#!!!!! looove talking ab shit like this
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Everyone is Trans???? (REAL NOT CLICKBAIT!!!)
Grian is the only trans person on Hermitcraft.
He knows this as a complete and utter fact. He’s not lying about this, no matter how much he wishes he was-- and goodness, does he wish he was every damn day of his life. It’s lonely to be the only trans person on a server full of your dearest companions.
It’s not even a horrible thing. He doesn’t trust them any less, doesn’t love them any less, but he sure is peeved about being surrounded by cis people all the time. When he wants to talk about his hips looking too wide today, or his top surgery scars not sitting right enough for him, or the way he’s so happy he can finally grow something of a beard, or how having long hair has gone from something dysphoric to something euphoric for him-- he just can’t!
Because they won’t understand! And, sure, of course he can just tell them because they’re his friends and they care about him, but sometimes he doesn’t want to just be cared about. Sometimes he wants to be understood. Sometimes he doesn’t want to have to explain everything, going through the same tiring motions he’s gone over time and time again in his life.
Can a guy not just want another trans person to complain to? Is it really so hard for that to be his reality? Is it really so much to ask?
He’s having a particularly annoying day today. His stupid jeans aren’t fitting correctly on his hips. Usually he’s not too angry about it. On days where he feels more feminine he likes that he has these hips, revels in the way clothes hug his curves, but right now he’s feeling just about as Man as one possibly could, and it’s making him want to rip apart his clothes because none of them fit right.
He ends up in a pair of sweatpants that hide enough of himself so that he’s able to leave his base. The day outside is warmer than expected, beautiful and sunny, and he immediately regrets the large sweater and comfy sweatpants he had chosen to wear. The light glints off of the ocean, teasing him with its deep secrets that he will never be able to decipher.
In the distance he can see the newest addition to Scar’s train-- the big snail that those pesky snails had built. It worries him that they can build things all of a sudden. Still, it’s not like he can do anything about it. You just have to accept that they’re going to do whatever they please and then they’ll tone it down. It seems they like to cause mayhem. He can’t really knock them for that.
He unhooks Pluto from the post. He runs his hands through his mane, reveling in the coarse feeling. It takes his mind away from his body for a few seconds, lets him be completely and utterly still in a way that he often isn’t. Being so detail oriented and such a perfectionist can be hard on the psyche sometimes, especially when that energy is directed towards your body.
You might as well roll his boulder and call him Sisyphus because he’s… uh…
He’s having a rough go at it.
Pluto whinnies as he stops petting him, nudges his hand with his snout. It’s time to go check the shopping district. Maybe do permit things. Ugh.
The ride is uneventful. He smashes the glass to the permit office with his pickaxe, picks it back up and replaces it so that nobody gets any funny ideas. Don’t want them bothering him or anything of the sorts when he’s here. Having to work is his worst nightmare.
The office is as quiet as it is dark. He sighs so loud it fills up the space. He freshens up the light, makes sure that the sign telling people the door is out of order is in place, and then moves behind the filing cabinets, taking a look at his uniform that sits there.
Usually he likes how it fits. It’s tight, accentuating his flat chest and his curves. He likes it that way. Not today though.
Today he’ll forgo the outfit. It’s not like anyone is going to come in, anyways.
Twenty minutes later and he was very wrong. Someone is digging underneath the building, muttering to themselves, and Grian guesses who it is before he even pops his head in.
Of course Scar of all people needs help with permits today. He’s always looking for any chance he gets to bother Grian into doing work. He puts down his book, eyes him with an anger that he knows feels inappropriate even for him. Sue him, he’s having a bad day.
“Grian!” Scar’s voice is louder than he remembered. He’s got specks of dirt on his face.
He shoves his shovel into the dirt, leans on it, falls over a little bit as it teeters, tries to right himself, ends up just knocking the shovel over instead, stands up straight, puts his hands behind his back. Stops. Coughs. Smiles. Continues yapping.
“It’s so lovely to see you here! It’s such a coinkidink that fate would put the both of us here! In the permit office! At the same time! Almost as if we’re destined to meet here and do paperwork together and-- and help me with my permit so that I can actually do something as a zoo keeper…” His voice is quieter at the end. Grian pretends not to hear it.
“Scar.” He greets flatly. “What do you want?”
Disregarding his ire, Scar saunters up to him. “Oh, well, nothing too bad, G, nothing at all! I wouldn’t dream of making you work or anything-- um…” He stops suddenly. He opens his mouth. He closes it, looking him up and down. If a visual question mark could appear over a person’s head, it absolutely would in this moment. “You’re not dressed up in your-- your little… office uniform! Your little suit! Where’s your clip-on tie, Grian?”
Ugh. “Office Grian is out of the building today.”
That does not do anything to quell Scar’s confusion. His big ol’ eyes look wet and pathetic as he stares at him. “B-B-B-B-But… how am I supposed to get help with my form if office Grian isn’t here?”
“You’re just gonna have to deal with good ol’ regular Grian today.”
He loves Scar beyond words-- really, it drains him how much he loves this man-- but today is not the day for him. He can feel his energy departing out of his body already. He was going to try and stick it out for a while today. It looks like plans are changing swiftly.
“Is regular Grian as know-- legible. Knoll… knowledge…” He hums, goes down a different path. “Do you know how to do the form? Because I need some serious help, G.”
He drags a hand down his face. It’s sweaty. “Office Grian doesn’t even know how to do the form, Scar.”
“What?!” This is genuine surprise from him. “So you’re tellin’ me that this form is all… all…”
“Bullshit?” He finishes the sentence for him. “Yeah. Pretty much.” His head is starting to hurt. “Ugh. Look, Scar, I’m not feeling good today, so maybe we can leave this for another day?”
The humour drops from Scar’s face. It leaves genuine concern. “Yeah-- I mean, no worries. Of course. Of course! Do you… uh, do you need-- need anything? Want to… talk about it?”
It’s tentative. An olive branch. Scar is a very kind guy. A genuinely nice person. He thinks he’s perhaps caught him off guard with how open he’s being right now. It leaves him quiet and thoughtful.
When the smile is off of Scar’s face one can really appreciate the way he looks. It’s not like his smile isn’t beautiful-- because it is, it’s moreso that this stillness is rare for him, moments of calm few and far between his cheesy one-liners and fake grins, and so when one is awarded this sight it feels disarming.
He often forgets how beautiful Scar is. He thinks about how handsome he is on the daily, a fact which he divulges to nobody but himself, achingly aware of it everytime he sees him. Yet he misses how pretty he is. It makes his heart hurt.
“Um.” He says as he snaps himself out of his… state. With nothing else to say, he just goes, “okay?” Y’know, like someone who wasn’t just staring deep into their friend’s eyes and remarking on how gorgeous they are. Like a smart and normal person. He grins to try and make it look extra convincing.
Scar’s face immediately screws up into worry. It was not convincing.
“Ohhhh, god. Who are you and what have you done with Grian? I-I-I-I’m scared! You actually want to talk about it? What kind of sorcery is this?”
The bit of humour grounds him. He snorts. “Scar, don’t make me regret my choice.”
That shocks him into movement. His friend’s head whips around, eyes looking for something. He runs around the office wildly, tripping over his untied shoelaces, ignoring his squawk of “tie your shoes Scar!”, and comes back with two chairs. He sets them down in front of the desk, patting the other one. When Grian doesn’t move he pats it again, more insistent. Finally he acquiesces, leaving the comfort of the desk and sitting across from Scar.
“So!” His voice is far too cheery. His smile is straining at the edges. He’s out of his element right now, Grian realizes. And it’s because he always has to fight to get these talks out of Grian. It’s like pulling tooth and nail sometimes. And here he is, just ready to… to bare it all.
Oh, god. He’s going to talk to him. About his problems. And his body.
He suddenly feels sick.
“I think I may throw up.”
Scar’s smile falls. “What?”
He splays his upper body across the desk. His stomach is doing flips. “This. This is going to kill me, Scar. Do you understand?”
“I am going to die a painful death, Scar, and it’s all because you made me talk about my… my feelings!” He makes a throwing up sound.
“Now you-- you just wait a second, mister!” Scar leans forward so that he can poke him in the shoulder. “I didn’t make you do anything-- in fact you agreed to it! So let me hear it, Gri, or I-I swear I’m gonna… I’m gonna! I’m gonna send those stupid snails back over to you and make them eat your mending book right in front of your eyes!”
He gasps. “You wouldn’t.”
An mhm. A nod. “Ohhh, I would. Don’t you test me now!”
He’s seen enough fish in the short span they’ve been in this season to know that, in his shock, his mouth is opening and closing like one. It takes all his resolve to not run out of the building and leave this stupid place behind. Sure, Scar may try and follow him, but he’s fast-- surely he can outrun him! It… it wouldn’t be too hard! He can do it!
The energy leaves him in one fell swoop as the silence drags on and Scar only seems to get more worried about him. Finally, he looks away.
“I feel alone…” he bites out. It’s like chewing glass.
“Oh?” Scar is interested. That’s him telling him to continue.
The proverbial glass on his tongue and teeth cut up his mouth and bleed the truth out of him. “I have… a particular problem that nobody else on the server can relate to.”
“Is it an avian thing?” He scratches his head. “Y’know, I know that Pearl isn’t exactly an avian herself, but she may be able to help you out. Or-- hey! Jimmy is an avian! We can message him?”
He’s earnest. So earnest. He grits his teeth. “It’s not. An avian thing.”
That makes Scar stop. “Is it… is it a them thing?”
Them. Neither of them need to say their names to know.
“God-- no. No. Thank goodness.” In his stress, he begins to pull at his hair, his wings ruffling. “I just. God. Scar, I can’t believe you don’t know. We’ve spent…” lives together. Lived and died together. Stuck by each other’s sides when no one else would. Hurt each other but mostly just loved each other. “We’ve spent time together.”
“We sure have! I-- I, uh… I don’t know what you’re talking about, though.”
“Have you ever looked at me when I’m shirtless?” He just decides to bite the bullet.
Scar’s jaw drops. His face begins to turn a shade of red he didn’t think was possible. He looks away, fiddling with the brim of his hat. “No, no-- no! No way. Noooo way. Never, G-- never! I would. Never.”
“Why are you so--? Look, nevermind! Scar, I-I’m different from everyone else and it’s not because of them and it’s not because I’m an avian.”
“You’re gonna have to spell it out for me.” He’s still not looking at him. Did that really embarrass him so much? That… that means many things that he just does not have the brain to dissect right now.
“I’m not cis.” Is all he can really say.
It’s so silent you can hear a pin drop.
“You’re…” Scar’s finger wobbles as he points at him. His jaw is back to being on the fucking floor.
For a second, Grian thinks he’s just fucked up the entire thing they have going on. Scar is going to leave him. He’s going to hate him and he’s going to tell everyone and it’s going to ruin his life. Poppies and lilacs will mean nothing to them anymore.
But then Scar starts to smile. He wiggles his fingers, bouncing in his seat. “Ooooh, Grian! Grian, I had no idea! What the heck?” His laugh is a little intense considering the information just given. Dread leaks out of his body and is replaced by confusion. Scar is still laughing. “What the heck?! You mean to tell me we could have been bondin’ even more? How-- how the heck did I not notice that?”
“What…?” His voice cracks.
Firmly, Scar points at him. “Hold on, how the heck did you not notice this?!” He points to his own chest.
“Scar, what on Earth are you talking about?”
With little care for much of… anything, really, Scar rips his own shirt open, the buttons flying off and skittering across the floor. He points aggressively at two thick scars underneath his pecs. They pucker at the end, pulling skin taut against his ribs. He’d recognize something like that anywhere.
It’s Grian’s turn for his jaw to drop. “W-What? You… wait-- what? You… I-- Scar, put your shirt back on!”
“The shirt is gone, Grian,” he says with faux seriousness. “You’re just gonna have to deal with this right now.”
He’s trying very hard not to stare at Scar’s chest. He is fighting a losing battle.
“Nevermind that, though-- how the heck did you not notice these scars? They’re gigantic, Grian! Biggest ones I’ve got on my-- my whole… whole area!” He gestures vaguely to his body.
“Your torso?” He sighs. “I don’t know, Scar, I guess I don’t make it a habit to look at your pecs?”
That answer seems to displease him greatly. “Well, I can’t see why not, my pecs are amayzin’.”
You know what… “Sure, Scar. Sure they are.”
He beams at him. “You’re welcome to stare at them anytime, Grian!”
His ears are getting warm. Stupid Scar. “It’s nice to know I’m not alone on here.”
To Scar this seems like a joke. He laughs. When Grian doesn’t laugh too, he stops. Stares at him. Squints at him. “You-- you weren’t ever alone, Grian.”
“I didn’t know that you were also trans!” He argues, feeling his back start to rise.
“No-- no, I mean… jeez, Grian, I don’t think I know a single cis person on this server. In fact, MIster, I thought you were the only one we had-- until now, of course!”
“Actually I think Skizzy Wizzy is cis! Or-- or maybe he’s not…” He furrows his brows. “Ah, whatever, point is: you’re surrounded by trans people whether you like it or not, mister!”
“Why would I dislike it?” It still doesn’t feel real to him. If he weren’t sitting down he would have to sit down again. As it stands (or sits, he supposes) he just sinks lower into his chair. “I can’t believe this. I’ve been-- I’ve been stewing for years! Wait-- Mumbo?!”
“Yep!” He pops the ‘p’, grinning wildly. It makes Grian start to laugh. That makes Scar start to laugh. In a very sweet moment that turns very sobering very quickly, Scar takes his hand, squeezes it as if he’s squeezing one of those grip testing machines-- ow! “Now you don’t have to hide it, G. Isn’t that amayzin’?”
The contact makes his head start to spin. “You’re crushing my hand, Scar.”
“Whoops!” He lets go, blushing. “Sorry, sometimes I don’t even know my own strength!”
“Yeah, yeah… anyways, what was that about you definitely not staring at my chest earlier?”
Scar runs out of the building so fast you would swear he had somewhere to be.
Which is good enough for Grian, because that means he doesn’t have to put an ounce of work in today! He puts down his ‘Gone Fishin’ sign, repairs the hole left by Scar, and then leaves the building. He feels lighter than he’s ever felt before.
So it turns out he was wrong. He’s never been so glad to be so wrong.
(read it on ao3 here! <3)
#desert duo#scarian#peskytimes#thats so cute losing my mind#hermitfic#hermitshipping#hello welcome back to my everyone is transsexual propaganda#ask me about my headcanons i am shaking the bars of my enclosure#ALSO share with me ur headcanons#!!!!! looove talking ab shit like this#ok thats all ive got#rosie writing#FORGOT TO PUT A READ MORE ON IT THIS IS A LONG FIX#FIC NOT BFIX
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hii i looove ur work. could u please write a blurb ab rafe being a soft dom to reader and talking her through it as shes like whining and crying cause his dicks just that big :(
-👛 anon? idk if that ones taken; if it is ill take either 👙or 🥂
ugh i love this <3 thank u for enjoying my stuff !!
rafe guiding you whilst you’re on top. he’s sat up against the headboard, one hand on your cheek and the other on your hips helping you— and god, from this angle he’s just so deep. you knew he was big, but some positions are borderline too much, convinced he was going to spear right through your stomach.
you drop your forehead onto his shoulder and he chases you with his mouth, tilting his head to try and get your lips back on his.
“c—can’t — s’just so much…” you whisper, whimpers falling from you uncontrollably.
“you can. s’alright, hey— doing a great job, okay? taking this dick so good sweetheart.”
the praise only makes you tense up, clenching hard around him which makes you collapse against him more, sucking in a harsh breath at the squeeze as you stomach flutters.
“relax, baby. m’right here. s’gonna hurt if you keep tensing up like that.” he rubs his hands over your back to try and soothe you and you wrap your arms around his neck, using it as leverage to try again, grinding down on his length making you moan. “shit… gonna make me blow my load, swear to god.” he groans.
“you’re so big.” you cry pathetically and it makes him smile, turning his head so he can look at you, pressing a wet kiss to your lips.
“taking it like a champ, kid.”
it’s safe to say you’re pretty much hypnotised for the rest of the week, letting him get away with just about anything. watching him walk around casually minding his business sends your mind reeling, often leaning against the counter with your chin in your palm, having flashbacks. even when he was in a bad mood you were smiley and docile, wondering how he can walk around with something so big in his pants?
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I’m sorry but this fandom is so ass backwards. They disrespect Seb on so many levels. Regardless of PR girlfriend or not some one the shit they say is outta line remember he agreed to that PR relationship too. He’s not absolved of responsibility or guilt. He’s an active member in that decision. And if by some miracle it’s real then he probably doesn’t like they way y’all send his gf death threats. Another things I’ve noticed is how disrespectful people are about his body. They nit pick every tiny little thing. People are sharing his full frontal nudity scene from Monday and he’s said in interviews that it took a lot of trust and that’s a very vulnerable place to be. You have “fans” making obscene comments. Not just saying things like “I love him, he’s hot” they’re saying he’s “small” that they are “disappointed” I saw one where they said they would have master-bated on set if they were part of camera crew, another said they tried to grab his dick, like what?! He’s come out about body dysmorphia and I think being comfortable enough to be nude was brave, it shouldn’t be made into a side show event. Chris Pine did full nudity and I didn’t see comments like this. I feel like these fans love to hate on him and his life more then they actually love and support him. People thought he was on drugs. No he’s more slim unless he’s bulking up again just talking about his body like he’s your object to own. If it were a woman people would be way more mad. How would you feel if someone constantly points out how terrible and tired you look and your just like sorry I haven’t slept well recently I’m not on crack. It would make you feel bad. These fans go after his privacy and forget he’s human trying to navigate life as well. Don’t make it harder on him. One day he might say that because of “fans” like this, the entertainment lifestyle isn’t worth it anymore. It’s like they low key want to ruin his life because they can’t have him. They’re fucking delusional.
Thank you for this message!
1. Yeah, he is an adult who makes his deciaion. Do I find it off and ehh that he is doing PR? Sure, but I also know the whole ondiatry does it and at the end of the day it's his choice. (And like I said if this relationship is real, it's make him a publicly super bad boyfriend, but it is her choice to stay with him)
2. Whoever sends threats needs a break from social media and go see a therapist.
It's disgusting. You can say you do not like X person, or why you do not like her, but sending threats like this is absolutely disgusting.
3. Sebastian is VERY sexualized (in the way we call out men for doing it to us) & so is his relationship by the shippers. They talked about how he must fúck her in x position, how AW is getting that tongue tonight and so on multiple times & when others called them out, they said "just a joke". It reminds me of the way Harry Styles has been sexualized since he was 16. It's freaking horrible and sad.
They do not respect his values and views on marriage kids and so on, and they looove to talk about AW's future kids, pregnancy etc. Disgusting!
4. Yes! He talked about his body dysmorphia before, how hard it was to lose weight, how he is self concious to post shirtless photos, how stressed he was to get in that spexific shape for the 355 film (and I could not enjoy the film fully because every time I see Nick I remember how stressed Sebatsian felt to have certain abs bc this is the standard for people) how he was bullied for his weight when he was young, how there had to make sense in the story & there had to be a lot of trust to shoot naked. Because it is not meant to be sexual, it is meant to be artistic! Films = art, not fantasies of delulu fans.
I remember the Reddit people talking how "small he is" and others defending him how it is none of their business even if he was and how you cannot measure it like this. The fact people have to explain this gets me freaking mad! The fact people think they are entitled to talk about others' bodies like this...
He is never gonna be Tommy Lee skinny because he has a certain body structure (that is amazing). When he gets extra beefy for Bucky, he can enjoy food more, so it's one of the perks.
But his natural body structure is perfect for his height! He will never stop having thighs, shoulders and arms. The fact people make fun of his double chin as if that is not natural and healthy.
People need to get out and touch some grass. You do not like how he looks? Look another person. Ridiculous!


[Source: here]
5. Yes, they do love to hate on him more than support him.
(Constructive crticism is amazing thpugh)
Or they make everything about an imaginary fan war or about his relationship. On the days of his biggest achievements, they do not even speak about him!
Those fans forget public people are actually people, not their puppets & do not owe them anything. The fact they shame them when they cannot project their fantasies onto them...
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Why is it so fucking hard to understand that my brain will do anything in it's power to harm me and ppl around me at all times and it takes me 10years worth of mental energy to try to stop it every fucking day,
and when people keep shitting on me i get too exhausted to stop my brain so i will shut the door and keep everyone away n get depressed and be mean,
And when people try to help they always end up projecting their personal beliefs, so when i start building an argument against their advice i also just so happen to shit on their personal beliefs and will to live, so now we're 2 angry and depressed people in the car on our way home
Oh and also since I'm already giving specific details on what a horrible person i am,
I'm fucking tired of people trying to be friends with me, if I'm putting you on silence and ignoring ur texts for days it's bc im a piece of shit of a human being and i don't wanna associate myself with you!!!
Oh and now that in talking about relationships, i looove to stay in this endless cycle of
1. Liking someone
2. They dont give af
3. They suddenly give af
4. I instantly become uninterested and all previous feelings and fantasies of growing old together start to disgust me
5. They keep trying to talk to me but idgaf for them anymore bc im fucking stupid and an asshole
Like why they got to be so fucking corny, stop being so fucking cringe dont call me dear or lovely just stfu
God and the worst part is that i don't give a damn until they realize im a shithead and go away, it's like their ability to hate reminds me that they're human, and that's what i want in people, for them to be fully human with me, for them to hate things about me and be serious sometimes or stupid mean angry whatever,
But it's impossible to find that kinda people because i can't ever connect with anyone, there's always something wrong with me or them, n im not even talking ab romantic relationships it's also ab friends, i dont want friends anymore, they just like to hang out snd be dumb, and dont get me wrong i like being dumb with friends, but it leaves me exhausted and overstimulated, I'm not neurotypical I'm not an extrovert i don't work like that.. i can't do that unless
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i know its v contriversial and we will probably NEVER know what happens after death but i rlly like to think its smth like that , 100% <3 sometimes i think ab it too much and end up scaring myself
hate having this convo with my mum cus she believes its just nothingness and its such a hard concept to grasp?? like HOW does it feel like to not exist. but then why even question it when you wont exist yk??? you cant feel it
shit like this freaks me out sm but its so interesting to talk ab. LOOOVE inspecting / talking ab mental health nd how the mind works too. dk if this is tmi but ive struggled my entire life with multiple disorders and just general struggles nd i get told im full of myself alot cus i like looking into disorders i have. but dude u cannot blame me😭 the way the mind works is so damn interesting and the fact its MY MIND TOO???? HELLO?? mind blown its so fucking crazy
went on a rant there but ty for listening to my tumblr essay<3
death scares me which is funny bc i do stupid shit
i found out im level 1 autustic???? whatever the doctor told me??? i kinda did further research and im like shit thats like me!!! like why is it called level 1 and not stage 1?? it feels weird, i guess, bc i've been like this my whole life thinking i was normal but it turns out it isn't but fuck what the doctor says it IS normal codndkjdd
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whats ur writing schedule/process like! not in a “write faster” way, but i think once you mentioned writing in script form? and i like the way you wrote ur most recent fic! just curious bc ur works are just really good :)
this is a great question!!
if its not slippery slopes, ill usually get an idea for something and periodically jot down notes when they come to me until I feel like i have enough information to start writing (or if im just motivated), that's what i did for my horror challenge rewrite. and for stuff that's like... rewrites of an episode that aren't as character-focused as slippery slopes, i usually read the episode transcripts and try to replicate that total drama style with my own writing
for shorter oneshots, i usually just get a vague idea and run with it until i find a good ending spot, then i go back and clean it up a bit so the structure works
slippery slopes is an... interesting cycle. chapters are getting long enough that i cant just write them in one sitting any more (i think ch5 was the last chapter i did that for) and instead ill agonize over the beginning (always the hardest part to write for me) but once i get going with that i usually finish the chapter within a few days. then i reread the previous chapter to make sure it flows ok (and there aren't any contradictions) and then ill give myself a break where i dont do anything total drama related before coming back to edit and post. though before I do all that I type up notes and rough dialogue bits
and then once i post it it's like... a weight off my chest? like ive been purged or something?? idk its a weird sensation but im just like i Physically Cannot Write Anything For This Right Now and i don't start on the next chapter until that goes away. and then i either start the beginning and do nothing for a week before going back and finishing the chapter or i go into a manic state and write nonstop for a few days. right now i haven't reached a point where im ready to begin writing chapter 10 but i have a lot of notes for it.
(also as soon as i finish posting a chapter i try not to go on my laptop for like 12 hours so i don't obsessively refresh my email for comments. i love reading comments so much holy shit. please comment guys it makes fic authors feel so happy we will love you for it)
as for scripts: i am working on being a writer professionally, but specifically a playwright. writing in a script format comes more naturally to me than writing prose. funnily enough, i started posting fanfic just to practice my prose (and fix stuff in cobra kai that i didnt like) but things sort of... ended up here? idk man but im enjoying it.
right, so because writing in a script format is easier when im really struggling with a section in a fic ill usually scrap whatever i had and write it like a script, then translate that into prose. i was very excited to write the family videos for chapter 9 of slippery slopes, but i was Having Issues, so i redid it as a script and then rewrote that as prose. ill put the script version under the cut if you're interested in that.
but thank you so much for the question!! i do think my writing process is a bit unconventional but hey i think things are turning out well! if you have any more questions feel free to send them in!!
ok here is the last scene of ch 9 of slippery slopes in script format:
MOM: Hi honey! Omigosh this is so exciting! I bet you’re having such a great time! Especially since Chris is there! Is Chris watching this? Hi Chris! You know, I loooved you on that ice skating show. Your hair was fantastic! Well, it always is, haha. Do you really make your own hair gel? I’ve been trying to perfect the recipe but you’re just so hard to track down! Oh, you’re such a funny guy! I laughed sooo hard when you made all those jokes about marrying Chef.
Chef: hey!
Chris: ok just for the record, I wasn’t joking, we are married, Sierra tell your mom we’re married
Sierra: …can we just turn it off please
DAD: Courtney, sayang, I know you’ve been going through a lot right now—
MOM: So you’d BETTER make it count. You’ve made it this far before, I want to see you getting all the way to the finale this time. And winning it. Enough moping about those hideous, good-for-nothing slackers! That’s what you get for hanging around freaks like them. You’re doing this for the million, now get the million. Is that clear?
ZARINA: And kick ass!
DAD: Zarina!
Video cuts out.
Alejandro: courtney you good?
Courtney: no, she’s right. Mama didn’t raise no quitter
Alejandro: [knows she’s still upset about duncan and gwen]
MOM: Hola, Alejandro. We hope you are doing well, especially in such unsavory conditions. I’m glad to see you’ve made it to the final four— we expected nothing less, of course.
DAD: You have been utilizing your skills quite well. Though I wish you hadn’t been so… blatant about it. You’ll have to work twice as hard once this is over to convince people you’re trustworthy. But surely you were aware of that going into this… odd endeavor. That’s just politics. Reputation is everything.
JOSE: [snorts] Oh, and what a reputation you have, Al. I could easily compile hours of footage of your failures, but I, unlike you, do not waste my time on the frivolities of reality television. Though you always have been lacking in taste. Especially with that bratty girlfriend of yours— oh, my mistake, aren’t you dating the whiny weakling? It’s so hard to keep track! [laughs]
Alejandro: callate!
MOM: I’m sure Alejandro is just working an angle on them.
DAD: Whatever the case is, do not disappoint us.
MOM: Hi Noah, I’m sorry, I don’t have time to record a full video, but I’m proud of you! Here are your sisters!
ISWARI: A million dollars? A million [bleep] dollars? Win it, Noah! Win it!
RUTH: Dude!! This is crazy! I know you can do this— good luck! Ark misses you! [holds up Ark who barks]
MARA: Are you insane? Why aren’t you dating Alejandro already?
Noah: shut up, mara, just because you can’t keep a boyfriend—
ANYA: Don’t let ‘em trick you! No mercy! Crush their skulls if you have to— no, wait, you’re not strong enough for that. We’ll get there!
LIYA: I say this as your sister, someone who loves you but is constantly annoyed by you— for someone who is quite literally a genius, you sure can be an idiot sometimes.
BALLARI: Okay, I literally have no idea how you’ve made it this far without an athletic bone in your body— are we sure you aren’t adopted? I’m kidding
ABS: You’re stubborn as hell when it comes to me, so you better be stubborn as hell when it comes to winning! And when you do win, get me a frozen yogurt machine, will you? I promise I won’t make you rock climb again!
JAEL: If you lose this, I’ll kill you with this racket. And then use your guts to make myself a new racket. So don’t fuck it up. Again.
Noah: [frozen, ashamed]
Sierra: well that was a mess
Courtney: ok show of hands, who felt better after hearing that? [no one raises hands]
Chris: yeah I was expecting this to be a lot more heartwarming…
Chef: chris just look at them. If they had stable home lives they wouldn’t be doing reality tv
Alejandro: can we please stop talking about this. Also aren’t you supposed to be flying the plane
Chef: oh fuck
Chris: yeah sure. I think im gonna call my mom
Everyone: …
Noah: ok so that was really shitty. Why dont we all go to first class and try and ignore our problems
Everyone: yeah ok sounds good
Courtney: so that sucked
Alejandro: at least your dad seems ok
Courtney: true. What are your guys dads like
Noah and Sierra: bold of you to assume I know my dad. Jinx
Alejandro: that last girl… you mentioned a sister who does tennis and hates you
Noah: yep
Alejandro: why?
Noah: none of your business. but… it is pretty justified
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from my love to you
Hello moots and followers! I just want to say happy new years and heres to 2021 treating us right. I’m not too good with words tbh but here I go!
I really can't believe I'm in a position to know so many great people on here! I’m so thankful that each and everyone of you are so welcoming. Every little likes and reblogs mean so much to me as as artist. But interacting with me makes my day so much better and brings such the biggest smile on my face! I’m so grateful that you guys even bothering interacting with me. I wouldn’t have continued this blog have it not been you guys!! I appreciate it so much and it means the world to me. You guys makes me strive to me a better artist (and writer)! I want to be able to make you guys happy and I hope whatever I do on my blogs bring u guys joy as much as it does me!
I hope to be better moot for everybody (cause I’m just a little too shy to interact with you all) Thank you so much for giving me a place in this community and I love you all!
To my lovely friends!
JEN! MRS. BOKUTO! MRS. AIZAWA! MY BABY MY LOVE MY ANGEL CAKES LIGHT OF MY LIGHT APPLE TO MY EYEE! BOKUJEN AND SHOUJEN SUPREMACY UP IN THIS THIS BITCH 🤪! Aaaahhhh bby I don't know what to say but I love you so much!!! I know I don't show my appreciation as much lately or its been a while! But you are literally a light to my life and I value our friendship so much! I remember our baby talks on here and can’t believe here we are today! I'm counting five/six years girl and I want to celebrate every new year together until we are old as hell. I love when we fangirl, I love our little movie nights, I love getting you gifts, I love daydreaming about our future together and I hope you do too??? Please know I'm literally here for you, I would fight the world and book a ticket there for you if u ever need me to too. Just say the words! Please don’t ever hesitate to hit me up if you ever need to. I hate whatever you you are experiencing that makes you sad, I wish I could be there to fight it away for you! I know this year hasn’t been too nice, but please know that I’m literally just a text or call away! You are my priority. I can't wait for the day where we can see each other one day! I love u so much!
MIMI! HI!! Asdfghjjkkll sorry if this is a little awkward but I'm so glad you were one of the first person I have had the pleasure to meet! I don't remember who reach out to who but I’m so glad one of us did. I remember us fangirling so much back then! Thank you for being so supportive on my art and literally anything, and I’m so glad to have found you again! Here's to 2021 treating you right! I value you so much and I love you!
Hi cameron! I hope you’re doing well lately! I just wanted to say holy shit! Im so proud of you and what you’ve done an accomplished! Just seeing you’re growth and journey has been so awe-inspiring. I hope you’re happier lately and im just so happy for you! Please know I’m here for you if you ever need help! I love you so much!
To my lovely close mooties!
Hi SHAE!! Thank you for being one of my biggest supporter back on dinnachusart and just constantly liking and reblogging my works. You don’t know how much it meant to me being a small as artist and trying to scramble for a crumb of notes (XD lol). Sorry if I don't have much words to say I'm just so thankful that you were able to see me grow as an artist and i hope you still do!! Thank you for also being my penpal and please expect something hopefully this month! Here to 2021 treating you good and spending it together!
HI DIANA!! It’s the way you have my heart! You’re so sweet and adorable, you interaction in anything can brighten up anyones day. I'm still so surprise that were moots! It blows my mind cause I really admired you and your writing and I was intimidated by you!! Now look at where we are now! I’m ur disamu art dealer asddghhjkklldd.Thank you so much for your support on my art! It really does means the world and your comments are absolutely everything. Thank you for being one of the reason I stay on here! Cheers to 2021 love you and you deserve the best!
HI PLUMMIE! PRETTY PLUMMIE SOULMATE!!! I'm so happy and glad we were able to hit is off so well! You’re one of the person I can feel so at ease with! I love our interactions and me just joking around with you lol! Just wanted to let you know that I'm here for you! Don’t ever doubt your writing please! Its the greatest and the world to my eyes! Make sure you take breaks and don't ever force yourself to provide or write! You simple being here is the greatest thing to happen to everybody you’ve come across! You deserve the world and imma fight 2021 if it ever crosses you! Love you lots plummie!
To my mooties who I'm so thankful that you even follow and interact with me!! I be fangirling and get so happy when you do! just know I love you all and appreciate you so much! I hope to see you all grow andsucceed to the absolute best in your life! Love you lots! Cheers to 2021.
(In no particular order! I’m sorry if I sound repetitive. I’m sorry if you don't considered us moots ill take u off if u don't wanna be on here!)
@tsumtsumland : hope you doing well! Love you lots and ahhh im so thankful for you!! I love interacting with you! thank you for being my penpal and I hope to see more of eachother! I hope 2021 can be kind to you! 🤲🏽🥺💞💞💞
@midnightweeds: hi weeds! I just wanted to say im so grateful for you! Thank you for being so generous and lending a hand when i needed it the most! Thank u for sending me sakusa pictures as well! 🥺💞
@atsumuse: hi lay! ur such a cool person and I admire u so much! I hope 2021 treats you well! I love ur writng please its the best. 🥺💞
@tsukkis-crybaby: hi felicity! ur so beautiful and thank u for our interactions togther! I love seeing you on my dash and inbox! I hope 2021 is a good year for you! kisses for you!😘
@amberalisa hi alisa!! I hope ur doing well! I really love ur suna fic and can’t wait for your other one! happy New Years and I hope this year is a good year for you!!
@hisoillusandwich: hi Mae!! 🥺💞 ur sakusa fic is one of my favs and omg the fact ur interact with me at all my heart! here to 2021 being good to u beautiful!
@prettysetterbaby: hi jj!!! *screaming* you are so beautiful and deserve the utmost best in life! I love seeing you on my dash! thank you for being such a great person and supporting my art! you are so loved and I’m wishing nothing but the best for you! 2021 better treat you right!
@bucketofforks: hi hi bof! I’m so grateful for your interactions! they bring such smiles and laughs, I hope 2021 goes good for you!
@hq-trashies: hi kaley!! love seeing u on my dash sorry if we don’t interact as much! But you are such a beautiful person! Thank u for your book recs! send more my way haha’ I hope 2021 goes well for u!!
@velvesagi: hi jem!! Love seeing u on my dash!! thank u for ur interactions they mean a lot! Here’s to 2021 being a better year for you!
@sunaswife : hi knifey! I found you through ur suna series and I really love it!! I hope 2021 is a good year for you! Thank u for even interacting with u, pretty sure I was fangirlibg! Lol
@lovingnekoma: hi artimes! thank u so much for your interactions! they really do brighten up my day! I hope to be a better mutual to you! I hope 2021 can be ur year!
@inxriyama: hi bunny! 🥺🤲🏽💞💞💞really love ur writing and really enjoy our small interactions together! Here’s to 2021 being a good year!
@kurooblesse: hi tesh! I hope ur doing well and ughhhh please ur writing!! 😩💦 🥴 gives me the hots! Here’s to 2021 being good to you!!
@kenmasbb: hi tia!!! gaawwddd ur writing!! Please give me room to breathe! I really love our interaction and I hope u doing well and happy 2021!
@rintarhue: hi Kopi!! ur smau series are the best and ur rin one is so creative!! such a great writer and I hope to see more from you! here to 2021 being a good year to you!
@shoyosun: hi Marta!!! your art is so cute and can’t wait to see more of it!! thank u for being such a sweetheart and I hope we can interact more! cheers to 2021 being a good year!
@omijime: hi nini!! your so adorable and omg thank u for interacting with me! It means a lot! I hope you Samu, and suna have such a happy 2021 together!
@dxddykeiji: hi Sammy!! I know we don’t interact as much!! but I enjoy seeing you on my dash! thank you for being my moot and I hope 2021 is the best for you!
@radiantful: hi Martha! I’m so thankful for your interactions they brighten up my day! I hope 2021 is good to you!
@ukeishin: hi Celeste! thank u for poppin in my inbox here or there! I love our little interactions and hope we can interact more! I hope 2021 will treat you right! U deserve it!
@ladyrenart: hi Lena! I love your popping in my inbox! they make me smile so much! I appreciate you so much! cheers to 2021 being good to you!
@toniiihime: hi toni!! your so beautiful and your drawings are so cute! I can’t wait to see more! Can’t wait to see you grow! 2021 is ur year!
@aiiishiiiteru: hi nona! I know we don’t interact as much but I looove ur writing!! I’m screamed when u followed back XD! Cheers to 2021 being a good year for you!
@mi-yams: ren wifey!!! I love our interactions together!! you’re so fun and cute! I hope 2021 treats u well!
@darlingoshiki: hi saint! I hope 2021 is good to you! Thank u for popping in my ask here or there and I enjoy seeing on my dash!
@helloaisabelle: hi aisy! I love ur writing!! ur national team got me 🥴🥵 thank u for your interaction and I hope we can interact more! I hope 2021 is the best for you!
@onefortyninecm : hi Danielle! I’m grateful for interactions together m! Your art is amazing!! and you deserve all the love coming your way! you’re very beautiful and I hope I can be a better moot! here’s to 2021 treating you good! 🥺💞
@picassho-18: hi Kate!! just wanted to say thank you for your support and I love seeing you inbox abs post! Wishing 2021 the best for u!
@inarizakicafe: hi ni! I know where new moots. But I absolutely love your writing! I hope to interact more with you if that’s okay! cheers to 2021 to be a good year for you!
@itzdaichi: hi lovely!! I just wanted to say your so sweet and adorable! Your interaction bring so much joy to me! I hope 2021 treats you right!
@tsukkikou: hi kou! I really love our interactions and thank you for popping in my inbox for a while! It makes me really happy and I hope your doing well!
@suhkusa: hi hi guys! Just wanted to say I love your writing and I hope 2021 is good to the both of you!
@sunseteyes: hi gel!! ur so beautiful and I know we don’t interact as much! but I love when we do! I hope 2021 is a good year for you!
@alto-march-of-death: hi al!! I appreciate our interactions and thankful that you even do in the first place! I hope to be a better moot and wishing 2021 is good to you!
@churochuu: hi chuu!! I love our first interaction together!! you're art is so cute and adorable! 2021 better treat you right!
to my lovely anons and character interactions whoever you are. you guys absolutely have my heart. im so thankful that you guys even do this for me?? i feel like i dont deserve it. you guys make my day so much and i hope 2021 treat you so good. you dont know how much you guys are appreciated by everyone! love you!
thank you to everybody for making the remaining month of 2020 one of my best! i love you all!
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luuuune can u give music recs? the songs your fics are named after are all so good

grouping these all together bc most of my inspiration does come from music!! usually, my ideas start w a general vibe or “spark”, and then i flesh it out from there. the spark normally comes from music, but sometimes it’s a book i’m reading, or a conversation i had, or just random things (for example, i saw some flowers earlier this week that gave me an idea for a dabi fic KDHFJSK). i usually pick one song and loop it while i’m writing bc otherwise the variety gets too distracting lol
recs under the cut!! i went pop -> kpop -> punk/emo/alt
to start out w, everyone and their mom recommends chase atlantic lmao but they r just SO GOOD !! and the vibes r so sexy and give me so much angst inspo skfjdkskw
songs: slide, like a rockstar, lust, consume, i never existed. the don’t try this ep is my favorite, and i’m writing a dabihawks punk band au inspired by it!!
i also listen to the weeknd (trilogy), khalid, sza and kehlani (their latest album, it was good until it wasn’t, is a fucking masterpiece) a lot while writing!! 
one of my faves is shinee, specifically jonghyun and taemin’s solo albums (ot5 until i die, but their solo music is sexy and sets the ~mood~ for writing smut lmao). i gave some jjong rec’s in the tags of this post!!
taemin songs: heaven, love and pansy hurt my heart. thirsty, criminal, famous, and sexuality are hoe songs lmao
speaking of shinee, i like other kpop as well!! bts are forever my number #1 (hyyh is one of my favorite albums ever — so bittersweet, makes me painfully nostalgic). also looove monsta x !! tomorrow x together, stray kids and ateez are also great. mamamoo r the only girl group that i like, i just can’t vibe w a lot of gg concepts skfjfjsj (although i do like a few soloists)
a lot of people stan kpop just for the idols but i do like the music a lot!!
txt: ghosting, blue hour, drama (the japanese music video is haikyuu concept lmao), our summer
monsta x: middle of the night, nobody else, gasoline (the title is in hangul so you can’t look it up specifically on streaming services, but it’s the second song on the fatal love album), last carnival, blind, my beast, turbulence (again, hangul title, but it’s track 7 on take.2 we are here)
i also recommend solo albums/mixtapes of the monsta x members!! joohoney’s psyche, i.m’s duality, and wonho’s two eps!!
and speaking of solo work, all of the bts rapline have amazing solo mixtapes. i love their group music that’s hype w heavy concepts/production/choreo (ot7 always), but the mixtapes hold a special place in my heart because they feel so ...intimate, almost? like a piece of their hearts that they’re sharing with the world. rm’s mono is the definition of comfort. j-hope’s hope world is lots of fun, but he just released the extended version of blue side, and it’s absolutely heartbreaking (and reminds me a lot of touya lol). and agust d... listen, i love him more than words can say, so his mixtapes d-2 and self-titled, along w the other song’s he’s solo produced like eight by iu, are very special to me.
i’m not majorly into skz/ateez/mamamoo like i am w the other groups, but they’re all amazing performers so i recommend checking out their comeback + awards show stages!!
i also really love eAeon, he’s a korean indie artist, and his music is breathtaking. he just dropped an album called fragile that’s i adore, the lead single don’t features rm of bts and is unbelievably beautiful.
okay that’s all good and fun but the majority of what i listen to is emo shit lmfaoo i’m definitely more into alt + punk music, here are some of my fave bands and fave songs from them!!
blood command: they are unreal i love them SO MUCH!! they’re a norwegian punk rock band w a female singer, return of the arsonist ep is when i got into them and it’s golden. no thank you i’m more into fake grindcore, saturday city, white skin/tanned teeth, and alarm all assassins are some of their best songs imo
dance gavin dance: listen... their music scratches a certain itch in my brain that makes me go insane akdjfjsk they’ve had a bunch of different lineups but the more recent albums with tillian and jon on vocals are my favorites (jonny craig can suck my dick, fuck that dude). lost, son of robot, bloodsucker, young robot, inspire the liars, jesus h. macy are all great. acceptance speech, man of the year, and evaporate make me cry/lose my mind
mannequin pussy: *chefs kiss* drunk ii is a masterpiece, i cried to that shit every day after a break up, so cathartic. cream and kiss are more upbeat, and their latest song perfect is also vv good!!! patience is a beautiful, emotional album, whereas romantic and self titled have more classic alt bops
G.L.O.S.S.: listen, theyre so fucking cool, and i respect the hell out of them. they only released a few songs before disbanding but i’ll cherish those songs until i die. they perfectly embody what punk should be. demo 2015 is on streaming services, and their second and final ep trans day of revenge can easily be found online!!
wow this is getting fucking LONG so i’ll just quickly list a few more, but this was so fun, i love talking ab music!! pls don’t be shy, i’m always down to give more recs or hear about the stuff that u like!!
movements, yonaka, shiny wet machine, real friends, skating polly, nova twins, the japanese house, bratmobile, yours truly. and, ofc, the pop punk staples: jimmy eat world, paramore, waterparks, stand atlantic, neck deep, the story so far, etc etc !!
#🌘.anon#fun fact i almost went to a mannequin pussy show w my ex#like ... after we broke up#i was rlly gonna go w him to see them play the song that made me think of him and cry my eyes out LMFAOOOO#it was. a moment of weakness . i am not that person anymore#yeah but like#the music i listen to while writing and the music i listen to in general r very different#i have to listen to more lowkey vibe music while writing#otherwise i’ll get too into it and forget what i’m supposed to be doing lmao#i’m sorry for how long this list got omfg i got carried away
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•He's such a submissive, he love to see his s/o on top, it just drives him insane.
•A LOT of car sex back in the 90's lol, this idiot.
•he's kinda loud at some point of the action tho
•shower sex when he wants the things romantic, never so much in his room cause he's one messy guy
•Get ready cause he will blush all the time
•if his s/o scratch his back he'll go louder (the secret trick)
•he's never actually a whole tease BUT if his s/o starts to touch his abs or muscles so much he will get all cocky and will tease her/him to death.
•and be prepared to have sex everywhere, in the office, conferences, airports, airplanes, even in the fucking woods. He can't help it. He's an Aries.
•She's a mind girl, a listener. Sounds, touches, kisses, breaths are super important for her.
•So she really loooves when you're loud during sex
•She's a complete duality so top/bottom
•loves teasing
•she isn't that much of a creative adventurer during sex, but is into her s/o being a creative adventurer
•she curses a lot
•don't disappoint her or she will show it and that would really make u feel bad
•Really into casual sex back in the day
•Claire loooveees sex, it's an art
•energetic all day
•She really likes to express what she wants
•In her younger days she was really into grupal sex and stuff like that. This girl
•Sex with clothes, She's kinda kinky
•Miss crazy positions
•She's a blowjob master loool
•"do u wanna have sex listening to guns n roses?" -Claire to a college friend.
•An asshole in bed™️
•cocky much?
•he doesn't like weird shit, weird games, weird positions. Anything like that
•Don't-Touch-His-Hair. Never
•he's not loud, he's more of a heavy breather kinda guy
•Leon, the guy who hates to be hair pulled likes to pull his s/o hair... 😒
•and he talks and taaaalks
•Dirty talk tho uwu
•when he's in love, he's such a respectful bastard and he will cry all over his s/o if she/he doesn't want to stay the night.
•I know I already said that the other guys were kind of a tease, but this woman is the biggest tease in the world
•She's kinda an asshole too
•be careful not to be so rough on her that much , she doesn't actually like rough stuff
•she likes to left marks or hickeys on her s/o
•Slow sex, best sex
•He likes it ROUGH cause he has the right to be a god lol
•careful. He's into bondage.
•and he likes to leave marks and hickeys.
•likes to bite
•Angry sex™️ even when he's in a good mood.
#resident evil#resident evil headcannon#ada wong#ada wong headcanon#chris redfield#chris redfield headcanon#claire redfield#claire redfield headcanon#jill valentine#jill valentine headcanon#leon kennedy headcanon#leon kennedy#albert wesker#albert wesker headcanon
182 notes
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I LOVED THE HANNI FIC BRO, SO MUCH. It was so in character too, like 😭🙏
I saw your reply to an anon talking abt dentistry and you being interested in anatomy and physiology and let me just say ✋ as someone who’s studying to be a physiotherapist, our bodies are cool af. It’s really hard and I spend weeks studying with no social life whatsoever (not that I have a big one to begin with) BUT I really love it. It actually made me curious to go and take medicine next bc damn, everyhting is so interesting fr and once you start understanding how stuff works you’re just 🤯 and wanna know more
Fun fact for you: whenever you hit your elbow (or any other body part that hurts like a bitch), if you rub the affected zone, it will lessen the pain you feel, bc the fibers responsible to transmit pain to our brain are slower than the ones for the tactile feel
I’ve sent anons before (all about Hanni and your work about her, I’m afraid) but I COULD NAWT pass up an opportunity to geek out. Hope you have a nice day 🤭🫡
YAY THANK YOU i loved writing that one omfg
PHYSIOTHERAPIST OMFG?? that’s so cool TOURE SO COOL WHAATT no yeah anatomy and physiology is so fucking cool i will never hate that class )im. lying i cant do the midterm pls save me) like its just SO interesting and then everything makes sense just from learning root words to simple functions its just like?? shits making sense and i just omfg i could never not like it i looove anatomy and i actually took a kinesiology course before and it was SOOO SIXK
i actually did not know that fun fact it would’ve been great to know when i was 1-15 years old i swear i could not stop injuring myself without knowing omfg i was a klutz
OMFG?? now i have to start paying more attention to see which anons r who but there r so many asks id have to scroll down thru.. and don’t worry ab geeking out i looove reading ab it trust
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Cause I knew I was in love with you (when we sat in silence): Marichat May 2020 - Day 31
AO3 | For the @marichatmay
Collab with @lalunaoscura
DAY 1 | <-30 | 31
Day 31 — Time travel (Chapter by both me and @lalunaoscura)
“For the last time, woman, let me taste it!” he begged and Marinette giggled. “Marinette, stop!”
She held the bowl in her hands and raised the spoon, letting the chocolate cake batter fall in her mouth.
“It’s so good.”
“Sometimes I regret marrying you so much, you know?”
“No, you don’t.” She put a little smudge of chocolate on his cheek and licked it. “You looove me!”
Adrien took the momentary opportunity and grabbed her waist. “Gotchu Princess!”
“Oh no, what will you do with me now?” Marinette pretended to be shocked.
He smirked. “This.” Saying so, he took a spoonful of chocolate batter from the bowl and splashed it on her face.
“You know you have to clean it off now?” Marinette cocked an eyebrow.
“With pleasure.” He purred and set to work, kissing and licking the chocolate off her face.
She giggled, putting the bowl on the island and trying to push him away, but Adrien lifteded her off the floor and carried her to trap her against the kitchen wall.
“You’re at my mercy now, princess,” he whispered against her mouth.
“Oh, am I?” She wrapped her legs around his waist with her hands in his hair, pulling a little so she could have access to his neck. “Or are you at my mercy?
He grunted, turning his head to kiss her.
It had been almost ten years since he went to her room to offer her help with her nightmares and their love for the other increased every day more. She was there for him and he was there for her, like they had promised that night when they confessed.
If someone had told thirteen-year-old Adrien that in some years he would be married to his lady, who was his princess, he would have passed out and had a nosebleed out of happiness.
That woman was able to make his life so much better and he loved her so much.
“Hmmm, where is your mind other than on me?” she whispered, biting his bottom lip.
“I’d rather not say that out loud, m’ lady.” He smirked suggestively, making Marinette’s heart thump so loudly.
It was so not fair that it had been so many years and still he could make her go weak in the knees anytime he wished.
Just then a loud boom sounded from outside, followed by a collective scream.
“Not again!” They said together.
“This is not over, Princess.” He winked. “Let’s get this akuma over with and we’ll continue this.”
“For sure, kitty.”
“Another time travelling akuma?” Chat Noir groaned. “I swear this is the third this month!”
“Chat Noir, focus!” Ladybug yelled from the side.
“I’m trying to!” He extended his baton so that it stuck like a pole between two walls and he vaulted on it to land a kick right in the akuma’s face. “That one’s timeless, ha!”
“You little animals!” The supervillain shouted, “I’m gonna remind you both of the past!”
“Watch out m’ lady!” Chat Noir leapt in front of Ladybug to push her out of the way of the akuma’s beam.
But it was too late to save himself. The beam hit him straight in his back.
“CHAT NOIR!” Ladybug shrieked as he zapped away.
When he disappeared, Ladybug grabbed her yo-yo and looked at the akuma.
“Oh, you’re gonna regret this so much.”
For a fraction of time, her mind flicked and she remembered exactly where her chaton was and with whom - and her heart calmed down.
He was in good hands.
When she had woken up that morning, the last thing she thought that would happen was being crashed down on the floor by her older and hot partner - but hey, when you’re a miraculous holder, life is a surprise every day.
It was their first anniversary together and she wanted to surprise Adrien because she knew her boyfriend and he would do everything possible to make that night amazing. She had a zillion ideas of what to give to him but nothing looked good enough.
So, during that lazy Saturday afternoon, she decided to go to la tour Eiffel to get inspired. She sat on the grass, picked up her sketchbook, the old iPod Chat had given to her, and started working.
And then something - someone - fell on her.
“Oh, shit, I’m so sorry!” he got off her and offered his hand.
She looked at the hand covered in leather and somehow she recognized that voice.
Oh. My. God!
She looked up and saw a version of her dork, silly, handsome, cute, hot as hell and how did Paris get so hot suddenly that she was sweating so much?
Holy shit his voice was so deep and sexy and she was going to faint.
“Chat Noir?” More like Chat Hunk.
“Aww, I almost forgot how adorable you looked in those cute pigtails!” He smiled warmly at her as he helped her up.
Marinette knew she was much shorter than her boyfriend, but she only came up to the waist of this one. That was inconvenient.
Almost as if he heard her thoughts, he bent down so that his face was on the same level as hers. “It’s you,” he whispered.
Calm down Marinette. Breathe.
“How did you- what are you- you-” Good job at being eloquent.
“I’m from the future.” Chat Noir explained, almost unbothered by her stutter. “An akuma sent me back to the past. So, hi.” He brought her hand to his mouth and kissed it.
His smile said he knew very well what he was doing, and Marinette hated him for it. But before she could say anything, Chat Noir lifted her up in his arms. “It’ll be better to talk in your room than here, don’t you think?”
She could feel his sturdy chest and chiselled abs against her body. Is this how she was gonna die?
He bounded across the rooftops, holding on tightly to her. Marinette had taken many trips along Parisian rooftops in the arms of her boyfriend, but this time it was making her so nervous and excited at the same time.
He put her down only when they reached her balcony. “Sorry for the bumpy trip,” he rubbed his neck nervously, “Seeing you made me a little nervous.”
Marinette let out a giggle at that. No need to be intimidated, this is just your dorky boyfriend you’ve been dating for a year.
“That’s okay,” she smiled at him, but her expression grew worried shortly after. “But how are you gonna get back to your time?”
“Oh, I won’t worry about that,” he shrugged. “I know you’re going to save me!”
“But I don’t know how!” she wailed.
“Relax!” He placed his hand on the side of her face. “I meant older you. Who is just as awesome as you are now.”
Marinette blushed at the compliment. “So, what, we’re just gonna wait around till she gets here?”
“Actually, do you have some cheese lying around? I think Plagg would like to meet you too.”
“Oh, yeah, of course. I- I’ll be right back, okay?”
“Take your time!”
She went to the kitchen, almost falling two times on the stairs and grabbed some cheese. She was so lucky that her parents were at the bakery, so she wouldn’t have to explain how, after going out from the bakery’s door saying that she was going to the park, she appeared miraculously in her room.
After grabbing some cheese, she ran back to her room and almost let the plate she was carrying fall from her hands.
If older!Chat was hot as fuck, so was older!Adrien. He had a side cut hairstyle that made Marinette forget how to speak properly, his face was so much more mature and that damn body was-
“I think you broke the mini-bug again.” Plagg said, making Marinette break out of her reverie.
“Thanks for the cheese, Marinette,” Adrien said gently and picked up the plate from her hand, putting it on her chaise. “Come on, Plagg, eat up. We don’t know how long it will take for Ladybug to bring us back to our time.”
The kwami flew to the cheese and Marinette looked at Adrien sideways, devouring every detail of him that she could. His beautiful emerald eyes that were still able to make her get lost in them forever, the black version of Kwagatama that Tikki had given her years ago hanging on his muscled chest. His t-shirt clearly showed off his physique, but she didn’t let her eyes linger on his body that long because she knew her heart wouldn’t survive. Just then she noticed something that made her heart flip and she had to sit down because she was almost fainting.
“Are you okay, mini-bug?” he said, kneeling in front of her.
“Is… is that a wedding ring?” she swallowed.
“Oh,” he chuckled, looking at the wedding ring on his hand. “Yeah, it is.”
“Am I… your… wiiiii?”
“YES!” She squeaked and put her hands over her mouth after the high-pitched, embarrassing sound came out of her mouth.
She watched as he scrunched up his face into an amused expression, and the corner of his lips turned slightly upwards. And then he broke into a laugh.
A deep, heavenly laugh that sounded like angels and croissants and first rains.
Her heart was full of so many emotions in that moment that she could not distinguish between them.
“Does that come to you as a surprise, little princess?” He came up to her and bent down in front of her. “Don’t you already know that we are meant to be together?”
His face was so close to hers and it was such a pretty face and would it be cheating if she kissed the older version of her boyfriend right now?
It probably wouldn’t be cheating, but it’d definitely be weird.
“You’re so cute when you blush like that, bugaboo.” Adrien lightly booped her nose. Then he walked over to her chaise and plopped onto it.
Marinette stood frozen in her spot for a few moments before she finally turned to look at him. Adrien was looking at her with that brilliant smile on his lips as he patted the spot next to him.
Marinette gulped. Deep breaths, Mari, one, two, three. She took slow, short steps towards him. When she sat down, she kept her eyes on everything in the room except the absolutely gorgeous man sitting right next to her.
“I know exactly how you’re feeling right now.” She heard a laugh in Adrien���s voice.
“What?” She turned to him with widened eyes.
“Must be a little unnerving being around such a good looking piece of meat like me, huh?” He had a very evil smirk on his face and it was driving Marinette crazy.
But she was not Marinette if she was going to let him get away with that.
“Excuse me?”
“If it’s any consolation,” Adrien put an arm around her, “you’re gonna be the hotter between the two of us.” He winked before continuing, “Not to mean that you aren’t hot already.”
“Yeah, I almost gave you enough heart attacks in the past year,” she said and Adrien chuckled.
“Oh, you have no idea how much I almost died.”
“I can’t wait to continue doing this.” she smiled and Adrien gave her a cute smile, brushing her bangs to the side.
“It will be amazing years, little princess. I can guarantee.”
“Did…” She got nervous all of a sudden.
“Can I ask you something?”
“I can’t give you a lot of information because it can affect the future, but if it’s something that I can reply to, I will.”
“You know that the reason why I got so hesitant about dating you and being with you was because of what I saw when I was thirteen.”
“Chat Blanc, yes.”
“Did our relationship cause anything?” She looked at him and for a fraction of a second, she thought she saw anger and sadness in his eyes.
“I can’t tell you a lot, but I can guarantee something. If there is anything that our relationship did was to make me feel like the happiest man in the world. We’re partners and we love each other so much that any problem we have we get over it together.”
“You make it sound like a fairy tale.”
“But it isn’t. Yes, we fight sometimes, we’re humans after all, but we always talk after it and make things better. We don’t let things stay unsolved between us.” He gave her a lovesick smile that made her smile back. “I can’t tell you more but I need to ask you something.”
“Of course.”
“There will be a moment in our future when I will really, really, need you. Something will happen and I will get a little lost, but you will be there for me. I’ll be a little bitch and it will be hard and god, I don’t know what made you stay, but you were with me in every single moment I needed, so… Please, please mini-bug, don’t give up on me, okay?”
“I won’t, chaton. I won’t.”
“Great.” he raised his fist to her and she smiled. “Bien joué, mini bug.”
“Bien joué, kitty noir.”
He chuckled.
“So, what were you doing at the park?”
“Oh, I was trying to get some ideas for your gift for today.”
“Well, I already know what you gave me, so I can help and it won’t ruin the surprise.”
“Ohhh, yes, please! I’m so lost!”
He got up and offered his hand to help her get up.
“Shall we, princess?”
“Yes.” She blushed.
“Oh my God, we’re going to make a gift for us!”
The delight in his voice made her smile. “So, what now?”
“Okay, let’s play a game.”
“I thought we were preparing your gift?”
“Yeah, we’re doing that too!” He waved his hands around. “So your first hint is I don’t like closed spaces.”
“The park?”
“You’ve got the mood, but let’s go a bit higher.”
Marinette rolled her eyes. “Can’t you be a little more direct?”
“Hey, direct isn’t fun!”
“For you!”
“Alright, I’ll tell you.”
“Okay, we’re all set here!” Adrien straightened up and stretched his arms over his head, and as he did that, his t-shirt rode up his waist slightly.
Trying real hard not to stare at his exposed skin, Marinette asked, “Are you sure that’s enough? I mean-”
“Hey,” Adrien lifted her chin with his finger, “you know all I really want is to be with you, right?”
Marinette gulped nervously. It was getting more and more difficult to keep herself in control.
“So,” he went on, “how much time do we have before I turn up?”
“I thought you’ve been through all this in your past?”
“Hey, just because I’ve been through this doesn’t mean I remember!” He protested. “After all, I didn’t know at that time how long you waited. But I do know one thing,” A mischievous look came upon his face. “In a little while, something fun is going to happen.”
She didn’t have much time to think as she heard footsteps approaching her room. Her trap door was opened and she turned, feeling fear ran down her body.
Oh god, her parents would see her in her room with an older man who was identical to her teenage boyfriend and how would she explain that?!
And then a golden happy boy entered her room with a box in his hand. He looked at her and almost dropped the box.
“What are you doing here?”
“Look, Adrien, I can explain-”
“Your parents said that you were at la tour Eiffel, that’s why I came to put the box without you knowing!”
“Wait, what?”
And only then did she finally remember who was in the room with them because her Adrien turned pale and he choked.
“Is- is-”
“Hello, mini-me.” older!Adrien smiled and waved. “It’s good to see you.”
“Wh-What is happening?”
“Long story, so let’s just say that I’m waiting for my lady to save me, so why don’t you put this really fragile gift on her desk before you drop it?”
“O-Oh, okay.” her Adrien said and put the box up her desk.
Older!Chat rested his elbows on his thighs and smiled.
Marinette and her Adrien glanced at each other. It was just for a moment, but older!Adrien caught it.
“Hey,” he held up his hands in front of him, “don’t let my presence hold you kids back! I’m not your guardian, and I know very well what you’re thinking right now, mini-me.”
Her Adrien blushed a deep red at that. “I- I think we can wait.”
“Suit yourself.” Older!Adrien leaned behind, resting his weight on his arms.
“So,” her Adrien spoke up, “you’re me from the future?”
“That’s right, boy.”
“And are me and Marinette still-” he hesitated, “you know what I mean?”
“Together?” Older!Adrien held up his hand, showing off his ring. “Is that even a question?”
Her Adrien looked over at Marinette with a confused expression on his face. Only when she nodded did his face break into an ear-to-ear grin.
Suddenly, Marinette and her Adrien yelped in surprise. A blue portal had opened up in the middle of her room.
“Ah, I guess that’s my ride!” Older! Adrien got up to his feet. “Plagg, transforme moi!”
“Come on buddy!” A voice sounded from the other side of the portal, which they both recognized as Bunnix.
But just then a second voice spoke up. “Just gimme a moment Bunnix.”
It was unmistakably Marinette’s voice, but a little deeper, more mature.
A red and black spandex-clad hand came out of the portal. It grabbed older!Chat’s bell collar and tugged him.
“M’ lady, I- mmph!”
A face barely appeared through the portal before it crashed onto older!Chat’s face.
“Why do you keep doing that?” The deeper Marinette voice spoke again, but this time there was a face to it.
It was Ladybug, but her features were sharper and more mature. Her long hair was up in a high ponytail, tied with a red ribbon.
And good Lord, was she beautiful.
“Guys, stop being so gross in front of the kids!” Bunnix shouted from behind them.
“Oops sorry!” older!Ladybug stuck her tongue out and pulled a slightly dizzy Chat into the portal. “Hey, mini-me!” She waved at Marinette. “And you too, kitty Noir.” She blew a kiss at Adrien, who almost combusted on the spot.
After that, she disappeared through the portal.
Bunnix’s head appeared shortly after. “You’re doing great, mini-bug and kitty Noir! Take care, love you, bye!” And then she was gone, and the portal disappeared too.
“So…” Adrien said, looking at her. “That was something.”
“Yeah, it was.” she sighed.
“We’re going to be so hot when we grow up.”
Marinette laughed, agreeing.
“So, not that I mind my beautiful and delicious boyfriend in my room…” she approached and pulled him close by his shirt collar. “But what are you doing here?
“I-” he blushed. “I wanted to give you a surprise. Hide your gift in your room and later we could try to find it.”
“Oh.” She smiled. “You’re so sweet, mon chaton.”
He kissed her lightly.
“But we can open it now if you want to?”
“Nah, leave it for later. We can do it after our celebration.” She kissed him.
“Hum, celebration?” he said, wrapping his arms around her waist. “What are you planning?”
“Guess you will have to wait to see,” she whispered against his mouth and smirked when he shivered. “My parents are waiting for you to leave my room, so why don’t you go and come back as a stray cat?”
“Oh shit okay, I’ll be right back!” he promised and left her room while she laughed.
Oh, her chaton was so silly. And she loved him so much, and it looked like it would be for a long, long time.
She was really relieved that Chat Blanc wouldn’t be anything more than a bad memory in the past and that they could be together without that torment happening.
Now, she needed to apply some lipstick to mark her silly boyfriend.
The tips that older!Chat gave to her were perfect.
“Chocolate fudge pastries? And passionfruit macarons?” Chat squealed in delight as he rummaged through the picnic basket. “I thought the bakery had stopped making them!”
“Well,” Marinette shrugged, “nobody said that I had stopped making them though.”
“Oh Princess!” Chat Noir wrapped his arms around her and swept her off the ground, twirling her around. “You really know me so well!”
Marinette pecked his lips. “Of course I do, mon chaton. But you haven’t seen all of it yet, open up the left compartment.”
Like a little kitten, he carefully lifted the lid on the left side of the basket. And as soon as he did that, he gasped and covered his mouth with his hands. “Marinette,” he whispered in a shaky voice.
“A year ago, you came to my room, trying to help me sleep better. You brought me these lavender candles and bath bombs,” she ran her hands over the items in the basket, “and it helped me so much. But what matters more,” she touched his face, “is how much you cared about me.” She leaned in to touch her forehead to his. “How much you still care about me. And I won’t change it for anything in this world.”
“Princess…” he murmured before kissing her deeply.
“Do you like it?”
“I love it! Oh, it would be so amazing if we could use the bath bombs and the candles! I can’t wait for us to use them and… I mean-”
She chuckled and grabbed his face, making him look at her.
“One day we will use them together, okay?”
He caressed her cheek with his thumb.
“I can’t wait.”
Oh, god. The way he was looking at her… she needed to do something and fast!
“So what do you say?” Marinette said when they broke away. “Let’s take this outside and have our anniversary date?”
“I’d love nothing more than to be with you, my Princess.”
Marinette blushed as she remembered hearing the same line earlier that day.
“Climb onto my back, Princess,” Chat offered, “and I’ll take you somewhere”.
“You know, I can transform too, right?” Marinette smirked.
“Let me carry you this time, please! I promise you, next time, Ladybug will carry Adrien to places!”
Marinette laughed as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “Of course.”
Chat took her up to the roof of a building, where they had a beautiful picnic. Although older!Chat had already told her about this, it was a completely different thing being there in person than listening about it. It was a beautiful day and the cool breeze brought in a feeling of freshness. From that height, no one could see them and so they could have a bit of privacy, and also they could look over the entire city. It was the best she could have asked for.
“Hey, Princess?” Chat Noir asked as they lay side by side on the picnic mat.
“You don’t have those nightmares anymore, do you? You know, about-” He hesitated.
“About Chat Blanc?” Marinette offered. She turned to look at him and placed her hand on the side of his face. “I don’t. After all, I’ve got you right here with me, don’t I?”
Chat placed his hand on top of hers, and kissed her palm. “You do. You’ll always have me.”
“And you’ll have me too, kitty. Always.”
They had a very nice and lovely moment, just enjoying the other and sharing tons of kisses and caresses. They ate, they laughed, they teased each other, they said “I love you”. When it was late and both of them were tired, they went to the bakery.
They said goodbye with a kiss and then Marinette entered her room, all on cloud nine, her mind and brain agitated after all the amazing moments she had with her boyfriend (and future husband).
She turned the light on and wasn’t even surprised when she found the damn cat laying down in her chaise in a very cliche sexy pose.
Marinette put her hands on her waist and raised both of her eyebrows, smiling.
“Did you lose your way home?”
“I’m already here, right? My home.”
She put her hands on her chest.
“Don’t murder me, please. I’m too young.”
He giggled and got up, destransforming.
“Plagg, go find Tikki. Marinette and I have plans.”
“Again?” the kwami mumbled. “I regret supporting this disgusting relationship, so much.”
“Shut up, you’re the #1 Marichat stan.”
“Lies!” Plagg said and flew to find Tikki. Marinette giggled and went to Adrien, letting him wrap her in his arms.
“So, what are our plans?”
“First, we’re going to make out on the chaise. And then we’re going to open your gift. And then…” he said, hiding his face in her neck and kissing it.
“Then?” Her voice was affected by his actions.
“Then we’re going to make out on your bed.”
She grabbed his face and brought it close to her. “Sounds good to me,” she whispered with her eyes narrowed. Then she leaned back against the back of the chaise. “I see we’re already set for part one of your plan, huh?”
He crawled over her and placed his hands on the sides of her. “I like how you think, Purr-incess.” With that, he lunged forward and kissed her.
Marinette snaked her arms around his neck and tangled her fingers in his hair. He moaned against her lips, she knew he loved that.
But she did not expect his hands to wander gently to the exposed skin of her waist.
She broke off with a gasp. Chat had a smirk on his face.
“Not my fault that you decided to wear a crop-top today, Purr-incess,” he purred.
“Shut up and kiss me you stupid cat!” She said and pulled his face towards her so that she could kiss him.
And he was definitely not going to resist. He wrapped his arms around her waist and leaned into her.
“Let’s put this on hold for now, shall we?” Chat spoke up when they broke away for air. “I really want you to see your gift right now.”
Marinette grunted in protest. “You better hope it’s worth it.”
“Damn, isn’t my princess naughty?”
She smirked, her hands lowering at his back until she reached his waist. Gently as she stared at him, she put her hands under his shirt and wandered, smirking when she felt him shivering.
“Am I?”
“Marinette, I won’t be able to behave if you keep doing this.”
“Maybe I don’t want you to behave?”
He whimpered and hid his face in her neck.
“I’m using a black bra with a green paw print,” she whispered and he got up, putting a huge space between them.
“You’re evil.”
“Maybe.” She sat up and Adrien devoured her with his eyes. She was a mess, a beautiful mess, all messy hair and wrinkled clothes.
“We’re going to continue this later, okay?” He pointed a finger to her. Marinette laughed and got up, approaching him.
“Okay.” She kissed the corner of his mouth and went to her desk, where the box with her gift was there. “So, should I try to guess what is inside?”
“You can, but I think you won’t guess right,” he said as he hugged her from behind.
“Oh?” she loosened the ribbon on the box. “What can it be?”
“Something really special.”
“My, my! Isn’t my chaton so mysterious?”
“So much.” he kissed her cheek. “You have three chances. Every time you don’t guess right, I’ll misbehave.”
“Now you’re making me want to guess everything wrong.” she purred and he chuckled.
“Go, first chance.”
“Okay. Is it jewellery? Because if it’s jewellery, I will punch you. I told you no expensive gifts.”
“The fact that you think I didn’t listen to you hurts a little. No, it’s not jewellery.” He said as he opened his hands on the skin of her belly.
“Hm, a cloth then? Or fabric?”
“Two wrong guesses in the same sentence? Damn, princess.”
“No! It’s just one!”
He wrapped his mouth around her earlobe and pulled, making her gasp and stick her nails into the skin of his arm.
“You’re distracting me!”
“Am not. Last guess, princess.”
“I don’t know, a sketchbook?”
“Tsk, tsk. My older self gave you a tip and you still guessed wrong,” he whispered against her ear and she shivered. “Open it up, princess.”
With him peppering kisses on the nape of her neck, she opened the box and tears filled her eyes and she gasped.
“Did you like it?” he whispered.
“Adrien!” she said all emotional as she took his gift out of the box.
It was a beautiful picture frame made from blue crystals with gold details, and a picture that Alya took of the two when they told their friends that they were dating was framed inside it.
In the photo, Adrien and Marinette were sitting on the swing set where the confession happened, looking at each other with their hands intertwined and lovesick smiles on their faces and in their eyes.
“Happy anniversary to us, princess.”
She put the picture frame on her desk and turned to him, wrapping her arms around him and kissing him with all the love that she had for him.
He kissed her back with equal fervor, if not more. As he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close, he could feel her smile against him. This could not be any better.
Marinette refused to let go of him even after they broke apart. She put her hands on his neck and leaned her forehead against his.
“That was a good reaction, huh?” He whispered.
She smiled, but did not say anything. After a few moments, she spoke up. “How are you always the best boyfriend I could ask for?”
“You make me want to be the best, Marinette.” He planted a kiss on her forehead.
“I love you so much Adrien,” she whispered.
“And I love you too,” he whispered back.
They stayed like that for a few minutes. And then Adrien leaned a bit away from her to look at her face.
“We have some unfinished business up there, didn’t we?” He pointed with his eyes in the direction of her bed.
Marinette laughed. “I think you’re right.”
(Years Later)
“If we have another time travel akuma, I swear I will cataclysm something,” Chat said, following Ladybug inside their apartment.
“I’m with you.” She chuckled. “But it was nice to see our younger selves. We were so small!”
“And you were already so beautiful, lovely, and sexy,” he said, hugging her from behind. She tilted her head to the side so he could have his way with the part of her neck that was exposed.
“And you were already so charming, kind, and hot.” She turned around to wrap her arms around his neck. “My sweet,” one kiss on the corner of his cheek “beautiful,” one on his nose this time “sexy,” one on the right corner of his mouth “chaton.” and this time, she kissed him senseless.
He pushed her against the wall, his hands wandering on her body.
“Can we continue where we stopped?” he asked, biting her earlobe, playing with the miraculous there.
“I have to put the cake in the oven. And we have to eat something,” she said between kisses.
“We can eat later.”
“I don’t think so, chaton. I’m so hungry!” She licked his nose and he made a sound of disgust.
“You know, I regret licking you that day we confessed. I gave you a weapon to tease me.”
She laughed and kissed his nose.
“I will make it worth it, okay?”
“I know.” He smirked and kissed her.
After dinner and the dessert, her amazing chocolate cake, Marinette went to the room saying that she would shower. He stayed on the couch, watching some anime waiting for her, since she didn’t call him to join her.
And then, some minutes later, she came back using only a bathrobe with her hair in a bun.
“Do you want to join me?”
He got up so fast that he almost tripped. Laughing, they went to the bathroom hand in hand.
When he entered, Adrien put his hand on his chest, feeling his heart beating like crazy. The bathroom was filled with lavender scented candles, the bathtub full and with bubbles and two amazing bath bombs were waiting at the corner.
“I told you that we would use it together one day,” she said and squeezed his hand.
He got rid of his clothes quickly and took her bathrobe off in a second, making her laugh. They got inside the tub, with Adrien leaning against the corner and Marinette sitting between his legs, her back against his chest.
He wrapped her arms around her waist while she put the first bath bomb in the water, making it all colourful. Adrien sighed and kissed the nape of her neck.
“Did you have fun today? Teasing the hell out of young me?” she whispered and he chuckled
“You were cute, there was nothing that I could do but tease you.” he let his mouth make its way to her shoulder. “And I helped you with my gift, don’t forget.”
“Oh, I can’t forget that day. You don’t know how many times I almost told you what you said to me that day.”
“Yeah?” he caressed her thighs. “What did I say?”
“How much you were crazy for me.”
“I’ve said that to you since we’re thirteen,” he said amused.
“Yeah, but when your hot partner from the future says that it’s different.”
This time, he laughed so loud that Marinette couldn’t do anything besides follow him. When he finally calmed down, she turned to watch his face.
“Damn, you’re such a dork.”
“And you’re worse since you married the dork.” he kissed her.
“I don’t regret it. I would marry you a million times if I had the chance.”
“Yeah? Even when I screamed for you to leave me alone when I found out Gabriel was Hawkmoth?”
“Yes.” She caressed his arms around her waist.
“I always asked myself why you stayed. Why did you fight against my stupidity?”
“Because when I was young, a kind man asked me to not give up on him. And I promised I wouldn’t.”
He gasped and she smiled as she cupped his face.
“I couldn’t let you fight alone.”
“And I’m so glad you didn’t, my lady,” he said with his voice choked by tears.
“What else could I do besides love you, mon chaton? You saved me from my darkness and nightmares and I wanted to do the same for you.”
“And you did, my princess. You did and still do every day.”
“Like you do for me every day.”
He smiled, cupped her face and kissed his princess one more time.
(Don’t forget to check out amazing art made by the talented @minetteenfers of adult!Adrien: LINK)
#miraculous ladybug#marichatmay2020#day 31: time travel#cause i knew i was in love with you (when we sat in silence)#ml fanfic#my fic#lalunaoscura#collaboration#marichat
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Day 4 & 5 OOPS *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Prompt - SO UH I kinda messed up the prompts somehow… I swear to god that I posted this one about greatest fears… uh… I do believe it’s been like the proper amount of days since day one so maybe I’ll speed run the other prompts? Anyways. Greatest fear is that I’ll lose hair, lose b00bies, a$$, become weaker generally. But as I said that only happens to people who are severely under-nourished which I don’t think will ever be me… for better or for worse.
Day 5: I don’t know if I want to lose weight necessarily (I mean, I guess I totally do)… mainly, I am scared to death of losing control like I did Freshman Fall, I was at the highest I’d ever weighed before. It’s more fear driven than goal motivated, if you know what I mean. I’m afraid of reverting to that body, not really that I want a different other body. But I would LOOOVE for my waist to be more defined, my abs, certain bones, thighs smaller… I don’t mind smaller b00bs within reason. But as I said I’ll also need to exercise ahahaha
Food log (caloric foods) - [today, yesterday, the day before that???]
2 strawberries
1/2 large pancake (thin)
1 medium banana
Protein powder
Cup soy milk
3 rice cakes
Slices of beef
snow peas

4 pork dumplings
Box of pocky
1 small chocolate ball truffle type thing
1 slice of pepperoni pizza
Eggplant rollatini
8 pork dumplings
1 chocolate truffle
General reflections - Gonna be honest, kinda fucking mad I started the day out e a t i n g. It’s because the boyf made pancakes and I didn’t wanna hurt his feelings (and also he already made one for me, and also I never said to him not to make one, for the first reason. *sigh* that kinda fucks my day a little, especially since we’re having a family dinner tonight so uh… I don’t know what I’ll do. Maybe I’ll scrap the hopes of a fast-y day and call it a metabolism day? Then again, when I picked him up at the airport, I only drank 1 boba tea and some dumplings, so I did pretty good… I think I could definitely do that again, maybe sans the boba so I can cut down some calories? We’ll see… I’ll get something even smaller—maybe salmon maki.
Fucking torn up. Ate so much today. I don’t know why, mood is shit. Exercised tho. The way I wanna get addicted to exercise to “healthily” purge calories… fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. And had a talk w the bf abt it >:( everything is just upsetting and I wanna scream and I plan (lmaooo) to cry later. I want to fast tomorrow, liquid at least.
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Who Is Byun Baekhyun?
♡ “Bacon”
♡ Biggest tease on the planet.
♡ He is always cheerful
♡ Maybe it’s because he hangs out with chanyeol all the time
♡ Is in love with a happy virus called chanyeol
♡ I’m sharing chanyeol with baekhyun
♡ Licked a bottle while staring at chan
♡ Is in a bowling team with him
♡ Has a love-hate relationship with xiumin
♡ Would get scared of him and run away
♡ Giggles all the time
♡ Has funny jokes
♡ Can make anyone happy
♡ “Rectangle smile”
♡ Voice from heaven
♡ Angelic smile
♡ His laugh is either “hehehe” or “hahahaha”
♡ There’s no in between
♡ Loves taehyung
♡ I love their relationship
♡ Has a great relationship with every idol group
♡ Treats NCT like his own kids
♡ “Kkaebsong~”
♡ Screams like a girl
♡ Is scared easily
♡ Great with kids
♡ Teasing boyfriend
♡ Can tease anyone
♡ Guess he was flirting with the interviewer from iheart radio interview
♡ I wouldn’t say no
♡ She wouldn’t say no
♡ Plays lol
♡ plays lol with chen
♡ plays lol with heechul
♡ plays lol with yoona
♡ plays lol with suho
♡ plays lol with xiumin
♡ his dance was a mess at the beginning but he is a great one onow
♡ Loves lay
♡ So much
♡ Words can’t explain how adorable and fluffy he is with lay
♡ Tried to learn some chinese words for their concert
♡ He talked in chinese afterwards and became the happiest person on the planet when lay complimented his chinese
♡ A sweetheart
♡ When lay doesn’t understand a situation since he’s chinese or on drugs,baek explains him every detail and makes sure he understands
♡ Has hella good collabs
♡ Soyou,Suzy
♡ In a sub-unit called CBX along with Xiumin and Chen
♡ Beagle
♡ Wants the perfect shoot
♡ When they were filming Ka-ching!,baek made sure everything was perfect
♡ Shoot a scene all over again just to make sure it was perfect
♡ Looks good on everything he wears
♡ Especially jeans and shirts or is it just me?
♡ Thinks he is not handsome why?
♡ But models
♡ And this little fucker knows he is handsome
♡ By his moves and mimics
♡ Considered kinda short he hangs out with a giant tho
♡ Said “Everyone don’t diet,eat and be happy” and also said that he gave up on his abs
♡ Handsome motherfucker showed what he got in Exo’rdium DOT Seoul
♡ His abs can be considered as art
♡ Thank u umin for feeding your beloved exols
♡ So he got abs by “not dieting”
♡ Also said that they’re “idols who dance and sing not strippers who strip”
♡ Lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie
♡ He’s the funny friend
♡ Imitates and makes fun of people a lot
♡ Imitated kyungsoo once in exo showtime and kyungsoo got furious
♡ Also imitated chanyeol’s part in growl but it was hella funny
♡ Makes people fill with happiness
♡ Blackpink’s Boombayah is his shit
♡ Also arms shaped like a bolt
♡ I wish he acted more
♡ Is a fluff ball
♡ Must be protected
♡ Loooves exo-ls
♡ We love him too ^.^
♡ Hyper
♡ Seriosly he’s super hyper
♡ I can’t imagine him after drinking coffee
♡ He would be running fast
♡ Also got drunk by drinking water once
♡ I would expect anything from him
♡ He’s a soft cinnamon roll who must and will be protected
#exo k#exo m#exo#baekhyun#byun baekhyun#exo smut#exo fluff#exo scenario#exoo#i love him#smol child#chen#xiumin#suho#sehun#exo angst#exo scenarios#chanyeol#park chanyeol
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Okay, I was tagged by @castorlovescourgette ! Thank you girl :P
THE LAST: 1. Drink: water 2. Phone call: my brother but he didn't answer (I couldn't find them in a museum and that fool doesn't even pick up (I found them!)) and probably my mum? I try not to call people a lot. 3. Text message: my brother 4. Song you listened to: The Knight and the Witch – PV Nova (doing the witch, I don't think I will ever get over that) 5. Time you cried: so when I read this first, the answer was like two weeks. But in the mean time I've watched Doctor Who and Skam, so tonight.
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: yup 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: not really 8. Been cheated on: not that I know of 9. Lost someone special: yup 10. Been depressed: have I ever not been depressed? 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: no thanks
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: red, black, and probably green but that may be because I just spent a week with my bro and he loves green? I'm not sure of what my third is anyway
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: yep 16. Fallen out of love: I wasn't in love to begin with, so nope 17. Laughed until you cried: God too many times 18. Found out someone was talking about you: yap 19. Met someone who changed you: Not sure 20. Found out who your friends are: no, 'cause I always wonder and doubt and have a lot of anxiety, basically, so I never really know? 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: I mean even simply kiss someone is nope, so I'll let you figure that one out.
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: most of them 23. Do you have any pets: my little cutie cat :D 24. Do you want to change your name: I don't really care, to be honest 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: stayed home, invited a couple of friends and watched I-don't-remember-what 26. What time did you wake up: around 9 I think 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: probably watching Friends with my brother 28. Name something you can’t wait for: finding a flat for next year 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: a couple of hours ago 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: my level of anxiety, or lack of self-confidence, or my body. Pick one! 31. What are you listening right now: Well, now Jacqueline – Franz Ferdinand 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yup (funny enough, Tom is one of my favourite names) 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: Friends not being friends. (talking when they need you, not listening to you, talking about themselves... Those who don't realize 34. Most visited Website: Tumblr, youtube and Facebook are the top 3
LOST QUESTIONS. I JUST PUT IN RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME 35. Mole/s: a lot 36. Mark/s: no birthmark, but knees covered in scars, one near my hand, one in my mouth (oh yeah that's gross), one on my chin, a couple on each arms (I used to climb trees and play football barefoot. And not on grass.) 37. Childhood dream: Write a book (still accurate) 38. Haircolor: between blond and brown, towards the blond but not blond? XD 39. Long or short hair: short, and thank God because it's too hot here! 40. Do you have a crush on someone: I have no idea, but I don't think so. 41. What do you like about yourself: eyes and that's pretty much all 42. Piercings: nothing 43. Bloodtype: I never know, probably AB+ or A+ 44. Nickname: Mél, Ouz' are the most frequently used 45. Relationship status: single 46. Zodiac: Cancer 47. Pronouns: She/Her 48. Favorite TV Show: Le Visiteur du Futur or Kaamelott in French, maybe Sense8 in English
49. Tattoos: none 50. Right or left hand: right 51. Surgery: chin when I was a child & teeth (that explains the scars on my chin & in my mouth) 52. Hair dyed in different color: once in blond 53. Sport: I don't do shit except walking to the university (which is a 40 minute walk each day, so that's fine) and nothing at all in holidays (such as now! :D) 55. Vacation: I just came back from Edinburgh!! That was wonderful! 56. Pair of trainers: I'm keeping one although not using it very much
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: I'm the most difficult person in the world and that's awful 58. Drinking: water, fruit juice, tea, sodas 59. I’m about to: print some paperwork, then either write or watch something with Matthew Perry 61. Waiting for: nothing? I'm trying to think of nothing lately... 62. Want: a flat for next year, again. And just spending time with my friends, maybe? 63. Get married: if I find someone I love and realize that I wouldn't mind it, why not? 64. Career: Ideally writer, realistically it will probably be teacher.
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: kisses (because I miss kisses so freaking much and it's just wonderful. Also it's damn too hot for hugs) 66. Lips or eyes: I'd say eyes, but I'm afraid to look into someone's eyes and lips are really nice too 67. Shorter or taller: it doesn't matter 68. Older or younger: it doesn't matter 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: why does any of the two have to be nice? None, both, one of them? I don't care 71. Sensitive or loud: sensitive 72. Hook up or relationship: I don't really care, to be honest. Well, one of the two rather than nothing ;) 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a Stranger: well I know who he was but I had just met him? 75. Drank hard liquor: yes 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: You know that super deal about two glasses for one? Yeah, no, I always lose the second one and find them two years later when my sight has changed so I can't see a damn thing and throw them out. 77. Turned someone down: yes 78. Sex on the first date: yup 79. Broken someone’s heart: yea 80. Had your heart broken: heck yes 81. Been arrested: nope 82. Cried when someone died: yup 83. Fallen for a friend: yup (spoiler alert: it didn't end well with the second one)
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: God no 85. Miracles: no 86. Love at first sight: attraction at first sight, but love? Nah. 87. Santa Claus: Why shouldn't I believe? Is he not real??? 88. Kiss on the first date: Dude, I just said I already had sex on a first date, doesn't that answer the question?
OTHER: 90. Current best friend name: None (their name isn't none, I just don't have a best friend) 91. Eyecolor: green 92. Favorite movie: Third Star. Maybe. I really loooved Les Dissociés too.
I tag no-one, because it’s really long, but if you’re bored and want to do this, consider yourself tagged by me ;)
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3. What kind of video games would they play? Any specific titles?
RV: He's not technologically literate enough for most video games, but very simple puzzles like Candy Crush or Two Dots on his phone delight him. Sandbox games like Minecraft would also appeal to him very much, if someone sat down and taught him how to play.
JN: Loooves her some video games! Didn't have many game systems/access to games as a kid so some of the classics like Mario or Sonic are a bit vague for her, but she enjoys some others with fantastical themes like Castlevania, Final Fantasy, or Zelda. Missed the Pokemon trend entirely. Currently she doesn't have time for a lot of them, but she definitely still has a WoW account that she tends every now and then, and plays a few co-op FPS games with Abe and Mikkel, among her other friends. Went hard into TF2 when it was popular. Mains Zarya and McCree in Overwatch.
EL: No interest in most video games, but definitely has a lot of weird, indie apps and stories on his phone. He's entranced by surreal and puzzle games like Year Walk, Escape the Room, Limbo, etc.
CS: Has a couple of sidescrollers on his phone. Once he lost an entire year of his life to Farmville. That's it. His computer is a piece of shit, but he'd probably play WoW with Jen if invited and had the capacity.
AS: He's super good at Hello Kitty Nail Salon and Cooking Mama. Recently Annie has been getting more into the vein of more complex games that have a plot, so while he tolerated the endless parade of pink and cats and sparkles, he's secretly relieved and interested to watch her explore the Zelda and Pokemon games. She hasn't quite figured out Skylanders and might not have the means to play it, but is intrigued by it. She's forever desperate to make friends, so once the idea of kid-friendly MMO's like Wizard 101 are presented to her, she'll definitely latch on to them. It's gonna have to come from someone other than Asa because he barely knows what a computer is.
NL: Puzzle phone games, mainly. She also played an embarrassing amount of Pokemon Go. Didn't talk about it, of course, but there was a gym near the station that went undefeated for basically five straight months and if you don't think it was because of her Jolteon named Henry, you're wrong as hell.
SW: Didn't have exposure to many video games in her childhood, but she's desperately intrigued by them when she happens to visit someone with a console and some titles. She acquired a lap top for school that she uses to play some Flash games, and has tentatively been saving up for some type of system, but is a little shy to present the idea to her roommate, Joel.
SD: Also loves her some games. She mostly favors handheld titles, has played all of the Pokemon games, really enjoys Fire Emblem. Has some games on her phone, but not as many as some might expect. Mario Kart champion
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Gymnastic Idiocy. (1up Short)
“So,” The storyteller said as it sipped can of Dr. Pepper, “How’s life been?”
“Pretty good, pretty good.” 1up-Mushroom said, “Gotta say, it’s weird to see your actual body.”
The storyteller gave a good hearty laugh. In many ways, the storyteller was not the man 1up was expecting to see. He had skin that was greener than the emerald city, the size of a once great adventurer who eventually settled down, and a face that sported a fantastic black coated beard. His wardrobe was certainly the best “safari hunter” costume Spencer’s had to offer, and it was fairly clever that his “safari backpack” was modded into a typewriter.
“You get used to it.” The storyteller beamed, “Now tell me, why did you invite me over?”
“Because,” 1up said with a grin, “I have a story to tell.”
1up-Mushroom parked his car near the entrance and exited his vehicle. He then looked up and saw the sign that said “R.I.P Fatties”. The facility was, truth be told, not a place where super buff gym instructors grabbed weapons and murdered anyone over 180 pounds. It was merely another exercise gym that had some dumb ass title that made it seem “edgy” and “kewl”.
“A bit harsh.” 1up-Mushroom noted as he locked the doors.
“Oh please, don’t be a damn crybaby!” A vicious voice said behind him.
Just then 1up scowled and turned around to see another, grumpier mushroom walk up. He was pretty much the exact same as 1up, except he a purple and white spotted hat on him.
“I wasn’t being rude Poi Poi.” 1up said with a sigh.
“It’s Poison Mushroom!”
“That’s your species name.”
“You call yourself 1up!”
“Whatever, why’d you want to come here again?”
“Simple really.” Poi Poi (fuck it, that’s what the dick’s being called from on) said smugly, “I’m gonna walk in there and show those nerds what a REAL muscle man looks like!”
1up just stood there as the purple hatted mushroom tried to flex his black noodle arms.
“I don’t think they’re going to be impressed.” He snarked.
“Because you’re a hater!” Poi Poi said, “Come on! Let a pro show you how to muscle!”
With a great big sigh, 1up followed Poi Poi into the gym. Admittedly, it looked rather cool and futuristic looking. There was plenty of exercise equipment to try and a few other patrons there. Interesting, there weren’t any fatties there, aside from perhaps 1up and Poi Poi.
“Hey!” Poi Poi said to the clerk at the entrance point, “Me and my pal would like to use this gym.”
“Ok, do you uh, have your membership cards?” The clerk asked,
Poi Poi then produced two golden cards with fancy looking lettering.
“You got a Gold membership?” The clerk asked, impressed.
“You got a Gold membership?” 1up asked, no amused.
“Not that I need it, with my abs of awesomeness!” Poi Poi said, exposing his white fungus chest that was completely shapeless.
“Ummm....could you please move on and not talk to me again?” The clerk asked with a gag.
Poi Poi strolled on as 1up apologized profusely. Poi Poi saw a gigantic bench press set with heavy weights. Poi Poi immediately began putting on the heaviest weights.
“You sure you wanna add that much to your set?” Another more muscular patron asked with concern.
“Um, excuse me good sir.” Poi Poi said, “I can handle it, especially with these bad boys!”
Just then Poi Poi flexed his noodle arms again, this time both squiggly arms looked like they were painfully bent to have bumps on them.
“These are top quality muscles bro.”
“Um, not re-”
“Just because you can’t see greatness doesn’t mean it ain’t there. These muscles are top shit.”
“I beg to-”
“You don’t beg on these grounds sir!”
1up quickly got away from what he knew was gonna end with Poi Poi getting his ass beat and headed towards the treadmill section. He immediately hopped on one and pressed the “3″ button. Soon the treadmill began moving at a fairly moderate speed. 1up jogged for a little while before he heard a great big commotion, and he knew exactly what it was.
Soon, 1up came across a group muscular men pinning Poi Poi down to the ground while the muscled man he saw earlier was holding a heavy weight in his hands.
“BRO BRO! IT’S JUST A JOKE BRO!” Poi Poi screamed, “DON’T DO DIS BRO!”
“Aaaand then I had to drive him to the hospital with a weight shoved up his ass.” 1up said cheerfully as he sipped from his can.
The Storyteller’s face was priceless.
“No wonder you have little time to write with all that shit going on in your life!” He said, still shocked at what he heard.
“Oh that’s nothing. You should hear the time I got in a Pizza fight.”
And as 1up-Mushroom began his next tell, he chuckled confidently. Tumblr’s gonna looove this weird ass short story, he thought.
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