#indespectus | mirage
indespectus · 1 year
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He can tell you're there. Jazz taught him well.
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kytherion · 1 year
"I... I made you something. It isn't much, but..." (@indespectus )
"You shouldn't talk yourself and whatever you're giving me down like that," said Soundwave, with a fond little smile.
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theirfavouritestranger · 11 months
🌸 (@indespectus )
You probably don't remember this, but I played at one of the festivals shortly after your debut and I wanted to steal you away and set you free. But that was a different world and it was never gonna happen. Even if I found another caravan you weren't going to live with the Convoys, and I could never have afforded you.
I don't even know what the right word is for what I like about you. You're like a delicate crystal flower, except you have wheels and you're faster than any Tower prince was ever supposed to be, and when you aren't being judgemental and just let everyone be themselves--which is hard for you sometimes, I know--you make everything you do beautiful.
When you manage to turn off your anxiety, you radiate serenity and peace.
I tried to be careful with you, because I had so much power over you, and because I knew I could never give you the life that you want, and because I knew I could end up dead. I really tried hard not to make you fall for me. I knew it wasn't right.
Do not tell The Princess Who Gets What He Wants* this, but he was a princess before he was a prime; you have it in you to become a queen**.
I like the things you create, the sillage of serenity that surrounds you, and your quiet sensibilities, and sometimes I do not know what to do with you, but I love the way you make me feel.
(*this is what Princess is short for) (**and Ravage is one of the loveliest and most gracious femmes in the universe, but she is Lord High Protector all the way down to her spark. She is not a queen. I tried once to tell her she was, and she corrected me politely but exhaustively.)
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remixofpraxus · 9 months
"Mirage? Can I talk to you for a moment?" She stands in the doorframe holding a silvery package.
"I know its a bit late considering the whole family got sick but Jazz helped me pick out something to give you for the festival. I hope you like them."
Inside the package are two things, the first is a bundle of soft fabrics in a variety of colors. The second is a large jar of energon goodies
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maxfortress · 1 year
Max | Mirage | Red
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indespectus · 1 year
“ C o l d ? “
(@kytherion - he would, after all, know)
Cold Meme
... Oh.
Mirage clutches at the blanket draped over him, warm but unexpected; his helm turns, tilting upward to regard Soundwave, surprised-- but also thoughtful.
"... Thank you." He murmurs.
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indespectus · 1 year
@unmakxr /@rxng started following you!
Mirage blinks, once. " ... Hello."
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indespectus · 1 year
... Perhaps, once, Mirage might have been sworn to Epistemus, or Adaptus, of the Guiding Hand.
Now, though-- how can he offer pledge to any but Mortilus? He's seen so much death. Seen it-- and given it, to more than a few.
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indespectus · 1 year
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indespectus · 1 year
Rules | About | Perma Starter Call | Perma Plotting Call |
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indespectus · 1 year
💚 💖
Dating Meme | @dontpetmeibite
Reason Not To Date
It may seem like he's putting on airs sometimes. He isn't though.
Reason To Date
He has possibly the most ranged collection of rare books and datapads left. And he's very attentive to what his partner might need.
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indespectus · 1 year
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indespectus · 1 year
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50 posts!
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indespectus · 1 year
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5 posts!
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indespectus · 1 year
tag dump
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indespectus · 9 months
"I have sent all of our household's gifts--and my personal ones," Soundwave says as Mirage wanders into his study. "I have only heard wonderful things, as expected. Are you sure you won't let me pay for your work?" (@kytherion of course)
Mirage runs his digits over a datapad shelf, idly noting a few titles, before his attention shifts fully once more to Soundwave, offering an incline of his helm.
"Positive." He murmurs. "I... enjoyed crafting them. That is payment enough, from you. And... I will still be charging most mecha, of course." He adds.
"... The gifts were successful then?" He adds.
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