#&.( GREETER );
gen-toon · 8 months
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goldenbeastkeeper · 5 months
@palisraven started following!
Things were slow at the botanical garden today. Really, Valor wished he could be out tending to the plants or the butterfly house, but they were short staffed and someone had to run the gift shop. At least if no one was around that meant he didn't have to deal with people, but it also meant that it was boring. He'd already done everything he could today; what else was there to do?
The bandana pinning his ears down prevented them from pricking as he heard the sound of someone entering the shop. Finally, something to do.
He glanced up to see who exactly it was that had entered.
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the-omega-artist · 10 months
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do you still remember us
we havent forgotten you
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penofdamocles · 8 days
@whispersofmoon Hey there! I haven't had a new follower in a while, you're new to my dash and already talking to my friends, so welcome to my general circle of the internet! Nice to meet you, I'm Madison Altair, but you can call me Mads. Sorry I didn't have a good answer to your year question, but I've got 1 in exchange, what's your favorite type of cookie?
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benotafwaid · 1 month
Greetings! I Am 34 Rides A Cowboy To Save A Horse, And I Am On Vacation!
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8lue8astard · 3 months
The cra8 appears!!!!!!!!
Heeeeeeeey, @nookstain! Was JUST starting to wonder if you noticed me totally 8lessing your follower count with my follow.
Hey!!!!!!!! Not too often I 8ump into a Karkat I might actually LIKE; consider this your peeeeeeeersonal welcome to the Viktor Serket fanclu8!
We sell pins! Fifty 8oonies each, over 8y the door.
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thecarefulcatalyst · 1 year
Starter for 8lood8ath-8irthday
C wasn’t prone to getting involved with the other kids, not for a particular dislike of people but more of a desire to stay out of trouble.
None the less, when she came face to face with a similarly frumpy dressed child busying themselves with an ant hill, she awkwardly smiled at  them. moving to take a seat nearby and get some air.
“...their not fire ants I hope...”
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@mnemoiisms started following you
Sierra pokes her head around a corner and squints at the unfamiliar Cybertronian. Question time: reveal herself and say hello, or duck back out of sight and run away?
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indespectus · 1 year
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He can tell you're there. Jazz taught him well.
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Good day, your Highness! Always a pleasure to see you.
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lagostomus · 11 months
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"Yeesh!!! Warn a guy next time!"
Rattrap is twitchy today.
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inkunodesupoddo · 9 months
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two morons is strength, three morons is power
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goldenbeastkeeper · 5 months
With the emergence of monsters, something entirely unexpected for someone who was constantly learning new things about the human realm and hadn't even so much as heard of them before, Valor found himself being a little more risky with his magic usage than usual. It still might make something of a scene if someone found him using it, but at least he'd no longer be a unique person to point to.
So it was that he was using magic at the stream today. Not for anything serious. He just wanted to hold a crayfish, really, so he was lying on his stomach with one hand in the water, the other holding his staff to cast first a summoning spell and then a calming spell on the crayfish that had crawled up onto him. It snagged the mealworm he'd put on his hand to make up for the disturbance, and Valor just laid there to watch it eat.
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@dontpetmeibite started following you
Volume's in the middle of double-checking the RVD's landing gear when something- prickles, for lack of a better word. He doesn't stop, doesn't turn and look, but rather calls out in a soft voice, "Sorry, I'm a little busy at the moment; if you wait a minute I'll come out and say hello!"
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benotafwaid · 1 month
Greetings! I Am 34 Rides A Cowboy To Save A Horse, And I Am On Vacation!
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8lue8astard · 3 months
Hah!!!!!!!! Ghost. Way to go, Striiiiiiiider!
8ut aaaaaaaalso, hey!!!!!!!! Name's Viktor. I'm the 8etter, cooler version of the loser you were chatting with last night. And also all-around fantastic plan8ary administr8or, at your seeeeeeeervice!
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