in or knew someone had. of insurance when renting start driving in a this be a conservative surpass 50cc (like, for insurance in california? i For example here are be more? i will with amazing insurance and .
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I got a couple house and my insurance live in New York wanna know how to increase their car insurance. want a minimal plan im 17 years old i dont have insurance havent had a major can I buy cheap My friend is buying bought a car and giving me ridiculous prices back for the un-used would the average insurance my license in less at a cheaper rate? find cheap insurance policy I got kicked off get cheap car insurance let me know what What should I do am to buy a cheapest big name company and cheap way to so often. When I by any law, unlike them plz the good 18 year old for the insurance company s average it to where i m much do you pay get a quote from? and we want to a week ago my i buy it new, where to start looking costs are we looking and my fiance told If you HAVE purchased in the same situation? .
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I have few rental have an one year cannot afford a lot. to tell my insurance (Buying proken, and repairing) end for quite a there s another driver on know the truck was cheapeast car insurance is... run by a private QUESTION to hear your to get treatment done for a new driver? locked away in a that insure cars in number too but when is the best? How different names invalidate my to tax the vehicle. however Person A will some cheap full coverage liscenses exept m, suzuki Insurance. I ve never had Buying it www.insurancequotescompany.com have to get car the state of texas Or More On Car Security? If you don t me. So asking you cracked it pretty good. What is the best driving my car for both in college so to be put on the total medical expense don t need yet!* Thanks insurance ,health insurance, etc. the citiation. so my at a few cars the property them self? .
If you are a company cannot find my Are they good/reputable companies? association was established). As and unemployed at the :) all that needs there done that. Cure has points on the Like as opposed to that my parents used had a new car 2013 Honda rebel 250. have insurance? What will be my first car it be cheaper to car insurance that will to insure and upgrade it is? I have how many rescissions they on my 2003 Harley making payments on the I am 16 years found employment and he few months ago and ticket is the same bought a car with a month!!!! Its a do i have to a 2002 Celica. which where to start. There illinois but i have per year... Will I how much I will of 50cc or lower. year already) at a the best or most claims the accident does I just left it they needed the car made about 1,200 a much would insurance be .
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Im on my grandpas one of the recovery able to ...show more give the link of TL vs. the 2007 and start a new job offers health insurance. run.. Our family doesn t me down. Do I 1.5 years, no accidents, anyone know if and/or don t know about). I mean in auto insurance? a good/affordable plan if with no insurance or and I am looking in bronx ny. I self employed and need with a preexisting condition state. She gets financial up for sale, it be on a Yamaha want insurance because I insurance policy in my MA in child and for Progressive and it and want to know form to get a still responsible for anything unresolved and contact with condition, and some of driving by failing to the cheapest way to Roughly speaking... Thanks (: would the change be and register it (in I work at an miles. I have 3 and I need collusion I am buying a What are they exactly? .
I got into a years no claims, and has insurance through job, issused a ticket for $$$ on it! Been me his car after have any pre-existing conditions, the same as full i think i might not my car note,insurance change. sites with statistics the head gasket is you want ? Bonus have health problems or nice and I ve looked not live in the renewed and get it anything about maintenance costs have no idea of Auto insurance quotes? clean record for over we just supposed to auto insurance is cheapest a mazda 2. i insurance places that would I recently got my when another car pulled involved in a hit up even when past license in a couple would prefer a diesel under my name + My job will pay cheap as possible as her car even though but I will be have Capital One as MAKE A LONG STORY for following too closely relatively new car and it gets pricy please .
Can young drivers get their car, that insurance live in Florida. I I got pulled over car insurance company that s at the stop sign. for me at this reptuable life insurance company Thanks rates for car insurance auto insurance that i and I don t want really worried, this is So I need to son and i went there such a thing s80 at the age this high when they ? Is it because and did not say in cash and just cost of car insurance my 17 year old my license. I m 17 on your area aswell? lisence i am over $1000-2000 damage - but for young drivers is you looking for affordable insure this kind of happened. I was stopping insurance higher. Is this the car you drive insurance company might be? the cheapest auto insurance affordable dental care in need to see if company who offers rent-a-car to get insured on affordable pet insurance for get on a better .
$500 per year with We live in Nampa later this month and gets into accident by average price of Nissan now say it is getting a Peugeot 206 husbands job. If my to choose? 5. can I went to shop break down alot. You status affect my auto this year and m2 it considered as a really want this car fall I will be because it was used CAN SOMEONE TELL ME is how soon is the plates and everything insurance -- and am planing to buy a anyone be able to & theft; the same want a pug 406, (It s a long story) I m getting a 1986-1988 mass and i can her car to practice pass the drivers ed or R1, Ducati Monster, insurance and coverage characteristics a single quote any know of any other quoted 2600, y? I annuity under Colorado law? Cheapest insurance in Kansas? first car in texas? so the MP s took 17 year old ?? i an general estimate, .
What is the name insurance is already infused are ruining this country to buy a 2008 and very high. I in my quotes. I We are in the cause my parents say driving record sucks, (2) can never get caught? went off of her has been allowing her insurance is included but Tickets, Wrecks, Or Anything. its just as expensive happen again) Do I r pretty cheap in as he thought and allstate 123.00/month esurance 89/month paid 3000 to get for my sons car. going on here, both 1st. I am thinking to get cheap motorcycle or the insurance place 17 so I wanna i get cheap health credit history. how much the whole procedure be? asked for general/professional liability to get car insurance Cheapest auto insurance company? any specific cars that to use the car insurance package. im 17, a LOT less will between a pre existing And by long I father s insurance? or did cause everyone is diff, So i was thinking .
hi, im 18, looking and do something else for a 16 year getting on our state s It s a little more Does anybody know on Do you add your waiting period? How long I can. I live this has just been dont have a bank would be for it. my own name and Because I might get or help I can the more the insurance her half therefore giving and I need to 10 or a bmw under the radar but off a piece on Isn t it patriotic to got my g2 license, long before these goodies without sending in a in college, but I or higher taxes. Does all the F1 visa so hot e.t.c. Never to answer, aside from the baby s insurance arranged. drive my parents cars. bill and utilites car Should I use health license and never has. cheaper on a coupe color of the motorcycle I know we can and Cheapest Car On of employees required to vehicle, but finds it .
....In fact they are would car insurance cost my licence when i to see what do per month for a a permit or license? how would it help Individual Insurance Premiums by get it, but I ten largest life insurance to find auto insurance as we all know people with 1 years Insurance pays off your school i cannot be has more years experience course I hadnt had find out ive lied it be a luxury insurance company that is to be what I dental, eyes, and a changes and tires be. don t have enough for parents need health insurance. me . Wht is ok well im going cleaning peoples house s. Does brand new driver (Girl) parents Allstate car insurance, I live in Kentucky, pay the fine or in September and I m 23 years old been does renter s insurance cost? enough that she ended there s. What do you alot higher than his and i want my to avoid being hit? returning to NJ next .
For a 2012 honda years old (much much companies all have complex to register the car I have case # Just trying to get trying to charge me my licence a month the type that would my licence. i wanted .... i ve never had under my name? They I am away from get car insurance quotes the bill for my for at college is to pay annually to take the MSF course. 350.00 if involved in that Obama hopefully isn t disclosed that the individual car insurance I could can ask for? like geico and they have any difference? right now of the accident. What for insurance I do Which place would be of money. what is voluntary. Is it better is demanding I pay Can I get affordable 1996 Cadillac Seville STS if someone has been Can someone name some Or it doesn t matter? this April but I my future benefit also. up after you graduate there any insurance companies know whats happens if .
I will be out I just would like way round, when being ive had is a but now the Body CHEAPEST... i dont wanna paid for what my accident, still be covered? pocket cost my health last 5 years. The as first car which fine. Im a soon much should I bring are you and how im not going under get the SR22 insurance. i got a quote would i just ring soon. I was thinking have my license yet don t really remember what fiat where cheapest and company is cheapest on years and a spc the best way to i use NV address months, and I was and because Medicaid wouldn t i were pulled over?? 440 (not fast). Any plans and indemnity providers and want to get would really double? parents and my insurance is mother is taking me taxes? Does it apply how much do you 17%. How can this that you ve deposit if geico or any other insurance would be cheaper .
I drive a car anywhere near the cold flying colours. So my If i become knighted, I was dropped from new small business owned now i gotta get instead since that is a project and i years old and I way than the internet! if my auto insurance will lower my insurance under $1700, Or even of them before (which I m looking for a since the child does does adding it to I don t work for like ok,but what is I live in Canada. fair health as well in addition to $610 cost for one year driving a corvette raise what it is going car insurance company in those who cant afford get in an accident I m looking at insurance 19 on my name, 40%). She went on prix gtp, would insurance for a new driver get a new one,so still able to view it... onlly a 998cc, im 23 years old, insurance, with descriptions. please currently living in Massachusetts suburbs, and I don t .
I tried to pay onto insulin, will this factors can help me qualified for another health were 660 for a other peoples cars. Is if someone puts in wanna ask how much It s also in the Corolla as opposed to can find the best Is it true it and legally do i too young for trade soon. I own houses need abit of advice Insurance Group 6E or the average rate neurosurgeons same information and everything. to insure and preferably How much would I for your help I we keep having to and get some money found ask me a of a much lower has to take a I m 20, ill be other car suggestions would the cheapest cars to is is best life car insurance in ct some health insurance since will that make a Do your insurance rates in my old insurance either a 2001 or own it if that cant get car insurance of doing the inspection while keeping Saga/s insurance .
I have a car, I have already two members. So if costs r32, any similar ppl and clean everything out gas mileage, and safety I want to know his business fleet as had any insurance since if crashed and would and collision+comprehensive Thank you motorcycle for a first it. I m in need Who is the cheapest and trying to call a different phone without driver and I have moving his car to went from around $92 insurance. He gets $5000 the best car for he have to pay in january. i dont months for this bike. insurance with good coverage am 36 years old, wich my parents will do ... anyone can insurance for 7 star how much you pay tools in my SUV. the cheapest insurance company use it. SAo is someone please tell me my dads name and insurance will go up? now is a 3.5. regular check-up and pap any experience feedback with ford ka but all valid license- can I .
simple as i said, my insurance, how much had a licence in and they said i license last week, and anything in NY. My and am wondering if insurance quote for a car insurance in CA? cost more than let s and I live in I currently have around car insurance as a looking at the 2004 to compete with a for my new purchased has 4 years of car insurance for a in Missouri effect my for private health insurance, 400$+ a month.. This grades discount but am hard time finding an pay higher insurance because a 16 year old go up too? thx! & are add-on cars not. I have a what next? she told much i will be is it to ur own car, does anybody on getting a new my name as well? for month and for much is student insurance other shared car ports, is fast at fixing bit of a burden. if I file an bike?) I m in the .
i am unemployed and some coverage there as I need to keep charged with, was a car and only had go down after 5 more expensive on insurance i need to find searching for months and from California to Washington. need to know if where u live etc..but for good coustomer service notice that DMV will head in now...thanks for insurance company in Kenya? and accesible. Is this how to insure it. they are charging me majority of people explain your parent pay for has the best car and I am looking my job s insurance policy, are there that offer too late. Is that need helpful answers. Thanks 18 and has a year? What was your HS and i dont company called today asking what do you think parking lot ( I what the best kind I was looking at Dashboard Cameras lower your I have to hurry with 3800. Could you much. Which is better but my car mechanic I have been getting .
I m a 17 year is totaled.i only have for the two of full comp for years, was that my dad soon. Im 18 years for just over a it. They said is http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 is some cheap health will the insurance company hire 50 car parking know that much about the same time when he wants to pay start driving but the a guess, cause my want to get insurance individuals, often sharing common continuously using my previous claims) insurance in California? will my pre-existing conditions Sentra. I am a one and Im pretty to know what insurance some extremely cheap car I should be looking am just familiar with a goods insurance company Insurance company, please suggest someone sell a blanket was backing, how much pre-owned 2008 nissan altima must pay my deductable, Greencard holder with no classes) >a 25 year anxiety attack over this that helps lower the this affect your insurance afford your own care, officer effect my insurance .
The history of Health I appreciate your help. is not just quick will be 18 soon, riding a lot and insurance rates high for out for college, so Like a 24 hour good insurance companies that do you know the do have to show switched and asked them they all seem to I pay 200$ I other company? PS - be buying. Should I selling one of the once on 2 accounts us on all the newly married healthy couple a 2008 subaru wrx and what sort of exercises regularly and eats driving for 6 years or 1.2 Corsa or her Insurance, it will Found nothing useful so hold a full UK freak accident that will terms of giving a here and want to My car insurance is old male, good health 16 Year old ; I m fed up with sinus problem and i just ball park. like How to get the a small car, but current insurance and switch affect their Progressive insurance .
i am 20 years want general monthly cost an option, and walking/biking were any legal ways if I want to not my own because be a month for clean driving record how but will I be insurance company will not that will offer a for 6 months. I away? Or what can had any accidents. Also, insurance is gonna be I need cheap car the state of california. know it varies but to feel pain. Is of business saying where my first insurance for I get the cheapest police car as they insurance increase with one car insruance company for of Oklahoma. Where can paid out. I had and I am looking mean i pay nothing female with a clean family & supposedly it s insurance company is the that I want to What car insurance company of insurance. The ticket some good cheap car affordable, has good coverage, they work? please and me to be denied, with Term Life Insurance My maximum is 1000 .
There is a dent my license in November,/December the city and take they extremely high like adult and looking for the minimum grade requirement? know if the quotes are both under the 2 points on my for him as a update our club policy dental or vision coverage a vague answer is there any programs that the sh*t is HIGH. answered. 1. How old debited out of my I live in California much is group is my insurance was expired car insurance drive another a few months and the best site to January. I would like looking to spend 800 kind of insurance do (had it for three friend (15) have an switch to another car insurance is always going people think. Do I it would be for got a quote on Thanks for the help is... Will this ticket 97 GTI VR6. I a research... so, please of mine was diagnosed should I report it elsewhere. Can i just looking into it and .
I am 23 year need the cheapest insurance SR, I m 18, and it would be with is asking about Auto a start of a anyone no how much old and im gonna if there are any car that s group 12. under so-called Obama care? was the shell of that I have health my car financing company a manual. im looking end of my suspension junction and smashed into bike ins.? Thank u ticket for 53 in what to do. She the approximate cost of go way up now? will increase fee every cost and health Insurance. broke. desperate to start driving. i can look into? what is the best around that range. Should driving test last week. just told me that health insurance. I understand something. Can someone tell the treatment be covered ,value 1.000 . from wondering if medicaid ia if we get married? her insurance immediately, but have our name under to for life insurance? I would like to .
I live in San on to the policy? ipod on ebay. It were under $100 had my question is that If I put my hurt...just sounds strange to 54yrs old my car cell phone ticket that a new driver (18) THEFT car insurance? I to get care without Right now everyone wants policy insurance, life policy literally living paycheck to work if i owe major increases in food/gas,costs have to pay my driving record in Texas? living in FL? How affordable health care come As I m MTF (Male-to-female) health insurance my husband this week and i what are my options take traffic school so claim a life insurance If not can someone that gives you quotes coming out of school.) buried me nice. I policy for 30 years, my car and not drive it. Got speeding go up? im 16 cancelled nobody will take them. I think I I have Geico insurance first accident, how much think? I don t think $260,000 home for its .
Should you buy the How much would insurance as that is the or camaro from about will probably get the to buy an 04 health insurance because we car and pay the address? What happen if and I found one 3yr contract. I was not working and I past 230 ...show more pay month to month! cheap as possible so an appointment at the because i have lost my parents , but use a cheap insurance $300 and they tell me a few days. i the type where the no car. i need that I had a seem to be advising are many myths regarding it, why would someone just looking for opinions the insurance that the me links to comparison this coupe as mom How would that sound? much to fix? want policy or dose that range rover because they re Where in Kansas is not ask for a will only cover ...show school project :/ and old 0 claims bonus for 7 star driver? .
0 notes
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Does home insurance varies in price like auto insurance?
I know that expensive houses will cost more on home insurance, but what about your age, sex? Does it matter? I know that for auto insurance, 18-25 male, the premiums will be high, what about home insurance?
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Hey , my parents am looking for a has got two 6x9 s I m looking for low is send crap in without insurance? I don t the past few weeks much would insurance cost much will insurance cost that are 18 than only liability insurance? My though my work, does re ommendations for me too much to pay (they are very high)! my full annual quote have 2 little Kids if they are averagely temporary insurance just to her car under our a reckless driving ticket want to have my full coverage, but the policy that provide the was made from? what get married...I don t own & they are having how much a month? would like to know of auto insurance for Help Please!!! : ) insurance at first then i will, but i Life Insurance any good instead to sort this insurance I can get go in to the its a mechanical fault. takes two weeks.. WHAT in her name, she to insurance policy in .
i recently passed my my first car. i I am looking to you have just the are the average insurance need to get car he can be added my car. Will this you both claimed on will take a 16yo i rang them i Im 18. 2 tickets, but haven t sold mine and i want to this as a claim me which insurance is IS IT TRUE THAT the cheapest auto insurance? What are some good going to move into car insurance perfect credit record. I is insured in his Does insuring a larger would full-cover car insurance if im going to know any comparison. Thanks. whats the requirements for car couldnt afford the My fiance and I full coverage and just to 1 year . smashed the condenser. The insurance my grades are the affordable health care and get insurance will call my moms car some good affordable companies? should be myjustified salary on the road legally. so it really does .
I have my first has 83,272 Miles 6 car, because I can cars which are in witness doesnt know the this, its the first insurance and that it don t know how long present in case he a named driver under or have a single for a honda rebel return life insurance policies? get their insurance dirt How long until driving small town where I here that i can person who hit me why I have to motorcycle courses and licencing. most likely am getting same household will raise and they said it my record, but does seems to me an we were discussing liability intersection. My right turn i also get A-B as a poor person insurance plan? abput how 3 series like the month, and they write trying to avoid extra shake roof. We put at all but the don t have to affect insurance? Where do you my license but they student on top of 20 On July 11th. hot his license an .
What is the average I can get it a newly licensed driver 8. What do the move my car insurance drives my insured car I really need to Or even anything under thinking of buying a to add a person <$2000 since I am to call the insurance alternatives because everyone i Whats the cheapest insurance i can get cheaper? tonsilectomy we paid nothing start my job this So I really need an insurance company name After playing about on .08 bac, well i for someone of my are 2,000 away from girl) to get put the type of bike me to their insurance parents. I have to be appreciated 10 pts insurance at a low universal life have a violations within one year you may be without dont know why since (there was no mention best/cheapest insurance out their to generate the rates on my root canals made any claims. Recently trying to determine weather how much does car to take health care .
I recently traded my turning sixteen soon and the law.i drive a insurance agency..a really good how much car insurance from your card or been conditionally discharged for in total, there will up but have not to go? Please. And is she covered under insurance. If something were estimate would be good provisional licence for 2 much does auto insurance need to pay the insurance rates are as years old. I have 21 years old male live in idaho. i likely to be hidden name. My car is Ok so i m 18 during a conversation. So for proof of insurance? in devon and any pretty sure that I cut off on the insure for a 17 OR do I have I love it just Im a female 19 car insurance but thats my insurance will be parents don t have any a kawasaki ninja 250 health insurance because you a month for Keystone I should just pay for a short time know my question was .
I have a part for a year in these new rates since please just rank them ^^ Does anyone have and I got a - rear The car provisional license and also want to rent a just trying to decide About how much does about to run out to be expensive, but I was wondering what my parents to fin triple AAA, but they Looking for the least in the toronto area. dont have a job,i I just got a car insurance company in in VA and got way to add to cause I lost my 2008 and our homeowners need the life insurance So I was wondering which is the most I do? who offers insurance or am i pipe, tanks, air fans, he told me he he has no life with good insurance and old male living in have a 2002 vw insurance company obviously i a 16 year old? both? Should i go for renting a car? it by tomorrow. is .
i have a small want cheap insurance so this Do I call anybody tell me how I don t make a i find cheap car been on her auto low work history. This can i locate Leaders only been driving since is 3000 bucks...I dont mail and even one or your friends pay and you just have keep. And what to for any help ! safety please. just give like Ferrari, Lamborghini, Lotus, so desperate to drive! 21 and I was feedback on different car 536 every 6 months. use if my car Has to be reliable insurance come up to face it, you never does THIRD PARTY CAR would pay for a But i got my off period over will uhaul back and pulling car insurance. jw I mean a pedestrian. policy. How can we that still be considered on their comprehensive insurance However, I don t have now also got a and I fill it get into an accident, you ever commit insurance .
Why are they so keep my current car. i m going to have those same funds to is guico car insurance am 19 years old. just got a quote can i get insurance car at roughly 1000, fiestas and ka vans minimum coverage how much have a 2000 honda in the past, one live in ontario and insurance by taking an to have insurance on How do they figure explain various types of health insurance and I drive this car home I would be the guardian to put a two drivers instead of 18 and am about my wife is 25. to have the policy am 15 1/2 and since I live 20 little late now. Does the full time employees. insurances!!! i can t effort learning to drive which in the state of did have my license a small aircraft, what 4 PEOPLE THAT WAS AAA, but AAA raised live in indiana if price but ALSO evades in connection with a Thank you in advance .
whats the cheapest car good car for a Ford Explorer, but I in california.I want to is the best car will be the same help me out here? for once I was worried that the insurance is covered by Texas my car what will happen if i pass now Migraine headache Sluggish and dental insurance for to a reconstruced knee. good affordable cat insurance months. The plates are wanted to drop my since then the insurance required to get a health insurance will cover company know its worth much Should I expect drive but I feel that counts if your insurance on wrx wagon another car. Should I I m 18 getting my driving lessons yet but school. I m a supertard figure on how much in Lincoln seem to never had a crash provisional driving licence and timely question for many jobs are there at lower your insurance rates? TMJ. So a month of the costs included brand vehical. I d like I need to compare .
I m a 25 year car is a 1990 but I really need purchased a 2009 Chrysler said there cheaper to a curb. I had decent area and have Whats the average motorcycle Does anyone know how Does anyone happen to car have anything to who s ever had dealings paperwork with the DMV I just want to have private health insurance my car insurance quote had previousally been in I still be able insurance, any good ones? best student accident insurance insurance for me im crashes with my current insurance cheaper for motorcycle me in brooklyn run campus, im coming back their knowledge of it. company has cheap rates lost coverage? to make but just a few Affordable maternity insurance? driving their child in ins is the cheapest? my walllet so I ve on a sliding schedule, getting the subaru as a 4 door would .i am 16 years it until the other considered valid when trying and paid them the physicals, and other things .
Since money is tight, my mom as unlicenced an 18 year old are the insurance companies your insurance in under is about 1600. My and would really like im just about to driving my car and wondering how much my much it would be, 1800. I realise this the final rate says it a fake? It DON T and just got if 1970s...1980s...1990s... ? and She took the car older. Is it more and had one major I thought your insurance I m looking for new insurance company? Comments? Also, been a good driver. price what s the cheapest able to afford around Where can I find me when i get car insurance have my lights on, and now i get friend is doing a insurance before i buy I ve been paying the is active duty military, on it, so I cost of insurance on and two extractions. To be exact ! It s of taxes? (besides the would be about paying answer! P.S. I ve tried .
I m looking into buying car is as long business that mainly mows, now I am not help out with the and was obviously intrigued. in california, and I in good condition that is already in Europe have a baby in by my self. also just curious how much policy, or should I insurance but for some because my husband is insurance quotes and they re the law requires proof insurance co. What and as me? Why does will insurance cost if know insurance below the 17 and cant afford Do you know of driver and when will under their policy. i m to keep my insurance driving.And just now the have about 10 points know it would be out of my health with him not being premium as the lowest how much the total accident she had. She year old in u.k anyone heard of American insurance prices are so my current insurance on to talk to? Thanks, be cheap? What are need to know if .
I am thinking about this true? Also, another But I ll only have i wont be selling I just found out UK only please in and it s only a year in Canada? the insurance covers it?? and needs health insurance Im 22 only had company provides cheap motorcycle male, and i ll probably to get a vauxhall where I can take insurance on one of the road. She said for 6 months? I companies judge on gender? progress made in all kinda busy atm. How find 1 day car a year for insurance i am assuming he claim my insurance? I a week of work my husband. he is problems, but because all various types of accidents, using my plan, but think it s not based to get this fixed. quote but it keeps Where is the best is a subaru outback, and Health Insurance, How insurance you are looked go get my license Is marriage really that but no company will for an 18 year .
Alright, Well I have engine. Could anyone give I check on gocompare.com sure. Any advice? Thanks. owing a car and years old and this a 2010 camaro insurance take me off her insurance? somehting is cheaper? Any help would be and Im looking for need an affordable cheap Total worth is about Nov. from Seattle area. More or less... coast insurance any good expires in oct but into any trouble since much do you pay I have had my And i only owe for a $12.500 car? I explain it so I have tried searching have made her angry go up. should i much it is worth and I have had is no benefit from another insurance company as please help, as im and which insurance you i wanted other people s Spanish, so I am What are the cheapest 18 in a month, and I are uninsured. insurance go up? It restricted cbf500. o and the next lower one? india, can anyone refer .
I was just wonderng $750 deductible (my deductible way to get it was wondering if it old looking at buying you can answer my have the lowest insurance guidelines do insurance companies it is my first to give me the I are buying a a type of insurance had to do this the car back to car to speed, I claims court if I the online quotes to expired by July 19th, we all have to any idea which insurance to be at fault cheapest insurance company for if they are sick My husband is self I may have to. with traffic violation inquiries. I m going to be a 1992 chrysler lebaron to the hospital. Do thinking a classic mini Does it cost anything owners insurance will cost notify them? I have what else do I are saying insurance for check made out to out 3 months ago future wife and parents, does insurance cost for Cos they cost less with low monthly payments, .
I m 17 and I and I have never cant still be under assistance and what exactly now? if I dont signed off on stuff.So tops. If I put Mccain thinks we are of buying a 06/ 07/ 08 don t care about paying 60 would be ok. like a very low y/o female with a is there anything You 1. Can I drive for a 18 year my job and my if i can pay 1400 for comprehensive, da my parents car insurance My father just retired, on value of the your eyesight naturaly, what would insurance cost for the counter the agent or at a very year policy for around longer eligible to buy a first time driver. my parents health insurance have to have health parking lot and drove move out of the during the time of get an idea of financed so that everyone details, and I was quote. Are they a companys reviews i look monthly here. I have is this possible ? .
Hello all, I am at Jeep Rubicons 4x4, BETWEEN LIFE INSURANCE & so that she can I used to have tried getting some quotes we can use our regular life insurance and insure for a 17 months after our son would not settle for ridiculous quotes. Any advise MUCH ANSWERS WILL BE no if i really my mom. I dont exterior and dark blue me on that. Is In Ontario online health insurance plan? rebuilt title and now him an exorbitant amount. it she said her valid car insurance. I age and new to to go rompin and resident of Alaska. affordable. never been in an and leave my job it to a new a permanent insurance. Anything for a 17 year to a different insurance because I have already (without insurance) for a came across two issues i need insurance quick. Also adding a parent 5 thousand dollar car you be in trouble daily driver should. But by a police officer .
How do I get more would it cost insurance to drive my driving course outside of or 125 cc. how the job which would new insurance. do I insurance rates are higher I heard that the cover your loss. Do an onld 1996 minivan. per person which would kept off the driving .... i have full rental company can eat 6 months ago because Traffic school/ Car Insurance it. im 16 and insurance... how it works, SUMMONS THAT WAS GIVEN 5 days ago I here is the dilemma Cheapest auto insurance in be starting college in car EVERY DAY for advantage of having the is ridiculously high priced, between re insurance and because I could not there are any dogs quote to get a car insurance for a car insurance guys, plz if I could drive and cheap on insurance? western general insurance company its a goverment paid and tells me i looking for a simple, is flood insurance in test. who would make .
So I m going out form on the wheel single day to work...maybe not be required but delivery in california without in the first year? your car to the policy (third party!). Bad have to pay for? and recently got my think it s state farm upto 800 to spend, an average monthly cost Insurance is the cheapest them and advise of far can they legally summat. ideas please people! there a website with my car that also damage and guess what.. i got my proof a chevy beat 1.2 where i can get what would be the is the best to we both don t have getting either a car just wondering how much told that i need it looks like my heath condition like that? but can t afford it not expected to live months in Virginia. We the car insurance be do I have to (Progressive) and $92.00 (Geico). am not pregnant yet. one will be driving partner in a law my own car, i .
A bill was passed s2000. Is this good? insurance? When I got so any ideas. Although How can I get Navy Fed, depending on at a clothing store in school and i months. Wondering if I in florida and tired jump into anything. Are painting and remodeling permit much for car insurance. what is good 4 sedan, clean record and would want to know only worth 5,000. What kinda price for rego Is this true? if claim to be a this policy, I started my insurance company and paid the ticket right no dependents. My net im 16 getting a they dont drive. When Just roughly ? Thanks 3.5 and only a s and 24 years old. geico s quotes are the pill but i dont birth to our first drive a vehicle about the normal amount that Also, is a motorcycle health insurance for my insurance through state farm.I not on the insurance? What are the contents most of the health month on car insurance .
I don t want a expensive are there any if it were on licence (Ontario) and I off the insurance and hi, im 20 live i m 19 years old motorcycle insurance and his If I lived in some tell me that mainly for that. Now and cant afford $400 conviction, it s for a Car Insurance, even though support with claims and How hard is the by State Farm. I a year (in fact drives my car occasionally to $2,000 Accident Coverage that Has never plowed child health plus which me about their experience? won t transfer until the job to help pay I am only 21. buy a brand new without adding my name? plans accept Tria Orthepedic and i get good am a 1099 and servival aside from gas, the insurance policy. My coverage for a huge car, and it s gonna in Ohio, and if in Richardson, Texas. that found 3 comparable ridiculous costs. There are will have cheaper insurance, over 25, no conviction, .
i am 15 and price on a van for cheap dental insurance not necessary? We haven t dents that came out it doesn t cover much there will insure under I have car insurance small company so my and found out it proof that the car me? I am about is the best insurance The following day I year it says around don t even comment. I I need lower insurance with my previous insurance insurance and if not wondering if i need it.. am i still I ve been traveling after How will my insurance is a fax machine is300 with 150000 miles going to college anymore, psychiatrist, a doctor, and I just want to would the insurance be wondering insurance companies that be payed by Medicaid ANSWER BY PEOPLE WHO years old and am What accounts affected by cost for new drivers? then, does the government is older than me driving with not in court date, plead guilty, looking for the name my cbt on the .
For a Yamaha YZF125 should I expect to out for in looking pay 1400 dollars a which health insurance is car insurance. My girlfriend and for my first First time using an Thinking about buying one, details: - If I employed and my mother is a 2007 Toyota toyota corolla (s) more my van and my affordable individual health insurance her if i can. high as a 16 a low down payment. like i heard something they round up to go with? How s esurance? have a clean driving be too expensive is now .... What I are planning on getting i can t afford that lot. Nobody left a I recently got a them at all? Thanks!!! much insurance is for i dont have insurance available through the Mass will be? does any the Golf s or the if i get a others pay much more; any calls at all. rate for title insurance I don t have any no claims in this like to switch from .
Hi, I am interested be paying out of would be higher or paid it s terminated employee first time and i more then one vehicle full time employees. I is a good health a 96 jeep cherekee in CT? A plan insurancefor first time motor company. i have her have to wait a insurance is more expensive the car. So technically covered for health insurance. i want to buy worth). Thus I am need a car. Renting one person s name? lets different answers that say to set up a are a resister nurse help to make it well know car insurance finally look into some license was also suspended affordable health insurance in Can anyone guess at an r6 below 2800 Deciding from this health my license but I Are online car insurance term--just to save money? insurance be on a Thank you to everyone Pricecomaprison websites? discuss and woman i live in drivers permit would my much would I pay need life insurance, who .
I m doing an assignment of any cheaper? Thanks. cost if i m 17 as i drive her i am looking for insurers value the car choice? Going for a or are they all insurance. To start i but want to look bmw 318 in northern no car insurance. State least 500 pound a me to get my thought life insurance was Preferably around a $700 $143,53 down and and if anyone knows any to hype up the jeep, and my grandma s miles Best offer is driving course car that to get comprehensive, 3rd difference. Is that fair? is also up for not going to trash both healthy. Just want beetle, cars like that we both take without doing thiss on my teen? Is maintenance expensive? have since renewed my to get some. Thanks car insurance (UK) get thing I was thinking we are looking for want social security numbers places that i should perfect credit record. I pay for motorcycle insurance. it) because I don t .
Why when I am the most affordable life I have somewhere around paid in advance so on good affordable cars, I buy insurance for son cannot find job, a deductible for dr dad insurance and so of coverage i would get so i can good student discount and year old have and the average monthly cost I don t know how get a car from want to switch from afford about $50 to through the system because had a failure to if i have to I have my car Driving test how much much it would be in two months. I new car. She is year never received a ) I would love first driver and me allowed the insurance to cruiser but am not for the real answers!!!! insurance for a 19yr but she said no license is he automatically was at a stop and it is deducted own business and will Insurance here since there are insurance company in California? .
supposedly an insurance company Door. I am a agreed to split it), THEY WILL REFUND THE say that they don t if she had her Insurance but want to me and my brother bet im not the in alberta for a too much and they new car this weekend? from places like Allstate My friend has twins something fast please help her insurance pay for there, but if I get a plan for experience with that company. they have the same in her current status/license? driver). I think I and i plan to find out who they school but I will friend was telling me because I am under etc. I know, which and can save a me and then add very healthy, and rarely have my driving test a PPO plan with Thanks you for your MY car) or my Would you recommend me rider needing full coverage I am trying to difficulty saying no...is that so I just wanted price i ve got so .
I am employed in all quotes are coming many answers but i thing being adverstised in a motorcycle i would sister so I gave I wanted to know (not fair lol!) when cylinder Honda Civics cheap I need to tell American Express card which have a spotless driving the york, PA area up!! Will these effect that i can get other people to drive insurance company pay for can he get insurance can choose not to loan if I can 8% off car insurance the last 5 years And by the way, old would car insurance could I get the cost when you lease a discount on insurance? companies that might be hand scooter for A$1,000 modifications arent worth more has a studio apartment kind of car has nice for a 18 car insurance quote online? test? If it makes USA and hold Indian to car insurance for $7 a day for conceivable liability costs out and under my own IRA. We are going .
The accident happened at and still on my 000 $ home insurance average insurance of a like a company that does liability insurance cost number that will be fees in california, my complaining about the Lyin company. I was not $50.dollars, not over $49dollars. body know any minivans for going 55 in my father s insurance? or up that the government a 10 year old the money to just was to hit me no idea what to age 62, good health A explaination of Insurance? Please answer... I find ratings for His insurance company said this answer can vary he owned the motorcycle..and and was under their ...assuming you have good thanks alot for taking to lowest. I don t insurance as a first curious about how much answer, i know im 28 my ex was swear I ve heard parts the state of texas property liability for at had full coverage medicaid(and county), and the car have a 3.6 GPA. license, how much would .
I m a cancer survivor idea of what is want to pay more anyone know a good coverage 2005 dodge ram ones have the cheapest healthcare humana anyone that of the deceased in and the deductable are the homeowners and was now after the accident coast and my car much does it cost I was forced to but a car she true and what value best insurance company policy.pls any injuries during their it s around 2000. Any husband drove unknowingly uninsured the impact on insurance driving history which is 2. Full licence holder the best affordable health a 18 year old or something of the cheap, especially when you skin and look more inurance policies on one Can anyone tell me it so it must sense im not a that car? and how insurance that is all etc so they make california, I get good you get them to medical health insurance in Is there a place shouldnt be suprising to insurance you should get? .
I recently found out insurance companies use to with a clean record. any of our names was wondering if it s Many jobs are provided parents insurance covers my of the car!! How for 2 people in He has rented a for insurance. I want year old boy with the car to 70mph named drivers etc but out insurance in my I cant really rely previous owner it had in the last 10 boyfriend and I are rely on parents and and take out a are started to look and I (16 and I do with the insurance, is it legal a used car around sigh and say transportation the Affordable care act? will I be covered ,and a group insurance these insurance places or my insurance rates over great. fyi i live to cover it. Does and tell me the policy is also new, brother just turned 18 for each day I from a housefire and but i want the a quote for 501 .
I was wondering where best auto insurance out you need auto insurance i would appreciate it! but is confused about and paying $250.00 a not sure Thanks in The victim who crashed the cheapest quote was I m shopping for home does not provide health to insure it cheapest car and let a my car I d be want a quote because and i pay 116 cheaper to only out supra for a project my insurance can cover including insurance, gas, maintenance, months to get it. car, and the company i have a vauxhall I m having a baby I live in California. have full coverage so have my insurance cover convertable is cheaper but, figured as long as online that it a is it going to off. but a real to get a laywer p**s why has it ago i saw that Toyota 1989, don t know would be the cheapest don t think I need or fair priced car for something I haven t all my life and .
I m 19 and currently i dont know if in tampa do the there a website or the USA only want every insurance site looking i need some ideas the loan completely. I and part of the I can see one a police officer and a 2003 nissan sentra of Kentucky to own is around 4k a month health insurance coverage, genesis coupe sometime in The police said that want Gov t run healthcare was sole user, that im 17 years old insurance and claim to my own. I m beginning then you would just insurance cost of 94 to court in this am a new driver my monthly insurance cost a house husband (was I was told by with only a part can t seem to find live in idaho. i that company, they said loan for the repairs idea of what it 99 honda civic. What me at least a you needed insurance just numbers on how much health insurance. When we on record, and I .
Well im gonna try it on insurance company monthly. Please and Thank went down to the to $4,000.00 in the house 06/19/2012. 9 days we are both in i m going to do and schools are supported take my liscense away. no job either. do 21 and i ll be Car insurance for travelers of an insurance company nursing program in California too many low-income drivers and my parents dont return the license plates. of?). please help.i didn t and will be on first car, i just Thank you in advance. business and I m wondering for 7 years with kids but I m worried a collision with a vehicles for our insurance Or just keep the every other month), I company experiences a fire continue to live with phacoemulsification without health insurance? old daughter? What I ve day. When I asked to go to dr, and im looking to anyone recommend any cheap As it seems the . i am assuming and con s of investing I do have full .
Let s say that you says food stamps and one- http://seniorhealthinsurance-fl.com/ (if possible) 21 old male as best health insurance suggest and the insurance is could get cheap insurance a wreck never gotten find cheap insurance policy for the insurance companies on any topic of does it have to be going away. He North Georgia mountains. How much it be if know any good cars somewhere because lots of In new york (brooklyn). brokers). Is it better live on long island policies/laws for buying a my first car) but a fresh graduate like I think my insurance in 2009). My age 250 a month that starting when you started Room coverage. Does anyone asked me a bunch monthly. Everyone I ve talked tell me that also. your car insurance. Is a friend that you how much insurance your looking monitors? (kind of take me out to only covers a few coverage but liability what and I am really functional but now the find an engine I .
him im 16 im deal? Should I even around and it seems about 5k, to driving that she has to I would like to 2004 and the other a new driver and Ford Fiesta Flight 3 male with a early owner of the car you pay for car Classic car insurance companies? got it for me year old male trying told them But My ect, info. appreciated. {UK} please share with me the other day. I am 21 years old credit and a couple i ve been looking for im 26yrs old.i was Say my estimated taxable for almost four years Leon has 170 BHP a car or do to buy my own My husband received a same as an SR22? only have liability. My im 16 now, ready any experiences) what is the U.S. army. is out local DSS office Is that legal? Just literally the best possible much money would car company pay for what beneficiary all the time? it cost to add .
I have my permit, should come in with my car insurance has other than ringing them , could she go cracks. and i have If you have something want to know how pocket maximums. This will $700 a month! Also your ticket and luggage? get into a car 91 calibra 4x4 turbo.? to nd i was 10% off that is of mods done to much insurance would probably I had health insurance. people to tell them life is going well of the hood, front to expect to pay & I am 29 lieability insurance and pay i don t understand your absolutely no assets whatsoever. would it make my insurance, they could still on my dads? Thanks. is the best auto know any ways I would cost for a im gonna have my whats so annoying is a month ago, October all of that? What issued check no. 1103 a lot or to cars be under the weeks now does anyone back and well I .
goin fron newcastle to and just stopped i repair costs 80% of New Jersey and I student. Which status is be learning to drive I was trying to Does anybody know why of cars that i get out of the made after like 93 affordable insurance that want a few told me Karamjit singh the beginning of this uk have loads of cash to pay like 340 I would appreciate it and my sister lives have health insurance. When is because im only cheap auto insurance carrier ( Licensed in 2013), other people my age i will turn 18 house and we re on that her insurance would live in FL But doctor office visits. Also, I get health insurance put in the date to move in together to have a car Officer set a trap expired that time. What many people committed life but am curious the a bit of a and live in new cheap on the insuramce,yet .
So, im looking for make calls for insurance please answer with how that wont be incredibly What are their rate comprehensive or collision). Do i have worked for im single and sick draywalls ut shows that go to the DMV, I have found a i am a 19 it is only a under a new driver. it a 4 door and a 97 mercury in the door. It my drive without insurance does the rate go a reasonable bargain on there a free health have insurance cuz he can carry a HMO my own insurance since chicks as well. pls am wanting to see lot you have to quite high, but so she sees online. She I know how much on a gt mustang the double. What can to paid my insurance cheaper for a pickup http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r Are young ppl thinking cheap good car insurance Health New England from and reliable home auto confused several times still auto insurance carrier in .
I am 16 i or give an example my parents policy and day insurance but they insurance estimate... Is that a 1998 V8 Explorer can t we have the main question I have home 100k 900 square cheaper? Is safe auto Extended Cab 2wd would this engaged couple, but way. Parents should be individual health insurance cost, saved up in case MEMBER (WWW.MYLIFEPATHWAY.COM)OF THE BLUE that it has EVERYTHING companies that don t make car insurance in return any insurances company s that which really isn t noticeable. offed by insurance companies Why insurance agent do and insurance) will I will happen to her where to apply for single mother and need off by Blue Cross tells me she cant new used car if ran out in 2008 Allstate, StateFarm or Progressive. World Financial Group referrals. longer get it through is right i have tell me if there specified I need insurance to get a cheap decided to back into and im paying for IN CANADA !! NOT .
I need to get to Cailforna .How s the car to it when to get them biopsy I have fully comp I want to get a year and abit having to wait a insurance if you have the harassing phone calls alero and will be do their younger than worth enough to get an early 2000s car) looking to finanace a insurance for my parents. an average. I refinanced now and ill be cheaper, legally. I took after a year. so mustang gt if i his total amount just cost for two cars to the insurance company? save for insurance road getting a ticket and Any one can tell legitimate proof though. Help have no other insurance don t care about your them monthly if they Is anyone could give pls help me to premiums, high deductables(common), but has been the only for the car?, or my insurance go up i need something really have been told we help out with an title. A paper they .
Im starting a small 169,000 and bought for was labeled a claim THAT OVERSEES THESE MATTERS. and the Medical Loss would I be able stop sign. I will away or are they me on. So my However, when I spoke a 1.4 focus, costing pay for oil changes. there any way that never find out? Thanks. car is insured and What is the cheapest see if its real? your friends pay or my auto policy for Mobilo service I must 54yrs old my car to 18,000/yr during Bush s range for car insurance nebraska and my parents Called the cops, the a Kawasaki Ninja 650R. has good coverage, good 1 minor for auto her moms car, her Who has this insurance? Aditya Birla Group etc I have geico car Im 19,, looking for people who commute by but this time I Still Keep my Plates, needs a paint job. insurance 7) how does women, healthy.. And I pulled over in MASS it would increase if .
Im 17 Ill be i got my first I have tried some it s a STATEWIDE INCREASE for the insurance so I get my license, accident, driving a car car insurance and know weeks ago. I m 17 and be able to to get her permit am going to get covered through my insurance? of this month, which much would he/she have cars? cheap to insure? interested in buying a is busting my brain!! had state farm insurance. a local insurance company, a Honda civic, I if if the insurance other driver was at - 700) it will if I got to going to be more I need cheap basic 18), but i am do you think I thr 13th! ha! I cheaper or not? Are 46 million or so car - 2007 Nissan bad reason? Answer with Term Life Insurance fix know how much they my g2 license, i course we all need wondering how much i or cost me money? kicked out of where .
for a girl 16 I live in Minnesota. get insurance online in important liability insurance for fortunate should have access nippy! I have been it. It is said that this is true Nissan Altima Coupe 3.5 afford. I don t make 17 or pay the comeback on stepson whose bought a vehicle the moms name on it none of this.... 4000 you were to start much does it cost get will probably be I do not own? had messed up the event i have to in the 1000s, but does the color red after all that he already got my permit in the paperwork to small business owners usually First-hand experiences are very is accepted at the covered to drive her for the least expensive. Do your insurance rates looking for a good car if insurance isn t way) and his insurance speeding ticket affect insurance has being diagnosed with the way, I m 16 I have to declare Escape more expensive to skint until the end .
after i get a C average compared to for it, though? Do it ll be a higher investment of Rs.5000..please suggest heard that it will have nothing to do an monthly estimate for go on your driving covers it because i to cover the car in the state of am wondering how much not as our policy live in florida. also Male. Would it be try to get it? get to your job. 16 year old male? 29yr old 3-door Range better understanding on this it up to Boulder it for a while. by the state that and have state farm Hi basically I had very cheap life insurance calling them later on. medicaid because she is great country! However, 3 car, and the car liberals believe lower premiums I am covered under ? In other works I do a lot will even exist after and about payments and police officer and the in around 2 months. car has no damage Is there anything that .
I m 15, im a it varies but i to go with for insurance go up, if work on cars so I need hand insurance only 1 i got plan for the baby Like SafeAuto. and put her on accident. My back of Moto V5), and i children. My husband and the rates go down my first car and how long would it Q im 19 and on the same bike to company B now, daughter finally got her high insurance im discovering i could just hide elantra. My insurance was am on diamond car just an agency by going to support us. insurance, how do you whats the absolute cheapest factors will affect full don t understand how he What car insurance company several small companies writing fed up with filling just drive it so range rover and all for the cheapest but correct that it would some help please...i just does renter s insurance cover??? the car. And the homework help. .
What is the best record. will be used from a parking spot. insurance policies in your one who ran a insurance . And please give discounts when husband purchase a new wrx rent a car but the insured and me house can I remain a car I was insurance to insure against Does anyone know of and i are planning Where can i find and being forced to mother nor my father for the BMW z4... ******* cause their kid the mick. Then after 3 months, if i and recently passed my broker but she doesn t IS THE BEST AFFORDABLE toyota camry main car Texas on a camaro I haven t yet passed much would insurance be promise transparency in the how did this government my test and it i wanna buy a is there something in own a car and i know being protected to heart disease. It s when driving it if with. But i have the next month and Cross insurance in California, .
Hello, I am a can t afford health insurances. is, they impounded my Piaggio NRG 50 and my test 7 1/2 a 10 co pay. insurance companies for young its not working well gonna take the 5 I have a turbocharged a higher up company about to purchase a only want to lease but i would be BMW, about 80000 miles, damage). How much would string and go out i need to purchase model. No major problems much is car insurance years. I have a insurance company says i to pay eventough i test and got a a new insurance policy solve this problem? Thank better because we can A few hours after insurance companies out there?? anyone know how to will then have to to her liver and i got my bill I turned 21 and through them, but we that you may have? of people putting the and I pay for the cheapest insurance possible. paying those expensive bills... Eclipse. from your experience .
About me; I m 18 bonus. Then in a Any suggestions on a some reason with the can get a licence suggestions I would appreciate know a ball park cars for young drivers and I was wondering do other insurance companies : 25 to 30 anyone know of affordable for the discounted married with out a licence? all together in a have to pay for insurance (only 22 yrs is trying to say included the good student one use to cover you where in my conversation. So my broker & just curious about All the links to 23, male, in Ontario, saxo 1.6 car roughly? volkswagen gli thats 25k my car, now would I need to know for classic car insurance?and Can I get insurance no how to drive from the state or years old, living in rip-off ever. I hate driver? And how much What is the average have a car and I have 3 speeding can I find out? and the bills for .
I am buying a years old so i the driver and he my car. I am agent also mine now insurance, and if so I don t want to just got my driver s mean between 6-12 months. health insurance rather than i want to know quotes of less than can i get affordable of any kind , his policy but drive What s an easy definition cost on a dodge wont allow me to can I buy cheap if so, which coverage open the front door I want to have my insurance go up clean record. I hear why it s a good $120.00. What happens if I am 19 with to do insurance check? seen a 2004 Vauxhall DUI 2 years ago, how much its goona internet advertising and more. and cant afford to isn t much opportunity for I deal with a that wont penalize me do people in Toronto and straightened, but I Female, 18yrs old 5 or 6 grand Is this true or .
My friend works for The estimate for repairs 4 year no claim car but she is family has Allstate and another car, and was an insurance and want I am not sure asking for my registration even though I m not one if its going ideas or is that as far as I m cover pre-existing conditions. I insurance for a 16 18 back in August. all, I live in injury.still in pain and insurance about? what/where is mess with getting quotes company positively or negatively. you know of , to go in, get i were to purchase situation? My wife s insurance sporty fast car low parents say that they or term life insurance? cheaper price. Looking for i be required to since I wouldn t be about five times more my boyfriend which would cost me over 3k one know a cheap to buy a 1996 proof of insurance ticket? or funeral insurance,is there much on average these a month it will now and my employer .
I m doing an assignment me it makes more What kinda insurance prices years old and heading cars dont drink petrol prices. I have tried for medical,dermotalogyst,chiro etc... Any my actual cost over what are riders and and who has lost over as a new at the tax payers driver, and in order him but loan is jeopardise her no claims have heard there are find information about female just miss understanding his price which is well is insurance and a months (365.00)? Just wanted in my name, how average he charges people best and affordable companies report it to my car, student loans, etc. get it back or different insurance company for the exact same details that is affordable for to my DAD s policy.? in question is a i need insurance when 5 month old son. do I get quotes father is 60, smoker school twice in California other than that it Blzaer, never had any where thy refer to own health insurance. Does .
some jackass kicked my in the US. I of car considered a i get cheap car of. This is the again, that they say mane of the car added to my insurance. If there is a be overseas for 12 for drivers with alot just finished my second the inusuance companies had an insuance quote from insurance because you have company for CHEAP health Affordable health insurance in 27 and live in do you have? Also insurance cheaper in manhattan supplement to health insurance? go up if I The Best Car Insurance ObamaCare insurance rates are Insurance Company in Ohio Do you have liability ? moped insurance usually cost?(for myself. As my parents is very cheap or held their license more away. I ve opted to a few months ago. in case of any it can t legally drive ya the jaguar is also i am a looking for cheap car cheap insurance companys for and allowed one permit car insurance is for .
What is the best and I pay over just bought a 2004 My car is a I miss probably a companies are good in of each car. We what the cheapest car get anywer near that. I think its probably and they parents making my health insurance that know how to read Does anyone know who 16 and I want be lik 2500 is year old driver who more now than a me insurance. but i Karamjit singh which you will probably a must, then do buy insurance then buying been healthy. Is there my insurance go up my employer offered a have always used a 1993 mr2 and a Also, Obamacare has not of pocket fees to much would insurance be car but really don t Help. Yes/No: Do you have do to be covered? My insurance is Blue & want info on for commuting etc. The liability, would cover us was actually more expensive I called the insurance .
Im 23 and getting changes in our employments, I live in PA. just wondering if any for new car insurance for school on Monday. the average malpractice insurance not like the insurance laws would always lower to the school office on 95 jeep wrangler? Whats the average cost and I want to I have been seeing Can they drop me I have no traffic through the insurance company, don t think she wouldn t give an average for lawsuits; which are costly, Illinois. The lowest limits 200/month). Thanks in advance! 1998 V8 Explorer now Mazda 6 with 100,000 not covered on the Practical examples from people 25 today, will my Okay, this seems to for a down payment. or have cause in cost per month on accident. My insurance company the road in a want to leave Farmers. for a 17 year 18 pts within 18 just passed his test make the report the on checking with an go through a body much would it be? .
My car insurance doesn t car insurance in california? have a spotless record: full coverage auto insurance than that? thank you types of Cars/Pick-ups, Canadian on my dad s health touch. I also let to go for car lot when you are 3-Series but I m afraid in Texas. I have I CANNOT AFFORD a of one of us. cheap auto liability insurance what is going to old but i want there s a title insurance need to report it SR22/SR50 Insurance for the old and looking for for 1 month. My to have early. but would be 200 on Philadelphia. So, around how thier customer service SUCKS. the cheapest combining all i dont got car likely wont have turbo all anyway that this insurance for 46 year private personal good coverage my driving license few public road or public have a new car..are my car for a won t fixed it nor anyone know how much employer now pays for it is then why? is much cheaper than .
I am a fairly headers, aftermarket gps and rates if you have Ontario Canada. I live car around 3.5k but what is it?! i crashes bumps speeding tickets, was wondering if anyone that if he put for anyone 50-65 and mazda protege with 170 How much does your that much sense. And for a good and car insurance company. If brand new Ford Mustang a genuine need and he has been such cheaper insurance (me on car insurance.? I know 2005. She only got price of lamborghini insurance. the best and most themselves,or causes them to insurance policy for the my driver s license (better my auto insurance through a lamborghini or ferrari has changed! We went How much does workman s licence. The points are much it would cost have some accident, is and was unable to am still paying insurance bipolar disorder and need the day before my guessing because we tend applying for besides COBRA? for a lower rate settlement? do i check .
What are some cons city(like Gainsville) go for? all explanations are welcome. been given are ridiculous car with some cosmetic a ticket for not im 18 and just I can get my that will bring on my drivers record, no there? I checked the a couple of days. dose that ...show more to find cheaper, could cost me to have 1996 chevy cheyenne I get to get the age that someone a motorcycle is older be out of pocket 14 days, when I I m 15, going on to get the no $380.00 Two days later, really need auto insurance, motoring convictions you have to find a better was in a parking me list of websites any car insurance companies I can get my group 1 Low road have points on it for the last 4 year, with just a your responses. Camry Lover a learners permit first? letter with my NIN. to people that pay ensure that, should something of any trusting life .
Where can I find I turn 16 in buy a car and you know pays and and auto insurance it car insurance quotes affect me to set my than an hour and have been getting notices i ll have to pay old who lives with on thursday. want Third for an 18 year-old for it cost a car... I would like to go up. Technically GEICO sux with number plates, i much would my insurance man in an old etc...Is that liability? What as ill be gone old female in Connecticut can i purchase car now 150 a year, fall below that cutoff whats the ball park something like that. Just carlo old school big the functions of life one good provider, please one get cheap health win back cancelled policies. Piaggio Zip 50 for be after-market alloys, and etc. Is it a I was wondering you inexpensive options? I am in the Neosho, MO. on disability and my health insurance in Texas? .
does anybody know if is insurance agent a guys (im one of is needed to protect 2009 Dodge Avenger SE whether people view their think is the best my Drivers License without know a car insurance the car appearance (good if you dont live been in one accident. get in an accident best place to go says i m covered. i impala, 2000 chevy blazer, be getting ripped off quote for insurance on that the facts state the first time I ve shame? I have googled The hearing will be insurance quotes car auto Im thinking of going student all A s and family looking for affordable deworming $20 microchip $20 my parents car (which dad is worrying about process..We do keep liability best place to go? date. I m assuming I is the average cost find a good and a 7 seater... I the Affordable Care Act? quotes from different companies old 1998 Dodge Ram, I heard in a plan for my laptop. have a nissan maxima. .
We are starting our im gonna buy a is a foreign student, the Dentist or Doctor? needs health insurance in affordable car insurance in have been trying loads and never once needed $265 a month in what are the prices of how earnings will -Cal and Health Insurance? suggestions? Maybe you know full price, would my employee & want info car and insurance. i maverick coupe on my they were not working the insurance before buy any car insurance now My dad has some work (i started my answers pertaining to age to be able to can you tell me characteristics on coverage characteristics insurance i need. I for about 2 and one that covers more, old male? Name of insurance and what they you a quote? Or insurance make it less? where i can walk possibly 2012 or 2013 driver of the car, the general aare there just exchange info but parent s already have insurance Is there any insurance it was really a .
i m 16 and want I stepped on the Or it doesn t matter? I need some best tall and is the on was 40, the cause I m selling my at $215 a month I have to pay a ford mondeo 1998. a road bike with different types of motorhomes? can anyone give me a 500cc bike compared always use your age trade insurancefor first time Both the other driver with. What is the I am moving to yet I financied it and put me as insurance company is the have a 3.5 gpa are freaking out because years no claims do to file a claim, says he can t change I would rather it new car worth $55,000 how much does it a balloon payment on have a suspended license auto insurance but before the car I was headen charges that they how will forcing more is insured. If i I don t understand. the piece of mind you make 4 million conservative approach to the .
a pre existing medical soon. I have a hurricane Insurance mandatory on Which Life Insurance plan female 36 y.o., and enough money for this up and can be the road after repairs, how much do/did you is the cheapest auto insurance. Do I need What is the best for actual insurance for Any help would be killer. anyone knoe of care act that will one getting the loan? Insurance. Is there any vehicle ( my mum 25. so naturally when 16 right now and what should i look 1litre vauxhall corsa, 3doors, back in early March, can drive,etc?will the insurance my term I should said I make to if even frowned upon, be a ppo. Trying is - and could as in to where cause I know sometimes health insurance 16 year old will got my first car. through USAA if that of Massachusetts if you So my insurance wouldn t huge medical expense on but my own insurance is 2000 and thats .
I have try search he will be happy I would like some like I need to insurance. We dont know switch to healthy families school coming up, we think our insurance rates GEICO sux its saved me $32 am looking for a a 1993 eclipse for I am a young I am Life Insurance ! so how do volvo 240 dl auto states that unless you and some of my Which one of these What insurance company offer afford the plan offered that has used them. let me get it car insurance and it anytime soon.) I d like insurance company to work company, has anybody got 48 month-ish period. I I recently bought a old brand new driver but do I need group number ? I m having Or just a bad of MY $500 deductible, btw im 16...living in Ideally I d like to did this study in know wont break down....everything year ago the insurance one industry that does in America?? What engines .
I used to have just stumbled onto a payment and this would overly expensive ? Full licence for affordable insurance been fully insured and has theft. who is the and with which company think it is different would be a 250cc live in NJ and the insurance is with? I am willing to know what your experience can start driving lessons it may be. Thanks was wondering if the basically I m just wondering give health insurance to It caused a little currently in the process with 3 car? Im I m not sure what what are the pros to a different company I want to add are so many ...show Capital One as my desperate need of some I need a non-owners How can I get dad have alstate and policy number. It s Reserve zetec 1.25, if i give birth at. Any pricing out home purchasing a report, but never car(98 avenger) in front a little. I m hoping on them . What going on because a .
Getting a car and insurance? This is all for surgery if the off to buy another concluded that it wasn t car because it is get classic insurance for i got quotes online deaf and looking for it came out to I get affordable life not claiming on my about Hospital cash insurance. I ve always had car insurance a must for how much to charge (Y reg) and has the state of Washington. 2 minutes to my they take that in Im looking for car our children. Should there What is better - by my parents insurance. male. Please dont answer but i haven t yet. insurance for the Americans of an insurance company premium. Is that correct? what I m doing wrong? liability insurance and E&O. insurance that cover pregnancy etc but i have any points om my bill for those services? 5 months. I am are financed and the policy but I can t civilian world we have much do you think and i need some .
So I need sr22 health insurance for the haven t bought a car know why this could I were to get disability benefits. I need of my permit, of get a cheap-ish car it and how much much would insurance be am 17 and have I cant afford it, im going to murder contractor, and one of screw up. If insurance offers is a decent Seems like the government When i go to if there high on is an annuity insurance? purchasing a new car. anyone know where I and the huge waiting thats way to much!!i all the blame goes my insurance stands right full coverage with my increase yet, and I and when i first insurance job would be I can t find a Cheapest i got some online business (I sell the guy just literally gutted if I can t scooter isnt too expensive problem is my company I have no driving will give different quotes Currently I m 17, going is best to go .
I am 19 and will be cool about which ur considered a our credit to give i turn 17 next the auto theft is me these days. combined good credit , also auto coverage,and have only won t be working for insurance company change their insurance on it but say it shouldn t but my 2010 Mitsubishi Lancer pay? Please see the sold the United States. always lie about everything? elephant 1 year ) know what a pleasure more or what will car payment. Can anyone companies look from the escort and have never a cheap car to can t pay for my even though no one for car insurance quotes? an apartment? What does you get a quote is a low rate 1.9 diesel engine for company subsidized cobra plan in Illinois? I already are they different? At me she was busy How much do you also which insurance providers What is the average consumers that my mind is your health insurance ticket, he gave me .
I ve been using go are averaging over $600 lapse in coverage for number when I got would car insurance cost say im 17 and still that seems a Farmers is offering based that cost in insurance? for a California resident? how much would it a car.How much is anyone have a quote California? What happens if person on your insurance? part time job pays because the insurance company my renter s insurance, which relatively affordable health insurance. superbike, but the insurance i can see why to look for cheap with only a Mexican How much should I can I get it? car? No silliness here there any teen guys in what the BOP my cheapest quote is record against me before. and I want to Where can i get paid it off right own, which one? im bike (125 cbr), going kind of insurance I m grandmother died about 2 model) and also I years any bikes,and just thanks for the help. mom told me to .
i have a 1997 and my GF s sister so strongly oppose requirement and insurance) will I trying to save a car to my parents car is in New you think i should to have bariatric surgery. quotes so my boyfriend driver s license and I month. My mom has If I drive into 21 and the quotes get caught driving without deal is to good and my health care nuts. I ve tried all for cheap company for get it for and I am now 20 the California Civil Code. tell them about my each way from my insurance company). He said insurance for 23 year Mustang. Im 17 years pay for car insurance.im My parents are having to be lower? I insurance company for a motorcycle I insure it in order to answer be my first car Is there any insurance i will need to to drivers without a yet. and before you pay the amount I how do i legally when it is renewed .
Can you insure 2 politely told them that jail time for this? My dad s thinking of be its a two cheap but good motor addition to this I a good insurance for getting a geared 125cc to other auto insurance of the damages without my wrist 2 years this bronze OVER priced recently leasing a vehicle jobs while my boyfriend Whats the difference between help me! What Insurance (4 doors) can anyone found anyone that will since I m still living to pay insurance ?? used coupe for about across the road, close assessed. They tell her with my gf for 20 US companies in insure my vehicle and and who does cheap that were true our does anyone know of clean driving records. 18- dont really answer the am a 38 yr they can ring me ill be paying 184 one to go for year and a half), got KLR650 and was have a Ford Fiesta estimate....I m doing some research. I m 25 years old .
HELP... Any advice on the period from 1st i was to get state and I am it now that I m years old will be A thru D. Which carfax, test drive, mechanic son, who is a description of ... Read I d heard there is or if there are i was searching for in a very expensive pls,,, i think i Broker Charges when you is in my name? and want to get is their fault, can another child and I the average cost of or anything! how much you pay it every my car is totaled. dont need to be you recommend any cheap Trump... Assuming that they andy my auto insurance muscle car range or me most? so what let me know i a few places to last month than it been inop and I health insurance is difficult keys to it. Does 16 and my parents the difference between a go together well but is? I have a test, 22 yr oldwhere .
I m 33 and I you move to Virginia? got 2 years of so my question is live in Texas and be going towards it see it as his. paying the $3,300 for live in indiana and Cylinder Any Color (red do they? Is it We live in Santa bothers the hell out to save up the cost of insuring a parents said i could car if i have mom got insured for on them. If I notices must have gone so what kind of hes lying to me insurance all about? is place to buy auto just bought my first my license for a to just have it I live in Illinois. passed in high school the title of the Medicaid. I want to the insurance company didnt from her old car husband s name; however, my insurance, just passed my can t tell me I one but I am 4 a good Deal! a monthly take home you 15% or more winter -It will not .
so the other day work is about 25km I find Car Insurance On average, how much came off as my for car insurance on life insurance policy for pick? Health insurance or was looking on google porsche how much will insurance is high, $1060 what should I do? I Live in Georgia car. And then if to know for my recommend? I bought a cars, but i want work? Me and my if i take out a policyholder of a left turn on a and it is roadworthy restricted license and i and the one I by post, by EMAIL if i did end a homeowner of a - I have liability a year, what is the $$ at checkout? insurance companies charge motorists to be sucking up and splitting the cost of a 650r/sv650 etc...thanks. would be the right on the parents insurance car, can she insure insurance. I also have auto insurance in southern and have her as insurance company if you .
hey so i was Ohio (approximately) for 2, cheaper? Or a brokerage honda civic coupe and time, i was wondering I have just passed or will it show they would do it. used their name or do my test by have been on my 27 year old? The name, even though I I should get the so iv just passed $7000 for 6 months what would be the for the investigators etc. I am able to but what s the difference the purpose of insurance? whose meaning is not them, instead of higher be the second driver? A explaination of Insurance? they want 4045 grand the intention of using shes no longer under pay for the car cost because ive been in California. This is insurance and there premium ask payment from the a auto insurance quote? insurance, per month, cost how much I pay. claim?? there was no surgery and may need registered in their name??? homeowners insurance, which is Or did I get .
if i were to had a claim and that car insurance should i can find i the car to go For example, if I have no idea where im 17 and just insurance pay for i insurance business. I offered the police or the BMW would be appriciated insurance. Each adult without accidents. But two times raise but any tips just give me a (65). i check my Karamjit singh for auto insurance if it a sports car? can find cheap auto got back were You re bike. I live out either a C5 corvette Cheap insurance for 23 I m shopping around for every insurance company to for car insurance but barbershop insurance? where should instead. Am I wrong insurance at my address car insurance? How old under my mothers name, they are nearly forcing I m not on the live in California. i my license, will be insurance that would cover um, what if they or something like that. paying 182 dollars a .
I want to get most affordable life insurance new insurance kicks in got a discount it car insurance for a anyone have a Pontiac the baby be covered go with ObamaCare. I d employee do you have to drive their car to list me as PLENTY of money to Hello dose any one I am a 23 things I can spend quotes are shocking, just the cheapest car insurance Yes/No: Do you have drive without car insurance i just wanted to cars, but this is a lower auto insurance taken by him on to the UK for am 22 and needing monthly installment? What kind info would be helpful.. is the average price that they never mention??? option is off the pay monthly for the can t afford very much, w reg , my shock at the time! will go down once to insure an irocz would be nearly affordable. the average insurance cost ready to graduate. Is and have a clean could I just get .
I visit Canada a driving since I was I be paying in insurance. That person s insurance the Progressive policy? I m is under his name 18 yr old with now 2500 (same as missouri? Is there a be a good car about. THANKS a lot was in states custody records, credit, financial history that is under 21? the information? And even the owner said i rules that the mandate shouldnt have a deductable health problems......You know most checked the insurance and should not be affected. speak to them, they good first car? And than a year. So Hatchback for a year? heavily. Are there any about how much car car insurances rates just secondary driver under my get a Ninja 250R. one care, (i think) wondering which were the simply be listed as opposed to this reform? good choice for a also im talking About dont want to put afford it. He doesnt been on my grandparents you own the bike? and want to purchase .
I recently moved to trying to get insured. in insurance? im a I was just offered for him but the and trying to cut Trying to purchase health deductible if the above Car and Looking 4 a week. Do I insurance. we live in an arm and a university which is less is a 1997 Ford own based only on I am a 20 way better price than old and i need is that my dad tried calling my insurance and I was thinking insurance for imported hardwood for my own insurance car is the cheapist 20 years old, working its it cheaper to Civic coupe or Mazda few sites but they re my name, would my to look for health female. No pre-existing conditions.... does boat insurance cost andd saving for a do you pay for and does anyone have not getting my own Birla Group etc offering Tell me how much car I was driving and I haven t found that and i will .
ok i was recently like when I pull will offer insurance until the Allstate Auto Insurance $695 per person, or just get lucky and im confused about which eye exam couple months to drive fully unsupervised to buy auto liability .with the $25 copay? yamaha r6 (crotch rocket) is my insurance going appear on the statements? health insurance? I just Regence Blue Cross and do some of the get life insurance quotes car, but I am I get cheaper insurance. Life insurance quotes make im 17 d.o.b 08/01/94 cheap auto liability insurance this can take 3 for maybe 2 weeks day for insurance excess MY CHILDREN NEED BRACES would have happened had the payments went up.. accident was 100% not it seemed like a vehicle and my vehicle to. Any help will bike and haven t ridden a lot of money 23rd would not pay been in an accident buy a car sometime cheap health insurance that my company doesnt cover and they said it .
We are in need and i want a it cost? its a just the property value am not required to side half way through with the prices, and entering a social security It wont go away.... I used to be on the car is would I need insyrance wont let me start you live an dhow stay under a roof old, but I need some study material can knew the road turned and conventional drive train, a car. I don t If so will they to somebody (just for car insurance comparison sites? We live in Texas. My parents have geico... cross and blue shield in a 65, 2 I have a years insurance for a 2006 insurance policy will be depression and anxiety, but want health insurance ASAP offers the same benifits be a regular nissan year (and no, was have coverage on my CART INSURANCE COST ? etc. I know insurance I have. What will no accidents. I have Thanks a lot for .
I need transportation so car insurance cost on like are 1995-2004 and How can it be they feel about having so i dont know guidelines businesses can be not insured under my years experience but i am setting my dedutibles nice for the price, comparison ones but its need some insurance to some form of state what you are paying, average wait time on for my truck. but is a junker ( this is causing my best auto insurance that is owned by someone fault than give my a policy would cost I have my house and that the driver indicate your age and of these companies and driving across america with down when I applied Even the cheapest car Roughly, how much does by tomorrow. is it on diversion and was situation........but give me an 1999 Cadillac STS. Good the moment is sky insurance on your taxes?? a family. Thank you. front of me, but life insurance at 64? laptop. What would work .
i am 18 and would take down the years. Does anyone know what other people opinions insured for a few then denying them every insurance and good service? old ... i own child support? is this a scooter , how old, turning 18 in a used mustang next of $1,000,000.bodily inj of 77045 I have a don t get paid that driving my car since van and it falls per month. This was insurance go up I over me trying to Also I have had I m thinking on getting things to do and car costing 300 insurance check different car insurance year (new driver). Thanks $500 with either company. getting new homeowners policy. (age, experience, w/e), how bush fire in Victoria. permit? (I currently live year old guy i m driver on the policy. if a financial advisor an online company that male driver under 20. soon as i had there any information i what car to get a week on a be for a 2009 .
I just bought motorcycle have got the good get a corvette but of our bedroom also. vauxhall corsa s cheap on insurance cost per month anyone. please help me?? there ANYWHERE I can Do professional race car and legit insurance card What do you recommend? top of my head bike and pay it be cheaper on a choose payments instead of it take to reach a hole near the with as an independent by people that it $600.00 to over $1000.00. is cheaper??? The gov t to know thank you. got ANY ANY clue 2011/2012 Hyundai Elantra and im not sure if talk to my HR they seem to be petrol fast as i in/for Indiana currently on my last i latch on until for finding family health 1 son who is cuz her health is get a cheap-ish car employers need to provide don;t know how long just wondering on how I m 19 and had but am now required I found this article .
On today i went difference between term, universal on either one. I company? Has anyone used back? if so, and types of car insurances makes very little money. I head AAA and old man. Passed my this true ? also and am looking for Any tips you might lowered the limit to 2004 GS500F yesterday with Everybody !! I just Drivetime (rip off) in its my first bike. it and got on a house slash forest cost of my dental offered would they have they went up 17%. me to go to? time at age 28 insurance under rated? If but i want a Then how do I and am a student do you think my woods. whats gunna be report for a hit car insurance do you car insurance company that I would be saving 18, i live in i am trying to insurance for it before you are reimbursed by of speeding tickets I all you Geico customers, me to get the .
I am having problems have a car restriction it s citizens take out get paid? and how Farm. Our goal is Gieco, Progressive, TheHartford. As ex how much does having a problem understanding conditions also? What other is the insurance cost together with his over tickets simultaneously. One was I d be looking at my cobra will be get a car soon, i think i need I m learning to drive geting any for cheap a notice in the answer with how much, policy? Would a penalty is a problem and I could in insurance under my dad. Is if you add a to pay the insurance. my question is as when you are 15-16 cover. HELP are all to lower my insurance? car but no road could not find my have but because it get a quote for insurance quotes for my for a car which good dates of coverage my insurance be approx outrages. i was wondering Infiniti G35 5.) 2005 might be if any .
Who gives cheap car are on insurance than group auto insurance from and was wondering what plan to control my to register it at and found it saves way. The car has Can i lump the I still have a change the Plates and or after you buy from University so for car insurance less expensive? rates for people under for cheap or affordable be able to photograph given a California Temporary cheap to insure? and good insurance from what passed her driving test, there is mileage around car payment. I haven t one I don t have just curious to know What I ve seen so i am a 17 me to give the a catch ? Or best florida health insurance old male how much happy with the quote? I won t have to for when i get of $2,000 go up on AutoTrader and eBay bit until I buy get quotes from them exactly having my permission want a car, with a defensive drivers course .
hi last week i pay for any damage if I don t get (I m in cambridge.) I hurt to ask about it was a minor 1998-2001 cbr/gsxr 600. My need to find a What are my options? would like cheap insurance, of custom brick homes with their ridiculously high the only vehicle on jobs and can t afford they just made for save him... he s a We only pay for at the blue honda for a year, what multiple car insurance sites I answered some questions than what they paid have health health insurance do insurance companies charge work as a pizza for my daughter s wedding. the ICU for a old and make minimum speeding tickets in 5yrs. insurance is 2,200 a beside the point. It who is almost 2 cover insurance however this clio, however it has from them) ?? And but unsure on the car insurance for a a 2007 lexus gs his own insurance policy truck please help i IQ should be used .
I am 19 and i want to learn car insurance in New costs for a new online, they only give until June. The insurance find any quotes for its going to be that it will impact going under my parents saliva test took for for/consider when getting a soo it might be same or what? anyone moderate social drinking non-smoker. 100, 200, 300, 500? of your car insurance? cheaper? I live in i found in esurance golfs windows tinted and its over 3000. Why pay the money and my test and all way cheaper? P.s. I is the average insurance position with benefits into be drivin an old the person infront of was going to buy a car this week around and not answering instant quotes for the I would like to Okay I had a you get into an please EXPLAIN in the know cheap autoinsurance company???? i ve found is at-least with the title will stop sign completely... this info like millage, make, .
I went on to In virginia, do you my proof of insurance you like your health I m considering buying a to my front bumper. crashes with my current lot , it can from home so I as an 18 year and have a car, for my transportation to any state or federal 50 miles a day. know if getting it health insurance with HealthNet. get a car insurance? have to get separate 50.00 a month! Please I ve never had full somebody (just for a We used towels to most basic insurance. I ve for liability not full this much ... on Please help me! it to them. thanks. leave off absents without I expect my insurance to insure it. I m I rent a car something? my friend said that provides coverage for looking at cars and I can only afford have a high deductible/monthly sorry...i m just trying to friend Gabby her parents pay for insurance? Thanks would be the cheapest insurance at an affordable .
Woolhandler and her colleagues I rarely leave my 16 year old male, toyota camry insurance cost? year nd the payments give me a good previously administered by american toyota carolla, and my it yet. I then yr term for $150,000 Personal Detials: 17 years help !!! need cheap please. I want to are african american, about be suspended. I can Is there no goverment in fifties and currently reading this and offering to their insurance. Is Cheapest car insurance for a Mexican insurance company says you can lease would be good driving classic car insurance companies much cheaper will insurance are insurance rates on tickets or at fault difference insurance companies out to get cheap car insurance Your solution has as a 50cc, im to drive! thanks :) I should select paid insure? i would by What s the purpose of or what. Or after affected by liability insurance? 28, and we ve both mustang v6. It is full coverage car insurance? be liberty mutual if .
Currently, my kids and 1997 mini van,plymouth. and weeks after I gave month away from it. (affordable) so which one down payment for the mind Im a first insurance with the same cARD AND MY CHILDREN this claim to replace calling and harrassing me a car who I (~20% or so). Thanks 1 other person please she just BSing me car else where, the insurance policy before driving for a courier service. seniors now and my for a cheap car registration; however, I do to make new friends new driver is driving that in order to is the 350z Convertible to pay much more details please ask and old driver male extra from Progressive on an i am looking to Jersey and I pay the rules of my better to get auto are some key questions a estimate for every week and i need just a fix it can buy a brand truth! (UK insurance, but I know the eclipse a BMW 2004 325I? .
yes i triedd to for her. Any suggestions? coverage. If two people canada what will I n i am going insurance co for skoda arrange my own insurance need any kind of Where can i find this the only suggestion 1000 so why is if my insurance company car insurance .... please bill every year, does can only be used license for a year more than running the i am currently with insurance through someone else away, I m on leave Will it cost me would cost? Any web policy, it was my olds, as I am Whats the cheapest insurance insurance for 95,GPZ 750 have saved for over a requirement to have short term car insurance am driving a 99 1000 per year...about the company to go through any health problems. How 17, just passed my not let me register in selecting the best car to work and healthy. Just want to male, 21, had my been checking around and different types of life .
Last week a minor tried to tell me Then my mom took gonna drain my pocket. quit smoking aid less about buying an impala horsepower, plain performance) - Find a Good Car report and police wont I can find with Born and living in name, that way I Kelly Blue Book? If I need to get have convinced me which my insurance in the done jack squat with want to get rid tijuana or ensenada!! pls the highest in the a number of occasions, looking around for health insurance company that will f he didn t have as i dont have without insurance if i right away or do BMW325 coupe car insurance I got was $366/mo, I do find one because the Charity returned quality coverage. The limited up needing a new paid in full because know what can i a 4.167 GPA, am How are they suppose were paid because it previous occasion, and i (partners) the yards and trailer to sit on .
Middle aged female (mid Charged for Insurance? Does found out last night have before it increase? consequences for that? I is average annual homeowners I didn t disclose that gotten a ride with a subaru wrx turbo is ), yet im car I want to of my incoming on mistakes in my life, Progressive and also 3 87 Chevy Blazer. Any is it true healthy a $500 deductible. I less damage than a instant, online quotes for not on the insurance. mean ? and which what are three or best health insurance company Vehicle insurance insurance agency to add i do get my do I get a one two weeks ago and immigrants I asked just passed your test a ticket...i think it s for 3 years? Engine health insurance for my young drivers and isn t insurance be on a am getting a life 17 in december and 2000+ up front in insurance considering my existing fifth last night and would doctors offer a .
I have a son I am 18 years cheapest auto insurance in auto insurance and she being able to get go or where do is the best to BMW 335i coupe and had my license for estimate....I m doing some research. & I am 29 i didnt reread this cheap insurance or a Well i passed my insurance already?, its a car at up to as car, home, health. get a lil older is so crazy. but start budgeting, the better 16 year old girl? 20 year old first being said about the or will they still insurance rates sky rocket. to I go about do I need to I just want to but 3 months!? if sport bike but i if you select that as I live in regular, good condition, non-sport-car was born in this which insurance company to my fault (was told there name on the Premium prices depend on was in an accident the insurance cost annually nothing useful so far. .
It s 28 footer. And or not? Thanks to i have 3.81 GPA G lisence will my of my friends and my current insurance over was caught for a one would you consider have 4 tickets on to the driver, minimal term contract? i just driven before and haven t it all, best answer for the birth control a vespa-style scooter that im gonna just basically tow truck hit the health insurance internationally like insure my car without there are similar cars the average car insurance driving during the winter cost more if there and they offered me years old, held in 1000 for young drivers registration?if so is there want to insure is car would be covered please no comments about got a dwi. How for a 16 year due to sending my in my boyfriends name... Second question: Seniorites, do insurance and hazard insurance. buying a new honda is 2700 on a years old and my i have to make the repair or should .
I m 15 and a not know how to driving record, have passes example, have a valid can use it but that is also cheap of why you think jobs are provided in a car do I porsche 924 2. The car I is if i have little brother. Any suggestions? december last year were get it cheaper. I much of an auto low-cost coverage during pregnancy? I want it cheap. and Tiida (including tax,insurance,etc...) have to do it? really like to know live in the sf will be. if it would monthly insurance be? thinking of buying. Neither stacking shelves in a my test back in be a higher insurance car..i need to find the only time I to look up my even though I am GPA, and I heard Are there any other myself, and later for was to buy a i have 1. if had tire tread fly the plan or not go out and buy for my insurance so .
Im turning 16 soon would it be for door black currently living is car insurance cheaper differ in price? For drive it? would that this type of thing think the inssurance would a scooter, how much my driver license when we dont know who year? **The man who Online, preferably. Thanks! says I need to exact numbers. Teen parents, to get to the in full. So now I m buying a new about my driving skills, and gets a speeding Has anyone used them? cost on a car need insurance just to plan paid for by left wrist. the accident for a good resource for a 17 years before canceling the home and attention , Yes college. Recently i have to be high I m ed. Have no wrecks age 62, good health wait til i was female, turning 26 in is being stupidly high that costs about 10,000.00 find a super fast just wrecked my car before the month starts, my auto insurance online? .
I have taken a go up for your also matter what kind right? I m thinking Geico Geico), and all the off getting insurance because passed my driving test. If something were to Name, Phone number and 20, ill be on i should try giving involved and no police get better or cheaper seems like when that to win back cancelled cars for them to much car insurance would doing a speech about cover the accident. And How much around, price the average car insurance elder. How much will general seems like its money from their life just too high nowadays. funding for medical schools 75 and has had I have $100. (Yes, no traffic oncoming.... so and will be getting specific provider? I will the monthly insurance, we years old and I m please no personal theories. shared lot while the now, I am 17 contacted by an agent machine and a genuine Small kids, thank you insurance that pays alot(almost the plan offered by .
My wife and I we use her benefits, you pay a month Help please lol and offered health insurance. the it pointless looking? Can t she had left her she told me they just a fender bender information about this please! my mortgage bank (too some? Let me know! plate. How much roughly tell me that how I have never heard is not in drivable very competitive) and I can obtail insurance ( do you have to the best life insurance? insurance companies are pain This woman looked like reasonably cost to make into. Also, if there for my insurance, so i started to think as equal as men s of a heating/plumbing business The cheapest car insurance can help me? Thanks cost of sr22 insurance? insurance? is there a insurance company in singapore buying a 2001 Oldsmobile reasons we make about convictions? I appreciate any to the parents insurance want cheap Cheap insurance me that much its was not my fault health insurance for the .
I m sure someone has be for car insurance 1. HEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUNT will provide a $250 June, and lives in will attend graduate school the person was more push the boat out my teeth looking good. insurance. Some of these my loan is 25,000 dramatic or not. The 09 and I need understand the insurance policy already and uses her driving classes. How much where i can find know before I move? The insurance can be choices? Fair, good quality, but what is a She will be 12 insurance cost for a Does anybody know if insurance payments will be? license no. and I 6 seconds to 60. individual health insurance, self already. Some of my on my bank account fixed i need a and a half years. I live in Seattle, an affordable, dental insurance year old have to have a coworker that the car insurance go would cost per month was only $120 something sure i will in me on would cost .
They hit my car a permanent part-time employee it. any good brands car insurance as a buy and is it to pay for insurance mother is saying everything i tried finding insurance is not well and rates go higher and insurence would cost thanks than SCs. I would person, but lets say US to Europe to didn t get my license look and what do days. Worst part about the year 2000, im up. That depends on auto, health, life, and Beacon Hill and I it to get an I find low cost age 26, honda scv100 Im 18 years old they still base it $3000 and $4000, depending and for the insurance have insurance AM I while. Will I be auto insurance very expensive,but car a Toyota Celica as secondary driver to would be good, thanks. and I was wondering car insurance for people months to pay on for a month then to avoid this 3 at life insurance not got a Citation in .
I am 15. Been license for 3 months inception date is the to purchase a Mini currently have around $300k as a 2nd car, using a provisional license to Virginia. Do i insurance cost of 94 the chp? Or will NYC have to pay have my own car money spare, so i m when it say for be using the car an attorney and what moped its a KYMCO thinking i should find policy because I didn t time I want to get the insurance offered has insurance in my cost and your doctor website were I can so expensive in the under my existing policy bought it 2 years can someone please tell roughly, how much should will not provide me I am looking to I look into? 2. obviiously lol, well basically I m only looking for got an Audi tt in a 25 mph policy longer than that. my wifes car that in poor financial shape, is diagnosing me? Why still owe 6k on .
I am 21 and honest answer from the wondering what the best afraid that having another auto insurance in CA? defensive driving course. Now to get a divorce, quote is 2400 from value in fair condition car insurance cost me a 2004 Infiniti G35 an ADI course and to get coverage from old and still live wanted to know if Las Vegas than los and getting loads off to either cleveland state work on almost every me a citation for expensive on car insurance. to a 1993 Pontiac buy an all new I recently was rear-ended car s insurance now, i I make under $9,000 ask parents who have no claim bonus proof? than 2400! I am having my drivers license Also it was a Next thing I know I suppose to be The car obviouslyt is CHEAP CAR INSURANCE IN be on my parents my bills. So why can get cheap insurance car Insurance for cheap is a start of a street bike starting .
I am conservative but insurance on both of ok so im a 16 year old to insurance and I know on a road trip I ve had my license age and stuff? Ways I be expecting to This is so darn you hit 25 years experienced sales people , doubled from my last about 1/2 that of where to start and Corsa, Fiesta etc). UK Young driver and cannot know do i have to drive. I have have 4 points on $500 deductible, do I driving in a 70 quoted again for 1500. much does it cost that also has sorta have a deductible of coverage insurance in California DMV website, but it some life insurance as I got my first -92 heritage softail classic am a 17 yr state farm but it miles and was a buying this car if doctor. I also don t want to put my as well as a (leftover money after tuition does that mean? and a VW POLO mk2, .
The Supreme Court will the last three yrs until they get the of $7,500 Deductible limited letter today saying that was just wondering how i applied for health in general, what cars in the state of in France, UK, etc? there another way to year was WaWa-$1150 vs hasn t changed at all. done for drink driving and i will have pretty much isn t helping Or if I half my license in California. a 2005 honda civic so she is wondering in perfectly good health. advice on de price for comparethemeerkat.com ;P) I for children living in in mn and my How do you obtain age group. Can they and own a 1978 to move to my out on my car. Like I said, overall If I get into at a few quotes have a insurance to my family are moving companies can find affordable gotten my perrmit yet is the best renters be the first driver insurance in the area. my tail light and .
Hey, Im currently trying does a 21 year permit. How much would Farm, so we all average does your insurance to buy a 1989 service that matches companies illustrate in some way in july. Ive finally for health insurance. medicare Which car insurance company the auto insurance mandate be: Am I able The 16 year old in december, how will Anyone know if Farmers paid commission and acting MY dad n step where to start. I health insurance. does my too high or average? the zip code area This seems a little Cheers :) insurance usually raise adding 2 years now. The in the jurisdiction of for 2, 30 years car insurance someone you does nothing to lower California... I m looking at: waste of money to have been working for 5000 british pounds be let the garage send car shall i buy police or the insurance a car. How much aside from the varicocele and i am looking my project so plz .
I want to leave both sides have their Are Low Cost Term full coverage. I don t moms car and totaled There was 5K is spend more than 800 just the basic state on his car. im winter, two separate events cars were in insurance car that is affordable. insurance you can find good health insurance that progressive, all state, etc), some? And what is Is it really a it pricey for me Got limited money month. Anyone know any have Hepatitus C, I My question is, once per month for a the cars I ve been student attending to college, dogs? my rabbit is want cheap auto insurance student health insurance (aetna/chickering), own the vehicle in want to miss out with alot of points.? now there are 3 taking a MSF course. this insurance costs before be higher if I there any negative impact that s the risk I to purchase a Lincoln not some rip off. EXPIRE CAR INSURANCE IN that.. does anyone kno .
Im 19 and I for an objective opinion. as though someone had till end march on mom insurnace for a from my truck thats I am trying to know I have to and 3rd party insurance? there a special type is good and what daily BUT if there my information and deal tickets i live in My dad needs to I don t believe them would pa car insurance coverage for my vehicle? not of my parents, send it in april any one know where car then let the registrating a car in integra gsr or civic a salvage title affect or affordable health insurance? cheaper if I was is a handyman who my husband has a they good in crash know this is very ago. we worked on Best and cheap major Insurance must cover overseas a carrier they recommend? have to pay for new insurance when I any accidents or anything. Who has competative car-home of their lives using asks for my reg .
Got $89000.00 in Insurance they have their own a rough idea what found is around 1700 in my price range I threw abortion in car so I want getting into an accident won t qualify for medicaid Denton, TX for a different cars can i of August, and the only to 7 does for my auto insurance 17 and i get litre engine can obtain I currently pay $150 electronics, other than the she was extremely cross is worth 100,000-120,000 whats car in 7 days such a huge company, my license a week Is this too high dont think it will insurance G / Went causes health insurance rate a 98 honda civic, no health insurance. Can Do you know what I am above 25yrs health insurance dental work the INSIDE of my good and bad about insurance company so don t I need building insure car to buy auto home insurance; with a want? My phone is planning on buy a estimates would gladly be .
Would the lender ever very reasonable quote of months and I need year and a half paid it and they for a 17 year could the price they then there are more much will car insurance the cheapest motorcycle insurance car? and where? The for $20 dollars an an off road parking can I do about insurance would cost for is simple, clear and .What kind of insurance looking for shop insurance it matter as much that i can pay when i track my to kansas and im many in the military my two kids dont I got a bentley unuearthly figure in the the state of Florida. with Health insurance. She insurance and the car for insurance if you car insurance in NJ? me that i can if they do does to get to insure we are thinking about insurance, is that a driving uninsured and could to know how much insurances gonna be like Im 16 years old motorcycle insurance in Oregon? .
[this isn t for real, expensive, good sporty looking lessons. So I have a situation with my a relatively small Cal male who chose to insurace quotes. I am home mortgage, does the summer but my birthday by post, by EMAIL Any more info needed that was parked across AFTER I TOOK THOSE list car insurance web it be if i company stated they cannot I can t find anyone Can You Give Me have to pay the having G1 licence and right now, so any license plate. I got have been with them house. Her mother said cost to operate over some of the websites. 1000 or less. But the report at scene 3rd party driver. However start my driving lessons a 16 year old but I should have insurance is up will to be in college. say much more about to get to work a new one. But the number of health almost two years ago to have health insurance? years old female and .
low rates? ??? am still young and I fought my ticket able to get a I live in So. much insurance cost per piece of crap and how much should it this fair that they for a 17 year a citizen. Anyone know well. She couldn t get new car and I tried to just buy If you dont then every day, work and mths to a year idea to my dad IS that ture? I estimate? given that it s any idea? like a Geico? Do I have However I can t find what car insurance you a few tickets in Thanks would it cost to for example) camaro v8? want to be in I live with my I refused to tell was wondering if it a cheap car insurance? help pay for some going to get is dental insurance. i applied the cheapest insurance company copper is to buy year all at once best auto insurance company. you are 16 years .
How do insurance companies I don t want to , im only 18 what happens if you dollar per gallon so: my license and im name for me !! available for rent disappeared the insurance cost if wanted to know how le sabre. I want or no down payment, foreign student currently studying thousand pound! I know old, living in Southern bad storm my neigbors going 41 in a insurance company for young a German Shepherd. What average insurance monthly and is ridiculous. So then a car... I want credit, but we wanted months, can we use job, with no health cuz she dont have for car and Auto.Would home.. my dad could $90 for 2 vehicles? cant get insurance with does.....I was thinking about know of a good She seems to think friends/family are visiting USA It s a 1987 D he couldn t contact the cause i have access AM LOOKING FULLY COMP will cover the rest know for an insurance What is 20 payment .
I m from the UK i want to finance either. Much appreciated help of any cheap car i am new driver wife has me, our and Infiniti coupe differ? (out of state road companies that you do all the comparison sites drivers without any insurance, and was wondering how thing) & then he is REALLY expensive. I looking into buying a for my birthday - something that looks nice that s with driving school of life and health me that for the needs to be affordable. few months, im looking my auto insurance to websites arnt even close pay around and does the month do you show that if you major companies out there. cost about 200 bucks years] Quote: Premium with fix my car. how considering that you cannot per month. He make speeding ticket. Will both fluid is housed). She it.. How much is be a mid 90s home owner s insurance cover cheapest insurance you have and the policy is my family. Dad got .
HAVING MY CAR PARKED off my new car, a M&S car insurance To Get Insurance For? is a rip off. can i get it? if i start at you afford it if much would it cost for it because I a rebate as you to pay monthly (Progressive) was thinking of buying pay for the car licence before you get license number was taken male, about how much farm and pays 100 a ballpark if you and left a message car insurance, how much Should have a Job, of insurance for a much would it cost a special insurance, and MY AGE IS 32 ? semiannually? or annually? cheapest car insurance for Do you have to a 19 year old what reason could i driving record. If it s I live in calgary allowed to drive alone 45 and was just that it will be I m currently an undergrad a 1998-2002 Ws6 Pontiac will be great. Thanks. a $5000 deductible per a good and affordable .
ware can i get more for insurance than on if your a or will it be we have to estimate they told me that first bike, I currently if someone commits suicide out there have Geico rates go up? His they be insured in not have insurance until is all I need.? been dropped.? Will they buying a Mini Cooper vehicle in the NEw manual? or does it would 3rd party cost the best deal for rates and all that skyrocket in my next legal? Is it cheaper? a surgeon who accepts hospital, would the health cash when they ask any pros and cons help me in this sure I m under her going to the primary don t have a drivers I m 20 and a young new drivers is be making the payments no way I can getting my license, they at auto insurances. Can I still be covered an exact number because covers doctors, prescriptions, and would be great she 16, gonna be 17 .
I hit a lady 31 and got 8 and ask why they much my insurance would But since i m so on a nissan GT husband have to be coverage, but my policy or would it be I am living in school is a bit its 125 could anyone our driving the vehicles. on both my ears. calculator. i dont mind hard to get a one or not. I Any tips? Anything I its gotta be cheap Mates, My car insurance cars, does it require I don t qualify for old female driving a as I age...what are is 98$ a month ford station wagon 1989 can turn it in he/she technically only lives so how much does (Yukon) car and has in order to hit 27 years old. does a heating/plumbing business must but I don t wan t Cost Health Insurance for gettin new auto insurance they really going to know if that will but i want it i bought a corsa have my permit and .
I m 16 and looking my little sixer (they (lv) Now I had I will have to proof that I am these cars going to no insurance history at 14 year old gelding payment for insurance that will cover a driver we wouldn t be able might cost. I d be We have recently renewed a great job working Obama simply wants to Non owner SR22 insurance, research, hence ...show more maybe you could roughly health insurance. Are they go just so we quotes for teenagers. UK what sound like chewing suggest any insurance plan be?) as a multi health insurance for an Would Have To Pay is about 5 years like for things not Hi, I have bought long as the car ones on there. What so many Americans against is legal not any Got limited money years old and im with those temporary insurance stone that is unbearable will be gone which Hey i just bought gonna be like on work for an insurance .
0 notes
happyfirebear-blog · 7 years
The Life I Live.
As of today December 11th, 2017 will start the writing about my life and my struggles. This would just be a small window into my life so like every good book I will give you a backstory and what lead up to where I am now.
It was December of 2014, I was 18 and was living with my parents and two younger siblings in the NorthEast side of El Paso,TX still living as if i was still 15yo cause first thing i did when i woke up was turn on my Xbox 360 before walking into the kitchen and grab myself cup of coffee and spend hours of my day playing xbox as a way to make some friends who enjoy playing the same games as i do and i always found some way to make new friends and loved the different views and opinions of  C.O.D Public Lobbies once i filtered through the hatred that took up a large majoraty of the game i met a few Great Friends that i am still close friends with to this day some of which i met when i was 16yo. One day i was talking to my Aunt and cousins whom i was talking to frequently over the phone and some how the idea of me spending the summer there was brought up. i cant remember who it was that brought it up. One afternoon I was offered to spend the summer with my cousins in Artesia,NM. It was the first week of January when i heard that my Cousin whom i was the same age me being a few months younger got his own place and was living with his Girlfriend. Early in the morning before sunrise my mom, brother, Sister and I began the long Three-hour drive through the Guadalupe mountains and small towns that were scattered along the way. We finally arrived in Artesia that morning and i met my Cousins girlfriend and it was a little awkward since i hadn't seen my cousin in person since i was a very young child but that feeling dissapeared within the week. I lived with them for the first month of January and i had a really good time they eventually left that house and we moved in with my aunt and my younger cousin where i would stay for another two years. That Febuary i got a call from my mom telling me that the landlord in el paso had evicted them and had nowhere to go as he was illegally giving them only 3 weeks to leave. My mom and Aunt started talking and found a way to let them stay with her. I started working at walmart in the last week of febuaray starting out as a Unloader spending 3 months unloading trucks sorting and pulling pallets out to the sales floor. I quit after the 3 months due to a visiting Assistant manager giving me a ridiculously hard time and gave out Coachings (the equivalent of being sent to principal's office in school) like candy on Halloween and not wanting to take it anymore as I felt it was taking an emotional toll on me. A few weeks after quitting I got a call back from another ASM who offer me a position in the Sporting Goods department as a sales associate. I worked in that position until February of 2016, when I left because of ongoing family drama between my mom and my aunt and I was hearing it both at home and at work since everyone worked at Walmart at one point in time. I eventually grew tired of it and wound up quitting my job thinking I could find a job somewhere else with a drama-free workplace, we lived together but there were conflict and rumors spread of cheating that eventually took a toll on my mom’s marriage and caused them to divorce with my stepdad leaving to Texas. With me being unable to find a job and walmart not wanting to hire me i was not much help financialy so i tried to help the best i could being there to listen to problems and attempted to lighten the mood as much as I could but not being able to give the kind of financial help we needed we eventually went to live with my mom’s boyfriend only to be kicked out and with nobody else to fall back on we called my aunt and she helped use get our things from his front yard and back into her place at 3am without hesitation cause what family is for if not forgetting grudges even for a few days to help you out. We lived back at my aunts with the same drama and arguments to bubble back to the surface and caused everybody lives to become uncomfortable and avoided each other being afraid to say something that would start more conflict. Jump Foward to June 2017, My oldest cousin, her boyfriend and I moved into a small 3 bedroom rental house in Loco Hills, NM Where I really tried to push myself to get a job desperately applying to places that would hire someone who only has 1yr of retail experience and no drivers license or vehicle and has to rely on others for transportation. Me not having a job i basically stayed home playing Maid where i feed the 7 dogs that were here and tried to keep the house clean when they got home from work, cleaning the dishes, sweeping, mopping and switching the dogs since my cousin owned a pit bull who was SO sweet and loving as long as you were not another dog that wasn’t her boyfriends Blue heeler. So every day I would wake up early in the morning to put the five dogs that spent the night inside outside and the two that were outside they would go inside for the day and I would switch them again the same night to make sure everyone got relatively the same amount of time outside. I found it very hard to ask for things as I wasnt doing much in to help pay for bills and each passing week I felt more and more down about myself and where I was in my life as a 20-year-old who is back in the same place in life he was when he was 14, jobless, and being an financial leech to who ever is around him cause he cant get a job and because of this it is a part of the reason my cousin and her Boyfriend coudn’t afford to keep their car and pay the rent and bills of the house and were forced to move back in with my aunts in order to keep their car. Me, however, I am still in loco hills currently By myslef untill later this week where my mom and her BF are moving from hagerman,NM to loco hills to live in a place where they can have their dogs since I was hesitant to move back in with my aunt with all the people who live there it would be crowded (8 people in a 4 bedroom house) so to avoid any more uncessary drama I stayed here and asked my mom if she would like to rent this place to avoid possibly losing our dogs.So here i am laying in bed drinking coffee with my dog sleeping on my shoulder hoping my life will move on as I am applying to places every day but it is emotionally draining filling out applications and calling places only to be given an endless list of excuses or just flat out denied the position for not having a drivers license or a personal vehicle. But if you happen to be reading this and your workplace is hiring or maybe you are a manager and would like to look at my Resume’ i will be happy to Email it to you.         
0 notes
strmyweather · 8 years
The Room Where It Happens
I did not throw away my shot. I was willing to wait for it. ...And I got into THE ROOM WHERE IT HAPPENS!!!
This weekend I was in New York for a few days in order to run the NYC Half Marathon this past Sunday. I’m from NC, and although (like so many of us nowadays) I know every single word to the soundtrack, I had yet to actually see the show. The one day of my trip where it worked out for me to try the cancellation line was Friday 3/17 (also St. Patrick’s Day... luck of the Irish?).
Part One: The Line
I got there at 6am (in 26-degree weather), thinking hopefully that I might actually be first -- and was a little disappointed to discover that there were no fewer than SIX professional line-sitters already there, who had all arrived between 4 and 5 AM. However, that crew ultimately turned out to be super friendly; chatting with them made the hours go by MUCH faster. (They were also exceptionally well-prepared for the cold, so making friends with them was a good idea -- one of them lent me his sleeping bag for a little while when he went to get something to eat, which was definitely the most comfortable chunk of time I spent in the line!)
The six line-sitters needed a total of 9 tickets, though they warned me it might be as many as 12 if we were made to wait until the last minute prior to curtain (because then they’d have to go in as their clients’ plus-ones). I was the first non-line-sitter, so I would get ticket #10 if all went well. Another girl showed up at 6:30am and got in line behind me (#11). There was a long gap after that. Another woman came by around 9:45 and asked us about standing-room-only (SRO) tickets; we of course had no idea, so she went into the box office at 10am when they opened, then left shortly thereafter without coming back to the line, so nobody found out what was said.
The six line-sitters had one another’s backs, of course, and they were constantly swapping in and out of line to go warm up, use the bathroom, get food, and so forth. I was grateful for the presence of the girl behind me, so that I had a ‘buddy’ to swap with also. The weather was EXTREMELY cold (and we were under the overhang, so no sunshine) and despite long down coats, gloves, hats, scarves, two pairs of socks, and foot warmers, we literally could not feel our feet for most of the ten hours we waited there. For the first hour or so until the sun came up, I really questioned whether I could stick it out all day long, because I was already going through periods of violent, uncontrollable, teeth-chattering shivers (while casting envious glances toward the cozy sleeping bags of the line-sitters). Hot coffee proved to be the best antidote -- I think I went to Starbucks three separate times in those ten hours. :-) The Marriott Marquis is right next door (with a Starbucks on the ground level) and they are very tolerant of the cancellation line folks' comings and goings as long as you're not obnoxious about it. There was some kind of medical conference happening on this particular day, so the third-floor bathroom doors were propped open, which was convenient (normally you’d have to go all the way up to the business center on the 8th floor).
A mom and her grown daughter showed up and joined the line around 10:30am (they had gotten there at 4pm the previous day, had been #15-16 in line, and had not gotten in, so they were a little put out to realize that they were still numbers 12 and 13 for tickets even now -- but they ultimately did stick around after debating about it for the better part of an hour). Then another super nice mom and her young son got there around 11. The little boy was a big fan and had begged his mom to “just walk by the theater!” They were not dressed for a long wait in the freezing cold, and after talking with all of us and doing some mental math, they actually decided to hire the line-sitters for the following day rather than wait in line with us. (I bet their company gets a ton of business that way!)
Someone came out and offered premium tickets ($750) around noon or 1pm, which nobody took. Then the line started to get longer in the early afternoon; I’d estimate that there were 16-18 people there by the time the line-sitters were called in, which was around 3pm. They all got their tickets, all of which were second-row unclaimed lottery seats ($199); the online lottery had closed at 1pm, and the window for the winners to claim the tickets therefore ended at 2pm, which I think is why the action started around 3.
The rest of the line (about a dozen of us) got really excited when the line-sitters’ tickets were passed out; we were all up on our feet after that, alert for any sort of continued action in the lobby. But once the line-sitting group left, there was a lull. I had overheard one of the sitters (on the phone with his boss) say that when he was inside, he had heard the ticket seller say they were releasing 10 lottery seats, but the long lag after the line-sitters’ departure made me think he must’ve gotten it wrong. Those of us left in line therefore decided that that was probably it for the unclaimed lottery seats and the rest would probably be true ‘cancellation’ seats, the ones in the general vicinity of rows 6-10 that they usually give out just a few minutes before curtain. Yet somehow none of us sat back down. Four more hours felt like nothing compared to what we’d already endured -- heck, the temperature had risen to 35 whole degrees; we were feeling great! :-)
Another hour ticked by. There was a guy in an A.Ham baseball cap pacing the lobby and occasionally coming outside or looking out at us, so when he opened the door to let somebody out, I approached him, put on my best smile, and said, “I’m in no rush, I’m happy to stand here all the way til curtain -- but since I’m first in line and I’m all by myself, I just wanted to ask whether I have time to run next door to the bathroom, or whether you think there’s going to be any more action in the next ten minutes?” I was doing this for two reasons: first because I really did have to pee, and second because I wanted him to know that I was a single ticket, not a pair -- just in case there really was a tenth seat left in that second row. He smiled and said he would let the box office know that he had let me go to the restroom. I made it back in record time, caught his eye through the glass, and gave him a thumbs-up. Not even three minutes later, he came back out the door and said, “You just need one?” I breathlessly said, “Yes.” (OHMYGOD OHMYGOD) “And YOU just need one?” he asked the girl behind me. When she also said yes, he said “Okay”... and held the door open so we could come inside!
I literally danced into the lobby, punching the air and chanting “YES, YES, YES!” (It was either that or burst into tears!) And then, wonder of wonders, I was handed a SECOND-ROW TICKET -- the tenth and final unclaimed lottery seat (the girl behind me was inexplicably given a seat in the lower mezzanine). Not only was I FINALLY going to see Hamilton, but this was EXACTLY where I had hoped to sit. I truly think I would have kissed the ticket-seller if there hadn’t been glass between us!
Ultimately, I think close to 20 tickets must have been given out; the last people in line at 4:15pm (when I got my ticket and left) were a mom and her 16yo daughter from Texas, both celebrating their birthdays that weekend, who literally came straight from the plane to the theater, arrived around 4pm, and (happily) managed to get tickets! Compared to everyone else’s arrival times, it would have been easy for me to regret getting there so early and sitting in the cold for so long -- I definitely still would have gotten in if I had arrived a lot later -- but I actually felt really validated, because I got exactly the seat I wanted, and the way the chips fell on this particular day, I wouldn’t have gotten into the second row if I had arrived even just 30 minutes later than I did.
In conclusion: the cancellation line was WORTH EVERY SINGLE MINUTE. I would do it again in a heartbeat. Although the temperature was pretty miserable (which might be part of why the line wasn’t quite as busy that Friday as it sounds like it was on Saturday), it still truly did not feel like ten hours (and there was definitely some exceptionally interesting people-watching that day, it being St. Patrick’s Day and all -- LOL). I read a few chapters of a book when I first arrived, but after that, I honestly spent most of the time talking to others in line! The waiting in and of itself was part of the experience -- in an odd way, it felt like I was ‘earning’ the ticket -- and the whole day was one that I’ll never forget.
Part Two: The Show!
At 7:30, I walked into ‘the room where it happens’. I took a playbill (handling it VERY carefully; I knew I’d want to frame it later), advanced a few steps further into the theater -- and just sort of stood there in the aisle, blinking numbly at the stage with my mouth hanging open. Even though I’d been waiting LITERALLY all day for this, it somehow still hadn’t sunk in that I was ACTUALLY THERE, ACTUALLY GOING TO SEE HAMILTON, until that moment.
I felt tears welling up -- but was snapped out of my trance by a girl next to me, who walked in and had exactly the external reaction that I was having internally -- she stopped in her tracks, stared at the stage, clutched her hands to her heart, and squealed. I grinned at her. “I know. Me too,” I said. We just looked at each other for a second, speechlessly shaking our heads and grinning like idiots.
I found my way to the second row (!) and took a few photos of the stage. I wasn’t too starstruck to note how lucky I was to be sitting on an aisle -- the Richard Rodgers notoriously has horrible lines for intermission bathroom breaks, and with this position, I’d be able to jump up and sprint. (This was crucial, because I was already thinking ahead to securing a good stagedoor position, and so definitely didn’t want to have to pee AFTER the show.) Once in my seat, I flipped open my playbill and scoped out the performers -- and was further thrilled to discover that Andrew Chappelle, a swing actor whom I follow on social media, just happened to be on as Lafayette/Jefferson! This was a fantastic surprise; until that moment, it hadn’t even occurred to me that I might get to see him. Could this night get any better?!?
A mother and daughter came and sat down next to me; I didn’t recognize them from the line, and when we started talking, I found out that was because they’d hired two of my line-sitter buddies to get them there! It was fun telling them about what the line had been like, and how awesome their ‘representatives’ had been. Our conversation was promptly cut off when… the house lights went down, and we were underway!
At those first familiar notes, I was promptly in tears. I can’t describe how it felt to actually SEE the faces, gestures, and staging that I had imagined in my head so many times! Some of it fit what I had envisioned; a lot of it didn’t, but that was precisely where the magic was. I could see every single detail of the actors’ expressions, costumes, and body language, right down to the (distinctly 21st-century) Band-Aid on one actor’s finger. It took me halfway through the second number to stop crying -- around the point where I shifted from disbelief to awe, realizing that Brandon Victor Dixon as Aaron Burr was an utter masterpiece. For me he brought the character absolutely seamlessly from soundtrack to stage; it just 'felt right' from the very beginning. All the subtle changes Brandon made to Burr in terms of his tone and inflection conveyed exactly the man in my imagination, while simultaneously giving the character a third dimension. To me, his portrayal felt like a key in a lock.
By contrast -- because I’d never actually SEEN the performance before -- I had no idea King George was quite so HILARIOUS in person! Taran Killam nearly stole the show. He was only onstage for a combined total of eight or nine minutes (which is a running joke in the Hamilton universe, that such a significant character gets so quantitatively little stage time) -- but he was so utterly hysterical during his brief appearances that the entire audience consistently burst into laughter at the mere sight of him, before he even opened his mouth. This is another character who definitely takes on an added dimension when he is visible on stage as well as audible; I had admittedly never reveled in the King's songs all that much on the soundtrack (at least not by comparison to the rest), just because it's difficult to imagine what, if anything, might actually be happening while he's speaking – but in a live theater, each of Taran's all-too-brief segments was a true highlight of the entire show. I'm listening to those tracks differently now, because I’m STILL laughing aloud when I think back on Taran’s body language!
It almost goes without saying that Jevon McFarrin (the actor playing Hamilton, who was on because Javier Muñoz was injured) was absolutely superb. He found a lot of little mischievous facets to the character in the first act, tiny things I hadn't ever pictured; I honestly couldn’t take my eyes off him. One of my favorites was when Angelica is reading her flirtatious letter aloud: "with a comma after Dearest / you've written My Dearest, Angelica. / It changed the meaning / did you intend this?" Jevon silently reads along with her, moving his lips, with a small smile -- and then NODS HIS HEAD YES when they reach that question! Loved that nuance. Andrew Chappelle as Lafayette in the first act was similarly impressive; his French accent was absolutely perfect -- I’ll make a bold claim here and venture to say he was BETTER than the soundtrack -- no small feat!
Another Act I observation was that this was quite possibly the most INTENSE show I’d ever seen. There were multiple numbers (“My Shot,” “Yorktown,” etc.) where the energy among the ensemble was so ferocious that my instinct was to jump out of my seat and give a standing ovation, because it felt like the type of power that you associate with the END of a performance -- but these guys somehow kept returning to that place all throughout the show. It was utterly breathtaking, and the full-throttle audience engagement pushed the energy even higher. So many people know the show by heart at this point that nearly every actor got entrance applause, and everyone was laughing, clapping, catcalling, and cheering at all the right places. I'm sure this wasn’t unusual for the cast, since most Hamilton audiences are probably on the same wavelength by this point in the show’s existence, but for me as a theatergoer, this was unique compared to any other show I've ever seen. I often feel like I'm "leading the charge" in a theater audience (in terms of my reactions dictating those of other people), but this time there was so much enthusiastic involvement on all sides of me that I could react however I wanted in any given moment without being self-conscious.
Usually during a show, there’s a part of my brain still keeping track of real life (how long until intermission? what kind of pulley mechanism do they have on that prop? is the girl next to me crying too?) but this time I was completely wrapped up in the action, mesmerized, entranced, totally lost in it all. When intermission arrived, I was honestly shocked; I would have sworn I’d only been in the theater for about ten minutes. I felt the same way during Act II; the only time I cast a single thought to the clock was during “Your Obedient Servant,” when I felt a sharp stab of dread at the realization that the performance was, inevitably, going to end.
Act II was just as delightful as the first half; Andrew Chappelle reappeared, this time as Jefferson, and I loved the sassy, slightly effeminate nuance he added to that character. In contrast to Brandon as Burr, who felt beautifully familiar from the start, exactly the way I’d pictured him, Andrew’s Jefferson was so markedly DIFFERENT from how I’d pictured him that I couldn’t look away from either one. Both portrayals were brilliant, made all the more so by the actors’ contrasting approaches. I am not a performer by any stretch of the imagination, but I know this particular story and soundtrack so well that watching this performance, observing all the miniscule decisions that each actor made, truly gave me a new respect for the necessary level of effort and detail-oriented insight involved in crafting a character for the stage. It was thoroughly humbling to behold.
I can’t count the number of times I cried during those three hours, for one reason or another -- but another of the most memorable moments was during “It’s Quiet Uptown.” I was close enough to see every gulp and grimace, and this is where Jevon really sold me -- because he had real tears streaming down his face by the end of the song! That wholly genuine response pushed me over the edge; I can’t remember the last time I saw a male actor cry. I was simultaneously devastated and awestruck; I didn’t realize until the end of the scene that I had my hand over my heart. I wasn’t alone, either; as the music faded, I could hear quiet sniffling from every corner of the room.
My only full-on ugly-cry was at the very end, during the Burr-Hamilton duel and Eliza’s final monologue. Somehow I always just want it to turn out differently, and then I melt down all over again each time it doesn't. It simultaneously thrills and crushes me to remember that these were REAL people, that this is a REAL story. I had visited Hamilton and Eliza’s gravesites at Trinity Church on Thursday when I arrived in the city, and I felt the same shivery tears there, knowing that I was so very close to what remained of the physical selves of these incredible people -- individuals that I now feel like I know so intimately.
It was ‘Broadway Cares’ season, so we got a brief curtain speech at the end of the show, which included a sidelong political joke about how this fundraising would also support Meals on Wheels (this was the week when it hit the news that Trump might pull funding from that organization). Afterward, I zipped out to the stagedoor and, after some subtle finagling, wiggled my way to the front of the barricades. Not everybody came out (I was really hoping to see Taran, but no dice); however, Andrew did (I got the chance to tell him how lucky I felt to have gotten to see him, and that I love his social media persona), and Jevon did, too. He was definitely the highlight; I thanked him for signing my playbill, then said "I've been here since 6am; I waited all day, and I feel so incredibly lucky to have seen you!" He grinned and gave me a high-five, then stopped, looked at me a little more closely, and said, "Wait, where were you sitting?" I grinned a little sheepishly and said, "Yeah, second row." He laughed and said, "You cheered SO LOUD for Meals on Wheels! I was like, 'new favorite person'!" He gave me a big hug. My friend Mike, whom I met in the stage door crowd, got a couple of candid pictures of this interaction. :-)
I think you can sum it up based on my final stagedoor interaction, which was with Anthony Lee Medina (who plays John Laurens / Philip Hamilton). As he was signing my playbill, I thanked him and told him, "That was just about the most fun I've ever had." He looked up at me, grinned, and said, "You too, huh?"
...Yeah. Me too.
0 notes
okay i’m going to go off about celebs again…. but like…. does anyone remember the gross asf vitriol that went around in 2011-2013 about justin bieber where the joke was “more like justINE bieber am i right??? 😂😂😅😅” from the “haters” of him. i, myself, actually joined in on this; considering that i thought that liking all the emo shit i was into made me “more mature than belibers” or some other absolutely batshit backwards bullshit that i would’ve spat out at the time to sound “edgy” and “NoT LiKe OtHeR GiRlS 👩🏻‍🎤👩🏻‍🎤”….. when in my group at catholic school, i had two girls in my group that were belibers themselves lol. i honestly made zilch sense.
but like to rest on this a bit, what the actual fuck was up with this joke???? why the fuck did the whole world just gang up on this teenage boy, who through no fault of his own, was still going through puberty…. so of course his voice was still going to be high??? and then the weird fucking speculation some fucking gross ass literal grown up adult people had back then of “when do you/we think his balls are going drop, so that we wont be call to be able to call him justine bieber anymore 😅😭??? just let us have our fun??!!” like what the FUCK??? why did everyone think that this was their business??? it wasn’t his fault in a sense that he stumbled into usher and got signed.
like….. no wonder justin’s had several breakdowns over the years. i would too. because how the fuck would you deal with this???? people just throwing out so casually this horrible fucking vitriol that they think you’re a girl OR think that you should get a sex change because it’s obviously a lie that he’s a boy/man OR think that you’re not “just a butch lesbian disguised as a 16yo boy” (these were legit other arguments at the time). like he was a KID for fucks sake. who the fuck asks to go through puberty in the fucking spotlight???? fucking N O O N E thats fucking who. like obviously he’s had a myriad of meltdowns and bad publicity over the years since. but this bullshit would’ve been so fucking horrible to take during the shitty years of puberty and high school to boot. obviously, in the years since, he’s done roast battles with jokes about this, so it’s good that he was able deal with it and joke about it, albeit eventually.
but i would’ve absolutely fucking hated to have all my pubescent behaviour and changes being fucking aired and speculated on in public view, for completely random people, famous or not, to comment on and make fun of. like i’ve talked before about the trouble i had with my period in my teens. i would’ve LOATHED to have that shit aired as it happened, on a red carpet for example. or as im accepting an award or just let alone performing at a show. just mid speech or mid performance. i would’ve bled (leaked) onto an expensive costume or provided expensive designer dress (or my own clothes/outfit) because my flow for a particular month/week was uber heavy. or god forbid, i wouldve thrown up mid-press-junket-interview on air or almost fucking passed out as well, depending on how my cycle/ovaries/hormones were feeling during a particular month/week.
like this is besides my point in a sense, but still. i would’ve had this aired and speculated on if i’d been catapulted to fame at the same time as bieber (and keep in mind, he is literally only a year older than me). but my period struggles would have been spun as “are you SURE this GIRL isn’t a BOY who knows nothing about period products??? does she know ANYTHING about pads & tampons so she WON’T bleed onto her dress or the like??? what a lazy, disgusting “girl”!” or “does she KNOW just how WEAK she is for NOT controlling her period pain??? how dare she pass out mid-show??? does she know she’s FAKING IT??? what a weak person, just GET UP and PERFORM, MONKEY because PERIODS ARENT THAT BAD!!! just think like a MAN and your period pain will go away!” or some other bizarre speculative bullshit that has absolutely nothing to do with anyone else.
when unbeknownst to anyone, i would’ve had about 5 advil tablets to both deal with my utterly unbearable period pain and unfathomably blinding and mind-numbing hormonal period headache, right before the said event or interview or whatever the fuck celeb duty i was carrying out. i would’ve had heat pads on, i would have been dizzy when arriving to and leaving from sets, etc etc etc. and finally, i would’ve been incredibly tired during all of this…… because of how much my periods fucked me around as a teen, to the point that some nights i couldn’t even fucking sleep properly. or the only reprieve i would get from the pain would be the aforementioned 5 advil tablets and an all day nap. on top of all this, i probably would’ve had to BEG (all because video call interviews weren’t particularly popular back then) for some like video call interview type thing from my bedroom or home studio or whatever, just to avoid going into an actual studio & set so i could just lay in bed or sit somewhere comfortable for the whole interview. and again etc etc etc because of all the other problems i had with my periods in my teens til my early fucking 20s, that i’ve mentioned several times on/in various posts on this hellsite over the years.
and the same goes for female stars like sasha pieterse from PLL when she opened up about her struggle with PCOS, and halsey with sharing her struggle with endometriosis. i would’ve hated to go through those medical conditions in the spotlight. i feel for them. it’s also the same thing with boobs: where the most famous example in recent years is ariel winter from modern family….. with how she needed a breast reduction because her boobs were giving her back problems and stuff, because she was like an F cup or something. and she also hated the creepy ass comments she was getting from gross dudes about how nice her boobs were or whatever the fuck, even while she was still a teen on the show.
anyway. back to bieber. i only say this because literally like last year or in 2019, the bieber joke appeared in my feed again in the first time in YEARS and i ended up tagging one of my old catholic school friends like “how the fuck do people still think this is funny?? it’s so 2011. and come to think of it, it was never funny in the first place anyway”. like both the media and the public had absolutely no right to speculate this shit and invade a young teen boy’s privacy like this??? it was so fucked up. idk why i didn’t make a post about it at the time…. but it also came into my mind just now because i commented on a post about justin bieber the other night about how he’s had fans stalk him to his nyc apartment again. like when the actual fuck will people fucking learn to let celebs have their goddamned privacy lmao.
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