#& ibiki
rokudaimeplease · 5 months
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"Rokudaime, whenever you appear with that look on your face... I know that you're going to ask for something troublesome."
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wlwsakura · 11 months
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naruto week: ino x geezers
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douwalla · 11 months
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65 notes · View notes
dira333 · 4 months
A moth to the flame - Ibiki x Aburame! Reader part 3
masterlist - part 1
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The sun filters through the windows of Ibiki’s apartment. Nyan’s stretched out on your lap, purring up a storm.
Ibiki told you to stay in bed, turns every few minutes as if to check you’re still there.
“Shibi would like to meet you,” you say, think of little Shino and his new step-brother Torune, of bringing Ibiki over.
“Okay?” He flips a pancake, slides it onto a plate. “You sound so serious, what does that mean?”
“If I bring you to the Aburame compound, everyone will know you’re there. We don’t have guests often. It’s pretty official.”
“Is it like with the Inuzuka?”
“I guess…” It’s hard to explain without going into too much detail. “You could compare it, in a way.”
He’s silent after that, you can tell he’s thinking it through.
“We don’t have to, of course,” you start when the silence stretches on for too long. You don’t want to push too hard too fast. You don’t want to lose this.
“Let’s eat,” he puts the plates down and your anxiety is soothed by the sight of yours, your pancake decorated with blueberries in the form of a smiling face.
“I love you,” he says when the plates are empty, taking your hand and rubbing his thumb over your knuckles. “I want this. I just… Our profession is dangerous. I moved out and live alone for a reason. We need to talk about this openly, okay? What… What does it mean, for an Aburame, to bring someone over?”
Talking has never been one of your strongest points. There’s always so much that gets lost, misunderstood, misinterpreted. But you’re willing to try, for Ibiki, for this.
“So if you bring me over, it’s official,” Ibiki summarizes, “It’s like asking for your hand in marriage, basically.”
“Well, in a way, but it’s not-” You struggle to put it into words. His thumb moves in soothing circles over the back of your hand.
“Before we do that, we need to check we still want the same things. You still want five kids?”
Warmth blossoms in your cheeks. He remembered.
“I can go down to three if you-”
“Better to aim high, right?” He jokes softly before turning serious again. “Pets?”
You wrinkle your nose. “Aburame do not keep pets. We have our Kikaichu to take care of.”
“I’m not giving up Nyan.”
“You won’t have to. We’ll be the first Aburame household with a pet.”
Ibiki smiles, leaning back to check on Nyan. “Did you hear that?” He asks, voice smug. “You’ll be the first official Aburame pet.”
Nyan sneezes, but could not care less.
“We’re going to live on the Aburame compound,” you point out, realizing that that might be a thing to talk about as well.
Ibiki stiffens. “On the compound?”
“Yes. I don’t know if there’s a rule about that but it has never happened before that someone moved away from the compound after marriage.”
“No one?”
“No one. It’s important to stay close for the ritual.”
“The ritual?”
“At birth, a child is offered to several special breeds of insects as a nest, residing just under their host's skin. These insects will then live in symbiosis with their host from that point on. Every Aburame goes through this process.”
It’s a sensible topic. You’ve heard of relationships breaking because of this, the thought that every child will inherit the Aburame Jutsu, no matter what.
Ibiki’s thumb stops his movements. Cold dread rises in your chest.
Will this be it? Is there a chance to mend this, a compromise maybe?
“When did Shibi think? I’d be free this weekend.”
Shibi’s waiting for them at the front gate, two kids at his side that flock to you the moment you’re in sight.
“This is Shino,” you introduce the boys, “and Torune, my nephews.”
Ibiki’s never been through a visit like this, meeting the family, making things official. He’s never had anything like this before.
Your hand stays in his. Shibi suggests a walk around the compound, keeps up a light conversation. He’s a well-known Shinobi, a Clan Head, your brother.
Ibiki can’t help but think that he could be friends with the man. He doesn’t talk too much or too loud, his view on varying topics is sensible but rational. He obviously cares for you and his children, but he doesn’t belittle you.
They pass other Clan’s people on their walk, share nothing more than a nodded greeting. Everyone seems to mind their own business, and Ibiki can’t help but think that he could enjoy living amongst them. 
He’s not a social person. He doesn’t have any friends he talks to in his free time - well, besides you. 
The group stops at a patch of land, the floor has been dug up and the dark soil is a stark contrast to the snow all around them.
“Our house is over there,” Shibi points out, “The Gate is not far. This will be yours.”
Ibiki blinks. Your hand squeezes his so hard he fears for his bones.
“Ours?” He asks. Little Shino, already a Know-It-All, looks up at him with furrowed brows. “When you get married,” he explains like there’s nothing left to question. Right.
You stay behind at the compound and he desperately wishes you hadn’t.
Yes, you have to leave on a mission early tomorrow morning and need to prepare, but for the first time in a long time he feels like he needs to talk to cope with what he’s feeling and you’re the only one he trusts to understand. To listen. To care.
His drink tastes stale and bitter and does nothing to clear his mind. 
He wanted to visit his mother tomorrow, check on Idate, and spend some time. How can he do that when this is looming over his head? 
He turns, a little surprised to find Guy standing over him.
“What are you doing here?” He asks, a little surprised. “You don’t drink.”
“I was looking for Kakashi. Do you want to join us? The more the merrier, you know.”
He doesn’t, really. But he doesn’t want to go home either, where there’s only Nyan and his thoughts. 
“Why not,” he sighs, picks up his glass and joins them.
One drink turns into three. They reminisce about their days at the Academy, about awkward moments on missions, and the fact that Genma still hasn’t asked Anko out.
“What about you?” Guy asks, “You’re seeing someone, right?”
And it’s not like it’s a secret, at least not anymore. He threw that away when he barged out of your room at the hospital and made sure you got the care you deserved. 
But it’s the first time someone he knows well actually asks him about it.
“Indeed,” he agrees stiffly. “I am.”
“Nice,” Guy turns to Kakashi. “See. If Ibiki with his work ethic can find someone, there’s still hope for you. I don’t want to hear anything about being too busy anymore, you got that?”
“Yessir,” Kakashi jokes before turning his eye toward Ibiki. “You happy?”
Ibiki stiffens. He doesn’t like that question.
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
“No need to get all defensive,” Kakashi drawls, “I was just asking. So far you’re the only one at this table who can tell how it is.”
“Are you worried for their safety?” Guy asks, eyes big. “Is that why you’re keeping it on the down-low?”
“No,” he snarls, “I just don’t like talking about private stuff. And neither does she, so-”
“No no, I get it,” Kakashi nods slowly, “If I’d ever find someone who’s willing to settle down with me, I’d probably keep them to myself as well. Did you hear, by the way? Ebisu is getting married.”
“He is?” Ibiki blinks in surprise. “I didn’t know he was seeing someone.”
“Neither did we,” Guy’s grinning, “But why not? I bet he can’t wait to have a few children to take care of. He’s moving onto the Akimichi estate after the marriage.”
His chance is there, he only needs to take it. 
“Would you do that?” Ibiki asks, phrasing it as openly and carelessly as he can. “Move into a Clan that’s not your own?”
Kakashi looks up at him and even though his mouth is hidden Ibiki can tell that there’s a knowing smirk. He should have kept his mouth shut. 
“I’ve lived in a Clan,” he says, “I don’t have to do this again.”
“You’re just looking for reasons to refuse a relationship,” Guy pesters him before turning to Ibiki. “Sure, why not? I don’t think that it matters all that much. Loving each other is more important.”
When he leaves hours later he’s still not much closer to the answer he’s looking for. Not that he anticipated finding it amongst those guys.
Ibiki’s waiting at the gate when you return. You’re one day late, but unharmed, yet his brows are furrowed in a way that tells you he’s not happy at all.
Your teammates muster him with a mix of confusion and curiosity that only grows when he follows you to the Hokage, waits outside like the world's grumpiest watchdog.
His hand does not take yours when you come back out, and his shoulders are hunched up as he walks next to you down the street.
If he wants to break up, you wonder, couldn’t he have picked you up from home?
You turn toward the Aburame compound but his hand closes around your elbow. It’s not a tight grip, you could slip away easily, but you still, look up at him.
His mouth is moving as if he’s chewing on something he can’t quite get out.
“If you want to break up, Ibiki,” you tell him as calmly as you can, “then just do it. You don’t have to explain yourself.”
“What?” He hisses, his brows disappearing under his hitai-ate. “Why would I-? No, I meant to say… Ugh, this is hard, okay.” He takes a deep breath and looks to both sides as if to ensure you’re not being followed.
“I want you to meet my mother. And my brother too, but my mother… Well, she’s got something for you. I just- she’s going to embarrass me.”
“It’s okay,” you tell him, your voice scratchy from emotion. Your heart is hammering so fast you can barely breathe, “I already love you.”
It’s not his mother, who surprises you the most. It’s Idate. 
He is only a few years older than Shino, and oh so determined to prove himself to his big brother. He tells you about Jutsu’s he’s learned, shows off what he’s learned like a Kunai is just some tool. It reminds you of the magicians who work at festivals, their tricks not there to be useful but eye-catching.
But he’s young, you tell yourself. He’s going to learn, sooner or later, that a Shinobi’s life isn’t about catching one’s eye. It’s quite the opposite.
Ibiki dotes on his brother like a parent. It’s like looking into the future, sitting at the kitchen table. 
“Have you done your homework?” Ibiki asks, peering down at Idate.
“Yes!” He runs off, coming back with a few books. “And look. I got an A on my test. Sensei said I’m improving a lot.”
“Good,” Ibiki ruffles through his brother’s hair. “Keep it up.”
“Come,” his mother beckons you out of the kitchen, “I want to show you some things.”
One picture after the other you watch Ibiki grow up. 
He’d been a cranky baby, red faced and hardly ever silent. 
“He was very particular as a child,” his mother explains as she rummages through a cupboard, “I guess he still is. It was never my idea for him to move out but he got it in his head that it would be safer for us.”
Your fingertips move over a picture as if hoping to capture the feel of those silver strands that are becoming less and less on Ibiki’s head nowadays. Half of his head is already covered in scars. If you have children, will they have his hair or yours? 
“Here it is,” you lift your head to her and the small box she’s carrying. “I tucked it away so safe I could barely find it myself. This is my mothers jewelry box. When Ibiki told me that he was serious about me, I wanted to get my old wedding dress immediately but since you’re an Aburame you’ve probably got your own idea for a dress, am I right?”
You nod, surprised by her thoughtfulness.
“Now this is just a little something that has been passed down in my family. I wore it on my wedding day and I’d love it if you wore it too. No pressure there, though, I know those things aren’t modern anymore.”
And no, the necklace she offers you isn’t modern in any way, but you can tell how important it is and has been to her family. It’s the thought behind it that touches you the most.
With this offer you’ve essentially become a part of her family as well.
It’s become pretty obvious that you’re stressed out. 
Today you even snapped at Kawano when he ran into you and the poor guy instantly started crying. It’s a miracle he ever made Chunin.
“You okay?” Ibiki asks, locking your door when lunch break finally rolls around.
“I’m fine,” you huff, massaging your temples.
“Doesn’t sound fine.”
“I’m fine!” You insist, louder this time. A cloud of moths lifts from your body, hovering over you.
“You know I love you, right?” He asks, turning a chair so that he can sit across from you. “But I cannot read minds. What’s going on?”
You fall into him like there’s nothing holding you up any more. He’s lucky he got good reflexes because he might not have caught you otherwise.
“I don’t want to get married,” you croak, tears lacing your voice, “But I want to get married. I just… I just…”
“Tell me about it.” He rubs a hand over your back, knows by now how that relaxes you the most.
“I’ve been calling the Yamanaka’s three times already and everytime I call back in they’ve forgotten about my order. I’m a little scared of sending out invitations because the few people I wanted to invite personally had forgotten we were dating in the first place and…”
“What if,…” he asks in when you cut yourself of with a sob, “we only marry with our family present? I don’t have any friends aside from you and if they can’t remember basic things about you they don’t sound like great friends anyway. If we get married on the Aburame Compound your family’s already there and I’m sure we can fit in two chairs for my mother and Idate.”
“You would do that?” You ask, still sniffling a little. “I mean, I asked Genma mainly because I thought you were friends.”
He huffs. “I’d never call him a friend. I think I’d invite Guy, mainly because he would invite himself anyway, he’s never missed a wedding since he’s been old enough to attend, but that’s as far as I’d go.”
“What about the flowers, though?”
“Let me take care of those. I have nothing to do anyway besides packing my stuff. How’s the planning for the house going, do you need help there too?”
“No, that’s been going well.” You shake your head and dry your tears. “Shibi’s been really on top of it. Though, now that you ask, he wanted to know how many rooms we want. How… how many children we’re planning?”
Ibiki kisses you first, tastes the tears on your lips and the insecurity in your bones as you tremble.
“Are you still on for five?” He asks then, pressing his temple against yours, squints to see your eyes behind those dark glasses.
“Only if you-”
“I want you to be happy,” he insists, “And you’re going to be the mother, so this is mainly your decision.”
Silence settles between you, warm and lived in. You swallow thickly.
“I’ll tell Shibi then,” you conclude, though you don’t move away. 
It has taken the two of you some time, but you’ve grown comfortable in the arms of each other
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taglist: @snuggleboots @missalienqueen @bennyb0i0 @kitty262 @burningbluegalaxy @ravenswife @shadowwolf202101blog @anaxst @satublueberry @neonrogueraven @bombshellbella @theferretkids @bjem
Buy me a Coffee
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succikko-draws · 6 months
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Happy Birthday Ibiki !
Drew this for @onmywaytofanfic for the occasion ♥
uncropped image here [Nudity]
[Image ID: A digital drawing of a naked Ibiki cheering with a tiny glass of sake in his hand. He's depicted as trans post top surgery, very hairy and heavy with a lot of scars and burn scars on his body. The image is cropped over his waist. /.End ID]
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nu-thenexthokage · 1 month
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"It's time to begin. I'm Ibiki Morino, your proctor, and from this moment, your worst enemy."
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konowhoregakure · 1 year
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Konoha’s T&I division
(if Anko’s not in it pretend that she is, she might as well be)
128 notes · View notes
narutwitter · 2 years
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264 notes · View notes
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Reasons for submission under the cut
arrogant prick
possibly the main reason why Deidara turned out evil
hates young people
was mean to Deidara
doesn't deserve the ability to fly
didn't die when Madara threw a rock at him
grumpy old man
talks bullshit
annoying af
should forgive his brother already
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anannua · 2 years
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2 gremlins, as requested @hades-bitch 😆 i'm really touched you included a backup pose it means the world to me sis tysm 🥰
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51 notes · View notes
6 ibiki and 24 kisame pls
Hokage Kakashi au
I think the one thing that would be different for Ibiki is maybe that he doesn’t feel the need to chase his brother off to protect him.
He knows what his brother did is treason obv, but he also knows Kakashi as a person since they were in school together, and he’s someone who isn’t going to immediately cut someone off (legit i don’t think Hiruzen would extend the same kindness he does to Danzo to anyone else.) Kakashi won’t just slap the label of ‘traitor’ onto Idate.
He knows what it’s like to be misled.
So Ibiki might take the risk and bring his brother back to Konoha because Kakashi will see his actions with some reason (where as Hiruzen is a full war Hokage. He thrives in war because of his ability to close off emotions and do what’s ‘best for the village’).
An Ibiki who gets to keep his brother perhaps? I think we can give him that little treat in one au XD
Apocalyptic au
Kisame i think would be the guy who never settles in one place and is willing to kill whoever crosses paths with, but is also a big softie for the people he is close to. He walks everywhere, enjoys fighting anyone who decides to get in his way, and probably picked up a really messed up 13 yr old who had seen way too much death (but was also a cause of a lot of that death) and claim his as his new best friend forever.
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goodbyelore · 2 years
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For Vénia! 
Specifically for an upcoming fic featuring a triple date~  Keep an eye out or consider subscribing so you don’t miss it! 
Organized by @narutoreversebang | Also on Twitter
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dira333 · 2 months
A moth to the flame - Ibiki x Aburame! Reader part 4
masterlist - part 3
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Not for the first time Ibiki’s glad he wasn’t born with the Inuzuka nose. Even without heightened senses, he can smell himself and he stinks.
But he made it, got back with his limbs still attached and more valuable intel than they were bargaining for.
Still, while his teammates meet up for a drink he slips away, a different idea in mind.
The sun is just setting, the sky painted a bloody red, when he walks through the gates of the Aburame Compound.
There are still quite a few people mingling around, nodding at him as he passes. So far he’s not experienced any commotion, no conversation that warrants more than a few shared words. The Aburame’s are quiet, polite, yet they never make him feel out of place.
Even now, in this predicament, he feels at home.
Nyan is waiting for him when he steps through the door, rubbing against his legs like he always does. 
There’s only a paper on his kitchen counter, the shortest message telling him you’re over at Shibi’s place. Traces of you still linger, make this house, so new and unfamiliar, a home.
There’s a pair of your shoes by the door, a dish towel hung out to dry. 
The bathroom smells faintly of the perfume he got you last month and even though he craves nothing more than to get clean again, he can’t help but stop and look at the picture hanging on the wall.
It’s you and him on your wedding day, a picture taken in a moment he hadn’t had eyes for anyone but you. And he can see a softness there, in his eyes, a fondness that makes him vulnerable and oh so protective.
You’re his world, have been way before he’d been conscious about it.
After all, he’d made it a point to ask for your opinion ever since you’ve joined their task force. 
“You’re back,” you exclaim eagerly when he walks back into the kitchen, towel hanging off his neck.
“I’m back,” he leans in to kiss you, one hand already under your bulging belly to support it. The kid kicks back.
“Someone’s not happy to see me,” he points out with a low chuckle, ushering you to a chair, “Or is the little one just eager to come and meet us all?”
“Well, Shibi took me to a check-up yesterday and they said it will only take a few more days until she’s ready.”
“Can’t wait. I’m so glad I’m back again.”
“Yeah,” you drag your hand through his damp hair. “Me too.”
You wake him in the middle of the night, your urgent voice cutting through the haze of sleep.
“Ibiki, it’s happening.”
“What’s happening?”
“The baby, it’s coming.”
And, truthfully, this isn’t the first time he thinks living on the Aburame Compound is the best thing they could have done, but this night certainly cements that fact into his brain.
It doesn’t take long for a medic to show up and they’re an Aburame, well-versed in the workings of their special Jutsu.
Not once does he have to point out that you’re still here, still in need, still the patient. You are not forgotten by your own kind.
And then she’s there, Ryo, his first born daughter, red-faced and wrinkled and oh so small.
She lets out a scream and falls silent thereafter, fits in your arms like she was never meant to be anywhere else.
He’s there as you nurse her, unable to take his eyes of the little one or you. 
He’s there as they prep the room, perform the Jutsu that has been sacred to the Aburame Family for Generations. Some elder tries to get him to leave but he stares him down until he shrinks back into the crowd.
He’s there as Ryo becomes accepted by a swarm of moths, turning her into a host for the rest of her life.
It seems painless to her even though it’s painful to watch. But you’re the calm one now, hand squeezing his as he sucks in a breath at the sight.
And then it’s over, the moment gone as quickly as it came. 
Ryo’s sleeping, uncaring of the world around her, and Shibi gently puts her into your arms.
“We will check in later,” he offers, a warm hand on your shoulder and then on his. “Rest. All of you.”
Ryo’s a quiet child. She rarely ever screams and when she does it’s short-lived.
Maybe it’s because he’s almost always around, going as far as to pull himself off the roster.
But there are bills to be paid and you’re in no shape to be going on missions.
“Do you have everything?” Ibiki asks as you check your bags one last time.
“I think so,” you respond and turn around.
He’s carrying Ryo on one arm, her belly resting on his forearm, her face in his hands. It’s the only way to keep her settled at the moment.
She’s not a loud child, but a restless one, at least right now.
“I’m going to be okay,” you insist, because you have to be. This is only the beginning of your family. You cannot let it end here.
“You better be,” he answers, but you can tell he’s worried even though he doesn’t say.
“Are you worried?” One of the other women on the mission asks when you rest for the night. It’s a surprise she’s even aware of your presence this long after the introduction. “I heard you just had a child. I wouldn’t leave my dog home alone with my man, I don’t even want to think about a child.”
“I have utmost confidence in him,” you reply, a little confused by her statement. What kind of man cannot even take care of a dog? They don’t require much nurture as far as you’re aware.
“Well, if you say so.” She doesn’t sound convinced, not that it matters.
You know Ibiki. 
He’s gotten the hang out of the diapers faster than you did. He might not be able to produce milk but he’s the best at getting Ryo to burp after a meal. And he’s a better cook than you’ll ever be.
Just thinking about him makes you homesick.
You spend Ryo’s first year more away than at home. At least it feels that way. Your missions are less risky than Ibiki’s and it’s a joint decision to minimize the threat to your little family as much as possible.
But then you get pregnant again. 
“Oh, Ibiki!” He can’t recall the name of the Shinobi at the top of his head, but his face is familiar. Ibiki stops, checks for a second if Ryo’s still sleeping. She’s steadily outgrowing the baby sling but so far it’s still the one thing that calms her down the fastest.
“Oh, are you babysitting?” The guy leans forward, trying to get a look at Ryo’s face. “Who’s the little rascal?”
“Ryo is my daughter,” he emphasizes the last word. Sure, she’s not constantly wearing pink, but that doesn’t mean-”
“You’ve got a daughter?” The guy blinks. Ibiki feels no longer guilty for not remembering his name. “Since when?”
“Almost two years now,” Ibiki snarks. “Surprise.” He steps to the side, catching your eye from where you’re waiting, a bundle of vegetables in your arms. “Now if you’ll excuse me!”
He wonders if the conversation hurt you. It’s the way you keep your distance even though your hand is in his. Or maybe it’s the fact that he’s leaving tonight. One last mission before the Chunin Exam of Idate. He won’t miss that for the world but he can tell that you’re worried. Rushing a mission has never born good results. 
“Are you going to stay with Shibi?” He asks later, Ryo still tied to his chest as he gathers his mission gear.
“No, I want to be left alone,” the bedspread crinkles under your restless hands.
“Do you want to talk?”
You shake your head. He sighs.
“Ryo’s inherited my curse,” you whisper, one hand on the swell of your stomach. “And the next child will too. And all of them will be damned to be forgotten.”
“Hey,” Ibiki cowers, now eyelevel with you. “Look at me, please.” Even through the shades he can see the sadness. “You’re not cursed and you’re not forgotten. You just needed to find the people that care.”
“But what if Ryo doesn’t?”
“She’s my girl too,” his large hand envelopes her tiny one. “She’s going to be just fine.”
You let him dry your tears, but he can tell that the thought lingers. 
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Buy me a Coffee
Taglist: @snuggleboots @missalienqueen @bennyb0i0 @kitty262 @burningbluegalaxy @ravenswife @shadowwolf202101blog @anaxst @satueblueberry @neonrogueraven @bombshellbella @theferretkids @bjem @mangoxsago @elliotintgewoods @sillypissyfroggy @sage101 @f1girlie
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bestnarutoduo · 11 months
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Error404: Propaganda not found!
Fluffy and soft!
Black hair is pretty and popular
She should at least make it past round one
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kason-nvidiade-art · 2 years
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elenyafinwe · 2 years
Underneath the Silence continues! This time with the second round of the first Chuunin exam and quite a lot of trouble for Tobirama. insert lightsaber sounds for reasons
A tiny flare of his seals told Tobirama that someone had trespassed to gain access to his home. Without hesitation, he created a shadow clone, which immediately disappeared into a Hiraishin. Minato was not unaware of this. He turned to Tobirama. "Has something happened?" "Someone just broke into my house," Tobirama informed him.
The German original on StoryHub.
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Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Namikaze Minato/Senju Tobirama, Namikaze Minato/Uzumaki Kushina, Hatake Kakashi & Senju Tobirama, Namikaze Minato & Uzumaki Naruto, Hatake Kakashi & Namikaze Minato Characters: Senju Tobirama, Namikaze Minato, Hatake Kakashi, Original Characters, Sarutobi Hiruzen, Shimura Danzou, Uzumaki Kushina, Uchiha Shisui, Uzumaki Naruto, Akimichi Torifu, Tsunade (Naruto), Uchiha Itachi, Jiraiya (Naruto) Additional Tags: Long, Queerplatonic Relationships, Bisexuality, Aromantic, Asexuality, Trans Male Character, Trans Hatake Kakashi, Falling In Love, Strangers to Lovers, Family, Loss, Grief/Mourning, Sad with a Happy Ending, Happy Ending, tho first it's going to be, Sad, Time Travel, Time Travel Fix-It, Slow Burn, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Rare Pairings, Minor Character Death, No Smut, Asexual Senju Tobirama, Aromantic Senju Tobirama, disaster bi Minato, Namikaze Minato Lives, Hokage Namikaze Minato, Dark Namizake Minato Series: Part 1 of TobiMina timetravel AU Summary:
On the verge of death, Tobirama uses his new Hiraishin seal. It is no more than a makeshift solution, a prototype that is not yet meant to be used. Nevertheless it works, he escapes from his enemies and finds himself in Konoha the next moment ... a Konoha, however, that has aged forty years. His former student Hiruzen has stepped down as Hokage and meanwhile Namikaze Minato wears the hat. Tobirama now has to find his way around a village in which much has changed almost beyond recognition and in whose shadows dark secrets have taken root.
Next update: Oct 7
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