Power is Everything
128 posts
  "All is for My Lord." [Citizen of Pelago Islands]5,000G
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
taciturn-commander-blog · 7 years ago
send one for my muse's reaction!
♥ – A romantic hug ☺ – A friendly hug ♫ – A hug while dancing ✉ – A hug goodbye ღ – A hug in greeting ❣ –A hug after being separated ✪ –A sleepy hug ✢ – An awkward hug ♢ – A familial hug ⊗ – A quick hug ☄ – A long hug ✾ – A passionate hug ☀ – A hug from behind ▲ – A surprise hug ☑ – A polite hug ✸ – A bear hug ✚ – A hug while cuddling ‽ – A hug around the waist ♠ – A squeezing hug ❋ – A silent hug ♣ – A spinning hug
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taciturn-commander-blog · 7 years ago
Activity Check - 7/21
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[-2,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel alone.
[+1,500G] For working at the Leuda Explorer’s Guild.
[+1,000G] For working at Fenrir Battle Arena. 
[ +500G ]
New Balance: 5,500G
0 notes
taciturn-commander-blog · 7 years ago
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Ignore all posts before this point, please! Soldier Girl is returning to the Islands...
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taciturn-commander-blog · 8 years ago
tough women. {lynette & raven}
—➤ Being a worker at the arena and member of the guild, The Steel Edge’s Blacksmith’s was a place the undercover solider often found herself visiting. The quality of their weapons were high (though they certainly paled in comparison to anything the Empire made), and so she often found herself relying on their products. 
The ringing of a bell can be heard as she pushes the door open, clogging heat and a metallic smell greeting her as she does. Always one to get straight to the point, Lynette walks across the room to the front counter, stating her business before the person at the cashier can even think to ask.
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“I want you to show me some of your best swords. Daggers too, if you have them in.” The person at the counter today seemed to be one she recognized-- Raven, an elven woman she occasionally sparred with. She was a talented fighter, though in Lynette’s view, her skills could certainly use some refining. “And don’t bother with recommending anything. I want to judge their quality for myself.”
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taciturn-commander-blog · 8 years ago
wrong number. {lynette & sabrina}
Sabrina looked at her phone only to see an unknown number text her. “W-What? I didn’t say anythi–” Oh fuck, she sent that text to the wrong number. Oh well… Might as well have fun with it, eh?
[TXT] You know what I’m talking about babe, don’t be a tease. ;)
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When she gets a return message and reads it, expecting an explanation, her eye narrows in mild irritation at what’s there instead. Honestly... how juvenile.
[ text: ??? ]: Unlike you, I don’t play games. Now state your business, or stop messaging me.
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taciturn-commander-blog · 8 years ago
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...What? Who was this, and what were they intending to do?
[ text: ??? ]: What are you talking about.
[TXT] We still doing it?
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taciturn-commander-blog · 8 years ago
—➤ Lynette’s work with the guild often brought her to Arcadia every now and then, usually to meet with their guildmaster to discuss expeditions, compile and organize documents, and exchange information on whatever finds their members had come across on explorations. She had just gotten out of one such meeting, her mind going over the new information she had acquired as she walks towards the docks.
And although it seemed as though she was so engrossed in said thoughts to the point of not paying much heed to anything else, it was the exact opposite. Years of hard fought battles, military service and reconnaissance missions had conditioned the soldier to always keep her senses sharp and keen, for there was no telling when, where or how she would be targeted by one of the many enemies she has made over the years. Even on an island as peaceful seeming as this one, she had to keep on her guard. No place was entirely safe, and to think so was nothing but the highest form of idiocy and naivete. 
So when she feels something off -- a disturbance in the force, of sorts -- she pauses, turning to the sound of yelling, and the sight of a figure falling towards her. Any other person probably would have panicked at the thought of becoming a landing pad for a person randomly falling from the sky, perhaps even confused as to where they came from in the first place, but Lynette merely stares at the falling girl, seemingly not bothering to heed her warning.
And then, in an instant, Lynette’s form flickers and disappears from the spot she had been standing in, only to reappear less than a second later, but a few inches to the left. To one not paying attention, it would appear as if she hadn’t moved at all, but she had, and she made sure it was at an appropriate enough distance to prevent the strangely dressed girl from crashing into her. A simple flash step, courtesy of the void magic granted to her by the Empire.
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As for the falling woman? Well... she supposed landing in a not yet dried up rain puddle wouldn’t be the most pleasant of experiences for her. But that wasn’t really any of Lynette’s concern.
★ free fall ★
One beautiful afternoon in the skies of Arcadia, an equally – if not more– beautiful witch that goes by Witch was happily flying along in her trusty broom. The air felt so pleasant, such a nice stroll like this was fine from time to time. Perhaps she’ll visit someone she knew and grace them with her company?
Her thoughts were so happy, so carefree. In fact, they were too distractingly positive that she failed to see an incoming bird fly her way. One was manageable. She barely manages to dodge. But not long after, another one comes passing by, and another…. and another…
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And so down the witch falls, the flock of birds causing her to lose her balance. As gravity did it’s job and her broom falls much slower than her, Vivi desperately tried to reach for it before she became a frog-pancake. “To me! To me!!★” 
The broom zooms towards her hand, thankfully enough. But she was already so close to the ground, by the time she re-positioned herself to ride her broom, she couldn’t maneuver enough to actually fly back up. Instead, she’s now crashing down towards an unsuspecting civilian.
“GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!” She screamed at the top of her lungs.
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taciturn-commander-blog · 8 years ago
send a symbol - get the following from my muse ;
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taciturn-commander-blog · 8 years ago
a rather cliche meme
add 🔁 for the situation to be reversed where possible (example: 🍂🔁 for my muse to fall on top of yours)
send 💗 for our muses to have to pretend to be in a relationship
send 🏩 for out muses to have to share a bed
send 🙊 for out muses to meet up in secret
send 💏 for our muses to kiss in order to hide their faces from somebody
send 🍹 to confess something to my muse while drunk (specify what is being confessed)
send 🍺 to kiss my muse while drunk
send 💁 for our muses to be stuck in a small space together
send 💃 for your muse to teach mine how to dance (or any other activity that involves a lot of touching)
send ® to catch my muse in a state of undress
send 🍂 for your muse to fall on top of mine
send 💬 for our muses to play truth or dare together
send 🍶 for our muses to play spin the bottle together
send 💌 for my muse to receive a secret admirer letter from yours
send 📖 for my muse to find a diary entry yours has written about them (specify what it says)
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taciturn-commander-blog · 8 years ago
chit-chat. {lynette & dan}
—➤ Bars were places Lynette often visited. Not to talk to people, but to sit, listen and gather what useful information she could about the going-ons around the islands. Alcohol did wonders in loosening tongues, and Lynette didn’t mind having to suffer through drunken rambles if it got her what she needed.
But there was some chatter she could live without, namely the ramblings of a certain bartender that seemed to be employed at just about every bar she frequented, save for the one in Arcadia (thank the Lord). Whenever she came in, he always started prodding at her incessantly, asking her intrusive questions that she had no intention on answering.
And for some strange reason, her unwillingness to play along doesn’t stop him. He had the tenacity of a cockroach... and honestly? It was highly irritating. But... a bit impressive, as most people would have given up by now. Still though-- he was being an annoyance, as well as a major hindrance to her plans.
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She sighs, setting her drink down to brush some hair away from her face. Another night, another question. “You just don’t quit, do you...?”
0 notes
taciturn-commander-blog · 8 years ago
status update. {lynette & brodik}
—➤ Before arriving at the islands, Lynette had been informed of another Sechs operative that had been stationed there-- a grunt tasked with the mission of retrieving a foolish defector from the Empire. She had been aware of that mission, on some level, but didn’t deem it important enough to pay any real mind. A mission was a mission, though, and all traitors to the Empire deserved their due punishment, so she still made it a point to check in with the grunt from time to time, to hear his process on the mission.
His discomfort while speaking to her never escaped her notice, and while it (especially considering the length it was taking him to complete what should have been a simple mission) was highly suspect, she never commented on it. 
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“So, grunt.” She starts, seating herself in a stool at Arcadia’s bar. “What progress have you made on the search for the traitor?”
0 notes
taciturn-commander-blog · 8 years ago
Activity Check
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[No Expenses] For living in her ship, the Van Eltia.
[No Commuter’s Pass] For having a ship.
[+1,500G] For working at the Pirate’s Den.
[+1,000G] For working at the Fenrir Battle Arena.
[+500G] For updating your Biography / Diary pages.
[+500G] For updating your info in the Character Information doc.
[+1,000G] For every open post you make.
[ +4,500G ]
New Balance: 9,500G
0 notes
taciturn-commander-blog · 8 years ago
rooftop. {open}
—➤ As part of her duties at the Pirate’s Den, Lynette was occasionally tasked with collecting the request slips from the special boxes placed on the two main islands.The woman follows her usual path to the apartment complex, ignoring the stares she got as she walked into the building and straight to its rooftop. The pirates’ request box was usually hidden up there, amongst a pile of old wooden crates, so no one could easily come across it.
Rarely were people on the rooftop, so these collection jobs ended up being relatively simple tasks. It was boring, but she didn’t complain. Better to be bored than reported and sent to jail. Lynette may not have been so well versed in the ways of ‘freedom’, but she sure as hell wasn’t planning on rotting in a jail cell somewhere.
After finding it within the crates, Lynette pulls out the few request slips from the small wooden box, placing it back where it was before slipping the pieces of paper into her pouch. As she turns to leave, she spots a person on the other end of the rooftop. That normally wouldn’t have been a problem, as she could have easily slipped by...
...if it weren’t for the fact that they had turned and caught her gaze in that very moment. It didn’t seem they saw her taking the slips, though, so she supposed she could find some small solace in that. Still-- she had to act casual and cool, so as not to draw any unwanted suspicion... well, no more suspicion than an unfamiliar woman in an eyepatch would arouse.
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“...It’s pretty quiet up here, hm?” Lynette says after a brief silence, crossing her arms as she turned her head to look out at the city below them. “Very relaxing, a great place to think.”
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taciturn-commander-blog · 8 years ago
fight me. {request}
Request Board: All
Date of Request: February 2nd, 2017
Location: Fenrir Battle Arena
Classes Required: N/A
Number of People: As many as are willing.
Reward: Battle experience, the thrill of the fight.
Details: I find myself itching for a good fight these days, and since I regrettably missed out on the most recent Arms Tournament, I figured I would call for any fighters looking to take me on. If you’re interested in challenging me, I’ll be waiting at the Fenrir Battle Arena. Just ask for Lynette.
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taciturn-commander-blog · 9 years ago
Instruction || Lynette & Paolo
▶— Since the guild hall was fairly close to the port, Lynette often found herself travelling there during her breaks. The term ‘break’ being used very loosely, of course. It was less of an actual break from her work and more of an excuse to check on things outside of the guild. The status of the boats and explorers returning from voyages, deliveries coming in from the other island-- no matter where she was, or what she was doing, Lynette always had her work on her mind.
    It was the same today, as well.
    After finishing up her paperwork, Lynette leaves the confines of the Leudan Guild Hall under the guise of ‘taking a break’ (so as to prevent certain employees of hers from needlessly nagging her to ‘take better care of herself') and travels down to pier, fully intent on repairing the hole that had been reported to be in the hull of one of the ships. If left unchecked, that could prove disastrous for any voyagers or fisherman planning to rent the boat out, and Lynette did not want the burden of any unnecessary deaths on her guild’s shoulders.
    On her way there, she catches sight of a young boy at the end of the pier. Curious as to what a child could be doing there, Lynette narrows her eye to get a better look, and notices a fishing rod in his small hands. Hm. Not often she would see children fishing around these parts... or at all, really.
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    A light exhale of air escapes the woman’s lips, and she places a hand on her hip as she focuses her gaze on the docked ship, directing her following words at the child, “If you’re planning on getting any good catches, I’d recommend you fish down on the beach. No fish worth anything swims near the pier."
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taciturn-commander-blog · 9 years ago
▶— Honestly, Lynette didn’t know why she decided to enlist as an officer upon arriving at Leuda. Due to being treated as a valuable tool for the Sechs and thrown away in the end, Lynette had grown tired of that sort of lifestyle. A large part of her loathed working for others; she had done it for a majority of her life, and had gotten nothing worthwhile in return.
That was why she worked as a wandering mercenary after leaving Sechs. That way, there would be no limitations. She could be free to live how she wanted-- for herself, and no one else. The sting of disappointment and invalidation could be avoided that way. She wouldn’t have to repeat that... trauma.
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But there was also a part of her that craved not only the action, but the stability that being an officer offered. The protocol, the rules, the restrictions and orders... this had been ingrained into her since childhood, and it was admittedly -- regrettably -- difficult to shake off. Maybe she would be able to fully break away, one day, but for now it was the life of a law enforcer for her.
Lynette had been on patrol over in the Mire District, keeping a watch out for the increased criminal activity that had been reported as of late. As she travels through the Mire Apartment complex, she doesn’t see anything too out of the norm (for this part of town, at least), but she doesn’t her guard down. Lynette wouldn’t be comfortable ending her patrol until she checked every nook and cranny of this place.
That is what eventually leads her to the roof, and the strange woman with the ‘package’ that greets her suddenly. There was no caution or apprehension in her demeanor, which would normally be an indicator that she had nothing to hide, but. The box. It was most definitely suspect. What was she doing, leaving the roof with a ‘package’?
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“Hello.” She greets back curtly, eyeing the woman coldly, “No, nothing in particular... I am a bit curious as to what you were doing on the roof, though.”
Hello, Officer || Lynette & Vita
“Remember their faces. When you see them, hide the box.”
It was the order given to her by one of the pirates when she moved to Leuda. As humans could not personally travel to the Pirate’s Den freely, requests for them would be deposited in a small box hidden on the roof. These requests were required to be kept safe and hidden from officers of the law at all times, as it could potentially harm clients. And it could potentially lead to the pirates themselves. Vita was fine with this task while she was living on Leuda. It was particularly easy. Keep watch for the police in the area, collect the requests, and hang them up in the den when she came in for her duties. She was not truly alive, so it was better for her to be at risk than anyone else.
That day turned out to be quite eventful, as an officer of the law was making rounds in that particular area of the island. People often called it the bad parts of town, yet she did not see why. It was full of life, it was very human. She preferred being there than alone.
Soon after she returned from her shift at the hotel, she walked up to the roof to collect the request box. It looked like nothing more than a small package and was quite easy to move. She lifted it up and walked back into the apartment complex, ready to hide it in her own apartment near the stairs to the roof. However, as she exited the roof stairwell with the box in hand, she saw the officer standing tall, not too far from her.
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She stared for a second, wondering what she should do. She did not want to disappoint her employers by giving up information so easily. Perhaps this was a routine stroll? Vita had not yet learned the true duties of an officer of the law.
“Hello, Officer,” Vita spoke after a pause, a polite smile spreading on her face, “Is there something that I may be able to assist you with?”
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taciturn-commander-blog · 9 years ago
Activity Check
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[-2,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel.
[+2,000G] For working at the Leuda Explorer’s Guild.
[+1,000G] For working at the Police Station.
[+2,500G] For being the Leudan Guildmaster (plus guild menu).
[ +3,500G ]
New Balance: 52,000G
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