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the ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ world ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ is ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ spinningand ‎ ‎ we're ‎ ‎ just ‎ ‎ hanging ‎ ‎ on.
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sunraize · 9 hours ago
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cheeks still hot with embarrassment as he sinks lower into his seat until chin rests against his collarbones. santi was no stranger to shame, especially back in new york. but that was new york; no one cared in new york. this was raw territory, he hadn't yet grasped the reception of the british and just how nosy they could be. he doesn't dare follow her eyes around the room, rather fiddling with the loose wiring that peeks beneath hoodie. “ yet. there's still time to make a total fool of myself. ” body shifts up, immersing himself in direct conversation as he pivots to direct himself toward juliet. “ it was dizzee rascal. he's like a british legend. in my eyes, at least. he's like everything and so much more, music—wise. ” an awkward grin, extending his phone out toward her. “ one of his songs was in the kingsman. have you seen it? five stars from me. ”
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she  can't  help  giggling  at  the  horrified  look  that  slowly  comes  across  his  face,  as  much  as  she  tries  to  hold  it  back.  she  does  feel  bad  that  he's  now  aware  of  all  the  eyes  around  the  café  are  right  on  him  though,  taking  another  glance  around  the  room  at  everyone  slowly  returning  to  their  own  screens  and  conversations.  “just  a  little  bit,”  an  understatement,  but  maybe  it  would  make  him  feel  a  little  better?  “but  hey,  it  could  have  been  way  worse.  you  didn't  say  anything  like,  super  embarrassing  at  least,  right?”  though  juliet's  not  sure  where  his  train  of  thought  could  have  led  that  would  have  been  unrecoverably  bad.  perfectly  happy  not  knowing,  however.  for  santi's  sake.  “what  were  you  listening  to  that  was  that  good  anyway?”
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sunraize · 9 hours ago
santi: i wanted to be mad but u called me sexy so im ok with that santi: my teeth r not that fucked i take good care of these pearls santi: ur much stronger than me i was fighting tears back :/ they didnt even say sorry the bri'ish r so rude man santi: MY VANS ARE PERFECTLY OK!!!!!! until they are soleless i am keepin them on santi: thats 1 thing ill kick n scream 4 ok? santi: whaat do u want me 2 add? ill add anythin 4 ur company i need a familiar face b4 i start losin my mind santi: meet at castle fell? idk what room ur in but im sure ill find u around there
lucky: who tf this is lucky: ohhhh shiettttt this that sexy austin powers lookalike lucky: oh nahhhhhhh ur better than me cause errybody in that bitch would have to put they hands on me n drag me out that mf lucky: yeah thas about to be me with them flintstone slabs u got on yo feet. get u some new kicks while we at it lucky: yea that’s fine unless u wanna add a lil sumn else wit em lucky: where am i meeting u
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sunraize · 9 hours ago
anica: right no yeah that makes sense, that's okay! anica: i'm still trying to adjust to the sudden desaturation of everything around me. i know new york is fairly gloomy too but england really wins by a landslide. anica: maybe both? my body is certainly here now but my soul is still overseas. anica: i packed heels and flats, sneakers never even crossed my mind when i was packing everything. my fault really. anica: oh, i'm a six. it's fine i'll just wear flats today and try and find somewhere to pick some up from! thank you though :)
piper: oh! hi anica. piper: i don't save anyone's number. if it was really important, i'd remember it. or i'd find another way to get in touch. piper: [replied to: "how was the flight for you? are you..."] sort of. I fell asleep for most of it. felt like a whole civilisation fell in the time I was asleep, and when I woke up, a new one had risen from the ashes. piper: do you think it's the body that lags, or the soul that takes a while to catch up? piper: [replied to: "you don't happen to have any spare trainers or any..."] you came to England and you didn't bring sneakers? piper: I'm a 9.
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sunraize · 9 hours ago
santi: u are young wdym???? ur like the youngest dilf ever santi: i bet u that gracielynn could do a better accent than the both of us santi: like imagine her going OIYYY MAYTE that would b funny i think santi: ur prayin on my downfall on day 1??? thought u were a real one </3 santi: ur gonna have 2 get me a child leash so that i can b watched at all times im not safe here n im not the problem 4 once santi: its ok if they do i never want 2 come here again it smells bad n the older guys r SOOOOO annoyin theyr all like santi: rahhh mayte av u seen my ket i couldve sworn i left it in my wallet AUWH farrk ive got rowing in an hour santi: u would hate them 2 they look so stupid santi: i wish i saw gracie that would make this so much better omfg santi: sum of them r. sum r not </3 too bri'ish mayte santi: LOOK AROUND!!!!!!!!!! does it look like they would have popeyes?? i wnat popeyes NOW
atticus: ugh u keep my young... and gracielynn of course but she cant realy teech me about culture... atticus: and she isnt british atticus: britesh mate atticus: i wish they did atticus: why were u shouting. were you looking for me? its ok buddy next time ill go with you atticus: i dont think they hate u. i think they were just confuzed. wich is ok. i am too a little at this but i trust u atticus: please don't say that i dont like the thot atticus: awwww did u see gracie? atticus: do u like ur group. are they being nice 2 u atticus: okayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy atticus: do they have popeyes here
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sunraize · 9 hours ago
santi: what the hell do they even sell here??? i miss popeyes :( pls tell me they at least have popeyes santi: glad u took one 4 the team dude bc my ass was not drinkin that santi: over the top. come on man get 2 know ur abbreviations santi: YOU REMEMBER ME TALKIN ABT MY FILM? LETS ELOPE N RUN AWAY PLS santi: did u mean miserable? it all looks MISERABLE!!!!!!! ill meet u somewhre n we can get dinner 2 :D santi: wht the hell is limestone? is it liek stone but green? whtver this place is def haunted
rory: Ugh buy me dinner first, lol (not bcuz I'm not easy but I'm just hungry asf haha :P) rory: I know what cardamom is tho only cuz my mum made me drink it and it tasted like pickled ass, dude. rory: What is OTT, btw? I thought you meant otters but that wouldn't make sense cuz otters are cute rory: Like ur flick??? HELL YEAH - movie time w the director producer camera man 😁 So sick just remember me when ur famos rory: Duh, yes rory: It might take me a bit 2 find ur dorm, tho. Everything looks the same but Britishly
rory: Did you know some ppl believe limestone conducts magic and spirits... Is this place haunted?
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sunraize · 9 hours ago
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santi wasn't exactly a composed character, always found entangled amongst something that swayed his attention. his point proven entirely with the situation he'd found himself in. however, it was rare to have amicable interest returned when discussing a current fixation. today it was dizzee rascal, of all people but tomorrow it could be some niche indie band that broke up decades ago. “ oh! i was listening to dizzee rascal. you know who that is right? surely! he's gotta be a big name here. ” there's blindness in his words, scrapping any form of research to the rapper's impact. “ i'd probably say, uh—— bonkers, don't gas me and dirtee cash. ” there's a terrible accent that strings out his words, poorly imitating the stereotypical british accent.
"oh," she says once more, finding it a bit humorous as the boy frantically pulled out his ear buds to speak with her. she had found herself in his position one too many times, always at the best parts of songs when someone had to interrupt her. "it's all good, i was just askin' about what you were listening to. do you have any favorites from them? i'm always trying to add new tunes to my playlist," she added on.
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sunraize · 3 days ago
📲 text outgoing to: lucky ⭐️
santi: welCUM 2 ENGERLAND !!!!!!! santi: guess who's a skateboard down !!! santi: well i say down ... it is currently in 2 halves under my bed santi: customs must've tried 2 do some tricks on it n broke it or smthn :/ santi: i feel like a rock fan when their mom washes their crust pants santi: feel 2 my knees n burst into tears like BAWLIN santi: anyways ur gonna have 2 come find a new board with me lol will pay in j's :) does that work 4 u
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sunraize · 3 days ago
anica: oh anica: it's anica :) anica: did you not save my number when we exchanged them? anica: i gave you my number right?
piper: who is this?
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sunraize · 3 days ago
santi: its sound more like "guv'nah"... u'll be a native in no time santi: no one filmed it man it wasnt even that bad santi: i was jus shouting in cafe marta bc i didnt realise my music was playin really loud in my ears santi: i thought the cafe was chill n blasting dizzee rascal... spoiler alert they r not n marta now hates me :/ santi: fear the god almighty atticus or u will be struck down rip santi: still in daycare santi: i mean cafe marta im sat here wiating 2 be picked up LIKE im in daycare santi: will u come pick me up ??
atticus: ello "govenar" .. im' learning the ways of the land atticus: trying to be a modle citizen, you kno atticus: what did u do? did someone record it ? atticus: please say someoen did please pelase please atticus: no i made it and the hole country cried in feer atticus: where are U
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sunraize · 3 days ago
santi: did u wanna be gettin bootycalled bc i can totally do that? santi: aha hey... d2f???? santi: jking man... but yea i agree. why r europeans scary??? n OTT. they're doin waayyyyyy 2 much! santi: who the hell drinks CARDAMOM cappuccinos n why the hell would i not think they meant cardigan???? THEY R AS WEIRD AS EACH OTHER santi: ok ur comin over l8r n we're watchin mid00s iykyk ;) i will need ur full attention n thoughts on it btw santi: pls say yes pls say yes
rory: Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii rory: Omfg i thought i was getting booty called at first rory: I think they r cool. Kind of scary, tho. Like all intense..... Idk i know ppl like that 2 at Langston but maybe it's extra scary cuz they're fr European.. rory: I am free tho..........booty call or otherwise LMFAO xP rory: What's got u down :( rory: Weed + movies always the best I will even let u choose how about that Lol
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sunraize · 5 days ago
📲 text outgoing to: (ICE) bambi ❗️
santi: mom has arrived safely in cork santi: she said the boathouse is everything she imagined and more santi: did u really grow up on a boat??? and how did u not get sea sick? santi: whatever! r u having fun wherever u are?
santi: do u think ur dad will come visit with my mom before she goes home? i miss him already
santi: and my mom obviously
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sunraize · 5 days ago
📲 text outgoing to: greg or rory 😎
santi: hey dude santi: what r u doin rn??? santi: like who did u get sent off with?? would i know any1? santi: anyways just wanted 2 know what ur doing 2nite.. pls say that ur free santi: having the worst first day ever even langston wasnt this bad n i just wanna be with ppl i know i like santi: i already found a weed guy here which is pretty cool if u wanna like smoke and watch a film withme? pls say ur free rory santi: u could be lookin at best friend status here!
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sunraize · 5 days ago
📲 text outgoing to: piper ✨
anica: hey! anica: how was the flight for you? are you feeling jetlagged at all? anica: i feel like i've had no time to like gather myself before we're already booked and busy? anica: i also totally forgot to pack appropriate footwear and it's SOAKING outside. anica: you don't happen to have any spare trainers or anything that i could borrow? i really don't want to risk wearing thigh highs in this wet sludge anica: you'd be an absolute life savior and i would owe you for like the rest of my life!
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sunraize · 5 days ago
📲 text outgoing to: atty 😸
santi: atty where r u??? santi: i just embarrassed myself BIG TIME santi: i wanna go back 2 new york i miss it i cannot be seen here anymore santi: pls lemme know where u are ineed to be with some1 i know rn right this second santi: u have made it right?? like u did come here n i didnt dream that part right?? atty pls answer
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sunraize · 5 days ago
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phone is halfway across the table facing some poor person, who clearly wasn't investing their attention, when juliet forces his attention toward her. mouth rests ajar, brows drawn close together as he slowly pieces her miming together. lips soon pull into an oval shape, tugging earphones until they pool into his lap. “ shit ... was i really bein' that loud? ” skin flushes red, quickly gathering his belongings and pausing his music. what a great first impression that is. places to visit? café marta. apologies to issue out: marta. and now, for someone who usually has a lot to say, he seems like a total shell of himself as he sinks down into his seat. cap is dragged down too, shading a majority of his face. “ thanks for stopping me before i said anything else ... that could've ended real bad. ” news flash, santi! it did.
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she  doesn't  often  get  secondhand  embarrassment,  but  when  she  does,  juliet  gets  visibly  uncomfortable  about  it.  first  the  cardigan  coffee  thing,  and  then  getting  progressively  worse  until  she  really  can't  let  this  guy  embarrass  himself  any  longer.  or  make  the  poor  lady  who  owns  the  café  be  the  one  to  do  it.  nobody  else  seems  to  want  to.  taking  one  for  the  team  is  teambuilding,  right?  moving  and  taking  the  open  seat  next  to  him,  she  taps  his  shoulder  to  get  his  attention  —  she's  very  sure  that  if  she  answered  verbally  he  wouldn't  hear  a  thing  —  pointing  at  her  ear,  then  pantomiming  pulling  an  earbud  out  until  he  got  the  message.  “i  don't  know  what  you're  talking  about,”  she  speaks  far  quieter,  almost  whispering  as  if  she  doesn't  want  anyone  around  them  to  hear  and  embarrass  him  further.  little  late  for  that  one,  girlfriend.  “but  i  think  they  can  probably  hear  you  across  campus.”
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sunraize · 5 days ago
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sure, this hadn't been her expected welcoming to england. but hey, it wasn't the worst of situations. they could still be at langston breathing in the spores until they're left entirely delusional. however, there had already been a slight chance that some students had already reached that state. either that or some people were becoming a little too reliant on their weed pens. she lowers her head to hide a blush and a stifled chuckle at his words, turning to look up at him over fluttering lashes. “ please. no one wants me as a motivational speaker. i'd get too repetitive too quick, especially when people don't listen to what i say. ” she nudges, free hand pointing to lips where they curl up into a wide beam. a little less forced, yet still used as a reminder for rory. “ i've spent a few summer's here. well, not here. but, i've spent some time in london and the lake districts. both great when the weather isn't this ... glum. but the weather here is like, so unpredictable. you never know what's going to happen. what about you? when have you been here? ”
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perhaps  he  should  be  more  open  to  the  circumstances  at  hand.  in  the  grand  scheme  of  the  entire  universe  and  the  cards  dealt  to  him  by  said  almighty  dealer,  whoever  they  may  be  (  he's  determined  to  find  out  ),  this  specific  moment  in  time  wasn't  horrible.  i  mean,  he  was  on  a  free  tour  —  not  the  best  tour  guides,  but  beggars  can't  be  choosers  —  toe-in-toe  with  one  of  the  top  five  prettiest  girls  he's  ever  seen,  even  if  she  is  using  him  as  a  human  walking  stick  ...  this  is  objectively  the  best  day  he's  had  in  weeks,  and  he's  still  moping  !  idiot.  "  you  should  be  a  motivational  speaker.  "  he  muttered,  fully  believing  in  anica's  gusto,  even  if  she  said  nothing  more  than  a  handful  of  words  to  him.  "  have  you  been  here  before  ?  england  ?  i  have,  but  like,  never  this  time  of  year.  new  york's  gross  enough  during  the  earlier  months,  i  wouldn't  pay  to  go  somewhere  with  more  mulch.  "
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sunraize · 5 days ago
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his head tilts to the side, quite clearly seeing that words are leaving her lips yet not a single one registers. that's until he realises both earphones have been wedged into his ears this entire time. he acts shameful upon removal, tucking either one into his t—shirt's neck opening. “ can you uh—— can you repeat that? i didn't realise they'd been in this entire time. my bad. ” sheepish grin settles on lips, briefly breaking the held gaze to pause the music still blaring from earbuds. what a moron. no wonder he couldn't hear himself when pestering those surrounding him, sav included.
sav was trying to maintain an optimistic approach to being one of the appointed shepherds for her new peers. just two years prior, she too had been a completely new student, feeling like a fish out of water. so, it only seemed fair that this was some full circle moment for her to complete. the junior is in the middle of waiting for her order at cafe marta, eyebrow raised at the mention of one of santi's favorite artists. music happened to be one of savannah's biggest passions and an easy way for her to connect with her classmates. "i can't say i'm too familiar with his material, do you have any song recs?" she asked.
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