#& asprinkle.
wantsflight · 4 months
— a caller arrives in the form of @asprinkle.
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"DO NOT PUT THAT BABY IN MY HANDS, greg, i swear to god —" it's safe to say that eloise, while she adores her friends and is proud of how far greg has come all these years, is not good with children. yes, there are bridgertons younger than her that she helped to take care of while they were this size but she was barely any older than them. "the instinctual motherhood that people say women have skipped my generation of the family, so if you would please continue to hold him while i admire from a safe distance from both of you, i think eddie would appreciate it." eddie has absolutely no stake in this tiff, however, it's always eloise who will bring him into it for the sake of her argument.
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victoriousfidelity · 5 months
@asprinkle said: "I'm not used to this. Being cared about." prompts for people who refuse to let anyone care about them. | accepting.
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"But you should be." The Goddess tells him, gently taking his hand in both of hers. "You deserve to be. Will you tell me about him? I'd like to know a little about the one who has seen how wonderful you are."
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tsareviich · 4 months
plots please !!! 🩵
-- you send meme, i give plots
( for mutual bton verses ) okay but greg finding out about vasily being in a secret relationship with a man and blackmailing him. or greg finding it out and opening up about himself and then them bonding over it, since they're two fish out of water.
( for wwdits verse ) i just think greg and vasily could be friends. not to say vasily would be a better influence on him but, you know. but also greg realizing that vasily is dating a hunter, who he's also feeding from... hot
( for grisha obvs ) i'm thinking vasily being a guest in the roy home for some event, or maybe greg + co, comes to the palace for the fete? and vasily not catching on fully but noticing something is off about him.
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cannotflyarc · 6 months
@asprinkle ( starter call. ) endgame #3 from c.hess
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she is a dying girl. could she really say she's fully alive after almost losing her life in the arena? lungs draw breath, heart pounds, yet there are moments she feels more ghost than human. barely nineteen years old and johanna is already training another child for the same fate. she's only a few years younger than her. she laughs with her head thrown back and believes that she can survive the arena. johanna doesn't have the heart to remind her that the chances of that are one in twenty-four. being back at the capital makes johanna feel as if she's facing those odds once again. one in twenty-four chance she'll make it back on the train alive. with all the talk and speculation around the wedding ring on her finger, she's slowly suffocating.
the sight of someone she knows is a reporter only tightens the rope around her neck. she recognizes him from last year. art's better at working with the sponsors than she is. the point of tonight is to flatter and convince the capital citizens to toss a coin or two to the dying children. if mr. hirsch even is a sponsor in the first place. she's rather batter her eyes than dismiss questions about her marriage. the capital's enjoyed their little peak of the tribute and tribute relationship far too much. the wedding was in secret for a reason. johanna just forgot to take off the ring before leaving their room. it feels molded to her skin now.
she approaches him before he can approach her. a charming smile ( a better feeling of control over the conversation ). ❝ they all think they see a woman who doesn't know which move to make, which way to go. ❞ head tilts towards the crowd. ❝ some are vicious, some are fools and others blind to see in me, one of their kind. it's more satisfying to cheer for the underdog, isn't it? no one thought i would win, but i did. i think my tribute has a fair chance. she's smart. with tonight being all about the tributes--- ❞ a clear reminder of what they're here for ( they aren't here for the marriage questions ) ❝ ---i think that's fair to point out. ❞
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senstrike · 1 year
he doesn’t even know the guy. what he knows are two things: this man wants the all valley cancelled, and kreese resents having to look up. oh, and his daughter fights for miyagi-do. if the parents are scared of a little competition, it’s no surprise larusso’s team is a bunch of gutless pussies — and kreese doesn’t hesitate to say as much.
a tilt of the head, a quirk of the brow. john stands with his arms crossed. if you can’t handle some words, how do you expect your kid to handle themselves in a fight? ‘i know.’ there’s the faintest flicker of dry amusement behind his voice, which is otherwise bitter and aggressive as a viper. ‘that’s why i said it.’
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tartt9 · 1 year
@asprinkle // [ sc ! ]
The pre-season presser. It's a time-honoured tradition, one that Jamie will happily oblige. What can he say, he loves the attention on him. He's sat in Richmond's press room, leaning forward, arms crossed on the desk, a very Jamie-branded grin on his face. But, honestly, he's surprised to hear the question that comes out of the newest reporter's mouth. "You're asking me about Lust Conquers All?" he asks, as if he's heard him wrong. "Y'know this is... like, a football presser, yeah? Like... I'm here to answer questions y've got about the season?" he gestures around, but all of the other reporters in the room seem intrigued. So... he guesses he has to answer the fucking question. "What were the question again? Sorry, I kinda... stopped listening after y'mentioned that."
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abusedog · 1 year
incorrect quote symbol 🩵
incorrect quotes
greg : jail is no fun . i’ll tell you that much .
roman : oh , you’ve been ?
greg : once. in monopoly .
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victoriousfidelity · 2 months
Nicole isn't surprised that Greg greets her at the door with a combination of whispered thank yous and apologies, so she's quick to cut him off as she hugs him. As if she was going to say no, when he mentioned that Eddie had an inescapable work thing and asked if she'd come over.
"I've told you both before, you can always ask me for help." She assures, kind but firm as they let one another go and she comes inside.
She toes off her shoes to keep noise to a minimum and then heads straight for the kitchen, quickly setting the cool bag that's hooked over her arm on the counter so that she can move the tupperware it contains into the freezer.
"I batch-cooked at the weekend," She explains in a whisper. "And as I was getting ready to head over here I realised the two of you probably need quick and easy meals more than I do at the moment."
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That done, she turns her attention back to Greg. "Now, what do you need me to do? Consider me your combination friend-slash-cleaner-slash-babysitter, and put me to work."
inbox inspired starter for @asprinkle (inspo)
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nearestend · 10 days
"can you believe i've never been to new york before? my sister lives here, you know, she's a writer — it's very chic. she's lived here this entire time and i've never been here till now." ever the idealist, amy has been practically skipping and kicking her feet with glee this whole walk — much to the chagrin of disgruntled locals who are likely far too jaded to tolerate some silly girl's daydreaming. fortunately, her mind is far too preoccupied with all the big shiny window displays of things she will never ever buy.
"i've already walked by the ladurée store several times, but i refuse to go in because i already know i will spend the entirety of my savings in there and my aunt would be furious. have you been there before? ladurée, i mean."
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bravevolunteer · 30 days
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@asprinkle asked: "This is an active crime scene." // lisa frankenstein
"YEAH, I KNOW." Michael has to resist the urge to roll his eyes and bring up the fact that he's dealt with more crime scenes than he could count at this point. Just about has many as there have been restaurants that opened and closed over the years, he's extremely familiar with the glaring presence of sickly yellow caution tape, roped off rooms, blood staining tile floors. Hell, the first one he'd ever seen had been his fault. They continued through his teenage years and the jobs he feels he has no choice but to keep taking up. So, excuse him if the yellow tape doesn't scare him off; neither will some suited up asshole ( he assumes, Michael knows nothing about the guy ) who knows nothing about any of this.
"I'm the security guard." It's not as fancy as flashing a badge or pulling out a wallet with ID qualifications, but it's all he has, so Michael gestures to his name tag. Company branded and plastered with the word 'security,' it tracks with the tacky uniform and belt around his waist. Does that necessarily give him clearance into an active crime scene? Probably not. But he doesn't care: Michael bets he understands more about what happened than any of the officials assigned to this case anyway. "I need to get through."
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tsareviich · 1 month
@asprinkle : ❛  oh god. please tell me you haven’t just heard me talk to myself.  ❜
he hadn't expected someone to already be outside when he headed out to get some air. too many mothers wanting him to dance with their 'darling daughters.' he's sure they were lovely but vasily didn't care. he was tired and just needed to get away. and he was surprised when he already heard a voice, not that he could catch what the other person was saying. but vasily will admit he was curious. not nosy, absolutely never nosy. a prince is never nosy. " i do not know what you were saying, no. but i will admit to hearing you speak. i did not realize you were speaking to yourself, however. but that shall be our little secret. "
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showsart · 5 months
@asprinkle enters the gallery.
IT'S A MIRACLE the two manage to get any real work done when their respective bosses decide to fuck off for the day. lowly assistants to the big bad wolves — god, what they have to do for a fucking paycheck. however, june craves moments like this: ridiculously cheap takeout with the only person who makes this job worth it - teddy excluded - as they hide in a conference room in the back corner ( not that it does much, ALL THE WALLS ARE GLASS ).
"y'know — for as much as i'm sure they're paid... WHAT DO THEY EVEN DO? can you explain tom's job at ALL?" it's unfortunately genuine. she never claims to be the most knowledgeable about corporate waystar royco bullshit. in a box somewhere in her messy apartment is a certificate to an art history degree she's not even utilizing, not a master's in business. "i certainly couldn't explain what's going on in HR — if there's even one here."
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abusedog · 1 year
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it's a SHIT SHOW , is all a shit show , his whole life is a shit show and nothing is ever gonna be okay again EVER . and the worst thing of all , the thing that ADDS salt to wound , is that the only witness of the whole damn ORDEAL seems to be fucking @asprinkle .
❝ the fuck are you looking at , freak ? ❞ he lashes out and is wrong , WRONG , wrong , but he can't help himself ❝ shouldn't you be sucking your boss' dick or SOMETHING ? ❞
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victoriousfidelity · 5 months
@asprinkle said: "You haven't heard of me? How refreshing." conversational sentence starters. | accepting.
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"Oh, believe me, I understand the allure of going unnoticed." Sigyn's tone is careful - measured. She's been around long enough (ha.) that running into other immortals isn't a new experience; she is not naïve enough to presume that a shared fate automatically makes somebody your ally.
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"How long has it been, for you?"
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dryadologist · 5 months
@asprinkle liked the starter call
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If Wendell is surprised to find a stranger seated in the chair opposite his desk, it doesn't show on his face. It's a Friday and he's finished teaching his last class, which typically means he's either off to the closest pub for dinner or to take a train into the countryside for research purposes. Friday afternoons don't typically involve meetings with strangers.
Nevertheless, he places a stack of books on the corner of his perfectly clean and organized desk and takes a seat opposite the man. "Have I lost track of time and forgotten about our meeting, Mr..?" He trails off, allowing him to fill in the dots. "Let me guess," he muses, leaning back in his chair and steepling his fingers. "You're either here because you're an aspiring dryadologist looking for insight into Cambridge's path of study or you're a publicist interested in publishing the research I completed last summer." The professor pauses, raising an eyebrow. "Or could it be for something else?"
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exsocialite · 5 months
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" okay so wait . literally why is that , like , kindergarten putty stuff named after that greek guy who sat around acting like having thoughts was a full-time job ? play - dough ? " / &. @asprinkle
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