#& then when I do things like send memes or reach out to plot I have a starting point!
serabellyms · 6 months
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Just a small reminder to all of my mutuals that my interest tracker is required. This is really, really important as with as many muses as I have, I use a lot of the stuff in it to keep track of things I'm likely to forget, in a way that I'm able to navigate with my disability. I have significant memory & recall issues, and because every blog is laid out/organized differently based on the mun, it becomes infinitely harder for me to find what I'm looking for every time; my tracker rectifies that by letting me organize it in a way that works for me & so that I can more easily find the information I need to interact with people!
I do not send/answer memes or interact in-character in any capacity until it's filled out. It's for my comfort & sanity in trying to run a blog with this many muses. It doesn't matter who followed who first, it's still required. It's generally a one-and-done thing that I can then update as needed on my end, & it's perfectly okay if you're only here for a handful of muses (& you do NOT have to have gone through all my muse pages to fill it out! I just expect you to know the basics from my muse page and/or their verses if those apply & that's it). It's also not set in stone/you can update it at any time/adjust as needed.
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dcxdpdabbles · 8 months
the photo au just has me thinking that lady gotham is shipping dead tired and i love it
(it's a change of pace from her shipping dead on main so that's cool too)
"King Phantom," Danny jumps, not expecting the raspy voice to call from the dark alley he was passing. He turns his gaze to the shadows, squinting as a woman made entirely of smoke and tar takes form, towering over him like the skyscrapers of her city.
His head barely reaches the knees of her dark grey dress. Her outline flickers in the air as if she is nothing but the smoke of a flickering candle about to be blown away.
Despite her aristocracy beauty- her high cheekbones, her smooth skin, and lovely dark curls that fall along her shoulders- her presence inspires a terrible amount of dread.
Around him, people continue to walk by, unable to see her but sensing her all the same. Danny quickly moves off the street, entering the alley of darkness- at once, the city's noise is silenced while the two power ghosts are muted in a safe little bubble.
"Lady Gotham," He greets, bowing his head slightly. It's not quite a nod, for that would be too dismissive of a noble lady, but it's not a complete bow, for that would mean she is higher ranked than he.
"How are you enjoying my domain, your majesty?" Lady Gotham breathes her voice, sending chills down his spine.
"It's lovely. My sister and I are truly enjoying exploring it. I particularly enjoy photographing the scenary." He says, keeping the unease out of his voice. Her black-painted lips pull upwards into a smirk as if amused by his attempt at diplomacy.
If there is one thing Danny has learned, it is that while he is the King Of Ghosts, that doesn't mean he has absolute power- politically wise. Many entities have domains for centuries that have, through those years, earned nobility status among the ghosts.
He couldn't just scorn the noble ghosts. Even Pariah Dark- the most potent ghost of all time- was defeated the first time when the nobles- later renamed Ancients- banned together to take him down.
Lady Gotham was not among those Ancients, but Danny knew she could quickly call upon her allies and dethrone him just as easily. If Danny is a King, she would be the Queen of a neighboring kingdom just gearing up for war if he fumbles his manners.
"Is it truly the scenery that catches your fancy? Surely, there are far prettier things to look at in my domain?" Lady Gotham's voice is soft, like the humming of a gentle river.
Danny blinks, thrown by the question. "I can't say I understand, my Lady. What pretty things do you speak of?"
She flips open a fan, hiding half of her face as her black coal eyes stare at him with an appraising glint.
Above them, a hiss of a grappling hook springs out, and Red Robin flips over their heads in pursuit of a fleeing car. Danny's finger twitched with the huge to pull out his camera and finally get a meme-worthy shot of the teenager.
Alas, he can not do so, for he is speaking to a ghost noble who could use his careless behavior against him at the next afterlife high society meeting.
Lady Gotham's eyes crinkle in amusement. "I speak of what I find amusing but what others find shocking. What can be entertaining but others call fascinating. After all, trying to capture one's faults is where true beauty is found."
Danny fights to keep his face pleasant even if he has no idea what she means. She speaks in riddles, at least. That's what it sounds like to him.
He should introduce her to Clockework. They would have a good time talking in circles around each other.
"That's an interesting outlook, my lady." He settles on. She hums, then snaps her fingers. In front of Danny, a paper appears, floating in swirls of smoke.
"My King, I have existed long before humans found this plot of land and bestowed the name Gotham onto me. Yet I find myself lacking in any solid evidence of my precious people. I can interact with their world, but I can never truly step into it. Especially the Waynes. They have done so much for me through generations, and I can't even greet them properly." Lady Gotham's words may sound sad, but her tone only implies amusement. Danny is instantly weary. "I was wondering if I could ask that you- the bridge between both worlds- would do me a favor to remedy this."
The paper floats closer, and on it, Danny can see it is an invention for the Wayne Charity Gala. His name is printed on the guest list, asking that he join them for his donations to the art programs around the city.
Danny never made such donations because the Fenton's are far from wealthy enough to do so. Lady Gotham was behind this, as she could interact with the world but not the humans. Getting money for the programs under his name would be child's play.
He couldn't say no, per the norms of high society, and he knows she is well aware of this. Lady Gotham has cornered him.
"What is the favor, My Lady?" He asks, pocketing the invitation even though his insides are twisting.
"I only ask for a photo of each current Wyanes." She says, her voice now the sound of falling rain on the city. "Each photo should be the of them individually, for it will be what I display in my lair as their portraits."
Oh, she just wants pictures? Danny could do that!
"Of course." He says, smiling easily up at her. "I shall have that done for you."
"Excellent. I shall await the gala with anticipation."
Danny leaves the alley wondering if he will have a suit nice enough for the event. He'll have to contact Kitty- she was raising fashion designer before her untimely death on Johnny's bike- surely she will know what to dress him in.
He wanders around the city for a few hours, trying to get better shots of the buildings and accidentally getting one of Nightwing mid-sneeze. He giggles at the camera, unaware of Lady Gotham sitting in her haunt in the dark clouds above the city, standing over a three-dimensional model of Gotham City and covered in figures of real-life citizens currently residing in her town.
"Hmmm, Jason hasn't had an embarrassing photo today," She mutters, pushing the figure of Red Hood in front of King Phantom's glowing figurine's path. Her gaze falls on Red Robin- her little Tim- as it moves across the city following the live model's movement.
His figure is also glowing, not nearly as brightly as the King's, but the fact it shares the King's glow means the King has unknowingly claimed him.
She hopes that pushing them together in his civilian forms will allow the two to realize their hearts have been given to one another.
"How romantic." She sighs, floating onto her stomach and kicking her feet. "A King in love with a Knight. Society pushes them apart, but their love will conquer all."
"Sister, must you behave in such a childish manner?" A voice cuts in, and Lady Gotham's face twitches. She turns her head to watch her brother's shift between adult and child.
"Brother. What brings you here?" She asks, unbothered by his comment.
"Can I not visit my dearest little sister?" Clockwork asks, reaching over for a one-sided hug. She returns it with a smirk. "Especially when she messes with the life of the King."
"I do not know what you speak of." She huffs, turning her head back to the humans on her board. Around her, thousands and thousands of miniature models appear as she watches everything that is meant to be for the humans.
"Karma, you know better than to interfere with King Phantom's life, especially if it's something as silly as his love life-"
"Ah ah, brother dearest. You are in charge of time, and I control fate. " She grins. "I can guarantee that they are fated to be. I know it."
Clockwork rolls his eyes, shifting into an old man. "You let humans call you Lady Gotham. I highly doubt you know anything."
She hums, grinning as King Phantom's figure drops into a crouch, pointing a mini camera at Red Robin. Quickly, she leans forward to adjust the vigilante in an alluring position, knowing it will cause the King's heart to flutter when he develops the photos.
Clockwork clicks his tongue. "Honestly, don't you have anything better to do?"
"You should leave your tower more often, Brother. Maybe you could find a date and not nag your younger sister constantly." She taps her lips. "That young John Constinune was rather interested in you-"
"I am leaving!"
She laughs. "You can't run away from fate, brother!"
"Watch me!"
Oh, she plans to; after all, what is more amusing to fate than to see people try to defy her? Either they succeed, which is fascinating to watch them conquer all her trials, or they fail, which is entertaining enough to watch them fumble.
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mcflymemes · 8 months
8 IDEAS FOR GETTING MORE ROLEPLAY INTERACTIONS remember to always be respectful and read rules before reaching out!
cater your space down to the most active, most interactive blogs on your dash, and always try to follow new people to broaden that group. if someone isn't liking your posts or sending memes, maybe it's time to part ways! that's all right! it's okay to softblock them and find others who are more engaged and more interested in your blog and your character/s.
memes. reblog them... and dear god, send them! if you see a blog on your dash reblog a meme... send some in! send a handful! especially if the two of you have never interacted, sending memes shows them you're interested and want to create some fun dynamics! please don't be nervous about doing this - you know how excited you get when you receive memes... and they'll probably feel the same way!
send spontaneous headcanon questions, asks, or compliments. everyone loves a good (not anonymous) message in their inbox. ask about their character! ask where their ideas came from! how do they write so beautifully - what books do they read to help inspire them? what music do they listen to when they write? maybe compliment their graphics! compliment their writing style! this is a fantastic way to create connections and show an interest in others, who will then in turn show an interest in you.
follow your mutuals' mutuals. if you keep seeing a certain blog writing with your mutuals... follow them! see what happens! they've probably seen you on their dash, too, so you already have something to bond over. maybe you can incorporate your dynamic with a mutual into one of your new threads?
send an IM. this is the one that rarely ever gets used, but i find it the most effective way to start something fun. if you follow a new blog and you've got an idea for a plot with them... send them a message! "thanks for following me back! i love your blog already! would you be interested in plotting?" start a chat with them and come up with something fun!
do not put all the burden on the other person. too often people are so excited to plot... and then expect the other person to do all the work. when you plot with someone, have ideas. come with options. offer to send them memes to start something off. ask questions about their character. would your character even like mine? what dynamic will they have? should we do a pre-established relationship and avoid the awkward first meeting threads? have ideas ready!
don't guilt. "no one wants to write with me." "no one likes me." "i don't have any threads." "no one ever sends me memes." "i guess all my followers hate me." "i'm just gonna delete my blog." these are not fair to say. these statements are harmful, both to you and to your friends, and i can guarantee that these statements push any potential interactions away. these are normal feelings to have, and it's terrible that you feel these things, but posting about them to guilt your followers does not create an environment conducive to creativity and harmony.
most importantly, remember that people have lives. people have jobs, families, pets, responsibilities, health struggles, and other irl things that might prevent them from putting all of their enthusiasm or time into writing with you. if plotting or interactions don't work out with one person, move on to the next.
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aeniqmata · 19 days
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Heyo, so clearly I have no focus for anything. I have a steam deck and have been fully eaten by nostalgia gaming using emulators, so that is where I have been.
The point of this post is for me to let people know that if you still want to RP with me, as I am always ready to, I just have the attention span of a goldfish. You can either reach out to me here through whatever means ( as it is still linked to my phone and sends me messages ), or you can reach out to me through discord.
Please do not take this to mean that I am abandoning this blog, I refuse to leave entirely and am so happy to answer memes and things on here. I just know that I am easily distracted.
Please note the following when it comes to reaching out to me on Discord:
We must be mutuals on Tumblr. I'm not just going to answer any messages, I am still a selective blog
Send me your username, if you don't I am not going to reply to messages or accept friend requests
Plotting is a must as memes are not really usable on discord, and I'll be discussing thread details with you there probably a lot
I will probably end up making a server so we can talk ooc without confusing if we got a reply or if there is something stupid I want to send you.
Same basic RP etiquette applies on Discord as does on Tumblr.
If you have a thread on Tumblr you want to continue more frequently, we can move it to Discord or Vice Versa. I do not mind in the slightest.
Failure to comply with these may mean I drop threads, unfriend or even block and unfollow you. I work a full time job dealing with customers acting like children, I will not do so with a hobby.
If all of this is coolio with you, my Discord is flout or Flout#2728 if you are still able to add with the old codes. I look forward to writing with you all again if you will have me.
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Hey! I meant to send you an ask for the ask meme way earlier but the trailer dropped and i got completely derailed..
But here it is!
What is your favourite book genre and is there anything you would recommend? What is your favourite movie from your childhood? Do you have any unpopular IWTV opinions? Do you have any Season 2 theories you haven't seen anyone talk about? Do you have any Claudia headcanons specific to Paris? Do you think Claudia might be haunting Dubai? Are there any songs you think are very Claudia coded?
Here I am answering this ask 4-5 days later!
-What is your favourite book genre and is there anything you would recommend?
I tend to gravitate towards gothic horror and absurdist comedy (the two can often intertwine) For what I would recommend, it would depend on the person! Like, do you like something that involves romance? History? Leans more into the comedy aspect? Leans more into the horror aspect?
-What is your favourite movie from your childhood?
At 11 I got addicted to Titanic and became a huge Titanic nerd lol. It's funny because I actually thought it was a horror movie initially because I watched the second half first with a friend who just wanted to skip to the boat sinking (I had never watched a horror movie prior to this so watching the claustrophobic sinking room scenes and the multiple people dying in front of me traumatized me okay!!). I guess I'll go with Titanic since that's the one movie I still love today I'm not ashamed to admit :)
-Do you have any unpopular IWTV opinions?
Oh plenty. I've spoken about a lot of them but I guess I'll mention that the writers including what happened to Claudia in Episode 5 was not bad writing, but more just poorly set-up imo. I know a lot of people hated it when the episode came out, and threw accusations of exploitation and the writers adding it just for shock value, but I politely disagree with those takes even if I get where they're coming from.
(trigger warning for mentions of SA below)
Claudia in both the books and the show constantly suffers from a lack of autonomy. It is a huge aspect of her character. She is constantly touched and handled too freely, as if she were still a child, without her consent. Louis and Claudia's relationship gets very unhealthy as well, as a result of her creators designing an environment where she literally has no one else. Now that they have aged her up, this aspect is still present, but now the threats are different. Claudia in Season 1 is driven by freedom and romantic love, but has now reached a stage where any human she gets into a romantic relationship would either be a creepy relationship with teenage boys, or a creepy relationship with a pervert. So she then looks to finding love with other vampires. Then she finds out, like in the books, other vampires won't necessarily understand or respect her either. It's a depressing realization that makes her character even more tragic. I know people would have preferred her seeing her struggle on her own to the point of being driven home rather than having the assault take place, but because of Claudia's character development this season, and because the season was so tightly condensed, the plot they went with actually makes sense :( And in fact, Claudia was actually never driven home because of the assault. She was driven home when she realized what her purpose finally was, as she was feeling lost and like she didn't belong anywhere as a black teenage vampire for years ("I realized why they made me- to be Louis's sister). If she couldn't survive on her own, albeit with more struggles than other vampires would, she wouldn't have tried to leave in Episode 6 by herself with Louis's assurance she could get by alright.
The thing that also makes this non-exploitative and randomly placed to me is that they never show it, and explicitly emphasize that they will not be showing or revealing the details despite Daniel's pressing.
The thing I didn't like was how it was set up. Bruce, like Claudia, wants to find other vampires and form a gang, but when he has found Claudia, after a minute, without any warning, just instantly throws an etiquette book at her (?), gets angry, assaults her, then leaves? So was that just his goal his entire time? I get why people think it's a badly written plotline. It would have made much more sense if Bruce had been a creepy "Stanley from Silent Hill 3" type, who through stalking her across universities, leaves letters and weird gifts for her or something. Claudia would be initially intrigued, because, hello, other vampires exist after all! but soon becomes wigged out and starts ignoring his letters/mind messages to her. She would end up escaping him (or killing him), because he wouldn't leave her alone, and that experience might add to her desire to leave the country and face Lestat.
Do you have any Season 2 theories you haven't seen anyone talk about?
I actually don't see many people talking about Madeleine. I do have a theory that Madeleine parallels Claudia's human mother in a couple of ways. I have this headcanon that Claudia had a black father and a white mother (just going off on the fact that Bailey Bass is biracial, but you don't have to agree), and they were teenagers when they had her, so that's why her dad gave her to his family to take care of (I'm assuming Claudia's mother might have been disowned or ran off, or her family refused to raise her themselves). So Madeleine represents to Claudia her mother if she had lived, just like Madeleine sees Claudia as a daughter if she had lived. And because this is supposed to be a complicated relationship, as Claudia is the actual older one, probably still longing for romantic connection, and doesn't want to get stuck in another daughter role, the show might venture further than mother/daughter/friendship territory, because this is the AR universe so things will naturally get complicated. I totally get if others don't want them to go into that area though.
Do you have any Claudia headcanons specific to Paris?
I do feel like Paris is where Claudia has her own awakening, same as Louis. It's where she realizes she likes girls, as we see her in a vampire orgy scene with another woman. I also think Claudia is a bit of a stalker. She likes trailing Madeleine or other women, seeing the life she could have had if she had stayed human. She actually ironically shares that in common with Armand. I feel like Armand and Claudia will actually like each other at first, and see a lot of themselves in each other. But because Claudia can see trouble coming a million miles away, his act doesn't fool her for long like it does with Louis, so gradually tension starts to build. I feel like Armand in the show, unlike in the book, actually harbors some regret when it comes to killing Claudia.
Also Claudia sketching Madeleine when?
Another headcanon I have is that Claudia has to fight for scenes where she plays someone who isn't a child/doll (hence the red dress in that promotional poster/painting). She also wants to get involved in some of the playwrighting, which she does with Armand. She does this until she starts getting suspicious about him, and after she quits writing, she not coincidentally at all starts getting cast in babydoll roles again. Armand sucks!
Do you think Claudia might be haunting Dubai?
God I hope so I want her to be haunting Louis but especially Armand's ass. The reason Armand supposedly can be awake at any time is because he just can't sleep, what with Claudia constantly taunting and tormenting him!
Are there any songs you think are very Claudia coded?
-"Can't Catch Me Now" by Olivia Rodrigo- perfect for Claudia haunting Louis and Armand!
-"Daughter" by Beyonce
-"Brutal" by Olivia Rodrigo
-"Girls Just Want To Have Fun" by Cyndi Lauper
-"I've Got To Be Me" by Sammy Davis Jr.
-"Teen Idle" by Marina
-"Antagonist" by Nova Twins
-"Beating Like A Hammer" by Metric
-"Mama, I'm A Big Girl Now" (Hairspray)
-"Eat Your Young" by Hozier- I hesitate to add this one because the song is supposedly based around the Irish "A Modest Proposal", now a similar concept taking place in modern times, but the music video just strikes me as very Claudia coded. In it, the child in the nuclear family is created to fulfill the parent's needs, and is subsequently put into a box and told to be a certain way. The parents are hungry in a demanding society that metaphorically starves them to the point that they'll take drastic measures to fulfill that hunger, even if it means exploiting and metaphorically consuming their own children. And who is that if not Claudia with regards to Louis and Lestat?
Thanks for the ask friend! And sorry it took so long to answer <3
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I think a lot of people on here could benefit from some self-reflection when they’re complaining about not getting interactions. Ask yourself: Have you ever… “Lost” a starter call? Not answered all of the likes you got on it, regardless of how many there are? How many people were “new followers” to you (i.e. people you have zero interactions with) when you did the above? (if you did?) How many of those types of people (“new followers/new mutuals”) sent you memes that you’ve yet to answer (and it’s been more than 2 weeks since they sent it)? How often do you like mutuals’ posts? Even just their OOC posts? How much do you comment on them and interact with them? Do you like their starter calls or plot calls? Have they sent you starters, and have you answered them? Conversely, if they’ve messaged you to plot… did you respond to that message (within a 2-week time frame)? How often do you send them memes? Are you sending more than just IC memes (ex. mun memes, headcanon memes, etc)? Do you tag them in dash games (if you do them)? Do you respond to ones they’ve tagged you in (if they have)? How often do you post OOC/how frequently? How much of it is actually related to your blog and muses, and how much of it is just you shooting things off into the void? In relation to the above… how much of it is NEGATIVITY? Do you constantly post your negative thoughts on dash? If you, as a mun, are answering yes to a lot of the above… then the problem is probably you, not the people you write with. While yes, people have lives… I do think, in some cases, taking more than a week to answer an IM or a message, especially for a plot call that you liked, is just poor taste. If you post things and never reach out to people, why would they want to continue to put that effort in? You have to ask yourself… Am I following through on the things I post? There needs to be a fine line between “i want new stuff so i’ll reblog this meme/post a new starter call” and “i just want new things in my inbox that will sit there with the rest”. If you never follow through, then why would people want to write with you? Not following through makes it pretty obvious sending you anything or writing anything for you is a waste of time, because the other mun gets nothing out of it. Writers in the RPC nowadays need to learn to follow through on things, and make a diligent effort to do so. I’d rather wait a year for someone I can confidently know is going to follow through because they’re not treating me like a ghost on their dash (i.e. they’re interacting with me in other ways, even if they can’t answer me IC) as opposed to the person I’ve sent ten things that hasn’t bothered to acknowledge my presence in the slightest.
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rp-partnerfinder · 14 days
🐻 hi there! i’m bear (she / they ), advanced literate / novella writer here looking for someone enthusiastic to work with. recently came back from a hiatus, so i’m craving a good roleplay. will literally send you memes, headcanons and create pinterest boards / playlists one hour after we start talking because I'm unhinged and proud of it. all i’m asking for is that you are above the age of 18!
i only do f x m, as i’m not comfortable with anything else as of now. i prefer to write for the male roles! not necessarily looking for a fandom / canon based roleplay, nor plot. i have a bunch of (male) ocs i’ve been wanting to write! i’m all for the sappy, sweet and angsty slice of life plots — also very into darker themes / dead dove and apocalyptic / dystopian plots. would also be interested in a western (gothic) type of plot!! but i’m super open minded and willing to try anything, especially when it comes to plots and absurd ideas.
concerning fandom based rps, i prefer writing canon characters against (your) ocs. i’m down for doubles and AUs. fandoms i’d consider / my muses are…
red dead redemption II
- arthur morgan
- patrick zweig, art donaldson
the bear
- carmen berzatto
stranger things
- jonathan byers, steve harrington
the walking dead
- daryl dixon, shane walsh, rick grimes
leave a like and ill reach out… or shoot me a message on discord (@hanibalistics) if you’re super interested! i’ll be happy to hear from you :]
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hanibalistics · 20 days
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🐻 hi there! i’m bear (she / they), advanced literate / novella writer here looking for someone enthusiastic to work with. recently came back from a hiatus, so i’m craving a good roleplay. will literally send you memes, headcanons and create pinterest boards / playlists one hour after we start talking because I'm unhinged and proud of it.
all i’m asking for is that you are above the age of 18! click here for my introduction.
i only do f x m, as i’m not comfortable with anything else as of now. i prefer to write for the male roles! not necessarily looking for a fandom / canon based roleplay, nor plot. i have a bunch of (male) ocs i’ve been wanting to write! i’m all for the sappy, sweet and angsty slice of life plots — also very into darker themes / dead dove and apocalyptic / dystopian plots. would also be interested in a western (gothic) type of plot!! but i’m super open minded and willing to try anything, especially when it comes to plots and absurd ideas.
concerning fandom based rps, i prefer writing canon characters against (your) ocs. i’m down for doubles and AUs. fandoms i’d consider / my muses are…
red dead redemption II (!!)
- arthur morgan, john marston
the bear (!!)
- carmen berzatto, richard jerimovich
challengers (!!)
- patrick zweig, art donaldson
attack on titan
- reiner braun, jean kirstein, zeke yeager
- paul atreides, feyd rauther harkonnen
- lip gallagher
the walking dead
leave a like and ill reach out… or shoot me a message on discord (@hanibalistics) if you’re super interested! i’ll be happy to hear from you :]
- daryl dixon, shane walsh
other fandoms;; stranger things, star wars, game of thrones, death note, resident evil ...
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quickdeaths · 22 days
mun meme
★  NAME:  Bryn
★  PRONOUNS:  she/her.
★  BEST EXPERIENCE: Meeting my girlfriend through RP has to be at the top of the list, and meeting some really great friends too. Just talking about the IC stuff, idk, I'm pretty happy with how things have been going recently?
★  PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: IMs are okay but discord is best! I am very chatty on discord sometimes, and the search function is really helpful for me when it comes to going back and finding old things. I'm also just on discord basically all day in some capacity, so I rarely miss things for long.
★  MOST ACTIVE MUSE: I can basically write any of my DR OCs at the drop of a hat, although Shinobu is the one who I am currently writing most, and have the easiest time writing because of that. I think for me, though, it's more "do I have energy/creativity to write right now at all" rather than if I have muse for a specific character or not - it's not usually the case that I struggle with a specific character at a time when I'm otherwise writing easily.
★  EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS: I started off on a forum in maybe 2006 or 2007, did some stuff on livejournal, had a cup of coffee at Gaia Online, and settled on Tumblr in maybe... 2012? 2013? I've done some things on discord (don't love it for RP) and google docs (it's okay) since then, and a handful of other places, but I think I'm just Here Now, like furniture.
I have talked about these all so many times so I'll try to keep it brief hahaha.
People who repeatedly drop threads without reaching out to say anything (this is my #1 pet peeve), and people who generally cycle "taking on too many asks/drafts, then dropping all of them, repeat."
People who habitually archive/delete and remake their blogs, especially if they don't make any changes to how they run things, who they interact with, etc. I see it as, like "bringing your bed to your new apartment and being confused as to why you still have bedbugs."
People who post tons of OOCs, as well as things like memes, starter calls, ship calls, etc. while having a massive backlog of drafts and inbox things already.
People who treat OCs/female characters/female OCs dismissively, or as stepping stone interactions.
★   PLOTS OR MEMES: Plots. I honestly don't like memes very much since I feel like they seldom lead to the kind of long-term interactions I like the most, but they're so entrenched on tumblr that I just kinda have to accept them. I would much rather talk to people and plot out loose thread ideas than send in a dialogue prompt from a movie I haven't seen and hope it gets answered and hope that that answer feels like something I can respond to and hope that my reply gets replied to and it's actually a thread. I like doing stuff that develops across multiple threads too, and plotting is much better for that.
★  ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: Not really, I don't think. There are pieces of me in all of my characters, of course, and there are superficial similarities sometimes in terms of like, hobbies or interests, but I think the characters who feel like they got more of me mixed into them are like, D&D characters, or characters from my other blogs.
tagged by: @more-than-a-princess also tagging because tumblr is a functional website and perhaps putting things on a new line is the only fix: @timesunder @shishigirls @saburaito @sunbreathr
tagging: @lunaetis @guidedhearts @amaidol @infintasmal @corrpse also tagging myself since that seems to be the only way to not have it break someone else's tag very cool: @quickdeaths
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mastcrmarksman · 3 months
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NAME : Izzy
PRONOUNS : they/them
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : I'll hand out my discord here and there, but you can reach me by DMs.
NAME OF MUSE(s) : Clint Barton, and then I've got a handful of other blogs; but Clint will literally devour my soul and I can't write anyone else when this happens (it's happening)
BEST EXPERIENCE : Honestly, this come back to tumblr after being away for like 3 years. The friendships and dynamics I've built with Clint on my return has been amazing, and I'm also very glad people like how I write him, cause I've pretty much picked up comic Clint and said "he's mine now. i'm giving him a whole new arc/plot/story to explore and away from canon" and people are buying into that. Thank you so much everyone! I love all my friends and writing partners here so much <3
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS : Uhhh, pet peeves? I don't quite get what's with people not liking posts anymore or using the reply/comment feature more, like if you see someone posting an hc. Take a second to read? Give it a like or comment a heart even, if you're really that pressed to control your likes..... Dealbreakers, I haven't encountered anyone, I guess it'd be just if I pushed to write or make smut centric, but no one is doing that.
MUSE PREFERENCES : I like characters that have an internal struggle (lol that could be anyone). I don't know. I try to write so many types of characters, but characters like Clint I always come back too. Honestly, whatever is the character type that's been Clint Barton and Pepper Potts.
PLOTS OR MEMES : Memes are usually good to start, but I definitely wouldn't mind doing more plotting and giving a general direction to a thread. Although, really memes are great, and I truly appreciate those who send a bunch of memes, or don't mind treating some memes as one shots ( i love one shots ; just look at the length of some of my ask responses )
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : Both. I want more shorter threads right now, but I have a knack for getting wordy and writing long things. This is why length matching does not matter, as long as there is enough substance to continue or something to help move something forward; a shorter reply to a longer reply is good; just as I tend to take a shorter thing and get longer with. This is also why I tend to like or mention with meme responses, like you can just reblog/save this and treat this as little one shot/drabble I wrote for you. I also tend to do the same.
BEST TIME TO WRITE : I don't get a lot of work, I am home all the time. So i'm bored a lot. So literally anytime, although I have a tendency to write a lot more late at night. For me, why I'm not writing is usually mood, or I don't have a very good set up for writing long haul; so if my neck, back, or hands and wrist start to cramp up cause my sit down to write isn't a good position/only position. That usually defeats me; like after I post this I will probably take a break, stretch, keep on my break and write a bit in a few hours.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : Yes and no / I don't know. I know I'm the type of neurospicy where Clint Barton has rotten my brain for like the past 15 years or something; and I've been writing him for like 10 years; that I'm probably funny like Clint is, but who actually knows lol. I try to be normal and healthy with muse and mun separation; even if his whole recovery arc is very important and real to me; and I will live in the delusion that is what I am getting from the comics as in I will just write it myself on my roleplay blog (this is a joke; legally I have to say that I think)
tagged by; @danversiism evil boops you infinity, ily tania <3
tagging: lol im suppose to tag people; if you wanna expose yourself, do it. flash the dash. i'll probably read it and like it.
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merakiui · 2 years
Okay, I reached the part where the boys are fighting for you to choose what dorm is the best, and you are right! It made me giggle for such a dumb reason. I think what sold it to me was that Jamil was also seeking your "approval".
Another thing that I have to point, is Ace's comment about how remote the Sage's Island is. He said, and quote:
"They have to take a train from the nearest airport, transfer to a bus, broad a ferry, transfer to ANOTHER ferry, then another bus... Anyway, the point is, getting to Sage's island is a chore and a half!"
Okay... and let's remember in Scarabia book how both Ace and Deuce came to our rescue... Did they really spend all of the money that transportation alone takes, food expenses and I suspect they had to stay somewhere for the night if we take into account that you send the text half-way the book and from there three or two days pass for them to arrive at the end.
All of that, just to attend a call of you being trapped in Scarabia? It could mean anything! Unless they spoke with the other and took time to decided if this was an emergency. Although, I have the slight suspicion they went on their own, just to find the other at the airport like the Spiderman meme 😂
Don't forget how our Twisted Wonderland boys are: unless it benefits them, then they won't help, or ask something in return. But they didn't ask for anything...
Our duo seems to be quite attached to us :^)
That part caught me by surprise because it really did feel like a moment in a harem plot! I just love how invested the three of them are in getting the player's approval of their dorm.
YES!!! When he was saying that, I was just :o the entire time. It really is such a remote location. If you ever wanted to escape your twst yandere from either NRC or RSA you'd have to go through so many transportations, and that's only if you can even make it out of the campus. ^^;;;
I have to hand it to Ace and Deuce. To go through all of that trouble while not knowing the severity or the entire context of being trapped in Scarabia... True friends right there. :D I love imagining both of them in the airport because you know they'd try to deny their real reasons for coming back early. And then they realize they're going back for your sake and it becomes clear that they really do share the same brain cell.
Aaaa you're right! No one does anything just to be kind (unless they're Kalim). The characters can't even refer to each other as friends even though what they all have is an obvious friendship, so good, selfless deeds are rare lol. Ace and Deuce really do care quite a lot to do that knowing that it won't benefit them. The besties were worried. <3
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darkrpfinder · 2 months
23 yr old lesbian looking for any fellow queers to write monster fucker stuff with!! cishet men dni. i average around 200 ~ 600 words, looking for similar! when i say monsters, i mean it! i love non human characters, literally anything you can think of i probably like it; from basic things like angels & demons, werewolves, vampires, aliens, to eldritch horror types, to anthro/furry/beast(?) like characters,,, however you wanna call those! i have a few ocs i'm hoping to use, mine range from humanoid - anthro/furry like. but making new ones for roles is okay with me, too! any gender pairings are okay!🌈✨ i adore the non human x human trope, but non human x non human is just as good if you have your own monster character! i love playing switch characters, but if you only do one or the other that's fine! just pleaaase no uwu subs that're overly shy and can't do anything, i'm a little over this trope and having to carry everything. bring me your feisty brats or mean power bottoms!! that being said, i'm not just looking for smut! it's fine later on but there must be plot, build up, and chemistry between characters. i love dead dove/problematic themes! anything you're uncomfortable w/ doesn't have to be included, but i would loove to do something with underage, grooming, age gaps,... i'm not looking to do anything unsanitary, extreme underage below 12, or excessive violence/gore. you're free to ask me about anything specific! (and again they don't have to be included if you're not into it!) i don't do rl fcs/ai/stealing artists' oc(s). i draw/commission art of my ocs, preferably you do the same or even a picrew or written description is fine! if you dislike anime art styles, you're not gonna like my ocs... pls keep this in mind!! as for ideas, i have a few in mind, but i'm hoping to brainstorm together! please no yes men, i'm hoping to find someone who will be happy to discuss ideas and share memes, gush abt the ocs and plot, etc!! send me your pinterest boards!! tell me ur what ifs and ideas abt our ocs! so if you're only looking to keep it strictly rp i'm not your gal. i'm hoping to be friends alongside writing! like if interested and i'll reach out!
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weirdlyglitchy · 15 days
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☆ ━━━━ hello everyone, my name’s alice !! i’m eighteen years old, and i use they / them pronouns. this blog is mainly used for roleplaying and finding other rpers !! all important information can be found below. please read if you’d like to start an rp !!
general rules
★ . . . eighteen+ only. i prefer to include darker themes and sexual content in my writing, so minors please do not interact. i don’t have any preference for your age, as long as you’re legal.
★ . . . i'm advanced literate and even novella. my minimum word count is six hundred words per character. i'm completely comfortable going over one thousand words for each side. if you only send a paragraph or a few sentences, please do not message me. i prefer writing with people who can keep up with my replies, so if you can’t go over the discord limit, please don’t reach out.
★ . . . discord only. it’s much easier for me to write in discord compared to tumblr or other platforms. i like making cute and aesthetic private servers for our roleplay to make things neater !!
★ . . . i write in third person past tense. i’d prefer if you were to do the same. please try to use proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation. mistakes are totally okay, but i don’t enjoy roleplays where little mistakes like these are a constant. i need to be able to read your reply. i also don’t roleplay script, so do not use asterisks.
★ . . . don’t spam me. if i haven’t replied for more than two weeks, you can send a reminder. i’ll do the same for you. i typically try and respond at least once a week, but that’s not always possible. if you haven’t responded in over two weeks without any warnings or explanation, i will delete our server and roleplay.
★ . . . only lgbt relationships. i can write mxm, fxf, and any kind of genderqueer dynamic. [including nonbinary, trans characters, etc.] i don’t really write mxf, unless it’s under very specific circumstances. unless we're friends, i've approached you first, or specifically asked for mxf, do not attempt to ask me for a straight relationship. i will not be playing the female role in mxf.
★ . . . please tell me your triggers and boundaries before we start writing. i do not want to make you uncomfortable. personally, i have very few limits. i’m completely okay with anything except for pregnancies and eating disorders. with discussion, i can write any concept you ask me to and actually prefer darker themes.
★ . . . doubling up is required for both original and fandom rps. i write for oc x oc and oc x canon. don’t ask me for canon x canon, i’m not interested in it. but i do love oc interactions and will never say no to that !! you can have more than one love interest [poly, love triangles, etc] and it’s encouraged !! just make sure to do the same in return. i literally don’t mind writing an entire harem for your character, as long as you’re okay with doing the same for me.
★ . . . nsfw is required. i like including it in my rps when i can. if you’re not comfortable with this, it’s better to not interact. kinks and concepts can be discussed in private. i typically like having a plot to smut ratio of 60:40 or 50:50. i do not write strict bottom or top characters and would prefer to not write with someone who does. my characters switch, and they can be subs and doms.
★ . . . plotting is a must. i love establishing friendships with my rp partners, so i’d absolutely adore to chat ooc !! i’m the type of person to gush constantly about our ocs and their love interests. if making art, spotify playlists, pinterest boards, memes, and all that sounds good to you, please please feel free to interact !! <3
animanga . . . black butler, chainsaw man, demon slayer, diabolik lovers, fruits basket, haikyuu, jujutsu kaisen, mob psycho 100, my hero academia, one piece, ouran high school host club, the disastrous life of saiki k, toilet bound hanako kun, welcome to demon school iruma kun.
tv shows and movies . . . alice in borderland, all of us are dead, castlevania, disney, hannibal, marvel cinematic universe, percy jackson, shadow and bone, spiderverse, the owl house, the vampire diaries, twilight, xo kitty.
miscellaneous . . . celebrities, creepypasta, danganronpa, original oc x oc, resident evil, the inheritance games.
★ . . . i usually have multiple love interests for fandoms to avoid conflict. however, sometimes i only have one love interest. i’d appreciate it if you respected this and didn’t try to fight me for it.
★ . . . similarly, i also have a blacklist of characters i don’t play for others. please don’t try to convince me out of these characters. there’s usually a good reason why they’re on my blacklist.
★ . . . bolded fandoms are the ones i’m currently interested in. i absolutely don’t mind writing one of the fandoms in regular text or even writing something that isn’t here. just let me know !!
☆ ━━━━ i have an entire google doc for a more in-depth description of my rules. it also includes a larger list of fandoms, as well as writing samples and a character directory, which can be located below !! if you’re still interested, please interact with this post, message me on tumblr, or just add me on discord !! my user is glitchcores. thank you so much for reading this far !! <3
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If your feel your blog is being “ignored” or getting zero interaction, you need to consider that you, the mun, may be the source of the issue. Deleting starter and plot calls because you only got 1 or 2 likes and not more? Bad. Those people who liked it are potential interactions that, by deleting & not responding to their reaching out, you have just burned on interaction. And on the same token—if someone liked either of those, FOLLOW THROUGH. People notice when you don’t follow through on starter or plot calls. They remember. Consider every time you do that that the person who liked that one is less likely to engage with you PERIOD. Every time you do that is a lost interaction that only you are at fault for. Don’t have just one meme, and DON’T close your inbox—and most of all, don’t say “not accepting” on your memes. If you don’t want any more of that meme, delete the meme. But don’t delete ALL of your memes. If you say “not accepting” or turn your inbox off, you’re closing yourself off to possible interactions. “Not accepting” gives the impression of “don’t interact/engage with me/send things to my inbox, and it’s not a good one. Limit your OOC. If you post more OOC than you do IC/meme reblogs/aesthetics and musings, that’s too much. A little is okay, but when the majority of your blog is it (and no, deleting it later doesn’t make it better; it still shows up on the dash, someone still sees it, and they see you’re posting more OOC than you are other things). If you need to talk about your muses, find headcanon prompts and write headcanons based on them, even if you never received a meme. Write drabbles. Make sure the focus is on your muses & their world, not what you had for breakfast. That, or make a personal blog, even if it’s just a sideblog for you to ramble on. And most of all: limit your negativity on the dash. If you’re constantly (and by constantly, I mean more then 1-2 times a month at most) posting negative commentary, complaints, and most especially vague-posting about how you don’t get interactions, you feel bad, you don’t feel confident in your muses, etc… you need to step back and remember: your mutuals are human too. Most of them have their own mental health issues to deal with, and not everyone talks about their mood on the dash, either. Someone might have something going on in the background; seeing you being negative may bring their mood down. Seeing vague-posting may make them anxious or uncomfortable or feel like you’re talking about them, even if you aren’t. Every time you post something negative, consider that you’ve possibly made someone else’s day worse.
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puzzledmemories · 26 days
I'm good with any rp style! Please don't feel like you're writing too much or too little when writing with me. I'll do my best to match where you're at!
All my muses are good for multishipping, and I'm down for shipping muses with mine! However, please ask first! I need communication on this. Please don't force ships on me!
Please, do not godmod, or tell me how I'm writing my muses wrong, etc. At least, not without any previous communication! If we agree on something happening beforehand, that's different. Again, I need communication on this!
Please be patient! I work a full-time job, I have lots of doctor's appointments, I also write fanfiction, and I have a life outside of rp! I don't know how often I'll be able to post! I will do my best! Sometimes my anxiety gets the best of me as well, but I will do my best!
I am down for crossovers, I am down for AUs, I am down for interacting with doubles/duplicates, I am down for rping with OCs! I am a big fan of the yugioh spinoffs and am down to rp with characters from the spinoffs!
I am down to write pretty much anything! Most dark topics are probably not going to be too much for me. Feel free to ask ahead of time if something's okay!
If I've reblogged a meme (sentence starters, etc.) then I will accept them at pretty much any time. There's no time limit.
Also, feel free to tag me in starters, sending asks, or reach out to plot something!
We're here to have fun. I want to have fun! You want to have fun! Let's have fun with things!
I have icons! I'm using the manga icons for Yugi, Yami, and Yugi, straight from ygoicons. They're not edited or anything. If you don't have icons, that's okay! Icons are not an expectation I have for anyone. (Yuri and Yusaku I am trying to make my own icons for.)
I don't really have solid set verses in mind right now, I'll probably default to canon-compliant with headcanons for my muses, but I'm very down to switch up what I'm doing to any sort of AU you might have in mind! I like to try to be adaptable and meet people where they're at.
I don't mind if you reblog rp memes and sentence starters from me, and I don't mind if non rp blogs send in asks/interact! Please don't reblog closed threads you're not a part of, though.
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radioiaci · 2 months
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anonymous ⧐ Man, I am LEGIT tempted to reach out and do a starter call with you,, just a little shy and don't have my character side blog completely set up yet,, but when I do, and if you're accepting requests,, how exactly do I initiate/express interest? I see that it mentioned liking the post, will that show my side blog or only my main? And if the latter, how do I share my side one?/gen OOC ASKS.
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ALL GOOD HOMIE, LEMME LAY IT OUT FOR YOU! Starter calls from me are a little scant right now just because of how many threads I have LOL. The better way to start interaction with me is to send in something from my ask meme tag or to just tag me in a starter that you make! Those are much easier for me to get to and manage. This is open to do from pretty much anyone, EXCEPT, there is a small caveat: For new OCs/OCs I have not interacted with before, I am probably not going to interact immediately. I want to check out your blog, see what your character is about, get a feel for your writing style, etc. I've been burned by a few OCs while playing Alastor. You can read more on it here. So I'll just be exercising a little caution first. I love OCs but I really really hate people making assumptions about Al's feelings and characterization, trying to force a ship, OR just using him as a backdrop for their own plots. So just keep that in mind. <3 IF YOU LIKE A POST, usually it will show on your main and then you can use the replies to tell me what the side-blog is! I'll definitely go check it out, though this rly just applies for starter call type things. If you want to send in an ask, you can just send it anonymously or from your main and TAG the side-blog that the ask is coming from so I can go check it out. I HOPE THAT HELPS! I really try my best to be approachable. <3 So feel free to reach out any time!
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