sqider · 3 hours
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sqider · 16 hours
i hate you. i hate everything about you. you're despicable. u dont mind if i draw a portrait of u do u?
Around & around they go , nipping at each other's heels with petty insults as they made very little progress in reconciling their differences. Truthfully , the heart of the problem was that neither of them cared enough to compromise on their conflicting beliefs at all. In fact , they nearly chastised each other for sport. What else was there to do on a calm night ?
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❛ Of that , you've reminded me many times. The burden of obsession weighs heavy on you , does it ? ❜ Tit for tat , both vying for the grand standing victory of having the final word in it all & yet , the whiplash of the request that followed managed to pull him out of the competitive mentality from dumbfoundedness alone. ❛ . . . Portrait ? Need it to help you sleep at night ? ❜ His quip comes with his characteristic grin , no more than the smallest & most wicked curl at the ends of his mouth. ❛ That would be embarrassing for your matron to hear , wouldn't it ? Or Lolth , for that matter. Do what you want , it's of no consequence to me whether you have a token to remember me by or not. ❜
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sqider · 17 hours
I'm gonna try to finish at least one ask today. In true ADHD fashion i started one & then got distracted (clown).
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This is Merrick (changed name spelling) I am now speedrunning his file because somebody gotta survive the patch purges!
Personality comparison: Victor Van Dort from the corpse bride. No I'm not joking but trust me I always cook ok.
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sqider · 4 days
I usually make it a point to not apologize for being inactive because this is a hobby not a jobby but i would be lying if i said I didn’t feel the ittiest bit bad. So at least let me share what lore im working on so that you get how deep i am in lore trenches:
So, as it currently stands Vel’Narquel is a hidden Drow city based on the surface that is dependent on fey to basically both hide it & help defend it. This is going to shift.
- Instead of the Drow families who founded the city fleeing directly to the surface (which can still serve as surface rumors), they fled deeper into the lower dark, eventually hiding beneath the brush of a sussur grove, relying on its anti magic field to #1 make them undetectable by magical means #2 dissuade the Lolthite search parties from venturing deeper due to the massive toll a sussur can take as it eats the magic in its radius.
- Vel’Narquel will be split into TWO cities, an upper & a lower city. The lower city is seated beneath a great & ancient sussur tree that sits at the center of a sussur grove. The generations of exposure to sussur have made the Sylvandrow resistant to feeling any real fatigue from its magic sapping qualities. While not entirely inaccessible, the city is extremely closed off to surface outsiders & there is current pushback against the ruling council by outside drow in regards to their strict exclusion of non sylvan. These primarily consist of lolthite refugees & eilistraee Drow, so (in early drafts) there is the emergence of an external district just outside the city where the non sylvandrow populate. Sort of like Wyrm’s crossing.
- The upper city is easier to find & slightly easier to get access to, it is mostly comprised of their military forces, in particular their newly graduated students & soldiers who will live for a time in the upper city to gain valuable experience in the field. Once they reach an appropriate age or prove themselves as having obtained the experience & maturity necessary to be a full member of society, they are rotated out of service in the upper city & allowed to come home. There is a very common belief that the upper city is Vel’Narquel, due to how little is known about the location in general its mostly underdark denizens & sussur enthusiasts who know the heart of the city is in the lowerdark.
- The anti magic field of the sussur grove is a natural defense mechanism of the city & the trees are treated very carefully by the sylvandrow. Without proper permits or permissions, you best leave the trees alone because every bit of the damn thing (from bark to leaf) is valuable & considered quite precious. Their greatest export is byproducts of the trees but its a very controlled export, the most common byproducts of trade being Sussur blossom tea blends (from light tasting young spring blossoms to a floral & gently bitter blend comprised of old blossoms that naturally fall off the branches), to a variety of lovely blue dyes, etc etc.
- Blue petrified amber of the sussur is illegal to export outside of the city. The amber is naturally formed inside the magic eating trees & has natural magic exuding properties making it a perfect counter to the anti magic field. Besides being a breath taking jewelry piece, it has cultural significance & is a controlled byproduct of the tree that should not be falling in non drow hands.
- Sylvandrow are still matriarchal, these drow are far more united with each other because of their common enemy & the way they depended on each other for mutual survival when the city was founded. Many women are still family heads & political leaders while men occupy a great deal of military roles & service roles. Remember, these fleeing families that founded the city lost their wealth & didn’t have the numbers to have chosen relatives raise their kids. Men are considered the primary caretakers while the mums handle the family assets. ( Malewife abyssel is canon but he cant cook worth a damn 🤣he’ll learn )
Less developed concepts:
- They unseelie fey are still involved but i havent developed that far.
- Due to the sussur, obviously magic is not an easily accessible combat type on home turf. So, there will be a large emphasis on hand-to-hand combat, weaponry utilization & battle tactics to take advantage of an enemy who would also be sapped of magic in the anti magic field.
- I havent developed the education systems yet, i am very much interested in exploring a system of apprenticeship in some way depending on the skills being learned.
- Vel’Narquel is very beautiful & the entire city carries the honey sweet scent of the sussur blossoms down every pathway & in every window.
- The only companions who might canonically know of it are Gale, because hes well read, Minthara, because the betrayal of fleeing Lolth’s wrath & leaving alive is not a slight forgotten (aka lolth would greatly like them dead) & possibly Astarion because Neil had introduced the idea that he is aware of drizzt implying he might have spent a decent amount of time reading some books on notable drow things. Gale would likely know the most, tho, hes an adorable wizard enthusiast.
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sqider · 8 days
' put as much distance between you and the truth as you want. it changes nothing. '
❛ It changes quite a lot , actually. ❜ There's a half-smile already curving into his lips , who better to overlook the entire point with if not with Devils ? ❛ It puts that much more distance between the truth & I. Entire oceans could sit between us & it'd still have to cross the ocean to be relevant. ❜
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His humor could only buffer the statement by so much , his refusal to verbally acknowledge the validity of what was said was as equally damning to his cause as was his instinct to make light of it. Any predator worth his salt could smell the blood in the water , A'byssel was avoiding the subject & using his clever tongue to pull the conversation off of himself & onto other things. It didn't escape him how obvious he might've appeared with it , but isn't it natural for a spider to want to scurry out from underneath a spotlight ? Was he not simply acting in his nature ? Not unlike his devil friend , here. ❛ I haven't known Devils to have a very close relationship with the truth themselves. Quite the opposite , in my experience. - But I imagine you're going to say you're different. You're not like the others , you I can lay all my trust in. Or something along those lines. Am I close ? ❜
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sqider · 10 days
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Idle Animations . Act 01 , The first night at camp
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sqider · 11 days
I don’t do munday too much (its Tuesday i know) so here’s my cat instead:
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We bought him a new pumpkin harness <33 Handsome lil man but so damn loud at 5am help 😩
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sqider · 11 days
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* how does one summon a devil ? ―――  candles ? entrails ?  independent & selective raphael from baldur's gate 3. written by ren
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sqider · 12 days
You’ve heard of fake significant other plots, now get ready for fake ‘ newly engaged ‘ plots so they can scam Half the town out of free food & lodgings.
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sqider · 13 days
A warm hum fills his throat in turn , the straight line of his stern mouth fighting the urge to curve devilishly. ❛ That throw - ❜ He begins , flippantly gesturing in the direction of his pallid companion with the sharp end of a dagger , ❛ Was begging for death. Instead , it's probably seeing the world from a new & rather unfavorable point of view. ❜.
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A double-pointed tooth glints in the firelight as his dark lips peel back , already amused at his own jests. ❛ Goblins will grab the first thing they see to wipe their ass with. Even poison ivy , although that would give a rather nasty after burn. Compared vaguely poisonous leafage , even a rag as ratty as yours would amount to a luxury. ❜ The 𝖣𝗋𝗈𝗐 begins to clean beneath his finger nails , feigning disinterest as he picked at the dirt with his dagger despite knowing his wicked sense of amusement had already shown itself. ❛ You flatter me with your obvious & ill-restrained admirations , but you'd best find your belongings before a soiled ditch does. Or don't. ❜. Bright eyes flick towards 𝖠𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗋𝗂𝗈𝗇 , keenly watching the movements of the lines in his face. ❛ Too busy ruffling my skirt , it would seem. ❜
it wasn't as if the piece of filthy cloth rendered him nostalgic, but out here one could only have so many possessions to call their own. if withers had an endless supply of material goods in stock rather than plain old revivification necromancy, then perhaps their camp would experience mild comfort rather than discomfort, and this whole issue would be moot. astarion expects the drow to up the ante, continue to mock and play at his expense. hilarious, to be so up-in-arms over a ratty old blanket, sure― but it was his, and now it was suspiciously gone. except, he doesn't fall in line with his expectations. in fact, his mood seems to instantly sour, much to the vampire's annoyance. he could deal with sarcasm and teasing. in fact, he quite often enjoyed it.
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“  mistrust? ” astarion laughs amidst his incredulity, that which swiftly subsides. “  to think, you of all people are so easily ruffled ... ? besides, i wouldn't dream of putting you out like that, darling. not after such a hideous display of inflexibility. ” he mocks in turn, his prior headache miraculously gone what with the distraction of their now-squabble. he could do without the blanket, the bedroll sufficed enough. it was simply the principle of the thing. “  ugh. in truth, it is a pity. it's hard to come by a good blanket out here, you know. and say what you will, but that one had been a faithful, enduring throw. you wouldn't understand. ”
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sqider · 13 days
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Hi, I'm finally online (like I promised this time), I'm gonna play around in photoshop & then try to load up a q !
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sqider · 14 days
Hes a fine man, but an endlessly annoying one. Pursue him at your own peril.
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sqider · 1 month
@saintsdawn , ❛ Is that a challenge ? ❜
It seemed preordained , that light & shadow should forever find themselves at odds. It mattered not what form Day & Night took , they were fated to chase each other in an unending & vicious cycle , one hoping to smother the other. He can't say he blamed them , even he found the creatures of the light to be such unbearable company. ❛ No. ❜ Spoken with such a deficiency in enthusiasm it practically created a vacuum in the space between them. He looked at her like fire would behold water , knowingly & with every assurance they'd destroy each other if they actually came to blows.
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Contrary to the dourness her expression implied , which he could only describe as clenched like a fist , he quite enjoyed drawing breath & especially enjoyed doing so , if the reminder of his living status actively drew her ire. ❛ I'm flattered you want to put your hands on me , but I suggest you keep them at your sides. ❜
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sqider · 1 month
@mournstar , lucifer's hand carefully cradles the back of a'byssel's own , tipping his palm towards him just so . ‘‘ see this line here ? ’’ thumb smooths along what he believes a legitimate reader might describe as a "life line" . he , however , is two ithbanks too deep to care for legitimacy as he flashes a'byssel a grin . ‘‘ it means you're a twat . ’’
A slow & deliberate laugh tickles his throat , a sound that many were inclined to believe he wasn't capable of making. It was a steady , warm sound that pleased the ears. ❛ You're not the first to tell me so. ❜ A'byssel's grey cheeks played host to a touch of magenta hues , warmed from their colder tones by the influence of a sweet wine , temporarily abandoned so his palm could be read.
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❛ Most certainly not the last either. ❜ He does not retract his hand , instead , leaving it in the custody of his paler counterpart. There was no real reason to pull it back right now , was there ? If fate smiled on him , that hand could find itself occupied in the near-ish future anyways. For now , it was fine where it was , clasped between a pair of pallid hands. ❛ Your powers of perception have left much to be desired , trei wuss. ❜
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sqider · 1 month
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' Leave your icon borders alone ' challenge.
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sqider · 1 month
What is your true role in the story ?
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The Antihero , ah yes, hello edge lord. it is lovely to see you again. you my dear, are the incarnation of duality, & you might think of claws & venom mixed with grace but alas , nothing near as poetic. You , my friend , are mixture of what is seen as right , & what is questioned. You follow the path of your own two feet , you know the twists & turns of life's forests quite well if I do say so myself. & you can meander along them wonderfully. You strive to stay true to a certain sense of principles you might call your code , but whereas in reality , those would be your morals. People tend to see you as strange. Sharp edged and glinting you hide behind a cloak of chain mail but really you just prefer to show off your imperfections first. unlike many who scramble to make it as if their flaws never existed , you proudly raise yours up , saying, " this is me, this is the worst of me, now you know what to expect. " & might I say , it is quite an intriguing mindset , for truth be told , the ones that love your spikes & craters are the ones who appreciate your softness the most. You wish not to be loved as something lovable , but as a monster , for aren't we all just beasts in human skin ? You are brave , but you are lonely. You know quite well how to scare off most , making even the heroes with the boldest bravado creep away with their tails between their legs. You are not a villian , sometimes you play the part a bit too well , but nevertheless you are no hero either. You put yourself first , but if one wins your trust then may the gods have mercy on those who might wrong them. You long to be a poetic mess of sorts , & well , if the ink sets in long enough you might just become that sooner or later , but for one who is so dead set on truth you sure do hide a lot don't you ? Please , step out of the shadows , there is a difference to not making your flaws visible & to simply acting as if you're the most despicable person in all the realms. It's because you're afraid of attachment , is it not ? Well let me tell you a little secret , everyone is. You say you wish to be left alone for eternity but than why are you craving connection. You wish to be known & understood truly , but you snarl & push the ones that might be trying away. Please little wolf , accept you are lovable. You are not some ravenous beast that terrifies the multitudes , sure , you are not for the faint of heart but that does not make you an inkling less perfect as you are. Young antihero , step into the sun. You would do better actually reaching for the things you want rather than pining for them in the darkness.
Tagged By , @illhound Tagging , anyone !
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sqider · 1 month
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𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐈𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐖𝐍 ;   ————  SHE IS THE NEW SUN.     a hero reborn ( a lost soul ) 𝙱𝙻𝙴𝚂𝚂𝙴𝙳 𝙱𝚈 𝙷𝚈𝙳𝙰𝙴𝙻𝚈𝙽, destined to become the hero of the worlds.  an   independent,   selective writing blog for my  𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐎𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 &. 𝐀𝐙𝐄𝐌,   named SARASTUS. based the final fantasy xiv - game.   ;      brought   to  you  by   deax.     ( she / her, 24 )
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