cristinabcn · 1 year
Premios de la Crítica y del Público del 27 Festival de Jerez
Teresa Fernandez Herrera Periodista – EscritoraPrensa Especializada La ganadora  del  premio de la Crítica que otorgan los medios de comunicación que cubren parte o todo el prestigioso Festival Flamenco de Jerez de la Frontera  a los espectáculos de baile  que se representan en el Teatro Villamarta, ha sido en esta 27 edición para la reconocida bailaora y coreógrafa Rafaela Carrasco, por su obra…
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cuando-fingi-quererte · 10 months
[tumblr] es de la gente nocturna.
— G'
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vodrae · 11 months
Jason Todd buttons his shirt, put on his vest and goes down the stairs.
Jay : Mom, i'm ready to go.
Bruce, Talia, Nocturna, Diana, Selina, Vicki Vale: It will be a great birthday !
Bruce, Talia, Nocturna, Diana, Selina, Vicki :
Talia: I took care of him in his worst moments.
Nocturna: I'm legally his mother.
Selina: I took care of him in the streets.
Diana : He choose me and I won't disapoint him.
Vicki: If you've seen his little face when he was 10 you'd take him out too.
Bruce : I birthed him. ( S/O @robintherobiner)
Jason :
Later at the restaurant
Bruce, Talia, Noctuna, Diana, Selina, Vicki : I'm so glad to share this table with those who took care of my baby when I couldn't.
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wolfer13579 · 1 year
15 year-old Jason: Please don’t hurt me, I have moms!
Joker: *pointing at Sheila* If you think that’s gonna get you outta this-
Jason: No, that wasn’t a plea, it was a warning!
Sheila: Wha-
Diana, Catwoman, and Nocturna; *busts down door* WHO WANTS TO DIE?!?!
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ernestoednrec · 2 months
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We are the stars
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onxgirlmore · 26 days
Séptima Carta: “Tu sitio seguro”
Recuerdo aquella noche, la primera vez que lastimaste mi corazón, cuando me hiciste sentir que solo era un premio de consuelo, porque el verdadero trofeo nunca estaría a tu alcance, pero yo sí… Yo sí.
Es curioso como a pesar de los años, de tantos años, sigo siendo esa persona que conociste, la que está, quien se queda, quien escucha a todos, aún cuando no hay nadie ahí cuando yo necesito ser escuchada. Me esfuerzo tanto por darle a otros todo lo que me hace falta, porque sé lo que es necesitarlo, pero en días como hoy, desearía tener a alguien que pudiera estar también para mí.
Han pasado tantas personas en mi vida desde que no estás y la gran mayoría me han dicho lo mismo que tú, dicen que soy su sitio seguro, que soy quien les hace feliz, que les doy lo que siempre han querido y que, por eso, siempre quieren volver a mí. Y no te miento, lo han hecho, lo he permitido porque les quería en su momento y les quería en mi vida, el amor que sentía me cegaba a ver que ellos no me querían a mí, solo a lo bien que les hacía sentir y se marchaban como si nada, llevándose consigo partes de mí, partes que jamás pude volver a recuperar, llenándome de vacíos que en días como hoy, irónicamente pesan más.
Desearía nunca haber sido tu sitio seguro, ni el de nadie más, ser solo el lugar a donde corren cuando todo va mal para sentirse mejor, desearía ser el lugar al que ansias ir no porque lo necesites, sino simplemente porque te hace feliz estar ahí. Pero tal parece que solo soy un medio, pero nunca el fin. Estoy cansada de ser solo usada, estoy cansada de construir a quien no rompí, solo para que me destruya más a mí. Estoy tan cansada de todo esto, de mí.
Y es una pena, porque no sé querer de otra manera que no sea dándolo todo por alguien, dando lo mejor de mí, velando por su bienestar aún si lo antepongo al mío, siempre he sido tan egoísta conmigo, tan indiferente a mí y no ha habido nadie que diga que pare, que deje de ser así, que me diga que también lo merezco y me ofrezca un lugar a dónde ir cuando mi mundo se destruye sobre mí.
Pero sobre todo, quisiera recibir más que palabras lindas bien hiladas, más que letras que me construyan castillos en el aire, ya no quiero promesas que nunca se piensen cumplir, ni “para siempre´s” tan efímeros como el rocio de la mañana, no quiero que me digan que no les deje jamás, pero sean los primeros en marcharse, no quiero saberme la persona “especial” de nadie, porque más allá del título solo me han hecho sentir la más innecesaria y reemplazable. No quiero sentir nada por nadie o tal vez, solo quiero unos oídos dispuestos a escucharme y unos brazos dispuestos a contener mis emociones y abrazarme, pero ¿crees que algún día haya alguien?
—Una chica cualquiera
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rhythmmortis · 1 year
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"these metal veins... i can feel them pulsing with life. maybe i can follow them to their beating heart."
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eduardo-ari · 1 year
Caminar a solas en la noche te hace realmente pensar mejor tus asuntos y a tomar decisiones cruciales.
Tus únicos compañeros son las estrellas y la luna que expectantes te prestan atención a cual será tu próxima dictamen por lo que llorabas la noche anterior 🌙♾️
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co-bar-de · 2 years
- Aveces es necesario regresar al pasado, para tomar impulso para construir el futuro.
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Hey!! I want to know more about Traditional Witchcraft.
I have been reading Aradia and the Gospel of Witches and I want to know if there is a Northwestern European, British or Scottish idea of Aradia and her mother and father??
Thank you so much!! I can’t wait to convert to the Traditional Witch Path!
Aradia is Herodias, which is, according to Carlo Ginzburg, a Christianization of the Goddess Hera, but according to Sabina Magliocco, also a remains of Hecate, because she flights in the night.
She is a Deity which is not only Italian, but pan-European, in fact in the Canon Episcopi we read about women who dreamt/imagined to fly with both Diana and Herodias.
Herodias became Redodesa in Veneto, Araja/Arada/Sa Rejusta in Sardinia, Arada and Irodeasa in Romania, and so on.
The point is that probably she wasn't always the daughter of Diana, but assimilated/synchretized to her. In fact, Herodias is actually the name of the mother of Salomé, which in the Gospels killed John the Baptist. In the medieval folklore he blows from the mouth of the cut head and from that moment on Salomé is condamned to fly forever, especially in the night. In many folklore tales, both the mother and the daughter, Salomé and Herodias, are seen together, and Herodias of the Canon is actually Salomé called with her mother's name.
Probably, therefore, the legend that Leland writes and re-elaborates to create the Aradia (because the original legends are found both in Etruscan Roman Remains and in Legends of Florence, so we know that Aradia is just a re-elaboration of original folk legends from Florence and Tuscany-Romagna region) is influenced by this idea of Salomé seen with her mother Herodias. So Salomé (called Herodias for the medieval conflation and mispelled Aradia by the people) is the daughter of Diana like she is the daughter of Herodias in other legends (and in the original Gospel tale).
We also have the original legend about Diana seducing his brother, but here there is no daughter, and instead of going to the "Fathers and Mothers of the beginning", in the original tale she goes to other witches.
Moreover, in the original tale from Legends of Florence, the brother isn't called by name.
However, in many trials in Northern Italy, the Domina Nocturna (ex. Lady of the Game) is paired with the Devil. Moreover, many folk magicians in Italy prayed to the "Star Diana"... which is Lucifer. So Lucifer is both the Devil and Diana herself, and the Devil could be associated with Diana as his partner because the same happened to the Lady of the Game (and overseas with the Queen of Elphame).
We also know from The Strix by Della Mirandola that nearby the areas in which Leland found the folktales from which he will elaborates to make the Aradia, people still associated Diana with the Moon. So if Diana is the Moon, for symmetry Lucifer should be the Sun.
So this brother for symmetry could be seen as both the Devil and associated with the Sun, but also with stars for the Stella Diana which is Lucifer. In fact, in Aradia he is the God of the Sun, the Light and the Stars.
So Diana is associated with Aradia for the Salomé-Herodias pair and with Lucifer because of the Stella Diana, the pair with the Devil and the folk idea that the Sun is the brother of the Moon.
However, Lucifer is still a name for Apollo, even in Orphic Hymns (where it's Phosphoros), but I don't think it's been done willingly, it's a coincidence, or better a synchronicity.
For the British context, in Sir Orpheo, Dame Heurodis is kidnapped by the King of Fairies, and Heurodis is a variation of Herodias.
Also the Canon is quoted a lot in Britain while they talk about the idea of the Fairy Queen or Queen of Elphame.
So probably in Great Britain both Diana and Herodias are synchretized with the Queen of Elphame. The Queen, which is usually called Nicnevin (or Titania/Mab in Shakespeare) is the spouse of the King of Elphame, Oberon, who is sometimes demonized, and sometimes is also called Christsonday.
I hope having answered :)
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glittertrail · 2 years
mercury, neptune, 5th house, 7th house, 9th house ✨
mercury: what color do you talk in?
I think this is a question for the people that suffer my rambles on other forms of social media so I'm going to tag @veronicasanders @myhusbandharryhamilton and @supremmedeluxe to answer that one for me lmao
neptune: share one of your dreams.
As in an aspiration? To be able to maintain my parents and not lose it in the process since being hispanic means they would sooner die than go to an elderly home but they're getting to the age they need help from me and my brother (and refuse to accept it bc they're parents and parents take care of children and not the other way around or some other nonsense 🙄)
5th house: name your favorite movie or show.
Are you the devil? Having to chose a favorite movie feels like the devil speaking lol this is hard. Here's a few: Moonrise Kingdom. Cheri. Esperando la Carroza. Postales de Leningrado. Nocturna. Legally Blonde. Mamma Mia. Coraline. La Habitación de Fermat. Clue. All Dogs Go to Heaven. Paprika. Sedmikrásky. Qui êtes-vous Polly Maggoo. Auntie Mame. The Eye Has to Travel.
7th house: if you could choose, what zodiac sign would you like your dream partner to be?
Sagittarius maybe?
9th house: what’s your favorite quote?
Another hard one lol let's go with this one from Florence Welch "I try to maintain a healthy dose of daydreaming to remain sane." bc it's a mood and I can't really think of another one rn
What about you, anon?😊
astrology ask thingie
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emeraldscarcircle · 2 years
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It was Christmas Season 2018, Yule time if you prefer, when I was browsing for books online one evening & I stumbled upon a title known as “The Pillars of Tubal Cain”. I was not entirely sure what to expect from the book, I ordered it on a whim, and shortly after its arrival my life would be changed forever. To shortly summarize the Pillars of Tubal Cain is a book written by Michael Howard and Nigel Jackson. To my knowledge the book is a collection of articles from Michael Howard’s “The Cauldron” magazine and website that provided a series of articles regarding traditional witchcraft running from the 1970’s until Michael Howard’s passing in 2015. The book covers many topics such as the roots of Angelic Magick, Yezidism and the Peacock Angel, Esoteric Taromancy, the Knights Templar, Solomons Temple, the Fallen Angels etc.
I post this blog to give credit to Michael Howard for providing a gateway for me into Sabbatic Craft which later on sparked my deeper interest into Arabic sorcery and their potential relationship. Michael Howard’s work sparked me greatly, I began to research everything about him, as knowing the author can sometimes teach you more than the books themselves. I started by purchasing associated titles involving Michael Howard, one of which was “The Luminous Stone” edited by him partially. It was when I opened this book that I realized Michael Howard had died in 2015. I felt this strange coldness in my chest when I read this, knowing I would never be able to speak to this man. It was then when I was lead to the work of Andrew Chumbley and the Cultus Sabbati, as for me this seemed an accessible root into Howards influences. Michael Howard had been initiated into the Sabbatic Cultus in 1999. It was not until I read Eikostos, the Xoanon Bibliography that I learned that Michael Howard was credited for "facilitating the placement of our grimoires in the hands of worthy owners." This quote is from Daniel A. Schulke, found in the forward of Eikostos.
About a few months after my reading of Pillars that I had acquired a copy of the Azoetia by Andrew Chumbley, following my digestion of Michael Howards work. At this time, I am trying to narrow down exactly how much is respectable to say of my work with this grimoire, one thing I will say is it birthed the coven and its structure which I currently oversee. The Pillars of Tubal Cain spoke of the legend of the battle in heaven between the Arch angel Michael/Mik’hail and the fallen angel Lucifer. It was said in the battle of heaven that the arch angel struck Lucifer’s brow, which lead an emerald to fall to the earth. This emerald would be proposed to be many things, or a part of many things, such as the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, and the “emerald table” of King Arthur. It was theorized this strike towards Lucifer’s brow created what is known as the Mark of Qayin, synonymous with the Third Eye, or Ajna Chakra in many witchcraft traditions around Britain especially.
So, what is the Emerald Scar? The exact same thing to me. If the emerald falls to earth from Lucifer’s brow, it creates an Emerald Scar. This legend and Michael’s work along with practice of the Azoetic arcana led me to form a small circle that would “embody the entirety of witch blood “. The concept of Via Nocturna propounded by Nigel Jackson referenced by Andrew Chumbley in Opuscula Magica Vol. 1 stuck with me greatly the more I learned about it.
It is termed as "the invisible conclave of initiates conjoined through parity of experience within trance-ecstasis, Its wisdom is accessible to those whom have passed through the transliminal gateways of this world and whom have undertaken the initiatory night-journey to the oneiric realms of the Sabbatic revelry." Within the Sabbatic conclaves of the Greater Dream, the dream beyond the dream, I glimpsed through the Emerald Jewel a series of phantasmagoric visions which lead me to believe that an initiatory path via the Golden Chain had opened for me. I want to add that the Golden Chain of initiation isn’t even a concept coined entirely by Andrew, it is very much related to the Naqshbandi Sufi order as a way of initiation via lineage. This Golden Chain is discussed as a concept in Pillars early on. I believe Andrew Chumbley understood this concept to a deep degree, considering his vast crediting towards Sufic orders in his 1995 work, Qutub. Qutub especially had an impact on my desire to find missing links between Arabic Magic and Sabbatic Craft, especially due to Chumbley's reference of many terms used in Sabbatic tradition which are directly linked to Arabic Etymology and practice, as well his reference of the Sufic sect of the Mullamatiyah, the Jhakri of Nepal, the Yezidi of Kurdistan, the Dhu'l-qarneni of medieval Morocco. Over time I had begun to form my own view of the cosmos based mostly (at least at first) on the work of the Cultus Sabbati and associates.
With the launch of the Emerald Scar website, we find it fitting to give credit to those who helped spark our inception. We have no direct affiliation with the Cultus Sabbati whatsoever, their works however were a major focal point for us.
I personally also had the pleasure of visiting Essex, Andrew’s home county in England for the Nameless Arte Conference in 2019. There I was able to meet A.D Mercer author of Liber Coronzom & Runen Wisdom of the Runes, Gemma Gary Co-owner of Troy Books & author of Traditional Witchcraft: A Cornish Book of Ways, The Devils’s Dozen, & the Charmers Psalter, last but not least Martin Duffy author of Effigy, The Devils Raiments, and the newly published Anathema Maranatha. Meeting these authors and associates of Three Hands Press provided me with a lot of inspiration to continue the workings that I was undergoing at that time. It’s been 3 years now since I first got into the works of Cultus Sabbati and its associates and I still continue this work within my chosen "Cells" of Magical Arcana. I would also like to thank James Hunter-Ralston for being a dynamic figure in my journey and helping me to meet many of authors who inspired me. Throughout the "unfoldment" of the work more credit to inspirations will be given and more exposition shall be offered into the arcanum of the Emerald Scar. We look forward to those who wish to join us at the Emerald Flame of the High Witch Sabbat. (This blog is from our website www.emeraldscar.com , if we caught your attention please consider supporting the website.)
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love-is-sick · 2 years
Me gusta verte, me gusta pasar tiempo contigo, me gusta cuando me besas, me gusta cuando me abrazas, me gusta cuando me hablas de lo que te gusta, me gusta cuando me miras.
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letras-temporales · 4 years
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Dah - locuerdo
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Alfie: So I hear you like bad boys.
Alfie: Well, I'm bad at everything.
Finn: ... What?
Alfie: [winks with both eyes]
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Soy el ocultamiento y el eclipse.
Guillermo Del Toro y Chuck Hogan
Página 486
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