#!dad david hesh walker
In Sickness & In Health (Dad!David "Hesh" Walker x Mom! F Reader)
TW: Mentions of stomach flu/symptoms, mentions of pregnancy and parenthood, some suggestive themes (not old enough to go to the bar legally - not old enough to be on my blog)
Blog HQ
"I know honey, I'm sorry" you whispered, rocking your son as he softly whined; still not understanding why he feels so bad. The fever, likely body aches, vomiting all day and lack of sleep all snowballed into you sitting with him in the middle of your dimly lit livingroom at 2:06am.
You've tried absolutely everything, medication, luke warm baths, cool compresses, even the meals your father in law made your husband when he was sick growing up. Every trick in the book, with no relief.
"Don't feel good" your son cried, pressing his face further in your chest as you leaned back into the couch.
At least your back felt relief if nothing else.
This was the worst case of the flu your house had seen in a very long time. Your oldest had it 2 days ago, your husband felt off yesterday, and now your youngest was suffering in their footsteps. You hoped and prayed that being cuddled up to your sick little one wouldn't cause you to fall into the same fate. Not that you hadn't been puking nearly every day for the past month for other reasons. But how do you say no when your child begs for specifically you?
"I'll take him" Hesh held his arms out, clearly exhausted as well. Being up with your oldest, then dealing with this himself yesterday. "Whatever he has I probably have already".
You nodded, shifting to hand the small boy over to him when a hand gripped the front of your shirt. Refusing to let go.
"No, just mama" he whispered, his little green eyes glazed over with a fever but begging you to stay. You always teased Hesh how it was incredibly unfair that you grew both boys, and they had the audacity to come out looking exactly like him.
He's been joking now that there's so much pressure riding on your third child.
"I've got this. Go get some sleep, you look exhausted" you gave your husband a small smile, leaning over to press a quick peck to his cheek as he left the room. Going to help your oldest get ready for bed.
Which left you here, hoping your son would calm down enough to sleep. That any of the medication you attempted to give him would take effect and soothe his sore tummy.
Rubbing his back slowly, you felt his small sobs become quieter and quieter as his breathing started to even out. You waited a few minutes to ensure he was actually asleep before scooping him up to carry him to his room.
He woke up when you tripped over Riley's back leg leaving the livingroom. Very groggy and half asleep, but still awake enough to feel off. Leaving you to curl up in his bed with him, rubbing his small back as he gripped the front of your shirt again.
You laid with the small boy, hoping sleep would take him into its embrace again soon. Muscles screaming from the position you were pretzeled in to fit on the bed, your bones feeling like they've been replaced with lead as the exhaustion hit.
"Night mama" you heard a faint, sleepy whisper from beside you as he curled further into his blanket. Fingers releasing your shirt slowly. Finally.
A small smile adorning your lips as you pressed a loving kiss to his hair. Watching him relax into a peaceful sleep, hopefully he'll feel better again when he wakes up.
Moving slow, making sure not to disturb your greatest challenge of the night you slipped out of the bed. Stretching your sore body before padding over to your shared bed, ready to get at least a couple hours of sleep tonight.
You couldn't help the pang of annoyance you felt looking at the time. Knowing if you were lucky you'd get 2, maybe 3 hours of sleep before your oldest was up. Pushing those thoughts aside you made your way to the bed, only to be greeted by your bedhog husband and Riley (who insisted on sleeping with all 4 legs spread right out in front of him).
"You're kidding" you softly groaned, rubbing at the dogs side. Hoping to wake him up and convince him to move. You doubted your ability to win, considering he was being spooned by Hesh right now.
"Riley, come on buddy. Let me in" you whispered, watching hopefully as the dog opened one eye to look at you before promptly closing it again and getting more comfortable in YOUR spot??
Letting out a frustrated sigh, you moved to your husband's side of the bed. Both hands on his back, you gave him a few small shoves forward. Ignoring his sleepy groans of protest. After gaining a few inches of room, you slid in behind the man. Arm wrapping around his waist as you cuddled in and let your body finally relax into sleep.
When you finally woke up, you noticed 3 things.
1). It was still fairly dark in the room
2). You were now alone in the bed, with your favourite blanket added overtop of you
3). Small giggles and your husband teasing your children about something from another room in the house.
You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes, ensuring you read the time right. It was rare for you to sleep in, especially this late (no matter what time you went to bed the night before).
Now awake, you realized that Hesh must've closed the curtains and threw your favourite throw blanket (that he despised for some unknown reason) over you. Knowing it increased your chances of getting a few extra hours of sleep. Stretching in the bed, you smiled wide; even many years, 2 relationship status changes and 2.5 kids he never stopped showing his love and affection.
"Shush!" You heard a familiar trio of giggles coming down the hallway. "You're going to ruin it buddy, stop laughing"
"Stop talking dad! You're too loud" your oldest scolded back, in a rather loud whisper. You rolled over, pretending to be asleep when the door to your room opened. Small footsteps, and the sound of nails clicking against the floor caused you to slowly open your eyes and smile.
"Morning mama!" The boys cheered in unison, their green eyes lit up with love and excitement. "We made you mama juice and brekki"
Your cheeks began to hurt as your smile widened, opening your arms they crawled up on the bed. Cuddling into your sides as Riley laid by your feet. Both boys explaining their seperate roles in the morning surprise, and all the messes they decided to pin on Hesh.
"Hey! The egg wasn't me" he laughed from the doorway, 2 mugs of coffee in hand. "Breakfast is downstairs, these monsters couldn't agree who should wake you up with the surprise"
You pulled both boys a bit closer, kisses applied to both of their heads before they hopped off the bed. Excited to show you the fruits of their labour. You swung your legs over the side, before stopping dead. Squeezing your eyes closed, letting a deep sigh out of your nose as it hit you.
You heard Hesh direct your kids downstairs in the background, as you focused on not emptying your already empty stomach. Coffee temporarily forgotten on the nightstand, you felt warm hands rest on your thighs as he crouched in front of you.
"Morning sickness really kicking your ass this time around, huh?" He whispered, thumbs rubbing circles on your skin. Wishing he could do more to alleviate the symptoms.
"This" you gestured toward yourself, "is your fault. You couldn't have let one of them look like me" you teased once the wave of nausea passed. "Just need to get past this first little bit, then we're home free."
"You're amazing" he whispered, eyes filled with adoration and love. You felt your face warm up before pulling him into a soft kiss, arms slipping lazily over his shoulders. His hands slipping up your thighs to find purchase on your hips. You could stay like this forever.
"Ew!" Or not.
Your youngest stood in the doorway, pouting with his arms crossed. Clearly unimpressed by the sight before him. Chuckling, you rested your face into Hesh's neck. Whispering that you should probably make your way downstairs before you were dragged down there by toddlers.
Grabbing your coffee in one hand, and your sons little palm in the other; you let yourself be guided downstairs to the dining room. Where pancakes, fruits, bacon and....Logan sat. Listening happily as your oldest rambled on about something, using his entire body to convey his excitement.
"Mama and dad were being gross!" Your youngest declared halfway though your meal. Proceeding to rant on about the disgusting scene he was exposed to. Cheeks heating up, you kept your eyes focused on the plate. Actively trying to avoid the amused gaze from your brother in law.
"Already planning a fourth? The third isn't even done growing yet" your head shot up, as you heard Hesh burst out laughing from beside you. Before you could make any remark, you felt the telltale sinking in your stomach, and breath catching in your throat.
Swiftly excusing yourself, you made a beeline out of the room. Shaking as you kneeled on the bathroom floor, groaning softly. This sucked so much.
Leaning back after a second, you heard small feet running down the hallway. Soon after your youngest walked in the room, a glass of water held firmly between his small hands. You wondered if they filled it half full initially, or if he accidentally started washing your floors on the way here.
"Sorry I got you sick, mama" he frowned, holding the glass out to you. "Dad and Uncle Lo said this would make you feel better" you happily accepted the glass, drinking the cool water. Closing your eyes, relishing the feeling of the liquid soothing your throat.
"It's okay honey. Are you feeling any better?" You asked, standing up from the floor and following your son back to the kitchen. Silently thanking the higher powers that your floor somehow remained dry through the delivery.
"I'm full of pancake" he shrugged, wandering out to the livingroom to play with his brother and Uncle. Leaving you and Hesh alone in the kitchen.
"Bug or baby?" Your husband asked in a hushed tone, pulling you into a hug. You shrugged, resting your head against his shoulder.
"Hopefully the latter, considering Logan's taking the boys until tomorrow" he explained, grabbing a handful of your ass for a second before rubbing his hand up your back.
"You seriously called your brother to babysit so you can get laid?" Pushing back, you laughed at his sheepish expression. "What if I do have a that bug and I end up sick all day?"
"That's actually why I called him. Give us the day off to sleep, cuddle and recover without the tiny hurricanes destroying the place. Let them destroy his house, good practice. If you however feel up to it, I'm not about to deny you the DLC activities" you laughed at his offer, pressing a loving kiss to his throat before turning out of his arms and walking to the livingroom.
"You three have a sleepover planned I hear?" You smiled, watching their expressions light up as they sat on the floor, bricks of lego strewn about. Your two talking over one another telling you about all the plans they had for tonight. From blanket forts and ice cream to maybe getting to go to the beach later. You were just glad to see them both feeling better.
"No beaches, ice cream or raiding Uncle Logan's blanket supply if you don't get packed" Hesh called from the kitchen, putting the last couple of plates in the dishwasher. His arm swinging in the room, causing your sons to shoot up from their spots - excited to pack up for the night.
"They do love hanging out at Uncle Logans house" you teased lightly, poking the man on the floor with your foot. "Thank you for taking them on short notice"
"I don't mind, they're fun. Plus we're taking Riley too" Logan was downplaying the excitement and love he had for these visits. The childlike imagination and energy bringing him back to his own childhood. "You focus on feeling better, yeah? You're 3D printing my first neice there".
"Or third nephew. The jury's out this time" you chuckled, the only detail your friends and family could agree on for baby Walker #3 was they would be happy, healthy, and spoiled right rotten. And look like their dad.
"Let's go!" Both boys came running into the room, arms raised above their heads as they cheered. Backpacks hanging off their shoulders. "Come on Riley, sleepover with Uncle Logan!"
"That is my cue" he chuckled, pulling you into a quick side hug. Reminding you to feel better ASAP, and that the kids were welcome over for as long as needed.
Pressing soft kisses to both of your sons heads, reminding them to be good and that you loved them you watched them follow your brother in law out the door. Happily chattering away about something you didn't catch.
"So," you started, leaning into your husband who was now beside you. Your stomach empty and finally settling from earlier.
"About those DLC activities"
Taglist: @bloodonmyhands-1221 @v1naco @bowtruckleninja @ai-luni
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bluebellwrenart · 1 year
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Walker Family sketches because they’re my new obsession and they deserved better
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heshwalkers · 11 months
The way Hesh is so much like Rorke (wanting to take down that bad guy so badly,no matter the cost) and Logan is so much like their father (doing whatever their leader says,no matter how far down they go) is getting to me
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random0lover · 1 year
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luboy7rt · 4 months
How I Think Team GHOSTS Characters Might Hug (GN- Headcanons)
(Please remember, these are only my headcanons of how I think these characters would hug) (Mostly platonic, can be seen as romantic)
Elias Walker 
- Elias has a dad hug, his arms would tightly wrap around your sides and he would lean back so you could put all your weight onto him.
- Safest man to hug, he wouldn't judge if you cling onto him or half-ass the hug.
- Elias's hugs are firm, and he would gently rub the back of your head, back, or neck during a hug.
- One of his forearms would be on your back while his other arm is firmly hooked under your shoulder so his hand could rest on the back of it.
- Elias would gently squeeze when hugging you, like he would to his two sons, he would hug your head gently and if you are close he would kiss the top of your head.
- He would gently knead between your shoulder blades as he would ask about your day, and if you wanted silence? That would be just fine with Elias.
- If you express you want the hug to be a certain way, he would be willing to hug you how you want to be hugged. 
- Elias is quite warm and wouldn't mind sharing the warmth
- He would chuckle if you ask for a hug and open his arms for you.
- He's an amazing comfort person, always willing to listen and give good advice, and he would hug you while doing it, offering physical comfort and soft words.
David ‘Hesh’ Walker 
- Hesh's hugs are quite firm, and tight, quite like his father. Hesh has gotten used to the way Elias has treated him through his whole life and has subconsciously adapted to have Elias’s traits. 
- Hesh would rub your back as you both hug, like a weighted blanket he would practically squeeze you very tightly.
- If You two don't know each other well, he would give a firm side hug, it wouldn't be awkward but it wouldn't be that comfortable either, he would be polite about it though.
- Hesh would wrap his arms around your waist or shoulders, and pull you close to his side or chest and hug you tightly, patting the back of your head or shoulders a handful of times.
- Hesh would squeeze you a few times before letting go of the hug.
- Hesh would accidentally dig his chin into your head or shoulder, trying to find the perfect spot to half bury his face into it.
- He is also quite warm like his father, willing to share it if you ask, he would tease you but would give in and give you a side hug and pull you into his side.
- He would tell a few jokes during the hug, just to hear your laughter, will snort or snicker at all his own jokes.
Logan Walker 
- Logan is a bit of an awkward hugger, he isn't the best at it, but tries to mimic the way Hesh hugs people. 
- Logan's hugs are quite tight, gently rubbing the back of your head or neck gently as he closes his eyes to simply relax into the hug.
-  If you don't know each other well, you will get an awkward side hug, he would shuffle his feet a bit to avoid stepping on yours as he leaned in for a split second before letting go and patting your shoulder.
- Logan would let out a quiet sigh of content if you both have a close relationship, he would rest his jaw on the top of your head or shoulder as he would simply relax for the first time in a long time.
- Logan tends to mimic the way Hesh hugs people, over the years Logan had only really hugged Hesh and Elias, so he picked up the way they both hug.
- Logan's hold is tight and protective, his hold makes people feel quite safe, and he might accidentally squeeze too hard.
- He isn't the type of guy to make the first move, he would wait until you go up to him, if you hug him first, he wouldn't fight it, he would simply return the hug.
- Logan would gently pick at your sleeve, rubbing the fabric between his fingers.
- He likes to hug you from behind, especially when you don't notice him at first, he'd dig his chin into your shoulder and chuckle quietly if he scares you.
- Unlike his father and brother, he is actually quite cold, he usually has to lean into Hesh's side for warmth whenever he got to cold. If you are warm, the hugs will be fine, but if you are cold? You both are practically shivering together in a hug.
Keegan Russ 
- Keegan gives a decent firm hug, he wouldn't give them out often, but he would hold the back of your neck and hold you close so your head would be buried into his shoulder or resting on top of it.
- He wouldn't utter a word during the hug, he just pulls in close for a quick bit then pulls away.
- He would hide his face into the top of your head or bury his face into the side of your neck during the hug.
- If you don't know each other well, he sets a bit annoyed with hugs, will push you away.
- He would also hug you from behind if he just wants a hug. Where he would rest his elbows on the top of your shoulders and hold his own wrist and boredly stand there. If you question him, no you don't, he would flick your forehead and walk off and not give you an answer.
- Always quick hugs, he doesn't hug anyone for long.
- Semi-Aggressive shoulder pats once the hug is over, then he would just walk off like nothing even happened.
- He isn't cold or hot, he has a good warm temperature, he's practically perfect to hug.
- He is a bear hugger, tight hugs, he wouldn't give you much of a choice on the hug.
- Merrick expresses his emotions through physical touch, he isn't one to speak his mind on something he likes.
- He pats you alot. Shoulder pats, head pats, backpats.
- If you aren't that close, he would give you a side hug, patting your shoulder as he would give a quick hug before walking off.
- If you are close, his hugs suddenly get tighter and closer, gently holding the back of your head or your back to allow himself to embrace you close.
- His feet would be planted on either side of yours as held you, letting out a sigh of content.
- After missions he would go in for a handshake then pull you into a hug then pull away after a bit.. and just walk off to go take a sleep.
- He is to hot, his temperature is abnormally hot, you will be sweating if you hug him to long.
- Kick would wrap his arms around your torso, or rest his hands on your hips as he would mutter out a few incoherent tried words as he would lean his cheek to rest on top of your head or shoulder.. he would hold your hand while hugging you.
- Kick would grab your hand and put It behind your own back so he could leave his hand on your back but also be able to hold your hand.
- His gloved thumb would gently rub over your knuckles as he would try to relax into the hug.
- A good hugger, as he would slump a bit of his weight onto you
- He would pat your hand before letting go.
- He is quite cold, and if he ever removes his gloves, he would startle you with how cold he is, he would appreciate if you warmed him up.
Riley (yes, the dog) 
- Good boy, would lay by your feet when You are sat around him or would stand between your feet looking out for any threat.
- If You allow it, he would jump on you for a hug, he would bark and huff for pets when not working.
- He usually is right by Hesh's side on missions but when back at HQ, Riley will run around the base looking for you so you two could cuddle or maybe he's using you for free pets and attention, who knows.
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writingwarden · 8 months
him helping you clean out your attic and you find a bunch of your childhood stuff :( (including your old diary, which is FILLED with pages you wrote about him)
Anon, you're a genius
David "Hesh" Walker x Reader
TW- None, just fluff, love confessions, kissing, minute emotional angst
Word Count- 2.1k
Summary- Feelings dug up by written words
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[A/N- Typed this out in one sitting! Tried to keep it GN.]
Call Sign- BADGER
There was only one good thing about being sent into No Man's Land, and that was the fact you were able to make a stop at your old house. Memories rush at you as you cross what used to be the threshold. The house was smaller than those around it, a nice looking one story building with a huge backyard. As an only child your parents felt they didn’t need so much empty space. Dust covers every surface you look at, the wildlife has taken over every inch it could reach. The air was thick as you moved further into the house, Riley at your heels and his handler not far behind.
Hesh’s and Logan’s footsteps echo loudly against the crumbling walls of your once pristine home. Your mother had taken pride in how orderly she had kept things. She always had somebody over for whatever reasons. That was actually how you had come to know the Walker boys. You mom and dad had been close friends of Elias Walker, your dad having served with the man. One day she had them over for lunch, the next thing you know you’re skating with Hesh and teaching Logan how to pick locks. You three had become the three musketeers. If one of you had an idea, then all of you had a plan.
Stopping in the middle of the kitchen to take in the feelings that come with returning to a place you used to hold dear, a long sigh leaves your chest. “It’s weird being back here after everything,” you say to the men behind you, “We have a minute to look around, feel free to dredge up old memories.” 
Slinging your rifle over your shoulder, you start looking through the cabinets. You weren’t looking for anything specific but it was somewhat comforting to see that most of the dishware had survived. You could hear comments from Hesh from further in the house. Moving through the house made you almost want to tear up, it was a lot to process in the short amount of time you had. Down the hallway was Riley.
The dog stood in front of your old bedroom door, behind him the ladder that led to the attic had been pulled down. “Which one of you’s up there?” you called out from the floor. Hesh’s head pops out, looking down at you with a grin on his face. You shoot him a questioning glance.
“Badger, the fort is still standing!” He elaborates excitedly. The fort in question was exactly as it sounds; a hangout spot built from storage tubs and old blankets that hadn’t been used since your parents lived up north. A smile creeps onto your face when a memory hits you. 
“Well shit, I told you it would survive to the end of the world.” You had built the place after all, and your creations don’t fall apart easily. “You know, there should be a box of those books in there somewhere. I remember a copy of World War Z being in there somewhere. See if you can find them?” you suggest. 
He moves his head around in an indecisive way before nodding, “Yeah I'll try to find it.” He disappears back into the attic for a second before reappearing, “Oh yeah, I found some stuff from when you were younger. I’ll bring some down for you to look through.” And with that he’s gone again. 
A huff from Riley has you looking down and shaking your head fondly at the dog. Riley pawed at the closed door again. Looking up you stare at the plain white door that leads to your old bedroom, why were you hesitating?
Slowly you reach your hand out, resting it on the cool brass doorknob. Just open the door. Placing your forehead against the door and taking a deep breath, You don’t have time to move this slow. What is wrong? A quick push and the door squeals open, hinges rusted from years of no use and nature's wrath.
The room looks just how you left it, your favorite color painted on the walls and your bed still unmade. If it weren’t for the dust and fallen debris from where a part of the ceiling fell in, the room looks as if you had just stepped out for a moment. Clothes still strewn around from your searching and desk still in disarray from writing in your diary before you left. That’s how you knew you were desperate to leave, you never left that book in the open. But you had been so worried about getting over to Hesh’s place that you had left it open. You don’t know why you hadn’t put it up, the Walker household was only a three block walk from your own. You would have made it in time.
You had been a block away from the boy’s house when the ground exploded, sending you into the grass. Your skateboard still clutched tightly under your arm, your blue  drawstring bookbag cushioning your fall. In your panicked state you tried to rush home, the sifting road preventing you from reaching your destination. Your only saving grace had been Hesh’s dad, Mr. Elias Walker in his screeching to a  halt in front of you. He flung the passenger side door open and you scrambled in. After that, he found the boys and the rest is history.
Entering the room further you pick up random items, quickly and silently going through the items. A few small items are stashed into your backpack, two of which being a family photo and your childhood keepsake. The thought passed to go into your parents room but you knew that would only bring sobbing and you couldn’t afford that right now. If you were lucky there would be a later time to properly mourn for them again. Turning around, you face the messy desk. As you approach you take in the messy state of it, shaking your head at the lack of organization.
A thump from the kitchen. Stepping out into the hallway you see Logan picking up a dining chair. “You okay Lo?” you call from where you stand. He looks up and smiles before holding a thumbs up in your direction. Shaking your head at the younger man, you re-enter the room, heading straight back to the desk. That diary that held every thought that crossed your past thoughts. Every single one dated and time stamped in a 24 hour clock format. Your dad had been adamant that you used the “military” time, citing that you would never be confused between 5:00 AM and 5:00 PM. He had been right, you had never confused 05:00 with 17:00. 
Picking up the book you can’t help but feel like you were in mourning. Flipping through the pages reveals a time where what you were wearing to go out and the latest thing Hesh had done to make you feel butterflies in your stomach were the biggest problems in your life; not worrying about a bullet through your skull or a knife to the gut. Those feelings were still there like a raging storm. And it was honestly no surprise that you had come to be absolutely smitten with the man in the room above you. Everyone could see that even now you were in love with Hesh. Everyone but him; flipping back to the last page that had been written, your heart breaks a little more.
The date on the top of the page read 10:49, July 10th, 2017. The day ODIN had fired on Earth and uprooted the entire world's life. Eyes scanning the page as memories from that day screech to a halt in the forefront of your mind. You and Hesh were supposed to go downtown to skate and meet up with a few friends for dinner. Past you lamented onto the page about your outfit and that your hair wasn’t working with you. In between complaining about your outfit or excitedly talking about your plans for later that day, was your feelings of nervousness. You remember vividly searching frantically through your wardrobe and failing to find that one shirt Hesh had said he liked on you. That day was supposed to be special. Skating, dinner with your crush, a confession that you had hoped wouldn’t go wrong; instead you got a burnt breakfast and a crater in the middle of the city.
Footsteps echo from the attic as Hesh calls for you, “Badger! I got a box of things, could use some help getting it down.” 
You finish putting the diary and any working stationary into your pack before moving to the bottom of the ladder again. Hesh wastes no time handing you a medium sized plastic tub. Taking the box into your arms you're surprised about how heavy it is. He must have found a lot. Hesh makes his way down as you walk back into the bedroom.
The box is set on the unmade bed and the lid is removed from the box to reveal several more items from your childhood. Most of them had been completely forgotten. Further into the box were books from the fort. But the item that had you pausing was the brightly colored notebook that once served as your diary. Flipping to the cover page revealed your name and a messy all capitalized KEEP OUT OR ELSE in blue sharpie. 
Hesh steps up to your left side, a shit-eating grin sprawled across his face. “Prime literature right there, Badger.” He says teasingly. Heat rushes to your face, you feel that if you turned and looked at the mirror on the back of your bedroom door you’d probably see your entire face looked as if you slammed it into a bucket of blush. 
You begin to stammer out an explanation when Hesh takes the book from your hands. He flips to a certain page and clears his throat. “I’ll have to say, this one’s probably my favorite,” His eyes sparkled as he read the words out loud, “I can’t believe that I’m in love with this stupid, handsome, green-eyed dumbass. Somebody please sedate me before I explode the next time he shoots me that stupid ass smile. With three green hearts drawn after it.” 
You could’ve passed away on the spot, embarrassment zipping through your very soul as he flips through the pages. Avoiding his eyes you look anywhere but him, afraid of the rejection you’d find there. He was going to laugh at you and that would hurt more than a straight up “No.” would have. Why of all things did he have to find that! You pick at your hands as you look back at him, preparing yourself for the worst.
But you don’t find laughing or a sneer at your words, you just see him studying your being. Instead you find joy in his eyes and that stupid comforting smile. “I- I can explain-” you begin but don’t get to finish. You don’t get to finish what was sure to be a jumbled ramble because Hesh is surging forward, his lips pressed to yours. His hands pull you close by your vest straps to deepen the kiss. The shock leaves just as quick as it came and you're wrapping your arms around his neck.
Eventually you both need to come up for air, the realization of what is happening dawning slowly on you. 
“That was-”
You both began at the same time. You clear your throat, “You first?” 
Hesh shifts on his feet, looking rather pleased with himself. “I was going to stop reading it, I swear!” He puts his hands up in a defensive way, “But then I saw my name and I got invested in this little plot of yours.” 
Sheepishly you raise your hand to rub the back of your head, “Yeah, well I had a lot to write about…” You let your sentence trail off, unsure of what to say next. But you figure you might as well tell him. “I feel like this is the part where I tell you I had planned to tell you after we were supposed to go downtown and meet up with our friends.” You laugh quietly and gesture to the dusty clothes strewn around the room, “I was even trying to find that one shirt that you told me you liked.” A pause of silence passes before he speaks up. 
“But then ODIN happened… Well shit, Badger.” He also looked at a loss for words. A rare sight. “Well, no time like now, huh?” 
You thought for a minute before leaning back in and kissing him again. “Yeah, no time like now I suppose.” 
[Not Pictured- Logan and Riley standing in the doorway baffled.]
[A/N- Took a little inspiration from my own younger self's journal! Hope I did this Justice! Likes and Re-blogs are always welcomed]
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bloodyquillink-blog · 2 months
Animals, CoD Ghosts HC’s
What animals/creatures are the Ghosts?
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A/N🪶: These are just my options! Feel free to send me yours. These are for all the Ghosts, including former, deceased and current within the Ghosts game. This list will include Rorke, Ajax and Elias Walker. Also this is going to be formatted differently from the first HC, Natural Disasters.
David “Hesh” Walker - German Shepard
Hesh is loyal, probably to a fault. Willing to do whatever it takes to protect the ones he loves and get the job done, even if he gets injured in the process.
^ Bringing me to my next point, Hesh is very protective of his family. The mere idea of anyone getting hurt is enough to get this man baring his teeth and attacking.
In the Natural Disasters list, I mentioned that Hesh, according to Urban Dictionary, means courageous, another trait of German Shepards.
One more trait that applies is also Shepards, really any animal in general, being alert as well. This is a given, though, considering he is a soldier in active war zones especially with such effective and deadly enemies. He needs to make every second count and can’t afford to slack in these areas.
I should mention that Shepards are obedient yet stubborn. Hesh knows when to listen to his superiors but he’ll easily let you know when he doesn’t agree with something. Think about when Merrick, Keegan and Elias (mask on) picked them up and Hesh was yelling about their dad still being caught in the crossfire. Merrick got Hesh to sit his ass down but Hesh was clearly not happy about it, understandably.
Logan Walker - Mountain Lion
Mountain lions can’t roar and Logan can’t, or —depending on your headcanons, consciously chooses not to— talk.
Logan finds other methods of communicating, for example, when he and Keegan were about to bust into the room to get to Ajax, Logan used his fingers to count down.
The National Wildlife Federation website says “Mountain lions are territorial and solitary. They use pheromones and physical signs… to define their territory.” (Mountain Lion, Fun Fact.)
Mountain lions are known for being very stealthy predators, again a given considering the fact we’re talking about the Ghosts.
The Mountain Lion Foundation describes them as being relentless hunters which almost connects it to the wiki quote for Logan that calls him a cold-blooded killer and an excellent soldier (CoD Ghosts: Wiki, Logan Walker, Personality.).
Elias T. “Scarecrow” Walker - Black Bear
Scary but not as scary as you may expect.
While Elias is certainly ready to do his job at any point no matter how bloody, he still has his weak spots, that being his sons.
He’s caring but while be stoic when necessary. He’s not territorial but will protect his friends and family when the time calls for it.
Also one detail I find cute about bears is that they have DNA relation to dogs, albeit very distant. I like to call bears giant murder puppies :D
Thomas A. Merrick - Grizzly Bear
I want to say that grizzly bears are often considered to be more dangerous than black bears and more likely to attack if given a reason to.
Both grizzlies and black bears can charge but where black bears may shift away at the last second and avoid attacking, grizzlies may continue to charge and attack their target (once again I’m thinking about Merrick punching Rorke because it just makes me laugh, that man was not ready).
Of course, Merrick is dangerous but he knows when the time is and isn’t appropriate despite his temper. Merrick is a big dude too, so I think this works (“stocky”).
Gabriel T. Rorke - Polar Bear
Once he has his sights on you, you’re already gone.
Hehe, polar bears are mighty dangerous.
Polar bears are bigger and stronger sometimes, but other time grizzlies and polars can be about the same in build.
Polar bears are more likely to attack considering they have fewer resources for food and typically eat a lot as well.
Fun fact: Polar bears don’t hibernate.
^^^ Piggy backing off that, Rorke doesn’t seem to be resting. He’s always planning something, whether it be a plan B or future plans.
He’s a very large and commanding presence who will find alternatives when desperate, willing to do what he must to make sure his plans are completed.
Keegan P. Russ - Leopard
Fast, sneaky. You don’t know he’s there until it’s too late.
Fun Fact: Leopards can roar. Keegan, though very quiet, stills speaks and intimidates with his voice when necessary.
Leopard’s are solitary and ambush hunters, I don’t need to explain this but I will.
If you recall, Rorke had a lot of trouble getting his nasty ass hands on Keegan after kidnapping the Walker family and Merrick.
His first objective was to find Keegan. In my eyes, it’s because he knows that as long as Keegan is alive, Rorke isn’t safe.
Like many animals, leopards care for one another, seen with families. I think Keegan is a very caring person but he avoids showing it often, which is fair.
Keegan continuously checks in with Logan throughout the game. In the underwater mission, he made sure Logan was okay. If you look closely when walking behind Keegan on the submarine, Keegan turns his head back to us briefly.
Alex V. “Ajax” Johnson - Elephant
Ajax is smart and powerful, I want to say he’s very determined.
In the short time we knew him, he was very stubborn as well. He didn’t give up anything and held out for a while. Though he was a lower rank than the other characters.
In his last moments, he made sure the last Ghosts knew what was happening in a last ditch effort to keep them safe and aware.
It’s hard to pin down super specific traits due to the fact that elephants can exhibit many and there’s not much we can give to Ajax.
I want to say that Ajax was more laid-back with his friends and comrades, leaving his bold energy for those who don’t deserve his respect ( insert the iconic scene where Ajax puts up his middle finger right at the Federation soldier ).
Like all the animals and characters on this list, Ajax was dangerous when necessary. He wasn’t spending every moment trying to be scary or intimidating or anything. He’s confident in himself and his abilities and he doesn’t need anyone else to speak up for him.
The respect we hear given to him by the Ghosts after his death was well deserved.
Love you, Ajax <3
Kick - Monitor Lizard
Some kind of reptile (I was so tempted to put him as a Gila Monster but I can’t do that to my best boi).
I’d say probably a water monitor.
These lizards, which can grow to 9 feet btw, don’t surprise their prey, but “actively pursue” them.
While these creatures have venom, but it’s not necessarily fatal.
Kick is definitely dangerous when he’s needed but it’s not like a “I am the grim reaper.” type of thing, it’s more like “I have a job to do and you won’t be in my way.”.
These creatures are known for being intelligent which lines up with Kick’s likely (not confirmed?) role as an information specialist.
The main thing that doesn’t quite line up is the fact that water monitors can be friendly whereas Kick is, if not more stand-offish, then solitary. I do imagine that he eventually opens up, but he’s definitely more comfy with his computers.
Neptune - Owl
I imagine that Neptune, being one of the original Ghosts, is very wise, though more subtle. I can’t think of what kind of owl he’d be, maybe snowy.
I mostly just wanted to include him here. Feel free to add onto him.
Riley… Riley
The most dangerous creature ever, himself.
World’s Best Throat-Snatcher over here being a cutie patootie with blood on his maw. 10/10 best boi.
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tokillamockingbird427 · 2 months
yes !!! exactly !!!! u do it get.
elias was like 23 when Hesh was born so like YOUNG and the military is def all he knew. I think the walkers are probably a military family. I can just imagine the brothers grandfather telling them abt The War and hesh is super into it and Logan's eyes are glazing over bcs hes 5 and doesn't know jack abt shit. point being elias treats them closer to soldiers/war dogs (side note do you think elias had to use one of those baby leashes for them?) despite loving them. he's trying he just wasn't prepared for any of that.
also yes I am an autistic logan bpd/attachment anxitey hesh and elias/rorke (worke, if you will) truther
Yay I get things!!!! :D I'm literate!!
Oh yeah, that's the vibe I get too. Hesh and Logan seem like they'd be such brats lol. Makes me wonder if maybe Mrs. Walker was military too? Maybe that's how she and Elias met.
"doesn't know jack abt shit" adopting that into my lexicon.
He absolutely had those fucking leashes for them but they were like the backpack harness kind and Elias only needed one (That was styled to look like a lil chimp hugging the wearer.) because Logan would follow David no matter what so all he needed to do was leash his oldest. Boom. Solved.
Mans really wasn't ready given he's like... Barely an adult by the time he has two damn kids and THEN Sand Viper trauma and THENNNNNNN his wife also dies so now he's a single dad. Mans had it rough. AND THEN ODIN COMES IN WITH A STEEL CHAIR-
Oh we 🤝 LISTEN THEY HAD TO HAVE S O M E T H I N G alright. You mfs who've read Devil's Breath know this; What other explanation is there for the few sane moments Rorke has in the pit being "Elias Elias Elias Elias Elias Elias-" Like there's some codependant hero worship right there we should talk about HEAR ME OUT--
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aoioozora · 9 days
The Ghosts: Ice Cream Headcanons
How would the Ghosts like their ice cream, I wonder.
[these are my personal hcs! Feel free to agree or disagree. I'm open to discussions lol]
Logan Walker:
Can see him being lactose intolerant but would still gorge on ice cream by the tub.
"So worth it," he'd definitely say as he destroys the toilet later
Has to settle for non-dairy ice creams made with vegan milk
I think his favourite flavour would be something classic like vanilla
The others tease him for his basic choice, but he thinks its versatile and pairs with other flavours pretty well
Even on its own, he defends it for having a complex flavour
I can see him being a cone person; likes crunchy, especially the chocolate bit at the bottom
Likes to add crunchy toppings on his ice cream like m&m's and crushed cookies or Oreos
If dared to, he'd deepthroat a cone (did that once and choked; dad had to do the Heimlich manoeuvre)
David 'Hesh' Walker:
Not lactose intolerant
Has a sweet tooth but would not gorge on a tub of ice cream- too disciplined for that
His favourite flavour would be chocolate and/or coffee. He likes the bittersweet taste
He eats ice cream very slowly that he ends up accidentally turning it into soup
For that reason, he's a cup person. He's gotten his hands messy and sticky too many times eating from a cone.
He likes those crunchy silver chocolate sprinkles
Elias 'Scarecrow' Walker:
Has a bigger sweet tooth than both his sons combined
He'd definitely like ice creams with vague names that don't describe the flavour at all like 'Arabian Delight' or 'Tutti Frutti'
He'll eat any damn ice cream flavour there is. He's not picky even if it's disgusting, but mint-choc is where he draws the line; he doesn't like the toothpaste-y flavour
Doesn't mind eating ice cream out of anything. Cup, cone, tub, frisbee, Merrick's bald head (he was dared to once)
Prefers syrups rather than sprinkles
Thomas Merrick:
Not much of a sweet tooth, but has a little ice cream once in a while
I can see him liking hated flavours like mint-chocolate or pistachio. He likes mint-choc better.
He enjoys the minty sweetness while the rest cringe and gag as they relive the awful experience
Feels proud of the fact that he can enjoy and stomach hated flavours
Doesn't mind either cup or cone
Ice cream BITER if he eats from a cone or a choco bar. He's impatient
As an ice cream biter, he likes mochi ice cream
Prefers no toppings or syrups. Ice cream purist.
Keegan Russ:
Hates ice cream because they give him a crazy brain freeze plus his teeth are especially sensitive to cold food
If forced, he would probably eat cookies and cream flavour, but it HAS to be room temperature and partially melted into soup
His ice cream preferences have everyone giving him the side-eye, particularly from Logan.
The only way he'll have any ice cream at all is if it's an affogato, which he genuinely enjoys, or a slightly warm ice cream sandwich
Ice cream drinker
No toppings, but likes chocolate syrup
Enjoys ice cream a lot!
Probably has the biggest sweet tooth among the Ghosts, even more than Elias
Likes exotic flavours like sapodilla, jackfruit, coconut, matcha, or even durian
He would never let his ice cream melt. Eats it at the right pace.
I can see him liking cones! He'd stack two or three scoops of ice cream on them
He'd definitely like those over-the-top milkshake/ice cream monstrosities topped with an ice cream sandwich, whip cream, toppings, cookies, candy canes, and what-not- the ones you eat like you have free healthcare
Ice cream licker- he would NEVER bite.
Will go heavy on toppings and syrups
Alex 'Ajax' Johnson:
For some reason, I feel like he'd be vegan and would prefer vegan ice creams
Moderate sweet tooth. Likes ice cream but it's not his favourite dessert
Likes the classic flavours like strawberry, vanilla, or chocolate
Prefers a cup over a cone. Who knows what non-vegan stuff the cone could be made of, plus he's not big on crunchy
He often makes his own ice creams with coconut milk and various fruits and they're actually delicious, much to the surprise of the other Ghosts.
He also makes choco bars
He makes Logan's supply of non-dairy ice cream
Not a big fan of toppings and syrups.
Not much is known about Neptune, but I'd like to think he's also a moderate ice cream fan like Merrick and Ajax
He'd probably like a flavour not very commonly known or eaten, like raspberry or blueberry
I can see him liking rolled ice cream and gelato a lot
Cup person, for sure
Likes whipped cream and gummy bears on his ice cream
Good boy will put any damn thing in his mouth if he gets his paws on it, so the Ghosts are careful not to give him any ice cream even if he begs with his cute puppy eyes, since dogs are lactose intolerant
But Logan will secretly give Riley a little bit of his vegan vanilla ice cream because a small quantity will not hurt (don't tell Hesh though).
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simonzriley · 22 days
COD Sexuality HCs for Gay Month
(ghosts edition, as promised)
• David Hesh Walker: Had a homophobic moment in middle school for sureee. I think he's only ever dated women, but is in some capacity attracted to men too. It's just really repressed. He's gotten over his homophobia when it applies to other people, but not when it applies to himself, ya get me?
• Logan Walker: Bisexual. Sweet bisexual man. That's all. He came out to Hesh when they were younger, and that was what Hesh needed to turn around his attitude about queer people.
• Elias Walker: I hate this bitch. I think he's either straight, or he's very closeted. Like, he had an affair with a man when he was on deployment, but he refuses to acknowledge that, and is probably outwardly homophobic because of his own insecurities about liking men. Which is why I think Hesh would struggle so much with his own sexuality (have you seen how much he looks up to his dad?)
• Keegan Russ: Listen. This may be controversial, I may be projecting, or just desperate for representation, however, I do get aro-ace vibes from him. Demiromantic and Ace maybe. Not sex repulsed, though, he'll take it when it's offered. As for gender preference, I don't think he gives a shit. He doesn't label himself. He just exists. (Also for the record I think he had a thing for Ajax. I don't think it went anywhere, but I think he harbored some affections for the guy.)
• Thomas Merrick: He was in the Navy, nuff said. Kidding, I do think he's gay though. Couldn't tell you why, he just gives me those vibes and I'm gay so I'm right. He gives me cool gay uncle that rides a Harley vibes and I absolutely love that for him.
• Alex Ajax Johnson: We really don't know much about Ajax, except that he was close with Keegan (they served in the corps together pre-tf stalker). He's also just a fucking badass lmfao. I have so much respect for Ajax, and I really wish we could have seen more of him. I'm tempted to say he's pan. I don't think gender really factors into it for him. Much like Keegan, I don't think he's interested in labels. He doesn't talk about it. It's not a big deal for him. The type to off handedly mention his boyfriend if he had one like it was no big deal.
- as always, take these with a grain of salt. I don't know shit about shit B) -
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ai-luni · 1 year
HC/Drabble for domestic Hesh expecting/being a dad?
David "Hesh" Walker as a Father Headcanons
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A/N: Eeeheh Dad!Hesh makes me so happy. I love writing this boy happy. Also bless Aukuro for finding this photo for me, I'm gonna mention it every chance I can get!
Word count: 1.8k
I think genuinely Hesh would be the cutest father. Before you his only focus was the war - he always knew he’d want to start a family - but it was when he met you when he actually thought it plausible. 
He is an anxious Husband. He researches everything. You’re having a pain in your left foot? “Honey, the internet’s telling me to take you to the hospital now!” 
He would ask his dad for help too and just overall confide in him about his worries. There were many evenings he and Elias lost track of time exchanging stories and wisdom. Hesh loved hearing about his mother so Elias would tell him all the differences between his and Logan’s birth, as well what little tips and tricks he had learnt by Logan to make his wife more comfortable.
Those tips and tricks Hesh 100% pulls out on you all the time. Like the nights you just can’t seem to get comfortable, he’ll shove a pillow under you and grin at the way you groan in relief. The first time he did that for you, it was 3 am and you were incredibly exhausted so instead of thanking him, you patted his head and said “good husband.” He’s aimed to please even more ever since. 
Those chats with Elias were also really important for Hesh because he refrained from opening up to you. Especially about his worries for the baby and being a parent. He knows you’ve got so much more on your plate and thinks you deserve not to get caught up in his worries. He also fears you’ll think he’s having cold feet, which is the complete opposite of things!
So he turns to his dad instead and as much as he tries to old back, he just can’t. It all comes out in those sessions, even if it’s a random tuesday afternoon. Elias is very good at handling distressed people, so he holds his son and assures him that he’ll be a good father with a loving support team and wife around him. 
“You’ve served your country for so long, my son. You’ve made me so proud. I hate to lose a good soldier but now it’s time for you to serve your family and make her proud.” 
He’s definitely the kind of husband to make sure you don’t even move a muscle if you’ve had a bad morning. He’ll rub your feet, rub your back, he'll cook for you, he’ll make you coffee or tea and just be really annoying asking if you need anything over and over again.
If you drink, he’ll give it up with you. If you have to eat an excessive amount of some vitamin, he’ll learn new recipes. Sometimes he’ll even watch you sit at the table until you’ve finished all your vegetables like a child. 
He’s also so in love with the baby bump. He’s started sleeping with his arms around your waist, pulling you as close as possible to him. If not, he'll keep his hand on your stomach. 
You’ve had to wake him up a couple times when it gets too hot. Especially in summer and especially when you are closer to expecting and Riley’s becoming just as clingy as he is. 
Hesh isn’t much of a leisure shopper, but he is a panic buyer. “Babe, I got you more of these just in case!” “A lady at the store said these were good, I got one incase you wanted to try it.” But he is also a massive sucker for baby clothes, so expect that bag to be topped off with a little onesie or two. He especially loves baby sneakers. 
Now enough about Hesh because Riley would also KNOW. Riley knew before both of you. It was maybe about a week since you’ve been home with Hesh that Riley started trailing behind you more often, sniffing your belly and crotch. Hesh thought it was hilarious and would jokingly scold his dog, “Hey! She is mine alright.” 
You however were starting to feel a bit off and Riley’s behaviour was only confirming your intuition. It was about two weeks being home on a Thursday night, Riley sat between your feet the entirety of dinner that you knew for certain. The next morning you told Hesh you were going to go for a run and brought a couple pregnancy tests. All of your suspicions were correct. 
Riley started sleeping with the two of you in your final trimester, when he would physically refuse to leave the room no matter what. You would be crawled up in Hesh’s arms and Riley in yours. 
He’d also gotten so much more openly aggressive on walks. He’s trained and very well mannered but now if someone walked too close or tried to talk to you, he’d start growling. 
Telling Hesh will always be one of the greatest memories you have. The pregnancy wasn’t planned but you both had talked about the possibility of children in the future. It was important for the two of you to make sure you were both on the same page before anything got serious. 
Luckily the afternoon you found out, you had a dinner planned with his family. 
You were helping Elias bring casserole dishes to the dinning table as Logan entered with Hesh holding four drinks. He places your drink down with a “Your favourite, doll.”
“Thanks” You give him a peck, “but not tonight I think.” 
He pauses, thoroughly confused, “It is your favourite right?” 
“Yea... But it’s not his.” With that you put your palm to your stomach, feeling so cliche. 
It took him a moment but he eventually got there, and when he did arrive there, he couldn’t have been more overjoyed. He reacted even more excited than even he was expecting, picking you up and spinning you around. Your feet dangled off the floor as he held your face close to kiss you. 
“Hey, save it for after dinner. I’d like to keep my appetite.” Logan said entering the room again with his father. You hadn’t even noticed them leave.
Hesh didn’t pay a single piece of attention to the comment, just turning to his family with the widest grin announcing “I’m gonna be a dad!” 
The lot of you celebrated together and ate well. Elias giving you a long, warm hug nearing the end of the night, telling you how proud he is of you and that Hesh could start a family with someone like you. 
On the delivery day, Hesh was very attentive. You made it to the ER, the nurses got you set up in a room and his hand never left yours for a moment. Anytime a nurse entered the room, he’d ask if there was any job he could do to help. All the nurses loved him, they all thought he was cute. They would send you winks when he asked to help or say the sweetest thing to you and in any other circumstance, you would feel lucky but today he was the monster who caused you all this pain. 
When it came to the labour itself, he tried to talk you through all of it. 
“You’re so strong y/n, you can do this. You’ve been through so much worse! Remember when you got shot multiple times, a baby is nothing! Remember when we fell three stories off that building in Caracas and still ran miles for evac.” 
All of the nurses in the room were giving major side eye as the scenarios coming out of Hesh’s mouth were getting worse and worse. 
All of his worries from before the birth would be completely lost as a father. Of course he’ll still stay up to 3 in the morning reading about every possibility your baby might be coughing but otherwise, he was the happiest man alive. 
He would spoil them and want to give them everything his own dad gave to him. He’d sit with them on the rug and play with sensory toys because he read it was a good way to let them adapt to the world. He’d get too excited to wrap them up on his chest and sway them around.
He is 100% a baby thrower. Much to your dismay, he will toss that baby up in the air so long as they still laugh at it. 
He also sleeps with the baby a lot. Midday naps are his favourite times! Especially when Riley joins them. It gave you some alone time too which you greatly appreciated but rest assured the photo of all three of them asleep in each other's arms would stay as your phone’s wallpaper for a very long time.
There's no argument about it, the baby will be a fan of whatever sports team Hesh supports. Even if you go for a rival team, it will always be wearing Hesh’s team’s jersey over yours. 
He’s read a lot about Postpartum depression as well and tries to give you everything you need. Especially in the first few months of bringing the baby home. He’ll look after the baby if you need time alone, he’ll cook dinner and bathe you and just constantly remind you that you are loved and have brought the most beautiful thing ever onto the earth. He would constantly tell you what a wonderful job you’ve done and that he’s so proud of you that it becomes such a habit. 
Fast forward to when the baby’s 7 and going to school, all three of you continue to say how proud you are of each other almost daily because it’s just become what you do. 
Over time he does get less and less reluctant to attend to the baby in the wee hours of the morning but he’ll always do it if you ask him to. Sometimes you'll even hear him sing to it in the next room which always makes your heart swell. 
The baby also gets its fair share of the ghosts too. Merrick has one too many photos pretending to make the baby drink from his beer bottle. Logan will hold them whatever chance he gets and Elias is the super nanny of the bunch, jumping into action if they ever throw up or make a mess. 
But Keegan will always be the baby’s favourite. They alway grab his hand and try to lead him away, or they do their grabby hands in Keegans direction to climb onto his lap. He secretly loves it. 
Your baby’s very vocal so sometimes when the lot of you are sitting, sharing a drink at night, you’ll sit the baby down in their own chair and ask it questions. Everyone laughs when they give a “eeugh!” or clap their hands in response to something said. 
Overall, Hesh is a very loving father.
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| Blog HQ | 18+ MDNI | No use of "Y/N" | Taglist Open |
Near & Far // Unnamed Ghost x GN!Reader
Always Attract // Logan x F!Reader
D A V I D "H E S H" W A L K E R
I Don't Care if You're Contagious // Hesh x GN!Reader
In Sickness & In Health // Dad!Hesh x Mom!Reader
Checkmate // Hesh x GN!Reader
Social Butterfly | Antisocial Moth // Keegan x GN!Reader
3 pros & 3 cons of dating
Hesh & Logan
Writing the characters personalities
Miscellaneous Headcanons
Ajax SFW
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Come Around // Logan Walker x F!Reader
| Coming Soon | Ongoing | Completed |
The Chronicles of Life & Death (Drabbles) // Various Ghosts x GN!Reader
| Coming Soon | Ongoing | Completed |
The Home Chronicles // David "Hesh" Walker x GN!Reader
| Coming Soon | Ongoing | Completed |
We're Lost & Found // Keegan Russ x F!Reader
| Coming Soon | Ongoing | Completed |
San Diego // David "Hesh" Walker x Reader
| Coming Soon | Ongoing | Completed |
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pearldog30 · 7 months
David (hesh) Walker Head Cannon.
Alright, so. this was what y'all voted for that I do Hesh. So here's our bb boy hesh! Hope you all enjoy the head cannon on our boy 🖤
(also this hc is before he lost everybody. Because I genuinely can't bring myself to do that hc right now...)
Other works 👉 Master list
Warnings| a little tiny mention of PTSD.
I'm sorry but I can just imagine this man singing this song to you on your wedding day/anniversary 😭 (Love song say You won't let go by James Arthur) hesh can low key sing. no one can convince me otherwise!
I feel like hesh has only had 2 or 3 short-term girlfriends in the past, and each time he legit thought they were going to spend the rest of their life together, but they just ended up cheating on him or using him. and so when he met you he was very standoffish, and did not trust you for a while. because he thought you were like the others, so when you showed him that you only wanted HIM! When I tell you this man fell head over heels for you... It's like as if someone put the world in his hands. Because well.... in his eyes, they really did.
the very first person he introduced you to when you guys got together was Riley. This man was so nervous to introduce you to his goddamn dog, it was adorable. and when Riley liked you it was a weight lifted off his shoulders.
Since hesh's family is very VERY! important to him, it's important for them to like you too. So when he realized that you were the only one for him. he practically ran to his dad's house with you In his arms to introduce you to anybody. And when his dad/brother actually ended up liking you a lot. it just made him so madly in love with you.
out of all the guys when he's not working. he is the most sweetest, and genuine person ever! Which surprises a lot of people.
Since he grew up in San Diego he obviously is a big surfer. so if you're into surfing as well that is major bonus points for you. but if you're not, don't worry. he'll teach you, he'll definitely try to show you some tricks. And OHHH BOY! if Logan comes along, you might as well forget learning. cuz it's going to be a competition between those 2 on who can do better.
Slow dances with you in the kitchen. (although It's more like holding you in his arms and just standing there)
Since it's pretty obvious that hesh is a major Hot Head. (I mean just look at all the times he's blown up at everybody) so before he met you, he had quite the temper. And after y'all have been together for a while. you've noticed how much he's calmed down, like his temper is nowhere near as bad. To the point that even Merrick has said something about it "oh damn it looks like we're losing our boy. what has that woman done to you?" Merrick jokingly says, but he low-key grateful he's not as hot-headed anymore.
Now when it comes to day to day life he's a little... dumb. Like he's always calling his dad asking him if the difference between laundry detergent is the reason why his work-clothes have holes in them/asking if he should go to the emergency room because he's SOMEHOW sliced his leg open. so when you came into the picture just know you made Elias's blood pressure go down so much. you saved him from a heart attack.
I'm sorry but this MAN has a major sweet tooth. especially on the nights he can't sleep, so you'll often find him in the kitchen eating candy or some sugary shit. and then he complain on why he doesn't have abs later that week.
Hesh is a low-key hopeless romantic. Although he sucks ass at being romantic, but he tries his hardest. give our boy a break!
We know that hesh has PTSD but he certainly doesn't let it show. He's probably one of the very few guys that has it somewhat under control. But that doesn't mean he doesn't get the occasional panic attacks/nightmares. And when he does he usually goes very quiet, which is unlike him. That's when you know he's having a rough time, and your sign to step back and let him come to you when he's ready.
Now that doesn't mean he doesn't want your help, it's just 1 time in a past when you were trying to calm him down during one of his panic attacks, he absolutely snapped at you, and went off, It was the most angriest you've ever seen him. ever since then he keeps his distance when he is going through something like that, because he doesn't want to take it out on you. And hurt you. He still really hasn't forgiven himself from the last time. so he tries his best to protect you from it.
Secretly has a candy stash in his barracks room when he's deployed.
And lastly he CANNOT! be trusted to be in the kitchen when you're cooking..... By the time whatever you're making is done, half of it's already gone. You know those 5-year-olds that get excited when you have like brownie batter or something like that. yeah that's him, and he manages to get it all over his face in the process. The man is somehow a 5-year-old in a 27 year old body. you often question how Elias made it all these years.
Love language. Quality time, and words of affirmation. (I'm sorry but you cannot tell me this man's knees go WEAK when you tell him you're proud of him.)
And that's going to be the end for this thank y'all so much for voting! I hope you enjoyed our chaotic, angry boy. As always I hope you have a good day/night wherever you are. reblogs, comments always appreciated 🖤
Tags| @macravishedbymactavish @alexkellersleg @walker33961 and if you would like to be added just message me or comment.
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mlmxreader · 1 year
A Friend In Need | platonic!David “Hesh” Walker x m!reader
@tokillamockingbird427 asked: What's this? First ask? Indeed. 
Hesh+Reader (Platonic, bffs.) for “A moment of peace in a war that never ends”(Sabaton lyric) + “Can you just sit with me for a bit?” (Dialogue prompt)
Just have them chillin' and relaxing and NOT DYING. FLUFF. PLS. Just let them enjoy some peace/time off between ops. Give them a luxury like chocolate or coffee to enjoy as a treat. A bit of cuddling never killed nobody.
If you need emotonal horror/angst then set it post-Luxor (Where Elias dies.) and pre-Final Assault/Beach. 
(Fun fact, there's literally a week between the two. Seven days.)
Maybe that's where Hesh gets the coffee/chocolate, people feel bad his dad just fuckin' died and give him a bit of consolation. You could do a fun ditty about the horrors+cost of war. 
("fun", hah)
summary: Hesh is a fucking wreck, which is understandable, but at least he’s got a friend there who will help him pick up the pieces and tidy up when he needs it. 
tws: death, war, swearing, grief 
support your fanfic writers by reblogging what you read & enjoy
You were uneasy as you sat beside Hesh, not really sure what you could say outside of the words he had heard dozens of times already, you scratched at your eyebrow as you hummed softly and cleared your throat; you couldn’t think of anything to say to him. Lighting a cigarette, you passed one to him, and you could see the way that his hands shook and how his gaze was far from focused; he just sat there, staring out at the river. At the murky olive waters. His cheeks stained with tears that he tried to hide, he hadn’t spoken to anyone since the day it happened. You couldn’t blame him. 
He just stared out at the river. He had scars that you couldn’t see, and you didn’t want him to expose them to the sunlight. He brought the cigarette to his lips, and took a long drag. He said nothing. There was nothing to be said, not really, at least nothing that had not been said dozens of times before. You bit at the inside of your lip, tearing the flesh until it bled, trying to think of what you could possibly say; but when you got up to grab the coffee you had left on a nearby rock, he finally spoke. His voice was jagged and hoarse, a mere mumble beneath his breath. He didn’t even look at you. 
“Can you just sit with me for a bit?”
You nodded. “Just let me grab my flask, and I’ll be there.”
He didn’t move when you grabbed the flask, didn’t even make a move to rest his head on your shoulder like he usually did when you sat down beside him, balancing the flask on the sloping dirt. You thought about holding him, but decided against it as you sighed and poured some coffee into the lid, shoving it into his hand; at least you could make sure that he drank something. At least you could make sure that he wasn’t dehydrated.
The tall and thick trees were enough to make sure that he was in the shade, the sun wouldn’t get to him too much; you looked at the rope hanging from one of them, and you smiled. It had been Hesh’s idea a while ago. He thought it was a good idea, easier to cross the river. It hadn’t been used since… that didn’t matter. 
You cleared your throat again, wondering if there was even just a single word that you could have said to make him know that you were there. Slowly, like you were about to try and touch an injured wild animal, you reached out and put your hand on his shoulder. “Elias was a great man, he’d be proud of you… I know everyone’s already told you this a million times, but… he would be.”
Hesh didn’t even move, just sighing as he sniffled. His bottom lip trembling as he took in a shaky breath, nearly shuddering. He whimpered, falling into you; he wrapped his arms around you tightly, shaking his head as he finally allowed himself to let go. To break. To let go of all his training, and to be human for a moment; clinging onto you like a scared child as he whimpered and sobbed against you. Tears and snot staining your shirt. 
You shook your head as you looked up at the sky, cursing Elias for leaving Hesh all alone; the nature of warfare was a brutal and bloody one, you knew that much. Fathers and sons were sent to die by the lead and the poison gas. Young men screaming for their mothers and fathers as they were torn apart by bullets and barbed wire, all for a few feet of land that belonged to no one.
The smell of charcoal just about overpowering the stench of pineapple and pepper. You scratched at your forehead as you sighed heavily. It wasn’t like you could bring Elias back, you knew that much, but… but Hesh needed you. He needed a friend. 
You hushed him quietly, rubbing his back as you tossed your cigarette into the river; you pulled him onto your lap, slowly rocking him as you held him there. You closed your eyes, a few tears slipping past as you wished, you fucking wished, that you could do more for him. Supposed being there was better than ignoring him and letting him sort himself out; he needed a friend. 
“Alright, matey,” you said softly, quietly as you put your hand on the back of his head to keep him pressed to your body. “We got a moment of peace in a war that never ends… I got you, you can fall apart.”
Hesh sniffled, wiping snot and tears against you as he nodded; he just needed time to fall apart. He needed a moment to actually allow himself to break, not to just bottle it all up and carry on like everything was fine; he only wished that Logan would never see him like that.
Logan didn’t need to know that his older brother was an absolute mess; it was the job of an older brother to look after the younger one. Hesh couldn’t let Logan see him like that. 
You cradled him in your arms until he was ready to break away from you, nodding curtly; he didn’t need to say it, you already knew when you nodded back and gently stroked his cheek. He couldn’t say it, but he was more than grateful that in his worst moment, in the worst possible time that he could have been in, he had a friend.
A brother in arms. 
“Have some coffee,” you told him quietly. “You’ll get dehydrated, otherwise, you ain’t drank or ate nothing all day… if you need it, as well, I got some chocolate in my coat - I can go grab it.”
Hesh nodded, getting off of your lap and nursing some of the coffee as you went to fetch your coat and the few bars of chocolate that you had; he was a mess, that much was true, but there was someone there to help him tidy up a little when he needed it most.
He had a friend. 
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konigbabe · 2 years
I see you like Keegan! Any opinions on the other Ghosts? (Or do you not know about them?)
Yes, love him to pieces ♡𝆬 It's been a while since I last saw Ghosts, just recently stumbled upon Keegan edits on Tiktok [which is what re-ignited my passion for him] so my opinions can be pretty vague.
*ੈ Spoilers ahead *ੈ
⁺⁎˚ ୨ | Apart from Keegan, my favorite would be Hesh [Lt. David Walker]. I knew I was gonna like him since the first time he appeared on the screen and his relationship with Riley was so damn adorable. Plus I always remember the scene where he and Logan had to improvise so he just threw a fire extinguisher in the air, that was really hot [in my eyes] and badass.
⁎˚ ୨ |I don't really have much to say about Logan [Walker] as he's basically the character you're playing for most of the game so there isn't much to him that I can say. Except I feel bad for both him and Hesh for losing their dad and having to live during the Federation war.
⁎˚ ୨ |Now to Logan and Hesh's father; Elias. First of all, his death was really heartbreaking, he was a good father; don't really wanna say the best because I still have a little beef with how he threw Hesh and Logan into the wild to fight for survival but he did send Keegan and Merrick with them [plus the story is basically happening in the post-apocalyptic times where most people have to fight to survive] so I'm still fifty-fifty whether he was a good father or a bad one.
⁎˚ ୨ |Now, Merrick; he was someone I admired. A complete badass; I mean, he was a Navy SEAL coming from a long line of soldiers. However, I feel like he didn't really show much character for me to pick up on him too much. Except for being very loyal.
‧₊˚✩ |Overall, I do like them all, don't really have anything negative to say about them but it's important to mention that Ghosts didn't really focus too much on the characters as they did on the gameplay. Hence, there isn't much we know about them [except information you can find on fandom wiki, etc.] and it also has been a while since I saw the game so my memory of them is hazy.
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luboy7rt · 2 months
What Animal Team Ghosts Would Randomly Bring Home To You (Headcanons)
(Remember This is just what I (My headcanons), enjoy reading!)(Could be seen as Platonic, Romantic?) (GN Reader) (Elias, Hesh, Logan, Keegan, Merrick, and Kick)
Elias Walker: 
-  Elias has.. habits. He brings home a lot of different animals throughout the years, Riley being the permanent house/military dog.
- Elias has definitely brought home any animal he thinks needs rescuing, one day it will be a cat, the next a little bird, then next a little mouse that needed saving from a mousetrap. You cannot stop this man, he has a mission in just rescuing animals as a unsuspecting side gig to being a literal military commander. (I like to think he's a animal lover, even if it's a ‘secret’)
- You point out a stray dog or cat? That's his now, (if the animal will allow it and wants to come with), Hesh and Logan have gotten used to their father bringing home random animals “...Can we even keep that, Dad?” Hesh would ask every time if it was a random animal that shouldn't be a pet. “Why Not.” Would be Elias's answer every. Damn. Time. 
- Elias would also ensure to tell you, Hesh, Logan, to not touch the more aggressive or ‘spicy’ animals he brings home, basically makes sure you all respect the animals and ensure the animals wouldn't hurt you three.
- If any of the animals he brings home are ‘unfit’ To be around kids (yes, he still calls Hesh and Logan kids, and maybe even you too if you have that type of relationship) he would find a good animal shelter, sanctuary or a good home for the animal.
- Why do Hesh and Riley have a good relationship? Elias taught Hesh how to train Riley, ensuring that Hesh would always know Riley has his back, having Riley around brought a sense of security to Elias as he felt like his boys could be cared for by Riley even if he wasn't around.
- Elias would give a deep chuckle with a half smile as he walks through the front door, spotting you as he carried a small bird in his hands, he would offer a hello, and show you the small baby bird he was now keeping due to finding it injured in the driveway. 
- Basically most people go to this man when they find a random animal, because somehow Elias is always good at knowing what animal, the species and what the hell is wrong If there is something wrong. Everytime Elias is asked about his knowledge, “Documentaries are nice, you should watch them. Maybe then you can learn something for once” He would respond by accidentally being brutal. 
- “Do you feel comfortable? Or should I find a better home for this little guy?” Elias Would ask you, Hesh, and Logan every time he brings home a new random animal, the house has become a farm at this point. You want an animal? As long as you know how to care for it and it wants to or can be around? fine by Elias, do your research and show him you can care for it, and he'll make it happen.
- Yes, you have random animals cuddling up to you in the middle of the night, is it one of the cats? Or could it be the tortoise that Elias has had for years? Or maybe it was just Riley, you'll be in for a surprise if you left your door open.
David Hesh Walker: 
- Hesh would bring home lizards, just imagine him coming home with a few baby lizards in his arms, Riley having one on his snout with wide eyes.. the dog was very steady in slowly creeping behind Hesh as to not drop the little lizard across his snout and head.
- “Oh, Hey..! didn't realize you were home” Hesh would sheepishly admit, as he adjusted the lizards in his arms, trying to get them to stop climbing everywhere. “...Surprise..? No welcome home..? Alright”
- If you don't like the lizards? He'll put them back outside, leave a little bowl of water incase they need it.. Poor Riley would waddle after Hesh, having lizards all over him, trying to walk but being so careful not to hurt any of them.. Riley ends up bringing the lizards in the house, Hesh laughing if you freak out.
- If you do like lizards? He'll put one on your shoulder or head, bonk. There you go, you got your own little guy.
- Your house gets taken over by lizards, Hesh doesn't find it funny after he found one in the washroom at 2AM the next morning, if you have a fear of lizards? Good luck, you scream? Hesh will come to save you, but Riley likes the damn lizards and keeps bringing them inside accidently and it becomes a big mess. Hesh apologizes about fifty times for it.
- “..This might be a little problem” Hesh would mutter as you smack or elbow his stomach, he would wince a bit and be grumbley he couldn't ‘tame’ wild lizards like his father could, awkwardly rubbing his hair as he would pat your shoulder and promise to deal with it.
- It took three weeks. Three weeks to get all the lizards out of the house, and Hesh only kept one bigger lizard, which he built a cage for and now cares for as it had a small injury.
- He gives a soft smile, and a tilt of the head, like a 'I did it' face, in the end, you both are relieved that the lizards are no longer all over your home.
Logan Walker: 
- Logan brought home a large frog, well like a large overweight bullfrog, No questions asked, No answers given as he just plopped it in front of you. Like a silent, I brought you this.
- If you like the bullfrog? You can keep it, Logan would buy a big enclosure for her, and silently look proud of his work, he would feed, care and love this frog like it's his damn firstborn. Even takes photos to send to you, Elias, and Hesh. ‘Look at my frog. ignore she's a bit big, we are working on it'. Texts little updates about this frog every week.
- If he can't care for it? He’ll expect you to, please care for this man’s frog. You don't have to pick it up if you don't want to but feed her for him when he's away if you are still around the house.
- Logan would randomly just plop the frog on you (if you don't mind), frog on your head, frog on your shoulder, frog in your hands, frog on your stomach.. He would just randomly plop her on you, and smile. 
- If you don't like the frog, he will give her to Elias for safe keeping, willing to just visit his frog but wanting to keep the peace between you two.
- Logan likes frogs, if he finds one interesting enough he will just catch it to show it off to you, a rare smile playing on his lips as he lets the frog poke their head out of his hand to show you. Like Logan is quietly and silently asking if you love the frog as much as he does. If you don't, that's alright, he'll find something else to randomly bring you as presents.. Logan always gently puts the frogs he catches back where he finds them.
- Frog catching was definitely a hobby, one Hesh got him into when they were young children. Hesh may have 'forgotten' about the competition about frog catching between them but Logan would never. 
- Logan actually tries to start this competition with you, who could catch the most frogs? If you don't want to? That's alright, he'll show off the frogs from a decent way away. If you do? Get prepared to get dirty, this is war, mud was on both of your clothes, as you two had looked for frogs for hours and who do you think would win?
Keegan Russ:
- Keegan isn’t scared of many things in life, so when he brings home a large snake? Wrapped around his neck like it wouldn't hurt him, as he causally walks into the apartment, a wild snake around his neck.. You might be a bit hesitant as it's about 3AM, and Keegan just got home.. with a random big snake.
- Keegan gives a head nod as he put the snake down on the couch.. Like it wouldn't just slither off around the apartment, Keegan puts his hands on his hips, and glances at you before glancing back at the snake. “I have a pet.”
- Yeah, that's all he said to you, do you like snakes? If you are chill with it, Keegan's chill, Keegan will buy a large enclosure for the big guy and ensure he's well fed. 
- If you don't like snakes..? Or are scared of them, Keegan will ensure the snake is kept in a large enclosure, and wouldn't take him out around you. But he does keep him, and nurses the snake up to full health again.
- Keegan would slowly get the snake used to his and your presence, feeding him well so there was no accidents, slowly getting the snake used to you both and making sure to do a tad bit of research about this species to ensure he doesn't fuck up.
- “Put this on” Keegan would say with a straight face and a quiet chuckle as he put the large snake around your neck, his hand not leaving but staying between you and the snake's head, and would tease you if you were scared.. but if you got to scared he would take the snake back and keep him away from you. Keegan wouldn't apologize but would make it up to you for scaring you.
- You always see Keegan with this snake, attempting to scare either Logan or Hesh, whoever was closest to him, maybe even put the snake in Kick's bed, having had ensured the other man had no weapons to hurt Keegan's beloved snake... But also giving Kick the scare of his life.
- Merrick brings home a small baby squirrel, holding her in his gloved palm, as she was covered in dirty rainwater, and oil. Merrick had just returned from a long mission, still wearing his gear as he accidentally woke you up at around 4AM.
- He would apologize quietly as if trying to make up for the fact he woke you up and asks you to start a little bath in the sink for the little squirrel.
- Merrick was a bit quieter in the morning, as he sat by the kitchen sink, not even taking off his gear, you both would gently clean off this baby squirrel.
- If you don't want to keep her, Merrick would be alright with that, very understanding as he would end up bringing her to a vet for them to figure out what to do.
- If you do want to keep her, Merrick would nod and do his best to ensure the squirrel would be happy and cared for. Merrick would pat your shoulder or head as a thank you, and find a nice spot to put the little squirrel, ends up just making a small bed in an old shoe box.
- Merrick ends up training the squirrel to bring him any amount of dollar bills, Merrick would grin when the squirrel would pass him a five dollar bill and give her lots of headsets and snacks. Merrick would give You a smug I told you I could do it look.
- You two end up having this squirrel for a long while, oh you're cooking something? Watch out Ms.Squirrelly might run past and try to steal your ingredients, you want five minutes alone in the shower, Squirrelly is outside the shower waiting for you, you leave the groceries out? Guess who ate them already. 
- Ms. Squirrelly is very loved by all, even if she does steal money. She's a little thief, but Merrick adores her, and yes he keeps that money to buy you or Ms.Squirrelly a nice gift. 
- When Kick walks Into the house carrying a goat, what do you do when it screams bloody murder when she sees you? Kick was very straight faced as he looked at you, holding her up as if to show you nothing bad happened.
- Kick stole a goat. Who knows where he got the poor girl from, Kick wouldn't give You any details, he just walks into the house and puts the goat down in the kitchen, asking her to shut up as he put a plate of fruit in front of her.
- When you ask what the hell, or why he just shrugged as explains he found her alone while doing a test fly with a helicopter, claiming he just found her and took her home.. He basically just kidnapped a goat from who knows where.
- Kick and the goat don't even get along, she will follow him and you around, but the moment shes alone with Kick? she screams, she just makes the worse screeching noises around him, like he hates this man.. But she doesn't leave even if You give her the chance to. 
- Yeah, the goat vibes with you, but it seems like Kick and her just despise each other, like if one of them are in a room, and the other walks in? One of them will end up leaving.
- Kick regretted taking the goat in, he dislikes loud things.. and this goat is loud, she hates him, and she makes sure to ‘tell’ Kick. Kick will look at you with a straight face.. every time, it just makes it funnier.
- You don’t really have much of a choice, unless it is necessary this goat won’t leave, Kick has tried. She just randomly pops back up in the backyard and you both have to keep her. 
- The only time Kick and this goat get along is when Kick gives her food or ‘fights’ her, play fighting a goat, basically Kick has ran out of ideas but it makes the goat shut up for a while.
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