#+ i dont wanna. Ask ppl if theyre interested & what characters they wanna make
conflictedkismet · 6 months
born to dm, forced to face The Horrors
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narwhalandchill · 5 months
how are we feeling about this project amber update
assuming this is in relation to childe bc who the fuck else JWDJWJKDJKW anon im so sorry if not. also so so sorry for how out of hand this got. i am simply unwell about him.
But! Well. there certainly are thoughts
(obviously 4.6 datamine of arle SQ and her voicelines; This Will Not Spoil Anything Abt The Main SQ Plot, i only discuss the relevant parts. also some p Heavy negativity towards fanon ooc at the start youve been warned dont @ me)
(i mean i didnt even read anything of the SQ but The scene w childe so idek the main plot of the quest rly either lmao. tho go at ur own risk if u wanna check the dialogue out; its the 2nd quest log but it does hint at the greater story)
TLDR: how i feel abt his appearance in a vaccuum? quite solid despite the briefness, actually. accounting for the way fanon is 100% likely going to be reading into this and turning it into the Lets Infantilize Ajax Even More 2024 championship? conflicted.
in other words; a certified labyrinth warriors moment - theyve expanded on childes character in a very interesting and quite a compelling way and while i Do like the potential in what im seeing from hoyos end theyve also done it so that its going to be misinterpreted to hell and back by fanon so i kinda have an immediate jaded love-hate moment going on JJWJDKJDKJWJDWKJ
its literally just labyrinth warriors flashbacks - that event has some of my ALL TIME favorite insights into who ajax is and how he views the world and himself but when the event came out all everyone cared abt was to warp it into baby boy stuck in scawwy paper boy dungeon dehumanizes himself by calling himself a weapon and doesnt love himself he is such a sad trauma meowkitten 🥺🥺so yeah
bc like lets look at this properly for a bit; okay he went back to fontaine to look for skirk still somewhat injured and waa waa my 286 month infant baby cannot Make decisions like that!!!!!11! which is to say. i am tired of him getting this shit every time.
is it smart of him to get on the move immediately with just the bare minimum of rest? no. do i like that hes straining himself before proper recovery? not particularly no. do i feel the particular need to psychoanalyze this grown man and feared warrior whos 100% survived Way Worse in Way More Extreme Situations for it? hell fucking no.
while not at all the course of action a medical professional would approve of. from childes POV its perfectly logical hes priorizing going back for skirk when its literally the FIRST TIME shes showed up in like. a Decade. when hes been looking for her all this time are you kidding me 😭😭😭 but fanon must keep fanoning for their widdle baby girl so what does a hater like me know
anyway. seething and venting over im gonna try to avoid bringing up how much i hate this kinda infantilization of ajax now im sorry for bringing it up so much on ur innocent ask anon KJWDJKWKJDJDKWJKD. neutral discussion moment. i Promise
so it seems that theyre going for the pulcinella-is-shady-about-ajax (and prolly his family) angle for good and like. personally for me as long as the only real source of that claim was scara (a cynical edgelord who doesnt believe in non-exploitative human relationships, mind you) i was rather skeptical towards just instantly drawing that conclusion, but well. with the scene in arles AQ it appears to be sth theyre building towards
i actually really fucking loved that scene bc while theres outsider perspectives (scara obvi; and even arles line for him has that vibe. and ppl still take that shit face value 💀💀) and a lot of fandom assuming childes like. completely clueless and naive and ignorant towards the potential risks involved with trusting pulcinella. this is actually a very clever demonstration of quite the opposite? and showcasing how despite his aversion towards schemes and lies hes still intelligent and knows the kind of people hes dealing with when it comes to his fellow harbingers
like. childe has a negative opinion of arle based on what pulcinella has told him about her because at face value many of her deeds are in heavy conflict with his values of loyalty and family. and because he does not have the further context behind her actions and what the HotH under her is really like. Obviously hed hold a very hostile and wary view towards arlecchino
(ESPECIALLY when with all this biased intel hes still going to run into kids from the house!!! and then hes going wtf? these are good kids. what the hell is that knave doing with them??? blink twice if you need help i will start a civil war for yall like thats how he is with kids!!!!)
so YES. pulcinella has given him if not false then at least misleading intel based on the political tension between himself and arlecchino and the wider HotH. and childes taken that at face value! sure! he is close with pulcinella of course he would!
BUT. THEN. he returns to fontaine and seeks arlecchinos help looking for skirk. and observes her behavior and modus operandi for himself as well as the kids. does he go "nah she must be just hiding the crazy evil shit i would never distrust pulcinella" and leave it at that when reality doesnt completely match his expectations?
NO. because when offered the opportunity through the traveler asking about the HotH childe immediately capitalizes on the opportunity to prod for answers and see if pulcinella is lying to him!!!!
and hes so fucking smart with the way he does it too???? i LOVE his intelligence. the entire thing is so simple yet elegant; it Completely relies on his reputation as the kinda gullible harbinger whod Never scheme or hide Anything to indirectly affirm or deny his suspicions. he doesnt Need to Pretend to care about the possibility of arle betraying the kids bc he genuinely does!! and when she pushes back against the accusation he doesnt Need to fake admitting to her that well, actually, its all just rumors so he could be completely wrong. and so on. like he navigates the entire thing so effortlessly. and whats the end result?
childe has Confirmation of pulcinellas possible ulterior motives in action AND that arlecchino is a much more reliable ally than he initially assumed. all the while appearing as just The Straightforward 11th. like obviously id need to hear it voiced first to be sure but in text it v much gives the impression hes almost kinda just. playing up the threats towards arle and being "dumb" on Purpose?? to get the answers he wanted out of arle without appearing like hes fishing for anything particular. and i just hhhhhhhhhhh
i love when he does this so muchhhh!!!!!! 😭😭 he doesnt need to become some machiavellian schemer to be able to strategize !!!!!! he avoids scheming bc he Dislikes it not bc hes incapable of it like this has Always been the case Since Liyue AQ and i love whenever they show that side of himm . my Beloved
so anyway. while i do still think the like "pulcinella is bad and has his family hostage" is still kind of a generic plotline and i hope the writing regarding the whole thing wont ultimately turn out to be sth That simplified and black and white. its p clear theyre doing Something with pulcinellas motivations and as they are. im Really glad theyre letting it show that childes not just some completely passive party being manipulated in this all. he Is thinking abt this stuff and his position among the harbingers. ig we shall see where it goes - not the greatest fan of the concept still, but canon text supports it becoming a thing way more than when it was just scaras word we had for it. hope theyll surprise me positively w how they go about it!
then briefly for the rest uhh
also loved arle and childe just shittalking the rest of the harbingers it was amazing. i wasnt expecting this kinda dynamic between them at all but its great lmao. also i wanna see childe hang out w the HotH kids
as for project stuzha; so we dont really get anything solid on it other than being summoned back to snezhnaya for it is apparently a Big Deal. but still very interested. let my man have his endgame significance Trust
childes appearance was obviously v brief ultimately but that was clear from his leaked linecount to begin with - i am pretty satisfied with what they seem to have done w him. like its not The Best but also i wasnt expecting his lore to get some massive expansion in another harbingers SQ . the worst i feared was that it was just going to be a flashback of arle returning his vision which did Not happen so massive W. i am super hyped to hear this scene voice acted proper and happy to see him again, i really hope he gets to appear at least once more in an interlude or dains quest or something before going on hiatus again but idk if thats too much to ask LKKWJDJWDJWD
also: i am never changing my namecard after this patch drops. oh my godddddddd its So Fucking Beautiful 😭😭😭😭
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But. Yeah. lots of good stuff. unfortunately lots of it will get misinterpreted and fanon will get obnoxious about it. but i still love getting to see him again and i am speedrunning that namecard day fucking one mutuals and/or followers in EU please add me (UID 711090267) ill need coop buddies for the world bosses
thank youuuuuuu for the ask i hope this monstrosity of a monologue doesnt scare u off 💀💀💀
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swellsha · 26 days
I saw ur Prime Defenders villain au and I’m so curious about it, it seems so interesting and fun and I wanna know everything!!! Where is it different from the what if? How did the ghostkicks & polypd happen? Tell me everything :)! Also love ur design for Kota I love his long hair 👀!
ahh tysm for asking!! SO theres a lot different, i suppose i should go character by character
(tw for some pretty dark themes)
to start with will. (in this au uses they/them) they are pretty similar to the oneshot except i made up backstory stuff because i can!! part of it is that they cant feel any pain and never have been able to, so theyve always been fascinated by the power pain has over people and what it can make them do, especially given they dont really know what it feels like. their backstory is similar to normal william wisp except theyre more power hungry and start to use their abilities to take the power from the creatures they and the unwitness protection program find. theyre ... not exactly chill w that and the group breaks up. will starts to withdraw themself more and more and listen to the voices in their head telling them they should totally just kill everyone and eventually theyre like "wow yeah i should kill everyone!!" so one day during church they use their powers we saw in the one shot which lets them make everyone have an insatiatble bloodlust and basically cause a slaughter and they run off. given they didnt exactly hide it very well theyre arrested when they arrive at rockfall and taken to the supermax
tldr: wills obsession with pain and power goes A Tad Bit Too Far and they end up in jail.
as for kota (she/her in this au) she has always been a bit feral. ill try and make this explanation shorter but basically every adult that shouldve taken care of her died and she took that as a sign that she just wasnt good enough for them, that they didnt want her. she went into the care system and saw kids who had powers always being chosen over her. she even begged ms g (who she later came to sort of blame for her parents death) to take her in and train her but ms g didnt take her seriously becuase she was only a kid with no powers and rejected her. in a kind way, but it still stung. due to this kota began to grow to hate superheroes and just the world in general, viewing herself as an outcast to the world. being about 8 years old she decided the logical thing to do is run away to the woods to be raised by wolves. however instead of wolves shes found by grandma cole (who is more evil in this au) and trains under her and master cole. being an edgy kid she calls him master kill which is where her name comes from. they treat her terribly but tell her that she needs them and they love her and noone will treat her better. when shes 18 grandma cole falls seriously ill and while kota is out getting firewood she dies. except not from the illness...(oo mystery mystery intrigue intrigue) kota runs to the nearby rockfall city and totally pushes that girl off that building on purpose. however when theyre found ppl still assume kota was trying to save her and she undergoes the same surgery. however the surgeon is also evil because everyone must be and also puts a whole demon in her as well as the heart. anyway she wakes up kills everyone leaves gets arrested and taken to Rockfall supermax.
(i said id make this one shorter but wow it really wasnt huh)
as for virion, (any prns in this au) hes the closest to canon. he alsp falls thru the portal and gets ppl in her head exvept this time doesn't just kill a theif but also a bunch of cops too and is taken to the supermax! wow that one was short and sweet
ashe (she/her) hates how powerless her upbringing has made her. she resents the world from afar and the only time shes entertained is when awful shit happens. the only time she has ever felt in control of her own life is when the trickster took her over and totally killed her mum! ironic because she wasnt even the 1 in control there lol. she loves the power the trickster gives her and begins to study it more and more. im sure that wont go badly.
when theyre in the supermax (ashe is the only one not there) they all become a sort of gang and meet tide, and they work together to escape. this is where ghostkicks starts except kota is too thick to realize she has some sort of feelings for them and william is scared of the potential feelings and pushes them down. kota basically becomes williams guard dog lol. kota doesnt like virion cuz she feels hes taking will away from her. after they escape they start to work under the lambert brothers (who are also all evil here) and also with ashe. they call themselves the "prime offenders" lol. they burn down the base of the prime defenders (who in this au is doug, cantrip and le frog) to try and capture wavelength
as for ghostknife, their dynamic is similar to in canon except william is somehow more weird about it. idk how better to explain it
pizzarat (virion and kota) is one sided (at first, anyway) because virions falls for kota after she beats him in physical combat which i feel is a very virion thing to do. kota continues to dislike them but xey keep trying to show how devoted they are to her and eventually kota starts to trust her more
WOW thats a lot huh!! i apologize for how damn much that was and i haveny even talked about the prime defenders or their siblings, xavier and alan, the lambert brothers or what wavelengths and tides whole deal is here
thanks so much for asking!!
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hanasnx · 1 month
Read all your asks about the IWMFLY au and i cant stop thinking about what the reader might think if she knew why he married her. Like, she know he loves her, but if its just platonic love, i dont know...what would she think?
Platonic love is by no means less important than romantic, but the reader, if i understood right, loves Logan, platonically AND romantically. I would personally freak out about this, i would lose my mind trying to understand why he married me if he didn't love me like that. To me, marriage is something deep lovers do, and this would bring me to shreds.
The reader loves Logan and Logan loves the reader, theyre just two different kinds of love...but its much more suffering loving romantically someone that doesnt want you like that...and in marriage, its much worse.
As i said in one of my previous ask, i think the reader in this situation is going to burst out into tears every time the touch briefly AND everything he says "i love you" too her.
Sorry for the long message, i just want to share my thoughts on this.
i appreciate that you read all the asks about it! that makes me so happy actually to see someone so interested, i loved that u shared all your thoughts with me i wanna hear everything
reader’s not completely clueless on all this. she may try to hide the truth from herself, stay in some safety of denial but logan’s never touched her even before marriage so there’s a level of suspect to it. she’s got hope it’ll change, but it dwindles with passing time. there’s not a way for them to have a conversation where he outright says that what he feels for her is completely platonic, it would just never be in the cards. logan wouldn’t know how to say it and he also wouldn’t say it. reader wouldn’t pry bcos she’s not, by nature, a pry-er. part of why this drabble works and can afford that air of open ended mystery is bcos the characters as themselves work for that goal
for now, i haven’t devised a direct conversation about it, but i doubt logan would be able to understand the depth of his feelings for her enough to put it into understandable words—if he’s even capable of voicing deep feelings like that at all
reader agreed to this marriage too. agreed to being protected, agreed to staying with logan no matter what. it’s not that she expected to be untouchable, and is now unhappy with that circumstance, but that she had a different set of things to worry about at the time of the proposal. now that those worries are gone, she’s moved on to worrying about being unwanted sexually which is a completely normal doubt to have in ur life. the drabble takes place in the very beginning stages of overcoming it
people can get married for any number of reasons. ppl can get married for tax benefits, for hospital rights, for life insurance claims, for platonic friendships, etc etc you don’t need some deep inherently sexual and/or romantic reason for getting married. there are no rules. only consent
if it helps, i don’t even think logan says i love you. and if he does, it’s very very special occasions. he knows it’s a heavy phrase to say, and he doesn’t like saying it unless he’s ready and the time is right. so at least the reader you described wouldn’t be spontaneously bursting into tears a lot
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gettinshiggywithit · 2 years
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!Dating Sukuna HeadCanons!
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Scenario:-what would it be like to date ryumen sukuna?
Pairing:-sukuna x gn!reader{shell}
A/N:-i hopy you like this @shelly-stark-official! I tried:’)
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Sukuna is a little shit
But its fine cos so are you~
Honestly the fact that the kINg oF cUrSeS fell in love with your devious and scheming self was not a surprise
Especially not to yuuji(poor fella had to share all of sukunas thoughts abt you and while u and itadori were besties.sukuna wasnt um...thinkin of you in a um platonic way)
(Like at all)
So when buddy boi finally asked you out
And although it felt weird um datin someone who shared the same body as your best friend,you got used to it and yuuji learned not to be so awkward abt it too...
And the moment he suggested you play a (borderline sadistic) prank in yuuji,you paused for a sec before agreeing~
And the moment he suggested you play a (borderline sadistic) prank in yuuji,you paused for a sec before agreeing~
(You knew youd be able to use your quirk if something rly badd happened to him)
And lemme tell you ‘kuna fell even deeper in love~
Sometime you and him and yuuji go out for lunch and while yuuji is the one in control,sukuna opens up those lil mouths on yuujis palms and under his eye to talk to you.
You feed him fries and yuuji hates that the grease is getting on his face😭(ples apologise to our best boi 😔)
So many ppl were like legitimately scared of sukuna but to you he was just a little shit and honestly? I think yall’d be cutee together (i wanna be the ring bear! 🐻)
(I think ur dates would include LOTS of scheming but also bitchin,cos this man has THOUSANDS of yeaes worth of tea to spill and hearin abt ancient gossip is still funny as shit🙈)
Now a little on the powercouple dynamic~
I think that while yall would tease and joking insult eachother,if anyone else tried dishing out jabs in your respective directions the other wouldnt stand for it
Like if someone ELSE calls u idiotic,theyre begging for mercy in a second
And if anyone calls sukuna something insulting,you’re basically walkingg them upto deaths door urself
And if You ever mention how this means he cares abt you,he will in fact go into denial and completely invalidate your opinion on the subject
Furthermore if anyone ever speaks badly of the two of you as a couple (i.e. gossiping and such) yall would just completely ignore them
Like who cares if a barely succeeding apprentice sorcerer doesnt approve of your relationship?????
Yh thats right,no one!
And just to piss em off further,i think hed suddenly initiate a particularl Passionate kiss in front of the gossiper.
Suffice to say that shut em up,for better or worse
I dont really think sukuna would ever fully open up to anyone,not even his s/o.but every so often you do catch glimpses of who he is deep down.its usually blink-and-you-miss-it moments but youve caught some
He doesnt really carw about how open you are either but i think itd make him feel special if you are morw open and vulnerable with him.again,he rly doesn’t give a fuck but it just makes him feel a certain way,y’know?
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please dont repost my work here as your own on any platform all rights belong to me except that of the characters used,their right belong to their respective owners.but these stories? mine.
feedback,likes,reblogs and comments are so very appreciated tbh :’)i hope you enjoyed and ill catch ya next time!
Comments & Reblogs w/ tags >>>>>>>>>>>likes please
Taglist open for anyone interested!
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eirian · 6 months
i made a rly rly long post asking this basic-ass question but i decided to shorten it to just this: is it...WEIRD to, from now on, make my ocs some flavor of woman, and also change my previously-male ocs into some flavor of women as well? im having a Moment rn
im just less interested in making male characters nowadays and they are my ocs after all so i feel like it shouldnt be that big of a deal, especially since theres a ton of ppl who have 100% cis male ocs all the time. but idk. i even find myself wanting to change my old guy ocs into women now bc im That uninterested
i feel a little weird abt taking away trans guy rep from my ocs (id be changing my trans guy ocs to trans women instead, like turnis, and id still have transMASC ocs just not...guys. i guess) which i guess is the reason im asking, bc i also know that i dont Have to represent every type of person (in this case gender-wise) in my ocs. theyre MY ocs...yknow? im not aiming to be the be-all-end-all of representation here after all. but im still unsure abt it
this isnt to say id stop drawing fanart of male characters or headcanoning characters as trans guys or anything like that, itd just be solely for my own ocs if that makes sense? i guess i just dont want to come across as terfy bc that is most certainly not the case lol. i dont wanna change my oc gender rep bc i think it's "better" or something its just a matter of what im finding myself personally interested in now i guess?
anyway. thoughts are appreciated ✌️
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sagemoderocklee · 6 months
violence asks: 12, 13, 16!
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
uh. honestly hard to say cause i dont honestly think the characters i like are rlly 'unpopular'. like some get a lot of hate directed at that (sasuke and sakura, for instance) but theyre still popular characters.
i think what i'll say is i wish more ppl liked sakura without disregarding her flaws. i think her flaws make her more interesting. i think her being kinda selfish makes her more interesting. i think her being callous and insensitive sometimes makes her more interesting. i think when her attempts at kindness hurts others, its more interesting. i think sakura is a good person, but a flawed person. i think she does and says bad things, not infrequently, but is still a likeable character and an interesting one
13. worst blorboficiation
it's been said before, but Gaara. @shukakumoodboard said just last night when they got this or similar one from this ask game, but i cannot stand the blushing sex-clueless Gaara--the man is the leader of an entire village, please stop--and i can't stand ppl baby-girl-ifying him--the man has a fuckin body count at least a mile long.
genuinely it grates so much. and on one end you get this weird homophobic infantilization and on the other hand you get this ableist misinterpretation of him as being a violent "psychopath". like ppl rlly dont understand this character--barring a few ppl i trust--and i think thats a travesty
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
will never get it, will never be into it, never wanna be into it. Kankuro and Kiba are so straight and Kiba gives strong 'homophobic dudebro vibes'. its gotten so popular too, to the point it like actively grates--i guess that's something i could have answered the last ask with re: what thing i hate because of the fandom.
generally speaking i also just will never see the merit in a 'everyone is gay and trans' "utopia" not just cause it's not realistic, but because i wanna live in a world where straight and cis ppl love lgbt ppl for who we are. i wanna live in a world where homophobia and transphobia dont exist because straight and cis ppl do the work to combat it both externally and internally
i get more out of Kankurou being a supportive older brother to his gay brother and bi sister than i get outta him also being gay or bi or trans. i get more outta neji being supportive of lee and gai than i get outta him also being lgbt.
i get nothing outta kiba cause that man would call you a slur in a heartbeat.
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blueiight · 1 year
I appreciate that you answer book questions without being weird or condescending about it or act like you know everything re: what the show is going to do. Some parts of tvc fandom just act so patronizing towards show viewers as if they can't google or read wikipedia cause like why is there a PSA campaign going on rn warning viewers that Armand is evil (literally who doesn't know this already??). IDK what it is about L/A that makes them so weird but like are show viewers not allowed to just discover the story as it unfolds.
i cant speak for anybody but myself , least of all for blogs i dont know but im sorry u have had a hard time and i do appreciate that ive offered something to u? i always feel as though im rambling or not answering questions correctly bc ppl r always asking for clarification or tryna correct something i didnt say .. so i do appreciate hearing that something is being conveyed. theres been a habit of ppl pretending to be armand x louis fans trolling blogs on anon for a good min now. idk why now some ppl r extrapolating these anonymous trolls to be representative of the show fanbase? ive even had some of them come my way i just ignore them cuz i assume theyre trolls but if yall srs why u cockwatching 2d charas& hollering at me like im supposed to care😂 its funny tho i was thinking how both lestat and armand are introduced as antagonistic mysterious forces of terror louis [w lestat& armand] and lestat [w armand] find attractive & we get all of their perspectives/backstories and how they make sense over what theyve become.. theyre all batshit in their own ways💜 so crying tears of blood over 'whos more evil' w armand or lestat or btwn any vampire rly is stupid. while the show has reinvigorated my interest in tvc bc i wanna know what the showrunners will adapt i am not committed into my lines of speculation on what theyll do im more than willing to be proven wrong.. but i think ppl should understand some people do not have an interest in tvc or the immortal universe bc of the show, and that most of these ppl who are show-only r not represented by these handful of trolls. most ppl who watched the show know these characters have a capacity for evil, and have enough common sense that even w/o knowledge of the books they do suspect armand's manipulative ways.. i dont know how much / twe of this urge to humble armand x louis likers w #hardfacts [LOL] comes from the fact that both men in the show adaptation r men of color as much as it is them taking these trollish anons as actual representatives of common opinion lol s1 twist at the end is framed much like armand shedding the skin of rashid, like the horror is escalating anyways.. like one of my twitter mutuals said amc louis is the vampire wendi deng. i havent seen much of the bs on my tl directly, i like to think my tl is way smarter than me so they know how to conduct themselves somewhat
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spikeinthepunch · 1 year
i wanna say i hate to compare BG3 and DAI buuuuut you know they have similar intentions not including the combat system. theyre both high fantasy RPGs that focus on major story choices/consequences and making a protag that you can shape based on personality options, along with class/race specific effects on the way characters mold with you.
so. i think they can be compared, without any note of the technical advancements from since DAI came out of course.
and i say this just based on my current progress (i guess the first 'part'? i just got to the end of the druid grove stuff). i think the bg3 protag is fine! no issue there really, its different but i like what i can do. but i can feel the issues with romance in this game creeping up, as i had heard some things started before by others... that theres a very quick focus to romance. and honestly.... is it romance even at this starting point? immediately i am just asked about who i want to fuck. i like to fuck, i like the sexual relationships. but i can see where ppl may have their issues here.
on this first celebration with the party members, the woman who i helped do the raid with, who i literally dont know, before i even got to the party was like- i am talking to you in your mind and i want to fuck you in thanks for this. and she is the one character you can just fuck without any relation with. and then i talk to Astarion who is like, who do you want to fuck tonight lol? and even if i hadnt talked w him, every other character there except Gale had the option to suggest i wanted to fuck them. bro i hardly even know these guys still. i want to fuck astarion eventually and im glad he turned me down bc honestly why would he accept?. but shadowheart and laezel were totally up for it!!! and man i hard travelled with laezel bc i dont like her lol.
and listen i am sure i will get to learn way more abt these characters that i romance but the fact i am opened up to the sex option immediately is just. so strange when i compare it to the romances of DAI. i think i could take a few characters who just want sex. thats normal. not everyone wants commitment and i would actually like that nuance. but also, really putting the sex on so quick and so blatantly is a surprise to me even as someone who wants to have sex stuff all the time!! but i like good writing too! and i imagine its even more uncomfy for others who really didnt expect or want that. to just assume you character wants to have sex so fast is weird and the only other option denying everything (no implication you want just romance/are interest but dont want sex) is just wild to me too.
DAI has such well written romances. really. i saw ppl saying they were excited this game would blow bioware's romance writing out of the water but i dont think i can say that at all rn and im not sure this current impression will change enough for me to say otherwise entirely....
this also goes into why "everyone is bi" isnt always good. because i think it takes a lot of potentially personal weight out of the writing. not even in that if one character is gay then there will be oppression angst between them and you for being gay. or that the straight one will voice their straightness in context of gays existing in world. its about how "everyone is bi" isnt actually good, chosen bi rep. its just a game mechanic thrown in to satisfy all ends. we can have bi characters, we just cant have them all being labelled that in order to fill that check mark.
dorian is a really good example in DAI of how a character being strictly gay and also facing in world oppression makes his romance storyline SO good. its so important for sexuality labels to exist bc it makes you an individual of your own. and for it to be EXPRESSED in some form too. a character should be able to voice their thoughst on their unique sexuality when you romance them. but the 'everyone is bi just because' means like no character is every talking about that, let alone in a meaningful way when the reason applies to every other companion.
sorry did not mean for this to become a rant on romances. im still looking forward to the writing that will unfold with these characters but i think its so important to not get lost in the hype (and the hate to DAI? which i think is just hate to bioware really) bc people ALWAYS get to ahead of themself when they hear "you can romance anyone regardless of gender" without thinking twice about whether or not that makes it good writing or rep
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thisisegregiouuuus · 21 days
the cat in the hat is one of the worst movies ever, it is so gross and the cat is not even a cat idk what it is, some kind of spawn from hell, and its a disgusting terrible movie, so gross that dr seuss's wife was apaprently and RIGHTFULLY repulsed by the movie so she banned live action adaptions for her husbands books. thank GOD
i do not like the cat in the hat but on the other hand its so funny and i love it like its so much fun, its so terrible that its actually fun. i still hate it tho
anyway im kind of going thru a crisis rn, idk what to put for my pfp on here, i dont wanna go all out with the cat in the hat stuff bc then ill actually throw up so im only changing my banner (im the 'guy in the sweater that asks all the obvious questions' TRUST me, aka the cat in the hat w a blond wig)
so yeah idk what to put for my pfp. its usually smth that i rlly love at this moment but rn im not rlly into anything, like rn i do love the cat in the hat but in a way where i also hate it and if i see too much of it and i realise it MIGHT. MIGHT. be becoming a phase/interest, i will vomit everything out, but otherwise i dont have anything else going on for me! it rlly hurt to remove the luis serra stuff tho </3 RIP MY LUIS SERRA GET UP!!!! I LOVE YOU AND YOU WILL BE MISSED!!!
ANYWAY!!! so far on here i havent talked abt much besides the shining i thnik, but i like a whole bunch of random different things, so i guess im a multi-fandom person or smth, but yeah im into a lot of different things and franchises or idk whatever u wanna call them
rn im getting back into rh on roblox!!! ive been playing since i was like idk 10 or smth so yeah, not to brag or anything, but im kind of a pro 😼 (im actually not ive never even gotten a halo). but i do go into these phases where im suddenly rlly interested to play rh, i get super invested in it for like a week or so, then i drop it and dont touch it for a few months, then i come back and see whats new. rinse and repeat! its like that for most of my other interests too but yeah
anyway besides all that i dont do much on rh, i just hop on, do my dailies, might play the musical chairs thing, and thats abt it! the only other thing i love to do on there is dress up and make new ocs. not even kidding, i have a whole google doc dedicated to my like 20 rh ocs on there, who are mostly under developed lmao. i also like making stupid impuslive decisions with my diamonds and buying things ik i dont need, like i was so close to spending alllll my hard earned diamonds that are already kind of hard to get nowadays on dorm stuff bc i loved how cool and creative ppl could get with their dorms, but i am not a builder, only a decorater. i am a lover not a fighter
so yeah anyway im soooooooo glad the summer thing is gonna be over in like 2 days bc its abt time. like omg. im so excited for the halloween stuff tho, the halloween updates are usually the best/my favs in rh and while i dont rlly think the rh devs are gonna make any kind of new halloween event bc theyre busy with other stuff, im still hopeful and mostly excited to buy myself the whimsy witch heels, and maybe the bat mo heels.
so anyway, back to what i was saying, i made a new oc on rh!!! i have no idea what shes abt tho. shes totally gorgeous and i love her sm but like i have no idea what to do with her, im still deciding on her personality, but i have no idea what her name or occupation/backstory/hobbies and stuff are gonna be, and usually when im making a character, i decide that stuff along the way as i make them, but im still rlly undecided.
anyways im gonna show a few pics of her that i took (bc if theres one thing i lvoe more than wasting many hours trying to perfect how my ocs look, its spending even longer taking photos of them afterwards!)
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the first 2 are my absoloute favourites. shes just so pretty dude like i lvoe looking at her liek PLEAASSEEEE JUST ONE CHANCE!!! LET ME BE THE ONE!!!!! shes gorgeous i love her
but yeah i have noooo idea what im gonna do for her. a lot of my rh ocs are mythical creatures also and i have no idea what kind fo mythical creature im gonna make her, or if shes just gonna be a regular human or smth, but thats too boring
so yeah. i love her so much but idk how or where to get inspo for her and what shes abt and stuff
also i kind of rlly want her to interact and maybe even be friends with my other oc, kitty
ive introduced kitty on here before but it was a private post i posted ages ago so ill just make a separate post for kitty. but yeah thats abt all!!
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whataphantasia · 1 year
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oog i keep forgetting to post here,,, i did a really big oc x canon promptlist on my alt twitter acc like, last year, and i like the stuff i did for it so im posting it here :3
day 1: dancing
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needed to draw this for the fic where they dance at prom and a destroyed universe respectively ^_^
day 2: stargazing. the thumbnail image at the top :D
day 3: phone call
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day 4: (not so) sneaky glances
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ely sits inbetween these two in class. they have to deal with them staring daggers at each other. very stressful sorry ely </3 here's the doodle from like 2019 that made me wanna draw this
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also like there's this moment in the fic where eadr is watching mysterious mysteries together and..... HSHSBDHSHDGDHDHS
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day 5: "i'm proud of you"
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THESE TWO NEED VALIDATION SO BAD RAGHHH don't @ me about the lighting on zim IK ITS REVERSED,,,
day 6: music/playlist. i didn't make any art for this but i did show off my playlists for zaeadr :D i will not elaborate here bc I Don't Feel Like It.
day 7: whispers
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this is actually a redraw... :3c specieswap eadr! so cute :)
day 8: closeness
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ok i didnt actually make any new art for this i just posted two old ones from 2021 LOL
day 9: protectiveness (CW blood)
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dib and zim r dangerous to have as love interests come on ely 😔
day 10: "how was your day" (CW blood as well)
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ely needs to tell him to stop tracking blood into the house.....
day 11: one wish
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WOW something NOT ely related?! anyways ana and ad's whole love arc is kinda like... they both have responsibilities and unrequited feelings. moreso than my other oc x canon pairings. i think them a lot
day 12: matching accessories
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cove jumpscare. IDK I WAS THINKING ABOUT THE MATCHING KEYCHAINS HE BUYS FOR MC... this is reiner btw i was playing as xim in my like 3rd playthrough >_< xe's fond of spoiling him with gifts, more than my other mcs...
day 13: nightmare
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it took me 13 days to break and make sans x shelby art SJWKDJWJ anyway. shelby doesn't meet him pre-corruption but whatever i think they're cute
day 14: makeup
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I HATE THIS DRAWING RAAAA but ely likes asking to do his nails ^_^ even tho theyre terrible at it but he doesnt mind :3c
day 15: "you are my happiness"
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ok uhh my bad this isn't oc x canon LOL. but... erfi and ana... have a lot of angst like halfway/early in their arc bc erfi sees her as a beacon of light/savior, especially due to her current relationship with the ppl in her life.................... they get better dw!!! ad goes through a similar arc so i think that was how i tied it into the oc x canon promptlist LMAO
day 16: indirect kiss
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SODA BOTTLE... IF YOU KNOW YOU KNOW. i've talked about this scene in the fic NON STOP to my close friends.... its when dib realizes he has a crush on ely...... i drew this like in 2021 SHWJSJW
day 17: morning cuddles
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SORRY i just think it's a super funny possibility that zim becomes domestic. idc if it's out of character thats why its funny U_U!!
oh and uhm yea i have a fankid 4 these guys... have i talked abt her... i dont think i have... but ive drawn her a lot... maybe ill post more art abt her later...
day 18: photoshoot
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uhhhmmm im gonna crop this for my tumblr.... yea.... anyways i love the possibility that when they're adults they become super popular, like in dib's wonderful life of doom X)
day 19: voicemail. THAT ONE THING I POSTED!! yes it was a shelby x error thing. i was listening to pick up the phone by fir at the time, which like, its not the errorshelby dynamic at all they're not toxic, but. the vibes... in the fic after shelby leaves the anti void he has a massive crisis... thats what the drawing is...
day 20: "what happened to you"
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BRO I HAVE SO MANY IMAGES RELATED TO THIS FOR ANA AND ADAMAÏ... the images explain everything idc read them instead
day 22/23: hand made gift, late night drive
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ummmm sooooo theres this chapter in the fic where they go to an echo flower field on the surface at night........ this is that.... DIES
that last one i never posted on twitter :0c and uhm thats all i did of the 30 day promptlist! it was fun! i got to draw so much... yay :3 thats all. explodes in embarrassment
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vaguely-yandere · 2 years
omg!! chami chami!! thanks for always taking the time to respond and write out such long, meaningful responses!! u really do spoil me sm!! :D
that being said OMG pls dont take what i said about being friends too seriosuly!! i mean, ofc i wanna be friends w you but in my mind i meant like. just sending asks every so often and talking w u kinda like how we are rn!! i dont need you to remember my interests or anything!! anything i wanna discuss will be put in an ask, like i have been so far!! the great thing about asks is that YOU as the author get to choose when you respond to me!! the only reason i brought up how you might recognize my username is only bc i feel a little embarrassed liking everything and then sending messages on anon, it feels counterintuitive bc i feel like youll just know its me anyways. but please!! dont feel pressured into keeping my likes and dislikes into account bc i dont expect you to :3 were friends as in: i send in my silly little asks and you respond when u want and if u want!! <333
also, luckily im actually really good at setting boundaries!! one of my friends said that the only reason some of the people back in highschool didjt like me was because they thought they could step all over me without me complaining. im really friendly but i let people when i have a problem, which surprisingly, a lot of people cant comprehend?? the ‘mature adults’ were nowhere to be seen LOL ig it was back in highschool but still.
on another note, i honestly love taking up space (when its appropriate!) but i really dont want to overwhelm you!! i do have a tendency to talk a lot and freely express what i think (which is like. 4892992 things all at once as you may have noticed) this ties back into the whole ‘you choose when to respond’ thing bc i can wait as long as i need to to hear from you <33 i love hearing about ur yan OC’s(?) so far!! also dw, everything we discuss is purely fictional and for our silly little imaginations!! fantasy purposes only!! i just wanna make that clear for your comfort :D also idk if i made it clear enough but i am NOT in hs anymore, im a uni student and over 18 i just wanted to make that extra clear so you dont think im a minor!!
ONE LAST THING (i promise i’ll shorten these asks in the future omg): i could be wrong but im kinda getting the feeling you run a little on the mean side when it comes to yanderes(?) which is funny bc im a little on the opposite!! like im imagining us in a room w one of ur yans and theyre like all kneeling at ur feet and stuff while they shake and cry while you degrade them and step on them versus me maybe patting their head and holding them close afterwards to soothe them…the whiplash…<33 i mean, i have a little bit of a mean streak in me too, but i would feel too guilty to be TOO mean to ur yans whereas i feel like you wouldn’t care about that kinda thing and just go all out HAHA i could be wrong lmk!!! but it’s cool to know ur love language is acts of service!! i think that was my second highest, with my top being words of affirmation!! could u tell LOL
- sunny!! <3
aaa sunny darling!! youre spoiling ME with conversation!! honestly, answering asks is significantly easier for me than regular conversation because my monologues are much more socially acceptable and it also just tend to take pressure off of both parties! so dont feel pressured to send in a buncha asks! i just respond so often and so quickly because i too have many many thoughts and many words in my head and typing them out is very helpful! like a journal! and thank you for clarifying you arent a minor and its so nice knowing other people who tend to be disliked because theyre very sure in who they are! i used to struggle with setting boundaries which is very odd because of my personality and now, because i look very idk doormat-y, ppl commonly think they can walk all over me (another reason i like submissive yanderes/characters! they take me seriously from the start without turning me into a mother figure and dont have a weird complex that prevents them from seeing me as a fully functioning adult)
i also love talking a lot and taking up space when appropriate! ironic because i have agoraphobia dkajhfad but its also nice meeting ppl who are very much like me :33! and use yanderes and darker writing as a release from reality or just a nice fantasy instead of using my ideas as examples which has happened before because im pretty talented at writing horror or disturbing or niche things! twas not fun realizing the fanbase you gathered didnt understand the reason why you were writing the things you were writing!
also, dont shorten your asks!!!!! they took away the word limit on them for a REASON!!!! abuse your lack of a word limit to the fullest extent!!!
i do kinda run on the mean side when im being dominant, it kinda makes me feel a bit bad because i have issues even being fake mean but i just love humiliating my yanderes! seeing them get all red, teary eyed, its just so cute (i say that a lot lol)! besides, its so fun knocking them down a few pegs (sometimes with pegging for comedic sake) via some spanking, a slap, and a healthy dose of degrading! with a healthy amount of consent checks as well and soft stuff to balance it out <3 but i think it would be so funny seeing, say, the sensitive yandere having two darlings (the poor thing can barely handle one!!) where one is fairly mean and very degrading, teasing them for their issues controlling themselves, making fun of how red their face is, overstimulating them a bit and then getting passed to darling two who gently cleans them up and kisses away their tears and coos praises to them! their head would be spinning!
which i guess is also the allure of predatory darling! an aggressive side and a gentle side! perfect for everyone! <3
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rotten-dan · 3 years
dan i hope you dont freaking mind my telling you via ask bc if discovered they expanded the chara limits here and not replies so this way gives me more room to Speak. so anyways... ive said different... because ive believe... that the moment an interpretation of character exists concretely in the world, a new version of that character is created and is inherently a separate guy. because once the person takes that character theyre imparting their own self into that character because their perception of that character will always be different from that of the originals creators... even if you tried your hardest to be the most faithful that you can be to the source can you truly confidently say that your vision of the character is the same as the creators? when you are obviously a separate and different person from them? you will never be them. so what think happens is that we you make that interpretation exist, you sort of make it your own. you get a bit of ownership for That Instance, for That Version of that same character. you know how ppl can say "oh i love your wayne" (for example) because they like how you wrote them? my stance is kinda based on that. a My City Now sort of stance. yes that character is based on what already exists. but do they exist in the same place? no i thinks its a parallel sort of existence... yes theyre tied together by features and name. but isnt that new version sort of independent? well actually. this part is very debatable. how independent/dependent an interpretation is from the og. probably! it varies! on artistic license! and how fleshed out that new version is made.
im gonna talk about some interesting cases of character interpretations. obviously a big one would be fandom interpretation. fan created content of the same character. im gonna use your slu//ttysa/n/s example lol and spin it so i can argue that hes a different character lol. when that much deviance happens i think its fair that this is different guy. sure maybe personality wise and other things may match up, but dont the differences make him... different? not the same? would tob/y fo/x look him and go "yeah thats my guy". i dont know im not tob/y f/ox. BUT IF I WERE HIM AND THAT HAPPENED TO MY CHARACTER ID BE LIKE "THAT NOT MY FUCKING GUY......" and even if the difference werent so drastic maybe the creator would still go ehhhh thats not Quite right.... nonetheless that creator denouncing a version of a character wouldnt stop it from existing no? they still exist as a character with a different existence from the original. they simply have ties
other interesting examples include sher/lo//ck hol/mes, ba/tm/an, spid//erm/an, comic book heroes in general really, drama adaptations of chinese novels wheres theres significant changes due to censorship (im thinking of fairly specific example but i dont know how familiar you are with that fandom and also i know cn drama adaptations actually experience this frequently so im being general here), mythical characters like greek gods and sun wukong (the last character is very relevant to me bc of monki/e kid and hes actually the main reason i started thinking so hard about this). these are all characters that have seen MANY different interpretations
starting from she/rlock. this freaking guy. so many different versions. man. heres two versions i wanna pick out of this dude along with the original. dan you know dgs/great ac/e att/orney she/rlock? how hes such a HUGE HIMBO? hes a drastic divergence from the original. now take b/b//c sher/lock (which i have not seen but were on tumblr. we all know the guy unfortunately.) and set him down next to the other two. whats your answer? i feel like theyre different characters entirely. their source material gave them a whole new life that.... you dont need the og material tbh to see and understand their characters. and the two interpretations are connected to the original but! they arent connected to each other at all. theyre at the very least. different characters from each other
now comic book heros are a fucking doozy. bc the nature of these fucking characters are a fucking MESS. theres an original version for all of them..... but.... comic book heroes live a weird sort of Collective/Collaborative existence. theres so many comics written by so many people about the same freaking guy and yet so many of them are recognized all to be canon by the publisher. for the record i havent read any. nor have i watched the movies. but i know of their nature. and its freaking weird. (actually on second thought i Did watch some of the cartoons as a kid.... WHY ARE THERE SO MANY ADAPTATIONS OF THESE GUYS....) the general public also recognize these characters in this sort of iconic way. sup/erman is always superma/n. everybody knows spide/rman. BUT. ARE THEY THE SAME SAME? THEY ALL EACH HAVE THEIR OWN UNIQUE VERSION OF THE CANON.....bbbuuuut. but but. this is one of The Most dubious examples of same or different characters. bc many people will think yeah theyre the same guy. but is the tob/ey mag/uire parker same as to/m h/olland parker same as spid/erverse parker same as whatever random issue of s/pide/rman parker? i personally would say. no. but some ppl would disagree
cn dramas...... i wont get too into it. im not chinese, i just watched a handful of dramas. but what sometimes happens is that sometimes is that significant story and character changes will happen. to abide to restrictions. not just homophobia, stuff like possession is apparently restricted too (source: chinese friend, this is only reason i know some stuff). now i wont talk about the nature of that biz. its not my place. but it is interesting tho. im gonna step back and talk more generally about what happens to the identity of characters that undergo significant changes to their story through an adaptation. because its not unique to cn media. it happens all the time everywhere. a big example would be ho/wls mo/ving castle i think. these characters.... are meant to Be the same characters..... but are they... really? still? despite these changes. this one is also a complicated example. relationship between a novel and adaptation. and the characters within. WHAT. makes. a character. that character. their story? their personality? their appearance? their motivations? their drive? their name? their identity? all of that together makes that character who they are. so what happens if you change pieces of them. my friend says this is a different application of ship of theseus and i agree. but also i think is more than taking a ship and replacing a piece of it. because again i believe the new version of that character exists parallel to the original. to me i see it as a ctrl+c, ctrl+v, and edit. its a copy paste with tweaks. because the original is still untouched. it cant truly Be touched except by the original creator. so again my conclusion here is different
actually im gonna speak from an personal-experience-while-reading-fanfic standpoint.... i guess.... what believe what makes a character that character depends on their essence. because even within their own original story literally any part of them is subject to change. but that doesnt stop them from being them. but What is Essence tho...? i licherally could not tell you. its entirely subjective. this entire discussion is subjective. its just... a feeling... and i guess if another version of that character had that same essense i might argue that my answer would be "same" actually... but essence is hard to capture and depending on what is done to that character by another person, that essence Will Change. because i think its different when a character changes within their own narrative vs when a character is changed by someone else. its a different kind of change....
mythical legends thoooooo. again these characters exist kinda in a similar way to comic heroes how their existence is kinda like a monolith in the public consciousness but on a much bigger, grander, and older scale. greek gods. i know you dont like them lol. but you know they exist. and you know how ppl have taken them and created their own narratives with them. big examples being hade/s and per/cy jac/kson. in these cases i think their source stories are more significant. their legends. mythical figures have this different sort of quality to them than modern day characters. in fact. can you call them characters sometimes? is god a character? now this is a hot water subject. but i think it can be said if these figures werent characters before.... they were/are/can be Made into characters. and thats their presence in modern day media i think. theyre new characters that are birthed from their own myths into a new story thats inspired by them. i think thats kinda rad
ok now im gonna get more self indulgent talk about su/n wuk/ong if you dont freaking mind. bc this is the dude who spurred this debate in my head in the first place. hes an example of a mythical figure whos absolutely a character. a character who also has many representations of himself across media. FUCKING GOKU IS SU/N WU/KONG...... but id say go/ku is safe bet to claim as a different character from su/n wukon/g. just fucking look at this freaking guy. needs no discussion. but s/un wuk/ong in my funky little lego show is an INTERESTING example of....... same but different.... because with the nature of the show. the show isnt an adaptation of journey to the west, su/n wukon/gs original story. no its inspired by it. its chronologically takes place After jttw. in fact it goes to establish that This is The sun wuko/ng. the myth and legend himself. theres mentions of his legacy. other characters from that story are in that story also but theres new characters that are Representations of some old character while not being them themselves. sorry if this is confusing? im gonna stick to sun wuk/ong. what im saying is. the character su/n wuk/ong is intended to be the same guy in his myths. buuut. if you look closely.... some parts of the story of his myths within the show is actually different. YOU HAVENT SEEN THE SHOW SO THERE NO POINT POINTING OUT WHAT IM SPECIFICALLY TALKING ABOUT (BUT IT REVOLVES AROUND A DIFFERENT CHARACTER FROM JTTW BUT PART OF SU/N W/UKONGS STORY)..... but anyways if this guy who meant to be the same but actually has a slightly different myth within the show is it truly the same guy still? my head is gonna explode. i wanna say no bc thats my stance but its difficult to say it confidently tho. i do wanna say hes a good character tho. i think they do do a good job depicting him as the character he meant to be. while simultaneously making him a character unique to the show. i love this guy. lego mo/nki/e ki/d is a good show.
FUCK. DAN. THIS IS STRAIGHT UP AN ESSAY. I KNOW I WARNED YOU BUT IM SORRY ABOUT THE LENGTH OF THIS. IS THIS EVEN ABLE TO SEND??? i hope i put enough slashes for you bc. theres so many characters. oh man. DAN IVE HAD SO MANY THOUGHTS............. thanks for letting fucking go off hgjruitgjkxfgk. oh my god. i care about characters so fucking much. CHARACTERS MAN.
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what else is there for me to add except that this should be a youtube essay with funny graphics that lasts like 1 hour or so
i like how passionate you are while writin
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clownmoontoon · 3 years
I just found out about the whole bn///a and tow things came two my mind: 1) the fy k. 2)THE FUCKK!!!??
I used to read this manga when it first came out and i honestly though it was going to be good they had a good story coming out and nice or cool characters desings but then came the anime (wich surprise me to go 3 full seasons but i undertood) i try to keep up.wirh the manga cuz that was i start it
But.as it goes futhure it lost its charms amd i lost interest ( the fandom they were too much) and left (the school festival arc wasn't even starting)
Once in a while a random post of them would pop out and see it some spoilers of them (da__bi was one of the most i saw at time)
I try to filter them.......looks how that turn out
But really, what the actual hell is happening?? Is super hell all over again but much worst,
And i can't stop laughing of how much non sens and caos is in this
Oh man,this would end in blood i tell you (also if you could tell my what the hell is happening to de\\\ku i would thank you forever)
⭐️ p much everybody in the main cast knows deku inherited all might's power and that all might and all the other grown ups expect him to take up the mantle of "symbol of peace"
⭐️ All For One (the big baddie) has possessed shigaraki's body (the hand guy) and is causing a fuck ton of chaos bc he broke out all the baddest villains from bad villain superjail aka Tartarus, and lots of heroes have died and if they havent died a lot of them quit
⭐️ SO deku decides to leave school and go villain hunting full time, he knows everyone expects him to be the Greatest ™ and he wants to protect everybody AND KNOWS AFO IS AFTER HIM SPECIFICALLY TO STEAL HIS QUIRK(S) so he figures leaving is the safest option and all might supports him (and regrets it later)
⭐️ he leaves his classmates all a letter saying hes leaving (they dont take it well lmao)
⭐️ deku can communicate w the previous (dead) users of One For All in his mind space and can now use all their quirks + One For All so hes just this mASS BALL OF POWER STUFFED IN A 16 YR OLD
⭐️ deku starts to feel like he shouldnt rest until he finds AFO so he hasnt been eating/sleeping/cleaning himself off after each fight and now when ppl see him theyre like.. genuinely terrified of him bc hes covered in dirt and blood and looks like this
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⭐️ FINALLY HIS FRIENDS STEP IN AND ARE @ THE ADULTS LIKE "HEY THIS IS RLLY UNHEALTHY AND FUCKED UP CAN WE GO BRING HIM BACK" and they decide ye maybe we shouldnt have put all are hopes on a fuckin teenager's shoulders that was kinda messed up of us actually (also they were using him as bait .. he agreed to it but WOW.. ADULTS PLS DO YOUR JOBS)
⭐️ SO all his classmates from 1A work together to bring him down and tbh they cant, even all together, hes just too powerful now so
⭐️ as theyre fighting him (hes fighting back bc he still believes he shouldnt stay/be around ppl for their own protection) they start yelling all the ways hes inspired them and how they wanna stand with him and not be protected behind him
⭐️ finally iida is the one who catches up w deku (w help from bakugo bc even if iida is the fastest in the class w all these quirks deku is faster now) and quotes deku back at him saying "a hero's job is to help even when they arent asked" or smth like that and that finally makes deku break down and theyre both crying!
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mg549 · 4 years
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rainbow high but they each have distinct and varying styles
hi im putting my Disscusion under the post cause ik lots of ppl just wanna rb the art but also i have Thoughts
-ruby’s style is the strongest in the series imo. they designed a butch lesbian and nobody told them ig. my only slight change was giving her cowboy boots cause if shes from “the country” then she should... actually... look like shes from the country. maybe its just cause i grew up in nc but i would love some southern rep from a character where being from the south isnt their whole Personality. anyways i think she should wear western style button downs is all im trying to say
-bella... her style is ALL over the place. since she is a set designer i wanted to make her a theatre kid!!! her style is somewhere in the 40s/50s zone of vintage inspired so that way she has a definite Range of styles and silhouettes to choose from! im a sucker for the new look bc its so Shapes but i could also see her pulling off some long wool circle skirts and peasant top blouses! i also gave her some hearing aids and braces which you can probably only see if you zoom in dhjnf
-poppy got the biggest design overhaul of anyone. i kept the butterfly theme and nothing else fbhdjd. since her music has some definite funk energies i wanted to give her a 70s inspired look with some glam platforms and denim overalls! i think we deserve bellbottom pantsuit poppy. i also changed her hair bc literally the rh main cast all have practically IDENTICAL hair styles save for the direction theyre parted in. i wanted to give her those anime butterfly headphones but toned down slightly hdsjdnd oh and! shes also wearing glasses bc once again we get a whole cast of characters and not one of them is wearing glasses like smh literally like half of all ppl wear glasses?? anyways in terms of personality i wanted to keep her bubbly but instead of just making music thru like Divine Inspiration i think she should take a more realistic and nuanced approach!! show her nerding out abt music theory and talking about the themes her pieces represent and the stories they tell
-sunny’s design is Mostly the same! her hair is slightly changed, i wanted it to match the cover she drew for winnerz! i also made the rainbows on her outfit pride flag colors, and gave her some button pins on her jacket! every Token Anime Kid ive ever met has buttons plastered all over their bags and jackets and its a nice touch that gives her some more Character i feel
-jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaade. jade. i wish she had kept her dark lipstick. and also that she wasnt just billie eilish. and that she was the token goth of the group. her stitched up shirt is inspired by a shirt i wore in high school! it was from the 90s and SUPER beat up to the point where it was literally disintegrating so i just sewed up any new holes that would form with contrasting thread it was a Look. i hc her as wearing contacts bc when she tried wearing glasses she got upset that she couldnt show off her makeup as much gvhbnf! i also gave her a spider necklace bc i think she should still like spiders BUT i HATE the jokes abt “therapy tarantulas” bc only dogs and like 10 horses can actually be service animals and the whole thing w people lying about their untrained dogs/cats (or worse, exotic animals that they should not even own) being service/therapy/emotional support animals just so they can bring them in public is!! Really Bad!! and it hurts people who actually do need service dogs bc untrained dogs are well. untrained and set a bad example for how service animals will actually act! and owners who print out fake certifications also make it harder for disabled ppl bc it leads to store owners thinking that theres some sort of paper they can ask the owner to flash to prove the service dog is trained when that. is not actually true and theres no such thing as an actual certificate for this. if a service dog company offers a certificate/card/whatever to show authority it is specifically for disabled people to do when faced with this issue and has no actual official meaning. and ANOTHER thing that bothers me abt this joke is that.. Therapy For What? it would be really cool to see a canonically mentally ill character as a protagonist for a doll line! it would be fantastic to see them opening up that conversation for neurodivergent kids and their parents! but we have no indication for that at All just haha funy therapy spider :| anyways jade is an nd lesbian my canon now
-skyler is punk now! shes a fashion major and i think it would be a really interesting character to explore, someone who is shy but dresses really flashy and tough! i also changed her theme material from denim to the blue leather she wears at the party bc im biased towards alt fashion. her hair was really fun to design, with a big Cloud of Fluff at the top and long braids underneath bc get it!! its Rain Cloud Shaped :] i dont have much else to say bc this design is def in my Comfort Zone of styles. anyways we stan andershaw here they literally are in love
-vi vi! i didnt change much bc i dooooooont really know that much about influencer/mainstream fashion tbqh... i Did give her That One Halter Top Style that literally 2 other of the main characters are both wearing instead of a loose 1 piece dress tho. i also decided she should be into holographic fabric bc its very Sleek and Future Is Now and Influencercore. i also think the sleek tight fitting holo shirt/skirt is a good contrast to Big Fluffy Fur Jacket. she also has a prosthetic leg idk i just thought it would be a good Touch 
overall rh def has some MAJOR problems with diversity in all aspects and it shows in their fashion design as well! if you put the characters in black and white save for a few patterned pieces they would all be interchangeable and i honestly think that its representative of the larger problem! maybe i do follow the monster high design philosophy that every piece should only make sense on the character its from, but the fact that they cant even diversify FASHION despite it being a Fashion Doll Brand really Says It All.
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everythingsinred · 2 years
002 Two contrasting friendships:
oooOOOh very exciting!!!
Kaoru & Yuka
When I started shipping them: we'll just address this whole thing thru a more platonic lens even tho i can also ship them romantically lol. i loved kaoru from her entrance and wanted more and more scenes with her so when yuka befriended her i was really happy. my favorite scene with them is when kaoru graduates <3
My thoughts: kaoru was such an important friend to yuka, who always supported her and wanted to help her. yuka also loved kaoru so much that she left her. and neither of them ever stopped thinking about each other: kaoru thought abt yuka so much that she named her son after a fruit to match yuka's daughter <3
What makes me happy about them: their kids have matching names <3 they found each other again <3 they never forgot about each other <3
What makes me sad about them: yuka cutting her hair after finding out about kaoru's death ;-;
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: lol i have RARELY seen fics where kaoru exists at all let alone where she interacts with yuka. i have nothing to base an answer off of. mostly i just dislike when ppl characterize yuka as negligent or abusive to mikan in fics. i guess i see where earlier fics are coming from, when they were written before yuka's backstory but still. it makes me sad. that has nothing to do with kaoru though
Things I look for in fanfic: if a fic has kaoru and yuka present at once and they interact at all PLEASE drop a link i wanna read
My wishlist: i want to see them as cringe, embarrassing moms <3 they shouldve had the chance ;-;
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: im fine with them not being romantic. it wasnt ever a conviction i had, i just like the idea. i like papa hyuuga for kaoru and shiki is my favorite of yuka's love interests so those options would leave me content.
My happily ever after for them: theyre both happy and hanging out in heaven. if they had both lived, id have loved to see them hanging out and embarrassing their kids <3
Yuka & Luna
When I started shipping them: i always tear up when yuka says "nobody has ever asked me to be their friend before" like they were so cute as kids
My thoughts: i genuinely think their friendship is so realistic. middle school absolutely IS the time when that sort of fall out would occur. and luna's insecurities about yuka not really liking her back make a lot of sense and are sadly relatable. they were each other's first real friend and as a result they were immature about their feelings. the esp manipulated luna and encouraged jealousy in her until she hated her with her whole being. he twisted the facts abt yuka's last night and im not okay with luna's actions at all bc (as ive said before) i hate child abusers. that being said, i start to ugly cry when yuka gets caught in the explosion and luna stops using her alice on the fuukitai so they can help her. no i dont approve of u luna but damn ur good at making me cry
What makes me happy about them: i find it so funny how clingy luna was bc she didnt know how to behave with a friend
What makes me sad about them: i am so sad abt luna cutting yuka out bc she didn't know how to behave with a friend
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: not rly anything for them specifically. luna is such a plot device character in most fanfic so im not rly invested in making sure shes not ooc or anything. ive talked abt luna being used to make mikan jealous (and how shes just stretched and bended to fill a specific role) in all sorts of aus and i genuinely have no problem with it like who else are u gonna use? i get it. ive done it too. ive read it and found it enjoyable. go luna as a plot device! u stole the show in the sports festival <3 but again that has nothing to do with yuka and luna as a pairing lol
Things I look for in fanfic: if an au fic EVER had luna and yuka the same age id be genuinely so shocked.
My wishlist: idk if i could ever expect them to be friends again the way they were before, but it would be nice to see them make amends. though im sure luna's more recent actions, like at the sports fest, might further complicate things
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: i dont ship luna with anybody bc im a reasonable person and she doesnt deserve to be with her groomer/abuser.
My happily ever after for them: it would have been nice if yuka and luna had made up before anybody had to die.
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