#& greg hirsch. * asprinkle
victoriousfidelity · 5 months
@asprinkle said: "I'm not used to this. Being cared about." prompts for people who refuse to let anyone care about them. | accepting.
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"But you should be." The Goddess tells him, gently taking his hand in both of hers. "You deserve to be. Will you tell me about him? I'd like to know a little about the one who has seen how wonderful you are."
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victoriousfidelity · 2 months
Nicole isn't surprised that Greg greets her at the door with a combination of whispered thank yous and apologies, so she's quick to cut him off as she hugs him. As if she was going to say no, when he mentioned that Eddie had an inescapable work thing and asked if she'd come over.
"I've told you both before, you can always ask me for help." She assures, kind but firm as they let one another go and she comes inside.
She toes off her shoes to keep noise to a minimum and then heads straight for the kitchen, quickly setting the cool bag that's hooked over her arm on the counter so that she can move the tupperware it contains into the freezer.
"I batch-cooked at the weekend," She explains in a whisper. "And as I was getting ready to head over here I realised the two of you probably need quick and easy meals more than I do at the moment."
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That done, she turns her attention back to Greg. "Now, what do you need me to do? Consider me your combination friend-slash-cleaner-slash-babysitter, and put me to work."
inbox inspired starter for @asprinkle (inspo)
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victoriousfidelity · 5 months
@asprinkle said: "You haven't heard of me? How refreshing." conversational sentence starters. | accepting.
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"Oh, believe me, I understand the allure of going unnoticed." Sigyn's tone is careful - measured. She's been around long enough (ha.) that running into other immortals isn't a new experience; she is not naïve enough to presume that a shared fate automatically makes somebody your ally.
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"How long has it been, for you?"
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victoriousfidelity · 6 months
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“I'm so sorry we missed the wedding!" Is how Sigyn greets Greg, standing a little on tiptoe to wrap an arm around his shoulders in a hug. "But you'll tell me everything, yes?
@asprinkle gets to see a friendly face
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victoriousfidelity · 4 months
@asprinkle said: "I can't trust anyone. Not anymore." prompts for people who refuse to let anyone care about them. | accepting.
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"Come on, come here," Sigyn murmurs, pulling Greg into a hug. She knows all too well how isolating it feels when your inner circle seems to be full of people who have either already betrayed you, or who would be willing to do it given the slightest provocation.
She hugs her friend tightly, hoping to convey at least some of that empathetic understanding in the embrace. "Tell me what's happened."
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victoriousfidelity · 4 months
@asprinkle asked: "How long has it been since you've slept?" an assortment of dialogue prompts. | accepting.
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"That doesn't really matter, does it?"
If she's a little more subdued than normal, there's a reason for that. For all she usually tries not to let her thoughts linger on what came before, there are times when that's more difficult - moments when it feels as though the weight of all the years she's lived with her losses might overwhelm her.
This time of year is invariably full of those moments, because once it was a time of joy.
But the look on Greg's face at her response is enough to pull her back to the present, and she offers a faint, self-loathing grimace as she shakes her head at herself. "Sorry, sorry. It's— I'm fine. As fine as we ever are. You're right, though, I've not really been sleeping. But it will pass."
It always passes.
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