#& completely destroy me [side eyeing laboratory]
red-dyed-sarumane · 10 months
aru sekais really consistent about a lot of things amazingly. somehow. but the one thing i can never place is where exactly they're working. besides a city i get that much. shoushitsu mentions the classrooms & given the level & complexity of the work it's entirely possible it's a university site since u know thats a normal acceptable location to do research like its a pretty standard thing as far as i understand. but then theres other mentions like in kanon & yamete kudasai which seem to me to imply (if not directly suggest) thats its a separate outfit with its own work place & company & labs etc. as in entirely unrelated to any university lab sites.
at the same time i guess this doesn't exactly contradict itself since the shoushitsu chara doesn't seem to be directly involved in whatever the "present day" type group has going on. maximizer, kanon, apoptosis, laboratory, yamete all seem to be interconnected more directly with each other, in the same time frames as each other, as opposed to the "past" songs or shoushitsu itself which, as ive said, is detached as much as it can be. & given multiple songs have said the damage is very physical & wide spread on the world itself, it would make sense if, even if only one group or person started it, that others would eventually pick it up in their own capacity to try & limit the disaster as well. (not that it would help or get anyone anywhere but i could see how it would theoretically happen)
so what im getting at is, while its not confirmed yet by any means, it's entirely possible theres not one set lab location for the whole series
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ghostofhyuck · 4 months
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Dark Fantasy Series 7
Alien! Park Jisung x Scientist! Reader
Summary: As you attempt to find another trace of life through ex.trl.0205 or Jisung, you become closer to it, eventually creating a bond between the two of you that your colleagues don’t understand.
Word count: 3.6k
TW: Contains violence, death, and arson. Read at your own risk. 
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Your steps created noise against the marble floor, echoing through the hollow hallway of the laboratory. 
“Good morning Jeno,” you greeted your fellow researcher who only nodded. You noticed that he’s not smiling as usual. 
“Is there something wrong?” you asked. 
“It’s being stubborn as usual,” he explained, slacking his jaw in the process. “Almost threw a kick at me if I wasn’t able to avoid it.”
“Jisung did?” you asked. 
He only laughs bitterly, “I still wonder why you call him that when he’s not even a human.”
“Why? It’s much better than his subject name, ex.trl.0205 is hard to pronounce,” you explained. 
“Just say you’re attached to it,” Jeno comments. 
You only laugh at his remark. You two separated ways as you made your way through your office. Today’s another day for your research. You placed down your bag and took a sip from your coffee tumbler. You deeply pondered about Jeno’s comment about Jisung earlier, you could only shake your head in disappointment as you grab your lab coat and exit your office. 
“Good morning Jaemin,” you greeted another fellow researcher who lazily waved at you, eyeing the huge glass window in front of him. 
“Is he okay? I heard he almost kicked Jeno earlier,” you asked. 
“It’s okay, got scared with the injection,” Jaemin answered, emphasizing the “it” which you just ignored. 
“Again?” you asked, forehead creasing. 
“Hey, it’s not our fault we need its blood samples…if we can call the liquid fluids blood,” Jaemin shrugs. 
You only stared at the glass window. On the other side sits Jisung who’s distracting himself with the rubic cubes Jaemin gave him. You watch as he curiously tries to complete a side but due to frustration, he destroys it with his bare hands. You heard Jaemin whistle at the sight. He leans on his chair, feet placed on top of the table. 
“Do you really think we’ll succeed in this research?” he asked. “I mean, it’s been months and the progress isn’t moving.”
“We literally have an alien creature in front of us,” you pointed out. “Let’s just be happy about it, and we’re just getting started too.” 
“Yeah right, and you’re attached to it already,” Jaemin teased. 
You didn’t say a word. You watch as Jaemin stands up from his seat and taps your shoulder gently. “It’s all yours, I’m going out to have a nap.” 
You only nod. As soon as you hear the door closed, you gaze at Jisung again. He couldn’t see who’s behind the glass window unless they approached him personally inside his room. You took a deep breath before approaching the door and slowly twisting the knob. 
“Yn! You’re here!” Jisung shouted with glee as soon as he saw you. You haven’t even closed the door but Jisung’s already hovering over you. You still couldn’t believe that he’s a large creature. 
“Jisung — I can’t breathe!” you shouted, trying to tap his back. For a second he lets go and his smile is still there. 
“You’re here! I miss you! They were being mean to me again,” he complained, a pout forming on his lips which made you chuckle. 
“Ji, I told you that you shouldn’t use violence on the other researchers,” you lectured but his pout only became bigger. 
“He’s hurting me again,” Jisung said, pulling the sleeve of his shirt. You can see that there are a lot of patches around it. “He told me it’s just one time but he went for another and —-”
“There, there. It’s okay Jisung, I’ll talk to him later okay?” you said with a soft tone. Jisung only nods, slowly retrieving back his sleeve. 
You gave him a smile before brushing his hair lightly, “should we go back to what you have learned?” 
“Oh I made progress!” Jisung excitingly said. Pulling you towards the table area. You watch as he scrambles around the papers that’s scattered on the desk. His eyes squinting at which is which. 
“Here! Here it is!” he said, giving you a crumpled paper. You glanced at it and tried to decipher his writings. 
“Ji,” you only breathe. “This is progress! Great job!”
You pulled him for a hug, ignoring the way he wraps you around his arms and traps you there. 
Jisung or ex.trl.0205 is a research of yours. It was a rare case for an alien to crash into the earth. On the same night where the meteor shower graced the Earth, so did Jisung who happened to have an accidental landing on a rice field in a small town. 
You’re an astronomy scientist. It’s been a long dream of yours to discover what more the universe can offer aside from what has been discovered, and you got what you wanted when Jisung entered Earth. Now, all you have to do is to be patient with your research. 
Jisung was inhuman. He was incredibly large, has sky blue eyes with a pupil that resembles a reptile. His hair is disheveled pitch black, and he doesn’t have any fingernails, his fingers are longer and pointed. His skin texture was a bit slimy but tolerable. If you took away all of these, he could pass as a human being. Aside from that, he’s twice stronger than a normal human being. 
When you first meet him, you wonder if his fellows are out there somewhere, in an undiscovered planet probably. You wanted to know more about him and if there’s a liveable planet out there. So when you proposed your research to the laboratory research head, he gave you an immediate approval. 
Having Jisung as a subject was hard. He was aggressive at first, you remember earning a bruise when he snatches your wrist, his fingers sinking into it. If it wasn’t for Jeno who immediately responded, you would’ve been injured. 
But you were persistent. You wanted to get Jisung's trust in order for him to follow you. So you tried to approach him with care and like a mother. Your colleagues think that your method is absurd, thinking that you’ll be attached to him but you wanted to prove them wrong. You only see Jisung as nothing but a mere subject.
At first, Jisung couldn’t communicate properly. But with your patience, you tried your best to teach him your language. He becomes more calm whenever you visit him. You gave him a smile, even though he didn't respond. For months, you’re like a fool who keeps on talking to him even though you’re not sure if he understands you. So when he first started speaking, you were surprised by how deep his voice was, but what surprised him more was that the first word he spoke was your name. 
It took you a few months to gain his trust. Jisung is naive, but like an animal, he can sense who has good intentions on him. That’s why he’s more aggressive to your fellow researchers who want nothing but research about him. But with you, your only intention was to know if there’s more of his being from afar. That’s why you couldn’t do any harm from him, only questions that you patiently wait for an answer. 
Today, you made progress. Jisung wrote down formulas that may be a way for you to navigate his home. It was hard to decipher because of his handwriting but at least it’s progress. Your eyes scan at the scattered papers on his table, Jisung stood beside you, eyes locked on you who’s oblivious to it. 
“You did great Jisung,” you complimented once again. “Thank you so much, this is great. I —” 
“Yn, can you stay here for a while?” he asked with a soft tone. “It’s been so long since I saw you, and I miss you.” 
You didn’t notice how your heart skipped a beat. You only gave him a smile as you pat his shoulders lightly. 
“Okay, since there’s progress I can stay for a while, what do you want to do?” you asked. 
“Help me with this?” he asked, showing you the destroyed rubik’s cube earlier. 
You only laughed as you held the cube, “I’m sure this one’s destroyed, how about we just read a book?”
Jisung happily obliges with your request. He went to the stack of encyclopedias on the corner. There, he grabs the first volume. You sat on the floor as you waited for Jisung to sit beside you. 
You watched as he scrolled through the book, opening a page that he seems to be familiar with. 
“Alien,” he muttered. “That’s me right?” 
You only nod, watching for his reaction. He seems to be confused with it. 
“Well, if I was on your planet, I’m the alien,” you said with a joking tone. 
“Oh, that makes sense,” Jisung said. He glances at the window, and the room falters into silence. 
“Do you miss them Jisung?” you asked.
He then looks at you and smiles, showing off his sharp canines. “I do, but you’re here. That’s why I don’t feel lonely at all.”
You only smiled back, and then proceeded to continue reading the book. Minutes turned into hours, until you two slowly fell asleep beside each other. 
“You should stop falling asleep inside its room,” Jeno lectured. He found you asleep once again in Jisung’s room and slowly woke you up without disturbing Jisung who’s hold on you was tight. 
“And you should stop stabbing him aimlessly,” you lectured back. Entering the laboratory’s cafeteria, Jaemin waves at both of you who’s having his lunch. 
“It’s not my fault it's moving a lot,” Jeno defended, sitting beside Jaemin. “It’s not like it gets hurt. That creature’s skin is thicker than us.”
“It’s being dramatic so that you can baby it yn,” Jaemin teased. 
Your forehead creased, “stop that, and so what if Jisung’s skin is thick? He still gets hurt by it. Just be careful next time Jeno.”
You heard your research partner let out a sigh, “Fine fine, this is going to be the last too. No more samples from it.”
You only breathe, “thank you.”
“But yn, I hope this is also going to be the last time we caught you sleeping in its room,” Jeno added. “We still don’t know if it's dangerous or not.”
“Jisung’s not dangerous,” you defended. 
“Of course it’s not dangerous when it comes to you, it likes you,” Jaemin pointed out. “But it’s still an alien, we never know what will happen if it snapped.” 
“Then let’s just hope that it won’t,” you mumbled.
Weeks passed and with Jisung’s formula, you were able to construct an equation for how you can navigate his home planet. Every night, you would go to the laboratory, observe Jisung from outside and within his room. Every night, you also notice how he’s slowly becoming more humane than the first time you encountered him. 
He becomes calm whenever Jeno and Jaemin visit his place, as long as you’re with them, Jisung doesn’t attack your research partners. They also learned to be more approachable to Jisung, but still, you observed that Jisung still has his walls high when it comes to them. 
Slowly, your research is nearing its completion. All you need to do is to make an attempt to communicate with them. Jisung can be a main method in this part but you have to be confident in this part. 
“Yn!” Jaemin shouted as he barged into your office. 
“What? What’s wrong!?” you asked, he was catching his breath as he slowly approached you. 
“They’re…they’re removing you from this research,” Jaemin broke out. 
Your eyes went wide, “what!? Jaemin, what do you mean?”
“Jeno got a phone call from the head lab, they want you there, they think that it’s better for Jeno to lead the research —”
“Bullshit, don’t tell me Jeno agreed to this.”
“No! Of course he didn’t, he tried to justify that this is your research but Doctor Lee just thinks that…” Jaemin pursed his lips, looking away for a second before glancing at you with a worried expression. “You’re too attached to the subject.” 
“That’s it!? That’s all?” you asked, appalled. 
“They think that your affection may ruin the research, biased if you think about it,” Jaemin explained. 
“I know that it was my method but if I start the research by being hostile against Jisung, we wouldn’t make progress,” you explained. “I know that I am attached to Jisung but it didn’t affect my work and research, tell that to them.” 
“I am sorry yn,” was the only thing that Jaemin could say. “We tried really hard, but their decision is final”
The door of your office opened, revealing a disheveled Jeno who’s catching his breath. As he stood up, he made contact with Jaemin. 
“I guess you told her,” he then lets out a sigh. “I’m sorry yn, I really tried to tell them that I cannot handle your research but they were persistent.” 
You only fall into silence. Silently nodding because you know that it wasn’t their fault. Frustration heaps on you because this wasn’t supposed to happen. You’re one step closer to finishing your project and then the next thing you know, they’re pulling you out of it. 
“Until when can I stay here?” I asked. 
“Within this week,” Jeno answered. 
Your forehead creased, “within this week!? Are they so eager to  throw me out of my own research!?”
“I know but listen,” Jeno approaches you. “You can still try to find time to finish your research, okay? Don’t worry about us here, do your research on your own. Jaemin and I, we won’t be touching it.” 
“What about Jisung?” you asked. 
Jaemin only smiles, “We’ll take good care of Jisung, if that’s what you want.” 
“Thank you,” you breathe. Grabbing both of them for a hug. The two only hugged you back, trying to comfort you as much as they could. 
You spent the remaining days inside the lab improvising the formulas and equations. You also gave Jeno and Jaemin a brief summary about it even though you three agreed that it’s still your research. 
On those remaining days, you could only visit Jisung from behind the glass window. You only observed him there, who’s busy entertaining himself. There were times where you watched him stare at the window, probably missing his family. You also noticed that he ripped off the “alien” page of the encyclopedia. It was there on the floor lying. You wonder what it meant for Jisung. 
You know that Jisung won’t be able to take your departure easily, so do you. You admit that you did grow attached to Jisung but at the very least, you’ve grown only nothing but sympathy for the clueless creature who’s an alien in this world. You atleast, want to give him some companionship. 
“Hey,” you were startled to see Jaemin beside you. He crosses his arms as he glances at Jisung. “It’s your last day. Are you not going to say goodbye to him?”
You only let out a sigh, “I don’t know what to say. Maybe I should just not say goodbye —”
“And leave him waiting for you? It’s better for him to have proper closure yn,” Jaemin explained. “Come on now, it can be just a short goodbye.” 
Jaemin’s right. You almost spent a year with Jisung too. He’s attached to you too, it’s best for him to hear your goodbyes. That’s why you walked your way towards the door, slowly opening it. 
“Yn! You’re here!” and just like the other visits you have with Jisung, he hovers you over with a hug.
“I miss you! I’ve been waiting for you!” he excitedly said. “I learned how to do the cube! Here let me show you!”
But instead of answering him, you grab his wrist, making him stop. Jisung’s smile disappeared when he saw that you’re frowning. 
“Did something happen?” he asked. 
“Jisung, listen, I —” you inhaled deeply. “I am leaving.”
“What!? What do you mean by leaving?” he asked, his tone dripping with confusion. 
“The lab, they assigned me to another field,” you explained calmly. “But don’t worry, Jaemin and Jeno will take care of you —”
“No! You can’t leave me!” Jisung shouted, you were surprised with how his voice raised. 
“Jisung, I have no choice, they —” you let out a scream when Jisung grabs your wrist, just like what he did when you first encountered him. You tried to tug it away but he didn’t even move a muscle. You glanced at him, his expression darkens as he stares at you. 
“No! I won’t let you leave me!” he shouted.
“Jisung, let me go! Please you’re hurting me,” you plead, dropping on your knees as you try to remove his hands from your wrist. 
“I won’t let them take you away from me!” Jisung shouted, his grip becoming tighter that you could only scream in pain. 
The door swung open, revealing Jeno and Jaemin, and some guards of the laboratory. 
“Hold it!” Jeno ordered. The guard immediately responded, hovering over Jisung who pushed them away with ease. He didn’t let go of you, dragging you on the floor as he attacked those who approached you.
But a guard was able to push Jisung to the ground, holding him firmly along with his colleagues. Jeno immediately approached Jisung who was struggling to get out of the hold. You watch as Jeno grabs a tranquilizer. He stabs it on Jisung’s neck who groans because of the pain. 
Without any hesitation, Jaemin approaches you. You watch him pull out a scalper and stab it in Jisung’s wrist. The creature screams in pain, letting go of your hand. 
You weren’t able to process everything. Jaemin drags you out of the room, leaving Jisung there to struggle to get out of the hold. You didn’t notice the way your tears flowed down from your eyes. Shock and adrenaline seeped through every veins of your body as you and Jaemin reached your office. 
That was the last time you saw Jisung. Due to your injury, you were advised to take a month's rest first before going back to the main lab. You couldn’t do anything but sit and devour yourself in the silence of your apartment room. Everytime you look at your wrist, it reminds you of Jisung. How despite everything, he’s still a monstrous creature that’s dangerous. 
All of those months of peace and affection crumbled down into minutes of nothing but pure horror and fear. You don’t know what to do. You were left agitated inside your apartment room. You wanted to know what happened to Jisung after that. You were scared of what's going to happen to him. 
You tried to reach Jeno and Jaemin but you discovered that they were forbidden to give you updates about the research. You called bullshit, even dropping a phone call to Doctor Lee, your supervisor and the head of the main lab. You tried to convince him to return you to your research, but he has decided that your research will be in the better hands of your colleagues. You were frustrated, trying to pour your rage on finalizing your research but somehow, you couldn’t concentrate in your isolation. 
Until a few days later, it was as if your wishes came true, a phone call from Jaemin disturbed your sleep. It was almost midnight, but it didn’t matter to you. All you needed was an update. 
“Jaemin, what happened —”
“Yn, Jisung escaped!” Jaemin shouted. From the background, you can hear car screechings and the continuous blaring of horns and Jaemin cursing. 
“What!? How!?” you asked. 
“He went mad — fuck, get the fuck out of my way!” Jaemin shouted. 
“Where are you Jaem!?”
“I need to go there, you should too! This is code red yn!” 
The phone call ends, and you immediately jump out of your bed. You didn’t care if you’re wearing nothing but your sleepwear, you grabbed a dirty hoodie from your laundry basket and the keys of your car. Hurriedly, you drove your way to the laboratory. 
As you find your way there, you couldn’t help but feel your heart beating faster. You noticed that there’s a bright light glowing on the laboratory. Your hold on the wheels became tighter as you pressed on the gas pedal harder. Scurrying yourself towards the laboratory. 
Your eyes became wide the moment you parked the car. Hastily going out of the car but you were frozen to what you have witnessed. 
The whole laboratory is drowning in flames. It was nothing but pure fire as it continued to burn. Your shaking hands found its way to your opened mouth. Letting out a disgruntled scream as you dropped on your knees. 
It can’t be. You watched as your dreams crashed and burned into ashes as the fire stenched right through your nose. Its heat is becoming more intense as if it's not going to stop any minute. 
You watched as from the fire, a figure slowly walked out of it. You knew from that silhouette who it was. But you couldn’t do anything but watch him approach you until he’s standing in front of you. 
“You returned,” Jisung said, a smile forming on his lips. 
“Jisung…what is this?” you asked, almost stumbling on your own words. 
“They took you away from me,” he stated. “So I’m taking away everything from them.” 
Your eyes went wide because of his answer. “No, no! Jisung! This is wrong, you shouldn’t —”
“I did this for you yn,” Jisung rebutted with a soft tone. He kneels in front of you. You saw nothing but a creature whose longing for you. His eyes stared at you, sending goosebumps through your spine. You watched as Jisung became more inhumane in your eyes. 
His fingers trailed on your cheeks, making you flinch. As you look away, he grabs your chin, making you squirm in pain as his finger’s pointed ends pressed deeply on your cheeks. 
“Nothing can separate us now,” Jisung declared. “We will be together, forever.”
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starlene · 1 month
“Henry Jekyll literally doesn’t know what hits him when he closes the door of his library behind him. Out of nowhere, there’s a fist in his face. His lip splits from the punch.”
A what-if fic where John Utterson gets to taste formula HJ7. 
Musical verse (specifically that production of the musical that had Utterson canonically in love with Jekyll and implied they had slept together at some point that’s given me permanent brainworms… but feel free to substitute that with your own favourite production.) Extremely unhappy and generally upsetting.
Maybe one day, John Utterson walks into Dr. Henry Jekyll’s empty laboratory.
Maybe the door is left slightly open, as if by accident, and he decides to go inside. Maybe, when inside, his curiosity gets the better of him and he rummages through his friend’s belongings. Maybe he comes across his diary and reads some of the latest entries, a series of incoherent scribbles where Henry seems to celebrate a great success and to describe a horrible accident at the same time.
And maybe, for reasons best known to himself, he decides to have a drink from the glass bottle he finds next to the diary, holding some of the ruby-red elixir the ecstatic entries seem to be referring to.
Unlike Edward Hyde, after the effects of formula HJ7 kick in, John Utterson doesn’t go on a rampage. He feels stronger than usual, and bolder – but he doesn’t want to shout that out for all the world to hear. Instead, his newly cleared mind is focused on a single track of thought. He puts the bottle with the rest of the elixir into his pocket and goes to Henry’s library to wait.
While waiting, he methodically rips apart every single book on the uppermost three shelves of the bookcase by the door.
Henry Jekyll literally doesn’t know what hits him when he closes the door of his library behind him. Out of nowhere, there’s a fist in his face. His lip splits from the punch.
Of course Henry fights back. At first, he just hits his attacker without thinking. The attacker hits back, with more force and precision than Henry. Henry’s ears are ringing, his lip and nose are bleeding, he’s losing his balance. It’s only after the two of them have fallen down and are wrestling on the floor that Henry knows for sure that his opponent is John. He has never seen his friend like that, his eyes so dark with fury he can hardly recognise him.
The fight is over soon as John easily emerges the victor. Henry is lying on the floor and John is sitting on top of him, holding him down by the base of his throat. Henry’s lip is throbbing with pain, and he is panting, his chest rising and falling under John’s palm. John presses his hand down hard enough that Henry doesn’t attempt to wriggle away, but not as hard as to take Henry’s breath or speech away.
“What the fuck? What the fuck, John, what is wrong with you?”
“I love you, Henry.”
“What? Is that why you hit me, what–”
“Shut up. Just shut the fuck up. I love you. And I hate myself for it.”
Henry is hurting all over and his head is spinning. His past weeks with Hyde have been full of surprises, but running around town having his revenge and his fun has done nothing to prepare him for his best friend’s sudden assault and confession.
“I have loved you for so long. Almost half of my life. I hate it. You’re always in my mind. I can’t have a moment to myself without you there. I want you out of my mind, but I can’t, you’re always there and I can’t stop loving you. God, Henry. I love you more than anything. I hate you for it.”
John’s words are shocking, but Henry has already stopped paying full attention to them. Instead, he stares into John's eyes. His pupils are so dilated they look completely black and his gaze is wandering, not focused on anything in particular. Just as Henry is beginning to understand what might be going on, a flash of ruby catches his attention. From the corner of his eye, he spots a half-empty glass bottle lying next to a pile of destroyed books on the other side of the room.
There can only be one explanation for this.
Henry can’t help himself: he suddenly feels very inquisitive, almost frantically so. Now that he knows personally what his new formula is capable of, it would be too dangerous to even think of testing it on anyone else. But if a test subject volunteers like this, well… The scientist in Henry is already making observations and taking mental notes. It’s so fascinating to see the effects of his formula on another person, he doesn’t hear what John is saying anymore.
“John, how much of the formula did you take?”
John answers by switching his right hand to the base of Henry’s throat and slapping his face with his left. Henry feels a new gush of blood spurting from his lip.
“LISTEN TO ME! Will you for once in your life listen to me? You’re so incredibly selfish. It’s always your studies, and your experiments, and it doesn’t matter to you what happens to the people around you because you simply don’t care.
You’re so fucking selfish, Henry. When you get some idea in your mind, you act like it’s the only thing in the world that matters, and everyone else is just there to make it happen. And when it doesn’t happen, you act like it’s the fault of everyone else but yourself. Like no one else has dreams or even any sense in his head than you.
God. Some days I hate you for all that. And yet I want you. I can’t help it. I want you so much, but I know you don’t want me. It destroys me. It destroys me to remember how we tried it once, and how you ran away afterwards. Don’t think that I’ve forgotten about that. I can’t forget it. I can’t forget how it felt when you woke up and pushed me aside and ran away.
And yet I want you. God. Not anyone else, I never have, just you. I want to have you. I want to fuck you, but I can’t have that. I want to love you, love you as my husband and not as my friend, but I can’t have that. I can only have you as my friend, so I try to be the best friend I can be, though for God’s sake, you don’t make it easy. But I try, so I can have you like that. That at least as a friend, I can be closer to you than anyone else.
But now that you’re getting married to your precious fiancée, soon I can’t even have you like that anymore.”
John stops his tirade for a moment, as if to allow all his accusations some time to sink in. Henry doesn’t say anything, but he thinks, it’s not like that. He loves Emma like one loves taking a walk across a sunlit meadow on a beautiful spring day. And he loves John too, like one loves sitting by a warm fireplace after a rainstorm. He loves them both, in completely different ways, and it has never occurred to him that by inviting Emma into his life he would be pushing John out of it.
But he doesn’t love John like John loves him, that much is true. He can’t be John’s. He can’t be anyone’s. Not even Emma’s, not completely, he doesn’t want to be–
Henry wheezes as John moves his hand higher on his throat. As his assailant speaks again, he sounds very close to tears.
“Henry, I can’t go on like this. I can’t go on loving you so much. I want it to stop. Why can’t I make it stop? I can’t stop thinking how you’re the only thing that I want. That I’ve ever wanted. I live for you, and you don’t even notice it. You make it so hard for me. I can’t bear it anymore.”
John is crying now, he is leaning over Henry and his tears are falling on his face.
“I love you so much, but my life, everything… It would be better without you. It would be better if you didn’t exist.”
A wave of fear courses through Henry, sudden and white and hot, like molten lead. His formula has clearly unleashed a torrent of fury and misery within John, stronger than Henry could ever have believed his friend capable of feeling. But now, with the grip on his throat tightening further, Henry understands that simply hurting and intimidating him might not be enough for this new side of John. No. He might actually be dangerous.
And with John already being the sturdier and stronger of them, even without HJ7 in his veins boosting his strength… More and more waves of white-hot fear are storming in Henry now. He’s starting to panic, he knows he can’t fight back, but he tries to think, think, think.
Henry knows that in a situation like this, Hyde wouldn’t agree to any bargain, but maybe John’s is a different beast. Maybe he can be negotiated with. John’s grip is getting almost too tight for Henry to speak, but it’s not quite there yet. He decides to take his chance and beg.
“John, please… Don’t. You can do anything else to me. Anything you want. I want you… I want you to do it, whatever you like. Just please don’t kill me.”
John’s pitch-black eyes stare straight into Henry’s for a moment.
“I mean it. I’m yours. I’m yours. Anything you want. Just… Please…”
The hand holding Henry by the throat lets go. Henry gasps for breath as John scoops him up from the floor and squeezes him against himself. It hurts when he pushes his mouth against Henry’s split lip.
Henry’s blood flows in their mouths and seals their kiss.
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fantasy-relax · 7 months
Warning: mention of suicide
An office, a blonde alone going through the paperwork needed to keep the school running smoothly.
*The materials necessary for the class laboratory practice...*
How many times have she done this? How many have she read this?
"Miranda you need to rest. Do you want to go have breakfast with me?"
How many times have you chosen to be next to her?
She hates to think about it because she hates the answer.
... One
You were with her one time, working with her.
"The next pen you throw at me I'll keep, now please don't make the next student cry, I'm begging you. Smiling won't kill you! .. okay now try to make look less psychotic."
Taking care of her.
"I'm sorry to wake you up but sleeping in your desk isn't good for you, especially at your age. OUCH"
She don't understand how it could happen, everything was wrong, you weren't the right *you*.
There was not a trace of the memories you had shared with her and every time you shared a moment so similar to the past her hopes took flight only to fall when there was not a hint of recognition on your face.
And yet she knew that look of love and adoration on your face.
You loved her, you were with her and in time you would recover your memory, that should have been enough...
But when you started talking about the future, about your career, about your desire to have at least two children...
"I feel like just one would be a little lonely for her or him, having someone next to her other than us would be better, we won't live forever they need company, brotherhood"
"Names aren't my thing, so you can name them yourself."
"And if it's a boy, we'll call him Adam?, I'm just joking, Eva is a good name."
"..." Nothing. There was nothing in your eyes. No reaction to hearing the name of the daughter that both of you lost.
"..." Miri, not pretty bird or something similar. Just Miri, you've never called her that, until now.
"Dear?" Mistake. Wrong. It was the wrong you.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have laughed, the name is important to you. Forgive me, Miranda"
You kissed her right hand. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. You always used to kiss the left. Always. Wrong. Wrong. Incorrect
"Love? Wh-ugh." She'll fix it. She always does it.
"UHG"  She will reset the loop. Next time you will be perfect. You will remember her, you will understand why she did it and you will forgive her. Because you will finally be the right *you*.
"Miff-ugh-ra" And then she'll bring Eva back and everything will be perfect.
"..." She hug your body, in a few more moments she will call to make preparations.
Everything will be perfect.
But you didn't come back.
You changed route.
You fell in love with someone else.
Sometimes your decisions ended up costing you your life.
Sometimes they had their stupid happy ending. Ignoring what they had done, what they had stolen.
But she would reset the loop as many times as necessary, she would endure millennia to have you by her side.
Until an accident destroyed her method of restoring it.
And that thieving bitch had you chained next to her.
"Why don't you take them by force?" One of the cult members had commented.
She tried. She gave you everything. She did everything. But your memories didn't come back. Your hatred only grew until your desperation was too much.
"Your love is a poison that corrodes my health and my soul, everything you love rots in your hands, I refuse to live on your terms. I will die on mine"
It was what you wrote before ending your life.
And no matter how she tried to get closer to you or tried to control you, the result was the same with almost the same words.
It was something she couldn't stand.
So her only hope was to restart and wait for you to choose her.
Now that is impossible. The repair would take decades to complete.
She thought about killing you, denying that damn woman the privilege of your love. But without the loop your soul would be free to wander, it took a long time to find you, so the best option was to wait for everything to be ready.
She signed the papers and continued working. There was no point in thinking about that. You will return to her.
You promised to love her. Until death do us part. Already did it
Yes, Miranda can wait for the arrival of your correct self.
If she had accepted you just the way you were, you would be together watching a movie with Eva, lying in a pillow fort with your arm on her shoulders and Eva on your lap. You would touch her gently and not with violence, you would kiss her with passion and not with disgust, you would look at her with love and not with hate.
You would had gone back to her if only she had been able to let you go in the first place.
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sl-newsie · 8 months
Query: Q x 00 Agent- Ch. 8: Distrust The Future
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As planned, we’ve kept our eyes out. It didn’t go unnoticed when Mallory proposed inserting nanobots in the bloodstreams of 00 agents. Once Q began production I kept a particularly close eye on it. Bond taught me that if an agent should ever need to disappear, they should be able to without question. After the incident with Silva I don’t have as deep of trust with MI6 anymore. 
The good news is that Bond eventually did come back. He told me about burning his childhood home down, which seemed to help him let go. Last I know he decided to take a holiday in Mexico. He’s there, while I’m posing as a trophy wife in Hamburg, Germany. My mission was to extract information about a potential underground sex trafficking gang, and I was fortunate enough to get close to one of the head leaders to get what we needed to bust them. It was done, but not before I put a bullet between his eyes. Unfortunately my escape brought on an explosion that didn’t go unnoticed to M, who’s waiting for me outside the airport.
“Welcome back from another successful mission, 0011.”
I haven’t had time to change, so I’m still wearing heavy makeup and using a trenchcoat to cover up my red dress that is practically nothing.
“Not entirely. I had to kill the sleazy bloke.”
M huffs. “Well at least you’re not like Bond and go about destroying a whole building in Mexico.” I follow him to an MI6 SUV and we start driving. “You’ll be pleased to know that you’ve been given new quarters in our new security building.”
“New security building? What about the old one?” I ask as I stare at the passing buildings.
“That’s going to be knocked down. I reckon they’ll put a parking lot there or something else that’s worthless.” He points to a newer building built along the river. “The new Center for National Security will replace it.”
I frown. “It looks modern, twisty, and ugly.”
“Good to see you haven’t lost your sense of taste. C runs it, you’ll meet him soon.”
“Who’s he?”
“The Director-General of the new Joint Intelligence Service. He’s been pressuring us to join the global surveillance initiative Nine Eyes. It would allow surveillance and intelligence from 9 different countries to be monitored.”
Flashbacks of Silva hacking Q’s computer system trigger a sense of untrust with this new program. Who’s to say this C fellow is on the right side? I keep my mouth shut and we drive in silence to an empty parking lot next to the new security building.
“I’ll escort you downstairs. Q is waiting for you.”
My head perks up. “He’s here?”
“Has a new lab away from prying eyes,” M explains as we head down a set of concrete stairs. “Right this way.”
The whole place is a labyrinth. Endless hallways filled with so many twists. I’m beginning to wonder how Q’s going to stand being cooped up down here. M leads me to a large metal door and swipes a key. As it opens, I get a good look at the room that puts Q’s old lab to shame. It looks like a computer threw up in here. So much technology you’d think the whole room was a machine itself. No doubt Q’s been overworking himself with new inventions.
“I’ll leave you to Q. I’m going to wait for Bond.” M gives a nod and walks back to the hall.
I step further into the lab and spot the crazy-haired scientist himself working off in a corner.
“Oh my God you have your own evil science lair! This is wicked!”
My words startle Q from the gun he’s working on. He rolls his eyes and walks over with his arms crossed.
“It’s an official laboratory, and- what are you wearing?”
I’ve partially undone my coat, allowing my red dress to be displayed.
“Disgrace is what I’m wearing,” I groan. “If I have to hear another politician boast about himself I’m going to jump in the river! I feel like a complete Jezebel.”
Q squints. “Who?”
“Jezebel. She was an Old Testament queen who worshiped Baal. She’s famous for wearing makeup while she schemed and murdered her husband’s enemies. Even today her name is regarded as a vicious woman who is evil and scheming. I’m wearing so much makeup my face feels like a brick wall.”
Q nods. “I heard the mission went well.”
“I aim to please.” After spotting a water closet I hold up my duffle bag. “Now if you’ll excuse me I’ll slip into something more comfortable.”
Q goes back to working while I enter the water closet. In my bag I have a fresh pantsuit, kitten heels, and a washcloth. First I wash my face with scalding hot water in hopes to wipe out my humiliation. Now that I look like myself, I shed the seducing red dress and put on my pantsuit, the armor of a 00 agent. When I step out I feel like a new woman.
Q looks up, his expression unwavering. “There you are. Now that you’re yourself again I’d like to show you the latest tech. I will instruct Bond as well once he returns.”
Every model of guns, grenades, and knives is hung up or scattered throughout the room. A scientific arsenal of death. I’m led to a table that's displaying a silver bracelet.
“I see you still wear the tracking pendant I gave you?” Q points to the necklace around my neck.
Indeed, the blue pendant is still gleaming around my neck. “I call it my good luck charm.” That, and it’s a thoughtful gadget.
“Well, good news.” Q holds up the bracelet as if he’s a jeweler selling a bargain. “I made this to go with it. Each piece folds out to become razor-sharp shrapnel.” He points to the clasp. “Just snap the clasp and throw it.” 
I hold out my hand and he clips it around my wrist with gentle hands. Though the longer Q touches me, the more stiff his hands become. Strange.
“It’s considerate that you’ve kept wearing the tracker,” Q hurries away to another room where a medical chair is set. “But as you know we’ve invented a more efficient way to track agents. One that C approves very much.”
“Yes, about that. Doesn’t unlimited access to security files raise a red flag? I would think you of all people would be cautious considering it was your system Silva hacked.”
The geek shows a look of conflict. “Yes. But we also have to trust the future. Nine Eyes may be the next big security technological breakthrough.” He shakes whatever internal struggle he’s fighting and walks towards the end of the lab.
“We shall continue with the smart blood once your old partner arrives. I think Bond will like what I have in store for him.”
“As impressive as your gadgets are, Bond’s not one for easy impressions.”
Q turns around with a mischievous smirk. “You’ll see.”
He presses a remote to activate a large metal garage door. First I see wheels, and now-
I gasp. “You didn’t…”
Q’s smile brightens the whole room. “I did.”
Now the entire car is in view. Elegant, silver, and powerful. It’s a shame Bond’s probably going to wreck it.
My mouth is still agape as I slowly catch up to where Q is standing. “It’s magnificent.”
He sighs, looking at the machine with strong pride. “I know. It’s an Aston Martin DB10. Zero to sixty in 3.2 seconds, bulletproof. I even added a few extra tricks. She was originally assigned for Bond, but was then reassigned to 009.”
My mind does a flip-flop. “So then what does Bond get?”
The Quartermaster digs in his pocket and pulls out a simple Rolex. “This.”
I stifle a laugh. “A watch? You expect Bond to be taken by a watch?”
“A tricked-up watch with an explosive,” Q replies as he shuts the door and we walk back to the front. “He should be grateful I’m still repairing his old car.” Q now clicks the remote again and another smaller door opens, revealing a sleek and gorgeous black motorcycle. “This is for you.”
My breath catches. I’ve always loved motorcycles, despite their dangerous circumstances. Sadly Bond always wrecks whatever motorcycles we’re given so I’ve never been assigned one. Until now.
“It’s my take on the current Brutus V9,” Q says proudly. “Still takes petrol and has a more old-fashioned look.” He gets a cheeky grin. “I thought you’d like that. Unlimited range, up to 200 miles per hour. Like the Aston Martin I also added some features such as guns in the taillights. There is also a storage compartment under the seat.”
He walks me through the ins and outs of the vehicle while I still stare at the gleaming motorcycle.
“You really outdid yourself, Quartermaster. I promise I will do everything I can to keep this beauty from getting a single scratch.”
Q laughs. “If Bond taught you how to drive, I have my doubts. Just be careful when you first try it out.”
I hum in response and go to take another look at the smart blood program. This isn’t like any other trackers I’ve dealt with. I had one in my arm once during my early days before 00 status, but that was different. You can remove a single tracker. It’s much harder, maybe even impossible, to remove something from your entire cardiovascular system. It seems so permanent.
Now I hear: “Ah, hello 007. Please excuse the mess.” 
Bond? I turn away from the disturbing blood analysis and peek my head out to see my old mentor examining a very buff gun that looks like it has a good kick to it. However his curiosity is disrupted when Q takes away the gun. 
“Shall we get started?”
Bond keeps silent and follows Q. When he sees me I give a nonchalant wave. “Greetings, Bond. How was Mexico?”
He chuckles dryly. “Rather exciting, actually.”
“Ah, yes. M told me all about it. Just casually walking atop a roof carrying a machine gun. Sounds like you, Bond.”
007 ignores my comment. “I hear you had quite a handful in Hamburg.”
I shrug. “Nothing I can’t handle.”
“You should be glad you’re not like Bond,” Q states as he prepares what looks like a large needle. “007 mine as well be grounded right now.”
I huff. “Grounded? I didn’t think 00 agents could be grounded.” I snicker at Bond. “You must be a special case.”
Bond isn’t fazed. “Nothing that won’t blow over.”
Giving a deep sigh, I face the older agent with legitimate concern. “Face the music, Bond. All the rumors point that you might be fired. Call me sentimental but I really don’t want my favorite partner being kicked out.”
He must see how serious I am because Bond puts a hand on my shoulder with a look I can only describe as determination. “I won’t be, Levie. My end as a 00 agent will be something more than just being fired.” After a while his look fades to slight disappointment. “You care too much, Levie.”
A match has been struck near dying embers, threatening to spark. Bond knows that my emotions can get in the way. Unlike him I’ve never gone through seeing my parents killed or having extreme heartbreak. I guess he’s always so emotionless because Bond has no love left in him. But that doesn’t give him the right to belittle me for being human.
Thank God Q notices my predicament and ushers 007 to the medical chair.
“Step this way, please.” He wraps a strap around Bond’s arm. “Hold still, that’s it. You’re going to feel a slight-”
“Christ!” Bond flinches as the needle plunges in.
“-prick,” Q finishes, looking a bit alarmed.
“What is it?” Bond grunts.
“Cutting edge nanotechnology. Smart blood. It allows us to track your movements in the field. It can monitor your vital signs anywhere on the planet. A sort of post-Mexico insurance policy. By order of M.”
Another jab at Bond’s recklessness. Maybe now Q will lay off of me and heckle him instead.
After Bond gets up and walks away grumbling, I start to follow him when Q blocks my path.
“Alright, you’re next 0011.”
My face is as emotional as tap water. “I think I’ll pass.”
He frowns. “Pardon?”
“Excuse me for sounding too paranoid, but I’d rather not have mechanical bugs in my blood please.” I hold up the blue pendant. “I’ll stick to this. If M hates it then he can yell at me.”
I brush past the awestruck Q and go back to the table where the new guns are laid out. Why is Mallory being such a pushover to this new Nine Eyes project? I’m sure the old M would have told C to go to Hell if she was still alive. After I’ve inspected the new ammunition (very impressive), I spot Bond and Q walking back from the garage door.
“Seen the car, Bond?”
The amused look on his face says it all. “Oh yes.”
I point a warning finger. “You can look, but no touching. You can have your old car back soon.”
Q nods in agreement. “Precisely. Not that there was not much to work with, only a steering wheel. I believe I said “bring it back in one piece,” not bring back one piece.” 
He goes into a short burst of laughter and I swear it’s the first time I’ve heard Q crack a joke. Bond and I exchange glances, typing to decide if we should be concerned.  
I give the geek a half smile. “Are you trying to be funny?”
Q stops laughing and looks to the floor. “Depends. Is it working?”
I let out my own laugh. “It’s adorable how hard you try, Quartermaster.” I give him a pat on the shoulder. “Stick to being smart.”
Bond isn’t as amused so Q just shrugs. “Anyway, enjoy your down time, 007.”
The older agent has a look that tells me he’s up to something. “Levie, will you wait outside for a moment? We gentlemen need to have a chat.”
Oh boy. I roll my eyes. “Far be it from me to deprive you gentlemen from your testosterone-filled chats.” I mock-salute the two men. “Ciao.”
Sometimes keeping Bond and Q at bay is like handling Dobermans. Between Moneypenny and me it’s a miracle that they don’t kill each other.
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apricusnights · 6 months
Olympus Tournament Story: Senior Partners.
The so-called Dark Angel had vanished after his seemingly random appearance during the battle royale. The truth however was that shortly after that he'd been contacted by Miranda Fisher and asked to locate the Paradise Entertainment "Senior Partners" before all of them had a chance to leave the ship.
Unfortunately it seemed several Paradise members had already taken their leave. There was however still a helicopter sitting on one of the helipads that looked very similar to the ones Paradise had been using. He'd been waiting it out to see who made their way to it but after some time had gone by he caught a glimpse of two masked individuals watching HIM.
Well, the need for secrecy seemed to go right out of the window so instead he headed in their direction, following them down a series of hallways. After using an elevator down into the lower decks of the ship he seemed to find himself in a makeshift laboratory. The two masked men standing on the other side of the room. The whole thing smelled of a trap..but in his mind that just meant they were trapped in the room with him.
Senior Partner #1: "To be honest, I was expecting someone else. I'm sure she'll be here shortly though." One of the eyes on his mask seemed to blink on and off. The mask itself had been damaged and was cracking down the middle.
Senior Partner #2: " Your obsession with the girl is troublesome."
Senior Partner #1: "It's all research my friend. Research is necessary for progress. Take our guest here for example. Dark Angel, Octavius, Redfish...whatever he wants to be called. A dead man walking, quite interesting."
"You don't remember me do you? I suppose I had a different mask back then. I'm not exactly a bishop on the chessboard anymore."
Flashbacks of Dark Angel and Roland Marigold fighting against a chimera abomination during the checkmate invasion flashed through Oct's head.
"I have to admit I'm still slightly annoyed you managed to destroy my work so easily. It did prove to be helpful in gathering data though, and the distraction was enough for me to get what I wanted from the city archives."
Senior Partner #2: "Be that as it may, is he really still necessary? Your project here is almost complete."
Senior Partner #1: "A bit more data never hurt.."
Just as Oct began to approach them a rumbling could be heard. A few seconds later the Mikey Minos animatronic crashed through the laboratory wall and slammed into Oct sending him sliding backwards.
Senior Partner #1: "I've been using our friend here to gather fight data. This entire tournament has been very educational. That being said, I believe he has a small score to settle with you."
As Oct began to wrestle against the animatronic the door was suddenly kicked open. Ruby had been following the man with the broken mask and was determined to get her answers. She rushed forward only to clash against the second masked man.
In what seemed like an instant the blade of her weapon sliced through part of his mask.
Senior Partner #2: "Brat.." reaching up and discarding the mask.
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"She's seen my face, either bring her with us or dispose of her. Activate the project, I don't care if it's complete or not." Activating a barrier between himself and Ruby before taking his leave.
Senior Partner #1: "Well my dear it seems you have a choice. You're welcome to come with, I will provide all the answers you seek. If you don't...well I suppose I can start over again.."
"As for you Dark Angel, do try and not die to our minotaur friend. I'd much rather see what you can do against my new creation." Pressing a few buttons on one of the nearby consoles before throwing a switch. He'd step back into an elevator, throwing a key to it to Ruby before being taken out of the room.
Ruby and the Dark Angel found themselves against a very advanced animatronic minotaur and perhaps worse than that...whatever was on the way.
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hazbinextgeneration · 2 years
Hazbin Worlds Collide Ch20
(Dexter/Gemstone/Beauty/Cheshire/Maizy/Queeny - me
Velvet/Francis/Aldo/Mako/Tristan and part by Palettepainter101)
Dexter, the blue furred canine greedily chugged down his mug of coffee, even though it had gone disgustingly cold long ago the bitter sweet taste gave him some kind of peace of mind..unlike the cyclops who was tacking his frustration out on a beyond reparable scrap of metal.
Aldo stomped his feet up and down on it in rage, growling in a manner similar to a wild animal that would attack at any given moment - and the poor piece of iron under his feet was on the receiving end of his temper.
"6. Bloody. HOURS!!" With each word he shrieked he stomped his feet back down into the metal, sounding out a sickening bang noise that echoed out into the large laboratory and caused Dexter's ears to pin back. "6 WHOLE HOURS OF WORK DOWN THE GUTTER!" On any other occasion in which he didn't feel like he had been chewed on and spat out by a dragon Dexter would have been absolutely livid at such a commotion in his space of work and peace. However, today was the day where he unfortunately DID feel like he'd been chewed on and spat out by a dragon.
....The only thing the wolf could do was sigh, pulling his paws down his face as his body sagged against his desk.
"Alright gentlemen-" thank whatever kind of lucky stars he had when the sound of footsteps came to his ears and a familiar female deer came waltzing into the room, twirling their black shiny around their fingers. She momentarily glanced to the cyclops Aldo as he continued to destroy the metal beneath him..before looking to the tired mutt "Dark circles really don't suit your eye colour dearie."
Dexter gave a dry laugh as his brows knit "Ha ha ha...you're so funny." Was the blank reaction Maizy received.
Cocking her head to the side her ear twitched, but her constant gold plated tooth grin remained, even with the sound of Aldo crushing the life out of that scarp of metal "No need to be such a stick in the mud dearie!" Dexter arched his brow boldly up at her. Sitting herself up on the desk she rested her head on her shoulder, swinging her slim legs back and fourth "Daddy sent me down here to come and fetch you, it's lunch time. Auntie Nifty and my darling best friend Beauty have made quite the assortment of food!"
Aldo suddenly stopped mid stomp, surprise completely washing over him before he finally turned round to face to smiling deer sitting on he desk, and the sky blue canine who was half laying on it "Its..lunch time already?" He inquired, his voice seeming to be stuck between genuine confusion and surprise.
Answering his question Maizy nodded her head with a small 'mhm'
"...My word.." his hand reached up to grip his head, walking off the crumpled piece of metal and onto the cold lab floor "..We've been in here that long?!"
"6 hours to be precise." Maizy corrected.
After that it really hadn't taken her much time to persuade the two demons to climb up the lab stairs and towards the hotels large kitchen, were the smell of freshly cooked food enticed them closer. And here her Uncle Baxter thought getting the two scientists up stairs would be a challenge, honestly.
Never doubt a ladies ways
However, that left one thing for Maizy:
"Honestly, look at the utter state of this lab!" Her keen orange spiral eyes scanned over the room "It looks like a stampede of stag came charging through!"
The labs floor was littered with scrap pieces of metals of all shapes and sizes, the aftermath of the explosion from the machine a few hours ago - and Aldo's repeated stomping only resulted in smaller segments of iron being littered onto the already messy floor. The shelves that lined the walls, that were neat and tidy on a constant occasion were now messy and highly disorganised - like the boys had grabbed armfuls of the bottled ingredients and tools all at once.
She shook her head
"Honestly-" she waved her staff, and instantly several objects levitated into the air "You leave a man in charge and the only thing to receive is a utter mess!" Her arm and staff seemed to move on their own, moving from side to side in a guiding like motion as the levitated objects zipped back to their rightful place. The objects along the shelfs were sorted back into their correct order and the large scrap pieces of metal were organised into a tidy little pile in the corner by the work desk.
Her small clean up duty was almost complete...until her heightened senses told her that she was being watched. Her magic slowed down and any object she was currently levitating within her magical hold was placed down on the nearest shelf, she peered over her shoulder, eyes piercing the dark as she let her black magic gathering within them end of her staff: locked and loaded and ready to fire.
On first glance she didn't see anything, at least not anything that looked remotely out of place. Until she caught the faint smell of..a deer? Another? It didn't smell like a deer she had met before, an intruder upon her territory. She hummed as she unhurriedly tilted her head at an angel, spinning round slowly to fully observe the room behind her.
She hadn't even blinked when the sudden sound of movement echoed into the room, it sounded like a nearby piece of metal that she hadn't yet cleaned up had just been stepped on in a hurry, like someone (or something) was trying to escape, but Maizy knew perfectly well that wouldn't happen without her noticing - for you see, there was only one entrance to the lab, and to get to it you had to climb the stupidly long flight of stairs upwards to the exit that also was the entrance - if whomever was in the room with her seemed their freedom, they would have to get past her somehow to reach the stair way.
"...I know you're in here." She said blankly, like she had just addressed Beauty or Angel-Cake when they 'tried' to give her a scare from behind (the key word being tried). There was another rustle of movement, clearly showing that the person was panicking, any wise person would have kept quite and out of sight when in range of possible danger...but this time wasn't the case.
Instead what Maizy saw made her blink and shake her head, pink and purple like sparks began to emerge from one of the darker corners of the room, the sheer heat of the magic causing the air around it to rip and crack which only aided in making the electrical sparks more bigger. She cautiously stepped forward, making sure she kept enough distance between herself and the unstable magic.
Maizy was a pro at her magic, and she could sense unstable dark magic a mile away! Her daddy taught her well. Keeping at a distance that was roughly 10 feet away from the spark Maizy squinted her eyes, granted the unstable magic was highly dangerous to herself and to the owner of said magic, but the light illuminated from the sparks revealed a very scared, very shaken looking boy.
The boy looked young, hardly her age! She guessed based on looks and a rough estimation of his height that he must be an early teen, somewhere above the age of 10 at the very least. His breathing was crumbling like a weak piece of debris, becoming more and more unsteady, and the magic that was sparking around him was magnifying.
Instinctively at seeing the poor boys scared face she hurried back, adding another 5 feet of space between them. Her efforts worked, but only a little, the sparks only dimmed a fraction but that didn't change the fact it was still dangerous, and it was still there. When the electrical appliances in the room, such as the main light for the room and the smaller lamps on the desks began to uncontrollably dim and brighten, Maizy spoke "Sweetie...I'm Maizy.." she started off slowly, keeping her tone quite so as not to scare him "What's your na-"
"Maizy!" The door to the lab flung open and a panicked looking older brother of hers rushed in, she whipped her head to look behind her just as Cheshire came running down the stairs "What on earth is going on?! The lights upstairs are-" he stopped mid sentence when he caught sight of the younger doe who was pressing themselves into the corner, at the sight of the other deer he seemed to freeze on the spot, eyes widening to the size of plates
"Who is..that?" He asked, clearly confused.
Instead of answering Maizy edged her way closer, all the while she kept talking, kept the communication going in hopes that it would reassure him "Sweetie...its okay, calm down. I'm not going to hurt you-"
"S-STAY AWAY FROM ME!" They screamed in absolute fear! On protective instinct the sparks began to zap outwards like large, uncontrollable bolts of lighting, some zapping at the glass jars on the shelf, causing them to either break then and there or crack. Maizy raised her arm as she walked back, gesturing for Cheshire to follow her lead. He did so without a word.
One minute darkness would swallow the room, and then the next, light would briefly fill the room. Dark then light, dark then light, the electricity was going haywire! And it didn't take long for the occupants upstairs in the lounge to rush to the basement to investigate. To some surprise, Velvet was the first to rush down the stairs, face completely white with fear and panic as she skidded to a halt near Maizy.
The boys eyes widened and swelled with tears at the sight of the older deer shapeshifter, their breathing calmed but only slightly, and the whips of electricity began to die down to nothing more then small, harmless zaps.
"V-Velvet?..." they said in a trembling voice, like it would break like a weak piece of glass at any moment.
There was hardly even a pause before Velvet rushed forward and hugged the smaller deer in a tight embrace, and in return the young doe clung his arms round her and buried his face into her shoulder, crying out in loud, broken sobs. Maizy stood there staring in half shock and half confusion, Cheshire mirrored her expression as the two turned to exchange glances.
"I-I-I w-was looking for y-you...y-you-..I-I-I c-couldn't..I-I couldn't.." he chocked on a sob, unable to finish his sentence, the storm of emotions surging to life inside him leaving him more of a sobbing mess, his grip on his older sister tightening as if she would once again disappear if he was to let go.
Everyone in the room with acute hearing such as Maizy, Gemstone, Cheshire and Mako who was standing up on the stairway could tell that Velvet was on the verge of breaking into a tearful sob, she soothingly rocked her little brother back and fourth in her fruitless attempt to calm him "Shhhh..it's okay Francis, I'm right here."
~time skip~
The events that followed onwards from that point were, a tad awkward to say the very best of it. The atmosphere was thick with heavy confusion, and so far no answers had been given to the group of demons. Velvet seemed to know more so then anyone else what was going on, and ever since the boysenberry deer, which everyone had likely guessed was called Francis, her posture and behaviour had become more down hearted. She looked tired, VERY tired.
The said red haired female had just walked out from one of the hotels many large guests room, soundlessly closing the door so that her little brother could rest easily - he deserved some rest. "How..How is he?" Aldo was the first to break the silence, and the answer he got was a long exhale from Velvet "...He's sleeping now, he should be okay."
Once again silence fell on them...until a different voice spoke up
"Ahem." Gemstone gave a very obvious cough into her paw to gain everyone's attention, and when nearly everyone glanced in her direction wondering what was wrong she continued "Look I hate to be that one person that's all intrusive and shit, but..." she looked directly at Velvet, just as she slowly turned her half lidded eyes towards her "What the hell was all that just now?!"
Velvet didn't answer immediately straight away, and it was clear from her stern gaze that she was in some kind of deep thought: she peered off to the side, momentarily gathering her thoughts and piecing them together into words, before she finally spoke " I, believe you are in need of an..explanation..however-"
She castes a worrying glance in Maizy's and Cheshire'a direction.
...She gestured towards the other end of the hallway that would eventually lead them all to the enormous lounge area "I would like to consult with Maizy and Cheshire privately please." As she expected Gemstone went to open her mouth to speak, thankfully her very kind and understand cyclops girlfriend slapped her hand over her mouth and nodded kindly "Of course! Take all the time you need!" She said with a soft smile, before she began to push her romantic partner down the hallway with stupid strength.
Everyone else gradually followed after them, and once the hallway was completely empty (minus the three deer's) Velvet then turned to the most unstable resident she had met since being here "...That includes YOU Queeny!" The static white mass that was floating on her back had her gaze fixated upon the door that the new prey was sleeping, and it was starting to make Velvet very uncomfortable.
The least thing she would have expected from Queeny of all people was some kind of whacky remark that she probably wouldn't understand - but then again did anyone truly understand what logic she had? - but to her utter surprise, Queeny smiles turned to Velvet and tilted her head "Very well darlings! But don't be too long!!~" she said in a sing songs like voice, and with a snap of her fingers, she vanished in a flash of light.
'I need to keep an eye on her..' Velvet made a mental note to herself before turning to her company, who had patiently waited for Queeny to leave and for Velvet to start. Why Velvet had asked for just then, they had a few suspicions, one of which was likely that Velvet was related to the newly arrived doe who was currently sleeping, likely siblings.
Velvet inhaled a deep breath, closing her eyes to keep the fresh bulk of tears at bay before she began "...There is, something very important you must know about Francis.." her serious gaze bore into the two deer shapeshifters, and the message was clear that Velvet wasn't playing around. The two wanted to leap to questions then and there to get the desperate answers they oh so badly wanted! But one look at Velvets face told them to pipe down and let her finish.
"..Francis's magic is.." she looked to be struggled to find the right word, another pause. ..His magic is very..unstable. And dangerous. He was born very prematurely and..because of, incidents..he isn't as experienced as I am with his dark magic and, well...sometimes he accidentally looses his control over it."
"...Is that why his horns sparked?" Maizy asked with caution, not wanting to accidentally make Velvet upset "Yes.." she answered
"And..he is your younger brother?"
"Also yes..and speaking of that." Her gaze became mostly focused upon Cheshire when she spoke next "I...want you to stay away from Francis." Maizy blinked, hurt...Okay YES she and her brother where a little creepy - well, creepier - but she didn't expect Velvet to outright state for them to leave her little brother alone!
Apparently it must have shown in her face as Velvet quickly leapt to speak before they could "Okay that sounded harsh! What I meant to say is that..well..." she glanced up and down them, and Cheshire once again noticed she seemed to take longer when she looked over him, odd "Francis might, panicky when he sees you because of..well..it's, uhm.." she pointed to her mouth
"Our..smiles?" Cheshire said slowly like he was still trying to process this, Velvet nodded. "...May we ask why?" Maizy asked, also in the same slow tone
.....Velvet hurriedly glanced left and right, like she was making sure no one was ease dropping on them, and her sudden change in behaviour only caused Cheshire and Maizy to become more muddeled.
Once she was sure no one else was listening..Velvet took a step closer to Cheshire and Maizy, her voice barely above that of a whisper: and what she said next genuinely left the two standing in shocked silence
"Francis is...scared of our farther"
0 notes
black-kitties · 2 years
Worldheart - Chapter 12
Start reading at Chapter 1
The halls were bathed in red light and the constant blare of the siren added to Jaz’s anxiety. Green Arrow and Black Canary followed her through the halls as she retraced the steps back to the elevators, thankful she was quick enough on her feet to make herself memorize the way. They’d encounter no Raptors most of the way, but that luck ran out when Jaz peeked down the hall leading to the elevators. There were four guards, two thugs, one Raptor, and another bigger Raptor with a gatling gun mounted on its shoulder. Canary moved to fight them, but Arrow held his arm up to stop her. He smiled and winked at them both before he began to fix his uniform, cleared his throat, and limber up by bouncing in place and mock stretching. Jaz glanced at Canary who just rolled her eyes.
Green Arrow rushed out from behind the wall holding his hands up and yelling, “Don’t shoot!” The men looked startled. They aimed their guns at him but didn’t attack, instead looking to each other confused. “There’s a giant wolf man back there! He completely destroyed the laboratory!” He pointed in the opposite direction. “You have to do something!” Arrow turned around backing up towards them as if he were more scared of what he was just running from than them. It worked. The men nodded to each other before training their guns on the hallway opposite ours waiting for this mystery foe.  They stepped forward moving to pass Green Arrow when he twisted, landing a punch to ones throat and an elbow in the others gut before following it up with another punch to his face knocking him out. He was close enough to side step behind the smaller Raptor using it as a shield while the Gatling gun unloaded into it. It shot a torrent of bullets into the chest of the smaller Raptor quickly piercing through its chest armour and tearing through the electronics within. Quick on his feet, Arrow faced the wall running himself up it, vaulting over the heads of both Raptors. He grabbed hold of the shock tail before it could strike him stabbing it between the gatling gun and the big Raptors shoulder. Its entire body became electrified but it could still move. It slammed Arrow into the wall pinning him and transferring some of the shock to him in the process. Jaz moved to help but Canary held her back. “Let him handle this.” Arrow reached up ripping the gatling gun off its shoulder by using both of his feet to kick it away. The second his feet hit the ground Arrow dropped low, lunging forward underneath its tail as it tried to whip him to position the gun in the crook of its neck. The bullets easily pierced through the thin, scale-like armour there, destroying its core. Both machines fell to the floor in a smoking heap, the light in their eyes turning off before they’d hit the ground. “Impressive.” Black Canary said, stepping over the two unconscious men to join Green Arrow.
“Spar me when we get back on the Watchtower and I can show you a thing or two,” Green Arrow joked, kicking the pile of metal Raptors aside just in time for the elevator to show up. Jaz hit the button to Maxmellius’s office, as well as the button to the floor just below it.
She explained the layout of the walkway. “There’s no way down to Hero’s cage from Max’s office, so I’m going to stop one floor early and try to find it myself. I think I’d spotted the way from the walkway anyways. You two can meet me there once you find what you need in his office.”
“We shouldn’t split up.” Green Arrow shook his head. “We’ll head to the office first, find out where the rest of the heroes are being kept, then we’ll get your friend.” He placed his hand on Jaz, she could tell he was trying to be reassuring again, but she had no intention of taking no for an answer this time. Another explosion ripped through the facility knocking Jaz off balance into Arrow’s chest. The elevators went pitch black and the emergency breaks sent everyone into the ceiling, before crashing back down.
“Damn! The emergency power is out now.” Green Arrow spoke as he helped Jaz to her feet. He pried open the doors pulling them halfway open. The Elevator was between floors, the top half of the doors opened to the lower floor where Jaz wanted to go.
“I think I can squeeze through. You two try and get to Max’s office while I help Hero out. I’m just going to slow you down if you ask me to climb an elevator shaft.” Jaz hopped up, grabbing onto the ledge. Using her foot against the wall as leverage she pulled herself over the ledge and out of the elevator. “Meet me at Hero’s cage, if you keep going straight from Max’s office you’ll be right there!”
“Kid, wait!” Green Arrow couldn’t react in time before she dashed down the hall. He turned to Black Canary, “Why didn’t you stop her?”
“I trust she knows what she’s doing,” Canary replied from the hatch she’d found on the roof. She was already out of it and on top of the elevator. By the time Arrow squeezed through the hatch she was already halfway up the wall.
Arrow climbed up after Black Canary, sparing a final glance after the girl. “I just hope she isn’t some hot shot kid who’s in over her head.”
Meanwhile, Jaz picked her way through the empty halls, peeking around every corner she came across just in case. She was no longer jogging confidently like she had when she had them with her, instead tip toeing around trying to make as little noise as possible. She knew she last saw Hero on the factory floor where they’d gotten captured and when she’d been up on the glass walkway she’d spotted another door on the other side of it that seemed to be in the right spot. She tried to remember the mantra she’d been repeating days prior, but the rumbling that kept rocking through the base and the fact that she was alone made it hard to concentrate. She stopped, pressing her back against a wall. “I can do this. I can do this. Jaz, just keep your head high, focus… What would Superman do in this situation.” A nervous laugh burst from her lips. “Superman wouldn’t be this scared trying to find his friends.” She took another deep breath, slowly letting it out before she started on her way again. Calmer now, she was able to pick her way through the halls until met with the same metal cylindrical doors that had opened for her previously. They were closed now, and it looked like they had no power to them anyways. She tried to pry one open, but aside from breaking a nail nothing happened.
Frustrated, Jaz looked around for what to do. How would they solve this problem in the comics? They would solve it with their powers... Ok, what about Batman though. He had no powers. Jaz ran her fingers through her hair, looking up in exasperation. Right above her was a ceiling vent. “Oh yeah.”
Jaz struggled longer than she’d wanted to trying to reach the vent. The code to the laboratory worked on the doors down the hall but she still had to push them open manually, which was a feat and a half on its own for her. Once inside she wheeled a chair to the vent and struggled to pull herself up through the tiny hole. The ordeal didn’t end once inside either. Her heart was pounding and it was hard to breath in the cramped space. It was so tight she was unable to turn around and that idea alone was sending her into a panic. Biting her lip, she pushed herself forward. The thought of Hero weakly staring up at her from that glass cage was enough to trump the fear she was feeling now. Every ten feet was another vent opening she could use to peer down and check her progress. The first one she came across she was already on the other side of ten fancy doors he’d had installed in the place.
Why the villain never thought to secure the filtration systems always dumbfounded her. Jaz was well past the doors when the vent took a sharp turn upwards travelling perpendicular to the curved walls lining the factory floor. At the end of the line, she finally had to leave the safety of the vents and drop down on the factory floor. She winced as she hit the ground at an angle, flopping over. Sharp stabs of pain radiated up her legs. Black Canary and Arrow had made dropping ten feet look so easy to do gracefully but Jaz had nearly twisted her ankle just there.
The factory floor was currently unmanned, and the recent power surge had stopped all the machines mid assembly. There were five conveyor belts feeding parts to the assembly bays with four giant machine arms sprouting from the floor for each one. Jaz crept through the room, dashing between machines and trying to use them as cover all while scanning the room between bursts for any signs enemies. She’d nearly made it to the other side where the small hallway was hidden when two thugs appeared in the door forcing Jaz to scramble behind cover again.
One was cursing and jogging past while the other yelled after him, “Come on Gary, we’re supposed to guard the room!”
Gary cursed back, “I’m not risking my life for some creepy old man with a dog fetish.”
“Think of the money, Gary!” His friend spoke as if he wanted to stay, but he quickly glanced behind his shoulder as if he was expecting something to jump out at him before he rushed to join his friend.
“What money? We ain’t getting paid, and now some fucking werewolf is coming right for us! I’m out, if you wanna die in this place suit yourself but I’m going back to Taboo. At least they’ll pay us on time.” They continued to argue all the way across the factory floor, completely oblivious to Jaz who hadn’t hidden herself well. They passed right by.
The room they’d left was full of cells that used the same force field-like technology as she’d faced in her room. There was a total of eight, but only six were in use. There was a small office to one side where it looked like the guards rested and watched their charges, inside it had several chests and what appeared to be Green Arrow’s bow resting against the wall.
At the back of the room was another hall leading further in where Jaz paused. Everything inside her wanted to move forward and find Hero, but she couldn’t just leave these men here. Especially after hearing that Brin could be headed this way. She let out a frustrated sigh, turning back towards the cells. Beside each one was a keypad just like her old cell and she knew by one look at each one they all used different codes. Some showed no signs of regular use except one.
“Icon?” Jaz’s voice was barely a whisper but even so the man stirred. “Oh! You’re awake. Just sit tight I’m gonna try and figure out a way to get you out.” The man struggled to pull himself up before slumping down. Kneeling in front of the keypad she could see some greasy stains on three numbers, but she had no clue how long the code was or which order they’d be in.
Her ears pricked. Glancing around she realized Icon was trying to say something. “What was that?”
“Notepad.” She stared into his dull eyes for a moment before she realized.
“Oh! They keep the passcodes on a notepad?” She didn’t wait to see him nod, springing back across the room towards the office. It was square, lined with desks and surrounded on all walls with thick glass; and it was locked. She cursed under her breath, this was the one door that didn’t need a passcode, it needed a key. She peered through the glass instead, spotting the notepad immediately. Pressing herself into the window, Jaz was able to make out the codes on the first page attached with which cell number they went to. The moment the shielding fell she rushed to his side. “Are you ok?”
“I’ll be fine, child. Go see that the others are ok.” His voice was barely a whisper, and his lips were chapped, his dark skin sunken in. They’d at least allowed him to stay dressed in his uniform, though all his gadgets were taken from him. She helped him up, carrying him to the center of the room before she went to work on the other cells. The sheet she’d read from only had three of the six passcodes she’d need.
Chapter 13
0 notes
sinner-as-saint · 4 years
we can’t stop, we’re enemies.
Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Reader AU
Run-through: After the events of the last battle against Thanos, you teamed up with Sam and Bucky to carry on your superhero duties. You got along with Sam just fine, he was a really good friend to you. Bucky however, was not. From constant banters, to unnecessary hand-to-hand combat, to purposely getting each other in trouble during risky missions, to being the main cause of Sam’s migraines; it was safe to say that you and Bucky considered yourselves to be each other’s nemesis. Although that soon changes when, courtesy of your silly banters, a certain mission goes slightly wrong - one which involves strong chemicals which, unbeknownst to you, were designed to mess with the brain and hormones, thus encouraging the need to breed and procreate amongst all those who inhale it...
Themes: enemies-to-lovers, smut, sex pollen trope, dirty talk, swear words, fluff
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“How is it going up there Sam, talk to me.” 
You spoke, waiting to hear from Sam through the ear piece. 
The three of you were on a mission on unfamiliar lands. Rumor had it that some shady organization was conducting illegal experiments. The whole location was spooky, and you needed to be thorough and quick. So Sam decided to get an aerial view along with Red Wing, and see if there are any threats coming your way while you and Bucky decided to check out the underground laboratories. 
The whole place was shadowy and old, it almost seemed like no one had been here in a long time. But still, these people were criminals so you had to gather every evidence you could which would lead you their way. 
And so far, after exploring the place for the past half an hour, you found nothing major. Just weird laboratory glassware filled with liquids and what not. 
“Sam?” you called out again into the ear piece, keeping your gun at the ready. “Say something damn it.” 
His reply came. “There’s something sketchy about the building at the back, I’m gonna go check it out. But you have to promise me you won’t kill each other by the time I get back.” 
You and Bucky sent death glares at each other in disgust. He was on the other side of the lab, flipping through files and papers, while you were searching the cabinets and drawers. The two of you were separated by a steel workstation. Dark leather jacket, metal arm exposed; you’d find him handsome if he wasn’t so annoying. 
“Sure, whatever.” Bucky mumbled, being his grumpy self. 
You frowned at him, “Dude, drop your fucking attitude.” 
Bucky rolled his eyes at you, “Don’t tell me what to do.”
Sam roared through the ear piece, “Enough! Focus, you two are in the labs and we don’t know what’s in there. Just, maybe look out for each other. Okay? I’m going in.”
“Be careful, Sam.” You spoke, sending another dirty look at Bucky. 
“Yeah y-,” 
Sam got cut off. All you could hear was some static noises and then complete silence. 
“Sam? Can you hear us?” Bucky tried reaching out but neither of you could hear him. “This isn’t good.” 
“Damn it!” You cursed. “Maybe he flew out of range. Or maybe we’re too deep under.” 
For once in his life he nodded, agreeing with you. “Let’s just hurry up and see what we can find. We need to get out of here as fast as we can and get to the Jet.” He said, flipping through more and more files and papers, his metal arm glistening in the poorly lit room. 
You sassed in the same tone he used before, “Don’t tell me what to do.” And you earned yourself another glare from him. 
Fifteen minutes later and you two still had nothing to work with. 
“This is useless. There’s nothing here, this is just bullshit.” Bucky complained, slamming down a file on the workstation so hard that it made you jump. 
You were annoyed. You slammed a cabinet shut and turned to face him. “Oh I’m sorry princess, is work getting too tiring? Do you need a break? Hmm?” 
“Shut up, you’re the one who keeps whining all the time.” He wasn’t wrong. 
You stepped forward, grabbing the edge of the cold workstation. “Well maybe if you’d quit complaining and actually do your part of the job, then I wouldn’t have to whine about always doing everything on my own and you taking credit for it in front of Sam.” 
He leaned forward, his metal arm already denting his side of the edge of the workstation. “Maybe if you’d stop bitching about everything and everyone all the time then maybe we’d get along and actually get shit done.” 
You leaned in too. “Or maybe if just me and Sam teamed up, we’d work better. I still don’t know why he keeps you around. Take your metal arm away, what are you? Exactly, just a hundred year old, confused man.” 
He smirked. “And what are you? Just a spoilt, whiny brat who knows how to use a gun?” He knew just what to say to get the reaction he wanted out of you. 
In less than a few seconds you had your loaded gun out in front of you, aiming it at his forehead. “And guess what, she never misses a target.” You spat at him. 
You had done this before; aiming guns at each other until Sam comes to break the tension. But Sam wasn’t here this time. 
Bucky knew you would never pull the trigger on him so he gave you a handsome, arrogant smirk which only pissed you off even more. “Come on, shoot.” He provoked you. 
“Stop pissing me off.” You warned. 
“Or what? You’re gonna shoot me for calling you a whiny, spoilt brat? See, that’s exactly what brats do.” 
“James, stop.” Oh he was getting on your nerves. You were agitated. 
He just smirked and went on. “I actually believe that that might be your superpower, destroying people by annoying them to death with how much of a brat you can actually be.” 
You glared at him, unmoving, furious. You placed your forefinger on the trigger. “Say brat one more time and I will blow your fucking head off and when Sam asks, I’ll make it seem like an accident.” 
He leaned closer, aligning his forehead to the barrel of your gun. He stared at you with his stormy, ocean blue eyes; inciting you to just pull the damn trigger. He watched you with mischief in his eyes. “Brat.” He mouthed, smirking right after and waiting for your reaction. 
You clenched your jaw and shifted your aim just a little so that the bullet misses him but still shoots right by his ear. You pulled the trigger without hesitation, shooting at the shelf filled with dark red and brown liquids behind Bucky. 
Bucky maintained his calm and composure despite the loud sound of the shattering glass falling on the tiles right behind him. “Brat.” He said again, out loud this time. 
“I hate you.” You lowered your gun but then noticed something behind Bucky. Smoke, or some sort of vapor oozing out of the broken flasks and test tubes. You froze for a second. “Bucky, look.” You walked around the workstation and joined him on the other side. 
The vapor quickly filled the room like thick fog, reducing visibility and making your throat burn a little. You coughed; once, twice. You looked beside you and Bucky was standing there with a look of horror on his face. 
The moment his supersoldier sense got a whiff of the vapor, something in him ignited. No… 
“We have to get out of here. Now.” You heard his voice, then felt his cold fingers wrap around your wrists as he tugged you along, making his way out of the lab. He tried to hold his breath but he couldn’t hold it very long. He tried to find the door to exit the room but that was hard too because neither of you could see properly. 
“This stuff,” you spoke in between coughs, “will probably kill us, won’t it?” You held on tightly to his arm. “You need to get us out of here now.” The vapor was reducing your visibility more and more. 
He felt the side of the wall, looking for the metal handle of the door through which you entered the lab. “It won’t kill us.” He growled as he looked beside him. You were standing close to him, so close, holding on to his arm tightly, a thin layer of sweat covered your face. 
It was almost funny how you had your gun aimed at him just a minute ago and now you were relying on him for protection. 
“How can you be so sure? Do you know what this stuff is?” You asked. 
He sighed. He knew. “I have a hunch, but let’s hope I’m wrong.” He felt warm. Deep inside something stirred in him. Animalistic, primal, feral. It was there, pressing and burning. Guess he wasn’t wrong. 
He finally found the door and he pushed it open, letting the two of you out and you took off running at once. You tried to reach Sam. A couple tries later, he finally responded. “I got some names, I think we got what we’re looking for. Where are you guys?” 
“We found…. uh, nothing. We’re on our way to the jet, meet us there.” Bucky responded, running beside you. 
You were confused out of your mind, not to mention you felt feverish. Hot, and you were sweating more than usual in places you’d rather not think about. Something in you was yearning to break free. You felt chained, you needed release. You felt like something had awakened inside of you; a deep hunger. Aroused, you felt aroused. Or was it just the adrenaline rush? 
By the time you tried to figure out what was actually going on with you, you both had made it to the Jet. 
“I feel sick.” you mumbled, stumbling on your way inside the jet. “I think… I think that smoke poisoned me.” You placed your palm against the side of the plane to hold on so you don’t fall. You felt like gravity wasn’t pulling you down anymore. You were a little out of breath. 
Then you felt a cold hand on your shoulder. You grimaced as it only ignited the fire which you just found out had been burning inside you since you left the lab. 
“You’re not poisoned. You’re not sick, you’re gonna be okay. We just have to… we have to get home.” Bucky was worse than you were. His enhanced senses allowed him to feel everything you felt, times ten perhaps. 
His heart raced as he got a whiff of your fading perfume, mixed with the adrenaline pumping through your veins and your natural, raw scent. He could feel your arousal from here, and it pulled him in so easily. All he wanted to do was to tear your suit off, pin you up against the side of the Jet and fuck the living hell out of you, stretch you out and just rail you until you could no longer take it. 
You looked up at him; heart racing, palms sweating and even your mouth was salivating more than usual. “You know what that thing was, don’t you?” You asked, ignoring the way his cold hand upon your shoulder made you want to lean into his touch even more. “What was it?” 
You saw the look in his hooded eyes. Bucky sighed, pulling his hand away from you and the loss of contact made you whimper ever so quietly. You felt warmer and more and more breathless with each second that passed by. 
“They used to make those substances, long ago back when I was with HYDRA. I didn’t expect to find those here. They were used to… to try and see if they could get super soldiers to procreate naturally.” Bucky explained and waited for your reaction. 
“Sex pollen. Correct?” 
He nodded, “Yes.” 
You were a little shaken, but relieved knowing that at least it wasn’t poison and you wouldn’t be dying a painful death. “That’s… I mean, it could have been poison.” You didn’t know how to react after you pieced it all together. “How long before it wears off?” 
“Twenty-four hours unless...” 
“Unless what?” 
“Unless you fuck it out of your system well enough.”
That had you surprised. “Oh. Well that’s just great, isn’t it? Fucking perfect. I’m screwed.” 
Bucky tried his hardest to refrain himself from leaning in and biting that sassy mouth of yours, shoving his tongue past your lips to shut you up, to hear you moan and gasp and cry out his name as he takes you however he wants to… 
“We.” He corrected you. “It’ll get worse every hour.” He replied. 
You sighed and moved away from him, unzipping your combat suit partly and removing the jacket because you couldn’t handle the heat. Bucky cursed as you stripped into just a tank top and tight pants, right in front of him. He felt his cock get harder. 
“Can you not?” He sounded pissed off again; frustrated. “This is all your doing. The least you can do is make this a little bit easier for both of us.” 
His words made you turn around and glare at him. “How is this my doing? I didn’t even know what was in that lab.” 
He stepped forward, instinctively. The sight of your exposed neck and your soft skin was making him think of unspeakable things that he wanted to do to you. As he advanced, you tried not to look down at his cock, straining against his zipper. Your heart raced as you took in the size of his bulge. Enhanced super soldier indeed. 
“Had you not been a spoiled brat who can’t take a joke, you wouldn’t have tried to shoot at me nor would you have shot those flasks!” He argued, feeling more and more warm as he got closer to you. 
You took a step forward as well, fueled by annoyance, lust and anger. “Who was it who provoked me into doing that because they couldn’t keep their fucking mouth shut, huh? That’s right, your annoying ass!” 
Bucky pushed you against the side of the Jet without a second thought. He grabbed your wrists and pinned them above your head with his hand while pressing his body into you, his metal arm circling around your waist and pressing you further into him. 
He hadn’t thought this through. He hadn’t thought about how your warm breath would feel against his skin, or how warm your body would be under his touch. You felt feverish, having him this close. His tall, large frame and his tight grip made your whimper under him. Your body reacted to him naturally. 
All you felt was warm, his body heat, his scent. The feeling of his cold leather jacket against your flushed skin. You wanted him. Or rather, your body did. 
“Don’t you provoke me now, you fucking whiny brat.” He whispered, menacingly into your ear. 
You tried to ignore the shivers his voice sent down your entire body. But he saw it. And you could feel his erection press against your crotch. Just to mess with him, you discreetly moved your hips against his, making him hiss loudly. 
“What are you gonna do about it, dipshit?” You sassed, knowing that given his intensified senses he must be feeling much worse than you. 
He groaned as you kept grinding against him, your pulsating core rubbing against the bulge in his pants. And that only made it worse for both of you. 
“Fuck…” Bucky swore, before quickly pulling away from you, but not releasing you yet. “You’re such a bitch.” His body was screaming for you, each nerve ending of his was on fire. A fire only you could douse. 
You were just the same, on the edge and wanting to reach out for him; knowing he would satiate your hunger better than anyone could. Your body was throbbing as you stared into his eyes, your gaze lowering down to his dog tags. How you wanted those dangling right above your face… 
You heard someone clear their throat. It wasn’t Bucky. 
“Something you two need to tell me? Or is this just your new way of trying to kill each other?” A deep voice asked from behind Bucky. 
“Sam! Are you okay?” You escaped Bucky’s grip and rushed to Sam. 
He seemed alright to you. He nodded. “Yeah, we just need to get home. I need to notify the team and see what we should do next. What was in those labs?” 
You glared at Bucky. His smug face alone was pissing you off, but God right now you wanted to ride that man until the sun came tomorrow morning. 
“Just a bunch of useless experiments. Nothing major.” He glared at you as he said the last bit to Sam. 
The ride back home was one of the most painful, annoying and frustrating situations you had ever undergone. Each time you felt like someone was watching you, you’d turn your head to the side and find Bucky staring; and his stares would make your body tremble in need. 
Meanwhile he was having a hard time too, in more ways than one. He could feel his blood rush south even at the brief sound of your voice whenever you sighed in annoyance or talked to Sam. Luckily the latter could not pick up on the thick, sexual tension. 
Once at the compound, you each hurried to your own rooms and that’s where you stayed until the evening. Sam found it weird that you both skipped dinner but he didn’t need another headache today so he went to bed, telling himself that he’d deal with you two tomorrow morning. 
Bucky was a mess. Even after an hour under the cold shower his body was still calling out for you. He tried taking care of his business on his own, but that wasn’t working. He was still so hard it was painful. Nothing could make this better, nothing could soothe the pain - nothing but you. He needed you so badly it was driving him insane, like he was an animal in heat being asked to suppress his feral desires towards his mate. Being away from you was painful. He couldn’t help but hate you for no reason at all usually, but he’d do what it takes to be inside you and make you scream his name right now. 
You were equally as troubled at the super soldier. You tried taking a warm bath and tried to think of other things you could focus on, but nothing worked. Your toys didn’t seem appealing tonight, you needed him, all of him. You shivered at the thought of his taut, virile body under yours, or above. His masculine scent, the sound of his moans, would he bite?… fuck. You could feel your arousal leak out of you every now and then, it was insane how aroused you were. You couldn’t look at him for long without getting unnecessarily annoyed, but you would do anything just to have him rearrange your guts right now. 
What made it worse was that neither of you could stand each other at all. Enemies, you called yourselves. But right now you couldn’t help but crave each other in the most salacious way possible. 
Fuck this. You couldn’t take this anymore. You decided to swallow your pride and make your way to his room and ask him if you two could come to an agreement on how to fight this thing because it would be impossible to go another twenty hours feeling like this. You were burning from the inside. This was unbearable. 
Just as you opened your bedroom door, you were slightly surprised to find Bucky standing right outside your door. His metal hand up midair, as though he was to knock on your door and you happened to open the door just in time. You almost drooled at the sight of him; sweatpants and a tight, white t-shirt. You swallowed and cleared your throat. 
“Hey.” You greeted him, not knowing how to deal with this situation. You felt so drawn to him in that moment, so damn restless and needy that it was hard to breathe right while looking at him. 
“I was, uh, about to knock…” He didn’t know how he got here, he didn’t remember. Maybe it was the chemicals messing with his brain and turning him into a hungry beast. He didn’t care that he was knocking on your door in the middle of the night, he wanted you. He was craving you and that’s all he knew. Also the oversized t-shirt, the only you were wearing at the time, was not helping at all. 
“Yeah, um…” you rambled then stopped talking the moment you found him staring into your eyes with a wild look in his eyes. 
That was it. 
You grabbed him by the waistband of his sweats and pulled him inside, shutting the door behind him. Before Bucky could process anything, you had him pushed against your closed door and your mouth was on his, kissing him hungrily. Your hands slowly slipped under his tight t-shirt and you lazily trailed your hands up and down his toned abs. 
His hands gripped your hips on either side as he kissed you back with just as much ardor as you did. His body ignited the moment he felt your lips and hands on him, yet the heat was weirdly satisfying; it stimulated him but calmed him down at the same time. It felt perfect. This was just what he needed, you. 
Your movements were rapid and passionate, fiery. Hands roaming each other's body, touching and feeling and exploring; making each other moan like you were both touch-starved. 
You let out a soft moan when you felt his tongue slip past your lips, stroking the top of your mouth while his metal hand slipped under your shirt. Your body was tingling wherever he touched you. His touch made you feel way better than you had felt in the past few hours and you were grateful. Your moans sent his mind straight to the gutter and he couldn’t wait to be inside you. 
“I need you…” you whispered against his lips as you pulled away to catch your breath. “I need you to fuck me… right here, right now.” Your demands made him smirk as he looked down at you with lust in his eyes. 
“Oh?” he managed to still find the energy to be an ass to you. “Why don’t you go on and beg for it, then?” 
You scoffed, leaning in to lick his lips while you hand dipped into his pants. You grabbed his erected cock and gave it a little, gentle squeeze. He moaned like he hadn’t been touched in forever. Like he was desperate for one thing and one thing only; you. You whispered, “You need me too, Bucky. I’m not gonna beg you, I’m doing you a favor here.” You slid your closed fist up and down his length and made him moan some more before you let go and watched him groan and clench his jaw in annoyance. 
He looked down at you, panting in need just as you were. His hand slid into your hair and he gripped it, tugging on it just enough to make you gasp in pleasure and pain. “Still a fucking brat with that annoying attitude I see?” He leaned in to bite your exposed neck, making your cry out in pain before he licked the spot, soothing it. “Don’t worry doll, I’ll fuck all that attitude out of you.” 
He let go of your hair but tightened his grip around your waist as he placed his mouth back on yours. Kissing you like there’s no tomorrow; biting your lip and bruising your already swollen mouth. He was wild, and you needed it and more. 
He pushed you down on your bed, and stood back to watch you for a moment. How did he never realize that you were so naturally beautiful? He looked down at you like a predator looking at his meal; fiercely, ready to ruin you and make you scream and beg and satiate his hunger. As well as yours. 
“Well, if you’re done staring…” you knelt on your bed and reached out for him, grabbing him by the neck and pulling him closer. “I want you in me. Now.” Your demanding tone riled him up. 
Bucky grabbed you by the hair and tilted your head back again. “If you wanna get fucked, you’re gonna ask nicely. Understood?” 
You glared at him, shooting death glares right at him while your hand palmed him through his sweatpants. “I fucking hate you.” You spat at him, whimpering as he pushed you back down on the bed, quickly climbing on top of you this time. 
“I hate you too.” He knelt on your bed, straddling your waist as he tore your oversized shirt in half and off your body, throwing the pieces of fabric somewhere on your bedroom floor. You laid beneath him in just your underwear and he growled. 
“That was my favorite shirt, you fucking idiot.” You whispered, breathless, shivers dancing down your spine as he traced your mouth with his two fingers, slipping them past your lips once, then twice then trailing his now wet fingers down your neck, till your belly button. 
“You think I care?” he leaned down and took one of your breasts into his mouth, kneading the other with his metal hand. The contrast of his warm mouth around one and his cold hand around the other was driving you crazy. He bit, and tugged and licked; making your back arch off the bed as you purred in pleasure. 
Your hips moved on their own, grinding against his erection again to try and alleviate the pain. You were desperate. Bucky pinched and rolled one of your nipples while he lightly grazed the other with his teeth, and you let out a loud moan. 
“Please… please, I need you. Please…” You muttered under your breath, knowing he could hear you. Bucky smirked as he pulled away from your chest, ignoring the way his cock throbbed. “What’s so fucking funny?” You grabbed him by the throat, pulling his face closer to yours. 
His metal arm reached down in between your legs and he ripped your underwear off. The fabric hurt just a little when it tore against your skin. “Just that it's the first time I heard you asking for something so politely. It’s not so hard after all, is it?” 
Now he was pissing you off. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and flipped the two of you around. You got on top of him and straddled his waist, trapping him under you like he had you before. You had better control like this. 
You grabbed him by the jaw and leaned in to kiss his lips, fiercely. “Stop fucking playing, Barnes.” You whispered against his lips, grinding against his hard cock again. He closed his eyes and hissed in pleasure as you kissed down to his neck, nibbling on his skin along his throat. 
He moaned, hands gripping your hips and guiding you as you rubbed your bare core against his clothed erection. “No? I thought brats liked games?” He mumbled. 
You pulled away from his neck and looked down at his smug face. “You are so fucking annoying.” You reached down in between your bodies and lowered his sweatpants all the way down until he kicked them off. You grabbed his cock and stroked him gently, agonizingly slow. He moaned shamelessly, and eventually caught on that you were just teasing him even more. 
“Don’t tease me…” he sounded just as breathless as you were. 
“Why? Not so fond of games anymore?” you sassed, rubbing your throbbing core against his thigh while you stroked him so gently that he felt like he was losing his mind. 
He growled as he grabbed you by the waist and flipped the two of you around, him being on top again. “Enough,” he growled in your ear, “Spread those legs for me.” He ordered, settling in between them as you spread your legs to accommodate him. He grabbed your thighs and parted your legs even more as he aligned the tip of his cock to your opening. “Now stay still, don’t move.” 
You braced yourself for him, but nothing could have prepared you for that. His length stretched you open until he was seated deep inside you, filling you up entirely to a point where you couldn’t even think of anything else other than him being balls deep inside you. 
You moaned as he removed himself entirely and pushed himself back into you, and watched in awe how you struggled to adjust to his size. He lowered his face again, and leaned into your ear, “Fuck….” you heard him moan; panting and swearing under his breath as he rocked into you. 
You were a moaning mess under him in no time. He kissed your open mouth while he rammed into you over and over again, making your eyes tear up. The burning need subsided a little bit as his cock brushed against all the right spots inside you. “Buck… faster, please,” You whimpered. 
He chuckled into your ear, “Needy little brat…” he mumbled as he sped up into you, making you lose your ability to focus on anything else other than him and his body. He pulled away from your face to look down at you, his metal hand coming up to wrap itself around your throat. “This is what you wanted since we left that lab, huh? For me to fuck your greedy little cunt? Hmm?” He taunted as he stretched you out completely. You lifted your legs up and wrapped them around his waist; allowing him to thrust deeper into you. 
You felt tears escaping your eyes as he pulled you closer and pressed his forehead to yours fucking deeper into you. He was relentless; each moan which left your lips only encouraged him to get more and more rough. 
You felt a pressure form in between your hips, your body begging for release. “Bucky… please.” You moaned, begging. For something, anything. You’d take anything at this point. But right when your walls started clenching around him and when you were just about to come undone; he pulled out. 
“Please what?” He surprised himself with how he was able to tease you in this situation when all he wanted was to make both of you cum over and over again. 
“I need to cum, Bucky please,” you cried, with tears in your eyes. 
Bucky leaned in to kiss your swollen lips, not minding the tears. “Do you deserve it?” He asked, and you nodded immediately, your body shaking with how bad you needed to cum. “Oh you do, do you?” 
You nodded again. “Please…please...” 
“Well since you asked nicely…” Bucky flipped you onto your stomach and pulled you onto your knees by your hips and pushed himself inside you again. You felt his muscular body press against the curve of your ass as he filled you up again. 
He rocked into you from behind. His hand found its way to your front and he pressed the palm against your lower abdomen. He liked how he could feel himself deep inside you with each thrust. And he liked how that drove you insane, he could by the way your walls gripped his cock. 
“Feel that, little brat? That’s all you’re good for… to take my cock like a good little slut.” He whispered. 
You groaned at the sound of his raspy voice, his words making you milk him even harder. “You wish, you dipshit.” You moaned as he sped up when you least expected it. You whimpered, and he chuckled now that he had you at his mercy. 
His hand travelled all the way to your throat and he choked you gently as he bent down to whisper in your ear, “I can assure you that no one is ever gonna fuck you this good,” he boasted as he very gently squeezed the side of your throat. But hard enough to make you lose your mind.
You could only moan and whimper in response while he kept pounding into you incessantly. “Fuck… please....” you cried. 
You felt the pressure in between your hips grow until you couldn’t hold back anymore. You felt him quicken his pace as he chased his own orgasm. “Cum for me. Now.” 
You didn’t have to be told twice. You came undone, hard and fast; moaning his name as you did. Bucky came right after you. 
You collapsed onto your bed, sprawled unevenly and not even caring. Your eyes were shut in fatigue, your heart racing and you could feel Bucky’s body heat right next to you. He was catching his breath too, mumbling something under his breath which you couldn’t catch. 
For the first time in hours, you felt at ease. Your body wasn’t yearning anymore, but the hunger was still there. So when Bucky got up to leave, you grabbed him by the hand and pulled him back into bed with you. 
He smirked as he fell helplessly onto your bed again, right next to you. “You want more, you greedy little brat?” 
You punched his arm before getting up and getting on top of him again, sliding your body down his cock. He hissed as you did. 
“Just another round.” You whispered, loving the sight of him under you. His tan skin against your white sheets, him moaning as you slowly lifted up and sank back down on his cock. Oh fuck… 
You placed your hands on his muscular chest to hold yourself up as you sped up, riding him like you’ve been dreaming of this whole time. His hands gripped your hips, guiding you up and down his cock until you both found a pleasurable pace. 
You weren’t going to last too long, but you just needed to have him buried deep inside you again. His thick, girthy cock stretched you open as you took him as best you could, moaning and whimpering desperately as he groaned and gasped under you. 
Your walls gripping him and milking him like they had earlier, not even a few minutes ago. You felt the pressure forming nicely in between your hips again. You let out a loud moan as you felt his cock reach places it hadn’t before, turning you into a mess. 
His grip on your hips tightened as he brought you down on his cock with force each time and thrusting upwards to fuck you deeper. “Cum for me.” He threw his head back, growling. “Cum for me again…” 
Your hand grabbed him by the jaw and you leaned in to press your lips against his, claiming his open mouth and muffling his animalistic growls as you came undone around him again. Your orgasm then triggered his. 
You fell limp on top of him right after and he instinctively cradled your head. “You okay?” 
You nodded, your sweaty bodies pressed against each other but neither of you minding it. “Yeah.” 
Bucky gently rolled to his side, letting you down on your side of the bed. You tried your best to calm your racing heart. Not to mention you felt much, much better than earlier. 
Bucky got up to leave again, and you grabbed his hand before he got completely out of your bed. He turned to face you with a smirk then groaned dramatically, “Woman please, I’m not a machine. The pain will subside now, I believe we’ve done pretty good at fucking it out of our systems. I can’t go all night, seriously.” 
You were in a haze so his words made you giggle. “You’re really leaving?” 
He looked down at you, sprawled on your bed. Your face was glowing, you looked ethereal. “You want me to stay?” He asked, wondering where the sassy brat in you went. 
You nodded. 
He smirked, getting back into bed next to you, “What, now you're obsessed with me?”
You rolled your eyes at him. “Shut up. I’m just saying since I might need you again in the morning, you might as well just sleep here.”  
He pretended to be hurt. “Wow.” He didn’t mind that at all. He got under the covers with you, “So… is it just the chemicals or are we…?” 
You snuggled closer to his side, he wrapped his arm around you, tucking your head under his chin. “Shh, I still hate you.” Your tired, soft voice reminded him of a sleepy kitten. 
He held you closer. “Of course.” He looked down at you and saw that you had already fallen asleep on his chest. He cracked a soft smile, whispering under his breath, “Brat.” 
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dreaminginpastels · 3 years
I adored your Druig pieces!! Can you write a Druig imagine where he’s in love with the reader who is Tony Starks younger sister so when Druig finds her in Tony’s lab one night and she expects him to scold her for not being fully moved on from Tony’s death but he’s actually very understanding and he admits his feelings?
king of concern
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pairing: druig x fem!stark!reader
summary: grieving for your brother tony, you find yourself in his lab in an attempt to feel close with him - only to be interrupted by druig who surprisingly understands your pain
warnings: angst and fluff (but mostly angst), hurt/comfort, mentions of death, grief and loss, brief mentions of parental neglect/absenteeism
reader pronouns: she/her (by request)
word count: 2.1k
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*✧ eternals masterlist | main masterlist | ask | taglist ✧*
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The world was saved at the exact moment that yours was destroyed.
With the snap of a finger, you went from the younger sister of the “genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist” otherwise known as Tony Stark, to being completely, and utterly, alone.
Everyone was sad at his funeral, but most of the Avengers chose to honour Tony by moving on with their lives. Holding him in their hearts as they continued doing what they did best; protecting the world. You, however, found it to be a challenge almost too difficult to bear.
Growing up, your brother had not only been your hero, but your protector. He protected you from real danger, sure, but mostly he protected you from emotional pain. On the days where your father’s absence hit you hardest, he was always by your side making you laugh with funny faces, new inventions, or just holding you as you wept.
You had always known that his big heart would be his downfall, you just hadn’t expected it to come so soon. You suspected that he did though. Before what would be his last mission, he had called you as he drove to the Avengers Compound. You would never forget his last words to you.
I need you to remember how strong you are. How brave you are. The fact that you’ve dealt with all my antics over the years is testament to the fact that you can handle anything. No matter what happens, know that I love you, that I’m unbelievably proud of you, and that I will always be your biggest fan.
Part of you wished you had missed the call just so you could hear those words again from him on days like today - days where the grief lay heavy on your chest, weighing you down so hard you almost couldn’t walk.
These were the big emotions he had always shielded you from. Now that he was gone, there was no magical barrier keeping the emotions at bay. There were no funny faces, and no warm arms around you to reassure you that it would all be okay. You were on your own.
You decided that since your brother couldn’t be there with you, you’d go to him - or, the closest thing to him. His laboratory.
To you, entering his lab was like stepping back in time to his childhood bedroom; various unfinished projects taking over the room as if they were forming a giant, metallic army.
You almost laughed when you first entered, overwhelmed with just how “Tony” it was. It felt like he was in the room with you - you half-expected him to step out from behind a wall and engulf you in one of his famous hugs. Instead, the silence was so overwhelming you decided to sit down and take it all in. Deep breaths were basically your only remedy for the waves of grief that threatened to take you under. No. You decided. They wouldn’t win today.
You let out a scream. A scream of pain, of sadness, of despair. A scream that, apparently, summoned a moody Eternal.
You looked up to find Druig looking back at you with concern lacing his eyes.
“Please tell me that was you and not a Deviant because, let’s be real, you sound practically the same.”
You rolled your eyes. Of course this was what the universe decided to send you in this moment.
Not Sersi or Thena who would sit with you and console you; feeling every inch of your pain as their own. No. The universe sent you Druig. The Eternal that found the most joy in ridiculing you. The Eternal who decided to treat the moments where you felt fragile and nervous about being a mere mortal daring to try your hand at supporting the Avengers and Eternals with your ideas, with taunts and sarcastic remarks. How wonderful.
“Very funny, Druig.” You began, wiping the tears that threatened to fall from your eyes. “To what do I owe the pleasure, King of Concern?”
He smirked before sitting next to you. “Do you want the truth or a convenient fiction?”
You sighed. Nothing was ever straightforward with this boy. “Let’s go with a convenient fiction, huh? It sounds more intriguing.”
He nodded. “I happened to be in the area, saw a light on in what should be an abandoned laboratory, and then heard a piercing scream and figured I should investigate in case it was a Deviant?”
You nearly gave him the satisfaction of a laugh but settled for an eye roll. “Wow. Almost convincing.”
“Right, your turn.”
You raised an eyebrow.
“-to tell me whether there’s a more plausible reason than an attempt to break the world record for most glass objects shattered by voice alone for the scream that I just heard.”
You couldn’t help it. An involuntary chuckle escaped your lips prompting Druig to raise his head in a satisfied smile.
You sighed before reluctantly continuing. “Well, I know it’s been a few months since Tony di-...since Tony passed, and I know I should be over it by now but I just…can’t. Some days are harder than others and tonight was practically unbearable sitting in my apartment, so I figured I’d come and spend some time here. This was always where Tony came when he couldn’t cope, so I thought maybe it would work for me too.”
Here it comes. You thought. Here comes the rant about how I’m too soft, how I have to be tougher or the world will crush me. “Everyone else has moved on, get over yourself.” “If they could do it, why can’t you?” You didn’t think you could handle hearing the word “pathetic” leave his lips.
“-but coming to the place he loved most just makes you miss him more, right?”
You had to take a moment to make sure you’d heard him properly. You waited for the punchline but it never came. Here was Druig. Druig. Being understanding?
“Wait, that’s it? Where’s the sarcasm? The ridicule? What have you done with the Druig I know?”
He chuckled. CHUCKLED. You couldn’t believe your ears. You wanted more than anything in that moment to know what was going on inside that confounding mind of his. To mind-read the mind controller.
Druig had known unbearable grief. When Gilgamesh sacrificed his life for Thena, Druig thought he would surely fall apart. He could feel each piece inside of him shattering like a mirror smashed in anguish. He knew exactly how y/n was feeling. Down to the shattered glass.
“Hey, listen, I know that I’m not the most…emotive…person at times. Well, ever, I guess. But losing a sibling is no light matter. I’ve been there. I’ve felt every inch of that agonising pain. Anyone that tells you that you’re not healing fast enough is an asshole. And they’re wrong. Healing isn’t linear and it certainly isn’t fast. If my opinion matters to you, I say that you’re doing all the right things and that you just need to be patient with it. Screw everyone else. Look after you for once. If that means screaming like a banshee in your brother’s lab, scream your gorgeous little heart out.”
The vulnerability in your eyes when you looked up at him in that moment just about broke Druig. In your eyes he could practically see an entire life’s worth of pain. All the days you’d been let down. All the people that had hurt you. It took every inch of his willpower to not fly out of that laboratory and mind control all the losers that had ever made you doubt yourself. It pained him to think that for any period of time, he had been one of them. But he knew that what you needed right now was to not be alone. You needed someone to be there for you for once. Maybe he wasn’t the best someone, or even the someone you deserved, but he was here. And he wasn’t going anywhere.
“Wow, uh, t-thank you Druig.” You smiled, “That means a lot to me, especially coming from you. Your opinion means a great deal to me, even though sometimes I wish it didn’t.”
He sighed in content. “Happens to the best of us, m’darlin. For what it’s worth, I think rather highly of you.”
You shook your head, clearly surprised at his words. “Really? You constantly make fun of me. Your native language is sarcasm. You can’t finish a sentence without an eyeroll. If that’s how you treat people you think highly of, I’d love to see how you treat those you despise.”
Druig couldn’t help but chuckle at that, “Heard of teasing, m’love?”
He wanted to continue, but something in your words had sobered him. Sighing, he changed tact. “Want to know the real reason I got here so fast after I heard your scream?”
You nodded, evidently intrigued at what his response would be. “I’ve been keeping tabs on you. I saw how distraught you were after your brother’s funeral and it killed me. I didn’t think I could help with words, and I definitely thought you deserved something better than my company so I thought I’d just protect you from a distance. Turns out all I need to protect you from is muscle atrophy from sitting on your couch rewatching animated comfort movies.”
For a moment he thought his comic relief had paid off when a glorious laugh escaped your lips. Until it morphed into a deep sob that just about ripped his heart in two.
“Talk to me, gorgeous,” he began, desperately trying to get you back out of the emotional abyss you had sunk into. Your weeping was relentless.
“T-tony always p-played animated movies to m-make me f-feel better when d-dad broke h-his promises, w-when he didn’t c-come home.”
That was it. Druig couldn’t take it anymore. His cool, calm, and collected demeanour shattered at the sight of you hiccupping words through sobs. He reached out and pulled you into his arms, caressing your shoulders and whispering that everything would be okay over and over and over until your sobs eased and you relaxed into his chest.
“T-thank you, Druig.” You muttered softly once you had calmed down. “I’m sorry you saw me like this. I’m not usually this….weak.”
Druig audibly tutted in disappointment. “No. Nope.”
He sat you up so that you were looking into his eyes face-on, melting in fondness at the way your lip jutted out in a pout at having to leave his embrace.
“y/n, you are one of the kindest, most selfless, most resilient people I have ever known. You say you’re weak for showing emotion, I say that’s the bravest thing of all. I admire you because, unlike you, when things get tough, I repress my emotions. I hide away to avoid the conversations, the sympathy, the condolences. That is the real cowardice - making people think they’re suffering alone because you’re too scared to tell them that you’re right there with them. Hurting just as badly. Heart splayed out in a thousand shattered pieces. Do me a favour and never ever doubt how strong you are. Your heart is your superpower.”
You pulled him into a tight hug then, the firm grip conveying more than words ever could.
He sighed. “y/n, I know this isn’t the right time but…the cowardice has to stop at some point, right?”
You looked up at him nervously. “What do you mean?”
Those damn eyes. He thought. He was so weak for you.
“y/n, I’m in love with you. Have been for a decent while now but just couldn’t find the damn words to tell you. That, and I was pretty nervous that your brother would beat my ass for all the stolen glances that I sent your way during meetings. I know that I’m not worth your time, let alone your heart, but if you’ll have me, I’d love to take you out on a proper date. I don’t expect you to have an answer anytime soon, I know that it’s a tough time and-”
He coughed in surprise. “Sorry, what?”
You smiled up at him, eyes crinkling in pure joy and…fond? Those eyes would be the death of him, he was sure.
“I would love to go on a date with you, Druig.” You replied. “I’ve loved you for a long while as well.”
Beaming, he pulled you in for another tight hug, deciding in that moment that with each time he had the privilege of holding you, he’d show you just how lucky he really was. He’d show you that he’d keep you safe. He’d protect you now.
You mumbled something so briefly he almost missed it. He eased his grip and you peaked up at him from within his arms. “You know, maybe you’d have better luck with people if you didn’t pretend you were some brick wall of sarcasm all the time.”
He laughed, pulling you back into the tight hug fondly. He knew in that moment that his walls had no chance - you’d break them down piece by shattered piece.
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a/n: hello beautiful! awww that’s so kind of you to say ☺️ thank you so very much for this request! I was so damn excited when you sent it in - this was my first ever Druig request and, let’s be honest, he basically has my entire heart at this point so it’s an understatement to say this was an absolute joy to write (even if I may have shed some tears with the early parts). I hope that it’s what you wanted! please feel free to request again and let me know if you liked it 🤎
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aminiatureworld · 3 years
Return to Me
Characters: Albedo, Scaramouche, Xiao, gn!reader
Word Count: 4,538
Warnings: Violence, Minor villain death
Premise: What is it like when the one you most adore becomes a stranger? And how’re you supposed to pick up the pieces?
In which the reader loses their memory.
Author’s Note: Just a note that this is not how actual amnesia works, and if you’re experiencing memory loss please contact your doctor.
That being said the amnesia is really good for angst and pining so how could I resist? It’s one of those guilty pleasure tropes I like to read and think of so I hope I did it justice.
Albedo loved two things in this world, alchemy and you. They were what kept him centered, what kept him sharp and curious and full of life. So how could it be that one of those things should cause him such great unhappiness, and that said unhappiness should be the other’s suffering?
It had been a dangerous experiment, from the beginning Albedo was well aware of that. Testing whether or not elemental energy contained traces of elements via water could yield incredibly useful results about magic’s interaction with the ordinary world. But it could also backfire massively. Noxious gases, explosions, anything was possible.
But he’d thought he was prepared. After all you two had hiked all the way to the edges of Windrise specifically so no one would be around, and Albedo had even put up a barrier with the express intention of keeping anyone from getting hurt. It should’ve been fine, everything should’ve been fine, and yet when the Electro Slime condensate hit the water and the explosion knocked you both off your feet, slamming into the ground three meters from where you’d originated, he could only wonder how things had gone so wrong.
Picking himself up after a few agonizing seconds, every bone and muscle in his body stiff and aching from the sudden impact, Albedo crawled over to where you lay. To his horror you appeared to have hit a rock, and your head was bleeding slightly. Cupping your face in his hands the alchemist rasped out your name. The relief he felt when you opened your eyes was only momentary, replaced by shock and a sense of utter emptiness when you made out a groggy: “Who are you?”
Electro slime elements appear to contain no small amount of Chlorine, which, combined with only the hydrogen as a result of the electricity splitting the water molecules apart, caused an explosion. Although normally Albedo might’ve been thrilled by the discovery of an element only found mixed in the natural world, now he could only look upon that experiment with a raw sort of hatred that he hadn’t known he’d possessed. The ice around the alchemist’s heart had been burned away, and now all that remained was a burnt and shriveled up little thing, determined to make up for the lack of emotions by throwing its owner into the pits of despair.
Albedo spent all his time at first in the hospital and then in the apartment you two shared. You’d made an offhanded remark about how empty it looked, and Albedo had smiled awkwardly, not having the heart to tell you he could barely look at a piece of science equipment without a deep sense of loss. The doctors had said the effects should fade with time, but Albedo knew that there had been magic in the air, and a sick, twisted part of himself jeered that he was holding onto false hope.
It didn’t help that Albedo had been absolutely unprepared for the reality in which you couldn’t remember a thing about him, or your relationship. Never again would you rush up to him as you had before, excitement in your eyes and questions in your head. Memories of gathering crystal flies in the sunset and staying up all night, notes on old ruins swapped with sweet kisses and phrases that meant nothing at all, the beach where Albedo had sketched you for the first time and you had given him your first gift, all that was nothing to you, the stories of a stranger told by another.
“The first gift you gave me was a flower preserved in a solution of Cryo.” You said, words awkward and unsure in your mouth. Albedo knew that you weren’t really remembering it.
“That’s right,” he replied, voice light and calm, trying desperately to keep the despair from showing on his face. “It was a Cecilia. You said that it looked as if it was made of snow.”
“It sounds beautiful,” you replied, speaking more to yourself than to him, “I wish I could remember it.”
“You will someday, I’m sure of it.” He smiled, but the movement felt like too much effort to keep up and soon his face collapsed once more into an expression of melancholy. As if noticing this you smiled slightly in turn.
“Does it still exist?”
“Yes,” Albedo gazed out the window that faced you two. Beyond the buildings, only a few streets away lay his laboratory, locked away and gathering dust, “it does, but I cannot get it right now.”
“Oh,” you seemed at a loss for words, glancing down towards your hands, “that’s alright. I’d rather remember it on my own anyways.”
Albedo said nothing to this. Moving to place his hand on yours he paused. He was a stranger to you. This little act of comfort, all the little gestures he’d gotten so used to were now impossible. Dropping his hand to his side he moved to get you a glass of water, desperately trying to ignore the pain burning in his chest and in his heart.
“Are these yours?”
Albedo placed the bag of groceries he’d just gotten on the floor. Moving over to where you were sitting, you were taking a break from adventuring until you remembered more, a decision made by the doctors for fear you’d forgotten how to control your vision. You had recently moved on from mostly sleeping to exploring your once familiar home, and now you sat curled on the couch; in your lap was a familiar book. Leaning over Albedo glanced at the page you were on.
“Yes, they’re mine. I like to sketch in my free time.”
“It’s beautiful,” you murmured, running your hand reverently over the slightly stained page, “I can see the different shades in the mountain, even if it’s only a pencil drawing.”
“I’m glad you think so,” Albedo smiled to himself, the memory of that day offering him some solace, “it was quite a difficult thing to draw.”
“It had an odd name.” You scrunched your nose slightly in concentration, an expression so cute Albedo could help but let out a huff of bittersweet laughter.
“Dragonspine. That’s the name of the mountain.” Turning to put the groceries away he paused when you spoke once more.
“No. That wasn’t it. It was something else. V-Vida something.” Albedo watched, incoherent thoughts and emotions clouding his mind as you retraced the circles you’d been making on the page beforehand. Suddenly your fingers stopped and you looked up. “Vindagnyr, yes that’s it! There’s a fortress up there, a, what did you tell me they were called, a domain. And that’s the name of it.” You closed your eyes once more. “Something happened there, something to do with you. I can’t remember it, if I was there or if you told me about it before, but something’s there. Something important.”
Albedo felt as if he must’ve been dreaming. The same sort of emptiness that had filled him at the beginning of this catastrophe was there, but this time there was something else, the bitter feeling of a hope that he couldn’t be sure of filling his lungs and his mouth. He turned back towards you, teetering forward as he tried to grasp the situation.
“Yes. That’s right. Vindagnyr. The name it had before it was essentially destroyed by Durin. I met the Traveler there, a week before I met you.” He sat down on the chair adjacent to where you were sitting, memories filling his mind. “It was also the first place we performed an experiment together.”
“I’d like to go there again then.” Your face was one of open triumph and excitement, and there was something in your eyes that Albedo thought he might never see again, a sort of recognition that he thought had been lost, “I know you haven’t been to your work once. I suppose it would make sense, considering what happened, but would you take me there?”
“Of course.” Albedo’s voice was sure and solid.
“Even though I might not remember more.”
“Even then.”
You reached your hand out to the alchemist, and after a second Albedo took it. He ran his thumb over the back of your hand slightly, and you made no move to withdraw, instead squeezing his palm slightly.
You had remembered something. It wasn’t everything of course, and there was no guarantee that there wouldn’t be heartbreak up ahead, wouldn’t be frustration and sorrow and moments when hope seemed very far away. But as long as moments like this existed, Albedo could hang on. The anger and despair that had burned inside him remained, but now something stronger resided there.
And that was hope.
“Do you see them?” You whispered, raising your head slightly above the rock you were hiding under. Scowling Scaramouche made a cutting gesture with his hand.
“Yes I see them. And get back down!”
Although his tone of voice was harsher than usual you smiled a smile of understanding as you lowered yourself once more out of sight. Scarmouche took a deep breath in response, trying to control the coiling tension that sat in his stomach. Today’s mission was an unenviable one, made only worse by your presence, for Scaramouche knew these were no ordinary enemies, and though you could take care of yourself just fine there was a nagging in his head that refused to be silenced.
Your targets sat encamped up ahead, completely nondescript in appearance, although that was hardly surprising of deserters of the Fatui, especially ones of such high caliber as them.
Scaramouche’s expression twisted into a scowl of concentration once more as he thought about the moment when you two had received your orders to get rid of those who knew of the dealings of the army of the Tsaritsa, and who were certainly willing to dispose of said secrets for the right price. Although they were no doubt traitors of the worst sort and worth less than dirt, there was still something unpleasant about fighting people who had once been comrades. You’d mused it was because of the bonds of mutual struggle and culture, but Scaramouche suspected for himself it was more the annoyance of fighting people who were at least somewhat trained.
Scaramouche gave the signal and you crept once more out from behind your hiding spot. Manifesting your polearm Scaramouche could already see the well worn metal steaming. This battle was going to be bloody.
At first everything had gone well enough, being hidden on a ledge about the camp you’d managed to do a great deal of damage, made easier by their surprise and ill planned position. However things quickly began to turn sour. The ex-Fatui might not’ve had the equipment of their army days, but they retained the ruthlessness that had once made them so efficient and now made them so dangerous.
There was an odd smell running through the valley, the smell of electricity and something burning. Scaramouche stood in front of a man who had certainly once been a vanguard and a woman who appeared to have been a Cryo mage. Sweat coated their faces but Scarmouche felt cold with the thrill of battle. Electricity crackled to life in his hands and already bits of electricity were dancing on the charred and dinky armor of his enemies. What were they thinking sending a Harbinger against a pathetic group such as this? It was laughable, really.
“Such a pity that members of such an elite force are going to die like dogs.” He drawled. The woman in front of him gritted her teeth, summoning a trail of icicles which Scaramouche easily leapt over. “Is that truly your worth?” He laughed, before the calm that always came with killing washed over him. “Your best is hardly worth my worst.” Gathering electricity, Scaramouche prepared for the final, searing strike.
The man in front of him smiled a sickening sort of smile, the kind that one made only when they knew that it was the end, and then it all went wrong.
The sound of your voice was muffled by the energy approaching Scaramouche from behind, as the outline of a transparent sort of figure clipped his vision. Quickly whirling around Scaramouche was unprepared for the third ex-Fatui member, an agent who had apparently learned his skills well, bearing down on him. Raising his hands, the Harbinger was suddenly thrown aside by an unknown force. Fire made contact with lightning and the ground exploded.
Fighting to retain consciousness Scaramouche was aware of the sickly smell of burning flesh. Blinking away the confusion he glanced at the carnage around him. The agent lay haphazardly, face half obscured by a mass of flesh that must’ve once made him up but now seemed out of place. Behind him the other agents had hardly feared better, and the charred visage of mangled flesh replace what had once been arms, legs, necks. It was an unsettling view, and though Scaramouche couldn’t say it was the worst thing he’d ever seen it still left a vile taste in his mouth. How quickly a fragile little human could come undone, made into that which was unrecognizable.
Finally he fixed his gaze towards you, relieved to find that there was no apparent wounds, although that perspective shifted slightly when viewing your hands, which were covered with welts. Your fire must’ve mixed with his electricity, causing an overload of energy, and you two lying in the eye of the storm. Scaramouche looked at his own hands, and realized they were similarly reddened. Ignoring the pain he shook your shoulder. “Get up.” He let out when you finally opened your eyes.
However it was apparent very quickly that something was wrong. You eyes held no recognition in them, instead they seemed as blank and transparent as a mirror. Looking at him you furrowed your brow slightly.
“Where…” your gaze drifted towards the scraps of humanity around you and then there was nothing but screaming and a wetness on Scaramouche’s cheeks that felt suspiciously like tears.
“You need to get back to work.” Signora’s voice betrayed no sense of pity. Scaramouche was glad for it, he wouldn’t’ve been able to forgive her if there had been.
“I doubt those imbeciles need me for something as simple as the daily regime. If they do it’s their fault, not mine. I owe them nothing.”
“You owe them your work, it’s your duty as a Harbinger,” Signora’s eyes narrowed, “or have you forgotten that in your folly.”
“I’ve forgotten nothing!” Scaramouche snapped, eyes boring into those across from him. “I am well aware of what my obligations are and what they aren’t. As I said there is nothing of importance fir me right now, and I don’t wish to waste away my time with trivial matters.”
“What would our dear Tsarina think of such words,” Signora let out a dramatic sigh. Raising the glass she was drinking from to your lips she paused, “you best be careful. I cannot shelter you from your folly forever. Either you learn how to deal with this… unfortunate incident and your work, or I shall have that person thrown out into the snow.”
“You wouldn’t dare.��� Scaramouche’s tone was like acid and he felt for the moment as if letting go of himself wasn’t such a crime, for now there was no one to chastise him about it anymore.
“I’m warning you. Don’t forget what happens to those who cannot fulfill their duty to the Tsarina,” Signora paused, a cruel smile gracing her face, “or have you forgotten who caused this in the first place.”
It was all Scaramouche could do not to set the tent ablaze.
“Get. Out.” He commanded. Signora sighed, shaking her head and downing her drink in one go before walking out and leaving Scaramouche with the feeling of falling apart.
“Do you sing?”
Scaramouche lifted his head at the sound of your voice, surprised by the question. You hadn’t said much since the aftermath of the incident, and Scaramouche hadn’t forced you to. After all it was one of the things he’d first appreciated in regards to you, you’d never forced him to talk when he didn’t want to. Now he felt the need to afford you the same courtesy, knowing that intelligence still lay behind those eyes even if recognition had disappeared. Now he put down the document he was reading, smiling wryly and shaking his head.
“No. Why would you think that?”
“Because that’s what you’re called isn’t it? Your name, one of your names. The… the Balladeer?” You said it as if it was a question, and perhaps it was. Scaramouche couldn’t think however, couldn’t think over the rushing in his ears.
“Where did you hear that?”
“I don’t know. I just heard it. Or I remembered it. But that’s who you are, isn’t it?” You smiled, and for a moment Scaramouche could almost imagine life was as it was before. “Can you sing for me?”
“No.” This conversation had happened before.
“Fine,” you shook your head, “but one day I want you to sing for me, when I remember everything, then I want you to sing for me.”
“Fine.” Scaramouche managed to get out, afraid of the rising emotions he felt, afraid they might break through his voice.
“You’re missing work, aren’t you.” You continued on, gaze piercing through him. “I can tell, I can hear people whispering about it when I go out. I’m not supposed to be here, and you’re supposed to be working. If what you told me really is what happened, you should work.”
“Ridiculous,” Scaramouche scoffed, “I can manage my own affairs. Besides,” his voice grew softer, as if he didn’t want to reveal himself to you. You were too familiar, but still a stranger, and a part of him hid behind the walls he built up around everyone else, the walls only you could climb over. “Besides, who would look after you.”
“I can look after myself.” Your answer was as confident as it had always been. “I have to, since I trust what you’ve told me about myself, about this work, this world.”
“It was you not looking after yourself that lost you your memory!” He was shouting by now, he was shouting but he couldn’t stop because if he stopped shouting he’d be crying.
“Perhaps. But it’s not looking after me to end up like the people we fought. So go to your work. And maybe one day when you come back, I’ll remember.”
He couldn’t say no to you, eventually you won. It had been that way since the beginning, you tearing down his bluffing and his empty promises. Perhaps it was what he appreciated most about you.
Every moment Scaramouche was away from you felt like he was betraying a part of himself, a part he had hid for so long. But you were right, just like before, and just like before you’d won him over with your honesty, your refusal to back down, and your view of the Harbinger for what he truly was, someone who was deep down truly afraid. That part of you remained, somehow without memory and without certainty it remained.
And if that part of you remained, well maybe some day the rest would return.
“Xiao look!” You let out a cry of delight as you threw yourself off the tall stone mountain, glider unfurling in a vibrant waves of color as you began circling in the air. Xiao scowled from the tree in which he was perched, unwilling to humor you in your folly.
“You’re going to be injured.” Although he hadn’t meant for you to hear that you still laughed at the comment, shaking your head as you once more carved shapes into the sky.
“It’s a lovely day for gliding! The air is so fresh and the breeze is just enough to keep you upright!”
“It’s too windy.” Xiao’s voice was flat. This was foolish, what you were doing was foolish. He could feel the currents, feel their laughter, their excitement. They were surely up to no good.
But you weren’t paying attention to that, instead you were gliding about as if you were born to fly. It was a beautiful sight, Xiao had to admit. The beauty of those immersed in what they loved. And what Xiao loved was you.
“Come on Xiao!” You called out. “Come fly with me!”
“Oh c’mon, I know you can do it!” Screwing your face into a pout when the adeptus once more shook his head you shrugged. “Your loss.”
Xiao knew you were disappointed, but he couldn’t help it. It seemed somehow out of place for him to join you in whatever you were doing. Besides, he needed to keep track of the currents, just in case.
You dove down for a moment, and Xiao felt his stomach clench, knowing full well what you were doing, but unable to keep the worry out of his mind. And yet then you were flying up, up, up, up and though Xiao wanted to scold you, wanted to tell you to come down once more, he was rapt, in awe. You were too beautiful, and it stole his breath away.
A gust of wind came blowing through the stone monoliths and as your wings buckled and you plummeted towards the ground Xiao found that he was truly unable to breathe at all.
Perhaps it was a blessing that you were unconscious. Then you didn’t have to feel the way Xiao held onto your shoulders as if he’d never let you go, the way he gasped for the air he was supposed to be in charge of, the way his eyes were devoid of everything but fear. You hadn’t fallen so far, he told himself, you hadn’t fallen so far it was fatal. You were breathing, you were going to be fine. But he found himself unable to believe those words. If you had said them he would’ve, but there you were, a crumpled mess and he barely able to process the world around him.
Crashing onto the Inn balcony, not caring about the odd looks thrown his way, Xiao made his way upstairs. You were going to be fine. You were.
If only he could believe himself.
“They’re out of danger now.” Verr Goldet’s voice was calm, unnaturally so, and Xiao only softened a little at the knowledge, sure something had gone wrong. “But…” the innkeeper continued, confirming all of the fears Xiao had been secretly nursing.
“But there seems to be a problem with their memory. They were very confused at first, unable to remember things such as Liyue, their duty as adventurer, this place, things like that. At first we thought it would clear, but now it seems that isn’t so. Their memory might be affected for quite a while.”
“I want to see them.” Xiao brushed past Goldet, determined to help you if this was to be your fate. But Goldet’s next words stopped him in his tracks.
“Xiao, they can’t remember you.”
At first there was the feeling of falling. And then, as Xiao vanished, there was nothing.
At first Xiao was determined to stay away completely. It hurt too much, hurt to think about what had happened. At first he’d managed to survive on anger, anger at the world, at you not listening to him, at himself for letting it happen. But quickly the anger faded and what replaced it was a loneliness so vast he couldn’t believe that he had managed to survive in such a way before he met you.
Still he didn’t want to go, didn’t want to see you as you were now, unaware of him and perhaps destined to remain so. How cruel fate was. It took everything he knew from him and just when he began to live again it took that to. It took away your memory, your livelihood, and for what? To punish him? It seemed unfair, so unfair.
So he’d stayed away, afraid that something would happened again to you if he were to show himself again. But the knowledge of such emotions as love is something that doesn’t fade, and Xiao found himself unable to continue on as before, finding the pain too great. He had to see you. At least to say goodbye, he had to see you. It would be unfair not to do so.
The moon was full, casting a silvery light on the landscape. Xiao drifted over towards the roof of the Inn, thankful that he was invisible, so as to not have to experience the moment your eyes reached him but you didn’t.
Your silhouette appeared quickly enough in the darkness. You seemed somewhat preoccupied, and yet there was a purpose to your step, made all the more evident by the Qingxin grasped firmly in your hand, a brethren of the other flowers which lay scattered on the railing.
“I know you’re there.” At first Xiao jumped, thinking perhaps you’d somehow managed to sense him. However he calmed down once you continued, it appeared you weren’t truly talking to him.
“I know you’re there. And I wish you’d come back,” You continued, gazing out on the landscape around you. “I don’t remember your name you see. They told me your name of course, but I wish they hadn’t, I wanted to remember it myself. It must be why you left, of course you didn’t want to see me like this. If what they said was true…” you shook your head, “I know it was true. I know that it had to have been true, that I cared for you, that you cared for me. I know because I miss you.” Xiao felt his heart pound in his chest, so loud he could barely hear you.
“I miss you so much. Isn’t that odd? I don’t know you anymore and yet I miss you. It’s as if something is missing. I mean, of course something is missing but it’s more than just the memories themselves. It’s the feeling. Like going outside without a coat on. I miss you, even if I can’t miss you because I can’t remember you I do, I miss you dearly.”
You paused, placing the flower on the railing next to the rest.
“I hope you see the flowers before they fade,” you called out softly to the dark, “and I hope one day I can look at you again. I remember you had such lovely eyes. I’d like to see them again to be sure.”
For a moment Xiao didn’t move, frozen by all he’d heard. But the minute you turned to leave he was already there, bound by the feelings he had for you, by the knowledge that continuing as he had been would kill him, would only hurt you.
“Do you remember me?” It was a silly question to ask, but he had nothing else to say. You turned towards him and smiled softly. It was true, your eyes didn’t recognize him. But there was something in your gaze nonetheless.
“Xiao.” You whispered, and the yaksha knew that he’d never be able to leave again.
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shinydelirium · 2 years
MLQC Season 2 Chapter 30:  Day and Night (Kiro) Part 1  Translation [CN]
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In a remote suburb, the lights of a NW secret laboratory shone bright.
Researchers in hazard suits surrounded the transparent medical cabin. A line of warnings flashed on the observation screen—
Subject evolution completion: 96%.
Suddenly, a deafening explosion pierced through the quiet night, destroying one side of the laboratory wall.
Within the thick smoke, flames soared into the sky as several figures appeared from the blasted hole in quick, orderly fashion, covering up everything that had happened.
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In another building not far away, an office desk in the room vibrated for a moment.
Lucien picked up the rattling teacup, lowered his head, and took a sip.
His eyes remained on the experimental records in his hands, a dark expression on his face.
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Du Wen: Are you still sticking with that answer, Miss MC?
A blinding light hit my face, burning into my eyes.
It was pitch black all around me and several people hid themselves in the shadows making it difficult for me to see their faces. Sitting in his wheelchair, Du Wen gave me a friendly smile.
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MC: …I’m telling the truth.
I didn’t understand why Du Wen came to question me. My limbs were numb and aching from being tied to the chair for so long. I could only sit there while I adjusted myself into a more comfortable position.
MC: On that day at Monument Square, I strictly followed the organization’s instructions and witnessed CORE’s destruction.
MC: Because I managed to escape, you thought it was strange. Now I'm tied up here all night being interrogated like I’m some kind of prisoner.
MC: Isn’t that a bit of an overkill?
I raised my voiced as I stared back at Du Wen.
The night that Gavin destroyed CORE at Monument Square, everyone who was there was arrested by the Special Task Force as planned and I was sent home through secret arrangements.
In order to not draw suspicion from GR, I decided to come to headquarters and report the situation.
Although I knew I was going to be investigated, this prolonged torture still left me feeling exhausted.
Du Wen: No need to be defensive, Miss MC. We’re just asking a few questions. How can this be considered an ‘interrogation’?
Du Wen: After all, you’re a key witness to the destruction of CORE so we can only find out the real truth from you.
His voice was oddly harsh. I dug my fingernails into my palm, trying to fight against the building fatigue.
MC: You don’t have to be so pretentious. Besides…
MC: Even if I did see it with my own eyes, I have no way of proving that that thing was CORE. I’m only stating what I saw.
I purposely changed my tone as I frowned and pretended to think.
MC: And the fact that both BS and NW were at the scene, I assumed there must be something going on.
The room became unbearably quiet. I held my breath as I thought about what to say next.
A sudden text message broke the silence. The GR members hiding in the dark glanced down at their phones and then at Du Wen.
Du Wen looked at them and when he turned back around again, he gave me a meaningful smile.
Du Wen: For security reasons, I’m afraid we’ll have to cut this short. Thank you for your understanding, Miss MC.
After he finished talking, he motioned for the GR guard to untie me. Then, he maneuvered his wheelchair and left.
I lowered my eyes and calmly watched from my peripheral vision as everyone else quickly evacuated feeling a little confused.
The interrogation ended abruptly and it seemed that they had something more important to take care of. Could it be related to what I said just now?
GR Guard: You’re free to go.
I moved my sore wrist. Then something suddenly occurred to me and casually said.
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MC: By the way, you better be careful of that man who was with me and Little Stammer last time. He’s very difficult to handle.
GR Guard: You mean Shaw?
GR Guard: Let him suffer a little longer and besides, he won’t be coming back to bother us any time soon.
I was surprised for a moment, then pretended to be calm as I got up and walked out of the room, feeling a bit uneasy.
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The only light in the dark hallway was the sunlight coming in from the central spiral staircase, barely illuminating the emptiness here.
I walked towards the door and while looking around the deserted place, I called Shaw’s name.
Unexpectedly, no one answered which inexplicably calmed the anxiety in my heart. After much contemplation, I sent him another text.
All of a sudden, a faint beam of light caught my eye. I followed it and saw a room at the end of the hallway. The door was ajar.
I involuntarily stopped as my mind raced.
Now that GR is too busy taking care of the incident back at Monument Square, this might be my chance to look into that mechanical box…
With this thought in mind, I tiptoed over to the room and peeked through the crack in the door.
What caught my eyes were the bookshelves aligning the walls and the many documents that were arranged neatly.
After making sure no one was around, I took a deep breath and carefully pushed open the door.
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The spacious room was empty except for a traditional desk opposite the bookshelf.
I walked in quickly and placed a metal ball bearing on the windowsill. Pressing the button, a silver halo was reflected in the center of the sphere.
At the same time, a standard “900” appeared on the outer edge of the halo and in the next second, it changed to 899.
I never thought that the teleporting ball bearing I had prepared in case of emergencies would come in handy.
But I only have fifteen minutes.
With my mind made up, I quickly turned around and started rummaging through the bookshelf. But after reading several copies, there was nothing but charitable foundations.
I couldn’t help take another look around the room again and found that all the furniture was a bit shorter in height than normal. Also, the desk had no chair…
MC: …Is this Du Wen’s office?
But why does he have an office in GR? As I pondered this, I heard the sound of an electric wheelchair rolling outside the room.
MC: !
The next second, the door was pushed open. I tried to steady my breathing and peered out through the gap between the curtains.
Another person appeared at the door at the same time as Du Wen. HIs silver hair gave off a cold glint against the sky light and his familiar face showed no emotion.
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My eyes widened in surprise.
It’s Helios!
[Covert Cooperation]
I was shocked to see the two of them walk in together as a million questions filled my head.
Why is Kiro here and with Du Wen?
Seeing those indifferent eyes, I couldn’t help pursing my lips. Did he encounter something dangerous and that’s why he chose to appear as Helios?
I can’t help but think about the night he left. The unfriendly look on his face when NW showed up out of the blue as if he was expecting them.
Those unresolved clues came up again and again. I wanted to think rationally but my eyes kept being drawn back to Kiro.
As I was thinking, Du Wen has placed his wheelchair at the desk. He skillfully took out some tea from the drawer with the attitude of a host serving his guests.
Du Wen: Would you like some tea?
Helios leaned against the door in a lazy manner without lifting his eyes.
Helios: I’m here to tell you that the key experiment of the NW project is already underway.
Helios: You’re still a step behind.
He paused and a hint of mockery showed in his eyes.
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Helios: Are you afraid of another repeat of “New Year’s Eve”?
Du Wen’s hand pouring the tea suddenly stopped. The smile at the corner of his lips was stiff as though he was trying his best to hold back some kind of anger.
Du Wen: But I don’t think it’ll do you or me any good if it happens again.
Helios: Leave everything to NW.
Helios casually flicked his wrist and a small USB flash drive landed in front of Du Wen. He bent his fingers and knocked on the door frame twice indicating he was leaving but his body suddenly froze.
His eyes cut straight through me like a knife and I couldn’t help but shrink back a little.
As soon as our eyes met, those uncaring eyes wavered for a moment followed by a flash of shock as he studied me.
…Oh no, I’ve been found out.
I quickly looked away but I could still feel his gaze on me. I raised my head again.
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The light in those azure blue eyes darkened like he was glaring at me.
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MC: ….?
Helios: Does the random appearance of that mechanical box recently have anything to do with you?
The abrupt change of topic shocked me. Even Du Wen was a little surprised.
Helios walked back into the room and his unhurried steps eventually stopped near the windowsill.
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He leisurely leaned against the wall, moving the curtains a bit as his eyes swept over me casually.
The faint silver light of the teleportation ball casted over his eyes. He lifted his eyebrow in a relaxed manner and then took an involuntary step, directly blocking me from view.
My sense of sight suddenly became narrow and dim. The only space I had left was covered with his body in front of me.
A few strands of his silver hair peeked through the gaps in the curtains and swayed playfully above my head.
I clenched my hands and resisted the urge to reach out and tug his hair.
Du Wen didn’t say anything for a long time. The soft sound of the tea pouring into the cup stopped and he seemed to laugh.
Du Wen: The purpose of GR is to pass judgment on Evol. How can that thing be related to us?
Helios sneered sarcastically.
Helios: Why didn’t I get to witness how many Evolvers be judged by these “small syringes”?
Du Wen: I think you misunderstood something.
Du Wen: Strictly speaking, the role of the “small syringes” is to see whether it was possible for an ordinary person to become an Evolver so we tested them and we were surprised.
Du Wen: What’s more, the result was not our intention.
Helios: Just a bunch of puppets.
Helios: The one behind all this, how long does he think it will last?
His voice is cold, without any impulsiveness but absolute certainty.
Helios: He should be more worried about GR’s survival.
My heart skipped a beat. Is Helios talking about the mysterious GR president? Or is it something else?
Du Wen: Since everything is for the survival of ordinary people, what’s all this about “puppets”?
Du Wen didn’t seem to care about the contempt in Helios’ words and took a sip of tea.
Du Wen: It doesn’t matter how slow you walk, as long as you walk steadily.
Du Wen: I believe in the near future, Evolvers will forever cease to exist in this city.
Du Wen: Isn’t this the world we all want to see?
I shuddered from his words. He was like a poisonous snake, spitting out its venom.
It doesn’t sound like there is any correlation between the mechanical box and GR but I know for certain that they are planning something more dangerous.
I couldn’t help lowering my eyes. The numbers beside me kept ticking away, making my mind even more confused. At the same time, a broad hand suddenly appeared in front of me.
Sensing my doubts, Helios curled his finger twice.
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MC: …?
Tentatively, I reached out my hand and just when my fingers were about to touch his palm, his hand immediately grabbed the back of mine.
He squeezed my fingers tightly with his thumb resting on the inside of my palm while he lightly stroked it.
My body became numb from his actions causing me to shrink back a little but he didn’t want to let go. He continued to squeeze my fingers and wreak havoc on my nerves as I tried to keep my mind focused.
His thumb moved back and forth. Thinking carefully, I immediately understood.
It seemed to be an “arrow” .
I turned my head to look in the direction of the arrow and my heart skipped a beat.
Only one minute left!
I quickly tapped Helios’ palm twice, thanking him, and then proceeded to make my escape.
A cold touch ran over my fingertips as my vision blurred. When I looked up again, I was already in an unfamiliar alley.
The GR headquarters behind me was hidden amongst the tall buildings, looking ordinary and insignificant.
I walked out of the alley without looking back and couldn’t help recalling what transpired a moment ago.
If what Du Wen said is true and the mechanical box has nothing to do with GR, then who could it be? Is it someone from BS who wants ordinary people to have Evol?
Or is there someone else hiding in the shadows, under the guise of these known forces, silently pushing their agenda?
I sighed heavily, always feeling that things were moving in unexpected directions.
What makes me more concerned is why Helios was there and why was he cooperating with Du Wen?
Without thinking about it, I remembered the angry look he gave me just now and couldn’t help but flinch.
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MC: He’s probably going to yell at me for being reckless again…but I managed to get away so I can at least get a “free pass”, right?
Helios: Hardly.
A sudden voice came from behind me. At the same time, my collar tightened like I was being lifted up.
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I turned my head and was met with a displeased face.
-End of Part 1-
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kachuuyaa · 3 years
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11072021 ; g.i oneshot , gn!reader , bsd!reader .. again
genre ; fluff
includes ; spoilers for the latest archon quest... ig... one mention of fyodor, gods and heavenly powers, INAZUMA ..a...a.... kazuha is intrigued by you go you go! subtle flirting probably
characters ; kazuha, beidou, paimon (platonic), aether (platonic)
synopsis ; Only one human could make another feel safe in this world of faux bliss. (In which you meet the wandering samurai from Inazuma.)
author's notes ; so sorry if you're tired of my bsd!reader content but it won't stopYaba dasabadaba yoobabababa (blow!) Moosay Abalaba dooba, cadoosay (cadoosay) Metamorphosis aporphis of morkle laborth laba gorbalib (laboratory)
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It has not been long since the reunion between the twins, and Aether seemed melancholic throughout your journey back to Liyue. It was to be expected, really. You knew it all along, yet you didn’t bother to tell him. It was quite easy to figure out, actually, yet you do not want to add on to the suspicion brought upon you. You don’t bother to confront him after that, not wanting to make any mistakes during your conversation with him. Completely blocking Paimon and Aether’s discussions, your eyes fixated themselves on the sleeping Chuuya on your shoulder.
He has been sleeping a lot, you realized, wiggling a bit on your shoulder, he rested his small head on your neck. You smiled to yourself, he was quite cute. You did not want to venture into Liyue Harbor for multiple reasons, if you were on the watchlist of the Knights, there is no doubt you are on the watchlist of the Millelith. “Hey, [Name],” Paimon’s voice entered your ears, getting your attention. You turned your head carefully so as to not wake the sleeping Chuuya on your shoulder, bored eyes staring at Paimon. “Ah-” she stuttered, “do you… possibly know how to get to Inazuma?” she asked meekly, nervousness coating her features-- she was still afraid of you. Well, after the meeting between the twins, how could she not? You were certainly at the top of her “Do Not Piss Off” list.
Inazuma. A beautiful nation shrouded with darkness and all things far from heavenly. You have heard of the nation, never being able to step inside, so you resort to the wind; it gives you information on anything and everything. The rumors of you and the ballads of the ancient traverse through the winds you depend on for information, and it has not let you down. Chuuya would also eavesdrop on others for information, his short stature giving an advantage. He would keep the information for himself, for angry squeaks are the only thing that leaves his tiny mouth.
So, no, you do not know how to get there. You may hold the fate of the world in your hands, able to make even the strongest of archons bow at your feet by a simple wave of your hand. Veins pumping with the blood of another world, and another world is where you reign and have died. This world is merely but a fleeting one, you assumed, and while you may have unimaginable battle prowess and an equally indestructible and flawless ability, you simply do not care. Who are you to care about a world which has no meaning to you? You belong here, yet you don’t have an obligation to protect it. Even the archons-- the so-called “protectors” of Teyvat, had destroyed a nation made by mortal hands.
The gods here were as selfish as the ones you have read before you’ve ever come here. Your life was held in another, chained, captive in another's hands. And even though you were free by being released-- reincarnated in another world (you can’t say another life; you know it’s a continuation of your previous one, how stupid), you know you were bound to experience the selfishness of the gods, those replicating what you have seen in mortals. “No, I don’t.” You sighed, looking back at the sea. The sea has always been a peaceful place, an abyss with numerous undiscovered creatures residing in it. “There must be someone you know..” You trailed off, still focusing on the scenery before you. Unsurprisingly, Paimon snapped Aether out of his reverie and called out his name. “Oh. Let me try and think of someone…” Aether began to think, but Paimon interrupted his train of thought before he could form a name. “Paimon’s thought of someone already -- Atsuko, in Liyue Harbor! She’s from Inazuma!” Paimon exclaimed, waving her tiny arms in the air, ushering both you and Aether to Liyue Harbor, yet you were quick to decline her offer. Dismissing her invitation, you waved your hand, and said, “No, No. People wouldn’t want to see someone like me venturing with the bigshot of Teyvat.” You said, a slight tease coated in your tone.
The traveling duo had to think about your words, you were right-- in a sense, yet they did not want to leave you alone. (they were completely disregarding the existence of a Chuuya-fied wisp sleeping soundly on your shoulder.) “Aww!” Paimon whined, “Paimon wanted [Name] to come with us!” Aether simply laughed, and nodded his head, standing up. “Well, if we find a way to get there, you will join us, alright?” He asked you, but it didn’t seem like a question, it was a demand, really. Deadpanning, you nodded your head, assuring that you will, in fact, travel with them after consulting Atsuko.
You lowered your presence before venturing to the foot of Liyue, trying to conceal yourself from wandering eyes. Aether and Paimon were barely in your peripheral vision and trying to hear their conversation with the Inazuma citizen was even harder. As if on cue, Chuuya squeaked, trying to get your attention, and you faced the tiny wisp who twirled around the air, orange particles following suit. “Ah, you want to eavesdrop?” you questioned, trying to understand his body movements. A little nod with a squeak of approval was what you received in return, and you allowed him to do so. You may not understand his body movements most of the time-- but hey, you try. The wisp navigates its way to where Paimon and Aether were, making sure that he was unseen and unnoticed by the passerby. Thankfully, though, he was.
After a bit of eavesdropping, he returned back to you, and you ultimately did not get what he meant, until he gestured-- with his head-- the direction of Guyun Stone Forest. You could only assume that much. Shortly after, Paimon and Aether returned to you both, and you turned to face them, awaiting their statement. “Uh- alright,” Paimon started, unable to look you in the eye. You found her nervousness quite hilarious, your mouth forming a smirk in amusement. Despite being small, yet wasn’t hesitant to voice out anything on her mind, was afraid of a mere human like you. “Atsuko told us that we must meet with the .. Crux.” The Crux, you have heard tell of their captain and their victories. How could you not? The strange relationship between the Tianquan and the captain was being spread throughout Liyue, including their many stories in the sea. The reputation The Crux has gotten for their many bone-chilling and jaw-dropping experiences was enough to make you interested. “Continue,” You replied, eyes analytical, boring into poor Paimon’s eyes. She shrieked, and silently pleaded to Aether to continue where she left off.
Chuuya, on the other hand, was snickering mentally, not only because of Paimon’s cowardice but also because of Aether’s hesitance to respond. He opted to let out squeaks that resembled laughter. Paimon jerked her head to the wisp, comical steam escaping her ears. “Stop laughing, you orange dwarf!” She stomped her legs, and you had to hold back your laughter. Aether cleared his throat, and Paimon halted her actions. “We must find Captain Beidou, the leader of the Crux.” He said calmly, and you nodded your head. Chuuya was sulking on your shoulder, forming a little ball. How cute, you think, and stood up to follow Paimon and Aether to their destination.
Guyun Stone Forest. An infamous landmark created by the spears of the Lord of Geo, known to hold an ancient god, Osial, one you were most familiar with after the battle that forced him to retreat yet again. Guyun Stone Forest was known to house the Hypostasis that you severely resented, as well as other monsters of each variety. It was a place created by a god, and it houses an ancient one-- waiting to awaken yet again. Some say that if you come by at night, you would experience the bloodshed and the defeat of Osial vividly, memories of the god experiencing his demise would flash through your head like a slideshow.
Soon enough, you both were able to board the Crux without unnecessary mishaps, you trailing behind Aether and Paimon, your presence still unnoticed by the rest of the crew. Chuuya was settled atop your head, seldomly wiggling to find a place to relax. He was still awake, though, that was enough. Aether’s footsteps alerted Beidou, who was currently talking to an unknown stranger you have never seen before, and it seems like Aether was unfamiliar with him, too.
“Hmm? Who’ve we got here…” Beidou turned to face Aether, and you moved to the side, out of Beidou’s peripheral vision. A flash of realization took over the captain’s features, and said, “Wait, I know you. You’re that traveler, Aether, aren’t you?” She questioned, “The one who fought against the Fatui and Osial, right?” She added. Aether blinked, processing her words. Yeah, he did all those, and it should be a given that his achievements were recognized, but a look of confusion would tell you otherwise. “Have we met?” He asked in response. He was a busy man, accepting commissions from complete strangers in both nations without hesitation, and they might remember him, but do not expect this man to remember you-- at all. He chooses not to remember irrelevant people.
Their conversation was not yours to mind, instead, looking out to sea. It was far more interesting than what you’re hearing, all too familiar with what they’re talking about. Feeling a pair of eyes on you, you shrugged it off, too immersed in the beauty of the sea in front of you. Beidou’s loud voice boomed, entering your ears, which snapped you out of your thoughts. “Judging by the clothes on your back and this floating thing-- and you! Another companion, perhaps?” Before Paimon could talk back to the captain, her eyes followed Beidou’s finger, which was pointing to you.
You stared back at them, your eyes swirling with amusement and recognition. “Hi.” you greeted, you were not one for formal greetings. “[Name], traveling partner--” Beidou’s voice interrupted you before you could finish, “aren’t you the suspicious fellow the Millelith was to keep track of?” Ah. So she knows. Who wouldn’t, really? Your supposed title along with Aether’s name being spread throughout Teyvat, one outshining the other. You were feared, unlike Aether, who was respected throughout the continent, yet you were one who they would want to avoid-- to show you who you need to respect. Although that didn’t bother you, it certainly irritated Paimon and Aether.
“They’re my traveling companion-- my friend.” Aether emphasized the word ‘friend’, making you smile fondly at the boy. Paimon nodded vigorously, and Beidou let it slide, albeit hesitant in doing so. “I’ll let it slide, for now.” She monotonously said, eyeing you and Aether, “but if you do something sketchy, I won’t hesitate to do something to you.” She threatened, making Paimon yelp and hide behind Aether, while you smirked in amusement. “A deal’s a deal, captain.” You muttered, turning your back on her to face the scenery you were focusing on. “And by the way, Paimon’s not ‘floating thing,’ it’s Paimon!” She said, shouting each vowel of her name.
“Paimon… hmm..” Those words that belonged to a foreign voice caught everyone’s attention-- excluding Chuuya’s, who was too entertained by the floating particles around his body-- to turn to said man. “What a fascinating being. You two give off not only the essence of wind and earth,” He paused, “but also of… yes… the stars…” He concluded. You blinked, “Eh? The fragrance of what now?” Paimon questioned, confusion lacing her tone, “That’s the weirdest compliment Paimon’s ever heard.” She muttered, and the mysterious man turned to you. “But you… you give off the essence of the stars, and the aura of the divine.” He stated, while you turned to him, and said, “Is that an insult?” You voiced out, while he merely chuckled and shook his head. “Pay it no heed… I mean only to say I am certain… that it is by fate, not chance alone, that we should meet… and that gives our encounter meaning.”
You couldn’t bother to listen to their conversation, for you were not included. Yet you managed to catch his name, Kaedehara Kazuha. Upon studying his appearance more, you realized that he was not local. The frame around his vision confirmed your assumptions, and you could only wonder what that frame came from. Where he came from, exactly. There was an oddly calming and melancholic aura emanating from the man behind you, and it may look like he was aware of it, too. The group exchanged words relating to something about a Crux Clash, something you have never heard of before. Leaning forward to the railings, you let Chuuya sit on your shoulder while nuzzling his face on your neck. Sleepy, he was, all the time. Though that didn’t bother you, really.
“Does your friend over there have some experience in fighting?” I think they do, considering their unusually suspicious yet powerful aura, Beidou wanted to add, yet she refused those words to slip past her tongue. Aether knew you never wanted to be put in the spotlight, to be the center of attraction even for a few minutes, all of those things irked you. Even though you were the center of attraction back in your past life-- for all the right reasons, you don’t want it to happen again. Tranquility is what you desire. You were offered the curse of the gods and the blessing of death, yet tranquility is what truly made you feel human amidst everything else.
Everything passes, tranquility doesn’t. “They would probably decline if you asked them.” He said, it was the truth, really. “They’re not one for formal events,” He trailed off, running out of reasons for vouching for you. You were a mysterious individual, and while you have been their traveling companion for quite some time, you still left lingering questions on your trail. Curiosity swirling in his eyes whenever he manages to take a good look at you, wondering what you are-- who exactly you were. Perhaps being mysterious came with good looks. “Oh? Is that so?” She quirked an eyebrow and glanced at your figure before tearing her gaze back to the traveler. “Yeah, they're a tough one!” Paimon exclaimed, “They don’t fight unless necessary!” Paimon then added, recalling your previous statements to the pixie. You were ruthless and merciless in battle, cunning in strategy, resorting to being the brains between the duo. That doesn’t excuse your methodical and malicious way of swerving through the situation, however.
“I’m not interested.” Your sharp voice cuts through the conversation, dismissing every thought the wandering samurai and the captain may have had. Still facing the sea, elbows on the railings of the ship. “You, too, are not interested in the masterless vision?” Kazuha asked, and you nodded. “I am only interested in following Aether.” You uttered nonchalantly, and a blush rose to Aether’s cheeks, quickly faltering. “Well, it seems like the traveler will only be partaking in the event. Let’s get you signed up, yeah?” she questioned, “Head to the tournament arena in Guyun Stone Forest. Kazuha and I will be over soon.” She smiled, clasping her hands together. Before anyone could say anything else, you disappeared. (poof! You’re gone, and honestly, it’s a surprise that no one noticed Chuuya, at all.)
Beidou turned to look at you, yet you were gone. All that was left was a little wisp with orange particles surrounding its body. It seemed to be looking around frantically, beady eyes locking with ruby-colored ones. It blinked, and it disappeared as soon as they made eye contact. Was that [Name]? The captain blinked and shrugged her shoulders. It would be an understatement to say that both of them were confused, they genuinely thought that you turned into a wisp. Kazuha’s face remained neutral, yet there was a lingering swirl of amusement in those vermillion hues of his. “Well, well. It seems like it will only be a matter of time before the answer is revealed.” (AWOOOOAOAOAOAO WOOOF WOOF. anyway.)
You didn’t want to be noticed by the Liyue participants, having been popular on the list of suspicious individuals. You knew that if they saw you, even if it was just a glimpse, they would panic. So, what was the best option? Well-- hide, obviously. You were sat atop one of the spears, right above the reception area. The endless praises coming from the other competitors soon reached your ears, but that didn’t make you interested. They have only witnessed him in his power, but were they able to walk alongside him? You didn’t think so, besides, they’re but mere specks of dust in his house of memories. You crossed your legs, blocking out any sounds entering your ears. That is until a familiar squeak is what you heard. Looking to your left, you saw a visibly furious wisp. When you landed your eyes on him, he started smacking your head as if he was scolding you-- well, he was. In his tiny little head, he was cursing you out, and he had embarrassed himself in front of two complete strangers. You laughed, not quite loud, and gently encased your hands on his tiny body. He slept after that.
You only watched some of Aether’s matches before you appeared-- out of nowhere-- behind Beidou and Kazuha. The samurai noticed your peculiar presence the second you got there, really, you had a very, very unique scent. He would describe it as flowers-- laid out in a field, wilting ever so slowly. An enigma that presents itself as a gentle soul, malicious in movement and methodical if necessary. You had eyes that resembled that of a certain archon he grew to despise, yet he failed to sense any correlation between the two of you. If he had, though, he would be utterly speechless that you haven’t stolen him away, yet. You presented yourself as swift in movement and uninterested in talking, although he noticed a playful side that you only revealed to Aether. He now realized that you weren’t the wisp that disappeared after a few double takes, situated on your shoulder. Even that small wisp radiated the same aura that you did.
Just who were you? Kazuha couldn’t decipher you that much, he thinks he has only so little information about you, and he was right. You were a black and white canvas, one who presents themselves as plain, quiet, yet you were familiar with all emotions at once. The ability to be stoic and to have separate personalities were one of your most prominent features, being able to lure your target into a seemingly well-made trap. Your eyes were closed, listening to the waves meeting the sand, oh, how you missed that sound.
The waves crashing never failed to land a small smile on your face, unnoticed by many, tranquility was the only word you would describe the sounds the oceans make. Calming, it was. Beidou’s laugh entered your ears, “I knew I wouldn’t regret choosing you as the favourite!” You opened your eyes slightly, directing your sharp eyes to Aether and Paimon. “So what do you think, Kazuha? [Name]? He totally dominated that guy, and did it with style, too!” She said, visible pride laced within her words. To be fair, you were proud of Aether as well, but your pride was overshadowed by nonchalance. “Impressive,” Kazuha praised, “But I also observed our favorite exercise some restraint, as if to protect the opponent from harm.” He added, and paused, turning to look at you. “Ah,” you uttered, “Good work, Aether.” you were simple, Aether knew that, yet you never praised him verbally, resorting to ruffling his hair. It did not fail to make him smile, though. Paimon smiled brightly, for that was the first time she heard those words slip past your lips. You smiled gently, genuinely, and whispered, “I know you will win.”
Paimon was ready to cry then and there. Comical tears run down her face, hugging you from the neck, “Paimon didn’t know you could be so nice!” Her voice was shaky, yet you laughed in faux offense and Aether smiled, and whispered a ‘thank you', in response. Beidou laughed heartily, and Kazuha crossed his arms with a small smirk. So not only were you playful, you had a soft spot for Aether! Lovers, perhaps? Softly chuckling, you leaned back to the stone behind you, letting your eyelids rest. As the wind kissed your face you were vaguely reminded of the man beside you, yet you made no intent to look at him. You were only brought back to reality when Beidou told Aether that he would be put in the semi-finals, and you nodded in agreement. Aether smiled, his eyes forming crescents, and sent you a thumbs up in return.
After quite a long wait, it was time for the semi-finals. After some words from Kazuha and the announcement from Beidou, you patted Aether’s back gently and gave him a look that said ‘you can do this’. Well, needless to say, he was quite hyped after that exchange. Chuuya squeaked from beside you, and you let him start floating on your shoulder. This attracted Kazuha’s attention, “What’s that?” He asked, the words spilling out of his mouth before he could ever give it a thought. Chuuya and you side-eyed him, and said, “ah. This little guy?” You pointed to Chuuya, and it seemed angered at your comment. “This guy’s Nakahara. A… memoir of a... friend, in short.” Said wisp halted its actions, although it didn’t go unnoticed by both of you. “Hm, fascinating. You two carry the same aura.” You remained silent for the most part, yet a simple sigh escaped your lips. “Hm, do we?” You muttered, softly patting the wisp’s head with your pointer finger. It seemed delighted, unconsciously leaning to your touch. “Perhaps we do,” you whispered, knowing the truth behind this small wisp below your finger. “Do you… perhaps… have some history with this creature?” He asked, curiosity and attentiveness evident in his wine-colored eyes. You paused for a moment, thinking of your words. “Well, if you phrase it like that, then… sort of, yeah.” He nodded after your confirmation, yet your answers only made him insatiable; there were still so many questions he’d want to ask you, yet he knows you won’t provide for the insatiable. You never do.
After the match, you observed Aether ask other people for information about his final opponent. You weren’t bothered to watch the matches that didn’t involve him, however, entertaining Chuuya in the process whenever he wasn’t on the battlefield. But from the observations of Beidou and Kazuha, you were able to identify that seemingly suspicious man. Your intuition was never wrong, of course. He was described to be agile, swift, and seemingly formidable in battle. Well, you would be lying if he doesn’t remind you of someone you were previously acquainted with. “Wah! Paimon is starting to think that [Name] here is our final opponent!” You blinked, dismissing Paimon’s words. “Eh? No, no, no.” You shook your head, “what makes you think that?” you asked, and Paimon scratched her head, “eh… you are fast as well! Fast on your feet! Strong too! You and our opponent are far too similar!” Paimon complained, stomping her feet in the air like a child. “Now that’s just… insulting.” You muttered, and Kazuha chuckled. “Oh? How so?” He queried. You shook your head, “I would prefer to keep my prideful remarks to myself.” and Chuuya shook his head vigorously, denouncing your statement, squeaking in retaliation. Beidou’s voice cut through your conversation, stirring the topic into the final battle.
You, again, did not bother to listen, closing your eyes until someone catches your attention. Words were exchanged between the 3 elemental wielders, and the voice that snaps you out of your reverie was none other than Aether’s, “Can [Name] come too?” You snapped your eyes open, staring at Aether, waiting for him to continue. When he didn’t, you spoke up, “Where, exactly?” Paimon cut through the discussion, “With Kazuha!” and a flash of realization flooded her features, “Wait, Aether, why do you want them to come exactly?” Her voice was laced with a slight tease, and a sly smile formed on her lips, making Aether pinch her cheeks and stick his tongue out when he heard her whine. Beidou did not want to interrupt, but you know what kind of thoughts are forming on the captain’s mind. Something about “are they together?” Well, something like that. Kazuha, on the other hand, never once failed to show amusement during their exchanges, especially when the topic is about you. “Well, that’s settled, come with me. Some post-match entertainment is in order.”
What you didn’t expect is that he’d completely focus on Aether in the secluded place he led you both to. “Now that we’re alone, let me cut to the heart of the matter.” He began, he eyed Aether, then to your still, peaceful figure. Seemed like Chuuya was sleeping, once again. “Traveler, you are skilled in manipulating the elements.” He began, and that is when you snapped your eyes to Kazuha, fully invested in the conversation as if you weren’t resting your eyes ten seconds ago. Kazuha brushed off your intense gaze on him, and continued, “And not just a single element, but multiple, is that correct?” You weren’t shocked, no. You witnessed it firsthand, and all the subtle attempts to cover up Aether’s otherworldly ability were futile when it came to you. Besides, you were capable of revealing even the smallest details.
“Although I cannot make sure of [Name], while yours were not as subtle as you presume, they give me an unfamiliar aura. One I cannot discern,” He uttered, turning to face and making eye contact with you. “Now, then, may I be so bold to inquire just what power you hold?” Despite the soft tone he presented you with, you still denied it. “I do not have such power as you may think I do.” You shut down his question, “I may hold the aura of the gods, but I do not have any affiliation with them.” You said sternly, hoping that he would dismiss this subject, and swallow up your lies. If anyone knew about your ability and the status you had compared to the gods above, including Chuuya’s, everyone would be against you. The sheer power you hold in your body surpasses that of bygone gods and wandering travelers. You were an unstable yet powerful force, never truly revealing your plans, and never using the ability you were cursed to use again. You never used it to spite the gods who have cursed you in the world you know you will never fit in. You were anything but human in this world of selfish souls, well, you know who would agree with you. (you know Fyodor would have a field day if he was here.)
Although you remained composed and stoic, you silently wished Kazuha would let you slip past his questions. He was, obviously, completely oblivious to your thoughts. Kazuha wasn’t oblivious about your power, though, you knew he knew that you have one. After that exchange, you completely retracted yourself from the conversation, simply observing the two who discussed Aether’s powers and skills. You didn’t miss the slight concern that Paimon held towards you, though. You didn’t like talking; to strangers, especially. Save for your interrogation victims back in the day, in meetings, you usually butt in when necessary, or riling up the boss and Chuuya whenever you felt like doing so. The only relevant thing to come out of the conversation you listened to was everything relating to Inazuma. Ah, so that’s where he came from. No wonder the frame encasing his vision looked foreign to you. You briefly made eye contact with Kazuha, and you recognized that look in his eyes. As if he was still wary of you, and your motives.
Truth is, he was completely intrigued because of you. Still wary-- yet enamored. He knows you are observant, calculating, and seemingly notorious due to all of these traits, including your intimidating appearance. You carry yourself with utmost royalty, independent in all situations, and overpowering most of your enemies with ease. He could tell by your scent that you were one to be avoided, and one who is more powerful than most vision wielders-- scratch that, maybe all. Although that would be an overstatement to some, he just has this feeling that you are stronger than you present yourself as. That was true, obviously. What is a mysterious person without their secrets? He secretly hoped he did not give you a bad impression, for you were a mysterious one who attracts even the wisest of men. He’ll make sure to ask Aether about you, even if it’s just the simplest of information. He was certain that he hears all things in nature, yet you were one who grew in a field of foreign flowers. That, he cannot decipher.
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2021 © kachuuyaa. do not steal or claim my work as your own.
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cryocinth · 3 years
Dates :)
⭐ Pairings: Xiao, Dottore, Amber x Reader (separate) ⭐
💙 Warnings: Suggestive themes at the end of Dottore’s, read at your own risk 
Part one of who knows what of what kinds of dates the Genshin characters would like/take you on. Feel free to make direct asks of what characters you would like to see me cover! - ❄ Mod Glaceon ❄
More under the cut!
- Amber
This outrider’s idea of a date isn’t exactly conventional, and I’d say that’s a good thing. Amber can be a bit childish when it comes to things outside of work, her many gliding license suspensions are plain proof of that, so her dates will pretty much reflect that. Any date the two of you have will be completely on a whim, whether it be a glider race or finishing your commissions together if you run into each other in the Mondstadt wilds. However there is one thing that she would probably plan ahead for if she were to actually *ask* you out on a date. First she would take you out for a picnic in the Mondstadt gardens, having Sara from Good Hunter prepare you some Sticky Honey Roast beforehand, Amber swears this was to save time but you know full well she spent hours trying to cook some for you but ended up burning it every time. Next she’d find something to pass the time, perhaps taking you out to Brightcrown Canyon to look at the ruins scattered around the hills. She’ll spend hours telling you about the ruins, pointing out the foundation of a house where she claims the Ragnvindr Clan of old used to reside. Finally she’ll drag you out to Starsnatch Cliff to watch the stars, she’ll point out each constellation and tell you how she learned where they were, she talks about the hundreds of times she camped out in the wilds without a tent because either high winds or wild animals destroyed her tent. With every new thing she tells you her eyes light up, and you could almost get lost in their golden depths.
- Xiao
If you want to go on a date with Xiao, you’d have to be the one to ask him, and that doesn’t always mean he’ll go along with it. Lucky for you he agreed after you proposed a cooking date in the Wangshu Inn kitchen. Smiley Yanxiao was a hassle to deal with but he eventually agreed to let you two use the kitchen, however when you and Xiao arrived at the kitchen, the only aprons present were two pink kitty themed aprons, clearly a prank on Yanxiao’s part. After Xiao finally got over his embarrassment relating to the apron, you two set out to recreate Xiao’s favorite dish, Almond Tofu. Through many…. *many* bits of trial and error, the two of you manage to make something that, well, resembles the dish. Xiao took a bite of the gelatinous mass and quickly spit it out in the trash, of course neither of you are cooks. The two of you, well, *you* laughed it off, Xiao simply scoffed and stated “Cooking is such a trivial matter, why do you mortals even bother.” but there was a clear sense of amusement in his voice. In the end, you had Yanxiao make you the dish, but not without being laughed at by the man for the aprons he left you.
- Dottore
Dottore isn’t a date person, but he will allow you to accompany him in his laboratory. Try to take a peek in his books and he’ll quickly agree to take you out on the town just to keep you out of his work. He’ll take you out shopping, using his status as a harbinger to get better deals on the items you were looking at. If you decide not to get something because you think it's too expensive, he’ll push you to the side and grab it, taking it up to the counter and paying for it before you can voice your protests. He’s not vocal about his affection, in fact it’s something that’s very difficult for him, but that just means he’ll show it through gift giving and doing things for you. While the date might have been your idea, he takes charge of it very quickly, after taking you out shopping, he takes you to the fanciest restaurant he can think of, you know, one of those restaurants that have a dress code? Anyways, he’ll end the night by taking you to a tavern, which eventually leads to him taking you home and-- I’m sure you can imagine what comes next. ;)
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tokoyamisstuff · 3 years
Tender Ch. 1 - Loki x Mute! Reader
Summary: Even though Loki doesn’t understand why the new member of the Avengers should be kind to him of all people, he doesn’t want you to stop either.
Warnings: Loki being depressed, the Avengers being kinda mean, mentions of Torture and Death
Words: ~2100
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[Story Masterlist] [All of my Works]
All eyes were on him again.
As soon as Loki would step inside, the previously lively room would fall completely silent. Well, it’s not like he wasn’t used to being the involuntary kill-joy...
Usually, the God of Mischief craved attention, may it be positive or negative - most of the time being the latter. But lately, after months of having all those distrustful and hostile glares piercing holes into him, he’d rather wish for the ground to swallow him whole.
“Umm, so...I gotta go.” Natasha was the first one to flee the unpleasant atmosphere, not even putting the energy into mutter anything else than a cheap excuse on her way out. Clint wordlessly followed her close after, but not without shooting the Odinson one last, spiteful look.
Loki on the other hand was picking on his hands, a nervous habit he had inherited from his mother. As much as he tried to avoid meeting their eyes, the tensioned aura they were emitting making him feel close to breaking down completely - but he would never give them the satisfaction to witness this, he swore to himself.
And yet: Maybe he should just leave. Disappear, forever.
Although he’d never admit, Loki had grown very tired of his life following this stirr path, unable to diverge into a new direction. Everything he did would ultimately bring death and destruction upon mankind, inflicting fear in the hearts of all people.
His whole existence was based on being condemned to fail - just for others to reach their ‘glorius purpose’.
“Great” Tony scoffed. “Now they’re gone. Well done, prince of nothing.” Steve cut his friend off, clearing his throat very exaggeratedly.
The god still hadn’t moved from the doorframe of the conference room, while all others were already sitting on the oval-shaped table. He didn’t got what all that fuss was about. If Steve didn’t insist him to attend this emergency meeting, he’d just have gone about his usual business and avoided everyone as good as he could.
“C’mon, brother” Thor sighed, well knowing that if his brother was to stay in the team, it would ultimatively drive a wedge between them. All that pressure in the air was straining for everyone, including himself. 
Tony on the other hand was pretty chill about everything, aside of being passive-aggressive. This was probably due to their similar coping styles.
Even though his near-death-experience back when he stopped the Chitauri was still eating on his mental health, he’d prefer glossing over it with stupid jokes and overly confident behaviour. “No sassy remark today, Reindeer Games?”
Stark was leaning back in his chair, arms crossed as he rose an eyebrow on the god, who only muttered a hoarse “No...not today.”
Yeah, it was kind of his style to break the unsettling silence through puny comments or self-glorifying speeches, to distract from his own insecurity.
But right now, he was just so damn tired.
Of this planet and it’s people, as well as the humiliating circumstances he had to dwell in. The fact that he was a prisoner at the Stark Tower, amongst his worst enemies. Being forced by his brother to keep up this meaningless act, as if he’d ever be seen as a team member or ally - when in reality, he was but a slave to the people he once ought to reign.
Just like back on Asgard: Never one of them, never belonging. No way to break free - for his true self was something to be loathed.
However, first and foremost the one thing he was especially tired of was himself, for he couldn’t get out of his own skin. Not only could he never be considered a hero, let alone be redeemed.
After all the atrocities he had commited due to Thanos’ torture and the tesseract’s influence,  now that he woke up from that naive dream of power stilling the emptiness in his dark heart, there was nothing left for him - other than to be haunted by his crimes until the mercy of death would overcome him.
“Well” Steve began, slamming his palms on the desk to attract everyone’s attention. “As you all know, we are welcoming a new team member today.”
“They all know?” Of course they wouldn’t let him in on such sensitive information. Not that he minded either way - one Avenger more or less, it didn’t matter how many people hated him in here.
“Please, come on in.”
Loki cleared the entrance when he heared Tony’s words, turning around in anticipation of another dull creature like the Hulk to torment him - but his calm demeanour dropped completely at this unusual sight:
That was simply not possible! The last time he had seen you was almost a year ago, and you were on the brink of death at that!
“For everyone that doesn’t know yet: Her name is Y/N Y/L/N. She is one of the victims HYDRA experimented on, and they succeeded in forming an artificial mutant.”
Steve went on and on explaining about your powers, but Loki’s head had already turned on autopilot, the only thing he could concentrate on being how the hell you of all people ended up here.
All these months, he was desperately trying to get any information about you, all of his hints ultimately leading him to dead ends - and in the end, tragically believing in your imminent death.
The memories were still painfully vivid in his mind: It was his first mission together with the Avengers, at a HYDRA hideout with most likely no civil survivors.
Actually, he had planned to make his escape right when the others engaged in a fight, wandering the hallways of what resembled a torture chamber rather than a laboratory.
On the walls were several instructions, about a serum that might cause a human to mutate if they were exposed to unbearable stress - pain being the most effective method, apparently.
Yet instead of finding anything useful for his personal gain, he found you: A  beautiful woman, yet emaciated and lying in a puddle of her own blood. At first he thought you to be dead just like the others - but as soon as your faint whimpers drang to his ears, he burst the cell you were trapped in open, rushing to your side immediately.
“Shh...” the god scooped you up from the cold stone floor, wrapping his cloak around your broken body. “Everything is alright now. Your savior is here.”
Loki gasped as he felt your hand stroking his cheekbone, even through all your pain and weakness wanting to bid your hero this due respect.
“Hel...you humans are such fragile creatures...” Loki muttered under his breath, cursing his own lack of talent when it came to casting healing spells. “Hang in there, look at me!”
Your eyes were teary and bloodshot, yet not less fit to bring across a message no words ever could: Incredible gratitude, and admiration.
He could tell you were close to passing out when your hand left his face, falling limp to the side. But he held you firmly in his arms, not once stopping to utter sweet words of encouragement as he made his way to the ship, leading you into safety.
“Your world in the balance, and you bargain for one man?”
Those were the words he once directed at Black Widow - but only now he understood her attempts.
Saving one person could never make up for all the lives he had destroyed - and yet he knew that for you, it would mean the world none the less.
In one way or another, with your life at his mercy, he began to finally grasp the preciousness of life, and doing everything in one’s might to protect it.
“Reindeer Games” Tony tapped on his shoulders, making Loki wake from his pondering. “I’d appreciate if you didn’t scare her away on the first day already.”
Just now he was noticing his own grim expression, having towered over your much smaller form this whole time with furrowed brows.
“My apologies” was his firm response, but you only shook your head, trying to tell him it was not a big deal.
So this was what you looked like when you’re not imprisoned, he realized when he took in your physique.
Much to his pleasure, all of your wounds had seemingly healed, and you finally gained some much needed weight. Like this, you looked so much more healthier - and most definetly even more bewitching than he remembered you.
If people had let him know, would he have visited your sickbed, aiding you towards health again? Who knows...
Yet somehow, he dwelled in the thought of you being able to lead a happy life now that you were free - which made your decision to seek out the Avengers in wish for more battles even harder for him to accept.
“You are incredibly strong, Lady Y/N” Loki spoke firmly, everyone else rolling their eyes at his usual exaggeration - but you knew he meant every word. “Be sure of my eternal respect.” 
The God of Lies’ eyes widened in excitement when you directed a warm smile at him, knowing for sure that this one was genuine. It wasn’t like those fake smirks the other Avengers gave him out of politeness, or the mocking laughs when they were making fun of or excluding him.
No - that one was just pure affection. And it left him in awe.
“Thank you for saving me back then” you signed, just for Loki shooting you a puzzled look.
“What, I thought the all-tongue knows every language?” Tony yelled, as inconsiderate as always. Thor was quick to explain on his brother’s stead, him still being deeply invested with you. “Every spoken one, yes. ASL is not one of our fortes.”
Usually, Loki had always been a quick thinker. But right now he was to bewildered by your appearance that thinking straight was out of the question.  
What language were they speaking of? And why have you not been saying anything up until now? Maybe his presence was making you uncomfortable, after all? Should he leave on your behalf?
To make it easier for him to understand, you rolled down your turtleneck, revealing the unsighty scar that covered your whole throat.
There were not many people bold enough to come close to the God of Mischief without warning, yet suddenly you simply took his hand and slowly led it to your neck.
How could you be so naive and offer someone like him such a vital spot?! He’ll never get the human philosophy...
And yet, the flabbergasted god hesistantly let his hand run over the scar, while you opened your mouth to no avail - for 11 months already, no tone would leave your vocal cords.
“I’m incredibly sorry...” Loki whispered with a sorrowful tone, while the others just stared in disbelief. “If only I was able to heal this wound back then...”
What a puny god he was...and an even more pathetic wanna-be-hero at that...
He would try to take a few steps back, but you took a hold of his hand, squeezing it with both of yours, that cheerful smile not faltering in the slightest.
“Please, don’t be sad. I’m only alive thanks to you!” Bucky, whose cousin was mute as well, translated what you were signing for Loki. His tone sounded quite irritated, not fitting those meaningful words. “I only wanted to join the Avengers because I want to be just like you. You’re my idol!”
Those words touched him deeply, igniting a flame inside of him he thought long to be defunct. Was it hope?
Of course it was not nearly enough to pull him out of that deep, dark hole he felt trapped in for as long as he could remember - yet somehow, he now felt that it was not impossible to escape.
While the others were cringing at your declaration, making jokes about ‘choosing wrong idols’ or would plainly not believe Loki to have a positive effect on anyone, the two of you would just stare at each other in silent admiration.
Shyly, you signed yet another word for him - and this time, Loki would know what you mean from pure intuition. 
He smiled.
For the first time in what felt like forever, Loki was able to smile again, just thanks to your heartwarming welcome. And he was still blissfully unaware about what effect you could have on him, if he was brave enough to let you close.
One thing was sure: You literally had him wrapped around his finger from the very start.
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I said before, I will say it again– Victor and MC are the biggest dummies ever....
“To me, [...] you’re the only one who is the most important.”
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✧ NOTE ✧ I truly was planning to translate this chapter around November, after I’m done with all my exams. But after reading the chapter, it almost felt like a crime not sharing these little snippets 🥺. Although, you might not be able to grasp just how much emotions lie in these little snippets if you aren’t caught up with Victor’s S2 storyline so far, especially CH 17, how much he has been through so far, and how much they have been through for each other~ ♡
Nevertheless, if you are open to spoilers, you can still read under the cut for some beautifully written sugary sadness. :'(
I won’t be doing a full translation now. For the context of the snippets I want to share, I will note down the events in bullet point summaries:
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MC wakes up in the prison cell.
When the scheduled alarm rings out, she tidies herself up and stubbornly holds onto the bars of the cell, completely ignoring the surveillance camera monitoring her movements.
A figure appears, who deliberately slows down his pace while passing by her cell and meets her gaze with absolutely no emotions showing in his eyes. But she keeps staring at his profile closely, and quietly calls out his name.
This has been the tacit everyday routine of sending Victor off to the interrogation room, ever since they were captured by NW again and kept in different cells. And this is the only time they get to see each other.
After seeing Victor off, MC is taken to the laboratory for an unknown drug injection, treating it as an experiment– just like every other day.
However, today MC loses her cool and asks the researcher some bombing question, who then injects a second dose of drug in her body– and this is the first time this happens.
As a result of the second dose of drug being injected– MC starts seeing strange images and one of them is Victor being interrogated.
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She sees: Air from a strange white air-conditioning is wrapped around Victor, his always straight posture becomes very stiff. The frost forms on his eyebrows, eyelashes, hairs. In a matter of minutes, most of his skin is covered in red patch of rashes and bruises, his face pale, lips purple. He’s then asked about why him and MC destroyed the stone tablet and everything related. But Victor doesn’t budge an inch. After another failed interrogation, a NW member is beckoned, who draws out a circle out of thin air, and a flow of air-current clings to Victor’s body. Then from another drawn circle, a burst of water vapor surrounds Victor. All the frostbites, bruises, swollen marks gradually disappear, as though everything was MC’s illusion. But his face devoid of any blood or whatsoever still gives MC a sense of warmth amid the cold, reminding her that this is all real. And this process keeps repeating. 
When MC returns to her senses, she realizes she has been sent back to her cell. While she is praying hard that this wouldn’t come true, she isn’t sure whether what she saw was real or an illusion. Her urge of wanting to see Victor intensifies and she comes up with a plan.
According to her plan, she offers the NW Commanding Officer that she will tell them everything, if only they let her stay in the same cell with Victor and drops some tart on how she has learnt her tactics from the CEO. <Basically she gives back how in CH 17, the NW Commanding Officer picked on Victor and MC’s tacit understanding, and their exact same way of responding to any situation.>
MC leaves the room without looking back or waiting for a response from the other side.
This entire section afterwards, till the end of this post, his voice is SO GODDAMN FRIGGIN’ SOFT, only listening to it would make you want to cry. 🤧
♫  Music in this section- [1001 Nights] ♫
I haven’t slept much all night, until the ear-piercing sound of the electric bell comes from outside the dark bars.
I climb up at the speed of lightning, finally waiting for this “special” moment.
I pat my cheeks, run my hand through my hairs so that I don’t appear too haggard, and walk quickly over to the bars.
Eyes passing through the narrow passage, at the end of the light source, I see that silhouette my heart has been longing for.
Victor walks towards me step by step as he carries the light on his back, the expression on his face unreadable.
But his steps remain as firm, and sure of having the victory within his hands– the same as any time in the past.
My heart floods with indescribable sourness. I stare at him intently, wanting and trying hard to see clearly every detail of his body.
I want to know whether he is concealing something from me again and secretly suffering alone.
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The moment our eyes interlock, the brilliant rays that surge through those dark pupils of his eyes are the same as every time before, and I understand that this is the secret signal to tell each other we are safe and sound.
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Perhaps because I look too unsightly at the moment, Victor slightly raises his eyebrows the instant he looks at me.
But he doesn’t stop his footsteps.
The instant the familiar body temperature brushes past me, my reason finally collapses. My body reaches out a hand before my thoughts can catch up, and grabs the hem of his shirt.
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Feeling a momentary pause in his footsteps, I immediately wrap my arms around him firmly from behind, making him not being allowed to move.
The familiar warmth of his body emanates from underneath my palm, and I curl my fingers with yearning, as though only this way I can be slightly at ease.
MC: Victor, you....
Just as I’ve called out his name, the tip of my nose suddenly turns sour, and the words that I’ve wanted to say are blocked up in my throat.
I feel Victor’s figure startling slightly, but he doesn’t push me away.
I quietly glance towards the two NW team members not far away. They exchange looks with each other, but unexpectedly they don’t step forward to stop me either.
Instead, they avert their gazes pretending nothing has happened, and stand at a rather distant position.
He gently holds my hand, and asks softly.
Victor: What’s happened?
MC: You, are you okay? Are there any injuries?
Victor: No.
He replies very quickly and very firmly, as if generally wanting to make me feel relieved, and takes my hand that has been holding him tightly.
I can’t see his eyes, and yet am flustered for no reason.
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MC: Really?
Victor: [His voice trembles like....]  What’s the point in lying to you about such things?
I hesitate for a moment, and suddenly feel the surrounding becoming exceptionally quiet. Looking up, I find that the red light on the monitor has truly stopped flickering–– Time has been suspended.
I knowingly embrace him even tighter, and pour out all the words in my mind that I’ve just choked up.
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MC: Last night I.... saw some very strange images. It was like a dream, and yet it still seemed very terribly real.
MC: I saw them using something similar to a freezing Evol on you, and torturing you to extract confession....
MC: ....when you were injured, they healed you, and then continued to interrogate you. Just torturing you like this over and over.
Victor: ....
MC: I know this sounds very absurd. But I don’t know for some reason, I’ve continuously been feeling uneasy.
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MC: I’m afraid that if you haven’t experienced this yet, then it might mean that you will experience in the future....
MC: Victor, I’m very worried about you....
The man in front of me hasn’t spoken all along. Feeling anxious, I tug on his shirt, wanting to make his body turn around.
However, even before I can exert any force, the hand that has been holding me suddenly clasps my right hand.
I suddenly recall that the back of my hand is full of bruises which were left behind during the experiment. I try to pull back my hand, but fail to do so.
Victor grabs me even harder, and carefully avoids those bruises.
Victor: What did they do?
The surrounding is too quiet, amplifying the bitter chill in his voice.
But even with such obvious ice-cold tone, my heart feels as if it’s being scalded all at once, and tears of pain fill the rims of my eyes.
Having being caved in the darkness for so long, a simple sentence of deep concern can feel like a salvation.
I lightly fold my fingers, and rub my hand against his as I try hard to keep my voice under control.
MC: They said that there are still a lot of toxic substances left in my body from the poisonous fog of the Hunter Game, and that it needs to be disposed of cleanly.
Victor: Nonsense.
Victor: So you....
MC: Don’t worry. I’ll be fine. I’m not dim-witted to let them manipulate me.
I hastily rush to explain before Victor can ask a question.
MC: I also felt that something was odd. So I noted down the dosage of medicine each time.
MC: Afterwards, as soon as we get out, I’ll ask the BS research department to look into it.
MC: And so far, I don’t seem to have experienced anything out of sorts.
I squeeze Victor’s palm in secret.
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MC: Victor, you don’t need to worry about me. On the contrary, you must be careful with the NW’s people.
I raise my head to look at the back of the man in front of me. His tall figure completely envelopes me, as though he’s ready to charge and break through the battle for me at any given moment.
He is still silent, and I don’t know if he has believed my words or not. When I try to open my mouth to call out to him, I feel him turning over my hand again.
The scar left on the palm of my hand while smashing the stone tablet is delicately rubbed by his palm. Feeling a little itchy, I simply take hold of his fingers.
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MC: This is fine too. They’ve already turned to scabs.
MC: You’ve to trust my speed of recovery. This little injury will heal completely very soon.
An extremely soft sigh falls into my ears, and Victor finally turns around. After looking at me fixedly for a while, he raises his hand and tucks my hair behind my ear.
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Victor: Dummy. Why do you always leave yourself riddled with scars?
MC: I don’t....
I lift my eyes to meet his gaze. The cold light outlines his edges and contours distinctly, and only then do I find that he seems to have lost weight.
I don’t know why, those images that came pouring into my brain that night flashes through my mind––
Under Victor’s pale complexion, his lips were purple, and yet he didn’t timidly retreat in the slightest amount or degree.
That face gradually overlaps with the person before my eyes, and the rims of my eyes feel somewhat burning hot.
My intuition tells me that Victor certainly is concealing something from me, but perhaps now is not the time to ask questions.
I can’t help but lower my eyes, and sigh as I speak in a low voice.
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MC: ....definitely it’s the person who doesn’t say anything– is more stupid.
Victor: What are you whispering about again?
MC: I was saying, you don’t even know how solid that stone tablet was. It took me quite a while in succeeding to smash it.
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Victor: How could I not know?
A faint smile surges in those pair of calm eyes. Victor’s voice is a little hoarse as he speaks, but his tone is extraordinarily tender.
Victor cups my both hands, lowers his head, and softly blows on the wounds and bruises that have already formed into scabs.
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His expression is tender and sincere. His thick eyelashes cast two shadows under his eyes, stirring softly along with each breath.
Warm lips seem to brush against my palm imperceptibly, and I can’t help curling my fingertips, a wave of numbness whirling over the bottom of my heart.
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Victor: You’re right. It’s not you who’s stupid.
He lifts his eyes, and stares at me with a deep gaze, as earnestly as if he is making a solemn promise.
Victor: MC, wait for me for a few more days.
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MC: Okay.
Even if there are many questions in my heart, I still don’t hesitate to answer.
Victor brushes the top of my head, and leaves directly afterwards, and the two NW team members tacitly follow closely behind him.
MC: [confused] .....
I seem to surmise something in hindsight.
Could it be that these two NW team members deliberately “turned a blind eye?”
Although it was an impulsive act of mine to block Victor’s path, but he didn’t appear to be making any secret of it in the least. Could it be that these two NW team members are his people?
Thinking of this, I loosen my breath a little. Perhaps, my worries are unnecessary.
After all, he is Victor. The Victor who is able to devise battle plan in a tent no matter what or how the situation is.
I slowly clench the palm of my hand, trying to firmly hold onto the warmth and strength that rests there.
Late at night, a sudden explosion occurs, all the doors to the prison cells open. Terrible sounds of cries, pain, panic-- break out and lights go off. MC decides this is her best opportunity to be with Victor, and starts running to find him first.
Amid the darkness and chaos, she is suddenly pulled into a deep embrace and instantly realizes Victor was looking for her too.
After settling down a bit, Victor explains the escape plan, and things go as expected, but at a certain point– MC suddenly wants to look if the CORE related laboratory she saw in her memories is true or not.
While she recognizes it’s an impulsive move now and is afraid they don’t have time, Victor assures that they have 30 minutes before getting out of here. As they follow the route from MC’s memory, they truly find the laboratory and CORE related documents, and the test subject was MC herself.
They suddenly realize that a researcher is hiding in the corner and observing them. They pretend to threaten him and get out the truth from him. However, he suddenly makes an unexpected movement.
MC instantly remembers from her memories that there is an alarm button which the researcher is planning to push, enabling Victor to stop him on time.
The researcher gets startled, and asks MC about how she knew about this. However, MC’s brain right now is immersed in a complete different thought:
♫ Music in this section: [Long Dream]  ♫
I slowly open my mouth, my chaotic train of thoughts gradually becoming clear––
Those images that I’ve seen are all real, the laboratory is real, the alarm button is real....
Victor in the interrogation room is also real.
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Feeling Victor’s gaze on me out of the corner of my eyes, an indescribable wave of sadness occupies my heart.
I look up at the person in front of me with a burst of dull ache pounding in my chest.
Those cruel scenes truly happened. When I didn’t know, Victor endured everything alone but chose to not tell me anything.
Victor, you are the dummy!
I bite my lip tightly, and try hard to calm down my emotions as I raise my hand, and snap my fingers at the researcher.
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MC: [to the researcher]  Don’t ask so many questions. Just get a good night’s sleep first.
The researcher looks a bit sluggish, and loses his consciousness very soon.
Perhaps being relieved of the danger for the time being, I quickly walk back to Victor’s side and tug on his wrist, half forcing him to face me.
I stare at him, and he also looks back at me with some astonishment.
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Victor: Why are you crying?
MC: ....crying in anger.
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Victor: ....
MC: Victor, I know that you are very strong, and that you can confidently undertake any decision or risk.
MC: But don’t underestimate me either. I can be very strong too.
MC: I may not be able to catch up with your footsteps so quickly, but I’ll still keep running. I’ll try very hard with all my might.
MC: I don’t want to be a dummy who doesn’t know anything, nor am I so vulnerable that I can only stay inside your harbor.
MC: So, trust me a little more too, just like I’ve always trusted you.
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I make the statement in all righteousness. He lowers his head as he listens earnestly to my words. So much so that, he even laughs softly for a bit.
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MC: I’m very serious. Why are you still laughing!
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Victor: In that case, want me to pull a long face like you?
Accompanied by a slight sigh, he suddenly stretches out his hands, and gently takes me into his arms.
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Victor: Although the process has been a bit torturous, but the outcome of some things are more important.
MC: No, it’s not.
MC: To me, neither the process nor the outcome is important. Neither the next second nor the last second is important.
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MC: You’re the only one, who is the most important.
MC: So, aside from me, you must also store the words I’ve said in your heart.
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Victor: So, aside from you, I must also store the words you’ve said in my heart?
To my surprise, he slowly repeats my words once again.
MC: ....That’s right!
MC: No, put me backward in the line. But my words––
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Victor: Got it.
Victor: Anyway, the human heart is very large. There’s sufficient space to store everything within it.
Warm finger pads rest close to my cheek, gently wiping away the moisture from the rims of my eyes.
Victor: Now we only have fifteen minutes left. Are you going to stand here looking silly and keep crying, or are you going to walk with me?
I sniffle, and withdraw from his arms.
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MC: We walk!
Victor breaks into a laughter, picks up that report, and pulls me along as we leave the laboratory at a fast pace.
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I’m really really really sorry if you felt confused while reading the snippets, because I didn’t delve into the details, and I did leave out many important information needed to understand what’s happening, and of course the chapter is very long and a loads of stuffs happen, what I shared is a clip worth 5 minutes LOL. Unfortunately, I can’t get on with the translation until my exam ends in November... Hopefully after that, I will be able to do it with all the freedom in the world! (*´ω`*)
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