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sunraize · 6 days ago
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sure, this hadn't been her expected welcoming to england. but hey, it wasn't the worst of situations. they could still be at langston breathing in the spores until they're left entirely delusional. however, there had already been a slight chance that some students had already reached that state. either that or some people were becoming a little too reliant on their weed pens. she lowers her head to hide a blush and a stifled chuckle at his words, turning to look up at him over fluttering lashes. “ please. no one wants me as a motivational speaker. i'd get too repetitive too quick, especially when people don't listen to what i say. ” she nudges, free hand pointing to lips where they curl up into a wide beam. a little less forced, yet still used as a reminder for rory. “ i've spent a few summer's here. well, not here. but, i've spent some time in london and the lake districts. both great when the weather isn't this ... glum. but the weather here is like, so unpredictable. you never know what's going to happen. what about you? when have you been here? ”
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perhaps  he  should  be  more  open  to  the  circumstances  at  hand.  in  the  grand  scheme  of  the  entire  universe  and  the  cards  dealt  to  him  by  said  almighty  dealer,  whoever  they  may  be  (  he's  determined  to  find  out  ),  this  specific  moment  in  time  wasn't  horrible.  i  mean,  he  was  on  a  free  tour  —  not  the  best  tour  guides,  but  beggars  can't  be  choosers  —  toe-in-toe  with  one  of  the  top  five  prettiest  girls  he's  ever  seen,  even  if  she  is  using  him  as  a  human  walking  stick  ...  this  is  objectively  the  best  day  he's  had  in  weeks,  and  he's  still  moping  !  idiot.  "  you  should  be  a  motivational  speaker.  "  he  muttered,  fully  believing  in  anica's  gusto,  even  if  she  said  nothing  more  than  a  handful  of  words  to  him.  "  have  you  been  here  before  ?  england  ?  i  have,  but  like,  never  this  time  of  year.  new  york's  gross  enough  during  the  earlier  months,  i  wouldn't  pay  to  go  somewhere  with  more  mulch.  "
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sunraize · 12 days ago
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doe eyes are wide and alert, ears tuned into the mixture of crunching and sludging beneath their feet. oh, the united kingdom and their consistency in drab weather. she'd chosen to entangle limbs with rory, poorly drowning out his cries in detest. not a morning person ——— noted. “ unfortunately for you, this is very much a mandatory activity. just take a deep breath and keep on pushing on, 'kay? faking an illness so early on isn't going to work well in your favor. ” gaze shifting upwards, resting her weight against his. “  first impressions matter and so far you're not making a great one. it stands out, sure. but broody isn't your thing, so ... smile!   ” displaying one of her own, pearled whites gleaming. only with slight force.
TIME : 9am sharp. LOCATION : the forum. STATUS : not a group starter, simply tagging multiple ! magdalena of @memoryservves, anica of @sunraize
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one  couldn't  ignore  the  yawn  that  billowed  through  rory's  lungs  and  outward,  even  as  his  palm  cupped  over  his  mouth  in  attempt  to  shield  the  grotesque  display  of  sloth  before  them.  it  was  criminal,  immoral,  he  believed,  for  them  to  be  up  within  the  first  ten  crows  of  a  morning  hen  —  and  he  would  know,  he's  an  ethics  major  !  “  was  this  actually  mandatory,  or  are  they  fucking  with  me  ?  i  was  about  to  turn  around  and  pretend  i  fell  ill  with  some  plane  -  borne  illness  or  something  until  some  hall  monitor  dude  pointed  me  here  !  like,  what  the  fuck,  man  ?!  most  of  us  are  still  getting  used  to  the  damn  time  change  !  ”
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