#& the horned one
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lailoken · 3 months ago
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"Wouldst Thou Like To Live Deliciously?"
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paganpillar · 1 year ago
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Gaulish God of liminality, crossroads, death, pastoral wealth, abundance, hunters, the hunted, the wild, and the tame.
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reno-matagot · 9 months ago
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𝕭𝖆𝖗𝖍𝖚𝖑𝖑 𝕸𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖆
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samkuchingdraws · 1 year ago
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a sleepy antler boi
it has been quite an exhausting few weeks, and unlike january, february has been much too fast -- but no less packed.
i pray march will be kind.
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maidenofsophia · 10 months ago
Faith Update
I'm going through something of a religious identity crisis at the moment and trying to decide exactly what I am. I still adore Filianism and align myself with most of the beliefs and teachings and concepts on Déa. But I don't know if I feel truly comfortable calling myself a Filianist anymore.
I'm not even completely sure I'm a Déanist.
Most of this has been due to my growing connection with the Horned God who has been coming to me a lot lately. I've been going through a lot of difficult times lately and while Sophia has been there for me and protected me, it's the Horned One - sometimes as Pan, sometimes as Cernonnus - who has come to give me comfort. It's strange because I was never drawn to him all that much in my Wiccan days but have found myself connecting with him more over the years.
There's always been this debate on whether someone can be a Dèanist or a Filianist if they believe in male gods alongside Dèa / The Goddess. I had this same dilemma back when I was a Gnostic and was determined to keep Jesus in my faith.
Reason I still consider myself Déanic is that my inclusion of the Horned God is not a Wiccan "God and Goddess" dualithic system. For me, Sophia is Déa. She is the Supreme, the Goddess. She is Mother, as Zoe She is Daughter and as Barbelo She is Déa Absolute. She has no equal or consort. The Horned God is not some Great Father, but he is a divine father figure to me. He's also a brother, a guide and just an all round positive masculine energy. Most of all, he's a friend. While I love and respect him, I wouldn't prostrate myself before him as I would my Lady and I don't feel he'd want me to (not that Sophia demands it either). I see the Horned God as one of many entities or aeons who were born of the Pleroma, the womb of Barbelo.
While I give the Horned One he/him pronouns most of the time. I'm currently reading James Mankey's book "The Horned God of the Witches" to try to get a better understanding of these different forms he or they can take and I'm looking forward to reading the chapter on Elen of the Ways. Does this mean any god or goddess with horns is part of the Horned God? I dunno. I guess it depends on their attributes, Cernonnus and Pan and Herne, as well as Lucifer in his horned depictions, all bring this similar energy. This feeling of freedom and harmony and mystery and playfulness but also guidance born from being in tune with life and nature. Despite wearing horns like "crowns", they're not judgemental or controlling or wrathful like angry kings. They don't rule beside or above Déa, but in Her name. More like a steward than a ruler.
I also never connected much to the Horned God before being an demisexual lesbian. There was always so much of a focus on the Horned One as a lustful deity that it put me off. But letting him come to me in meditations has weirdly helped me feel comfortable understanding my sexuality in a way that never felt right discussing with Sophia. Sophia connects more with that side of me, which does not feel almost any sexual desires, whereas The Horned One does in those rare moments where I do experience something or even just a romantic fixation. It's like the Horned One helps me manage my more base and material desires while Sophia is more about my spiritual and esoteric growth.
Dunno if any of this is making sense but as I'm no longer a Gnostic, I don't believe we need to forsake the material world entirely to become one with Spirit. There is a harmony to be found and I think with Sophia as my (supreme) Goddess and the Horned One as my (lesser) Lord, I've found that balance, and I've been looking a lot more into various open Pagan practices to help reconnect with the world outside rather than just praying at my altar with my rosary. Which also feels more like Paganism to me than Filianism.
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walters-le-fay · 1 year ago
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bjfinn · 1 year ago
An origin story for the leader of the Knights Who Say "Ni", for @foxden-frontier & @honeydewtreacle -- thanks for the headcanons!
And now for something completely different ...
Neil fell to his knees and pitched forward, stopping his fall with his hands, fighting for breath, as the curse ripped through his body, breaking bones, twisting muscles, snapping ligaments and tendons. A ragged scream escaped him -- it was barely a whisper. He collapsed to the ground, writhing in agony, his clothing tattered ruins.
Tim the Enchanter laughed sadistically. "That'll teach you to steal my eggs!"
"I ... didn't ... know ..." Neil began.
"Ignorance is no defence!"
"No," Neil agreed. His voice was steadier now, the transformation almost complete. "No, it isn't." Slowly, he got to his feet. "But ... maybe you should keep your chickens in a bloody chicken coop -- instead of letting them run around the forest laying eggs anywhere they bloody WANT!!! "
Tim backed away in terror -- his spell had worked, but he hadn't planned on this. The being that stood before him was absolutely huge -- nearly twice the height of the man it had been.
"Please!" Tim cried. "Please don't hurt me!"
"I should do," came the reply. "After all, you hurt me. But I've never believed in violence -- I'm a pacifist." He looked down at the Enchanter. "I ... I just have one question."
"O-of course," Tim said, nodding frantically. "What is it? What do you desire to know? If it is within my power to answer your --"
"What am I?" the giant asked. "What did you turn me into? And why am I so bloody tall? "
"Ermm ... that's two questions, actually." The monster took a shaky step toward him, and Tim fell, landing on his arse, and hurriedly scuttled backwards. "Of .. of course -- of course, they're related questions. Intimately related, one might say. Really, it's a two-part question -- and a very good question. Quite a reasonable thing to ask, if I may say --"
Neil glowered at the sorcerer.
"Where was I?" Tim said. "Ah, yes -- your question! Well, erm ... you're ... a faun."
"A faun?" The giant looked at Tim, perplexed. "Why would you turn me into a faun? I mean, there are so many much worse things you could have made me -- you could have turned me into a ..." He thought for a brief moment, and then a smile lit up his face. "A chicken! You could have turned me into one of your chickens to replace the eggs I stole. That would make much more sense than turning me into a faun! "
Tim nodded, frowning. "You're right," he said. "Why didn't I think of that? Ah, well ... it's too late now, I suppose. You're a faun, and a faun you shall remain."
"Right," Neil said. "Well, fair enough -- but that doesn't answer the other question."
"The ... other question?"
"Why am I so tall?"
"Ah," Tim said. "Yes, well ... erm ... I suppose ... I suppose I may have been a little too, erm ... zealous. Put a tad too much oomph into the spell, so to speak. Went a bit overboard, I'm afraid ..." He coughed, embarrassed. "Sorry about that, old chap."
"Can you ... shrink me down? Make me normal sized?"
Tim shook his head. "Erm ... I'm afraid not," he replied. "Once a spell is complete, it -- it can't be altered. Sorry," he said again.
"Ah. All right -- I suppose there's nothing for it, then. I suppose I'll just ... go live in the forest, shall I? Be one with nature, as they say." He clapped his hands together. "Right. Well, toodle-oo! Pip-pip and cheerio and all that!"
And with that, the giant faun that had once been a human turned and headed into the forest.
Tim watched him go, shaking his head. "I really should learn to be more careful," he said to himself, and started back home.
Neil took a deep breath and looked around himself. "I suppose the first thing to do would be to find someplace to live."
Fortunately, he already knew the forest quite well. Being a peasant farmer had never really worked out for him -- he couldn't manage to grow anything worth eating, and he wasn't able to get his chickens to lay enough eggs, nor his cow to give enough milk. His only recourse had been foraging (no hunting -- he was a vegetarian), and he'd come to know the forest like the back of his hand.
He looked at the backs of his hand, flexing the fingers. "Well, that's not true any more," he said. "Just look at all this hair!" He looked down at his body -- a thick mat of light brown fur covered his previously hairless chest and trailed down his belly to meet up with the fur below his waist. His legs, which had always been strong, now were like those of an elk, covered in the same light brown fur and ending in black cloven hooves.
All in all, he wasn't entirely displeased with the transformation -- better a faun than a chicken. Or a ... a worm, or something.
"Right," he said. "Shelter first, then food, then ... Oh, I don't know. Do fauns wear clothes? I suppose I should have something for the winter, at least. But there's time enough for that."
He continued through the forest, his gait becoming steadier with every step.
"This looks promising," he said to himself. He'd discovered what looked like a small cave half-hidden among the roots of an enormous oak -- the question was would he be able to fit? If he were still human-sized, it wouldn't be a problem, but ...
After a bit of twisting, he managed to crawl into the cave. Well, actually ... he fell in, when one of the roots gave way under his weight. He landed on his back, the breath knocked out of him, looking up through the hole at the dappled sunlight.
The cave was bigger than he'd thought it would be -- quite roomy, in fact. Half a dozen humans could easily fit inside, so it was nice and cosy for a single giant faun. "Yes," he said, "I think this'll do nicely." He stood up and banged his ... what was on his head???
"I really must get a look at myself," he muttered.
He climbed out of the cave and started in the direction of a small pond he had often visited.
In short order he reached the pond. Nervously, he took a deep breath and leaned over to see his reflection.
His face hadn't changed, at least -- the scruffy beard, the brown eyes, the perfectly shaped nose ... he was still a handsome devil. He smiled -- his teeth were unchanged, as well. Suddenly he gasped in shock.
Growing out of the top of his head was a pair of magnificent antlers -- gently curved, and with two large branches each.
He hadn't expected that!
Still, the more he looked at them, the more he was all right with the idea. They were quite elegant, after all. Even ... distinguished, one might say.
By the end of the week, he'd become accustomed to his new existence. He'd gotten used to walking on hooves instead of feet, he'd learned to turn his head to avoid getting his antlers caught in the branches of the trees ... There was only one thing that bothered him, though -- he'd begun to forget his own name.
"I know it starts with N," he muttered. "Norris? Nigel? Newton?" He sighed dejectedly. "Well, whatever it is, it's not me any more, is it? I suppose there's nothing for it but to give myself a new name." He thought long and hard about what sort of name a giant faun might have, but it was no use -- he couldn't think of anything.
"Hmm ... I'm a bit peckish," he said. Since embarking on his new life, he'd begun talking to himself quite a bit to stave off the loneliness. "Maybe just a nibble ...
"That's it! Nibble! " He frowned and shook his head. "No, that's the sort of name you'd give to a cute little bunny rabbit -- not a ten-foot-tall faun. But maybe ... Nib? " He rolled the name around his mouth for a bit. "Nib. Nib. Hello, my name is Nib -- nice to meet you. Nib's the name, and frolicking's the game."
He nodded slowly. "I think that'll do nicely."
As the greens of summer gave way to the reds and golds of autumn, the weather grew cooler and it started becoming harder to find food. Nib knew he'd have to begin stocking up for the winter.
He gathered as much as he could -- acorns and hazelnuts and other such things, but he also began visiting the nearby farms in the middle of the night to steal a few potatoes, turnips or pumpkins, or a bag of wheat, oats or barley. He knew it was wrong, and if he were caught he'd likely be killed without so much as a "by your leave" -- he was a monster, after all, and as such not entitled to due process in a court of law -- but he had no choice in the matter. It was either steal or starve. Besides, he only took a little from each farm. And he made a promise to himself that he would compensate them as soon as he was able to do.
It wasn't long before the people of the surrounding communities noticed that some of their vegetables and bags of grain were going missing in the night, of course, and they set up a night watch to try and catch the thief. But when the reports started coming in about a giant with antlers on its head, they became afraid.
"It be one of the old gods," they whispered. "What's his name -- the Horned One. We've been neglecting him."
And so they began setting out a portion of the harvest each evening for their mysterious visitor.
That first night, the sight of the table piled high with food surprised Nib. He drew closer -- they'd put up a sign that read "For the Horned One of the Forest".
Nib's eyes welled up, and the tears spilled down his cheeks. These people were willing to let him have a portion of their harvest simply out of the goodness of their hearts.
That's when Nib knew that everything would be all right.
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wytchoftheways · 10 months ago
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Beltaine blessings to all! 🔥
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daimonpriestess · 2 years ago
So you are Godspousing: You are unique not special...💍
Everyone who is Godspoused and maybe insecure or doubting their relationships needs to watch this! 
She is spoused to King Belial.
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silverthornwitchery · 2 years ago
Thinking about Ol' Hornie and his various forms. The Goat, The Stag, and The Bull.
The Goat being the dark lord, keeper of mysteries and all things untamable. He is wild, animalistic, and the torch in the night. He is also the fertile fields and madness incarnate.
The Stag being the lord of the light, the solar God. The Stag is very much the energy of the forest. The king of beasts. He is regal and wild, perfectly balanced.
The Bull is the horned lord of agriculture and sacrifice. He keeps the crops fertile, blesses the harvest, and he himself dies so we can live in ecstasy.
Then we have the Great Horned God, all 3 forms as one. He is just as he sounds. The Horned God of Wicca, The Witchfather of Sabbatic Craft. Ol' Hornie cares not what specific path his worshippers walk, as he leads them upon the path that is right for them. In all his forms he is rampant and untamed, unapologetic, lust. Be it sexual lust or a lust for life, or even both
My personal path is a blend of Sabbatic Craft, NeoWicca, Daemonolatry, and various forms of pantheistic-polytheism. Syncretism is key to my path. The Horned One has been with me since the start of my journey, and he's come to me in many forms.
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lailoken · 11 months ago
Cernunnos Devotional Beads (SOLD)
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This set of unique devotional beads was ritually crafted and consecrated in the name of Cernunnos—Horned God of Celtic antiquity.
It was constructed from beads of Moss Agate (a stone strongly associated with the Wilderness), along with counter beads of scavenged Serpent Vertebrae (serpents being a greatly sacred animal to Cernunnos), which are bracketed with small beads of Jasperized Wood (beautifully embodying an amalgam of botanical and chthonic virtues.) On one end of the garland is secured an Arrowhead Pendant, hand-carved from Stag Antler (a potent token of his roles as Horned Lord and Master of the Wild Hunt). On the other end is secured a hand-forged Steel Pendant (chosen for the magical potency of/ancient reverence for Iron, as well as the piece's resemblance to both a coiled serpent and the coiled germ of a seedling preparing to sprout.) Once the Garland was constructed, the piece was hallowed in a sylvan ritual beneath the light of a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse.
This piece measures approximately 23.5 inches/60 centimeters long, and all connecting rings and pins are made from stainless steel. If interested in acquiring it or inquiring about it, please feel free to reach out here. It can also be purchased directly through my shop, Wending Wares.
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paganpillar · 9 months ago
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Collage in my journal for Cernunnos ✨️
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planetoidsfun · 2 years ago
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The People's Key.
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crudely-drawn-ben · 2 years ago
Good Gaulish miss Maulish
Me, a few years ago: "I'm glad that we have the properly mystical name Cernunnos for this iron-age deity, it would be a sad world if we had to go around referring to him as 'The Horned One.'" My, a couple of weeks ago: "Cornwall meant 'the horn of the wealas' because it was a headland where Welsh was spoken and 'corn' is the Welsh word for horn or antler. Hey I bet that's related to the 'cern' in 'Cernunnos' if if that's the case maybe the 'unnos' is related to the Welsh 'un' meaning 'one' and... oh."
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witchoftheouachitas · 2 years ago
Currently Researching Cernunnos
Hello fellow practitioners! I had been feeling that I should study Cernunnos because I am fond of some of his likes and associations.
I'm currently creating a page on Notion with all the information I learn and take note of, so it can be edited anytime. I plan to share it here each time I add something new after each edit.
If anyone with some Cernunnos knowledge would like to share it here, please comment and interact with this post!
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multipleoccupancy · 5 months ago
Fair enough, Theo offered Him a smile and started to pack things up too, making sure what was left of the meat was tightly sealed in the sack to try and keep it as fly free as possible. It would maybe last until the evening without getting spoiled but after that they would have to leave it.
Andrea managed a smile to Violet, she was certainly energetic in the mornings and she wondered if she had been first up or not. She got to work on gathering what they needed too and checked on the horses quietly, not really quite able to form the words first thing as she readjusted to The Horned One having stayed and kept the other monsters at bay that night. Mixed feelings of confusion, discomfort and relief churning up in her head as she put the saddles on the horses.
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Theo thanked Violet for the cups and started to pour out the coffee excitedly. He'd luckily packed five cups, the spares being for Klaus and the other Violet as they were old enough for coffee by their standards. Once the first cup was filled, something which Theo would usually pass to Andrea if she was awake, this time he passed it to The Horned One respectfully. "I hope you enjoy," he said genuinely, turning back to pour out the next one for Andrea, then for Violet and then for himself. Eager to be able to join in the coffee drinking and oblivious to anything that might prevent that.
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𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐎 & 𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐓 @multipleoccupancy
Violet was busy packing up camp, but she heard the Horned One's voice as He nonchalantly replied: "I'll just have some coffee." Well, that was more food for them, and considering He didn't really need to eat, Violet supposed it was more convenient that way. She walked over to Chief to start packing things up, tell him hello, and give him a little sugar cube she had brought along just for him. She patted his neck and praised him for the day before. He'd been very brave, and very calm.
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She was trotting back to the fire when Andrea woke up. "Good morning," she replied cheerfully, unaware of the brief moment of panic she had caused her by getting out of her bedroll quite so fast. Violet was very clearly a morning person.
Now that Andrea was up, she went to her bedroll to roll it up, and put all her things back in her bag. Soon, the smell of coffee filled the air, which she noticed had gotten heavy again as soon as she had approached their camp.
Violet brought the tin cups to Theo, so he could pour coffee for everyone. Someone observant might have noticed that she was careful to stir clear of the fire, keeping her distance. Just like in the house, where she usually avoided getting too close to the fireplace. Violet didn't like fire. It had burned down her house, killed her parents, and injured her dad. She didn't like fire at all.
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