nochilforthechuck · 5 months
do you ever think about how Chilchuck, is, in canon, some real Hot Shit (founder and leader of the Half foot union dedicated to help them, clearly one of the best lockpick out there, given his rates and skills, and its not a stretch to think he has the matching reputation to go with), and still, still, when dandan introduced him to laios, he joined them, and stayed. for three years. do you ever think that other parties wanted chil to join them but he picked the weirdo siblings and they're jealous of the touden for that and laois has no idea he has the biggest baddest lockpick bitch in his party. do you ever think of that. i do.
Edit: oh man i didnt think this post would breach containment and now i think people dont understand my intent:
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dereckstrades · 1 year
A Brief Look at $OXY
I have a few basic remarks I can make on OXY, a stock I don’t usually cover. I wanted to point out the breakout is has made from this contracting price action, a wedge that has a bullish bias: I also like way its riding its 50-day SMA here. So long as that can be maintained, this may target the prior highs. Any fall below the lower red rail would spell trouble and spoil the call.
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oxidi · 2 years
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Malta, 2022
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newts-and-sharks · 4 months
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Haha I’m so safe guys, I really am
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voidcat · 2 months
comparing hand-sizes to hold their hand against the other's and then just holding hands + Laios 😭😭😭💞💞💞💞
I can never write Laios like you king but hope you like this Oxy ilyy<33🫶🫶
wc: 703 ; gn!reader
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“Hey, so…” a voice interrupts the silence. “What if all those physical differences we displayed weren’t just an effect of changeling spores, more like revealed by them?” Laios asks, looking at his hand deep in thought.
Few groans and hums raise in their air, Chilchuck for one isn’t happy in the slightest for having his sleep interrupted. At least Marcille seems a little interested, or maybe just trying to end the conversation before Laios’ mind can spiral to depths no one wishes to know about.
“You mean the body shaping accordingly to your life style?”
“Yes! But not exactly.” some faces drop as his voice raises a tone higher, whatever remnants of exhaustion wiped off his body. “What if the occupations we would take and the lives we would live were already predetermined by the bodies we were going to inhabit?”
He sounds excited, the heart in the right place but probably not explaining what’s on his mind as he wished.
“You mean like ‘nature vs nurture’?” your voice rings in the air and immediately you can see Marcille’s face dropping. Probably an option she thought of as well, but chose not to voice for the moment.
Meanwhile Laios, more than happy to have someone else join in on his brainstorming, rushes to your side like a giddy puppy, hands up, palms facing you.
“Like Senshi–” “Hmm, he looked quite slender and fragile, even for elven standards when he was an elf himself…” “And and–”he counts every small detail he has noticed and saved into his memory without taking a breath. Happy and in his element, he looks fascinating.
“Despite all that, I’ve noticed hand sizes to not have gone through a drastic change.”
“Oh, really?” you ask, now a little curious. Has he really paid individual attention to each and everyone’s hands? “Yes! I even compared them with mine for good measure.” he says matter-of-factly, earning a snort from you.
“Well, then in this case,” you draw in, “your research is flawed I’m afraid.” Unfazed by your close proximity, he only looks confused at your claim. The ‘how so’ waits on his tongue but you beat him to it.
“I don’t think you ever compared with mine.” he seems relieved, as if letting out the breath he was holding. Taking your words as an invitation, Laios grabs your hands and brings them up, facing his palms against yours.
First thing he notes is how close they are to his in size. Sure, for a tall-man, he is not exactly the tallest but he was told he has big hands. Your fingertips passing his distal interphalangeals barely, his brows furrow without noticing. At his reaction, you stick your tongue out at him victoriously. Unfazed by your reaction he continues to inspect. Staring at your hands against his with fascination, he moves each finger, grazing against your skin as if to test some sort of parameter only he knows of.
What feels like forever passes.the two of you, enthralled in your own bubble now, everyone else busy with something, their attentions diverted.
Laios realizes then, that he has been staring for a while. With this first moment kicks back in his senses; the world suddenly isn’t drowned out, everything but you isn’t covered by a dark curtain– and how painfully warm, and so nice to the touch your hands are.
As if sensing him snapping back into reality, you let your fingers slide across the gaps between his, clasping his hands in a demeanor that mimicked his observant self a while ago.
“See?” you break the silence for the two of you. “Told ya you were missing out on data.” you say with a grin. Finding himself at ease with you, he brings his right hand to scratch his head reluctantly.
He couldn’t possibly be blushing now, could he?
Laios tries to return the smile and still feels his shyness taking over. A breath let out and he allows himself to sit down more properly, letting his muscles relax. Taking out his little notebook to read, he stays, and his left hand drops to the ground, between the two of you, hand still clasped to yours, not letting go until you do.
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xoxytoxinx · 2 months
even MORE Nikki cuz my old blog got deactivated and I need my Nikki fans back so I can follow them
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boneheadboner · 2 months
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Sleep substitutes
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titantheemoon · 11 months
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“i’ll answer in a sec”
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selfmedblves · 1 year
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nochilforthechuck · 5 months
Thinking about the chapter where they stayed in the house and you see both Chilchuck sleeping like a log and Laios saying he hadnt slept so good in a while and he’s so disheleved…
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��.. yeah ok they fucked that night. Like thats the face of someone who got some good dicking and someone who got their dick wet. Clearly. You can’t change my mind.
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hcnnibal · 2 months
Wait… in wich country is valium over the counter?? Thats insane
cambodia! land of the free babey!!!!! 🇰🇭🇰🇭🇰🇭🇰🇭🇰🇭🇰🇭🇰🇭🇰🇭🇰🇭🇰🇭🇰🇭🇰🇭🇰🇭
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oxidi · 4 months
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dana, budapest 2024 § by mice pápai
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femmies · 2 months
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voidcat · 25 days
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endo yamato's love is all consuming.
from the get-to he's been juggling the line between love and obsession.
just as icarus blinded at the sight of sun so much so, he is unaware of the doom that awaits him– endo feels the same, and makes you feel it too.
he puts you above all, places you on a pedestal. you drink in all he has to give and more; take, take and take, consume and digest all you can, save the rest for later.
it feels flattering, boasting, it makes you feel untouchable– and that's exactly where the issue lies, waiting.
endo's love; this infatuation, this... obsession grows grand, covers over the sky like a shadow cast over all life. he idolizes you to the infinity and back and makes you lose a piece of yourself in the process.
at first the feeling is welcome, this overwhelming attention coming from him from all sides... until you feel yourself lost, alienated and just a stranger amidst the sea of clouds. something feels lost along the way, something within you very essence has been dropped along the way and the fire that is endo yamato, fueled and rekindled all by him remains there, to overwhelm and consume you wholly, until there's nothing left.
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absorbing-misfortune · 7 months
Oxy frowned poking his head around the corner of Izzy's door. "Hey uh Izzy?" He asked curiously. "I know you probably are going to say no but uh would you maybe want to go on a date with me?" He asked.
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kevindelreyy · 3 months
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