#& go see a star war ( crack threads )
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remi vc: don’t worry aegon, i can’t do math either. i just smile & forget :)
"I am not bad a math. I do not know what you mean." He is lying.
#maidmyth#& answered ask ( aegon ii targaryen )#& go see a star war ( crack threads )#but also he will deny it in actuality as well#but he is bad at math
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The Interview
Summary: An Interview with your co-star and childhood friend in the early 2000s.
Pairing: Hayden Christensen x reader
Warning: Crack.
A/n: the warning says crack because that's what I was on when I wrote this. more on that later.
*Set sometime in the early 2000s (possibly 2003) after the release of Life as a House and AOTC*
“—Next up we have a special and highly requested interview with Miss Y/N Y/L/N and Mr. Hayden Christensen! They starred together in the 2001 movie ‘Life as a House’ and have previously worked together on the Canadian TV show 'Higher Ground'. And after a quick little commercial break, they are going to be answering some questions sent to us by their fans! Isn’t that exciting?”
Your ears perked up at the call of your name, immediately snapping to attention and smiling politely as the cameraman pointed the camera for a shot.
“Oh, very. We love our fans and it’s nice to hear from them.” The camera switched from the interviewer to show Hayden answering.
“Yeah, it is. We’ve actually never done this, I think. So I’m kind of excited.” You said with a small smile on your face which quickly turned a little mischievous as soon as the cameras cut to the commercial.
*The cameras cut for the commercial*
“I hope they have some fun questions,” you wiggled your eyebrows at the camera and the crew, “I’m actually looking to get revenge on this guy here.” Hayden rolled his eyes jokingly and turned to you.
“You can’t seriously still be mad at that.” He chuckled.
“I am, actually. And I fully intend on making you pay,” you replied in the most serious tone you could manage.
But before he could reply, the interviewer interrupted, “Oooo what’s this I hear about revenge? Something scandalous we wanna share with the world?” his face had a curious expression.
“It's nothing too serious–” Hayden started,
“—uh, yes it!” you interrupted, manners be damned, the world has to know what a cruel friend your co-star is.
“Do you wanna tell them or should I?” you turned to him with raised brows.
“So basically,” Hayden starts with a defeated sigh, “Y/N here thinks I ruined her one chance at “true love”,” he made finger quotes in the air, “by introducing her—”
“by betraying me—”
“—by introducing her to Ewan McGregor.”
“You did NOT just “introduce” me!—” you shook your head in offence.
“He DRAGGED me to meet him even though I wasn’t ready!” you pointed at him with an accusing finger while looking at the camera crew and then at the interviewer.
While your voice took on a higher pitch to make your words sound as accusing as they did, and your face held an expression of the most genuine-looking offence, your body was quite relaxed, leaned back in your chair with your ankles casually crossed while your hands moved animatedly to emphasize your words. And that was all Hayden needed to see to know you were only pulling his leg.
So he replied with a laugh, “I just introduced you!”
“Uh yeah before I was actually prepared to meet him. I looked like a hooker caught masturbating in church with the way I stuttered and couldn’t get a single whole sentence out the entire time” Hayden and the interviewer immediately burst out laughing at your choice of words while you shook your head, your hands covering your face in embarrassment.
“And when did this happen?” asked the interviewer, still chuckling.
“A few months back – at this party with all the Star Wars folk. It was a little bit after episode 2 came out.” Hayden answered.
“So if it wasn’t for Hayden’s bad timing, would Miss Y/N have tried to shoot her shot with Mr. McGregor?” the interviewer tried digging further into this little piece of never-heard-before “drama.”
“Does Ms. Y/N have a crush on Mr. McGregor? And be honest!” the interviewer laughed.
You blushed at the question, a tiny smile appearing on your face that you made sure to hide by averting your gaze to your fingers picking a thread on your dress’ hem, “Uh...no,” you answered truthfully, fully aware that he was a married man and the Hollywood vultures that were always hungry for gossip and drama would definitely turn a harmless joke into some petty story about infidelity or worse, “I wouldn’t have done that. I mean, look what happened when I simply stood next to him! It is true ya girl is an Obi-girlie through and through, but she is not a smooth talker unfortunately.” You shook your head with an expression of exaggerated regret and pity, making the interviewer giggle.
“And how do you feel about that Mr. Christensen?” the interviewer raised his brows at the man beside you, who had surprisingly gone quiet while you had been trying your hardest to not blush and giggle while giving your answer, memories of your unholiest thoughts repeating in your head like a broken record player. (Can you be blamed really? Have you seen him in Shallow Grave? And Moulin freaking Rouge? Oh my god—)
Hayden simply tilted his head slightly towards the interviewer, you assumed he was playing the usual ‘pretend you don’t understand’ card that you both primarily resorted to when it came to vague but definitely not vague relationship questions.
But you were wrong, both ways. Because while that’s what he would have done had he heard the question, he was instead lost in the flashback reel his mind was playing — of the very night he had mentioned. Of how he may have stopped breathing when he first saw you standing across the room in that glittery short black dress. Of how he most definitely stopped breathing when his gaze travelled up your body only for you to turn, your eyes meeting his with a technicolour kaleidoscopic flash in his brain. Of how he felt a blackhole open up in his stomach when your perfectly painted red lips immediately stretched into the most dazzling smile when you realised it was him, and how quickly you had excused yourself to start walking his way.
And turns out the interviewer had, in fact, not been alluding to some “secret affairs” between you and Hayden either (as the magazines always called it, though you never understood how it could be an affair when neither of you were in another relationship, not that you kept tabs on his relationships or such things) as he clarified, “what do you think of the fact that Miss Y/N is an “Obi girl” and not an Anakin fan?”
And while you could have corrected him on how you never said you were not an Anakin girl, you were too curious to know his answer so you remained mum.
His memory reel ended abruptly, having to force a laugh to buy some time to think about his answer. If he answered too seriously, it could fuel the rumours but if he answered too casually it could fuel the rumours. He knew he couldn’t let any of his actual thoughts be known, not knowing what to do with those feelings himself, let alone trust the world with them. If he had maybe a 0.002% chance by himself, he’s sure the rumour mills would churn it down to a negative statistic. Not that he had actually thought about those calculations before, or any sorts of chances at all for that matter. No, he had never thought about just one chance for the hundred different ways he could love you or just one chance for the thousand different ways things could go wrong, what with both of your popularity and how you seemed to be two people worlds apart in your ways.
There was this queasy feeling in his stomach — odd ball of jealousy? No, definitely not. It couldn’t be. Probably just the milk he had that morning, maybe he should check the expiry date of his dairy more often.
“Um...” he shook his head while forcing a small smile on his face, “honestly? I get it man. Obi Wan’s pretty cool, eh? I mean Ewan McGregor’s definitely got the style. He’s so fun to work with and uh.. yeah, I get it. I get it.” Honestly, he himself didn’t know half of what he was saying, he just wanted to get started with the interview.
And maybe the stars were on his side that day because someone from the crew spoke up,
“Guys, so the commercial’s closing, the cameras and crew are ready. shall we start?”
“Yes.” Hayden replied a little too quickly while you nodded in agreement.
“So, we’re back after the break, and we’ll be starting with the first question to—,” the interviewer started, “– Hayden. From 10-year-old Leni Schmitt, she’s from Germany and she says, “Dear Anakin, why did you kill all those women and children when they didn’t kill your mother? I don’t judge you because sometimes my classmates annoy me too. Did those children annoy you?”
Hayden, who wasn’t expecting such a question looked at the interviewer with his mouth dropped open in shock, eyebrows raised while you sit beside him with a similar expression which you school immediately, or at least try to, but only end up having to cover up your amusement and surprise with a fake cough and clearing of your throat.
“Umm...” Hayden briefly looked at the floor, trying to come up with a suitable answer to this child’s question, he then turned back to the camera, “you see Leni, Anakin is a guy with very big emotions who isn’t allowed to talk about them openly, often. He’s a little conflicted and hurt after what happens to his mother and doesn’t know what to do. So he makes a few wrong decisions and does a few wrong—”
“—murderous” You whisper under your breath which you cover up with another cough, smirking off to the side which earns you a side eyed glare from Hayden who continuous like he never heard you.
“—things. I think he’s a good lesson that we should talk about our feelings first, even the ones that hurt and feel bad.”
“I agree, well said.” The interviewer nodded his head, switching to the next card in his hand. “This next question here, is for Y/N. It’s from 7-year-old Nancy from America. She says, “Dear Nancy, my name is Nancy too.”
“Hello, Nancy” you waved at the camera with a warm smile, understanding that the child was referencing to one of your older movies, where you played a young girl from the 17th century, named Nancy.
“I think you’re really pretty and very amazing. You’re really smart and strong and look very cool with a sword. I know pirates are supposed to be the bad guys but I want to be just as brave and smart as you when you grow up. When I grow up, I want to study space and stars too.” The interviewer continued reading from the card while you melted in your chair from the girl’s sweet words.
“PS. Can you please tell Mom and Dad to get me a sword for Christmas too?” The interviewer read with a laugh to which you chuckled too.
“First of all Nancy,” you turned to look at the camera again, “I can tell that you’re already very brave and amazing and smart. And I think it’s really amazing that you want to learn about space and stars, it’s a very cool subject.” You nodded your head with an encouraging smile, “as for the sword…” you titled your head towards the camera, dragging out the ending of the last word, “maybe you don’t need a sword because you’re already so cool. I needed the sword to fight to protect myself, but maybe you can become so smart that you don’t need one.” You hoped that the answer was sufficient for the little kid and that her parents weren’t cursing your name for their child’s slightly difficult gift wishes.
“Though swords are cool, no?” Hayden interjected with a teasing smile. You turned to give him a look with narrowed eyes, as if to say 'do not fuck with me.'
“Yes, but definitely not as cool as being really smart.” You said with strained laughter and an exaggerated smile into the camera. If the child wasn’t convinced, you were sure her parents would be sending you hate mail next for their kid’s less-than-convenient demands, so you turned to Hayden with wide eyes and an expectant expression.
“...Hmm you’re right.” He finally caved with barely contained amusement on his face, looking right into your eyes. “Nancy is really smart. And she’s really cool and really pretty too...” he broke his stare to turn to the camera, “so maybe she’s right, you don’t need a sword to be cool.” He shrugged his shoulders in a casual way.
“I’m always right.” You stuck your nose in the air and turned away from him with faux arrogance, his lips lifting in amusement as you both looked ahead waiting for the next question, except it wasn’t a question card that the interviewer held up.
“So we know we said we’re gonna have you guys answer questions from your fans,” the interviewer seemed to be holding a sort of small photograph, something like a standard 4 × 6 inches album size, but it was turned so you could only see the blank side, “but we’re your fans too, so we have a question as well.”
Hayden chuckled at that while you nodded your head, “Shoot.”
“So we have this photograph here,” the interviewer turned the photo around to show it to you both and then to the camera while your expressions immediately changed to that of surprise.
“Oh, wow. That’s really…” Hayden trailed off, still looking at the picture in surprise but now with a growing smile.
“Old.” You finished for him. “How’d you even manage to find this?” you asked.
“We have our sources.” The interviewer laughed and replied in a secretive way.
“No seriously how did you manage to find this? This was what? At least four or five years back. We look like babies!” you said, laughing in disbelief. “Can I see that please?” You wanted to look at the photo up close, the nineties quality not doing much for its clarity.
He hands it over to you and you let out a small gasp, leaning over to Hayden to show it to him as well. Your shoulders touched as you leaned together over the photograph, his fingers brushing yours as he tilted the photo to see it better.
The photo was one from the set of higher ground. It was of you and Hayden – asleep together in the highback armchair of the “common hall.” You were cramped together on the small single-seater chair, sitting side by side. Though practically, you were on his lap sitting perpendicular to him, with his feet on the floor while your legs went over his and over the arm of the one-seater couch. Your face was hidden in the crook of his neck while his head was leaned on yours, one arm wrapped around your back and the other rested on your legs while yours lay over his stomach. You were essentially squished between him and one arm of the chair and it looked somewhat uncomfortable in the photo, however if your memory served you right, it was one of the comfiest places you had slept.
“—in his arms” The Voice echoed in your brain. “Shut up,” you told The Voice.
The interviewer brought your attention back to him with a question, “So this is you two on the set of…” letting his sentence fade to let you complete it.
“Higher ground” you and Hayden replied at the same time as you left the photo in his hands to sit up straight again.
“And can you tell us more about this photo?”
“Um, yeah. This was, if I remember correctly, this was from the set of higher ground – it was the day we had to film those hiking scenes in the forest. This was towards the end of the day, I think. we were really exhausted.” You turned to look at Hayden as he replied, lifting his gaze from the photo to look you in the eyes.
“Yeah, um, funny though because I had no idea this photo existed.” You shook your head with a small laugh, “I guess the rest of them were planning on pranking us or something.”
“Clearly,” Hayden replied with a chuckle of his own, turning the photo to the camera again and pointing at all of your cliffhanger castmates gathered around the couch you both were sleeping on, each of them making funny faces at the camera.
AJ and Jewel were both holding uncapped markers in their hands, leaning over the sides of the couch with mischievous grins, their childish prank obvious. Kandyse and Meghan were standing behind the couch, with Kandyse smiling at the camera and Meghan looking down at the two of you while Jorgito and Kyle were posing in front of the couch. Kyle pointing at the two of you with one hand and making a shushing gesture with his other, and Jorgito was simply smiling at the camera holding a peace sign with his fingers.
You were honest about being completely unaware of the existence of this photo and judging from Hayden’s reaction, he was too. It made you nostalgic even though it was hardly a few years back. Your experience on the show was monumental in shaping your acting skills, specifically with how complex and flawed your character was. You remembered having a lot of fun with your castmates and feeling really good about the kind of story you were involved in showing the world. And since you and Hayden had already known each other from acting school, it made working together on set that much easier (though most people believed you to be fun and outgoing, you weren’t the biggest talker around new people).
The photo was so unexpected however, and you felt yourself get a little self-conscious at the thought that along with you, the whole audience that was watching would now be privy to it. As if the constantly churning rumour mill of romance and drama didn’t put out enough accusations of affairs and secret admirers on the both of you, this was truly the last thing you needed the world to see – you and Hayden in an embrace that looked far too familiar, as if you held each other and fell asleep in each other’s arms every day —which you didn’t. No matter how many times you daydreamed about it when you looked at his arms – his warm palms that were so much bigger than yours, the veins on the back of his hands that disappeared into his thick forearms or his strong and broad shoulders and how you’d wish time would stop whenever he hugged you in greeting. But it didn’t matter. You were friends. That’s it.
You turned to look at Hayden’s face only to realise he was actually saying something to the interviewer and you barely caught the last of his sentence, agreeing to something about his penchant for playing troubled and conflicted characters, including his character in the show. You felt guilty for spacing out and that made you feel more embarrassed, shifting in your seat to get your head back in the room and trying to clear your throat as quietly as possible.
Your movement, however, caught Hayden’s eyes and his eyes immediately shifted to you, meeting your gaze before shifting again to look you over once, to see if there was something wrong. When he didn’t find anything obvious, he looked back into your eyes, not stopping what he was previously saying but looking at you with a questioning gaze. The attention only flustered you further, so you quickly shook your head as discretely as possible to let him know you were fine but mostly to get his goddamn piercing eyes off of you, you were surely going red in the face as it is.
Thankfully, your reprieve came in the form of the next question from the interviewer.
“So the next question, is for Y/N, this is from 22-year-old Mia, she’s from France and she says “Dear Y/N, I really loved your work on ‘The Venue’, the ease with which you portray both the complex psychological conflict of the character as well as the almost euphoric seeming dissociative state she’s in throughout the movie has immediately made me a huge fan of yours. I can’t wait to watch the sequel! But I want to know – is there anything in the movie that you improvised or any part of the character that you made up yourself?”
You had picked up the glass of water in front of you to take a sip during the question, leaning forward to put it down but instead Hayden gets it for you with a simple, “here let me,” his hand brushing over yours while handing you a tissue for the water you had spilt on your dress in your hurry to put the glass down. You thank him then lean back in your seat to look into the camera with a small smile, “I’m glad you enjoyed my work Mia, thank you. To be fair, most of the ease came from just how well written her character was; so if there’s anyone to truly appreciate, it’s the writers. They helped me to really understand the nuances of her character, specifically emotionally. As for improvisations, yes actually. I did improvise some of her lines, mostly the ones with Chris Pine. With the kind of relationship those two characters had and with the help of our brilliant director, it felt natural really. Plus, Chris is an amazing actor and the chemistry these two characters have is truly something, it definitely keeps you hooked.”
“Speaking of chemistry,” the interviewer started, “this next question’s for the both of you—and this I think pretty much the entire world is eager to know at this point” the interviewer looked up from the card and paused for dramatic effect “are you two dating?”
Hayden sighed in resignation, leaning forward to pull something out from his pant pocket while you let out a joyous laugh, tilting your head back and pumping your fists in the air. He proceeded to pull out his wallet and take out what looked to be a local library card while you made grabby hands at him with a devious toothy smile. The interviewer could only watch in confusion and mild amusement as Hayden reluctantly handed over the card to you.
When you both settled the interviewer couldn’t help but voice his curiosity about whatever just happened in front of him.
“Um…” Hayden started only to be interrupted by you,
“—this is basically one of my revenge plans,” you answered with an all too pleased smile on your face.
“One of? Really?” Hayden asked with a groan tilting his head back, “heavens help me.”
“Heaven only helps NON traitors Hay–bae” you teased with narrowed eyes and your still present smirk. “You wouldn’t know.”
“I feel out of loop here, and I’m really curious so” the interviewer interrupted, pointing between the two of you “What is this revenge? Was that some sort of credit card…? Is the plan purchasing something really expensive with it?”
“Oh no no no, that would be—” you shook your head with a devious smile.
“—far too easy for her.” Hayden completed with an eye roll. “She took my library card. Her “revenge” is that she’s gonna order a bunch of really embarrassing stuff from the local library—”
You immediately started the list on your fingers, “porno magazines, questionable movies and toddler’s picture books, maybe I’ll try to order banned videos, it’ll be a real fun combo–”
“There would be kids watching this interview too, you know?” he interjected with a sigh.
“Sorry kids,” you winced at the camera, “but anyway– maybe I can order like pregnant mom guides and cult rituals instruction tapes, if they even have those—”
“And then she’s gonna make me collect them, in person,” he rolled his eyes, “cause she’s a cruel person who wants to traumatise the poor old woman who works there,”
“She’s seen things beyond your comprehension, Hayden.” You said in a jokingly patronizing tone.
“And how would you know that? What are you, friends with my local librarian?” he questioned incredulously only to receive a small shrug in response. He looked at you in bewilderment, “Oh my god? When-? How even?”
You scoffed, “We’ve known each other since we were kids, dude. You’ve lived there all your life, and she’s worked there all ours.” As if it was the most obvious explanation.
“Anyways,” you continued, “then I’m gonna make him return those things, in person, only after a week of displaying them in his house for everyone to see of course.”
“I’m not displaying them in my hou–”
“Oh hush, this is my revenge. I’ll say what to do.”
“Well,” the interviewer tried to get the interview back on track, “all the best for that. Now, shall we continue with the ques-”
Hayden leaned forward to grab his bottle of drinking water, your childish antics flustering him this time.
“Not doing it.” He whispered under his breath as he tilted his head to take a sip. You turned to look at him, ready to fire your own retort but stopped short at the sight of his side profile – his perfectly sculpted nose, his stupidly gorgeous long lashes that fluttered every time he blinked. Your gaze then fixated on his lips wrapped around the mouth of the bottle, so full and pink and inviting as they slickened with the water, which then brought your attention to his throat, his prominent adam’s apple that bobbed up and down as he drank, his thick neck that looked like the most tempting canvas to paint with the print of your lips.
Your gaze lowered to his wide shoulders that stretched the sweater he was wearing before you realised what you were doing and quickly looked away, clearing your throat which unfortunately got his attention. He turned his head and your eyes met over the bottle that he still drank from and it felt like the whole world stilled for a moment before you had to look down again, feeling as if he might read you immediately, only to see his fucking neck bared enticingly again.
You leaned a little closer to him just as he finished drinking and put the bottle cap back on. sitting right next to each other, it was as if there was some sort of magnetic pull making you gravitate towards the other. You licked your lips, then bit your lower one, a hard-to-kill old habit, his gaze drawn to the movement before he looked back directly into your eyes.
What seemed to you like a moment that lasted forever, was in reality just a few brief seconds of definitely-not-drooling-over-him and way-too-intense eye contact.
“We’ll see.” you whispered with a subtle smile and a sparkle in your eyes then leaned away again, back from his personal space that you seemed to have forgotten about for a second.
He quickly looked to the interviewer and cleared his throat as he leaned forward to place the bottle back, “I’m sorry, we seemed to have gotten sidetracked. Y/N has the attention span of a goldfish.” He joked. And just like that you were back to your usual dynamic.
“If I have the attention span of one, then you have the memory of one.” You replied with a huff and a dramatic eye-roll.
“But to appease your curiosity, we basically had a bet going on.” Hayden continued.
“That he lost.” You continued with a smug thumb pointed at him.
“That I lost. We made a bet that we would get asked this question. I guess I naively assumed that rumours of us dating would be considered long dead and everyone would have moved on from this topic. Clearly, I was mistaken.” He said with a nonchalant expression that barely hid his discomfort at the topic.
“So then, should we tell them?” you turned to look at him and wiggled your eyebrows with a teasing smile. Your expression then turned serious as you tilted your head towards the camera, the smile wiped from your face, “should we tell them?”
Hayden was still leaned back in his chair to your left, while you sat at the edge of yours, your body entire turned to face his.
He merely shrugged a shoulder in response, as if to say, “Your call.”
You looked down for a second, cleared your throat then looked back into his eyes again, “We are—,” you turned to face the camera then turned your body towards the camera entirely as well, leaning ahead and further away from him while he still looked at your face, “—not. We are not dating.” You said shaking your head with a little laugh.
“But,” you wiggled your brows at the camera this time, “I still won the bet! So guess who’s getting special treatment tonight? It’s ya girl!” your thumbs at yourself and did a little shoulder shimmy, “and what’s that special treatment going to be you ask?” You continued the conversation by yourself, your voice taking on a suggestive tone with the raise of a brow, “Of really tasty food of course! And hopefully an even tastier dessert.” You laughed, looking back at Hayden this time, who was shaking his head with a fond smile that you don’t notice, because as soon as you turned to look at him he put on a faux thoughtful expression.
“Hmm… I don’t know. I don’t remember agreeing to dessert in the bet.” He looked at you with a small smirk.
Your head whips to look at him with a comically shocked expression, “Dude! You can’t be serious!?”
“Oh, but I am.” And his face held a calm and composed expression too.
“Oh my god, you promised me—” you start.
“I never promised—”
And your bickering fades as the video cuts off with the screen going blank.
The camera zooms out of the TV screen that had been playing the video.
“So, Y/N–”
“Yes, Tim?” your voice is light, going along with the joking tone of conversation the interviewer set.
“It’s been ages–what, like 15 years?” he asks.
You do the quick math in your head, “A little more than 15, yeah.”
“Wow. More than 15 years! It’s been wonderful watching you grow up to have such a prolific career.” He adds.
“Thanks, Tim. I’m really lucky to have gotten such opportunities.”
“15 years–wow. So, the first time around when we filmed that interview with you, when I interviewed you, we didn’t get to show it to the world–” he points to that same TV screen while you shake your head in confirmation.
“But now, we got to show it for the first time, even if it’s 15 years late!” he laughs. “So Y/N, from then to now, what’s changed?” he questions in a curious tone.
“A lot, Tim.”
You sneak a longing glance at Hayden who's sitting beside you on the couch before looking back at Tim. “A lot.”
“I mean–” you lift your hand, wiggling your fingers to show off the small sparkling diamond on your left ring finger. An uncharacteristically quiet smile graces your face as the audience erupts into screams in the background.
sooo it's been two decades... who's ring do we think it is? Hayden's? or did some other lucky guy shoot his shot first and win?? will we ever find out?? if it's not Hayden's should we change that??? 👀
ps: if anyone's confused about how they were sitting in the photo it's something like this but they're sitting on one of those single armchair types so they'd be forced a little closer so more like this or this (with ur butt on the cushion itself cuz you're still! just! friends!!!)😏😈
A/n: aight so when I said I wrote this on crack didn't mean literally ofc.
I wrote this ages ages ago when I watched a bunch of 2000s HC edits and got crazy stupid embarrassingly obsessed with him (again) so I just had to channel all that into some cringe thing. so here it is. after rotting in my drafts for so long. idk might take it down later we'll see. but for now y'all have her (even tho nobody asked for this so im sry)
I had only written this for shits and giggles so if things don't make sense don't bother telling me I already know.
But if you enjoyed it do like and comment! xx
#miel works#hayden christensen x reader#hayden christensen#star wars#hayden christensen fanfiction#anakin skywalker#anakin skywalker x reader#hayden christensen imagine#hayden christensen fluff#star wars prequels#sam monroe x reader#anakin x reader#anakin fanfiction#scott barringer#x reader#star wars anakin
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mmmm no super great ideas for you but im craving for virgin!rindou and single mom reader… aaaaaauhagghg.
Rindou initiates the talk first.
It happens on a game of WNRS in your living room, takeout boxes long forgotten on the coffee table. The TV is playing a movie you're sure neither of you are really watching, yet you still want to pretend that you are.
You've been giggling at him for the past hour. He's a pretty funny guy, you think. Doesn't have as big of an ego you thought guys like him would have.
He's a nerd who's always so observant and nice. He's nice to you, your son, the ladies living in your apartment complex who always needs help switching light bulbs because they're too old for that now. One time behind doors Yuzuha's said that she'd smash if he weren't such a loser all the time.
(You think he is, too.
But it's what that makes him so... fuckable.
You think it's bad that you keep having these thoughts, knowing that you're most probably leading him on.
You're not ready yet.
But your heart still thumps weirdly when he comes to visit with warm food and occasionally new toys that you can tell he's had a hard time picking for your boy 一 because he's somehow always one colour off, or one category away.
When he bought Hot Wheels, the kid's already moved on to playing Legos. And when he gifted an expensive Star Wars set that he saved up for, the little shit just has to be in his Mommy phase.)
He gets embarrassed easily and you can just tell he's a virgin with the way he treats porn magazines that Yuzuha has somehow gotten her hands on, stuffed behind cabinets so that Shou doesn't find them. Neither of you let her know that she's been exposed, but it's more fun this way.
He's just a guy. Genuine, very smart despite what he says. Not book smart, but he reads up on things a lot. A bit clumsy at times, but he's still responsive than most men.
He's easy to talk to. Easy to know.
Easy to一
"What's a compliment you wished you received more frequently? Oh, dang. I gotta think about this." He flips the card around, throwing his head back onto the couch.
And yet again一
"Do you wanna go first?"
What are guys like him?
"I wish more people told me I was pretty."
Your response came to you naturally. It poured like waterfall, thorny chain tightening around your heart, squeezing your flesh tight, and you busy yourself with a loose thread on your blanket.
Rindou only stares at you from the other end of the couch. Almost like a deadpan, but not really. His violets pierce through your soul, dissecting you up one by one. You don't make eye contact even when you can hear the silent screams for you to look at him.
"You're kidding."
"What? It's true."
"No. I mean, no one tells you that all the time?"
You crack a smile, glancing up to take just one quick look. He's still as handsome as ever, boyish features much more prominent under the yellow light illuminating the room.
Soft nose, pretty doe eyes. Cracked lips pink from the Malatang you love eating. Veiny hands 一 one thick, desirable finger twirling around the drawstring of his pants 一 that draws you in so close you can't help but go wild at the sight.
"What, you think I'm pretty?"
He doesn't cough like you'd expected him to. Doesn't get embarrassed or act any more like a classic, textbook virgin at your poke.
"Yeah. You're pretty." His voice gets softer with every syllable. Dodgy eyes looking away with each word.
You don't respond at that, but you can't lie that his compliment did make you feel something swirling on the inside. Something blooming in your tummy from the way his eyes look into your own.
It's true 一 you haven't been told for your looks as much as you've always wanted. You're hot, you're sexy, sure 一 but you haven't been pretty to them. You've always hoped that they could see past your body 一 to see you for who you are on the inside.
"You're一" He shifts in his seat, suddenly feeling a little too hot, heart beating a little too fast in his chest. "You're pretty, okay. You always spend too much time in the mirror but I think you're fine just like this."
You purse your lips, listening.
"You're... Shit, I'm一"
You understand him when he throws his pillow to the side to run fingers through his hair. He's not always good with words, hasn't always been. But he still tries, and you like that about him.
He always puts in effort.
"You're pretty, like music. There's no boundaries, no... box. You can be anything. It's cool."
You grin at that. "Really?"
A nod. "I can tell you that everyday from now on."
An awkward silence too heavy for any of you to handle covers the room like blanket too fast. The soft, anticipating smirk on his face drops when you shift in your seat, clicking your tongue. Fingers scratching at your brows, teeth biting into the corners of your lips.
"Rindou, I'm sorry if I have been leading you on, I一" You sigh. "I don't think I'm ready for一."
"No, wait一" He tries inching a hand towards you but you dodge. "I thought we一 Aren't we onto something here?"
Rindou feels pathetic. He feels as if he's reaching for something that seems close but is still so, so far away.
"No, I'm sorry. I'll pay you back for tonight's dinner. And I don't think you should come over so often anymore. I'll talk to Shou-chan, have him understand."
He lets out a breath too short, standing on his feet as if it'll help him figure you out better. "Why? Is it me?"
"I just don't think it's fair to you, okay? We should stop. I'm sorry."
"What isn't fair to me?"
You give him a look so sad that his heart hurts.
"You're gonna be dealing with a kid that's not yours. He's hyperactive and naughty before bed. He's picky with food and doesn't like taking showers. Worst of all you're gonna be dealing with me. I'm not easy. I'm difficult to manage, to handle, to一 You'll not like me anymore when you see it for yourself. Guys like you deserve better things."
Rindou scrunches his brows, face twisting into one of confusion, one that makes you seem crazy for saying what you said.
"Why do you say these things about yourself? Why do you say these things about him? He's just a kid, I'm not good with kids but I'm sure I can handle him out of all." He throws his hands up in the air a little. "And, seriously, guys like me? What am I like? Why do you assume that way about me? I'm not that kind of person. I don't like doing that."
You fight the tears threatening to fall. It hurts, to say the least.
"Like, why do you think I've been around for so long? I would've turned on my back long ago if you and Shou were so hard to love."
requests are open
#r(evol)ution#writing#rindou haitani#haitani rindou#rindou x reader#rindou haitani x reader#haitani rindou x reader#tokyo revengers#tokyo revengers x reader#tokrev#tokrev x reader#tr#tr x reader
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can u write a scenario where anakin lays his head in the reader's lap, and they just get to play with his hair as he rants?
The evening breeze drifted softly through the open windows of our shared quarters on Coruscant, bringing with it the faint aroma of blossoms from the lavish gardens below. I settled onto the comfortable lounge, my mind heavy with thoughts of the usual affairs far beyond my control. Still, the quiet warmth of our room offered a rare sanctuary from the chaos throughout the galaxy.
Just as I began to get lost in my thoughts, the metal door to our quarters hissed open, revealing Anakin. His demeanor was off: tense shoulders, furrowed brow, frustration brewing like a storm in his ocean eyes. When a 6’ 2” Jedi trained to be a soldier in combat is this pissed off, it is usually not a good sign. A quiet sigh of relief left me when his gaze softened slightly upon meeting mine.
"Everything alright?" I questioned gently, already knowing the answer. He hesitated, emotions flickering like shooting stars across his features. Without a word, he crossed the room. I slowly got up from my seat, moving over to run my fingers through his long, curly hair in an attempt to soothe him. My heart ached to see him so burdened.
"Nothing ever goes as it should," Anakin whispered, exhaustion threaded deeply into his voice. I sat back down and let him place his head carefully onto my lap, his body releasing pent-up tension just from the contact.
A soft smile curved my lips when I felt him visibly relax against my thighs while my fingers instinctively reached for his unruly curls, gently threading through them. "Tell me what's troubling you," I murmured softly.
He sighed deeply, a shaky exhale carrying away some of his tension. "It's the Jedi Council again," he began, eyes locked on the distant ceiling, dark shadows dancing in the depths of blue. "They doubt me at every turn. Whatever I do will always be insufficient in their eyes."
His vivid blue eyes burned with something darker, something nearly unrecognizable, as they flicked up to mine. The frustration I’d seen before was still there, but now it carried an edge that chilled me, a desperation that seemed deeper than before.
“The Council…” he continued softly, his tone sharper and more urgent now, anger lacing each word, “they don’t see me for what I am. They don’t trust me. No matter what I do, they treat me like I’m still…I don’t know, that foolish boy from Tatooine.” His words dripped with venom. “Do you know what it’s like to feel chained by the very people who are supposed to guide you? To know you’re capable of so much more, but they refuse to let you prove it? I feel enslaved by the very institution that freed me.”
My heart broke as I listened to him. No child should ever have to go through this much hardship and be subjected to the same treatment. “They don’t deserve you, Ani,” I replied softly, stroking my thumb along his temple. “You’ve given everything to them. They don’t see you like I do.”
He scoffed, "No, they can't. None of them can. They're blind. They'll cling to their traditions until it destroys everything." He looked away from my face, his lips pressing into a tight line for a moment before muttering, "Sometimes I think they’re part of the problem.”
“Anakin…” My concerned voice wavered slightly as my fingers subconsciously tightened gently around his hair, unsure of where his thoughts were going. "What are you saying?"
“What if they hold back more than they protect? What if they… what if they’re the reason everything’s falling apart—this war, the galaxy, all of it? They doubt me, but they’re the ones who fear change. They fear power. They fear me.” His voice cracked slightly in sadness and pain, but the anger surged again, overtaking whatever vulnerability had surfaced only moments prior. “Every time I look at them, all I feel is their mistrust...their jealousy. I could help them—no, I could fix all of this, if they’d just let me."
I drew in a slow, steadying breath, not wanting to stoke the flames of his fury. I gently took his chin in my hand and turned his face to look at me as I spoke, his face softening as he gazed at me, “You don’t need their approval, Ani. You’ve already accomplished so much. You can’t let them take this much from you—”
“They haven't taken it from me," he interrupted, his voice rising as he pushed himself up abruptly from my lap. For one brief second, the surge of his emotions left me frozen. He ran both hands through his hair, pacing the room like a caged animal. "But they think they can," he spat under his breath. “They think they can control me, keep me under their thumb, make me bend to their will. They don’t realize what I’m capable of… what I could do if they just stopped holding me back.”
“That kind of power comes with consequences,” I said quietly, despite the dread that began stirring inside me. My voice was soft, but firm. “It’s not worth losing yourself, Ani. Please… stop letting them get under your skin like this. You’re better than they are. You’re better than this.”
He stepped closer, his hands finding mine, gripping them tightly, almost desperately. “I just want us to be safe. To be free of all of this. I’m so tired of feeling like I have to choose between you and my duty, between what’s right and what works. There has to be a better way.”
“That way doesn’t include the dark side,” I whispered carefully, holding his gaze. “You’re better than that. Please, Ani… don’t let them twist you.”
For a long moment, silence fell between us, his opposing thoughts trapped in the storm I could see raging through his eyes. At last, he let out a sharp breath, curling back up against me for comfort as he wrapped his arms around me.
"I’m so tired," he muttered into my hair, though the tension in his frame remained. "But I can’t stop. I can’t lose you. I won’t let them take any more from me.” He buried his face in my shoulder this time, his tears dampening the fabric of my dress, but I didn’t care. My hand returned to his hair, stroking it gently, trying to soothe away the storm brewing in his mind.
Anakin’s shoulders trembled faintly as I held him tight against me, his arms like a vice around my waist. He buried his face in my clothes, his breath uneven, ragged, like a dam about to break. For a moment, I simply held him, letting my hands smooth firmly down his back. He had so much anger, sadness, and pain, but beneath it there was that familiar vulnerability, that same need to be understood, loved, and to be enough.
Continuing my gentle strokes through his hair, I felt him relax under each comforting motion. "You're doing everything you possibly can," I reassured carefully, keeping my voice soothingly low.
Anakin shook his head slightly against my lap. "It's not enough. It'll never be enough for them. I feel trapped, like every move I make is scrutinized." His defiant voice grew softer, revealing hidden vulnerability beneath the strong exterior he tried so desperately to uphold. "All I’ve ever wanted is to protect the ones I love...to protect you."
I remained quiet, letting my gentle fingertips guide reassurance into each slow pass through his hair. "You already protect me, Ani. Every single day," I whispered firmly, needing him to understand he had nothing to worry about. A subtle smile softened the corners of his mouth for a brief moment, and warmth bloomed in my chest.
"I wish others could see things the way you do," he mumbled, finally letting the tension slip fully away, even if only for these precious moments we shared. Here, amidst the simple comfort of my touch, Anakin seemed far removed from the torments that plagued him.
Together we lingered like this, untouched by the growing storm outside our chamber. If only it could always be this easy—his head resting gently on my lap, my fingers tracing paths through his soft, curly hair, pulling us into our own private refuge. Even with the shadows of uncertainty lingering around us with the fate of the Republic hanging in the balance, I clung to these moments, savoring every second we had together not knowing if they would be our last.
#hayden christensen#anakin skywalker x you#anakin fanfiction#star wars anakin#anakin#anakin x reader#anakin x you#anakin skywalker#anakin fluff#anakin skywalker fluff#anakin one shot#hayden christensen fanfiction#hayden christensen fluff#anakin star wars#anakin and padme#star wars fanfiction#star wars prequels#star wars#sw anakin#sw prequels#anakin skywalker fanfiction
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Reddit asked me to sell them on my favourite Marauders ship...
I just spent my commute home writing my Sirius/James treatise for a post on reddit. I'm copying it here too because I'm clearly obsessed and want everyone else to be too. Feel free to jump into the Reddit thread and share your sales pitch for your rare pair/crack ship.
Prongsfoot sales pitch
There is a saying that love is friendship caught fire - and I think that is why my mind/body/soul belong to Sirius/James - my beloved Prongsfoot 🦌🐾
It is difficult to summarise their appeal, but here is a short list:
Best friends to lovers: the connection, the loyalty, the unconditional acceptance, the slow-burn angst of not wanting to ruin the friendship - amplified because of the vulnerability of Sirius relying on the Potters after he ran away from Grimmauld Place. Even people who don’t ship them recognise the soul bond between them and I love exploring that dynamic.
Sirius as a complex character: I HC Sirius as someone deeply complex, who is both confident and self-loathing, someone who fundamentally believes - due to the trauma of his upbringing - that he is unworthy of love. Now imagine how much a person like that would struggle with accepting that confident, big-hearted, sunshine smile James Potter could want to be with him. And then add to that the pure healing of accepting his love. And you basically have my long-form slow-burn love letter of a fic: Object Permanence.
Adventures and shenanigans: The storytelling potential of these two is unmatched. At school you have their general capacity for mayhem and back chat. As adults you have their role in the war and the fact they basically compete over who gets to save the others life.
The angst: the tragedy of the canon story is already insane. We all know Sirius never got over James - if he looked into the Mirror of Erised he would see himself and James together again. There’s the angst of Sirius pining for James while he pursues Lily, the angst of James realising he has feelings for Sirius and struggling with his sexuality. Any force that separates them is going to be inherently painful. I’ve taken it to the next level in Shooting Stars, Falling Objects by having Sirius ostensibly “die” in a Death Eater attack just before graduation, with only James believing he’s still alive. Exploring James’ grief and love for Sirius in the flashbacks has only confirmed my love for this ship. Also it’s fun to have four-year-old Harry obsessed with Sirius when he returns.
Side dynamics: the pairing also gives the opportunity to explore broader dynamics in an interesting way:
Interactions with Harry: now I’m writing a fic featuring a happy, cheeky Harry with living parents it’s so much fun having him be the tiniest but biggest fan of Sirius Black and Sirius growing into his role as protective, loving future step father. After all, Harry loving Sirius is canon. ️
The end of Jily: I tend to have James/Lily together at some point in the fics and never like Lily bashing so it’s interesting to explore how their relationship ends when James realises what he truly wants - to be known by someone who loves him unconditionally.
Reluctant brother-in-law Regulus: I love exploring the complex dynamic between the Black brothers of course but the snarky, reluctant allies vibe of Regulus and James is particularly appealing. I also enjoy the idea of prickly Uncle Regulus being utterly unhinged when it comes to dealing with school bullies who give Harry a hard time. Sirius pretends to disapprove when James gets complaints from the parents but he secretly buys Regulus a gift basket.
Traumatised Remus: poor long suffering Remus having to wait for Sirius and James to wake up to themselves - and then getting traumatised by their PDAs. This will be in every fic I write for this pair. Now that I've started getting into Remus/Regulus (Moonwater, my beloved) I feel like there's even more angst potential.
Canon basis: I don't think this is a dealbreaker for ships, of course, but I like that the ship is canon divergent but is not fantastical from a canon perspective given the close relationship between Sirius/James. Even people who don't ship them romantically acknowledge the platonic soulmate status. Although they should ship them romantically too 😂
That’s honestly the tip of the iceberg. I invite everyone to put me out of my rarepair misery by writing more fics about them.
Thank you for attending my TED talk.
#dead gay wizards from the 70s#james potter#sirius black#mwpp#marauders#prongsfoot propaganda#prongsfoot#hp starbucks#bambibelle#james x sirius#ao3 fanfic#harry potter fandom
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The Telemechiad
Book One;
Across an endless canvas of stars, beyond life and light, primordial night wanders:
Reality as her muse, she cries in divine boredom, “O, infinite cosmos, answer to my call, and with the threads of your being weave me a tale. A tale of destiny defied! Inspire in me a story of a time where fate fails and mortals fall!.”
Servant to her primordial demand, the stars shift, the world bends, as time itself bows before her, split in two; and so she would peer into the cracks between, where a song would grace her ears.
And in this song, she heard the musings of the gods who bicker so meaninglessly below her-
Athena’s voice would pierce firstly, a cry of simmering rage and sorrow, “Father! Do not tell me you cannot see the injustice of his fate! Would you have a simple man on his way home suffer so excessively?”
Zeus gave an indignant nigh indifferent look, his eyes bored as he gazed upon his fiery daughter, “I do not have this man do anything. It was not I who cast him into the underworld, it was not I who had him disrespect persephone.”
The goddess of war, though not as hotheaded as her brother, was not quick to surrender her stance;
“And what of xenia? Have you no care for the suitors or their blatant disrespect? Tame for now yes, but their anger is bubbling, their rage imminent. Have you no concern for your domain?”
Upon this, the sky rumbled and shook with a deep, grey, fury. Zeus’ voice boomed as he reprimanded insolent war, “Do you mean to call me a hypocrite? Or perhaps a coward? My daughter you may be but your words from here should be chosen with caution. If you are so concerned with my xenia or this mans nostos, then I may allow you to deal with it yourself!”
Thunder cracked and rumbled as he waved his hand, “Go then! Descend for this foolish man! Or is your word larger than your conviction?”
Athena bit her lip in restrained rage and deep concern; colorless ichor flowing from her bite as she weighed her options. She knew she didn’t have much choice, zeus would not tolerate much more, and to stop here would be to abandon her pride.
So, with a powerful step that boomed against the rumbling heavens- a sign of her authority and pride- she would stride off toward the underworld, “Then it is so, I will hold the mantle of the one to honor nostos and xenia then if that’s what you wish.” Her words were sharp, like a unexpected arrow to the gut- and so too was it cunning, as Zeus did not wish to chase her down for such inconsequential sentiments.
And so with burning conviction, of pride as a the cunning of war, as authority as a goddess, and as her stakes in this man, she descends.
And silently, like a murmur, something escapes her lips in an exasperated breath,
“Telemachus… I will not be able to watch you during this, I may only have faith in your safety”
#odysseus of ithaca#jorge rivera herrans#epic the musical#epic#author#fanfic#the odyssey#odysseus#telemachus#creative writing#writerblr#writers and poets#greek mythology#mythology and folklore#am i using tags right?#oh well
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HIS BELLADONA treech x mentor reader
Pt.1, Pt.2, Pt.3

The coolness on my skin was what woke me from a pleasant sleep. I roughly rubbed my eyes and sat up on the bed. With a yawn, I decided to quickly cross the small apartment to the bathroom. I tried to go as quietly as possible so as not to wake my father. Father, I still didn't know if the man sprawled across the old couch was still the same a smiling man who raised me with love. The war destroyed everything, the war took my mother, the war took my father. I slowly wash my face with cold water and stare at myself in the cracked mirror and all I see is the same face as the woman who gave birth to me and loved me, the face of the woman I watched as she slowly died next to me due to lack of food and illness. I remember the helplessness that her death brought because not only did I lose my mother, but her death destroyed the man who had once been her father. After the death of his wife, he began to seek refuge in morphine and alcohol, leaving the weight of the world on the shoulders of his eight-year-old daughter. The only thing that kept her and her father alive was her father's meager salary, the salary was high but father would rather buy morphine than make sure I had dinner and gifts from my father's friend Casca Highbottom. I tried to buy on the black market, I bartered what I could and thanks to that we survived. I was now in my final year at the academy and planned to study at university.I noticed a bruise on my hand in the mirror, my father had another rough night yesterday. Today was one of those days when it didn't fit today was a big day today was harvest for the 10th hunger games. I quickly got ready, chose my mother's favorite dark blue skirt, on which stars were embroidered with yellow thread, on top I took a black turtleneck, which very well covered my bruised arms and neck. I let my hair flow freely on my shoulders and assessed whether it was enough. Unfortunately, there was no time for any shortcomings, so I just grabbed my school bag and headed for the exit from the apartment. Just as I was closing the door to the apartment, I heard the door of the apartment above us close, it meant that Coryo was leaving, so I waited for him to run downstairs, where I joined him on the way to the academy.,,It's a miracle what Tigris did with that old shirt, you look very elegant." I complimented his appearance. Coryo just laughed, "You know snow closets are bottomless." I was the only one who knew about his situation and he knew about mine. I have known Coriolanus since I was a child, our mothers were friends with each other in the days after your mother's death, I lived with the Snows for a while, who helped me a lot at that time. On the way to the academy, we had a pleasant conversation, but when you walked in, Coryo took Clemensia away and I was left alone, but not for long because Lysistrata spotted me. "Hey (Y/N) you look beautiful." Lysistrata was the only one of my classmates that I would believe this compliment.She was very quiet but she was one of the nicest and fairest people I've ever met.,, Well miss Lysistrata it's harvest day of course I have to represent the Capitol." I said with a sneer in my voice. She rewarded me with her smile in return and we left to the hall where the harvest transmission started in no time. I sat in the back row together next to my friend and we waited patiently. But what I didn't expect was the news that each of the top 24 students will be assigned a mentoring tribute. We are going to turn them into a show for entertainment , that made me sick to my stomach. I exchanged a disgusted look with Lys next to me.,, As if it wasn't enough that they are going to die, we're going to force them to make puppets here." I whispered in Lys's ear and she just nodded in agreement. The dean began to read the names and the screens showed each tribute.,, And the male tribute from the 7th district belongs to Miss (Y/N) Belladon.” My breath hitched as I stared at the face of the boy I was to lead to his death. He was tall with dark curls and gorgeous brown eyes.
Treech was the name
Treech was the name of my tribute
#the ballad of songbirds and snakes#tbosas#tbosas x reader#treech tbosas#treech x reader#treech x mentor reader#coryo snow#coriolanus snow x reader#the hunger games#hunger games x reader#tigris snow#lucy gray baird#7th district#love#enemies to lovers#coriolanus snow
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~Chapter 3: Haunted, Hunted, & Other Fun Hobbies~
[Ao3 link below the read more, at the end.]
It begins the day after Maul makes his return to Dathomir.
The sith is elbows deep in datapads trying to gain background knowledge on the Crimson Dawn's next venture: an escargot farm, of all things, for a particular breed of shellfish. One that acts as a nearly universal aphrodisiac when eaten. Vos had declared the market for it 'an untapped niche' with projected gains in the 'I could buy a moon every other year' category.
He already has a planet. Dathomir is more or less his, but Maul thinks he might like a moon or two. Besides, one never knew when they might need a spare astral body in his line of work. Perhaps for trade, perhaps for crashing into things. He is flexible.
One minute he is reviewing zoology documents made by a mon calamari, and then gently, like a cloud over the sun, he is being watched.
His spine straightens and the sith pulls his sense of self tight to his skin, guarding himself while attempting to observe the observer. The presence slips through his fingers, but he too slips through theirs. They go round and round like two predators in the night, stalking each other through the flow of the force.
Eventually the feeling fades, and Maul is left alone in his office space, perturbed. He waits an hour or more, patient and wary, but the sensation of being sought does not return.
He exhales heavily through his nose and returns to reading about aquarium keeping, stopping only to make snacks, refresh the tea pot, and stretch his back.
Dathomir's red star sinks below the horizon. Domir takes with it the light that had been coming in from the floor-to-ceiling windows, leaving the spectacular view of the sunrise canyon in deepening purple hues. Maul takes this as his cue to end the day.
The sith stalks out of his simplistic office, and heads to the end of the hallway. The decor transitions from plasteel to roughly carved redstone at the doorway, from the soft orange glow of sodium-vapor bulbs to flickering oil lanterns and magelight. He had appointed the bedroom den at the end of the hall with far more dathomirian aesthetics than the modern office space.
Some furniture he had been able to scavenge from the temple, mostly of carved stone, though there were a few precious wooden pieces left unburnt by the droid army among them. A small table, a few mismatched chairs, and a hefty trunk. The rest of his furnishings Maul had collected from offworld.
The result is… functional. Quiet and dark. The bed space is large and comfortable, partially carved back into the wall for extra protection. Nowhere is too open. Everything he wishes to be reminded of has a place to sit, somewhere he can see.
Dim candles light all the cracks and corners without hurting his eyes. There are books and scrolls to read, an orb recovered from his mother’s temple, projects to tinker with in idle moments. It is… good, he thinks. Though he might reorganize his memory items again. Later.
For now, he plans to undress, bathe, and-
r ?
y o u ?
Maul whips around, expecting a physical presence, but there is no one and nothing there. He coats himself in a basic spell of obfuscating mist and draws his force presence close to his hearts, under his skin.
The observer tries to catch him up with a searching pattern that feels like smokey claws and gossamer hairs, winding ribbons and closing jaws. Threads, deceptive in their affectionate creeping.
"One?" he rasps in the empty hallway, "No… more. Several."
There are so many aspects of force trying to locate him that surely it must be a ritual, fueled by multiple people. Four or five, at bare minimum. He would guess it was his former master's doing, but surely Sidious would not need to look for him so much as come for him if he decided to spare the effort.
So who? Who?
But to look with that part of him which can See is to open himself, and Maul is not certain of the wisdom in letting this coven of force users near him just for the chance to find them.
Sweat beads on his scalp, dripping down and sliding off his chin. The effort to remain untouchable, hidden from these hunters, is intensely taxing, but the force vibrates in warning whenever he starts to slip.
Then, suddenly, he is alone again.
He waits, just as before, shoulders high and breathing hard as he remains watchful. The air remains still, lacking that dark innervation. Maul falls back against the wall, and presses the heel of a palm to his forehead. The effort has earned him a headache and shaking fingers.
The sith returns to moving down the hall, but changes destination. His den, while comfortable, is not the most secure location available here. That title goes to his mother's sanctum, riddled with runes and steeped in ichor fueled protections. He has not yet deciphered the nature of even half of the witch-made wards from the books and murals that remain of her teachings.
Maul slips into the sanctum, touching his chest where once her spirit had anchored itself.
"Mother," he begins, searching for an acceptable explanation for intruding. "I seek… shelter, in your sanctum. I am hunted by a power unknown, and the force warns me to avoid its touch."
That is an understatement. The force buzzes with indistinct warning, a vibrating drone so deep and ubiquitous it feels physical. Bumblebees underwater, crawling anxiety like marching ants.
No reply comes. He counts that as permission.
The sith goes to sit on the stone floor at the center of grooved patterns and runes. He will meditate now and gather his strength, assuming that eventually-
It returns! So quickly the threads descend again.
Vitriolic green light bursts to his left, then forward, then above him. Sharp eyes survey the room as sections of sigils light and dim along the walls, like fireworks. The grooves in the floor begin to fill with-
"Ichor," he murmurs, watching the luminous waters fill in the circling patterns. He cannot identify the source of where it flows from.
This… is not magick Maul has witnessed before. Savage had, reluctantly, described his own rituals, and the healing the Nightmother had done for Maul after Lotho Minor, but this is… different. Carved into Dathomir’s living stone, commanding the planet’s power even in the absence of a witch to direct it. It is wonderous.
The feeling of being looked for slides away from him with so much more ease, and he sighs in relief.
Maul ends up sleeping there, curled in on himself on the stone floor. Every few hours the cloying tendrils return again, and he wakes to watch the wards and push away the hooks that stretch for him.
It is only after a week of being chased back to his mother's room, day and night, that he realizes he is trapped on Dathomir until the hunt is ended. Until he ends it. To do that, he will have to learn to hide all on his own. Without becoming an unhinged, sleepless mess incapable of hunting these new enemies.
Maul faces this reality with easy acceptance. He has survived harsher challenges before, and will again. Mustafar, Lotho Minor, Hypori- the dark sustained him every time.
This will end no differently.
#obimaul#updates Tuesdays#darth maul#obi wan kenobi#star wars#fanfiction#sith#jedi#tatooine#horror#adventure#tw: maul#hahaha#dathomir#zabrak#nightbrothers#mother talzin mentioned#nightsisters temple#nightmagick#magic#maul opress#obiwan#Star wars the clone wars#Star wars rebels#the kenobi show#sequel#desertification#inundation#star wars fanfics#writers on tumblr
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so you know how Momo got jealous over Yuki and Banri reunited and bonding and felt like a terrible person for it because he still wants them to be happy and together? How about that but this time its Momo's s\o going through the same feelings he did but towards him? Maybe they're jealous because of his chemistry with Yuki or because he has a lot of friends :3

You feel at war with yourself. Why is it that your hesitant heart keeps trying to compete with the deserved happiness and friendships he finds?
ft. Sunohara Momose x gn! reader.
cw/genre: angst to comfort.
Thank you for your request, anony ! I’m sorry this took so long. I hope you can enjoy it anyway <3
You don’t deserve him, anyway.
For you to even fathom you could stand next to the sunlight he embodies is borderline ridiculous.
How could you, who has only envy and second guessing running through their veins?
You are destined to walk the shadows, your only company, the monotone padding of your steps against faded concrete.
Why did you even feel like this?
You want him to be happy, and if that means he enjoys spending his time with his groupmate and other friends, then it’s alright, no?
And yet, a small twisted voice at the back of your mind begs to differ.
‘You don’t matter’ ‘He’ll forget you’ ‘How pathetic are you to be relegated to second place after his friends.’
Your breathing quickens, as you shut your eyes, a tense frown forming on your brow.
You shake your head, trying to swat away the shrill laughter that ensues after your deepest fears have been voiced by your wicked subconscious.
A glance towards the window proves how long you have been overthinking; the citrine outline of a dusking horizon has turned to marine now. No stars seem to prevail in a sky polluted by city lights.
You pour yourself a glass of water.
It’s gotten late.
And Momo isn’t back yet.
Your grip on the glass turns knuckle-white, perhaps to prevent your trembling hands from dropping the fine china.
Though you have the impression you’re the one that would shatter at the minimum impact.
If you aren’t already broken, that is.
At the same time you put your glass down, you hear the keys click on the front door.
Not long after, your boyfriend’s perky voice resounds through the corridor.
Do you have the right to call him that, though?
“Darling, I’m back! Ah, it’s so cold outside, I want to cuddle-“
Momo’s sentence is cut midway when he sees you leaning against the counter.
Your head is hung low, and your shoulders seem to be trembling.
“Baby, are you alright?” He asks, fuchsia eyes tainted in concern.
Why is he so kind?
You don’t deserve it.
But at the same time, you wonder, is he this kind with Yuki too? With his other friends?
And so what if he is? It’s good more people get to know Momo and see how sweet and caring he is.
You just can’t help the thoughts that find their way into your brain, like vines that spread, corrosion infesting your psyche.
“I’m fine.” You reply, a choked out sound, voice a thin thread about to snap at the minimum oscillation. “I’m fine…” You repeat, more to reassure yourself than your partner.
“Are you sure, [Y/n]?” His hand moves to your temple, feeling for a temperature, his other arm around your form. “You don’t seem to have a fever.” He states, beaming softly.
You think it looks a little sad, his smile.
He pulls you closer, his warmth calming your mind a little.
“Dear, you can tell me if there’s anything worrying you.” Momo tells you, his voice gentle, as he holds your face in between his hands.
And just like that, you break a little.
You lean your side against his torso, silent tears marking the cracks of your fragmented soul.
“I’m horrible…” You mumble. “Because I should be happier… But I… Sometimes I get this feeling that your friends and Yuki… That they will replace me some day.” You bury your head in his chest. “And I’m happy, I’m very glad you have such a good connexion with him and that you always make so many friends, but I’m also… Am I bad, Momo? For fearing being left behind?”
Your boyfriend’s arms squeeze you a little tighter.
Then, he says:
“You could never be bad, my darling.” His hands trace soothing patterns over your back. In their wake, liquid gold remains, putting back together pieces of you that were falling prey to the devils that consume you.
“You could never ever be less than perfect, [Y/n].” He rests his head on top of yours. “Your feelings are valid, and they don’t make you any less loved by me, okay, baby?”
And in those words of his, memories linger.
Not all of them are shades of vivid rose and verdant, no.
Some of them are ashen, stained by the bitter taste of feeling lost.
“You are my irreplaceable lover.” He assures you, hands cupping your face again. “Never forget that, please?” Almost imperceptible tears shine at the corners of his vibrant eyes.
He understands how you feel, perhaps because once, the same dagger that’s dared to graze your heart pierced his too.
But now you have each other.
And maybe not right now, but with time, you’ll put back together the forgotten pieces of your almost complete puzzle.
Outside, two bold stars have dared to brave the city-lit sky.
They are watching over you.
#idolish7#idolish7 x reader#idolish7 imagines#ainana#ainana x reader#i7#idolish7 hadcanons#sunohara momose#momo#momo x reader#sunohara momose x reader#idolish7 scenarios#idolish7 fluff#idolish seven#idolish7 x you#idolish7 x y/n#anime x reader#anime imagines#anime fluff
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⭐️ ― convincing portrayal of a canon character
💻 ― excellent writing
🌼 ― creative headcanons
🎙️ ― great to talk to
📚 ― nice threads to read
🎀 ― all-around kind person
🥇 ― well-developed oc
😍 ― admiring from afar
📌 ― a staple on the dash
🏆 ― 10/10 blog, would recommend
🧡 ― sender's choice ( sender can add whatever category they want ) - MICA I LOVE YOUUUUUUUU ❤️ you're the best mwah thanks for being such an awesome and cool friend ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ having you in my life has been PHENOMENAL!!! Thanks tons for the awesome joyride
💜 ― receiver's choice ( simply shout out whoever
*-cracks knuckles-* alright, let's do this!
⭐️ ― convincing portrayal of a canon character
Shout-out goes to @prodijedi. I love Callie's Dooku, he has so much depth and layers and cares so much about the people he loves deep down but is too deep in the mess he made and doesn't know how to show it, but Callie doesn't erase the fact that he has done terrible things.
💻 ― excellent writing
Shouting at @tacticalvalor for this one. So far, I've only interacted with Paz but I love him, and I love how well he's written. Jay has a way of making Paz so expressive despite the fact he's covered head to toe in armor and -understandably- unwilling to take it off. His inner thoughts are always a delight to read and the things he says always manage to crack me up.
🌼 ― creative headcanons
I think there isn't a single person in this fandom that's not creative when it comes to headcanons because we're all pretty big brained with them. But if I have to name just one, I'm gonna go with @thrawnur I LOVE YOUR HEADCANONS PJ! And I love the HCs and worldbuilding we've worked on together for Chiss. Our blueberries deserve more lore!!
🎙️ ― great to talk to
Shout-out to @corruptedforce/@crowsandmurder because Tanya is that one person you can always count on to be up to talk about literally anything. Everything I know about baseball, I learned from her. I also always love yelling with her about the stupid Star Wars questions people ask on Quora (still not over the person who had the audacity to ask why Obi-Wan didn't just kill Anakin, I'm outside their house with a baseball bat).
📚 ― nice threads to read
To this day, I still go into @d4gangera's blog just to read the stuff KT writes, and not just the threads I'm in, but everything she writes. I love how she writes Dagan, his inner monologues, his trauma after spending decades in bacta, his issues with the Jedi Order and the Empire and this new era he got yeeted into. I love it all.
🎀 ― all-around kind person
@vendettavalor IS THE KINDEST BEAN EVER!! I'm still absorbing all the analogical horror stuff that you recommended me and you bet I'm going to be yelling in your DMs once I'm caught up.
🥇 ― well-developed oc
Shout-out to @gwiazdowe for Cirz. HE'S BABEY!! I love him and how kind he is and how he sees good in people that nobody else would see good in. But he's not dumb. He's a smart boy and he deserved the world, I'm protecting him at all costs.
😍 ― admiring from afar
Not really from that far because we've actually talked but I have yet to start a thread with @alootus and that is a crime I should be in jail for. But I'm admiring because the blog theme is just so PRETTY, I love the color palette and the graphics.
📌 ― a staple on the dash
I love seeing @kylo-wrecked's posts on the dash. From the aesthetic stuff to replies to answers to ask memes, it's always god tier content!
🏆 ― 10/10 blog, would recommend
@ofthestcrs AMAZING MUN, AMAZING CHARACTERS, AMAZING BLOG! Gee is one of the first people I interacted with in this fandom and honestly, I'm holding on like an orphaned monkey. 10/10 will not be letting go anytime soon.
💜 ― receiver's choice ( simply shout out whoever you want )
#WELP this one got long#||out of character||#||answered ask||#vanillahub#ALSO VANIIIII YOU'RE SO SWEET 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂#||positivity||
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Thasmin Fic Recs:
Action / Adventure:
Echoes of War by Eriadu (Series - 2 Works) (T) (Telepathy) ( AO3)
Ghostwalk by Eriadu (E) (3) (Angst) (Spooky)
The Curse of the Pharaoh by Mag_lex (T) (13) (AO3)
A frozen moment by Eriadu (E) (2) (AO3)
are you really gonna love me when i'm gone? by freefallvertigo (E) (4) (dark!Doctor) (AO3)
Cloudbursting by headcanonsandmore (T) (1) (AO3)
Corrosion by Mag_lex (M) (6) (Memory loss AU) (AO3)
Courage & Stupidity by seaunicorn (T) (1) (AO3)
Forever in a moment by Captainswanmycaptainswan (T) (1) (AO3)
The Path Erased by Eriadu (T) (4) (Two of Yaz) (AO3)
time has been unkind by seaunicorn (E) (1) ( AO3)
When it all comes crashing down by Eriadu (E) (1) (AO3)
You laugh like there's hope in the story by freefallvertigo (T) (1) (AO3)
A Dark & Verdant Door by Eriadu (M) (27) (faun!13) (sheriff!Yaz) (AO3)
A week (and half a world) away by Eriadu (E) (7) (human!13) (modern AU)(AO3)
chance is the only game i play with, baby by timelxrd (E) (15) (nb!Yaz) (boxing AU) (human!13) (AO3)
honey don't feed it, it will come back by timelxrd (E) (4) (cryptid AU) (AO3)
Love is Blind by Might_Be_A_Zygon (T) (1) (Angst) (Gorgon AU) (Major character death) (AO3)
Never Cruel or Cowardly by Bow_Ties (E) (65) (Fantasy AU) (AO3)
Pink Elephants by TechnicolorRevel (G) (1) (daemon AU) (AO3)
Star by Star by Eriadu (E) (27) (Space Opera AU) (pilot!Yaz) (medicaldoctor!13)
The Line of Fire by mag_lex (M) (11) (Wordpress) (human!Doctor) (bodyguard AU)
where I want to go by seaunicorn (T) (12) (AO3) (human!13) (road trip AU)
don't sound like friends by InLust (T) (3) (AO3)
Halloween Time-Knot by edlweiss (E) (4) (AO3)
home is where you rest your bones by orphan_account (E) (1) (AO3)
Notes to Self by Eriadu (E) (1) (PWP with humor) (AO3)
A Home for the Holidays by mag_lex (T)(2) (AO3)
Astronomy in reverse (it was me who was discovered) by transboytwelve (T) (1) (Fake dating) (AO3)
Buttons by mag_lex (G) (1) (Wordpress)
By the light of the moon by freefallvertigo (G) (1) (AO3)
Candy Floss by Evviejo (G) (1) AO3)
collision by timelxrd (T) (1) (AO3)
Stars On The Ceiling by swallowthecap (G) (1) (AO3)
The Earring by Evviejo (G) (1) (AO3)
Hurt / Comfort:
baby, you could be the death of me by freefallvertigo (E) (1) (AO3)
dead leaves and the dirty ground by Eriadu (T) (1) (hanahaki inspired) (AO3)
keep me close, love me most by seaunicorn (E) (1) (AO3)
right here, right now by InLust (T) (1) (AO3)
baby, it ain't right (but isn't it amazing?) By transboytwelve (E) (1) (human!13) (Riverx13xYaz) (AO3)
begging for thread by orphan_account (E) (3) (unfinished) (Fashion / Model AU) (human!13) (ClaraxYazx13) (AO3)
I've never been a natural (all I do is try) by transboytwelve (E) (1) (Billx13xYaz) (AO3)
the way you react to me - Dirty Little Secrets by how_to_sit_gay (E) (13xYazxRose) (AO3)
Ad Astra by Mag_lex (E) (1) (fluff) (wordpress)
A poor substitute by Eriadu (E) (1) (AO3)
A Suprising Lack of Context by Rowanthestrange (E) (1) (AO3)
anodized by TechnicolorRevel (E) (1) (AO3)
boiling point by vividfriend (E) (1) (AO3)
crave by freefallvertigo (E) (1) (AO3)
Drifting by Eriadu (E) (1) (AO3)
Drive-Through by mag_lex (E) (Crack) (1) (Wordpress)
Go Quiet by WinterTheWriter (E) (1) (AO3)
I Read It For The Articles by TechnicolorRevel (E) (1) (AO3)
I'm the holy water you have been without by transboytwelve (E) (1) (trans!Yaz) (AO3)
On Begged and Borrowed Time by transboytwelve (E) (Angsty) (1) (AO3)
take a picture, babe (cos I'm already yours) by transboytwelve (E) (2) (AO3)
Tendencies and Bravery by GolM (E) (1) (AO3)
the way that you react to me- Good Clean Fun by how_to_sit_gay (E) (1) ( AO3)
Tickety-Boo by TechnicolorRevel (E) (1) (AO3)
Time and Time Again by rowanthestrange (E) (Angst) (1) (AO3)
we're all born naked by TechnicolorRevel (E) (1) (AO3)
what will be the signal be for your eyes to see me by TechnicolorRevel (E) (1) (AO3)
come as you are by freefallvertigo (E) (1) (AO3)
Discovery by Mag_lex (E) (1) (wordpress)
in the lines of time by fictorium (G) (1) (AO3)
Love found me all disarmed by Mag_lex (E) (4) (AO3)
misplacing home by yazkhan (G) (4) (AO3)
Sneaky Little Ghost Monument by LoadsofCustardCreams (T) (2) (AO3)
Soar (when I lay down with you) by how_to_sit_gay (E) (2) (Angst) (AO3)
through the waters and the wild by TechnicolorRevel (G) (1) (AO3)
your soul calls out in a familiar voice by abcooper (G) (3) (AO3)
Enter at Last, Master. by Might_Be_A_Zygon (E) (2) (Paranormal AU) (AO3)
Never Cruel or Cowardly - Dangerous Liaisons by Bow_Ties (E) (39) (Fantasy AU) (AO3)
The Unraveling of Yasmin Khan by transboytwelve (E) (3) (AO3)
#Thasmin#Thasmin Fanfiction#Fic Recs#Fic Rec#Doctor Who Fanfiction#Long Post#don't @ me I'm predominantly thirsty#Still reading & will be adding to this as I go. Mostly AO3 as it is my usual go to. pls feel free to message me more recs :')#Did this for Shoot / POI too and wished I had done it for other fandoms. Mostly for me but very happy if it helps anyone else!#There's a lot of human!13 au content out there that's good but I'm a picky bish who prefers my aus to be medieval or monsters...#not coffee shops or mundane things. I left a lot of kudos for those style fics though and they definitely exist for this ship!#Fic Rec Lists
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Unshaken Outlaws | Arthur Morgan x John Marston [ENG]

[ Fan-Fiction based on the OTP between Arthur Morgan and John Marston from Red Dead Redemption ] In a world where the last cowboys are ruthlessly hunted, survival is the only rule. Loyalty, fragile yet vital, is the thread that binds the outlaws together, their sole hope in a landscape marked by betrayal and constant danger. Amidst war and a passion that defies the rules, Arthur and John will find an unexpected path to redemption as their world crumbles around them. For Dutch's gang, the fight for survival has never been easy, but it becomes even more complicated when a forbidden love blossoms amid fallen bullets, lies, and deep wounds. Can this love become the sanctuary they need to withstand the coming chaos, or will it be the end of everything they know?
This story has been written in Spanish, which is my native language. This story has been translated to the best of my ability, although it is possible that it may have mistakes.
This is just a way to transport my writing to a common language for the rest of fans like me. For a better immersion, I recommend reading the story in its original version.
You can find this story on Wattpad and Archive of Our Own.
Thank you so much for reading me and see you in the stars.
Chapter 4: A Bloody Start
—I joined you because I thought you liked action.
Micah's voice echoed with its usual mocking tone, filtering through the ill-fitting wooden door. Arthur, his face hardened by the cold and fatigue, pushed the door with his shoulder. The wood creaked painfully before closing behind him with a muffled thud, as if the wind were trying to open it again.
The wind... howled fiercely between the snow-covered peaks, shaking the old wood of the cabins as if it wanted to tear them apart. The storm had intensified once more, and snow fell in thick flakes that swirled around. Inside one of the cabins, the flickering light of an oil lamp cast long shadows on the poorly assembled log walls. The air was thick with cigarette smoke, cheap liquor, and the rancid smell of men who had gone far too long without a proper bath.
—A couple of days as fugitives and you've gone pale. —Micah raised a bottle of liquor with a mocking gesture as Arthur crossed the room, offering it without breaking his sly grin. Arthur took it without looking at him, grateful for the harsh warmth of the alcohol going down his throat. —Except you, of course.
His gaze slid toward young Lenny Summers, who stood leaning against the wall, hat low, and a half-smoked cigarette between his lips. Micah's half-smile widened, provoking, but Lenny didn't even flinch. He simply shot him a cold look, full of contempt, and exhaled a puff of smoke.
—Shut up, Micah.
—I've never seen so many long faces!
Micah burst into laughter as the door suddenly swung open, slamming against the wall with a crash that silenced everyone. Javier Escuella entered, covered in snow, shaking off his poncho with a sharp gesture. His hat almost flew off, but he caught it just in time before kicking the door shut.
—I guess you miss those who are gone. —Billy gave Javier a glance, like someone seeing an old friend appear at a party where they feel out of place.
—Well, when I die, I don't want any nonsense. —Micah said, with that careless tone that often bordered on the macabre.
His statement hung in the air, lost amid the creaking wood and the whistling wind through the cracks.
—When you die, we'll throw a party.
Lenny's response came sharp as a knife, without hesitation. This time, the laughter was unanimous, filling the cabin with a strange warmth, like a small act of revenge against the man everyone despised. Even Billy let out a brief chuckle as the smoke from his cigarette mingled with the steam from his breath.
Micah stopped smiling. His eyes glinted with a dangerous flash, and his jaw clenched.
—Real funny, huh?
He slowly rose, with that feline cadence that preceded his outbursts of violence. Billy barely had time to look up before Micah's fist slammed into his cheek with a sharp thud. The pain was instant, but the cold made the burn feel even deeper, as if the blow had torn through the skin.
Billy sprang to his feet like a spring, furious, fists ready to return the punch. But before he could move, Arthur and Lenny grabbed him by the arms, holding him back before the fight could escalate into something worse.
—Maybe I don't feel like being laughed at, especially not by two like you! —Micah spat, his face flushed with rage. He spat those words like venom, directing them both at Lenny and Billy.
The argument would have continued to escalate if not for the door suddenly bursting open, slamming against the wall with a bang that silenced everyone. Dutch entered with firm steps, snow clinging to the shoulders of his black sheepskin coat, his brow furrowed.
—Enough! —His voice rose above the storm and the tension in the cabin. —You're fighting like fools while it's Colm O'Driscoll who deserves a beating. Do you want to stay here waiting for him to find us?
Arthur sighed in resignation. Without saying a word, he placed the bottle on the table and headed for the exit, placing the cigarette between his chapped lips. His coat fluttered with the wind as soon as he stepped outside, trying to hide in the warmth of his jacket.
—Come on, we've got work to do.
Dutch gestured for the others to follow. One by one, the men left the cabin, buttoning up their coats and adjusting their hats as they headed for the horses, ready to face the cold spring and whatever came with it.
The snow crunched under Arthur's boots as he approached the horses, his breath escaping in clouds of vapor that quickly dissipated in the freezing air. The entire camp was wrapped in an unsettling silence, broken only by the howling wind and the occasional creak of frost-covered branches. It wasn't just the cold that pierced the bones, but the tension that hung in the air like a premonition of something inevitable.
—Are you sure about this, Dutch?
—Yes. —He said, noticeably sharp.
Arthur pressed his lips together, giving a quick glance at the men already mounted on their horses. Their faces reflected the same mixture of weariness and skepticism that he felt.
—The boys have had a rough time these days. We've barely recovered.
Dutch leaned slightly toward him, his face inches from Arthur's, and grunted low, with the intensity of someone not willing to give in.
—And the last thing we need is for Colm O'Driscoll to attack us by surprise. Let's go.
He gave a light shove on the shoulder, firm enough to insist but not too rough.
—I know you hate him, Dutch.
The leader of the gang barely blinked at the comment. His jaw tightened, but his voice was controlled.
—He came after us.
Arthur nodded, as if trying to find the right way to say what he thought without provoking Dutch's anger.
—I doubt it.
—No, you doubt me.
The wind blew stronger at that moment, making the branches of the nearby trees creak and shaking the horses with an involuntary shiver. Dutch sighed heavily, adjusting the reins of his horse with meticulous movements, as if trying to keep his hands busy rather than let the conversation unsettle him.
Arthur, without taking his eyes off him, began to do the same with his own horse, which was tied right next to Dutch's. The beast snorted impatiently, sensing its rider's tension.
—I would never doubt you, Dutch, because... —Arthur paused, clicking his tongue as he looked at the men waiting expectantly from their mounts. —You always say revenge is a luxury we can't afford.
Dutch stared at him in silence for a few seconds that felt like an eternity.
Arthur could no longer read his soul like he used to. There was a veil between them, a shadow that had settled in Dutch's gaze, preventing him from seeing clearly what he really thought.
—We're doing what's right, Arthur —he finally said, his voice quieter, almost whispering—. And this is more than revenge for something from years ago. They were talking about trains and detonators.
He grabbed a rifle and a lasso from his saddle and handed them to Arthur. He took them without looking away, searching in Dutch's eyes for any sign of what truly motivated him.
—Colm always had good intel —Dutch added confidently, raising his chin—. Let's go.
Arthur gritted his teeth but finally mounted his horse with the others. He wasn't convinced, but he didn't have a choice.
The wind howled through the trees, as if trying to warn them.
—And you think it's the time to rob a train?
Dutch let out a dry laugh, tilting his head to one side.
—Maybe you like living on deer piss and rabbit shit, but I'm too old for that life. —Arthur nodded once more before tossing his spent cigarette into the snow, all under Dutch's confident smile—. Mr. Matthew, Mr. Smith, and Mr. Pearson. Can you keep an eye on the place? The O'Driscolls are lurking around here.
Charles nodded, sheltered inside the cabin where Pearson was preparing supplies, his hand more swollen than it should be from his injuries.
Soon, the men following Dutch spurred their horses into a gallop through the snow, leaving behind only the trail of their horses and the uncertainty of whether this decision would lead to the beginning of glory or the start of ruin.
Chapter also available in WATTPAD: https://www.wattpad.com/1515291564-unshaken-outlaws-arthur-morgan-x-john-marston-red
Chapter also available in ARCHIVE OF OUR OWN: https://archiveofourown.org/works/61174720/chapters/160593553
#fanfic#fandom#writing#ao3#wattpad#male x male#english fanfic#fanfiction#red dead redemption fanfic#red dead redemption 2#rdr 2#rdr fanfic#arthur morgan x john marston#arthur x john#arthur morgan#john marston#english#dutch van der linde#javier escuella#bill williamson#micah bell#kieran duffy
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The Zealot pt.1
A/N: Look it's really hard to describe this fic, but think Havi!Eivor but it's you who has a secret entity inside you that Fulke sets free via torture lol.
Word Count: 3k. AO3 Link
The ___ does not tire. It does not sleep. Flowers wither, seasons change, the stars die out.
Still, it remains.
A searing pain. It's hot on your thigh. Your mouth is open in a blood curdling scream. No–it twists with a sneer, goading her to do more? What's going on? It hurts so much. It feels like nothing. Does she really think this is enough to awaken me? Am I…awake?
The air is toxic with burning flesh. It heals. It melts. It molds. You go back under.
The ___ was born of the Sire's desire.
"Remarkable." Drool mixed with crimson drips from your mouth. Your vision is blurry, and your head feels like it was smashed in with a war hammer. There's a sharp pain in your chest as you breathe, no doubt a broken rib. The black spots scattering across your vision clears, and you're met with bright, intrigued blue eyes.
So blue you can see the harrowing frost within them.
Fulke. You would have never believed it if anyone told you this was the woman's true nature. She spoke of God in a charismatic, mesmerizing way, with her glorious grandeur and convictive gaze. Her teachings were sound, and her company was like sweet honey on your lips. You became her disciple because she believed in you–or so she said–certain that you were destined for greatness.
If only you'd known what such “greatness” entailed. Perhaps you would have been able to escape her grasp.
Or at least, the hot, bright red knife cutting into your skin.
"Tell me what you are." You shake your head. You hiss sob. You frantically plead as she brings the tip of the knife back up again. You answered this question before, and you've said every answer you can possibly think of…but still, she isn’t satisfied.
"I-I don’t know what you want–but I'll be whatever you wish! Please, p-please Fulke I–!" Slow and steady, she lets the hot metal pierce, melting through your skin. It divides tissue and muscle with ease. Your cries pierce the walls, but there's no one to hear them other than the woman beside you. Fulke watches you with wild eyes, slicing down your thigh without shifting her focus.
"Let it clear your mind. Let it set you free." You don’t understand. You never understood Fulke anyway. Not in her puzzling inquiries, or her roundabout speech. Not in the way she'd thread her fingers through your hair, leaning down to brush her lips against your ear with a playful whisper.
"Tell me what you are!" Now, her voice is a frightening roar.
"I s-swear Fulke, I do not know–!" Your lurch forward. You snarl. Your eyes burn with something ghastly. There's a pounding in your head, a ringing in your ears. Your thigh is slick with blood and fiery with pain. It doesn't get any better when Fulke digs her own fingers into the wound and claws, demanding you embrace the "truth." Blood oozes out in waves, sickening squelches filling your ears as she plunges in and out, thick fingers torturing your flesh. It hurts! It hurts, it hurts it–
Where is my Sire? You black out.
The ___ snaps your neck toward Fulke, and the ___watches the paladin's eyes widen with a spark of joy. A shiver rocks through your body, but the ___ pays no mind. You may be afraid, but the ___ is not. How can a being that cannot die fear death?
Instead, the ___ leans forward to bare your teeth in Fulke's face, a mixture of blood and spit hitting her cheek.
"The ___ serves none but the Sire. None." Before Fulke can answer, the ___ goes back under.
You snap awake. Tears well up in your eyes as your vision comes back. Not again. With the pain being too much for you to bear, you keep fading in and out of consciousness. But was Fulke always this close to you?
"Huh? Uh–" With a sudden tsk from Fulke, your skin is torn apart. Her rough jerk with the knife makes thick red blood spill out onto the floor. Your voice cracks with an agonizing yell, and you beg for the pain to subside.
"F-Fulke please! I truly do not know what you want–" Your consciousness fades again, and instead of sniffling, you growl so sharply Fulke jumps. It's an ominous and animalistic rumble, and you furiously jerk at your chains, kicking your legs as if a knife isn’t embedded there.
"It is the sword. It is the spear. The hand of the Sire. Always, the ____ remains. I remain."
"Yes! Yes that's it, you–you who is trapped in this measly prison of flesh! You who have persisted, who have remained…and I do the honor of awakening you." Your eyebrows furrow with confusion. What was Fulke talking about? It seems you can hardly stay awake during the torture to know. You mumble Fulke’s name, but she doesn’t respond, fervently muttering to herself as she unceremoniously jerks the knife out of your leg.
“Ugh!” You wince, panting as you feel blood ooze from the wound. You need to close it somehow, before you lose too much blood and–
The wound…what happened to the wound?
“Now then.” You flinch, abruptly looking up from the wonder of your healed leg to see Fulke with an odd bottle in her hand. She opens it, and the smell makes you gag–certain whatever is inside is toxic.
“Let’s see how fast you can heal from acid, shall we?”
On the seventh day, you feel it shatter. The fragile consciousness of the mortal girl born into this body.
So it begins. You think as you open your eyes, feeling your severed fingers slowly growing back. The world is different from last time you walked upon it. It’s aged. You can tell by the structure you find yourself awakened in, regardless of the blood and guts splattered about. Surely, it’s been quite a few centuries since you were last here.
“Y/N?” You're called a name you do not know. You assume it was yours before you became you and "you" shattered. As was the nature of your existence. You stole and did not return. Not unless your sire commanded you to.
My Sire. You look up, staring into bright, intriguing blue eyes. So blue you can see heaven in them.
Fulke. The one who awakened you stands tentatively. You bow your head in a greeting.
“So it’s true.” Fulke speaks, fingers wet with that girl’s your blood, moving to tilt your face up. She moves it back and forth, examining you with sharp precision. “You are not Isu, but something different?”
“I am the Zealot.” Fulke frowns, nose scrunching up in confusion. You find it adorable.
“Where do you come from?” You sigh, listening to the shifting octaves of her voice. It’s a perfect melody, and you let yourself keel into her touch. She does not discourage you.
“I have no origin. I was not, now I am.” You speak as if that explained everything, and Fulke sighs, mumbling to herself about going over her scrolls.
“Then…this Zealot you claim to be. What do you do?” You smile, happy she asked more about you. You shift eagerly in your chair, ignoring the clack of chains as you sit up straighter.
“I am my Sire’s will. Her fury and her desire.” Fulke blinks, seeming to just realize your use of the title.
“Sire…am I–did awakening you make me–”
“You are the sole purpose of my existence. The object of my worship.” You close your eyes, humming softly, “For you, I would burn this land down to ashes. I’d destroy every last remnant of their false god. I would make them understand the wrath of the Forgotten One, and the sin of ostracizing you.” You open your eyes, fixing Fulke with a dark, promising stare.
“Should you order me to, that is.”
They’re cracks of blue lightning, those fervent, wild eyes. They shine like priceless jewels, glowing with ambition. Fulke slowly nods at first, but then her mouth twists into a sinister grin–and with it she throws her head back in a full on laugh, fingers brushing through her hair. How hauntingly beautiful. Your chest flutters at the sight, full of butterflies at her obvious joy. You watch as she strides over to you, grabbing a fistful of your hair to jerk your head back.
“How ironic that I, a heretic, is graced by the Isu with a zealot?” Her grip is wonderfully merciless, and the heat of her body is addicting. She’s pleasantly intimidating as she sneers, giving you her first command of many.
“Tell me again. What am I called?” You let out a breath, loving how she speaks down to you. With this proximity your lips brush against the metal of her armor and against the blood of your past self. It makes you shiver with delight, and you speak a prayer to her flesh and bone.
“You are my Sire. My god…and I, the Zealot who worships at your feet.”
Fulke uses you well. You like that about her. Then again, you like everything about Fulke.
“You’re back?” You stand at the doorway of her room, body in one hand and a relic in the other. Mud, blood, and some substances you can’t identify cover your body from head to toe. Of course, you do not mind. You nod, attempting to take a step inside before Fulke raises her eyebrow.
“Little lamb,” you flush at the nickname, having earned it after being so obedient, “what did I tell you before?” Oh, she minds.
You let go of the body with a thump, waving your hand immediately. The dirt and grim dissolve into thin air, and you resume dragging a now clean body into her room.
“Forgive me,” you sheepishly say, coming before Fulke to kneel and offer the relic, “at the sight of you, I was filled with longing and had forgotten your commands.”
Fulke’s eyes sparkle, taking the relic and eyeing it with awe. It was much easier to send you out in search of relics than her without raising suspicion of her heresy. Plus, you were capable of finding more relics than she could do alone. However, Fulke had never anticipated you’d be this resourceful.
“Is that so?” She says absentmindedly, still studying the relic. With her free hand, she brushes calloused fingers through your hair, as if she were petting a dog. You close your eyes in bliss, melting against her knee as you practically purr. This task had taken you some days to complete, and you feel as if your insides had been rotting without her.
“Have I fulfilled your will?” You murmur, ready to do more if she was unsatisfied. Fulke lets out a soft laugh, fingers tickling the back of your neck. You shudder with delight, looking up to meet her warm gaze.
“You have. As always my lamb–you have done what no other has done for me.” Ah. Her happiness is electric, making you giggle with joy of your own. After following your Sire for some time, you learned that Fulke was utterly alone. Sure, she was a part of the Order of the Ancients, and even King Alfrred respected her–but in her desire to uncover the truth of this world?
She was without allies, and that made her lonely despite being so revered. My lovely Sire, isolated from the rest of the world.
“And I shall do it again,” You vow, moving to hold the hand in your hair and press your lips against her knuckles. The flesh is worn, it's rough–carrying the proof of her toiling work, the proof of her resolve. Savoring her warmth, you sigh. You would do whatever it took to protect Fulke's dreams, and make them come to life. Such was your duty as the Zealot.
“Wherever you lead me my Sire, I will follow.”
You're unsure when it started.
Perhaps it's after you're bested by this “Eivor.” The two fools–Basim and Sigurd–had wanted one of Fulke's relics, but not for Fulke’s own goals, and so she had sent you to kill them. It was the first time a mission failed, and Eivor left you beheaded in the woods.
You hate beheadings. It takes forever for your head to reattach itself again.
When Fulke finds you hours later, head just about to fully connect back onto your neck, she hits the ground with a strangled gasp.
Her eyes.
Those mesmerizing blue eyes. They were delicate back then. So wide and glistening with what you'd recently learned were tears. However, Fulke did not let her teardrops fall.
Instead, she silently gathered you up into her arms and carried you back home.
After that Fulke is different. Somehow.
Before, things were clearly defined as master and servant. Fulke sent you out on a task, and you returned upon its completion. She rewarded you with the one thing you desired: to bask in her presence, and you were content with this routine.
Such was the way of the Zealot. You exist for her goals, and you yearn for her happiness. Nothing more, nothing less…
“My Sire, forgive me but…what are you doing?” At least, it used to be.
The situation is unfamiliar. Pressed against the wall, your heart pounds against the bars of your ribcage. Fulke stands–no, corners you–looming with an unpredictable edge.
You're dwarfed by her, and you nervously swallow. The Zealot does not feel nervous. But then, what is this hammering in your chest? You’ve never processed Fulke's full height like this, feeling awfully tiny under the weight of her stare. This vessel…it's too small.
Or perhaps Fulke was simply too tall, too wide, and too…well, big. Even her alluring voice seems too much for you, and you shiver as Fulke mutters.
“Studying you. Am I not allowed?” Like this? But why?
Fulke confuses you. Ever since she saw your neck half sliced open, she changed. Despite knowing how quickly you heal, she insisted you stay in bed for days. She completely abandoned kidnapping Sigurd, which she had told you she'd plan to do after killing Eivor. She stayed by your bedside until she deemed you able to walk again, and after that?
She never stopped touching you.
It isn't in the way you know. Without completing a mission, Fulke never rewards you. But she does now, and it's all the time.
In the mornings, her lips brush the crown of your head while her fingers intertwine with your own. She whispers good morning little lamb with a slightly rough voice, and you forget how to breathe. Throughout the day, her hands regularly gravitate to your hips, lingering over your thighs. But why? Fulke's interactions leave you dizzy, and this case isn't any different, hot as you force out an answer.
"Of course Sire. If–if it helps with your work, um." You tentatively speak, and Fulke encouragingly hums, fingers tracing the curve of your neck, her touch makes you jerk in surprise. "Ah! Uh, please feel free to…study me…?" Fulke smiles softly with a tinge of mischief, and you swallow.
"It won't help. Not in the slightest, actually." You blink, eyebrows furrowing.
"Sire, forgive me for asking, but then why–"
"Fulke." You sharply inhale as she pushes flush against you, making your neck crane back just to meet her gaze. "I want you to call me Fulke."
You stand like a fish out of water, finding the idea absurd. The Zealot doesn't call their Sire by their name. However, Fulke has no problem convincing you otherwise.
The towering woman simply raises an eyebrow, and her voice is a low, commanding drawl.
"Say it." You don't know whether your shiver is from fear or awe.
"...Fulke," her hum of approval makes your heart skip a beat. Her large hands brush over your cheek, and you swear she smirks when you quiver in response.
"Would you believe me if I say I've had a change of heart? I thought I needed you to carry out my plans, to use you as a pawn…but when I saw you like that…" Fulke's deep eyes are like crashing waves, threatening to pull you under. It’s a stare that tingles your entire body. This is something I do not know. What was this feeling? You're hot, breaths growing heavy as Fulke murmurs.
"It hit me. Just how much you mean to me. Y/N…" her hands cup your cheeks, easily covering both sides of your head. Fulke’s long fingers are like sparks on your skin, and you worry you'll burn her with how hot you are.
"I want to kiss you." What?
“I–what–uh–” Your insides are a flustered mess. How could such a simple sentence be so damning? Your cheeks feel like they’ll melt off your face, mouth dry as you stutter. Fulke lets out a breathless chuckle, taking in your reaction.
"…Now even more so. Will you let me, little lamb? Or should I continue to gaze until you do?" I don’t understand. You simply lived to fulfill another's wish. There was nothing to want from you, let alone anything to love. Love was something only a person could have…
…Yet here Fulke was, asking you to love her.
"I, no–the Zealot–it lives to–" A finger presses against your lips, making your words die in your throat. Fulke stares into your eyes as though searching through your soul. She speaks with such conviction you can't help but tremble.
"I'm not asking the Zealot, I'm asking you. What do you want? What do you desire from me?"
Have I ever been asked that before?
You can hardly speak. The words feel hard to say without guidance. Without a role. To say what you wanted, when you didn’t know if you were a person?
"I…" The Zealot was born of the Sire's desire. I am the sword. I am the spear. I am the…I am…I…
…What am I?
"I–I want, I need…" You heave, hands gripping Fulke's wrists as you try to understand what this burning is. It makes you restless, panicked even. How could you desire what the Sire did not? You did not want anything but Fulke to be happy, so what was this yearning? What was this pain?
What do I need?
"That's it love, say what you want. You're allowed to have desires and chase after them. You're more than a tool or pawn… You're a person."
I am? You gap up at Fulke. You had never heard such words before. You didn't think they'd ever apply to you. Yet warmth fills your chest, and you don't realize you're crying till she wipes your tears away. Fulke smiles, gentle as she whispers.
"It's okay. Tell me, little lamb. I will do everything you ask. Everything." Her words are the final nail in the coffin, and the words rush out in a frenzy.
"I want you to pet me. Tell m-me I've been good." You're bawling, clinging onto Fulke as she hugs you tight. She hums in encouragement, lips brushing against your temple.
"You have been good. So good to me love. My precious baby." Her immediate compliance makes you melt, leaning into her body. You look up, and whatever expression on your face makes Fulke groan, eyes dark with lust.
"What else? Tell me." She knows the answer. You both do. Yet it's necessary to speak aloud. To have it come into existence.
"Kiss me. I want you Fulke. Make me yours, hold me–" Her lips capture your own before you can finish the last word. It's a possessive dance, and you grow weak under the will of her devilish tongue.
Fulke hardly relents. She takes and takes from you–your strength, your burning core, the very air you breathed–as though fervent to claim the entirety of your being. The kiss lingers when she pulls away, haunting your lips with a hunger for more. The paladin seems to be plagued with the same ghost, heaving as she gazes down at you.
"You've done well. Now…let me take care of the rest."
#fulke x reader#fulke ac valhalla#assassin's creed#ac valhalla#i dunno what else to tag#but like. yea i have some wild concepts sometimes#dont ask when the second part will come this took like two months lolol
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Deltarune thread: One More Final
So, a year and a half later, I've done it. I figured it out.
My Ralsei posts from October 2021, right after Chapter 2 came out, they gave METANARRATIVE threads as to Ralsei's actions. But not STORY-LEVEL MOTIVATION. The HOW, not the WHY.
I think I've cracked it.
Before we get started, if you haven't seen or don't remember my past Deltarune posts, here's a refresher: Part 1 Part 2
It all goes back to the theory that's been bouncing around the fandom for ages now, that Ralsei is the horned headband Kris had as a child.
For the sake of brevity, this video will take the place of an explanation. It's about a minute long
My realization is, this theory gives Ralsei CLEAR MOTIVATION for wanting to create an omni-narrative like I speculate about in these posts. That being that Ralsei, as the horn headband, is a literal manifestation of Kris' desire for wish fulfillment.
Ralsei, then, is acting in a way that he thinks satisfies Kris' desires. Kris demonstrably is the less-loved and less successful child. Asriel's side of the room is far more decorated, he's much more loved by his family and by the town as a whole. He is the model citizen.
Ralsei, then, by instigating the narrative of Deltarune, by having secret talks with Kris, who is then going on to create yet more dark fountains, may be acting in Kris' believed interest. Creating the framework for Kris to experience something fulfilling and interesting.
However, Kris seems offput by Ralsei. If we assume Ralsei is the headband this makes sense. Ralsei appears as the Kris Kris wishes they were. A boss monster, like their family. Like Asriel, their brother, the perfect child to their parents, who is everything they are not.
Even if we take Ralsei at face value and assume he is not behind the dark fountains, throw my theory out the window, the fact you are combining all the Dark Worlds into Your Castle Town, that Ralsei is bringing Kris on this adventure, is a sort of wish fulfillment.
No matter how we analyze this, either Ralsei and Kris are complicit, or their ends seem to run parallel to each other, even if on the surface their motives seem to be contradictory. And no matter how you slice it… This drives the point home, that Ralsei, and Your Castle Town, are representative of fans engaging with fiction. What is fanfiction, what is death of the author, what are collaborative canons like the SCP Foundation, D&D, Star Trek, Star Wars… If not ultimate wish fulfillment?
And so it all comes together. Whether Ralsei is complicit with opening the fountains, whether Ralsei and Kris are complicit or working together, both opening the fountains and building up Your Castle Town are narrative parallels to how fans interact with stories.
This even allows my theories to function free of the need for Ralsei to be dishonest. He can still be trying to fulfill his role in the prophecy, he can still be working towards sealing the fountains, as part of the narrative. Everyone playing their role.
Ultimately this fits with the themes we've seen so far beautifully. The player is not the protagonist, the player is an intrusive force in the world. But then, there is still the story. There are still forces beyond our knowledge or control. Gaster, Ralsei, the Knight.
As Toby said, there is only one ending. But there's something more important than reaching the end. The story would occur in the context of the world, with or without us. The forces inciting the narrative exist either way. We are interlopers, but also only participants.
So then, what is Ralsei? That's a question I think unanswerable until further chapters are out (this year, I hope?). But, these Tumblr posts have indicated some narrative threads left for us to pull at. And, well.
I'll see you all again when Chapters 3, 4, and 5 are out. :)
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Comfy-vember Day 2
Prompt: Favourite song — Holding hands — Walking and talking
Star Wars, clone OC & clone OC
Check out this post to request a prompt!
What’s the use in having a tall brother if you can’t see him in a crowd? Racer considers trying to hop, before deciding that’s a little undignified even by her standards. So she does the next best thing, which is also probably going to be much more effective.
She cups her hands around her mouth, tilts her head back, and hollers,
“Fury you idiot, you lost me! Hey! I’m over here! Hey!”
He finds her in no time, of course he does. She’s hard to ignore when she puts her mind to it. And whenever she’s around an open flame. But Blue confiscated her flares and her grenades last week, and she hasn’t figured out how to get them back yet. Whisper won’t help until she apologises for stealing those leftovers, and she’s not about to do that.
“You’re so loud,” he complains, and holds his hand out to her.
“Yeah, well, wanna guess how I know your boyfriend’s name?” she asks as she threads her fingers with his. Harder to lose someone when you’re holding onto them.
“Gross little weirdo. When I was your height–”
“When I was your gender–”
He scoffs and rolls his eyes, and yanks her around a trio of adults trying to wrangle what seems to be a few too many children. One of them makes a break for it and is promptly chased down by one of their fathers. Privately, Racer is rooting for them to get away again. They can’t get in too much trouble at a festival, right?
“I’m getting some of that melon juice,” Fury decides, and drags her along to a slightly crooked line of temporary food stands.
She doesn’t complain, but she is going to make him get her some juice, too.
“Hey, is your creature gonna be here?” she asks after taking an obnoxiously loud and rattling sip of her drink.
“Which creature?”
“You know, the big one.”
“If you’re talking about my boyfriend, no, he’s helping Jules with verd’goten plans.”
“You’re gonna get dizzy if you keep rolling your eyes.”
“You should try it, it might air out your brain a little.”
She snorts and steps on his foot, and ignores when he elbows her in the side. It’s how they say they love each other. Of course, Blue thinks they’re ridiculous, but he thinks that about a lot of things that they do. He’s obviously never been right.
“What are you doing later, anyway?” she asks. “Me and Ember are taking a speeder out to stargaze after the second moon goes down. You could take another crack at that astronavigation you’re trying to learn.”
“Sure, yeah,” he says after a considering moment. “I was always good with a compass, I don’t know why this is so hard.”
“Maybe you should try airing your brain out a little bit.”
“Ooh, hey, they have cinnamon flatbread.”
She buys, this time, because it’s only fair. And because then, she can claim that she can get away with stealing pinches off his bread, because she paid for it.
The festival is loud and bright and has more people than she’s ever seen in Mos Espa before. It’s a good thing they’re holding hands, because she can count five or six times that she would have lost him if they’d been separated by an arm’s length.
“You hear that?” she asks, scrubbing her hand on her pants to wipe off the cinnamon powder. “They’re playing our song.”
First time they’d all gone out after the war. The whole squad clustered together in a club, clinging to each others’ hands as she and Fury do now, laughing at each other over the music and trying to mimic the dancing of the people around them. Poorly, at the time, but they’ve all gotten a little better sense.
He spins her under his arm, and she laughs as she ducks to fit, wrapping her arm around his waist as she nudges into his side.
“Still a good song,” she says, spinning him this time. He has to duck even farther to fit under her arm, since he is, irrationally, a head taller than her. But she doesn’t mind. He’s always been her favourite brother.
They dance to the song in the street, and the festival is all the better for it, and she loves, like she always does, that people are staring.
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✔ { holds up hideki/@worldatourfeat }
plotting guide
My muse(s):
A servant that should not exist, a error in the system.
Do I know your muse(s): yes | no | a little | tell me about your muse
I've read about your boy but i always love hearing about other peoples muses, i think it be fun to plot something more like for instance maybe aoibhe hints at using loopholes, I can see aoibhe growin to genuinly care about hideki's plight to protect his sister.
Setting: our verse | my verse | your verse | modern | alternate universe | other
Aoibhe is a versatile muse and i think it would be fun to play with the fate moon cell story. Sakura in the game is an "Npc" and i wanted to leave Aoi's role vague due to not messing to much with the story outside of plots.
But I can see aoibhe offering her help as much as she can while still being neutral if hideki choses to befriend / make a bond with her.
Pre-established relationships? yes | no | depends on the relationship
I'm a shipping whore i don't mind what happens as long as your willing to yell with me about them XD
Possible relationships: friends | classmate | co-worker | roommate | family, real or adopted | dating or blind date | married | friends with benefits | unrequited love | lending a hand | teacher - student | rivals | allies | partner-in-crime | enemies | protecter - guarded | business partners | spy - infiltrated | manipulator - manipulated | star-crossed | first meeting | other
I can see aoibhe getting after your boy if he does stupid shit, as a nurse / apothecary she will make him rest be warned.
I’m in the mood for: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other
I say this with my whole chest , give me all your ideas, i'll take em all.
Feel free to: message me ooc | message me ic | tell me your ideas | write a starter | answer one of my opens | send a meme | reblog this with your preferences - let’s find common interests!
as i said before come yell at me XD
My muse(s):
A time traveling dragon
Do I know your muse(s): yes | no | a little | tell me about your muse
again tell me about your muse ! Let me fall in love with them !
Setting: our verse | my verse | your verse | modern | alternate universe | other
I mean we can play with the idea of a time traveler in a grail war, maybe they meet in a future he's happy and she's doing her best to not spoil anything. Time loops are a thing so maybe she has to do something small or noticeable to make time go the way it should -
Pre-established relationships? yes | no | depends on the relationship
I'm open for anything ngl.
Possible relationships: friends | classmate | co-worker | roommate | family, real or adopted | dating or blind date | married | friends with benefits | unrequited love | lending a hand | teacher - student | rivals | allies | partner-in-crime | enemies | protecter - guarded | business partners | spy - infiltrated | manipulator - manipulated | star-crossed | first meeting | other
Once again, give me all your ideas XD
I’m in the mood for: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other
Gib the muses
Feel free to: message me ooc | message me ic | tell me your ideas | write a starter | answer one of my opens | send a meme | reblog this with your preferences - let’s find common interests!
Again , come yell at me
#☆ :: ( Ashe )#☆ :: ( Aoibhe)#☆ :: (( Rp meme ))#☆ :: (( Answered Asks ))#atdutiesend#worldatourfeat
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