#&̲. Saintsdawn . ˏ
sqider · 1 month
@saintsdawn , ❛ Is that a challenge ? ❜
It seemed preordained , that light & shadow should forever find themselves at odds. It mattered not what form Day & Night took , they were fated to chase each other in an unending & vicious cycle , one hoping to smother the other. He can't say he blamed them , even he found the creatures of the light to be such unbearable company. ❛ No. ❜ Spoken with such a deficiency in enthusiasm it practically created a vacuum in the space between them. He looked at her like fire would behold water , knowingly & with every assurance they'd destroy each other if they actually came to blows.
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Contrary to the dourness her expression implied , which he could only describe as clenched like a fist , he quite enjoyed drawing breath & especially enjoyed doing so , if the reminder of his living status actively drew her ire. ❛ I'm flattered you want to put your hands on me , but I suggest you keep them at your sides. ❜
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